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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Sep 1887, p. 1

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tsm TBRMS :-Sl.50 Pirn. ANNUM. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTKRWARDS. M. A. JAMES, EDITO)l. ill> P:n.oPIUE'l'OR", ---;zr==:: N:e:w SERIES, NuMBEB 475. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBER 7, 1887. VoLUME XXXIII. BOLIN.A.. NUMBER u. COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN Have opened out and showing are now ALLA LINE, ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. OOURTIOE. Mrs. Greenwood. of Orono, ha s b een visit ing at Mr. R. }1,, Richards'. We are please d to see Mr. John Walt ers around again after Ilia recent illness. Mrs John Pi<Jkle, who has been very ill, is now convalescent. Mr. Wm. Mason, of Har ri ston , has been in the neighborhood b uying shee p . The funeral of the late Mrs P ascoe on Weclnesday last was largely attended. LONDONDERRY AND LIVERPOOL. S.A.11.DINIAN, from Quebec, Thur sday , Jul y 11 POL'Y NESIAN, " " Friday, July 22 PARISIAN, Th u rsd ay, July 28 SARMATIAN, " 'l' b ursday, Aug, 1 CIRUASSIAN, " FridEy, Aug. 12 SARDINIAN. Tlrnrsday,Ami:. 18 POJ,YNESIAN. " Friday; Aug,$ PARISIAN, 'l'harsday, Sept 1 SAILINGS. A Grand Assortment of new Tweeds, 'IV"orsted Coatings, Over Coatings, and Pantaloon Goods, for Fall and Winter wear. These goods contain the newest de signs and fabrics, and are without doubt the finest stock of cloths ever shown in 'IV" est Durham English, Scotch and Can.adian RATES O' OCEAN PASSAGE :-Cabin, $50, $65 and $75 ; return, $100, $125 and $150. Intermediate, $30 ; return, $60. S teerae, $20. The l a s t. train c on nectin g with the mail steamer at Port IB.nd leaves Toronto on 'Vednesday morn· lag. The last train connecting with the mail steam er at lfalifax leaves Toronto on Thursday morning. For tickets and every i nfor mation , ap ply to W. A. NEADS, Bow ma nville , Agent Allan line . 11-tf 'l'hci Salvation Army held a successful j u bilee last Wednesday evening. Special Lewis was on hand to make thinp:s lively and mternsting. The army in this place is apparently in a very prosperous s tate . 1 hey have lately re-shingled the Hall and on Monday morning Cadet Broken· shire with Messrs Tingle end Huggins left for Toronto with a load of supplies T1trn. for the army home there. KIRBY. We notice ever and anon that your worthy scribe from thie place gives a brief account of w hat is occuring in a nd around th e villag e but during the p ast few weeks has not shown to the front . We hope he will no t be ta.rdy but will continue to regularly discharge the d uti es for which he is so pre-uminently adapted. Quite a pl easan t time w::i.s s pent e.t the I residence of Mr. Thursay last , at thei r usual faily I . Games were mdulged m of gathermg. all kinds until about five o'clock w he n all were invited to partake of refreshments After whic h were served on tb e lawn. tea was over a game of ba.aeball was played by the Solina team ancl the Pascoe's which resulted in f avo r of the After w hich music, singing, e tc . , Iaiter. · · unfl was Illdu1ged m 1 a. I 8t e h our. w hen all etu r ne d home wel l pleased with the dap s sport. I AN Who ESTIMATE Aro tho --T-IYClvo O GREATNES,8. LiYini; ln tho 'Vorld Edward Pascoe on I Men to n., l'ound Our esteemed contempomry, The Allmny Arga9, has b<!eu carrying on nn election ti> Grcest -f