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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Apr 1887, p. 8

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Clarke Township News. Orono News. WAKE UP. If we startle you, beg pardon, but it i s neces sar y to be wide awake in order to be happy in this world. When those thing~ which y o u desire are just out of reach you oug ht to keep your eye s wide open for new ideas and methods which will help you to s ecure what yon want. Now th e truth may as well be told. This is an advertisement but we have made it just as entertai ning a s possible and if you will be still for one minutf', and listen s et forth. it l'ttl f 1 . I to some truths which arc herein will take up but very e O . There is no question but what it will do y ou good providing you are a p e r s on who can appreciate a good off e r and when the golden 't f th t t oppor uni Y O e season prescn s its elf, you will grab it without d e lay . Now what we want to do is to make you all happy by selling Jou the b e st new goods in the market sueh as, D ry G oo d s, H a t s, C aps and Jewelry at. figures within the reach of ver y shm pocket books. We are fully prepared to carry . . out our pa1t of the undertakmg and all you need to do to prove that W P- mean business ii; to drop in any rlay a nd l e t us convince you with goods and figures that this · b k b l' s tatement 18 ac ed y so td fact~ In order to accomplish our aim and to make it c omfortable and pleasant for 1:,uyers with limited or unlimited means we have been ob. dt t ~ t d h' h 1ig.e O pu our J.00 own on ig prices pretty hard at the very start. Mind you we hav'nt in any way s hape or manner cheapened the quality, or lowered the high grade we have always made it a point to maintain, but are prepared to furnish one and all with good honest goods at lowest living prices. Carefol buJing enables us to receiv e a fuU line of bright new goods at fig ures very favorable to our plan of makng this season's sale one long to be remembered as a bonanza for our customers. You should not fail to see our new Spr :Wg Stock. .It's a rattler. y~ur ime. t' . l It cos ts nothing to look and nobody will a s k. nor expect you to spend a cent with us, unless you find it to your interest to do so. We have our goods to sell, we are determine d to make' them go and it is our intf ntion to paint this. town red i n our efforts to dispose -0f thi s sto ck quickly. We don' t p ropose to g i v e goods away but w e b ou g ht o u r s t ock right, and we do propose to put a price on the m which will make i t an object for t he p e ople to c ome and take t hem away. It ought to b e apparent to s ens i b l e peop lo t h a t e xtr a good b argains may be exp e cted of us under these circums tances and that those who purchase of u s are bound to c ome ou t ahead. W e think so, and w e think we c an prove t o you that it i s s o. You ca,n't come and s ee about this any too soon. Remember our choicest bar gains will be :first to go. They are all good, but some mur:t necessarily be better thau othe r s, therefore improve the opportunity without delay, as it has over a nd over b een demonstrated that the early bird catches the worm. Our Tailoring Department is climbing the ladder of fame higher and higher as time rolls on and we b e gin to wonder where it is going to s t o p . Our stock is the largest; our a ssor tment the most varied, and fit the most pt:rfect, our cut the most artistic, our trimmings the best and most durable, our prices the lowest. J. J. MASON General Dry Goods & Jewelry llouse. l Mrs. 