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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Sep 1887, p. 6

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-THE · to 1118 a da y. Samples and duty FREnJ journal from his pocket and handed it to seeing that he can remember his mother, Lines not u nd e r the hol'!'e'sfeet, Writn Gannon. Let it drop." his friend. BREWSTER'S SAFETY REI N HOLDliitj Gannon laid down the shell-jacket he was The· dark troeper laid down the jacket $5 Co.. Holl , Mich. IB PUBLIBBll:D mending, and took the paper with some which he ha.d now finished patching, put his needle 11.nd threads away in a. little case, show of interest. EVIERW 'FRIDA"Y MORIHNG, "Where did you get it, Croft?." he asked, leaned back on the hot deck, and said-BY"FoR AMBI1'l<'IN," "°BEATRICE'S FAL8EIIOOD," MASSEY'S "KATE of Ailthor Hy the "I.am thinking of Canada; for I shall '· turning over the pages. .. Lon; OR KINDRED?" "A Gor,p;ti DREAM," &c., &c. 1V[ . .A.. JAMES, ".Oh, it ca.me down from that conceited have a small ensi6n. I realized my bit of AT THE OFlllOK Honourable Captain Haughton to hie man, property and mvested it in railways. It has · ·gFown a little since-not much; but I beand so to me ?" Pest O lllce JUock, Ktng Street, Bowmnll· ; lieve, if I t?ok it out now, I ?ould be com;ersation th, l ville, Ontario. c :mtinue not id Gannon way-the one and 1 " a it. see I uttered e h ' V.-(CoNTINUED.) CH.AP'fER t Jno. McMurtry & Co. Society Gos· worth some five thousand pounds. only way-out of this horrible dilemma · he was busily re11dmg some TE R :rY.C S : "You may pity me now," he told her, it is a hard and bitter way but it will both sip.'.' Presently he Jookerl up and said- . "You will never touch Verschoyle or J,r;o 1·er An>1nm, o r $1 If 1uttd In a<lvancc 1orgettii;ig to speak sternly or scornfully, "Garret, do you think I should be reco· Shangannon? The rents a.re accumulating \.re prepa red to pay the highes t price set you free . and enrich you. That ia all every word she had you want ?" gnized, in spite of age, dress, sunburn, and there year after year-my father manages Pr.J"m ent etrrotly ln a dv a nce reqntred!rom and lettmg her see .how all kinds of Grain delivered at the h county. Orders to spoken .had cut lum to the hart; "for ubecribers outside of t e " yes!" she breathed rather this disfigurement"-touching his cheek- it for the crow?,." taoontlnue the patJer must be accompanied bf everythmg I held dear, everythmg I trea- thanYes-oh, " No, never. ago?" knew long who me one any "by but face hidden her still p ered his w Wharf or their Store House in t o w n. amount due, or th paperwil nuc be stopped. sured everything that I hop ed to make my ' wa s Do There was a Iona 1 " What-still harping on the uncle· '. b to and fro. b pause · the conversation S he . no onger movm<> 1 . bAorlbers are responsibleuntl Cull p ay men t ls rom f gone is , d bl d h h roug t ease an happy deadlock. a to hfe come have to seemed of privately a.m I boy,,that you know, dear lllde ' to con- listdning to picture . to himelf me forever.". He paued . a moment ,... .. . "I shll die! No not as you suppose" opinion that you committed a murder five . Garret Croft began BA.TES OF A.D"V1lBTISINGs throat, then ei:sat1on m his return hoe, nd 'lven to thmk of him0 = quer a chokmg ; Pars ago in the kingdom of Ireland'/" y a ; e . "I cry ed a sharp -for she had utt fholeColumnone [ear . . ...... .. ... S6000 went on-" Hyacmth do you remember ·this a hero m his way. He was proud of · llt to d estroy the l "f " Could I not say tbe same of ' bodY . 1 em have no rig . you Gar- self as ' Hnl year ............ 36 o " " was ;v"th 1 is of h" ,, ve yea.rs, vo1 untary bo d is .u 1 will not commit a crime; ret. Croft?"-and the bla.ck-ha1red trooper h' One quarter ... . . .. . . 20 oo f!!"" th at I am your.h usbnd -th at l t .. you .. for even and _ age, of OF CANADA. havhavrng been through two camp,ugns, ......... 36 oo ·-- me you knelt at the altar and vowe·l )our· but in everything else I shall be as one dead srruled. alt Column o ne year ...... . self mine before Heaven?" Half year . .. ... ..... ·· " "Oh I joined because I always had a ing chosen this hard and rough life when he Capital paid np, Sn,000,000. nest, $200,GO > am: and hopes birth the fortune Name One quarter ........... 