Mrs. Moniaon's is the cheapeat millinAUCTION SALES. l\ 1 1"ISS DOWN, fashionable Dress and Port Perry Fair Notes. ery house in town. .lf,L Mantle Maker. Rooms over Mr. Hor!)i says Hardwaro Store, formerly occupied by600 yds Tweed Dress Goods, lOcto a SALE C.rncEJ.LED.-Mr. W . 1\1. McDon· Mrs . .W. Sandercock won lat p rize for ¥fas McPherson, 37-!w. yard at Tod Brot hers. ald's sale announced for Oct. 13, has lady drivers. · been cancelled. ORSE FOR SALE.-A HEAVY Dr. Potter, cffico and residence, Prow'.l'he judl{es h ighly recommended Mrs. ~.-<"-'~ farm horse. good to vrork, 6 years old. er's Block, King-st. , Bowmanville. 1- l;f, MR, S, C. HUN:Kl~G's SALES. Tole for a 3rd prize as a.n equestrienne. Can bes~en on Mr.A. E.C!emena' farm.Tyrone. For particulars and pl'ioe apply to A. E.Cr,BMIf you want a fair suit at a fair price to FRIDAY, OcT. 7.-Mr. John Stacey, Jot The Dominion Organ & Piano Co. 's F.NS or J . PERCY, J R·. Bowmanville. 38-tf ':for the Seaside. take in the fairs you cannot fare lbetter B and did infinite j ustice to th emselves at 22, con. 2, Darlington, will sell his t han calling at Jeffery's the T ailor. their concert on the evening of the third OTH;m. -~issLough is now prepared For Picknicking. valuable farm stock, implements, etc. day. to g1ve dally leseons in all English and Binges Cough Syrup cures coughs, colds, Sale at 1 p m. S ee bills for mathema~lcf\l branches; also French, drawing For Ca1nping Out. Visit ors at the Provincial say t he Port hoarsness, whooping COUf$h. PreS. C. H UNKING, Auctioneer. and music and vocal). Reaid· P er ry Cent ral was o. long way ahead 0£ it ence of Mrs.(mstrumental pared and sold by J. Higgingbotham & Wm, Armour, Scugog St. 39-2w" For Travelling. MONDAY, OCT, 10.-Mr. J as. L obb, in many respects. Son. A~TED.-LADlES for our fall a nd having decided to retire from farming, For pair of h orses or mares, imported 1"01· Staying Dome. The cheapest cashmere hose in Canada. Christmas trade, to take light, pleasant will offer for sale by Public Auction, or Canadian, harnessed in wagon, special work .at their own homes. $1 to $3 per day can Ladies' fine wool cashmere, full fashionon lot 30 and 31, con. 4, Darlington, prize, J as. L eask, 'l 'aunton. be quietly mP.rlA. \Vork sent by mail any dised, only 25 cents, at the Bankrupt tance. No canvassing, Address at ·once, his valuable farm st ock, implements, F or general purpose t eam harnessed t o A.R'l ' CO., 147 Milk St., Boston. CRESCEN'.l' ~~i'~ L~:g:~ Aca~ian story, entitled Store. etc. S ale at one o'clock. S. C. H UNK· wagon or democrat, special prize, 1st Jas, Maes, Box 5170 Call a t the Big 20 and see the New ING, A uctioneer. P arr, Cartwright. l W. Rase has rece1ved a stock of maWilliams Machine. Try thern before AR.M EOR S ALE. Being 100 a cres The Great Convenience and Luxury of chine needles and oil. New Williams, For single driver over 15 hands, L. A. 'f uESOAY, OcT. 11.-Messra. Farewell Tole, of lots 9 and 10, con., 2, Darlington, on 2nd prize. the day Rich and Full Flavored. White, Royal, Wan11,er, Lockman, Louis, buying and we are sure you will h ave n o Manvers Road, 1!: miles north of BowmanBros., of Woodland Dairy Farm, lot 5, For singl e driver 15k bands and under , vllle. Good brick house, com mo'lioua out· Sf lating Easy of Use Sin11er, Raymond, Osborne, etc. Call other. JAs. DEYMAN, Agent.. con. 2, East Whitby, will sell their valuWho1esome, imu · . ' at Big 20. ' buildings, well fenced and well watered, good Tod Brothers have received from a Wm. Sandercock , Bowmanville, 1st, able stock of 50 head of thor o' -bred Has beer. mostly in grass for some Economical, the General Fa.vonte, No F S II S Th F or Leicester Sheep, W . B. Allin & orchard. In capital state of culti v "'Lion. Will '· . REE ET OF . ARNESS.- . ompson manufacturer in Leeds 5 pieces Black Holstein and h igh grade cat tle; a lso seJI before Nov. let very cheap· :wor full par. Son , Newcastle, took 1st on aged ram, -Oheap Substitute for Peas, "Whea.t or & Co. will ('five gratis to the person buy- Cashmere bought under the value , selling six valuable horses (pedigrees furnishtlculara apply to JOHN ] 'OSTER, drover. BowBa.rley, but Genuine Mocha. and Old ing the mo;t goods at their shop during at 75cts, 46 inches wide, great yalue ·. 