'l.' hos McCrea, N e 1v Park is dead . Mr. J. II. Pool has left Newcastle for Owen Sound. Mr. J oe Pounder has opened a barber shop at Pontypool. Mr. Horace Moulton has been appointed collector of taxes at $90. Mr. Thoe, Miller, merchant,haa r et:irned from Toronto to Newcastle. A. A. McMurtry, Newtonville, is now owner of "Warrior Chief." Our council has fixed the Treasurer's salary a t $110, which includes incidentals. James H. G ilmour, of T. Gilmour & Co., Wholesale Grocer s, Brock ville, says - I have used Tama,rnc Elixir or a severe cold and cough, which it m medit t ely r elieved and cured. A motion t o close the Town H all ag~linst dancing was lost in the Council. 'l'he council h ave added Hugh McCl1esney and Amoe McPherson to the indigent list. Wheezing, gasping sufferers from Asthma receive qui ck and permanent relief by using Southern Asthma Oure. Sold by druggist or by mail on receipt. of price. · :t: . It costs .the Council $76 a m on th for md1gen1 aid. At the last meeting of Council ver.Y little business was transacted beeides posting a ccounts. T.nu.itAc. -Wh en so hoarse your voice seems unnatural, get thee to your drug· gist for a bottle of :r'amarac] Elixir. ]t never fails to cure Hoarseness Cou 0 hs Colds, etc. ' "t ' Jubilee Council R. T. of T. was or gan· ized at Newtonville recently with 40 members. Mr. w,. Jones, Jr., has ~oved from Newtonnlle to Orono to go mto butcher· ing. I . N. Marshall, Barrister, Brock ville, Ont., states : -I "as so troubled with col~ in the head th.at~ could not speak plarnly. One a pplication of Nasal Balm gave immf·dia.te r elief a nd thoroughly clean ed out my head. t A Goon LwE P1msEnv En.- T . MilSCHOOL REPORTS. burn & Co ., - I was co.mpletely r eliev.ed S. S, No. 9, CLAR:S::E.- 5th Class- Mary Ren. fr?m that dreadful disease d~speps1a, Alice Ha.mm. Mattie Colville. Senr 4th with only four bottles of that life i;opre- wick, Clas1Mary '\Tilson, Dora Dickson. Alex s erver- B.B.B. and cheerfully r ecom- Colville, Jr. 4th Class- Willie Renwick, mend i t to any one subject to such dis- Jessie Dixon, Earne·t Gibson. Senr 3rd-Jas. Dickson, Milton P ollard. ,Tr, 3rd Claasease. P. DEVAN.NY' Morrisburg, Ont. Phoebe Gibson, John Eason, ·.fercy Barrett. 2nd-Chas McDonald, Maud Barrett, C. McCullough, and Joseph William- Senr, Stanley J effery; Jr. 2nd Class- Freddie Dow· en, Alli<' Buckley. Florer1ce .Bellwood. Senr son. Orono, left for Chicago last wet>k. lat Clasa-13ertie Rowan, Jl.lurray Ba.rrett, J The funeral of Truman Hall, Orono, Lewie Ohapple. Jr.1st Class-Henry Dickson, last Wednesday was largely a t tended J,ewie Buckley, Herbert Brown. 'l'he followP1msoNAL.-Georg9 Legault, of Tay- ing were present every da.y in the monthMary Renwick. Alice Hamm. l'fla.ry Wilson, side, Ont. , sa31s he can heartily recom- Dora Dickson, Willie Ren wick, ,,Ettie BuckJessie Dixon, :Metta Hamm, Milton Poll· ley, mend Yellow Oil as the best reliever of 11rd James Dixon, John Mason. May Barrett, rheumatic pain, his father and mothei· Chsrlle Chspple, St&nley J efl'er,- and Allie liaving suffered for years with rheurua- Buckley, Average attendance 3G. KA.TE n.. tism, aud all remedies iiail~d except Yel· l:;QUAIR, Teacher. 8. s. No. 19, DARUN(}TON.-5th Class-Mary low Oil. Smith, Annie Smith,;Klttle Argue. 4th Class Lieut. Cunningharu' of the S. A has Arthur Gilbert, Susie McLean, lda Gilbert, · James McLean. Sr 3rd-Mar:r McLean. Jr left K endall for Renfrew where he'll be 3rd- SRra McLean, Chas. Rich&rde, 2nd Clase -Ida. McLean, Geo..Bryant. · Part 2nd- Willie caplain. Cryderman. Milton Gilbert, r,uther Gilbert, Sneak .thieves stole two small pigs Levi ·rordiff; Part 1st- Frank McLean, '!'hoe. from John Glover, Starkville, the other McLean, .t..llle Robbins. 