Clarke Townehip News. Orono Ninvs. Kendall wants a Creamery. Jos. Mar~inell , Kendall, is erecting a new residence. Mr. Sidney Gamaby, of Toronto, is home on a visit. TAMA.RAC ia not an ordinarv mi:xtare. In fact its propt1rties . are entirely different from any preparation used for Coughs, Colds, Throat and Lung Troubles. :t: · R. Morton, 6th Lin.e, is greatly improving his residence. If we startle you, beg pardon, Jas. Armstrong, Kendall, has moved but it is necessary to be wide into his new house. a.wake in order to be happy in WHERE IT ENDs.- Nine-tenthJ of the this world. When those thingi.: disease denominated Catarrh is the re· which you desire are just ont of rnlt of protracted or oft-repeated colds in the bead . Nas11.l Balm will give immediTeach you . ought to keep your ate relieg and permanently cures. t eyes wide open for new ideas and Dr. Leitch is said to be gettin~ a good methods which will help you to practice in Kendall. secure what you want. Wm. Bradley, New Park, haa recoverNow the truth may as well be ed pretty well from his late illness. told. This is an advertisement ·A PEitSON unable to sleep in bed, unablll to work, unable to t a ke or.d inary exbut we have made it just as enter- ercise from the effects of Asthma until taining as possible and if you will using Southern Asthma Cure. A sample be still for one minute, and listen package relieved, three packages permat to some truths which arc herein nently cured. Frank Betts has left Newcastle, to set forth, it will take up but very trnch school i n Dakota. little of your time. Mrs. Travelle and Mrs. A . Tourje, we There is no question but what are sorry to learn, are ill. it will do you good providing you PERSONAL.-Geor,ge Legault, of Tayare a person who can apprecia.t" side, Ont., says he can heartily recom a good offer and when the golden mend Yellow Oil as the b est reliever of . opportunity of the season prscnts rheum11.tic pain, his father and mother having suffered for years with rheumaitself, you will grab it without de- tism, and all remedies fail<id except Yellay. low Oil. Miss Olive Monison, of Bowmanvi1le, Now what we want to do is to make you all happy by selling you is visiting friends in Orono. A Gooo Lu'& PRESERVER. - T. Milthe best new goods in the market. & Co.,- I wn.s completely relieved such as, Dry Goods, Hats, Caps burn from that dreadful disease dyspepsia, and Jewelry at figures within the with only four bottles of that life preserver- B.B.B. and cheerfully r ecomreach of very slim pocket books. m end it to any .one subject to such disWe are fully prepared to carry ease. P. DEYANNY' Morrisburg , Ont. out our part of the undertaking Mr. Wm. Burns, of~Toronto, ha$ been and all you need to do to prove the guest of his nephew, Mr. J. Spencer . that we mean business is to drop A SEVERE A'.L'T..l.CK.- "I nevc·r felt in any flay and let us convince you b etter in my life than I have since taking with goods and figures t11at this Burdock Blood Bitters. I had a severe sta tement is backed by solid facts bilious attack, I could not eat for several d ays; and was unable t o work. One In order to accomplish our aim bottle cured me."JoHN M. RICiiAltDS, and to make it comfortabl e and Sr ., Tara:, Ont. For all biliou:. tdoublts pleasant for buyers with limited or use B.B. B. Mr. F. Awde is making extensive imunlimited means we have been obliged to put our foot down on high provements on his dwelling. A Co!l[MOM Oocu1mENCE.-Many bad prices pretty hard at the very joints, by which people crippled for start. .life, are made by neglected or badly Mind you we hav'nt in any way treated rheumatism. Ida Plank, of Strathroy,Ont., was afflicted w ith rheumshape or manner cheapened the atism in her fingers so that she could not quality, or lowered the high grade bend them. Yellow Oil cured her,and is we have always made it a point to a prompt cure for all painful complaints. maintain, but are prepared to furThe Methodist church, Orono, is under nish one and all with good honest going considerable improvement. gqQ<ls at lowest living prices. · Sum~ TO SATISFY.