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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Mar 1887, p. 3

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man these suggestions, iind more than one knife Conquering a Bull. gleamed in the dim light. " Let me understand you , " said Dolan. 'l'he following ·incideut which shows what " Does Bowline mean to say that the weight a powerful agent fearlessness is in conqu er· OR, of these chests is owing to sh ot and old bal· ing a fierce animal. A young man by the WEDNESDlY, MARCH 30. 1887. last being in them? "Because, if he does, let name of Wilder was fond of a good horse, him step forward and at·y eo like. a man," and was an expert rider. At one time he ------- -- --------··- - - "I didn't say so." called at an inn to stay over night, i~nd re"Then what did you say?" quested that his horse, a young anti spirited TBB MosT FASOINA'.l'ING OoEA.N Roi.IA.NOE 8INOB THE DAYS o:r COOPER ..urn MARY.AT'.1'. "Come, come, Captain Dolan. The day animal, might .be turned out to pasture, inCATARRH.-A new treatment has been di·· is going fast, aml if we a.rt:> going to get away stead of being f.,d in the barn. from here at the ebb, we shall have enoug h \Vhen morning came and h e was ready to covered whereby a permanent cure ot thle hitherto incurable di8ea.se, is ·~bsolute!y atrect· CHAPTER XXXIV.- T.lIE ,JJ!:WELB IN '.l'llE who had so terrified him was safe and away. to do. If y(·U can show us the money, I resume h is journey, he informed the landlord ed !11 from one to three appiications. uo matti:r Loc1nm, Her young heart was riven at the thought h I . If thiit he would go and catch h is h orse himself, whetherstandingone yearorfortyyears. This tha.t Get"' ld couldnotlove h erasshewould will own tat am qmte wrong. you · · 11 twolve dayB I 1 · d 011 ne 1 "No, no!' Dolau gasped,·" it cannotbe! w can't" asitwasdifficultforastmngerto approa ch d Y is reme on interft're Y app te with · but she was - knives gleamed ugain. " e.nd does not buBiness. De~cn· p·' ']'hey are here; t hey are ,11! here still ! Who fain he shoulcl have loved her, The h im. The h1nd lord objected, beciw se he hi, d tive pamphlotaent free on r~ceipt of st..·a,P hy was on watch ?- who wa.e it ~ 'fhey could safe and otherwise h appily far a.way from " ·\by , you will kindly murder me," said a savv.gc bull in the pasture. 5 Kmg aLreet, A.. H. Dixon & ~' 00 · 3o esl. not have left unobserved. Who was on .IJolan and the Rift. . Dolan. "V"ry good, I have h ad some Nothiug, however, could deter t he young A 9 it t fi en d h imse ' lf had ~ Tn·onto ' Canada ' WHA'l' is C,\'l'ARHII1 watch by the ravine ?-who? who?" · · been at hts trouble in being your treasurer and this is man from catching his own horse, He Catarrh is a danger ous dls"aB~ which t~o.n·· "I waH," sa.id a man. hr;els then, Dvhm rushecl _t~ the dtck. of _the my r eward. Very good. Well, shipmutca, laughed at the lan d lord's fears, and said, ands are consciously or uncol\ s~iooslysufforrn 1> "And who more?" Rift, an d tlie look of relief upon his face . h - b t ti h t "If t.lie bull comes 11-n ear me, 111 give him trom. It is a muoo-µurulen~·l Utijcll_ar~teec'anusthede " B> ard ' 'l'o n Beard He isn't the when he r each ell it was gre>Lt. He urcathecl you w111 :we a JO o move ICE·' c es s on by the presence of a vcgel-au o pt>i aoi ' "' · · · ·d d f d lcl h board the I~ift, but if you put slings on them a le~son 'the wo~ 't fo_rget,." lining memhrane of the nose. The predispoB· 1likely man to let anyone p uss his watch eep1Y an ree1y, an one w<;>u . . !\Ve you will man age it well enou gh. " J,efore ve1!turmg mto. the p a.sture, he lng cause~ are a morbid st.>1.te of the blood,_the without a brace of bullet6 ; or me, either. thougllt t tmt no danger but the t~agumry , , The money ! The money !" ) fas tened o_ n his feet a pair of large, hea_ vy blighted cor1>uscle of t.uberc lc. the germ pmso~ Nobody came my way." one he had escf>ped p ressec l upon him. . ".,, l ow i "1n1),·· t1 · ent y oll all a.re · ' 'I'herc '·" s.purs, winch h e so,mct1mes wor e when n d _ ot syrh11is men·ur c toxo111re, from t.h e reten Th " · 1· t cl f rward and amid s: · · tion ot t11e 'etfo te m attel' of the skin, suppresse<l "Auel who wa.s here- here on the cutter's ; I ~ ln J.