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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Oct 1887, p. 7

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!!!?!__~~?..~~E::--..~11P,'l!'tlll!ll£111_111111M~!ill-ll!_111·-?mn?·_11aes·_· .1 _ 1_u_u··1W111.~~~laNJ!7#'W3TICIMi&AGURm~ aa:~ ~ !WFG.:-'~ :::.~~~=rr:--=rvmdQP'eru11 2~~.!_~~ e'e~ her bridesmaid. Surely if the good God · aent happiness on earth, He did send it to 111y little lady and to his lordship. 'Twas at I his time tha.t Sir Rowla.nd asked Mis- - - - - ,· - - - -·- . -::=--=..-==--==::.. \ tremJ Mc.rian to be his spouse. And 'twas eve·l i' th' same spot where Lord E cnle had WEDNESDAY, OCT. 5, 1887. dfonovered his love for rny little l.-Jy, that he ,.akel her. ) 1'ime.-A bitter January night In the yeu of Grace 1009. · .~ gain it was as though some one . h ad CAT-~~HRH. l S'cene. Sunderidge Castle-The gre:tt hall- A monstrous fire burning in the big firepl:wc-·Nurse Crumpet smitten her-her f.i,ce deadly white a.nd i disconred se·ted on o. scttlc-o.t her e'thor knee lcau the little Lady Dorothy and her lnotlltr, the young tho red line across her. brow. She put put CATARRH.-.A new treatment has been die· El<rl of Sunderidge, Lord Humphrey Lennox. one hand to k eep him from her, and let it covf'lr.ed whereby a permanent cure of thIB ' hithert o incurable disease, is absolutely affect· I · rest on his shoulder, and she said, " .R owt h e L argest an d best Assortment on hand. ed ill from nne _to th.ree applications. no :JJ.7~ter I I had gone some six hundred pa.cos when, And a~ I live, the child stinted , and land, I love thee well, but no man wi'. l ever · t.;;; All the New Styles. , 1 whet.her. standing on..e yes.r or forty years. dihie j at a sudden turning I came upon her, waxed as solemn as an owl? Not another call me w ife." 8 remedy is only applied on<:e m twelve a:\' · h b h Id ]' 1' h' ddl f did h l d M I d 'th· ' anddoesnotloterferewithbusiness. DetWl'lP"'were_ se e a itteurcma-st,ra e_o tear .. . es1e. yor . S!lol ·. He sa.id,"Isthistheend?" averylmgevariety,butthe tive pamphlet sent free on receipt of stamp by her big deer-hound Courage. '.Ihe child " Now thou art a good lad, therefore thou She said, " Though we should both live . ' Sout.l, Sea'Seal and Persian A.H. Dixon & Son, 305 King st.reet, West giwt. chuckles o' delight as he slipped from shalt have my sword to play with." Aud to aee the last day, it is the end." Toronto, Oan~a- , C \" 'ARHJii side to side, and the sun through the beech · he unbinds it from his side, scabbard and Then he ~ent, with his h ead bowed down. Lam l take the l ead. Catarrh is a d~~r~us Z1{sease which tho_ua· 1 !~aves made their h eads as like as ~wo crown all, . and, holds it while tl~e urc1:_in get s And when he was gone, for the first time in > all the la.test improvements-a very s.ndR are consciouslyorUJ1COil8<;JiO\lS!YSUft'ermg ! pteces. Even as J was about to hft up my astride 0 t and pretends to ride. When my a.II h er life she wept aloud. from. It is a muco·purulent discharr,e ~au~hd voice to halloo unto her, lo ! my lord doth lord is tired o' stooping, he lifts the child · · · · ' choice and varied stock to choose. ftY .the pres~nce of ~'tl~gc~~~!e Wtt:~i~:a'i~pog~ pal't the thick branches, 1>nd steps forth a again to his shoulder, and so do they conSome time passed, and matters waxed ' from. ln~,~~l~:!