- There are many remedies for coughs and colds, but t here Careful bu)ing enables us to re- are few that prove so satisfactory as Hag· ceive a full line of bright new yards pectoral Balsam, which is a pleasgoods at figures very f~vorable t 10 ant and reliable cure for all throat and our plan of makng this seasons lung troubles, including bronchitis, 'a sthma, croup, whooping cough and the pul· sale one long to be remembered as · onary complaints of young c.r old· Darlington Oouncil. Regular mOtJting April 30. M e111ber11 ODDS ANO ENDS. Stray J.>aragrnphs and Itoma of · 1 ntereet PARISIAN BE.NEVOLENT SCHEMI!. Shelton tor of Ready fer the Road. As spring comes, and with it l!otne11 . t h e return to the use of w heels, it find8 . M orris' Carriage Works ready for tbe road. Daring the winter a large st:.i.ff of workmen have been busily en,gage!tin p:repar ing a stock o[ Vflhicles for t he summer t rade, and :>s a COllBeq uence in a few d11y11 a magnificent stock of superb carriages, bugll'.ies, ph ret o ns and :\ II aorts of driving vehicle~ will be placed on exhibit io n. T hose in need of anyflhing;iii this.line are particularly req uested to visit their warerooms and inspect for themselves before p urch asing elsewhere. The "0'.B. & S . Road Breaking and Speeding Cart, " is a vehicle unequalled for these purposes. This is the first season of its introduct ion in Canada. All horsomen are delighted with the O'B.and 8. cart, whose chief advantages are that the weight of the dri,'er makes no movement o n t h e shafts, preventing galling and chaffin~ of the horse ; there is no" horse m otion," and it is perfecrly balanced r eg:Hdleas of the weight of the· driver. Its full advantages can only be · seen by inspectio n and all parties interested can see it at Morris'. In every depiirt ment of carriage building, Morris' takes a leading position, even the matter of r epairinv receives equal attention wi th the other brancheli of h is extensive busigeas. 'N':lT1o~LlL PIJ,I.S are s111v:nr eoated, n1Dll _ but lllluro.....,, ""11 arll Liver Pill in nH> . Peopl<t all present. After routine, comrnunication11 al· follows were r e a.d : From W . Oke deel ning to purchase road i;.lJowance be rwee11 lots 34 and 35 on the 2nd coo. From M . E. Qnigley and othen1 11.Bking for a union Bcho"1 at Burketon. From Dr.Mitchell and"' others aaking aid for Mrs. Lewie. Messrs. Smith and Aw;de were deputed to attend to improvements on 10th con. west of Gravel Road. Josiah Lick was granted leave to occupy 40 rods ro~d allowance between lots 34 and 35, con 7. Ordeni were given ·for sundry n11ld impections nnd improvements. Permir.sion was given to Jas. Elliott and Mrs. Maria Allin to erect wire fences. Sevbral accounts were p aase d and Council adjournPd to May 28. WAKE UP. STALLION ROUTES, 1887. The h orses ' vhose bills have been printed at the STATESMAN office will have stands this season on the days and at tho places Lereafter named:"MACHARIOH, " - J olm Foster, Bow· manville, proprietor. Monday, Jas. Pol· lard's noon ; 'vV. Ma rtin's, Base L ine, Clark e, ni gh t. Tuesday, W. F oster's, 5th oon. Clarke, all night. Wendesdav, Her· m11.n Davis' Town Line, all night. Thursday, Moyse's hotel, Tyrone, all night. Friday his own stllble all night. Saturday afternoon, Ruebot tom's. H t·BURT FOSTER, .Groom . "OLIVE:rt Tw1s1'." - Wm. Patterson, Kirby, proprietor and groom. Monday night, Bennett's Newcastle. Tuesday, Geo. Patter son's, lot G, con. 2, Darling· ton noon ; ltuebottom's all night. Thursda.y, Eli Robbms' noon; thence to his own stable . tillJMonday noon. "HIGHLAND BoY, JR ."