>\JWfllltle B' eppe h l) · d . ' Dohm knelt down by one of the ch ests ar:d mg ho~seuack. 'I he . landlor d w ~tched his perspirationH , badly venti1<1.1ed s l e~p· 11 1t. a pa rt· deck?" t 1?, st ence. 0 1e crew, e 8'~1 · . produced a key which he fi tt ed iuto the proceedmgs with cons1tlerablc anx1ety . "Benjamin." Cap tam J?olan, we don t want to spoil lock . but it would not turn or he pretended The horse and the bull were feeding n ear men ta and tho get·miuation of other f!OlaonR rn the blood. I n·ita~ed hy th e~e. tho limhng ~;-m· 1 "Ah yes! Oh fools ! fools! To forget good fdlowshtp or to c&st any doubts upon i·t wo'l1ld not. ' together , <.L nd :M:r. Wilder could not catch brane of the nose is ev <1r ready for t 0 rece p' ' . . . ·· . b t h· t ti 0011 1 s·on tion ofth.eparasir.e. which rapidiysproads up that-God, I sa.1v lum ! They killed hnn I :i;ou ' u we !'·l e come ? tie ~\ 1 The m en got more and m ore impa tient. hi;, h orse without attrn.cting t,he attention the nostrils and down tbe fauceA, or bac k of I remembel' all now ! I sa.w the body ! I ' tha t we shon11 c 1 e to see ~n one 0 ·1 08~ "Come come " si·icl Bowline in t< surcus- of t he bull. The latter !\nimal fed quiet ly the throat, cau"i "~. ulcerMio.n of t ho tl:tro~t; u~ turned it over and sa\<\' the ghastly , d1. ow11ed j ~ame ch ests ?f treasure which yon h ave h a.a tic tone, :, we c~n do w ithout' a k ey. I'll till he noticed a s tranger approa_ ching . , wh en the eustach i!l.n tu bus, cauemt( cl1J·1.fue .. s . bu .., f · rea1 . 1 T l·aLger , · ll m your so long." t d d Iowermg h is h eacl . . tb.· vocal corcla callsiug h o1>rneness; ace l Why, l·t is .. h c < 1' a I . . keepmg . ' 1" ·ct D 0 1 warrant we will soon open th e lid of a cheat. Iie sudd en1 ~ urne '1111 ~~~:gJ{,:;'tho"proptir ~truc'ture ot t l10 bronchi1.1l real ! Help I \ V ~ are all l~st-losi; !" . :; N otlnng more n'."tu~a ' 1,,sai an. We have opened a good mm1y lids of other , and bellowmg, he ma.de !I dash at t h e young tubes ending in pulmonary consumpt .mn and "'Vhy what's rn the wrnrl n ow?" said Yon have no obiectton. folks' chests without the key, and I don't man. . death, I Bowline savagely ' 11clvancing UIJOn D ol an. "Quite the contrary." thi.nk, mates, that we shall fin'l it a. very M1_-. Wilder, equal to t he eme .rgen _cv, dogM y in<>eniuua speifics for !or t he cure 0 " 1'1 t i at once " ' J cat:i.~h lu~vc been invented. but ·without auoThe crew, too, took up the cry and looked ieu come on, cap' a n, · , difficult thing to o·pcu our own." ed hrn enemy , imd cau ghb !nm m su ch a cess, until 9 , physician of long s_taudinK dl3cov· threateningly at him. Yes, and let there be such a search "Ay, ay ! ThU:t 's it!" manner as to ~pring astride h' s back , The ered the exact nuturn of th d1seaee and the J Then Dolan with a face ,~s pale as death I through the caverns that there shall be no "Ah ! ther e it is," said Dolan. young ma n now had the advantage, and only appl iance which will P<>·'Jll1>.nently ~er~i? I its~l f said qt;itc gently . . doubt left that Gerald and Grace are ~one. The lock op ened with a mmp. plunging the spurs deep _into the sides of. 11 !~:epargi~1\;~r~r~ sg~~Ytl'r s~~;' ~~ig~v~;,e one: I " 'Vnat'~ the matter ?'; \havt beI~ thinti~gh d ate:f that aft~ll There was an eager proj ection of h eads to , the bull, compelled t he fnghtened creatur e 0 tor descrip1ive pamphlet on . catarrh. to the "You ought to know that," said Bowline. t e P an aves e c e 0~ or you wt look into the chest 1.1nd Dolan op ened t he lid to run and gallop ma d ly about . T he bull business manaaers, A, H, Dixon & Son, 305 "What did you mean l)y saying all was all the same ; for they cant all of them tell a little way, cr ying out as he did so : bellowed loudl;Y· and soon stopped, conqu er Kinlt street , west, Toron to, Canada. CZ lost eh?" more than one, and that one (Gerald) Imel "Now, mates, honor among smugglers !" eel and t re . mblm~. . . eve1J;son,B.At.t'la Wlwt the Rev. E.dB. St e M~t~~: .'Di·d ·I say so ' " already told it. The attack on the cavern M W 1 1 th d . 