'l'ablet-I.illie Gilbert, Mary Cryderman, Lillie Ham, F . J· night. Why did th<>y not equea.11 GROAT, 'l'eacher. A CoMMOM Ooouitlt};NOE . -Many bad T1moNE ScuooL.-5th Clase - W. Emerson. joints, by which people are crippled for Sr . 4th Clas ~- M:aggie Hod1<sou, ] ·· Kenner. E . Cade, C. Gardiner. N. Boll. J r. 4tll-Bertha .life, are made by neglected or badly Branton, R. Walters,'!', Hoidge. Sr. 3rd-W, treated rheumatism. Ida Plank, of Bingham. W. Branton. Jr. 3rd-H. Pettinger, A. Clemens. F. Penfo1md, H. Collacutt, M. Strathroy,Out., was afflicted with rheumJ')wel, .A , Manniug, C, Souch. H. Emmerson, atism in her fingers so that she could n ot M. Branton. 2nd Class- C. Branton, Edgar b end them. Yellow Oil cured her,and is Hancock, Norman Collacntt, H , Hancock, S. ott.in11er, Phemia Colla.cutt, J'a.mes Simpson, a prompt cure for all painful complaints. P M. Kenner, S. Hoidge, E. Willia.ms. T. Simp. Mr Stephen Cronkhite, one of Orono' s son, A. Bell, F . Kenner. P t. 2, Sr,- A.ddie Boll, alfred Ga.rdiner,L. Penfound, R. Je\Vell, old band boya, is on a visit there. ~teve F. Moor . o. Pollara. Part 2, Jr.- Ethel Bran· looks hal0 and hearty. ton, L. Cade, Willa Souch, J. Scott, L. Mc· J,au ghlin, J, McLa.ughlin, R. BinKha.m. J, Mr. Charles McPher son and wife, of ODl!:LJ,, Teacher. Orillia, are visiting at her M other's, Mrs. TYRONE PROMOTION EXAMINATION.- From Part 2. Jr. to Sr.- Willa Souch, Lena Cade, E, S taples, Orono, who is dan gerously ill. Branton, J . Scott, L. McLa.uglin..T. Mcf,a.ughMrs. Mary .Amberson who died on the Jin. Part 2. Sr. to Jr. 2nd- L, Penfound, A . trdiner. R. J ewell, 1<'. Moor, 0. Pol· 15th of April, 1887, was a very old i·esi- Bell, A. G1 la.rd, Sr; 2to Jr. 3rd- C.Dranton,N Collacutt, dent, hM ing lived in Orono and vicini ty E. Hancock, G. Pettinger, Phenia Collacutt, for 50 years. .faDles Simpson. Jr.. 3rd to S>·. 3rd·- Fred Pon· fo uod, A. Manning, M. Jewell. H, Collacutt, OvERWol\KED.-"My husband strained Henry P ettinger, A. Clemens, St'. 3rd to'Jr. h imself with overwork, causing a large Hb-W. Bingham. Jr.1th to Sr, '1th- Rhoda swelling in the groin. H e suffered gr eat Walter, B. Dmnton. ENNISKILLEN SCilOOL RE.PO U T FOR MARCH agony, which doctol'e failed to relieve; Sr. 3rd-Ella i:ltuinton. Calom :Mill..John Virh e co11l d n ot eat n o!' sleep. E . B. B. tue. Wm. l) ;,a.n. J.,ottie Rogers. Jr. 3rd- Harry quickly curod him. H e says h e never Pye, I~mru a Lewis. J os . D~an, G e0. 'l'bompsun, Wm. McLaren- Senr, 2nd- Wm , Stainten, had s uch quick r elief in his life." E x- Sydney 11ockaday, Osbert Byers Mabel Hut. tract from a · l ett er from Mrs. George chison, W m. H ogers. J r. 2nd-Webster Yir· .tlosk , Cooksville, On t · tue. Haro\d Mitchell. Lena fllnchison, Geo. i Lewi~. Emma Outram. Jame3 Brown. C. N. P ontypool is " hef ty on style". T he 1 CALr,1rnDAR, 'l 'eacher. town Scribe writes: '.l'he blondes a nd . LAl{E Y n :w. C.Am"V:HI<lIIT.--:4th Class. 11 · Jtmma.McNe1l 232, Mimne M0Ne11 222, Edwin brunnettes m fu spring co&tume prom- Veale 205. Bertie Devitt 200. Mag<(ie 1\1aha ffy ena.d e 0 11 t he boulevards ab ou t seven. 181, Willie MJore 116~ Jos. Veale 49. 3rd Class Sr.-Florence Peel 22.1. Wesley, Mills 118, Essy T HE usu.A.I, TRE.ATMENT of catarrh ia Nay 43,~Honry Milla 32. ·rhird ClassJ r.