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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Nov 1887, p. 7

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Qtanadiau Jtattsnutu. WEDNESDAY, NOV 23, 1887. Abel Perry's Funeral. Josiah Allen and me had vrnitors, aloHg 'se· folks the last Of the Wlnter, -Abel Perr" , · from 'way out beyond Loontown They come m good sperits and the morn m' tram, and spent three days and three mghts with us You see, they wuz relatwns of ourn, and had been for some time entirely onbeknown to us, and they come a huntm' us up They said "they thought relations ort to be hunted up, and hang together " They sa.id "the xdce of huntm' us up ha.d come to 'em after rea.dm' my book" '.lhey told me so, and I said, "Wall " I didn't add nor dememsh to that one "\Vall" For I didn t want to act too backward, nor too forwara I iest kep' krnder neutral, and said, " \¥all You see, Abel's fat her's sister 10 la.w wuz step mothev to my aunt's second cousm on he1 fathers side And A bel said t ha t "he had folt more and more, as :years went by, that xt wuz a burnm' shame for relations to not know and love each other " H e said · he felt that he lovedJosmh a.n d medearly,, I d1dn t say right out wh ether 1t wuz re mprokated or not I !under said, "·wall," ag'in And I told Josia.h, m per' ect confidence and the wood house chamber, "that I had s een near er relatwns t han Mr. P eiry ses folks WUz to Us ,, Howsumevcr, I done .vell by 'em J oeiah killed a fat t urkey, and I baked it, and done other thmgs for t heir COI)lfort, · nd we hc> d w ~ quite a good time. Abel "'a.s rather flowery and ent husias "nd 'his mouth and voice ., tiz ruther tick, w " la.rge, but he meant well, I should J udge,and. ·e had quite a g~·'d time · v ' · She wnz very freckled, and a second day Baptist by p erswaawn, and wa9 piecm ' up a crazy hedcimlt. She went a vm cm' a good deal, and got pieces of the wimmen's dresses whe1e she v1s1ted for blocks. So 1t ,HlZ qmte a savm' bedcJmlt, and very good lookm' considerm. But to resoom and contmue on. Abel's folks made us promise on our two sacred honors, Josiah's honor and mme, that we would pay back the visit, for, as Abel said, "for rela.tnes to hve so clost to each other, and not VIS!t back and for th, wuz a burmn' s h ame and a d isgrace ' And Josiah pro mised t,hat we would go right away after sugarm. ~ We wouldn t pro :ruse 011 t he N ew 'resta. ment, as Abel wanted us to (he 18 dretful enthusiastick) ,· but we " Ill good plam " J:lromises thatwords we would go, and laid out to keep our two CATARRH. CATA z&H -A new treatment has been dis cov!lred whereby a permanent cure of t h1a hitherto mcurnble disease 1s absolutely affect· ed in from one to three apphcat1ons no matter whether etandmg one year or fo1ty years Thie remedy Is only applied once m twelvo days, and docs not mterrere with business. Deecnp tive pamph let sent free on receipt ot stamp by .A. R Dixon & son, 305 Rmg street, West Toronto, Canada. '\'\'HAT IS 0ATARR!ll Catarrh is a dangerous distiase which thous ands are consc10usly or unconsct0uslysufi'ermR from. It is a m110o·purulent d1sohar1je caused by the presence of a vegetable parasite Ill the Unmg membrane of the nose. 'l'he predlsposlng causes are a morbid state or the blood, the blighted corpuscle of tubercle, the germ poison ')f syphilis, mercury, toxomce, f1om the retention of the effete matter of the skm suppressed perspirations badly ventilated sleepmg apa1 t· ments and the i.:ermmat10n of other poisons m the blood Irritated by these, tbe hmng mem brane of tho nose 1s ever ready tor t he recep t!on of the parasite wh10h rarndly spreads up the nostrils and down the faucea or back o( the throat, causlnll: ulcera ion of the throal; up the eustachian tubes, cu" nng deafncse. bu.., rowmg m the vocal cords causmg1 hoa1seness, uampmg the proper struct·,r e of t 1e bronchial tubes e:pdmg m pulmonary consumption and death Many mgemous spe1flcs for for the cure of catarrh have been mvented but vnthout auo cess until s. phy·icmn of .ong standmg d1s<;OV ered' the exact nature of h d1sea0 e a nd the only applmnce wbwh wili permanently destroy 1ihe parasite no matter J " "' aggrM ated the case Sutlerer0 sbould send stamp at ouce tor descriptive pamphlet on catarrh, to L!Je bua!neas manaaers A , H Dixon & Son, 305 K1il:g sti eet, west, 'foro 1to, Canada What the Re1J E B Stevcnsoii,B A , a Clergy man of the London Oonfe1Cnce of the Metho dist Olmrch of Canada, has to say in r eyarrl To A H. Dixmi &: Sons N ew Treatment for Cutat1h, Oaklans, Ont , Canada, Marc!J 17, 1883 Me8 $rS. A, B. Dixon &: Son d DEAR Sms.