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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Oct 1887, p. 7

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atnu. ndhttt fltatt$ttun1. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 26, 1887. . STORIES or .A:t:UMAL LIF.E. wl'l', ELKP JIANT A correspond ent of :SatU?·e reports that the elephanta in Central Park are often seen Our lates t importation has arrived from France, and we wm ~ to cover their backs with new-mown grass, glad to see our friends and acquaintan ces and those w ith whom 'M>'Je·. have been in correspondence, in ract any and all who are in sea:rc.1] of-taking it up by the t runkful and carefully -·--·- ·=-=- -- ··- --·-- - - -;::::-_·-- -- thatching themselves against the sun's rays. first class PEHCHEIWNS ana ]'RENCH COA CHE H S, to look tl.. ~ : .,.. over, ·we h ave an exceptionally fine lot, and our stud is so l 1lF$. "'1'>· And another correspondent of the same that all may be pleased. W e offo l' the hirgest number and gN;p.tffl'~. journal sends the following statements, v1uicty to select from . .A.11 our i mportBd stock is selected by MR.. FARNUM himself personally in F rance, a.nd he accepts nothing hall;. which make it neceesary to revise the old tho best Horses of the most approved breeding. CAT;\RRH.-.A. new treatment has be.en diB· · h · h · l h oovllred whereby a. permanent cure of this say mg ~- at ma,n is t eon1y anuna. t at uses Our Home-bred St ock is all the progeny of selected sires anil 021:ms. of the best form and mo~t dosirable breeding. We guarant ee ~ hitherto incurable disease, is absolutely atroct· tools : A CLEVER ORIOLE. stock. Sell on easy terms and at low prices. e.d in from one to three a.pplicationa, no m~tt~r "One eveni.ng, soon ofter my arrival in We will he glad to auswer all cor respondence p·omptly ; but · "e wileth er' standing on· year or forty years. :rb1s Rastern Assam, and w hile the five elephants It is curious what a variety of materials would strongly advise persons contemplating the1purchase of a l 1t tM1· remedy ls only applied <?nee in. twelve da~s, b · f d · 1 b unga1ow, I ob · Baltimore orioles will use in the :onstrucand does not interfere with business. Deacrip· were emg e opposite tie or ma1e, Per~heron or Frencb Coach, to get on L he train and come and sse us. tivepamphlet sent froe on r~ceipt ol' stamp by served a young and lately cau£1.ht one step tion of their nests. ln the lawn of one of Catalogue free by Mail. A. B. Dixon :;. Son, 305 Kmg street, West up to a bamboo fence, mid quietly pull up the prettiest homes in _ the State of Mary· Toronto, Canada. one of the stakes, Placing it under his foot, land a. pair of orioles selected a tree in which 'VaAT rlil OATARRn1 t b u ·d · It was a 1arge fi r· t rec, ab ou t Catarrh ; 6 a\ dangerous diseo.s~ which thous· i: ~rok; off '.I' piece with its tru~k, and after o u PROPRIETORS OF lSI.,lND HOME STOCIO:: FA.RlU, llll'OltTl~ RS A.ND JlREED!l!::RS.. ands are consciously or uncons<,nouslysuft'erlng hftmg it to its mouth, t.hrew 1t ,,way. It forty.five feet from the house. The lady of Address a.11 communications to Detroit, Mich.] . GROSSE ISLE. WA.l'NE ()0., JU()lllGA,, ~., . trom. It is a muco·purulent dtschar~e c.auBcd repeated this twice or thrice and then drew the house was sewing by one of the windows by .the presence of a vegetable paro.eitedJn the another stake. Seeing that 'the bamboo was opposite this tree early one beautiful sumllmng membrane of the nose. The pre ispo~. . o · d n b · , lled way to Ing causes are a morbid state of the blood,_ the I old and dry, I .asked the reason of this, nnd me1· m rnmg, an o emg ca a blighted oorpuscle of tubercle, the germ pmson was told to w~.it an r l see what the elephant some other room, ~he placed her spool of ?! snh!lia, mercury, toxomre, ,f~om the reten- wonld do. cotton on the window-sill. When ehe retlon of the effete matter of the s;nn, ~nppresscd "At la8 t it seemed to get a piece that turned she iound the spool was gone, and · perspirations, badly ventLlo.u~d s loepm!l. apart· . . . · 1 I f · d' d · h fi ments