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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jul 1887, p. 2

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· M. Vallin, a French chemist, has invent A personspeakiu g only theEngli8h h·"?guage ed an improved kind of cement, possessing e t a· durability and the cold a.ppearance of mar· may meet with a.rnusing incidents whil : It is not good· policy to purchase coffee veling in Europe. For example, a11 . .l!:nghh ble, so tha.t a wall set with it not only be WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 1887. ready ground, but if it must . be done the clergyman stopping at a Swiss hot"1, desn-- comes impermeable to moisture, but can be supplies should be sll and f requent. Any ing ink, got out J;ib " phrase book ," looked P!J. liBhfld and rnacle beutifu. .... one ma.y test the purity of ar "].1 to find ° vr ., . o u'tid 'Coff ee by 1" ·be Freu\;'·h \V d u lY throu,,. care Fred.Douglass recently said in Paris: I · f l ·· · shaking a. little over a. tumbler of clear, bright f H. l d d e u . cone searc ARR h' h is in mg CAT or in lr ancl fai 1 have travelled through most of the co11ntries , leaving it for an hour or · cold wa.ter, an"' ·1 111 on h18 '·' r ' .c.ng 18h· " ls be ll and " sai to rrng h' 1 r 1 or The chambermaid came ·to the door 1".0.d he of Europe, and whenever I am in the cars, co its communicates couee Pure so. di been has nt treatme · CATARRJ!.-A new in the thea.tres, in the ball-rooms, anywhere · are ottering Coal as follows : " ·' · · · ?' me some mk Mvered whereby a permanent cure of this to water slowly, and when the color . has sa1c, i11 yon brmg w· : in fact, I find ·ha.t I am treated always with u hitherto incurable disease, is absolutely affect· been imparted the infusion is still bright She st00d ·· st atut el'k e d t repea e ] d an i 1 .i, ' courtesy, and n.ot rarely with distinguished ed in from one to t.hree applications, no mtr and clear, and the color is never deep. But the do whether standing one year or forty years. I hie chicory and other adulterant3 quickly pro- "Ink !-Ink I-Ink !" Se oe. r consideration. As fr as I can see, a man is days, twelve in p e rt once 1 mt an a returne applied very soon only is remedy 111 a. y judged over here without any regitrd to the . . . .. . . . . . . . ... and does not interfere with buinesa. Descrip· duce an opaque and dark infusion. The m French and partly m Engl i h, whether he color of his hair or bis eyes or his skin. by <li:u ""erence is so striking that for ordinary Uve_ jlamphlet sent free on receipt of stamp . '· tw one . on Agarn, . warmed. would OC· e it h &, Son, 305 King st.reet, W eat purposes a better test is not required. To A. H. Dixon A conv1val _ Hu.ttr.loprmtrr went to sleep 10 . ca.sion, I gave a railroad conductor in GerToronto · , Can i:; place good coffee on the table daily is a sim- many a amal AT IS CA'l'ARRHl . l silver coin, in order to have a second sto1 y wm<lo;v: Hefel! out. a1d yvould . s· pie and inexpensive business, but it cannot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... . . .. . . uodoubtccllyhave received severe lll.]Uneshad selves Catarrh ls a dangeroue dist'as which thou all our in to were we comp ent the artm ng andB are consciously or uncons':' 1ously sntrerr be done at a lJenny a cup, as some folks are After riding for some distance we came to he not been lucky enough to fall suarely on c_aused rie d1scha from. It la a muco0purulent . the in haste to aver. At for 12 to 20d. per a station wlv;re he was replaced by another the shoulders of two.reporters. They were by the presence of a vegetable parasite m oa· pound a good coffee in berry is always ob- conductor. Before leaving, he cmne, open- kno eked down and b.dly shaken, but were . Twenty-five cents extra will be charged when accounts run llning membra.no of the nose. fhe predrnp _ . ance and snd the un Ing causes are & morbid st,ate of the blood, the tainable, and 16 pence may at the present ed our door, and said something to us in able o get an amul blighted corpuscle of tubercle, the germ poison time be considered a fair family price. It G erman. Supposing he desired to sec our consc10us type-set.el to the hospital. reten the ti;om ce, toxom over one month. 