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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Aug 1887, p. 3

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juice of a fresh lemon. Let it coo k until LYNCHING A CHINESE MUlWERIJll. ITEMS. the apple is very soft, and the syrup thick a.nd jelly-like, then put it away to cool in a The Jury S:tid lle .Uight J,ive, lint t.lte C.:ro ,.,..ti '.l"he Mcthodista are to.king steps to found Declded Oi lrnt·,,-Jse. jelly form or a bowl. When it is cold and a Wesley College at 'iVinnipog. firm, turn it out into a. dish, and pour over WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1887. About 12:30 o clo..:k the other morn ·lg Operations on the second section of the it a soft custarcl. This makes a palatable Hong Di, the Chinese domestic who munl··l'· , Uape Breton r'1ilway will shortly be begun. des8ert or a tea dish. ed Mra. Billiou at St ,John, u,.J., ::.ome ti .. 1e Up to N11turd1Ly night fifGten miles of the - -·ago, was taken from jail and hanged li,Y a. mob. The murderer h.cl been on trial for Reel ltiver Valley railway had been graded. TO BE HANGED AT THE AGE OF several days, and a verdict of guilty was re Large coal deposits have been discovered Cookery for Children. TWELVE. turned 011 Sat11rday, the jury fixing the in the H.ocky .Mountains at Crow's Nest Too liL-tle attention is paid to 1,he food· punishment at imprisonme1u for life. Mrs. Pass. prepared for children; the care and arrange- A.t!olot·c<l Glrl lVbo l'olsone<l A ltal!·y Musi. Rilliou, her two daughters, and William '.l'he work of grading we.s commenced the Snlll c l" Ute Penally. ment is left to servants who are either inWeJ,ver, head servant ma.n, were sitting i1t other <lay ··t MorrLburg on t;hc Jiu" of the competent themselves, or care so little At Bi1rnwell, S. C. , recently, JudgelHudson aupper when the dour <!I the dining room was Ottawa, Wad1lint;ton ...nd New York rnil about the matter as to cook it in the manner sentencQd Axey Cherry, a colored girl, thrown open by Hong Di, i;he cook, who way. they find the easiest to themselves. It is of twelve yea.rs old, to bo hanged on the third levelled a 'Winchester rifle at Vv e1wer and 'l'he E:iglish Government are revising the g reat consequence to fix the times of taking 1 Friday in September for the murder of the shot him through the shoulder. He fell on food as well as tE> regular the quantity given infant of Mr. Amos Williams, of Allenda1e, the floor, and a secornl shot wen·t through list of lrioh magistrat· s, for the purpose of to a child. The mother should, unless she in Barnwell County. The child was sent hi.rs. Billion's head, killing her instantly. replacing the ol<ler ones by younger and has servants who can be thoroughly trusted, by her mother to act as nurse for tho Both <ln.llghters fled to an l\djoining room more active meu. personally attend to these arrangements ; \Villiams baby. She poked . ar?und tho and escaped uninjured. 'l'he London papers concur in the opinion it; is her province. There ia grca.t danger house and attended to her duties m so neg The Chinaman tie(l, and 'iVeaver IDB naged that the review at Spithead on Saturday that an infant under 3 ye1irs of age will be ligent a manner tha.t she ha.d to be constant to get on his feet and lock the door. No was the finest display of n aval strength the OV!lrfed if it be left to the discretion of the ly scolded. After a snolding one day she trace of Lhe murderer could be found for world h'1S ever seen. nul'se. These persons, generally, to stop was overheard muttering to herself that she nearly a. weeh, when he was found on the Mr. Michael D:.wit,t and his wife a.ttenned the screaming of a child, whether it proceed wasn't going to bother with that baby much bark of the Sacremento River, !i;6Mly starv a meeting at Body kc on Sunday, and pre · from pain or crossness, or 1·epletion (as it more. ed to death. On hearing the verdict the sented money and medals to a number of often does), give it something to eat -often A few days after this concentrated lye crowd became exasperated. The Judge ro girls who had