lish <1cte1'Ini11e, after the manner I in the ne igh b orhood tbia Vieitors week : Mrs. Anthoney Washington and d au 11:hter, Mrs . Colli m, of Clinton , Mrs. J. P. Hunt , of London and Mis s Hooper from Bownumville. The Solrna team had another practice on Sat ur day 1.1fternoon last at ba seb al l . . . too . fo1 mlm1· '1th grcai men t take any_ . . special u terost m thci resul b <>t . tho olcct10n, however, 1s rather Ult1·e<;t.ig. Bismarck skmds nt the head of tho list, with sixteen votes, l.Jeatiug Mr. Glad<;;t o110 by 0116 vote. Fenliu:mcl <le Lesseps bus fourteen. M1-., Conkling L\lld 11.lr. l'aruell tie w.ith nine. Grover Clove!ancl and Hom·y U. tanley have (foorgo Bancroft, von Moltke :;cYeH each . and Leo XIIIcomo next, with six examples, who a.re th3 twelve greatest· Iil·ing mou, or t wel ve i livinit greatest mm. pretty sruall, Albany being· 'l'he vote_c_ast of certain Eng-. "'i::3 : 1rtbJOCli. 'Io S 'Uch. -1 · -- CO TO '-i Q uite a numb er from this place attended the Farmer's Picnic on Tuiiaday. - -+--- h !en Ornnbe1·y 1'hurman and W. 'l'ocu Mr. Jay G<>uld, tho Sherman . on. Gcorgo F. l<,<lmt1mls, .Taule G. Blame .. Gen. Boulanger make up 8 big tom·. Tho Hon. David Bcm1ett Hill is in the ge fivo. threes with three ot the best advertised JACK, ates ENNI8KILLEN. .Rev. Mr. Fraser, o f Bowmanville, will preach in tl1e Presbyterian church here on Frid ay, !Jth i nst, at 10 a. m. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered o n Sunday morning 11et.vice to begin at 10.30 a. m. most John uskin 1111d M. Bartholdi. But tho list of men ,.,.ho get one aro Cardinal Munning, men living-. tho greatest and 011l).of spect their Wall Papers-latest designs. greatest v ari ety, and pri ces to suit everyone. Stock now ready. Do you want a new an d pretty Window Shade or Bllnds'l ·we h av e something new in this branch. Call and see them be forn you inv est or you'll be sorry. 'l'AI'r & MORRISON'S and in voto is too interesting a nd tho luuniest. It shows, too, how even mighty men ur(} slm\)bily trent<:d l>y fnmc. Horo is the list of oues: R liis :u;socillerbo1·t Sperrccr, . TAIT Gentlemen leaving their orders with us can not only depend upon getting a pertect fitting suit, but can also depend upon having it well trim.med and well made. As we use only first-cl ass trimmings and employ none but first-class workmen. We advise our friends to leave their orders early jn the season before the rush comes on. our Studio Com<'! ·early in the day when you ca.n. Just now you may want some extra En11ravings o r Cbromos to adorn your rooms. 'Ve h av e a gr ea t variety, good an d cheap. too. Ir you want a baby carriage we c an suit you; we have some nice ones. Doll's Carriages, too. and Doy's Wagons, Car ts and Wheelbarrows. Lawn Still leads in Phot ogr aph s and is ofte n crowded, & Notwithstandiag the extreme drought Mr. Levi Niddery and wife, formerly during the aummer the yield o ' of Enfield, have become residents of ou r cereals.in this section is pot likely to 1il ·y e. 