HEBE WE GO AGAIN I Perspiring under the pressure of an Over 1,200 Brantford Binders have al BAY OF QUINTE CONFERJiiN CE. ]'IRST DRAFT OF STA'l'IO.\TS. Na.dy been disposed of this season. Farmers wa!lting the best Binder in the market should eee James McLean, Hamp· ton, or Robert Moon, Orono, \lthes agent Steel Binder. The Brantford IllusratedAnnual Cat· alogue for or some for the Brantford New Light 'l'UE llELLEVILLE DISTRICT. increased patronage. our Dazed success. 1887 is pronounced by compe hand!Jomest If cat· you with delight over gilded tent judges to be the Driving the wheels of trade overTa .smooth and · logue ever issued in Canada. track, and we have not seen it send for a copy. 'l'he Brantford Cordage Co. is now fully equippect and is producing a very high grade of Binding Twine. Twelve car loads of Machinery, and one hundred tons of hemp have arrived for them. A Harris, Son intend to push this years' business with a blaze of No triumphant glory, obstacles in our Busi discouraging path to impede the progress of a live and snapping business. ness men wonder at our success and deserving growing prosperity. public and competition. benefit the the first Canadian firm to place in the hands of agente, samples of a New Light Sam ples are now distri· & Co., Brantford, were We are friends to the foes to high priced Steel Binder. Belleville Centre-J olm L earoyL I i Wel lington Jeffers, D. D., R. Robinso11, :Gar ret .T. Din gman , 'Nm. Bird, Supemnnua· tecl. .Belleville Tab c rm1ce- .Jas. Young, Sec· retary of Confet·encc ; Albert Carman, D. D., G ene ral Superintendent ; W.P.Dyer, M. A., Pre sid ent of Albert College ; J.R. Jncques, D. D., H. Williams, S. W.Ladu, vY. G. Hu dgins , Supernnnuated. Btilleville West-F . B. St ratto n ; G. Bodle, Supernumerary. Belleville N orth-A . Browing. Sidney-J. E. Robeson. B1iyside-Rogor Allin. Foxboro'-·R. lVL Pope; A. C.Mriybee , Super1111 uuated. Plainfield-0. W. Mnnin. Cauifton--E. A. Tonkin ; John ]'cr guson, Superanuu<iteLl, who has pennis sion to reside in the United States. Shannonville-W. H. Peake. Molrose-E. A. Sanderson. '.Jhos. GaH go es to C o lleg e. THE NAPANEE DISTRICT. Little Britain-W. D. P. Wilson (Ken· ncth D. DooLh). 1'rfonillu-Alexundc1· Martin . Cannington-William ,Johnston, C. H. Coon . Boa,vcrton-Robt. Tnylor. Woodville-\Vm. Brid en. Cam brny-John F. Mears. li'enelou Falls-Foste1· MeAmmond, B. A. Bobcaygeon-Andrew Wilson (Geo. R. Clare). Minden-W. B. Tucker. Haliburton-Gilbert Horton. Ki nmount-Hira m Fusee. Coboconk-Jolm Lawronce, A. E. Osterh o ut . Puffer). Dalrympl e -·w. 0. Sanders. Monmouth-Chas. Mearing. Gooderham-One to be sent. ANCHOR LINEllJiiEOAfL!CRAPHIC " SECUR E AMIDST PERILS." UlVITEDSTATES MAIL STEAMERS SAILING BETWEEN Is the Favorite Home Journal of Refined American Families everywhere, and the only Daily Illustrated N 11-.ws pa.per Published in the World. It circulate.1 in every Sta.ta and Territory of the Union. It may be found on News-Stands in every large city. The vast body of its sub scribers a.re people of wealth and culture. No other daily p ublished in New a NEW YORK and GLASGOW, -AND- NEW YORK and LIVERPOOL. NEW YORK & GJ,ASOOW SERVIOE, DE!VONIA, Crom.New York, Saturday, M:a y 21 ETHIOPIA " " ,, .June 11 .Ju ne 18 ANCHORIA June 25 " DEYONIA FUltNESS!A " J ul y 2 CIRCASSIA E'rRIOPIA ANCHORIA Victoria Road-Edward