-'Vm. Oakes, Newca stle, proprietor. This fine young trotting stallion will travel in t he vicinity of Belleville and t ownship of ::i1dney, stopping at Anglo-American, Belleville, on Saturdays. D. Rmrn, Gr oom. "MAJSJ'RED. "-Percy, Young, &'vVylJie, B owmanville, propri etors. M onday, Levi Annis', Ebenezer, noon; Queen's hotel , Oshawa, night, 'l'uesday, Chinn's, Brooklin, all nig-ht, Wednesday, W ilcocksou's, Columbus, noon ; D. Dyer's, Enfield, night. 'l'hursday, Hall's, Enniskillen, noou ; A. E. Clemens', 'l'yrone , night. Friday, Leskard, noon; Hallett's, Orono, night. Satnrday, proceed to his own stable, Bowmanville. "HIGHLAND CrHEF,"- vVm. PatterRon, Kirby, proprietor. Monday, John Mulligan's lot 12, con. 5, n oon; Pope's, Newtonville, n ight. 'l'ue~day, Rich. Harness', Hope. noon; Geo. Bamsy's, Welcome, night. Wednesday, Arnot t',g, Brown's Corner, noon ; Vt/. Little's, Garden Hill, night. Thursday, Rich. J·ohns', Hope, noon ; Thos, Smith's 4th con, Clarke, night. Friday, Thos. Smith's 4th con. Clarke, n ight. Friday, Thos. White's Elizabethville, noon ; Blue's, Kendall, night. Saturday, his own st able. JOH.!( HARNESS, Groom. "THE ARCBHR."- John Joll, proprietor. Monday, Hall's h otel, Enniskilleu, night. Tuesday, his own stable, noon; Geo. Leak's, l ot 33, con . 6, Darlington, night. Wednesday, F rank Gla.spell's, Taunton, noon ; W. Oke's, night. ThurJday, Levi Annis' Ebenezer, noon ; Ruobottom's night. Friday, own stabl e. Saturday, Beer's hotel , Hampton. ,AND."-John Joll, "PRIDB OF ScoTT Hampton, proprietor. M onda.y, Hall's, Enniskillen, n ig ht. Tuesday, h is own stable, noE>n; Geo. Leask's, lot 33, con. 6, Darlington, night. Wednesday, Fra11k Glaspell's, Taunton, noon; W. Oke's, l ot 32, con. 2, all night, Thmsday, L evi Annis', Ebenezer, noon ; Ruebottom's, n ight. Friday, own stable. Saturday, Beer's h otel, Hampton. HARRY WELCH, Ass is tant. MAN 0' WAn . -The property of Robt. Beith, Bowmanville. Monday, proceed to W . Mutch's, noon ; Hallett,s hotel, Oruno, n ight. Tuesday, John Sander cock's, Town Line, night. W ednesday, Enoch Stevens', noon ; M oyse's hotel, Tyrone, nir,ht. Thursday, Hall's hotel, Enniskillen, noon ; Al ex. Ross' n ear Bradley's school house, night. Friday, John Oke's, lot 31, con. 2, Darlington, all night. Saturday, R u ebot.tom's, noon; own stable, South Park, till M onday. RoGER.- The property of Mr. Robt. Beith, South Park, .Bowmanvi!le, Monday,Rich. A llin's Providence, noon; HalTuesday, let..s' hotel, Orono, night. John Sandercook's, 'l'own Line, night. Wednesday, Enoch Stevens', noon ; Moyae's h otel, Tyrone, night. 'l'hursday, H all's hotel, Enniskillen, noon ; A. Ross', n ear Bradley's echool honse, nigh t. Friday, John Oke's, lot 31, con. 2, Dariington, l\ll night. Ruebottom's n oon ; own S table, South Park, till Monday morning. ~li>"'~~ R osLrn.-The property of Mr. J olm Marshall, Hampton. M onday, D. Oornish's lot 10, con. 3 Darliug ton, noon ; Moyse's, 'l'yrone, nig h t . Tuesday, M oses Robhins', lot 33, con 8, Clarke, no on; Henderson's, Orono, night. Wednesday, TuffL's, N ewcastle, noon; Fisher's, Bowmanville, night. 'l'lrnrsday, .James Rundle's, Darlington, noon ; Willia.m B unk er's, l ot 4, con . 4, Whitby, night. Friday, Thos. Hardy's, lot 30, con. G, Dar· lington, noon ; J esse William's, lot 22, con. 9, Darlington, night . Saturday, Hall's, Enniskillen, noon ; own stable, night. HoYns·roN L .rn. - The property of Mr. John Marshall, Hampton. Monday, D. Cornish's, lot 10, con. 3, Darlington, noon; Moyse's, Tyrone, night. T ueaday, Moses Robbin's, lot 33, con. 8, Clarke, noon ; Henderson's, Orono, night. Wed· nesday, Tufft's, Newcast le, noon ; Fisher'e, Bowmanville, night. Thursday, Jas. Rundles', Darlington, noon ; William Bunker's Jot 4, con. 4, Whitby, night. Friday, Thomas Hardy's, lot 30, con. 6, Darlington, noon; J esse Williams' lot 22, con. 9, Darlington, night. Saturday, Hall's, Ennisk illen, a oon ; i: own stable, night. BABIES AND OIIILDltEN.