122 05 : He moved a step nearer to her, and held bi might have been dawdling about his father's 's moment! re· hankerlng after the life, and-and because 'tio ' m thi 0 0 · ns' of my '1ue fro uan e r C0Iun..n one Yefl.r.. ... ...... This Bank is prepared to do Legltl · · 1e 1earnmg · d as he d'd 1 nounce, M l .1. ,ore, or "amus1i;ig" is hai;id m· a last a.ppea1 , an .. .. out h" mg on t ie 1e grounds, boa.t' tI Ralf year . . . ... . . . . . l 50 have lied to and I stumbled across you wbi you-who that . d of hvm mate Ban king in all its branches. One quarter........ 8 00 - 5 so she raised her hagard . face from her deceived me-may have your desire. ·· " And goose-step at Aldershot! It was ha.If whim, himself in London; he wa: prou en l ine s andunder,Jl,rst insertion · 'O 50arms and looked at him with hatred and I do this-I hardly know why . I suppose lialf friendship on my part. My father- proved that he could qmt hunself hke a Farmers Dotes discounted; D eposit!! s r loathin£Y sta.mpe o every feature. He because in spite of all, I love ' you, and I poor ld mn-a.lways kew where I was, man in spite of heat and t . hirst, toil, sick- .eceived and Interest paid on a.m ounts o( trro:a.sl!!'\!,'fir s irticiii dr?w-back horror-srwken. win from and I m g?mg back to him now ;. bt you ness, an.d te rush and excitement of battle; 5 upwards in Savin gs Bank Department; Ea.ob subsequent inserion ...,.. o 55, Good heavens, he burst out, " what would, by making this sacrifice, are not gomg to your home-this 1s the and, thmkmg thus, he began to beat the Over ten Jines,flrst inser tion, pe r hn e O 10 -10 you a feeling that is not hatred ." D RA J.<'""r S Ba.oh subsequent i nsert ion , " 0 03::: are we to do o.ll our lives?". deck with his hee s . a.1! to _wlustle "The . " Oh, if gratitude is of any good," she business of life with you." [ssued and Collecti·ms ma.d e in Europe quesths o 1m lead tender to mean he ha. She of wh!le m, r l!.. hres 'rhe number of lines to be reckoned by_ Green t y t e . . murmured vaguely, "l shall be grateful all "No," said Gannon abs n l , a.gain inten epaoe occup!ed,.measured by a aoale of t1on. . With this one obJect m. v!ew she my life! But how are you going to carry on his paper, "1 am not going back; I'm a and plamt1ve words ran m hs nu"d. . Sud- United Stat.es and Canada. o id N on va.re il. had g1':en th.e agony. an furl'. w1tbm hei a. out this plan?" for she could hardly com- lifer, as you say." denly Ganon touched hun arn!ngly, W. J· ·TONES, ': fre rein; '!1th burning unpatience se had l!!:'.:2=:=:_ : prehend what he meant, except that he Ageo The other 1nade a.n impatient movement, sprang t? his feet, nd stood at at:Jention. w;aited for it through all her convuls;ve sob- was going to set her free. so.me . he did nstantly Croft DRS, M:eL UJGHl.IN d: BEITH, i . seemed about to ask a question, hes tated, n bmg. Now she a.11Bwered eagerly, mstantHaughto Cyr!l onourable the Captan H n . . . OFFICE :-MORRIS' BLOCK, HOWMANVILLE· "I am going back to Liverpool now- then shook his bead a d kept silence. He ly. . this moment; from there l shall go on to had been this ma.n's companion anfl friend .,-tall, hm, sunburnt, his origmally fair 1,, Dr.J.W .McLAUGHUN, Dr. A. BErl'H, Gradu sl:e London by the first train that will t..ke me. since they were litle children, and for the complexion almot of th colour of mhog "I will .tell you wha.t we can do · licentia. te of the Royal ate or the Toronto cr1ed pass1.onately. We can both act as if In that city there are a. couple of regiments last five years they had fought, toiled, and an, and every lm of his clear-cut aristoc College of P hy sicians . o one under orders for Egypt ; I shall be as much endured together; more than once he had ratic. features bearmg t,lie 1!1-aks . o f long Your attention is di rected o th e immense 11.nd m emb er of the Un 1vers1ty, J:'hys1cian. our mari;iage had never bee!:!