-Sam very un:;;a tfa fact ory, 'IS t housands of d ~s- Mo.harry 228, Percy l'vlcNeill 213, Walter Yea.le l 76, Edga.r P eel, 16I, Su~an Chapman 154, P airing patients can testify. On thi s poin t Ethel Thampson U3, Lena Thompson 137. a trustworthy m edical writer saya: Proper i:lr. 2nd Class- Bmma 'l'homton 17G Sarah T I ry t Williams Richard 'Williams 159, Wesley t · 1oca1 t reat men is posi ive Y necessa · 0 Uf\mpbell167. 149. Minnie Sloam UO, Liza Sloam success but many if not most of the H!l, Minnio Chapman I 2<J , .Benie Cowan 128 rtimedies in g eneral use by ph31stcians Willie Sloam 121, l<' rnddie Willan 108. Jr. 2nd afford but t emporary b enefit A cure cer- Class-IJ;'!rbie C<>wan 1 2~. Part 2nd-Cho.r.lie ' · . Found foo, Jaa. F "1md fo5, Arthur McIIaire taiu! y c<Lnn ot b e expected from an uifa , U6. ·HAT'l'rn E. G ll:l.BS. Teacher. powders, douches and washes. Ely'11 ! HAlll.PTON SCFIOOL-;-From Jr.4t!1 to Sr. 4thCrca,m Balm is a remedy which combines Everett Rrown. r,omA ~!ford . .l' rank Mason, . . . . k . I Lorena Salter, Emma ~cott, 'V1 1l Crydennan, the important requisites of qu1c act10n, Lydia Law, Ida Scott Illa Allin. J<'rum Sr. 3rd specific curative power with p erfect to Jr. 4Lh-John B· Horn, Emily Cryde1·m1tn, . t John Wr,etaway, Wm. J. Coleman, Albert safe t Y an d · P1easan t uess t o th e pa t ten Allin Mand Hastings. From Jr 3rd Lo i:lr 3rd II -Lily McLean, Lottie Bee1', ro K :E:llis. Wm. . Such, M. J. Katerson, Mabel Pascoe, Laura. Our new Spring styles in Mr. G. A. Andrus, of Port Hope, Mr. J ' rank C1·yderm..n, J'ohn Sa.lter. Rosia Lane. l< J. H. Allin of Courtice, Mr. H. Arm- H. Cole Subject to the supervision of the ln· epector. ]:(.. J. Nm DERY, Teacher. strong, L. Pat ton and H. Chapple, of Toronto.spent their Easter holidays with friends in Orono. BABYHOOD for April is pa.rticularly interestini.: and valuable to younl{ mot,hers and are now in. The A lengthy courtship has terminated in to parents 17enerally. Its leadmg articl e, STOPS a matl'imunia l union of Miss Lizzie on "Habitual Constipation and its Dom· Droppfcgs from 1::.4 w Underwood and Mr. George Cowan, of ostic M anag.;mont," by Dr. Louis STAHR, N s.so.1 p assngcs i n~ · h ·· profesEor of Diseases of Child1·en in the to the throat an<l Ken d a l1, at t h e Met od1st pa.reonage, Hospital of ~he Unuersity of Pennsylvania, · EASY TO USE. is a P"-rtical disco1u~e of the C=>Ust<s, relief is all the rage-i!!old only at the Eclipse excessive expectoration cm1scrl by Catarrh. Sent N ewton ville. AsTONISHING Succ:iss.-It is the duty and IH·evontion of this distre~sing condition prc-pnid on receipt of price, 50c. und $1. Addrcu H ouse. Our of f>.very person who has used Ro3 chee's ~o ('.ommon amonl! younl! childr~n . It con· FULFORD & CO., Brookville, Ont. tai11s several Ii~~· of diet adapted to the German &Jr~v to lei; ita wonderful quali- powers of digestion of different ages of Young Men, Bache l ors and Now when tho budsbejr!n t ies be knovrn to their friends in ouring babies, the particu.lar valne of each a.rticle of · to Nhow, Widowe;·s, Consumption, severo Coughs, Croup, food being pointed 011t. " Sore Throats" is 'Tll! timo tor youni nn<l ol<I to know M !ll 'YALKllR, who As i.hma, Pneumonia, and in fact all discussed by Dr. JEUO TbatFo 'VCT·, L<usit ucle an<l throat and Jung dieea·es. N o p erson can. gives thP methods of examining the throa1:o 1 goi ng off very rapidly. Th: }ns at I n<Iiucstio11s use it without immediate reltef. . Three and its appea··anc~ in th" sev..ral clisPasea affec,ing it, as well us the cnur.,.; of t rnat. CO\ll, 11 · · li/1' .,, · · r/ff With every trouble, a.cbe 'llWT"ll ..,,, I g·1ve a I "' J.