aundiau J"tattsmau. --" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = cg7 · WEDNESDAY, S E PT . 2 1, l o ---- · - -- Housekeeping cares had fallen early upon her childish shoulders, when her invalid mother died. Then there had been the conHow a Rolline: Stone Gathered Some stant planning and working to procure what Moss. her careless, improvident father did not proDid y ou ever wa.tob, a. ca.n ar y tlying ahout vide to economize where he wasted ; a pre t in its ctlge, and turning its head knowingly ty si'eter to be snubbed by and wor ke for, f ro m side to side , as i f it were in deep medi- until she a r un away marriage with a ta.tion upon some subject through all its gentlemanly scamp ; a.nd the same sistr to restless hurry ? Well, very much after that console a.nd for during wh at r emam ed same fashion .MiBB Jemima Veer went flitting of her brief life, when she came back, deo about in the little dra,b house under the s rted and b rok en - he ar ted . Roh and Toddy \Vell, they wer e hill one brigh t Spi-ing mor nin g. She shook were th e leC'acies she left out the white muslin curtains with a t en der not J emimli's o wn , either ; but they were a d .ougl1t re spect for their old age, aod arranged them won erful comfort to her. The very th th e so th at the darns should not show ; placed a of them made her pause suddenly m whether she would cush ion Cl\refully over damages wrought y midst of her questio !li ng b ld cl better and more successl ittle feet in the s eat of the old-fashioned not have b ui e if she co llld ha ve laid her own cor er ro cking - ch air , and dusted the tall clock in th e fu lly corner a.a fa ithfu lly as if its long hand were stones-reared a s tructure of her o wn rnnot missing. In truth that room wa.s a sort stead of fil ling breaches in the broken walls Those two li ttl e faces stoppP.d of h osp ital for disabled furniture ; but then of others. th e invalids all had such a. c osy, well-cared- the train of " m igh t have beens , " and made for look that one never thought of no ti ci n g her murmur woman that she was, " Dear their deficiencies, and the little brown <Jyed, boys ! I woldn' t give them up for any brown - haired woman who bll stl ed about th i n rr !" " 1t can be whitened, pressed into sh ap e, them was as brigh t and cheer y as need be. nt But th is day there was an unsolved problem and made "ery presentable ' " broke iu Au HER SUNDAY BONNET eo le's f nda.tions to make h e o th ers h ad b lndered , and take up Her things where others .ha.d stopped , work never came to h er in t he ra.w material ; i ' i Wll·S alway s what somebody else had used, ..,r sp oiled or begun. Back t hrough th e twen ty . ei ht years of h er life, so nearly as she c ould remember, it bad been the sa me. !r o :::;; g - looking out from the eyes, a.nd now and then Miss J emima would come to a m omen ta.ry p ause in her oc cup ation and strike an interrogation-point attitude at th e end of ome mental question. At last she stopped by one of the windows and drew from her pocket a somewh at faded green-and-silver purse-n lean, dyspeptic-looking pnrs, that flopped about in a downc ast way, s if aware that it would be c alledupon todehvcr Miss Veer's thorup what it had not got. ough fingers searced its utm ost deph, then turned it wr ong side up an d shook it, th at no shir king penny might e h idden away in its corners. The amouut m her hand was s11;mll eno11gh., _!1'..)len all was done. 8o c un ed it for waHI and backward, but it didn t gro w any either way ; s? she closed her fingers o v er it, wi th the faintest breath of a sigh, and said, with a dedded shak e of he.r hea.d : " I cant't do it. Teddy w ants new soe, R ob mu st have "' j acket, and a bonnet isn· t to be thought of. " didn't f?llow at all ; for sh e Which . thouht of it more vigorously thiin ever after ha.viug ascertained beyon d a. doub t tat there was no money to buy a n ew one. S he did not n?ed to look at the one _she ha worn all wmter to see how ah a?hy it was , . she could feel that, even with it away_ upstairs in the bandbox. It h ad been twisted Jemima, slowly , thinking f h er life instead of her bon net. Y " es, I h op e it will be presenta.ble . at last, th ou ll: h it does not look 80 now " . " ,Vhy, i t. s the .best 0f brai d , , interposed ' Sh 't Aun Hes ter , with some . even_ Y· n.ra e d fan01ed the remark wa . ng ot m ent of daughter S usan 8 a to be tolerated. , s ed. ·T e mim'i from h er rev:rha.t tone aro t. lr .1e at once. S e d .i scove the go d l t ities of the braid m a ely, rn h er de Hester, some what mo 1 e ' too Hester's voice. 