°arrea~e~orbid st~tc of the blood, the little behind her, and stands watching her. d uct him back to his mother, the gardner's ever hotter and hotter 'twixt Cavaliers and blip;htedconmscle o!ltlberc\c, the germ poison And as he did stand there, behold, a look wife. From thence they return to the cas- Roundheads, till one night there rode up a ?l syphilis, mercury, toxomce, kl~om the retend - ca1ne o'er hie face that was stranger than tle, and are met by my lord and lady and man to the cast1'~ gate with papers for . oftheetfete matter of tho 8 sleepinJ.!. m, snppresse 1 t h e servants, w h'l I h aste m~ rn · b y ~ Lor d E rnle, and the lonv an d ties I h ort o 't t!on ""'rspirationa, bo.dly v entila.,ed apar_t· any look I h a d e " er s~en on t h' f ace o f man a._1 1 e A maanificent selection crood and cheap Call ea1·ly c 0 r fi st choi·.. 0 0 · ;;;~nts and the germination of othelj i:o1sons JD or of woman, and his eyes were no more side door to get on my !Sunday kirtle ann was this : His lordship was ordered 1;Q ride · o · L' r · "' · the blood. Irritated by these, the hnmg m<lm- bright and eager, but deep and soft. '.l'hen !!.ppear with th' rest. forth to war, and my little la.dy only three A large brane of the nose is eve~ ready .dt?r the rd ecep- she turned and went direct toward him unA.s time wore on the three were as much months his wife. Now when this blow . tion of t he parasite, whwh rap1 ·Y sprea s . up k . h . h 'h l "ttl I d d h ll · > Stock the nostrils and down the fauecs, or back ol nowrng. . . . . toget er _as w en e ~as a l e a. an fell upon them t ey were a at meat m b the throat, causin11; ulcera tio_n of the.thro~t; up When s he was beside h1i:i, still lau_ghmg they !ass1e_s, and sometim~s fro~ a "'.mdow this very hall, for ofttimes in cold weather on and. Prices very reasonab1e. the euRt achiun tubes, c11namg: de1tfness, bu"' and ha.If out o' breath with balancmg o' and sometimes from a qmet co1gne in the they dined h ere, even as thy fa.ther and GENTS' FUR rowin~ inttbho voea1 cotra"c',tca.~'"c'f1n ~ 0~:~;;~J:T!i th' heavJ boy, he saith these two words, great hall (this very hall, ye mind, clears), I mot her do now, on account o' the greater . NISHI NOS AND UN DER 'VEAR, A COMPLETE 1 usurping eprope ra .ru· u consumption and "My 1a y, " and methougIt "t w1 "tl1 mystitch ery and markthem warmth. D1',play Sb1'rts it·b'"· ending in pulmon1'rr i ti1ere was a · wouId s1 ~ . . , , S OCk s, GJ oves, T" ies, Braces, StU d s, d~ath. "fl , fl" the cur" ot whole year's love-making o' oirdinary m efn at their bright chatter. And whhend.mdy }~rtd hadh~limf pated at.the Buttons, Mits, Rubber Co'1ts, Umbrellas, etc. Many Ingenious spei cg d·Otb ' 0 :thout '.:0 0 · crammed into . t hem. Quoth to myse1 : But often Mistress Marian would come papers e l s ...r to is <;e , sa.ymg, 17h catan·h bave been iu-vent.e ' nt wi "A.h 1· ti I d tl h t th tt · k · " ' · th h b ht th cessuntilaphysicia.nollongo;tandingdiscov· 'h'hmy lt Gedok r ,so lOl~ tlasl d"a ,rife andsit~gamstmyknee,evenasthouart VY er~lB eman WO roug ese . ~ es p ' ered'theexa.ctnat.uroof_ th ·disease and the ~It t ee? o eep my it e a ~es. or sitting ·now, sweetheart, and ask me to papers? · +' only appliance which will perm[l.ne ntl! de,r~gy i:f the tongue be a fire, how must it burn stroke her hair and when ehe would coax Jock answered him, "He is gore, my .iOr aW UrS. tho parasite, no hmat1 tder nodw a t~gtnrp a"~ie one: wh'e n such a wit doth wag it!" And I de- Lord Ernle's big blood-hound "Valor" to lord." !'