~a~ ~ X:.YO :l!CD mcnt to bu pursued. Dr. C1um. Es H. MAY d· 'Ses will relieve any c<1sfl, aud we con ~. '!)' orpt\ln, j sider i t the duty of all Druggists to rec- t ells graphically all about " Cross-Eyes or '~~,.., Tbai'r~~~?wa1n t11eBiliou$ \Silvcr t·Jated T ea § p o ons ommend it to the poor, dying consump- Squint" in young children . In the departW!ll scatter like thethleveB or night ,.,.·· tll eve 1·y We·l t" . ""' .,. R1"11P' Jle!ore 11. d!·auirhto!Seltzerbrl(;'ht. "' · · ' l e.-" ~· . ~ t ive, at least t o try on e b ottle, as 80,000 mrn t of "Nursery Prohlem~, " cn.refliladvice A SPECIALTY. il4 given upon uLa.tc 'l:eothing,n uJ~xcessive -· -·-" 1 he sells du1· ang ld1 §;~JH~.a rM.ng ld 1 d w er o an aat yen.r , an n o on e C&:te :N<'!!O· Bleerlln;.{/' ' \Colic ...\cc..:,ropa·::.1 iJJ~ Nnr~ H ·.}R,'l ' li\H{, N C(J V 1, \ v. r,.. ··" g111ter) . when' it failed was repor 1.tld , Such a siu i<. ·· " Gi mdin~ the Teet.h." , tc; and in O n ~ by t h e only fir~t-cl a~s cu tter in tol'ln, ~ wit.h C?..l r a mo u t; lt 01 .d by Hid e , 10,. "-'h' . A I Out Sale. 50 med ;ci1w as thr, German Syrv.p cam .ot be ' "l'be Mothern' P ariiani.,m," such m ~tters --·-choice of two will be giveu. W. W .i:;u.RY. Rose· \ to widA ly known. . Ask you r druggist as " C1rcumcisioo," ·'Temper in :81 \hics," l ~ ndvule stook ~'c:-m , So!in:.i. S·tf u ;OR SALE OH, HKN'l' lN NE W about. it. Sam pl.~ bottle11 t o try, sold at " Caring- for the ]finger-Nails," "Arsenic in J[l castle. A DweJJin;.: Buu~e wit h two.fifths JO cents. R egular size, 75 ce.;it.s. Sold ·wol!·P>iper, " Fl,mr l{all·." etc ., n 1·e di~cUR· U !".,LS F OR SALE .---'l'wo Shor tH orn of an nc"' of !tmd,3H" etrd '" .· Mill f'lt.,,Newcas· sed by t he motl.t0rd thewsdves, 1' 1 e<:n",s a. Hulls for sE.lo-will rea1 sler in D. 0. H. ) tlo. Tills is a ver y choice Lot-- one oft h e besi DJt. unv·s ' 'fO IUI SJ'JtuP- An agrccal1 l v, b y al! Druggists and D ealers1 in the JJtimber; $ 1.50 a year. Babyhood Publishing l'ri~e v1i11neru a t th r: fa ir. ·,r errn~ ea sy, to su it in tl1c Villag. W il! b·~ _ £'):it n.t ~ ha!.· gain . s at'o nnd cmictuul r 111.11e<ly to i·c mo vc al Lh e tiweo. LIG \'t SKIN NM<, 'l.' yrouc. 11- 6w Apply to Mns. BE1, u, Newcustk. 13 --3 w ·> United S ~ atea and Canada. 42 , Co., 5 Beekman Street, NewYork. Ji h uls ol worms. T. Morrow an.i J. Whittaker h r e gone from N ewtonville to live in Roch il· ter. Dr. Chandler has established a braw ·h of his wholesale dental bueinesa in [ 11.e Mv.il Building, Toronto. A SEvERB AT:rACK.- "I nevu f elt b etter in my life than I hiwe since taking Burdock Blood Bitters. I had a severe bilious 11.ttack, I could not eat for several days, and w ..s nn1tble to work. One bottle cured me."JoHN M. RICHARDS, Sr., 'fara, Ont. For all biliOUb tdoubles use B.B. B. A joint stock butter and chee~e company is organizin11: at Newtonville. M c'ssrs. Dickey, Moffatt, Mitchell, Milligan, Rei d, P arsons, Grey all d A . Paterson, are among the first subscribers. "Heaven is not reached at a single bound," s nng Dr. Holland, a~d the same may be said of health . But many a sick person would make rapid str ides in t he di rection of complete health by using Dr. R . V . Pierce,s "Golden Medical Discovery ." It is a sovereign r emedy for all forms of scrofulous dl3e..ses, king's evil, tumors, white swelli u g~, fever-sores, scrofulous sore eyes, as well as for other blood and skin diseases. :f: The m ost enjoyable of g aiheringsi this season was the Bach elors' Social, last Monday eveniug given by the young men of the M ethodist church . After an abundant serv ice of Maple Sugar and other good thiiigs in the Ilall, all resorted to the church school-room where the chair was occupied by Wm McCormack with a dignity and grace that reflected credit on 1he brotherhood which he represen ted . Recitations and readings were furni shed by Messrs. Brown, of Leslrnrd, l\foDowell, of Kirby. Benson, Rae and Powers, Orono, vocal and instrumental music by MesHa Armstrong, Staples, 'l'hornton, 0. Powers and McDowell., and short spicy sp1rnches from Me<;isrs. Moment and Knox, and Revs. Dunlop aud Walker. SURE TO SATISFY.