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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jul 1887, p. 3

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ON A T£LED ON'·r WRITE the ws ter of the well early in the season. so as to be sure as to its quality. uie The C]:SSPOOLS.-These si nks of iniquity arc 01·1<mtnl. Operators :Restmt U, aucl i.t is 11 Gt·eut Uauresponsihle for the loss of many valuable WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 1887. dlllnfl on n He;;sage. lives every year. Those who use them '.l' wo instances h ave rece_ntly a,p pea rc·1- m Never write 'Rush" ac(·oss the face of a seem to labor under the delusion that what- our colun;.ns of that strange and sangui1111ry ever goes down into the ground out of sight custom of the East called "running amtlt'k." te lell'ram. If yo u do yon will retard rather HEALTH. is out of existence. The truth is, these foul "Running amuck" is a phrase derived Ii om than a c e ler nte its despatch. Employees of matters are more potent for miach ief after the Ma ; ay word " amok" (" killing") ,; nd tele;raph offices pay uo more attention to a they have gone down into the earth thau constitu; es a well marked hysterical affection message with such an inscription on it than Feeding of Infap.ts. Is the place where you can get the most fashionable while they were on the surface. Cesspools, of certain mccs inhabiting Oriental countries. Post Office men do to letters marked on the At this season of the year, this subject is like vaults, should be made water-tight, It is rarely, if ever, manifested among the envelope _"In haste," "Very important; one of great importance. The followiull' and should be carefully and thoroughly quiet-tempered Hindus, imd but seldom forward as soon as possible. " "Deliver im Hat in the County. article presents in a concise manner the ventilated by free openings into the open among the Indian Mussulmans, while, when mediately,,"and with other phrases of like best knowledge on this subject possessed by air. The same precautions respecting dis- ever it does occur in Hindost:i.n, the malady import. the Medical Profession at the present infection and frequent removal of contents, may generally be traced to the abuse of I "I always smile," said a retired operator, time:are. necessary for cesspools as have been opium or the extract of hemp called bha ng, " when I think of the way we boys used to IN HA.T S " Dr. Henry Ashby states that it has mentioned in regard to vaults. ganja, or charras. The Hindu tobacconist treat' rnsh' messages in the "\Vestern Union been shown by recent researches that cow's sp sel a s i d bhang m up f ion confec l e a _ Some office. jay , com ? blooming in would t a c I . Silk, the very latest. ROUSE SMll:LLS.-Sometimes a house ac In Christy Stiff, Black, Brown, Drab, milk is about four times as rich in caseine quires such a concentration of insauibry opmm, datura, cloes, . matic, c1.nnamn, and want a despatch_ shoved through m . a as hnman milk, while the amount of salts cardamums, and whrch is u mixed with rulk h rry. He would write 'Rush' across its or Slate, · in Men's Youth's and Boys. Fancy Hats for chil· t' ic smeII. . is some three or four times as much, and the o iors that lt has a cha.ra.ctens ad su_gar and eaten as a s°'."e(Itmat . Th_is r ·ace! t h. mk' mg that woId heI p it alng. Now amount of sugar in human milk is h11.lf as The writer has known houses which one di bolwI cake-known as maJnm-111 th? idea of such a th!ng . Just as if eery- clren and in prices from 25 cents up to $3. in J So come along much again as in cow's milk. The addition might recognize by the aid of the nose ' dnve a mau ma.cl about as soon as anytlung. thmg wasn't rushed m a telegraph ofhceive 1·n sue h · h the Ma1aye, however, wh o h ave given t1iat is_, i to cow's milk of water and sugar, with tne tl1e da1·kest mght. Tnose who 1w it and 'f 1 f t to· lf Th b 1 k itse e oys oo upon you may be sure you will get suited. object of approximating the various constit a mal odor ous dwelling, get this same odor a name to the anythrng hke that almos t as a personal a.f· cIoth' mg and their persons, eunts to those of human milk, must neces attached to the1r f 1 r W 1at is the consquence . f e re · . . 