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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jul 1887, p. 5

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- --- -- LI ME FRUIT JUIC E. PCTRE-o Watered St ock . \VHOJ,ESOM E Purifies tho Blood. ItEFRESHINGble '£onic. An Agree: DOM INIC A a 'isit. Mt'. John Reid, 0£ Chicago, i s home is on Miss Benson, of Mi.:ihigan, at Mrs. )foCready's. visiting Mr. Ji'. Piper, of 'roronto, s9ent Satur day a.nd Sunday m town. Miss Sherm left on \.Vednesday morning for an extended v isi t m Peter boro . Mr. L. Patton, of 1fo1onto, spent a few days among old frien d s here last week. Miss Flora Gilbert and Miss Jennie Smith, of Enniskillen, aie visiting at Dr. Potte1's. We are sorry to learn that Mr. G eorge Pigg o tt is prostrated with sickness. Miss May Graham, of Brampton, is visiting at Mr. J. M. Joness'. Look out for anotkel' mammoth stock at the Bankrupt Sto11a- n1 a fe w days Yery pretty and very cheap-engra ings and chromes all 'fait & Morrison's. Purchase Old {hrnntry tickets at the S'l'A.'rlSi\HN, offico, by Anchor Lmc. Get a set of th<Joo beautiful l'.indow shades at Tait & Morrison's. it etops at 'fod Bros. For big bargains follow the Big root, ' · 11, carts and 1.1ox r1son' s . n Baby's a.nu' doll s carnages, boy's wag whel:'lbarrows at Tait & J oIm Mc Murtry has choice pigs' feet, only lOc. · Iid-a11rnmev pi mttJ and dress goods m reat vn· iety and ,-ety cheap at the won .wrful Bankrupt Store. M1·s. l\fo1n1i50-n's Stock IY[1lhnery is a.U iew nncl the be sold r.t retiluced Dri ces. The S A. Jla;n<l "\cut ) t o Oourtice on onday cvonm, to attend a,banquet and bilee scrvtce. .-Jn our report of the pupils promoted last week, C R·cha:n1s' name was let 11>11t. A. Jams. agent for the Anchor Line, aet greatly r.educed fares to New 'fork. 0 OM1.ss110N i.P "A. A:\TTED .--A G OOD 'JN W Apply to Mrs. F:. 1 i. Btu'rlf', ",Tile Ji.'T"er-green s. 11 t> COOR'. f:J' n .rIBOlll'I ""n b nymg oce'l.n ticke. 1 1 from M. ne,.rly new, to M. "1'e. mauv1 wAn'..GON 1 Democrat :rm 1i:.H1v 1::-r, Boots, shoes ood hppcrs 25 per cent below cost nt the great Bankrupt Store COOLING,l u st the thmg fo r the H ot I Mr. and Mrs Geo. l' . Warwtck, of Bm mngham, Eng , a1·c ' isiting at M r . 'Weather eaclne's. John R Mrs J. S. Bond left on W e dnes day m ormng last for I,ondon, where, for the present, she will resicle. t ins, of Toron· Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Ad. to, and Mrs. Vars, of Ilochester, N. Y., aro visitm!( at Mr. ,J . Adams'. On JO cenfa or the STATE8MAN to new subscribers t" :New Years. Four for $1. Mrs. Morriaon is ofJerrng- milli n ery at reduced pnoes for balance of the seaim n. P<1t tfl1, d lico and residence, Prower's Block, Krnr,-st. , Bowmanv1lle. 1-tf. A third plougl\ing bee th e p.trk to day completes the first stage of the work. at Dr. \.B S OLU 'r E I,Y . Mr. and Mrs Summers, of New Jersey, : llie, of ista m and Miss Henry and 1\fr. F. E For Sale by Groce rs and Drngg Oshawa, made a flying '1s,t here last Pmte and Quari s (imperial measure). S O N S & week. ltefined oxpr£\ssly for LYM AN M. Juhn Lyle has had placed m his M on treal . office a small iucandcscent electric light A ltberal discount to the trade. switched from tho large one rn the shop .. It is j ust the thing for an oillce light. PRO M AI,CO HOL . FUEE Don't wo rry if you a re o ut o f e m ployment, w11ita to ME. Co" DY, 41 Wellmgton sr relJt East, 1'0>Mmto. S end sta mp s 20-45 for rep ly . \Va nted m every 11ouse,-a bottle of '11' n. JC 1 i) '1ll1 D e, st 011 acli es ai1d ' " 1 ectl'i , oyer·' f0r u pains. Prepared by J . Higginbotham & · t s. 'S on, ]);ruggis CO , Vh ite S l111 ts See the spec1al hne nf genta \ !y soiled wm·th $1.00 sellm g fo150c. shhti at J J Mason's General Dry Goods a nd ,Jewelry Hl)use. ------- - -- PURE WHITE H E LLEBO R E for" Currant Bushes, NoTIC E .-As we desire durmg the sum mer months to publish the names of all v i sitors to our town, we iespectfully m v ite 1 int u s all persons having guests to acqu, o f the fact, b y Jetter or oth e1·w1se. tf. '.ll".lie Big Feet indicate that the big ba·gam seeker has p as sed along and stOJlped at: Tod Bros., the cheapest dry goods ho.uso in town Havmg . flf su m mer hats and gents furmshiugs lI A q uagmi re, containing typhoid fever enouah to kill the whole t own, meeta the gaze f e ve ry person who has occasion to pass down the front sheet. [t is only a few feet from the S. A . Barracks in the ditch. Drn Yo u REAU I i· -I say neighlJor,clid you read Buck th e Boot aud Shoe deal er's adverhsemeut in another column. I tell yotl ne ighbo r he talks business, and has, I believe, the stock, at low prices to PU R E PA R I S G R E E N for Potatoes, -F O J SALE A.'