\' ead· · Block, Bowmanvi'lle, 0 8 ou M.MAYER. case Sufferers sen s ~ t · d · h t th t b I · · · '.I'h tch· fl f · th t tor d'escriplive pamphlet on cata.nh, to ~he ermme m my e~r a Y some. means come a_nd he beside her, ehe would sit en sna mg up a a.gon o wme a business mana.ticrs, A., H , Dixon &; Son, .,05 would "".arn my little lady of his sweet more quiet, almost as though she were was near at h11.nd, he drank more than half Kini< street, west, Toronto, Canad'" Cl speechenes. Yet was I tender tow<~rd h m asleap .And she would ask ll'e ever and that was in it. And again he turned over What the 1;e]:, S~v~}!%:er;;f: 0ftf?'e Jl/J~~ for the sake o' by-gone days. Mayhap, again,' "Nurse, wherefore are women at the papers in his hand. But all they, my ~~ <Yt"i!r~h c~~ad~, has to say in ..er1a..d moreover, his comely face had somethin~ 11;ny t ime born with dark hair, to mar ev'n little lady, and MiJ1trees Marian, and your T~ .A.H. Dixon&: Son's New Treatrnent for to cilo with it, for, i' fecks, n e'er saw I a such small comeliness as they might other- grandfather and gra.udmother, seemed turn<Jata1·rh. goodlier countenance on Roundhead or wise have 7" ed to stone. All at once my little lady startOaklanst Ont., ,can,:.'~a, March 17, 1883 Cavalier. . . And always I would answer : "Tut! ed up as from a spell, and went and got her Messrs. A , H. Dixon &fStho ·13th · I nst to hand Now when my lady heard his voice at thou knowest not of what thou speakest arms a.bout him, as in yea.rs gone by when Srns - Yourso e be true that ' · h er ear, · fi"rst g~ves · · s h e sue1 · the sight · ·' s I1e h adh urth. ·thh. ItDEAR seemed almost too good to I am l a s t ~r t as d o th my honey; m o' some, dttrk hair 1m w1 1s own mock sword , cured of Catarrh.;b~t I know t hat 1 am. I a mettlesome filly when a ha.re JUmps out is more comely than fair hair." And a.Iways a.nd she cried out, " What is it? what is have had no return ot tbe diseas1;1, /nd ncvre~ before it, then stock-still stands she, and' she would shake her head and smile i' th' it ? Anon came Mistress Marian to his 8 felt better in my lhife. I1r?~vdoe: 1~uchsoa~ f~r her face whiter than a wind-flower, and : fashion o'onewho knows better thana.nother. other side, and looked over his shoulder, things for Catarr · su "f to speak , b u t no But she was a wondrous f a1r · woman, m · spite · many yea.rs, that it isere bHrd to rea1· iz;e t h a t h er 1· tps a- t r~m ble as 1 w h'l 1 e h e s tood b et ween them l"k i e one b e60 l am really better. d , it werd comes from them. o' her own thinking, and shaped like the witched, and whiter than· a man just dead. I consider that mine wtts a ve;_y ~~vi~~Bflthe He saith again, " My lady." brown metal wench over yonder wit h the "'T hen Mistress Marian noted the contents was aggrava.ted atnhd e cnhars · ~rp · ~~~-gos. a nd I I saw by the moving of h er !ins that she bow and arrows. Diana, say ye? V' hy, o' th' papers, up went her hand to her heart 1 1 hroat asit we ·a~require the three · · was that h" · called as on t h at d ay. uud er the b eecht thought would ,tteat ment s, f aeh" toned the word s "My G o.d t" b u t s t"ll 1 even so; so it · 1s !ord ship - ree, and but I feel fully cured bs the tw.o sent Tlfe. an~ she spok.e not. An . d the child began to her when he did not ca.11 her "comrade." she caught at his arm to stay herself! am thankful that I wus ever mduced to sen whimper and clutch to he1 kirtle, for she Now young Sir R wland Nas th (hi He turned from his wife to her as though to.jg~·areat liberty to .u se this letter stating ha~ loosened her hol_d of him, and he feared who was father to ~hat Sir Ro:fund wh~ forh~\P· saying, "T~ll her, tel~ her, com· tha.t 1 have be 6 n cured at two treatments. and fa.lhng off ~f the big dog.. So she put one wedded your sister the T,i!.dy Anne last rade. And he sanJs: mto a _cha.1r_neai: by, I shall gladly recommend your remedy to some arm about lum to bold him, but her eyes Mi ·h· elmas ye mind dears) he would be and dropped down his head mto his hand. ot.my friends who, ale ~uffe~'h!