'lf syi:hilia, mercury, is best to roast and grind as wanted, but the tickets, I extendtd my hand with them, at Jim l?once, of. St. Augustine, :Fla., goin " tion or the effete matter of the akm, suppressed g. apar.t· grinding is the one important point, becau,,e which thmght , \Ve thn perspirations, badly ventilated sleepin bead. he t e woods shook his he.i.rd through tremendous squaw h ] s m ground coffee quickly parts with its aroma, we must change c'."rs a¥am, ha".rng ndden yeli8, and roars, and cautiously invesigatiug ments and the germination of other ornon the blood. Irritated by these, tbe lrnmg mem· and there is a greatcharm in having it made the recep tor at least twenty nules without clo111g so, and came upon a seven·foot panther fighting ready . eve is nose bre.ne of the immediately from the mill. In some houses all rose up ; at which movement he _a second with an alligat-0r, which had the panther fast tion of t'be parasite, which rapidly spreads,up t o back or , faucea the trouble of grindin is thought much of, the down th e nostril s and time shook his head. We next demded that in his pondero1rn jaws. Ponce sided with ; up the throat, causinQ; ulceratio.n of the throt but as a matter of fact, it is almost nothing, it certainly must be time to h<J.ve our bag·· the u n1ler dog imd shot the a.lligator, where. Always on hand a lowest prices. hn,,. the eustachian tubes, oansmg deafness, will shilli a mill gs and few cosiring only a u gage vised, sin ce at least four boura had upon the p:tnther, freeing himself, made for rowing in the vocal cords, causing :hoarsenes; h1al Coffoe should never be .bonc last a life time. the of re elapsed since the last examination,, and we the hunter, who had a ha.rd fight before he usurping tlie proper structu tubes . ending in pulmonary consumption and boiled; it should be ma.de with soft water accordingly pulled down our willses, a.nd killed the ungrateful beast. . . at boiling heat, but if hard water must be . . started for the cloor; whereupon the comluc· cure or . gers of ellevu .Park, at P1tt. Many ingenious spe1flcs for for he The ma,a s-· U, --sue· used it should not be made to boiJ until tor not only shook his h ead, but pushed us r h have been invented, but w1.thou eatar · bu. r g, recently bought seHn fine dee d1scoV m hardness. w r mg augments its boiling stand for anted, long of cian . back and shut the door. cess until a J.Jhysi the c gan and . t hem shipped to the A common tall coffee· pot will make as good ered'the exitct nature of th diseaee and We af terward learned that he, through, M1 111 destroy only appliance which will permanently yanl with, ,a seven vated 1.he coffee as any patented invention, but a cafe- innate politaness and in return, 110 do ubt, for I pwk, where a n1e? aggra how · r matt.e no . The boxes ite, paras the at once tiere is a convenient thing, as it produces the small silver coin l h Mi given him, was roo fence was wa1tmg_ for them case, Sufferers should send stamp r to the bright coffee in a few minutes, and thus eny the m wer placed h, careful!Y.: d and open a n catarr " . go i e on M.o0oll Co.'s hlet o J)amp ptive d bye. tor descri end avoring to b d us " Son, 305 ables us to secure a maximum of the aroma simply nd the a.mm als came out one by one, business ma.na.ers, A, H, Dixon &:. While going up the Rhine w e saw four Eng- d a a. Canad to, ·roron e, King street, west, B.A., a Clergy and dispense with the use of any rubbi8b lish aentlemen on the deck sittincr together . [hen the biggest deer, turned her larg What the Rev. E. B. Stevenson, "'C!l.llcd a waiter and ordered R !emonad \ clre:t;ny eyes toward the sven-foot f ence, "finings." Every one to bis taste, we w..i.l. they n Conference of the Melito · man of the Londo reg ··d say, but as careless people make the coffee nd m a "'?rne,t made for it, followed by diat Church of Canada, has to say in for four." '.l'hc waiter went away, was gone ; a. Treatment 1 or too strong one day and too wca the next, the her si x. Those who were present wer_e To A.H. Dlxon & Son's New . nearly half an hour ancl at last appear e d; . ?t rrh, Cata w1llmg to swear that that d!