£- :Stott & H enry the photographer, has JUst eom· pleted a very beautiful and life-hke por· t· ait, in crayon , of the late Mrs. (Dr.) McLaughlin. We think that in Mr. le Henry, Bowmannlle -possesses an artist 'We sell only the purest and most reliab whoso work is rarely equalled.. br an d s of these goods, and can there· Rev R. D . F razer, who returned hi.st fore guarantee sat isfaction. Sa turday from the General Assembly at Winnipeg, and from a tour to tho Pacif ic, will speak i n St. Paul's chnrch, next. Sab bath eveninir, on "The far ·west and the Chmchea " Sorvice at 7 p.m. Jury's Medical Hall. Fms:r OF THE SEASOJS . - M:r. G. Dobson commenced c u t tin g Ills barley on Tues day, 12th. This is remarkably early for Mr. the barley harvest to commence. Dobson reports the crops ns boing folly up to the avemge carry him out. DEVl'l'l' -In Car.111" lRht. on the 30th uli; tho GE N TS - W E vMN'l' J 00 Q O QD "·fef llfr. J. H. Uev·tt, ora son. am determmed to r u n them off at greatl;;/I men Bt once, to s&U d'or tbo. l! 'ontbill Nnro B AN!Ht·i.In .O··lk· t n , on t b e 3rd m. ... t.!1 0 t<enes \la rgest 111 Cana.:i1;i,0¥et' 1." acrca) s t ea. \} Y reduced prices. JH. Maye r . wife or Mt . I. G . Banner. or a son mnployment and no lozZ Lnne llberal comm1 I 1rnzE -Near Burketon , on the tlt ir;::i t. , t e "ion or snlary, best ad'll11>nt1we J . H1gi nbotham & Son, ag 1mts for the u. ; evlt&dld outr h e A· Y· 1 ·u ,s timg man can suot furmsbed fr _ · 1fe" crt' M1. ii;, 1 . t»A or a s on e T ucker Sp r in g Pad ·rrns s ; a l a rg o at oGl{ d c p r e - ln Ttn field, o u the Hb -. . tho c . .A ply fo N r_,::< ou liand to choose from · Also Eng1 eh r "C. f" Yr·KRY. s .rto A' ,. ,, T'lN1"1 0 1N' ..,, .l " =11 · "' .. , .. (} d t110 ' 1: J ohn J ' Mason h "s l<ltrvd e of Mr M Viekeiy of a son 1 8 - 3n1 _ _ __ _ __ __ _ 'l or onrn . Ont, i> st e m countar check b o o k a m,his. Drv and .American Tru sses m stock. _ BEN l'IIAM ·....:... M tin.o . Dnrhn ton. ep tlie 4 th _ r a nd J ewellry Hou s e afldino w all \Q.at.. the w1fo,3 ;>.{r. n. Ben tham , of'!(l..son. 'rhe Sah a tto n l\ r my o fficer, l'apt. G ood s ARM TO RE.J.iT 0Tu: SELL.- Lota custoruera get a b· ll with e ·ery purchase /'.' S PROl: LE --!:{ear Long Sault, D a rngto n , orn ieozies and Lieut. Cook ' farewelled: nt 17 and 18, Hh concession of PiokerlD!f· p roule, Qf · even to a spool of thread wlneh they can ( t.h e 8t h Inst. , t'..o wife u! Mr Wm. , o o n t ammg one ht::af\eGl .aruea. Oood at!lhfl fh e t he B ::irrack s on Sund ay mgIit last . . · \ · ------ ---- -mg cl wellmg h ous e and ..utchen. one dnv mg ho!IS& · 110n e 1 k t tl 1 tl jjff v a t 1us e eisure, u i e· o .. 00 no w olllcers arn expec ted Thursday nioht, M and good ontbmlir.s. A rnnnmg stream pf any posaib1hty of mistake 'l'\h1 m conMA RRIED. water through tho,. ;;<ai·d. J!l'ot fc1rlhc· partip The peach c rop 18 so hea vy in .N'1agara nectiou 11 i t h the cas h rai l w ay. fer change , ' G 10 premises, or to J OHN Ai:.--lil<:Ui·YNo Los.- By tha Rev, ll. s. ulars applv on t. 'F, P:'ckermg. 23 District that i n many places frmt growen1 and geneial neatness u.nd r rnc1veness7 Ma t t h e ws_ at the Church-st Metacdist pe.raon · WOODRUl! are picki1 g the peaches off young trees to mak"s Ins store the most p!easant cherry age, on t>.>.e ith mst., Mr. W i lliam l,enry Gay A2 n1e Mcll()ynolda, boL, ot llwman· FARMS TO ttEN'l'.-Lot 20, con . '.I. t 1/rni dst. keep th e m f r1,m breakmg down, and to and City l r ke tha t we have i.p. o , Clarke, cGntamm1?1 100 acres m a hllL allow the balance of tha fn1it. to grow - - ----- 1li.i- --- stt\tc of cultlv..on, W!7ll ws.teroil, goo11 Jm A local ngent m to 1vu ll't few iaornmgs .......__ rngs, o ne of tha..aest faro1s m t lte county DIED. larger. 1 D 1 h a m . A'Jot 28, con J, Clarke, 'lir · conto.inin smce deairmg to d1sola:J1 the beautrns of a The town is nightly filled with clouds CciAu·s. -At Maple Cf1 ove. n 'Jl!e 8th rnst , oj acres. '.rn above lo be let separately 5. patent chatr, wluch he had lately 1 eceiv \Vilham Coats, ai:;ed 55 yea t ogether as i.izl' agreed upon. l·'or terlfllf of smoke ar1sm g from numerous smudge ed, to o n e of our noh merchants, pro -- and p'0.1 t10u;s apply to l\!ns. \V. RKN\H . fires, which vatio u s citrzPns k indle with - -- -- ----- - ---- on tlto piern1ses. ?.G tr. c eded > ' n e early mG>ull,1g to the satd the hope of dr1v1115 a.w11y the myriads of BOWMANVILLE MARKETS . a large and faahionf1ble stock · . ! I 'i\ll e B0<wmanvillle :Methodia.i church of VV t:ie·fu!ure marched down th front street east h!lOi·!