tn· . . Jtat·euiau .ll- tt tt'U\:t """U "tl. -"' · · _ · ·-1'1JlAi · - -- :: = - - ==== = = = = = = = = - = = --==-=-= -""-"' ---- WEDNESDAY, JULY '2'J, 1887. w treatment -A CAT'1:ereb':i, permanent atreor· :rto incurable disease, i!l asolu.tely ;;; gr ro\ter ed. In trom one to three applications no years. I hie whether standing one year or erty e daJ!B, remedy is only appl ied once m twelv and does not interfere wi t bus.inessj· t n e tive paphiotaent fre s . ce tf} · e : a West A H Dixon "" 8 on' ""5 ,,._ 1n g st Toronto, Canada. WHAT IB CA!ARRR1 . h th Catarrh is a qangerous wh t 0 trl:i,8v s n y su ands are consciously or unconsc1o rr,:e c.aueed It is a muoo· purulent disoh a fro parasie m the by tlie pres ence of a vegetable i ptoh8· s d lining membrane of Lh nose. 'rhhe pbrled e e 00 ln causes o.i·e a morbid state oft h t e germ poison 1 b blight d <;>0rpuscle o f i;_ retenthe om r f ? f syru.11 is, meronr y ix;.;; · k' ·ssed tion of the effete matter of the s m, f!Uppre . ra tml! apart · ion8' badly ventilated sleep perspi of Gt h e r poisons in ments and the !'erruination e the lining roem· the b lood Irr1t,ated by thes ' .f?1.' the reoep· ready brane of the nose is eve!' r d:,u i tion of the parasite. which rap d1Y sp :a rauce s' Ol the nostrils and down tho r th0 hr t· p ation ulcer o ing caus the throat sing eafness; bu<. d . lhe eustachian tub es, cau g hoarsene"B' rowing in the vocal cords, causm b 1118d j touc of the usurping the proper structure LOU an tubes. ending in pulIDonarr consump death. . . " s for for th e cue ol ' Many mgemous spei"c 't"t c catarrh have b eep.jnvented, but w1 . uo disv: tandmg d h of long s. cesa. until o. physician h. dis a t re na 0 c ered the en t t? e el;eto; only apljance wci!t ':ll l:.i:':av i> ted the t ar !::S srr sbould send stamp at o nce to r descriptive pampblet o n . 0irnnd &. ' business mana11.ers. A. H, D K!ni;t street, Wj!/·J0J,n:;.,son11 __ CATAR RH . has been <tiu· cure ot LhiH h · r·\fy · · · J · · . 1 What t':JJ;'i,ao;. To .A.H 17 1883 Oaklana, Ont., Canada, M arch ' on: Messrs· .A, H. Dixon & S t nst. h 13t the ? h[and· I DEAR Srns.-Yours of d to be t rue th at am It seeme d armo st too g oo 1 k that I (l.m. l oCt ! ease. and never :ured th h o r'bet er n my life. I have tried e 6r te things for Catarrh, uereda8° g1 h a h. t t a alize t 80 many fleara, that it 16 I m re [r e; it t \ ine was a very bad c d hj . invclv!ng wa6°0ravated and chronic, e hroat as well' as th naal pass; :ii:: nts tbonght it woul11i\hC: : h e: 'nte w e me. and d i t t a l was ever induced to sen *<>you. I 1 tt r stating You are at liberty to ust tostre:tents. and d r remedy to some 1:;,f1i:g1«>°enia.1ou rers. of,my friends who.are aul!e ks. than y man with Yours' REV. E, B. S'l'EVENBON s r e h t o of .And hundreds ch of Canada. lias to sa11 in refd ':lfat 81tur r . Dixon & Son's New Tr-eat?nen o Catarrh. catarrh, 8 A. a Clergy Cnference f tlte Metho t1! [:f!f SH McTAVI rt11SS new stock of received and invites the Ladies of Bow manville and vicinity to call and see her Pattern GOODS., Bae her BONNETS, HATS a.nd a.ssortmen t ot TRIMMINGS ti!TO.KE :-Seeond Door West ,Sut.eher Stall or Witllamw :'.JF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS As there are many i.:iferior goods, ord'if w th dj:iii BEWARE nocossityo seeiug :crlj';,: beJ s:': ;},e un principled merchanttradIng on tl:Je rep'iJtatioii 0.f in at ':irwnhlie adieait such imposition. by drawing thir tteniot o a 1 1 e 6 '·BtampedoninnersideofallCoralinegoo...,,, CROMPTON CORSET CO.' "'" Without which none are genuine. Continues to do a. General Banking BusineBs sBo wma.nvillu Branch. :teceived in Savings Bank Departmenta.nd 1&11 and interest allowed at cm·ront rates. No A ll deposits 1otioe or withdrawal necessary. payable on demo.nd, 3oughto.nd sold and Dta!ts iasued upon Europe Jnited States and Canada, a.lsoGold,Silverand '1nitcd ::;itaes Greenbacks bou11:ht and sold. Promptly made at current rates upon all pa.r ot Great Brittain, the United States and Dt> minion