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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Apr 1887, p. 2

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THE CANADIAN STATESANM 18 PUBUBHBD li:VERY FRIDA.Y MORNING, -BY- BY ORDER OF THE ,LEAGUE. HOME .AND GENERAL NEWS. wa.s commenced on March 15th m Lethbr1dge and McLeod districts, N.W.T. It is reported that there is a auspicious vessel off Youghal, County Cork, waiting to la.nrl a. cargo of dynamite. Tippoo Tib, appointed Governor of Stan· ley Falls by Mr. Henry M. Stanley, is to receive a salary of $1,800 a yea.r. . Ploughin~ HOUSEHOLD. CHAPTER II. passing moment linking his cha.ins ~l1e firmWithout the city walls, hidden by the 1er. Gradually, as they sat ta.lk,ing,_ngroup AT THE OB'EICB umbrella. pines, 11.nd ha.ck from hose seclud· 1 of i~eu gathered, roun~, breakmg_ m _u~on ed walks where young Rome takes its their t ete-a-tete, la.ughmg.a.ud ta.Bung .a. ter Posi omce JUock, King Street, Bowman· ville, O ntnrJo. pleasure, stood the Villa Salvarino, almost t he most approved dra.wmg-room fash10n. under the shade of the walls, and hard by In a distant .col'l~er, Sir Geoffrey had but;. the ge.te of San Pancruzio. In the more ton-ho.led Le (,aut.ier, and was apparen.tly Fift6en to twent y miles of snowsheds will $1.5 o per A.111111·1, or $1 If paid In advance. prosperous days of the Eternal City, it d eep ln conversation on some a.ll-absordmg b ·it b Y the Canad. I'ac1uc . ._ rat ·1wa.y · e b lll ian ·'ayment strictly in advance reqniredrrom might ha ve been, and indeed was, the reai- subJe?t. T lte Frenchman was a ~ood listen- this "ummer in the vicinity of Don11old, n. C. 1111boor1bers outside of the county. Orders to dence of some great lfoman family ; but er, with that rare faculty of h;armg_ all t~1at M.,asures for the development of the "soontlnue the paper muAt be aocompanle<l b'f the >Llllount due.or th paver wil not be stopped. aristocracies decline and families pass "way ; wa· worthy of note and entirely 1gnormg black co<l fisheries of British Columbia. are sab<l<-ir!here areresponsi.bleuntl full payment ii: and the haught y owners were by no means ti· uper~uous. He was not a man to ta.lk expected to be adopted by the Government averse from making a few Englisll pounds nmch of lumself, and consequently heard a. this summer. m'de. by letting it to any traveller who had the great ~cal of family history ; details and in· Pirates are roaming about Tonquin in -BATES (H<' A.DVERTISING1 ~ll!) inclination or the meaus to spend a few formation that as~ute young man ~ad found powerful bands committ ing all kinds of outW ~ole Column one year ..·····.·..·· 960 00 $ ;:';:; " " H11.\fyoar ............ 3600·!:;o months there. The present t enant at this valuable 011 occas10ns. H e was mterested rages, and the ]Trench troops a.re too weak Oue quarter ........ , 20 00 f!!,. bright Easter-time Sir Geoffrey Charteris now, Maxwell thought, as he idly speculated to eope with them. alt Column one year ...... ......... 36 00 - - of Grosvenor Sq1;are London W. and upon his face. n r ·th a. view · · t1 ' ' ' "ye~, " s· c eo. ff . "I n I to protectmg le fi sheries of " Half year .. .... ...... .. 20 00 ir rey was s~yi~f' am the province tho M> tnitoba Fish and Game Ha.versham P11.rk, in the county of Dorset, " One quarter·- . .· ···.·· 12 50 Baronet Deputy-lieutenant and Justice of firmly impressed with that belief. He ha.d p . S . uarter Coluu.n one yev.r ..... ...... 20 00 the Pea~e was a man of lon'g descent. The got upon nis favorite topic, and was talking rotectton OCJety is trying to get the ex· ·· UaHyear ....··....· 12 50 ' 'th 1 port of fish prohibited. " ·· One quarter...... .· 8 110 6 pale azure fluid in his veins was not th,· W:· gre~t vo ubility. , "The~e. a.re certain Ten lines and under, first insertion .. eo 50 blood of us poor mortals; bis Li fe-giving gifted bemus who can ;.~all spirits from. tfie 'l'wo Mounted Policemen at McLeod na.mala.oh aubsequen ti nsertion ·.·.·· 0 25 stream h ad been transmitted through suc· v~sty deep, and, what I~ more, the spirits ed Johnston and Toomey, who got intoxill'rocn six to ten lines, flrstlnsertlon O 75 ceedinu generations from a long line of gal- will come. My de11.r 111r, they ha.ve been cated and resisted arrest, have been senten~· Ka.oh ~ubsequent insertlon ..·.