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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 May 1887, p. 6

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Strangers coming to-morrow, The words HOME AND GENERAL NEWS. A CARD.-To all who are suffering from bear on her · bra.in like the roar of countthe errors and indiscretions of youth, Dehware is trying high license. less hammers. Strangers ·coming and how nervous weakness, early decay, loss of was she to meet them now. with this IS PUBLISHED The Dacoit leader in Burmah has been manhood, &c., I will send a. recipe that wild sense of wrong burning within killed by one of his own men. will cure you FREE OF OHARG.I!:, This l:TERT FRIDAT MORNING, th her vengeful Italian heo.rt, bruised · but York County and Toronto are to be separ· great remedy was discovered by a mission-BYCHAPTER III. "Your heart is a prophetic org ; ' . e~, not crushed? She walked slowly upary in South America. Send a self. caro mio. Now, do look at the tl·· gm a stir,; and sat down in her room, thinking ated for shrievalty purposes. Le Ga.utier was not tar wrong in his es ti· rational light. I am under the o·ders of till the evening light began to wane, and A Russian war veseel sea.red the V l'rna addressed envelope to the REV>-. J osErH AT THE OFEICE mate of Ca.rlo Visci. The gmne the former the League ; to disobey is death to ,,ie i and the lamps of dist..nt Rome to twinkle out people by pro.ctise firing near their port. T. INMAN Station D New York Oit11. · 46y was playing was a. dange~ous ?De. He ha_d j to take J.OU with me is. imp?ssible. W c b .1 f h 1 1"o11& Ottl<:e Block, Kl ng Stred, Bowniau· 0 t e P ace A society for t he prevention of cruelty to met the youthful Genevieve m one of lus : m.ust forget a.ll our little fitrto.t1ons now, for one Y one. ',rhe very si ence · Y Ille, Ou.tnrio. ADVISE TO l\:'l.OTHERS.-Are y ou ~is country excursions, and, struck by her I cannot tell when I may be in Italy a.gain. oppressed her. ·. . . Gene· animals has been organ zed in Kingston, T E R 1"ll: S : beauty, conceived th_e idea of fi_nding some Now, be a sensible girl ; forget aU about un "Are you coming down"to supper, 'l'he German Government ask· for an turbed at night ii.nd broken of your r est .ljlJ.59 per A.nnnm, or $1 If yald In nd.vanee, slight amusement 1 h er somet y. . It was fortunate me. _n . No one possibly can k no:w ; vieve ?" extra military credi.t of. 134,000,000 marks. by a. sick child suffering and crying with She aroused herself at these words; and i·avment strictlv ln 11>dvance required from not hard, in that quiet place, with his imdo.- and when the prince appears, marry him. The Dominion Exhibition grant of $10,000 pain of Cutting Teeth 1 If so send at . s11beo-r1bers outside of the county, Orders to city and talents, to make himself kndwn to , Be assured that I shall tell no foolish tales." looking up, saw a child standin g before her. is to be given this year to the Toronto In once and get a b ottle of "Mrs. Winslow's dlenontinue the.paper must be accompanied by her; nor did the child-for she was ~ttle Gro.dually, surely, the blood crept into ~he She was regarding her sister somewhat curi· dustrial. Soothing Syrup." For children t eething, the 11omount due, or th paperwil no t bestopped. more- romantic, passionate, her head filled giri's face as she listened to these mockmg ously, aud somewhat pitifully too; the l at· sllbRorlbers areresponelbleunti full payment i ll Successful experiments have been made its value is incalculable. It will relieve with dreams of l?ve and devotion,_ long r.e~ words. 8he drew herself up inch by inch, her t er, child as she was, did uot fail to notice m·de. ."H; main cold t o his advances. Friendship eyes bright a.nd hard, her heo.d thrown back. the pale face and dark-ringed eyes. She ap- in Metz with a navigable balloon propelled the poor little sufferer immediately. De· RA.TES OP A.OVEB.TlSINGs .~~· pend upon it, mothers ; there is no soou ripens into love in the sunny South, There was a. look of infinite withering scorn proached the older girl, throwing her a.rm. by <tn electric motor. m z:> mistake al:>0ut it. . It cures Dysentery Whole Column one yea.r ...... · ...... Q60 " oO .!" ~ ~ where temperaments are warmer, and the upon her as she spoke, spa.ring not herself round her neck and kissing her gently The Prince of W a.lea has consented to act 0 1 i!il~ · " " Haltyea.r ............ 