'fhey occupy the old parsonai;<e. much below the average. The avera.ge Mrs. E. Virtue is having her house en of b arl ey is probably more than al l othe larged and thoroughly refitted by Mr . grainB co mbined and is yie lding from 3 os. Gilders. to 40 bu s hels to the acre. The kernel in The Ladies' .Aid S ocie ty of the Metho most instances is quite plump and will dist Church here h ave now been in exis we think w eigh well. William Patterson leaves this week tence about a year and in that time have with his celebrated Clydesdale "Oliver made $125 and paid out toward im Twist" to attend the exhibition at Tor provements in the church and f urni tu re onto. He is in ex:iellent shape and will for the parsonage etc., $120. They are we dare to predict win distinction againat in a prosperous con dit i on . "Danid Manning, John Shernurn, J11.mes Gorclon Bennett, John G. WhiWor, Carc'll'!ml Newman, Henry GcoJ·ge, William JII. Evasts, Gen. :Slicridan, Abrum 8. Hewilt, Cyrua W. Field, Lawson 'l'ait, Jmnc'li Hussell Lo1%1l, John J.,, i:lullivun, Jcffe1'f;<lll D1wis, 'l'. Do \Vitt 'l'alrnn;;o, Munkucsy, Johu G. i:lherman,"Dr. J\l.cCoh, Jooeph Pulir, Daniel W. Vl)OJT hees. Tucker, Herr Krnpp, l<'rancis Kernan, ft. I. Marie Ho1)kins, Mo:lssouier, A. C. Colvin, Casrol11r." Some names in tbig list are denr ns well as farnous, nrnl some aro obscuro. On the wllole,it is impossible to prnif;o tho disq;bn iuntlan of the Al bany speciul vote1·s.-:Mnv York Sun. , Patrick Sa rsfield Gilmoro malle " tlying professional trip to Boston ret.-ently, aud ,as mun! on theso visits met many of his m cronies and enjoyed a social tinrc with th11rn. Plltrick is a mro specimen of lli8 i·ollig race, hils emotional nature and rnagneti per so11ality al ways making him a wof<oomo com pan i on, whether among his professional or The Nntecl OrcheRtr.. C-clcr. all corners. Parlor Croquet, Carpet Balla, Games for f amilies and social pa rties; Our irrors are clear and true ; our picture frames are of the latest and most attractive Mr. J"as. Marrow, Sunday here. of Brooklin, spent M designs. Cur ts i n poles & rings. Plush goods-nice and ch.,ap, troduced at 'l'alt Another new branch jast in MORRISON'S D & Couch, Johnston & Crydurman One Door West of Post Office, Bowmanvil'.m. -- Ia a Jewelry ep art ment where you w ill find the very latest in Ladles' andGentlemen'sjeweiry. W" i nvi te special attention to our n ew stock just in. Base Ball goods, School and Hymn Books, Stationery, 'l'O:i'J!. and in· deed everything to be found in a Variety and]'ancy Goods' STORE. THE 5th Sept., 1887. VJ"e h av e to-d ay received i nvoices of our Eclipso Housu is still ahead. Our new Spring styles in wo uld think from the '.l.'yrone cor resQondence in the loca l papers last week MiM Ha·ttie Scott has been vi siting . that our foot. ball team ca me from nearly re. all parts of ·western Ontario wheu the Mr. aucJ Mrs. John B arks , of Kendrl., facts are all pla ye rs of that match are spent Sunday here . members of the D ragoon s, aucl are ns Mr. W. Camsell has returned from much the Enniskillen team a tbe Hamil to n and Toronto men w]10 pl ay with the vi sitin g frien<ls at Lind say . The The " Stars " football club went to Shamrocks are the T yr one team. Fraserville on Saturday and defeated the follo wing team will engage to p lay another Fraservillo " Checkers" by a .score of 2 match with the ShamrocJrs at any suitable , elate t hi s month :-F. A. Jones, R. Lane, goals to none in favor of Kirby. H. Pascoe , E. Niddery, L. Nidderv, T. Browu, L. Gi lbe rt, C. S wain, E. Vi rtue , TYRONE. C. N. Callender and A. Bryant. Com Mr . "Wilbur .S wee t, Rochester, is vi si t · munications to be sent to C. N. Callen ing friends h em , der, Secretary. Many from here went to the tea at the Long Sault and report a good time, w i th HAMPTON. the exe e ption of the boys th at w al k h ome. N o pains will be