27-tf. ed)' See large posters. Sale at 12 shearling ram, sbearling ewe3, and 2nd manville. on ewes, ram lamb and ewe l ambs, and Mrs. Oliver Lasby, and Mr. and Mrs. Government Java. 1887, a set of all Nickle Single Harness o'clock. S. C. H UNKING, Au~tior.eer. Tl'lARM FOR SALJ.IJ.-80 acres, b eing Joseph Crewson, of Acton, and Mrs. J. THURSDAY, OcT. 13 .-'-Mr. ,V, Crawford, 3r d on ram lamb and shearling ewes. worth $25.00. L1 lot 17. con. ~. Darlington, on which are a.· W. L . Mason, Raglan, took several 1st house Nicklin and family, of Lowell, Mich., We are often asked how A.W. Cooper, and good farm buildings, well fenced lot 19, con. 2, Darlington, will sell 10 For Sale by Grocers and Druggists in and 2nd prizes in swine. and watered, about 3 acres orchard, good soi the bankrupt stock dealer, can undersell have been visiting at Mr. John Lasby 's. horses, 34 cattle, 12 pigs and a grain adapted for grain and Within 2t fu., iTh itb, Bottles. TRIAL SIZE 5 CENTS : all regular merchants. 'fhe reason is Geo. Wright, Bowmanville, won seven The Singing Class, conducted by C. N. separator, This is the largest stock 1st and four 2nd prizes on poultry. miles of Hampton and 3 miles of Bowmanville, Terms very easy, l!~or further particulars ap· simple, he deals exclusively in bankrupt Ruse, will meet in the usual place, Stock (Mention this paper.) sale that will likely be announced S. & P. Jackman, Bowmanville, took ply to M.A. JAMES, at the STATE£UVIAN Office, Exchange Hall, over Murdoch's store, on stock, and always sells 25 per cent. under this season. Sale at 1 p. m. See large two l at and fo ur 2nd prizes on poultry. 25-tt', Bowman ville. Friday, Oct. 7th, at 7:30. All t he old cost. posters. S. C. H UNKING, Auctioneer. Mrs. A. Varnu m, Solina, goi 2nd prize "Big plums !" $15, $16 and $17 members and any others who wish to F RIDAY, OCT, 14.- Mr. S. C. Hunking, on a fancy basket. OG LOST .-A young black Colli0 tweed and worsted suits all reduced to improve in singing should be there. with tour white feet, white tip on tail, lot 33, con. 3, Darlington, will sell his M rs. Jaa. Parr r eceiTed 2nd prize on white soot on breast Mid white strip in face. $10. B oys' tweed suits reduced 50 per The STATESMAN, or the METHODIST valuable farm, stock, impl@ ments, hay, homemade bread. bout Strayed from lot 18, B. F., Dar' ington, & cent. Boots and shoes reduced from 25 OBSERVER, or the W eekly Globe, Western nfor mation of his where:i.bouts Sept. 1st. & etc. Finding his auctioneering pat ronSylvester Bros., L i ndsay, took ]st prize will be thankfully received. Anv persons to 50 per cent. , at the Bankrupt Store, .d.dvertiset·, Montreal W itness, or almost age increasin~ so rapidly, he has decided for best and largest display of machinery . harboring him after this notice will be prose· next door to Murdoch B r o:>'. any other dollar weekly will be sent t o AC METCALl", Bowmanville. 39·3w" to give up farmin(!, h ence everything E. N. Varnum, Solina, was awarded cuted. IsA Famous Fly Powder will kill every UNI<NOWN . -There is no remedy known any. address from Oct. 1, 1887 to January will be sold. Sale at 1 p . m. See bills. six 1st and seven 2nd prizes on fruit. fly in a room i:a 30 minutes. to medical science that can excel Dr. lst, 1889, f or a dollar. Ord fu·a must be w. HEZZLEWOOD, Auctioneer. The receipts on Thursday were about Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry as sent to M. A. JAMES, B owmanville, Ont. SATVRDAY, OcT. 22.-The undersigned $1600 ; and the total recipts during the ENG . - SHAFTESBURY a cure for cholera morbus, diarrhrea, J J. Mason wish es tu1 t o annou nce has received instructions to sell by fair amount t o about $ 4,006. LIVERPO~ TEMPERANOE HO'i'EL, Mount pleasant. dysentery, or any form of summer com- t hat every watch, clock or article of The dinin g .hall t ents of t he Methodist 100 rooms, Three minutes' walk from Central public auction, the property of Mr. plaint affiicting children or .adults. e welry left in h is af;ore for repair has his Lime Street Stations, Night porter. Re-Frank Hall, on Lot 16, Con . 