@'t 2, con , "$. :A'.'miau tty ol1nl11e anil · ed e.r. Small atreani!":r1mSfllD t.!)11!1 *llB on· M on.,a,y afternoon, on t>eir way to 20 acres ll&arerl. c: Apoly to ;W F ' ..M'llt WoQ l ) th e picnic grounds. 'lf,iCartwr,gbt P, <Y mJe ·u, 'f . 11J ( · 9· 'fhe ch ild re n all r. -----o_c.tli:: ..1l10.B n m fr Jf ,n the prosFr o m :il'!: pH.tit of t h e to w n the big bar- I 0@k ad l·ppy .is they mused oR I' 1m seekev eme. Se" h r n tracks. H e poot of true d e'igh tful timo that was in l\ li/ 'E:VHODI S T l.. l' SALB. -'rh e .M ..! t j 1 oot. _,_ _ , ' ery en 1,y abl e time E u n 1skiil l e n wr ·1tops at -n J.. b·< Bt < · o s . l· ollow the Bi<> uvoo L ui: them . "'ll be sold i 0 , , "' ] w-as speut by all hands. About eiaht term s If not sold, it will be rer:tGtl. · 1 1 Htggrnbooham s Coi n Cure when ap- ·111ndi·e ] peo 1 ·)[e ' l ittl e a ,·JJ b 0 J .<1..'41Ea P'Cl;l Joa:s 1"' .Ll.O · d Enmsk·ll ' ·· rg, f oun en tf.. . " · n s wi ·11 remo ve t1'ie k Wf!;Y to the gro n d cix1"' t he a I' 1 t eel a 1 ng t0 d treo· io -- · · _ eo o .iunn fo U _oW:.:. "'W. , coo,,., u d u fterd rt s©.ft C\irus , 1 /r \ nd w i , s " i thout p a m . ne on Quite a n u mber >Of p e rso n s n ot R ALK '!'.es, lOfe ' r y 1 W, lot eon. Do.rlf '1, ogto i conn ected with e1th1>r ,,f ..l lcl i.i e schools b n l' \\ere , l l .. ' tll.ti · . 1 :wse o.r.d >:ood farm hmld :".Wlt l1 1 1rlnc e a: · m {>l A. p] <. ' lc · 1 1 0 t 0 f n ien ' s, b oy ' S a n d £11 se t an d 1 ent. a w · rll mgd ,.,and rn order a 1;cl wcitercd, about 3 acres rd.,good ) ou tll 3' na d y mad e cl ot111ug away be1 ow ! ix:> enio:r the fun and h etp t() mak e the ar.aprcd for grain !1.nd pu.stc. ic . W i!t.lill.1., , $ ), ,, hole;:;.!\· prices at th e big Banl, rupt :picni :;i su cce s s O nly O n.fl ·i c cide nt is re· e s o f Hampton a nd 3 au lcs o p 1 li ll$ e. "i>ni Pf :-> tore. por bed and we l ope that 'i '" : ·,& u nll not p1uve , l')fo£<:llie Pa.in De stiuye r,-an exc ellen t ' ael'l'.l\iS, '. It has been suggested that a I Bowmsmllle 1 em ed1 for Cramps, Itheumatis m , Nen- union }>icn ic of the Bbfo Classes, teach- I ,.,,1 1 - >,1 ,f,'.l! .l'!;;i." A · ,,.. · t . - .i i e rak1e1 .. Bn ises, Outs, etc. Sold by J;; e1 s ti;,d f mm d s of b"th :mhool s be held ' "1 ueen S reet' B owma.n ,.'-. 0, t u ht oo v. · ·· '-' H tggm.b ot h am ' tiI C l 'k e S1lO!'e or SC;ue mtabl e pI ace j , 11-f,1, J oe!"ph, eil, at pres1rntOOCl Pl Mr ' " >:>OD, Dr11gg1s\s. . ! ' 'l } i r e ve ., to c'· o 111 · ,,, ""w sltc;}rLv , ar, d we ho pe rn wil l be ca rric c;. , Lhoa.,M l:lp1y. rhere are 1 ..·0Qms i s cei d f · . ...i\.. 00 I a goon ecllar. an d about 2<; ..:.lJt tr 00 .t\.. .... mto 1 .o. .. Ct f m orcharil For further pt1-·t,.ulars chine:. needles nnd 011. New W 1llmrn'l .. M3R.A1 · ur,ous.-"M l\iiracnlomi Cur ::> 1 K. G.n 1 m u·1·a, Ba.ziater, B .. \\l?it-e, Royal , Wan ze r, Lo cb:ian, Lou:i;i,,. Sine ®T, Raym on d , O s b orne. e tc Ca.i1 wa s. that I hod suft'ere.W from k id ney ds· 1 ___ - - - at. lhg 20. lc'as"' for about t w o yrs, was off work _::.ll . _ 'l.LU ABr,E FA RM fi..H.t SALE . ' thait hn:e A frienc(', to,d me o f B . 13. $.1, Par t or l ots 9 and 10. , 100 :i, 11, , ,, urtwrlkbli , H , S om "' '"' E cleitroo. acres i:-;wn t tl'ied it, an d am happy t o say t11 at J. w;tu loO Gercs-l:l!l ]h -Oi "' E A RJ:r nss . -S EI OF Con.fol'tblc house, cunu: :::. Qklioua btirn, sta I En S' cured by t wo bot ·l!J ;s l o w:ll giv e grat is to t he p er son ( " s' " W :.r · 11' and! di1 v1ng house. Good W <.>11 oe wa ter, o r " ., ' ng the mos aoods at thell" shor} dci;. nl<> _, .,. . , s, · .,, ,.. i. umy O nt. ' "' a.rd, J m1lbs from B1wk&ton sto.tlD<l o n C P , :::S87, a set of all Nickle Smgle Ha: _ ........_ Fol" p<>rticnl11.rs o.pp!y te> 0.ll! ri' 1 \ t c "\V ooor,:s!· . - Canwriht P. O. 23--!Jw ,,. - , '"orth $25.00. BIRTHS · of Summ er balance will ACR J;ll at!orm. sp rrng. l!IO n ebody t , AJ}Pt7 B in Boot, Bow!fl f.! "" · 21 "U'lmtrT>m"r I!MA<I :F'O SALE. -In t1 1e:fo \v J) sh J. p ot . Manvorlf A bar g a lii t 1 ii1' FOR 8-A.LJJ,; OHN2l<P.