-Yours of the 13th inst to han It seemed almost too good to bo true that I am cured of Catarrh, but I k now that I a.m I have ha~l .no return of. the disease, and nevel:' felt bette in my llfe I have tried so many thmgs for Catarrh, ouffeied so much and for ao many years, that it 18 hard to realize that I am really better it I consider that mme was a very bad case wae aggravated and chromc,·mvclvmg t!Je hroat aa well 1 aa the nasal passages and. I thought 1t would reqmre the thr ee tieatments, bnt I feel fullf cured by the two sent me aod I am thankfn t hat I was ever induced to a,end to-[g~·are at liberty to use this letter stat ng th&t I h11.ve been cured at two treatments and I shall gladly Iecommend your remedy to some ot my friends who are sufferers. Yoms, with manv thanks, South American Competition " R bpect and honor to h is memory,' say s A el, proudly Says I, " Such a. hfe as H arrison's had I s t his Nort hern Cuntinent t o be md us. t hem , n obody could take 'em away, nor brrn.lly swa mped by South A meuca ? It dem1msb em h . Such a brave, honest h fe 1s would seem so. Apparen tly Sou th America cr owned 'u1t 110n or and r e"pec'- "nyway could supply the whole world wi t h food " ~ It don't n eed no crape, nor flowers, nor j 1f it were rightly mauaged, and thrngs at monumen ts, t o wm 'em And at the same present look as if it would soon be S·· ti " I d 1 " f nana., "ed Cattle can be teare·' and fed 1·n me, says , reami y, I a man xs mean, u no amount of crape, or flower pieces, or numbers, and at p rices, whrnh it IS confi flowery ser mons, or omtua.n es, 1s a gom ' t o dently said, will mak e a.ll com pet 1t1on hope cover up that meanness A life has to be less S o with wheat " ' hat m that case 1 d t d t t t b h d will Canadian farmers have t o ·urn to? ive ou oor s, as i were , 1 can e 1 " A strrng of mourmn' carnages, no matter Don t know but someth ing else will no how I ,ng, h a.m't a gom t o carry a dishonor doub t turn up , and a.t t he wors t the land able hfe m t o honor, and no gr ave, no mat will not go out of cultivation unl ess some t er how low ll.nd hu mble xt is, is a gom' t o t h.m g p w fi table take its place In any cover up a h onorable hfe " c tse people surely will not be morn h kely to " Such a life as H arrison's don t n eed no d te bec au~e wheat and meat become espe tt tl t f h eta.Uy cheap and go0 d Bet ter that t hou monumen o carry up 1e s ory o IS v1r ~ t1.1es mt o t he heavens , 1t 1s k nown t here al the oppustte, and in t he meant une ieady And them that mourn h is loss d on t let the work of t he p resen t hour , what· need cold marble words t o r ecall his good e vcc tha t may be, be p roceeded with. ness and fa1thfulnesa The heart where t he Few t hmk of the productive power of South h d f t h f ll cl 't America Ill suc.;h important matters,. bread 1 b 8 a ow 0 1 u se erna a sence as e · on ~ need ct ape to make it darker st uffs and butcher meat . I t will not, how · "Harrison wouldn't be forgot xf S. Anme ever, be long before e ve1y one w ill be made wore pure wh it e from day t o day N o, to think of what sou thern la.nd can do. It nobody t hat knew H arr ison, from all I have is but a shor t time smce the Argentme Rehearn of him, needs crape t o r emind 'cm p ibhc and U rugu a.y began the expor t oi t hat he wuz once here and now 1s gone prov1s10ns I ndeed five yea.is ago they 1m" llowsomevet, as far as t hat is concern ported their bread stuffs from Cluli and t he ed, I always feel tha t mourners must do as U m ted i:5tat es L ast yea.r they export ed they are a rnmd to about crape, with fear cereals t o t he value of seven m illions and a a.ncl tremblm',-t hat is, if t hey are well off, half dolla.rs a.nd i t is exp ected tha.t t he exand ciin do as t hey are a mmd t o , and t h e port this year will be a t least d ouble t hat th t fl t "'h t p 1b d ll same W I monumen s, owers, emp y sum ,_ e grea am pas a re ric i eyon a coaches, etc But m t his case, Abel P erry, estun ate, and n11ll1ons of cattle can be fed \Vall, we filed mto the Loontown meetm' I wouldn't b e a doxn' my duty 1f I didn't an d shelt ered on t hem Dunng t he last house m prett y good shape, though Abel speak my mmd \ Vhen I look at t hese se'\ enty five y e irs t be pop ulat1 011 of the hadn't no black h andirnrchxef , and h e l oo k l!tt le helpless s ouls t hat are lett m 9. cold Argentme Republic h as m creased 154 per 18 So long a week or so after sn!!i rm', Josiah fr om tall,in , t o keep em from Sa) m sunthm' " e~ worried about it H e had shed tears a 1 world with nothm' t o stand between t hem cen t , and t he city of Buenos Ayres has grnwn REV l· B. STEVEN SON beset me one day to go 0 to Mr. l'erBllt I see from their look s it wouldn t do te.lm me about it, wha.t a oversight it wuz and want b u t t he small mea.ns t heir pa fast er than Mmneapohs Tot emptlmm1 gra.nt s And hundreds of others ry'ses to say anythmg more, so I had to set still while I wuz a fixm' on his mourmn' weed worked so hard for and left for t he exp ress m to t he agrienlt ural dist ricts t he go' ern Josiah ltked Abel ; there wuz sunt hm' m and see it go 011 j He t ook it mto lus head to bave a deepei pu rpose of t al·m' care cf 'em, it seems t o me ment has enacted la.11d laws of ext r eme 8 en his mt cnsc enthusmstick nat ure. and ex tra At t hat tlmP. of year flowers\\ uz dretful weed at the last mmute, so I fi xed it on a foolish thing, and a cruel thm g, t o spend h ber ahty. 