4, Dar- and Presbyterian Church es did a splendid and commended by Rev. Dr. Briggs, 'l'oront.Q, a.nd Gloves can be cleaned as by Young men and old, maidens and p.irsonal supervision and all work will be lington, consisting of farm stock, im· b u siness. Th e ' receipts of the for mer Rev. Chas. Garrett. Engt11.nd. 20-45. mammas will be glad to h ear t hat M. t urned out in perfect order and warrantplements, e tc. For particulars see were about $450 and t he latter about Mayer has received his new fall stock of ed and if not sat isfactory t he customer Positively no reserva. Sale at ] $ 400. OUSE AND LOT F OR SALE BY Several from Bowmanville and a. large fur goods, hats and gents' furnishings. will confer a favor by returning the artiAuction.-The undersigned hae receiv· o'clock. S. C. HlTNNING, Auctioneer. ed instructions from the Executors of the late cle and having any oversight corrected number from Darlington and Car t wright He has a Yery choice assortment, indeed. SATURDAY, Oc· r . 22,-The Execu tors of Ma.ry Ann Bedford, to sell by Public Auction, free of charge. See his new advertisement. on Saturday, Oct. 22od, at Beer's Hotel, in the ONLY 10 CENTS AT the l ate Mary Ann B edford will offer a ttended the P ort P erry Central: Yillage of Hampton. at 2 o'clockp.m., that very SALVA'rION ARMY. - Big Thanksi;iiving Those of our readers requiring anything for sale by public auction, a t B eer's W HAT I s IT 1 Not a snuff, powder or desirable rongh cast dwelling house with half in carpets should read Couch, Johnston Meetings will be h eld on Oct. 15th, 16th Hotel Ha>npton, at the hour of 2 liquid, but a preparation peculiar t o it- an acre ofland atlached, being the house own· ed and occupied bv the deceased Mrs. Bedford, & Cryderman's adve rtisement in this and 17th, conducted by M11jor Bailey, o'clock, p. m., a rough-cast dwelling self, E asy to use, pleasant in effect, in said village of ton. There is an excelpaper. They carry the largest stock of Chief-of-staff, Staff-Capt. Morris, D. 0., house, half an acre of land attached. Nasal Balm will p ositively cure cold in lent garden with good variety of a.ppJeq, and carpets held by any house in the county and family, A. D. C. L ewis and officers For Particulars see advt. and posters. the head, catarrh and kin dr ed d isorders. other t rees and small fruit.a. 'l'itle indisput. able, I mmediate possession given. Terms,and as they import them direct from the from Toronto , Oshawa, Whit by, Brooklin, S. C. H UNKING, Auctioneer. ' One Tenth Cash on dav ofSale : the balance in :t Pickering, Hampton, Orono, Newcastle, two weeks from d!'ty of sale, the purch aser · manufacturers no one can undersell 1 To Avow BALDNESS OR GREY HAIR. - to search title at his own expense. Executors them. Tyrone, Leskard and Courtice. Great TUESDAY, Oar. 25.-Mr. J ohn Couch, having decided to retire from farming Use Dr. Dorenwend's Great German Hair will furnish Deed, The property will bo sold Bowmanville Silver Plating Works, b~n quet on Monday, 17th, and all n ight subject to a reserve bid. For further particuwill olfer for sale on his premises, Lot Magic. lt keeps the scal p cl ean and free lars of p rayer. apply to THOMA· SYER, Esq., .fanetville, King-st, east. Plating in gold, silver - Con. 3,Tp. of Clarke, on above date, from Dandruff, and promotes the growth J . R. GA LBRAITH:. Yendor'e Solic1t.or, Bow· RESTORED. -Mrs. J. M. Phalen, of and nickel on all kinds of metals. Car or to S. C. HUNKING, Auctioneer. h is valuable farm stock, implements, · of the hair. It p r event s premature grey- nrnnvllle, Hampton Sep. 30, 1687 '10·td riage and harness plating at r easonable Sydney Mines, N.S., had chronic r.heumetc' Sale at 1 o'clock. S . C. H UNKING, n ess and stops all fallinQ: out of the hair. - - -- - ------ - atism for two years, and got no reh~f unrates. Knives, forks, epoons, cruets, tea Auctioneer. ~ On bald heads, where t he roots have n ot sets, etc., re-plated in silver, and made til she t ried Burdock Blood .Bit ters. AucTION 8ALJ~S.'