'rue ,, answered " '.!. .f :i! :hl £ J : : de cid edly declared the lllJUry of uo conse- trouble to uncover the fa cts. No one im i g more to. be qu enc e that there was n oth agines that Russia, just after the official said. His honest heart was still perpleJCLn_g r egul ation of boun d arie upon which Lord s itself over the roblem when a sma.l s pec1 - I S a lisbury ha.s p lu m ed himself, would avow men of the canme rac e -prese nted itself to ' designs upon Heru.t, but s he bas fouucl he ! the antiquated stra_w fastened near the top view, and Teddy caught i t up. . . c o needed l a.k for them in Ay oub 's pretens10n and left to wh i ten m .the smoke. Rob a nd " Thi s is my dog ; h e_ oe to live and turned, made and rema<:le, from ye; to '.!. to succeed if not sup erse d e, his cous i n, t he 'eddy were du ly advised of the con t.nts of us wi thout nobody askm him. . A unt Jem year, until it was "poor bu t respec table no the bane!, and w arned n ot to_ molest it, and Ameer. , don't lik e him mucli ' c au se he am t a N e w. lfo t may no t th e Czar i t may be asked, '0nger, besides being all .out of . sea.sou : a.nd then Miss Jemima. went chenly back to the founder ; he's a rat terror. " so her h ead , berett of its uc ien t a ain pull chestnuts fro the fire for the . house and her work o f <l aynng mal stock " Ah ! is he ?" said Mr. Ba.relay, beom · went seek ing . a new covermg. When the ings a nd plan ning for dumuu tive l ack ets. h n eli t of his Calcutta rival ? He used to pay a ing sud denly intere sted. "Si:ch a.n ai mal hD.ndsome sti end to Abdurrahman at house w as all ·m order, and Rob a.ud Teddy 'rhe ut of - do or worl d was v er y lov ely th 3:t laudably employ ed in trying to plow up the Spring morning, and she stoe glanes at it is very useful about a mill som etuea, 1 kend and w en he connived at tho return where there a:re a rat any rats a d m1 ?e ba,ck yard with the flour scoop, sh e went up · now n d then throu""h th e l t l wmdow · I of hi momi na.l prisoner to AJganis tan h e i t e - I w ouldn' t m md giv mg five d ol lars . .or b un must h ave supposed that his pro tege stairs, and from among the cast-off tea su res 1 deligh ti ng in the fresh gren grass nd blosif you were will in g to let him go. Would you i w oul d recognize his obliga ti ons . of a cer tain old i·ed hcst in he 3;ttlc f s hed som-ladcm rees of te tmy y ard I fron t, Yet, on sell him for that ?" . up a stra w bonnet-immense m. size, y ellow Ii a.n d watchmg with the contrary, uo sooner did the claim of Abkmdly, hum an mterest " Yes , sir, " answered Teddy, promptly, durrahrnan to the Ameership threaten to be . in color, and of shape indes?r1ba:ble. She the o ccasional passers-by on the roa.d bean d a bill was pressed int? the l i ttle l anhod at the eff?ct 1\S s he tried 1t o_n be- yond. Thse lat were not many, for it was . owner s new e d dog to i t . ra.nsfer : fore her tmr mirror ; bn.t after 3_:ll , it was only a quiet v1llave _ro..d ; but presentl y and the b ought him over with a splendid subven tion Miss Jem im a v iwed thlS prooeedmg = = = = = = = = = = = ,,, That Ayoub, h? wevcr, n01; a laughmg matter ; mdeed, i t seem ed there pa.ssed a team with an unu s al loD.dof anus a nd money. = = =======,,. =======""'!!· = = = was not ; still, c o n as doubtfully she rather more like a crying one as she turned the a Ia.rge, heavy m illstone. will be abl e in hi s turn to sell out hrn bene- "" The driver walk- suite d in the mat ter, and the gen tlemm ap a.ntique affai on her hand nd wondered ed beind. it as it m o ed slowly .along, and factor seems improbable, because the Rus y inter!l8ted in he bargam as s ob erly what it would be p ml81ble to make followmg 1t a short drnta ce behmd was an· peared as much sians, bein g now cl ose to He rat, will h ave Teddy himself, she d1 not qmte see how to of it. their han ds up on their protege. o ther person, whom Je m_im a. scanned more The dog might be valuable ; she Upon her meditations there suddenly closely-a m an some thirty - three or four interfere. . Barclay seemed Mr know. t o n did y l l a re l>L toke t.hc;i light rustle of a st iff dres, a.nd years of age, mediu1!1 sized ! b 1 · i 1Zed and wonderfully well satisfied _h ii:nself , an d held Ayoub Khan. t he sounc:-<if · footstep that spoke of d1gmty bearded , and drssed Ill a pl am suit of gm , _ J_'- fast to his p ur b a.