,~~!,!.J!.ili§"!.l~~li!SBW!m ~~~~Wltnl!~~fll1'l!fft'l'!... ,J.'llllM.i'P,-m,~8f~~_!l~~~~l'f9'~1f> ...,~ll~---~~!_-_!!§ sermons ."'il,Y "';~Y common rn Canadil,? FR E NC ~·i Some say 1 t is, Some, on the co utrary, sa.y WEDNESD.A Y. OCT. 5, 1887. Onr latest impor la,t.1011 has a rrived frorn France, an d we will be now It Shoul cl lie 'fl·ca t ccl. , that the ,a.v-emge sermon g iven is not,wor th glad to see our rrienc s ,,,nrl acqc111int ances and those with whom we· - - --- :----- - --·· -- - ·----·_,__ \Ve sh oul d fi rst r ecommend a milk-diet· t.ha s"ei.t !mg, and tllat, eo1Jsequcntly, it may have Ileen in corres1rn·ilfr>nce. in F·ct 1 rny and all w ho are in searnh of wit h. or 'Yithout crushed i b11 t a.ken iginal. nlan recom , iirst clues PlHWHKl:((J N':::; an d FHlUNCH UOACHElV:l, to look them to $8 a da y. Samples and duty FREE lukewar m milk, _ , cl ,1 as or 'd . , , f . . l The old ,· ovei·. We b ave an ('xception ·lllY ftue lot, and our stud is so larll;it men ,e u , 1 Jy -'1 c1 ison ,on f( flgo 111 1 ,as q uo.m t l,ii;,&i,not under the h or<e'sfeet. Write rus k . U n (ortunate1y , t h roug Il t h e h e, btt o 'liat all mny be ploa<e:'l We oil'e1 · the 'l argest number and g reatest; B RE W STER'S BAFF.TY REIN HOLDER usin~ hic;hly seasoned dishes from youth up, descrip.tion . of ~ow St,r l~r:wci: de Coveriey v11riety to select fr< m:. All our imported s tock is selected by MR. co!. ·Holl, Mich. we of ten find an aver sion to milk. 'l'o cover present ed !u s vicar with copies of a ll the F A H N UM himselt per'"onally in France, and he accepts nothing but its tast e with sweet is not to t he p11rpose, volume~ d wha.t he. thought the best s~rthe beat Ho1 ·ses of tbe ritost a11proved breeding. Our llome-bred Stock is u1 l 1he progeny of selected sires and dams bnt we h ave at times ad<led a small q uu.ntity i:nons, 1'od b~gged him to rn<J;ke a select~on of the best for m and mo·t desirable breeding, We guarantee our "' of malt extract. The addit ion of cognac t o from th em rot· Sunch1y nae m the p a.nsh stock. i:lell ou easy ter ms and at low prices. the milk, as is used with phthisical p·itients, An intelligent far mer who thought that chu rch, ~,eeim to be st ill greatly in fashion, We will be glad to nna_wer all correspondence p·omptly; but we ' is equally impmd,mt. The best thing to t he ba nks wer e not safe lives in E lba., :Minn, If this plan i n any degree prevails it is a would stroogly advise p ersons contemplating the, purchase of a hors<> give it an agreeable taste is a lit tle tabl e Ile sold a. farm for $2,000 ;.nd h1d the m uney p oor look-out for tbe ehri~·iaui ty of com in er or ruai e, Per.;her on or French Coach, to.get ou the train and come nnd s~e us. Catalogite free by Mail. sa.lt. Among other thin~s we may add a in hia house ; and in a fe w daya, while hi8 day s. l:'r1,,aching other people's sermon~ little cocoa, de prived of oil, but with little wife was at the spring get tin g a pail of must be the dr eariest work any body ever Are prepared to pay the high est price sweetening, and some interrup t ion, as in water, the money was stolen , and the house t ried. Brea.king stones on t he road must be ma.ny cases a.n a.version for cocoa se t!! in. set on fire and burned to th e groun d. · " h eavenly" iu compa.rison. Yet the fol- PROPRIETORS OF I S l ulND llONUJ S'J'OC:K l<'ARiU, UIPOlt'l'EltS A ND BREE DERS all kinds of Grain deliver e d at the Tea is in some cases t olerated when cocoa. H oney will b e very high t his y ear. T he , lowing is the way in which a. ~especta.ble Address all communic &tion s to Detroit, l'riioh.] G ROSSI<] I SJ.E. WAY NE ()0., llllCIUG AN, causes loathing, but coffee has a dysp eptic t hree leading honey p rod ucing States, Illi- 1mau recei;itly defended the prnctwe :_Wharf or their Store H ouse in town. T here is t he firs t, second, and .t~1rd class