1 Th ?n. ABERRATION MF.NTAJ, T:RRIBLE s.> that sometimes we encounter family sarily fail as regards one or more of them. IN GENTS' FURNISHINGS clerk takes the message rowns a Smells which have attamed th' lS of wh1 ;h we speak . , and who are by far the ce1vmg Moreover, the addition to cow's milk of smells. . , i eI co mes to ' view "' e wh en the ,rus1, magm u e are t1·uly monstrous ancl . cl t d . is - , most 01]' wt ecl t o lt of a11 E 'aster peoples a l'"tl lime-water, barley water, or a fluid contain ' ceives the money says all right , and the We keep the very best and most fashionable lines in Ties, of fam1hes, there is seldom any such explanat10n of the ing dextrine or some other gelatinous sub grrceful; yet there are thousands · ' I acentl y. 'Tl i en the around w1 ICh carr1s 'th outb reak. Sudd_ en1y, . with out rhY!fle or sender walks out c()mp stance, does not, as is generally supposed, e;ery mem.ber of wh' clerk Picks u the desatch again looks it Shirts,' Collars and Cuffs. Underwear, Hosery, Braces and prevent the bulky coagulation vrovided the hun the w1dence of the s11.mtary neglects reaon, a man will sprmg up from his shop 8 11 i 'th t . d n'es u J st "home, sweet home," a boa.rd or hi coach, _draw his kris-the wveff,uirl be left at rest. On this account, Dr. wich have made . t t; othr rs cme in Umbrellas-in fact, anything in the Gents' Fnrnihings line. . . blded dagger which they all car,y-a;nd Ashby advocates peptonized milk. '.l'his noisome place . . . sc!eam of "Amok 1 Amok! stnke and he la s aside the-· rush' to wait on them. Come aloug and bring your friend wit you and get some may be readily prepared for infants by pour. . VAur,Ts -T? rdma ry privy vault _is a nth " Finall. htakes u his little ilc of me::.sages ing four ounces of boiling water on four disgrace to a c1v1hzed people. The Chma- its pomt mto the heart of the nearest wy- uts tfe , rush' al'the botto!. and hands th ounces of milk, adding one-fourth of one of man, ?ften abused for lus neglec of pers?ml farer and_ dart .down he crowed bazaar lke !1tch over to the record cle;k. \Vhen the thing nobby. Benger's peptonizing powders, two tea. cleanlmeoo, tolerates no such filhy hmgs the luntw which he ts, stabb? and cuttmg record clerk comes to the 'rush' message he M. MAYER, Furrier. spoonfuls of cream, and allowing it to stand as t_he v11ult. He ha fr?m time 1,?1me- on all sides. "Amok 1 Amok ! echoes fr'.>m also smiles. As it is the last on his desk he for ten or t:wenty minutes, according to the monal employed the pad system, 11nd a hundred months, and. evrybod:y hurues plays with it for awhile practises peruuan- g""Highest prices In cash paid for Baw Furs. amount of peptonizing desired, then adding doubtless . thereby escapes many of the de- for a place of refuge,fle.eng m all d irectio ns,_ 1 shi on it (does the S nceria.n act, you sea.sea . which nat1;1rally r sult fom the over- except those bolder spirits l.10 snareh p a tea-spoonful of sugar or milk sugar, and n k n w) , takes his tim/ in recording ic-in letting the infant take at once. When this crowdng to _ which he 1s. subjected. Any weapons ?f defense and JOIQ the a ,1 ed fact does ever thin hut rush it. From the form of food is administered, though some vault 1s a nmsance ; but if thei:e must be thron g whwh purncs the desperdo.. I. he d esk of the re ord Jerk the messages are least path of the chase is soo'?