~ks were yet upon his lordship. of~na.over f~r a da ~r ma b~ several da s 1 ' Lord! Lord! that was a fearful night! Yours, witR~.:,nif, B. s·i·EvENSON Then he ca.me and lifted ~er ha.nd to his at the castle; anJ'au fmir would rid/a'. When they made my little lady to under-, 1 And hundreds of othi>rs breast, and it la.! upon his dark green hawking, or ramble together, two by two stand, she set up oi;ie cry after another, doublet, as a white flower·l~~f doth upon through the park ; or Lord Ernie and 1 ; each loud en?ugb_ to p1erc~ the very floor of gra.ss, and he saith to ,~er, Sweetheart, . Sir Rowland would play at rackets, and i' heaven. N~_er smce have I heard a woman dos t thou not know me . fecks 'twas a sight to see 'em at it ! One , nt!'6r such au_es as thos?· And ~o one but All at once, f~r what, .God only k~o:vet~, day my little lady and Sir Rowland (who i Mistress }fanan could many wise appease she fell a-weel!mg, and he. had her m his was a fair st1·ipling, with curls near the col- I he~, for she would no_ t have my _lord co.me Has received her new ar.ock ot arms. And bemg some two ye~rs a mother, or 0 , Mistress Maria.n's, and eyes the tinting unto her, but dro'.'e hu~, ,away with wavmg my care was all f~r the poor little rogue on 0 , the far sea. on a rainy day) did wander , of her hands, ~aym g, Thou dost not love the deer-hound ; twas as. much as I co?-ld off together, and Mistress Marian a,nd my me, but t~e I~}ng I thou dost not love me, 1 and invites the Ladies of' Bow d? t~ hold back from runnu~g and snat chmg lord were left alone, seated on a rude bench hut t he Kmg · . m m:y arms to soothe his terror. . . under one 0 , th' great beech-trees t hat flank And w~1en M1st~ess Marian sought to manville and vicinity to call hun Howbeit, ere _that I could commit this th' hall door. He leaned forward and rest- i reason w ith her, twas ~ven the same. and see her Pattern madness, the frighted_ babe set up such a. ed an elbow on either knee, and did let his Nttught could she ,do but sit and hold !~er, howl as only a man-child can utter, and my racket swing back and forth between them : and comfort her with soft words and nornes lady turned _to him in great haste! and ~ny and sat looking down on it. }1istres~ i such as mothers make o'er their young lord also did set about comfortmg him. Marian's guze was upon him, but her big babes. By.and-by she, was. calmer, 11:nd and assortmentot Then theJ'. walked slowly. on, and my lord hat made so deep a shadow o'er her eyes asked to see h er lord.. So Mistress Ma.nan held the ~1ttl~ la~ on one s1 ,? e, and my lady withal that I could not note them clearly. · went ot;t, but I remamed on a low stool at coaxed hnn o th other. Ever and anon my So staid they for some moments. the bed s _foot.. Lord E_rnle enter~d, and lord would look from the babe to my lady, Then all in a breath did Lord Ernie start · she crept mto his arms ltke a f~w~ mto. the STtnu: ·- :Se·l@hd Do<>r "1!V 0 s~ "r '\\'HU tam~ an~, then fr?m my lady to the ~ab~. A.nd a erect and push back his heavy locks and hollow of a rock when the hail_ is f:i-llmg. Sutf.be.1" Stan sm11e Jtls_t hfted ~he c~rn~rs o .his mouth, speak. "Comrade ,, saith he " wilt t hou ~nd they clun~ to ea.ch _other m_ silence. as somet :mes a wmd w:1ll ~us~ stir the leaves call me o.n ass for ~y pains, I 'wcnder, an I ~resently he saith, "Darlmg, d~rlm,¥, i;hat : : : J" · ' . · . I· . · ·'. · ·· ·. . .. . 