36 00 cold restraints of northern society do not in the ordeal. "Aud that is the thing I "What is the matter, CMO ?" she asked in as honorory president of the Melbourne In- a.nd Dia.rrhrea, regulates the Stomach and " " One quarter ......... 20 o .0 : : - exist. The Frenchman had no sinister in· loved I" she Sil.id each word cold and clear her soft liquid Italian. Bowels, cures Wind Colie, softens the "Have you one of ternational Exhibition. H 'lt Column one year .............. · 36 00 . "Ha.lfyeat' ............ .. 2000 tentions when he commenced his little flirta.· -"that is the thing to which I gave all my your headaches again, sister ? Let me Since May 1 of la.st year 37 convictions for Gums, reduees Inflammation, a.ad gives " One quarter·- ......... 12 5 tion, a mere recreation poiir passer le temps poor heart'! I understand your words only· comfort you." . violation of the Scott act have been obtained tone and energy to the whole system. uarter Colun:..n one ye9.r ........... 20 00 "I ho.ve something more th.i.n headache, in the County of Oxford. 0" Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup " for . ' " Half year ........... 12 50 5 on his side ; but a.las for good intentions ; too well. I :i.m abandoned. But you have the moth may not :i.pproo.ch too near the not done with me yet. My turn will come, Lucrece-some pain that no soft words of " ·· · One quarter ........ 8 0 ehildren tetithing is pleasant to the ta.ate flame without scorching . its wings. Begun and then- beware !" yours can ;charm away. Run down-stairs, It is stated Tichoneff, the man who fir ed Ten lines andunder. llrst insertion., fO 50 and is the prescription of one of the old. &:achsubaequentinser.tion ..: ... 0 25 in playfulness, almost sport, the thing " A truce to your histrionics," Le Gautier child ; I ani not fit to talk to you now." recently at the Czar, was hanged the day on est and best female physicians and nurses ll'rom eix to ten lines, ftret insertion 0 75 · . "Please, Genevieve, I would rather stay which he committed the crime. . '&:ach Kubsequent insertion...... 0 35 - 10 gradually l'ipened into love- love such as cried, all the tiger a.roused in him now, and in the United States, and is for sale by Orer ten lines ftrst insertion,perlloe 0 10 most women never know, love eucountere? only too ready to t ake up the gage thrown with you." The Vanslooten iron monopoly bill has S:aoh snbsequentfosertlon," 0 03 by keen wit a.nd a kuowledge of the evil down. "Do you think I have no occupa.· Genevieve looked out a.gain across the been defeated in the Nova Scotia Legislature all druggists through the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for The number of lines to be r eckoned by side of life. \i\Then the story opens, Ge~· tion, DDthing to dwell upon but romantic landscape, lit here and there now by twink- by an almost unanimous vote. th· space ooonnied, .me.a snred by a sea.le or .. MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUI'." evieve had known L_e Gautier _for six schoolgirls one kills pleo.sant hours with in ling lights, reflected from the happy fire'd s t"ll 't w s too d·rk a·ny longer to ·ee A libel suit is to be brought against The and take no other kind, Bbl d Nonpareil, months-had known him, loved him, and roaming about the world I You knew well 81 e. · 1 1 a ~ ·dows " .London Times by Mr. Iliggar ~ because of its but the ghostly Sllw e:==:.- ------· - - --- - - --- _______5 trusted him. enough the thing could not last. I leave for aught · "Lucrece ·" · d But Le Gautier was already tired of. his London to-morrow; so be sensible, and let · s1 HJ t:xc1aime sudden1y, articles on "Pi.rnellism and Crime." DRS. lllcLl.UGtlLIN d; REITll, It 11 11 t "come here." Sheriff Jarvis, of the County of York, b k 5 OFFICE :- MORRIS' BLOCK, 'BOWMANVILLE. was a. very we as ~P": ime; u s part friends." The cl1ild hes1·t.. ted for a moment, o.nd d' d dd 1 S t d · ht. f 1 t . ro ·en toy: but the gilded cha.ms were begmnmg to " Friends !" she echoed disdainfully. ~ le su en Y on a ur ay mg o as ·or. r. W.l\lCLAUGHT.