and the germination of othei; ~01sons in smtecl hnn, anc l . holdmg it 111 the trunk on oo dng or it, 1scovere it on t e oor the blood. Irritated by these, the hmng mem- firmly , and steppmg the left fore-leg well of the porch which was just outside of brane of the nos!" ls eve~ rca.dy . for the recep- forwal'd, it passed the piece of bamboo under the window. She found t hat consider· _A. :S:.A_LL~ tiqn of the paras1to, whLhchf rapldly sprbead ks,ttP the arm·pit sc to speak and b·gan to able length of the cotton was unwound, and tbe nostrils and down t e auces, or ac 0 1 ' ' · 1 k" · f th I f "t I t ·· the throat, co.using ulcera.tlon or the throat; up scratch with some force. oo 1Ill;( or c enc .o l s 1e r aced i u_up the eustachlan tubes, oanB ing. deafne~a: bn ~ ".M:y sm·prisc reached its climax, when I to t):ie nest ~f t~e . oriole, and saw the bird rowing in the vocal cords, caumng hob'rnen~~s! saw a large elephan;;-leech foll to the ground busily weavmg it m to the n.est. The la . dy UllJU'Ping t)l.e P.roperlstructure on fstuhemp ' t¥oo~c a~~ auite six inches long and thick as one'~ placed the spool in the window, and it was tubes ending m pu monary co ;< · l · ·t t 11 h · ·t d death. ~ finger, and which, from its position, could s iown as a cunos1 Y o a w o v1s1 e th e Many Ingenious speltlcs ror .or t,he 011re or not be easily detached without this scr aper house catarrh have bee!' invented, but "'d ' i.thou1 t sue: wh ich w as deliberately made by the eleph eesfl until a phySlclan of Jong sta.n mg < iscov , . How to Avoid Premature .Old Age. ercci the exact nature of th tliBea~e and the ant. I eubsequent.y found that this was ·a only appliance which will perma.nently dos troy common occurrence. Such scrapers are used The followm g good advice is given by Dr. the 1 mrasite, no matter hnw aggrava.t ed the by every elephant daily. Benjamin ' Vard Richardson : The rules for caee Sulferera should sen<l atamp at once "0 tl · h t 11' tor descrip1 ive pamphlet on cMarrh, to the .n a.no ..rnr occasion, w en rave t~g the prevention of senile disease a.re all perbusiness manaaers, A., H , Dixon & Son, 305 at a t ime of the yea.r when the large files sonal. They should begin in youth. It K ing street, west, 'l'oronto, Canada. are so tormen ting to an elephant, I noticed should .be a. rule a.mong grown up people What the R,,,,. E . B. Stevcnso1.., B ·.A., a OMlertohv the one I rode had no fan or wisp to beat n ever to subject children to mental shocks man of the La.don Conference of the e 0 t h ff · h Th d · d cliat (!hurcl4 of Canada , has to sav in 1·euai·d . em o wit . e n ver, at my or er, and unnecessary griefs. vVhen, in the surTo A.H. Df.3lon &: Son's N ew 1'reatment fo,. s~ackened space and o.llow'd her to go to tho rounding of the child life, some gr ave caCatarrh, side of the road, when for some moments !amity has occurred, it is best to make the Oaklans, Ont., Canada, March 17, 1883 she moved along, rumma.gint:( the smaller event as light as possible t o the child, and Messrs. f1· H. DT.J;on &- Son: th 1 st to band jungle on the banks. At last she came to a certainly to avoid t hrilling it with sights o.nd It~::~ei1iFi~s~ ~~;~~~~ht~/ge tr~e that I an; cluster o~ young shoots well bra.nch; d, and details which stir it to Lhe utmos t, and in ~mred of Catarrh but l know that I am. l after feeling among th em and selectmg one, the end only leave upon the mind and h ea.rt have had no retu~n of the diseas~. and never raiaed her t runk. anu neatly stripped down incurable wounds anr' oppressions. Children felt better in my lire. I hrwe tried hso mdetny the stem, taking off all the lower bran ches, should never be taken to funerals, nor things for Catarrh eu:ft'ered so muc an or d I · fi b h Sh d many yurs, that it is he.rd to realize that a.n eavmg a . ne _unc on top. ~ e- sights that cause a sense of fear and dread 80 l am really better. · hberately cleaned it do;wn several times, combined with great grief, nor to sights lnspe<'tion Solicited. I consider that mine was a .vei:y b~d .casei~t and then laying hold at the lower c'nd broke which call forth pain and agony in man or in was aggravated and chromc,!mvc vmg d off a beautiful fan, or switch about five feet MlJRDOCH BROS .. the lower animals. 