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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jun 1887, p. 3

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!! !!!! !!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! ! !! . s;zssa !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! 'lt'u t.K Hl. 'lt't.\' .,m ·. 'lt'u 'lt'dh"tl nJ H"'-"' -'-"' K -"' WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1887. HEALTH. " Dont's :: for !!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! nr; -? - llBl_! ? f .. !!! _!!! !_!_Z!_!_ !!!!!! T'!! !! !! !!!! !!! ! !!!!!!!! ! !! !!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! !!!! !!!!!! .!_!_! . ! !! !!!!!!!!ll · la.ted with it, the y have exhibited all Lhe characteristic symptoms of the diseaijC. The nrganism is found in patients sick wit,h malaria . Without doubt these germs-or whatever the poison-exist in soils rich in decomprn111d vegei;a.ble matter ; but Lhey depenJ for th11 r development on the co-action of heat t1"cl moisture. Still, they are of te n can-ied hy the win<l to regions natura.lly wh olly f,. e from them--£ometimes up into mruntainous r<>gions, and to regions having a. sandy, ste rile soil. The upturning of soil for cultivation, the digging of canals, the building of railroads, the·obstruction of natural water-courses, are often followed by malarial epidemics. The premonitory symptoms a.re nearly the same as in intermittent fever, but the cold stage is very much less, often only a slighi; feeling of chilliness. lt is sometimes mis taken for typhoid fever, but the typhoid pa' tient reaches a high temperature much more gradnu,lly than one who is afilicted with ma· laria. FARM. A solution of " Persian insect p(')wder" is . Don't allow offensive matters to remain. 111 some cases more effectual than the ground In cases of emergency, where these cannot artide. CAT.ARRH.-.A ne w treatment has been dls at once be removed, wring a heavy cloth As the pasturiug season is now well forward· thl! c ov11red whereby a pe rmanent cure of for instance, like Turkish toweling-,-out of we ddsire to again call the _attention of as hi therto ncurable disease. is absolutely street· stockmen and especially dairymen to the ed ill !rom one to three applications, no matter cold water, use it as a cover, placing over Thie this ordinary paper. Such means prevent whether standing one y ea r or forty yea.rs. neces,ity of providing pnre water for stock. remedy is only applied once in twelve daye, the escape of odor and infection. Which is your bes t cow? Don't know ! and does not interfere with business, Descrip by Don't forget to have a few beans of coffee What do you keep cows for? Milk is it? . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . tive pamphlet sent free on recei pt of sta mp A.H. Dixon & Son, 305 King street, West handy, for this serves as a deodorizer, if How much milk must a cow give to make ·.roronto, Can Bits of charcoal burnt upon coals or paper. her worth, her keep, and 20 per cent of her AT is C.ATA.RRll'I ue· placed around are useful in absorbing gases cost? Catarrh is a d ang erous diat'a.BE? which tho_ g and other impurities. sufferm ously unconsm r o ely coneciou . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . are The British d!!.iry farmers' association is ands from. It is a muco0purulent dischu.re caused goi1g to esta.blish dairy schools which shall Don't have the temperature of a sick-room n t e h i para.site e l b ta e g e v a of by tho pre sence tram students in the art of making dairy · much over sixty degrees ; seventy degrees Un!ng membrane of t he nose. 'l'he predlspo products, and if possible pay its wa.y ill sell Twenty-five cents extra will be charged when accounts Ing causes are a morbid state of the blood._ the are allowable, but not advisable. run ing cheese and butter made from purchased blighted corpuscle of tube r c le. the germ p01son Don't permit currents of air to blow upon 'll &y:PhiliB, mercury, toxomce, from the reten milk. d the patient. An open fire-place is an ex tion ef the effete m atter of the skm, su ppres se over one month. We only approve of sawillg off horns as a pers pirations badl y venFla.te d sleeping_ apart· cellent means of ventilation. The current Mr. :Beecher's