- They are always catching cold in the h ead. Place a small part icle of Nasal Balm in each nostril at nigh t, also rub well over Lhe br idge of the n ose, and let ue kno w how ~hey are in the morning. :(: a bonanza for our customers. You should not fail to see our n:ew Spring Stock. It's a ra;ttler. It costs nothing to look and nobody will ask nor expect you to spend a cent with us, unless you find it to your interest to do so. We have oul' goods to sell, we are determined to make them go and it is our intrntion to paint this town red i n our efforts to dispose of t his stock quickly. W e don't propose to give goods away but we bought our stock right, and we do propose to put a price on them which will make it an object for the people to come and take them away. It ought t o be apparent to sensible people that extra good bargains may be expected of us under these circumstances and that those who purchase of us are .bound to come out ahead. We think so, and w e think we can prove to you that it is so. You can't come and see about this any too soon. RemcmbeT our choicest bargains will be first to go. They are all good, but some mmt necessarily be bet ter than others, therefore improve the opportunity without delay, as it has over and over been demonstrat ed that the early bird catch es the WOJ.'m. A junior ball team has been organized in Orono- a Jubilee Club. The boy Sam Plains \las sentenced by .Judge Clarke on Tuesday last to two years in the Reformatory . Miss Urquhart, of . Whitby, has b een engaged by Mrs. T. Vimon, to assist in the Millinery department. "For contemplat ion ne, and valor formed, for softness sh e, and sweet atractive grace." J ohn Miiton in his "Paradi se Lost" thus di~tinguishes woman from man. Dise11se fall t o her lot that do not to man's pnc uliar to h er soft and more r efin ed nature. A remedy adapted to the cure of her p eculiar disease is found in Dr. R. V. Pierce's "FavoriLe Prescription," for women. Thousands who have used it attest its great worth. t Mrs. Matilda Brisbin, wife of the late Thomas Staples, of Lelikard, where the family resided very many years, died in Orono, .April 21st, aged 61 y ears. I FOUND IT!A SU'RE CURN .- I have been trnubled with catarrh !:\) deafnecs for seven or eight years with a roar ing noise in my h ead. I bought medicine in 13 staten but nothing helped m e till I pt'ooured a bottl e of Ely's Cream Balm. In four d<tys I contd h ear as well ss ever. I am cured of the catc\rrh as well. I considel· Ely's Cream Balm the best m edicine ever made.- G.A.RllETT WIDRICK, Hasti ngs, N. Y. I HAV.ll USED E ly's Cream Balm fnr d ry Catarrh (to wnich every Eastern person is subject who comes to live in a high altitude.) It bas proved a cure in my case. · ll - B.F.M.WEEKS, D enver, Col. The annual vestry meeting of St. Saviour's church, Orono, was held on t1.e 25th ult. Rev. R. A. Rooney in the chair. The Incumbent nominated Mr. J ohn Stewart as his Church Warden. Mr. D. Rall was selected as the people's church warden. Mr. Thos. Coatham and Mr. T. M cComb ' were appointed Sidesmen; Mr. Geo. McLean, S ec. , and Mr. Ed. Morton, 'l'reas. Mr. H . H . Odell was appoJnted La y D elegate to the Synod. ENJOY LrnE.- What a truly beautifu world we live in1 Nature gives us grand eur of mountains, glens and oceans, and thousands of m eans of enjoyment . We can d esire no b etter when In perfect health; bu· how often do the maj ority of people feel like givin!.( it up disheartened , discouraged and W'.)rn out with disease, when there is no o.-.:casion for this feelin~, as every sufferer can easily obtain sa tis· factory proof, that Grem's A · itgiis·t Flower, will make them free from disease, as when born . Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint are the direct causes of seventy-five p er cent. of such ma h.die~ llS Billiousnoss, Indigestio11, 8ick ~eadach~, . Costiveness, l'l ervous Prostmt10n, D1zzmess of the H ead, Palpitation of the H eart, and oth er distressing sympt om>. Three d cses of August !!'lower will prove its wond erf_ ul effect. Sample bottles, 10 cents. Try it. 41. Our Tailming D epartment is climbing the ladder of fame higher and higher as time rolls on and we begin to wonder where it is going to stop. Our stock is the largest; our assortment the most varied, and fit the most perfect, our cut the most artistic, our trimmings the best and mest durable, our prices the lowest. J. J. MASON ·General Dry Goods & Jewelry House. Glc1Lntttl from Varloua 8<>ure<1·. Cau~ In Montana n great many miners receive About a year ago M. Georgoo Derry,· $4.50 a day. touch~'<! with pity at tho sight of so many It is estimated that 200 lives wero lost in poor l:>Eoplo sleping at ni~ht under the bridges, behind boxes on the quays nnd in Germnny by tho recent heavy snow storm. Tho newest kind of a thief is one in Belle· similar places, in all kinds of woat her and vue, 0., who steals thennometers exclusively. setu011·, brought a proposition boforl3 t he mu11.icipnl council for the eetabllshmen~ of The roof o! the pension oftlce at W Mhlng- two or tbrco re!ng!>f!, for' the JYllt"J'O!'I" of tOn look.'! with every rain storm and. melting sheltering tli oso without homoo. The council enow. 11dopted the meanure, and to1vnrd the end of In Hollihter, Cal., a Chinaman is organiz· Jqnnary, 1886, a r efuge was opened in t ho ing " Musonic lod{Je for i;he benefit o! hm Place de la Chapelle. It wM a ll'Lrge build· countrymen. Ing, rough, but well covered and forflfied A Boston dentist pulled the wrong tooth ngafnst win<l and rain, and !ur11lshNl with rmd was compelled to pay $150 damaged to benches and a few straw mats for invalid~. All who presented tbemsE1lves hero wor o rehis victim. The first invoico of fenthers was received at ceived np to the capncity o! tho building, and San Diego, Cal. , from the ostrich farm at when m orning came each occupant,vas glven a dish ot warm soup. Mount Fairview. Tho rerug(l became popular nt once with Efforts aro being made to make Santa Ana, tho homeless, but tho r esidents of the Placo in Los Angel es county, a genei·al fruit depot d o la Cbnpelle objected vigorously. They said for southern California. rtiat not alono did the homeless come thero, Tho Bufl'nlo Courier suggestB that free but the ln.wle1>5 in great numbers; that the ptlf.SOO be given to every theatre goinp: woman refuge becamo ·imply n r endezvous nud headwho will dot! her hat. quarters for clcsporadoes, nn<l that many n. There m·e only twenty hearses in But:ralo. petty crime wa.q concocted in its wall~. So Ou<l uay recently every one of t hem WM iu great was the clamor against tho institution that be!ore Rpring had passed it wns closed. uss, and at tho samo hour. But the idea nuggested by tho philanthropic A great r eligious r evival is s'veeping over northern New Brunswick. It is said to w Derry was a goorl one, and tho council sought to give it anotb<'r cbano0 to demonstrate its nnequaled in tho history of the provinces. The Pbi.udelphia Humane. socwty lcoops a. worthine9s. Lack or sensible discrimination boat on runners at the skating club's bouS& MMned to be thl· cauoo or the failure of tbo on the Sclmylkillreadyto resc1rn uny one who flrvt attempt. A new location WM . found near the nncient Hotel Diet1, but as tbe buildbreaks through t ho ice. ing there h rui necessarily to be small, ·mother The nverago aalary of school teachers in St. Yu built at ~a snmo time on tho Quay de Louis fa $6Sil. 70. Only t1,-onty-elx rooein Valmy. These were formally opened orro $2,000 per year. Of 1,101 teachers 1,004 ro- n!U.rnoon rBcently. coi vo lees than $000 1ior year. Under tho ne1v regulations tho "guests" American gentlemen desirous of attaining musi give their namt!fi and occupatiorn and the honor of knighthood should sook the Sand· explain their clrcumsl,n11ces satim'actorily to wich Islm1ds. King Kalakaua has a stock or the officer!4 in charge before thoy will be adribbons on hand which can be bad cheap. mitted. It is hoped ill thi~ way thttt t he 'l'here aro now under contract to be com- worthy, unfortunate poor of the city can be pleted during the present winter for service sav~d some or tbe snffcringthoylmvoenclured principally 011 Lake Superior twenty-eight in tho past, But Paris is va.