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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 May 1887, p. 4

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AHEAD! What all sny m ust be true. And you hear fN m 1111 sides of my stylish and petty Wall F11opers. Don't purchase ere you have seen my Patterns. Almost every day I am told ml)! selection is the best in this Dliltrict. ~EN WIND OW SHADES, . EVlliRY SIZE & PATT.h:RN. OF if?ALDING'S BA SE BALL GOODS; ..ALSO T HE CHEAPER LJNES. EzyRESS W .A.GONS , CROQUET, .HAMMOCKS, R U BB EH. BALLS, ETC. , ETC. A BEAUTIFUL OIL CHROMO, IN F ANCY GILT FRAME, FOR ONLY $ 1.50. PICTURE FRAM ING VER Y LOW. P. TREBILCOCK. =-- ---..:__--·--Wat ~~tl.Mltau l'tnttJtman. ~~~------....-....------~._,....._~- 9 :30 A, M , Devotione.l .11xercises. 9:45- Bible class lesson for May 8th. "The Child Moses," Exodus 2, 1-10. Rev. R , D. Fraser, M.A. , Bowmanville. 10:30-"Tempera.nce in Sunday schools." Introduced by R ev. S. Sa.hon, Euniskillen . 11:15-"How can the ·Children best be led to the 13av1our1" Iutroduoed by Alf. Day, E sq. 12:00- Adjournment. FOUltTR SESSION, . 2 P . ll . Ma.as meeting of S..l;>bath School children; Binging by th e children ; addresses by Rev. E . Roberts, Bowma11".-ille, Alf. Day, E sq., and R ev. A. Fraser, Orono. 3:30- Busineas r esumed. 4 :00- "How to r etatn the older Scholars." Introduced by W. J . Roy, E sq., B ethesda. 5 :00- .Adjoarnment. FIFTH 8&6i\ION, 7:30 P , M . D evotional exercies. 7.45- Addreas, · "How t o Interest the Sabbath Sch ool inMi11sionary Worlr," D r. J. W. McLaughlin, M.P. P ., !Bowmanville. 8 :15- Address, R ev. M. Gunn, B owman ville. Collection. 0 :00-Question Drawel', R ev. Barrass, M.A. H ampton. Resolut ions. Closing addresses, Rev. C. E . Mcintyre, and others. Music at i.J&tervals by the choir. Collections will be taken a t t he evening seasione. " Gospel Hymns," N os. l to 4, will be used. EDWARD BARB.ASS, M . A. P res. v m tem. 'llllltD l!ESSION1 '.rllURSDAY, Parlor Social Extraor,iiua.ry. ._ TOWN STATISTICS. S lJMMAltIZJID FROl\C THE A..SB:ISSOR'S ll.lll'OR'.r, 'l'oronto ha.a eclipsed all competitors as a m<i.n ufa.ctur ing centre, and those wh o Our Public Schools and H igh School are locat ed th er e seem to enjoy facilities ace: overcrowded. The ratepayers sh oul d that enable them t o control the most extensive operations with advantage t o 11ot forget that, If a new H igh School themselves and their patrons. Amon~ l>uilding be erected, rooms will be gain - the most prominent is the Massey Man· ed. t or P ublic School purposes, worth at ufacturing Company, whose establish ..l SUCCESSFU L HORS EM AN . leaat $2000. T hia half year 99 pupils ment is an indus trial world in miniature. " Oliver Twist 1 " a nd "Highland Chief " Established for ty years ago the steady lui.ye been crowded in two r ooms, wh ere the property of Mr. William Patterso~, accumulation of the capita.I and experience they should be in three. We have t hr ee enable them n ow- as they h ave ever Kirby, bor e off the plumes in their re · ~h ers an d two rooms. N either the done-to occupy a leadin~ position as spective classes again this year , at t he West R iding of D urham and t he Clar s:e t eachers nor the pupils ha'fe a fair chance m akers of ihe most improved harvesting Agr ic 11 ltural Society 's Spring Fairs . In t e.