Health. in 01sons othe of n o i t necessity. We Mlmit that it is cruel, as we na i m ger the ments and may be tested by burning a piece of paper There i.s a lesson tor many ot us in the admit that castrating w cruel, or branding, the blood. Irritated by these, tbe hnrng mem brane of the no se is ever ready for th e recep-. in front. sudden death of this most famous preacher. etc. We also think that calfhood is the tlon of the para.site, which rapidly sp1·e11dsiup Don't give the pa.tient a full gla.ss of water More than most men, be both understood woper time to do of this work, as the tissue the nostrils a nd down the fo.uces, or back up to drink from, unless he is allowed all he the laws of health, and obeyed them. He bone formation, and nerves of sensation ha.v t h e throat causing ulceration or th e throat; J.. u b ; e a e n f oa. d desires. .If he can drnin the gla.ss he will be gave months every year to physical re-in· not attained growth. c ausing llie eustach!a.n t u bes ro wing in tbe vocal corde, causing ' hoars enef!B; satisfied ; so regulate the quantity before >'igorntion. He well knew that brain-work a.l The proper application of manure is a mat· usurping the proper structure of the broncbi ha.nding it to him. exhausted the vital forces far more than ter tubes. ending in pulmonary consumption and of grea.t importance to each farmer, and Don't neglect. during the da.y to attend to manual toil, and that it could not be continu one that will bear death. the closest thought and in· cure of Many ingenious speiflce for for t_b e ed a t a high tension from da.y to day with vestigation. necessaries for the night, that the rest of Different soils require different hout suc catarrh ha ve been invented, b ut w1_t out grave danger. the patient a.nd family may not be disturbed. g d!scov· sandm treatment undoubtedly, and what may be cess, until a physic i an or long and the He equally well knew that sunshine in good Don't ask P· convalescent if he would like ered the exact nature of th d 1se a.ee for one soil may not be best for a dif destroy the atmosphere of the soul was as potent; onl:r app liance which will permanently this or that to eat or drillk ; but prepare ferent soil . ated the the parasite, no matter how aggrav for health and life, as it is the sunshine the delicacies and present them in a tempt once When scientific agriculture · is supported oase. Sufferers should send st am p at which kills the death-germs in the outward .by practical , to the ing way. farming, then will ·a new era tor descriptive pamphlet on catarrh atmosphere, and he sought to keep himself business manai:era, A, H, Dixon & Son, 305 dawn upou the tillers of the soil, and pro Don't throw cot1.l upon . the fire ; place it genial and hopeful to the last. .King street, west, 'l'oronto, Canada.. gressive farmers will hail with.delight the .tl.., a Olero11 in brown paper bags and lay them upon the What the Rev. E. B. Stevenson, B. His ordinary intellectual work, because of Met ho establishment of experimental· gfations a.s fire, thus avoiding the noise, which is shock man of the London Conference of tlfe his genius, cost him less expenditure of nerve reowrd "" sa11 to has Canada, one ot the movements to raise farming from dist Church of for ing to the sick and sensitive. and · b1·ain than did that of most mi11d To A.H. Dixon & Son's Ne'l,V Treatment the place of drudgery. Don't jar the bed by leanin or sitting workers. Almost every organ in his hocly Catarrh. . In a discussion ou farm economy by mem 1888 17, upon it. This is unpleasavt to one ill and March a was in good working order up to the fatal Oa.kla.ns, Ont., Ca nad bers of South Branch, N. H., grange there & Son: nervous. . MtBti'rB. A. H· Dixon stroke. band. to was quite a difference of opinion. Some DEAR SIRS.