resisted the police during the that which is very injurious, to tempt the was used in scouring the floor, and wlen lnsed to accept the decision of the J·ury, recent evictions. appetite ; if it will only eat 11nd stop crying Mrs. Williams left the room for a few mm· and a wild scene at once began. Al.most they do not care for the future inconvenience utes she told Axey that the lye was poison· every man present was armed, and in an in The contraat for the stone work of the which this habit of indulgence may bring ous anit that she musn't touch it. On her stant a hundreu pistols were drawn amid Canada Life Inst1rance Company's building on the child and ita motner. return Mrs. 'iVilliams was horrified to find cries of "Lynch him!" The Sheriff jumped in Toronto h<>s been awardet.l. 1'he build Arrange as early as possible the regular her baby's mouth full of concen'trated ly0. to his feet i1nd quieted thecruwd long cnouh ing will cost $400,000, and will be complet . times of giving food to children, according Axey ran out of the house saymg as she left, to say that, while he disapproved of the ed in 18 .months. to their age and constitution. Young infants " I don't reckon I will have to nurse that verdict, he. hoped no blood would be shed in !I; is rumoured that the Duke of Marl require foocl every two hours when awake; baby mtwh longer now." c:>urt. ,. borough is to be shortly married to an after 3 months old they may go threo hours, The young murderess all through her trial The crowd left the court room and the American girl, who has consented to over then cautiously lengthen the time, as the seemed to have no idea of the tenible nature prisoner was removed to jail. Soon an ef look his past unsavoury reputation tor· the child can beat· it. But remember that all of her deed, and when she was sentenced to fort was being made to lynch the Chinaman sake of the strawberry leaves . temperaments are not alike. Some of tho be hanged she gazed stupidly at the Judge a.ud while the Sheri ff and bis charge were Montreal bucket shops experience great same age may require more food than others. and grinned as she plftyed with the buttons inside a large and determinecl mob was form One rule, however, will apply to all-never on her dress. As she was being carried iug outside the j<:.il. All day long the crowd difficulty in getting Chicago quotations over give food to amuse a child or keep it quiet back to jail she saw her father and m>tde au kept OH the street, but no effort was made the tickets in consequence of the crusade of when it is not hunary, or to reward it fo1· effort to go t.o him. She cried for the first to get at the prisoner until near midnight. the Chicago Board of 'l'ra.de agamst those being good. You0may as rationally hope time wl-.en she was told that se could nt At that time the town waa alive with institntions and the prohibitory la:w of the . to extinguish a fire by pouring on oil as to go home but must go back to Jatl to await strangers from surroundingpla.ces, including Illinois Legilature. . cure peevish temper or to curb a violent the day for her execution. the Captain of a steamer and tweuty of his '.!'he Paris Figaro a long time must one by hampering the appetite for luxuries crew. Uitizens were posted at all avenues elapse before it will be possible to again in diet. of escape, and about 12:30 o'clock a break wit.ness so superb a collection of war ships. Around the World in Fifty-three Days. was made for the jail. Guards had been England ma.y justly be proud of the review. The Russians have keenly felt the clisad- posted by the Sheriff, but as they were in It was au imposing manifesatation of her Vacation. . position on the sympathy with those on the outside, little strength and wealth. Let vantages of their isolated Don 't begrudge boys the1r vacat· ion. 