justice. See for yourselves." Saying these other. "And who is thi Visci I am to words, he passed the papers down the table murder?" the artist demanded bitterly. from hand to hand, Maxwell reading them Salvarini bowed his head lower and lower IS PUBLISHED in his turn, though the whole thing was a till his face almost rested upon his breast. W. RUSE. VERY FRIDAY MORNING, whole thing was a puzzle to him. He could "You know him," he said. " He was a. -BYonly see that the assembly were in deadly good friend of mine once, and his crime is E AO HER OF ORGAN, PIANO, THEORY. Terms on anpli· triumphantly, touching the clarp of . h r earnest concerning something he did not the one you are contemplating now-disobe· T VOICE CHAPTER X. M1 A.JAMES, ion ".. a1, "BIG 20." 28;1y I w1thm . untlPrstand He was destined to have a dience to orders. Is it possible you have Besides the consolation of recovering the. cloak.-"Do not.you see how _he is AT TEE OJJ'EICB some rudu awakening ere long. The papers were not [guessed the doomed man to be Ca.rlo precious insignia, tlie spice of romance in !11Y powe_r? Besides, he can give me I They passed on until they reached the President's Visci?" _ f the utmost .valu. Post Office Block, King Strce&, Bowmnn· the 1!-ffair appeale to L_e Gautier's natural mformation o · Yillc, Ontu1·io, "Carlo Visci-my friend, my more than .nw _mght, th.e bus1- hands again. With great care he burnt sentiment. He might, 1t may be thought, hold . a coun?1l to-morr ..-' have had something similar made . but it l ness 1s pressmg, and a special envoy 1s to go them at one of the candles, crushing the brother? I must be mad, mad or dreaming. to Rome. The undertaking will be one of charred ashes with his fingers. Lay foul hands upou the beat friend man ·1.60 per Annum, 01· $1 U' 1mt1l ln 1ulvnnce must be remembered that he had 'no foe"You are all agreed," he asked. "What ever had-the noble-hearted fellow whose simile in his possession; and he knew, or extem? dall:ger. They will daw lots, bu Payment strictly in advance requtred!rom Jno. McMurtry & Co. · tht°ho1ce will fall upon Fr".d1ck Mwell . is your verdict to be?" And like a solemn purse was mine, who taught me all I know, nbacr1bers outside of the c ounty. Orders to suspected, that the coin bore private marks . le1e ask- echo came the one word, "D eath!" Sal who saved my life ; and I to stab him in the . Va this o d know you ·> w H l e S the al to At known only . Thre upreme . lsoontinue the paper mut be accompanied by ; varini alone was silent, and as Le Gautier dark because, perchance, he refuses to serve Are prepared to pay the higheat prioe11 amount d ue , or th paper w i l not be stopped, haza.rds, therefore, the device must be re- ed. . "I do not understand your m1ss1on ol>Aor!bers a.re responsibleunti full paymentii covered, and perhaps a little pleasant pas- but it seems t? me ht '!here e_very man took up the cards befon1 him, his deathly a companion the same I Never I May my a.11 kinda of Grain delivered at the lllde. has a stake at issue, 1t IS !us own mterest to p&llor seemed to increase. right hand rot off, before I injure a hair of time enjoyed in addition "It is well-it is just," Le Gautier said Carlo Visci's head !" RA.TE!! 01' A.Dl'ERTISING: After long cogitation j,a, Gautier decided see the matter conducted fairly." Wharf or their Store Houae in town. you sternly, as he poured the cards like water " Then you will die yourself, " Salvarini Wnole Column one year ............. $60 oO =:;I; t o keep he appointmet, ana in accordance ."Yo ma.Y think so ; but perhaps ill th uk dfferently wheu tell rou . that irom one hand to the other. "My friends, put in sadly. . ?,::; W g C determination, this to harin with walked oo 36 . .......... year Half .. .. . " " Then I shall die-death comes only quarter········· 20 OO O tier 1, for the evemng, I resident we will draw lots. In virtue of my oflice as ::i... Cross the following night. He loitere d Le Gau Halt Column onene y ea r ···· ·· 36 oo -- along the broad stoneplatform for some time 1 of the Council. _It d o _ ea not need a vast President, I am exempt ; but I will not once," Maxwell exclaimed proudly, throw " . . Hal! year ·· ·· 20 oo · " till the clock struck nine, idly speculating aount of d 1Bcrnn.maio11 to se". how the en<l st an d out m th e hour of danger; I will take ing back his head. "No sin like that shall 12 50 One quarter_ OF CANADA. w1}l e.. Le Ga.uier 1s determmed to mar!y my chance with you." stain my soul !" urter Colurr.. one yea.r ........... 