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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Apr 1887, p. 3

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~o11!!!!'. ..!.!!.!!~ ~&&~l!··!· ~'.'...~~~--~~ -~ - ~~~-~~L~&~!~·~ · lllMll! ~-~.:!""~. ~!~llll~~~~~ ~~-~-ml!ll!t~!lll'.-.,..~ 11~w~ 11111111~1111~ "" ~~~.... ~~wm~:wi~r~u~IJ!ll"~~~~~~~&&~m ~n~·~1WF ~~~1m ~1 .. ~1 ~B1 ~ 1~~~~~~ ,. ~·~~~~~·~1!Ylil~~~~~~~~!!~~~~~~~ .. ~~1!2!wa ~~~~~~~~·~~~·~~~~~--~~~ ··~~a~~illli!~J!1!!!!!1i~~-~~!'!!. !!!!J!!! -A LL WORK 'C U AR'A N TEED I Wild Boys. Sprinj!' Cleaning. a.°n u: All peace aad all plca·tirea are banial wd, An old teacher in Maine is credited with w > will send yon free, Abroad now I gladly would roam, thing of g el\t value som a story of w ild boys which is remarkable. M y quiet 14nd comfort ha.ve vnnished; and impotance to yon, tha.t will ~·... rt you in H e says t hat, years n.go, h e had in his A desolate wreck is my home I business which w ill bring you in more Two persons stood beside the dying bed of WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1887. The pain ters are all in possession, school seven wild, bad boys, who seemed to money rili;ht away than anything else in this Gilber t Roth say ; one a man somewhat past The charwomen come by the score ; wor ld. Any one ct1.n do the work and live .at h s.ve n o pleasure so grea,t as that of giving . The whitewu.shers troop in proceosion, t he prime of life, the other a girl iu t he first home. l~i th er sex; all ages. Something new, their teacher trouble. A short time ago h e And spatter from ceiling to floor. thatjust coins money for a ll workers · .. We bloom of opening womanhood. STANDARD M EDl CA.Ji l VOHK .t'OR happened to visit the Sta.te Prison of Maine, I own I must make a con!essionwill start you ; capital not needed. This is T he eyes of t he dying man roved restlessly Spring cleaning's a terrible bore ! and there he found th1·ee of his wild boys. m,e of the gemu ne, important classes of a-Jifefrom one to the other. >ime. Thoso wh o are ambitious and enter· In the Reform School of the same Stat e were They come in the morning at daybreak, Only $l H y !llall, l'iistpatd. "I am glad to .sec you, nephew," he said, prising will not delav. Gran<l outfit free, the other four ! Just when 1'1n fot·getting my co.res, Address TuuJL & Co., Augusta, Maine. feebly. "Your father wronged me, an d .And into m y slumbers how they break{ A good t eacher, well·sustained by hi s com· ILLD!ITRA.TIVE SAH t·LES .t'R EE NO A.LI.. t hrough all t hese years my hate has been as With bustle "nd tramp on the stairs mittee, ought to have been able to save They laugh and they whistle and chatter, bitter as that wrong. But at such a time as some of the seven. F irm and judicious They paint, nnd they varnish and size ; t his all such feuds should cea.se. You w ill treatment can tame and civilize most wild They th ump and they wranglAand clatter, find- - " And drive away sleep f r0111 my eyes, d oys. N ot a.II, we grant; but seven is an Here a paroxyism of coughing seized the They make me ns mad as a hatter, inordinate nu mber of incurables for one And cau se me at das bre::.k to rise. speaker. man's school. "Allie, some water, Allie." I dare not complain, notwithstan<ling\Vild hoys, however, be t heir number '.l'he young girl left the room. l'm faint with the fumes of white lead ; small or great, are the bane of our sebool s .And t rip over pails on the landing, For a few moments the old man lay gaspand the peril of our civilization. One such And paint pots foll clown on my h ead ! A. Great !lleillcnl l'1' 01·1< uu 1'1anlrnod. ing upon the pillow, t hen he sn.id : in a school of fifty, -on e foolish, lawless, When rig-ht throug-h my hall I go stumbling. Exhausted V itality, Nervo ·is and Pbysica: "Yoti will find the will in the second I'n1 sick, and I'm sm·ry and sore ; irrepressible boy, doubles the t oil and anxDebili.ty. Premature Decline in M1\n. ·11:rrora drawer of the desk in the library. 