·· 0 35 10 Over tonlines,firstinsert.ion,perline 0 10 lant w~rriors anc l gentle dames. from fear- manifested to me." ced to twelve months' hard labor. . ll:aoh ~nbsequent insertion. .. 0 oa less a ncestors who followed their sovereign ."I sh9t~ld not won~e~," ~e G~~tier _re- .It is reported that Lood Balfour of Bur1'he number of lines to be reokoned by ~ at the call to arms, marched with Richard plied, shfli~g a.yawn m its birth. I tlunk le1gh and Lord Dunr~ven are drafting a th' apace.ocoupied.,.meaaured by a scale ot of the Liou-heart to the Holy Sepulchre, you ar~ quite right. I am what p~ople call Jscheme for Irel~nd, which.will.be submitted eol d Nonpareil. and maybe crossed swords with the doughty a medium myself, and have assisted at Ito the next session of Parliament. t = ! ---· - - ·- · - - -- ----·-· - -~ .~..!'! Saladin himself. The title, conferred upon many a seance." . Unfounded reports are circulated at PeshDRS, McLt.IJGllLIN' .~ REITH, a Charteris by the Black Prince in person "Of co~rse you bel~eve the ~ame. as I. awur to the effect that the Ameer of Afghauafter the g lorious field of Crecy, had knovrn Let unbeii~vers scoff. If they will, I ~~all istan is dead, that Kelat h11s fallen and that 0Jl'FIC8 :- \\£ORRIS' BLOCK, BOWMANVU,LR· ICabul and Candahar are in danger. Dr. J.~.MCLA.UGTH,rn, j Dr. A. BEHEi, Gradu- no tarnish as it passed down the long line alv:,ays beheveyrn evidei:ice of my eyes. . Of course, Le Gautier r eturned politeIt . ted th t th ffi . f h . 1 li<'"U tiate of the !l~ va.I a te or the 'l'oronto of great and good men soldiers statesmen and divines to the pre;ent worthy represen'. ly, his t houghts wandering feebly in the di- vent I~exhec Ba k e Mairs tro tie mh s? l. Cv < ege of PhySIC«U i a.n l member of t ile Un1ve·:3ity, l'hys101an. tat ive of ali these honors Not that he had rection of nightmare, and looking round for : b b xc _an1~ _da.nt_, of " ohn ea ' w ic I ltoyal College of Sur· Surge""· &o. some means of escape. " I have seen ghosts j ahvelf eei:i m iqubi afi 10n or t rede years and ,eeons, Ed.inbargh. g reatly distinguished hi~sel.f in any field . ' If th ht I h " a 11 , wi11 soon e na11y woun up. save as an Uncter-secretary in a short-hved myse , or oug ave, DR· .r. fl. MITCJHJLL, inglorious Ministry, where he ha.d made a "It is no ~maginat~on, Le Gautier," Sir M. Barthel~r i:laint_Hil~ire h_as published 'M · EMBER OF CO. L LEGE OF PHYSICIANS lasting name as the most incompetent in- Geoffrey contmued, with a.11 the prosy ear- \a work on British India, m which he advo. and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. dividual ever appointed to office though he neatness of a man with a hobby. "The ca.tea the formation of a league in Western ·OtH.oe and Residence, Enniskillen. 74. dated every subsequent event a~d prefixed strangest coincidence happened to me. My : Eur?pe to check the advance of t he Slav -···----W. s. OR.llliHD.V, L, L. R. every after-diuuer sto~-y by an allusion to late brother, Sir Ughtred, w~o has b~en j empire. · B l t S r ·t & M the time when he was m the li:a.rl of Mud dead nearly twenty years, mamfested himThe plans and preparations for the new 0 to~~a~.erb~o~~inoerxt . d°c:'o~efoai~~s office.~~~ dleton's Ministry. ~elf _to me the o~her n!ght. Surely that , station of the Canadian Pacific railway in me.nville. 39.tf The r eception rooms of the villa were implies so.m e connng evil, or. some duty I the west .en~l of Montreal are completed, and D. BlJRKE SDJPSON crowded when om· friends arrived. It was ha\;e neglected?" . 1 contra~ts w ill be let and work commenced ARRISTER SOLICITOR &~ MOPR.IS a kind of informal (l,fter-dinner recept ion, ,' !'er~,~ps he ch~rged you with som~ c~m· forthwith. 1 BLOCK, up 'stairs, King Street, Bowmav- a.tten~ed ..b~ most of the_ Englis~ visitors miss~on, Le Gautier ~bserved, and prickmg It is reported that negotiations for the ville. Solicitor tor the Ontario Bank llmgermg after the Carmval, with some uy his ears for any scrap of useful mforma- 1tmnsfer by the Michigan Central railway of Private MoneTsloanod atthe lowest rates, sprinkling of the resident aristocracy; for tio.~.N t th t I b . d d Id' the entire Canada Southern line to the Can· Sir Geoffrey liked to gather p eople round h.0 f a remef er m .ee · id not 1adian Pacific ar e in progress and are likely .lollll Keith Galbraith, him, birth and genius being equally wol- s~e im ~~ yee.rs be ore e died. ~e. ~as to be soon completed, ' A RR Is TE R, SOLICITOR, NOTA.RY come. Sir Geoffrey looked every inch an a 1. eccentrw mn.