-A Sign \Va a u, & :'> gJ 'i ll '"' , M: , , r l ! Gn. B ER'Aolf¥J.'. 1 l(lYtRM ]'OR ·i: \' ,fj l t ; ly s..;t],, 0:r'.!\iE:,0t ·)R S LE rni; 1 a1116'11 °,!! at ! · ;.:" r soil , he o f TH , STAT}1:>1A)'.I; ,;,11 . 'E llO ave a n e w Si l ver W,1tch to t lie lll"' sPuding m the most new subscri l'l,t's for 'h e I)a1 c.r·ca 0f th is Y'='M at 30 c. e ach"" p, "'ny pers11n can compe t e. Pnbhsrnt buy.-1 , . T 1, T I (i" l' l 2()..acreoJwrdw _ _ - A F _ _ __ _ -- li88 I 11 be misqmtocs, which of la.te have rnvaded our town and which n early drive a person crazy. : BowMANVILLE , JuLY 1 3, 1 887. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. B O WM.AN V I LLE S'l'A'l'I ON. Havmg purchased 200 cutters of al ki nds to smt the trad e from the Ga.nan q ne Carnage Co , we are prepared to est wholesale cutters to dealers m D m ham, NorthumbQrland anu 27·t . counties. SuA.v. & ToI.E. .,,, Yo lINH M EN, you c,m do wi8el.r soine t1mes in hangmg back a httle w ma kmg proposals to aome y oung wome n , hut you will act very unwisely 1 f you hang back a.nd let the o riportnmty slip of gettmg a bargam (J,t Buck's, t he C'heap boot and shoe Jll tl ll. WES'J' GOIKG EAS'r . . 6.20 a m . . . . 11 Expre11 m a S.53 · · . . Local a m Local , · ;; " · . . 8.1* a m Jllxproaa. . . . .. . . 9.1 o. ro . . . . Express ID p 38 3 . . Mixed . . . . . . . Local' . . . . . . . . .. 7.18 p m Mixed . . . . . . . . . 3.3 P m . . 8.13 P ro . . . . Enress, m Exures11 . . . . . . 9:11 p GOING , Three games of quoits, 21 points eaoh, between S. Burclen and 'W . ·Jennings on th e one side and C. E. Barrett and H BURKE TON 81'.A.TION Hooper on the other, played on Frtday last, resulted 111 n vic tory for the latter GOING WEB'I' , "GmNG E.l.ST. 'l'hey are now open for 9 45 a ro two gentleman. ExpreBll . . , . . 10.29 a m Exp ress . . . 6 52 p m Express . . . . . 7 .42 p m other engagement s . Express d a h Tickets 11.nd fur th er informst1011 may be A Pno:n:ss10NAL Ol'lNJ ON. -Rev F . d, and from R. B. ADR EW, Big 20, B.e.1iroa Guune1, M . D . . of ' L1atowel, says nv!lle, St eamboat Tioket .Agent, Dowma regarclmg B. B. B ., "I h!\ve used y ou r ex:· XOHTHERN STAG ES, celleut Bu rdock Compound m practice villo and in my family since 1884, and hold it Sta ge teavea the P ost Office, l'lowma.!,l i;nnls· I n, Rampto r o f d) excepte s l&ily (Sunday c r Cadmus and No. I on my list of aad ative remedies. k!llen, He.yilon , Cartw ight, lO a. m . , and returns to to wn at Your three busy B's never sting, weaken cooaaree., at 10·· !l: p, m. or worry. " Tyrone stage e.rrives at Bowmanville at W E. Pethick having been appointed m. a. 11 at town lOa. m. . and retttrning leaves agent by the Swiss Steam J _,aundry Co. , 12 & 14 Jordan S t . , Toronto, is now pre to receive anything that the citit:: e ns Local and Otherwise. pared of Bowrnanville may require lau ndered , which will receive prompt attent10n and Buy turnip seed from J . Mc:Murtry. he 1 111 g u aran te e all work will be done m was pen golrl :-The PRIZE JN WRll'ING first-clas3 style. By calling on Mr. Pethaward ed to No. 5 10k all m fo rm ati on c11n bo obtained. Some atartlmg bargnirn> at the Bank· A B l.TSINESs LETTER . - Tilsonburg, rttpt Store this week. March 15th. 1887.-'r. :Milburn & C o . , Far::,!ers, before purchasm g Bmder Sire,-Please ship a t once three dozen T wine see Shaw & ' fole, Bowmanvtlle B. B. Bittern. Best sellmg medicine m ol d seven bottles to-day. FIRE LIFE, ACCIDENT Insurance. the shf)p. Aent, Bowman yilJe. tf Yours truly, C. 'faoPSON. . T 110 abo e sample is J:tut one of Jum. Th market for wool is now open, and eds of simil a r expressions regard m g d r , highest the \V: Quick & Co. 81 e offering the popul2r1ty of B . B . .B. price. of Another We are selling Ginghams for 10c worth rs goes west. I h ' s s Couch, ,f ohmton Cry · s t o ck: f airest daughte from 12k to 20c. time it is Ml8s Li7.zteShedd en, daughter of dermnn. Mr. Da v id Shedden, Drow-st,, She was k t e BJ d a, 111 Sashes, Doors Order t? . m11.rried on \Vednesday to JYir. W illiam .,, l Liberty actory, ll Planmg etc . , at Morris Windatt, of Winnipeg The happy event street, R . H Osborne, lease e . took place at t h e r estdeoco of the bride' fl Beny pickt<rs had better be careful father, the ceremony being conducted by a.bout trespas·ing upon forbiddm ground, t.lie I tev W. T McMullen in the presence in their search fo,· tho toothso me wild of a number of friends. Miss Windatt, sister of the aroom and