20 00 o. upon nd the fro, people and to hurrying " " Half year··········· 12 50 For a moment the two men were silent. A murmur of applause followed this senti· Capital pa.hi up, 1111,000,000. Jle1t, l!IH9,H J turning over the book 8 and papers on the this md Chai:teris ;_ and.much s she espis· «» Salva.rini broke the silence. " Listen, 5 bookstall. At a few minutes after the hour es lum, ,, he will gam his end 1f he 1s not ment, and the cards were passed round by . ,i eriion : W lines a d u n . lr each, after being carefully examined and Maxwell," he said. "I am in a measure to Thie Bank 111 prepared to do L egltl· ll:aoh subsequent I n se r tion . .... . o 2ii -he looked up at the clock, and then down crossed. ll'rom six to ten lines, flretinsertion 0 75--· "But what are you going to do?" Valerie duly shufl:led. Maxwell shuffled the cards blame for this, ancl I will do what I can to .mt.to Banking ln all its branches. again and his heart beat a shade more :O:aoh subsequent insertion...... 0 35 as. ked, horrified at_the infamous"plot. '·Yo_ u iu his hands, quite unconscious of what they serve you. You must go to Rome, as if a Farmers notes discounted ; DeposlM n swin g there, ing quickiy, for the by standi 10 Over ten llnes,flrst insertion,perllne 0 to im, a.nd passed them to you intend to fulfill your task, and wait reoeived and Intnrest paid on amountl!l ol t allo a mnocent man t o go t o h 1s m1ght mean to h" door leading to the first-class waiting-room, w1ll no. o oa.H:aoh s ubsequent insertion," . . Salvarini this? . there till you hear from me I am ruiming death hke was a long cloaked figure, closely veiled. 96 upwards in 81.vinga Bank Department; The number otllnes to be reckoned by-: "No," he saildespondingly ; "there is great risks in helping you so, and you must "I shall not, as you say, allow a good Walking carelessly in the direction and theepaoe occunled,.measure d b y a soale or ... .. I' D l A .. ep in Isodore fate d these. m be as lot ' to death," n to the things If rely on me. One thing is in your tavor ; done such ie BOl!d No varel l . approaching, he looked at his w:i.toh as he I bow my head. There is a time is no particular object. Will you go [111ued and Oolhmtions made In Europe muttered. "Pa.st nine-no sign of the East- with the calmness of perfect conv 10t10n. falls to me, e========== "T? pea1 is nt yet i:ipe. J::c Gautier is not higher Hand than man's guiding such desti· so far, for your sake and mine?" United States and Canada. ern Eagl." DJtS, MeLAlJGDLIN &; REITll, "Anything, anywhere!" burst out the By way of answer, the mysterious stranger suf?ciently ho1?t with his own petar. nies as ours; I will not touch them. " Say W. J· ·TONES, - 0 FFICE :-M\)RRIS' BLOCK, BOWMANVILLl!l. raised her hand to the clasp of her cloak, This Maxwell will go to R:oe ; but he will ing these words with an air of extremely Englishman passionately. Al(·n (TO BE CONTINUED.) pr.J. V!f .McJ,AUGBUN. Dr. A. BErrH. Gradu and there, in the centre of the fastening wae n ver execute the conumss1on allotted to deep melancholy, he pushed the cards in Hcen tia te of the ?ya! h1!11 ; I shall take care of that.-And now, J,e Gautier's direction. The latter turned Toronto a gold moidore. ate o! the College of P ys1c1e.ns . Le Gautier's eyes glistened as he noticed mmd you are out ot the way, when Le Gau- back his cuffs, laiu i;he cards on the palm of . and member or the Umvers1ty, l:'hysicia one hand, and looked at the assembly. this. "You wish to see me?" he said at tier com_es t?·morrow ght." Uoyal College of S ur- S urgeo , &o. Kitchen Physic. "I will deal them round, and the first Valene silently shivered as she turned .11reons. Edinburgh. length. " I must thank you for"-"Suppose mind. her in plot dark the particula individover certain a to falls that card r is-" A maximu m of nu- Your attention is di recte d to the immense rule golden A a "If your name is Le G utier," she interstock of DR .J. C. llllTCJIELJ., you fail, Isodore," mum of digestive force," a she suggested-" fail ual shall decide," he said. " Choose a trition with a mini rupted, "I do want to say a few words to ' '.\V E MBE R OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS from over-confidence? You speak of the card." typical article by way of illustration beingan you.