'l!:ach head of a family · 1 vagant methods tnat wuz con!!enrnl to high, hut s Anm e ,md A bel h ad made up H e h had the weed t o come up to the t op of all t hat money on what 1s entirely onneces t itled t o 250 acr es free, and as m uch more Jonn h. ~ then mm ds tha.t the) must have severu l 1 1is at and lap over I never see so tall a sary ' as he desues to purchase up to 1,500 aerca "Onnecessarv '" says Abel, angrily fo1 seventy five cents per acre-:; J·ree trans So I hem ag reeable to the tdee, we set flower pieces fi om the city mgh est to L oon weed But lt smted Abel; he said "he Has received her new 1Jtock of town v thought rt showed deep r espect." " Ae-'m I say, J osiah A llen's wife, t hat if it porta hon from Buenos Ayres to the place or c,it after dmne,., a l.>ym' out t o be gone for "'vVall " s I " d d 't f 1 1t h I h ld loca.t10n is gra.ntecl to all settlers ·, n:i their two mghts and one hul day, and two par ts One wnz rYorng to be a gat e aia.r and one ' ays ' it IS a eep wee any wuzn or our c ose r e a wns xp s ou " " of days, a gom and a comm' back wuz t o be a "gate wide open And' one wuz way- th e deepes~ J ever see ' Anrl,he B 1J.1d, t um on you A w or m will t mn, ' says he, fann h es, and all settlern are e xempt from Wall, we got ther e onexpect ed, as t hey to be a l:J cr book A bel asked me wha.t as J wuz a sewm it on he a holdm h is hat " if it is t oo hardly t rampled on ' t a.xatxon for ten yea.rs The r esult of all 1s and invites the Ladies of Bow had come onto us And we found 'em b k I th 0 ht ld b ft ble t 0 for me, " that Harr ison deserved it , he "I h am't trampled on you, " says I, an vmoun t of progress, of whi ch few in 00 t ~ugi I '\ out cdp{h Bbl re deserved it all " "nor ham t h a.d n o idea on't I wuz only N ort h Amerwa. ha.ve any idea. I n 1886 manville and vicinity to can plunved mt-0 trouble. presen n men wne e 1 e But , ab I say, he shed t ear s t o t hmk that stat m' the solemn facts and t r uth of t h e I nea rly !l00,000 aci cs of wild land were and see her Pattern Their only child, a girl," ho had married But Abel says, " No, he d1d:r; t thmk he his handkerchief wuzn't bla ck bordered, H e I matt er And you w ill see 1t some t ime, ploughed and planted One fir m sold l , ~00 a young lawyer of Loon"o"n, lmd Jest lost would have a Bible ; he d1dn t think 1t said " it wnz a fear ful oversigh t , 1t would Abel Perry, 1f you don't now. " reapers, a11d others smaller nu mbers Ele her husband with t he t ypus, an d t hey wuz -" probably make t alk " B~O f h f wou ld b e app;,opr1at e, se,e,m' th e d1eceaseu Sa'<s Abel, " The worm has turned, J osiah vators are bemg erected on the banks of k , ~::i; ~nt~~~arst~~n: ~r ~e~ h:b~~ldw~: -.. uz a. lawyer He said he hadn t qmte But I says, " Mebby 1t won't be noticed " Allci{·s wife 1 Yes I feel that I have "Ot rivern ancl gram ship p ed d irect ly to Europe. and asso1tment of comehomeonav1s1t, and hewuz tookdown made uph1smmd Vlhat bookto have. But " Yes it will," says he "It will be to look no w t o m~re dist ant r elations f o1 In sheep and cat t le t here is a l!ke bed sICk tl, ere and died a nyway,, it wuz to be. m flowers- b eautiful notsced " And says she, "I don' t care comfort Yes, t he worm has been stepped O\ er fiow of wealth I n 1885 tber a were , If k d h flowern Another piece wuz t o be lus abou /; myself, but I am afraid 1t will r~flect on t oo heavy ' fo1ty one m1ll10ns of sheep m the Umted I Id 1 1 desc~nde1P~ow~ ~n:o ;e:~~ s!~1;1 ~l~~~.had name Ill wlu t e flo wers on a rmrple back /onto Ha1 11son I ,1m afraid t hey wul thmk H e look ed cold cold as a 1ce1ck le al o t Sta cs and 100 millions m th e Ar gcnt me groun d of pansies H is na me wuz ' V1lliam it sh0ws a lack of respect for him For And I see that 'J est th e few " ord ' s Imhs ad ' R epublic '.!: he sa.me t hmf! >uth h orned STORE :-Second Door West of WuUlamff But Abel sa.1d he wuz Jest despat chm' a H H R k f 11 A d I " ~ l:o.h;ilcr Stall messenger for us when we arrove, for, he enry arnson oc Ye, er n savs [ IIar ,1sou's sa ke I fe e! cut clown about 1t " spoke Jest t he slight hmts I ha.d gm cat t le There 1s capacity for r ean ng sheep said " In a t ime of trouble t hen wuz t he to Abel,-A 'd I says, "I guess where Harrison is hadn 't been took a.s t ncy snollJcl h M e beo~ a nd ca.t t!e Ill those countries tc feed t he tim~ if e'er that a man w~anted )us near ' To save txpense, ~ ou will probable now the color of a hand kerchief hor l er took. So I said n o m ore F or ag 'm t he whole world, and