~, and a~ ex treme pol. 1tic1a.n lt h !\' . . PUBLIC, &c. Oflloe- Bouneall's Bloc,k E ng1· h ti ta d. th m fact he "Ot mto serious trouble with the · ~ppea.rs nowt at . aior-General Krock, IS gen eman, s n mg ere among h . . "' d . Russ1an commander at Warsaw who as King Stroot, Bowmanville. Money_ to lend, his guests He was apparently a.bout fifty aut ont1es, au might even have been ar-.1 'd t h b d ' .w ears of ·age tii.1 _ 1 and straight tboroue1h. rested, had he not removed himself to New Isa~ .d o lave . eenhmuhr. ered,h committed Y ROBERT A.RM.OIJR, . · ·rr . h·. · h ., York." su1ci eon ear.n!ng t a t !sson ad beeuar"TR.A.R, WEST DURHAM ISSUER bred from lus sti g1ay air to t e small "N v I ·" . d L G . ,rested on suspicion of bemg implicated in "' shapely feet as yet untroubled by the fa.miew J. or<· quene e 1iut1er, ' th . RllGI of Marriage Licenses, Barrister and Attort H'. bl d wondering vau:uely where he had heard of e recent attempt to assassmate the Czar. ney at Law and Solioitorln Chancery.Money 1 y gou . JS eyes were pa1e ue, a.n I118 . U l C. . loir.ned on Real Estate. Ofiloe on King street, somewhat weak · his face clear-cut and re- t g itred hartens before. "Was he Joseph Racme,. the alleged counterfeiter Bowmanvllle. fined, with an aquiline no~e and a higl:Jlwhite con~e~ted wit_h an?y; secret society- any who escaped from a Montreal detective re'. lcently, has written from Paris to tho Montforehea.d but the whole marre\). by a mouth Socialist conspiracy· ... T. PBILlll"S weak and nervous to the last degree. A . "Do you kuow, ~ really fancy he. was," real Chief of P olice offering to come back lCENSED AUCTIONEER for the County connoisseur of art, a dabbler in literature, ~1r Geoffrey wJ;i1spered myster10~sly. 1and ~urn Queen's evidence if guaranteed im~ odt Durham, Sales promptly attended ~o and last but not lea.st a firm believer in There wern certamly some curious thmga mumty from prosecution .a.d rese- Hampton·P, O. u · ' ' · h Is " e ff.ect s wluc · h were sent to me, I ca.n \ · Lieut -Governor Masson · spiritualism 1m fQ b WIL"tI·M WIGHl' · show ' suffer so greatly from ' o ill-health ue ec, con· ... · Enid Charteris, his only daughter and you,. some now, i f you wouId lik · e t 0 1tinues to as ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the !heiress, a. girl about eighteen, must be tak- , see them. . . . . Ito seriously inte rfere with his performance County of D11rha.m. Orders left at the en for granted. Imagine in your dreams of Le Gautier ex pressed hi~ willmgness i and of public functions. It is reportecl that he Sr.lTll:BM<!-N' oftloe or forwa~ded to Tyrone !'·0, fair women what a golden-bron.z;ed-haired the barone t led the way mto a. small room would ha.ve resigned some time a 0 but for wllll receive prompt attention. 28:6m girl should be and you have Enid with all at t~e back of t he house, half library, half the pressing solicitations of M . ~ · f' d ' ·th tl t studio. In one corner was an old ebony r. ercier· h er ch arms o i;ianne: an pers~11, w1 s. c. JIUNKING, ia b. t. d . th f IS rumoured that Mr. Ross ex-Prem ier 1. 1ay- 1 f It 1te (tsp erfect expression without which the most ca me · an opemng e ront, Q b d M 0 . 1 ' ex-Lieuteu- f eat ures ar e coId · She sm1 ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR P ·1 such as a. man lo ue ec, an f Br.·t· ornwal, edb· rig ht· eda . multitudeof curiosities . ant G h C0 l b. ·11 b c assw 0 1 1 th t d It· t · will gather together m the course of years · overnor rl is um ia, wi the County. of Durlllam. Sales attended y as ereto. d. is. no th g1v. · appom · t ed t 0 the S ena t e t o fill ' t h e vacancies · e ·o on shortest notice and lowest rates. .A.ddress 1 to e now comers to b enbl . In one little drawer was 11 case of coins Le 00l1RTIOB P. o. 36:tf i·~· evera on:. th~ a. e d ·t ~~Ulset eid Gautier turned them over carelessly o~e by ; caus~d by the death of Mr. Chapa.is and the GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO : PI~~~i~~d :yne i~~ se~~e~nco{d g~e:i~ngmf~r one, till, suddenly starting, he ea~erly lifted : Cappomtlml~ntBof_t1!fh r. CNlelsobn. to succeed Mr. . . one and held it to the light " u h d.d ornwa. In r 1 is o um m. every man who buys his Lioenee from Le Gautier and the m stan ta.neous glance for · · " ere l all:NRY SYLVESTER. Enniskillen. Maxwell. ' i you get this ?" he asked abruptly. The .contrac~ for t~e