~t and t ho poor now vessels, having an aggregate capacity of nrt'I w ith us nlwnys. 'l'ho refu:i:o on the Quay de Valmy will acoommodate 1!00 persons. It 43,000 tons. · wns (l e<lkatod at 2 o'clodr one afternoon and It is not every day that men-of-war ar<J nt 8 in the evening overy bed was occupied, after literary men. Admirttl Aube, nnd many wcro turned away from lack of the French minister o! marine, bas just named room.-Paris Cor. Philadelphia Times. the first gunboat of a new typo the Gabriel Charm es. A FREAK OF ARCHITECTURE. A servant girl in Cincinm1ti has fallen heil" to $2:30,000, aJtd the faml!y where she has been employed havo invited h0'1" to occupy Thfli CnrionB ~Ian ~io n l'!ullt U tt<ler a Woo<l Pn Sholl b y nir.q. Thomas A. Scott. the spam room and help receive company.'rho family of the lnto 'l'homns A. Scott, N ew Haven Nows, president of tlie Pe1111syh-ania Railroad comA citizen of Hanover, Kan., gets his mail :fl!lny, havo so long occupied a position of the nt the postoillce quarterly. About every highest prominence in Philnclelphia'H most three months, afto1· being notified two or exclusive fnsbionnble sOGioty t hat recent ecthroe times that his box is fall, he goes and centricities 011 t ho part 01' Mrs. Scott. have takes the contents away. 11ot um1aturnlly en.used n good deal of quiet I t is complained in New York that some ot comment. the press accounts of n .-cent parties nnd recepMore than a year ago Mrs. Scott bought tions mentioned. as being present t he names ot ! or S200,000 two adjoini11p; houses on t he ladies who wer e dead, ladies who were in ~outboast corner of Rittenhouso . squnm and Europe and ludies who wer o under o. cloud. Eighteenth street, Philadelphia's most desirJ . Golcihorough Bruff has presented to con.. able residence quarter. A1,1 army of <]llrpcn- , gress a memorial asking for t hti adoption of a ters and bricklayers wero put to work, and no'v d0!;igu f01· the groat seal o! thG United Mrs. Scott, who is now some 65 years of age, Srotes. He points out what ho considers grave gave it out 11J11ong her friends that whfll her new r esidence should be finished she would bemldic defects in the present seal. I have orten wondered t hat the mngnzinee, give fnshionablo entertainments which would in their quest for novelty in illustrations, have surprise ever ybody. 'l'he two houses would not turned their attention to Ireland. The bo into ono nncl fin ished with every hnagin· ITeell isle is n mino for the artist and thf!I nble refinement which wealth and art could '. .-riter. I understand, however , that one or command. Soon, howcvm·, the gnzo ot the t'bo English maguziaes is now preparing a curious WM cut off, for an entire outside ,;eries of articles on the subject, and that one structure nt wood, a framo palace, WM built o1 our own chief pel"iodicnls is also gathering over both houses nnd the entire lot, and from that day the public was in ignorance of what material to t he same entl. was being dono within. A great frame structA Holyoke (:Mass.) thread maunfllcturer:has u re on such a comm:rnding sltc naturally atreceived from Leeds a largo skein of blac~ tracted great notice; Curiosity became inGilk which ha.q laid in a pond since the Mill tense ag · the sonnd of the hammer and adze river disasror. which wrecked his mill, with ech oed without and the r egiment of workers others, in 1874. 