effect. Tea has a tendency, especially if nois W isconsin and Michigan have absolstrong , to produce nervou s palpitat ion . of utely ' n o hon ey a ' t all · a nd in mfJ.ny ' p arts of of preachers . . ' Now ' as every m1mster dif · t he hear t , and, if left too long on t he le!l.ves, these States the bees'are being fed 0 11 sugar fera m bram powe.r, k nowledge and talent, dyspep sia. If none ot the b everages can be to k eep them from starving, L ast y ea.r wh~ should th~ thirc~ class not u se t he mo.taken, we may at first use soup for break - California sen t honey to the E Bst by t he ter1.als of t he firs t, m order to .do good to OF CANADA. fa.st. Amylaceous substances here especially car load. this year they ha.ve scar cely their h earers, all the m ore as i t hurts no their place, and in the pr epa.ration of enoug hfo'r h ome consumption. one, and plea.,ses t he firs t, c!a.ss p reacher s, Cl&pUnl paid up, $1,000,000. _,,,,_ Rest, $2611,00 find such among these o.s barley, oats, rice, &c., · who do not obJect, but t & ke it as an honor. In Palestine, T ex ,, la.st \Vecluesda y night VVhy, some of them invi te t his, a s d oes R ev. Thie B ank ls pr epare d to do Legiti· the precaution to have them long and thor. oughly boiled should b e given. F or a sec- Mr. J ohn Rampy a.n d a neighbor climbed a W . Birch, junior C Ba.pl iet), 1rfanchester the mate Banking in all its branches. Farmers notes discounted ; Deposits ond breakfo.st, some bouillon free from fat, big tree to watch for wol ves. About mid- prince of gospel pret<chers. Ho w. ofte~ has zeceived and Interest paid on a.m ou12te of with an egg; at Iioon, a plo.te of soup, with night the w olves appeared . The neighbor Dr. Guthrie's sermon, " Behold , I etand at portion of ex tra.ct of meat. blazed away at t hem, and turned just in the door and k nock, " baen preached a.nd W5 upwards in Savings Bank Depa.rtmeut; corresponding The last mea.lof the day ought to be ta.ken tim a to eee Mr. R a.mpy drop to the ground great good done? I copied it out l ..tely for DRAFTS at least t wo hours before going to bod, and a dying man. It is supposed th a.t tho trig- a. Methodist l ocal preacher in Grantham, Issued and Collections made in FJnrope should consist of beef t ea, with eggs an d ger of his shotgun must h9'YO caugh t on a who "'Titos t hat i t was h ighly appreciated United Stat.ell imd Oanada. stale white bread. Milk may at any time t wig. Any way he had shot himself fatally. by h is hear ers. Remember preacher s canTON ES be taken in .p lace of one of these meals; s o Jona.than Bell of OJJ:lethorpe count y Ga. not be all ori~inal t hinkers. All the bes1' · W. J, ' ' Ag·n rnwaatyer.eggs beat en with a little salt an d had his coffin m ade a number of year~ ag~'. though ts possibly h ave been u ttered, so t hat H e told his friends a few days a.go that he p oor pr?achers do well to use all they can, According to physiological experiments would soon d ie a nd to send for his coffin, only p r ivately acknowle<lge w~at t hey owe on digestion, boiled albumen appears to be H e then ordered it m a.de w aterproof, a.nd to. ot h ers , and not strut as did _the daw more easily a.nd ra.pidly digest ed, b ut in h e had the m akers fill it full of water, screw ~tth ?arrowed fee..thers. Some t une ago, Twenty-five cents extra will be charged when accounts run Y r tt nt· n is dire cted to the immense rea.lity ra.w tt!