<Je as if it w ere a. ar_e . The Bri tish Government have good rea. a.nd one hundred a.nd fifty pound s, and au· '.['here was nothmg ver y r em arkable Ill hi s . hscussed with Mrns .Tenuma while he c Mn to dread the a.ppea.rance of Ayo ub !Oum nounced the c om ing of Aun Hester. It app earance nevertheless, h w as pers n· prize, ? ;, t he removal of the ponderous ornament Afg han istan, and it is n ot surprising I was the only announcemen . that lady age of somti m s a g ge rs a s b t e i to the _v i l _n tere l from the front yard. I that they arc making strenuous efforts to thought it nec essary t<;i m ak e ; for she enter- I the new owner of th e !11111 o ver th l u ll. " You w ill, at least, l et m e coe an d hlp I ,, ed without the forn ty .of a. knock, se!ited The former o wner had failed to make it pr o re vent him fro m reaching that country. . - put th is garden into order ain , he said , J p E ngl aud can il l -itfor d to lose th e services herself in the rockmg chair, or at tem pted to fitabl e, a.ncl for a y ear o_r two it h ad to s od as h e turned away-a proposition she c ould do so , btlt im me diately resumed her feet idle. vVh·m th erefore, it w a s knovu tb at of t:Ven 80 doubtf ul an ally as Abdu rrahm an , I not readily have declined, e ven .1f he hd again. it had been sold , and was to be r ep aud and given her a c han ce to d o so, whwh he did and there is good reason to supp ose that the J . "Hum ! I advise you to put that p ut in r nnu i ng order, there wa,s a vari ety of ' j G hilza.i ca.use would be i mme ns ely s tre ngth - l not. out of the way, J ened by th e a rrival of Ay oub whose aim is , _ emima. Oue can't b e op ini ons, and some_ shaking of heads am og " Now, Aunt Jem , now you ca.n J1ave , . ways r em em berm g that the b ottom is the sages of th e little place. Thete er e bonnet : and not an old smoked one, eith r, one w i th that of the rebels, nm el y, r es tur e broken out, " she remarked, severely ; "nn · 1 s ome who ca.rried their disinterested kind a.tion of S he re Ali's dynastv. said Teddy. less, indeed, you intend it as a trap t-0 catch 1 u css so far as to inform th e new. comer th t For some yea.cs Ayoub " Khan has been , a Aud Aunt J em did h ave a new bon 11 e. ai t k revenue for th e dcposi your friends in " it " wouldn't pay,". he would " sink u oney, " a pretty wh i te ch ip , wi th fresh, sr ug - hke w ting o ta e hi s . ' . ' that wa.3 the obj ect, I d set it j ns t etc . To al l of which C:ide B are.lay listene d tion of bis brother and the destruction of rib bon , that it see m ed a po s1 t1 vt; l uxgreen \\ n outside the gate, and try to catch them be- good naturedly, answermg but l itt e, his o pros pects of succes;iion to the Afgh an . You put l o her n to nry to d wou thrnk a. 8 o f ore t1ey got in," Miss J em i ma Y akoub Khan de . : with _his fran_k, sunny smile , and t ie_n wc?t r espectable bonnet could scarcely he pur- thr ne· When i n 186 rebelliously to hersef, as she arose to b1nir 1 steadi ly seied Kan dahar, and fe&,t ed Afzul 1 1 way, ?-Pparen tly qmL undis- I chased for so small . " s um . r. Barc lay a. M S r m forward another chau-a sound, subst!int al, turbed by their predictions. . ect, p ocl ai ed here Ali, his father, Ameer of 1 I h entertained some . fe ars on .th a t subj Afgh a.ui s tan, it was natnra.lly supposed that wooden one. I ,, _ . . , Of th e merits of the qu estion or the man t oo though he had o ffered as high as he had ' , Aunt Hester surveyed it oub tfu l ly, as if w ou ld next succeed to the throne of he i l Jem ma knew n ot.bin g ; but there . was a dared for the dog b t1t he w8'.s perfe c tly sat; she suspected some decept10n, Jiut fi nally I quiet resolut e air about him, a certam self- is fi ed when ho saw her come mto church the K!!.bul. Shere Ali, ho·ever, married a new wife who bore him a sou Abdoola Jan, ettled herself in it, sh oo_k her black al p aca reli 1.1c c o.nd determination betray ing itself t e h nex t S un d ay, leading _Ro_b an d Teddy. mto prop er folds, and said : the latter became so m ch the favourite even in his firm , quick step as he passed '\Vas she to blam e for eriJoymg the wh ole and of th e Ameer that in 1 873 he Wl\S proclaimed "I thogh t I ;vould call to se e how you that gavc h er th imp r ession th t he - sa.w , ervi?e better bec !