Eves. Atherlcy-R. M:ill et t, B. A., (I. \-Villet DEVONIA " .Tnlv !l Ju l y 16 July 23 July 30 · RATES To 01· GLASG OW 0F PASSAGE. SE THE 1\lAl>OO DISl'ltIOT. Macloc-0. R. Lmnbly, M. A. Stirling-J. J. Rice. resip e in Stirling. Rawdon--T. H. McDornild, who shall l' JRS'.1' CAD IN, Afll O ut side Bertl:i. $60 Excursion Aft n side or For· ward Bertb, $110 Single, $30, Children , from New York, Glasgow, L-ivcr pool, Londo1derry or Belfast. RVIC I { ets available for 1 Year Tio } $UO $00 Our constant aim is to buted all over the Dominion, and orders people by constantly offering bar are pouring in from every dire ction. The extraordinary simplicity and light weight of the new No. gains. Buyers ai e always delighted and lookers surprised when come to our Store. Tweeds this season they 2. Steel Binder opposi Our stock of is immense she.wn. has completely demomlized the ti?o, who see but slim prospects of sale for their heavy old-fashioned machines, so long as the supply of Bran tfords holds out. The }3rantford Light Binder, No. and the variety of patterns is great er than we have hitherto We have made a sacrifice too ter rible to relate, but it must be told. In a great race for trade this sea son w e will make the boldest venturn 2, is the lightest and beet steel binder in the It contains the largest propor the largest proportion of smallest proportion proportion to weight of tion of stel, of cast iron, in ad market. of modern times-That of low Fine prices. quality We gooas work. retailing all qualities of Goods at tremendously Malleable Iron, the are bound to have a greased-light Machine of any binder made In Canada. ning trade. and low prices will do the From the very humblest beginnin in an obscure locality, the busiues3 one of gigantic proportions, Nap::mee East--\V. 11. Emsl ey ; L. A. Betts, Supernnmrnted. Naprmeo \Vest-E. N. B a ker, M. A., B. D.; D. Wilson, Eli W oodsto ck (Drock vilfo). Deseronto-A. Campbell. MorvenThos. Cleworth. Newburg-Jnmes Curts, D. S. Houck. \<\Tilton-Tobias Meyers. Odessa-Christopher L. Thom1)son. Bath-Riclmrd Duke. Adolph usto wn-E. D. Lowis. Bay-E. E. Howard ( Napane e ). Sel by-W . H. Cook. Roblin-David Balfour. Centreville-Geo. H.obinson. Tamworth-'l'..T. E dmi so n, B.D. Yarkm·-S. F. Dep ew ; C. A. . J ones, S11pemnnua te d. Marlbank-Moses Metherell. Arden-R. vV. Mn.rsh. Mountain Grove-H. C. Garbutt ; E. A. Orser, Superannuated. Plevmi-M. E. Wilson. V ennachar-Onc to be sent. THI PICrON DIS1'RI01'. Tweed-Wm. J. Young, L. W. Puffer, (Bridgewate r . ) Huntington-D. \V ill i arn s , James Mc · Mullen (I vanhoe ). Thomasburg-J. 0. Seymour. Marmora-\V.C. Beer . · T. W. Andrews. Queensboro-\Vm. J. \Ves t. Eldorado-R. H. Leitch. Warristun-·H. V.Mounteer (Marmorn). Flinton-J. H. Oke. St. Ola-R. .J. Fallis. Coe Hill-S. ·l. Rorke. Bnncroft-J. X. Moran. Cloyne-VVeslcy Down. THE CA.Ml'DELLl·'OltD DISTRICT. s E c 0 N D c LIA s s. (Including requisites.) Retur n, $;;;;, 2 to 12 yr s. , half fa re , Infants free. York city has so large Mail Circulation. NEW YORK & LIVERPOOL, v£a Qt:EENSTON S. S. OI'l.'J? OF BOME. From LlVERl,OOL, NEW Yomc. Wed, l\fay 25, Cl'l'Y OF ROME, Wed, May 11 Wed, .1une 22, CI'l'Y 01" ROME, Wed, Ju ne 8 Wed, July 20, CITY OF HOl\lE, Wed, July fl W11d, Aug. 17, CITY OF ROME, Wed, Aug. 3 From TH.E WEEKLY CRAPHIB There is hardly a Post-office in the United States where a.t least a