- strewn with b odies curd may appear in the stools, it is always va1lts! let them be ?onstruced m the vault obJct1onable . f ashon possible. A ?f men, women, nd children, dead or bleed- given to the operators by the 'file boy. He, soft and passed without difficulty. fluid contents to soak down h ch allows its ng to death,_ until some lucky shot 01: dar- too has a. reat anti a,th for rush messages. 1 " Another less expensive artificial human . If a ll the perators re !ot at leisure he supto every well h, is a menace mg thrust d isables the murderer, who is t o he eart m. _ milk may be prepared by mixing one-quarter withm i·ndma plies those who are from the top of the pile AT of many rod . · and not only PIERCED w11.'H A DOZ:N BLADES pint of cream wi,th t?ree-quarers pint of does such a vault contammate the water and sticks the rest on a. hook. If there is a . warm watet, and\addmg one-ha'lf ounce of , rush' in the lot it always goes 011 the hook. . supply . but it also renders impure the ground as soon as he falls to the ground. Occaston" milk sugar. To this, two to ten ounces or '.'ir, . of th e· whoIe matter 1s that th1s oker " has re- The upsh ot t th t th " w:ich a force ts wo,y to ur dwell- II "t t more of mi l _ k majr be added, according to {b e celar o h e b asemen . I efv:d s';:! rso:al aro or injury or precious piece ot paper, with its immensely g roug the age or the infant's capacity for the di ; in debt or disappointed in important communication which the sender at i ts, to be. ev_en p ar r lly f mu t , was hopelessly gestion of curd. . is · noth inrr wanted ' rushed,' is about the last despatch love '. but mo re commonly there mo, ta.I d e water-tigh t. Th ey s iouid e ma. e o "Another artificial hJiman rmilk may be '"' sent out" whatevr to _ account for bhe w1Id f ury . o f his good a cement, with in brick, laid lined and ------prepared according to Meigs's formula, by proceedmgs, and the street sweepers drag cement the well also cover is to cement It . taking two table-spoonfu ls of cream of medi A SC hOolboy'S 0 ompos1t1on on Snkes. his carca,ss aa,v as carelesly as if a leopttrd asphaltum. of or layer tar coal with thick a um quality, one of milk, two of lime-water, _ use of so1e . good disinfect11nt, hd ?een. slam m he public streets, So or · nakes is no good, Xept to maik thee and three of water to which sugar of milk By the free or white vitriol, not less than d1r1a1y, ,indeed, I _the occurrence th;i. t Ill \V1mm JUmp And. hol.ler. you k!1nt kooke has been aclded in the proportion of seven as copperas a the contents of many towns and c1t1es. where . there hves . snaiksand thare a1gs amt Of mutch Account, teen and three-qu!1rter drachma to the pint, one-half to one pound daily, reasonably large a.lay _population an msrument . is 1 snakes is Bilt in poore Sha.ip. They is as which saccharine solution must be kept in a such a vault may be kept in a removed o,t kept m readmess at every pohc station I Big arounde the neck as they is Around thee should be but safe condition cool place, and prepared fresh every day or caled he "amoker catchez:." It is some· waiste. hey Haint ,got no Legs _but they ast once in three months. two. An infant may ake from half a pint thm lke an eel sear with a very log g!t Thare Jnst. thea saim . th.are is i?ts Of Lll:PROUS HOUSES.