'Victoria Buildings. hroat as we!l 1&8 the nasal passages. an l h di · ] J d ' n"tl th· h k thou!!ht It would require the three ;treatments, ong,. an e m e u · e : ·v-1 l IS e e ept To avoid premature old agt: in mature life, but I feeltullf cured by the two sent me. and the flies at bay, fta.ppmg them off on each the following are important points to' reI am thankfu that I was ever induced to send side. member : io{g:'a.re at liberty to use this letter stating b " Sa/iyd wh~t w e may, these h art; btoth_really Grief anticipates age. Dwelling on the 11gent1 that I have been cured at two treatments. and ona e imp1~ments, eac, m e1 y inevitable past, forming vain hypotheses as I shall gladly recommend your remedy to some 'made for a dcfimte purpose.' to what might have b een if this or that had ot my friends who are suffer ers. or had not been, aoquirint:( a craze for re· Yours with many thanks. ' REV.E, B. STEVENSON T EE CA>rllTRD. countering what has occurred-t hese acts And hundreds of others The catbird is one of the mcst interesting, do more har1r_i to fut ure heal~h and ef'.ort and at the same time , most exasp erating of than rna!ly thmgs connected. wit~ cala1mty. birds. He seems t o give up all his time to I Occupa.~10n and new pursuits ale the best the pleasure of hearing himself talk. He is 1 prcvent1v~s for ~e_ntal shock and b ereavea :first cousin of the mockingbird-whom he 1 ment. Hate anticipates age.; Hate k~eps resembles in p erson much more t han in I heart alw9:ys at full ten~1on. It gives Has.recelved her new stock ot voice. As a matter of fact, his jerky u~ter· n se to oppress10n of the bram and senses. ance is so strikirigly harsh that some one 1 I t confuses the whole man. lt r?bs ~he has aptly t ermed it asthmatic. st~rna~h ot_ nervous P?Wer, ar1;d, d1~;st1on and invites the Ladies of Bow The catbird is unmistakably a Bohemian. b emg rmparred, the failure of life begms. at Re is eiquisitely formed ; has a b eau tiful on.ce. T~ose, therefore, w ho are born w.ith manville and vicinity to call slate-gray coat, set off by a black h ead and j this pass10?-~nd a good m any, I fear, are tail ; by natur e he is peculiarly graceful ; -should give ~tp. , . and see her Pattern and when he chooses, can pass for the most 1 Je~lousy ?'ntic1pat~s age. '.Ih~ facial ex· polished of the cultnred Philistine ariatoc-1 press10n of i eal~uey is old age, m however racy. B ut he cares nothing for all this. young a face 1t. may be cast. J ~alousy · a.nd assortment ot With the laziness of a self-indulgent Bohe· preys upon a nd kills t he heart. So, Jealous mian, h e sits by t he hour with relaxed mus-I m en are not . only unh~ppy, bnt broken cles, and wings and t ail drooping listlessly . hearted, and h vt; short lives. I ha~e never H;is cousin is v-n artist, but h e-is he a ~nown.a man of Je~lous nature to ~Ive any0 il'i'ORJli.. - SeeendDoor W est of William· wag as well as a caricaturist, or is he in t ling h~e a lo?g h fe o~ a ?-sefu_ l hfe. ~he S·teher\Stall sober earnest when h e tries to mimic a \Vil- prevention of Jealousy is d1vers1on of mmd .:i:.'W:iii son's t hrush ? If he i s a. wag, he is a sue- toward u se. f ol and_1~n~elfish work ; · ce~siul one, for he deceives the unguarded U ~chastity an!.tcipates . age. Eve~ythmg ' into believing him a robin, a cat, and- " a , !ha:t mt~rferes·h~ ith h chastity ra.vords v1ta1 debird n ew t o science!" H ow he musr, chuekle i enoratlon! w i e .t e groas~r eparturea to himself over the enthusfasm with which / f~om cha~t1ty, leadmg to _specific and h!re.t'c his notes are ha.iled in th eir different charac- d1t3:ry dJSease, .are certam ly causes of.orters, and t he b ewilderment and creatfallen I ~,amc dege_ner~t1on and prema.tur~ old age. disgust t hat come to the more diligent ob- 1Ihus chastity 1s pre.v~nt1ve of seml e decay. server when he fin ally catches a glimpse of Jntei;iperance anhoipates age. T~e mor, the garrulous mimic. the ?oc~1~l cau3es ofn;ental. and physical or· Ile builds his nest as h e does everything ~amc iseases. a;e investigat ed,_ the m.oi:e else. T he gr eat loose mass of. coarse twigs, closely the ?n gm of degen erative .or.ga?1c heaped t ogether and patched up with pieces chauJies leadmg to J?Tematur e. deter10rnt10n Bowman ville, August 17th, 1887. of newspaper or anything that happens t o and . ec~y are quest10ne~, t h e more closely ~=------:--~----:-=----:-:-.:::---.