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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jul 1887, p. 4

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CR EAT SMASH! For a great reduction price of a FARMER'S UNIONS. Our farmers, just now seem to be fully HIGH SCHOOL REPmi,T. BRANTFORD BINDERS. short time I shall m III ake t } 18 I I ed that in future, their interests shall be cians who desire to hold in the country, and 11eem de t ermi n aroused to a sense of the pos iti o n they one of the first i:md foremost with pol iti - and as a con sequence t.hey are unitin1-< their forces in order to present run this country ; a wlicl -W-all Paper. "fhe finest selections will, of course, be the best,, so don't delay. frnnt in backing up their demands. They and there, jnst for the bene fi t and to ad· vance the interests of somebody else. are tired of being pulled and pushed here nize a like e.ociety in Darlington, That farmers, as a class, have failed to recog nize tl1e great binations, has note ihat an effort ia being made to orga of which will be founcl in aoother column. so notice over the country, and we are pleas··d tu Parmer'a Institutes aro spri n ging up all PICTURES FRAMED VEl=:,Y STATIONERY, &c, as usual. that unity is st en gt h , in this age (If com· often excited surprise. r principle long ed upon a wrong notion, for it aimed it from the local dealer, separating tho farmer in a certain degree, old-time Grange, but that idea was fou nd in that d irection by thti insti1ution of !he True, for a time, they did make an e f f or t iltt (!J)mxmlian jtattmau. BOWMANVILJ,E, Jur.Y 13, 1887. - -- -· P. TREBILCOCKm Tm'l II ead-ma11ter and .. -···=== = = = from the latter. withdrawal of the trade of the former vail that the farmer could live quite v.e!l likely This to The idea seemed to pre by reason of the build up or aid our find much favor, as it would not tend to business c entres . course of action would not be withou t the aid of the merchant. future the s tud y of Greek must take a jects. tiou. it is to be devo ted to more i m p ortant subToo much time has beon given in whiie otl1er more import&nt This is a tional institutions have decided that in Th Harrow, one of Eugland'a l e ading educa· G over nors of back seat. time formally spent upon step in the right direc da is by There is no den y in g the fact that Cana country, and it is her true policy to en His interest should be n at ure fitted for a more to spend and so help t he merchant. his prosp er ity , he will thereby have the about a stat e of affairs which shall nctd to But by the far mer endeavoring to bring Greek-University Class-E Siemon. Elementary Class-I Couch, H Win· dell. Latin-UnireJ'Sity Class-G Shaw, E Sirmon, Jas Newsome, J Gi lfill a n , R La"rie, A 1\icLornghlin. Elomentary Class-W Tamblyn, 'I' Bra.gg. lrench-Uaiver8iLy Cbss-G Sh::1w, ,J Gilfillan, J Newsome, R Lawrie, A Mc Lant;hlin, Ella Sanderson, G Joaess. Eleruentary C l a s- W Tamblyn, M Reid and K Morrison, T Bragg,A Car scadden. German-UniYersity Class-G Shaw, J Nmvsome, J Gil fi lla n R La.uric, A Mc· Laughlin, G Joncas. Elementary Class-W Tamblyn, W Grant, M Allen. English Literature-Forms 3 and 4.