-Am I right, sir?" .l I and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, eta. " Th _ d, aa if you _ he _ e daifger strikes to the heart," came egg. Albumen, present in both the yolk Le Gautier bowed, thinking that, if the matter as already 1!-ccomplis OtD.oe and Residence. Enniskillen. '/'ii. . foreign voice from the end of the table ; and white, is rendered practically indigestiface matched the voice and figure, he had a had only _ to say a thmg and it is done <?ne would thmk, to hear you, tht rederick what etter can we have than the ace of ble when subjected to a severe heat; hence, of every description a.t treasure here. --- D. BlJRKE SIMPSON,--· D"!\\ , He stoppecl, a d a murmur of I a friecl egg would be no more value to a sick "This is no place to discuss this matter. Maxwell s safety, my husband s life even, hearts? A.RRIS1':0:lt, SOLICITOR &;o. M O P RIS assent ran round the room. person than an old kid glove. We instance M If you can suggest any place where we can was yours." ' BLOCK, up stairs, King Street, Bowman. . · Uli 1'.'es," she aos'!'erd calmly; "his life It was a thrilling moment. Every. face a fried egg because fat is hotter thi.i.n water, hold a few minutes' conversation, I shall be . lie, Solicitor for the Ontario Bank is mme. m the hollow of my was bent forward eagerly as the president and so the egg is hai·dened to a greater extent. She has just opened out one of the laI'geat I hold it ob " liged. Pl'ivate llloneys loaned at the lowest rates. stood up to deal the cards. He placed one Here is a digestible way of cooking an egf!: and most stylish s tocks eV'er.,, brought Le Guatier mused a momedt ; he had a hand." bfore hiself, a hamless one, and then, Break it into a small cup, slightly buttered, .John Keith Galbraith, . good knowledge of London, but hesitated to to town, consisting of:, CHAPTER XL with unerrmg dexterity, threw one before '."nd set this in a saucepan with enough boil··n A.RRIS T E R, SOLICITOR, NOTARY take a lady to any place so late. The only mg ater to come half-way up the cup. Put 1'I i l 1i11ery1 Dre SS Silk s, 0 P UBL IC &c. Offlce-Bounsall's Bloc,k suggestion he could make was the EmbankIn one of those quiet by-thoroughfares 1 oYery man t_here. Each face was. a study 11.'.tng Street: Bowman ville. Money to lend, ment? and apparently this suited his com· between Gray's Inn Road and Holborn I ral?t attention, for any one might mean the hd on, and at once remove the sa.uoepan Vlvets' &c·1 a hfe, and low hoarse murmurs ran round from the fi_re to the hob or fender, so that panion, for, bowing her head, she took the stands a hair-dresser's shop. It is a good! GOBERT A.RMOlJR, proffered arm, walked out from the station, enough house above stairs with capacious as one card after another was turned up and the water 1s reduced to a lower temperature. with a very fine stock of Feathers a.nd Flowers. l!:GU:lTRAR, WEST DURHAM ISSUER Villiars Street, and so on to the water- rooms over the shop; blow, it has its pr-:ved to be .hrmless. . One round W?-S In si:c minutes, mor or_ less, according to R ot Marriage Licenses, Barrister and Attor down side. Le Gautier noticed how the finl!ers on plate-glass windows and the pole typical fimshed, contammg, curiously enough, sLx the size of the egg, it will be cooked-just Call and inspect this fine display, which nov at L aw and Solicitor in Chancery.Money s ftal ace had ?0t appear- set, tat is.. S_lide it on to a piece of t?ast, this to nat- of the to11sorial talent within; a win- heart and ye the oa.nnot fail to give satisfaction. lo·ned on Real Estate. Office on King street, his arm trembled, attributing ural timidity, never dreaming that the emo- dow decorated with pale waxen beauties ed. .l!}ach anxious face would light ui:i for or boiled rice if agreeable to the patient. B wme.nvllle. . tion might be a warmer onP.. He began to rejoicing in wiua of great luxuriance and j a moment as th owne-'s ard as tur.ned The egg may be cooked _in the shell in the , WULIAltl 'VIGJIT. pr-oeess 1s then known as BRITISH EMPIRE feel at home now, aml his tongue ran on ac· 1 splendour of colour . brushes of every shape up, and then he fixed w1th sickenmg anxiety same way. 'Ihe At he end of the " ste11;ming;" ve or six minutes is the aver Ah ! how good of you" he ex- ! and design . and cosetiques from all nations I on his neighbour's. ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the cordingly. " seo?nd ce round was still the a?sent. The a age tune required. L Co unty o f Durham. OrdBrs left at the claimed, pressing the arm lying in his own I dubbed with high-sounding names and war'. STAT EBMAN office o r forwarded to Tyrone P .o, tendrly-"how angelic of you to come to I ranted to make the baldest scalp resemble I1 exctement now was almost pamful ; not a Raw eggs are frequently ordered, as when 28:5m 01 was sp? k en, and only he deep brethd wWl receive prompt a ttention. ESTABLISHED IN 184. they ca.n be taken and retained by a sick per my aid ! . Tell me how you knew I was so . the aforesaid beauties, after one or more ap I d 0f the mward emot n. ence evi gave mg . w son they are extremely nourishing, simply, rash, so impetuous?" plications. But the polite proprietor of: S. C. lllJNIUNG, Slowl:y, one rds the by dwmdled c oie, because the albumen not having been hard It h>s "Men who carry their lives in their hands "The Cosmopolitan Toilette Club" had; shareholders to pay dividends to, R ICENSED AUCT I O N E ER FO Thestorydoes something besides hair-cutting to depend 1 away lll the dealer 8 J:ands till only seven ened is soon digested. Many, however, can alwaysare,"lsodorereplied. Managed by and eolely in the interests of L the' Cou nt y of Durllam. Sales attended 1 It were never as a left. to sight be for · the Policy holders. ·o on shortest notice and lowest rates. Addrea11 not need much telling. I was in the K ur- upon, for Pierre Ferry's house was the Lon- 11 gotten even with one chance to ea ch; and not take raw eggs as usually given; that is, 36:t! saal at the time, and hd !11Y eyes on you. don headquarters of the League. :J 0 VRIC m P. 0. ?eaten up_ with milk or wine. The follow ; d , h en the . fi rst 0f the se_ven VI a ealt, a mg s mode IS a good one; the appearance of I saw you detach the ms1gma from your Its aates are Low. As ho stood behind a customer's chair in -'. GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO watchohain; I .saw you hand it to a wo- the "saloon" snipping and chatting as bar- I simpl two, every envymg ey was bent he dish being i;iice, . an. invalid will otn be Pollci forCeitnble and uneoudlUonal, esnon from e one as t 11 upon tun he m 1 he ate o ughed i fur n L la his buys who _ man y r l e - 111duced to try lt ; it IS free from o1lmess, a_ ev . man o stake; m short, I can put my hand hers, especially if they be foreigners, always . !IlENR Y S YLVESTER. Enl!iskillen. ste d ly, wiped his face, ancl hastily and clean to the palate. Put the yoke of ash. Bonus Paid every three :rears, upon Jr. now." will, his restless little black eyes twinkled 1 fi a t led and 8"'.allowerl a glass of ater. an _egg into a basin with a teaspoonful of "¥Y p·otector, my guardian angel _I Le' strangely. Had the customer been a man, l Pianos Tuned andi Repaired. Gautier cried. rapturously; and then, with a of observation, he would have noticed one Sl d five, four the ast to . the President, white sugar and a tablespoonful of orange or Joint Life Policies, suden J?rosa1c touch, added: "Have you man after another drop in, making a sif!n to 1 an ther e onl remamed t:ee eards now- lemon juicei an4 beat lightly together with Thov.gh a d ou ble rish but one premium Is pal 1 one or Salvarmi, one for and one axwell, , a fork. Put the white on a plate, and add ARTIES WISHING THEIR PIANOS got it with yo_u?" the tonsorial artist, and then passing into an tor two people. Amount of policy drawn P Tuned or repairea can ii.aTe thorn at te nded Isodore hs1tated: If he cold only hav:e inner room. Salvarini entered presently, 'ir the sug?ester of the emblem card. The a pinch of salt, then, with a bread-knife, beat renchman s card :vas placed upo!1 the table; N ti.rat death. ORGA DOMINION e th ,at word by 0 leaving see!1 th smile behmd the th1c}r. dark veil acC'ompanied by Frederick Maxwell, both l it to a stUI froth. Now as lightly as possible, turned it p with a shrug whic_h was not ' mix all together in a basin; then as lightly' ilo's 0Fll'ICE, Bowmanville A first-clas man which hid the features so tantahsmgly I making some sign and passing on. Pierre 1 ow beinK in their em.1110: "I have not your insignia with me," she Ferry looked at the newcomer keenly; but a a. t?i:;ether ai!ected, and then came Salva- transfer it to a clean tumbler wiiic h it will 8pecia l Inducements to Total Abstain er·. s?