spat·ed to make the No .pay no woik is your r ule , eh R obert ? harvest home entertainment on the 9th The liv-ery went to the stat ion on inst. one of the best ever held in this Frid ay n ight. A very sorrowful t ime vi llage. Rev. .John Johns, of N ew York, was experienced. will be present, the church decorations Mr. Isaac. Chapman has r ented Mr. Jas. Carsc adde n's farm. We wish him 1uccess. Am ong the visitors : Mr. Wm. Hut cl11son, Listowel, Mr. Foster Hutchison, Baleom, Mr. M. Sweet, C ha rl o t te , N. Y., and Mr. and M rs . Warder, Bowman· vi lle . , 0Le music , from the crown of his heacl to tho tips .an immorn;e band or orclicstni is quite equal Jton-professionol acquair1tanccs. Ho is all of his toes, and bis generalship in couductiug t.o thtLt of Gen. Shel'man in ba.ndling an army. Mun.Y of our mui l citizeu:; wi'll. renrn 1ber the enthui;ia.'m ami vim "'hkh he disp in .1.-ondueting tho army or musir.ians at ie Jubilee concerts given at the Coliseum on ttie Back bny. eYoning, wlJile couducfil'Og the combined bands in the overture "Wflliam Tell," he lJCcamo $0 inspired ·with 0110 giving tho glorin11" music that he W(bq llln10st fr, ai1d wlk11 !.!to grand climax at llie terrnfn a tion of tho piece was reached ho contio,pl ofter the plnying had consecl 1;.) beat tl'lne with his ht·rnl, arms mHl i.Juton for n fuH minute, lo tho gooll natured anmsermmt,f the auclil'nco and orchestra. Tt reminded sorno of the facetiously disp>-;crl of the old song of tho "Cork L-eg. "-BcJ<;l.(m Budget. New MILLI NE RY and to-morrow- we trust ta be able to s uit anyone requiring ..... :S:ATS "Jubilee Christie" is all the rage-sold only at the Eclipse arenowin. House. Mr. H. K enner leaves this week fo r Hamilton. He h as the beet wishes the boys for a successful yea r . Dick was in Toronto on Sunday. Mr. S. Washington has b efln laid up for a week from injuries eus t a in ed by getting thro wn off a h ors e . ,...e .-1fh remains of the late George Oliver, will be gorgeous, and t he chicken pies will be su ch as would t e mp t t he a ppe ti te of 3.!!.>l Picur. ' 'rhe Mr. T. M. Bingham returm to Bu nt River av,ain thi s week. Mr. S. Brown, Green Ri v er, pa id us a flying visi t with his bicyc le on S at urday. Our great tli.m.·ough -bre d st ock d ealer is to be one of the judges at the Toronto Exhibition. Not so slow for Robert. Ma.ny were disappointed on Saturday on acco u nt of the Kirby and Burketon Blues not putting in their appearance. Partie s f rom oth er v ill ag es came to witnes11 the g2.me. We ar e sorry the Ki rby · boys did n-0t fulfill their prom se. choir prceented M i ss Rush ton five dollar bill on 'Wednesday evening for har services whilst among us. who was killed at Newtonville, on Saturday l ast , on the rai lro ad, were interred iu the M et hodist ceme tery h er e, on M onday . His aged parents have the sympathy of the community in their afil ic tio n . Our '.I.' e Mayor of Tyrone has been paying frequent visits to this vill age of late. Perhap s he is working ttp a S c ott Act case . Jim is gener ally considered to be wide awake, but he h as b ee n c aught n ap pi g several tim es of late. The Metho dist choir were treated to wabermelon on Saturday e vening, by Mr. ---, we w ith hold the naU1e until t he melO'ns are gathered. Mr. L. Johns h a s been very ill-dispos ed for s e v eral days,butisnow i mp rovi n g . Spring Ties, Collars, Cuffs and Underclothing going off very r api dly . n Kent.uckians, om of i;l!m a hfac11' smlth, recently called at tbe rmvy cmd o.rmouuced that t hey 11111.l proces.q of treat ng stf.'el, wbi«h, if their claims a r e borne out by the fact;; will prnctic&lly 1'0volutiouize tho art of sted tool muW·.11· 1'hey asserted that by th<iir tnotbecl of t ment the commonest grade& of mdal, sachas shoo r or cru;;t steel. conld be so temriered in the mattc1· of bardne and tot1gliness a8 to fully cqunl the best gratles of i.vol st.eel. , !