~umen is more easily p ep toniz - t he lid on, !l.nd turn it over and over. They m Le~th , there was a ~ruel cas~ of a Pre~10 ou a e t k f ed t h an the solidly cook ed lnmps of albumen, did so in his presence, and h e was sa.tisfied, I byterian pastor worned to g1ye up h is 8 over one month. oc 0 bcoa.u se the movements of t he atom!lch separ - H e died t h(;l n eic t d ay and W!W l!!.id a.w&y to cha.rge, bec~u ee he preached t!1e _ s ermons of ate it ea sily, a nd it is soon saturated '"'._ith I others, whwh t hey call plag1ar1sm. T hey ga11tric juice. r est. . were bet~r thl\ll the ffi(liU could coin, so lf t he appetite gr adually returns, and the Golden t r out. a.re only found m the br ook s ' why not use them ? It !s of no u ee sa.ying ' -- of every description a.t articles of food named arc tolerat ed in larger of Mount \Vh1tney, 11 P n enr t he banks . of such men sh ould not be in the pulp it ; t h ey Al\!1 . l lll '~LY'S quan tities, we may intercalate another perpetual sn?w· They ha.ve a golden st1:ipe are t here, and they form three-fourths of ' . n1' · ·i ~ mea1 : tho soup may also be prepared tram d own ea.ch s1 .ae, and. ar e !he mosb b eautiful t he ministry of every sect. scrapped beef, an<l the latter eaten w ith it. fish t hat sw im. ~tis sa.id tha t t hose who A good mi.ny p eople, it is said, make a She has just ope ned o ut one o f the largest Gradually a. saucerful of the articles already saw 11he fi rst specimens of these trout t h.at fairish living by wr iting sermons at ha.If a. and m ost stylish stocks e ver brought mentioned may be taken every two or three wer e brought down from t he hea d of W hit· guinea a piece. They are ready to give to town, consistin g of: , h ours, This amount will be sufficient for a, ney Creek thou ght the,y were made up for t heir p r oduct ions any shade of orthodoxy long time, t he show, a.nd t h_ at ~tripes of gold lea.f ha.d or h eterodoxy, accor ding a.s the cuetomer 1'I i 11 i D cl" Y, Dre !!I s Silks, H ,'under t his r egimen, gastric digestion been gl ued t o their sides. plea.sea. F urther t han this surely degradaV~ lvets, &c,, takes a norma.l a nd r apid course, the sense Deat h V alley, Nev. , is to be t urned int o t ion oannot go, t hough , poesibiy, a good of hunger mu,y be felt oftener t han ever y an ostrich r anch. A Mexican has fo urteen many congregations wonld be pleased with with a very fin e etook of F eathers and ~wo or t hree hours, b ut t h e patient should well gr own ch icks t h at he b atched out t her e 1 t h e change, if the plan were adopted. nqt y ield to his cravings. T he time will at hie little ran ch from eggs br ough t from 1 lt , lower s. c-:--b~ve ~r:rived ~t Ca.11 a.nd i nspect this fine display, which then soon arrive when more consistent food the neighborhood of Los Angel es. '.l'heeggs ' cannot fail t o give sa.tisfaction, can be taken, especially properly cooked wer e buried in th e h ot sand, and of nights Profanaty. meat . The opinion tha.t so, called w hite the .ground wa.~ covered w ith .blankets to '.l' her e ia no doubt a large a mount of p ro· meat is especially well borne has uot al ways reta.10 th e b eat it a.bsorbed durmg the da.y. fanity going. Nobody wh o has ea.rs ·ca.n been confirme~ it;1 pi;actice. I t may, perhaps, T he ranch is about 220 feet b elow the level doubt t,h at . Old and young are more or be the case w~th p1g~on and chicken, &c., of the sea, less gmlty of the fonl, low sin, and some bn~ the veal is certa.iuly barel y tolerated, Forty-h ve years ago there wasn't a post· from whom better things might ha.ve been o_wm~ proba~ly, to the largea.m~rnntof gel~ · age stam in the Uni ted States says th e e~pected! ar e gu ilty of in this way sinning tine it cont ams. As a ~.ul~, boiled m eat 18 Buffalo Dotwier; but in the lMJt twolve with their .toni:z.u es.. Bnt after all is there better tolerated than roa.t ! a_nd, co~d roast montlis the peop le of this country have in -; not somethmg like im provement to be noted better t han warm., a,nd t his rn part1cularly dividua.lly and sever ally put t heir tongues I even in this? The generality of p eople do true of ga.me. W i th the. latter, fat gravy, out 1, 968 ,341 , 000 t imes to inoisten the pos-1 not now swear so much as they d id a. gener~n.d ~.he fat of por~ especially, ~la.ya .