-id; "that I must give you at some future glance of intelligence satisfied his scruples, lrmi s turn. he whole room had gathered nearly fill if properly made. This must not o Do? Gentlemen otFash time, not now. Thou¥h I arn alarmed for I and he resumed his occupation. Time went round the w.am, ¥axwell calm and C:0llct· stand in a warm place, or it soon becomes . .lSSETS OVER $5,000,000.I yon, I cannot but admire your reckless au· on until Le Gautier arrived listle.s and cool ed, Salvarmi white and a h!'ost famtmg li<tnid and loses its snowy look. ion, not so i·ast. He had to steady one hand with the other, . . . . IN()OHE Ol'ER $1,00&,000· dacity " as was his wont d i his' turn passed in' ' e b cl ru can it· use i e A ' f ny p lac of e JU!C like man afilicted with paralysis, as he "I thought perhaps you might " Le Gan- turning to the b;er :s he shu the door be' l d b t f orange or emon or even ran y 1 e I 100,000 h d oc· .00 deposit few ed lines, ; 1 ed over .h"IS ?ar with the CanadianGovern . d ·· . F o r a mon1 nt h e I bave written them 0. I tier ?bserved m a d1sa.ppo11ted ' tone, .and hind him. "This room is full," he said; "we turn ordered 'it. Those unacustomed to for benefit of Cti.nadian polio;y holders. And all l h!lVB to eay. eaned b ack m his chair, the revu 1 s10n of tor has . . glancmg at the clasp of hrs compamon's want no more " "t e of eggsw1 p t e h "llfi d h That :sou can ttnd m e sUll at home, a t b ngw at m a of mch 11 !feeling almost overpowering him. His card salt rs a he p, and also a current o f air, near cloak. I am not gone away. · · Ferry bowel gravely' and turning the key 1was the seven of clubs · · . So al l my kfnd old friends may come, lNVESTEIJ IN CUA.DA, $680,000.011, . the fire or in the open . mme, "That IS " she exp1amed, notmg m the lock, put the former in his pocket. ' , o o onee, t young tbe all And . his eager look. "I do not part with it so That was the signal of the assembly being I "'VV1th a longmg sweethrow, th PesiAnd get their garments nicely ma.do requ!l"eslon 1t and care, cook- HEAD OFFICE IN C.ANADA ;-MO NT REAL recklessly as you. I, too, am one of you, as complete . He wished his customers good- d_ent tossed the last card m. Maxwell a 1rec- . Gruel needs ln fashions th.at are new ; t Where old and Y<lnng. dear friends. ma 'J' mee; Ah, Monsieur le Gautier, how night, then closing the door, seated himself, II t10n. No need to look at It. There It lay mg; fine oatmeal should e bode an nour at you see. For partlcula.ra reter o PEATE. least, though wenty mmte 1s the m?st R. by A welcome greeting, truly fortunate your treasure fell into a wo- to be on the elert in case of any threatened, -the fatal ace of hearts ! I They were amazed at the luckless mau's some people give. When 1t is made with , man's hands,, Fl; L. .LIVINGSTONB, danaer I wter (in cases whe:e milk disagrees) lemon "Indeed, yes," he replied gravely, a. little A eh of the conspirators passed through 1 utter cool?ess, a.a he sat tl;ere pl...yin with GENERAL .A.GENT, as nutmeg, Pt; to 1 ferable flavorer.:, JUce, r .a puzzled, nevertheless, by the ha.If-serious, . the shop, they ascended a dark winding i the card, httle understandmg as. yet 11s danspices bemg often irritatmg to the stoma?h. POR'l' HOPE half-mocking tone at these last words. sta.irca.se into the room above; and at the; ger; awl then, one by one shakmg his hand _ Cereals, as a i:uie, reqmre . long cookmg Or to agents throughout the county. 4.8-6a e. "And how grateful I amt Pardon me end of the apartment, a window opened olennly, they p11;ssed out.. Maxwe!l ws . if, in my anxiety, I ask when I may have out upon another light staircase for, mclmed ak_e hght of his dramatic dis- for the tarch grams to_ have time to swell it to. ll. foreigner's love o! the ome kmds, hoever, m use _nowadars, :ire a c " it?" flight in case of danger, and ;,hich :play, nbmg , . steam-cooked before packmg; t1s kmd "It mav be some days yet. It is not in; led into a. churchyard, and thence into a mysterious. He did not understand 1t to . on I _ so n rrow!oot ed _ A not ill often is bewcen farewell la,st a. . Brothers. my hands; but be assured that you shall' back street. The windows looking upon !mean . have it. I always keep my promises-in Gray's Inn Road were carefully barred, and I The:y had all gone y that time ih the ex- simply mixed w1h oilmg milk or water, o the fire and but t served; r_eturne en if and latGautier the cept1on Le Salvarm1, f love or war, gratitude or revenge, I never the curtains drawn 80 as to exclude any sin- ; 1 ter lookmg a the doo1!1ed man sadly, the simmered for tw? mmutes 1t 1s much better. forget.