little Miss Chub. fruit. We are showin!!, special value in black Shedden acted as bridesmaids, and Mr. R and als? in black silk D. A. Wlnte and Master Eddle Fuller as ma1velhe ux aill Conch ' J ohaaton & groomsmen. The bude, who was highly lace flouncin"s . estee med m town, was tlJe recipient of Cryderman. " m any valuabl e and handsone presents . wi th over-run much Our town 18 i·ery Mr, Mrs. v mdatt lef tlus afternon mosquitoes . Some of our oldest residents the ir ho rn r n the wco, accom ame cl ai,- c the,r opinion that the elect1ic ligh t for by the best wishes of then· rnany fnands. "'tt a met 8 th em. -\ Voodstock Sentmol. . \V. Ruse is determmed not to be uucler· From the pastor of the Olivet Baptist sold and is offering Pianos, IJrgans, and church, Philadelphia, Pa :--I have been Sewing Machines at way down prices See troubled with catarrh so badly for se veral him b efor e p urchasin. yeare that it seriously affected my voice, M. Mayer has a lar.re stock of s11mmer I tr1ed Dr. ---'e remedy without the hats and gents furnishings and is deter· shghtee c · relief. One bottle of Ely's mined to run them off at greatly reduced Cream Balm did the work. M:y voice is prices. G i vti him a call. fully rest(lred and my head ftiels better A magenta tinted dorg, the property of than for years. B. Ii' Liepaner, (A. M . ) CANA DIAN PACIF IC RAILW AY. 'Except Mondays. ----- I I T1 1e and for the benefit of Ins health. busine9s of the Orono Banki1 g will go on .is usual dming Ins absen ce, under the management of Mr. I. H. Shoults. l\fr. \V. W. Trull has gone on a tt iR to San Francisco, Califomia, to '1Sit his ? n ( \7ic \ urla { Hou ensmng term of Florence N i ght mgal e LodgP, N o . (iii, I 0 . 0 . 11' , on Wednesd!\y evening, J uly Gth. N G.-R. B. An drew , V. G . -W. M_rCullough , R. S .J. Mavnard; P S.-0. Smith ; Treas .-M. Mayer ; Warden-A. Mltchell ; Cou .- Geo. Mavnard ; R S . N . G.-F Wright , L. S . N . G -T D o w n in g ; R . S V. G. -C. Burden ; I,. S , V. G.-R }'loses , R S . S.-R. Dumas ; L . S S.-E. Moses ; Ohap.-R. Allen ; Rops. to G. L .--C. ell and .J. Bryant. 'l' he followmg oillcors were mstallecl for I Ont., Some nsr·rupnlqus ngenta have been circ n ' ating a rep ·rt that the Light T oron to Binderd are all sold out, in order to get rid of their shoddy. Farmers don't let tlaem pull the wool ornr your eyes, as > Vo liave on hand b in d e 1·s steel and wood fr,.me, ·roronbo and la ssey mowers, SJT!l.W & Sharp rakee l\nd hay tedclcrs. Tou . 27-2w. ROBT VltTG'.E S MTRUlOIAL.- ,oW P. an y NATURE M AK E S MISTAKES.-Na ture's own remedy for bowel complatn ts, cholera morbns, cholic, cramps, vomiting, sea sickness, cl1olera infantum, di!\rrhcea, dysentery, and all d1seaees of a like na ture helongmg to the sum mer season, is Dr. Fowler's E xtract of Wild Strawbeny, which can be obtained of 1111 dealers in med icine. . . A short letter received by this mail from Mr. James announces that the whole party enJoyed their trip nnruensely, the two elderly ladies, Mrs. James and Mrs. Creeper stood the voyage even better than the yo u ne r ones. All are enthusiastic in their expressions of praise With regard to the noble ship, the "City of Rome," which bore them so st eadily aud so swift ly across the broad ocean. .\llowing for th e difforenco in time, the voyage occupi ed abaut seven d11.ys. hor last voyalo'(e the " C ity of Rome" cal'l'ied u pwards of twelve hundred passengers. The editor spent too much t11ne m enjoyment to pre pare a letter for publicat10n this issue, bnt. our renders may expect one next week. N umc10u13 clead fish an c a large dog l which ie in an advanced stage of decom position unite to present to the olfactory organs of the hardy ,·oyagers who seek the coolness of the waters of the maish, a very po werful odor. T h e lamper- eels seem to be destroying the large fish in the marsh, numbers of which are found floating every day upon the surtace of the water and that is a n uisance which cannot be bel ped, but the man who threw the the dog in the water ought to be thrown in beside of it, or at any rate made to · take it away. rnf!'chant.'s l .1wn with f l!! cluir upon his b, i<;k and on his arrvu.l t h e r e he st1Spt>nd ed Ins wonderfu1 ma.cl).me beneatb the bo ug hs of u leafy tree whose v ndure c ast a r e h eslimg sha;h>, after which he att ached a note to the concem u po n wlnch w,ts w ! l t tC! ut 1.rndly trl \ 1tat1'111 to the pt.)pritor nf the f,iFOt,nds to c11st hims,.. J f i P t o the inv1tm,r arm'I of t l· 1 s wonderful chair, wheie he ouula rest h is \\ Cary bon es ancl feel m 8})ite of the ho · we at her and ' ll s o m e th rng ] e f'nnsq ui toeb t ', , eie was s,i " A fte1 arran111g e \·erytlung t o l tve fo,. in proper ehae 1 he agrnt w i t.hclre w , and in i hc e..:ursc of an ht nr or so the me reh ant rtppea > l ? d Nl 1 h e scene and the a p p artu s , he , wa a u,t . n s t .11 .. u ,: !