- There are many remedies for coughs and colds, but there a re fe w that prove so satisfactory as Hagya rds pectoral Balsam, which is a. pleasant and reliable cure for all throat aud lung troubles, focluding bronchitis, asthma, croup, whooping cough and th e p ul· monary complaints of young <>r old· Ta:!! Pon·1· H orE Tini~" 8.1.1'.s. - The steam- i er Norsema.n made her debut,for 'he season Oit' THE SHAREHOLDERS OF of 1887, this morning. She appears re splendent in brigM, fresh paint. Tbe eutire steamer hus been renovat ed, and her HELD .AT THE HEAD m~FICE OF Tirn BANK, AT OSHAWA, snmmor soils fits 1md becomes her remi.rk. WED.N ESDAY, THE 13th APRIL, 1887. ably well. Her l11sl years' officers ,resume t h eir places, and abed the light of their THE FOLLOWI NG S HAREHOLDERS WERE PHESEN'l':--:J.onN Cow.rn, countenances over her. Gap\. Geo. CrawEsq,, R. S. HAMLIN, Esq ., W. ll' . .ALLEN, Esq., Dit. McINToSII, W. F. OowAN ford anil Purrnr Cunningham are at their Esq., Ttto~fAS PATERSON, .ll:sq., T. H. McMILLAN, Esq·, J. A. GrnsoN, Esq., C. W. ScoTT, Esq., EDWARD l{UTLEJIGE, Esq., and JOHN M cLAUGLIN,Eaq. posts wilh a smiling greeting, and the oomThe President, Mn. .JoHN Cow.AN, occupied the chair, and the cashier, MR: Mc · forls of the passeugers 11re aesidiously at'ended to by lhe de!I sleward. The Norse· MILLAN, acted 11s Secretary to the meeting. The Directors b eg to present the Shareholders with their Fifth Annual Report man opens ou what we trns' may be a busy exhibiti ng the fin.;n cial posi tion of the Bank upon the 28th Febrnary, 13l:S7, at which and prosperous season. She will deserve date the focal year terminates. it. 'l'he 11et eurnmga for t he yoar amount to $36, 367. 41, from whic1. there has baen Dn. J . D. KEEGAN, of Detroit, Michigan, J withdrawn and paid two dividends, N os. 8 an~ 9, aggr~gating $21,813.76, bein~ at is coming and invites his friends, patients the rate of 7 per ce nt. per annum upon th e paid up capital at the d at &s upon which they were r espectively d eclar ed. a n d Rll persons of t his seclion who suffer l!'rom t he $14, 553.65 s ur plus profits r emaining, t h e snm of $10,000:00 has b een from any ailmen t, to cull ou him for 11 pel'- d educ ted aud placed t o the R es t Acco uut, and th e ba.lauce , iu excess $4,553.65, sonal in\&rvicw, free opinion of or h"eatcariied to the credit of J>rofit and Loss Account. meot for their t roubles, dming the l )llowBy the addition of the above $10,000.00 the ]test Account wi1! I'.OW stand at ing nppointments : Whitby, Roya.I Hotel, $35.000.00. 'l'he bu·i ness of t he bank continues to show a lrnaJ1hy growth, d eposits, circulaMay 2nd ; Osbnwn, Cen\ral Hotel, Tuesday lYlay 3rd ; Bowmanville, Ruebottom tion and discounts being each considarably above the figures presented in t he previous annual ata.t ement, while the earnings repre~ent about twelve per cent. upon House, Wednesday May 4th; Cobour~, the yearly average of paid up capital after allowance is made for the ex penditure Thursday May 5th, nnd Port Hope, St. increased by the openinp: of an oJiice iu P aisley, which expendit ure was wholly Le,wrence Hall, Friday May 61h. Dr. Ker- written off. '.l'h is u e w Agency, we are pleased to say, promis es to prove profitable in t he imgun 1a a man of rare ability in his profession and deservedly popular wilb the Ca- mediate futul'e. A thorough ~crutiny of° the assets of t he bank at all agencies and head offiaa, .ha& nnaian pe<'ple by whom he is more largely bee n recently made, and your Directors have reason to be satisfied wi th the nature patronized than are all his rival specialists of the securities held for advances. combined, Give him a call. All the officials in the employ of the Bank have shown themselves worthy of the Wu ...