-And now I must leave you." . gle ray of light, a.nd talking quietly together WITIIO\JT TBBl'H wrra: TIR:BTR. "But you will at least tell me the name were a few grave-looking men, foreigners· Frenchman v.:1th an . evil. glitter and a look Year.:s _gone by this food was rcgarde aver.:y nutr1t1ou; now we know tht, as its. mam of my benefactor, and when I shall have the motly. Maxwell surveyed the plain-look- I of ubue<l trmmp m his eyes. ,, . Highly drmatic, at any·ate, Maxwell e_lement is sarch, th nourishment 1 bt .. great felicity of seeing her again." ing apartment, almost bare of furniture, I _ com.mend 1; !t PR A.CTIC.A.L DENTIST, "If I disclose myself to you, my secret with the exception of a long table covered ' observed, t.m:nmg to Le Gautier, "and vast- little. But 1t has iis to re 9VKR TWENT¥'YEARB EXPlllRil!lNCB. R).ust be respected. Some time when I with a green cloth, an inkstand and paper, I Iy entertammg. Thy seemed to be ex- usually agrees, and 1 re'.'-d1ly hg:ested: it 1s tJnapproached for 1 as? often ver.:y soohm m an 1rr1table oonI together with a pack of playing-cards The tremely sorry for me. N' trouae:s:tdeGas.A.dmtntsteredtorPalnle· nov.: you better, I will te,1. you more. dition of the mternal oigans. Tone and Quality, hve m Ventnor Street, ]1tzro_y Square. i artist's scrutiny and speculations were cut I "\ Yell, you take tematter coolly enough," Operattons. You at '.'Any one wou!d :th ]renchman smiled. ten. may and c_ o see me m". any mght , short by the entrance of Le Gautier. ,, ODIVE . JllUULtrlHl'S BLO«lI. CATALOGUES FREE.t Y mut mquire ,or Marie S Jean. . To an actor of his stamp, the change of thmk you wer used to this sort of thing." Wealth Beneath the Waters. _ I will come, Le Gautier exclaimed, " I should like to have caught some of a light-hearted man of the l manner from . 1ssmg the proffered hand gallantly. "Noth- world to a dept:rate conspirator was easy 'those expressions, Maxwell replied. "They The memory of the loss of £200,000 of sil 1 mg sai.:e the sternest duty shall keep me enough. He had laid aside his air of levity, , would make a man's fortune if he could get ver and gold will survive the drowning of ' from Fitzroy Square." and appeared now President of the Council them on canvas. What do you think of an 1,000 souls in a coup. There was the Lu " And you wil_l respect my secret? I, too, to the life-grave, stern, with a touch of: Academy picture entitled "'l'he Conspira· tine, for instance. She was of thirty-two am on the busmess of the League. You hauteur in his crait, his voice delibern te ; and tors?"--And now, will you be good enough guns, commanded by Capt. Skynner, and she went ashore on he bfl.nk of the J!'ly lsland wil guard ni:y sret ?" his whole mamcr spea,king of earnest deter- , to eplain this little farce to me?" VETERINA RY SURGEON, . ' On my life? was the fervid response. mination of purpose. Maxwell could not ; His cool, contemptuous tones knocked Le passage on the mght of October 9, 1799. At · but admire the man now, and gave him' Gautier off his balance for a moment, but first she was reputed to have had £600,000 ENNI SKILLEN, -· Good-night, and au revoir." "On his _ life," Isoore mumurd as she credit at least for sincerity in this thing. he uickly_ recovered his habitual cy1icism. sterling, in spcie on board. This was afterHonorary Graduate of Ontario Veterin11.ry walked rapidly away m the direction of the "G-entlernen," he said, in sonorous tones, "There will be a pendant to that pwture, ward contra.dieted by a statement that "the College, will attend to all diseaBeB . Temple Gardens.. "we will commence business, if you please called "The Vcngeace ;'.' or, if you lik it return from the bullion office makes . tile . . It wa. a beautiful _ mght, the moon ang- i I shall not detain you long to-night, for I bttcr, '·The Assassmation,"' he replied whol amoun about £140,000 sterlmg. of domeetie a.nima.ls. mg behmd Westmmster, and throwmg a have business of grave importance myself. with a sneer. "Surely you do not think I "If,' I find m a contempomry account, glowing track along the swift rushing river, Will you take your se ats?" dealt these oards for amusement? No, my "the wreck of the unfortunate Lutioe should IOnS & D ent' 0 perat· IStry dai;icing like molten silver as i turned and The mengthered round the table, drawing friend ; a. life was at stake there, perhaps be discovered, there may be reason to hope switched l for the rec?very of the bullion." ;nder . the arches of "'VVaterloo. up their chairs, Le Gautier at the head, and two." . . A Sp E CI AL TY. !t was , gettmg quiet now, sav:e for the echo- everyeyeturneduponhimwithraptattention . 