\n wu;; muue Oll the oe tru·y Wlnt11oy's pockeL krufe, wi tl.t the tha t it was possihle to whittle un ordin::u·y steel. key without uppnroat injuq to the blade. So impressed wa;; the 8ec1·etary .l)y tho claims of the i nventors th11t he permit tho process to bo tostcl ex p eriment at tho W ushington naYy yn.rd, :i.ml the riments have already been licgu11.-J:,,\,w pe 'l'wo Pi·ocess of 'I'roa.tiug ;';teel. i rlepa.rtn'lj:Dt cliscoverl:-u oxperlme11; h lde 15J /t1:: rltfit 4J1y 'ex deci.cj.o York Sun . goods in that department.. :M:ISS articles E p p · L ET T in FINE ORDERED CLOTHING A SPE CIALTY. wi t h The a has taken any amount of care . 1n tbe selection of the newest the market. Cu by th e o nly first-class cutter iu towD. W. H. IVES. TO MARRY Young Men, Bachelors and Widowers, In other Departments New Goods Arriving Daily. n Our assortment will soon be com plete, so that you should see our ew goods this fall before you buy. when applied into the nostrils, will be ab so rbed e fl:ec t ual I y clcanRingthe bead of catarrha.l v irus ,caus. ing healthy secre· tions. It allays infla ma tion. protects the membrane of the na aal passages from ad ditional colds, com. plet.ely heals th0 ores and r estores the acn e of taste and smell. and village in general next week. When is the panorama comin g ,Joho . CARD OF THANKS.-To the Managers of than. Some from here take in Barnum's the Royal Iaenrance Co., of England.GEN'fLEMEN.-1 tender my aincer e th ank s show at L indsay to -day. for the prompt and liberal payment Who's tc hold the fort next week through your agent, Mr. Jas. Bingham, while the community at large is attendof Tyrone, of my claim against you r Co . , in g the Toronto Exhibition ? for los11 of my buildings by fire. Ha ving Toby thinks Davie Grills is on the recei ved a cheque for the amount of my lookout for Fred Nott. claim11 in ful l 'a few day" after the fire. I Mr. Jos. Penfound and sons are d oin g a have much pleasure in recommending rushing business at the factory. They this Company to any one wanting to in. sure th eir property. MIOH1.ll:L CRYDElturn ed out on Sa t ur day 34, 00l) cha ir legs. Mr. L. Tole and w i fe were the g uest s of Mr. S. M. Clemens o n Sabb ath . MAN. · · Y rattle d the tlungs B"ll · 1 0ff rn goocl · shape at the !ale on Friday. · crivin " If w e can get time we purpose 0 a, ,,,.rw f description of our husiness me 11 _ Sigourney, Francis Sargent Osgood nn<l Aun S. Stevens. Some of th e Mrliest and t · produetions of those now fomoua write1· 11t appeared in thls vublicntion. Edgar A ' . WM long eruplQyed upon it a11d put son e of hll! best work in its pages.-Chicago Tl'ibnne. pom·bonse. Ho is lying, ii hopeless ancl prac tically friendles.