few copieli are not re ceived each week by subscribers. It embraces the best features of THE. DAILY GR.U'IIIC, pi ct ri a.1 and literary, Wed,Sept,U, Cl'J'Y O F HOME. Wed.Aug.31 Wed, Oct. 12, CITY OF ROME . Wed. Sept. 28 llsATES OF PASSAGE. DiTt5r11ool or N. To 01' from .New Yurk, Qiteenston. I·' I RB county to come Wa want every family in Durham Harris, and see our new They are cheap and gor Son & Co., of A. limited, has grown to reaching to import· styles. gec:is in the extreme. We shew courtesy to all, whether every corner of the Dominion and far be yond H, and has become a most ant factor in the agricultural Canada. Twenty Binders, ten Reapers and ten Mowers are made daily at the Brantford Works which are and have been r unnin g full blast all season. tory. history of they wish to buy or not, -eyes snap. offering inducements that will make your Don't be bull-dozed by and what they cannot deal ers who shout big things claim to shew prodace I,et B merchant of this fir:.ery Orders are · away Brantford class know you want a Carpet or some other hang to class of house and he will bore you to death and you like a lean flee to a plead with big poor man's chin and priced concert. ahead of any previous year in their his This is all because the is the best Binder made in Canada. Already over sixty car loads of Brant ford Machines have purchasers this been distributed to and prospects sales. regards season, Picton First-J. F. Ockley. Picton Second-H. F. Ostrom. Cu11secou-Wm. Jolliffe. Wellingt on-W. R. Young. Melville ::rnd Halnwell-S. C r ook sltauks (Chisholm ). Ameliasburg-Thos. P. St e el. RcdncrsyiJle-Thos. vV. Pi cke t t ; \Vm. · and erson, Superannuat ed. Carrying Place-·.Jos. J. Rae (l\'Curmy). Bloomfield--J. A. ;Jewell, B.A. Cherry Valley-Samuel McCauley. Milford-.fas. Faul. Glenom-S. B. Phillips. Waupoose-Samuel Ferguson (Hlack· River Bridge). Domorostville-.J. C. Ash. N orthp ort-A . D. Campb ell . C<tmpbellford-Jolm S. Chrko, Presi dent of Conference ; IL B. De nike, Sup· ern U11LE.U'<l.1:y. Seymour East-'Vm. 'rucker, (Camp bellford). Soymo u r ·west-\V111. Co omb e, who shall reside at tho Nm·rows. \V:ukworth-vVrn. Burns. Norhmn-M. J. B:itcs. Hastings-Wm. Limbert ; ' Alexander vVright, Superannuated. :Korwood-,Jas. Anderson. Blairton-'fhos. S. McG ee--on e to be sent. Keene-Francis .Tolmston. D. 0. Cro s sl ey and Geo. W. Dewey were recommended to be r eleas ed from the pastornl, an d from the separate evan· gelistic work. -·-· .. · Tickets, $110. Specie.I, UpIJer Deck, and St at e Ce.bins as per agreement. Children, 2 to 12 years, half fare. Infants, free . Servants, $50. turn, $60. SECOND CLASS. Sl11ple. $:JO, (Includ ing all l:tequisites.) Best Outsicle o oms. for 2 ver sons. each pas· senger, $100 : Return 'l'ickct, $U!O, Beat Outside Hooma, for 3 p erso na , Best I nside or Next Best Outside Hooms tor 2 i:e1·· son s , each passenger, $SO; a tur n Ticket, $iil0' Next Best Outside Rooms, or 3 or 4 p erson s or Inside Rooms. aQcording to location, for 2, 3 or 4. persons, each paaeenger, $60 ; et urn R ·r CA 1311 R for the preceedrng six days. lt is the first·class Illustrated Weekly . issued, 1s s old for h alf the price of its ri· vals, contains the latest news and market rports,, and is acquiring a phenomenal circulation. !argest .,. - f R There is no Better Medi-· um for Advertising. !rom tie to