ma.son~y work of the "I reallv began to think you were going i Sir Geoffrey took it in his hand. It wa.s Oanadmi: Pacific railway bndge at Sault Pia.nos Tuned and Repaired. ~ to fail me/' she said : " and this is the last a vold coin, a little la.rger than an ordinary ·~te. Marie has been awarded, and the work of our receptions too. I shall always have · sovereign, a.nd bee.ring on the reverse side a 118 to be coi~ple.ted by Novemb~r l5t~. The ARTIES WISHING THEIR PIANOS pleasant recollection of my visit to Rome." , curious device. "That came with the rest ?ontrad pri~e is $~60,000, which, with t he "We have been dining with Maxwell, of my brother's curiosities.- But why do m~nwork, will brmg the total cost of tho ·runed or repaired can haTe thorn attended I) by leaving word at the DOMINION ORGAN Miss Charteris," Visci explained. "Could · you ask? You look as if the coin had burnt bridge up to $400,000. Do's OVV'IOB, Bowmanvllle A. ftrst-olas man we forget you, if we tried I And now, be-' you." The London Times, commenting on the D lW being in their emplo; fore you are so engaged that you can have ' For a moment, Le Gautier had started lapp~al of the members of the N ewfoundland no word for poor me, I want to a.sk you a · back, his pale fa.ce aglow with suppressed L~gislature for compensation for losses sus· So Ro! Gentlemen otFa!!lh- favour. We are going to my country retreat excitement ; but as he noticed the baronet's tamed by the ~isallowance of the Bait bill, on 1!'ridey, and my sister Genevieve is dying ! wondering eyes upon him, he recovered him- sa.y_ s the suffe:mg compla.ined of is real and lon, not so Cast. to 8ee you. Do persuade Sir Geoffrey to · self by a violent effort. "It is nothing'- senous and 1mght ha.ve been already removcome." with a smile. "It is only the coincidence ed but for the dilatoriness of the Colonial I have writte~ theue few lines, "Here he is to answer for himself," she . which startled me for a moment. If you Office. And all l have to say-That you can 0.nd me still at home, replied, as the baronet sauntered up to the '. will look h ere, you will see that I wear a Recently a. cow be longing to Mr. Richard I am not gone away. group. - " Pape., you must promise to take simila.r coin upon my watch-chain." Coad, of South Ekfrid, gave birth -to a So all mv kind. old friends may come, me to see Signor Visci's country-house on l Sir Geoffrey looked down, and, surely double-headed oa.11. The heads were perAud all tile young onee, too, Friday. Do you hear?" i enough, on the end of Le Ga.utier's pendant feet in shape and size, a.nd ea.ch had a. separA.nd get their garments nicely made Cu fashions tllat are new; " Anything you say is law, my dear," ·w:a.s the fa.c simile of the medal he held in ate neck which united at the shoulders. Wllere old and youn11, dear friends, may meet Sir Geoffrey answered witll comic resigna- 1his hand. There was also two backbones, which united A. weloom6 greeting, by B. PEA.TE. Original And Tested Recipes. tion. "Anything you desire. - Le Gautier, "Bless me, what an extraordinary thing l" in the centre of the back. At birth the calf I wish to speak to you," he whispered quiet- : the startled baronet exclaimed. " So it is ! weighed 103 pounds. BREADED CHOPS. -Take chops cut from ly ; , " come to me prescntly.·-Salvarini, ! P erhaps you do not mind telling me where M C · the leg of a. lamb or mutton, dip in beaten · you hear! I thought you had forsworn you procured yours?" r. ormie~, M. an mtime.tion Ottawathat County, recently received the egg, then in cracker or bread crumbs, and , gaieties of all descriptions. Giad to see you : "It was given to me," Le Gautier replied, wife of one of his constituents, Mrs. Luke fry in butter or drippinll's. 'j are thinking better of your misanthropy." 1with an euigmatio smile. "It could not C. Ryan, of Stagsburn, on the Ga.tineau AN excellent gravy to be e n.ten with the L e Gautier turned off with the baronet : help y ou, if I told you. -Sir Geoffrey, ma.y river, had given birth to triplets, 'a nd 118 it above, is ma.de by put ting a cupful of hot somewhat impatiently, leaving the rest I a.~k you to lend m e this coin for a short · d t d h Q · b water into the fry ing -pan after dishing the together. Salvarini, looking onsomewha.t while? I will t ell you some time what! er isun_ersoo e ueens with ountyisnolongextended int connection snc h events chops, adding a cupful of stewed tomato and Unapproached for !thoughtfully, almost fancied ther e was a ; want it for." Mr. Cormier headed a subscription and a small onion, chopped fine ; season with IF.l!!