'fi 0 coa.st' and they a.re resistance was made. In a few minutes the Amur and the paci ti iem enjoy 1 · Le t them hie · · t to tlie u tmost At a meeting of representatives of the · s. now preparing to carry into effect the much assassin was in the avcngei·s' band · . to t.hc wood a!ld the streams ud the lakes, Central Fair Association of Ontario held whom Hong Di had shot ' ecL f ·r a gi·eat Trans-Siberian man the Weaver, "" pr·oJ cuuued s di" and 1 eve beIund them the d 1rt :r-nd smok . . · in 'l'oronto, it was decided to form a CanaThe Council of State' with the Czar's first, was present, rope in hant.l. Th e pne route' a d Const·nt wo 1· of bu0rness life· Don't dian association .of lt'a.irs and Bxpoitions, approval, has ordered railroad surveys to be saner was at once d ragged out an cl t a ke11 to . . le1rs : l"f augh. 1 e " 1.s no, The busmeas yet, In · tl and to petition the Ontario Government for ·O Irk ut 8k ' tlle the bridge shrieking and screamingin terror. d e at once f rom Tomsk t ma . but th e s1-gos and sig · hts of 1 't are all around a grant to the lar('er insitutiona· Amur River and Vladivostock, and next His cries were addressed to deaf ears. Th e them, and a few more monhs or years and rope was put around his neck despite . his The remarkably hot and dry season which sprin" . '?' while each of these merry lads will have to stand · the extension to Tomsk is · ·1ed m f or a month past · · Ontar10 bulldmg,_it 1s mtended to begm · · grading ancl dcsperate struggles, half a clozcu men raised J 1as preva1 in the thick of the fray and battle for the . t1·ack layrng east of Tomsk, on the way to him in their arms, and he was tossed over the has had the effect of ripening the crops too goa1 h has et I 1B t 1 11 ar t 0 w n JU ·. He was probably half dtad when quickly and as a consequence the shrinkage 0 Sl the Pacific. The work will be in charge of parapet. th s c ose d le um ave a l th . a t sc 10_0 1 He struggled feebly for a few will be very considerable. ., e Gen. An uenkoff, who has made a bri lliant thrown ovet·. a. · In many locali. a.ir an hghi; he can get, and freedom from Shortly afterward the body was ties, however, rain has fallen at the proper reputation as the builder of the Trans-Oas· moments. restramt save necessary and wholesome . . · 'ff aud carried t' . · these d" ime, and m is tnc · Id w1 'll be Five years are expected to cut down by order of th e sheri · ts the y1e pian R"'il road. -t h' Le ones. imb trees and grub Jn the im cr . . excellent. complete the line, and when it is opened St. to the j>·il. Let him swim, and fish, and run, p ground. · · · ·"ll b e w1t ' mn ' · fifteeu days , 1ourn' ewrsburg w1 · "I I lere 1s a strong feel' mg m th e u mted and walk, and l ay m . unlight and s1iadow, · s · .m Ecouomi'c Stati'sti'cs of Pa1 .;., P !vost ock, nearI o, _ m1 ,, acl· COO ·1 s ney of Vl · tates a.g<Hnst the admieswn m o e coun S' · · t th try · . Y till his skin gets brown as a berry and he or A. ; ' a.way. The idea of a Russ1 ?'n J:'.aci.fic ra.1- , The annual return puplished by the Pre- as immigrants offpaupers and criminals. But sighs f rest gain Don t keep the boy in road has seemed almost ch1mercal. It IS feature of the Seine with regard to the curiously enough the opposition to criminals the cit,y. Vacation 011 the spot where all probable, however, that the proJect would popul::tt10nof Paris, the consumption of food, is not strong e:i;ough to lead to the comhas been w rk so I oul\l not h a e the . b : now be considerablyo.dvauced had not years the circula.tion of vehicles and p a.ssengers pletiou of au oxtr adition treaty with Cananecessa;ry 0· ai n. e 0Y may n o qt u te . been wasted in disputes over the con Mcting by tmin, rmd other economic facts bearing da. It would seem that the kid· gloved apprecmte i n 1ts h1ghest sem1e ·what sueh a 1 . . ·11 1 w1 1 is · I· " · · tb 1 e rn . e metropol1s u pon l'f is a 1 ways fn11 of crumna "f e 1 not nnwel (!Ome. · · · va;cat· rnn 18 now! b ut m after l1 · t 0 1um · 1 0 I c a uns of nva1 towns. The route wluc · . l be followed through western Siberia has interest, r>ml from tha.t (Elating to 1886, w1Jl look back and rcahze the real value of ' n A of f a natcs have been arrsted mher ally been selected, and there is no doubt which h as just appeared, it will be g athered' . . tis ummer revl'."Y; and wh..:n manoo _ d fin B 0 W M A NV I L L E Spa m behvmg who n, that the end of the . I that the Russians fully expect to carry out that the f ood s npply of Paris comprised, in :;! 