· Roya.I College of Sur Sur eo n , &c . knows_of it but Bob-;-no one will thmk of lost st ock of in one of them as if I were to draw a saved his frie nd's life at deadly peril to his cont.11.1ued and systematic dIBs1patton-was geona E d inb ur gh. . se8:rchmg te books rn the chnrch . fo_r p1oof razor across my thro11.t. Th11.t is my plan- own. That very rent which the trooper had co11;ig slowly towa.ds them, a. deep sense of movement e ery of it. Let it forgotten. Oh, it 18 s?ch that is what I intend to do, Hyacinth." m expressed 0 lnJury t t DR. ;J. (). llllTHEl.L. caused by been so def ly sti ching had been an easy way . W shall both be rwh, "As a common soldier?" she faltered, the thrust of a lance that his h a.nd hai his long, well-set-up, nanow frame because EM B ER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIA.NS happy, content; le rt be forgotten for ever with a rush of strange sensations - not turned aside 'l'he young man had, to use he was among those who hd to accompnv M and Sur eo ns , Ont ario, Coroner, etc. of every description at . and ever, Glynn I -and she cla.ped her triumph that she had won this victory, his own words, Otlloe and Residence, Enn iskille n. H. " stuck to Glynn" ever the troops up the M.erey mstead of gomg hands t<?gether and beut entreatmgly to- or pity for him, but. something such as since he had recognised him among other re- ashore t Plymouth with the more fortunwards hun. D. RIJRKE SIMPSON, she had never felt before, which be- cruits at Aldershot, where he happened to ate of his fellow-offien. For a moment he 1 0<?ked at her, almost wildered and frightened her, and made her be staying with some friends, and, half He sto,Pped 0.PP081te to the w? tro.opers, She ho.a just .ARRISTElt, SOL ICIT OR, &;c. MOPRIS opened out one f the largeat t BLOCK, up st a irs King Street. Bowman stunned by le audacity of her proposal, long to bring this interview to a close lest-! from weariness of the monotony of his and, krng a Cigarette from lus lips, looked and most stylish stocks ever brought 'le. S olic ito r for the O nt a ri o Ba nk an tha h cried . outhem. of h bo at mdly . la t ¥ . n . by a and is a house it m:i.nly " h and old said, Nore Yes," " qua.int the father's o o. to town, consisting of :) Prtvat.Cl lllonevs loane d at the lo west rates, It 18 impossible- uter1Y impossble 1 honest calling, Ha-you are Gannon, I th mk ?" he the only one I am fit for, craving tor excitement and adventure, and o not del?de yourself with such an idea and it offers the best hiding-place in all the from pure affection for Glynn Neville, had· murmured to the dark trooper. Itli ;John Keith Galbraith, llincry, Dress Silks, You are. mm-w cannot pah-andand ;, world; I shall become one of her Majesty's enlisted in tne same regiment with the heir salu,ted ?cannon ARR I S T E R, SOLICITOR, NOTARY -droppmg his vo1c: to a w sper- I do troopers!" Velvets, &c., ou-?'ou Ee .a. handy fellow, Gannon, y . Shangannon. ohoyle thought and of He Vers O filo e- Bo u ns a ll's Hloc,k not despair-not qmte-yet ! . PUBLIC, &;o, aren t you 1 I\.now all about horses, and- with a very fine stock of Feathers "'iou are in earnest? You will do this that this sterling and tried friendship en- and and King Street, B owmanville. Money to lend, how to , brush clothe-ar goo "Oh, yes, I now tat- know that !" for me?" she asked faintly. titled him to Glynn's confidence now that Flowers. ?ured-won t qurrel. with Jim-eh· . ROUERT RHOIJB, she answered bitterly, ignormg or not hear"Yes, Hya.cinth,II am in earnest-I will do this phase of their lives was almost over;' hum Call and inspect this fine display, which "I am yo.urs as much . this for you." but he saw by the face so attentively bent coi:;tmued te officer, ie:kmg out the words OBG ISTRAR, WE ST DURHAM ISSUER ing_ his lst 1words. cannot fa.ii to give satisfaction. between whiffs from a cigarete. · l\. of Marri a ge Licenses, Barrister and Attor· as is a bird you have locked ma. cage over Vanity Ji'air that he was not to have e ts 1 th n f . f Th e Garet ventred to tur!1 lns eyes tow ards lll8J' at Law and Solicitor in Chancery. Money Y ? irs. te law ives me to _you 0:8 it She h ;:rdi ':e i! t a.d:: :n d it. He paused for a few minutes, and then Yes,_ . loa.ned on Real Estate. Office on King street, ' fuend, ha.vmg some 1 dea o f wha t Ca.phis . gives the shrmkmg maiden from Circass1a to 1ooked towar1 s h' 1m t'o ay said e pectmg h' Bowmanv!lle. . and" - standin ta.in Haughton meant, and being curious to .i r· -- -- some wealthy . Turk ' l l " do wi d1 when swe' you e "n'hat . Iler "v l x goo ye, a un ing e wou o asp ld . db h <lf tl rnk" " see h ow Ul . eive his speech . . s ar s ress h er coh erect before him, with' burmng eyes an - hi Wit.I.IA.Ill WIG HT. . vnn '!' ould rec Id r s Wi "th h t d charged Gannon? I shall go back to· but, to hi p Ill ' s surprise, Gannon's bro-·n scarred . " me take and can g you ;{ lips l sneerin myse the and k House in e f show Verschol a. e t . t u d epar isse ICENSED .AUCTIONEER for the keep me, until the face that charms you face expressed only bewilde!men. '.l'hen a BO t d flesh to my relatfres. I wish I could have suden l Oounty of Durh am. Orders left at the i·esolve seemed to seize him, and he P .0, now is worn and wrinkle, until you loathe a:id he'th;u;:t his :aJ ;a;a.:V:a°i:r;0 brought home something-the cross you ST.t.T ESMAN office or forwe.rded to 'l'yrone 2 sa1 , -, . 