-Y o urs of the 13th Inst. Don't let stale flowers remain in a sick Why, then, did he die? I am It seemed almost too good to be true that thongl1t that true economy demanded the I chamber. One of the well-known facts of age is a cured of Ca.tarrh but I know that I am. best tools and machinery, othe1·s, that it was neve r The 'Don't be unmindful of yourself· if you are tendency to arterial degellerntion. he.Te bad no retui-n of the disease, and When buying Coal Oil ask your dealer for the New Oils, 11 n y not economy to purchase new tools as long felt better in my life. I have tri ed so m in the responsible position of nurse. To do 111 uscular coat, on which the strength and for and muoh so as the old ones work. All agreed that it things for Catarrh, suffered _ elasticity of the arteries depend, inclines to - 11rs, that it is bard to realize t hf!'t faithful work you must have proper food and so many v0 was exravagauce to fail to properly care become either chalk-like and bdttle, or stated hours of rest. .· I am rea ly better. for the machinery one might have. ; it c ase ba.d very a wa.s mine that r mere fat. Such del!eneration in the brain I conside Don't appear anxious, however grei·t your the lving Is there no means of making goats profi was aggravated and cbronic,:invc is more dangerous than it is elsewhere, for throat as well ras the nas al pnsages. and I anxiety. the cerebra.I arteries are not supported by table in this country? It is simly because 1, t hought it would require the three. R-eatment Don't forget that kindness and tenderness Try it once, you will use no other. tough muscle. Every emotion increases the goats breed freely and live without care but I feel fully cured by the two sent me. and and yield a rich and delicious milk, that no I am thankful that I was ever induced to send a.re needful to successful nursing. Huma.n force of the great central pump. nature longs to be soothed and comforted on . · io y ou.· 1'1cUOLL BROS. & CO'Y, Toronto All undue mental activity keeps the one can possibly afford to breed and handle statmr: You are at liberty to use this letter cerebra.I· blood-pressure at a high tension, on a large scale? Is it possible that these ents, and all occasions when it is out of tune. that I h ave been cured at tw o treatm swelling out the arterial walls, if the latter hardy creatures cannot be made to pay in a I shall gladly recomm end your reme dy to som· f riends who are sufferers. ot·my are weakened by fatty degeneration, and du.iry for cheese-making ? If their kids were Common Errors. ' s k n a th . y an m ' th Yours, wi searching out every spot that is weaker than kept at home they could be ma.de to graze REV. E, B. STEVENSON Do not forget that : others, In such a case, a fatal hemorrhage on the roughest ground and would return And hundreds of others 1. Alcoholic drinks do not support physi is liable to occur. The avoidance of unusual home to be milked. cal strength during hot weather. excitement and undue brain-work is ·the Ewes that present signs of scarcity of --MANUFACTURER OF-2. Sea.sonable weather is never unhealthy. sole condition of safety. milk either before or after lambing need Now, we know that Mr. Beecher was special attention, remarks the London Ag1'i 3. Men and women should not eat the , same kind .and amount of food, when their working on his " Life of Christ " at a pres cultu1'al Gazette. Good Jambs are never Has received her new etook o f sure unusual for him in his best days, r td reared unless they receive a favorable start manner of life is entirely different. KING STREET, BOWMANVILL the result shows that it was with the" sword in life. It is advisable, however, to bring a 4. Pie is not essentially indigestible ; nor, Ha.11 u.ow on h and a number of vehicle (and ls man uf a cturing a great many more) of the·ne of Damocles " !111nging by a hair a.hove his good fiow of milk upon the ewe previous to in ge:ieral, can the quality of indigcstibility patter n s and be at finish, which I am offering tor sale at the lowest prices c onsi stent lambiDg, not afber. A few roots, a little fresh and invites the Ladies of Bow be logically affirmed of any article of food hea.d. Tha.t book probably killed him. with dne regard to workmanship e.nd quality. The tallowing is a. list of the principal vehicles manufactured by me hay, aud about one pound of grain, consist absolutely, and apart from a consideration - ··- .. manville and vicinity to ing of bran and oats, if fed da.ily, will pro of the digestive capacity of the particular Double Covered Carriag es ....................................................$150 Upwardt duce a wonderfully beneficial effect in prn STArISTICS. 