1;;;s;l!ti:: f:i srb ;e :ti a e fi :! the great undert akiug. 49 { at live o:e n , _ addition .261,:m to 1 334.,3 h fl Is prepared to supply s p t s o 1 all Customers, old and new, with Suits got up . . ' g _ i a . . . . 2 "7 , 0 <> pigs, ' The completion of this road will so far calves, 1,891,871 shecp, . . · . will feel that he Is the gamer m h e-l ng - th C 1 at est and most art· lC St y1 ' at pn lSt· Ill · ces th at cannot b e b eat en, improve the facilities for rapid transit as to 13,377 horses and 304 donkeys, l52,0V5 a.ne ed In a state of md1ty round the fire. f _ happmess by as much as these yacatin ' . make the achievement of Jules Verne's tons of butchers' meat, 24, l.5 2 tons of pork, The leader of the sec is. a. woman of Torrox, lie has a very Fine Stock of English, Scotch French and Canadian months have been allowed to m solid .1 . 1 . _ h ero seem rather a. tame perf ormance. St art - 3,3 . 7" _ tons of b01·seflesIi, 2· . ··, 14" . ·· t ons of who declares the V1rgm appeared to her 1 G e I . ure. d t 1 d H e ooo ec l e s o se ect from. R emem ber th e p I ace 0 more H i . ' . e S tar House. P i ' Th . ing from London the travellerwill be able to poultry, 17,559 tons of butter, 5,!112 tons of aud had 0 1·d ered h er t0 prcach a new gospe 1 · WI . mflucnc w mporta · s ogmz wat a.n f h reach St Petersburn in less than three chee se JEFFERY always at the Door. and 'l,54.4 tons of turbot, salmon An ice-breaking vessel has just been e sum. 0 s h e ad in m a k1 g u I · e da v s, and Yokohama in twenty-three dci,ys. and red mullet. The quantity of other pa ten ted by M !? t o mect It s pams, 1. av . . r. Ro ber I; Roma.me, of Ot . him . Pleasures, fl.nd h e1pmg J . A c ar_ao . of teo. has JUSt rcached Lond 011 k' m d s of · fish consumed ts much Iarger, but tawa, which that gentleman claims, if used au d wt ·n tliank G °d f or them. from \'.'.cfkchama by way of the new Canadian as they are n.oi; subjected to octrvi clues on the St. Lawrence, would open the river l'acific steamer and railroad route in thirty- thore arc no stati stics f or thcoming. In for nMig;i.tion early in the spring, aud by A Woman Mender. one and a half days. It is said that this addition to the above Paris consumed last c!earing the channel of ice and leaviug a Fr ances E. vVillard, too well known to time can be reduced to twenty-even days. year over 49,000 ,000 eggs, while in the way wide open passage would prove a sure cure nee<l introduction or commentary, l Jroposes If, however, the traveller reqrri.res thirty of liquids the commmption was 87,560,0 0 for the floods which co.use so much damage a. new occupation for woman, that of a wo- days to complete this part of the circuit of gallons of wine, 3 , 217 ,000 gallons of spirtts at Montreal and ot her pla.ces every spring. man meuder. By this it is not intended to the world, he will be back in Loudon fifty- and liqnors, ,705,0CO gallons of cider, convey a "mender of woman," but a woman i three da.ys after he started on h is trip. and (i, 120,000 gallons of beeT. '£he gas . Slavery is on its last legs in Hrazi. There mender of all clothes that need mending. I now: ?efore the It will not be surprising if tbi-ougb future comp a.ny distributed during the year abut is 0. doubt th at the How it would rejoice the heart of many a improvements tra\·elles will be able to make 251,000,000 cubic mcte1·s of gas, of which J:'a1hament of th e Em:pire prov1dmg for the . . mother who haa to cook, and wash, and iron, the circuit of the world even in fifty days. about 25,0 00,000 meters were for the streets I finiil staucs of emanc1 pat10n "".ill pas. It ancl see in a thousand and oue different. ----------and public buildings, while the quantity of grants freedom to all slaves registered uner ways to the material comfort of her family,; water supplied from various sources was tho Act of 1871, the number of such bemg 'fhe Greatest C urse. They must serve twoif she could fiud herself exempt from this l about I 50,000,000 cubic meters, there