0 ~ · ·1: ere s_ha.kmg them as "."1th Jollity. I followed tell thee o: something that is troubling me l should have brought thee to grief ! , o~utiousl)'. at ~ome distance, am~ by-and-by sorel, ?" i She answered, "N~y, not thou, h?t God. h:s lordslup said : "H?~ was.it. tha.~ thou Sh~, having in no wise moved from her . 0 love, d~~: truly thmk that God is aye a didst n o_ t kirow. m~I co~· Faith ~~ · u art first position. and h er eyes still in shadow, good God· shot t:~ like u, Lily _ 1 th sun, bu~ hhes are sa.ith, "I J,m1y thee say on, Ernle, for such , A.nd he hushed and s?otbed he: even ~ F WORTHLESS IMITATIONS aye hh;-s, a~d leavmg thee ~ lily, I find words as thou hast just spoken to me are mm·e tenderly than did Mistress Marian. As there n.ra many l:n.ferior I t.hee ~' lily still, t hough hloommg on a t<1.ller idle." i (TO BE CONTINUED.) goods, corded with jute, hemp, E>tc.,offernd and sold stem. . " _ .1-u1d he leaned forward and took one as Ooraliue by some unAnd she answered him: Ye~, cousm, of her long brown ba.nds in his, but 'twas ! principled merchants tradand oa_ks are aye oaks, th?ugh first they different from the way in which he had The French Republic. mg on tho reputation of then trees. And m truth I knew t ' l"tti · b e saphnas, our ~cri~u: ine 4Jo1·ulin{';, 0 1 e 1a clY.·8 ·1'~,n d at th ei~ I . thee by thy voroe ere I looked at thee ; a en my_ The things which the French Republic we wiirn tho le.dies against I but 'twas all so sudden, that i' faith I was first meeti~,g,_ and he saith · Comrade, for specially need are time and peace. Every sncll imposit!ou by cha.wing th~ir 1ttter1 ;t.ion to t ho fri htened itt t hee." , thou ha it~ er been my tru~ and loy!"l co~- year of quiet progress and comparative prosnecessity ofaeemg that the g d h 'd "B t th t I dt rade, Mauan~sweet comrnde-consm-th1e perity leads away the thoughts of the A. n e sai , u ou ar g a 0 see 18 · th atter th t d 0 th t h ·t · name Sponges~ me?" e _ m, .a ea my .eai · mo.ssesfromanythoughtofdynasties whether . d b . b ' th th h"ld h Dost thmk there is aught between Patience Napoleonic or Orleanist and settles t he Re1 An emg usy WI. e c ' s e and tha.t young coxcomb?" · fi · ' · answered him without lifting her head, Th d · ·k ll public on a. rmer basw. An oYerthrow m war ;~ rita.mped on inner side of all Coraline goods, " Thou know est that I am." er e came 0 a re l~ar ~ across 1 ier with a.II the miseries and disgrace which ----o -~ Without which none are genuine. Then did he l augh a little, and sait h : b;.ow, as thou~h be had smitten her, for that implies, migh tyery likely lead t o apoli- ! ·------·----- ·----·-···---·-·- ,H I Id I k ? p f . f '"ith her 13udr en movement her hat had t ical change not in the management but in the ' ow sh1ou w·1tnoth 1v, co.z. rotoh · kp~oo ~ fallen upon ' the ground at h er feet. And very ch,aracterof the management' of public pray t ee. 1 ou give me e 1ss o h i, b · · h d t h ·d if · · , welcome after all these years ?" ~ ~ puvt ~r.d ~~ b ~ e_r ~~ e aAs difn pam, ' affairs. It might disgust