=------·~--------con1e in his ' vn.y, look s as if it would hardly does it come out t hat intemp.erance, oft e.n - - - -·-- bear his weight. He lines it, howev er, with , ?Ot ~uspect~d .by the pere~n . hu'!lself who ~s Her Signs. PUREST, STRONCEST, BEST. u btle is its mfiuence, is I . . ll h. k f h I l fine bits of dark roots. and when the beau ti - implicated m 1t , so s_ Ready for use iti m 1y qua ntity. _l':or ? · · at t he root of-the evil t is 1mpossi > e not tot Ill o t e o c ad- . t in . . m a king Soap, Soft.en lng Wate r, Disinful green eggs are la id m it, you feel sure WI ". . :British Manufa.ctu:rer. a.ge about the longevity of fools when one I · on ues to d o a Genero.l Banking Buel:ne. 01'. fectin g,and a hundr ed ether u ses, A that such an artistic looking bird mu st . ien aid ag~ h as ieall~ co~menced, its . . . · . @Bo wma nvillu Branch. c zn e quals 20 pounds Sal So d a, tak e a peculiar p leasure in t he contrasting I march. coward_ final decay is b es. delared by E ven E!!.glish p:i.pers are beginnin\to o.c meets w ith superst1t1om per sons, hke t hose DE!" O~l '.l' i§ . Sohl by a ll Grocers a nd D ruggists. 1 colors. in Savings l:0 W, GIT.LET T, · TORON'!10.. High trees have an u nsocial asp ect ' a nd . · e " all l ive in t he "back dis tricts." A t ray. 1 all andint.ereste.llowed o.teurren,t rated· ..,~, ' anri t he lelUlt wast t rial race is t heir m iserable conceit w hich i f so we find bim in low bush es on t h e edge of ,, : · . eller once put up for the night with a 1ot ce o withd rawal necessary. All de]ll'fJDlh11 a river , or even by the side of t h e garden, ~he prm.ie rules_ for this .purp~~~ a r e : . leads them to neglect improvements, and to simple·m inded old couple, in a lonely farm . ) ayable on rlemand , enjoying the f>un and his own company. .To s?bs1 st on lig h t but nututtous d1_ e t, be h aughty anu even indifferent to t h eir house. As he rode u· to the door , h e heard EX (JUAN GE with milk as the standard food, but van ed. customers. T hey don't trouble themselves <accorclinir to season. a.bout t he tastes of t heir customers, while the old lady say , in a tone of deep convic- ·i ough t and sold and Dr a.rtsiasued upon Enrop C LE VER :MONKEYS. ~ t' Jnited S ta~es and Can. a da, also Gold,Silve;ra11a To take food in modcm t e quantity, four Continental comp laisu.nce d oes Travellers ion : Your atten t ion is directed to' the imme n se It is odd that mank ind has not mor e gen - t imes in t he day , including a ligh t mea l be- are not s ent out to learn what t he people of "'i.'h er e ! I knowed som ebody 'd come Jnlted Sta.es Greenback a boug:ht a n d sold. s tock of erally attempted to utilize the cleverness , fore going to bed. · _ certain countries prefe r. No, if t hey don't before nigh t, for I dropped my fork on t he C Ol. J. . E CT..BON~ and imitative facult y of the monkey. .Per · T o cloth e warmly but lfoh tly, so that the take what Brit isher s choose t o send so much floor this morning , and i t stuck straigh t up. h aps, however , this lit tle four·h . anded cr eo.- b ody may, in all seasons, maintain its equal the worse for them. The Ger mans and Then I dropped th e dish-cloth a t noon,Promptly m.ad~ a t current ra t es u pon 1tll Jiii.fl:' .lf Grea t Bnttam,, the United States and Do, ture is too m ischievous to b e trusted ve:y temperature. others h<1.ve a better plan, They try to another su;e sign of company:". ruln10n of c..n,.da. of every d escription a.t extensively, 1 To k eep the body in fair exe.r cise, and the ascertain what their customers prefer, and In _enteri~g the ho~ee the vrnitor CDTeless'.l'u Be~· rn 1>lt 'l'r:uufeJ'l!l A woman in Toulouse one cl ay locked up : mind active and cheerful. t h en do their best to m eet t heir wishes. In ly strfu~~ !u s foot agamst t he step, and came llR' c-U ~Vln'JJ~ 1 · ~ her moneyin a desk , an d went out shoppin g. To maintain an interest in what is going t he same way a grea t m'any English mer · nen;~ a . ~~'g. . · Made tor lar ge or small sums on nil parlil :ole ; · · ~ ~ On h er r eturn she n:.issed a consider able on ill the world, and to take part in reason· chants r esolutely refuse to look forward ~o " -!ih · . s~td the old la d:\'., q mc_kly · c..na.da. 