--S Courr.ice, W Tamblyn, Ed Sanderson, M Allen,M Reid, E Campbell,M Haina,M McLa u ghlin , P Tyrem an, H H u tch eson , E Ball, M: Whitdngton, M Nott. }lead i ng - Forms 3 and 4-Ella San d n'S on , W Tamblyn , B Thornton, M Mc· J_,a.ug h l i n, J Berry, B Hames, J E l iot t, E Hall, H Hntcheson, S Courtica, Ed Sandarson. Reading-Forms l and 2-G Armour. M Prout., C Cbrry, E Kirby, J M:ira, M Climie, M Ilingham, H Smal e, C Alle11, ·r Perkins, V Gilfillan. Readmg-li'orms 1 and 2-Book 5-J Mar,·, C Cherry, M Prout, H Smale, M S 1y, '!' Pe1 k ins, W Frank, J Jollow and A McLaren, E Kirby and V GilfllLm, G Armour, C Allen, M Climie. J ouN Coun10N, Ki l bride P. 0., Ncbon, The name of th e pupils who ol1b1ined " I have much pleasuse in an l1 onorabl e stand at the the final exam Tp., eays : ination l a s t week and dur i ng tha tnrm are testifying to the good qualities of the Steel Frame Binder I purchased from as follows: your agent, J. Prodham, this season, I CT.ASllHJS. , .JoHN flArn, Hawkesville P. 0, Wel lesley Tp., aays: "l bon:.1ht oue of your new S te el Frame B i nd e rs ot' your Agent·, Geo. Tilt., a.nd it ha gi ven me good satis faction in every respect. I can cut more with it wit h two horses than any uf my neighbora do with thre e, tmcl the draft i s \·ery light. I cut s<iven acres in hree houre and a half with it. Any one wanting a binde r l can recommend the Bra.nt- ! 1 ford, and your str:iihtfol'lvard way of I doing busines$ with farmers . have cnt about 70 acres with it and had no breaks or diihya. The lmotter is simple and reliable and will not miss a eheaf unlesa the cord bre.>ks. Thu 7th t·oller is a very vahuble improv'3ment, as it entir e ly prevents the machine from clogging, and the chain drive works first· class and rung 11lnv>st noiseless." CROQUET SETS, BASE BALLS, FANS, &c. V'ERY CHEAP AT t I KENNER & CO'S. VARIETY Away down VVALL PAPER T 11 HALL. l TAMARAO.-When so hoarse your Yoice seems unnatural, get thee to tbe d rugg ist for a bottle of ·ramarae Elixir. In nevn I fai l s to core Hoarseness, Coughs, Colds, 1 etc , :j: l Price. SPECIAL LINES OF STATIONARY JUST RECEIVED. -OF NEW YORK0Fl'ICE, 3'.30 & 322 BRO.U>WAY, P. 0 Box 851. Nmr Yom,, $10,000 D eath by Accident. $10,000 Loss of Hands or Feet. $10,000 Los of Hand and l!'o o t $5,000 Loss of Haud or Fo ot. $5,000 Loss of Both Eyes. $1,800 Loss of One Eye. $2,500 for Permanent 'fotal Dis:i.bility. $50 a week for Totally The above c ombined irrnurance costsabvut or, One-Half MUTUAL ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION New Feat.tu·cs: 'L'HE -UNITED STA'rEs p · IMPORTANT farming subjects luwe been crowded out. guages, the past to the st11dy of the dead Jan· In this age of rush and businet1.'J, it takes t he aver present events, without wony ing ·much age man all his tiulll to keep- pace with mannfactul'ies, b!lck sea.t. first and foremo6t. Instead of which for the suke .of bolstering up a few sic k l y many years been compellea to tuke om· farmers have for a means· possible. courage and aid tho agriculturist by every , about the l an guage of those who have long since le ft this bustling world and all itfl mult i tud m .. us cares. and now they demand a change in orde r that tl1eir interests shllll 110 conld rea sonably ask, to become strong, all the time and patient, and have given these industries protectio n that they They have however beeu very has has been recently issued frnm the mint, 'fn11: new set of En gl ish coins wh ich not Bull. is Yory ugly. The artist, Mr. Boehm, who desh: n ed it, states in self-defence, that ho at first m a d e the that the imprrssion uf the It ha6 · two defects the first be ing fo u n d favor in tho eyes of John Queen's head manufacturers will be rui ned is all non· semie . We k n o w n o juijtifiable reason 2.tes--where labor is much dearer ;i.t less cost than they can be produced in why articles should be manufactured in free t rade with the United States, !tll our cry