1'he keys O'er plunks and o'er ladcle1>1 I'm tumbllng, iety of a teacher. Two of them gn far to. And g-et my greatco11t painted o'er ; or Youth, and the untold miseries r esul ting ha11g yondP-r. You will see that I have not ward undoing all the good a patient and To myse·1 I can scnl'Cely help grumblingtrom indiscretion Ot' exce·ses, A booh:· fot f h h I k f th every man. young, middle-aged Mid old. It· orgotten you, t oug now yom· a er Spring cleaning's a terrible bore I gentle teacher can accomplish. Seven contains 125 prescriptions for a ll acute and left you independent of !\DY h elp of mine. would create absolute chaos. ohronio dieea·os, each one of which is invalua- Had you come a. little earlier I should have \.Vhen there is a. crack i11 the st ove i t can ble. So fount! by Author, w hose expe1·ience made you guardian of Allie. S he has heen T be wild boy is not, as a general thing, VETERINARY SURGEor;, for 25 Years is sueh as probably nevier before as a dau11hter to me, and though no drop of so dcpmved as he is silly and Vt~in . His be mended by mixing ashes and salt with tell to the lot of any physicbn. 300 -pages. " h · 11 k' d d · · bovnd in beautlf11l French muslin, embos ,cd my blood ru ns in her vein s I hav e given h er teac er is, usna y, a in m1 conscientious water . covers, full gilt, gmir·anteed to be a:flner work a child's inheritance. She will be all a lone lady, often a young lady, who comes to ""'""""'"'"'"'"','·M ·~····.. ,......" ... ·~-~,,,,..-,,.=,,.,,.,..., ill every sense than anr other w ork sold in this now; you mu st be h er friend and protector." ::whoo! every m o ruing clad in bright and f~~~~{yrf,;~~~~~~rf,l,'.\c'2~~i'i $ii~~~;~~~~~~~ Not a muscle of Robert Rothsay's coundainty cleanliness, with an iipron of spotless bald. Illustrativos Ra·nplll free to auy body. tenanee indicated the rage ancl disappointw hite, and a heart under it yearning to do Send now. Golc'l medo.l awru.·r!e<l the author by m ent t,bat were busy at his heart. h er pnpils gnod . The wild boy, who sends the National Medical Associn1ion. to tlv.i Pre· "You may count on me, my dear uncle," her h om e at night despairing a11d ashamecl, a1dent of which. the Hon. P. A , Uissell. and h t · 1 ? associate officers of the Hoard the reader iH A t t his mom en t Allie returned. A Husband's Trying (on) Experience, ' w Tai, 18 1 he. · · h' cl" b d d. respectrn)!Y relferre~ . . After placing the cool goblet to his lips iere e sits, m rn irty oots an 1rty '.l'he Sc1en~e of fafe 1s wol'th _ mm·e to !l1 e she gave h im a sedative and soon the sick Gentle reader, t his is n ot a Warner's Safe face, sprawling over his desk, a spectacle of ~l~~~g ail~h~~~~~e-~n~~~sn~'f11c!.tff~~Jl~n:~~t~b~ m an sank int~ n. heavy ~lumber. Cure .or St. J acobs Oil advert isem ent, iLB you indifference and latent rebellion, the ceuti'e silver mines of Nevada cornblned.- S. Ji', 1 T he declrnmg sun touched the western might suppose from the heading. It <JOffi· from which proceeds all t h e distnrbt\nce itn<l C~?·on~l~. . . · . hills, and still the twll kept their silent menced at breakfast t~1e other mornin~ by <ilemoraliz1 ition of the school. Often, he is 1 he Science of ~1fe porn us <?Ut ~he l"Oclrs and watch . the h ead of one a bsorbed in the my wife r emarking, "what a lovely spd ng the sou of a widow, who has quite lost the 0 ~~~:~s~ny~~~~~ ~~~ h'!~~t'b::C~n~u~~fi.r; thought that she w ould soon lose .her only morning, aud all the stores are having their power to control him, and looks to the wrecked.