11 tl man of the Lon on 0 onJ e,.ence o i · . k 1 . ,, T h e rays from the lamp that hung in the r. l c_ er , e~ ism ount ~d , f,c~tlY pat 1 dist Church of Canada, has to say in rega?·d "You know y ou did, and that th e danger W I 1 not .ta e P ace ti le mormug. . . centre . of the cavern glittered upon a confus- ted the anmm l s side, and said, Good fel1.'o A.H. Di:i;on&: Son's New 1.'reatment fo r was not now. " Captam Dol~n ~poke truly w hen he sa~cl eel surface of silver coins of all denomim·- low! good fellow I You've given me a good Catarrh. "Well it is. and all will be lost if you h e h ad been thmkrng ; but the resul t of !us tions l ying one upon the other. h ar d ride." Oaklans, Ont., Canad!\, March 17· 1883 do not d~ as I ~ay to you- all will be lost · thoughts was very different to wh 11t h e said "Oh ! that is the silver on e," said Dolan. The landlord, who had ner vously wa tched Mf!,ssrs. A. R. Dy'ixo?i &,Sthon:l3th inst to hand but if vou do that all will b e saved I wish it was to the crew. "My eye ·. " sai·d one of t he men. the scen e, wa.s so muc.h. pleased wit h t he 1.1EAR Srns.- ours o, e · · · · · . Wl th . ll th ht ' th t Ith0 ngh It seemed almost too good to be true that I am now some of you to go down to the cabm ia er ea Y oug \\ a s,_ a ,a ' "It's a\l right," said another. young man's bra.ye ~xp l~1t th~t he would cured of Catarrh but I know that I am. I and fet ch up Captain Mocquet the French Gerald, and Graue, and Ma rtrn and Joseph "Is it all the way down? ' said a third. take no p ay.for h is m ght s lodgmg, an d ever have bad no retui·n of the diseaa~, and never oapta Y ou know I destroy ' ed his note had made th eir escape from t he caverns, the "That m"kes 1 ·t solleavy," r epli"ed Dol·n, after gave h im the freedom of his hou se when felt better in my life I h ave tried so many '· · · 1 t tl · th ld th " k 0 f d · g w Id w w ·-"' d so much . and h for ·I think you b as t b n ng ey om ou " but we wt "ll ttirn 1 ·t all ou t and aee." he chanced that wa y. things for Ca.tarrh , 'aw.ei·e t of h .. uu for the ra nsom '· and so . t h · won . cl the m Rift ought to have another from bun and take e o c ray un an · " No- no. Oh ! no." 80 m any years, that it is hard to reahze t a I am really better. b d o·se· u oe.re of it yourselves, my bra.ve m1t.tes. There we re rna.ny reasons why Dolan "Ia Mr. Bowline satisfied 7" I consider that mine a very a ~ the ' u 7h · S co tlan d V\<(,. can, I th o~ght h e mig · ht 8 afe1Y come to that conwas aggravated and was chronlo,'invclviug .. en I m~e t you m "It ili there," mut tered Bowline. Railways in India. 1 throat as we!l 1 as the nasal passages. and I dare say, thmk of some way of gcttmg the c.us1on. Bang went th e lid of the chest down and Th . l . d . . . thought it would r equire the three ;treatments, money for it." In the first p lace, he had a very high . Dolan locked it on the moment. e capt ta. . .mv;ste m t he Indian railbut I feel fully cured by the tw.o sent me. and "Oh he's gone too " said Bowline. cpinion of the honor of both Martin imd j "vV h l'ttl t ' t 1 9 ,, h 'd ' way system, w ith its conne ct ed steamer scr· I am thankful that I was ever induced to send "co::ie !" ' ' J oseph ; t1.nd he did not think t hat eithei· of "bu~ w~r1ook f~r nfu~ k~y 9° ~f. t heeo:~~r; l j vi~es1 is estimated at £llil,917,84?. Of 8 to/~~·are at liberty t o use t his letter stating " Ay, Captain Dol11,n ; you may reckon them would betray his comrac l es, however Iancl you can have t hem all open before you !.h1 ~um ~Jh le GoTv lernm~nttlhavtelspenft dir ect ly that I have been cured at two treatments. and them all up now- Grace Gerald Martin much th ey might differ from them in their ' take them on board t he Rift." - 82 ·"' >' · ·· ie capt a ou a:i; ,o gua.ranI shall gladly recommend your remedy to some Joseph and Captain Mocq~iet. " ' ' n ot ions and wishes "N . vV t " fi d I Th· t .ll 1 teed cornpam es st ands at £71,032,838, and 1 ot my fri ends who are sufferers. D 1 1. k · h. I' d h dd d · o- n o. e are sa is e · · · " Wt that of the " assisted" companies at ' ·Yours with man y thanks, o au ic