·eamy-eyed am the ground coffee and the lo1l11;ig water w ith ham and eggs fr four. Nor was he asi883 Oaklans, Ont.; Canada, March 17, should both be measured, and it will always tray as to the sound of the order, different nal leaped tweny-fivefectlugh over the fnce Messrs· .A, B. Dixon &: Son: lost. to hand · take as much as four cups of water to make in nature as were the viands be brought, 1f she 1<'.eared .1t at all, an he certainly . DEAR Sms.-Yours of the 13th true that I am three cu .p of coffee. Fortle breakfat tab' e as anybody with a bad cold will perceive, if ?!eared 1t, as did the ot!1ei: six .. A reward It seemed almost too good to be that I am. l kn«?W l the _addition of about one -eight o chicory is he will repeat the word8 "ham and eggs" is now offered for Lhe M1clrnmn J v.:npers. cured of Catarrh, but When buying Coal Oil ask yom dealer for the N cw Qjls, and never . have had no return of the d1seas'!'· so many an improvement, but for the dmner table and "lemonade" al teru<J.telv Tl 1 e . Ch' rnese .mon_g omeis sai . are . . 'd t o be felt better in my life. I 11ave tried ' and tor coffee should be made without chicory, be. . nsmg i Ha:van aarnst trn ext;avagance of things tor Catarrh, suffered so much . e that cause it dulls the piquant flavor of the genso many yeat's, that it is hard to reahz . the foolish krng, with the mtentrnn of ereat. . · . · better . km g ume art' 11e. T wo pomts in I am really · cofDee ma it ase; ing · ' · NapoleonAfte Waterloo 1 · . This.19 most moment .o_us. bad.c a repnbl'c I consider that mine was a yey , deter people from using i t--the trouble of . . he mg mvclv e, chrom ould and the ?hmese? rne ta.ke. to v9tmg . Sh · was aggravated Na. to course open pol any was Whether · I and ges.. grinding and the boiling of the milk. The Try it once, you will use no other. throat as well 1 as the nasal passa Coal ;treatments, grinding however must be done ancl it is eon after the disaster of " Waterloo other than when; \\lll hey.stop · They ma,y begm to thought it would require the three te m Ciforma, and if t liey do so they me, and v sent li twp the by a a that dication, which second adopted, he cured fully feel I but send really no'thing, but the boiling o'f the milk wi ll. bitve F1s t the sa.mc sort of power that lllct;OLL 'DUOS. & ()0'Y, To1·onto I am thankful that l was ever mduced to can be advanta.e;eonsly evaded by using Swiss is cert<>inly very doubtful. Ha.d he taken other . freign ·e!em nts have now.. Instead io beth s dissolve prec 9hambers to the . ution e tating and milk, letter which by perfectly, harmonizes /g,are at liberty to use thts of_ passmg auti-Clunee laws, every party . ents. and · that I have besn cured at two treatm to some many well-trained palates is preferred to fore settmg out on tbe campaign, he pro- w ll! c mpete for th Chi ese ppor; and i vv 1. bably could have rallied the nati on and proI shall gladly recommend yo.ur remedy fresh milk heated. f r ers. reso . I u e mn a ion· o . exl:'rcs1ve com o . _10ns f suffer aro t . ot· my friends who tmcted the struggle. But the Chambers ___ · the . rafilo ?Plll t n of lk1ta1, of the coey Yours' with many thanks, t . were unfriendly ; any parliamentary body , REv.E, B. STEVENSON ./ Common-Sense Rempes. is naturally unfriendly to a military despo· tratlic of_ Q uenslan of the mvas10n of Ch10a And hundreds of others HAINES, Proprietor, GEORGE by {nssta :Will bo m oder. !ess anc nothing tism; that :"t jun:ture, l,_ PUDDJNG,-One SUET cup . KITTIE'S T Am-; . j ---M.ANUF.A.C'l'URER OF-'.lhe .merts ofthe "oncuss1011" fit·e engm _?, of molasses, one cup of suet, one cup than a military depot1sm coul possibly of rasius, one cup of milk, two teaspoon- have sa':ed ]<'ranee from th!l,C:J.lam1ty of the' ?r e!trngmsher, !tll improve.a apparatus . · · ' ·t ' ' _ t1on of the Bouroons by foreign bayo-1 ! ts lm1>, are much .cxto1l.cd. m the_ English Ill · U fuls b<J.king powder; add flour till v ery res 7a V' lift . _ rij: Hence, unfos Na.paleon should e:ce- iou1 al i. As _des:r1bed, it is very lf,ht,_ can ,,l jl.;' stiff to beat with a spoon ; put in a te rw p Has received her new stock ot KING S'l'REET, BOWMANVILL k ew coup d etat, there was nothmg' easily be carfled m one band, wh 1 e it ts 9\'e ;n ing-pan or floured bag, and stg,"lm · gre·t wehiole· many more) o! the no is manutacturino " number ot ' 0 (·nd u now on h·nd ., u " capabl.i of throwing of water to Ha.