-Man··hcsttr Mfrro· r. friend and protector, the other wrapped in spri ng openings this week." school to do for him wlmt she cannot. The Science of Lifo is of greater value than more bitter . "They a.re never shut, d ear," I r eplied, But the "school" is this delicate and high· -...BY'Honorary Gr..iduate of tbe Ontario eterinar y all the medic"l WOI'ks pnblished in thrnco.uncry W e·n-ied ·by h er nigh ts of sleepless vigils " excep t on Sunday, and then they leave minded youug · lady, who cannot do bat tle College, Toronto. Registered member of the for the past 60 years.-Atlant a <)onsti.tution. ' . . ' th bl ' d t0 d l th b ·t b f The Science of Lite is a superb and masLerly the head of Allte dropped lower and lower, e m s up azz e e ai. e ore your with a t hough tl ess and unsavory lout of Ontal'iO Veterinary Associat ion in accordance · treati~e on nervous and ph)h ical debility.until it rested upon the bed b eside which eyes. " . twice her strength , if not twice her weight. · I am tally prepared to attendJ!'un;>rala ori wit h the Vet erinary Aet. I a prepared to treat a.JI disea·ee of the Dom· Defroit F'ree Press. she sat "Oh, you know what I mean, " sh e an- If she exp els him, h e roams t!ie streets ancl lhe shortest notice, at the lowestpoasillle rate£ 'l'here is no member of society to whom the b · d h h d " dI t t0 J 1 t0 ~askets and Bul'ialCasos rna dy on s hort notice eatlc Anima ls, according to the latest theories. Science of Life wlll not be 11 ,.f.lflll, whether As soo11. as he ecame convmce t at~ e swere · an . ~an yo~ ie .P i~e i developes rapidly into a criminal. If she F1rat·class hearse on "ery moderate terms All cttlls personally, by 'l.' elegraph or Tele1outh, pa.rent; gua.rdhm, instruu·or or clergy· was sleepmg soundly he a.rose, and takmg ch?,ose my- sp~~ng .Jacke~, t his morning., p ermits h im to remain, he spoils h er school !Shroud s and Coffins constantly on hand. FuD phone will receive prompt attention, ma.n.- Argonmit. . . , I the keys from the nail whete they hung All right, sa1~ I, be at my office . at and embiters her every waking hour. e ,· al oards au pp lied a t onoe. Furniture Shop & il:NOFFICE- Main St., Or ono, one door north of W. H enry's ::>tore. .Address the P ea.bodv Medical lMtltnte, or slipped noiselessly from the room t en, sharp, and I will spn.re you twenty mmThe time will come when our legislator s S aow l:l.ooms-.Bounsall'aNew Block. Dr. W. H. Parker, No. 4 Bulfinch Street.Boston . · t 8 ,, CHARGES MODERATE, Mass., who may be consulted. on all diseases He met Mrs. Ames, the portly housekeeper, u ~, · , , · will wisely provide for,snch cases; but, in the 1 ca~ li~e.. ~t -ho~-~ ~~d-·mak~6 requiring skill and experienc"· Chronic an.d . in the passage. . Exact~)'. at 10..50 my anuable httle wife meantime, well· disposed boys can d o much money a t wCJrk for us, than at any obstinate diseases .tl!at have bt1.fl'.led tLe skill "My uncle is quietly sleeping "he said saile~ sm1hng~y mto t he office u~d er the towards deliver ing teachers from the wild thiJJg else in this ~orld , t-co capital K~Y IO :H ~LTH ~~d 0~~~~efs~Kf{~1a~rth~u~ri~~11"'/~~tan~~,~~ 1~landly, ".and I think,, I will g~ into the pleasmg delusion that she was fnghtfully ones of their number. needed; you a1escarted frfe. lloth failure. Mention STA'.L'ESMA1' . .l:lowmanville, h brary until h e wakes. plnnctual, and we wenttoM . theJstokretogether. Boys understand boys. T hey know that r:r°:e;e:~:,h,gge:.au~en~r~~ fi~~~ ~~r~~e Co~~f; Ontario. 17· Y· "Certainly, sir; this way, sir." told my secretary, r. a.c s?n, as we these wild, disobediei: t fellows are usually outfit and t erms free. Better not delay. Coste H ere the housekeep er threw open the w~nt out t~at l wou~d be back m tw~nty very ignomnt and stupid, and can n ot stand you ~o~hing to send. us your ~ddreos and find library door for h er master 's nephew to en - mmutes, which my wife amended by saymg, against the public opinion of the school, if out.>.. 1f y~u are wise you w1U do so a t once, . h un, ' b nt onJy f or t h e purpose "better call it h alf au h . our. " i "t i's clearly expressed. H . 