ed is ip s an s u ere · Then as regarded Gerald and Gra . ce, he do! We are content. Three cheers for £ 3 808 232 -...r t· S t te tl · · 1. R.Ev. E, B. STEVENSON "\Vho went into the cabin?" · possession · £ t h e fa cts tim t th ey C aptam · n r· · · respect > · ' a ive a spruwipa Ill ' was not Ill · · 0 111,n : . this b .1. eing Mysore and ieH derbadAnd hundreds ot others "I did." had to go upon, and which were so well ca.1- j "My good fellows," said Dolan, " there .bl f ti f ~ 4 821 379 :: ~~~h~g n~, you saw nothing- nothing!" culated to induce a belii:f in their min ds i s a sho~e-going saying which says : ' Don't . ~~ell~~ :i~h~ th~i~nte~~it~~ie~. \vh eu' the tha~ they .were. not _the clnlclren of Dolan. · ha.~loo tlll you get o.ut of t he wood,' and_ I j construction of railways in India was first Dolan made two steps towar d the hatch· Little did h e 1magme that Gra.ce had found thmk we may apffly it here. No cheers till ! ted th h d th · 1ea m · . oo ere were some w o warnc e way an d then h e sh r an k b ack ; t h en h o a fath~r, an d that t h ere wa s a fi xed 1c y~u get cl~ar o w ith your b ooty. If I ', m proj ect~rs tha t caste prejudices would p reHas received her new stock: ot mado another step, and, t u rning toward the mmd of Gernld that he, too, wa.s ;iome might ad vise you , I shoul d say get th~se vent the natives from u sin t hem ; but it is Bowline, h e said: unfort unate w ho h ad only got, by iico1dent treasure chests at once on board th e Rift, to · I . f t th t . g188 "' I d ' .1 y ou ar e sure ·)" · · th e h and s of Do 1 1 a.thm 80 D864 n 779 . ian ra1 . or crime, mto an. and t h e n you ca.n p 1ace your own guiircl 1 an as ms·nng d ac f .~ · h L d" fB " Sm·e of what 1" Ther efore was it that, by a aeries of self- over them, and I sh all feel rel iev ed of a groat ways ear n !' no . ew er ~n · ' p asand 1nv1tes t 0 · a· leS O OW . Dl· 'llb. .b.l't,, sengers,whopaldfor the1r far · . "You saw nothing '.- you h eard no- dl e us10ns, o an st 1 el" ieved tlla t th e secret r espon s1 1 1 y. £5 538 126 Ii 1884 th bes. thesnmof f ville and calJ thing?" of the cav er n in the cliff wa s quite inviolate, I "Aye, aye ! That w ill do." g ' w' 73 SlS ~ho:: ef 0 . li:ssen " Not I . I suppose you are thi°:king of and would be k ept so. I T he crew set to wo1'k, and these chests , v ei s d a~ t £":. 5 4an eir r eig was . Pattern and See her the ghost of t.h e Frenchman's daugliter y ou Aud, indeed, if the reader r eflects upon , were then t11ken out of th e r ecess in the ; a ue a D, 070' 7 · 1 h If f h t k f Lt I , ~ epo e ~ seemg w ~n you were , 11 ou o this.portion of th" ·nhj ect, h e will find tha.t, cliffs, 1\ll d with a. great d eal of labor were r 1' I" ~ your mmd; but I d1cln't see her. ' after all it is owing t o t h e infomiation tha t fairly brought alon <>sid e the Rift an d slung ' I cl S . t h "Well well in a moment . I will come M ' u' h tth l · h t h cl k " l I . d "cl h ' ' nee a av1our o save me. 1 ave no a.ndassortroentoi ·' ' ' .rs. .vagn ergave t a . esmngger s Mm onto er c~ ·- a nc , p ace mi s ips as salvation t illi find aSaviour. Apcrson I baek m a moment, my m en, only I have wa ' really ancl truly chscovered · nearly as p ossible I t 11 T h h . h t t th ·n t some p[l,per s down below which I should not But Dolan did not susp ect he~ in that re- I Bowline t ook g~od care to keep out of the mus f th e ig ~: b r~ wt n~ ~~e .quite_like t o go away w it hout . T hat is all ; sp ect. H e t hou ght th~t, aJ'.tc1 · all?. her: in- w ay of Ca~tain Dolan , but the latter would &.°~io~~~ ~~~t h:nm~~ ~ivcri~~~ 1fema~ ge~ that is all. I shall only be a moment, and terests were too much 1dent1fied with his t o sp eak to htm. I t ' 1 iu 'l'ORJ::-SecondDoorwest · f l'fllll1ua· - Bowline ! Bowline !" per mit her to betray him. "M:y d ear Bowline," h e said, " y ou i e ern~ e. . . h~tcher Stull "Well, w hat no~ ?" ,, And likewise, with t h e vanity and selfish- were only mistaken , that is all. I forgive I I~ l s reportc~ thv.t a n , imm~nse co?1b1 .n a"If I call out , w ill you come down ? ncss of men of his chlss, h e thought t ha t she y ou.,. i ~rnt10.n of Amert~an and Can adian cap~tahsts "Ay, ay !" , . mu st think a great deal too much of him, ' "Oh ! bother, " sai d Bowline. " I clon't 118 bemg 0 rmecl m N ew York t o iicqu ire.the T hank you, thank you ! D id y ou s ee if i ierson,illy , to p lay him false. wan t your forgiven ess, n ot t o say anything ' owne~ship an d contr ol of all th e known iron the cabin famp was !