-do good work, and it is surprising how mflchin ery. Year after y ear their. field t he Impor ted H eavy Dr aught class, a t gf usefulness has extended until now t he .. weU they h ave doue, w hen we consider name of M assey is n household word B owman ville, " Oliver Twist" had to comwmder vl'imt great d ise. dvant~es. The throughout the D ominion, and their pete with ten of probabl y the best Clydesdalea ever shown together at a county OOQl "!tined count~' and government grants patrons are counted by the t en1 of t.housexhib ition in Canada. H e was the admifoc 1885 waG about $1,848 ; lt\st year it ands. Thls has been accomplished so rat ion of every body . I t is doubt ful if quiet ly as to lead one to 11uppose that the w&'ll $1,728, a loss of $120, caused by the th e superior of "Oliver Twist" can be immuuse deliveries at Chatham and in"-.ufilcient l'\OO(Jmmodation . The Joss Welland on t he Wth and Hith of last found in the D ominion. Mr . P a tter son is fortunate in being tlie possessor of two wdUld l11tv<i baen a bout $150 were It not montb. were the r esult of a spasmodic such valuable horses. Their routes will tfu.t.t n early $30 additional was obtained effort. On thesfl occasions fully one hundred and fift een bona fide sales were be found in this issue. Presbytery of Whit by. mi the library, which had been increas· celebrated, and the people gazed in won.JONATH AN HE ADS THE GROUP. oo in value bt th e proceeds of exhibition11 der and admiration a t the liplendid results rhe Presbytery of Whitby h eld its ·· At the Whitby Fair and also at the fI'OOI. $125 to n early $ 300. If a proper of enterprize and energy. It is a novel regular quarterly mc!lting in· the ne w f Oshawa Fair, Jonatha n P oPter 's famous High School building wer e put u p, great sigh t t o see h ~lf a hundred farmers come church at Dunbarton, on T uesday , 19th imported " G old F inder " was a wardetl on a specified day, instead vf getting encouragement would be given t o pupils them day by day, as ordered. That the ins tant. A large part of the day was the red ticket, i n t he face of very keen 11n4 t e.achers to exert t hemselvell to add f oronto Self-Binding Harvester is popu- spen t in considering the reports of the compei ition. He is a. n oble animal and Commit tees on i::labbath S chools, T em- the farmers In our neighboring county ~Mly to th e libr11ry and the physical lar at home goes without 11aying, bu t it perance and Statist ics. Among the other sho ulil feel grateful to have the ser vices an4 ch em ical apparatus, on all which 20 may n ot b e 110 generally known tha t items of bueineas may be mentioned tho of a horse of such excellent qualities. within the pas t few months large ship· nominat ion of Rev. It. F. Bnrns, D . D., per ceut. m !.lj be got. .Jon athan's carriage stallion, " J osh Bill· ments have been m11d e ·by the M assey T h e attendance at t he High School Mfg. Co. t o foreign countries, among of Halifax, for Moderator of the Gen - lings" hH s made a clean s weep also in his eral Aseembly, which is to meet at Win · class. having carried off th e first prize at would soon beco:r lie 120, while the work t hem E nglan d, Scllltla ud, France, Ger· nipeg i n June next; the granting of Whit by, Bowman ville a nd Oshawa t his in Publie School8 would become much many, Russia., South Americs, Australia, leave of absence to Rev. A. A. D rum- 11eason . He shows elegant style and acAsia Minor, Sout hern Africa a nd t h e mqre eilicient t hr·ouµ;h m ore acoommodamond,of N ewcastle, for a trip to Europe, tion and is a gr eat favorite with admirer!! West Indies. A large busioess has grown hie h ealth being auch t hat ho needs rest of fast horses . tic.111. The lrnll, in which t he High School out of the d isplay made by this Company and change; a nd the appointment of pupils are t uught and t he laboratory ar e a t the Colonial and fod ian E x:hibition TWO VALUABLE HORSES. Commlseioners to the General Assema d isgrace to the town . A gentleman la.st year . Orders for scor es of machines I t was a general remark at th e Fair last bly . The Co·nm isM !oner~ appointed visited the sch ool, last week and he 11ays h ave al ready b een booked for Great . were: By rot&t ion, J:l.. D. F raser and Wed ne~ day, "How m uch he has i mprovBritain. ed since last year ," r eference being made · that h !ll will nor. vote for a new H igh T he statement has been ma.de (1) t hat J . J. Camer on , Ministers, and H. . M e· to J ohn J oll's young Clydesdale, "The Srliool, altho~xgh