-S. C. Hunking, Ccu i·i- perished, it will invigorate them a nd N. STANLEY'S CELEBRATED b etter than new. Special rates to hotels T wo bott les cured h er. " I was l ike a and boarding houses. Opposite the Sal- skeleton," says, she "before using B.B. B., tice, Ontario, Licensed Auctioneer, fur force a n ew growth of hair. Ask for H air Darlington and Whitby, Bowmanville l\.fogic. It is t he only rel iable. For sale vation Army Barracks. R. H. HENRY. now thanks to the discovery of such a. and Oshawa, Ap1 iraiser, &c. All business by 1111 druggists. valuable remecly, I am entirely restored attended c HE partnership heretofore existing No Spect.acles in the market equal them in the F. N. HAM, Manager. o promptly . . Orders may be - -- - Ji:Ylll PR1i1Sll:RVING QU AT.I'rtr~S they possesR, or between and carried on by the undersign. te hllaUh." l eft at t he STATESMAN office, Bowman ville, TA~HRAC is tho d iscovery of a leading At the las(; meeting of the'fownCouncil f the GREAT E ASE and COMh'ORT they confer on ed at t he Town of Bowmanville, e.s horse We reitret to announce the death o the wearer. dealers, under the name style and form of or Reformer office, Oshawa. physieian, and after years of e:x:perimenta by-law was passed to regulate the coq, ~ M J Percy, Young & Wyllie has this day been di&o THEY NEVER ".l'IltE 'l'HE EYE AND LAS'l' duct and m orals of our citizens, It wj'll Mr. Chas. Neads, of Lindsay, son r. . MR. R. IIUTCHISON's !!ALES. ing it is now offer ed you i n a perfected solved by con·ent . MANY YEARS WITHOUT Cl'IANG-E. be well for a number of our youths (to Ne ads, of this t own . The deceased has · state as a never-failing cure for coughs, All debts dne to said firm mnst be paid to, The sight test.ed by our New Test Card, make tht!tnselves acqu ainted with its been ill for some time and a fow weeks MoN])AY, 0 er. 17 .-Mr. Job Gr eenwood, colds and throat and lung complaints. and all de tits du e by ssid fir111 will be paid by e.s used1)y tlie leading OcuJists throughlot 29, con. 9, Olarke, will sell h is ox:): & Percy, who will continue t o carry on Young . rovisions lest in an hour when tl!o7 since he c~me to Bo~manvi!le tor a ou·t the world, said business as partners under the name and cellent Young Stalliou, :Farm Stock, · b · · !h change of air and remamed here s ome p · firm of Percy & Young. lmplen:tenta, etc. Sale a t 1 p . m. See th~nk not they will e seized upon by t~.e little time, but improved but litt le and so Dated at Ilowmanville this 27th day of A\lli;BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. uet. 1887, chief constable, carried before the magi_ ~ he concluded to return to his home large posters. R. HuTCJIISON, Aue. Dru~ists an~ Opticians, BOWMANVlLLE. Signed JOHN PERC Y, trate, and ordered t o pay a rather h eav where h e remained but a. sb.ort time. THURSDAY, OcT. 20.-Mr. A . W . Carvet h, Corrected 113· J. MeMurtry, every Tuesday, Rom.iR'l' YouNG, fine or else be compelled to remove to the The body as brought to B owmanvi!le JOHN WYLLIE, village of Leskard, Clarke, will sell his Witness, neighborhood of Cobourg. ~:~?~in the cemetery on Tuesday. valuable farm stock implements lum- FLOUR, ~ 100 lbs.... - ·... $2 10 t o $2 40 It. Ru ssEr.L LO SC X>MBE. 39-!w · We call attention to J. J . M ason's F all '"T'"u ber shinales etc. ' Sale at 1 m. WHEAT, Fa!~, 'IP' bush .·... 0 75 11 0 80 announcement in advertising columns of ~ the regular meeting of the Church11 11 R. IluTc~rso'N Auctioneer. Sprmg, " · · ·.. 0 80 0 00 1 ~~~~~i:~-0~;o;iit ~1Ci887~ this issoe. H e claims to have as fine a s Methodist Y. P. A., en Monday last, ' BA11.LEY, ~bush, No. 1. ... 0 62 11 0 00 sGock as is shown in Bowmanville, and by e ollowing officers were elected for the WE])NESDAY, OcT. 26.- M r.John Gibson, " 2 . . . . o 55 11 o 00 11 · · ensuing. term : Hon. Pres.