<!.t.r uck, b ut as the · ttQ eIJ l u t e d ..?n. a tIuag rem u n e cl ·11ne. nearer app1oaeh : w d th· n catcli1t·I!, s1gllt of t h mugt' wn1 d s wlneh were wntten 1 e paper li e 1J1 a nd lY snu 1 ed !illt1 upon tl prepared to test the 1 r u th of the superIn the short space of a sec o n d sc rlj1t· o11 . he c! un bed i n to th e seat, th i ew liac k lHS . head, closetl hL eyes, when sudd enly, w ithout a mom· nts wan1ing, in fact in the twmk t i n g o!' an eye, the thrng went nff 1 But not so with the mnocent Vlctim, he didn't go off, not by any means, he remamed right there, for the thmg had a grip hk a vice, and Jonah 111 the w hale w a s m a m ore comfortable poa1tion than that merchant. But we shall not pursne the enbJect fu r ther, sutlice it t<> say that when the ind ustnous mechamc wended !us w. : y home to partake of 111s mid-day meal ho beheld o. strange lookmg ob 1 ect composed of ropes and canvas .111 d wood lym» in the ditch, and as h e beheld it he excl1med. " What rn 11 this thing be ' " ()orrccte1l v!!"!nf \'Oder ful I DR ESSED H oos I CJ nvim :$J[r;fJ . F wuR, 'IP' 100 lLs . . . ,,, , . · . $2 ·WHEAT, F all 'IP' bus!11>, . , . o , ,1 Sprmg, " 0 BARI.Ev , 'IP' bush . . . . . . . . . o " · · · . , , . . , 0 · , , · . . . , " , o OATS, PEAS, Blackcye , bush 0 " Small ' " 0 11 11 · 0 Blue, B u·i·nJR, best iable, fl' lb . 0 u rn 'Iii' lb L.t: 0 ' .. · · · · · · · · ' · · · Eaas, 'Ir d . . . . . . . . . . 0 POTATOES, bush . , . . 0 by .l. NicUnrti::r, every Tnes,l.1y, B.e.rry Pickers. RYE , 45 lO to $2 40 75 u O 80 90 " o 92 45 " o 5 0 way appu lot WAl.,', A LL PERSONS aro Vl arned i;>io;krniir berries or traus])tlssing m 28, con. 6, I>aruagton. '.l' ,.o i'i!r Ef a'{ainat 2"1..-:WW 50 70 50 10 i:; :JO 1 11 1 11 0 48 " 12 40 11 " 11 II " ,1 'l \Yanted &t tho Csrdiog , ill. I ta:npton , nl!l' (' OO <1u anllly of mernhant1'hle wool for which 2 ' O lngl.est .:i 0 cash price w il l be pa·d ,\ good st of woolen gooda on ha.nd to enhange for w 9 J (j 00 ,1 Ar,imn: - . . . · : . . } .. . . b . am·ractuung m a w l! I r o ca s ll . Cara Ing & d m ... . --...,_ branches w11 1 receivo. eAt ntt-0nt1on. i,... - --- -- thanks for past 'l!."l"<>,w.J am Reve ct rully yo - ---.. w. s, ORJJSTON , L, L. n, - 2,:-m. o TAYLOB· l ------Coi.veyancer, &o. l\fon ey' - - c Barrieter, Soh ntor, , _ r.i , . Lo loan. Otll ce rn BMver Hlonk upstairs in roo Tls fo r me1ly occnpied by Dr. Hamden, t.v '°""" ... J . ... v .. ...._ .Bowmanvillc. 39 · · HAY . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . · 9 (i 4 4 50 9{} 00 00 11 10 00 32 o o 70 , J Nl . - cHA,H'.:-111l\JJl-.'lf sant . '.rKMI'ErtA.NCE Ro· r11.J . Mount plea 0 i F , - :' rooms. 'fhraA rmnntc9' walk f·om Con IH 0 ::, ; : ; \ trnd J,1 m e Street Stut1ons. N gl!L ;ior ter. Il. en 0 13 j c?rnm?nded hy Hcv. ,lh·; Br.1i:gc1, '1'oi;ono, ii. l'-<l1·. Chas. G!lrrett, 1·,ng.a::id , O 1.1. O 1 2 ... _ ____ -u };{ T T T tJ 5 0 · · · 1 1@0 1 it· "" \'Tlaitors LlVERPOOf, to E -n -gl"" , t.""'d -. ·w= I I I " --w- wOOL 0-OL ia Al'tRIST ffiRS, B Cobourg, June J llOS:o UJJi .t H l;LD. "t P8" 0, "'..!,_ N ot1ce =-iQu - - -- -- - D. c. HOSSWK. &c., Cobourg. Solicitors, Notaries, ICENTIATE OF ROYAL OOLLEG E L <l ILng : e L r . W tQ Mm;. Jorrn O RENT-The Stancl one T NEWS Ofhc" 8uital>le an DU, E. CJ. lllc hllWt. 1,r,, 1 88i FHAN K l\[. F1m.n. 21, In the matter of the estate o.Y Edward Burgess, late of the I Township of Oartiwr1ght, in tl18 c County of Durham, Yeoman. deceased. l07, of the Rm·ised Stt\llcg or Ontatlo antl of Sectiou l, Chaptet" 9 of 16 Vlctol'i On tario Statues. Nouce .. a he1eby given tllab all credi tors and per so n havmv. clalma ri.zP.inst e s t te at Edward Buxg<>s:t, late or t!lEJ Township or Cartwr1ght, m County pl Durham, Yeoman, who d1er.t on 0 1· ab0tt 19th o! May, 1887, ut tr,e li!Li'l T ownsh1 v..Q f Cartwright, are to send on Ol' before the ,Is ll day of August, 1887 hy post prepa.ld to Jo ord r o.. On iarrn, tile cxecu r of the e stat e and eff-icts of tile a!