the e ase and cheapness ha;,e the mo;ievgram W H H R hamV t a ootn' t ?, make much difference t o r emark of t hat little bad boy came up m my with which t h rs IS done will Ill a few years 1 ela tions clo~t to him. · A h d " h ! k d ,,. Oh, no, 8a;,~ le him eit hei way m md am! i est ramed me ~rom saym any r cvolut10n1zc the foo d trnffic of the world, 1 rnb 1 c s"1 , ' e e' too ad o f a o110n Says I, "Then t he 1mtials of lus uiven / \.nd I don 't s'pose it wuz n oticed much more' a.nd the farmct s of t he Sta.tes and Canada, l11mldy 1 1 l appbea11n Jest al slwe c I ' or t i ere name~, iind th~ last uamern full ' ' there wuzn t more'n ten or a d ozen folk ~ T1; ly as t he yom1g m J.le ch ild observ ed a s w ell as of Bntam , had better look out . won 1 , 0\ e een some ( e ay 1U t,ettm us · 01 " l · d " · · ~· A ' · " ' ' " " ' 0 i, n o, 1e sa1 , I v wuz · nme s there " hen we wen t m W e wen t m m 1t wrnm t m y funera l tirere i f t l e messenger h a d been c l espatcl1 cd ,, ' w1sh , an d l useu, t l1at the h u JI nam~ s l w u Id I nJm file mostly, hy A he! ses r equest, sos I v\ ' e went home almost 1mmeJ1a.tely after "d " h t , h a h d f It b d b e P it on They t hought it "?Onld show/ to ma.Le more show And as a piocess10n wards, my heart nearly a bleedm' for the :Arb1trnt10n H sai t a mormn ~ a e so u. mor e respect 1l t t l e c l11 Idren , poor 1it t 1e creetern, ancl A b eI that ehe W<Ln t etl tu Cl ! - 1t seemed as if t here · we Vi 117. nu dell m ' lo11f!, but rid nP.J t lnn The fair reason able ancl Chns t i an td cv of wu zn't notbm' Jett I~~ h m to live for but I sa) s, " \\ her e Harrison is now, t l::at I r he sermon wuz not ~o good as t o quality j actm' cold and distant to t he !a,t n at10ns set t lmg their cl1iie1encesj and dm now he felt t '1at he 11au ~t 11LJnu' to In~ for ham'It a gom' tofl<~ any dl 1ffe1en lch e ' 'h anh 1 but abundant as t o quantity lt wnz, as And we ha m 't seen 'em sence B it n ews p ut es hy arb1trat \on md no· by settmg men ' ' " A bel ' ow ers are c r etlu ig t JS n1<>l ' " no'\'\ his relatives wuz g atherect round him " j sa"s , o 1 as I cou ld ca11 rnr ] a t e, a bou t a )iour an d I has com e f i om tl10 rn, a 11d c ome s t ra.igh t J who have no quarrels with each ot her to th e Jo·iah shed tears tu ltea Al;el gu n I tu ne of yeocr, and it 1s a lone, ,name ' t hree quarters long J osiah wh ispered to J osiah heerd t o Jonesville, all a.bout 1t unsiohtly and moot brutal ,~ork of cutt rng 0 11 my·elf d·dn't weep none b u t I" uz {{l ad it I But Abel 1d ag t ha.t l.e did~'t care f or 1 me .;]011g about the last that "-.. e had been T he 1mller at Loon tow n wuz clown to t he each othe~'s th;oata rn lrflmrng ground PU~~~T,STRO~CES~? ~ ~ST. 11 10 we ~ould be a.ny comfoi t ~o 'em and t old 'em expense, 8 f~g spdct 'H'.-iz <dn~l t o \ 1 thHe over sei; en hou rs, an d l11s legs \Hl Z / J onesv1lle mill to get t he loan of some bags, Perhaps t he progr ess m su~h a dnect wn i~ :ReatlY f o r n"'" J U a ny quantity F or so ' · m~>SyA 0 ~ : cet~~ t h t e ~ai le par alyzed. " a nd J osmh happened t o be ther e t o null slow, b !lt st d r t her e 1 s progiess an c l the feel makmg Soap, Softe ning VO atcr, D1sn1· 1 1 fect1n:;,an d a hund1ed et. ·:1 c1 uses, A And I told Sally Ann, t hat wuz Abcl'ses ~~sh to h~~: th~ ~u:eial ago ~he:d~f ~~ ; I A nd I wlu sperecl ba ck t hat "seven hours t hat day, and b.eered all a.bout It mg w!ll gat her strength as th~ years go by. Co,u e o ual.., ~O pou.nds Sul Soda., wife that I would do anythmg that I could 0th th t h 1 t k 1 L t would t a.ke us mt o the mght, a nd t o st ret ch Abel h,1d got t he monu men t And t he An Eughsh deputat10n lately waited on Sold l >y nll <fh ocers and Dru ggists. J to h~T 'em e r a !lac el v ier 00 t pl acteSinA oon ofwlnt 1his feet out and pmch 'em , ' which h e did or naments on 1t cost far D'.lOJ'c t han he ex President Cleveland w ith t be' iew of u r gmg 1 · or 011es' 1 e e SlUl la nn1e e I t i 'I'h h ' JS. W. G H . L E'TT, 'I ORON'l'O. An she saHl "m erythmg wuz a bem' t hat tt wuz ail tha t wuz lef t her now m life I 13 ut xt wu z ong and teJUS. My feet got pee ec er e wuz a wreat a runn m t he l)lan upon the people of t he Umt ed do.ie t1111t wuz ne<;essr.ry. She c h dn t k now the memmy of such a funer:;i.l as he deservetl' ~o sleep tw1ee, a nd I had hard work to wak e round lt clea1 from the bott~m to t he top, Sta tes, and was well receiv ed Of course of but one thma t hat vvuz likely t o be o\ er S I " Tl h ld em up aga~n The sermon meant t o be and \ ernes a k mder r unnm up i t at the the r eply of t he P residen t was cau t ious and 1 ft f 8 1 1 looked and n~glected, and that wuz t ne 1 atysl ·.' f :~i e 1 I ~~ tc h i rletn t l eb t orf 1about Harrison, I s'p ose , he did talk a same time And it cos t fearful P oet ry a non committal, still it was favorable, as 1t ier own o Iv e or, say s , ree aud 1 e r so 8Ight ab out h un, and t h en I1e k m d er b reech runnm, up, t h ey say, cos t s f ar more than l t cou Id not well with d ecency be other wise. crazy b ed qm1t" " S he said "she would his life for her t o nourll!h cherish 1 love to have t hat fimshed , to tbrO\I over a and loo! t f 0r,, ' ' ed off onto :r:ohtws, a nd then the Int er dnz on the level. N ations will sometimes d ioa,gree ev"n when lounge m tne settm ' room, tha t wuz fra) ed ' ' ou f Sta.te bill , he J,mder favored it , I t hought Anyway, t he two thousand dollars that both ar e ammat ed -.. 