wit h . Republicd t k 188 ' Mi5 tress u sna c e 1 ac qmc Y· n or one anism just as t he overthrow which Continues to do a General Banking BuaineRs N ow lrn h a d not oIB· Produces a beautiful gloss and creates no offensive ere o h eart-beat she shut her eyes My lord l ·' d S d · · · sBo wmanvillu Branch. Marian. Therefore I waited right curiously who had .. stoo ed forward to llft her hat' cu mrnate at e a_n ~ave its n:itt1mus smell, will not burn off: neither will 11 to see what my little lady would say unto , Ph. , ' · to Napoleon and his ideas. It 1s very D~B JJ. 6!9.B'l' ® 18· and when ·t h hat was natural t hat the French should feel sore · ouer, '~ and J ock - d" ·t 111 · t o my saw· none 0 l t b his · Irn.vmg mne d l d 't h d the pipes rust. :tecelved in Savings Banlt Department and ' . - dd" d t hat all agam upon ier row an l s a a ow over over the thrashing they got from the Gcrher face she seemed the same as ever But 1all and interest allowed at om·rent rates. No eara e'er smce our we mg ay · women were by nature eavesdroppers, I I k th h ft . h h t · d mans. :&ut let them never forget that that 1ot1ce of withdrawal necessary. All deposit~ was of a mind to prove his t heory for him ; new e 8 a wa~ m er ear ' an my J mist~rtune wa~ in ?ne respect a mighty payable on demand, - tened w1 .th a 11 my ears, b u t I heart seemed to feel it, for II loved her dearwhen it relieved them of a.11 the I l I so not on y lB l ·t no ·d· blessmg .E:XCBA.NGE · 11 Y· 'Vhen Jle cou Id wa.i onger, Iie sai miserable corruption of the Sc;cond E m1 I ook ed wit 1 1 a my eyes. " Well comrade?" I · Bought and sold and. Drafts issned upon Eur op~ My lady waxed first rnddy, then like to A d 'h k · f f th h . th t 1.prre. Let France go on a~d prosper, and iJ'nlted Sta.tee an~ Canada., alao Goid,Sllver a11 c1 milk then rudely again and she reached out n s;o t~ [!::~ e. dah : keep peaceful, and she will be respected 0 0 11ited Sta~es Greenbacks bou2ht and sold. her hand to him acro;s the hound. "In crowne rnr e ee a c~rne er s e 11 and fe11.red as much as she ought to be, or h I ·n . " th h was aa -brave as any cavalier that ever I as she ever was Evidently the Uount of .COLLE()'J.'lO~S trut .w1 ' couarn,_. C[UO s. e. · . swung s~ord for t~e king, .a nd she said, :.Paris counts u . on war and conse uent· " He did take the httle hand m hie, puttmg " Well mdeed, cousm, for thee." j d" t th tp h' h ' ·11 1 d toq th Promptlr-ma.de at current rntcs upon all p&r hand softly over it, as when He said " How dost thon mean for isats ert. as f a wlt ic .twhih. ealf. k. e ol Great Brittain, the United States and D1J down his other f · ht d b' d a. d h looked at ?" ' res ora ion o roya y, w1 imse as mg. Id 1 h minion of Canada.. one 0 9 a. rig e ir ? n e . . me I I1l is this hope which has led to the issue of her as though he would pierce her lids with Then stooped she and gathered a hand- h" 8 I t I t' 'th ll ·1;s · Telegrapb 'l' ra11as;f'cirs hie ga.z;e, for her eyes were down, and he ful of grass, and held it uloft and opened · £ a. e fro~ ~ma. ion Wl t~ 1 pl'O~is~s 8 8 Ma.de for large or small sums on all parts nl saith : " Sweetheart, right gladly will I her hand , palm downward, that the falling 0 tgoo d e alv liour ~nbl .b sotvereigHn Canada. This is cspaci111ly advantageous to . th" ' an a poss1t e 1l erf y. e is pre tty h B.nd the k' 1es o' an e t ernaI bla d es were b l own t h" is wa.y and that b y the · par k th t th F h persons living In Manitoba or the North-woes