· u u but abdication. , · '.'J ., Pl. · o·1 'l for three hoiu'S. . a stream · · }· patterns and best finiah, which I am offering fol' sale at the lowestpricesconoiaten· f. 1 ' '.I.'he d"·h ' " e l?th of July, 1815, Naoleon sur- 1 ay spot. wit nn thity. 11'e f eet. ·' ." · 1, " '11 '"· , .. ' · · . . · ' ,. · , , ', .w ith due regard to workmanship and quality. The following is a liet of . t 0 ' · jl ee rendered himseff on bo:trd the Ilntish man- I vice consists of a cylmder about two feet ln and 1nv1tes th e Lad the principal vehicles mannractured by me @,, ,d'.l1 , I c c b m ups I of-war Bellerophon. Of his appearance and I length and threeinchesindiamete1, o.nd which fom ; . 1t ' ; 1 eaten s11;,;ar "' ·" *150 upward 1 ·" " · · . . ... ty· Dou le overed a rr iage a. · manvllle and vici ,j · " ' ··" ' 1 or n ' Ur ii.nd i" iilf cul' f'.lf uo'l"n stru·c, added bodily condition during the two months of is charged with water holding chemical in· II Single Phretona. ................................................................ 100 ·" ·lt:bire.telyo 1 .Uth. a cup of sweet milk, two his stay on this vessel we have an interest- gredients in solution, and, on being required, and see her 11 I .. · . .... "' '(0 0 11 Open Buggy .. ... . . . teaspoonfuls akmg powder, flavor to taste; ing account in the narrative of Captain ' only needs to be sharply struck on the floor · II . ... . . ... .. . . . ... .. .. . . . . . . lasly the wh;tes of twelve efl((S beaten to Maitland, who commanded the ship. Mttit- b_Y a w.all! the concussion sets frc? 8: <]Uan. . . ... . .. ... . . . ggy . .. . Top . . .. . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . 90 Bu . . " a stiff froth. Democrat Wagon .· , .................................... , ................ ,....... 65 land describes him as "a remarkably strong, 1 tity of.acid by breakmg a bottle ms1de the 11 . Jl,SSOrtment 0 i Lumber Wagons.................................... .......................... . .. 55 Pun PuDDING.-One pint of boiling milk well-built man, abo.ut five feet seven inches cylinder, instantly produces carbonic acid . cr t he ate i s ur hi m ls e u a . .. . .. ... .. .... ... .. . ....... .. . .. .. . . . ... .. .. . Light Wagon . . . ..... . . . . . ; i! f:r; e b::w e ;dc e a. fi;! k fe :3!Vr, £ · !4:i'it: 50 hitljP: h oia fJ : s ago E es p r .··. n W x h ow the water. In this way no difficulty little salt and and flour, well-beaten eggs which be seemed rather vain, n.s he always tr 11 k S e leton ......................................................... .................. in experienced is any to id u fl the directing c k si 1, while wore, D at Serve dish. l sto kon board the shi and bake in a buttered or. William· ·-"'econd oor-est ·To ..., Sulky........................................................................ ......... 4.0 ui ings and shoes. His hands were also very tire, and putting it out at once. once. Possessing superior !acllitlos tor manufacturing earrie.gee, I Intend to sell very cheap for o, w small, had the plumpness of i oman's and _ -·- _ t , PoF-Ovmo1s.- One cup flour, one cup sweet or approved credit, and by so doing I hope to greatly increase my number of eales. Woultl . 19 milk, one egg, a. piece of butter the si ze of a ra.tirnr .th an the robustness 0f a man s. H.. sell the wood parts only, or the gearings ot buggies Ironed. A Street of Tombs . · · · . walnut, a little salt ; to be baked in scallops eys, bght gray ; teth good.