\ld E d w a Burgess, their christam aucl surname, ad· dresses an d descriptions, tne ftlll partlc11lam of their olcume anc:\ siatt".l) Ql:\t ot their l 'fl \ counts an d the nature of sflotmties (1r arryJ held by them, accompan.ed by a statutor :J declaration ven fymg the of BllCIJ cla.irn. And notice 1s also g1v<1n tnt Mter ti.!& l as t mentioned date the ar u d. C" CCntor vi!.UJ proc eetl to cl1stnbnte tne or tho ctecca!1!j.19 a.mong the parties entitled, having regat:ll o nly to the claims of whwh tho ea.id. executor shall t:te n ha'7e m . d notice. awl that he not be hable fo"S the asse t, Olt' a1iy pnrt ther09f to any person or persona of whoso debts br cla.im3 he shall not then liave liatl notioe, at e Cartwr1ght thia 15th 1foy o r J une. PTJRSU ANT to Se.:: L ion J,t, of Chapr of PhyEllclans. on on , M m be of College of Physicians ana Sur!';eons Ontari o Surtu1ntY AND ItE81DE.NC'E·-Rear ot 1\ft- esrs H1ggrnb0Lhsm's Drug Storn, Bowmanv1 lle, _ .\NTED -A good sorvant. WEBLEY, - --- _ __ __ __ _ G-:lyr,: On NO & Jury's Medical Hall you are sure of getting the strongat Stott est and purest in the market. By procuring your Paris Green We recommend Ely's Cream Balm the agent of the Britrnh A rncrica.n Dyemg Co, oCMontreal, was the obJect of con where a cure for catarrh is called for, and siderabl'e comment upon our streets, 011 coJJ sider thnt we are doing the public a Monday last. aervice by makrng its virtues k no wn to A reception service for the purpose of those af!iicted with thls loathsome disease, extendmg a heaity welcomo to the Rev . for which it is m most rnstances a p e rfe ct PECK BROS. , Druggists, G rand Mr. Sanderson and faanly, will be held 1.mre. in the Queen-st M· thodnt chUl'ch this Rnpids, Mich. 'I ,, evenmg. Al l members and adherents of Persons who have received accounts the church are ext e nded a corchal lm·it· from this office wtll confer a favor by atendmg to them o.t once. ation to be present. 129:J7B4 - OF - ..WANTED I 1 L BS. VT O O L FOit WHlCH THE PRCCE WILL RF: H IGHEST PAID, AT W. QUICK & Co's. The picmckers who visited Scngog Lake on Wednesday last report havmg spent a most d eli ¥ 1nful trme. The number who respnude J t o tl1e roll call in the ea1ly hours of tho rnornrng were j ust an even twen ty, At half·past four o'clock Mr. T. Mcl\iurtr) 's commodious wagon drawn by f 1 \ll' hores and filled by these adven turous plef1a1n· seekers, left the corpoia tion of the town of Bowmanv1lle. 'l 'he dnYe out m the early mornrng air w as be. n1tiful, wlule t h e sun as it reflected its gorgeous hueR upon the dancm waves of the H ampton pond, was a sight never to be forgotten . After passing through the busy centies oi Enuiaki llen and Burketon whose teemmg mulLttndes wern as ytot still 'uapt m slumber, they arrived at the shoies of the beautiful and fa,scinat ing Scugog at half-past eight o'clock. Prout's Point was selected 118 the spot where the daya sports wore to be located and m short order lhat very enchan llng piece of grnund was taken possession of. JJ'1res were speedily kmdled, the tea steeped and a bountiful repast was pre pared m very shor t order, wlncl1 wa partaken of by 20 ,iµpetittes, which had been sharp ened by the morning air and long dnve A B tho lake was raher too rough for much boatmg the ma3ority of the parLy spent the greate1· part of the time m such JO!ldica.t1oos as are common at p1cmcs . One h ardy voy>lger who c ou r ageously b e astecl the rolltng b llows in search of the leviatha11 of the rleep was re .rnrdecl fo1 lus labois by the capture of At. four a beut1ful an d shapely clam. o'clock dnner was calle d , at ' hich he party agam assembled e.1011nd tne ft:shve b oard, or rathe1 t (J,bl e · cloth , a n d auother I'1eal was dcsposed of. Sports were again resumed an d contmued until nearly mght o'clock m the evemng when the pa1Ly were called together and orders w ere gtven to start for home. Shortly afte1' starting however the pangs of ll\mge were again felt, .mcl consequently a hitlt was called antl the whole patty dts1nount· and a meal was prepared by the wayside. Aiter tins event, every one seemed satia fied and th e J ourney home was 11peedily m ade , each individual fc1,liug that the 6th day of J une, A. D. , 1887, wou l d be a red-letter day m 1heu history Bowman ville was reached shor t l y after eleven o 'c lock, and before twelve nearly every one 'ms sound asleep. for d 1t1011. Apply to .M. A. J.1.Mr.:s. - -- ------ C OVERED BUGGY Office. Apply t" G A.LI BHUS. u;. door west of the for small Ktore, 6r Cedar C'trtt: 28 Apply I lle a a day tho F e Caesarea, 'P. FOR SALE.