-;; inYtllid, in a.Now York hos Among tho l'<)gular contributors to pital. Graham's Magazine were Henry '\V. fellow, William Cullen Bryant , J. l<'en rn Cooper, H.ichru·d Henry Dlma, Na.tlranle · :l'. Willi>, James Russell Lowell, LydJa Ii. Uagiizin<:i_ _ J once tho owner of'G'ht ham's Magazine, anu for ma.ny years the leading publisher of Pbila.lle.lpbiu, who gave employment in their early days to n1 . en ' d women who !Jayo 1.Jecome the sl::ining ll s of Amm·ican literature, is now n poo1·, i · l old man, and but for tl.te kindness of a p il anthropie Pbiladelpbian would be in the PnbUsher of GrQham's George R. Graham, '" :;g Our Motto will be :---Quality away up; Prices away down. GEO. LAING. Price 50 cents at Drugists; by i s agreeable. mail registered. 60 cents.-Circular free. ELY BROS., Druggists, 0Bwogo, N. Y. A. p ar tic l e is a pplie d lnto!cach nostril and food, s lopp y food, bad cookery, mental worry, late w orry, irregular habits, and man y other things wh ich ought not to be, have made the American people a nation of dyspeptics. Bui; Green's Au gust Flower has done a wonderful work in r eforming this sad b us i ness and making the American peop le so h eal thy that they can enjoy their meals and be happy. Remember :-No happiness wi thout health. But Grocn's August Fl ower brl.ngs he nl th and lrn.ppiness to tl1e dye pept.ic . Ask your druggist for a bottle. Seven tv·.fi ve oonts. 27 --------- Dldit't Like tlrn U:ite. .A tloell of wild g<'<.'Se flying ovel' Mr . .fas. Cryderman hs again been 11ury, Conn., the other diiy, saw oue of the lN llnrn.r, AND TO THE Porn1·.-l>y1- appo inted as township collector. Mr. kites which the Waterbury boys were ftytng. Disordered liver is C p epsi a is d re adful. makes a good collec t or, and This particnlar kite was up very liigh anLI misery. Indigestion is a foe to good we think the council actod wisely in the geese objected to it. T lioy circled a.hon nature. The human digestive apparatus gi vin g him the a ppoi it two or three tinies, and thcu four of their ntment . be . r, seemi_ngJy uelegated for ti.lo Plll])PSe, is one of the most complicated and wonMr. a.nd M rs . N eal, of O s weg o, w ere num attacked the lntA and tom it.into shred derf ul t hings in existence. and It is easily th e guests of H. Elliott, Sr. last week. then went on their way.-New York t:lO:!J. put out of order. Greasy food , tough Sr.ow BoY. --: B owmanville, Au g . 24, 1887. 35·tf "1'1\tc·- PHYSICJJ.NS are usually avorse to pro pri etary medicines. Nasal Balm ia a. sp eci fic for cold in tl10 he ad and catarrh, and having faith and eviden ce that it will cure those troubles, we ask and c ourt a fair trial of the d isco very, and a full i nvestigation at their h a nd s. ! Persons who ltuve rcccivod accounts from this ollicc wi.U confet· a favor by atte ndi ng to them at once. l'f CAN DO .s9 H.Utltl t.o try l'rccurnn·s Wu1·m 1·0,v(hmi when your child Is a ilin:; fevcl'isb or !'rctful, 'V:tshecl L'"<ly 'Vaelilngton'a Feet gusta, Ga., and wa. "Aunty" prnud of tho fact that sll.e Q,Ubo washed tllo feet of Lady \Va.shi'ngton du11.ing the flrnt. preidential Le1:m ot tbA immoi:tal Geoirge.-New York Graphk. ,! recently, WM ono oe the colorec\ people iu Lhat part of tile Luci.ndy Rill, who diell a Au oldest conti,Y· bridge, NA'l'IONAJ. rILI.S 'tl'lll not gl'lpei'.01· Hid·· en, yet are :i tborungh catla:U'th·. I N. H., is tbe last pensiol1er on the Jisi; of the revohltionary war. She is paic.l l(). annually by the state or J:'!ow Ham i re and $HJ2 by the United States goyeq Jn en 9 'I"t.IC'\iu iS O'/'er lOO yea;.n old. Mrs. 1).blgal! S. 'rilt.un, oj' Nort.h Wood· 1.'he Last on tbe List.

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