'l'bis souvenir of tile floodwWJ ' "'ithin remained unseen. · fow1d Sept. 5, and although it has laiI< in t he l!'lna.lly a portion o! the frame building was pond twelve years the silk retains its color, removed and intimate frlends were allowed has a good gloss, and tho thread is strong, ins.ido. W hat WM their surprise wheri they which shows tbo almret indestructible natur6 ! ouml that t hey wenl in a single residence, of the material. containing fifty-two r oom8-more than any At a recent literary entertainment given other house in the city- and that t he entire by tho students of Grant uni ~ersity, at front on R ittenhouso square was pierced by Athens, Ga., Miss McLaine was to r ecite. As a swann of narrow ·windows set close toshe walked upon the stage sbo was in appa- gether and giving the facade the appearance rent good h ealth, nncl was giving hor r ecita- of n jail! It is now given out t hat this slugution succ<1Ssfully, when suddenly she stopped, lnr structure will not bo finished for a year or placed her bands over her face and stood more.- Nmv York 1'Vorld. silent. Silo was led from tbe staii:e, and then it :was nsccrtninecl that she bad become totally An Old ,JonrnaHst. bhncl.-New York Sun. The late J ohn M. Laird, of Greensburg, D . !JI TI Pa., was tho oldest active journalfat in t hat 1 state. Edwin M. Stanton was ouco an llPT~rn Faslno:·,a, e , · a 1r ress~i-. But it was tho. '.lhomp~on wave whlch prentice in his printing omco at S teubenville, caught t he femuune _eye .with the most pleas- O. During t he war of the rebellion be was a urc-:the pretty wavmg front luur, .which at Union Democrat, but bitterly opposed Stantho t m1 e was SC<".n abovo and close to the.eye- ton, w that on one occasion llc had to bar ribr ows of every woman, old, you ng oi· nuddle cacfo bis office against tlie furloughecl soldiers aged. I~ was not so nov('l for worn on to pos- and fodiguant citize1JS, who want~cl to mob sess wavmg locl~s, but. Mrs. Thompson had him und drive him out of town. Secretary t o Stunton heard of it, and telegraphed: "Let invente<l som~thmg wh1c~ held thes? Joe~ . the be.all-a snnple co~t~·1 vance! ~':iueh m rt.a the old ma11 nlonc, and do not wo1Ty him." way JS completo. .Next ~ho m vented_ the After that Laid securoe<l from Stanton the "~1aby ban;~." a littlo frmi;o "o~ pardonofayoungsoldie~whohad been c,-on01na.mcnt tho_ bald _heads of b"bic. '· luob demned for sleeping on Ins post asseutry; one can b e_ wwcd. m tl:ou· h?1m~ 1:s.. Passi~ g her of the fow pardons the stern war secretary other mventions ii: h au·, it JS to ever grantc<l-- New York Tribune. hear her account of tho m:mner m whwh the somewhat prevailing style of wearing a loose To Sa.Ye J-I urnan Lift~. twist of hair at t ho hack of the neck came to A Texas legislator bus introduced a lJill t.o bo a fa mode. "You see tho life sized Wt1.X figuroyondor," punish by line the manufactu re, importation said mad·tm, us wo wcrn sitting in one of tho and sale of uny pistol o E less than 44-caliber. rooms of her lmmrious e!;tabHshmont in His reason for introducing thm bill i-s that a Fifth a venue. " It was in one of m y win- m an h it with a bullet froui a 44-c:iliber 1iistol dows jn Fom·tecnth street and was accident- will generally die before Lw has n chance to ally broken. Th() hair was in a tangle, and shoot back. The r esult will be an obvious fearing t o still further injure the figuro I saving of human life. Moreover, n 44-caliber carelessly twi';tctl up tho h air into a knot, pistol i> so bi~ tho.t it can't bo worn conce-aled leaving a tangle at t ho nape of tho neck. iu t he hip pocket or " llY other pockot.-New Ther e was a crowd at the window nil day in- York Trilmllc. specting the now coiffure, aud as you know, this back hair tangle is gaining in popularTh e Wor <l "Cl1ica1;0." "Chicago" wu.s the word used by t ho Pottaity. ' '-New Yol"lc Star. watomie Indians to designate n lJlace where Th ro n i;h the Mnd. wild onions abounded, litflrally an onion It has been proposed to nm steamship;! patch. Hence tho appellation "Gan.Jen City" 1 direct from N01v York to Pnlat!m, Fln., 100 applied to Chicago. The term used to dcsigmiles up the St. John's river, bnt tho run bas uate the skunk was almost identical in sound not Leen attempted by the vessels now run- with tile Chi-cu-goo, the place ol onions. I t niug to Jackson ville because of the mud was the belie! of Lhose India11s t hat theslmnk some ten miles below Palatka, on which t ho derived its odo,r from eating onJons.