~~~ Tone and Qualig. look of relief iu Enid's face as the French- 1 . "Some other time, p erhaps,"Le Gautier · d $100 f raise or her among the members of salt and pepper, and pour over t h e chops, . man left; certainly, she W(l.S leas coustrn.ined. i th rew t h e com into its place.- " You s~e, I the House. CATALOGUES FREE. or serve in gravy dish, as preferred. WITa: 'l'B:B:TR. wnuo\iT THTII "vVe shall look forward to Friday with , regard it as a valuable curiosity and relic, Mr. John Sanaga.n, a veteran of the war TOMATO SouP.-Put a quart of tomatoe& 'M' great pleasure, then, signor Visci," shesaid. ; or perhaps I might part with it. You will of 1812, died at St. Thomas recen t ly, at the · Jl.I. 1 ,.,, · ." I have ? eard you speak so ~nuch of the pa!~on ~e .·-~ut I forgot all all about our advanced age of 94 y ears and five months. on the stove in a porcelaiu kettle, and when PRA.CTifJAL IJENTIST Villa. Matt10, that I am expectmg to see a. : spmtua~1shc discourse. As you are a medi- Deceased was born in Montreal in 1792. boiling add one teaspoonful of soda, and 1 boil thoroughly. Set the kettle on one side 'JVB:R TWENTY ' perfect paradise. " j um, I will ask you"- H e enlisted in the Canadian volunteers of the stove and add two quarts of milk. . YB:ARB EXPBRill:NOB, " With two Eves," Max.well whispered in , "At some future time, with all the pleawhen the Americans invaded Canada in .N lt.\ '0·10xldeGu A.dmtnlstered for PainleN English. Vise~ was not a man t o misunder - · ~~re in life,." ~e <;tautie~ interrupted hastily. 1812, and secured his discharge in 1815. H e Season with salt, p epper and butter, and Opt:ratlons. stand the meanmg of true company, so, with Meanwhile, it is gettmg la.te- past eleven took partfo t he batt le of .F'ort Detroit and put two cups of fine cr acker crumbs into the tureen, over which the soup is to be OJl'J!lfJE MCCL1JNG'8 DLO«JJI.. a bow and a little complimentary speech, · now." he turned aside, taking Sa.lvarini by the ' As they walked back to the salon, the Ch~ysler's farm in 1814, serving under Col. poured when ready for the table. This may and was award ed a medal for his Salisbury, be prepared in less than ten minutes, and a.rm, and plunged into tho glittering crowd. · Frenchman was busy with his thoughts. bravery. VETE RINA R Y SURGEON; is an excellent addition to a cold-meat din"I do not understand the meaning there," : " What a lucky find !" he muttered · . "It ner. Salvarini remarked as they walked through ~s the missing insignia, sure enough, and the Shoot the Tiger, Po·rATOES BAKHD IN MILK.- Take ae the rooms. "If Maxwell means"- ! ill-fated U gh tred Charteris is mine host's "Orange blossoms," Visci interrupted la.- · br?t her. I wonder what I can make out of b. lately pleading for high license and many potatoes as you are in the habit of Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary conically; "a.11d r ig ht , too.- Let us get t~is? There o~ght to be something in it, the consequent restriction of the liquor traf· preparing for a dinner for your family, pare College, will at tend t o all diseaisee into the music-room. Le Fann is going to ' wi~~ a f~eble:mrnd ed man who believes . in fie, Dr . Howard Crosby, of N ew Yor k, and slice as thin as possible- so thin that of d omest ie animals. play. " > SJ,nntua!Jsm, 1f my hand has not lost its cunyou can almost see through t h e slices. Let made use of a very unfortunate figure. He them stand covered with cold water for a Maxwell remained by Enid's side, t oying mng. Now; verrons.' said ,_ with her fan and discoursing in their native He showed nothing of his thoughts, how" If a tiger wer e loose in the streets of shor t time. Then put them into a porcelain language in a low voice. From the expres- ever, as .h e par ted from Enid with a smil e New York, would it not be bett er to try to or tin baking dish, sprinkling with salt, and A S PE CIALTY. HA RN DEN, L. D. S sion in his face and the earnest ring in his a!ld neatly turned compliment. It was get - confine h im to certain streets rather than pepper a.s the dish is. filled, also placing little pieces of butter here and there. When the voice, there was no doubting the power of tmg la~e now ; the str eets were empty as have him to roam all over