8:6m what you love now, unt1!, you understand his chest. As she tried to peer through the have won, or a step; but--" wWl receive promllt attention. .. . I shall be qmte able to look . yes, sir and feel what I feel now ! -and she bowed g 00 · h e heard h1 "Oh "interrupted the other with a faint I ' 1 dee s b The 0 . 1 S. (), HUNK.ING, after everything under Jim. I shall have e her head again upon the top of th wall and '<?unfJ:he on m r weary iaugh and an expressio on his face . o ICU a £°xpres f t 10 ; and "-after a my discharge in jlo few days . ICENSED AUCTION E E R FOR hid her face is n msant at once piteus and contemptuous as if the short pause-" I am very much obliged to erm hear t seem d There w11 silence then-a silence that to to pierce ife r arm his own. the C ou nty or Durh am. Sales attended i derided had once he lived hopes d s f an e se n our 0 you, sir, for-for thinking of me. " to on shortest notio o and lowest r ates. Address the girl's fierce rebellious spirit seemed to l felt a sudden 81oath mg 0f heart "if we had been characters in a novel touch her. S ie 36:tf 0 OtTRTIC1' P. U, 'ed the C0pt1 h1 's 'an' tumin<r .... .> .. e ber proposa1 1a.t for hours. Sh Unapproached for .0 have won our commissions by! "Ali' " repl1 ' we should . e had m .. whirled; ambition ; her brain and her greed eyes from a steamer full 11f excurs1omsts . despair vehemence and agony 8he t k a t p t ards hi, this time and have come home the heroes d Tone and Quality. th GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO with all the a en ?; " that, to you as do Mersey, the going n w : that had la . i n pent up within hr since she l i every man who bnys his Licenee f.rom re 1 e y s o st l co ermg e face of the da'y to cover our enem es with con se e, I am t.aking you because I've n oticed i ; ha.d know what her marriage had done for . s l Enniskillen CATALOGUES FREE. EUllNRY SYLVE STER, · s m fusion and t·eward the unshaken con tanc 1that you seem to know something about b u.s e , t 1hr h nd t embl" mg hi: her· and now she could only wait exhausted, i wi . Bah Garret what folly v 11;gue mdefi nale d an ger w ic m t e las of our'lo.dy loves" orses, don't mae a beast of yourself with hoping and yet hopeless, for his answer. I -what unanly folly !L His 'deep voice iad confronted her. mmute l Pianos Toned and: Repaired. . . . . 1 hquor or anythmg of that sort, and are aucl he stopped abruptly, bendmg 1 The mght was fallmg; the sun had d1sap- j "Go0d-b e 1,, he sa.i ' · · 'd-and bi's voi'ce faltered, im te11s )IOU, d and do what J' Y · p,air, ·good· tempere e _ ., some t' peareu ime_; a coo 1 gray lii!I1t trem-' sounded faint and unearthly through the agam over the paragraph8 m V.am Y and so on. That's whY I had to turn off ARTIES WISHING THErnPIANOS bled about the httle red church. In the dnot so much to read them as to search-at,! 1 M Y Y t a im, and T une d or repairen oan uve them at ended lane under the hanging lilacs and la.burn- l arkne ss. ."Good-b e' HYacinth least so it appeared-for some particular : the last fellow ; he couldn ,t stand J' N ORGA.N I Heaven for15ie you and bless you, as I do 1 piece . of course I cm:Idn't do without Jim." - by le avi n g word at the DOMINIO of information in them', A ftrs t-ola.s ma11 urns' it was quite dark· therefore these two Perhaps this is not your fault so much as the i's Orirrnlil, Bowmanville It struck lum here that the trooper he ' band and WI ' Id sca!ce1Y see . fault of your birth and education theN may -h us "fe-cou " Well, troopers we left, and troopers we , : w beinR in their emlll O'" e.ach other's face as thy kept bis dreary ' be excuses for you that I shall bring t. , lY retun," said Grret Croft. "But to co.me was not speaking to was taking an unwar· 'mutable interest in the conversation, and, iO Ho! Gentlemen ot Fash silence.. At last Hyacmth . spok-she could mindand thinkoverlater on. Behappyl 1the back.to my sub;ect. ·what are ymt gomg, with a slight motion of his head and in the . .