1 "A hfe at stake? Do you mean that I In there1gn of JMnes II., some English ad· -JEll"':U"' feet or the fuotfall tom a few hurry mg an inside pocket he produced a packet a.m tu play the part of murderer to· a man venturers fitted out a vessel to earch for and mg From . Calls and Orders by mail or telegraph shout of voices from the Suney shore. of papers aml laid them before him. " weigh out the cargo of a rich Spanish ship Bro- unknown to me-an innocent man?" "Murder is uot a pleasant word," Le which .had be;,n lost on the coast of South Soft and .subd ued came the hoarse murmurs thers," he asked, "what is our first duty to will receive prompt attention. IPI" I am tullypreparnd to attend Funr.ridaon of the distant Strand; but Isodore heeded l the League?" " We prefer the America. '.!'hey succeeded a.nd brought home Gautiei· replied coldly. CHAIWES MODERATE. ty years at the tho hortest noti?e, at the lowest possible ratee them uot. In ima "inatien she was stand- ' "The removal of tyrants 111 came from expres8ion "remove" as being more el egant £300 000 which had been for . · . ')113 ' kets 1.ndBunalCasesready on"hort notice 1 . S 8 TO IO .A . 0 F F IC E n 0 U I " · M · · · · ' bottom ' 'f tie l o se11.. C aptam Phipps,_ who First-olaas huarso on very moderate terms '.1e sh a d ow of t110 grape-vmes, every throat there ma kmd mg m1c1er ti of chorus. " And 1111 d not so caIoula teel to sh ook the nerves of .A. firat·c!o.aa stog! h dicines a.I ways the sunny Tiber down at her feet, and. a I de11th to traitors !" added one, low clown novices-like yourself. Your perspicacity commanded, had £20,000 for his share, aud Shrouds and Collin!! com1t.':!.ntly on hand. Fun n man was a.t her side. And now the grapes· the board . does you credit, sir. Your arm is the one tho Duke of Albemarle £90,000. A medal ealoardsauppUedatonce. Furniture Shop&; N. B.-Will visit Williamsburg every were thorns, the winding 'l'ibe the sullen I was struck in h onor of this event in 1678. Snow Rooms--Eounsall'aNcw Illock. "You are right, my friend," Le Gautier chosen to strike Visci down." Saturday of each week. -16-ly Thames, <nd the hero (standmg by her continued. "That is a duty to which none "Gracious powers I" Maxwell exclaimed, There was a very costly wreck in 1767. n sie. a hero no !onger, but a man to be de- can yield. I old evidence in my had that. falling b_ack into his ch!"ir faint and dizy. She w:as a Dutch as Indiaman and founfu a sp1sed-and worse . As she walked along,! we have a traitor amongst us-not m the i "I stam my hand with an unoffendmg 1 dered Ill a storm w1thm three leagues of the else in this world . 11<0 ca ital to bermade' Ct thi t ne ede d ; you are started free. '.& oth Does any man's blood? Never ! I would die first. I 1 Texel, taking down all hands but six and us 8 :1d ·busy among the faed rose - leaves of the I room, I mean, but in our camp. . all !'-gea. et urn it ·,.xes Any one can d o the work. we will send you' free. past, .a hand was laid upon her arm, and Brother here know Visci, the deputy at never dreamt-I never thought--- Sal-!! £500,000. The price of four . such armadas I Lar11:e earn1ngi1 sure rom Ji rs t start. Costly f . something of great vaI ':'e Valene stood before I ier. ; vanm , I d"d "88 went down in the 1ast cen- outfit and terms free Better not d elay Costs 1 not tillllk you wonId 1 ead me as t hat of 1 o Rome 9" . t th t 'II ta d . ot "I though you were going to walk over tI tury aloue in the shape of gold, silver and you n ohi og to send "us your add ress a0nd find The assembly looked one to the other,' into this !" sii'.s hlh 0J'il· brlngwo! r Y;:g0. t JA it zo u re wlse you will c).o so at once, a.way than anyt.hiog else in this me," sJ:e sa,icl. "l knew you would re· though without speaking; aod Maxwell I "I W'1rnod you,", the Italian saicl m OlJ rn- plate. She was the annual register ship, as, u money o. tland wcrld. ny ne cn do the Wf!rk anq. live at turn this W<y, . an, came to meet you.