11.ALJ,E'.LI' & Co., Portl and . Marne. t er; f o 11owmg Entering one of our largest stores my b etThe gentlemen of a school can prevent the of lighting t he wood t hat had been laid ready for kindling in the large, old-fashion· ter h alf w~nt forward and mad~ known her abuse of k ind 1md good t eachers if they will VETERINAR Y SURGEON. ed fireplace. wants, while I. kep_t modest!y m the back- but unite to do it, and consider patiently Then, dropping a courtesy;· she left the g_round. The first Jacke t tn.ed on ,was tool the best way to do it. room, Robert t aking the precaution to turn tight, next was too long ; th1swasn ta good Why not a. Law-and-Order League in a U nlocks all the clogged avenues of the the key upon her. fit r ound the n eck and that was too slack at · school? Bowels, Kidneys and L iver, oarryingoff gradually without w~.kening the He t hen approached th e desk, opening by the arms. system , all the impn.rit ies and foul one of the bunch of keys in his hand the After trying on seventeen different arLicleB £ t d't' T, t b6 t th U 't d 1 drawer to which his uncle had alluded. my wife was slightly mixed as to their r e-1 x ra ion ma Y wee~ e Ill e humors of the secretions ; at the s ame time Correcting Acidity o f the Ther e, in a small tin box, lay Gilbei·t' apective merits, and I fear I dic l not help States and Russia. Rot hsay's will. very much to soothe h er by freq uently reI t is t h e interest of all nations that crimStomach, curing :Biliousness, Dye. ~REEMA?J"~s pepsia , Headaches, Di?:z iness, After a moment's irresolute pause he marking, " hurry up; its one o'cl ock. I real-. inals should not have a safe ret reat t he Hea,rtburn, Constipation, D ryness broke the seal. ly must go !" world over . W' hy should our country h arW ORM POVtTDE R S~ 1 of the Skin , Dropsy, Dimness of H e ran his eyes impatiently over t he long, " Well miss A - ah"- (my wife calls every-; bour the rascals of another? And yet there Vision, .Jaundice, Salt Rheum, wordy document, which was written on body A - ah when she forgets t heir name), ; is more or less of this n.lways going on. A re p1ea.eant to t llk6. Contiiln t heir o1l'1. :l:!!rysipe!a s , Scrofula, Flutteri:r.15· 0f thick, parchment like paper. " I will not decide this morning, but will. Extradition t r el!.ties are generally not comtll:rgo.tlvB, Is a SafB, eure, aud cllcctual t h e_H eart, N ervousness, and 0nt hink it ove!'." l prehensive enough, and in this way t he 6 atro3'!r o! ,...,,..... in Children or Ad'llltl "The beggarly pittance of $5,000 to me !" 1 was about to make my way back to my : rogues get the a dvan tage. A pretty straight era1 D eb~lity ; nll ~hcse _ a nd many h e mutterccl between his closed teeth, "and office w h en my wife, w it h one of h er win -' extradition t reaty between the United other 0:1mlar ComplamtH vield to the all the rest to the brat he picked out of t he ning smiles, said : " I am sure they have a States and Russia was lately signed. Of h:1ppv i1>finenmJ of :BURDOCK :ar.oo:D BITTER S. street, curse him !" much better selection in this next store. Do ' course polit ical crimes are alway s excepted. HORSES. Robert Rothsay counted his wealth by come with me and I will chose one in five If Canada and the States had such a treaty Gr~duate of the Ont nrio Veteri!'ary Co)lege, Island Home Stock Registered member of t h e Ontano Veterinary thousands, but h e still covet ed m ore, and it minutes." 