= and when he . . An mter6:St10g d1coverrlrns very recently or gem pan, in a very quick oven. This smiled ? the expres1on of his countsnace w been made m the direct . as highly pleasmg; when hne between Pom· under the m makes twelve. fluence of disappointment, howver, it as- peii. and Nocera. The clig.ging of a well in At the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed if Desired. OF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS . CocOANUT PUDDING -Grate the meat of sumed a dark, gloomy citst. Hts hair 'Yas a vmeyard revealed the existence of a str!let 'A.t th a large cocoa.nut. l\11 fine five Boston e Factory I e.lso do Planing, Matching, Turning a.nil. Sawing with Circle, Band ,. Soc As there are mo.ny i'afArior I of tombs, about one thousand feet east of brown, of a very dark nearly t·pproa.chmg 811. jute, goods, corded with ws and p 1·epare all kinds of lumber tor carpenters nd others for building purposes, crackers and mix with the cocoa.nut add' I the amphitheater of Of?peii; If the who'.e black, and, though a little tin on the t?p 1 hemp, etc., offered and sold Ornamental and Plain Plckote ror fences in every style required, m ade to order. milk enogh to beat and a. tables conful , of un· as Coraline by some ====-==== :=== and front, ho.d not a gray hair amongsti t, street 1s as closely lmed with tombs as is ' butter. . B eat fiv dd P a f cup 0 gs, a vl'incipled merchants tnd rg His complexion was a very ·uncommon one the portion laid bare i-t will be one of the rng ou the reputatio n of sugar, mix and bea 1 e a cust ar d · being of a light, sallow color, differing fro most important discoveries littely made in our cnuinc CJornlbu, we wa1·n the ladies against BROWNED POTATOES WITH CHm;sE.-Peel 1 almost any other I ever met with. From that part of the world; but unfortunately such imposition by draw some boiled potatoes, and pare tliem to the 1 bis having become cor pulent, he had lost money is wanting, so that the excavation is ing their atteotioo to the same size, dip them in liquified, butter and much of his personal activity, and, if we .i.re going on very slowly. necessity of seoiog that the · name Most of the tombs are covered with r ude roll them in grnted cheese, seasoned with tc give credit to those who a.ttended him, a p·pper and salt. Place them in the oven on very considerable portion of bis mental en· inscriptions painted in red, many of them a buttered tin, just long enough for the, ergy was also gone. It is certain his habits ' being of the nature of advertisements, the is sta.mped on inner side of all Coraline goods, cheese to color, and serve. were very lethargic while he was on board tombs thus serving the purpose of a news the elleroph.on ; for th?ugh he wet to bed paper along the much-fre11uented road. 'l 'he Without which none are genuine. Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of th.e CHICKEN SALAD.-The best meat of two a eig t ?r nne o'clock m the evenm, and exact. date has not yet been accurately aschickens dres::;ecl fine twice as muchminced h did ?-ot rise till about the sa.me hour m the cer amed, but . they roably blon to the l..1IV R, E STOiflAtJH, KIDNEYS A.ND BOWELS. celery, five have hara' boiled eggs, four table· · monnP', he freqµentlv fell asleep on the periods of Jnhus Crosa1 and 'I1berrns. A I · , 8 oOfuls of melted butter rubbed with the . drawn betwee.n the condi- They in vigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and ontrast may be sofa in the cabin in the course of the day. c· . ' · · Plks, and the wh·te d tine mix yo 1 s mmce Continues to rlo a General B11-nking Businesa · · Fow is genera1 appearance was that of a man t1on of pompen and tlia.t ofPergamon,.:Wl11ch , I II' are invaluable in a.11 Complatnta Incidental to Fama.lee of all Ages, aBo wmanvillu Branch. thoroughly with one and a half tcaspons of although double the s1e of PuJ?pm, has, rather older than he then was." Children and the aged they are priceleas. . mustard . salt and pepper to taste moist n ' . e DEPOSl'J'S . . thanks to the energy of the Prussian govern.. ' with chicken broth and a little the whole - -·- m ent, been laid clear within eight years. eelved in Savings Bank Depe.rtmentand · l811 and interest allowed at cunent rates. No vinegar. In abseuce of celery use cabbage. In thelatter beautiful tiuely painted statues, . . ld wounds, Sorei O 1otice of withdrawal necessary. All depos!tr Breasts, Bad Legs, Bad for remedy mfa.lhble n Is a votiv offerings to Athea, an<l belonging to LEMON ci:sT.ARD.