11 and see her Pattern stomach the powers of which are to be Single Phootons . ... . ... . . ... ;.................................................. 100 moting the flow of milk in the ewes. tested. u Open Buggy.............................. .................. . . .. ... . ... . ........ 70 The entire t0tal of the Hebrew race on the There will be a great increase in the 11 5. Disease does not consist simply in the Top Buggy........................................................................ 90 surface of the globe is estimated at about amount of fodder corn sown this year. The 11 group of symptoms manifested in the case. a.nd a.ssortment of Democra.t Wagon............ ... .... ..... ········ ································ 65 6,300,000. I adYanta.ges of soiling cattle become more .. 6. Morbid processes are not necessarily Lumber Wag ons.....................·.·...···....··..·...··.·.. ······ ······· ··· 56 Australasia, as a British possession, includes and more apparent after a season of draught destructive, but are sometimes conservative. Australia, New ZealaBd, Tasmania, a portion " Light Wagon. ...... .. ............ . ..... . ...... .. ... .......'...................... 40 such as too many of us experienced lastfyear. Disease in some cases may be nature's of New Guinea, and several small islands 11 Express Wagon, ··....·...·..··......··..·..··.·. ..·····..·..····.·.....··.······ 75 Good corn fodder is an excellent food with method in righting a wrong, or overcoming between the Indian and Pacific o ce ans. The 11 Skeleton......................................................... . . .. . .......... ... 50 which to piece out dry pastures. 'Vith a STORJ!i 1-Sooond Door Weilt of Wlllla·· t?e effects of se disti:rbing ag:ent. A po:- area of i;he entire space is estimated at 3,169,. " Satcher Stall Sulky . . ..... . . ... .. ..... .... .......... .. ... ... . .... . .. . .... .. . .. .. ........ . ..... . .. 40 good sup11Iy of such fodder cattle can be tion of the chmcal picture of a disease is 389 s'luare miles and the population <tt not kept in the barn during the heat of the day. P s1eesi 1i i o r super o facilities carriages, n for I manufaoturing i n t e n d to sell v e r y cheap for "" therefore made up of evidences of reaction, less than 3 223 0 0 There they rest in pea.cc, undisturbed by the or approTed oredit, and by so d oi ng I h ope to greatly i ncrease my num ber ot ea.lee. Wout4 · as well as of diiect morbid action. Last yer pe; cent. of the total traffic murderous sell tho wood parts only, or the gearings of buggies ironed, flies that wef1r the milk and flesh 7. In the production of true cholera in- of the Suez· Cana.I was British- precisely out of them in the pastures. 'l'he labor fantum heat does not pla.y the most impor- the same proportion as in 1885. The nearest spent at growing and handling a crop of ·;:)F WORTHLESS IMITATIONS tant part ; nor does it furnish the main in- npproach to our own marine, with its 2,500 c<Tn fodder will be well spent. ent. ships of 4,000,000 tons ·burden, wa.s the ion for treatm dicat 1 At the Shortest Notice, Painte-d and Trimmed if Desired. :r infrio As th ere are many In feeding corn fodder and straw · to milch goods, corded with Jut·, 8. Persons are not necessarily well because French, with 170 ships of le s than 50,000 At tile Factory I also do Planing, Matching, Turning ands ·.inis w,&h Circle, Band ,,,, SCIN cows, the deficiency in these will be best made hemp , etc., offered o.nd 1old 'they feel well ; nor does sickness consist in tons. Holland comes next with 120 s 1ps of prepare all kinds of l umber for oarpenter s nd other s for building purJIOBOll. Sa · w8, and a.a Coraline by so me unOrn amental and Pia.in Pickets for fences in every style required. made to order. th 13 ,000 tone, f o11owed by G ermany - up with bran, and I would add two pounds 220 · . principled merchant· t re.d- feeling sick. of good whea.t or rye bran, the latter is the ships but only 209,000 tons. .w.=.... ing on the reputation of 9. S better and . the cheaper, to make the mixed ' pecifics do not exist in modern mediour i;cnuinc C:.rnHne, The mean production of wine during the ' 01 ·nes, fodder equal to hay. 'l'hen I would mix four . . we warn the la.die1 ..alnat . 