1 i t would be uncomfortable for the embezzlers, Farm, Grosse Isle, Medical .Association. Mich., Is vtiry conve· ' - -- - - ------- - - -- -nearly maddened him to see the inheritance B ut I said, "why not get your friend Mrs. ! but honest men would rejoice. The follow. d"Offloe and Residence. N ewtonville, Ont. lliently loca t ed for h e so confidently b elieved would he his pass W. to go with you? S he would enjoy i t ing are the crimes covered by t he Convention I, l\'Ve are Canadians, being on Will visit Orono every Tuesdai· and,Saturday into t he hands of a stranger. more t h an I would and could advice you r eferred to :an Island In Det roit l; Oflce hours from IO a. m., to 4 p. m., . at Holding the will in hiH clench ed hand . he muc li b etter. " j 1- M d d 1 l t · · River.ten miles below J: ur er an mans aug 1 er, compr1smg Coulters' Hotel. Calls by 'l.'elegrapil receive turned ·towar d t h e fi rep I ace, the temptat10n Windsor, Ont. Pur· all claBSHs w.ith emplcyment at home, the " ·well, y ou know," sh e r eplied ," Mrs . . t he wilful or negligen t killing of a human immediate at tention. ·e m oments. chasers will tlnd a whole of t he t im e, or for their spa1 at his h eart plainly depicted on h is agitated W. w ill be busy all t his week choosing a be:lng. CHARGES MODER.A.'l'E. larg1. ..iumber of pure Bl1siness new, light nnd prollta bte. P e1·sons of eit,her sex ea sily earn from 50 cents t o $ 5 per bred and grade stal· coJ~!~nt~~C:·came the sound of hurried foot - dining room carpet or sh e would be delight- i 2-Rape, abortion. llons, brood mares evening, a nd a p.-oportiona l sum by devoting d ed." 3-Arson" . a ll their time to r,he business. Boye and girl s and colts of a.11 ages 1 oor. steps , f oIIowe d b Y 1ow k noc1 ung at tie As it appeared that neither ou r jacket 4- Bnrglary. to select from. .All e!l.rn nearly aamuch a s men. That all who see "Mr. R othsay, your uncle is dying!" nor Mrs. W .'s carpet could wa,it until n ext ' 5- Forger y. , pure bred stock, reg· this may send their t>dd ress. and test t he husi"Now or never I" h e muttered, as he week I · surrendered. W ell, jacket after ; 6--The fabrication or circula tion of coun- lstered in the French and American Stud Books. ne·s, w e make this olfer, To suoh as are not Prices reasonable, stock guaranteed. Large !Ilua well satisfied we will send one clollar to pay ilu,~g the_ wil~, on the embers. . jacket was t1-ied on unt il 2 30 p.m. I was terfeit money. tor the 1 .ronble of writing. ·Full particulars trated Catalogue tree. SAVAGE & FARNUM, P u mps Oheaper a n d Better 9 oming, h e added, as the knockmg tired, hungry and d esperate. 7-'fhe embe?-zlement of public moneys D.ll'l'norr, Mloa. a na outllt free, Address GEORGE STINSON &; Co. Portlao<l, Maine. contmu"d. . . "How do you like this one?" said my wife by public officers or d epositors. t h an ev er. Th en hurriedly .restorrnJl; the box to the as sh e buttoned on t he t wenty-seventh , 8- Embezzlemen t by any person or per· jacket. ! sous hired or salaried, to the detriment of T he S u bscri b er h aving built a l a rge ne~ drawer, h e lock ed it and went ou t . Mrs .. A mes entered the room a few mo- 1 "Oh, splendid," I replied, w ithout look- 1t h eir employers, when the value of the P ump Factory in Orono, ls prepared m~?~ after. . h t d ,, , iag at it. "J!'its you like a glove. Take it property so tak en shall exceed 300 roubles 1 . ooc1ness, gracious me.:;' a, a smu ge 1 . and lets go to lunch !" or $200 . ...:...to furnish- . 1 ~Jac~Ia,ted the good lady. , It 11 ?,e the ru"But it is more t ho.n you wanted to give,",, 9- Piracy or mutiny on shipboa,rd. . said sh e. 10- Malicio.is d estruction of or attempt m a t10u of .t~ie walls and P!ctures_l EVE~Y And se1zm g the offendmg .obiect, which "Oh, never mind that, have it sent home to destroy r ailways, trains, vessels, bridges, W ith or without Porcelain Cylinder, <' had n ot y~t begun to bl~ze, w~th th e tongs, and comv away, " I replied in d esperation. ' dwellings, public edifices, or other buildings " No, c l ear, I won't decide in a hurry ." when the act endangers human life. t he Best M aterial, on the shortest not1' she flung it ou~ of the wmdow m to t he courtyard , almost direct~y at the feet _ of old St.ev- j· Then (turning t o the saleslady), "I won't I To guard against