-The yolks of four eggs Killed by her Little Son. payable on demand, I 5 'It is famous for Gout and Rheumatism, For disorders of the and Ulcerl. the sixth century B. ' . , have been found, . and the whites of two, one cup of sugar, John A B a11 g d 12 e re t s EXC:DANGE buried in te earth, and literally formin$. -Chest It has no equal.0;1e cup of cold water, b utter one-half the ed the othe da :Cr th ;r;e ; i , the foundat10n of the houses '·hove. Their I liO! I' 3oughtand sold and Drafts issued upon Europe size of an egg, one table spoonful of corn- mother .in E Th O t 01. 110 ,,.h-ti . a on, e roat s, B t·on"' l s, C oug h s, COId s 1 F or · .Tlie w9man was I style of art is one hitherto not supposed pos1nited States and Canada, also aold,Silver and starch rubbed · . the shot twice m the head with a pistol, ancl . . smooth in a little of I · J]nlted Staes Greenbacks bou11;4t and sold. 81 e ' b l t so d 1 remote an y h cause 1:-. perw ' ( e buttei:, the Jmce and grated peel of a !emon. her skull crushed in with , Glil.ndular Swellin s, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival; and for g an axe afterwa.rd. . . rui e t ppear ns to Pompen f t modern qm a _ o Bake m custai:d . cups r a . puddmg dish. The Coi·oner's verdict contained this · "I contracted and stiff jointa It e.ote like a charm. C:OLLEC:'J.'IONS '.J:he discovery of an aqueuct wh1b probBeo.t the remammg whites m three table- further find that while it seems almost irn· ably · dates back to the time of Kmg Solspoonfu spread Promptly made at current rates upon all par over the custard 1 possible to conceive ti at ls of sugar, 1 1 ono so Y.oung, an d omon is reported rom Jerusale Manufactured only at THOMAS HOLLOWAY'S Establishment, al G1'e&t Brittain, the United States and Do when baked and return to the oven until a 1 f m, and it . especi'ally. a son, s wuld comm1t sueh au · minion of Canada. is confid llpatd t 1la t t. Iie f urther . ently .ant· igbt brown. 1· atrocious crime, yet the evidence p1·esented 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 633, OXFORD STREET)' LONDON' Telegrapla Transf°ers DEVILLED EGas.. -Could there not be a to me and the circumsfa\nces surrounding the I excavation .of it wll brmg to light .some;xtrem sold a.t 111. lid., 21. 9d., 4s. 6d., Us., 22a,, and 33a. each Box or Pot, and mteetmg and valuable mscr1p And are _ cl4 Made for large or small sums on all parts of better nme invented I . Boil six eggs for ; case are so strong that I feel warranted in t10ns.·--.8wi8s 0108.q, may be had from all Medicine Vendors throug hout tile World, Canada. Thia is especially advantageous to twelve mmutes, plunge mto cold water un- ·fixing the crime on John A. Beall." l>tlt'SOns living in Manitoba or the North·weel til cool, so tha.t the ·· arehnaera ho·ld look at the f.&bel on the Pots and Hoxe1. If the r dtlre shells will come o ff Young Beall was arrested at the house of as it makes the tunds available at onoe ai the easily. When peled, lay on their sides, 1 an aunt, wnere he was trying to sleep in an up tin 533. Oxford Street, I.ondnn. they an·e Mpurfona.I ulace ot payment, Recreant to his Trust. . . . and cut about a third of each. Scoop out stairs room. Ile said that he had not slept a . For f urther particulars call at the B&nklnp A lady hymg i11 Chicago is the owner of a: the yolks. Mash the yolks, and the pieces 1 wink for two nights. Beall was first taken to it . Beuse. to $8 a day. Samples and duty FREE They .Preferred Liberty. of white cut off into a l'owl. When thor· photographer's, where his picture ·vas taken, very sgac10us Newoundland dog_ called i Lines not under the horse'eteet. ·Yrite T. RODIE, . GEO.McGILL ])on.. The other who da) Don.' re quite . f · " Yes," said the Major, waxing eloquent , BREWSTER'S SAFETY REIN HOLDER Accountant. Manager. oughly mashed season with salt, pepper, and then be was put in jail The boy was ,:ool : q:nt!y goes to the grocei or. market for, in his stories of the war, "l remember Co.. Holl, Mic h. mustar:l, chopped pai:sly, a tablespoonful' and collected until interrogated about his! -Iv o_f melte d butter, or, 011 i preferre?, and a: mother. When asked if he missed his mother l hi mistess, as se.nt after a ba!'