<~ very lK't"e s tamps for t he billions of letters and [ttion a~o. No doubt a good ma.ny who still ~nJut wus par t. At~eat not to~ strongly sa.lt~d mlllions of newspapers, periodicals, !lnd par- would hke to be thought gent lemen use pro- Una pproached for is v:ell b.orne, bu ..· t h e smokmg process will eels that are carried and delivered by t he fa.ne la.nguage more or less frequently, but not nearly to such an extent as some supTone and Quality. spoil t his .ad-v:1mtage. T~e flesh of geese Government. and ducks l a difficult to ·digest. . pose. There are members of Parliamen t who CATALOGUES FREE. _ Most, patients w ill dislike to, dispense .T he family of Joh~ G . Rnssell 0 ! l3runs- 1 are st ill sufficiently foul-mouthed , low, vu}, with vegetables, but t h e very lightest of wick, M e.,, Wl\S considerably surprised t~e ga.r, bla.sphemons, a.ud even some mioist ers t hose only should be allowed until a fter im - other when, from op en flue m · th' h hevenmg · t f an 11 d of t he Crow n arc m ie r espec t n ot w h a,t provement h as n.ade som e progress; we ma.y t e _c nnney, a s ream 0 swa ows poure they ought to be. Still this habi t and busit hen allow carrots spinach and tomatoes · until the house wa.s actually full of t hem. ness f f . d let tuce and salads and ei:pecially pota~ T hey-perch ed on t he pictures and the furni- more~0 Er~ a.he ;wearm gl core~! m~re an d 0 salad shoul d be st;ictly forbidden If t he t nre, and many of t hem clu ng with their 1 h et ~ t.e ofn as lah ow Y n.c gun.tr h · · 1I t th I th' f th b f h Y c ar ac eris IC o coa · ea.vers unwor y patient chafes under t be prohibition of a!l 1 caws o e co mg 0 e mem ers o t e of an h 0 h t h 8 r1 ht ' t 1 · l0 kinds of preser ves he may w hen convales- family. Th ey seemed to be quite tame, beingyt~ne ~ astl e es ca~~· cent partak e of stewed cranberries strain- and wer e w ith difficulty driven out. a.t,· II aboou u tg 1.e·a. genCeh~ant.' 0 Wsay no ttng , . , ;. " mg a ns um. ere one o ed a.nd ~weetened. D yspeptics cannot bear A saloon keeper named K eeley, who ha.d count up, he would not find above h1:1lf a. raw frm t at all. been unable to make a living in Sau F ran- do:oBn members of the Toronto Local Pu.rliaIn '.I'll case~ whcr~ cir cumstances "'.ill n ot cisco, lately went to live on a far m, owned ment who coul d re11.lly be classed as habit p e.rm1t_ the ~tet whlCh has be.en described , a by his wife in E l Dorado coun ty, whore h er and repute swearers, and they are th e most milk diet w:1ll be . _th~ best thmg. Or whe,n moth er, Mr s. Dart , died a few years a.go. ignorant, uncultivated, vulgar ruffian! in - -p~ace l;'nd t11!1,e .ttre favor able, Krukenberg s 'l'ho old lady was supposed to be rich, but the whole Assembly. A t Ottawa, t he numdircct10~ : \Vhen you are h~mgry eat no money could be fou nd a.t the time of her her of such is consid erab ly greater , yet butterm~lk , .~ncl when you are t hirsty dr m_ k death. In order to make th~ house ha.bi- there, too, they are all essentia.lly of the , b~tterm1lk, should be observed. . T b~s table t he Keeleys bad to p ull down the same low, nnnurtured type of manhood. - .BYnulk freed from the la.r~e ma.as of ci~sem?, ~s . chimney, and t her e, embedded in the I n a moment of unusual excitemen t of pasa r~a.l panll;cea, an~ a dietary course ?f it ts masonry, was f ound a. box containing $28,. sion, some m ore may give utterance occa· easily carried out m the coun_ try d urmi;: _ the 1 · 000 in gold coin. , sionally to a vigor ous, vulgar objur gati on I/II' I am tully prepar ed to attendFuneraleoa aummer sea.son. But caut ion prescribes or two but it is their weaknese from early ·-ft that should not be ta.ken simulta.neousl~ Some mon t h s ago Col. Joseph S. Ba.ughn, ' d t' t' · mper f' the Short est notice, a t the lowest poasl ble r1 .....,.. · it · an d cor aaaket s and