wh.ich has been raised, that if we hwe Commercial Union is what t hey want and The what they are determined to have. longer suffor. c0mp\:ely m; ;· rr c<t t e ;:fed. g.,lJ one . L'he second ,1n11 wost se· .,us fault lies in t he fact that s··nH: '.,I thtJ ailver CtJins su resemble the Queen ,_ but,tl ! fy, p e1·« M1 ally, iltiti"dj '!,pop \ al 11s Pch · a f1. · C an ada. And if an indus try after iill these years of pamperi1ig and bolstering pet i t ion with the A.merican mo,nufactnrr, up, cannot now stand alone in fair com fraud, and 11umerous imfances have· . al l'eady o ccurred in which the gilded six· pence has been pas sed off for ha!f-eover· · th em over, it is Vt'ry hard to tell the difference betw een the genuine and the in a ppearan ce that by gildiug fur why there must c ertaiuly be something rotten in the concern, and the sooner it fall s , the better. But we don't believe has be en conducted on a moment, that any co11cern which s "l id business been goiog on with thei r iniquitous coer- their represen tati v e to parliament t o t.]ie Sa a Ton, Ll,is '·. c\ is. , ' . b een !\ . .. . e ·lanon · · ]' · . . · · · ln le they 1rnve \V bury admunstratwn, sent cion meame, fancying themselves secure. · whrnh for uearly 50 yenrs has as a ·· at a reasonable price ha;; any n eed to · Tm: Sp:i.lclil'.gele tions w h ic li took piace I fear. 'rhere are ·some people who seem :short time· smce, m tue North of .Ength at the Americans possess to iina"ine "' · the retun: of land, and wh. tch resu 1 ted m by which they . principles for the last eight or ten years , and which can turn out a reli&ble article C:Iadstoni.n supporter for that district, ranlarly no other country need for a momtint at. . . . N ow this 1st 1 ie tempt t"i compete with · ' · . equally foolishness. crre at eat "With :kilful mechanics a.ad like machinery, and with the can produce any ar ticle which they un· dertake t o manufacture, at a cost which certain miraculous powers, University Class-Algebra-R Laurie, G Sh aw, E Siemon , J Gilfillan. Euclid-Senior Clas-R I.1aurie, G Shaw, E Sle mon, J Gilfillan. T1·igonometry- Senior Class-G Shaw, R La wr ie, E Siemon, J G ilfil lan , A .M:c· L aughl in. Euclid-Junior Class-I Cottoh, G Jci n e ss . . Trigonomet,ry--G Joness; I Couch. S econd Class -Arithmetic-SConrtice, Ed lfand.,reon,A Carscaden, K Morrison and P Ty reman . Algebra --S Cour ti ce, K Morrison, A Carscadden, Eel Sanderson, Ell<i Sander so11. Euclid-E Sanderson and S Courtice, A Car acadde n and K M orr ison . ThirJ Cla'El-Aritmetic-J Berry, M Gib15011, F Weny, A ,\.nnia aDd J Law· . son;'- H Hutcheson. A1,i:t ebra-E Hall, W 'l'!llllblyn, .J El liott, F Werry and A Annis, M Gib· son, T Bragg, J Lawso n and L Wdch,M Nott, W Grant,E Campb31l and M Heid, J·Courtice. Euclid-J Berry, J Courtice, J Elliott., T Bragg and E Campbell. ·Second Form-Arithmetio-H SmHJ, W F· ank, B F oley, T Perkine, .T.J<:>wcll, .J Mar:i,, N Sinclair, A Wes\ey. . Algebra-W Frank, H Fol ey, M Clinlie, A Wei1l ey and J Jewell , N Sincla.fr. Euc!id-V Gil6.llan, J l\fara, J .J ewel l, W Jtrank and T Perk in s, H Foley, I Stevens, C Allen and N Jenniugs. First Form-Arithmetio- W Johns ton and S Fry ·r Prout ,J Knight M Spry, rmotu, A M c Laren, " A. ' r: ' . . w Kea 't · Algebm-C Cherry nnd M S pry,S Fry, A McLaren, L Kirby, N Johnston, W I MRogers,EColgate and M Carr,Tllryant l Prout. Those whose 1111mes do not appear in any subject of the above list, fa i led to make 50 per cent. Those who faied to pdss in any subj ect, may be re-examined in that subject :i.t the beginning of next tet ·m. Mr. Gilfillau's class will be report· ed in I\ future issue . M,\THEMATI('i;. ANNOUNCEMENT ,f engaged Mr.Hooper, a practical shoemaker, to take charge of all ordered I don't think it is necesse,ry for me to praise Mr. Hooper's , wor·kmanship, as the public far and wide, I think, will bear me ont in sayiog thah he stands first in the art of B'Jot making in Bowmanville Disabling Injuries., $26 A. or One-Quarter p· rtion , te Rate!' . YI.