?t ?f egg. when I was but a private in the ranks that . 1 As he ws returmng loe, carymg lus one little vmegar. day a party of us crept up on a 'wi ld hll this paste mto the · he replied · "Yes I miss her because she basket wit1 '1 proud, dig med air, he met cat' cavities left by the yolks. You will have was' alway aski n me to do s omethin a." battery. Just as we were preparing for do gams a who evidently he n td h . · , to eap it up pretty wc!l to get it all in. a final msh to capture it they opened oU:-us The Sheriff said : "Do you evei· se: your 0l l grn ge.. i.I e st119 hurn down c1t1e · 1 with < This makes a very good dish for luucheon, mother now?" shot. Our captain, a hot, enthusiastic . the alk' thn,_ givmg a bark of fully 01 and ads uch to t,be appearance of the J fellow, saw the situation and jumped on the "Yes," answered the boy crying, "I see started a_fter . challen.,e, enem on dead lns y . table. Uarmsh with green parsley branches her every time I shut my eyes. I see her as! stump of a tree, waving bis sword and cry. . I run. . A friend f his Istress, who witness- fo Liberty or de11.th !' g, ·On, men, on ! she looked hen she tried to get up off the d th ce.edmg, _ ck d up the . ba ket o Pt floor when the blood was running all ovct· .JS .1'.r and then he fell pierced by bullets." " A ncl ancl ied cat prope it r to stm i:s tion. <lc r . . I what did you do 1" broke in a voice. "What . her " A Big Canal ProJect. M anw il T n, ha m vim m h d e : : 'Ve pre did we do? Oh, we took the hint. The French Minister of Pnblic Woi·ks re d e re urne c 0< . e sp ;w f is ilere £e h a ferred liberty, and turned and ran. " l . plying to .a (1uestion in the Chamber of 'De: I . lrscovcrrng t ia t the:v h a · . p lS . l n O eggs a d __ _ Th Bl' e m d Inventor. puties, said the proposal to construct fl canal I . . pcared he mu around franticall tr ·in 'to 1 ADVISE o MOTHERs.-A.re you diserr Fortelka:, a lieutenant in th Aus- find them. Finding his effo rt Ja ) 1 .H in, sat . ALL LIVER AND K IDNEY COM- ?onncting the Atlantic Ocean and the Med· tur e at Ill[(ht and roken of r:our rst army, tnan durmg the rst pa a gn _ rterranean Sea was not ripe for discussion. , c m. 1 10 down a.net lifted up his voice in a howl of' . b , Bosnm rec1ved a h u!let m his . right ,ye, anguish, as vision s of his m istress's whip,! by a srnk child sutfermg and crying with P LAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGEST- The work would cost $300,000,000, while eed1ly beca e totally b i d . n 1n SJ? a r:i the revem1 l!n .. i;ice : e from the tolls ! vied would not i a1 !e of Cutting T11eth ? If so end at s or at ast the loss of hi dinner, crosseu. p i . . ION AND ALL DI<;EASES ARISI . NG cover the mt?rest. Advertmg to the scheme 1 his blrndn;ss e has mvented_, Ill addition his mmd. Sud denly lw started for home at once and get a bottle of "Mrs.W mslow's FROM DISARRANGEMEN'l'S OF THE 1 to mke Paris a seaport, the Minister si to a n a zme ritie, 1:1ew imc·o::ieter, an a brsk trot. Sneaking. out into the yard, oothing ?Y'.up." For children. teeth!ng, s for automatic map1?m.,, a new he pwked up an old, <hscarde<l that m the p;esent state o f the connt1y s ap ar It will relieve basket that I its value is mca!culable. . . i LIVER AND KIDNEYS. fiuances the Governmen could no it:Pprve soi of _gun:rowder, two machmcs f or the lay in one corner of the yard, and ca.nied the poor little sufferer immediately.. De,.. bf · so costly n.n undertakmg. The m1tiative antl-oxido. trnn of meta ls at a smttU cost and it iu and d e·posited it itt the feet of