\ use of t os e soft, bc om e were gttmg on. s . . q ui te as clearly mto hi s own a.ffa,us as o thers in g r i bbon s that framed her p1:etty hrn_wn h is succ ssor. Thi enraged Y a koub, the It did occur to Jemima th:i.t rf sh e h11.d , first son and Ayoub, the second, and the . m, f y t h a and made her fanc could see or hi t '. hair and qniet face '! No ; she c1d n o t known o f h er comrng sh would h>JNe ot so / she sh ou l d trust hi s judgment as so on as that about the b onnet ; she only felt it ; b1t when _ far on as to ?e out of surlit ; but she only Herat his headquarters. In 1874 he was of the wi s es t of them all. The road woui;.d '. she was at h o me, sowly untym tb.e 1. answered, qmetly : entic ed to Kabu l by his fath er w i th promises round the little house, an(l up o ver the hill ' strings before her little muTor, sho whrnpet " A bo i;t as usuit. I w e, tlia. nk you, A un t , of reconciliation and was treilcherously · . B 0 W M A N V I 1:. L E, , at the back of t he garden, so th at the great '. ed soft ly to herself, " I d belie v e th G r mt ! th rown into pri son , '!.'here he rem aine d from h r w h e o e w l n 1.nd e r isappea.rd its e i Love . th a t blesss all om hves, .cares for our cried R ob ,nd. Aunt Je!ll ! Aunt Jem ! · h S Ul o-ot u p · ts h d new, wit 1 . olc al l : ttle thmgs as these, until 1 878, wh e n he Wa8 r ele sed upon the Is vrepat ed to view at the front wmdow while she w1\s h apprnea s ev en m such h Ted y , a ri;sh fro m t? e yar?, d eath of Abdool a in answer to the urgen t S o lttle that wa.s I else all th is wouldn 't h still t hin ki ng of them . e so t most artistic style at Pnces that cannot be beaten, and ,t h lat e ilve h pp ned o stran ter rib ly m ix ed 1p m th e dooiway· am! c,ich e e r m n c of tho In d ian Government. Ill 0 · 1 new came to d isturb the seremty of the phtce , s trangely . StOCl{ Of E na " ' Sco tch ' French and Can adi an n her's remarks l>l'fore try ing to m 'lo,m the In th e fol!owmg y ear war broke o\lt between He has a ver Y F me 1 that it wa 110t marvelous that th p eope J It to ok a good many evenings to gt those , ? he h ad ma.ny. D ee d . Au 1t J cm · we the place, 'I'h e St ar Hous Remember . m fr el o G Afghanistan 'and Inclia, a.ud after a abort .e . o s ect . t ooods u e r n t m g c o in speoulati in d l g e i;. u d c ins : ; i flo d o wer be s nto perfect ordi· agarn, ut _s won ,t tut it any-(\ rn mrell er to bmld ,a I . I c mpaign Shere Ali, fled to Balkh, where he en terp ri se , or that Je imma , _ m h er no!l· .Mr. Barclay ersvered m In wor k w1b die d . Y akou h th en suc ceede d him, and at JEFF E RY a1 W ays Door. the at ba.rn w1 t ; ,cause we _can t mt OJir hor_ses I; should fe el so lll:e iuterst i? 1t. Hi· m ? d1 - l pra.ise - wor thy htlehLy ; au d h:>vrng bestowd _ , and we wa it top o th e ch ic ken - I nowhere S! time Ayoub was ma.'le Governor of tat\ ons w e re sti ll tendmg 111 th at . d1rect ?n , , so mu ch l abor up on the , t was n t 1 the __ m i a: wa. -coop. S ay , may we · th e distric t of Kandahar. . when s ud denly there came a rush mg, rollrng thD.t he sh ou l d feel a. more th an ord ry ma " Yes, d ar, yes ; but don't be _so noisy; Sh or tly after followed the massa.cre of S ir I sound, a cra shi n g as of bre akin g bushes, a 1 interest in them, an d visi t en fr quen tly Box, The In Ma.n The t h e D on t you see An! t Hester is here _? boys. I i scream from Rob :nd Teddy that would all th rough the S ummer. There were man:,y Louis Cava<marhn d his companions. Yakoub r · ·s ev1 answered Aunt J em , mdulgent but disThe convicts of Y\ e2t Australia. d was de ose d in con s equence and carried to In_ ! don e credi to t w o Indians, !tnd then h appy ev e ings sp en t in th When Baby was sick, we gave her CMtorla, h l d the tressed. from !1 escape to ways many a p present e c prisoner, i h t t l i l a o a i nd a as P I something 