of Canada. Teleg·1·aph Transrer6 Made for lar ge or smo.11 sums on all parts of Ca.nado.. Thia la especially advantageous tc 11etsons living in Mamtoba o r the North·wes! Forturther particulars House. T. RODIE, Accounto.nt. call THE ONTARIO BANK . DEl"OSl'.l'S EXUDANGE UOLLrEC'.rlONS once a.t the place of payment. GEO.McGILL, Manaver.. at the Ba.nkln11 -Iv DANDELION .A.LL BITTERS LIVE.Et LIVER AND KID ti H' CURES AND KIDNEY COM- PLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, I NDIGEST ION ,A.ND ALL DI':!EASES ARISING FROM DISARRANGEMENTS oF THE LIVER AND KIDNEYS. The Greatest Blood Puri fier in the World. · E. Proprietor, Toronto. SOLD: BY __ M Q fl R J S' · HIGGl:NBOTDA.1'1 & SOl"f, EOWMANVILLE. : CURED BY A MIRACLE. benfit. But in using the 1i1 the water of 1· b pulp; mg t e juice should be taken, excl u c Mrs. Ruby Mantel, of Keeler, Mich. , had the melon should be fresh an d ripe, but been lying in bed for eighteen months until not over ripe and stale. Summer Resal'ts-A Caution. . be said ol' lemon, pome- the other day wen she s1ddenly rose and The same m, No a.few :J!lersons, every summer, g fro?1 'rana.tes and {11 that clo,s". Lemonade is dressed herself w1thoutass1stance She now the city to the country o the sea.sde m ' s fhe best drink in fevers, when thick· feels perfectly well, whereas prev10usly he -quest o! heu.lth, only t0 brt?g back disea_se, encd with sugar is better than syrnp of ! had not been able to drag herself around the or possibly, eath. 'The <l.1sease t.o whrnh and other nauseous things in many house. Mrs. Mantel sa;ys that she prayd they are specially exposed 1s typhoid fever. 8 uills for recovery from the time she was taken 111 cscs of cough It may be well to re-state some of the . and that her prayers just bef o re her restoraIs the place where you can get the most fashionable Tomatoes act on the hver and bowels, tion to health were no more earnest than leading facts relating to this disease. Its seat is in the lower part of the small intes - and are much more pleasant icnd s11fe thau they had been Hat in the County. , . blue mass and " liver reglllat<:rs. ' '. . . tines, . the ileum. Medic! c1rclys m Erie are . much amzed H'Jectrn" the alone, US<lU be should juice t ' ? 1 as e,_ 't ot h ug_ r1 es . th h e au t d se It IS cau . . at the miraculous recovery from paralysis of ' n n. now adEr1t, by microscopic vegetat10ns- s I Tsaac Baily a Lancasler soldier who has bacilli-that enter the system through the It is curious bnt true tbi1t the table o f , been a patlent at the Erie Soldirs' Home IN HATS most the da y lab1,rr in tmn who does not for a long time past He h·,d sumeretl mouth and stomach, and tind their · almost ' favorable .801 'l 10 <:ertam "'f th , e m· oos t' n nl own a foot of lu.nd, and whom the country I entire paralysis from a gunshot wound, and . In Christy Stiff, Black, Brown, Drab, glands whwh they mflane. They multiply man conte mptuously declares "live from' J urin£' his stay at the Home had been i1S Silk, the very latest. to vast numbers, and the dischiirges are fill- hand to lly aup· i help ls as a child A few mornings ago he " is more bountifu mouth . ' . . or Slate, in J\fon's Youth's and Boys. Fancy Hats for chil'ti.I 1 the!Il. ed WI plied with "egetbles and . fruits th_an tlw.t t astomshed his attendant$ by dressing him. If these d1Scharges are thrown mto cess- of the farmer m the mi dst of his broad I self unaided and walkiug about the premises dren and in prices from 25 cents up to $3. So come along pools or vaittlts, or anywhere upon the acres. The latter gives a variety of excuses I as if nothin(f ailed hirn He now ·eems to 't1nn · one hi.mdred feet of a "'ell gronn d w1 ' · h be ntirely well. " , for his neglect; and at a ne1g0hbors, wit and you may be sure you will get suited. they are <;tnite wre, sooner or later, to fincl his , help of delicious. ' mouth ' iull of , I A Cl. 11cago woman w 1 10, . his secoud . has 11ad some suc· to tl1e we11 ater, borne th' ther · r way m lther green peas, wt ll declare "'garden "don t t' l . . cess m oe C n1stMn scte11ce . faL'fh cme . , made , as h e b by the min· water as it percolates down pay,,, anc, l b I a 1 t f e r s up !"c r IN GENTS!