time we issue Specil Edttionii illustrating the industries and business opportunities of cities towns. and localities throug ho u t the ountry. At pesen t we are prepariug a California Edition o f 100,000 copies. Infante, C i dren 2 to l y e ar s , balf fa.re: tree. ·S'l'EERA GE. Always as low as any other Jlrst-cl'.lss line. hl Re e.pplicMion to, 11Meh'oulara or ot er particulars, make h oe.rly Caowan Representatie, DowMANVILLE. -OR- M.A. JAMES, Agents wanted to canvass for subscr ip·· tions in every part of the worl d, to whom a large eommission will be paid. Send for sample c o µy. S THREE STARTLING FACTS. Re v. Geo. C . Haddock, of Sioux City, wM killed because he was d et ermined that the liquor men in that city should obey the faw. He was waylaid at night, Aug. 3, 188G, and shot from behind by the foreman of a l eadi ng brewery, in pursuanco of confessed conspiracy to assassi na tc hirn. His murderers have not yet been punFour lt1tve co nfessed the corJSpiri sh e d. CI·UCAGO· HENDERSON BROS., General Agonts, NEW YOHK. BOSTON. s:L,a, , CATARRH,. Uold in Head, It Cures HEALING. H CHAHIC CO.,, 1T E AMERICAN 39 & 41 Park Place, N. Y. In Tn.rmut'a S<;Jtz(lr you. boholcl Acertnln curo tor young nncrolcl; For Constlpntlon w!U For rates and other information address '.l'fm BRIGHTON DISTRIC'l'. ·you to come and s upport his Come direct to our inquired were never so bright as Brighton--.J ohn J. Leach; Clrns. Tag· gi1rt. Superannuatt:d ; H.. Hewitt, a mernber of the hish Conference, who lilts p ermi ssion to reside in Cmiada. Co lb ome-John Bre din, D. D.; J aa . Hughes, Ceo. Carr, Supemnnuatvd; G. S. ltey nolds , left without a stat.im1 n.t his Store and after you have examined Olli' immense stock, and our price, we They are busy now p acking eevcn car loads of Machines for South America, for the harvest there commencing in December ne xt. 'l'he manufacturers of the New Light Steel Binder, A. Harris, Son & Co., have will make no object ions to your looking around as we are always sure of the result when we are favored with after comparison. lately had many letters from foreign In fact we prefer to have you look, looking at our stock first; as countries in relation to Brantford Ma· gress for the extension of their sale in it goe1:1 to prove that we do exact ly as we advertise and mean what we say, chines, and negotiations are now in pro· France,Great Britain,Australia, Uruguay and other lands. In a recent issue of the Brantford Binders, S1'A'l'ESMAN . law but space prevents. of ba1·gains as long as We could give you a list the mora and pat· Our con we stant aim and zeal is to gain retain the confidence of our rons. summarized the leading features in the The workmanship We are a full team and hard is first class. in every particular, and the construction is on scientific built made principles. special special each to down, and want a repetition of are going to have it, trained in the for whn.t has been doubled up and we Not only are all the various parts inter we i:.re changeable, being that in complete part is with in a school of tools, jigs and face plates, but strnctive genius that marches over misfortune's rough road and scorns the mention of impossibilities. un form for this special purpose. Thus the harveeter platforms, the elevator sides, the gearing frames, etc., are each put up in special foams, so them are