81 rnclc I.he corner of the hou se so po r tico, with the conversa t10n w nder g d , , olo y a. rn e o t -s "Y cs ; th n.t s what we don, wan t to c o_me ed on th e th rone. Ayou b K han ; the Pe nal C WLen sh1> was o. Child, she cried !or <.:a.aroria, n , but iare y d0 Y h e avily as to m<>ke it all j ar and tre m ble. to de eU<:!l' than floral sub je ct s ; and he le:trn· Ameerwa plac in fo1 ·," ans wered Teddy , w ith 1'0frcsh rng j cause. StM·ting 1 to so huz:irdous nd tor turmg a metho d as Whc" she Mioo, sh1> clung to C"8toria, i s , Jcmi mv. s p t"mg to h er feet , and was otlt e d to 'loo k u pon that spot as a little hea.ven h d e poused h is brother's "Vfon t you pl e e to h and the . frankness. e al most ! on a cr ta 11 09ca.mon not lon!( ago, au coun t at th e tloor in :i.n instant. The b oy s were of p ea.a.., , and gentle, t h oughtful , unse_lfish fr m Herat wi th a large army, h · Wheu ehoh:i.d C hildren, sho gino them Ca.storia, rnmbreller out, Aunt J em ? ce of 3 , 000 ! of wh ich is g1vc:n I ·: ' certainly not killed . she s.nv that at a Aun t J em as the pleasantest of co mpamom . a.nnihilated G eneral B urr o w s ' for bad! y v cer ' '·· . Lto ms of \1de Adeh t r o P A . . RiVE Aunt Jem produced th.e umbrella, 111 . Reimu ' '..l nnor Ai ..1 \ .N .., .. ,. ..., c e h t r ,vand " i m · nd · u "t en 1.ull glance ; nei th er were hey lllJllrcd . 1ng So 1 t h appened that when th e_ Aut u1?1n ca.m e '1 . .m · ,hursday l . d his nerves sed I as t ' ' ' ' an ' surpri cnsc iosn esa. that her visitor was watchmg or limb , for the soutrng and gcst10ulat111g A dvancing still further he uly 27, 1880. he h a d won h er consent t o_ !us t J . . sm e are J n He was u c wi th gnm disapp rov al , and was p repar e d were w il d and furious. besieged Kandahar, and General Roberts have .been nse ttle d f the steamer """"'"-""L"""'" of her flower-beds <md lrnyrng her ne\ \ honv ...,,. for the speech th_a came next. . was barely a.Lie, by foi·ced m arches from su permten dm g .the un oa m . " Aunt Jem ! Oh, Au nt J em, lo ok I J us t nets alwa:17s. . g t Aua tml ia I h A usti:alian, from W it i . _ . "You are s po ilmg t hose eluldrcn, J em1- lo o k !" , Kabul , to relieve the city . l\yonb i·e treated So· e tob ac co , and a s mall ottle of 011. . He ar . Aun t Hester, who , likn _ 1n-ny an<;ithct i 8 . t six in · ch -? o mp le tel y sp.ili g them. ma to Herat, where, on July ;) ', 1881 , he d e - when he n oti c ed a box t1rce f e I am really : Aunt Jem did look-at the broken back worthy . lady, was au 1m,onsc10 nu mber ?f strmgs .to tne hd of the a. ranged · s o. rsh pp e r w t o astonished at you , feated a la rge army u n der A meer , Ab- l ong by two fee t one mch w t de· bY ) fence, leveled ClUTant bushes, flattened of suce ss, gi·e a.tly appr oved b x , so that h e !fl ight keep rt shut when he . of M1 . Baiclay. " · . It was a point on whieh the lady's as ton- I o wer b ed s a ua fast at the front y ard , S durrahm an Khan, He was finally forc ed , feet d eep . . to have it so. he wa s very gr acious in her commendation il , . . .T ting wished It w a.s a peculiar w ishment had becomo chr_onic , so Jem imro. did where repoe d the ca,us e of all the m . the res t of T h e box was b e p ed up with isch i ef of the ne w arrangement, rma.rking with an however to flee into Persia ' iakin« i t h him bi a . up on one side , he found i t u c ? it n b m e not attem pt to lcaacn it, and a m omen tary 1 d u of a s t a of e n r r u t a e o u r a a. large th e l arge millstone. the lu ggage, a.:nd thrown end ovr end unwonted attemp t at facet1 0u sness , that she . e . ecl it o ver , am i avy. He tmn e h " years silence me o s af For nothin foUowcrs "It corned tu mbling the hill righ t dow n did not k no w that she could " ever bel e e he poor fellow Ill a terrible ' the hold, shakmg.b 1 i v and from it dropped n_o t a gros 0f c ,°_ e s rna. ue r. He wa s pa.eked under a o of "Ah I" sai d hunt Hester, in a more wa h eard of hi m un til in 1885 whe ore gra · ' o nto our back-yard, and some of th e fence a. a b · n g in that rolling st.ones gather no moss . " f cios tne, after her he an dfort to e sc p e i n to Afgh aistan , pegs, but a manl·.