[N', Dr. A. BEil'H, Gradu- cha.fe, and besides, he had ambitious schemes "You and I friends You have made a obeyed, taking her sister's cold damp hand week. He was in his sixty-ninth yea.r. 1 lice'\tiate of the Royal ate or the 'l'oronto into which any calculations of Genevieve woman of me. l!'rom this moment, I shall in her own, and waiting for her to speak. The proposal for affiliation with Trinity Your attention is directed to the immense C1>lltige of Physicill.ns Univernty .Physician. never entered. He had been thinking le~s only think of you with loathing !" " Do you remember, Lucrece, the Golden Medical School, Toronto, has been approved and member or the · stock of ltoya.l College or Sur- Surgeon, &;c, of dark po.ssionate eyes l at.ely than of a. fair "Then why think of me o.t o.11? It is very City I used to tell you about when you of by the medical faculty of Queen's Univergeons, Edinburgh. English face, the face oi Enid Charteris; so hard a man cannot have a little amusement were a little one, the blessed place far a.way, sity. ,,, where there ia no strife and no care, and R ev. D ~. M c C au1, 1a t e p res1 "d en t of the in his mind h e. b egan to revo1ve h . ow h . e without such a displJ: of hysterica1 a:lJ.ecDR · .J, (J, llllT(JJIELL. l If from .the Italian girl t' heo.rt can rest?" sister." Toronto University, died at his residence. EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS could b estfre? h 111~e . ion as th' is. F or goo ness' so.k e, G enevie~e ' , every "yes, I remember, , of every description at ere commencmg his campaign aga.mst the do be sensible !" in Toronto, the other morning, in his 8lst and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. G ff Ch te · ' S cl b h 1 t t h "And should you care to go with me?" year. ·Otlloe and Residence, Enniskillen. 7', h eart an d f or t une of s· ir eo rey ar r1s tung to ma ness y t is crue aun , s e , , O yes, please. I would go anywhere heiress. Come what may now, h e must , took one step towards him o.nd stopped, her The decision of the l'ope in favor of the ·w. s. ORJHSrox. L,L. B . file his fetters. I whole frame thrilling with speechless, con- wi;,~ ~ou and not be afraid.'.' a Knights of Labor is given on condition of 0 i8arrlster, Solicitor, Conveyanoor, &c. Money Filled with this virtuous tLud manly re- I suming ro.ge. It would have aone hard I hen you ~hall go. When you <> to their fighting shy of Henry George's doc- She has just opened out one of th-e'iarge11t 1,to 1011.u. Olll~e. uext , door to News Office, Bow· solution, he set out the following afternoon l with him tbcn, could she have lai:l her hand yluh roob tl:mght,k do and most stylish stocks ever brought take ~ff your trines. rnanvllle. -~ for the Villa Mattio. It was '."ici's whim upon a weapon. Then all at once she grew c ot es, . ut . ie aw~ e ti 1 come 0; you. to town, consisting of : D. Bl/RKE SIMPSON, to keep his sister there, along with a young· . perfectly, rigidly calm. She stepped to the Oi;ily, mmd, if you say a. vy-or~, of this, you The Imperial Government, fearing the not see the beautiful city importation of dynamite from .America, has lllillinery, D1.·es!i Silks, .A.RRlSTE'R., SOLICITOR, &:;c. MOPlUS er sister, a. child as yet, little Lucrece, both I little sanctuary, and took down the wooden will Th h h t f th h · G · instructed Customs officials to keep a sharp ; BLOCK, up stairs, King Street. Bowman· under the charge of a sleepy old gouvernante. 1 · cross, holding it in her right ho.nd, "Before douf ; e r~ ~ ll e ou~! e:;vievh lookout. Velvets, &c., .'110. Solicitor tor the Ontario Bank . In spite of his faults, Visci was a good you go I have a word to say to you," she move a _ou mec a.mca y, ge mg roug ·Private M~nevs loaned at the lowest rates, brother, having too sincere an affection for said between her clenched white teeth. "You tGhe dev~fmf. meal shl scarcely tnew h~h· An expert has comi:;a.red Mr. Parnell's with a. very fine stock of Feat hers and Flowers. ra ua Y ime pa.sse on,. oi;e Y one e handwriting with the signature to the times h is sister to ke~J? her with him a.m?ng the are a man ; I am a poor defenceless girl. .iohn Keith GalbraUb, wild student spirits he affected, fearmg con- You are endowed w ith all the falseness and mehber\otithe ~ous(fold ~etued.t IJ ~as letter, and at present declines to give an Call and inspect this fine display, which .A. RR IS T ER SOLlCITOR; NOT .A.RY tamination from her mind. And so she deceit that flesh is heir to ; I am ignorant of a_n ouz: a , r w en ei;,cvieve en ere er opinion. cannot fail to give satisfaction. PURLlC, &c. ' Oftlce-, Bounsall's Bloc,k remained in the cou ntry ; Visci running the great world that lies beyond the horizon. littlk ~!