> :B-,UI-tNISHINGS 18 P o , an astonishillg cure hist week in the . case of · ' To the eye and the another qu"rt e r · se chon of strawberry short-' . " 1 through the .soil. tter, an Iowa man, wh M . ed W t a.s te t l le Wll.ter, LhOugh heavily charaed Ca ke, wiJ l WOOder. I10W I. , I . 1-'. o o 111JtU' HS h0 t can fi nu e lrnep th e very bes t and most fash. llleS 111 Ties, lOnable 1· I his spine ten months ,i.go' and came to look with them, may seem perfectly pure. time to "potter with small frmt " regard- II 0( 11 h. T 11 '.'8 1lOpe1 ess. N' ,rn,cr:d1r10 me (1 octo rs Shirts, Colla As these orgu.uioms may thrive and mul- l ess of 01' indifferent to the fat th at no rs and Cuffs. underwear, H osery, Braces and I re.,,,eu .· 1m or ,;ix months and t m l u gave . : . . t· . h· ave enter- acre on his farm will yield lnm so much, 1 e y m ay Ip1y ou t of the bod y, tl 1 Th ch h'i t , , l n up 0 cue. d e wago woman cure ed the well several . U mb1·ellas -l0ll £act' anyth1'11g 1°11 the' Gents F111·n1"sh1 ·r1gs line. o,n d d° sn mnch t 0 promote ivmg, ' . years before' or mu.y good l' · · in 'wo weeks without admin"tering a have long existed m the so·1 i to be borne at his health imd happiness as a quarter- 11im . 1 op 0 f' med' . a l h 11 h t e w we t i a any time into the well. Corne alonbICl111' n < s_nko 8? o and bring your friend with you and u (I r !'et some ' acre garcl· v n spot ' intelligently tended ' can walk ;;, Now it 1y true . t"· unfortunate · is 11 · at country . FU e a t a bns ga1 t w1thout . Even so small an area has infinite pos- 1e e th 1· ht t . . . e s I Cf s . . . . mconvenience. . peopl e.are spec111Y n g1· th" Ing nobby 1gent m the matter s 1b1h.t1es to be cleveloped mto rch reward ., 0 . , , of of dramagc. Little is done to guard the when we are educated up to the right stand- . LJp. to the last week Mrs. B. F _ Howe NI MAYER' Furr1er. t t g h d on o than thn;c yei1fs puri y of the drinking water-to apply on ard . " 'hn.t th in kin u which leads 11" to seek Hnn m t , a for m re the premises the s3:nitary prir;iciples which less 'to hov,rd mouy for a. poesible "rainy berm a bedridd··i; invalid. Sh suffered irom ij.'._;,r"' IIighest prices .in cash ' paid for Raw Furs. have been established . durrng tlrn day.," than to enjoy life's pleasures alld nervou pi oLrn1,10u Wa8 pM·t 1ctlly pa«d) zed 1 ;vu e,·en too s1Ck to feed he1 sdf. Her twenty-five years, and which are so gener- privileges every rlay. physicians told her that dei1th was r .. 1.idly ally acted on in our cities, makiug eveu the approaching. Un the afternoon of Satm Jay, mighty London a healthier place . to live in THE CRAZY ROMANOl'FS. June 18, a few friend8 over ircm the than many of our rural district. It· multitudes of cases the purity of the country air , How lnsunity Jfas ltun 'l'hou"b £lie Entin· pra.yer-meeting at the church and pt'avccl for· '! !ier recove1·y. She grew trouger i:mf heartis more than counterbu.laneed by tlw impnr- ' lmtH,·iaI t'i;.mlly.e I ier every d ay , and seems to be entirely well. ity of the water. I In the recently published memoirs of Count ' 1 us s · a . n ·y 0f 0 ur foe 1 . 10n f mu. "'" 0 " Vitzthum, of Eckstadt, proofs are gi ven of I Mrs . Walter Meade, the wife of an Adrain . The cond't' side resorts is stll worse. than tat of the , the hereditary character of the mental dis I dra,,man b a d been confined to her bed for 0 ' country the dramage berng rad1cu Uy de- ' case which afii' I · · l f ami.y · icted tie 1mpena . of several years with chrome diseases. A short ' fective, and wholly unequ;:i-1 to the needs of . Russia, All the sons of Czar Paul I., li ke time a110 f1!l internal abscess began to sap a large tempo:a_ry populatwn. I that unh9.:ppy rnonarch hims'.'if, w h was her rc;1"itiing strength a.nd her case was I t so, ns camp-grounds ur g rel l I;n °. w a . urd?red m 1801, became sub,1ect to h t of ab>tndm1e<l as hr>peless. At last the physiwhich mcreasmg . numbers of persons yealy msam ty. Paul I. had four s on-Crnr ci1111 t<>l<i her that at the utmost she could resot for the enre season, ad eq llate dra.m- i Alex1J.nder I., the Grand Duke Coust1cntine,. live only two days. .Mrs. Meade prayed age 18 the exception rather than the n e· Czar Nicolas I., and the Grand Dnke· ev,rnestly that night to be reetnred to health Hence we say to every one, make sure e- 1 Michael. Everv one of them, dter h is forty- n aw are oner1ng Coal as follows : a d oke refreshed. New life seemeJ to forehand that the cot_tage or hotel or farm- , fifbh year, exhibited un?oubtecl signs of course through her veins and she grew makes the full to, house yu. propse go m _ . ental dera_ngement. This as nob full,Y i stronger every hour. 'l'he abscess dried up est prov1s10 n fol pure water. discovered Ill the case uf Nicolas I. until ! and di sappeared the other ailments departafter the Czar's death. An Englfah phy-1 ed and Mrs. Mede is now well. .Besides t..J . ' sician, however, the Co t} nt sa · noticd t h a hat, her husband, long a scoffer u. t religion, How to Keep Cool. Y, , appearance of the here dI tary urnease lll t1 . . i e 1 now a aevout church· goer. As warm weather approacnes, we devise Czar as early as July 185' and he then, 8 all sorts of plans to keep cool, and by very p;edicted thu.t the .moareh 'hacl not more! ri;homas Bedow, an lleghany City black. .. . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . . .. . e.1.rnestness defeat . our purpose. o be than two years of life before him. This he · smith lost ve. use of his. legs two years ago, . cool, one must be tranqu1l--and avoid un- stated in a letter to Lord Palmerston. The ai;id his hyswm;n told him that he was af necessary. exertion. The ;prudent house- Emperor Nicolas died in March, 1855, about fhcte with an mcurabl case of paralysi:· Twenty-five cents extra will_ be charged when accounts run_.... keeper will make her mormng fire suffice to four months earlier than the date predicted. He trted every known kmd of treatment m d0 the c.hief part of the cooking for the day. The Count appears to have no cloubt that vain and then resigned himself to hi.s fate. 1 boile meat, cold vegetables, cold de_s- the Crimean war, so far as it depended on: Last week Mr. Bedow read an. account of a Cold over one month. . serts for dmner, when that meal comes ID Nicolas was the rash act of a rnler "whose I remarkable cure wrought by faith, and when the middle of the day, are in order. Po- mental equipoise was disturbed " None of he went to bed that night he prayed long tatoes made into salad are not to be scorned 1 the four sons of Paul I. lived t be sixty and earnestly that e might reover. The by any lover of th;:i-t vei;etabe. If a cup of years of age; and every oue of them suffered. m o meut he awoke m the mornmg he felt hot tea or coffee 1s desired, 1t can be made from concussion of the brain after reaching· that lie was cured. He sprung from bed, \ dancd about the fln?r' jumped . into his on an oil stove, and such food as is prepared ! his forty-fifth year. . Always on hand a lowest prices. warm can be warmed over. B ut custom Alexander died at forty-eight, a miserable coth11115 and ran downstairs, shoutm all te renders cold food as palatable as, and dur- man moody and despondent as Prince time like a madman. Before endmg h is ing hot wethr even more palatable tan, Metternich ha.s painted hi m, ,: tired of ex-: antica he_ ran about th.e yard several times hot food 1s m cold weather. .A httle istence." His brother, the Grand Duke to test his new-found strength. Mr. Brdow persistence. on the pa:rt of the house Constantine, tholgh not manifestly insane, s ays h? hasn't been so well for twenty years mother ill pr?ve th'.s the case . .and gave frequent signs of mental ,disturbance,. as he is now. the experment is certamly worth trymr,:. of which he was himself so plainly conscious I - -·- .. Farmers' wives who stew over the stove m that he did not think himself fit to be trnsthe U nrat1 'fie d EITTPtian ' T TreatY· it midsummer noons have a harder time of I ed with the reins of government. His conthan farer do in. the fields, and there is duct in the year 1830, at the outbreu.k of/ Th Egyptian treaty continies to agiate . no necessity for this. Iced tea and coffee the revolution in Warsaw will remam to the European press. As the time for rat1fy and milk are as delicions. o.s hot tea and prove his mental unsound ess.. He had to, ing the convention draws nea; the various d to accustom when one's palate IS coffee e be intrusted to the care of his wife, the organs of the governments mterested ex. them. The hardest part of the work should Princess Lowicz who was cautioned in the press clearer and more definite opin -have arrived at thebe done i the morning, i pssible, and if same way as is physician in charge of a ions concerning it.. recent despatches . you can he down for awhile m the heated patient having intermittent fits of insanity. brought France's side of the co1:trover ey, in part of the day, o much the bette.r. He died in his fifty-second year from con· the words of the very conservative and gen Plenty of sleep, with frequent baths, will gestion of the brain. The Grand Duke' era.Uy well in formed Journal des Deba.ts. enable alm.ost an;Y one to bear the warm l\fichael was killed by a fall from his horse Franc, said that journl, is still ready to weather philosoph10ally. at the age of forty-eight. Some years be- I negotiate a treaty which would have for fore his death he had exhibited signs of uu- ! basis the shortening of England's occupation doubtl;ld mental disease, and his physicians! of Egypt, but it could not a.gree that EngNew Treatment of Burns. declared that he was on the road to certain land, by any pretext, should have right to Dr. Copeland, of Alabama, condemns the insanity. The events of 1848·52 were not' perpetual occupation of the country. And common method of treating burns by fre· calculated to allay the hereditary disposi-! yet that is what the treaty which England quent change of dressings, and advocates tions of the imperial family of Russia, but· wants the Sultan the signscribes. pre· the imployment of no dressing at all. He to excite and intensify them. There is' It is not likely that France will recede covers, or surrounds, the affected part by something terrible in the contrast between' from the position she has taken. The means of pasteboard box, or a frame of some the outward position of the Czar N icolas I]' ·r.ench · . press is unanimous in declarmg th at !t-ind, over which he . throws usqnito nett. upon the bent of whose will the fate of s: she will never consent to an Eng.lish captme , mg to keep away flies, allowmg a sea to many millions in Europe was depending, o ], i gypt. M. de Lesseps says m an mter form over the burn, underneath which, and the alleged diseased inward condition I view sent by the Commercial Cable and pubaccording to his experience, healing pro- of his mind. lishcd in another column that " if England gresses with very much greater rapidity , does not evu.cuate Egypt she will sooner or . than when the injured surface is dressed later have to fight Jfrance. · · If this The S portsman ,s Music. daily. He claims that the secretions thrown treaty is signed the Sultan will lose his o?-t 1pon the burned sur.face are i?tended to 1· nfortunately fo the goose, it can be 1 throne, s I have leters here fro Arabia U aid m the work of formrng new tissues, and ; imitated to perfection, and the unhappy anuouucmg preparnL10ns for a re l g 0 us rev. that the frequent dressings which are birds frequently meet their end by paying olution. " applied, destroy the new and delicate too much heed to its deceptive notes. One 1 Autl now comes the annonncement from tissues which are formed, thus greatly de- instance of peculiar interest h as come to · the Brussels Nord, a Russian organ, that laying the healing work. th writer's kno;vlede. 