-a b d other packages, an d hu s cril!ll ped , s tifling, . articie m th e room, and rested final ly on the Rob and me we y e l ed , you d better be it tra n spi red that he . had J:>eeu li v i ng !or long when standmg, ut 1 er" Y starvi?g· lay h alf ymg dur mg seven days up now. bonnet. "Wh;; do yon propose to do with lieve i" l ucidly explained the astonished some time in Teh eran m receip t of a pe htsl . nsion N ot a Talkative Man. _ d and mg ath The poo1 fellow asp d f? bi The r esul t that, my d ear ? from the British G over n m ent. When he arrived at P,ort de.l a1 de, h '. e d ca o . . Ex crucratmg agon 0 d G entlem an-Little boy, what do y o u of hfo attempt to r etu rn to his nati ve country l?oked ter ibly e m ac1at;i . 1 l "I don't know, " amwered Jemima., rath er i . a lm ost a skeleton y w sa "It was a m er cy you were n ot killed , ' . t1 r p a woul d say if he cau ght yon was t at d ie:conso l ately . be w as im p ·i soue d by the Shah of hes sta.ndmg aro und p ic u y r? sse d the m - had ploughed f earfully d eep furr ows upon h · . I began Aunt Jem's ti·emb l ing lips ; L1;1t Rob Sunda 1 "l t ecoll? t that bon net. I th ought it inten·upted . her w th another vociferous , . request f the British M ini ster . se!ves. 'l'he man stretc , 10 d iimself' and bis face . _ However, he had, at. a ny rate, the t a the Persia ! . . . l e mem ber Litf le BoY--S Y ! He wo ul dn' t say no - Now. th at he ht looked fam1har, anu is escaped from this bondage cried -s creamed- for w ater. . now. It , "Oh , loo k !" a_nd _pomted .to a bnsk . satisfaction of knowmg tat lus arrival as b onfi re ' . · o wi t h h im, thin'. . hat t was one my daug hter Snsa.n wo1·c for a s ea ; that was spnnglllg up m f r is feared th:\t he t w i l l make ilnother_ effort it No one knew at firs .w creD. e t he lll e n s a t i o a t h a n g r ea t e r s d a ont of them. , son or so, and t hen gave to. your mother, , . Jemima 's bleachi g apparatus had bee , to secu rn the th rone. He is Etill considered but at las t the h appy idea stuck _ somebod y c ommg even of any G oe:n or of late years . n n . pm-sued Aunt Hester, growrng com plac en t overturned, and the co ls emp _ pass ag a ny Afghiln warriors a the greatest that this ma.n had uo p aid by m. T he C ustoms ? ficer 1s m a fix; e c r:. The Park Preacher. tied out of the I, over th e memory of by gne b e? e vol en ce . . p n lrn.d set the barrel m. a ral that ever h el d a governo rsh ip in his money, an d c ould , th eref ore: be m 10ted fot soa.rcely d etrm me to wh ,t rate-hst of ta.ri bl_aze . A huket a sIALL BoY-" Father, may I o ove to gen e , . "It is a very . cx;ccllen t braid, w i th a great or two of w a ter soon extmgu_1shed the re . native laud, and the rebel s would undoubt. somethrng or other sm·el:i;. A.nJ how, _ h e -i;h e " m an m the box It 1 · elongs: fi ; Queen 's Park, to hear t.h e idiots preach ! , deal of ".l'ear m 1t. O a t of sh ape o be sure, but al as f r the bonn t edly flock to his standard i n greater num bers had no fried s, and should go t? th statm. hought, however, tha h yr1ll be mclu ded ! rt was wofully FA'l.'T!F.R _ -"Idiot s ! Why, whom do y o u th n v r ? H ro h an is b t er, Yak oub, He was given o·er to a. polwt before. but I thmk ,Ji; c ould he made o ver m to a very bla ckened mste ad of wlutened, and burned a e e :m_a m th e "unenumerated aihcle17 an d p a.y ten , call idiots ?" v ho is still a State prisoner in India, h as be- carri ed to the stat:o u , wher e h e s l111 eked for p er cent. ad val01·em duty on lnm self suitable bohi:i:et for you . " beyond ;i ll possibility o f making over . . SMll.LL BoY -" W hy , the fellows who say : . 1 _ . 1 ome Ml imbeoilefrom excessiYe indulgence so meth iu g to eat. . T his i th e second ms Th<;i " very ex cell ent " aricle ha l appea,r : . The grnup gath rcd about th rums m tnce of a sh ipm t there is no Cod." ,, stoi y. H e was a, of th_ I in alcoholic liqllors, and Ayou b t here ore 1 By-and-by . ie told s ed old enou gh aP d ugly enough before hut d1sm11.y, m a rn first d mg a ser h e k d, e ? c n c h l were r o y c the gir · i <l qm k t FA·rnFn-"Oh you mean the mfidel s . claim the th r on e by rig ht of su cces sion. West Aust ral mn convict, a"d wan te d to ge t who proved , an un desuahle colomst. it looked a trifle older and uglier still tc tect the look of trouble in Aunt Jem's face, ' ' _ __ , He could n'. t book