being about 1,200,000. The curse of Ir?land, as of every country 66,000 subscribers to the wate r r te out of yc,.rs longer, but·) they can red:em themone thing, ninteresting' everlasting, all. . . . necessary tail-end to the li st of her mamfold 1 one hea.rs anythmg about, c?mes far m?re about 82,000 householders hvmg m streets selves for about$-' 0 eaoh. Slaves over fi occu-pations ! Woman, as Miss Willard' from drmk than from anythm else which and squ..,,res, iwenues, &c., wi th a total ty Jears of agi:: need not thus scrv, and 1f states, wants bread as much as the ballot, could be eutiond. Bnt surely tere must length of ab out 600 miles. Tu rning to the one of a married couple secures his or her and whenever she has obtained one of these be some mistake Ill what Canon \Vilberforce vital statistics it will be found tha.t the freedom the other also becomes free. she has taken one step towards the posses- said· lately, that Ireland's drink bil last number of bi;.ths durilig the yea: w_as 'l'he dr 0l1ght appears to have been more . sion of the other. Herem the woman mender year exceeded the whole rental of the island 1 G0,6:36, of whom over 17,000 were illeg1t- seYere in Lower Canada than in Ontario. How can any coun· imate, while the number of deaths was The Eastern Townships papers say the hay is an occupation that thousands of woman by n early $10,000,000 . could easily and lightly take up-money try p1·osper at that ra.te? And yet all he 57 ,092, of which ov er 10,000 were due to crop there is a poor one, and that the root d the grindmg pulmonary complaints. ws, k is about bad !flo making when left without training for any tal n The total number crops are badly injured. Peas have also lf of patients in the hospitalf during the year suffered. Every oppression and wrong-domg of other. more difficult trade or position. In the Maritime Provinces there l eir only ow sweep people t before woul woman can sew on buttons, mend hose, . n was 130,765, of whom 13,920 died. 'fhe're is &n excellent hay crop, but the roots in . h darn breeches and the like. Such work is doors and give the tavern a wide bert, were 20 ,('04 mn.rriages and 488 divorce s. some 'districts have .been attacked by the to very complam would muc not be there done would and no mother quickly find it b. Circnlation inside Paris was upon a larger fly. In Manitoba and the Territories the It is the same everywhere. Archdeacn sol.Lie than ever before, the Omnibus Company wheat crop will be a good one, though it is expensive to pay for, while the mender of. would find out quickly that all her time Farrar, in a sermon he lately preached l1l havin<> carried over 191,000,000 passengers, feared the returns from the hresher will would be in demand as soon as it was known Westminster Abbey, said: "But the third while 0 uearly 50,000,000 traveled by the fall below the estimated yield, the drought thirt she wot1ld do the work, and would ag- aud master cau . se, the . Atuon' rod . among two independent tramway lines. The boats having affected large areas, particularly in, Mis s illard I th serpent . causes of 1stress, IS drmlr.. grcgate a good living to her. A on the Seine . carried 11.bout 20,000,000 the dry region west of Broadview. . proposes to start such an enterpnse m her ph1la11thropist bore w 1:ness. th at last ye ar passen"ers, while between 17,000,0UO and A Palermo co rrespondent of the Secolo own town. Let others do the same, and it he relieved out of the Mansion House :n:und 13,000 000 used the ci n;;nlar railway. The . will be found to be a double-edged benefit ' 2900 c11scs of distr_ess, and had asol'.rtamed a!lalysts of the munjci'palit y ordernd the gives n.u acount of a panic accompanied by that 28 50 were direct ly due c o drmk . A cle. trocticn of 1,147 articles of food .,,nd shocking consequences, which was caused by to many. 4,0CO prosecutions for a priest in Canicatti. After a ecrmon in statistician, minimising rathe: than exttgger· instituted. over which all the horrors of the infernal regions at" mg, f ouncl ti111t the worIung .01a.as.es 0 f a· ·1e tlie po r Practrna l Rece1pts. d n1teration, wlll . ice arrestccl 3" ' "'.