'l'hie .ls espe. · c ially adva ntageon s till> Shu has just ope n ed out on e of the lar gest au m, but ther e w as no t r ace of a burglary. able labors and pleasures, as t houg h old 1.>ge the time w hen they must give place to w~,~ch toe d.id you stub, t he righ t or the persons living m Mamtoba or the North--wre lJlll · B It ruakes t ho tunda available at once Ube and most stylish stock~ ever brought V ery much bewilder ed, t he woma.n was · were not present. others and so neglect to properly train their lef,t, · . ,, place of vayment . to t own, consisting of :J deep in reHection O\' er the mat t er, when To take plenty of sleep during sleeping employes. The result is that old E nglish "1:he ~·ight, wa~ ~he r eply. . , Forfurther particularH call at t he Bsnk!n, Millinery, D1·ess Silks she h eardai·oaroflaug hter from h erneigh - hours. To spend n ine hours in becl at t h e fir ms are . decay ing for want of new . 'Ihat s g~od,; its a s1we sign youre Ho nee. · b or's go.rd en. least, and take care durin g cold weather that blood, while t he: Germans are carefully· gomg where :i;ou re wanted . P a, shoo th~t T . ROilJE, G E O. McGJLJ.,, Vt!lVet.s, &c.·, " Oh, the thief I" cried s everal persons. t he t emperature of the bedr oom is maintain- looking out for and training compete11t ro_oster. oJT the fence .. If,,he crows ther e, it .A ccountant, M!lnn;. e;r-· ed at GO o J!'ah. successors. '.l. ' he short and the long of it is w ill r~m befor e mornmg. . I with a very fine stock of F e ath ers and "Wher e has he stolen it ?" ·Iv The dame instantly ran out , saying, "Oh , To avoid passion, excitement, luxury. that Britishers are getti ng t oo conceit ed an d 1' : lttle boy suddenly ran mto th e ro~m, F lowers. my money, messieur s ! Wh ere iA to he thief?" too conser vative, and if they don 't waken crymg ont, " o_ grandma, ,~ook ! H ere 8 a Call and inspeo' this fine display, which "He is up a t r ee, mada.me, " pointing to up and accommod ate themselves more to ' l copp~r I found ~ 11 the r~a.d. . _ $8 day. Samp le s a 11d d 11 . F HEE. l.Ji nes not u nder t.ho hQr· ~!1'1 f ta--:1 , \.Vri te cannot fail to give satisfaction . to a monkey on a high branch above them, Modern War Sh:ps. the actual wor ld in w hich they are JiYing lbm n~t a bit sur pn sedd D on Y~1! I~· BRE W STE R 'S S A ~'ETY H l< IN lioLvK!i " but h ere is the money. · they w ill be left behind . '.l'hey h{tve to a ~nem er, ommy , t hat you re~me fin · Co .. H oll , Mic h.· 'l'he monkey ha d been seen to climb into 1:he ann?uncem ent t hat tll~ T ; afalgar, large ex tent alrea<'l y lost t h e trade of South I rng a nest of hen 8 , eiz.gs last m gh t 9 · I t old one of the lady's windows, had unlocked w hich has JUSt been lau nch ed m Eng1"nd , America. Indeed th ey a.re losing their own t A:ou the?, t hat you d fi nd som e money before ------· ·--~---- · ---·- - -··------· ·~ a drawer, fou n d the money, and concealing will probably be th e last of the great iron- home trade. Iu such an age as t h is i t is 1 a w eek. . it in his cheek, brought it to his master. clad~, comes j~stas t he su ccees of the ~oneu· impossible to stand still wi th anything like A y oung w oman was w a.shmg on a p orch ,.,,IJF.:'."