a 1 : E;gla.nd h as goocl. reason for a.nxiety as to away. ss age, because poor Jemima now, th o ugh she scarcely k new and even they underst?otl the cas e well . . . vements. hio mo L nts and pohc.e k:iew b1i:n, so b e ega t;he ag why. She turned it about on her hand, an d enough to k no that articles destroyed were -··--· -->1--!he G erm a.u authorities !n Al sace- orThe following civil s er vice probl em was th a 'l'l e.d a friend to pu t him ml? th!s box, fell to wonder ing a l i ttle drearily why it not a l way s easily replaced. I rame have stopp ed the grantu_ig of al hunt _ . . and a few b1scmLs, and m a:d- ask ed at the recent ex aminations :-If a was she never had thing new -anything . "No one hur t, I hope ?" said a voice jst ing licenses to the .l!'rench residents m th e Be guard ed Ill d" lSc ou rse, attent' ive and little water . dition he had with him a sn all sw , panmkm, liorse is sixteen hands high and oats sixty all her own. It seemed to h er that all her beside them-a manly voice, though a tnfle ann ex ed provinces. slow to speak · · ir J 0h n ? screw-driver, auger and bits, ch isel , matches, cents per bushel, how 0ld is 8. ; life she had hceu obliged to build upon other hurried a.ud anxious, I parture . , "t " Send it to a mi d h mer ']]' 1 v _ as A v e vei bl e a;-h ed and m ad e_ ove1. so easy t t· k Y d to g1v, but not a ;fmt d th e circumsta.nce, ?mmen e t 11 t e No left to herself aa.m . b: : b : " e it bonn et, you will have to u se wed over by my own fi ngrs, and _e u h n . Ic ohers , and ta:k a o - l c,ch mg as our pas t si er g give vou. P_ity , on m , ,Y grandeur, hut it c an t be helped. . . She was an energetic httl woman, and so in a very short space of tune she had ar ranged iu the back yard a closely coveed . kl e with a!rel, wi th a. pai; of co al s sprm on msto!le p la ced m the bottom of it, a.nd f _11 k - qm,e The Storm Cloud in the East, There wa a. time when Abdur a.h man, wh'·1· , fr. ghsh : ! by llhc sold ier s and treasurs o the Et I w a.s Ameer of Ca bul m li eu of 1 acub· Khan, de posed , was known aa " the storr n ------ -----: · ta.n. nut Abburra.hman 1s 'u bird of A fg han tS r eporte d_ on trustwrthy a \l th rity to _b e bed· i , !Il a · ri dden, 1f n o t moribund, and he wil l con· I Th · If even y et bewildered by the affM. 0 seq uently be no lon ge.r regar d ed as a fit lead er must have been soinc t:arelessness m load mg . I J even by his fello w tribesmen , the D urams, the stone, I supp o e ; for when . we w r · to say n othing of the Gh i lz ai s , who of late / I · p art - way up th e hill the wa.gon tilte d a. it I tried . h t-0 r eass er t the asce ndau cy tle, ncl the stone lipped off and canw w hich they m 11i n tai n ed in the l 11st century. Its force was crash1n_g down 'fhe roJE, oi pretender which he used to play I see It 1as before it reached your , is no w tn be assumed with equ al e n.ergy a d done damag.e enough as 1t 1s , and a s 1v1 ft , Is offering the Balance of her I a fair pl'n>ipect of suc cess hv Jue eonsm comprehensive glance swept flower beds and Ayoub Khan, the bro th er of Yac ub Kbanf t en bshes. bro J . . . aud th erefore , of e ourse, a son of the once re. '. Nothmg vey senous-:-no th m b t wh a t d oubtabl e Shere Ali. a bt tle l ab or wi t m ak e righ t aga1r , _c om _ _'!.' he esc ap e of Ay oub Kho.n from Per . 1a ageously_ a_nd p oh tcl:\'. r esp o nde !11. iss Jem1bo des evil to the C abule se ma, not1c mg the d1rect1on lus eyes had _ n ae ount of not o nly o Anglo-Tndia;n patron, . tak en . _ · · and tiie m testme . dIS· h is personal qua.11ttes ' . No, it won t, m er pos ed JY.l,ilster Iedcly, 1 o.rder of Afghanistan, but also he c a. se 1t !S , " 'c a.use . A1:nt Jem s bon e wh at sh e had I im possibl e not to detect the hand of R ussia I ll burned up'. I a -blea.ohu' ,m th e ha. n : el i a i\ on th e in cid ent . T e Shah woul;l uever have --A T-It was gom to e h e r ' ind y s t one, t_o '. risked , by ilny unmteu_dccl rci:iiss:iess upon , v he can t go to ill . leeh u nor nhm , an no s his part, the large audsidy, pai_d hun by te . only I II lend you y h.1t1 Aun.t Jem , Calcutto. Government for ke ep_mg AyoHb m 1 "Hush, l llsh, '.Ied_dy ! , w ln sp ere.d Am it captivity. He must ,have d eh ber a r ey c on· I ; . that slid Jem, presrng the_l!tle