-A good seconcl·hand covered buggy Ro use s1t1mte<l at tlle HarbGr tei·ms apply to T.H, Yann, Bowmmrville. F OR SALE.- Mr E. G. B'lrk 's __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bo a t :L'or con21 i tne aul11acy A. OAT li'OR SALE. --Fmt-class row B boat, " 1 th two pair of oa1·s, wlll be sol d cheap for ca;h. Apply to U1·onnE R ro i;:, B ow man ville. · Apply t o Mus Umm. King t. last. Bowmanvil le. .Tuly Ht h, l&P.7. GIRL to do kitchen work where a housemaid la kept. Good wages gi rn n. . 21-tf. a!mete 2.E'-tf.. \Sf ill 188 1 . d at F 1280 OR · thorou!lh b · ed heifer, ".Tnh·na." \"e1p;hs .Apply to Ps·rI· R Wim&y, Tyrone. !?G-iw* S ALE.-A fine two year 28· tf, old 2J·6w, Auct i o n Sa l e --- - J c.;111 Jl'onnm:a CJacs1ca, P. 0., Ontaua. ---- - ..._ to give, instruction on the Plano an d Organ to a llrnltccl number of puo:ls 'l'erms on opphcati o n a.t t h e re31dcnce, Chuc ch Street. ii'!-tt M USIO.-MISS B YROM rn pre pa red -- --- -··---- n l , Darlington, wlth frame house and b ar , good cellar and orchard For further particUlBl'S 11pp!y to MR. J. FIELD, P1ckerrng vi l lage, Ont. ---- - Fn co OR S A LK-20 acres, pa1 t of lot :}O, I N '.ril l i Tod Bros·a. drv go o d s be supplled at O ARDERS WAN1rED .-A B boarders will find good comfortable b oa rd and lodging at Mr3 J ohn Varcoe's over all hours. Township of Darlington Under intructions frclm tho Ven d o r tl\l)tlt will otfererl tor salo by l'ublio .Auction the Auction Rooms ot :Messre Shaw & '.l'ole FEW the '.rOWN of BOWMANVILLl!! at tho M r be store. Meals of two o'clock m the <11Lernoon ct t Oiiice use. Pen an d Pencil Stamp, with name and ndilre·s, sent post paid on recipt of Oc, .Address 11.0llERT II. CO:S:, o. t King Street East, '.l'oronto. 6-t! --- ----- "I.J -,oa JWBBER AND 1\IETAL .1.. 1 stamps. for Uhurch, Snndl!.y School and will also 21J·,lm .A acres bemg parts or lote 6, 7 a n d B in the 1st con. of the Township or Pickerml?'. 5 miles 'rlus prop eT ty is a desirable one. Tho ia from the town of Whi tby, 3; from P1ckermg good belng a. tine rich loam. 'l 'be fa.rm it1 welt village. 'l'erm to com mence tho middle of !Bnced and is divided into flel d8 suitable fo Octobr. For further partic·llar apply cultive.tion, 'rhere is a good brioll l1ou.se e Mns. \·AIL, o n th e premises, ected on th e prem1s>!ls an·1 tllli outbulldin' :?8·3w. _Rll are excellent, A neve r fallrng stream ot w a air th rough tne property, "l.J --,ARM TO ..£1 RENT.-Cont u : nin 150 of land and premiAea situated m the 'l'o wnt1hn · of a dmgton in the County o f Dnrlmm bemg composed of the SQuth halt ot lot num b er nine In the tl1ird con. of tho said amp of Dorhn gton , and oontatnlag by ao,.. measurement one hundred and tw e lve acl!elf. be the same more or lose. D. 1887 the rollo wing valt11J.l)lo :Dropert;y, vi: All and singular tlut oortaln varcel or tr.ap Saturaay, the D 16 tl1 aa of July, a.n 'il 'l'o s to H ST-CL A S S J<'ARM FOR SALE OU 'l'O H.EN'l'.-Be ing 150 acres in C'ln 2, ot Pickerin11-. lot 9, i miles trorn the town of 'V hi t by, 3 from L1 v e 1·p ool market. · T hero are on the p rem ises two barns, 3x00, one wi th atone b ase m ent and atahle, one shed , 2 1x50, F T11:m1s OF SALE.-One tenth of the purchna& money to bo pi11d to th e Vendo1"s Solicitor a t he nme of sale and the b&iance wi tllin days thereafter without interest, the p r chaser to have tho optwn ()f allowing ouct half of tbe Jmrchase money to remam om on e carriage house with 'tables, one old mortgage on the property bea.dng rnterest Iii. orchard.one y oung orcho.tdiof :!() (J.trcea, 10 pear seven per cent per annum. treea and a n u mb er of plum tree s m bear ing, Further p arti culars w1ll l>e lll!\de lmownp,f; wi th garden well supplied with emll fruit tbe time <1f sale, 'l'he wlll be sol.Jl 'rhere arc four Wells and two oistern8 a.nd 8UbJ eCt to a reserved J>'or f urth er JnfQ:f· , spring s,trem of water. One two stor - brrck mat1on apply to :ilir. Wllhnm R ickard New' hou.a 32xo2, m form or an ell, one frame castle the Vend or oi· to house, 25s3G. Land "'ell drained with tile, B t.rnfi:E SIMPSON Foi ur ,t tler parncul!t:r &]lply the JJren:iies Ven dor 8 soiic1tor. f to Ro'\\ . CoRNELL, X'te 1<eeru1g, l , 0 , O n t. .; 3 \'\" I t Dt\ted at Bowmanville na( 1 June 18 · runs fir w J a 0;1 ' :6 moperty bid. 87

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