~ IN : YE~!Tl®N No less an authority than Buffon d eclares mabc dyn~nnte gun has been esta.blish~cl, safety. l~t the back _ of the hquse, and t he old lady "'"' ""' N O BP.C H l\G H L 1sudd euly cn ed out: that a female chimp" nzee, who went out t o and thet e is, no doubt, ~' clo1 s,e connection RUM service at Loango, m ade t h e b eds, swept between t he two .facts. I he l rafalg8:r has The Hermit of the Wind Mountains 'l' here, ther e, S usa.n ; if you h1w n't th<> h ou se, an<l 8 0 far u.ssisted in the cooking ar~our fro1 _n fou1 teen to twenty -four m ch es splashed soap-suds allovm· t he front '<>f yous EAS as to t urn the spit. thick, and is t ne m_ ost po~erful of t he tur. The Wind Mountains conceal a strange d r ess? A nd if you den ' t get a drunk en A n aval officer t ells of another chimp - re~ a nd b_arb ette s lups proJ.e?t~d. by the ;A-cl· ch aracter k nown as " Wind River Clark " or husband for it, I'm wonderfully m istaken. anzee, on board a French m an-of-war , wh o m1r~lty m 1885. Her cosu is Ill t he n eigh - tb.e "Golden H ermit ." This man is a. t rue I've k nown ~hat sign to come true often and assists the cook, turns t he c ~tps tan, and furls bornood of $5,000,(00. It .would seem, how- solitary , shunning his kind , and con sorting 1 often. But you can k eep it fr om com i11 g FREEMAN'S sail 118 well & S any of the sailor s. e_ v er, that even such _ a _leviat han w ould have alone with nature i n her m ost savage aspect, t ru e by hanging all t he cloth es on the l ine WORM POWDERJ~ o In China, monk eys help in t he t ea -p icking, II~tle chnnce ,~f ~nrv:_vm g a sh?t from one of with the wild animals of the mountains :ts wrong side out, and y ou 'd b etter do it ." and L ord Monbod do used graYely to conten d Lieu tenant z..a lmsk i s ·~ yi1!'m1te guns, ~ml h is only com p<m ions. l! ' or for ty y ears has S o Susa n d id, as ·t he t r aveller noticed to ····--·- - ----·-- -- - ------ -·----Are pleo,snnt to t :'ikO, Contnin their own that apes coul d talk r e:idily cinougb , bu t ! no o-:ie : an.yet tell wha." w1.ll be t h e ult1m · t h is " Golden Hermit '~ ma de his s olit<1ry his gr etit amusement . !Pm ::ati>"e. Is a. 5!1.fc, suro, v.nd er.rect·u!'! thi~t thei.r superior cunning t old them to ;i;.c.~umt or the.d,e-st r uc t1veness of the lat ter . home in 1h e deep re cesses of t he mighty ··- -- - ·-- - - -- df:litl'OY C/r oi wo!'Wli ill Children or Adaltllo !hold then· tongues, lest they s hould b e pu t Iln". weapoi:: , ttte torpedo boat and the sub- ~Wind Mo.unt:·ins. Cold or hea~ seems t o '.I'ea w as brou ght t o Egyp t by th e Dtt tch marme crmRer appear t o have ended the impress hun not. Two or t hree tnnes a year . lo l O I to hard wo~k - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- · · ___ long <n d varyillg st ruggle for sup remacy he appear s at the fron tier post of Ji ' ort m · . . . . between p r ojectile and armour, ancl there W ashakin , loaded down wit h val uable furs, Good n egative varrnsl~ : Sa.nclarac four A FAI'n lFUL 'l'O Tm;: L AST. is every r eason to believi:: that th e w ar ships and carr yiug an an cient buck sk in sack filled j ounces, alcohol t wen ty-eigh t ou nce;;, ml. ,,f .li,. of t he future will not be th e lrn<>e steel float- wit h gold dust and nu ggets, for " '\Vind lavender th ree ounc es, chloroform nv e A t ou ching instan ca of fiddity on t he iug fort , built o,t enormous cost", but t he ac- , R iver Clark " is a might y hunter a.nd trapper , drachrns. . n OF CANADA. P art of a dog h as jus t occu rred in the east of tiYe cr uiser, rel yi ng foi· its own safety ch ief- and t h e " Golden H er mit" is the silent re,, or b_ L trns app]Y t irn w I11 te o f an egg anc1 S ome gencfarmes, going t heir r ou nd s l.y up on itr1 speed aurl ag ility. The amount p osit ory of the mount ain 's gold secret s. (;apHal paid np, $ !.000,000. litcst, $ 261l, OO Paris. ] · · , swee t 01J, equ!1 L par rn, .b cat en t oge t lier. a cay or two sm ce, . ound on '~ waste land , of money expellcl cd n eon a vessel like t he y cu may know t he fa re 18 ou t_ when ~he _ ,,,, _ This B ank l s '\'p ren ar ed t o do L e!"it !.· near Menilm ontant g!>te a man haug ing to T f 1 b l fl 'R l t urns red and nm t s ;·unnmg · :\. 1 ~ a shrub. His su icide was a m ost det ermined .rlt a ga r w ould build a w hole fleet of such What Made Him Needy. u rnec "' 1 . · . ·1 · · m a te Bank ing in ;>iU !ta b ran ches. boat s and what i s more the r isk of loss wat er . ·w hen t he fire is ou t scorch :1 . !men 1 Farm,ers n? t es disco.u nted ; Depo . sits1 o g. n r·o eu,;.