\light wh en you wer e Dolv.u telt ea sv in h is mind. , more about it ." J d epos~ts ~f Can~a , 1 tnd that t he Centm l there?" "I shall destroy t hem all!" h e 811 id to "Very well. " Ontanorailwa.y w1ll for m p art of the scheme. <!tanatlinn JtattiGtuan~ CATARRH. RIFT AND SPRAY , Orono Pump Factory; Pumps Cheaper and Better than ever. The Subscribe r having built a large new Pump Factory in Orono, Is prepared - to furnish- NG THE SMUGGLERS. LOVE AND VENGEANCE AMO PUM PS OF E VEJIY DESCRIP TIOI With or without Porcelain Cylinder, ol ~he Best Material, on the shortest notloa and a t the lowest prices. 1 Oistern Tub s and Pumps supplied. WELLS CLEAN:FD &RERAIRED. l I ALL WORK GUARANTEED 1'0 fHVH: SATJSF.ACTION. I l I ° £ l)rd1in'by Mail promptly attended to. I I" IJUOHtl, SA. SH, BLLNDS, PlOKE.TS, MOIJL.DI N O·S, & c. , kept on hand. d, ·--- - ···· · - --..:- . --·- .. UNDERTAKING -.avc;;v 1 a.m t ully pr epared to attend Fnneraleon the shor test notic u, at the lowest poasibleratea ~a.skets and Bur ialCo.sesrea.dy on short n otice Firot-olase hearse on very moderate term11 S ""w J3.ooms-Bounaall'sNew Block. - - ·- - -·--·----· -- --·--- ~ LEV I MORRIS. t I °. I 55 3 ~~o:a~~!~~v~Yfe3~r~~~1:.nl1-~:n11t~~:~ho~u: llSS McTAVISH GOODS., v1cm1ty to B 0 N N ET S' 1 I I " I 119 d PERCHERON HORSES. Island Grosse Home Stock Farm, Isle. Mich., is very eonveniently l ocat e d tor Canadians, being on an island inDet roit River,ten milesbelow Windsor, Ont. Pnr· bred and grade stal· lions, brood mares and colts of all egoo to select from. All TR I M M I N G S I ";t ! f.!'r:;:~~u~~r:rn:ur: I BEWARE I ;)F WORTHLESS IMITATIONS h o,tch. Nothmg but ln s c_up1d1ty. could po~s~bly or b e capt ured--! ca re not which ; aniJl then cavern that h is wh ole fra.me was shaken by j II ' L 11 , ha.vo cont?nded ag'.l"mst his sup?r s t1t1ous t her e will be it hue and cry and Gem ld will a suppr essed lau gh, ancl he sa.icl to him ~ 'lt 1 : fea.~s a!1d ~ncl~cecl lum t o go ?own m to t l}a t be taken , and wh at with my lett er an d t he . self : J our ;;e u 111iue C oi.·n.line,, cabrn, m tne lit tle b?~·th lcadmg ~rom which t est imony of Wright, he must be con d emnTwenty pou nds' w orth of silver mak es 1 _ · · . · . , · · · we wa. m the ladies against h e had been so t ernfied by the sight of .the eel. W ut1lth, immense wealth, and r evenge I a great show on t he t op of a ch estful of old I Havm g p m ch ase d th e Hal~wss busm~as lat ely earn ed on by. M r s. HUl\fPHH.mY, such imposition by drawJ h ope by careful a t.tent10n t o bnsmess, g?od workmans lup, ·\n d firs~ claf!3 : Fr ench ca.pt~in's daughter, :w~1<;>m he beh ev- - I shall en joy both. vVha t can I look for chain cable. H a , h a !" ing their attent ion to the necessity of seeing that the ed ~e h!\d without th e poss1b1h ty of d oubt, more? yes, I tJiink I will g<it rid of Wag - I Every prep aratfon W !\S now made by th e I m a rertal , to s ecu re a s h a re of public p at ronage. We h a ve m no.mo . cons1gn~cl to ~ wat ery grave. . n~r. I don 't seem ~o car e abou.t h er now. I smn~gler crew t o sail out. with th e Rift on 1 11!;ock and a.re manufacturm g a large amount of lc. Ther e was a . R ut m a diawer of on e of .t he lockers-;--a will m>Lk c u p rny mmd to get nd of h er and t he first turn of the ebb ·t1c secret drawer ~hat h e had w~th great puma I will Ji nd 0 1 ace again. Whe.n the Rift 11ml · t horough searching iind ransackin g of t he 'BR t amped on inner side of all Coraline goods, construct ed h1mself-Captai~1 Do'.an had its crew ar e all cli~ posed of I shall have, be- I ca verus, so t hat nothing of r eiidily conver· Without which none are genuine. secr eted !\ small canvas bag , m which wer e aides p lenty of lei sure and t hen I can find . t ibl e value should be left behind 1 and that son~e t en or~ dozen ~mset pr ecious st ones, t he girl. How beautiful she is ! Old !