any a ttempt at u sing and at the !owest prices. ens, who was busily engaged lll clearing settle t his morning, bu t I am expecting a these t erms as m eans of securing political --AND- Oister n Tu bs and Pumps s uppliec awTay t htdsnow. k . friend from Brantford w ho h as great offenders the following provisions are ad1 be o man t oo it up. taste in j ackets and we well come down to- ded ·j If it be made to appea,r that extradition is " Wh~,t a waste. of white paper,!" h e mu~- , gether and make a final choice." WELLS CLEANED & Rli:RAIRED. t ered. . Only a, h~tle sco~ched an o~ly wnt j If any lady wants my assistance in choosing sought with a view to try or punish the p er on one: side. It w~ll be. JUB t ~~e thmg for a jacke t t he eclitor has my address. Fee, ' son d emanded tor an offense of a political 118 G~?'§1e t? ma~e 1 $50 per hour. character, su rrender shall not tak e place; , cop!~~ on . iK .M o Mil, dicl ~ ou sa~ · nor shall a.ny person s urrendered be tried or Is now opened, and we invite everybody to call and examine our stock. Law) e_r Gray fix.ed h1s eyes k eenly on the Th Val f D' d punished for any political offense committed 6 TO GIVE SATISFACTION. face of his compamon. ue 0 iamon 8" previously t o his extradition nor for any ofIt is curi~ua to notice thefiuctuations in the ' fense other than that for w htch t he extradi· . " What need w~s t!iere of a will ?" inq~irOr deraJby Mail promptly attended t~. ed..Rohert ,Roths.1y m a tone o.f su~puse. value of diamonds. Ab out 300 years ~go t ion was grnnted ; nor shall t he surrender M_v unc~e wo~ld naturally wish_ his pr?- they were quoted at $225 a carat. F ifty of any person be dema.nded for an offense perty t o be mherited b~ the only child of his r· y ears later w e find them selling at $105 a committed prior to the date a t which this DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, PICKETS, , on!?' brother, to "'.'h~m it w?uld f!"ll by law · . ca.rat . A hnndre~ and ~fty years later the . convention shall take effect. The murder :MOULDINGS &o. kept on hand , By t he w ay , it is my mtention to sell i supply from Brazil had m creaaed so largely ; or manslaughter comprising the wilful or the honse.an_d re!"l-es~ate, a~d should be glad that one ca.rat stones sold for $4~, a~d short-( negligent killing of the sovereign or' ch ief ' ' Or·ler l!i f'or Stan·p ing wi ll recei ve stll"i ct atten tio11 , and of !.our aid m d!Bp~~m~ of it. ly a_fterwards at $4. From this pomt they i ~agistrate of the state or of any m ember of ' · . Sell t~e houM, ei ac:ulatcd the lawyer rallied to $31 p_ e r carat at the time of the ; his family, 38 w ell as an attempt to commit a ll n ewest 1>a tlcrns k ept t o c h oose Croan. · ' ' · · with ~n air of c?nsternation ; for h e was an French Itevolut10n; ~hen under p ressure off or par t icipate in the ea.id crimes, shall not . -··------- --·· old fr1~nd of G;ilhe.rt Rothsay and took a the ~npply from exiled French noblemen, be con sider ed an offense of a political char· at~ng mte~est !n h!s adopted cl~nghter. they fell again to S20. D uring t he first six. ' acter. The Bazaar Glove fitting Patterns for Ladies and Childrens wear for May I mq mre> h e added m a. calmer 1 ty or seventy years of this century they rose ~ vo~ce, ". wh~t in that event, is to b ecome of : steadily , and t wenty y ears "'go th ey were Beecher's Property. sp1ing and summer styles, a complete stock. No wait ing, no sending, W,t(J '7 Miss Ahce ? J quoted at a.bout $100 a. carat. Now, Mr. . , but choose your pattern and t ak e it h ome with you . :; W_ ho ?" . , Henry D. Morse, of Boston , gives the follow. Mr. Beecher 's property l~ sa.i~ t o amount Miss Ahc,~ Rothsa.y, y our uncles adopt- , ing prices of diamonds a t the present time : , to a bout $11~,000, most of it b em g personal ed daughter . Stones averaging one-half carat ea.ch, $60 prop.erty. ]or the past fonr year s he had Remember the place, nearly opposite McMurtry's grocery store. To buy Foot Gear for Men , W om Pn , ."I r ea lly can'~ take upon myself to say,", per carat. · receive~ a salar y of $15,000 a year from P ly. B d M "d t said Rothsay, with a shrug of the shoulder. S tones averaging three-quart er carat each mout h Church. For years before tha.t $20, oys a n a1 ens, a j "I suppose s he. will have ~odo as other girls . S8< l per carat. 