-Cor. water iBonly about ten feet d eep. But two Pioneer Prei;s. old river captains say that the mud is really no obst.'l.cle to steam navigation, and thab A Learned Plir. they have often piloted boo.ts tll·a wing fourFanner Redmond, ncm· Sturgeon, Mo., teen foot-ten of water nnc l four of mud- owned a hog thii.t was afilicted wit h inability over the shoals.- New Yor k Sun. to breathe through i~ nose, so he ,trained it to carry a cob in its mout h to k eep its jaws op \ Vhcro Christmas C itr·l s AN> l 'dute1l. 50 that it could breathe. For the past four · Tho most benutiful Christmas car ds im· , yearn tbo herr has boon going around with o. ported from England aro printed in Ger- I cob. When it wanted to ea.bit down its many. 'l'bo cards aro d~si~n<:Xl in ~uglancl, cob, and _ when it . got through picked it u p but they rwo sent fol· prmtm~ to C,crmany , ugain.- Now York Sun. where the climate is bet:".or suited for cleli- - - -- - cate color printing . nncl w~ero. more ,~ne i! , . ~ Al>sHncnco of Fren c h Deputlos. Fred Douglass, during a visit to the :French e:;pet1dod on t heu· prouuct ion.- C cage Times. hou3e of deputies, was struck by t ho foot that Boston 's rottetl r1twts . no member chewed tobn.cco, o~· smoked, ~r _ .· , . . , B . put ll1s feet a bove tho level of Ins head, "as 1~ I n the vauous gr~nllo1isl's of , oston tometimes seen in our national legislature." there aro 20-0,00il pot t.cLI pl::lJlts, awl m the · colcl fril.nKs on tho nurn.,1·y grounds mirl on I - -- ··-- - -·· · . the DL '<'l' park tllcrn a re over 2, 000,000 ! An artesian well at Port;bncl, ,Ore., .l s d own plants of tho hardy perennial an<l biennial ) 1,800 feet anLl h as cos~ so for ~rn,ooo, ~v1t,h n~ 'Varietieti.- Chica.go Times. J,m Jspootsyeto! !KlCunng u good flow.or w,it:a. Wfthnnt Falln re-Another Jtomfl.. Trfn.1. I I THE Eclipso House, is still ahead. Our ne11· Sprin g styles m :S:A T are now m. 'l'he S "Jubilee Christie". is all the rage-sol d only at t he E clip11e · H o use. Our Spring Ties, Collars, Crt.ffe. and Underclothing going off very rapidly . FINE ORDERE DCLOTHING, A SPEOIAL'l'Y. Cut by the only first-claEs cutter in town.- - -- - - - -- - - - - -- -- - W. H. IVES. DAILY Llt!E TO ROCHESTER. THE STEAMER "NOB SEMAN" .(G. Cl\AWll'OllD l\IAl'!TER, Will make her reguhc t d ps on this rrnte~ leaving Cobourg every morning at 7:30 and. Port Rope at 9:5Qlo'clock,on arrival of Grand 'l'runk Railway trnin· from t he east and west ; connecting at ll.ocbester with th& N ew York Central. Nort hern Central and Erie R ailwi\ya, and the Lake Or.tario Division of the B.ome, VI atedown & Ois-clenaburg Railway fo1· all points east, west .and aout.h. RE'.l' URNING Will leave Charlotte (Port of Rochest~r daily at 9 o'clock P , M. except on l:iaturdiiys, when she will leave a t :{:45 p.m. for Port liope direct. D~nlers in stock will tind t his the cheapest a.nd most experlitioun routo to Oswego, Boston, Albany, New York,&.:-. For further intorma.tion, Apnly to or G. CRA Wl!'OltD, F . GILDERSLE IVH, Port H'Ope · King>ton . KENNER & Co,, Agonts Bow.manville. I . 5 i l a y We11·e1·. : Not c i li.qiii~l, S1M~ff ' Free A particle is applied into each nostril .n.nd i s a" recable. P r10e CO cents nt fJruggists; by mai!"rci(istered, 60 conta.- Ci rcular free. ELY Bl{Q;;., Druggist ·, O wego, N. Y. I ' 'Jfow"'hon t ho budsbealo 'Tis time for youni and TllD.tEc.-wM, LMBitwl~ an<l to show, old to know all - I Tho Illa a t I r.diacstions With call, . That!ollowa ln the,BiliOU$ Wlll scatter ut t.;"tti1!.'thloves of night Ec!oro o. d rnught o! Seltzer bright. Ol· pAin, every trouble, ncha OR RUBBTm AND l\JE'fAL stampe, for l 'h' trch. Sunday School and Offide use, address HO.BElt'l ' l l. COX, No. K lug Street East, Toronto. 6·tt F