-" I wish you would tell to three pints of this mixture, according to ha!I !Jle, am'.! so contrived that two elast1age. Jn round numbers, this artificial lni me what is the matter with my parlor wall.,I pornted spikes cose round the madmu s ' kmds of Smuk. thee Boa constncker man milk may be said to contain eleven to '.L'here 18 a 8 pot in the ceiling. Sometimes 1 neck and secure him helplessly when the iron 1 swaller Evry tlung hull, And when Hee gi dun etemrr rre , i'ust -t · ye11ow or orn.., i is - green t hen 1 "' he Feals so lazy hee Dont kare if twelve per cent. of solids, of which three or 't ,, 1s ·ft · t h' lS nape f rom be- skule keeps o r not. The Rattul snaik d ose "d 'l. la,)'. d t0 t i ·prongs are pushecl agams four per cent. is fat, one per cent. curd, and no:v it 18 brown. Thus sai 1 hind, . his Toking with thee Ende of His tale. Mi six: to seven per cent. sugar. riter one do,y a few years itgo. aid she . Neither rank nor wealth keeps a Malay the rattul snaike is like sum Wim· ·Any one of the above forms of food will . I havi: dashe the spt, :nd white dashd, from this sudden excess of homicidal mania Pa sais Awful fast, but th11.re aint no generally be found to ae;ree well with a 1 t ; and 1t 0 11 t eem o . 0 bny goo : n if he ha.a the predisposition or has been min, tha talke Sens to it in the eest indys tha have thee e 0 d spot is ack agai- as healthy-infant, or when it is suffering from a . few week. 1 ' at instance greatly was excited. an ' There Spektical snaike, but he wares his specks on b1g as ever. W e asked the lady t o .,.. ke S l dyspepsia or intestinal catarrh. · Ian.cl 0f ava, J· the 1 the Back of hi_s neck, and I Doit see , a atiga, in the 18 '-....t .wJiere two h er ' B'bl ·n e, and tur 14th chapter of ·Regent 4 t °4the marriage was of the celebratmg "' ood Tha do hnn thare to Sea. with. m1 Pa L. evit10 us, vi:rses 3 - . o, an d read a descrip - I of his daughters, in a wa.s everybody and 18 a. farmer. Hea allwais has got a big Su tion of the disease whic_h had attacked er 1 Treatment m Liver . Oomplamts. Just, however, at 'stack After he gits his Grane thrashed. last l Jew1sb way of treat1 ng festive and joyous mood. ouse and the o d . According to Murchison, a ca.ref u1 regu- h th : e · ----o--ceremonies th t t f th . c go,yes momen o e I Faul one of thea Naburs filld h is stra.ugh the d ·n t n to the passage Regent's brother-in-law, a high official, cam bed to our Place and acksidently Stuffed in l&tion of the diet will do more for one who ·t If .11 !h:t :disc tion tallies very is a!Jl.ictcd with a. liver troub!e than all wn. 1 Te fact is simpl/ this: A species RUSIIIN<: THUOUGH THE PROCESSION a Stre;i.kid nai along With the strau. In medicine. The fods to be avoid are the of mold often forms upon the walls of rooms, stabbing everybody he could get at with ?1s, tha. mte H1B wife _woke up and hurd some fatty, the saccharme, and the highly sea- which a.re kept dark and damp, and so long jeweled kris. The Regent himself, commg thmg craul. she Jumped out Ot bod nd Boned. . as the conditions remain favorable, the up to inquire into the uproar, was killefl. hy Y,B led Ai;id grabbed holt of hur man an rn·1g I ' Corn, ots, wheat, sago, rice, . and. pota- mold he woke up and sed ree! cross. will continue to return. The con· 1 a single thrust, and it w s a the brotller ot the ,.vnlie lum. toes consist. larg.ely f starch, wh_ich, Ill the (.if ., f ,fK.1n1· 1J11 shet of Prince who ran the "moker" through the .Kant yu;:: Never let a Felle_r .sleap growth the favor would which ditions I process of digestion, 18 con:erted mto sugar. \back with a spear and brought him down, rite up About yue .old naik 1;I _tell you life. human to unfavorable most are mold 'M · ·s-.!!! £ ...! JLUJ _hc In severe ases, these ancl kmdred substances t hn In modern times we know how to eradicate yet not before be ha.cl slaughtered nine of thare 1!-mt no snaik m ths bP.d )st , must, be given up. this plague without tearing down the house. I the palace people and wounded six others 1 tho sna1k c:rauled crost hi stummi?k. That . -A:ir r;iost people would find . 