1th t he str onrrest d esire Your attention is directed to the immense out on the edges A nd if I felt like it l t " Yes," says A bel "And she will do t hat I W all, we all got drippm wet a gom' wuz msured on H a rrison's hfe wuzn't quite t o be fair and re asona,ble vVhat more stock of would be a great rehef to her to have :.Oe nob!), an d I wtll help her. They are all home, for Abel m srnted on our oettm' out at enough t o pay for it B.ut t he sa.Je of h is natural m such co.ses than t hat the whole take 1t right of:!en her hands and fimsh it " gom' to t he foneral, too, m deep black the grave, for h e had lured some oncommon law library a nd t he best of t h<> housen stuff d1fliculty should be left to the dec1s10n of So I took out my thnnbfc and needle (I dresses ' He said " they wuz too httle to high smgers (high every way, m price and p:ud 1t The nm e hundred he left went, neutral an d trust ed par ties ? Sometlung always carry such necessaries with me, Ill a re1thm it now but m lat er ~nd maturer Ill notes) to smg at the Rra ve every mite of it, t o pay the fu neral expenses, hke Jnstrne may m thw way be secured, of every description at And so we disembarked m the drippm' and moumm' for the family . while m the old fightrng w ay even a.n ap hn zzy made expressly for that purpose), )ears it would be a comfort to em to know and I sot down aml '~ent to piecm up they had took part Ill such a funeral as tha,~ ram, on t he wet giass and formed a pro / And, as bad luck ahrnys follern on Ill "' proach to equity can scarcely be expected There wuz s 'en teen blocks to piece up, wuz gom' ~be, a.IJCl wuz diessed Ill black. , cession ag'io And Abel h ad a long excr proc9ss10n, t hem mortgages of A bel ses all / Thousands of men ar e slaughtered and each one crai1y as a. loon to look at, and it " Wall, · sa~ s I lm! a q met onassudm c1se right t here m the nun. But the smgm ' run out sor t o' tog,,ther . H ts creu1t ors :.olu millions of proper ty destro) cd, n.nd t heu, m She has 1ust opened out one of the largest wuz all to set together way I would g,1 ;1 htt e m ts of my mm on wuz kmder Jerkey, and cur'us, and t hey had him out , and when !us p roper ty was all clrs many cases, tbe coutendmg par ti es 1tave to and mosl::'istyhsh stocks ever btou~ht She had the pieces, fur she hau been off tlbie sub1 echt), If am affrla fid hthat will h e got thetr pa) befo10! ancl so they hurried 1 t posed of it lef t !um over fourteen h e<udn.u treat "' 1th each other JUSt aa t hey nn,_;ht 1 to town, consrntmg of:, on a v1s1tm tower the week befor,,, and col a out al t e com oits 0 ,, 1 et e poor 1itt1c 1through. An<1 one man ithe tenor who was dollers Ill debt have done at fir st , and wi th fa1 better p ros of 'em. children will e'\er have, says I. " It will ! dretful afraid of takm' c~ld hurne'd through T he cr edit ors a cte :l petfectlv greedy, so p ects of a. r easonable and righteous s ett le Millinery, Di·ess Silk~ lected So I sot m quiet and the b111 cheer in t he if buy r~,any more flower pieces and !his part, and g ot t hrough first , and started they say ,- took e~ erythmg thP.y could ; and ment. I t would b~ simply a disgr ace to the Veh'ets, &c., s1ttm 10om, and p.cced up, aud :;ee the crape resse~,. on a run for the carnage The ot hers stood 1 011e of the mea nest ones took t ha t rnsane mv1b z £1tion and Cl111st1o.n1ty of the two Abel satd it, wonldn t take rmwh craee !their grounds till the piece wuz fimshed, bedqmlt that I fimshed T hat w uz mea n nat ions t o see Brit am an d t he U rnted States with a very fine stock of Feathers and preparations a gom' on round us 9 I found that A bel sea folks hved m a for t he children dresses, they wuz so htt e, but they put Ill some dretful cnr'us quavers T hey say S11olly Ann crumpled right down gomg to ~ar -..1th each other, and cspec1 ally Flowers house big and shov; y lookm, but not so solid only the baby s that \\ ould ha' e to be I belie> e they had had chills 1t sounded "hen t hat 'vuz took Some s~y t hey got on an ms1gm ficant p( m t of nat10na1 etiquet te Call and mspect this fine display, which and firm as I had seen. holt of t hat t all weed of Abel ses, and some L\en sup1>osmg t hat arb1trat1011s are some long like 1t cannot fax! to give satisfact10n. It wuz one of the