previous to seei ng it, he in 186'7 cutting grain by machinery was L aughlin and Mr. Cowan, ( Highland Archer," r ising 3 year s old . If he r,onCreek, Eiders. B y election, S. H . EastThis is u tterly Wall rcsol ved to vo te against it. E is compara tively n ew. man and J . McMechan, Ministers, and J. tin ues to " come up," as fast th e next two ted by the fact that t en yea.rs prerefu <>pinion is held by everyone who has B F airbairn and D avid Or mi~to n, years h e will give his class leaders of t ovious, i n 1857, Mr. H .A . Massey, P residgone thr ungh the building. L et everyone ent of the M asrmy Mfg. Co. manufactured E lders. Thoe M orris, P . N esbit , and d ay a hard t ussle. H e is covered with " good poin ts, " and 11hows s uperior action who thinhs of voting against t he by-law t he ' M an ny ' combined R eaper and Jas. B urns, were appointed as alter · for a Clydesdale. If h e turns o ut to be as e11 for the three 'Elders first natned, nat Mo wer, a very successful r eaper, a nd five for the new school, visit the 11chool begreat a favorite with t he West D urha m years p revious to this, as early as J 852, In case t hey sho uld be unable t o go. farmers as John's old h orse, " Pride of f0£0 he does so. W e a ppend t he deliverance of P reshe manufactured th e ' B urrell ' reaper, T he g;rlg of Bowmauvllle do not 11t - which did good work for its time. '.l'his bytery in r egard to t he r eport of 'r em- S cotland" is and h as b een, his own er will make a for t111ne by him. "Pride of Scotteod the B igh School n early as well as ar ticle also stateu (2) that the machines perance, which dealt chiefly with the land" has produced more high priced offthey do in other places, and the chief manufactured u p t o 1867 were cru de and q uestion of a legal prohlbi tion. springs in West Durh am t han any oth er 1. Th:i.t t his P r eshyt ry r e-affirm its r eason for this very und esiraUe state of unwieldly, when t he Self-rak e. Reaper i t estimony against Intemperance as a horse t hat ever travelled h er e. 1 had been most successfully introduced 'l.'o be continued. llifQ.irs, is that the ro oms are so cold, unin- four years previous, and 11 0 one ever grievous sin against God, and one of the vitin g and iosuf!icient. Over 200 are tho;ight of calling it either crude or deadliest foes of reli.~ ion and of society. OPEN Arn CoNO&UT.- The D . 0 . & P. 2. Respectfully 1rn g~est t o the As· oo h alf-term iu the Union School and in unwieldly. Co. B antl will give t heir 3r d Open Air Son lh Wa.Td t.here are twice aa many in It h R s also been stated (3) th at the sembly's Committee, t hat in fram ing Concer t (whether p ermitt ing) on Tuesday future questions, while n ot ovc,rlookiniz the lower room lllS there o ught to bo. Self-rake Reaper was in troduced i n 1859, the legal aspect of t he t emperance q ues· evening May 10th , in the market squar e, when history bel\rs out the fact t hat Mr . tion, more attention be given to the when tlie following programme will be H. A. Messey introd uced the fiast Selftotal ablltinence aspect of it, r endered : voluntary rake R eaoer manufactured in Canada as S a bba.th School Convent ion. or to temperance as it affects t he life March ...·.. Celebration . . . . . Y 1de early as 1863, six years before t he time of members and adher ents of t he church, Mazurka . . .. Love's Dreaming. Boni sseau named by anoth er writer. Th ia machine, The Sabbath School Convention for ' Wood's' Self-rnke Reaper is known all and th e duty of seat1ions i n r egard to it . 8 olection .... Il'Trovator e ... , . V erdi 3 . Ea.rnest\y r ecommend ed pasto~s, Walt zes . . . . . La Gitana. .