698,790,, been has years France five m last red a 10. If any one be ill, take drugs n such impositio12 by dn.wpounds of corn-meal and four .pounds of bran i ng th!3ir attenU<.>n w ibe cover, it does not follow that there is any 875 gallons; in Italy it has been 564,805,620; if the cow would digest it and consume it I a neceiniit yotseolng \be.tih· ,000,000; in Austria-Hungary, 9 in Spain 5 4 connection between the administration of . profitably, a1!-d give half o! thee-; with cut name the in 90,000,000; in ; Portugnl, 425,000,000 o the remedy and the happy result ; nor d es fodder mornmg and evenmg, with fodder the repetition of such cases do more than es- G.ermau Empire, 83,023,000; in Russia, 78, alone at noon. Coarse middlings are some 00,000; Europe, in Turkey 58,5 in 750,000; tablish a probability of the remedy doing what richer than bran in eta.rob, hence if 'llto.mpedon!nner side o!al1Co2·alin11gooa., , an S 't l d 29 · zer ,w1 , 000 ; m , , 250 · G 29 · reece, m good in like cases. middlings are fed, the cornmeal may be reWithout which none a.re nume. l l. Even if 11 patient has had syphilis, it 250,(100; in Roumania, 15, 750,000; in Servia., duced to three pounds daily. 2,500,000. does not follow that every ailment subse- 1 Out of a total population of 5,750,000 in quently aill icting him must be syphilitic ; Kine; Leopold's Daughters. Belgium, there are nearly l,200,000, or 21 nor that he must for every ill take iodides. per cent., engaged in a.gricultural pursuits, I have it on the best authority that the Banking l a Bu11ineH r ene G a Continues to do 12. It is not always necessary to remove . u to while fully one third of the people are sup- recent visit of the King of the Belgi"ns eBo wmanville Branch. msane persons from their homes ,· though it . posed to be more or less directly interested the Prince and Princess of Wales had some----o ---DE.POSITS · must b e admitte d t1iat the percentage of rein the cultivation of the soil. Wages for thing to do with the project of his daughter coveries in hospitals for the insane is much oeived in Savings Bank D e p ar tmen t and farm-labourers, without food, vary from ls. Clementine's marrbge with Prillce Albert 1&11 and interes t allowed at ourrent rate·. NI greater among mild and recent cases. 3d. to 2s. 3d. a day for men, and from lOd. Victor. Well-informed persons, however, 1o ti ce of wi t hdra w al neccsaarT. .A.11 &tJpos!h 13. The actual years of one's life do not to ls. 4 d. for women. When food is given, assure me tha\; such a union is practically payable on demand, bear any positive rela.tion to the occurrence men usually receive ls. and women 7d. The impossible unless Leopold's cl.aughter abjures EXCHANGE of senile degeneration. total area of land under cultivation -is about her religious belief _ and _ becor,1es a ProtestHair Brushes and Combs, Binge's Couo-h Syrup ' o ant. As Albert Victor is looked on as a fu. 14. Typical hysteria cannot exist in a 6,681,000 acres. 8onght and sold and Drafts issued uponEnrope Jnited States and Oane.da, also Qold,SilTcu u.nd perfectly healthy patient, though the essenIn 1841, when the population of Scotl'l.nd ture K ing of England it is out of thequestion Toilet Soaps, OSe Glycero1e, Onltod Sts.es Greenbacks b ough t and sold, tial lesson may not be discoverable by the was 2,620,000,the total deposits in all the that his (ueen could be a Roma.n Catholic. pathologist. Scotch savings-banks amounted only to about The well-known sentiments ·of his grandCOLl..rEC'J.'IOl'fS Perfumery, Corn Cure, Now the sum of £9,000,000 is mother, as well as those of her subject, in 15. The conditions of modern life in our £600,000. Promptly mnde at current ra.tes v.pon all par highest civilization are not the most favor- entered in the names of a bou t 400,000 per- that regard, confirm the accuracy of such a. large Chamois· e. very Imperial Dentifrice, ar G rea t Britta.in, the United States and Do view of the case. Leopold had somehow or s tock. able for the development of a large, healthy sons. Only about a ninth of it is invested in mi nio n of Canada. head his into it will got he other that the Both be the Post-Office Savings-Ba-- k. and vigorous population. Sponges, &c. Camphor Ice, h T Scotch and the Irish worki nh'-cla.sses prefer ahle to persuade I,eo XIII. to allow Princess 16. There is no essential difference bespecial by Clementine emto dispensation instituted those to the local trustee-banks Made tor large or small sums on all parts of tween sanitary and sa.na.tory science. by and mana.ged for the State. While in brace her future-or supposed future-hus----o---Can ada. Thie ls especially a dv a nt a geou s to Jlers ons living in Mamtoba or the North·west England those who pat·.