& ll at Pro- I now take the pleasure of announcing to the public of i West Durham, that I l1ave bought out the Boot and Shoe busine.'36 formerly carried on by l\fr. W. T. Scott, of Bowmanville, aGd have work. , Membersliip Pee, $5 in each D ivi si on . CHAS. B, PEST, S6,000 Members. President. JAs. R. PrTcmm, Gen. l\fan'gr & Sec. · I j DE NT I STRY ' i in such a way that I cannot be undersold, and I mean to stay in B<)\'\manville and work up a first-class CASH business. I want the people I intend to give the front shop my closest attention, and. can, and will sell goo0. goods as cheap, if not cheaper, than any store of the kind. in Bowmanville. I bought the large and excellent stock of Mr. Scott's z · 0 .... · · .... GrAduatoortheRoyalCollegeo!Dontal 8argoona, .:;. N ' L (';'. H A A. .N " ' · D · S · · again with him. My policy is to aim as nea1' as possible to a C. BUSINESS, done on thorough business principles. Come ono, come al then , and secure the bargains which will surely be given. 2G· 3m. of \Vest Durham to unde1 stand from the first that I am no clap-trap, and that when I do business with a man once, I expect to do business Ontario. · OI·'FICE OPPOSl'l'E F.XPRESS OFFCE. GOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY ARTIFICIAi, TEETII lNSER'rEll WITHOUT Grent Iteductions in price o n all Dental V.t11hzec\ ->ir, constantly in use pro· d cing Painless Opera.dons. p,.rti<'U·.ar atten tlon ps.1d to 'he regulation 11f Children's Teet GEORGE BUCK. IW urk. u PLATES. MILLINERY AT REDUCED PRICES. r 1 very people have be.:n got tmg their eyes Jy backed up by the English people, t.hose they have placed in power. The g re a _ mass of the E nglish voters, who previous ly m1It.hing :i.bont Ireland ·dent J -;y· come cy1 un c opened to the chaacter of the men whom t to t l te , ,t guit.ra1 e1ect' 10ns, k.new scarce- trouble seems to be that there are a few manufacturers, t ur n ing out an inferior article for which they clemand a lug11 price, and iu order to keep their i ns tit u- cheap as in the States. can be manufactured ability at the head of . he firm' an . article t in sa rr:e degree of business Canada JUSt as But the grent luw(! l::y this this tinrn liecome vret·y well in the facte <>f the men who will set &very principle of' jus- or its 11Jfai1·s, tu ! I1e cae. · Cc>llc I usion · t Iien· They have ti1"'t tion afloat th ey want all competitors for A11d S'l they cry " · our inark'et ex·cluc'ecl. · Il us ou t "\Ve shull be ruined ! and wn found them to w ork hke a .charm; there· Stocks, Bonds & f "re.I b ave muc l1 p lea.sure in recommend · Petroleum. ing them to all persons who are troubled jn any way with their Kidnev. Prompt attention gven to orders, Yours truly, J. J. JoNEH. Office over Murdoch's Store. ., lSS . Newt onv1 .11 e. M ., 7 . ay · Entrance by TelephonA St ai rcase. . -, _ ___..., 11-tf. ----------- ,- -· - ------- ' ----AUCTION SALES. . DIRECT WIRE COMMUN CATION. -E. l\'foRlU8, EsQ.,- DEAR Srn,-1 hwe reason to speak well of your Dandelion Active fluetations in the Market, I. lney B" I hl\Ve been 1tters. t( .11ver and K' offer opportunities to specula troubled for aome