houses, outside and m Stys I, " '!'he bahy would look bet ter m 'l'ake it altogether, I d on't belreve any chspu i e it , some sa y that he wor e 1t on the times not rega.rded as havmg b en an 1ved side, where more parns had been took ~Hth 1 whit~, and it w1;~ take sights of c.rape for a body got much sat1sfact10n out of xt , only last ride he took m Loontown. a t on right prmc1ples, is it not rnfinitely the port1cos and ornaments than v.ith the ' long baby dress 1- u· ~ " · Abel. S. Annie sp'1lt her diesa and bonnet But , howsomever , A bel wnz took sick , bett er to acq uiesce m them t han to go underpmmn'. " Yes, but S Amue can use 1t afterwards entirely-they wuz wilted all down· and she Sall) Ann wuzn't able to do anyt hmg fo1 about burmng each other 1:1 property and t.a.k It had a showy and kind of a shaky look for veils She 1s very economxcal; she t akes mdered anot her smt Jest like 1t b~fore 1:1he th eir suppor t, S A nme -.. u;1 took clown mg each others h ves 1 iYas It not rnfi mt ely And I found that that extended to A bel ses it from me And she feels Jest as I do, t hat slept wit h t he ty pus, a nd so it hap pened the bet ter and more honourable for l m tam t o husmess arramgments Amongst the other th e baby must w ear it m r espect t o her 'il\Tall, the next mornm' early two men veiy day t he monume.nt was vr ought to the pay the t,-eneva a\1 ard, a nd for the U 111ted ornaments of his bmldm's wnz mortgages, father's memor y " come with plans for monuments A bel had Loonto" n Cemet er y, Abel P etry ~es folks States t o hand o'er \\ hat the H al u ax arbi qmte a lot of 'em, and of almost every Sa7 s I," '£he baby don't k now crape from telegr af t ed to 'em to ooma with plans and wuz carried to t he county house for the I t r ators said was due for the fis n, th an t o variety. He had gm his only child S A nme a clothes pm " bid for t he JOb of fui mshm' t he monument wmt er , S Anme, t he ch ildr en, and all have t aken the old way ? N othmg can be " No, ' sa3 s t\ bel, "but m after years t he And aft er a good d eal of talk on bot h And 1t hap p ened dretful cur'us, but the mor e monst rous than to hear m1msters of (she wuz named after her mothtir Sally Ann, but wxote it Ll11s ~ ay ),-he had gm S Anme Lhuo;:;ht of the respecb she showed " 111 8Uti sides, Abel an d S Anme selected one tha t town lmetl that very t eam t ha t d ra\\ ell t he t he Gos pel, ma cl11ld1 s h, bombastic fash10n, a showy education, a showy weddm', and a ta1nber" wuz '\ery high and p mted. monument there, to tak e t he family back smg mg the praises of sold1ermg a nd pr o showy sett1n' out Bu t ~he had had t he "'\V ~ll," sa.ya I, "I guess she won't have The men ::.tayed t o dmner, and I said t o It w uz a good team cla1mmg the berefi b of \~ aJ: It showR t hat FREEMAN'S good luck to marry a sensible man, though much besides thoughts to In e on, if thmgs Abel, cut t o one side1'he mon ument wuzu't · et up, for t hey m t heu hear ts such men don' t believe t ha t poor. go on Ill this way " "Abel, th"t monument 18 a vom' t o cost la.eked money to }lay for t he underpmmn' Gospel wh ich t hey preten d to p reach, wo:a:n1 POWDERS~ He took S. Annie, and the brackets, and I would give h t tle hmt s m this way, but a sPht" (vVuzn c 1t cur us, Abel P erry never would and t hat t he l'unce of l'eace has m them 11\Vall' piano, and hanf!.m' lamps, a nd baskets, and t hey wuzn't took Thmgs went r .ght on as says he " W e can't raise t oo t hmk of t he underp mmn' to anythmg ?) But neither loyal subJects nor hon<s t men IE Are pleasant to t::.Jro, Coutn!n th eir own crystal bead lamb1 equms, h er fat her hacl i I hadn't spoke And I couldn t cont en d, high a on~ H ar 1~o'n deser ved ital!" it lay theie by t he side of the road, a great w<J.r rn as 1t really JS tl e practical r epeal of l'~ga.t1ve. Ia o. s n10, sure, anU. effec"aal gm he1, moved 'cm all mto a good sensible for ti uly, as a ba d little bo?'. & aid cnce on a Says I , " \Von t tha t, a.nd all these funer white shape. t he T en Com1mmd ments, mmisters of the dclltN.Yer ot womw m Children or Adultll. small house, and went to work t o get a smular occas10n, " it wuzn t my funeral," so al expenses t ake about all the money he And t hey say the children wuz ska,1r t and Gosp el ough t to be asha med of th emselves pract10e and a h vm'. H e wui1 a lawyer by I had to set and work on that msane bed left ?' ' cn ed,when t hey went by i t, -cn edand {vcpt when t hey give any countenance or e1tcour qmlt and see it go on Bnt I sithed con " Oh no " says he " H e h ad m sured But I believe it wuz because t hey wuz agemeut t o t he waT sp1nt e ither by " blessper.was10n Wall, he worked hard, d ay and mgh t, for st ant and fr equent, and when I wuz .,,11 his life 'for~ large a.mount , and 1t all goes cold and h ungry t hat made 'em cry. I mg baseness" or by p reachrng ser mons three