~r.· ~~d ~fss ~:~ds toe~~e c~d ed edtliaelo~.' g. .,tls~oe whfoh is 1 ; 0w ver y <>eea~ would be mu ch Mr. Pawnb roker- " S o y ou pet y our r ag, greruie it w ith mut ton t all.ow, u.:1d bind i dI t t d l f r. lrnsencd "' ' ' m oney on dot Thist le, eh ?" it ou to h eal t he burn. -...IE.'t""*-reoe vea a n n e rca p a.i o n a moun '5 0 : l ow was h e suspeudecl. Between hi.>1 k gs ' Dudey- " Ah- yaash, unfor t unately." K a.t.k off w:i.s of plebeian orjgin and h ad a go upward s i n S a vin gs B ank D ep!>l.'tm en t , : a. docr lay s leep in)l'. '.l' h.; poor anim i>l when " I t'ot so. M ein sthore ish full altogeth - }um.i fig ht t o win !us p osition in the face of .fl) .~:. lfA. i'""il.' !@ i arou~ed by the footst eps of t li.e gendarmes , , .8. Pere'.Tiptory Order. er out mit tings pawn f d by d ose- vot y on the proud aristocracy of R ussia. H is father fl# I a m folly p repared to at tend Fnnorals -0~ Iesu e d and Oollectlon a m&d e in E urope tded to m ake t h em under ·_:o.nd_ in d ,imb ·· J~<i.fayette ! ~I.1 st y erself i~i da.t garding, call- Anclo-l'lfaniacs vot pet on dot T histle. was a panamar or sacristan of the Moscow the shor test notice, a t the lowest p ossible rZ>lflil> 0 0.skets a nd Burial Cases ready on short notice United S tates a n d Canada. show wh at had h appen ed co his. mast er. an~ fimsl~ waten n , dem punk1.n pw_plan ts 1 1 Y ou will h af to take a toiler on d is or go to Cath edral, and the fu ture "powar beh ind s hearse on very m oderate t ermll!I . . The b ody was cu t down and earn ed away so, out y1sterday , fore d~t big ram comes . anudder s t hore. " the throne" was contempt uously called First-clas Shronds and Coffins constantly on hand , F a n W . J , ,TO.N EB, to the m orgu e, in spite of the frant ic pro · up and y ou'll bab t er qm t a nc.l come in de "Dooced har d , old fellah bu t h <And itj "Panamarvitch" by his fellow-students a t era! oards supplled at once. Furnit11re S h og&. Ag·o 1 t ests of the fourfooted friend, and t he lat- h ouse ! Y ou he:u· me, y ou trifling nigger !" ovah. " ' the u niversity, Show tl.oomu- Bounsall's.New lilock. 1 - CATARRH. ter was locked up. There being n'o thing on the body t o show its identity, the Poli::e Commissary maue use of the dog to ascertain the abode of the suicide. The anima1 w{1,s released and made struight for a hou se in the Rue des Haries. The police on arriving there, found t hat a working carpenter was missing, and the dog wa3 recognized by the concierge as belonging to him. The ammal h 'ls bt en adopted by some of the inmates of tho h ouse, Tmkish Recreations· The traits of a people may often be judged as correctly from their pleHsures and recrea.·t ions, as from their history and serious conduct. In the freedom of the idle, pleasureseeking hours, a people will betray whether they are imaginative or matter-of-fact, whether they are gentle or rnngh, whether they are sober or bouyant of spirit. It is usual to find that a people who dwell in rugged, inhospitable lands, in regions of storm and gloomy skies prefer amusements which are hardy and active; while those who. dwell in eo.fter, sunnier climrs enjoy themselves in milder r ecreations. The old French chronicler, Froissart, observed, 1when in England, tha.t the English "took t heir pleasures very sadly." The English, and especia.ll;)- the Scotch, dwelling as they do in a capricious climate, are noted for the ruggedness and hardihood of their sports. The buoyancy and ga.yety of the :Fr ench character, on the other hand, are strickingly reflected in the lightness and sparkle which appear in all their favorite pastimes. The r ecreations of Oriental peoples are more interesting, because less familiar to us, than those of the Wes tern peoples; and afford quite as reliable a key to national character. A. recent sojourner in Turkey h as given a very entertaining account of the ways in which the subjects of the Sultan beguile their many idle hours. '.l.'he 'l'urks ar e a very indolent p eople. 