·. . . · . Bvealossa W est D urh am wi ll meet in the Queen -st. over the country as one of t he most Quadrille . . .. Brigade · ·· · · · . · · Godfrey Methodist. clrnr ch, B 1 )Wmanville, t o-day successful machines ever placed upon the i members an d adherents, while doing all and.to-morr c:_w ( Wednes? ay and Th~1rs~ay, , market , in fa.ct many of them are in use ' in t heir. power in the way of co·operat4th and 5t h mst.) A ll interested m ~ab- to-day·. At th e Toronto I n dtistrial Ex- I ion i n enfor cing the Scot t Act, to seek mor e strenuously than ever, by precept bath School wm·k are invited . The pro- hibition last seaRon t he M Ml.icy Mfg. Co. grl\.m will b13 t1 s f<"llows : exhibited one of these machines which and by exam ple, to discourage m oder1'he general excc uti~e _ of th~ Provinc~al had been in use almosl continuously for ate drinking, and to i nculcate t he prin ciple of t otal abstinen ce. & bbath Sch_ ool Assoc1at10n will h old its 22 years, and can d o good work to-day. 4.Fxpr ess gratification CJn accoun t of annual meetrng 1 tt 10 30 a. m. on W ednes· 'rhis machi ne was exhibiterl a.long side of d ay, M11.y 4. the Toront o Steel Binder in a. field at r ecent P rovincial L egisla tion t ending t o facili tate an d promote th e more · l!'llt8T SRSSION, 2 P . M . T oronto la.st A ug ust. Ch air t o be taken by R ev. E . Barrasa, Still further, . we may add that Wood's . thorough en forcemen t of t he Scott Act , M.A., P resident pr o tem . Devotional ex- Mower and Wood 's Self-rake Reaper , and to provid e n eeded instructions in the P ublic Schools on th £l s ubject of manufact ured by Mr.. II. A. M a.asey, ercises. .Address fro m ch air. 2 :30.- -Ncimiuf1tion of B usiness Com- wer e ch osen bl'. a. committee appoiDted by t emperance. 5. R.espect fully suggest that th e "Sy. mitt ee. Brief reporta from Sabbath t}J.e G overnment t o select the best Sch oolB . machines to represen t Canadian manu- nod of Toronto and K ingston," called t o meet in Brampton on t he 9th of May 3 :QO - R cpc-rt of B usiness Committee; facture at tl1e Par is E x position, in 1867, Orii,anizat iun. S ubj ect for discussion : wher e t he Wood's mac_ hines were awa.r~ed n ext, petition the Dominion Parliament, " PreparatioH of tho Lesson for t eaching." t he Gold Meda.I. It is a ma.tt~r of i:iride now in nession, to grant amendments Introd ucel'! J.y ltev, A. Leslie, M . A., t o the MasseyM~g. Co . th at t heir b?srness for the p erfec ting of the Canada Tern· ' perance Act, and rendering it mor e N ewtonvillo. · has a r ecord wlu!!h no one c1 1 n dispute, wor kabl e, i n t he direction sought by rst to introd uce the 4 :15- "Tho Review." Int roduced by t hat they were the fi_ the Dominion Alliance, and not for auy s_elf · rak~ R Mper, SIX .· years before th.e J . Gilfillan, Rsq' Bowmanvill~ 5:00 --.Adju.irnm e.nt. tune _ claimed by others, ~.nd that t~JS consideration , to consent t o the emSl!OON D SESSION 7:30 P. M. machme was a~a.rded f~ur success~ve asc ulation of t he Act, by th e .introduc' first prizes and d iplomas at the followmg tion of a "wine and beer clause," or Devotional exercises. exhibition s, viz. , L ondon, tl.8()5; Toronto, otherwise. 7 :45-·President's.address. Address of 186(i ; K ingston, 1867 ; Hamilton, 1868, s Welcome, B.ev. \V. H. Warriner , B. D., a degr ee of distinction which n o other B1NDEns Boo11nNa AT SHAw & '.l'oLE's.Bo.wmamrille. man ufact urer cau claim. 8:15- Responsc, R ev. P... Wal ker, N ewShaw & Tole, Bowm an ville, are th e We h ave order ed Fifty Steel Binder s, hav· cas tle. Acld1·csrns:- L. C. Peake, Esq., agents for the Massey machines in West ing al ready sold twenty.three. Price of Steel Binder, $160. Price of Wood and T aronto. d hairm:m Provincial Executive; Durham. Steel, $ 145. We have a new B rantford Tbls powuer never van es . .A. marvel o! Alfred Day, :P~sq., Toronto, Gen er . h' I h b purity, strength and wholes01:neness. More al Secretaxy, "Th e Ch aract eristics and S teel B mder w l C l as never een iu u se economical than the ordinary krnda, and can llRE l'!tfUI. r .O'l'f'S §ULl!'l llJR SOAP ro~ - thisyear's make- taken in part pay- not be sold in competition wit h tha multitnde Claims of Chi :d r<·n ." Collection. l'rlclily H c 11t. Nettl e I ICas h. Sealey ~:rn11· ment for a Toronto Steel B inder which of low test, short weight, alum or phosphat.e 10 :00- .Adj ournment. tlon, ltcla, an tl a ll llliea~c·l eontll tlons or 1 ll f ~ ' I powders: Sold only in cans. ROYAL BAK· 120. M usic at intervals by the choir. t he skin. . we SC 01· w INQ POWDKH C0,. 