· 1 life that you have·chosen, that you have sac- ! do? I don t want to lose si no(, beai te torture of wa.itmg any loi:get t of you g tast. h ; 1 so tone of voice in which he would have ad ion, not 0 Well, she.. ask slowly and famtly, 1 rificed a true and honourable life to gain; it would be rather rough on a fello after dressed a troublesome dog, he said" have you decided . much I ask-rel!!Jlmber that you all we hav gone through together I -and and " Er-you go away!" have written thnp e few linee, He lot all hope then ; her cold self-con- ! owe this vuorously to rub a small brass he began . · 1·t to me." Althoul(h he ha d ha.d five years' exper1And all l have to say-f 1 t h ' ro e voice ':"as more pam u 0 Is ears t 11 d l a t home, He came a little nearer, and she thought- ch am. ence of tlie im assable ulf that la between That you ea.n ttnd me stil . f utterances a fe mothe passionate than o yir " o you reembe what is said · about I am not gone away. "Now he will take me in his arms and ments before, and he answered her m low kiss me with kisses that I shall remember David and Sa1;1I s son In the Ol d Testame?t, , officers and mn Hin th o.Army, tbe young So all my kind old friends ma.y come, Irish entleman ushed s he walked a few An d all the y ou ng ones, too, br en to esG:arret?" repled the dark troper, leai:mg paces way. . ! all my life." ? . And get their garments nice ly made Hya.?mth, !f I cold do anythmg to , But be did not ; he passed behind her !us elb ?w on his nee a,d lokm? reect1ve- 1 "Well-er-you go to Jim ; he'll tell In fashions th a t are now; -.:avI thmk lt nught be you what to do, and-imd 80 on!"-and the Where old and young, dear friends, tnay meet nnul thIB mariage, beheve me, I would ;. with a.n unfaltering step, not touching even ly at h s compan!on. . . . by R. PEATE. A w elcom e m any case I_ will relieve you of my hat?,d her dress or the long loose tresses of her aid with_ equal JUstwe. of lm an me. . It Honorable Cyril turuerl on his heel and somethmg about their friendship passmg went back slowly to his easy-chair under .. presence until you yourself cidl me back. ; hair. She heard his steady footfall ring on WI am tnlly p repa re d to attend Funerals on.· "etiment . entiment, sentiment!" she the s m -dried pa.th and echo in the drkness th, love of .omen." . I the awning; while the man whom he had tile . short es t notice, at the lowest possible rate& Yes, it a-rather rom.atic to say m just hired to be a. sort of servant to his ser ()asketB ' excla.ied, ra1smg her bowed head and and silence about her, and she hstened a nd Buri a.I Cas e s ready on short no t !°" a pmg . her foot upon the ground. eagerly until she gradually lost the sound. j these,a , ays, of course, but rt s true !or all 1 vant stood where heha.d left him, as motion- First-class hearse on very moderate tertnll that. Garret ijtopped ontrolle \hat do I car wether you &o or st.ay? , Then she raised her head and gazed about I , d h,1mself, : ess as if turned to stone. Shrouds and Coffins oonstu.ntly on band. Fun . a l oards 6u11pliod at once. Furnit u re Shop a; It is of our uncle s will, and of th1Bm.arr1age ·her ; and the still hot J une night seemed to 1 a!1d held _out his hanq. . Yfe must not ?se "Well, asked Garret, joiniag his friend er Show Roo ms-Boun s all'sNew Block, I sigh of each r-prom th se that_ bars . us from al benefi under rt, that speak to her and ask her whether she was r me, Glv=, again "what a.re you going to do now, you His companion s bronzed cheeks flushed, 'man of mystery '/" I a talk!g, Hynn -movmg 8'. step neari:r happy now tat she had won the victory to hi1,11 . Will you do a.s I wish-let this se had 80 striven for, now that she was a.s ,?e hear th, pld a!most-forgotten name. I "I am goiug"-lookiug at h im qtdetly . and can live at h ome, and mak 'more I promise, he sa.id; and the two young soberly-"to Haughton .Abbey ma.rrige be forgotten, and each of us take rich and free. money at work for us , than at any . in Cheshire thing else in thi s world. o capital men clasped hands. our porti<?n of the old man's