1t oxccedmgly cleansing and scraping the affected' more or less severely. It might be supposed 1 rousted. lum out m a urn. be toked up diilicu,t long to despense with the use f After a strong sohttion of some good that a race subject to such ferocious fits t h;e snaik by the talc and sllng him out the apply ll wa I wheat bracl, glun bread may be substias sulphate of zinc or chloride: would be naturally excitable and nervous w· n.dcr, And sed lots of Thmg about the disitectant, tuted for. it; tha.t is brea<_l made of wheat of lime . to the in manner; but the contrary is the case . snaike That . want tru And Ddnt ound freely room the Expose -have arrived at thefrom which about two-tirds of the starch sun, and open the 1 The Malay is of all men the most quiet _ , ell. then 118 _\an se t Him - thare . has been removed, The diet should absolute- disinfecting rays of the 1 you than told mdder Got 1ea Ihe . 80 doors and windows daily, 8 0 tho,t air may, dignified, and slow of speech and action m i ly exclude cli:ar fat ad sugar.. YOU N eecln tel.I mea. . circulate through it, and the brown, or his ordinary life. He seldPm speaks loud ly : ever. an hollered : The quantity of tne food 18 a .consiclr- green, when I wn yur_e advise de lot nothmg to retu rn. I or omckly, has the most courteous and even , cease will spot yellow or a.tion hardly second to the quality. 'J:oo you kno ! and when 1 git so l kno Less than I ellt'e demeanor and quarrels very rarely a - -·· · much food, of whatever kind, must be wnman ile sell out and Go weste ! i hurd Yet and silent ith his coldly fellows' is he ' .str\ctly nard_erl. . aaist. A French Jubilee. hum a n life, \ h is wife tell h is stori :o mi na nd Mi ma no l for hs and regard cruel; y I he. hver is lllJurionIr affected by alcoParis is making prepamtions for a special and derives from the Moham med an faith sod too h ur. 1 Dever _nnnde, 1, v\ oodnt fel holic hqv>!s, gene ral.1Y; lhese be".erages are . A few weeks hence it, which he professes its bitterest and most re-, Bad aout it · that is T he w'.' men allwais 1 jubilee of her own ..- t? be ngidly J?rohibited, especially malt got the first train steamed lentless dogmas. Once started on the "death . Ackt ii;i sutch caes. tla aut Never since years fiHy be will : . liquors, port wmc, ad champagne. One il the f St. 1 run" by insult, <leapa.ir, or some brain trouble no felins wen '[hare wummn ls scant, and o reached and suburb Paris of out would not have s1pposed beer to be worse _th ey kant e ain. of that train is still his only thought is to " kill, and kill, and tha is allwa1s so onrcasunabul. guard The :rm G rse. han br ndy, but 1.t is muc . fo - Help tbareselves, tha was. krcatid too l;>ee .J..4 w t Next ato regulatmg: the d ie t_ is. securui:g an alive and has strange accounts to give of the kill," and in the fierce exultation of h in that "\ya, wea must tn and bare It 11kiL -' abundance_of f:esh ai_r-sea. air 18 especially I journey and of the preparations for it. It sanity he does not feel the blow which les, a I seems to have been scarcely such a triumph on· his burning blood and p ut s a stop to h1 filosi fur. h_ealthfo\ ll liver difilct;lbies nd. . sufl I --\ for France after all. The engine, of course,' dreadful career. c1ency . 0 vigorous exercise. Th _ac1on w as English, and the driver and stoker were A Non-Conductor. y the km should be k.ept up by re uentl English too. The engine ran on four wheels The natives of Tonquin have little more bathrng the body with wa.rm wa ;er ancl was a singular contrast to present loco knowledge of the telegraph than the old lady Arab and Persian Horses. ' soap. . . . - who said to the telegraph pole-climber, It is also benefi c1al drm;; ha 'lf a p1?t .of motives, but the ffrst-class carriages were The general run of Arabs are no doub t _ pattern as that still in . " 's If there a message up there from my son cold ater, or water with_ a httle oda _ m it, almost of the same i' first rate horses, as far as they go, for mih· please throw it down, I'm expecti him the line. ug on gomg to bed, and while dressmg m the use on , Th secon d·Cass l· were open, furms . lied w1 ' th ' tary purp oses, but they are too small to home soon. ,. morning. r l moun satisf a.nY but tho i t acto , Y These well-meaning s11vages, it seems, L' diseases aro however' so difficult curtams to keep off the sun, and beyond the I i 1 Th c f e t' 1 rse and ;:fractory that it is peculialy necessary I curains nets were stretchd to prvent too; nf which'ta: sie id po; n:i°'g1: have been making xprimel!ts not. wholly cnr10ns . successful from. a sc1ent1fic pomt of View. to ca,11. · m the scrv1.ces of a good physician as " .travellers from losrng their balance ' . l ls ·t lf f or anythmg, but they are so few th !1t ti1 ey I n r l' ivi:s. J! I nd thei "'reach taste assertec . 1- Noi and soon as the complaint has declared-itself . wn b etween H' - ':he commun1eat· estimate <>eneral the e e b ot may ut o l ft I the epa m _ f costume and m n s1c . i d rtments o h n g as e a mterrupted, k e Too many persons are i nclin ed at once r 1 m . r o 1 li r o w co p :ely which we ta e fo the race Fo an soldier it took some t une o discover the reasn. begin dosing, supposing that they are " bili- The guards had a umform. of blie and g?ld I whose wei aht is such that he can mount- i ;i-d Ihe whole telgraph l me was carefully m ous." The incautious and unwise use of buttons, aml ere supplied with huntmg I ed on an A found the hardiest, I ·ab he willcbe rnedicine at such a time may fasten a chronic horus. Grea importance was attached to I soundest and Ile spectecl, but w1t_no effect._ lt then o:curred most do ile of war h orses, the horns, which were to represent the cornets one of the officrnls disease tl on one .who might have been perne hbor. .11 do an enormous amount of work on 1 to . that m the 1 ions of ti 'I coac , . ·I . . s 11111 loo kies. wi . en<lly v1 11. , 1100 d of a fr age the wue manentl !P cured rn a few days, by proper used by the post'l . ie n;ia1 , . e e an d . v e1 . d' 'll nt fo d . nd Wl .y m l For a week before the fi rst Journey the, v ry. l'ttl l ere a rednither thicker than usual. Onreturmng to ' guards carefully rehearsed a f anfare, which' always be°'.r himself_ well and handsomely. : the spot he found that for a long distance the _ ly 18 h, more than othr wire bad been removed and carefully replac was to be played with great spirit on the de - Jn one pomt on . . Seasonable Hmts. parture and just before the arrival of the h?rs<Js, suscptib_le 0! disease, and that !s ed with bamboo cord. The head man of the . H . his eye . which is liable to c11taract s i 1 1 t am. e D on t o1·get t? . give Th h h d tl · c ey_ ge v a a any · the sleemg-rooms 1 , 11 1 d ti a t 1ron v.::as very expe i;i v.ill ae he:cp n 1e_ nngs on e . h a t r c i ench 1mes and 0 ddmg an a.1nng every mornmg f or an xr m fi fty years, and among others , - 1 c . ar c e isti is h s undaunted pluck , s1ve m is dts t nc t, but tha t m proof of his ic 1 1 8 nev-er more e1ca.r1Y. 8how n than i f · 'I have substituted railway whistles for hunt- I wh' . hour or two. r iendly feding towarcl the l!'rnch he h11,q wh en b y any ch ance he rn l11 , wh en a11 TooTHA.CHE.-If the cavity is so great as mg h oms. _ ers tIi at any ona removmg a potbon w that he is a given ord veterinary surgeons allo will to allow the air to reach the nerve, get some of the wire so1ld rplace It wl.th bamb?<J most cle3irable patient, resisting and throw. . - .