gwe , . nows a . e gr~a ma.ss o rell:c llS It makes the funds available at once ai th~ welcome ; but methinks thou hast begged wind . th uest ion. I leaded to receive a kiss , , I .. . . " th h " th t R I d ~en are forgettu~g their Roya! and Imperial place of payment. e q P ,, mea.n, quo s e, . a ow an I pretenders and if let alone will soon fo1·get Jrorfurther partlcultira call at t he BanklnP rather than to bestow o~e. Nasmyt~ is no mo1·e to Patienc:e than- I am them.altog~ther. The Republica.ns, if wise, House. And _her face was llke. a bend~d rose. to thee. And sJrn laughed a llt t!e. . will take a hint from this. Don't let them T. RODIE, GEO. McGILJ,, Then did he step round qmckly beside he_r, He ca!ne closer to her, ai:d la.Id his u:rm think of" bleeding Germany white " or of .A.ocoantant. Man~~er a~d once moi;e ~as_ the poor babe left m about he~ .shoulders, drawmg her to him, uiving Bismarck the chance of d~ing the -- - --------- d:re terror o hrn life, and he _made. up a and he said, "Nay, thou knowest how dea.r same · hard work for France. Better let ptteous face'. bu~ the dog standmg still, he ~ho~ art tom~, coz.n;ade ;,,but thou meanest them be good neighbors with each other and . trade and tal lt in a friendly way. It will be 1fell to ri:ottlmg l~? colla~, a~d _soon w~xed m d11fere_nt w1se-1s t so? merry with t h e . Jingle o th silver. So I She said : " Yes ; _hut call me Mar1an to- pleasanter and upon the whole more honorlooked again at my lady and Lord Rad- day. lt·lS to my whim." ' able as weil ' · ' · i nor. . .. He a,nswered, "Dear Marian," and would ' He had ta.ken her about her waist ~1th have klBsed qer cheek, but she started up --------. OJ?ti ai;m, and with-the other hand h. e lifted with a. little cry, saying, "By'r lay'kin ! He Was Rea<:W to Own Up Under .the· gently upward her fair face, as doth a there was -a honey-bee tangled in my locks." Urcwnstimces. gardener a. rain-beaten flower, while his An:'! when he had sought for the bee to eyes looked down into hers. And slowly, kill it with his hat, but could not fiua it, I heard a story- told the other day, 1Vl'~tes slowly, almost as rose leaves unfurl i' th' t hey did seat themselves again, he laugh· a friend and correspondent, which amused . sun, her white lids curled upward, and her ing and saying that " the bee was a bee me. An old lady said : blue eyes peered softly from her fallow o' much discretion and wondrous good When my fa\her moved into the new ' LI LIVER AND KIDNEY COM locks like corn-flower s through ripe corn, t aste." country, one of w children told 1~ lie. My A. -' - there being ·a tear in each, as when a rainTh~t ~ight when I crept to my littlll mother could nd ascertain the culprit, but PLAlNTS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGEST- bead doth tremble i' th' . real corn-flowers. ladies to· see that all was quiet, I, pa.using a lie lay b etween us. , , And, to be the more like nature, there r an in t ho doorway, did note them as they lay "'Vell," s:i.id !he, "you will escape now, ION .AND ALL DI'3EASES ARISING ~ig waves throu11hol1;t her loosened tresses, - m:y little la_ q y with her h_ea.d on Mist:ess but yo~1 may bdsure I will k!low at some FROM DISARRANGli:MEN'I'S OF THE hke as when the wmd doth steal across a Marran's breast, and a smile on her hps, I day which of you has told the h e." · . I field · o' grain on summ,e r noons. and Mistiress M!lorian with her arms wrap- ' Weeks passed on and nothing more was LlYER AND KIDNEYS. Then