Bnri&lCases ready on s hor t noUco with other food as the rule not to drm an Og Ie th orpe, G a., b aohe Ior, a d ver t' ised f or · ci te ec. N e t uca th ·ton, h b't t h r up . m~ . a.sso· Of Fire\-class hearse on very moderate ter ms when you eat 'and not to eat w h en you a. wife, and received from a.l\ over t he coa 8 ' th 0 eir f a. i or . eir priNe. t Shrouds and Coffin s constantly on hand. Fun d rin k is even 'more imperative for dyspep- United Sta.tea more letters tha n he could i ~he ol,e ref,a rb e a ~w condsp1cuf ou s es borst eraloarde suppl!ed aionce. Furniture Shop II: tic· th~nfor per sons« uffering from ad1'pos1 ' t,y ; conveniently answer . Being a. kind-h eart· tnh e r edo . o scu tntyda.~h pro aneness, u f Show Roo~Bouneall'sNew Block. ~ ed h d " t 'b ' - d f t h t , eae nre y 1ag ou an " e younger race o - -M ANUFA C'l ' U RER O F - _ - - - - ---P a.t1 ents are most difficult to mana.ge m reman , e IS n u.,., severa1 o ese 1e · t h I te f th d 1 ·1 'th I 0 61 can live at home, and mak , more gard to · t h eir diet after. th ey begin ' to feel t.ers itmong his ba~holor frie~ds, w ho op ened co;i~~:~ore:~ ersi:ten~v in a.;~ei~ ece~li!~ money a t work for us, than at any better · and when, m consequence of correspondence wi th the wnters. Ai least d t t Ph b th d ' ' ' ' ., 1~ thing else in th is world, t. o oaplt&l t heir 'long fastin>' and their neces- t hree weddings will be the resul1 of this p epta.rl men ' has a.ve een ft e tshipperbe needed; you a.restarted free. Both . . "l · d b · th t f h d .,n a oona w o, now, one a er e ot er KING STREET. BOWMANVILL sexes ; all a.gee. Any one can do t he w 9rk. sarily reduced cond1t1on, a. strong desire for oorrespon enoa, one emg 9' o a an - are h JII' ff t h 8 t 0 N 0 h Id Large earnings sure from first start. Ooatly food is manifest ed, a u adequate addition of some young merchant of Lexington, who i 8 u ln~ 0 e !l.$ · I t e wor Ha e now on hand a number of v,ehloles (and is ~anufaotur!ng a great many more) o,r the ne outfit an ~ terms free. Better not delay. Coats f t 0 f t h . . 18 . t .11 t l , opened correspondence with a. South Oaro- s i;iot gett!Dg worse m the ma.t~r. of p ropattern s and best finish, which I am ofl'e rmg for sale a t the loweist prices oonsistont you notln ng to send us your address and find a e proper cons ency wi grea Y I r ,b ll fam ty If men a.re not better Cllnst111.ns a. t with due regard to workmanship and quality. The followinr!'ia a list Qt ont..,L if you are wise yon will do so a t once lessen the danger of excees. m~ ~ e. , . least they ha.ve more self-respecb and' are t h e prlnoipal vehiclei! lll!lOU!a9tured by mg , H . U ALLJJ:'rT & Co.. Portland, Maine. ' , ,~wenty-~ve years a g o John Grundy, of more anxious to appear at least wha.t ie now D ou ble Covered Carr i ages ... , .... .,............ ......... .... .................. 11o15o u · ·pwa'111 -~ 111 P I d 1 h f t h t t ' Billous Attack ' .11 a. e p ia, was one o . e mo! exper more generally t hought gentlemen. I Ph t a.nd proeper ous of the marble cu tters of that ing e re one. ·· .. ............. ........ ·· ... ...... ... ... .......... ...... .. .. .. 100 II T his is tho p opular name tor au affection city. Then he went into politics, was sueOpen Buggy. .............. .. .......... ... ... .... ........... . .... ...... . ........ 70 HORSE~ Cheerfulness at Meals. Top Buggy..... .. ......... .... ................... ... .... . ..................... ... . 90 Island Home Btook with which most are familiar. T he name, ceseful, and was eleoted Alcler mttn for sev. . Democrat W agon...... ...... ............ ....... ............. ......... .... ....... 65 Farm, Grosae Isle, h owever, is somewhat d ecep tive, and often era! ter ms. Then he took t o drinkin~, lost Mich., Is very co11Teo leads to in judicious trea.tment. It ia doubt- I h is office and his employment and became a It IB said by med_ i cal authorities tha.t L umber Wag ons....... .. ...... . .. ....... ... .. .. . ...... .. . .... . . ....... .......... 