- uo, ' search convincEd even Dohm tliat Grace and Collar s a spec ialty. W e intend t h a t t h e reputat ion Humphrey'R CollartJ h ave ga ined which from time to tune he had purchased I am not so ver y old. She g1·ows day by clay , Ger:i.ld had re& lly , for t he t ime, escaped sh a ll be fully sust;·d ned. -we aro p re pared to furni sh r espon sible pa rties at a cost of about a. hundred pounds each, more beautiful. I must and w ill find h er . him. Collars on approbation. We guaran tee sati'.ofoction or no s ale. ?'ncl tl~ere p laced, M t he most ports.bl~ form I w ill ?laim her as my daughter ~nd t h.is And then t h e d a.y drooped , and frOJ~ ~he Continues to do a General Banking Business W e also k eep in stock a full line of goods usua lly fo und rn which h~ could hav e t hat amount_ m mo- man with whom W agner was t a.l kmg will Iocean cave they could all h ear the n sm g eBo wmanvill" Branch. in a fi rst class h arness sh op, co mprising n ey and ~htch h e ~new wonld b~ easily con· lose t h e clu e by her death- for sh e shall w ind, as from the southwest a br isk breeze DEPOSl11.' S vertable m to cash m any larg~ city. . die !" came on, each moment increasing in for ce, :teoelved in Savings Bank Depart.mentand . It w as t hen, t o get possess10n of thls preunt il the wild roar of t h e w ind and the 18.11 and lnterest allowed at current rs.tea. No cious d_ eposit! t hat Dol~n made his way to CHAPTER XXXV. hissing of t he surging sea, abnost drowned ' J . ' I ' · J I · 1otice ot withdrawal necessary. All de poallt the ro am cabm of the R ift. . A ll!IDNIGJIT MURDER IN THE CAYERN. all ot her possib le n oisea. . See onr Bull H one Whip s-some thing n ew. We h ave also in stock payable on demand, It was a great confidence to hun t hat t h e (To n E C.'ON'. rIN URD. ) crew were upon t he deck , and th at he was ·while t h ese r eflections were rapidly pass. EXCU:&.NG:i: n ear living b eiugs , even if h is eyes should ing t hrough t he guilty bra in of Dolan, the 8 leep mg on a Bed of Adder s. 3oughtand sold and Dr afts issued upon Europe so Jnited Stat es and Canada, also Gold, Silver a i:; d again b e t cnifiecl hy t h e sigh t of that spirit, smuggler s were anxiously looking for a p er as h e h ad fully believed ) 1a.rie to be, in the formance of his promise t o sho w them that Mrs. Ellen Cushing , who, with h er h us· J nitiJd Sta~es Greenbacks bou1rht and s old. for .Hors es and Uat t le, a sur e cu re for bruises, sp rains, cu t s, a n d sor es of a ll k inds. little berth. the large ch ests in the cave1n actually con- . b tuicl, has been engaged in missioniiry work CO LL B HJT IONS Shop- Sign of t h e Bi~ C ollar. 17-3m in Burmah for many years, in addressing And alth ough Dolan w ould not h ave h ad tained treasure, in some shap e or another. They p ressed around Dolan as t hough t h ey the :For eign Missionary Union at the anni Promptly made at cu rrent rntes npon all p a r one of t h e cre w down in the cabin with him at Gr ea t Brittain, t he United Stat es and I}(· on any account , a ncl although his h eart was h alf expected t h at, by some means or an - versary m eet ing, told t he follo~ing incident I full of t he bl ack est tr ea chery toward them oth er, he would y et escap e t hem ; and t he of l ife in th at w ild cou n try : " W e h ad b een minion of Canada. all, y et h e was most attentive to listen to coolness and easiness wit h which h e h ad ac- travelling through t h e country a \ll"ay from Telc gra.pla. '1'1·aras:f°t~r~ ev ery word tha t they utt erecl. ceded to t he requ est batl not fully rcassurecl any set tlement, for sever::tl days," she S[l,icl, M&de tor lar.ge or small s ums on a.11 parts o! · It was the hold of human life t hat he them on a, point which h ad bei:>n for a long " and one afternoon, when it was unaclvisCan ada.. This is especially advantageoua to pet'aons living in Ma nitob a. or th e North-wes* wantecl as he descended into t he cabin, time a subject of uneasy speculation t o many able to proceed further thv.t day, feeling ver y tired I threw a b l11nk et up on a pile of as It makes