'I 000 .\year h as ~eer: allotted him, and during do who ilore th.rown on their ow~ rc.sourcc_ s. S_ t ones averaging one ca.rat each, $100 per · the famous T.1lton ?ontroversy $100,000 a · · ~;? . · Am I t o u nderstand th~t yon will aid me m carat. . year ~as ~ra.~ted l~1m as a mark of ~onfi Bowman ville, March 22, 1886. 12-tf. i the matter I spoke of ? Stones a.veragm g one and one-quarter dence m his mtegnty. an~ to enable him to _ _ . _ ~au 'nihtn Jtattsmau. Defeated. YOUNGAND MIDDLE -ACED MEN. Allie her just righ ts, and to you the opportunity you have so nobly earned ! Y 0\1 will not find h er ungrateful. But mind, 1111t a word of this discovery to any one," T he n ext morning' Squire Gray was closet. ed w ith .Allie two hours before Rohert Rothsay fo und his way down stairs. The lawyer's first step was to r ein11La.te the servan ts in their accustomed pfoees, restoring the old order of th ings in many other r espects, to the great joy of the whole household. "By what authority have you done this?" h e demanded. "By virtue of the authority vested in me as executor of your late u ncle's will," was the calmly uttered repl y. R othsay turned deo.dly pa.le as his eyes r ested on the document in the speaker's h ands. " Scorch ed, but not destroyed, as you see !" The guilty wretch ma de a convulsive ef. fort to speak, but his tongue clove to the r oof of his mou t h. The old 1awyer r esumed · : " Robert Rothsay, because of her inter cession, w hom you woulcl have so foully wronged , and because you b ear the honored n a:ne of the d ead, 11 eave y ou to the punish ment o± your own conscience. But I warn you not t o cross this threshold again!" Rothsay slunk through the door, to which the lawyer poin ted, like the beaten JUr that he was, knowing 11ot by what means he bad been so signally defeated. IM0N Ev!':i~er~~~:·itc:ic,t ~~~ JOHN SPENCER, 0 l I JJNDERTA KINC L EVI MORRI S . I I · vo ·· u -- THE ·. I I PERCHE RON Pl Att t' ;w or~rng asses en ion 'F::1::ti Orono Pump Factory. I THE WE S T END PUMPS O F DESGRIP TIDft .7'-ll_LL I NE .R Y FANCY GOODS H OUSE ~Hats I 0 I 1 · I Re-shaped in latest styles. ~ ERG Us ON RF it' P 11111 I I f' : DA r -i S I l I j I I I M RS W M !f"'t RRISON ~ t j an orphan out of the house, to whose shelter Stones avemging one and three·quarterj him about $14,000 year . T hen he received she h as so ~acred ~right, and I don't think carat s each , $ 145 per caret. a. r ?yalt¥ of_ about. $4,000 upon. some books l I shall begm now. Stones averaging two carats each $175 written m his earlter days pr omment among 1 . Here, fearing t ha,t ~e should say mor e p er carat. ' j whic~ was ' Lect ures to Young .Men.' His Having pur ch asod th e H ar:iess busm~sR lately carried on by_ Mrs. HUMPHREY, th an was p rudent, Squire Gray turned ab - 1 In oth er words, the va.lue of the gem in- syn dicate n ewspal?er Jette~, ~vh1ch he con - I h ope by careful altent10n to busmesa, good workmanslu p, and lir at elaElll ruptly away. creases i u the geometrical ratio of its weight. h _ n ued up to the t une. o! his illness, netted material, to secure a share of puhlic p atr onage. We have in · stock and a r e manufacturmg a large amo u nt of " He's a. heartless scoundrel!" h e mutter· , Four diamonds weighi ng together two him $75. a week. This m come, though a;I· Y Jed, as h e went down the stairs., "I bel ieve cara,ts are wort h $121J, but one dmmond J moat prm?ely, .was