fat hand ni ved at h is prisoner s escape, and lns con - I e into her s, m appce;}ltlt10n of th offere d sy m· nivau ce can onl y h av e been purchased Ly I r o ddeuly , p athy, tbo gb her face gre w s t1 sy i;:uarantees o f equal or large emu eration i;. d and 1t requu·e some ffort to b tray no isussm i. pl mly the fro m another quarter. , No, sir ; th?re_ s not muc composure. only power interested m o uthi dd illg Eng harm done. I a.m thankful t is no worse. land for the p oss ession of a p ri n ce whose "So a I. Some one might have ben importance consists in h is bi li ty to m ake tealing s gravely, , d e r e w s n a he killed by it," trouble in Afghanistan. It is true that re a. c ri ous i;lanoe a the chared barrel mean ports diffel' as to th e d irecton taken by the while, ind p ond er g Tdy s rema.rk. Not f u gitive , but whethe h e w ent nor thward I . very well versed mrllrnery matter was straight into the Russia possessions r east- --------· -----==== Cade Barclay. A sister he ha d n ever h a d, ward toward 1:1.era.t, be 1s pretty c er tam soon a nd his mother had been dead now nearly to be heard of iu the Heratese region . a y mtr. Where the n eat, Q uakc:r- like b onne ts ; A oub Kh an woul d hardly undertake, to c f_rom cme f e i l m 1 her during ·worn she had I assa C abul from the north through Afghn it nev er occurre d to_ h1111 to mq urrc ; , '.l' llrkestan, bec ause that is precisely the dis , had that y e h t t certam felt he ut olerably h trict in wh i ch the inherited influence of the no t been coniured out of a barr el m the resent Amcor is stronges t. '1.'he ne w pre· back yard. He knew that there were places , ender i s , on the oth er hand, specially influ where such articles were s old , and fancied ! en ·ial in Hera t . of which until he was b e at that most Jatlies bo ugh t th em . .Brewing '. en" by Gen. Rober t s , he as the ruler, and them at h ome, iu barrels, i;ver a fire, struck ' nothing would be easi er than a sudden swoop him as rat he r an original plan, and he i upon the town fro m the .Kussitlu advanced 0 -- ..A. T -strongly susp ec ted , Teddy s l ament taken I posts on tht Murgh ab or the Heri . Rub. hortnc:sa I O a e s bl into account, that it indic ate d a i y , no d oub t, ' his followers upon n t of fu nds. He was very sorry for the m1 s uch an in cursion would be his own partisans, chief his rolling sone h ad caused, and h s 1 r ecru ited mn ong Afghan refugees ; but if pa.rti cnlar part of 1t seem e d th e m ost d1ffi - 1 their numbers happened to be swelJP.d by a cult u; remedy. rrood many T urco mans f ro m Merv an d Geok · " You must let me compensate as far . !LS jl l'epe and even some Orie ntal offieers in the pos ,,ibl e for the trouble I hav e ca.11:sed y o u , " Russ i an serv ice li ke Alilrnnoff, it migh t cost lie began ; but Miss Jemrr:a so qmck l y the Bri tish Fdrcign Office some time nd emi a looked up, met the kindly, que·. · tion in glance of a p air of blue eyes, a.· a h 1· B aclay. rec ogmz ed . She star ted ti e, not hvmg notic e h is , but s l ·. answered promptly, No, an· ; no one hu · 1 ' Ill · the 1east. " "Really, I don't know h? w such _an l · , ed , _ ? en t could hav h11.ppened h r e - ?. , J I " o j MILLINE RY AT RE DUCED PRICES .. mostly pent j }1 J ,, i M r s M o rr i s o n Summer Millinery , ,, . . / regime and it.s l I I I J 1 G R EAJLY R E D U C E D PRI C E S VT est End M illinery House. h G R E A T CL EA R/NB SA LE T 0 1 1 and '1 shelter, I with I j In order ·c;o make room for fall im portation s we will clear the balance of our summer goods o o. 1. 1 palm successful, than theAnglo-lndi3:u authoriies Fol} OW the Big Boot. CO M E EARLY AN O I N SPECT. C O S T. TOD BROS. J l a!- ) j "f , I whispe?d, I . . I I ht f ; ll I ou l ! except I l I I Kau, · h thmk formerrised the standard of revolt, making Hter ma_I nng " . ' ! gdt: g : o. :i. l M ere h ant T al · 1 0r & Gent's Furnisher J O S E PH J E F F E RY, supply u.stome1s, Jib a;n ? 1 , , 1 j j I tiny mooht I 1 :i { :: : , u l '; ensued. eyes had scanned every was there besides the eurren,t-bushes'. and m ! ;n I.he I I1 .<t.nde: '.I'.,' Qiteenfi 1e;. : i'.1 , lookmgyacka"'e r . , '!.'eddy. l . 'I I )he Y0 fi! r l :{jf ! th lbve · ao, f: J : :i IS o, to f - [ for · 1I C h i l d ren Cry for P itcher's Castoria