~teh s ~~om. d Lucrece, are you The loss on the running expenses of tlae King Street, Bowma.nvllle. Menev to le~~ down from the city to see her, each time You· fear no harm from me now ; I shall °'";~ e · 8 · e w ispere · . . Intercolonfal railway last year a.mounted to congratulating himself upon the foresight he evoke no arm in my defence; but my time y ~s, s19 ter,i,I am wa.itrng for you. Are $106,000, and on the Prince Edwo.rd I sland ROJUlRT A.JllllDIJB, . W lk 8 10 1 railway to $61,00LI. EGISTRAR, WEST DURHAM ISSUER had displayed in such an arrangement as j will come. When you have nearly accom- w~,i~~rng now· of Ma.rria.ge Licenses, Barrister and A.ttor· this, little thinking he had thus caused the j plished your most cherished schemes, when d h efdwe ar~ g~ng Cow. 1 ta 1 : y; Mr. Alexander Sullivan, of Chicago, who n~J' at Law and Solicitor In Chancery. Money greatest evil he had to fear. you ho.ve your foot upon the goal of your a.n my l1l1 · ome, e · us ias ~;1 · was referred to in the Coercion bill debate, lo\ned on Real Estate. Oftloe on King street, ESTABLISHED IN 1847. Le Gautier walked on t ill the white facade crowning ambition, when fortune smiles her ws~ltV~lfa~~o go, andl ~e wali lS 7i:ary. d denies that he had any guilty knowledge of Blwmanville. - -- - - and stucco pillo.rs of the villa were in sight, brightest upon your endeavours- then I i ~n Y ey _pa.sse~ own le s airs, an the Phwni.x park murders. d.. T. J>WJ,LIPS and. then, striking across a little pa.th lead· shall strike! Not t ill then shall you see or Rut mto ;;.e mghttif'thalong th~ r~tht~o The new Mahdi has written to the Queeu It has no shareholders to pay dividends to. 1 ICENSED AUCTIONEER tor the County ing deep into a thick shady wood, all car- hear of me; but the hour will come. Beware I'd omke, wa fmgh on . ht eGy wer~ os, lllf e Managed by and solely in the Interests ot peted with spring flowers, threw himself of it I" o.r ness o t e mg_ ; e~eviev? s ace saying if she recognizes him as the true Ma. ot Durhem, Sa.las promptly.attended the Policy holders. "Perfection !" Le Gautier cried. "You stem o.nd set; the htt~e ones, bright. and hdi she will be saved and they will be friends. .A.ddre·s-Hamvton P.O. · . 59, upon the g r ass to w_ait. T~ere was a lit_tle shrine here by the side of a trny stream, with only' want"- ho~eful. . Otherwise he will march forward. WU.LUM WIGlll'; i I 11s Rates are Low. the crucifix and a rude stone imo.ge of the "Not another word!" the girl commandGradually the eas~ flushed with ~he Golden An issue of five per cent. bonds of the ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the Virgin in a park niche; evidently a kind qf ed. "Now, go !-mean, crawling hound, splendourofthecommgdawn; theb1rdsawokc Minneapolis, Sault Ste. Marie & Atlan tic Policies non forfeltable and unconditional, County of Durham. Orders left at the rustic woodland sanctuary. But Le Gautier base deceiver of innocent girls! Go ! and to welcome up the sun; and after them, t he railwo.y has been successfully placed on the (Jasb Bouus Paid ever7 three years, STATESMAN offlae or forwarded to Tyrone. P.0 · did not notice these things as he lay there i never look upon my face again; it shall be i1~ard mhrn. ~hethrb of l~a~ ~w stra_~fe London market, i:rmt receive promJJt attention. 28.6m 16 0 and there wo.s a frown upon his brow, and a the worse for you if you do l Go J and foJ'· mgs as. e rose m e vau . eaven · Lord Salisbury on Tuesday 'eTening mad· Joint Life Policies. S. (J. JIUNKUiG, thoughtful, determined look upon his face, get my passionate words ; but the time will 8~J" ~V: 0 ~l~~d wly~arer~hleepi~g on / 11.e ro~da speech before the Primrose League in 0 81 come when they shall come back to you. e ' .in en, a. er, e o.nxio:is aces a which he violently attacked Mr. Gladstone Though a. double rish but one premium ls pal ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR which boded ill for some one. tor two people. .A.mount ot policy drawn He had not long to wait. Pushing the Go !" With steady hand she pointed to the ~~~ty gith~ed a.? prttty ~illahby th~ and the Parnellitcs. ·th~ County of Durlt.am. S~les attended on first death. lo on shortest notic0 and lowest rates. A.dd.i;ess branches of the trees a.side and coming to· opening in the wood; a nd without another 1 er. · 8 e san .' 0 res. h~ga.m, ~ wend Sir Donald Smith and Sir George Stephen 8 00VRTIC1'1 l'. 