55 nlently l ocated tor seta. h t mtea.h is i ts a gr~at promoter of L ight Wagon.. ......... .. .. .. ....... ............... .. ..................... ....... 40 11 Canadians, being on fu! if there is any special ailment of t he) ra.g picker, a.nd his wife was a rag· sorter ~heetrhfulned nd went t-0 the ea , ~n . a. w a ever mcreahee agreeE an Island ill Detrotc liver in t h e case. It is probably only a brief, l unt il she became blind & 11 75 xpr ess ag on.... ... " "" ... " .... ·· .... ...... ·· .. ... . .......... ............. .. River,ten miles below functional disorder of t he digestive system. poorhouse. The other d ay he staggered able soC1al mterc?urs~ a.t table is ther efore 11 Windsor, Ont. Pur- Thia i~ the general view of the medical pro- into hie garret with a whisk13y bottle, a.nd a matter of pract1c~l importance. I n fact, Skeleton .. ....... ... " ....... ... ·· ·· ....... . ... . .. .... ··· . . .. .. . . · .... ..... .... .... 50 chasers will -And a fesaion. 11 four days later his dead a.nd decomIJosed one ~f t he strongest p leas in favor of d inner S ulky ......... " ..... ..... .. .. ·· .. ··· · .... · ...... . ... ............ ·· .... · . ..... · ·.. ·· 40 1 l&rg1,. .iumberof pure It is a. m ild form of a cute, as distiuguished ! body was foun d lying on the bed where he parties, large au~ s1;lall, public or p rivate, Poese&sing suportor ra.cil!ties for ma nuractnr tng carriages, I Intend to sell very oh~ap tor oq, bred and grade P&I· lions, brooo noarea from chronic, dyspepsia, induced, it may f'e , ! had died. the fa.ct.of social mtercourse at a.nd after or approved credit, a nd by so doing I hope to greatly increa se my number of ealee. Wo11lcl &nd colta of all agea by indigestible food, over-eating, p hysical ' d1~er bemg fa_ vourable to health. It is sell the wood po.rte only. or the u:earlngs ot buggies Ironed, to select from. i l pure bred stock, hlr' exha.oRtion, excessive brain work, violent ! TheRattlesnake's :Bite pronounced by. h igh aut horitythatsolitary lstered in tbe French and Atilerlcan Stud Book& emotions, or by genera l cttre and worry. It · meals are decidedly d lfiicult of digestion, "-' Prices reasonable, stock guara,nteed. Lo~ua is more liable to occur in the spring , beF ew people understand the ~abits of a.nd t hat ther e is no s ituation in which diges· At the Sh ortest N ot ice, Painted a nd T rimmed if Desir ed , trated Catalogue tree. S4T.ua: a l'J.wrna. DftaOn'. lfllu. cause, while one continues to ea.t the same rattlesnakes, consequently there is · good t10n goes on so favourably as during the At t h e Fa ctory I also do Planing, Matchln1t, Turning ami S&wlng w ith Circle, Band r Sor food a.nd in nearly t he same quantity as in ; de:i.l of unnecessary fear regarding. bhem. cheerful play of sentiment in t he after-dinSaw!I, and pr0pue all kinds of lumber tor carpenters nd others tor bullding purposes, wint er , the power of the system to assimi- ! In t h e first p lace, a rattlesnake "Vlll not ner small-talk of a genial social or family Ornamental 11.n d Plain P ickets for t enooe in every style required , made to order . late food is reduced. / ch ase you, and in t he second place, it will ' circle. More tha.n this, the merrier the M The. m ost prominent symptoms of ' not at tack you unless y ou come upo~ it in semhl y, t he better their d igestion. " Lc..ugh" biliouauese " are loss of appetite, nausea 1 such a. way that it cannot es.cap~ w1 tho~t ter," says n. fa.mo~a d~ctor, ."is o1!'e of the ' attackmg. If~ rattlesnake 1 s d1lturbed it grea~st helps to digestion w it h which I am a ll classes with employment a t home. the (sometimes vom iting), coating of the tongue, I whole of the time, or for their spare momonts, fJ.D u npleasant tast e headache an<la. general usually sounds its rattle and males off, but acquam t ed; a.nd t he custom prevalent Businesa new, light and profitable. Persons sense of ailing '(mal~ise). ' / if you _ com,e up~n _ it suddenly .M~ it has to among ou~ ancestors of excit ing it at the ot either sex 00.