spent by Mr· . Beeche; m · on my soul that there was a will a . nd he has weig hing justa.s much is worth $350. Stones or!1amen tm g his household ~nd m cha~;ty. destroyed it. Gilber t always said that Alice . weighing over two carats are about the ' 1!1s house was a perfect cabmet of curiosi. · I should have the bulk of his prop erty. " I same price/er carat as two car at stones· I ties. Our New Stock h as arrived a nd com· 1 When Squire. ~ray rea_ched his office h e ; t~ey shoul be dear er, but they are not: Collars a specialty. We intend that the repuhtion Humph rey'11 Collars h ave gained · h' ' . found tt l1>d WMtrn g for him. I sn nply because t he demand for t hem is The Zones. shall be fully sustain ed. We are p r epared to fu rnish responsible parties pris~e som et m g nfat ~n d p re tty f,,r l " Well, Georgie, .M.iss A lice's property is ' limit ed. If the demand for diamonds was Collars on approbatioo . ' Ve gu;\rantee eatidfaction or n o sal e. , L adi es, Good aud Serviceable for M en gon e, aud :i-our sch ooling with it, I fear . 1 as imper ative as the d emand for flour or T eacher- " How many zones arc th ere?" 1 beef the geometl'lcal ratio w ou ld aaain com e W e also keep i n etock a full li ne of goods usu,.IJy found and Boys, and Boots tha t R Boots for B ut we mus t hope for better ch1ys." Boy- " Six." every m ember of the h ouseh old. I did n't come to see you about that, 1into play, and five carat stones "' w ould be "No, ther e are only five. " in a first claes harness shop, comprisiug . 1fr. P lease look at t his paper. Grand- valued in the t housands. " Yes , t here are six." for,hn fonnd it in the court-yard t he d ay l It is not likely t hatthe diamond of moder "Nam e them." · HOR~£ TRIJNKS, 'VALISES, 4 SA.T(;llELS. IN S'fOCK. Mr R"th~ay died. l S<IW Miss Alice's 1 ate size will ever be much lower in value "The torrid zone, the northern a nd sout h - ; ' J · ' \). LI ' J · I · 't d b ] ·t t " · · I h d ern temperate, and nortnern. ancl southern . . . d .d W k d Il . . name on 1 , ~n so roug it l o you. I than i t is now. n t e wor s of a popular f . "d " See our B ull Bone Wh1ps-somethmg new. We have also m s tock ~- r eie or an epainng a, :Squire Gr<1.y unrolled the y ellow, di scolor - writer, The din.moPd is the very essence of n gi j d " That's five · what is the oth er zone ?" S peciaI ty, as u sua I. e P"P"r, un 1 y t he _ long ~r...amhle oi w?ich prop erty. It is rich es. coi:densed ; too srnull j " O-zone.'" ' , E~ ~Ml Kl_ R,~ ' ~ ~. Il ~.: '") , 1 D. DA VIS. w~s C iest r'.>yc·' starmg oit it m a maze of b e- to be seen by the m1dm ght burglar; too ~-c l'i'Hl'll.1\1 ~ n A n , . ~ w1ltlered oci>ght. easily hid to b e seized by t he tyrant : too l t~ $8 a day. Samplt-s an~ dut~ FH 1£E " l d it of u.ny use, si r ?" quickly carried away to be wres L ed from Of the original m embers of P lymouth l ,m es not under the l-.<>r' o s feet. Write " U 1 W h bl b · · G 'l "l · · I BREWS'l'ER's SA~'l!ll'Y R.icrn HOLDER se · Y'. ess you, oy, it 1s 1 · the cx1 e or t he outlaw. A diamond is a Church, Brooklyn, only two- Henry C. j far Horses and Uattle, a su re cure for bruises, sprains, cuts, and sores of all kinds. Shop-Sign of the Big Collar. 17-3m Co .. Holl, Mich, bert Rothsay's will, which restores to Miss portable empil·e." I Bowen and John T. Howard- are living. I POpllIaf NQ· 1' ) BQQt an d ShQe I EM P 0 R I U M I fa~h= l~~t ~~~~ ~~r:::~erufi;'g:te speaker 's ,. ca3~~~=:c~~!:l~ii;roC:::!d one-half caraw !}I'e1~t t~= e;tc~~:<lofn~~e~ni~ss I~h~~e ~~~~ur: l l " Sir, I n ever yet aided a man in turning , each, $125 p er carat. In~ght, nor more tha.n $500. This woul~ net lJ] _ , _ IDilll ~IT1 !R rn )J j illl ill )J rn !B - ! I LJGHT AND HEAVY HARN ESS I " BLANKETS ROBE SR UCS "OVERS WHIPS BRUSH ES ETC - o I -. LI ' . .·. Q. y L EM B , 0 c ATI o N $5

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