0, 36~ ward him with eager, elastic step, was a word he slunk away, feeling, in spite of his diwn u)on a la.rty. sea~ mf ~? d a~ have donated $500,000 each for a. jubilee meShe was tall and slight; not more jaunty air, a. miserable, pitiful coward in- ~.re;~ a~ anld nearf, tfn as : ~he th et morial hospital in Montreal on condition ,._ GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO girl. seventeen, Special Inducements to Total .Ab1tai.inert. in fact, and her gr eat dark deed. , ~ e. 8 ou er 0 , le purp e i . s a h h ·t f · h th ·t 1:1... every man wbo buys his License from than eyes and clear-cut features gave promise of As he turned to go, Genevieve watchetl mght, his la.st re~ glimpse flushed th~ faces t at t e CL y urms e si e. - llENRY - S:YLVESTER, Enniskillen. great beauty. There was a wistful, tender him .'!own the long a.venue out of sight, and otf tRhe st.ernWsahd.v1 s a.ged group. ont the1r way Premier Baker, of Tonga I sland, and his ASSETS O'VER $3,ooo;ooo·· smile upon her face as she came forward- a. then, sinking on her knees, she sobbed long o ome. en 1 ie rose _ agam 1 lere were party have put a. great many of the Wes· Pia.nos Tuned and Repaired.' IN(JOME OVEB $1,000,000 · smile tinged with pain, as she noted the and bitterly, so _ full of her grief and care that . no wh_aykfa.rers by t~e rofads1dh~' b uttad~ro~her leya.ns on the island to death, apparently on $100,000.00 deposited with theCa.nadla.nGovern moody face of the man. lying there, but she was oblivious to her surroundings. Her 011 is nees pray~ng . or . is . os ar 1 ;igs a trumped up charge of conspiracy. ARTIES WISHING THEIR PIANOS neyertheless a. smile wh1 ment for beneftt of Canadian policy holders. c.h betokened no- face . was deadly pale, her white lips mo.ved ids s ~redg.\h ~'? ~~dh him i~ h is ex~e~ty: Sir Adolphe Caron says t hat the Govern· 'l'nned or repaired oanha.vethoDl attended thrng but perfect, trusting, unutterable passwnately, as she knelt there weeprng, 1 , n ~ ai Y _ig e saw ope os · a an mcnt will provide a sufficient sum to put 0 by leaving wor. d .at the DOMINION O RGAN .i:io·s 0 Fll'ICE, Bowman ville A. llrst-cla.s man love. Le Gautier noted this in his turn, and half praying, half cursing herself in her ~onbd m h~espa1r br t~ co.bet each mGrn, up a spacious drillshed in Toronto as soon lNVESTJ;D IN ()A.NA.DA., $600,000,00, it did not t end to increase his equanimity. despair. e. roug a gen e iea _ m g , u ne~er en· as the people of Toronto provide a site. n">w oeing In their emvlo~ n· is not easy for a man, when he is going "Genevieve !" evieve bac~ to the Ma.ttio w?od. agam 1 · Mr. James Da.kers, for nearly forty years HEAD OFFICE IN CANADA:-MONTREAL 80 Do! Gentlemen otFash· to commit a l;>o.se actio11," to preserve his The word, uttered in a tone of wonder and And so time po.ssed on, brmgmg peace, if secretary and manager of the Montreal For particulars refer to equanimity when met with perfect confi- ala.rm, was repeated a. second time before not forgetfulness. 'l.'elegraph Compo.ny, died in Montreal reion, not so Cast.. dence by the victim. For a moment she the agitated g irl looked up. Salvarini was (To BE CO'ITINUED. l cently, aged 75 yea.rs. Fl· L. LIVINGSTONE, ' stood there, looking a.t him; neither speak- standing there, his usually grave face a. prey Mr. Gla.dstones has written a letter ex· GENERAL A.GENT, I have written thA·e tew llnea, ing for a brief space. . to suspicion and alarm, a. look which did not A Hindoo Marriage. pressing his sense of the importance to be And nll l have to sa.y-POR'.I.' HOPE " How ridiculously happy you look, disguise entirely an expression of tenderness A case t hat has attracted no little atten · attached to the expression of views on t he Tha.t :rou can tl.nd me s\i.11 at home, ~enevieve," Le ~autier said irri~~bly. ... It and aB;ection. Genevieve rose to her feet tion in England as well as India, and will Irish que~tion from this sicle of the Atlan- Or to &gents throughout the county, {8-68 e. I am not gone away. So all mr kind old friends may come, 1s ;1'., grea:t compliment ~ me, but - and wiped away her tears. It was some strike Canadian readers as involving a tic. And all the young ones, too, I · tl S · A · tH 'lt I he girl looked at him shyly, as she leant moments before she was ca.Im enough to curious marriage custom has J·ust been tried And get their garments nicely made · t t the shafts of li'ght throu"'h · man a th er 81 "d e. openrng ie pnng ssizes on agams a rec,_ . "' sp~tk t o th e wond ermg in the High Court of Bombay. Sir n M. C. Cameron remarked onathe anu notable en fashions ttle.t a.re new; Where old aud youn~. d"a.r friend!. ma.y mee' the leaves l?la.yrng upon her lustrous coronal I have chosen au unfortunate moment It appears that Rukmibhai a native gir l b f · h' t · ·t d 0 0 A welcom~gre eting, by R. PEATE _ _ dusky ho.ir and showing the happy gleam in for my missiou," Salvarini mournfully con· was according to Hindoo ~sage married a. skncet cr{m~ lS pr;sen. Ct?U! ' ~h her eyes. "I am always contented when tinued; "I am afraid my presence is unwel- , wh;n only eleven yea.rs of age to ~ youth of '.3P0 e s ~ong Y lil avour 0 mam ammg e you are here, Hector," she ans"'.ered softly. come here.- Geneieve, there is something nineteen. The two immediately pa.rted, the iury sys em. . · · "And never at any other time, I sup- behind this I do not understand It must · 1 t tl10 h f I t 1 The Palt Mali Gazette, which has b een a. 0 be bevond o.n ordinary grief to· move you Bgir trhemanihrng a fOllllse dier ~~adi·ell ·sd. !little wild on the I rish question of late, says P ose?" · h I h h' , y em s e was care u y e u c,....., an 1th H fC · · h . h "I cannot so.y t at. ave many t mgs like this." " >rew 11 · t r ·fi d d lt" t d e ous e o ommons oug t to commit t e 1 to do, but I can al ways find time to think of ·'There are some sorrows we dare not la~y.,, Rfee:~yothe heuab:ml~a~~~o ~fai~l , editor of the Timed to the Cl ock tower for you. I _ dwell upon you when. yon are a.way, think of," Genevieve replied with o.n air of her as his wife, but she declined to live with 1 a b1·each of privilege. Unapproached for and tlunk what I should do if yot~ were to .utter weariness- " .Luigi, do ~ot press me him and her family refused to recognize his Rev. Dr. .Park~r, vf the Temple church, leave me . . Ah, ye_s, I know yoll: W:!ll not do now. Some day, perhaps, I will ask you to claim. He is described as being litt le better London, will deliver the eulogy on t he late Tone and Quality. that; but ~f !o~ ~1d, I. shou_ld die. . he~p me." . . . than a coolie- illiterate, coarse, too poor to Rev. Henry a~d B~echer in Brook~yn on CATALOGUES FREE. L e Gautie1 groo.ncd mwar~ly. Time had I ii.m afraid a brother x s the fittest con· support a wife and moreover consumptive June 24, and it is believed that h e will acbeen when he . had dwel~ . with pleasure on fidant in a co.se like this. Pardon me? if I I A snit was ' the;eupon b;ought t o en: cept au invitation to fill the vacant pulpit. WIT a TEXTR, th?~e out-pounngs of an mnoce~t h eart. · am wrong'. b~1t w~en I hear you talkmg to force the marriage a.~re~ment. T he j u~ge . The Ameer of Afghanistan ~s concentrat· you are not. one of the dymg order of a man- fo1. his voice ca~ne to me.-:-and then remarked that thou· mvoluntary umon m g troops round H erat to resist a dreaded 1 heromes, Gen~v1eve. By no means. ~nd I ~nd you I~ sue~ a plight as tlns, I must I woulcl be nunatun~l a nd barbarous an.d h~ld Russian advance'. and he is. al~o sending a PRA.(JTJ(JA.L DENTIST. so you oft.en Vlonde,~ what y ou would do if I ~hmk. -0. Gene".ieve I my only love, .my l iha L t he man's claim could not be mamtam- lstroug force ago.mst t he Gh1lzeis and other - - - - - - - - - - - -- --!--... ?VER TWENTY YEARS EXPERlENCB:, wer~ to ~eave you? . . idol and ~ream sm ce I first saw your face, l ed under Hmdoo law. F rom this decision an Ir ebel tribes who are resisting his authority . Tne girl half started from her r eclmmg to have g iven your heart t o some one un- appeal was t-Lken to a hifihcr court which A cl t tl f t h ·r t ""li' · t · N .t1'0Ull0XtdeGH A.dmlnlstered for l"ainle~ ·t· d ' th l · 1 t l' ·t d ·11 lJ!'.110 · ' SlLy, . w Ilen wh ile . · expressing ' · young · · . 1 A epu posi ion, an WI 1er s~,ir e 1ps par e , worth y of you. urh n av wi svmpat 1y with the ,· a t' on . .rom tl e . oron . ·t lo "'· ins er1ti OpcrntlOn s. and a troubled express10n on her face. he hears of it?' woman d ecided that she was the lawful' lL .. . ssocia rn,n r ec~n y wai .ec upon .1e MCCLlTNG'S BLO()Jl, "You speak very strancrely to-day Hector" "But he must not hear "Genevieve whis· 'f ' db . . . IMm1ster of Educat1011 and lo.id before him ,, · p er ed terrified. . . ' . you have imr· w1 hnn , r_ ·eso1u t' · t 10n ' re. . " do you mean? ' she exclamed. "vVho.t ' ' Lmgi A c of d the . m11n . 