'The languor ol their beautiful climate renders them prone to take the .world easily, to have frequent holidays, and to enjoy pleasures that soothe rather than exite. T h e principal public recreations of the T11rks are three. One is, to witness the burlesque acting of a company of men1 who do not use any stage fo r t heir preformances, bttt issue forth from behind a simple screen. These players go about from place to place, erect their screen in the open air , and give their preformances before a motly crowd of of t urbaned idlers who g{tther around them. Another favorite amusement is what the writer referred to calls the "Turkish Punch and Judy." This show, however, is given by means of ehadows cast upon a w h ite slieet. The effect of t his is very weird and striking. The third public recreation is t h e ga.therirg in the skeets, or on the open spaces, to liatcn to the thrilling tales of t he " ·medda.hs," or professional story-tellers. · The meddahs take the place, in Turkey of lecturers jn America. They r elate the most exciting stories, with many emphat ic gestures, contortions of face and modulations of the voice. They sit in the middle of an attentive circle and of t en rouse their hearers t o a high pitch of breathless interest and ex. citemem by their dramatic powers of na rr ation. The Turkish women are allowed to witnellS the b u.rlesque acting ; but they are forbidden to he present at t he Punch and J udy shows, and a t the story-telling of the med. dahs. The women, moreover, are not permit·.ea to at :end the theatres and . opera.houses. L ike all Orientals, the Turks are very fond of music, and of dnncing. But their airs, musical instruments and dances are entirely different from those of ' Vest ern E urope. They partake very much of the nat ure of the race as seen in otb.er ways. Tb.e Turkish music to Western ears sounds, soft, mel· odious and monotonous. '.l.'he T urks, on the other hand, regard E uropean music as too loud, boisterous and confused in souud. A choir, or an orchestra, in Turkey, a.Using and play the a~r only. . The Turkf like ceremony, and all their r ecr eations are pursued in a sedate, quiet, ceremoniou s way. The musicians, d ancers, s tory -tellers are u shered b efore and away from their audiencs with flourishes a nd obeisances, and are r eward ed with much sol emnity of demeanor. '.l'here ar e very few recreations in Turkey , in which men and women are allowed to take pa.rt in common. When both sexes witness t he same preformance, the women sit in a group behind a screen or t hick lattice, BO that they can witness w hat is going forward without seeing, or being seen by t h e m en. B ut in this ca~e, the besG point from which to view the perfor1nance is accorded t o the women. PERCH ERON HORSE S~ FRENCH COACH HORSES. SAVAGE & '. FARNUM, I Murdoch Brothers' N""E-W- O::S:IN"" where are to be seen a I 21 Dinner Sets, lovely patterns, . 30 China Tea Sets, very pretty, 15 Printed Tea Sets, elegant designs~. 50 Superior Printed Bed Room Sets, 20 White Bed Room Sets.. SEVERAL CASES SUPERIOR GLASSWARE JUST ARRIVED. · H arge Variety anging and Table Lamps, Fancy Ware, Bohemian and China Cups and Saucers, &c... L 7 BOUNSALL'S Marble llSS McTAVISH GOODS., I I t?e We have a large and well selected stock of ' i: BONNETS, HATS 8COTClt l ENCLtLlt cnAHtTI MONUMENTS TRIMMINGS GILLETT:S POWDERED 1 Of latest d es1gns, · . t en. d ing .to and t part'ies in ·erect Monuments this fall, who will call at tl......:.. shop we will sell at such low prices as w ere never heard of before in Canada. C }} · b a and get prices e.tore pureh as1ng elsewhere,, and see if we do not mean what we say. LV 99 E. R. BOUNSALL, Manager..:._ I THE ON TARIQ BANK PERCENT I I~t~~~~ ~fe\~ s:~:'in~dl:i~~ ~hnl=~~~~~~~ti~~ ~~~:}:~rl~re;~~e ~~~h:rc~~~ghih£he i~iJ:: ~~~~~~~~ ~;~~:~chc~:11:;e~~~=l~:: ~~s!~t .~celved Ban~·Departmentantl' 0 ' ".., LADIES, M I L L I N E Ry MftS f'"\Art.1·1£LY'f> I I l a' I I l° · $5 to a ty I I" I STANDARD B NK I 0 l 0 11 IUNDERTAKIN'C LEVD MORRIS .. j

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