time with my Ridney tors to make money in and a friend of mine recommended them to me and I tried thm in my case, and Grain, Provisions, ----- ·--------· Good .News at Home. TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE. · --c ·o 0----0· --x - & · ···- .,... ALL. WOllK WAltR.ANTJCJJ . _ .._ , · f ' . D Branch office. r. Ruther or d s O rono. · -- ., M rs M 0rr1s0 n ' · . _ · · Is offering the Balance of her Summer Millinery --AT-- GREATLY RE-DUCED PRICES Vlest End Millinery House. tice nnd the Irish poop1 e to \)(JW t:o yok -e, no m&tter how inhuman it m:iy be, woul d, if they had the chance, quickly rob the 'E n gl ish laborer of the privileges, or rather ho11o'C Miele in 01der to c o m pel I j tom barriers are removed along the Amer· i can border. A the' whole country, the moment the cus- rights, which have recenily been c,:mforred · upon him by the Liberals, and drive him I ronto has lost as many of her citizen .by English 1'11ich h formully occupied. The Spaidi n" elect i on s aro but Urn beginning of the Re<:ent e ve nts have shown the w« ck i11to hn. the alt::! c·st sl<tvish position 1,1:J , · to day past.. iiold do wn the people, to keep t h e.m poor ii: sp-fri·' ' in the · ·s , to The policy of the ar1stocmt 1 mas"B that 'J'oryism is the :i.s it has .been sarne :m<l. ianorar.t and h.'1.rcl-worked and badlyfed, 1nd by th:tt means tbe favored few uball wax sed Auct.ioneor for the townships of D Clarke, anvers, Car twright, a.rliugton, d ro w ning as were k1lld of the Bntrnh and Wlntby. All sles nttended to , c::;; soldiers M 'Waterloo. Thio seem at first promptly and at reasonable rates. Where e ien t to 88.6 m, arrangealmost incr,dil:ile for so young a city, aucl it is not rnnv n m ents can be made at th1i Ofl1Cl) , or by yet upon investigation facts eeem to bear addressiug Sh.w & Tol o, Ilowmauville. it ont. The chief c a use of such loss of Aucl'ION SaLES.-R. Hutchison, J"icenlite seams to arise from boating aml bat h· sed Auctioneer for the ·.rownships of in"'. Pasons who know scarce y anything Clarkt>, Manvers, Cartwright, Darlingto n A , to of boa.ts, h i1 e and Whitby.All s ales attend ab ut tho mana gem en vv here 1 is no UJ . 1 l\nd a t reasonable rat es . l . d · e these small craft a n taI rn not on Y th m convenient to see me , arrangements for Others sales can be made with t?-e Editor or by se ves , but others into . . agaiu, who arc u nable to swim. vent ure addressing me at Enmsk1llen, P. . 0. ·- . ;;TAT!r.Mlnil' _ has been maae · .. ___ - t h at 'l'o- and Os awa, Appraiser, &c. All business Orders may be attended io promptly . left at tbe STA rrns;-,r.,m office, Bo wm anv il le, ' or Reformer office, 0dhawa. ALJ\)l'LON 8AJ.;;;.-S. C. Hunking, C· urt,rey H11.ir, l have Thi n or G t1'ce, Ontar·1·0, Licensed Auctioneer, for V\'ho ara Ba d, or who are tr oubled with. d1ndruff. D arliu a ton and Whi tby , Bowman ville IMPORTANT TO ALL II.." or h Dr. DORE NWE ND'S Z <( :c AUO'l'ION 8ALBS.-Levi A. Tole, L ic en- Grand Spring Opening --OF-- I .fl! IJ.J (!J Murdoch Brothe rs' N""E-VV- O:S:IN"".A.. EE...A..LL., where are to be seen l t · 1P:to1ptl{ """' dm1g1'. sink, Q! rJredict that the exp-0rience of Spalding '· ureater (;r less dewill be rep.iated in a " " . !-(ree as ot\en as a se11.t becomes ;,,vacan , mitil 'nother fat irnd become mighty. We into treacherous made, when the Grand Old Ma n will be at of st· · · · charge. _ of th e s1np put m 2'g·_ am with an overwhelimng maJ onty . CnoLEP.A . . . appeal to the country '. 1s I e rNl'ANTUM.