the city?" Gradua.te otthe Royal Collego d Dental attraction that chained him there. : t~e !riends t urned homewa,rd, Salvarini A voice from the g allery very naturally d ish is filled cover with milk, heated while Calls ~ud Or~ers by mail or telegraph Surgeons, Ontario. . ",When do you leave Rome, Miss Charter - b1d~mg th~ oth~rs l!oo.d ·night and turning and very promptly called out, " Shoot the preparing the potatoes, or milk and water , will r e ceive prompt atten tion. OFFICE OVER DICK80N'S STORE 18 ?' he asked, abruptly changing the con· off m the direccion of his apartments. t iger," and the Dr.'s argument and illustra· if milk is not plentiful. Put into the oven CHARGES MODERATE. and bake until the potatoes are ready to fall versation. "This is your la.st reception, I · " Y 01_1 had bettel'. change your mind, and tion went at once by the board. Wha.t \ l) LD FILLING A SPECIAL P.ato Work executed in the latest and moi· know." ' come with us on F riday, Hector," V isci urg - mn.n in his senses would ever try to keep a to pieces ; a dish holding two quarts will OFFICE HOURS, 8 TO 10 A. M. " We shall leave in the middle of n ext ed Le Ga.u tier. "The bll.ronet and his loose tiger within certain streets of a large cook in one aud a. hal f hours in a good oven. .A first-class stock of Medicines always lmproved style of the Dental.Art, on hand. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN week for certain. I shall be very sorry for daughter are to be of th e party. Throw cit.y ? What man in his senses would ever This is a most delicious way to cook potasome r easons, for I have been happ y hero." , work to the d<>gs for the day, a nd come." N. B.- Will visit Williamsburg ev" ry think of t hanking God tha.t t he tiger did toes, and always a favorite with children. bytheuoeofVitalizedAir, witl:coutlnjury "I s h a11 prob ablY r eturn wit h you," Max- l "MY d<;ar C ar 1o, tlie t hm · g IB · impossible, not kill above two or three children a day Saturday of each week. 16-ly patient. Particular a t tention paid to the tolthe regulation or Children's Teet n. well observed. " I have deferred my de- , Do you t hm k I should be cha.ined here this a?d t hat only in the poorer parts of th~ Misoalla.neons. partur e too loug already. I t would be pleas- · lovely weather, if stern necessity did not ci ty ? W h o would ever dream of calling ,... ALL .WORK WARR.ANTED . ......,,, _, ant to le11ve together." : compel? If possibly I can get o.,,.er later in that m an a public benefactor who would Strong brine m ay be used to advantage in ms "After learning everything that Rome the day, I will not fail you." mer ely drive away loose tigers from J arvis washing bedstea ds. Hot alum water is also could t each you," Enid put in archly. '· " I am vei·y sorry ," Visci replied regret- street and confine them t o Lombard or t he good for this purpcse. " Then the J~ ternal City has no more art is- fully, "because t his is t he la.at time, i.n all lo:"'-~ying r egions about the Don ? And yet F URNITURE: POLISH.- Equal parts sweet tic knowledge to impart?" : prob1 ;bilit.y, our friends will m eet together this is exactly what some su pposedly wise oil and vinegar a nd a pint of gum arabio, -"Yes; I have learned some lessons here " . for some time. " ri:ien, mi~isters of_ the Gospel, and pret en · well powder ed; shake the bottle and apply S . W. RUSEl. Maxwell r eplied with a tender . inflectio~ 1 " I am sorry too, Carlo, but I cannot t1ous ph1lanthrop1sts, want to do with the with a rag. It will make the furniture look I "besides a.rtist ic ones. I have been learn'. help it .Good-night." EACHER 0 F ORGAN, PIANO, l iquor traffic. " Shoot the tiger " is the as good as new. ing one lately that I am never likely to forJ Le ~antier w11otched his friend along the VOICE and THEORY. Terms on aupli· onl y effectual pla n. Still, high license is cation at ' Bm 20," 28;Iy get. Am I presumptuous, Miss Enid ?" Never set the lamp upon a r ed table cov;. moonlit street, a smile upon his face not far better t han free t rade in liquor. er ; if you cannot find time to make a. gr een ·~Really, Mr. Maxwell, you ar e too mys- . f,l~as~nt to.see.. " Ah: yes,' he murmured la mp-mat, put a piece of green cardboard t en ons.. If I could underst and you" -.: it I~ qtu~ impossible .. Gen~vieve is a Complicated Ang er. under the lamp, and you will find the r e· " I t h mk you do understand u\.e; I fer- ' good