1tn , d"ound to d with . . . . <tlie ion s p ass _ edby the associa . live VETERINARY SURGEON, . . , · n or e1 was accor mg1y issue 1eqmrmg 1 lgardmg the education l aws " P recisely what I say. Yo~ are anxious prised me ; b~t you must keep my secret- I : her to join him within a month or submit . . · to know how you would feel if I left you. nnplore you. to six months' imprisonment for disobeAn article m t he curr~nt Quanerly Re· Your curiosity sho.11 be gratified. I am "I can r efuse no words of yours. But, dience. . Iview says Canada is a failure as a. wheat. Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterin.a ry going to leave y ou. " . one thing you must! nay, ~hall do- you Aside from its hardship and absurdity the ,producing c ountry, and that nothing short ' College, will attend to a.II diseases "To . l eave me I Gomg ~W<·y, Hector, must tell me wh~, this man is; you must case p resents two cur ious Jego.l aspects. The : of a handsom~ fortnn~ should tempt anyone of domeatie animals. and without me?" Genevi eve won~ered ha~e al?- ~~~nger.. . . I first is t ho.tit was a suit for the restitut ion ' to a colO?-Y ~1th a ch mate far colder than vaguely w hether she heard the words aright: Lmg1, t h_e girl said, laymg her h and ; of conjugal rights, and the dec ision of t he t hat of Siberia. She started and pressed her hand to her gently upon his a rm, "I shall be my own ' High Cour t upholding it was based on A bill will be introduced at an e< trly date he~rt, as if to still its rebellious beat.ing. aven~er-that I have .s~orn by the cross I : E:iglish precedents. Now, this remedy to · in t he Dominion Parliament for the t ot al Gorng a way ? The warmth seemed to have hol_d lil my hand. If it is for years, I can ; compel a wife to live with her husband ha.a : prohibition of the manufacture, importation A SPEC IALTY. . . . . j been abolished in l..;ngland. Second, the ' and sale of intoxicating liquors, except for d eparted from t he scene, the bright light wai~-a.nd hope." r;. HAR.Ni)EN , L. D.S ., grew dim as gradually the words forced ."That IR a wrong sp1r1t,' ' Salv~nm re- 1 wife may escape the obligation of the mar -'. sacramental, medicinal and sci entific purnrn ~.uut.t· o'lthe Ro;yal Colleged Dents! Calls and Orders by mail or teleg raph themsel".es upon her; and ~he c?ld numbness pl_ied sorr'.m~ully. "You are mad JUst now! riage by ~ix months' imprisonment. After poses. · surgeom1, Ontario. , will re ceive prompt attention. with your w1 ongs. Stay here at home, a nd I t hat she is not bound to i·ecognize the man '1 vVl :1 · bl" d tl of d espair froze her t remblmg hmbs. CHA.RGES MODERATE. " Yes, I am going away, " L e Gautier r e- let me be your cho.mpion. I love you too 1as her husb·1nd though she is not free to b \} ~ ~rnewm~ lu f~s7fcor s paf y OFFICE OVEit DlCK~ON'S STOHE 10 pea.t ed in a. matter-of-fact manner, bub well to ad mire such sentim ents from you I' mo.rry anoth~r ' . i . u~he g r;a . {e;,8 ffi ·. ~n oye OFFICE HOURS, 8 TO 10 A.. M. wr~n FILLING A SPECIAL always with his eyes anywhere but on the yet. I shall not p ress you now; but all _____ __...:..,,.__._ ....,_ de ~icafo cl Y c O' cety as iscovd A ftret-clBBs stock of Medicines always pate Werk executed in the la.test and mo~ girl's face. "Indeed, I have no alternative; time, for good or for evil, I shall wait for . O t f G l A . ---~;er;h a. 1 ebl f0n~eymt ~~~pert ti::;:_ve.~e on hand. · Improved s tyle of the Dental A.rt. and as to taking you wit h m e, it is impos- you." u o ao gam. 1w1. v_ a ui~ e )nsrn ~ss 1~1 _mgs o eci y, N. B .- Will visit Williamsburg every sible." . . "Luigi, you are a good man, far too good Herr John Most, the windy Anarchist ' ennchmg rt by several nulhon dollars. TEETH EX TRACTED Wll'HOUT PA.IN 16-ly "I have dreamt of something like this," for me. _Listen! I must gratify my r e- who emerged to public view from under a. J The proposed Sunday law has been so S11.turdav o f ea.ch week, by the uee of Vitalized Air, without injur y tolthe patient. Particular attention paid tu the regu. Genevieve intoned in a low vague voice, her venge ; till then, all must wait. Things 1 \ bed about a year ago t o disappear a little Iamended b y t he Nova Scotia Legislative lation of Children's Teetb.. look seemingly far away. " It has been alter ; men change; but when the time ! later in the penitentiary, reappeared t he committee that its framers could not re_ ..ALL WORK WARRANTED. -._. forced upon me, though I have tried not to comes, and you are still the same, say ! other day and was seen by many of his kind, cognize it. The clause relating to barbers, think so, tho.t you h ave been growing co.Id- 'Come to me,' and I shall be by yonr side." 