wealth?" I as Captain Haughton's man r rather hi n eed e ; you are started frfe. Both "But it. cannot be . f?rgotten-we must "Well, then, that being so"-with an air of man's man-the quarrelsome 'Jim is to be my exes ; all ages. d WITH0\1"1 TBllTH WJTll Tti:Ere. .Any one can do the w ork. CHAPTER VI. r.emei;,iber it.and take it mto account all our Lal'J!e earn lngs sure from first start. mock relief-" may I say for the third time, master." Cost l y outfit hves, he said. and terms free, Better not delay. Costs Five years bad passed since .Glynn Ne- \Vhat a.re you going to do, now that I "As soon a.s you have got your disyou no thing to send us your address and find " I undertand you, he answered coldly. I ville, renouncing name and fortune, had soldiering is over for you?" . charge ?" o ut .,.i_ if y ou are wise yo u will do so at once ' PRA.()Tf()A.J. DENTIST, "You. cai;i hve ust as it pleases Y?u; but I gone a.way to bury his individuality in the "Go to Canada, I suppose, the great As soon as I have got my discharge." H . .HAT,LETT & Co., Portl and,Maine, >OVER TWlilNTY YEARS RXPR:RrENOR, shall hve Ill purity and h?,uour until the end, .Army, to hide his broken lite and his land of refuge for all the scamps, sinners, I " Good heavens, Gannon. would not Am-you now tha I shall. . ! broken heart tmder the gay jacket of a com- and hopeless failures of the Old World," re- erica be better than that?" tr.aiOxldeGa&A.dmlnisteredforPainleM He did know it. That cold a.ugh_ty girl men trooper, tor the sake of Hyacinth Ver· plied Gannon a little bitterly ; and then, I "I dare say. I dare say any place on Operatt11ns. W ?Uld never walk through lite with the sJhoyle. after a pause he contiilued reflectively, earth would be better to me than Haughton M()()L1JNG'8 BLO() JK., &ll'J!l()E PERCH ERON HORSES. - -------- · ----·· ·:-·famest shdow on her name. He put that i The-troops were '.:Jeing withdrawn from "There must be some good-some grit ad ·Abbey, and yet I am going there." Island ome to be made,. Cut this out conAtderation away at once. the tioudan and the great transport the manliness-in scamps and sinners after all ' "And with such a master ·1 Vicious' in· rosso a, Farm ' and return it to us, and · "But something there he ex· else is '" A .,, . · .h, Ill very conve' · erous and ug1y-steamed sl'ow1y · seemg what a sp1end1d nation they sia-pond' ' ' solent have ill-tempered-we all know what . . we wi l l se nd you free . o a e d for nien c t " 'rVe married, claimed, whether ar the p u ma.de " the Mersey one August morning, the sun something of . Haughton is. And ten minutes baclt you and im potane. t1> Y.ou. th'!-t will start you hi fact be made publrn or . kept secret. W beating on her white decks and glinting ·"Oh, they are not all scoundrels! But were talking of Canada!" . busmess. which wtll b r mg m. more . cannot.take the money-it would be fraud. . you River,tenmilesbelow a. are from like .a woman-you will run a.way ' "Ten minute$ back I was not tempted her brasswork in way that ma.de the , money ru?;ht away than . a.nythmg else m r.his . . , ,, w· d 0 t. Pur " Fr.aud ? 0"'.? I don t understand I , soldteS on board-clad Ill ragged clothes, from the subject. Garret;" and he moved away a little and world . ,;\DY one can do the work anq live at . cb:!:ier,wru find hom !l E1tl;er sex; all ages. Somethmg new, , she cried, begmnmg to sob and tremble a.nd with haii:gard, sunburnt faces-mutter Doesn't looked over the vessel's side as if he wished " I hope I am not like a woman larg1-..iumberof pure · thatjust coms mone;r f or all w d orke rs. ' W:e again. "Are we not the people set down ' to one another that it was not much better some one in Shakespeare remark t t ' bred and grade stal· ha if he to be aloua w il star t you ; cap1ta. 1 not nee e d . · This is . · wh1stlmg l · · Ii broOd 'll ; and 'f i we a.ct as 'f Alexandna, · after a11 · s wretch - th· an ll l ti and his to back went Garret I knew s . wa which woman's the him i11 part 011e of the genuine, important classes of a Jifo. Ill t le w.1 ' nev r taken p ace, whom 0:19' 1 f allma.res . t.ime. 