-r TcwN .-We chp the following from trust reposed in them. JOHN COW.AN, the Porl Hope Times cf Wednesda:y: ··Yes.Al'l!IL 13th, 1887. President. terd~y afternoon, Ohief Dou(!Jas, as is bis . ~ ---custom, was a.I the G. T. H. stl\tion on the arrival of the mixed train going weel. A - OFcon ~i a.ble from a town a short dis,once up the lino stepped to the IJlntform. "How d 'ye (hie) do," he said. "Pretty well," "l On the 28th February, 1887. d-(bic)idn'I think you'd ko ·(hio) ow me; ~--~-~o~--~~but I remem'er you b'y're (hie) coal and N et Profits for the year after reserving Interest accrued on deposits ...· . $36,367 ,41 cap" was Ibo beery reply. Tho chief did Applied to payment of Dividend No. 8 ....... . ... , .... $10,635 12 not recognise his loq uaci ons companion but " ,, " " 9 .... .. ..... .. .. . 11,178 ti4 asked him:how were all lhe folks and where Carried to Rc.'lst Account ....... . .... . ... .... .... . .... . . 10,000 00 he had been. "l (hie) jush bin down t' Balance at Credit of Profit and Loss Account . .··. . .· · , · 4,553 G5 $36,367 41 Oobourg, (hie) look two prisbners down for LIABILI'rIES. ASSE TS. v i·(hic)lashun Scoll Act; Ibey got thirty daysb." The m oral is not hard to find. Capital paid up .. .. ...·. . .. $320,424 48 Specie ..... .. .. .. . ....... . $16,074 78 Reserve ·............·.···.·. 35,000 00 D ominion Notes. . .. .. . . . . . . 28,037 00 How can an act be enforced wben its provisions are broken by the oftlciala whose Not es in ciroulatton ... . ... ... 258,315 00 N otes and Cheques of other B anks.. . ..... . . . · · . . · 20,267 1)9 Due to Depositors . ..·.... . .. 571,054 30 dnly it is to give ii efi'eot." " " other Banks in Canada 248 25 Due from other Banks in CanCmCKlilT.- Tbe annual meeting of 'be h " Reserved interest. . . . . 3,215 22 ada ......·..... - .. .... 138,281 55 Bowmnnville Cricket Club was held in Mr. 5,102 37 " " Dividend No. 8..... .. 8 75 Due fromAgents in N ew York " " Dividend No. 9 ..... .· 11,178 64 " " " London, Eng. 0,511 67 W. l:I. Ormiston's dlfoe on Wednesday Balance at Credit Profit and nigh\, when the following officers were L ase Account ...... . .... 4,553 65 To tal Cash .As3ets l mmedfotely elected : Hon. Pres., Col. Cubilt; Presi· available .········. · . · . $217,275 '26 den&, W. J.e Jones; Vice-President; Wm. Bills Diecounted Cur rent .. . 968.S83 64 McKay, Sec.-Treas.; W, E. Middle,on; Past Due Bills secured.. . . . · 1;050 00 do. unsecured. . . . 8,022 23 Com., Messrs. W. McKay, Thos. Drodie, Office Safes and Furnit ure. . 4,810 72 John Morris, W. B. Ormiston, E . J. Books, Stationery and B11nk Dnnean attd T. H.t: McMillan. The subNute .Plate . .. , ·.·.. .. . 4,340 28 scription was fixed at: one dollar, payable Guaran\ee Account,., ·.... . 