- Rev. II. S. l ot 30, con.8,Clark e,will sell the whole ., 3 . .. . o 50 11 o 00 11 11 the way goods have b een arrivmg there Matthews ; Pres.-J. Joblin ; lat V iceof his valuable farm stock , imple men ts, RYE ····· · ···· o 45 11 o 48 11 la.tely the store must be full from cellar Pres.-H. C. Brittain ; .2nd Vice-Pres.etc.,; reser ve, having r ented his OAT~, 11 . . . . . . . . .. . o 25 11 o 28 of William Aunger, deceased. to ceiling. Scarcely a day but two o Pure ' mixed paints at Higginbotham'a three big boxes are being unpacked i , W . N. Tilley; Sec. -0. Windatt ; Treas. farm. Sale at 1 p. m., aha.rp. See p Bl k ""'b h O 60 11 O 66 ·. R . H UTon1.soN, EAS, Small, ac eye, ..,. us .. · SU ANT t o t h e S !atL( tes in that . Iars. . t f or part icu drug store. front of the store. We advi~e our rf'a - H. C. Brittan ; Organist- Miss G. posers 11 11 0 50 11 0 52 ' p u R · , Auctiouer. Blue, behalf is hereby glYen that all Baldwin's Bee-hive Fingering 10 cts a ers to accept his invitation to call and i - Young ; Editors of the EYening S tar11 11 0 50 0 5 5 ·creditors and notice Miss S. Wilson and Miss M. Grant ; ot.her persons having a.ny debts, ~kein, at Tod tkoLhera. R. Hutchison, Licensed Auctioneer for BUTTER, best tabl e, ~ Th, ·· O 18 11 O 20 claims, or demands against the estate of Wilspect his stock and compare prices. E xecut ive Com. - Mr. Bunner and Misses Large amount of money to loan on On Thursday night of last week t .e M. Joness and N. Grant; Program Com, the 'l'ownships of Darlington, Whit by, LAirn, :ir fu ... , ··.. ,., ·.. 0 10 11 0 12 liamA.ungor,late oftheTownahip ofDarllngton, farm security at from 6 to 7 per cent .- fire alarm was sounded, the cause bei <I -Messrs. J oblin and Brit tan and Misses Clarke, ManverB and Cart1 vright. Sa'9s E GGS, ~ doz .·.···.·. ,. ,. O 16 11 O 00 ~£g~~du~~ ~~ ~g~~tll£iieF;tY~:i;;ntge<J:;~i attended to promp tly and at reasonable POTATOF ..s, ~bush .. . .. .· . O 50 11 O 00 August. A.D. 1887 are hereby required to send .F. H. MASON. that a small unoccupied frame ho us Maynard, Young and N J oness . rates. Where it ia not convenien t to see HAY, ·· . , ..·.·· , , ..··.. . 9 00 11 l O OO by post. prepaid or c leliver pllrticulars in writThe New Williams has n o equal. The opposite the Furniture Factory was dising of their debts, elaima or demands and thet me, arrangemen ts can be made with the DRESSED Hoos ..... . .. . .. 5 50 11 6 00 nature of the security (if a nv) held by them to demand for these machines are so great covered t o be on fire. The firemen were Farmers, read the STATESMAN auction Edit?r~f t heSl'A'l'ESllIAN.- R. H UTcH.ISON, CLOVER SEED.... . . _.... . 4 90 11 5 00 ~gt:'. f~· t~:1 ~~~~~Y 0~jhI5u~'1~::i. 0§ ~gir i:;i~~; quickly on the spot and in short order we cannot supply all the orders. Enmskillen. ALSIKE ...... . .. . . . .·... 4 00 11 6 00 William Trewin. the IC 1rnr.11tor of the Last Will Order Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Picket~, had the flames extinguished. A drunken sale list. and 'l'eatament of the said deceased or be· 8t etc., at Morris' Planing Factory, Liqerty youth caused considerable annoyance to Cheap light is the order n ow. ·w. F 1:IDAY' 0 cJr · 7 . -The f 0 11owmg ock ' fore the twentieth day of October, A,on D.,1887. residents on the front street by reason of Quick and Co. will explain. i implements, etc.' the est ate of t he late FRANK JJ.J[. lF IE LD, B. A . at the expiration of wh ich time the ~aid exec· street, R. H . Osborne, leasee. Andrew Hyland, lot N o, 8, 2nd con. (L H & F utorwilt pmceed to distribute the assets of 'l'lie cheap est wool blankets and com- his idiotic screaming, leading some to FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDEN T In~urance. Cartwright about 2A miles from B arkA'l'E OSSACK IELD. the said deceased amnng the p·rsons entitled forters in Canada, are at the Bankrupt suppose that the fire was in their immedi- RoBT. YmTuE, Agent, Bowman v1lle. tf . eton ·tuti "on', 1 ·s o""er*ed for sale. Sale B ARRI STER, Solicitor, Notary, &c . thereto