'l'.hoee who are ambitions and enter- ed marriage hd e . i A little apart from the rest, and under he'd cut it out? Well, I feel the same." ' polishing fg s 'irom. "' prising will not delay. Gr and. out fit free, a.re we defraudmg? Some charities, I sup- the shadow of the bulwarks lay two young pure b r ed stock reg· " Yes? I know what your sentiments are' "Miss Verschoyle's going to Haughton " " Add1·es8 'l'l!UE Be. Co .. Augusta, Mame . ?" letered fn the Fr e n c h and American Stud ks ' po· , ' e Pricesreasona.ble,stockguaranteed. La a' ' 10ugh t; '.'and u "' f'1s versch oy1e' s at th troopers, who werea.s bronzed as snn-dr1ed, about g1rls; and ye.t for the last tenmutes he t1 . 'lRua No-he Crown, . I believe · b.ut, all the as patched and shabby as any of the others, you have been pouring for the tro.ted Catalogue tree. SA.TA.GB root ystenous of all his conduct over w the descriptions _ a l'A.B'ft"tr11, ' · g money same, I will not be gmlty of ?btamm Diill'llOrr. M:iQs. and yet, in some mysteri<;>us way, they were of their gowns at some garden-party or, lst five years., or . I' an Arab ! 1 should by alse :i;iretences-for that s what it would different from and uperior to the group of other!" like to 15et . an mv1tat1on to the 11Abbey. I I wonder e be. . . tf it could bo manag d? -and the Gannon laughed, and threw down the card·playing, smokmg men only a few feet . "Then let me!" she c!·ied, claspmg her away from them. They were both occupied paper. young trooper laughed. We are ' hands togethl'r, and beudmg as if she_ would -one with needle and thread and an old : "I saw Captain Ha.ughton 's name in it," r e (TO JlE C01\TINUED.) t L ave fa.lien upon her knees before im, as jacket, and the other with a piece of he answered, ' and Miss Verschoylc's." I, 't ;u rnps i h D 1 mdeed she had . some thouirh .of dorng, for chamois-leather and some brass work belong"Ah, let me see it. The very mention of all classe" with employment at home. the . Re Agreed With Her. she felt that this was the. crlBls of lier hfe, ing to his horse's head-gear. No oaths, no i her in a paragraph gi'!'es me the text for a. ! i whle of the :im e, or for their spa.re moments. . 1 I Bus ness new , hght and profitable. Persons who and that a word, an action too much or coarse J.es t.s fell from their lips . no slana f day-dream! The 'Irish heire ss' indeed 1 Old Colonel Bloke and Mrs. B.oke, . · 1 of either sex easily earn from 60 cents to $5 per . . Y f 1 s, e a n d 'f f ·t "' m 0 een 0 ave h b . chapces for mmgled WI l l'ttl 1 e, ?uId ma.ke or . mar. hei ai Y: 1 e ' Wl a I. ' And what with the few words that they spoke The 'Irish mystery, say i evening, and a proportional sum by devoting . 1 evr. Oh, hav:e pity on me, and stand to each other, although they were nothing about Haughton?" th ei r time to the busipess. Boys e.nd girls . /robabl:y- figure m the uext Drntnct Court, nearly as mu? as men. That a l l who see I aside ! Do uot mterfere ; 1 have no such more than common troopers . · The taller "Rax I" said Gannon, with a significant list o.f .divorce cases., It came about by the earn this may Mnd ther address, and test the busi. deck, w here a.: followmg conversat\On: . scruples !" d nw and then g1a.nee t -e owards the quartertopp nd .darker f h o t em s . . " . ne89, we make tlus off 1 e r . 'l'o such as are not . . . ?" he asked. " If you m his sewm to touch with his finger the group of officers were loungmg on easy·' " Yes, Lemuel Bl.°ke. you are a hog-:-a 1 well satisfied we wi ll aeud one dollar j But bow cn I· to pay l 11.i.ke your 1Jrt10n and I hand over Vers- red scar which disfigure-cl one side of his face chairs, rugs, and cushions beneath an awn- 'rgula: brut , not fit f?r decent people to i fo r the trouble of wri ti ng. Full pa.rtioulars l choyle ancl Shangannon to the Crown law- from his temple to his chin and which had ing. jhve with. You couldu t get any other wo- 1 anct outfit free. 4-ddress G EO RG 8'1'1NsON &. · · th world to l' · · He WI 'th you but me. " l Co. I,'ortland, Mame. · hurt him. 1be susp1c1on, · it ,I rers-;-as I sha11. do-there "';,' 11 · ' if Garret Croft took the paper, and began , m Ill narrowly escaped his eye, as -----Well, if I am what ou say, :UY dear, i mqmry, detection, and to read, in a carefully.subdued "That was very near the brain, Gannon; voice. N ! In a tempest of weepmg that was half I wonder how you got off 80 well " said the "'We understand that the Earl of Red- ! and I dare say you are right, 1 qmte agree llll!lllWM : acting, half na;tural, she buried her head in younger and fairer man, rioting his friend's shire is bringing quite a. large house·partv with you. I don't, think .I could either." \ her hands agam upon the wall. . fter a moments reflection she s11w the almost UJtCOnscious action. "Does it pain together at Haughton Abbey this yeal', to give a. hearty welcome to his econd son on .1 pomt. "Go -oh, go !" she sobbed. "Leav me you still?" . . . -let me stay here iu .the dark and pray-if "Just a little when I stoop. There are his . return from .the Souda,n. .Among . those I At a prayer meet' mg not 1o11g smce Ill . 