··· ·. . spirits of nitre and mix with alum; saturate Holy V1s1tors m a Russian Village. ing off the effects of illness or treatment in cord. The uffic1al tned to e:1wlam tlle d1f. a little cotton with . . I .a way th . it and apply it to the at no h orse of ancti ier race can I ferencebetween bambooand w1rc1 and wattnd. In the vi 1 1 f - bod ny, m the (' age o , O overncavity. If th e pam extend8 upward 8 to the uP bY declaring that the next bit of ba.mboo ment 1 equal ' Persian horses have always been of Pauolia in Russia a peasant reput - I I eye or takes the f0r1n of neu1·algia procure. ' money found among tho most generally useful re rope pnt to such a use would come rn for eel to be very wealthy and to have · n age ch' some horsei·adish leaves, take out the stems, tiie nearest vi ief mounts in India, and they take their place hangmg wi:t th .and. pply t e. face ? er the ' hoarded iu his house received a visit lately I both in the rank s of cavalry and in gun teams. i from three venerabl looking men dressed . j. pam 13 wi1 genei· 1Y r mg re 110 A Brave Nun. in garments of a somewhat clericai fashion, I '.I.'?ey have more po wer and size t_hn Arabs, . ,The re s a, a l!'··cnch nun who " To Cu.all: F:LoNs.-If at any time before , who informed him that they were Christ and, with many of the ame good qualities, andS ister Mane suppuration commences, plenty of ice water 1 the Apostles Peter and Paul . The sham a matter of great 1mportans to _the state-. ha.a _late!y been decorated with the Crss ?f --AND --is used, it will never fail in producing a per- Christ said to him: "I have given you they are generally cheaper m priee. the Leg10nof Hor.or for forty years' serv1ce m feet cure. Hold the afe f cted part in ice cold great wea.lth, but you h ave omitted to exer- ' the army arnbulairnes, seems to be.not ony a water as long as it can be born:i withdraw it cise charity, so I liave come to reckon with Dunng a tune b raYe but a merry woman. Suppose. fora rest and repeat. Kec1J up this process for 1 you. Give me your money." The terrified of hard fightmg in Tonquin a bomb fell _into half · day, if necessy. It will at last peasant fell on his knees, beggecl for mercy, upposc that . th.at big meteoric sone ! a,n ambula!lce full of wounded men: S.ister overcome the inflammation, and that is all and gave over 500 silver roubles, decladng which plumped _h1ssmg hot out of space mto Thres a. seized the bomb nd car'lcd it to there is of a felon in its first s tages. / it was all the money he had in the house. , a neck of woods in Vanclerb;irg County? Ind., I; a d st.mce . 'Y'hen she st it down it e_xplod- Is now opened, and we in v i te everybody to call ar::: :::::imine our stock. . . l Th ey were not sati s fied, and he sen t off his early last -Sunday mornmg--smashmg a ed, but, luck1ly, not till she had time to lt any poison IS s wallowed, rmk m.'.'ta:ity half a cool water, wit a heapmg '.servant to collect money from neighbors who 1 tree'. burying its?lf deep in the earth, and 1 trow herBelf flat <_>n the ground. Her asl tf89 f lea".mg few chips anti_ a sulphurous smell srntants _rushed up m terr?r and found her teaspoon u_ eac 1. of cmmon alt ancl groud ·1 were indebted to him. The report of the: ' belund it-had fallen mstead on the roof unconsc10us and covered with blood . When m 1 ustarcl stirre mto t. This catlses vomit- psesence in the village of such holy v isitors of brought a crowd to the spot. But the im-' the respecte!I. reader! '.L'heorctically, o ne 1I she regained her senses she uttred hei· ng as soon s a 1 reac s the stmiteh. Lest t s me the poison rmght remai n, _ s wall ow postors mistook theit· motiveR and believed' of these uninvited visitors fro m outside is as customary phrase: "I 's only !1 J oke, " an expression which ha.s since become her nick t e w ite of one or wo eggs, or drnk _ a cup_ 1 they had come to apprehend them. One of: likely to drop in on a Toronto At another time she was attending a knife from under his clothes, as on a hoosier farmer, and here is a peril name. of strong coffee. '.Ihese tw ar . antidtes them drew · a, tobn, grea_t cr u mb ei _ of poisons than any and att cked a peasant, whereupon the of crr estrial existence in the presence of a W?tm ded. man, when she was stmck y a Ot·ders fOI' Sta D·)Jin· wiH l"eCcive S1i"iCt attention, and f . wh c i h we are. muc!1 more pass g s pht er from a harge of mctraille, 1 crowd seemed to once · 1 helpless than in have be0ome at m en <.t er .ir hcles mown l but her qmet. observa t on was merely as lighte ned as to the t ru e character of the trio, , that of the lightm n g or the cyclone-as un- , all newest 1Jatle1·ns kCJJf lo ehoose .f1·on1. TEST THE WELT,-\.