having regard to the debts and cla.ima ate vicinity. The building is supposed " w only of which notice shall have been given as :Store, next door to Murdoch Bros' All wool flannels from 18c. per yard at.I o'clock, sharp. LE V I A. TOLE, COBOUHG . above required and the s!'tid executor will not t o h<>ve been set on fire. and up, a t Couch; ,Johnston & Cryder· Aue' ion eer. Office,-Armour Blook, Kini<: Street. b e liable for the a·sets ao distributed to any Farmers will receive the high est price The lady readers of THE STATESMAN " 22. FRANK M. FIET ,]). person of whose debt or claim he shalt not for their b arley from John McDougall will be interested in knowing wh ere to go man's . W EDNESDAY, OCT, 1 2. - M l', L . II a m bly, have 'lV. S, OIOHSTON. L , L, B. tion. had notice at the time of such distribuwho is buying for M essrs. J. 0. Guy & for everyt h ing of t he latest and best in .Heavr All-wool Flannel 29 cts a ya~·d, lot No. 18, Broken Front, Darlington, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, &c, Money Bowmanville, September Sth, 1887. Son, Oshawa. Fur highest prices, fair the millmery. By wuy of directing t hem m ill pnce, buy any q uan tity, at 'I od offers for sale a l ot of farm st ock, im - to loan. Offlce, in .13efJ.ver Block upstairs in ;rorrn K . GALJJRAITH, .an -sq uare dealing Mr. McDougall has a to one such place, we can state confident- Brothers. plements,. etc . Sale at 1 o'clock sharp. rooms formerly occupied by Dr. Harnden .S9li9itor tw ~!'lid :Ji;x.eoutor, ' Bowmanville. 39 ' 3T-~w· The Bazaar Patterns for l adies' and LEVI A. ·roLE, Auctioneer. splendid rep:ihtion with all the farmers. ly that Mrs. A. S. Anderson, Bowman~------~~~------------..... Give him a call. DR. E . c. HeDOWELL. ville, has now ready for inspection a beau- childr,:en's wear, fall and winter styles, at WEDNES])AY, Ocor. 12.-Mr. John McMr. T. H . Everson has left at our of- t iful afsortment of bonnets. hats, etc.,. Mrs. Morrison's . D ougall, Bailiff, will. sell, under a LICENTIATE OF R OYAL COLLE GE , diord's warrant, a 1ot o f farm pro- College of Phy5icians, Lonuon, li:ng.;Member of l an fice samples of heads of oats and barley and her r eputation as ii. milliner is too -O Fof Physicians ·md Surgeons, Ontario. 6 pieces AII-woo1 Ottoman C or d D ress ,grown in Manitoba this year. 'l'he oats well established to require any comment . Goods, at h a.lf price, 20 cts per yard, d uce, i mplements, e tc., ')ll Lot 12,Con. SunGERY AND RESIDENCJJ<:- Rear of Messrs. yielded 125 bushels per acre. Tbe ]J.eads She keeps also a v ery n ice stock of fancy worth 50 cents, at Tod Brothers. 3, Darlington, the property of Ml'. Wm. Higginbotham's Drug Store, Bowman ville, 6- lyr.· Y eoman. Sale at 1 p, m. See posters. .are 16 inches in length, and the b arley goods. She will be pleased to have you W R · t f ! 1 · use, ias a arge constgnmen TO RENT-The Stand one door west of the heads upwards of 5 inche3. Manitoba call and inspect her new goods. those Now Williama Sewing Machines N .B.- Onr ad vertisiug rate for auction NEws OfiicA. Suitable for small store, er U RSUANT to a power ,of sale con farmers c an c1-.1w this year, surely. '!'h ere is no excuse for a youn~. fellow coming. See them be(on buying . sales, when we do not print the · sale for an Office. Apply t o GALE BROS. tained in a certain mortgage, which will The Bazza.r P atter ns for L adies' and bills, is 25 cents a line, each insertion. --- · --.-.---··- - -- - be produced at the time of sale, will be Mr. Mark Ayre, who is so well and to go around with his coat looking for all o.tfered tor sale bv P UBLTC AUC'l'ION e.t favorably kiwwu iu this town and vicinity, the world as if he had stole it from tho Children's wear, Fall and Winter s tyle, P -P ersons orderinu sale bills at the F ARM TO REN r SELL.