1' ' ·ed, the Insh beaut' 1d, do wh at rnv1t 1es and ieiresses .' I..can- for I am a wicked gir . I feel l'k 1 e. some men who won't get k· 11 e 1 k. f p y e D 1 · ng, o. th 1 , s g o some a murderess! I should rejoice to see 0: n :V0: Y a. ma.i;i o. !1? he was j will," replied the dark trooper a little will doabtless prove a great a.ttraction." · you you . · terly. emment missionary said tha. t . der whY'. 'heiresses'?" · " I won fal.l down dead !l't my feet-I would k.111 you bit said Croft I a poor bo,, taken out of the streets . and put I thlS momeut if I were able! Go-oh . "Perhaps Fortune .thought she had done absently. "I thmk the elder bas all, has I. t. 0 a s ab)bath SCh001 bya 1 ady-h lB · father can . cost . go away tImt 'I may.ask Hea,ven to ' forg1ve . ' enough when she laid open your face for she not? perIlaps she has made over some bemo: a cl runkarcl and hi8 mo ther, a WIdow·1 ,, me !"-and she tossed her head and her you ." thousands to her younger sister." I Capt. 'I'hompson, of the British stea!flel' "No, Garret, th11ot she has not. long loose hair backwa.rds and forwards and "And, worse than a.11, I am sent home to Hya0 from side to side. cinth Verschoyle would see her mother-not Muley Hassan, has a rema,rkably sagamoue : be discharged as unfit fo r active service. .He wa.tched te writhing m_oanng figure : "And get your iron cr?SS from her Ma- to m?nti?n her younger and fairer sister- retriever doe:. :rhe ste:i-111er was passing ' mencan . ('J' lll . with the desolation and agony Ill hrn broken . iesty, Gannon. Ah, I wish I. could say the beggm lU the streets before she would do a through the traits of Gibraltar, when the ""d finally restlessness, of s1gus showed og l for l that. thing hke What heart of which her grief was only a mockery same !" give go d up ove . . red and i and 11ofte,t· !!-·very few minutes he decided J "Will she give them herself? Have we or duty? Why, how litt1e you know about Jumped overb?ard. A boat as lo we the dear, helpless, innocent little creatures, the dog was discovered boldmg. the colla. of I ". what· course to take, and spoke with scarce ly to go to London? I thought Chester was the coat of a drownmg man, who was lymg after all I You have much to learn." lso much efo f rt as it cost him to answer her our place." ., "Well, we shall never agree on that sub- a.ross two oars. The man as afterward ' when she first laid bare her mind and heart " Oh, you'll see all aboout it here-Van· ? Nevvspape!' Advat"tising Bureau, oefore !iim. . .'iiy Fair, you know !"-and the younger ject; and, even if you a.re right, there are 1scovered to be the only. survivor of a Span· 10 Spruoe St., New York. ., .:Hyacinth," l!e a.id slowly and sternly, trooper took a well-thumbed copy of that some things a man would rather not learn, tsh revenue fel_ucca which had been upset four hours prevtously. ali if he were we1ghmg every word before 1 sond tO<:te.. for 100-Pago Pamphlet. II CAiADIAN STATESMAN LOVE'S TRIUMPH. · - -- ---· - · _ axm · GRAIN ').- lj · "' hIB · 20 og I I I I · STANDARD BAN K _.,,,_ · · · · i -:: e ·· · I , , · I .g · I LADIES, g Y MI LLI NE R B B , I MRS. DONNELY'S · _ · lS · · L dSlO h S? r .JI r I L A ffi · · _ · P · · BELL & C0.1 Guelph, Ont. · · · · · I · I I DENT I STRY greeting, II IS j UNDERTAKIN·C LEV 1 MORRIS. J. If.. BR I JIA C 0 M BE, I I Yo U _ u, M0N E y .YOU great "l'alue · I · I , · · · · · lJ Slt ,uie nlsl\egiJh,g · · · '· I · BAKINC THE COOK'S BEST FRI END DUNN9S· l POWDER I I ' worma I, "I asses Att en tion ___,_ ____ , · · · I e.ll I I ! · · · I ---- --- E I m · ' ' · I I learn the exact f I of any proposed hne . A lSlno I a dvert. I papefS b addreSSlng · -,...· · ADVER TISERS Y Geo p Rowell & Co ' · · Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla; ,

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