alike. that every one of We do not know of an hey melt away when we make up our minds to perferm a great dertaking. We have progress written on our brow and our em rloyees are the ive men of the per iod, and living machines for more busmess, We are do good and make the the community other Canadian firm who have carried the art of Binder manufacture to ·this high state of perfection, and we verily believe determined to that our Light Steet Binder is the most sent age. people feel pcrfeotl,r constructed machine of the pre where Dry La.st month, at Stratfot·d, the ente r glad to thnk they have a store in like ours all kinds of th e y can get Clocks and Goods, Carpets, Clothing Watches, Jewelry at a dare ·sell price as them. low as any man We want delegates sent from every taxpayer in the surrounding Count ies to visit our store and their friends and make it to our enemies that we are ing irresistible the people. inquire known offerfor our prices so they can proclaim to inducements Ashburnham-J·. C. V\'ilson. Millbrook-D. F. Gee. prising agents, Wettlauffer Bros., deliver Cavan-D. N. McCamus. ed to individual farmers between 70 and Cavan South-Henry Thomas (Mill brook). 80 Brantford Bind era, all sold by them· Sou t h Mon aghan-Benjami n Greatrix Over 90 ( Fraserville). selves for the coming season. Lakefield-James McFarlane, N. D. loaded teams were formed in procession, Dr ew. headed by a brass band which paraded. \Varsaw-John To;o;e]and. Bethany-R. T. Cuurticc. the principal streets and then drew up in :Janetvillo-Jolm Power. the Market Square, where speeches were South Mn.nvers--J. A. M cCamus (Balmade by Jas. Trow, M. P., S. R. Hesson, lyduff). Hiawatha-Edward Cragg. M. P., J. Harris, President of the Co m Hiill's Bridge-A. L. A.dam. Mud Lake-To be supplied from Hall's Such a delivery was pany , and others. Bridge. never before rnatle to individual pur· Cha.ndos-J. M.:Kemp. chasers. Bes ides Binders, a number of Brantford Mowers and over in value some by · 8TOP8 Dr.'fhonrns Northop ,of Ifavcrhill, Ohio, Droppings from 0 A.DYEHTISEUS.-J.oest Re.te;f°m· ad· saloon-keeper y b shot was while unarmed, Kasal passages invertising in JOOO good newspapP-rsaent free. Alfred McCoy and his son, Pierson, April Address GJJ:o.P.HowELL &Co.,SpruoeSt . .N.Y· . to the throat nu<l · EASY TO USE. Dr. .Northup waa 11 !1lover for 28, 1887. cxcessi\'o co.·1sed by Co.tsrrh. Sent c for A EN Ill To McCoy e. . us trat P. d ues.:i enforcement. of the lirtuor faws. .S al· t of pncc, ·oc. 311 a " "'l· Addrcss I 0 · 'd on roce1p pre-p:u criptivo cataloguea free. n. C:-llAMBER· had been indicted, tried and imprisoned, FULFORD Ill, CO., Brockvllle, Ont. },JN, Toro nt o , On t· and attributed his misfortunes to Northup. own request. = - . ...., .,... , _ . _ _ ""'"" ....,. ===s ,,.,... _ . They confess tho murder. Grafton-·· VY. H. Lenrovd. On Thursd:ty night, May 5, Editor C:istleton-\Vm. V. S e xsmith. Roderick D. Gambrell, of Jnc1rnon, Miss . , Salem-\Vm. Tomblin ( Colbornc ) . while al one was wayfa id by four men, Hilton-Hemy McQuade. gave him deadly wounds, and then beat Smithfield-H.. N. Ad ams. Trenton Ef1st-H. J. Allin; Wm. E. his face to a pulp with their pistols. One of these men was Col..Jones S. Hamilton, Norman, Superannuated. . '£renton w-cst-Wm. Buchanan ; Wm. who was leader of the liquor forces in that ):o:(--country in tho pr oh ibition canvass of fast Young, Su per annuat ed. Frankford-S. A. Duprau, R. L. Ed- August, whilo Gambroll was a conspicuMessrs. Noseworthy & Mason have opened up a mag ous and bold opponent of the liquor wards. power. He had oHen exp osed th e CO!'