· e c e · England spend annually thirty S X m1lhons 804 mcu an<l 6,253 women, of whom 2, 703 w re depi t d to his flock, he caused a bla.ck I E<'RIED 0RA?KF.B:8. - Soak square . soda. . ont vry ;ve ro for eigners, .:nostly for trifling ?ffenccs, figure provided with horns and tail to appear of pouns .in drink, and of that am crackers well. m m tlk and f ry them qmckly The women and childreµ shrfek · suddenly. m<u1y nnlhons are not merely s pent m drmk · such as disorderly conduct or beggmg. . ' le butter. a. mce brwn m '1 l itt ed in horror, m!l.ny fainted away from fright, but wasted in drink. A sum euflicient toj . . ._....,.___.___ -·-----.,.. GREAM CAKE.-One cup sugar, one cup 'redeem the whole kingdom from 'Pauperism and two children were trampled to death by sour cream, two eggs, two cups flour, one is squand ered in excess. J do not wondel· the fleeing crowd. The men were <tbout to Bum Your Old Sermons. teaspoon socb, one teaspoon cream of tai·- j at it 80 long as we are by law sowing om lynch the pri est, who, however, made his Them was a great deal oi good seusc m tar. The Milan pape r vouches for the stret9 broadct with gin and taps of the aci vice given to a minia te r who was con - escape. . CHY.Al!. CAKE.-One cup sugar, one·half . gl rmg tE; mptahon, and h tle le_g 1s,;i.tur s tinul ly goi11,,. about am<h1g the churches o,s accuracy of this repo rt. cup butter, one cup sour cream, one egg, ill co ntinue to listen w1!'h cym cal md rf - a candidate 0a nd eontiuually complaining A telegram was l'Cceived Monday at Glou fiour enough to make a good batter, one- , forenee to the long contrnued appeals of th at he either did not get a call or could not ce&ter, ass., from U. s,. Uonsul Carleon, t.hose who now that this is ?e one master retain the pl11cc r..fter he did. " half teaspoon soda. l he advice at Soul'ls, 8tating that the scmes . was, "Burn yonr barrel of old sermons.' and boll.ts, with 14 ,of the crews of the GRAHAM GE:l'ls.-One quart buttermilk, f iend of national degredat1011. The preachinu and reproaching of old, aye, schooners Col. J. A. ] t·ance and Argonaut . one teaspoonful of soda, one teaspoonful of , fl · salt, Graham flnur enough to make a stiff even through good sermons, bas been the rnin wer seized the day eore, o Eas.t . oint, · NINE :M.£N WIPED 01JT. of matiy a promising and able preacher. P. E. I., by the Uomrn10n erutser Cntic. It batter, bake in gem pans hot and well Their F:itc llln1lc Unown JY a t'I<>d· of Here is how one pats it:is said the vessels' boats were close in shore greased, in a hot oven. '11'11llm·c s Hovc1·lJ1g Near. · I believe there are several hundred good with the seines set when the cutter ap. PoTATO 0AKE8.-Peel twelve good sized . . The vessels cleared out and es. oing up and down among the clrnrches, pcarcd. Saturday eveumg a party of nme work· men g -- .A.T-potatoes ' grate fine' add two eggs t ea spoon· mg noue, who con Id be caped the cutter, but before the boat& could · rest aud find' f seeInn" · ' ort' m eu . ere em 1 0 cl grad' · ful of salt, one cup of flour, and enough . Y . sei><ed. were they is It the escape burn thought woukl they if months three settlect"iu tGern · · ai G 1 o,. eorgia, 0P, aroma an · bake on griddle . t he milk to make a batter ' 0fteT a pre.a ch - vessels will be seized before getting home, as a._ · b aiTeI s. Tl le tru tl1 IS · road, iu Chester County, sixteen mil es from thcir irons' well <r m·eascd' they will have to put in f or assi stance. · were blastin or gets a_ st '?ck of sermons ne 1s temp te d to Fort Mill. S. C. art The , . 0 ATSl11'.-To a galon of ripe tomatoes, to re· rock 8,n d had on hand fbou one thous au change lus field of lab?r on purpos put four tablespoons fine salt, four of ground ! pounds of crfant-powder. The camp where peat . them. And that 1s so nuch eas.1er than Minor Morals for Married People. black pepper, three. of ground mustard, h_ e 1s very hkly to I the ma'orU of the workmen were wai> makng nev . ones that half tabespoon allsp10e, same f gro1nd The last v:ord is t_!ie most dangeous of in expenment , wl the a For am y t a ule t u . I . r some distitce frem the blastiu part Y . cloves, six red peppers 1rrouud fine; s1m· Husband and wife should touchmg up the sermons and ,ernal m11chmes. . . 