·onise the latter are band's faith; but such a.n idea is as absurd · s It >nakes the tunda availa.ble at once e.i th@ impracticable, utterly is it as is in there for Malanal fever. no numbers the 9, in 1 of proportion in the )llace or payment. 1 in 32 and l in record of any such dispensation in C<>tholic Remittent fever is closely related to inter- Scotfand and Ireland are as · J!'or further particulars call at the Bankln11 eccle,>iastical history, and no pontiff could mittent. Each depends on the same cause, 40. . . Bouse. mit on any account any of his spiritual and each is characterized by frequent subaid- i . The stocks of gold and silver at the pm ? per GEO. McGILL, T. RODIE, children to renounce the Chui:ch of Rome ence of symptoms, followed by their renewal. l c1pal banks of the world hae become imMana.per .A.ocountant. or any other ;eligion. It The intermissions of the one however have meDselylarge. TheBa.nkofEDgland haslock? for Luthera.nism -lv the Belgian King threatens, if a singular regularity, Iastin'g, accord g to i ed up so m e £20,000,000, in coin and bullion, is so.id that Bowmanville, Fe bruary 1, 1886. is not secured, to act just the type of the fever' one' two' or three i the Bank of France £90,000,000, the Bank of the dispensation l Germny £?2,00,000._ Te amount of gold as if it was not absolutely necessary. In days. other worO:::s, His Majesty will have his The subsidence in remittent fevers is only 11 au silver m c1rculat1on 1n the world as 1 iu order that in due for a few hours,-generally in the morning, I estimate by_Mr. Burchard, of the Umted daughter a J,utheran he may become the father-in-law of the time and at £1,200,000,000, Mmt, States 1883 m I -and is much less in degree as well as in Emperors of Austria ai1cl India-au ambi ar dly percep- the amount of fio.uciary paper at £800,0UO,ilur11tion. Sometimes it is 000. There were, however, instruments in ti_on which is certr.inly, from other points of tible hkallS· v.iew, verr com;ner;dale iu itself. His T he symptom of remittellt- fever are also, ciculation-suchas cheques, telegrap . I , any 1 daughter Stepame '111, !f she hves, be Emmore marked. The temperature reaches a fern, &c.-of far greater value than pres of .Austna, w 1 le his daughter Clemby and money, aper other or bank-note v higher point, a point at which ' in se ere -'- - .. :::! . .. ... .. · ll calcu- entm, as Albert Victor's spoue, may encases, the blood is dan gerously, and often th operation of those u;istrment a rtaul: i:eas?nable h op e of being Queen of 1 Purify the Blood, correct. all Disorders of the fatally, changed in its nature. It generally at10n_s _as to the mone.Y'. m ctrculat10n bcome te the Bntish Juggernaut on the banks of the s reaches its highest point within a few hours. m snfl01ent ai;id un atisfactory as an mdex Ganges. Does uot Leopold look very far ILIVIKR, '!['OlllA.CD, KID.:WEVS fl.ND BOWELS. ALL LIVER AND KIDNEY COM- It is the fever which is so fata.lly malignant I of social reqmrements. ahe ad i re e l · ou -·- = i They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, PLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTv,:j:g1!· £·I:ata ; fa: n! e What Good the Mosg_uito Does. a.re [nnluable in all Compla.inta incidental to Fem.a.lea of r.11 Ages, Fo1 Th e :Barbed Wire fence lity is greatest in hot climates, but its exisION A:N D ALL DI':IEASES ARISING Children and. the aged they are pricele1u1. tence !s not confinec to th tropics, but is A writer claims to have found out the useAlready the account of cattle beiDg struck FROM DISARRANGEMENTS OF THE found m eyery malaria reg10, I by lightlling <tnd killed while huddled to- ful point of the mosquito. He says "I . ) · ·· _:.,i ci;he nt1ves of mala.ril reg1ns are, m the l gether near a barbed wire f ence '.luring a found out the real mission of the pest by putLIVER AND KIDNEYS. _ f m.an, lmhle only to term1ttent . fever_; thunder storm have begun to come in. ting a lot o the wigglers into a hogshead of IN an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Soree while persoi;s from abt oad are spema.lly 11· Losses of this kind have hecome so numerous water and fill n another hogshead, into 1md Ulcer!!. It is famous for Hout and Rheumatism, For disorders of the i able to rem1tt ent, but when tey have reThe second · of l ate y ears that the question of insulating which no wi gglers were put. -Ohost it he.s no equal._ e, are motly secure agamst a s ubsecovei . the wires of such fence is not seriously dis- ocly of wter soon became f?ul, while the · _ . , ql!ent attack. . Th? se who a".e had merTlil11·outs, B1·cn1ch1tu1, Cottgb.s, Colds, cuss ed. The humble rail fence fo now a fir s t remamed sweet, sbowmg that our mi ttent feve are liable to !t m depressmg' thing of bev,uty nor a j oy forever but it· swamps would more often become sources of . Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival; and for weather, or m a low cond1t10 of helth, seldom ct a.ys the confidence of lot of disease were they not infested with mosqui- Glwdular b r llg after to removal n o a no m a u s s. reg l contracted and stiff joints it 11cte like a charm. 10 trusting cattle'that have v,ssemblcd together r toes." I _h e shorter and 1-;ss m&1ked are the remlS- n one ..._, of its friendly corners tor mutual i . 1 :nons, the _ greater is the dger. that there were Sydney Smith once sai d counsel and support in the hour of tria.l. Manufactured only at THOMAS HoLLOWAY's Eata.blishment, I? ""prietor, Toronto. Ma.lrml means b?'d an·. .But chem10al · two modes of judging of anything-one by ·... -·- aalyms revals no ifferece between malathe test of what has actually been clone in I ?8, l:fEW OXFORD STREET, (late 63:3, OXFORD STREET), LONDON: . rial and ordmary an-. \. V1tlnn 1t few years, the same way before the other by what we SOLDlBY . I ISh v. a Wha le. SWO!'d-y· n d are sold at l11. ll.d , ll.e., 22s., ari. d. 33s. each Box or Pot, and · l! ·· 2 s. gd . 4 a. Gd 11?wever, a_ microscopi? orgv,ism has been can conceive may e done in that way. A may be had from all Medicine. Vendors throughout the World. ,llfGGINBOTllA..N.i & SON, d1scoered m m alara l air, which seems to be A small swrcl-fish cai;i kill a big whf1le Most of the errors in judgment cocerning , . SP11rehasers hould look at tile J.abel on the Pots and Boxes. If tho r cldre he cause of the fevr. It has been_ duly ISh no.ture rn not unlike human nature· ! the work of the world come from usmg only BOWMANVIL L E. isolated, alld when ammals have beeJl m ocu- Ihe whale blows too much to be a fighter· ·one of these tests without the other. 111 a 1133, Oxford Street, f,ondon, they are spurfou.i CATARRH. Don't light a sick room at night by, means of a jet of gas burning low ; nothing im poverishes the air sooner. Use sperm candles or tapers which burn in sperm oil. the Sick-Room," There is v, wo rld of labor spent for nothing in piling and forking over manure. Do not be in too much hurry to plant. Notes and Suggestions. MCDOUGALL & METCALF, are oner1ng Coal follows : ':i tove and Chestnut, Grate and Egg, . i . $6.25 6.00 , , , LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & CORD WOOD Always on hand a lowest prices. McDOUGALL & METCALF Farmers, Th reshers and Mi llmen, Use :00.coll Bros. & Co.'s Celebrated. , g LARDl,NE::: MACHINE OIL. THE WORLD. THE BEST IN FAIILY SAFE'fY & SUNLIGHT Coal Oil. HAIN ES' CARRIAG E "WORKSi GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, llSS ljcT AVISH GOODS., OARHIACES, SLEIGHS, GUTTERS, WAGONS &G., calJ BONNETS, HATS . TRIMMINGS . BEWARE 1 1i 0 . Al} Kinds of Vehicles Repaired . J HIGGINBOTBAI & SON, PRACTICAL CHEMISTS, We keep the best and sell at moderate prices. THE ONTARIO BANK Is the Right Place to buy Drugs, WE HAVE ON HAND: I R eJgra1· Transrers in I j Prairie Flower Condition Powder and Pure Ground Oil Cake. FOR DANDELION LIVER AND KIDNEY h BIrTERS CURES 1' HEALrrH .... i\.. . LL I' ? I B T H J::;i p I 'L L 8 : f; ! ancJ : T I-I .E' ( I N T M E N rr i The Greatest Blood Puri fier in the World. I, ! E. M0 R R . I j I , ! For Soroe . j I l b ,

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