'l'he desoyers in Russia "vill not fail F·anco" in this matter,! this case were Captam 'Valter S. Green, of ' and deny mg that the Czar coulcl be bought Life Saving Station N o. 5, Long Branch,\ ouL by 1£nglih concessions in Bulgaria, . ' . Frmts as Food and Medwme. and Mr. Brigh.t. These two shooters live adding that Germany, Austria and Italy , , Of all the fruits with which we are bless-ion op11osite sides of a large pon.d, and are will not espous England's iter .ests to the I ed, the is the most delicious and i oi; the constant w!1tch for buds of any extent of affordm!! her material aid. , 1 o digestible. There's nothing more palatable, I kmd that ma.y coe m from te sea to rest. ---wholesome and medicinal than good ripe! J!'.arly one m?rnmg Mr. r1ght heard al 88 S, C. peaches. They should be ripe, but not over ' distant but y1gorous honkg . . He soon Greasmg the Brain. ripe and half rotten· and of this kind they saw a flock of seven geese flymg m toward 'li>A U"'l\'t' C1tfl?YnrD, riiG 1Dl '7i' may make a part of ither meal, or be eaten' the pond. Quicly getting his gun and: Headache isavery comrnon ailment,andsome M - " between mei>ls ; but it is bette1· to make I some heavy cartridges, he hasened . down 1 of om· readers who arc snbject to it may be them part of the regular meals. It is a I the edge . of the pond, keepmg himself interested to hear of an entirely new method ---·-,·------------ ..-mistaken idea that no fruit should he eaten' hidden behmil a eavy. edge. As soon as of treatment, which they arc welcome to _ itwn, he uttered " try if they wish. The account is furnished at breakfast. 'lt would be far better if our h had selected his pos people would eat less bacon and grease at ;1gorus honk, to which the laer of the by an African explorer. We went one day, he says,tovisitan officer, In the morning, mcomi ng flock . reponde. ]lymg low, breakfast and more fruit. there is an acid state of the secretions and 1 the{' sailed maJest1cally Ill over the 0P· and- to our surprise, found him lying on a s . yarct fifty ?-d 1te shore, a hudred ed, "'.ith his head huffging over the en o nothing is so wel calcuated to correct this po 1 ? I . y from Mr. Rug as coolmg, sub acid frmts, s·1ch as peaches, aV1 a .ht. lhey were ev_1 -11t, wh1le he bad a smo,11 pa.per funel mto 1 down settle to anx us w Still, most of us have been dently weary· and 1lll, one noetril, and was at the same time chewapples, etc. . 1 e sm ot.h d water p th of the on o Suddcn_y 1 ing something. ta.ught that eating fruit before breakfast I On our asking the meaning of this extra W' is highly d;;,ngerons. How the idea originat- /out o the tall u:arsli on.the shore blue. of puffs two Mr. Br1gh, opposite ordinary proceeding, he replied that he was ed I do not know, but it is certainly a great smoke and two boommg eports r?lled .ont. I suffering from headache, and wished to error, contrary to both reason and facts. wngs his the -- AND-of folded flock leader The I grease his brain, and so was pouring oil The apple is one of the best of fruits. Baked or stewed apples will generally : and fell to the grour:d dad. Mr. ,Bng t down the funnel into his nose, under the agree with the most delicate stomach, and , then knew for the first time hat Captam 1 impression that it would find its way into I are an excellent medicine in many cases of Green wa.s at hand. The birds swerved! the skull ; a.nd, he added, pointing to his I I sickness. Green or half-ripe apples stewed fro!n their coure aid flew toward r.. I temple. "iYou see, if I chew at the. same I. and sweetened are pleasant to the taste Bright, who easily lulled the second bird 1 time it m akes the br11in work so that it .f ' cooling, nourishing and laxative, far super'., Both. he and Capt3:in Green did .not ceas:. will b e more quickly gre ase d. . . ;i Is now opened, and we invite everybody to call ar:.'- oam 1ne our stock ior, in many cases, to the abominable doses , honkmg, nd the birs, after\ away bac led sa distance, considerable a · to k i : f of salts and oil usually given in ever and . 