~lly oor n from 50 cents to $5 per Those may have been preoeclod by a feel-; fight , l~ will coil itself "?; po1si, i ts hea~, table by Jes.ters a?d _buffoons was founded eveni ng, a nd a proportional sum by devoting a ll their time to the business. Boys and gi1'16 ing of fatigue, and u.ching in t he back 11,nd and strike at you down war~. I he fang~ on true:med ic<_1-l prmcJ_Ples, What nourish· earn nearly as much as men. That all w ho see limbs. Some times, in persons inclined t hat j tu,rned u.p ~nder the upper iaw, ai;id as it m?nt one r:ce1ves amidst m irth and jollity this may eend their address, nod test the busl- wtty, t he h eadache becomes what is known , trikes tlu s w thrown out and ctts m to the will certamly produc;, good and , light neE'I!, we m a.kc this oil'er, To such as a re not , j flesh. It is as. sharp as_ a raz·r, a.nd goes blood." well satisfied w e will send one dollar to pay as "sick hea.dttche." As to treatment aside from medicine and ' through a t hm boot h ke a. steel blade. for thtJ trouble of writ ing. F ull pa.rtioul&rs Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the a.nu outfit fr ee. Address GEORGE STil'iSON IJl, ton ics, which shou'Id be perscrihed by a doc- I! Wllat is ~he .best ant idote? Vl'hisky, Th e Co. Portland. Maine. tor, th e ma.lady u sually presen ts little diffi. ma.n who.is b it ten by .a. ra.tt~emake, shoul.d When She Muses, Look Out. , LIVER, STO~IA.CR, K I D1"EY S A.ND B OWELS. culty. Says Qua.in's Medical Dictiona.ry, I have whisky pour ed mto hm until he 1s "Papa, how do they catch monkeys ?" in. Th . . t e an d res t ore to h eaIth D eb"l"t ' t u t ions, ' " Sueh attacks are moat effect ually prevent- I too drunk to stand, and he shmld be ~ept quired Willie, who ha.cl been to the m ena.ey 1nv1gora. l l at e d C onst1 and ed by care£ nl regula. tion of diet , · and the ! drun k for two or three days. l'h~ one poison gerie. are invalu able in all Complai nts i nciden tal to Female& of a ll A ges. For car eful avoidance of exposure to cold, fa. counteructs t,he ?ther If he Jai; t be ma.de "The best way nowadays, I th ink , is by Children and t h e ag ed t h ey are priceleaB. t ig ue, and undue mental exertion a nd au:xie- drun~ t here ls little hope fo1 him. I h~ve ~ea.ns of a double-barre led bustle an d t riple ty ; when th ey come on, abstinence from seen it stated t hat. a ~ottle of turpen~me size cart-wheel hat and a. fancy parasol. " - .i food is desirable wi th rest in t he recumbent tur ned upon the b ite will d:aw t he poison " Yes," remarked ' Villie's moth er mus· -I s a n infallible remedy for Bad Le!!s, Bad Breasts,. Old Wounds, S nP"I postur e, and p e;fect quiet." out in the shape of a greenisl cloud t ha t will ingly , "I u sed t o he very mu ch addicted to ~ '"' . The writ er in R eynold's System of Medi- I float lip into white fluid , ?1t I have . ne\·er those little foibles before we were married." ·md Ulccrll, It ls fam oae for Gou t and Rheum atism, For dlisor dera of UH· eme says , "In the milder forms, a t olert<bly seen a test made of tha.t.. Lt'.e flesh will also - Ch eat it h aa no equ al. complete abstinen c~ from food for four-and· draw. out t h e poison, it is snd, and .I ~now 1 t""'or ~ ore Throats, Bro n chitis, Coug hs, Colds , twenty hours will frequently do much to. t hat lll ·some places, when ai;~rson is b.1tten New France and Old F rance are at sixes ward effect ing a cure. T his abstinence se- by a r att lesnake, th e first ;hmg done is to cures for the stoUfach that rest ot the organ k ill a ~hic~en, c?t i~ in ha.I,, ar:d while the a.n d sevens ou a highly important question. Gl.Il.ndular Swellings, and a.11 Skin Diseases it has n o riva l ; &.