· nificent Stock of House Furnishings, including Stoves, Tin vVooler-Geo. Dunkl ey . ruption of Hamilton ancl othe1· liTIIE conouRr+ nrnTitIUT. H amilton c onfesses ware, Plated Goods, Lamps, Oil Stoves, Paper, Soaps, Pins, quor advocat es. Cobourg (Division Street)-Wrn. Wilthe murder and the sulJsequeut beatiug. Iiams, D.D., Samu el S. Nelles, D. D., The London 'I.'·i?nc.1 says of tho liquor Brushes, Glassware, etc. L.L.D., Ch:ncellor Vi ct oria Univer sit y ; power: "W e must Jmd som e way to end e have also opened out in the Harness Business, un<ler Nathaniel Burwash, S.D. T., Denn of it, r it will e n d us." o Faculty of T he ology and Professo r of 'J.'he Neiv Mississ·inricin,a paper publish the Management of J\ir. F. Mason, so long and favorably Bibical and Systematic Theology i Alfre d cd in the same building with G arn brell's eynar, lVI. .A., Professor of Modem H. The Stock in this paper, 'l.'he Sward cmrl Sh-idd, editorially known in connection with that business. Languages and Literature ; Erastus I. sa s : " '!.'here a re three editor11 on thi s y department will comprise every thing that is of use to :any Badgley, M.A., L.L.D., Profe ssor of paper, and each ono is willing to lay down Logic and Phil osoph y i Geo. C. \Yorkma n, clown h is life, i f it must be, rather than p01·son who drives a horse, and will be sold at lowest living h;ology i _.E., Adj unct Profossor in t o falter in a j ournalist's duty, and be .d Junes, Robt. B rookmg, John pr evente d from publicly advoca ting the rates. Richar English, Superannuated. principles ho honestly c herishes ; and All the balance of the Bankrupt Stock of Bradley Cobourg (Kiug Str eet )-G. H. Cope· then some one, bolder and brnvor than we, land. will take hold of the paper we luwe left , Estate, will be cleared out at any price. Port H op e-J . B. Clarkson, M.A., 1md carry the struggle on and on, with all Alexander '1'. Green, VV. L. Scott, Supe r- the bitter and 11wful determination of inannuated ; T, R. Hull, Supeqrnmerary. vincible right w:infog against wrong." Canton-J.os. C. Bell, Wilmot Cfa r ke. These quotations would s o em to inWelcom e-A. Doxsee; vV. FI. B llckl er, dicate the depth u± p ublic f eeling a nd the R. Hurley, Superannuated. gr1wity of the situation which are set l8-4w Plainville-Walter W. Lloyd, J. G. forth in detail in th e biography of HAnLewis. DOCK. This has been written by his sou, B:.i.ltimore-J.as. Kilgour. and published at $2.00 by FUNK & WA.GCentreton-Thos. Brown: NAUS, N e w ork. Fenelli :uul Alderville-J ohn Davis The author's royalty on thi s Lw.i,; OB' (Roscncath), one to be sent. HADDOCK will, it is hoped, be large-suf H. E. Bayley, G. A. Love, S. J. ficient to make ample provision ±or the Thomp son, go to College. I wife who was so cruelly and quickly brought withm t he shadow of widowhood TH} n:·nmnoRo' DlS'l'JtICT. It will go to ) F. H. \Yal· by the assassin's bull et. Peterboro' (Ge·n·ge Stre et. her ancl is sorely needed. lace, M.A., B.D. e terb oro ' (Charlot te Str eet)-!.'l'ovell. "So that my life be brave, what though not acy. HAY FEVER. And1eRtJ1 stlou start; 'f qulckiy Sick Rea.dncho, too, will soou sul>slde. When Tarrant'· Seltzct has been tried. 