106 Wall St .. N. Y. S easons for Increased S chool Accom moda t ion. .. B OWMANVIJ, J,E, M AY 4, 1887. Massey's Sp rin2' Ca mpaig n . H lME 1'SE DELIVERIES OJI' TOR ON TO SELFllINDERB. The Parlor Social ancl Concert v,iven by the Queen-st. choir, in the. church, ? n ' Vednesday !Mt, ,.-a.a a decided s11oce1s m e.-ery particular. On entering the b a11ement from the chureh, one watt struck with a mazement at t he wonderful trans· forma tion thi<t hac l taken pl ace. Skillful and b usy fingers h lld changed as if by ma~ic, the some what dull and Puritanical school -room, into a beautiful parlor. A n ice carpet covered the floor , attractive pict urei> and fan cy work adorned the walls, the windows were filled witb beautiful and sweet-smelling flowers that were partly hidd en by t he lace curtains which h ung from the ceiling, ,.-hile around t he room were placed invitin~·looking easy chair,and daint y lit tle tables, all of wh ich were occupied by groups of people engag· ed i n auimated con versation . Acrolil t he ce ntre of t he b&Mement were hung lace curtains, sep arating in a measure t his charming room from th e s upper room, where all wa.s bust.le and chatter . N umbers of sm&ll tables were placed abont thi11 part of t he b asement around which were seated small com panies of people, fully enjoying themselves and their repast of tea ancl coffee, eandwiclrns, bread and butter , cakes, piea, etc., which were served in abundance, each par ty getting up as soon as fin ished, so as to permit thoee waiting to satisfy their h unger. T his feature continued from half-past .six until after eight o'clock, a very l11rge number being i u att endance. Af ter leaving the basement , t he company adjourned to th e church , wher e a first·class program was t o be rendered. M r . J. Higginbotham occupied the chair, and after the open ing Organ Solo by Mr. W. S. Yule, made a capit~l s peech, t aking as his theme, "The Duty of the Choir to the Pew, u.nd the P e w to th e Choir." This was foll owed by a well rendered anthe m from the choir. 'l'he solo, "Time will R oll the Clouds Away," by Mr. Tait was much appreciated, as .vere also th e H.eed Quartett es by M essrs. Barrett , Yellowlees, McDowell and Yule.- We hope t o be favor ed wit h mor e of their delightful music. Miss Brown, of Newcastle, h as a fine voice, her singing, both alon e and in concerc with Messrs. R use and Knight was very pleasing . R ev. R. D. Frazer gave a n interest·s Aizo and ing address on "Fifty Yea1 Now. " The solo "Bark, What Means t hose Holy Voices," by .Miss Glover, with chorus by t he Choir, was well rendered. As a finale, t he pastor, Rev. E . R oberts, made a fe w pleasing r emarks, and the National Anthem was sung. Everybody seemed well pleased with the t.vening's entertainme nt, 1 md t he Indies of the cho ir cer tainly deser ve great cred it fo r their untiring efforta . in orde:r t o make ·he affair a success. The p roceeds amounted to over $ 35. We understand tha t more .entertainments of a. like character are t o follow, and if they all p rove of such a high order as t he first one we have n o d oubt t.hey will be largely attended. From a repod made to the Council by Mr. S. Burden, asse!lllor , on Monday night , we obtain the following informa · tion : Assessed value of real estate . .·· $949, 680 Increase over ll>f!t year .. .. . · . .. 36, 565 Personal proper ty . . .· . . .. ...·. 101,350 Increase over 1886. . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 721 I ncomes . . . . . . . . . . · . . · . . · · · · . 