{le f'o't' contracted a nd eti:ff jol nts lt a ct s llke a cha.rm . so essential to the cure, After th is rest, flesh is still qmverm g pu· it wa.rm upon In Quebec, lay tr a chers h!l.ve been removed from t he schools in favor of clerics ; whereas ligh t farinaceous pu cldings may be allowed, the bite. 4 in Fran"e a law h as j ust been passed und er Manufactur ed onl y a.t T HOMAS HoLLOWAY's E11t abllehment , followed by a cautious return to a more - -- ·--- --· nourishing diet . " The simple ha.bits of t hae who live close which t he ecclesia.stios step a.side and traim d , lay teach&rs take their place. 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 633, OXFORD STREET), LONDO:h' T he t oo comm on pract ice of people who to nature are most favourrole to r eal human When a young mau sits in the pa rlor ta.lk- Aud are sold a.t ls. li«-, 2s. 9d., 4a. 6d., Us. , 2211., a.nd 3311. each Box 01 Pot, an( fancy t hat t hey are "bilious" of do,siug welfare. To live close to ta.t ure- which in themselves with cathartics, to "clear out genera.I m eans in a ccord vith nature- that fog nonsen se to his best girl- that's capi tal. may be had f r om a.11 M edicine Vendorathrou ghout the World. t he system, " should be d iscouraged, In is the cardinal axiom wlich n eeds to be ;,1u t wh en he has to s tay in of evenings a.fter Nevvspapel' Adve rtising Bureau, · Purchaser11 hould look as the I.abel OD ihe Pe&s aad Be:xea. If tbe r ddre t i· ey're married that's labor. most oases nature will cure t he patien~ if specially inculcated. 10 Spru c e S t ., N e w Yor k. u a ·533, 9:xfor cl Mreoi, J.oadon, theJ' are 1parloa1. Se:od tact.. for 1Qt>--Pa 9 e P a.m.phlo t. h e will give her a cha.nee. {g;auadittU ~f1lft$UUtU. HE.A.LTE. NERYOTI'S I'YSPEPSTA. $5 c:;-RAIN pnt up l ,OOO signsreacliug "Lookou l. for the locomotive" than t ile same irn 111ber r eading " Danger." And t he latter al" t h e most effective too D urmg , · t d ry wea+,} · ~"t ' t1 .1e recen , ier m ., · Pleasant the lrnb 0 'r a h~avy wagon ~ tru ck a gate p~st, and the frictiou was so greaG that it set tire to t he p ost, T he gate was burned u p, and also t h e urass for several yards in the loce,iity. "' It costsv.~~::~~~m:~::;,00 m o·'eto ! Isthe:~;::my:fu:r~::i~;r~:::·people's p ER C H E R 0 N C ()l!i,.C H H O RSES. I-IQ RS ES.~ Jno. McMurtry & Co. SAVAGE & FARNUM, STAND AR D BA N K MCDOUGALL & METCALF, are ottering Coal as follows : I I i Stove and Chestnut, .................. $6.25 L A D I E S'I 1 I I Grate and Egg,. ............................. 6.00 run 8 D: unl'1 M J LL I 'N E RY I . , :. I ILu MB [ R , SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & CORD WOOD A lways on hand a lowest prices. McDOUGALL & METGALF NEW SPRING GOODS the_, ,, I ! W°est End House. I I BELL &CO., Guelph, Ont. ,. and see our lovely Ladies, call Dress Goods. and see our handsome Gents, call Tweeds and Suit ings. t , c · UNO ERTAKIN L EvI MORRIS ,I Full lines of General Dry Goods now open for inspection. Our Grocery Store is replete with the Choicest Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, Glassware, Field and Garden Seeds, &c. JJQB llf lmcHW~~B,lfe HAINES' CARRIAGE 'WORKBi GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, D . · ·, Yo U CAR, RIACES SLEIGHS CUTTERS WAGONS &O s· I I PERC"ERON ' ! 1 · I I 1 w 118· A l l ·K 1 ' nds of V e h 1.nles R ep a 1" red Wor~mg Classes Attention !;!J~~~ HEALT H FOR A LL 1 THE PILLS I T H E Q I NT M E NT ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of ;any proposed line of advertising in A in erican papers by addressing ·--1···---- Geo. P. R owell & Co., Chlldref1 Cry for Pitcher'· Caltoria~ ··--··- -·--·MO - i < \>· - ·· .a... ..· ~ ·