ltttle children come to 'em pret ty fast, alone m the r oom I mclulged m a few low t o hrn wife and ch ildren H e dcscivcs a don't believe it wuz t he monu ment wh1"'h can, if sn ccesstul, h.we no effect but and S Anme consumed a. good deal m groans. monument lf a ma.n eve1 did " J usiuh A llen's Wife to stu up anger , hatr ed, and all kind~ of OF CANADA. trimmm's and cheap lace to ornament 'em ' Two ch ess mak ers wuz in the house, to "But,' ~ays I, " don't you bch2vc that ff\ il feelrng ()apital paid up, $1,000,000 Rest, $260, 00 she wuz her father s own girl for ornament stay all the t ime tit! t he dresses wuz done , H a.rnson would ratner have S Anme and An Unfo1tunate f amily This Bank ls prepared to d o Leg! tl· But he wor ked so ha1d, and had so many and clorks would come around, if not oftner, vhc ch1lclrcn sctvlccl down m a good lit t le She Was Puzzled n ons m the fit e, and kep' 'em all so h ot , with packagrn of mournm' croods, 11.ml home, " 1ih someth m ' left to t ake care of " Yes," observed a N ebraska Mayor , mate Bankmg in all its bra nches. " I am very thu sty,' rcma1 h ed M -s. that he got a good l·vm' for 'em, and bef(tlll mom nm JB ' eh y, and momn1; lmndkcr 'em than to h rrlio all t his mon ey spent m " both my b1others d ied suddenly " Farm ers n I , s discounted ; Deposit~ to lay up money t o»m ds by tn' 'em a h ouse, chiefs, and mournm stock m Q Fog o, " but I don like to go to the dunking ' an d mour·nn pe1:f,.ctly useless th1ugs? ' " H ow was that ?" received and 1ia ereat paid o n a.mou n t s of a homo I ~tock111 supporters, and mournm safety " UselP.o , t ' says Abel t1 1rnm' reel " There "'ere two of t hem-W ilham and fou:tain , ther e are such a lo~of men t her e " You h tt.ve JUSt as good '" n ,;ht as t hey 16 u p w11ords 1n S a vmgs Bank D ep:i.rt ment , He t alked a sight, so folks said t hat knew plllS, and et c, etc , etc , et c et c "\V l.y ' S 3 .)'S 11e 1 1£ yo;1 wuzn't a neo r John vV1lham waa murder ed m his sleep ' have," said Fogg , " dou't you see toe m D l~A. .F 'l' S him well, about his con~nmm desu e and Every one of 'em. I knew, a wrenclu n rela.t10; 1 ~houl i' resent tha.t speech bit " H ow sa d l And ,Tohn 1" " H e was lynched for mm der mg W ilham " scn pt ion 111 plam letters, ' F o,. man and fosned and Col1e ct10n3 m , de ,n E urope aim to get his wife wnd children mt o a little boards offen the S!des of t hat house t hat tei ly " beast ? ' Come along " home of their own, mto n safe little haven, H arrison had worn:ed so h"'r d t o get ·or }us " Wall," says I , "what do all these United Statee a n d Ca n ada. " I t IB all vet y well f01 you to s ay 'Come " here t hey conld be a bttle shel ter ed from wife and lit tle ones flowern and empty carn agP.s and 5tlver W. J, ,TONE S, the storms of h fe if t he big waves should Wall, t he d aJ of t he funeral come It plateu ~ails, and crape, and Bo' forth- what Artificial i vory i s made by m3ecting whit e along ' " r eplied Mrs ] ' " B11t you know I'm no~ a man " Ageo v. ash him away. 'l hey say t hat tha.t wuz '\\ uza wet,drtzz1y d u.y,hu t Abelwmn1p early, doe1, 1t all amount t o?" wood with chlon de of hme. 0 ' on his mmd day and night, and wuz wh d nerved bis hand so m the fny, and mail< !um so successft I \Vall, he h:i.d l w 1d up about nme hundr · ,J dollars towards a home, e>ery dollar on H earned by hard wor k and consecrated Jo y h d hl h d .er Tl t is eat ess ope an auecbon '" house he had got his mmd on only cos t about a t housand dollars Loontown pro perty is cheap u : 11 h h d 1 d · h d d d "a · e a ai up lllne un re ' an wuz a begmnm' to save on the last hundred, for he wouldn t run m debt a cent anyv.ay, w h en li e wuz t 00k voya1ent sick tiiere t 0 Abel'ses he and S Annie had come home for a v1s1t of a day or two; a.nd be bem' so run down, and weak ~1th his hard day work , and lixs m ght work, t 1at he suckumb ed t o his sickness, and p assed away the day before I got there Wall, s Amne wuz Jest dvercome with grief the day I got there, but the day follerm' she begun to take some iderest and h~ lp her fat her Ill makm' prepa.rati1,ns for the funeral The body wuz embalmed, accordin' to Abel'ses and S. .Anme's ' wish, and the funeral w uz to be on the Sunday follerm', and on that Abel and S Anme now bent tireir energies To hegm with, S Annie had a hull smt of clear crape made for herself, with a veil , d that L ouched the ground; she also ha t h1ee other suit s commenced, for more common wear, tr immed heavy with crape, one of which she ordered for suie the next week, for she said" she couldn't stir out of the house m any other color but black." I k new Just how d ear crape wnz, and I t kled he on the subie0 t a 11d · ys I ac r ' .a ,-"Do y on k now, S Anme, those dr esses of ~ourn will cost a. surht ? .