'j unt il he again r etired, this time into a beer - ball-playing, racing , fishing , shoot ing, and er day by day. And now you come and tell "I sho.ll never change !" h e repliecl as he shop near Second avenue. A nmnber of running horse-cars were o.11 struck out. me tho.t y~u are goin_g to leave I T_here is touched the outstretched hand with his lips j cnri~us sp_ e cimens of humanitr greeted him Prospects for the b uilding trade in Montno regret m rour voice, no sorrow m y~ur gently. 1on his a.rnv~l from Black well s I sland, none t real. this season arc of t he most romiaiu face You will go away and forg et, leavmg Slowly and sadly they walked back to- ' of tnem havmg work that they could not ~ 1 t p hl'1 b . 1 r · 1 Pd. t g 0 S . W. RUSE. me ·her e in my sorr ow, mourn in I! for my wards the house- Genevieve calm and col· ! just as well postpone. Wha.t Most expects ( c iara.c ~t. c u~ ( mfs-' me u rng 0 lost love-leaving me here h ea.r tbroken- lected now; Salvarini, mournfully r esigned ; · to do beyond posing as a hero a ml mart,yr is 'j n t ew raf i w,ay st t ions, ~1 n Y vidng ll an ex~e l ln bl· EACHER 0 F ORG AN, PIANO, · d " ·t d ·t f th · 1 d ' t d b t h 'll" b bl . ure o avou wo nn 1 wn o ar s, w1 e pl :!'. an rage-p~ y or e g1r , an rage not sta e ; u . e w1 .v.ro. a y contmue , erected besides a large number of business VOICE and THEORY. Terms on a.vpli· d eceive ! go on the sttLge "Le Gauv· agam st her d eceiveralternately supreme to he an a.g1tat or. VI ithm bounds of 1 · ' d · t ·d ' ' Y ou should cation at "BIG 20." 28;ly ier replied sard onically. "Y~ur talents in his hear t . For some time neither spoke. ,. course. His term in t he penitentiary 'will ; p r emises an · pnva e r esi ences. - --- - - - - - - - --· are wasted her e. Let me assure you, Gene" Will you come in?" she asked. ~erve as a wholesome check on his loose! An intense sensation has been created in vieve, speaking as a man who has had a "Not now," he replied feeling instinctive- tongue, we imagine, for it is a painful fact i Loudon by t he publicat ion of the jucsimile little experience, that if you can get up a ly that his pre~ence would only be an un- (painful to Most especially that for L en '. of a letter signed by Mr. Parnell, written scene like t his upon t he boards, t here is welcome r estramt. "I had. a message to menths heha.s been actuallY. working. Dou bt.· to Mr. Egan, say ing t hat while he regret. money in it." bring from Carlo. He and Sir (Jeoffroy and less he expects t hat to hist him during h is t ed t he murder of Lord Frederick Co.ven" You a.re cruel !" the girl cried, dashing Miss Charteris are coming to-morrow.- And lifetim e. Perhaps it will, if he obeys t he d ish in the P hoonix Park, he thought Burke . h er tear s away impetuously- " you are now, r emember , if you want a. friend, you laws and keep his mouth shut.- N. Y. got no more than his deser ts. Mr. Parnell cruel! What have I done to deserve t h is · have one in me. - Good-bye." Tribune. · denies t hat he wrote the letter , and speaks lrom you, H ector? You wish t o leave me ; I "Good-bye, Luigi," she said mechaniI lLbout d emanding t hat the edit or of the N ewspaper Advertis ing B ureau, that you will not come back again, m y heart cally. " You are very good. I shall reThe first vessel to lmwe, Pol"t Colborne 7.'i mea be called to the bar of the House of 10 S pru ce S t., N e w York. assures me. " member." t h is season sailed for Cleveland. Commons. Send 10cte. 1·or 100~Pago Pamphlet. @ THE CANAbtAN STATESANM M, A.JAMES, BY ORDER OF THE LEAG E. I I = I I LADIES, M I I MILLINERY MRS. DONNELY'S I .f°i B B I BRITISH EMPIRE R ° MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., L I I I L L t P °1 1 f1 1 1 f " BELL" D E NTISTRY. I l I ' · ~,ORGANS Gnelpb, Ont. "Y 1. M. BR IMA COMBE, BELL &CO. I F. A . JONES, ENNISKILLEN, I I I Operations & Dentistry Im c1ll· :r Cd.P I MUSIC .. .r· d. ADVERTISERS T THE COOK'S BEST FRI END POWDER DUNN,,S AKI C can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co.,

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