116 25 in advance, and YeRsrs. McKay, McMillan ----::z-- and Middleion were elected a committee 'o $1,203,998 38 $1,203 998 38 canvass for members. The Club .l:as 111T, H. M cMILLAN. ready arranged for a ma,ch wi'h the. Eas' 0 s H4WA, 28th Feb., 1887. Cashier. Toron'o Cricke~ Clnb, &o be played on Moved by the President, and seconded by the Vice-President, that the Report their grounds on July 23rd. They also aa read be :idopted, printed and circulated amongst the shareholders. Carried. purpose giving a Concert the latter par& of M it. McL.1.u c HLIN, seconded by M1t. RUTLEDGE, moved, that t he t hauka of the May. shareb oldors are du e and 11re hereby tendered to the Presiden t, Vice-P resid en t and As announced, the E xhibition Oar of the Directors of the Bank fl'r t h e manner in which they have conduct ed the affairs of C. P. R· was here on Friday las,, Owing the Bank during t he p as t. y ear, and t hat the sum of $500 be appropriated to the use of the Board for their services. Carried· to the unfavorable weather during the MR. ALLEN, seconde d by .MR. GrnsoN, moved, that the thanks of the sharehold· aflerncon, there was not as many visitors ers be given to the Cashier and ot her officers of the Bank for their atten tion to the as last year. Oapt. C. V. Allin, an old interests of the Dank. Carried. MR. PATEltSON, seconded by Dn. M clNTOSll, moved, that this meeting do no w journalist and a very genial, and obliging proceed to elect by b allot seven Directors t o fill the place of those retiring, and gentlc"man, has charge of ihe car, wilh ;N. that lVlessr « C. \V. SoOT'.l' a11d J oHN M cLAUGHLIN be scrutineol'B for said election, C. Nolin and Harry R. Charlton, as assis· and that the p oll remain open for one hour to r eceive the votes of the shareh olders, tauts. The products are tnslily arranged, but that should five minut1B elapse at any t ime without a. vote having been taken, and w bile forming docora tive material for the poll shall be doclared closed, and that t he scrutineers bd paid four dollars each the interior of the coach, are at the same for their serviceB. Carried. t ime seen l o the very best advanlage, The scrutineers reported the following seven gentlemen a11 having rnceived the unanimous V<-t e of the shareh olders, viz: JonN CowAN, E sq., R. S. HAMLIN, E sq .· Among the most striking of the exhibits W. F. COWAN, E sq., Dit. M cl N'.l'OSll, W. F · .ALLEN, Esq., 'l':rrnHAS PA'l'ERSON, E sq., are:-A section of Douglas fir or "Oregon and J. A. Q rn:;oN, Esq., who were d eclared duly elected Directors for the ensuing pine," 561 yea.rs old , 8 ft. in diameter, from y ear. A vote of thanks was then t endered th th e Chairman for 11is able con duct in Brilish Col 1:1mbia: a me,ple leaf 21~ inches the Chair, and t he meeting adjourned. in diameter ,also from lhe Pacific Province; At a. su bseq uent m eeting of th e new B oard, JOHN Cow.AN, E sq. , was unanimously n atural~grnsses from lhe prairie rngion,also elected President and R . S . fl.AMLIN, E sq., Vice-President. wild pen 'tine, wil<l veLchea, wild h ops, wild hemp; linseed oil cake, manu facl\ired in Win nipeg from flax seM grown by the Russian Mennonites, settled in Southern Manitoba; t wo excellent samples of oatmeal from Winmpeg; and canned fruits ALLAYS HEAD. (wild and domestic) from various pads of lNFL AM~I A O~ . ihel North-West; specimens of groin pl"Uduced on the Indian Farm, Fort William, and photographs o Rocky Mountain views a.n a~prnirie formin g scenes. l\fr. H. B . Andrew, the local .Agent, will accept thanks for courtesies extended. THE FIFTH GENERAL MEETING. THE WESTERN BANK OF CA NADA, I STATEMENT OF LIABILITIES AND ASSETS THE WESTERN BANK OF CANADA, THE Eolipso Honso is still ahead ·. HATS JOHN GRIGG. "Jubilee Christie" Spring Ties, Collars, Cuffs and Underclothing TO MARRY Le ~@~~F.~ m Flt!E ORDERED CLOTHING Vo/. H. IVES. S B

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