- noted the deathly pallor upon Salvarini"s f ully. "As far as I dared, I told you what the term then was, and had in her 500,000 I · J,L TT & C . Por . Mame. bom. EitJ:ier sex · all ages. Somethrng new, Have you seen him? piastres and 10 000 ounces of <>old on !10face wondering what brouaht it there i the consequences would'be " ' . t h a!J ust coms money o . ' for all workers. We "y I h " es, ave seen h im; iat I h _o,ve I The P1·esulent repeated the question, and 1 "If you had told me you were a gang of count of the kmg, and twwe that sum on the will start you; capital n ot needed. Thiij is and . wl B iii!.' R CHERON HOR SES Ir"& He is' looked round again, as if W<'iting for some ' callous, bloodthirsty murderers, I should merchants' a0colmt, making her a very rich v.ue of the geourne. iuiportai:it classes of a life. heard, d o c 11ot alter my feelm_gs. tu:;i. Tbse who are arnb1t1ous nd enter· l cold and vnm, callous tnd unfeclmg as ever. one to speak. Island Home Stock , not ba ve joined you. I , like every En<>lish- ship. She foundered and no man escaped to Farm, Grosse lsle, 8J!s T! d1gasM'! .tfit frea. And to tink I o "Ys I know him.. He was my friend, "" man, am the friend of libe1·ty as muh as tell how and when. ce loved thitt. man, and i s '. In the sa.me year the Dutch lost the An'.I .he poor fool thinks he has Salvarm1 observed m mela.ncholy tones. you, but no cowardly dagger-thrust for me. trusted him ! , ade another conquest, another captive to "Let us hear what his fault is." Canadians, bein g on '.Do your worst, and come what may, I defy toinctta, an India.man, and with her sank an Islan d in Detroi Under the cover of my £700,000 besides jewels of great value. "He is a traitor to the Order," Le Ga.u- you I" \ h 1 bow and spear. b 1 ve1, I luwe b_een stua:ying his fea tures. tier continued ; ·and as such h e must die, "A truce to these histrionics," Le Ga.utier l The Royal Charter is the most nota.ble inWi;Js1S It 1s well he thmks so; it will help me to His crime is a heavy one," he went on, look -' exclaimed fiercely; "or we shall hold a stance of the wreck of "treasure"ship that I chasers will find a. larg... ..lumber of pure , my revenge.-Valeie, he is going to call up- ing keenly at Maxwell: "he has refused to Council, itnd serve you the same. There can just now call to mind. She left Auson me to-morrow mght at ten o'clock." anbocfg I are your orders. I am your superior. Ttike tralia with $350,000 in her. Of this sum, obey it mando,te of the Three." "But consider what a rash thing you are "Death!" shouted the vmces in chorus, them, and obey. Refuse, and"--He stop- says Charles Dickens in his chapter on this nnd colts of all ages I doing. esid?, how is it_ going to benefit again-" death to the traitor to select from. All ; r ped, folded his arms, and looked Ylaxwell dreadful shipwreck in the "Un commer ial !" . yu or lllJUre J:nm? ?e w_ill boast of i_t ; he "That is your verdict, then?" the _ Presi-1 full in the face fo!" a momcn; then turning f Tra;eler,_ " £30,0,000 wort were. ecovered latered in the French and will _, talk of it to his fnen<ls, and miure ent asked, a g:eat shout of "Ay" gomg up a.ruptly upon his heel, qmtted the room ! at tne tune of the D:ovehst's v1S1t to the Prices reasonable, stockaranteed. Lar e m us. g . 1 spot'Y!'here she had dnven ashore.-London trated Catalogue tree, SA.VAGJ!l .t FAUNUJll , you. m reply.-"It 1s proper for you to see his :without another word. !E ro DE1·1wr.r, ca. I i;. lll !W'll! g l "Not while I have this," Isodore cried refusal; we must be ste:n in spite of our Maxwell and his friend confronted 'e<tch l 'l'elegraz>h. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN BY ORDER OF THE LEAGUE. I j , -· _ .. . MUSIC GRAIN and ' I · <> Te; n ·· · · · · · · ·· . . · .·..·· ······ · ·· · STAIDARD BANK - : g-- · n h · l, . n n · 1 LADIES, 'B I " 1 . l 1 n M I L L I N E RY Il! of I I I llft'ii D1t f f.l,&.ll ELY'S ·' , I · MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., no I I i · i j I , on · · · · · · ·1 I " ,. ment . · · . DEN·TISTRY. j II I 1 I · J'. M BRIMACOIIBE, , F. A. JONES, l BELL & CO. Gnelpb, Ont. I ___ I · I ! UNDERTAKING L E \f i rliORRIS .. ------ · ·-· · 1 · · M0N E riht yand , I 1 I D U N, :\,, ., ' yH ' lf'AMftK' Dle."ST r , RIEND I 's a I1 · · · , " i · RI ! l , j _ j l J I I I l · · 0 I Y O u::n1 thing;ea;:ifra · . · ------ · j;}t;zn;:.; I c I I I l AJ;i!egttacokt Pi6,