he be~ded down his tall head, and peel close a.bout her, and her dark hair said on the subje)t. My father lived in a their lips met. God alone knows what swept out over the pillow, and thence to log house, whichcontained one room below their first words would 'a been, for ere the the floor, like a stream o' water that re· and one above. The children slept in the Puri~ kiss. was well ended, down falls the poor lit- fleets a black cloud, but her eyes wide open, chamber. t.Jne night a tremendous wind tle rogue oft' of the hound's back, and lifts looking·_str'aigh t forward, as though at a a.rose and a.t rnitnight blew off the entire up his voice loud enow to b e heard across ghost. · And I stole off and sobbed myself to roof of the house. My mother, nla.rmed at the sea. by the red men i' t he new conti- sleep, but not before I had awakened Jock, the crash, ran n> the la.ddcr, and putting JEFFERY always at tbe Door. nent. And my lady runs and lifts him in who did grunt, after t he uncourteou~, pig· her bea.J. into the'roofless chamber cried : her arms. Lord ! such an ado as they had like maimer.Pf a suddenly wakened m an, be· "Children, are you all there?" a-comforting him! First my lady, then thump his :pillow as though't had been an "Yes, mot her l' piped a email terrified Proprietor, Toronto. my lord, then my lady again-and at last anvil, and- m turning over, twlst the bed- yoice; ·"yes, mo;her, we are all here, a.ncJ. - -- . my lord tosses h im to bis shoulder, and clothes half off of me, so that with the cold if the day of jud;ment has come, it wa.s SOLD· BY ·1 sa.ith he: (it being then the fall o' th' year), and what me whe told the !2 !" "Ho ! though little Jack Pudding ! an with my distress, I slept but uneasily. To how " Iri.ny children of larger · DIGGl1'1BOTDA..lll & SON · thou a.rt not still o' th' instant, I 'll swear And the next thing I knew o' th' matter, growth" does a fimilar repent.a.nee come, ' I ihou art a girl, an' thou shalt ne'er have . there was a wedding, and my little lady and from a simiar cause -the still &ma.II B 0 W M A. NV I L L E, B 0 '\\°MAN v ILL E, · wedded to Lord Ernie, and Mistre88 Marian , voice a.mid the sta-m. 1 a sword such as men ha.ve." @tinnulhut Jtatc~tttau. I Nurse Crumpet Tells the Story. i I BY AMELIE RIVES. i I THIRTY .n. YEARS · IN · BUSINESS ,. . .JJ.lf y E .R, The practical Furrier calls attention to the following Branches of his new FaWBtock. F a 11 H ats Gents F ur Caps Lad · 0"4 aps . ies Laa1·e.s ' & Gents' Fur Coats, cU tter.& c arr1age · R Q b ·e s . . F ursaItere d and repa1re. · d R F H. Igh t I 1 v ) 1 '.:: Q rice pa1"d g; E.f· AT I AND I NEW FANCY COODS ·. I l~SS · cT'-\VISH I I I GOODS, I Call and Examine the Stock,. which has been selected with great_ care. I BONNETS, HATS Hats Re-shaped, StaIT1ping Done. I 'RI 1'11V:l.1 l~ G· S I BEWARE I I .. A· ·~ - Y . A· a~- g~ B ----o- - -- I HA '&SON, Chemists and Druggists. 'CROMPTON CORSE·r 09.' Our Stock is complete, comprising-an assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Chamois, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Soaps, &c. THE ONTAB.IO BANK I Imperial Stove-pipe Varnish ! I dr I° Thorley's Horse & Cattle Food, Pure Ground Oil Cake, .and Prairie Flower Condition Powder ALWAYS IN STOCK. · JOSEPH JEFFERY, I DANDELION LIVER AND KIDNEY BITTE'RS CURES . I I I The Greatest Blood tier in the World. ----I E. M 0 R R. I S ' I Merchant Tailor & Gent'sFurnisher

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