-VATJm.-As soon as the and taking courage overpowered them. ! foreseeable and unescapable (when it comes) ' n snal "It's only a joke" At the ceremony ' grounrl. thaws out, decomposition begins, . I as the earthquake itself. Fortunately for us of the decoration none of the customa ry forThe Bazaar Glove fitting Patterns for Ladies and Childrens wear for and any decomposing matter upon tho sur'w however, it is at present a theoretica.l peril malities were omitted. The General who R10 er an e oug He as. faci: begins.t·-soak down int the earth ot 1 _ merely-not akcn into account _ lieue on the b rave spi ing and summn $tyles, a complete stock. by _the insur- conferred the ti le . cheva 111' o waiting, no sending, . of bnt Generally a man dies leaving . not o.nt ?f existence, and is less property anc<s comp am es . At present the big meteor- nun touched her w1t-h hrn sword on both her more oap ll.ble of m1soh1ef than ever, since I thun he supposed that he owned The Baron . ites always fall in nec ks of woods in In but choose your pattern and take it home with you. dian a sh oul ders, and finally brnshcd her check some of this poisonous matter is pretty cer- 1 au Meuil Brnssels, however, thought that ' or Texas, hurt nobo<ly, and benefit the with his white mustaches. tain to find its way into the well, if there is. he owned but a small property, and after· special correspondents of th e New York Remember the place, nearly opposite McMurtry's grocery store. ---- -·- one near by. There may be nothing daa- 1· making a few legacies directed the remain· newspapers . :B ut who shall say what sur'ro remove paper labels from old bottles, gerous upon our own premises, but our well 1 der to be spent on his tomb, Some $GOO,OOO prising ex per ienc es may not wait a pla net wet the face of the label with w ater, and l!lay receive a _gratuio;1s c?ntributior of h s ben found to have b elon ged to him, and i t hat is whirling through sp:i.ce in nolens hold it for an inst a nt over any convenient . . m It h fro o ur neighbor s sai;iitary premises, ! lus heirs ar? trymg to fiad out whether it volens, follow:· my-leader clance toward an fiame. The steam penetrates the label at . I if not from our own. So it is well to test must all go 1ato a. mausoleum. 12-tf, ......._Bowmanville, Ma.rch ..22, 1886, unknown destination? . once, a.nd softens the paste. !!!! !!! - - -- == (!tauadhtu Jtattllman. Dre.t!.:.1·0 'y· · Iv.IAYER.'S Hal Fur Stt1re · · · · · · . · · · · · ? h;: [ 1 I j ; NE-W- GOODS - · { ' - · · b f I TOD BROS. I1 · · · I j 1 · - · 11 j i I J · · · , . · New Shirtings, New Prints, New'l\/hite& Grey Cottons, New Emb1roidery, New Dress Goods, New Linens, New Tweeds, Yatisi ·corsets .. · - h · 1 · _ j · . . l I I I I ORDERED CLOTHING A SPECIALTY. TOD · BROS. · · · · and jI I : W-esl End House., d call and see our lovely T Full lines of Generai Dry Goo ds now open for inspection. to I I I I!' j I t G en s a le s Drese · Goods. · , · call and see our handsome Tweeds and Suitings · ,. . · · native I · o treatrnet ___ II I 1 b: 11 · I I reat g 1 1 Our Grocery Store is replete with the Choicest Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, G l as swar e, F ield and Garden Seeds, &c. · · · 0} I · · · JJQllJI MrcHlWlf THE "W'EST :ENb · · 1 · I 1 - · I .M_l_LLINEBY FANCY GOODS HOUSE Hats Re-shaped in - · s15ht, I j hth H Th ht r I householder J 1 I i 1. : t 1 latest styles. I MRS. W. MORRISON.

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