'l'he C ommermal 'rraveler. 1 a a t ea;< a s M l t' h l 1 ug oyer r.. B · passmg m, g , Raw apples and dried other diseases. . I apples stewed are better for coustipatio11 1 some height. With his hevy gun he lulled Said a commercial traveler to "' 10porter t when swe n of they them, two cucled c l p than liver pills. the other day : " Pe..ople have a strange idea J Oranges are very acceptable to most aross the pon, where. c. aptan' Gre;n that all traveling mtm are neeessarily bu.rd The whicn bird, more. ug two remami killed I of . the stomachs, having all the advantages cases and constantly full of liquor. Only acid alluded to ; but the orange juice alone i had been wounded by . scattermg shot, r;nade I those who know us can fully understand us. · a hard struggle to nse to ;;, safe he1<>ht · . shOUId l)e tak en, reJeCt· mg the pu 1p. · · ·t 0 1'01) d'ffi c . ' ·, 1arr. In Olr. average trips we VI$! l erent . and aptam Green h asti 1J s1ipped m a cartn .,e locaht1es, and our stomachs must he loaded O.r·ler f()r Stanaping wiill receive sh·ict attention · ' such as black· The small seeded fruits, · and took a long shot. A few feather::i fell with as many kinds of water and cookincr of · 1gs, raspberr ws, currants and bernes, f ' all ne'\Vest patterns kept to Choose from. from the bird: and iio Jlcw aeross the pond. di'""erent meri and women Besides this"our strawbernes, may be c 1 assed among the M 1-, · . . t Inm, · r. ngh t t h.en go t a l ong 8h 0 t "' arts and lungs must labor under all kinds . . . heu· · ed· ·n The b t f od d r bringing him down. of 'ai : b low and above sea elevation . Now ldrens wear for Bazaar Glove fi ttrng Patterns for Ladies ad 1:: =id is cooi; ad breaking his wing and t!m ntftiou1:, t l . . how rn It rasombl to sul?pose tha we are ! spnng and summer styles, a complete stock, :No wa1tm purifying, and the seeds are laxative. g , no sendmg, or do mg anythmg that boozmg constantly an . from sage advice following the clip We " th m ch b e e gai er if w ld w d . t llOllle Wl th you. b ut Choose your pattern and t ak e·1 d agricultural paper:" When .around your must injure our stomachs and minds, when 0 r 1 ls o r bees neither fight them nor make quick we everyday transact business wi·th,undreds ;aens fr 0r:: edici:. Remember the place, nearly opposite McMurtry's grocery store. drug store. To cure fever or act on the moti:ms." 'he quetionwith usisho:w to ayoid of men of different temperaments? kidneys, no febrifuge or diuretic is superior makmg C!mck motons when one of the httlf' . . \ . W1llo'y furmture that has not _been stam· i to watermelon, which may, with very beasts strngs you m a tender spot. few exceptions, be taken in sickness and You can get more wind out of a ten cent ed or pamted, can be washed with salt and health in almost unlimited quantities, not . fan than you can from a $500 one. It's the,water. an a brush ; dry thoroughly before l 12-tf. Bowmanville, March.22, 1886, exposmg1ttodust. only without injury, but with positive.samewaywithatencentman, -·-·---- ·--· · .. . ·- Fl·EJIB IE ±A : ALTH. HE· ·. · " The j j' Hal Fur Store A..YEJ: 1.'S . . · . · · i I I ' · ' , I · " · · .· · . t> ' · · · · · 0 ' · · · · · , : · I · __ · I McDOUGALL & METCALF, · ·1 · · · · . I · J tove and Chestnut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6 25 · 1 Grate and Egg, . . . 6.00 I LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & CORD WOOD McDOUGALL & METCALF lI I J ·-· NEW SPRING GOODS I ___ W-est End Hous. · I I I j I · 11 ___ I I F 11 lines of General Dry Goods now open for inspection. Our Grocery ·s tore is replete with · the Choi· ces t Grocer1· °" · s1· ons ' es Prov1· 1 Crocker y G a s swa r e Fi· ld and & Garden s d 1!1'.£ Ladies, call and see our handsome Gents, Tweeds and Suitings. call and see our lovely Dress Goods. 1' I ! I 1 THE \/VEST END I l_LLINE·BT · · I · · I FANCY GOODS HOUSE Hats Re-shaped in latest styles. · I · · · I · 'i'ot :· I I/Tb .1 I MRS. W. MORRISON.