little g~rl, bu~ good litt le girls a re ap t vcnt ly h ope you do." t o cloy. It is gethng dangerous. If Visci Gilhooly- " You say your wife is in a bad fiection upon your wor k much more agreeFor a moment , a little w ild-rose bloom ·sh ould find uuL, it would be a case of twelve humor ?" able to the eyes t han that from the r ed cover. trembled and flushed on the girl's cheek, I?aces and hair-triggers ; and I cannot sacrir,ennybu_nker" Yes, you,,het sh e is. " How TO P:a;msERVE BUTTER. - l!'irst work then she looked down, played with her fan lice myself vet- not even for Genevieve.' vVhat i8 she mad about ? out all the milk thoroughly, t h en salt with nervously. No reason to say ~he did not un- i ( To BE CON'l'INUllD). "Jn th~ first place, she got mad at the Rock Salt, a ccording to taste, pack into Air- 1 d er stand now. Max well did not follow ' ser y-an,t g irl, t hen she got mad a~ me because Tight Jar~ or Cans, and k eep in a cool place. up his 1 tdvantage ; ~ome instinct warned ' In the case of trees w hich b ear in a lter- [ d1d n t get mad at the servant girl, and now . By observm g tho above rules you can keep N d · · B h in;i not ; and adroitly changing t he con:ver- nate y eu.rs, j udfoious t hinning will often re- she is mad at.herself because she got mad at J butter fresh for years. Tie a bladder over e';~p~pel" Asv<0r~singy 1~·eau, satrnn, he told her of his life in Rome, each sult in consid erable fruit in tho off year. the servant .uul. Do you understand?" the J .a r or oan. . pruoe t., ev.,,. P 0 · S end lOcts. :tor t<>O·P><ge 1 "r.nph!et. M. A.JAMES, I. .. f I I R 8 I t I I . L 0 L I . L A_ I P j Judgment. Much is said nowadays about the necessity for exactness in giving a recipe, and yet every housekeeper knows very well that she cannot always follow her own excellent and well tried receipts to the very letter. If she did, her reputation as a first-class cook would T. lNMAN Station D N ew York Oit11. 46y be gone forever. T he experienced cook knows that ther e is a great difference in AIWISE TO MOTHERS. - Are you rlis flour. '\Ve have ma.de a. cake for which we ha.ve established quite a reputation, which turbed a.t night and b roken of your rest calls for two cups of flour in the recipe. We by a sick child suffering and crying with make this when in the city , ueing tho pain of Ou tting Teeth 1 If so send at West ern, new -process flour, and if we use once and get a b ottle of "Mrs. Winslow's over a cup and a half we spoil our cake, and Soothing Syrup." For children teething, make it tough and dry. When in the coun- its value is incalculable. It will relieve try, using the flour ground at the local mills, tho poor little sufferer immediately. De· it takes the full two cups, and we often pend upon it, mothers ; there is no shake in a little more be fore the cake stirs mistake about it. It cures Dysentery "just right." Again, the eggs to be used are by no means of exactly the same weight, and Diarrhcea, regulates the Stomach and although the successful cake maker will al- Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the ways select eggs of a uniform size for her Gums, r educes Inflammation, and gives " company ca ke." If she uses large eggs, to:::ie and en ergy to the whole sy11tem. her " i udlffilent" will tell her that s he needs " Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup " for a little less water or milk for the wetting of children tee thing is pleas<'.\nt to the taste her cake, or a trifle more flour, as she may and is the prescription of one of tho oldprofer. And if the eggs are small, she may, est and best female physicians and nurses if she is sure of her self, put one more in in the United States, and is for sale by than the printed receipt calld for. As for all druggists through tho world. Price salt, it is so eitsily forgotten , it is a good 25 cents a bottle. Be s ure and ask for plan to put t hat in even if the receipt calls for none, except you know that the butter is "Mus, WINSLow's SooTIIING SYRUP." salter than that which you are in the habit and take no othtJr k ind, of using. Ther e are very few things that ;"""-,....,.,_.llm$~':·-wt<T. are harmed by the addition of salt, aud so many are improYed that the salt jar should be placed near the stove that it may be always wit hin reach. No rule will tell you the precise moment Your att1mtion is directed to the immense when your scram)>led eggs will turn from st ock