'bl e exp1os1on ! J us t bcore f sunset a t ern was succeeds . · . By . . Ph a prnt 0 f VIOC· ) d t mer the wh01e 8 1 owly wit · t 0 get 1 ·t th an tl " bomg farmhar with them h e makes th em no more stnve ' iey woul·' u 1 ea b t no at · t " a pa d t 0 · 1t I gar three or four hours, then strain through L ' . -1 lre turneci. mre popular in the second place tha.n in struggle for the possession of the bomb-shell. I s tmen J;.I l .1. .l j mg t noa 0f 0 OU wor · . a sieve, bottl and cork tight. ' easy, lazy way of pre- Married people should study ea.ch other's e ) · ! to"he camp, an th!S · r mor mng sea.reh was the first But this . rows into a habit. weak points, as skaters look out for the arin f r the ul it Frn PUDDING.-One pond of sngar ne made for them\\hen i;iear t!ie plac: . I !t'ho eacher tts tml>in11. His spiritual weak parts of the ice, in order to keep off . pound of bread crums, si x eggs, the JUtce where t.e hlastmg, had beeu. gom5 on a vWO lemous, lareflo,ckf.vutu!es were sen upon th.e and 1inental ;lrowth ae arrested, and he them. Ladies who ma·ry for love should l of four lemons, te nods of . He thinks when I remember that .the UlllOn of angels \>ith I grated ne, all mtx.ed ogeth . :r thoroughly, , trees . Tb .. sca1chm , g party made a horn- becomes a mere parrot. . be oes to a. fresh field" all these discourses women has been forbidden since the flood. a.?d boiled fiv hours n a. tightly-covered i ble discovery. 'I: he thousnd pounds of f be <> new to thes h earers and j tis· t\s in- The wife is i;he slln of the soei al sysem. tu m . uld, It1g puddmg must be seryed powder had J?rematurely exploded and not wil ' nothing t keep,, Unksa sh att, i :acts there is . , hoo! with a sauce made of one-half cup of 1 a man Vias to tell the ale. Two mles teresting as if written expressly tor them." He cannot heavy boclies, hke husb<mds, from flymg off) reat mistake. white sugar, one-ha cup o_f butter undone I were aso kt.led: A spaik fron an iron But that is a . unless . they into space. The wife who would properly cupfu of sherry wrne, b01led to&>"ether for 1 bar wh1c? '".as bemg hammered IS supposed make the sermos new to them · · discha.ru e her duties must never ha.ve a soul are now to himself. ten mmntes. to have igmted the powder. "abuvo buttons." D0n't trust too much to - -·· .. · A.l'l'LE Cus'rARD.-Make a syrup of a Reports on the condition of Crown Prince . good tepcr when you get into an argument. . pound of white sugar to a pint of water, let The Pope has decided there is no ground Frederick William are to the effect . that Ji., i::l1gar 1s the substance most umversally . has no.d1ffiulty d1ffued through all natral J,>roduct ! Let this bil, re.moving any scum that may arise l for l'apal interference with the Knights of is progr:ssing rapdly. Dop rnto it a. dozen or more tart apples! foibour question. Ee has conveyed the an- in speakmg, but his physicians advise him to ni:arned people take a hmt from this proF pared, cored and qua.rtered ; flavor with nouncement of this decision to Cardinal exercise care. vision of na.ture. · stick cinnamon, extract of lemon, or the Gibbons. «J auadhtu Jtatti\lmnu. HOUSEHOLD. BUY PURE Pa1··is --A.ND- I j -A'l.,- · IGGINBOTHAI & SON'S DR,UG STORE. · sci,ys Y 1 l h I I ?{!ff J j I 1fY I h!· 1fs I Furnisher I Merchant Tailor & Gent's ' JOSEPH JEFFERY, 1 MILLINERY AT REDUCED PRlCES. j I I 111 Mrs. Morrison Is offering the Balance of her Il Summer Millinery --AT-- · I GREATLY REDUCED -PRICES I "West End Millinery House. ! f l 1· 1' l I P. E: I., GR .BJ . , Cl EA RI NB u A l £ · r- J111k- 10 T ROS. h j I j l l le!; I I I Ij JI I n 0 rd er ti 0 mal,... e :roo·m +-or -P.all i" m portat' ions we will clear the balance 0 f o ur summer good s l ··t J? l Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria I COME EARLY AND INSPECT. t }} th " B B OW 0 Jg 00 TOD BROS. 0 COST

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