0xpcctor11tion p- T CORNER STORE, BOUNSALL'S BLOC:K Vlf R T rthe J. C. NOSEWORTHY. GIVE US A CALL. FRANCIS MASON. Y ! · A Mea11 Ma11 t them. P long ?"-J>rumniond. J.J. MASON 8,000 10 lbs, of Brant- BindingTwine was delivered, aggregating AsTONlSHING SuccEss.-It is the d ut ;r of every person who has used Boschee s German Syrltp to let its wonderful quali· ties be known to their friends in curing Consumption, severe Coughs, Croup, Asthma, Pneumonia, and in fact all throat and Jung diseases. No person can use it without immediate relief. Three doses will relieve any case, and we con· sider it the duty of all Dr u ggi sts to rec· ommend it to the poor, dying consump· ti ve , at lea st to try one bottle, as 80,0UO were sold last year, and no one caso where it f aile d was reported. Such a medicine as t he German Syr1.1pcannot be to widely known. Ask your druggist about it. Samplfl bottles to tr y, sold at TUE LlNDSAY DIS'l'lUUT. lO cents. Regular size, 75 cents. Sold Li11 dsay - M . L. Pearson; Jii.s.Grocner, by all Druggists and Dealers, in the 42 .T ohn A. Rog er s, Superannuated; Percy United States and Canada. Smaller than an ordinary Hayseed., a.nd meaner than Buckwheat Straw, j9 the man tha.t will o ut all the advertisements out of his paper , so that his wife can't read· That man stands in his own light, b eca use he prevents his wife from finding out. wh er e she can buy to the best advantag e , so if you she will learn that we a.re selling t he Newest Style3, LET YOUR WIFE READ TH IS Finest Goods, and Lowest Prices in. Boots, Shoes and Slippers ! /They excel in neatness, cheapness and fitting, and are the b est procurable in the Oan ndhn and America.I'\ markets. Ladies' French l{id Button Bootfi, in B. C. o.ud D. widths Ladi es Bright Dongolia, w or d ronowned o r genlline uomfort. e e brat e d Common SenRe Button Boots. in French Kid, American Kid an:l Oil Goat Skin. We have a very select etock fine low shoes for summer wear, in Oxford and Button , hand turnpd and machine sewed. Gentlemen's ShoeP, we lui.ve a n extra fine Oxford ffnished, the heat possible style. O ur gents' 82 and $2.75 shoes are espec a y worthy of :vour inspeetion. Blegant Shen Cordovan Balm01·al. Gentlemen, if you want a perft ct fit and genuiue C"mfort. try ou? 'Vu.lkcnphast Lace Boot . hand made , best shell cordo van. Mi88s'. Chilt1rie.1'!l Boys' ·and Youths' in unimmberd varieties. 'Ve have an immense stock of adies ' and Gents' La.wn 'l'ennid and Sporting Shoes.,. which we respectfully invite yo ur attention. odered work a s1iecialty. l f Cl i ll $25,000. Over ford Binder'3 have been sold this season Wettlauffer Bros., showing that the . farm ers of Perth and Oxford appreciate General Dry. Goods \ & Jewelry House. I a good article. M. Punsh on, allowed to r etire for one ymi.r :it his own request on account of ill hea.lth. Duusford-\V. M. atl-yson. Omemec-Clrn.rles W. "Vatch , Geo ..H. Raley. Oakwood-A. C. Wllson, J. M. Anderson. P · DibGUST1Nl1 CATARRf!.-A gentleman from Montreal writes:-For years I have been greatly annoyed by Catarrh. It cause d severe pain in the head, contiuual discharge i n to my throat, and very 1111pleasant breath. By a thorough use of Nasal Bal m I "'as completely cu re d. t J. W. JENNING· ., N"EADS" BLOO:K.