of golden solidity to whey, nor the exact time when your cak.e shall come forth from the oven, moist yet d one, warra.ntcd not to fall, and all your fond hopes with it. Nothing of every d escription at but your judgment and experience will t ell you the cor r ect heat your oven must have M n ~:;l ft tl jtN · f~i· your gr11ham gems, your bread or your l 1J; ~ iiil " U U 'J1l 1.. . · pies, and should you m1 1ke an error, and put , Sh · . · .. your bread into an ove!1 hot enoug~ for ~uc- 1 ~ has JU' t op~ned out one of the largest ces&ful gems, or gems into a heat JUSt right , ai.d most stylish stoc.ka_ ever brought for pies, just ifiable failure will overtake y < iu. I to town, oons1Btmg of : G~od j udgment is one of t he primal quali-1 ;u i i I i n er y Dress Silks, ficat10ns of a housekeeper, and economy and ' VflVets, &c., good living come only in its wake. - -with a very fine stock of Feathers and Mol'e "Emergency Dishes." Flo were. A good dinner from scanty materials is a Call and inspect this fine display, which genuine triumph of mind over matter. There cannot fail to give satisfaction. is nothing very inviting in the appearance of a leg of mutton or a shoulder that has been well hacked up on its "first appearance." Cold meat Is very well for supper, or even for dinner with a good soup prefacing it, but as the principal feature of a dinner, a cheerless dish, around which it seems ESTABLISHED IN 1847, impossible for a family to be social ar joyous. A very good- looking and good-tasting din- It has no shareholders to pay dividends to. ner may be made from the r emains of the Managed by and solely in the interests of mutton, by cutting the meat that r emains the Policy holders. npon the bone into small pieces and putting them into a baking dish with some of t he Its Rates a1·e Low. gravy which was also left from the previous dinner: la cking the gravy, take a litt le hot Policies non forCeltahle and uncondltlonaL water, some small pieces of butter, and a. flash Bonus Paid every th1·ee year-. dredging of flour, and you have a very good substitute. Cover the meat with a layer of Joint Life Policies. mashed potatoes, and put into the oven a.nd Though a double rish but one premium ls t>al brown uicely. for two people, .A.mount of policy d}aw11 Meat balls, made from any kind of cold meat, mutton, veal or even corned beef, are on first death. very good for a change, and present a better appearance than the scraps from which they may be made could possibly do. Special Inducements to Total Ab1tamer,. Cho:P, the meat rather fine, not so fine that it is like p aste, but so that there are no A.88ET8 OVER $S,000,04J0.1 la.rge lumps in it. Mix with either potato IN(JOME O'\'ER $1 1000,000 · or bread crumbs, for.m into flat, round cakes, 8100,000.00 deposited with theCanadla.nGoveru and brown in a little butter or drippings on ment tor benefit of Osmadian policy holders., top of the stove. The dryness of bread crumbs makes a beaten egg necessary to make the ca.kos cook without crumblin$· IN'\'ESTED IN fJA.NA.DA., $600,eoo.eo. but if potato is used, they will keep their shape very nicely. Use sage or celery salt H:BAD 0.l!'FlCE IN 0ANADA:- MONTREAL for seasoning if liked. l.l'or partioula.re refer to As a r elish for these quickly prepared dinners, nothing may bein readiness sooner, E, L. LIVINGSTONE, except cel ery, than "cold slaw. " Chop or GENERAL AGENT, shave part of a good firm cabbe.ge very fine, PORT HOPE and place them withou t further preparation upon the table, lea.ving each person at liberty Or to agents thr oughout the count7. 48-& o. to use what quantity of vinegar, salt, pepper, su~ar or oil he prefers. A CARD. -To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions~ of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c., I will send a recipe the.II will cure you FREE OF OHARGJ!i, Thill great remedy was discovered. by a missionary in South America. Send a. eelfaddreesed envelope to the REV. JosEl'H L ~AD IES, MILLINERY l\J1'£LY'S BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., D E N T I S T RY I " PP.Jo: 1 1 BR I MAC 0 JIBE BELL & CO. Guelph, Ont. F. A. JONES, ENNISKILLEN, Operations & Dentistry MUSIC~ 0 - · T ADVERTISE RS DUNN'S BA Kl NC POWDER can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing I Geo. p R JI & Co., . · 0\)1/e THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND

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