h is' · 't mo th ers ' there is no 'pen d upon 1 ..:i "°' · i a numlJer '!f smaller u .1 e v10 · es . ""'h · · ti . n . must be 1 eft to pnvate enterpnse. He 1 , · " -' " Cl icr mistress. He has been taught th>tt when he' m1sta · . k I .e about lt . . t cures Dysentery Th 00d Puri- doubted whethc1- the Work v\'aS possible g.re atormurntc measurements arc lll CjUCS· aoes to the grocer for any an y article they . . e Greatest . a n Dmrrbcca, t d t d ch regulates a he S oma. n t tion," says Herr .k'0rtclka "those who see n t l app exact·.e .... without the co-operation of the state' to ave, t ,0 r?,, u_rn and give a Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the . fier l·n the World. with theit· eyes ctrc of.ten 'wrong while I, srcce c. . · · · . . , . 0n ofe s o "i .,· 1 h" "rp. Jar l k u . ,,_ his h e p1ocee ----· dd fl . · wh0 see w1 'tl 1 l l1e eel to do, as if to say, "'.l'hey were ont of G ums, re ueee I ll. ammat10n, and gives 0 '.' ! . : my ogcrs, am nglit. " · " · "' ; models oflu iment101:s have been ent irely o"gs to- d av . " to::ie and energy to the whole ay.item. A Plausible Theory. made by h .imse!f w1h the help of piece " __ _ , _ "Mrs. 'iVinslow's Soothing Syrnp" for __.g, sttid, "I brought a $IO . "·waiter," c: · ffit.u e 111 ·"'J ' U children teething ie pleas<=1nt to the taste aC Ver , . silk umbrella with me when I came in' and of wood, strmg and wir , He . who secls for awl cmp:1:msic · s ·. . toe aud.is the prescription of one of tho oldProprietor, Toronto. now it's gone." . . . o r good 111 othe s is n t only blcSlll" and im. ( J ·· re" at and b c.a t fotit.l c pl1ya1c1ns and nursea "Yes, sah. vVas it er new one sa.h ?" . 1 proving them, but himself also. o IDnvy is ' "ye.s." . SOLD;'; BY ln the U1ted dates, and is for sale . A SundaJ:·School teacher aske<l a little gir l thus foid low ; i·ll the more amiab1e qualities b " Wif e1. silver handle? " dl'Ugg1.sts , e of her class if she ho.cl been baptir.ed, "Yes " arc brou ght out; t he habit of giving ha.ppi· owe . eo. world. Prrny . HIGGI.NBOTHA.1ll & SON . . "Yes. Do yon know where it is?" said the little "irl " two times." " T,;o ncss is m itself a joy and the manifest 2o cen ts a b ott ,e . Be sure and ask f or ' ·N ut<'> g B vol"1s1n A d t' . .. er evvspap "·Well, Idou 'know fo'suah, sah, butiltimes?why, how"cold that be?" ".lt didn't denefit.s thus cohferred ' are fully shared by "Mns. WINS L OW 's_ . S SOoTHINQ YRUP, , BOWMA NVII,LE. 10 Spruce St., Nevv Yo:i-k. . specs some gem man must er took it. ,, take the tirst ti me," said the little !lirl. the giver. and take no other kmd, fo't' lOO-Paao Pan>,phl· How to Make Coffee. · · · (!t;auadiau Jtatrsmau. HOUSEHOLD. The rroubles That Beset the Travelm12; En;?;lishman Abroad. GENERAL TOPICS. McDOUGALL & METCALF, j ' Stove and Chestnut, . . . . $6.25 6.00 Grate and Egg,_ . II J LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & GORD WOOD McDOUGALL & METCALF Bros. & Celebrated. ad _br(( Farmers, Threshers and Millmen, Use I ::L.A? RD I: NE:: T H E B:BST MACHINE 'l, H E WORLD. 01 L. · · · Y I U ift 1 s Go 0 D S ul 1 cT M A V 1 H f Bow I I FAIILY SAFETY & SUNLIGHT Oil. C. HA I N EJ S' CARRIAGE "tTTQR Ks e 0 N N ET S, HAT s +'n_ caij 1Jl1i8 -).! Panl ' ..\'\1:rri;· ff.A "l & ,9!t;uJ:, cli1'il iat:. *tly, t ,· 'fo1u11 1 I I U "ARRI ACES SLEl"HS ' GUTTERS WACO·NS· &o I TRI'M MINGS ..... 1:.tehe;"S,,;11 I ft I " ' · " · "· ""' "" · " · · " · 1. BEWARE j, I I I . · .. ·· ··· . . · .. .. ·"· .. ···· · · ······ · . .. · ·· · · ·.. ... · · . . . . .. .. . . . ········... . . . ...... ...... ...... . .. ......... . ... .... ... ....... g :: · , I l All Kinds of Vehicles. Repaired H E ALT H F0R .A I L T ,- 'CROMPTON CORSET CO.' THE ONTARIO BANK I I THE PILLS , · · · I TH E 0 I NT M E N "r j j j 1 BITTERS CURES Bl DANDELION LIVER AND KIDNEY I II I I I . I 1 , . I' I I I $5 i j 11 11! I 1. .1 I h , E. MORRIS, c .,:_ al tnough the j " I.I ADVER f IS E can 1earn the f any proposed l } t" 1."'lng · A ! papers by add G p R 11 & I · r. .,.: f · Send. SOcts.

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