-Being , . ill · ,., . . the sout!l. 75 acres of lot 7. con. 3, Darlinp,· lost Joseph, when parker's clye wm·ks, of .having been for many y ears with Mr. M. S TA.rESMAN o ce will receive a free notice ton, Apply to w. F. Ar.r.1~N. Bowmanville. at the 'Vest End Millinery Rouse. ·n. Williama and more recently with Mr. toronto, can make it l ook like a bran new Imperial Stovepipe V arnish produces a like the aibove up to date of sale. The , in the village of 'l'yrone, on --- -- - - - -89·tf, one of the latest shade for a trifle. The W. R. Cawker, will begin business on beautiful gloss and makes n o offensive STATES]l[A:N h as the larges~ circulation in SHEEP ASTRAY.. Came on t he prehis own merits on the 10th inst~, in the ord er carriage of this firm will be h ere on smell. Seld by J. Higgingbotham & West D~rham and Ontan?. Orders :for , mises, ~ot 7, eon. 4, Darlington, a Ewe, little shop opposite Mr. M. Treleaven's. Thursday n ext, hand them your faded S sales may rulso b e left, at this office. .Phe owner ts requested to prove prop~rty, pay on. coats and take her awa;r. WM. COJ.V ILI,E 1887, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, t he following Mark is deserving of liberal patronage and goods and they will be finished like new. Great clearing sale n ow going on a t the --- -- - -Bowme.nvillo. ' valuEble p1 Caution~Be sure and see that the above ·operty situate in the 'l'ownship of we hope he will receive it. BIRTHS. M· ··-ONEY LOST.-I~-ow~ille on Darlington. containing one. four th of an acre. name i~ on the wagon and on your re- Bankrupt Store, 25 per cent off all good~. less, being composed of pa.rt of more or Last week Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Burk ceipt before yon give vour goods. Mrs. Biggest bergains ever offered in B owman 8TA1'LES,- In Dai·lington. on the 21st ult. th" } }'air Day, a Five Dollar Bill was lost by t he north he lfand of Lot No. 9, in the 6th Con. or and family bane their many friends K eyes, town agent, " and don' t you for- ville. · el>f Mr. Alex. Stap as, of a. son. ' e. serv1J.nt gir\ who can badly bear the l<>ea. Darlington, formerly owned by JAS. HINGH,i.ll:l. ..and neighbors in B owman ville farewell get it." W.Ruse is determined not to be under- · HUJ?SON.~ln Enniakillen, on t he 22nd ult., The finder will conter a very great kindness There ls a good frame house and stable on the lot, and a good garden. t '""'ire of l\J~r. Alex, Hudson, of a son. by returning it to the;STA'l'ESMAN O. tlfoe. and left on Pi·iday for their new home at sold and is offering Pianos, Organs, · and 4 ,0 2w On Thursday evening last Thos. R. 8 , ~R:t<.-Ne\IJ.· EuJleld, on t he 24th ult:. the 'l'ERMS OF SALE. Campbellford, where we understanb an e of M~. Ja~. Stark, of a daughter. F ARM FOR SALE in the township of . On~· tenth cash at time of sale, enough Withelegant residence ~as been fitted up f<~r Skippen, Esq., Most Worthy Grand Pre- Sewing Machines at way d own prices . see m tbi rty days thereafter to make one·tbird of sident of the Sona of England Benevolent him before purchasing. 1~RE:1¥IN.-7Ne~ Haydon, on the 24tl.t inst., Cart wright, lots 10, 11 and the nortli ve.rt purchuse money their home. 'l'he1r deporture from this ; the balance thereof to be th w.J.fe of Nfr, Wm. Trewin, of a daughter. 12 · b Society, of Toronto, made an oftlcial visit Couch, Johnaton & Cryderman a re now <"'SAI,r .. In ·-manville, Sept. th. the · or t.he 8tli con.,.a out 300 acres in all. W ill paid in three equal consecutive annual iustaltown is universally regretted. Mr. Burk 30 h · fi t k f l d" ' d 1 "' ~ be sold reasonable, on :oasy terms. Apply to ments with interest at the rate of 6~ por cent; to W e!lington L odge, Bowmanville. owmg a ne s oc . o a res O mans,/ -:rl~e ~~. Mr. S. S. sall, hardware merchant, owner on the prelnis11e, A, BHUCE, ,or Cresa· s has been a libernl supporter 0£ almost per annum from day of sale. 8 rea, P. o: 38· tf .every enterprise that has been introduced There was a good attendance of the ulsters and short jackets-imported from l!'nrther particulars and condition of sa.le ca.n Germany. These goods are eleg.antly cut 'VANNEw1·.-At Sol'in11., oo Sept. 20th, the wife members and a couple of hours were very be had from the vendor's Solicitor e.t Oshawa, for the benefit of our town, and as a busiand beautifully made. !