t he funds a vailuble e.t onoe at t he which he fully h clievetl h ad been so strange- of t hem. place of payment. ly visited by a sup ernatural being. " Come, " said Dolan " sin ce you must d e<ill l ea.ves aud lay clown to have a quiet The la mp was alight. see t hose t reasure chests, so be it . Y ou will n ap . I had h:i.i·dly closed m y eyes when, Forfurther partloulars call a t the Ban klnF Swinging very gently t o and fro with the fin d I have done w ell for you." feeling something crawling on me, I looked House. G-E O. McGILL, light wash of the cutter in the deep sea.cave, I .. Ay, ay l The t r easures ! Let's see to flnd with horror that it was a d eadly Having decided t o ret ir e from the Jewelry Business, offers his stock '£ .RODIE , Mruia~er Accountant. it sh ed a faint gl oom upon the va.rious ob - j' th em, capt ain," was the cry , as D olan slip- brown adder. The rep t ile was nearly five of \Vat chos. Clocks, J e welry, Silver Plate. Spectacles, etc., at TRE·Iv j ect s in t he cabin. pcd into one of t he boat~ alongside the R ift feet long , and he was ~liding slowly iicross MENDOUS RED UC'l 'IONS u ntil tb e wh ole is disposed of. ~·-----------·------· It was a great relief to Dolan t o find th e and was rowed t o those st eps t h at led me. To move or to cry out would h ave lit t le sliding door of th e berth closed . t h rough t he chalk to t h e upper cavern. been instant death, so I d etermined to lie The stocli soJd R etail a1: Who les a.le Prices. I l h b. h df p erfect ly still a nd pretend t o be without I At tie entrnnce t ot e ca m e p ause or 'rhe lamp still burned there, sh edding it s life. Closing my eyes and h olding my 1". l "Ol!11 2 0 t o LIO }Je\" c ent ( h 'lCOUllt Cot· S po1 C a sh.. a_moment or t~o and.looked un easily_about mysterious light a.bout t h e large, irregular breath, I w:iited until the adder crawled $ 2 0 Nc'V Gold l iunting \~\latches t·educed t o $ 16. !nm. He stramed ~1s. sense of h earmg to place, and t henDola.n went to a1:ecess w hich slowly along over my face. H is cold , slimy IOl!·:i>o do ,; 0 do ~~4. th~ ut most, too, unt il it became :ibsol ntely w!\s closed by a massive door of which h e body , in touching my face, produced such a 'l:'o» 'Ii' pamful, but all was pr ofoun dly still ther e. h ad the k ey, a nd p u tt ing it into the Jock, sensation that it w as nearly more th a n 1 $ 40 do do do $32. A confused murmur from t he d:ck as the h e held his hand up on it, as h e turned .to could do to remain p assive, but I m anaged $:i0 do do do $ 40. crew con versed together and th e light wash t he crew and spoke with ease and a ssur- to do so u ntil the r eptile had gotteu a way Ql! ..~ (]O do d(t ~~O. of t h e tide again .st t he sides of the cutter ance . · ' · 'll' 6 ""' 'li' som e d ist ance, and t hen I j nmpecl up a nd . wer e the on 1Y n oises t I1at h e con Id d et ect · " I h ad these ch ests made," h e said, "in a screamed jn st lik e a woman. 'I 'he coo1 ~T,..,.,. ~ 1-l""cr W a tches, all maJ.::es, at sam e 1·educ tions, ies H I ..., " "!'! · " It is gone !" he said "it is su rely gone ! p articular fashion. I t hought t ha,t when a and mv husband came t o my assista nce, an d A. bout 60 second h and Silver Watches, from $:j,00 to $8.00 each Perhaps these t h ings cv.n only appear once. t ime came for a d ivision of our spoil, it when t h ey st irred up the leiwes on ":'hic_ h I Silver Plate R lncrs Chains Lockets Br oaches E ar Rinas &c. at even ALL LIVE R AND KIDNEY COM- It is gone- it is surely gone-and that fear would be bett er to h1.1ve most of it in gold h ad m a.de my bed adder s c!\me squnnun g b ' · .' BON' E I DE a ' L l >;" ' ' · is over ." and silver, even a lth ough ii;might be w eigh ty out in all d i;·ect ion s. It seems that I had . greater r eductwns. 