~ C t ~" h ~ b t' · t , os says s e, a u s m ou a crym " What d o I car e abou t cost ' 1 will do th I t t 1 I e very mg C tln o r espec 118 memory d o it in r emembrance of !um ' S11,ys I, gently, "S. An me, you wouldn't f tl f d cl h· A d 01ge urn 1 ]OU wuz resse Ill W i.e nI as for respect , such a life as lus, from all h ear of i t , d on 't need crape t D t h row vespect on it 1t commands respect, cmd gets it from everybody " "But," says A bel, " 1t would look dret ful odd to the newhbors 1f shed idn't dress Ill black," says he, ma skauful tone, and m h IS Illt ense way,-"1 would rut her r eak my hfo than to haV e Iler f aI 1 m d u t Y I n thIS way I t Would make talk 1" And says he, " ~~'hat 1a life worth when folks t alk ? ' I turned a.1 ound th"' crazed block, and tackled 1t 1n a. new place (more luny than ever 1t seemed t o me), and says I, mekan kl ic "It y , - - pretty bard work to keep folks to see that e\ erythmg wnz as he wanted it to be. As far as I wuz c ncerned , I had done my duty, for t he crazy bedquilt w uz done , a nd though brams nu ght tot ter as they looked at it , I f~lt t hat 1t wuzn' t my fault. Sally A d t t th I nn sprea 1 ou W I comp acency over the lounge, and tha nked me, with tears in her eyes, for my noble deed Along c 1uite early 111 the momin', before th h d I t t H e s ow commence ' wen 111 0 6 e a r nson He l ay t here calm and p eaceful, with a l00k on h 18 f ace as 1f h e h a d go t away a t l a t:,_ from a a tmosphere of show and sha.m, and had c;ot mto the grea.t Reality of hfe. I t wuz a good fa ce, and the woiryment and care that folk s t old me had been on it for years lmd all faded away. Bp t the look of determinat10n, and resohe, and bravery, - that wuz ploughed too deep ID h is face to be s moothe d out, even by the mi~hty hand that had lam on it The resolved look, the brave look with winch he had met the w ar fare of life, t01led for victory over want, toiled t o place lus dear a.nd helpless ones m a positwn of safet ) , -tha t look wuz on h is face yet, as if t he deathless hope and en deavm hacl gone on in to e termty wi th him And by t he side of him, on a table, wuz the big high flower pieces, begmnm' already t0 1 d I wit an <ecay. vVall, i t's bem su~h a oncommon bad d11.y t here wuzn t many t o the funern.l But we r ode to the mectm' house m Loontown in a t t d d tl t t s a e an sp1en or la 1 never expect o ag m . Abd had h u ed eleven mourmn' coaches, and t he day hem ' so bad, and 80 f , , t0 ti1 f 1 ew a cur nm ouu e u neru.' t hat m order t o occupy all t he coaches, and Abel t hought it would look better and P t h , ll d more po u 1ar 0 a' e em a occupie · we d1vidd up, an d J os1ah went m one, alone, d 1 nes d h d ft an c ome as a og, as e sai a er war ds to me And I sot up straight and oncomfortable m another eno 011 'em stark alone. Abe had one to himself, and his w1fo a.nother one, and two old maids, sisters of Abel'ses who always ma.de a pomt of attend m' funerals, they each one of 'em had one S Anme and her children of course had t he first one, and then the mmister ha.done, and one of the t rustees m the neighborhood had another so" e lengthened out mto qmte a crowd, all a ±ollerm' the shmy hearse, and the casket all cover ed with showy pla.t ed nails. I thoul.'ht of it in Jest tha.t way, for Harrison. I knew, t he real Harrison, wuzn't N h f f t1 10re o, e wuz ar away,-as ar as the Real ·s from the U nreal PERCH ERON HORSES. FRENCH COACH HORSES. latest impor tation has arrived from ]<' ranee, a nd we w ill be 1 Our gad to aee our friends and a cquaintances and t hose with ~ hom we have Leen m corre~ponden ce. ln fa ct any and a ll "ho are 111 search ot 11rst class l'ERCRERON8 !lnd FRENCH UOACHE RS, to look them ovct We h a~e an cxcept1onally 1\ne lot and our stud is 8 0 h ri;ie ihat all may be pleased We olfe1 tho largest num ber and greatest variety t o select from All 0t1r imported s > ock 1s Belected by MR. F ARNUM lumself. per soHally rn Frn.nce, and he accept s nothmg b u t the best Horses of the most a pp1 ove(l breedmgOut Home bred Stock 1 s a ll the progeny of eelec t rnl sires and da ms of the best form and mo~t desirable breedmg We g uaiantee our stock. Sell on easy t ei ms and at low prices W e will be glad t o answer all correspondc-nce p omptly , but we would M L rongly adv1 "e pe1sons contemplatmg the.purcha.se of a horse or mme, Per~heron or 1!.,rench Coach, to get on the tr am and come and B' e us. · SAVAQ E & FARNUM' Address all cQ mmum1.a1.tLOns t o Detr oit, l\lich I PROPRHlT~ltS OF Gatalog~ie free by Mail· =====7:::.; c o==-=-=-=-=-"" "',,....,= -==~--=--=--= -===================="' ISLAND llOltU STOCI.. .I lltl!I, Dll'ORJE ltS AND BREED ERS. GROSSE IiUE. \VAY.NE co., JllJCIUG MI, I ,et I Iii& I G -OOJJS., I I NN ETS, HATS ~RIM 0 11 MINGS I fo; I 99 PERCENT I I £ ds f·' I · I iatl I LADI s, I MILLINERY I I I I MRS. DONNELY'S )Od I 0 STANDARD BANK

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