>Mr. John VanNea\, jr., of a daughter. J. P, HRIERSON, TRAW WAN TED.-! want five good ness man was exceedin~ly popular. Mrs. pleasantly spc.nt iu music, song and !lmllB_________lll!llllllllllmllll'llill!llll!l,lt;hK ~ E~Es.-In \Bowman-ville, on the 27th ult., YencJ.or·s Solicitor. Loads of Oat Straw for which cash will bo wife of Mr, "I" Keyes. of a daughter. Burk has always been a good friend to the sentiment. The Grand President's ad- ! paid, delivered by the 20th inst., on Horsey Oshawa, September 7th, 1887. MARTYN,-In 'Bowmanvitte, Sept 29 the Farm, Bowmanville. ]'or particulars apply to poor, h er beneficence being almost unlim- dress was most eloquent and could not wife of Mr. Philip Mart;yn, of a son. ' ' Mayor Horsoy's Hardware Store. FRED BOU· ited, and in society circles she has ever fail to inspire in the breast of every 4 .0·1W Englishman who heard it, a greater love BENNETT,In i:lowmanville, Oct. lat., the OHEN. held a most p rominent position. St. wife ofo Mr. Henry llennott of a daughter. for Brittian's noble Queen and O F OUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT. John's church too will greatly miss h er BEil"NE'r·r.-At 15 W. 15 Wlllow-at. Toronto - '! 'hat two-story brick residence with on Sept. 30, the wife of Mr. Geo. \V. Bennett' one J1att <1\i er ready s ervices and generous support. his loyal fe,low subjects'. On Friday acre of land situated on the southevening several of t he Bowmanville breth fa~ ' "\ ~e feel sure that our citizens all unite in re'l accompanied Bro. Skippen to Neweast corner or Ontario and Wellington streets. , ,tl..1.Ncoc~.-In '.Fyro e, o Bowmanville Fair More land can be obtained if desired If not wishing them greatest p eace, happiness Day; Oct. D, the wue o· Mr. Thomas IL l:fa.u.. sold .at once it will rented, For te~ms and castle where he r eceived a very hearty and prosperity in their new home. cock. Reeve or Darling on of twinli- a son and particulars apply to be W. s. ORM ISTON, Barrister reception. daughter. 37-4w* etc., Bowmanville. A SEVERE TmAr..- Franccs S. Smith, DESCRil'TION.-Pleasing, soothing, liealof Emsdale, Muskoka, writes," I was ing r elic ving, curing, is the description of MARRIED. AT PRICE& NEVER BEFORE troubed with vomil,mg for two years, and Nasal Balm, which is receiving nationu.l WEBB.-MORBHl<:lll.-A't the home of the .Bowmanville,Sept, 'll7t l1 by the Rev. M bride, I have vomited as often as fi ve times a reputation' as a cure for catarrh, cold in HEARD Oll', AT Gunn, Mr. Fred J. Webb, of'New York day, One bottle of Burdock Blood Bit· t h e bead, h ay fever, etc. Misa l<~mroa J. Morsbiad. · ' t te:rs cured me." LYMAN'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT OF 00:£:¥FEEL : LYM AN'S FLUID COFFEE. Stylish fall millinery at Mrs. Morrison's. Mr. 'Vm. McDonald's sale has b een cancelled. Great bargains in fancy goods, at Mrs. M orrison's. '.l~ell your neighbors about our new offer of "Two for a Quarter." Big d rop in the price of Coal Oil. Ask W. Quick and Co. all ali>out it. Call at W. Quick and Co.'s and enc1uire about the big drop in Coal Oil. R ead the auction sale notices. The STA'rEsMAN office has a boom in sale bills. Mr. George W. Cable will contribute' a novelette to early numbers of The Oen- I H N W . F CERTAIN DEATH STOTT JURY'S D Visitors to England. HOWARWS GLOVE CltANfR ! -MAGIC,, H Stott & Jury's Medical Hall. ____ ________ ___________ _ . h t VS. B1 ndn ess. SIg 0 ------~ ENC LISH SPECTACLES. DISSOlUTION Of PATNf R SHIP. 4 T SlrQTT & JU RY, '5ht ~mxruliau "tattJimau. i). Local and Otherwise. Executor's Notice to Credit ors I 0 0 MORTGAGE SALE ° VALUABLE PROPERTY! John Moyse's Hotel, P on Saturda~, B tn ~ay o f D~TO~[R, S A CAR LOAD H COAL OIL Tamarac :o . ea, yet are a thorough cathart.Jc, NA.'l'IONAJ, rtu:.s wlll not ~-ripe lT CAN DO NO llARJll t() try Freeman's or sick· . ·worm 1·ow1lcrs whcu your chi-Id Js alUn&' W. QUICK & Co's. D!ED. I uvcl'isb er fretf1d. ;;,, Alonzo ;;:;eymollt Davn, aged 21 ye11rs, 6 mos: ~ DowNs,-:-In Bowmll!lville, Wednesday, Oct;