'J'h1s l S a . F EAR NG SALE ; all PLAIN'l'S, DYSPEP S I A , I N DIGESTThe locker was on the other side of th e t o car ry ." l ·c1 If r tl t f th " I I purpose r eID a'r · · t cabin t able and close to t h e slidingdoor of " Nouody obj ect s to the weight of gold Jl,l myse l lfGC . y on a nes 0 em. I good s warran t.e d a N I'e resent ed l nng in own an d ION A:N D ALL DI'3E ASES ARISI NG t h e berth_ It wa s a sore trial to g o to i t, and silver , I take it, mates," said Bowline. wi.11 be responsible for all goods sold. "Not a bit !" was t h e general cry. Temperance Item. JJ'ROl\I DISARRANG EME NTS Oll' THE but t here was n o h elp for it . \Vith st ealt hy st ep s an d a blanched face 1 "So I though t," ttdded Dolan, " and J utlge- " In your drunken fury y ou drew . · . . .. LIVER .AND KIDNEYS. and drawing h is breat h in little shor t gasps, ther efor e I converted what goods we got to- your ~istol and}··ngerously w ounded an un- j Havmg 3'. large stock of ~atenal for ~l J?nds of_Rep~mng on band, ~olan, s~ ful\ ~f fl'.'rs J l: t ,~t some:.'ob1ent~ geth er ib n tobmoney, ra\h1r t h an notes, w3i~h offend mg man . . t he J obbmg Department will be a special feature Ill t his Great Clear~ . e was a mos m e me give up is ago might e_ ' urnt or .s o en, or expose o . Cowb_oy ,- " Yes, Jeclge, that's abou t the \ - n ~ S·ale. All R epai"i·i · ng a· greatly r educed pri'ces . Jewels and make a rush upon the d eck to man y acciden ts, b ea1clcs t her e was a sort of size of it. , l:5 " get out of the atmosp here of t he C<1bin, slow- secmity in t h e very w eight of t hese chests." , ·w1 · k h t · t0 · 7 1W h 1 d ly r eache d the l ock er . " Ay, av !" J udge- ' · u s ·y as go you m ~err- Main Sprinas p u t i n .... 50c. to 5c. ate es c eane . . .. . . 50c. to 75c. , ous trou ble . If it h ad not been foT whlsky / . , n , , . d 0 7~ I W h Gl , I t t ook him a b out a minute to get at the "Try on e. T his one, now. " you " oul<.l noL now be under arrest ." . J ewel.s p~ op e1 ly titte ... ~ c. t o DC. I ate asses fit t ed . . 15c. secret drawer and theu h e clu t ched th e bag A couple of the men with great difficult y Cowboy- " 'fhat '.s whcrn !ou'~·e ,a, little Case Spr m gs fitte_d .. . . nOc .. to 75c. Clocks cleaned ...... . . : . 40c. to 7 5c. 1 J of was waning a lit ti . e and h e " a.ncl is o:lT, J If 1 h,td b een, sober . 1 ha vd e I All other work m propor tion. All work warranted, as lil the p ast . killed ]um dea1 for t lrnn a .<.oor na11 1.nstea A ca1 1 soi lCl · ·t ed. lef t t h e draw et· open as h e hastily rnov ecl t hat all money 'I" of only cripplin ' h im u p a litt le.,, P r oprietor, Toronto. away from t he lit,tl.e sliding p anel th at lell " I t iS - ftnd you r money, too, my bol~ · Ill ~:nu I! t!l' t o t he sup posed haun ted ber th. companions 11ncl shipmat es. Y our money !'· · :i1z.. "" ~IH ~ Iii ~ SOLD., BY There was not h ing to 1J.f arm D olan. H e . " V:,e would i:·st lik e to see it," said BowT h ere w ill n ever exist anything h erman · · fill . ·. B 1GGJ.Nlii6TBA.Ifl &, SON, might h ave gone boldly enough to the lock- line. Shot weigh s h eavy cmd so does old ent'.y ~oble and excellent 1~ ~. , c arncter : ~ N. B.--'ro save cost s, over-due accoun ts must be settled for thwith er; boldly euou g hhe m ight have flung aside ballast_" w lnch is a str anger to t he exerct8e of r eso· 1 ·n S b 23 1886 39 t f the door of th e little berth. The fair girl · T here w v.s t\ shou t among the cr ew at lut e self-d enfo.l. l Bowmanvl e, ep tem er · · - · B WMA.NVILLE. Aa there !\re roauy i· u fel'ior goods, corded with juto, h emp, etc., offered and sold as Coralino by soroe unprincipled merchants trad· ing on th e i·opntation of ~x~r~:::~;;-;:~r ~~~~ !~~e r:~:~~r~fr~:(~~!r~~~0~;)?JL;~;~lvt!~~!i~ ~~:~:rfr~:1;,:~:nr:Yr~~;1sr~:~a.Si~~= I" J Tii - ID 'l. ID.I-, --W~IT.I ~ rn =~ rr :~ I " I rn lstered In the French and ~~;i~~~e~t~~~~r~: Prices r easonable, stockgu.arante~d. Large trated Catalogue tree. lSAU.mi: & FARNUM, 1 R ua &iT 1f£ _W _ ~~ rn ta ": D11Tn.0 1T. lllwU:. 'CROMPTON CORSET CO.' LIGH'r A N D HEAVY HARNESS. THE ONTARIO BANK 1 · BLANKETS ROBES RUGS HORSE COVERS WHIPS BRUSHES E TC ELLIMAN'S ROYAL EMBROCATION ·-- RETIRING FROM BUSINESS. L_ CORNIS:S:, DANDELION LIVER AND KIDNEY BITTERS I CU RES The Greatest Blood Purilier in t h e World. I ' . r· ,· ' . I I BUSINESS FOR SALE EN BLOC, 1 E. MQ R R I S ·· i. l,~:e~~nr[l,,, "e ra~~:~ythcey · =~ ~~~~ ~~1~~!.~h:afk~!!·, ed~e. ~ i I I I co ·' .. H

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