43,359 Increase . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . _. . 4,079 T otal as11essmen t, 1887 ....··... 1,094, 389 Incre.i.se ovn 1886 : . . . · .. . · . . · · 4~65 Total population . .. .. .. , ·.·· ·=~~ I n crease over 1886 .. . . ·. . ·. , . . · · . · 78 Names on Ass'm t r oll · · , . . . . . .. .. ..1,074 I n creaao. . . . ... . ·· · · . · · ·· ·· . · . .. 53 N o. n ew hou11es erected during the year ~5 ; a~sessed val ue $21,000 . j Largest individual ratepayer, E state of I R. H amley. I ~rgest property owner, W. M. H or- 1 1.1ey,Esq., Mayor. No. birthe 72, increase 32. N o. dea\hs, We challenge any town o f our size for widows, t heir being no less than 129. Spinsters, 299. .A large number of b·1ildings are i n course of construct ion this yo1.1r. No t own along t he line is ma.ki ng m ore substantial progreas in wea.lth and population. / HORSE NOTES . A CITIZEN ' S FRI DF. . GREAT CLEARING SALE! TREMENDOUS BARGAINS A re now being given in -·~ ).. , WALL PAPERS -AT- 3o. I KENNER &CO.'S VARIETY HALL. Com e in and Inspect . ============ -~~ ~==~ ~~===== A I Nine of the eleven Clydesdalea sho wn et Bowman ville F air, were i mported by Mr. R ober t. Beith of th is town, and it would be difficult, if indeed possible , to find such o. su perior collect ion ot Impor t ed H eavy Draughts owned in one section, o.s they wer e. An i ndica ti on of the super iority of t.he h oreea Mr . Beith imports is evide11t in the fact of h is havI beg t o i nform the p e ople of West Durham t hat I have bought out ing sold all but two of his larP.o importa- the Hard ware bus ine ss , formerly c arrie d on b y R. S. M a n ning, and tion of 1886, whi le s<evernl oL h..r· Canadian i mp o1ters have b<¥.m nnnble to d ispose of with large add itions t o t h e stock am p repared t o sup p l y all lines of their horses. llir Beith <Jxpects to sail Har dware a t t h e l owest living prices . for the Old Count1·y in a fow weeks for . m ore horses. We wish h im s uccess. " stock comprises BUI L DERS HARD WARE-Locks, Knobbs IS . making RICHARD WORTH . a stir Ill Hardwar e. and Butt Hin g es . NAI L S-Cu t , Finish ing , Casing , W ire and_ P a tent Brads. ·;·~WIRE FEN CI"N G-Ba rb, Buckth orn Paints and P a inte rs' Suppli e s generally . a d Ribb on . Prepared Stoves and Tinware a. Specialty. Ordered Work prompt ly attended t o at low<=>st possible prices, Wit h out fu rther e nnu meratjon I may add that everything k ept lead ing H a rdware S t o res in will be found i n my s h o p. G ive m e a . call and ins pect my g oods and prices. Bowma nville, A p ril 1 2 th, 1887. R. W ORTH. Grand Spring ---OF - Op~ning Murdoch Brothers' N""E"VT O::S::IN"'..A. ::S::..A..LL , where a re to b e seen 21 Dinner Set s, lovely patt erns, 30 Chin a Tea Set s, v ery pretty, 15 Printed Tea Sets, elegant designs, 50 Superior P r in ted Bed Room Sets, 20 'Whit e. Bed Room Sets. S E VER AL G A S SUPERIOR GLASSWARE JU ST ARRIVED. Large variet y Hanging and Table Lamps, Fancy W are, Bohemian and China Cups and Sa ucers, &c. SPLENDI D ASS ORTME NT OF FIELD and GARDEN SEEDS NOW OPEN. lns p e ('1ion S olicited. V i c tor i a B u ildings . 1'.llJRDOCD BOOS . COR NE R STORE, BOUNSALL'S BLOCK ):o:(-Messrs. N oseworthy & Mason have opened up a magnificent Stock of House F urnishings, including Stoves, Tinware, Plated Goods, Lamp s, Oil Stoves, Paper, Soaps, Pins, · Brushes, 9-lassware, etc. We have also opened out in the Harness Business, under the Nfanagement of Mr. F . l\1ason, so long and favorably known in connection with that business. The Stock in this department will comprise every thing that is of use to any person who drives a horse, and will be sold at lowest living rates. A ll the balance of the Bankrupt Stock of the Bra dley Estate, will be cleared out at any price. Absolutely P ure. DE G I G I VE US A CA L L . J. C. NOSEWORTHY. FRANCIS MASON. 18-4w.

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