-That terrible f CU Hr" ' among cllildren may be speedily Dr.. F owler 's Extract of Wild f-itrnwberry. All foi:ms of bowel com.1. ,·.i . ,·use· ,i· _ 1·11ta, ond vomit i ng, f.roni an · w " ·>rd.in.ry diurrhcea to the most severe at1.o,ck of Cana.dian cholera, cn be subd ue d . is · tl1 e best re !11dY i>V t 'tg promp t use. It ); nown for children or adults suffermg fr,irr. suwurnr comrla.ints. t« ir ;;d°by I and are N .13.-0ur advertising rate for aucti on drownecl befo1·e assistance arrives. Many sales when we do not print the sale 'f bills.' is 25 cents a line, each insertion. drowning acciden.ts would bo averte d l ·------· e generally tl · 10 art of s wimmng were rn or, me , , ad· · 11· See John J. Mas on's " Specrn. A bathw g ach c ol m each of our known. l arge towiis, should be well patronized, yer tie ement in t his issue. We advise our summer readers to look t o their own interest and the warm e oc peci'ally d urin . · b months, with th e result that a great n n m - secure some of those special urga·ms. become ld wo folks u ber of the young To Avorn Bar,DNESS OR GREY Harn.·l_1oulll they at So tl1<:t v good sw·1UJrn"t' Use Dr. Dorenwend's Great German Hair · any future per10d ?f their lives be uue:x- Magic. lt keeps the calp clean and free pectedly thrown mto the water, they from Da.ndruff, and promotes the growth wou d be able to keep themsel ves idioat of the hair. Tt lll'events pre m ature greyuntil assistance should arriy- Accordmg ness and stops all falliog ont of the hair. Olltl not , rs i fa f of state present a the tc· On bald heads, whe re the roots have not female, out of e v ery five hundred knows perished, it will invigorate thema.nd h abo'.lb swimming, w ile o any thin.,. f tho force a new growt h of hair. Ask f c. i r JLir 0 · l mt11c population the on ] Y expHts lll tie Foi: sale Magic:. It is t h e only reliable. arb, are those who acted the part cf the b ull d ruggi8ts. y voulh and went to the in their ·'u b'.ly b . .' . AS SWJ>E'l' AS llONEY is ih·. Low'11 Plens, the · , dmg pond Bw1mm1ng iostcad of. speu ant 1'furn· Syrup, yet urc to 1llstroy anti wood. back shed eawmg me expel ,vorms. in the ti . spot s, C!J Will be round invaluable fort.be ha.Ir and scalp. Jtcleanseetho sca.lp'ofall Dandrnft', invigorates tho gl'Owth or the hair, and in cases of baldness, whAre ther(l &re thcsligliteat signs ot roots !!\ft it will produce gooll crops or hair. It restores grey hair to its original color, and is an excellent dressing DO NOT DELAY, if y our hair is iu a. weak , condition gH a bottle at onco. For sole by J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, and all druggists. Ask tor it. A. Dorenwend ie t he leading of Hair G oods in Canada. 21 Dinner Sets, lovely patterns, .. A. DOREN'W.END, - 'JORONTO, CANADA. Sole Manfr. l manufacturer 'l'nE CAN I 50 Superior Printed Bed Room Sets, 20 "White Bed Room Sets. Large variety Hanging and Table Lamps, Fancy Ware, Bohemian and China Cups and Saucers, &c. SPLENDI D ASSORTMENT OF 30 China Tea Sets, very pretty, 15 Printed Tea Sets, elegant designs, SEVERAL CASES SUPERIOR GLASSWARE JUST ARRIVED. ., TO AC ENTS 1.r!h B'rou get up I . NA'J'ION,\L l'ILLS ·will not gripe.or sick· cu, yet arc n Uoo1·un:;h cath:u.·tic. · ·--- East, Toronto Neatest, mos Comnl\)te a nct Best Selling Needle Pe.ckrige m America.· 8 end 25 c e nts for Sa.mploa of Now No. 4, ftnished1i111"i11e Pluoh. PatLfoulars sent when stamps a.re en· c l o sed for reply. 20-!5 the - -· - Street · ..._. ----· FIELD and GARDEN SEEDS NOW OPEN. Victoria Buildings. lns1>e<'tion SolicUed. MlJRDOCH BROS.

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