· · and looked a.t uhe dool', as if she eXJJected to "Ask your mother, my dear." see him appear that ins ta nt, clad in 1:1ki11s Loo.ve was given, half reluctantly, and like Robinson Crusoe, but her aunt's nervu11s with a prohibition a.go.inst mentioning the 18 PUBT,ISHED agitation found vent in a sharp reprovf : subject to any one elso, but both mother.arid EVEltY WEDNESDAY MORNING CHAPTER v .-(CoNnKuED. l "Nuttie, hold your tongue, and don't i)e aunt had confidence in Mary Nugent's wis-BYuch a foolish child, qr I shall send you 0 11t dom and discretion, so the two friends sat "0 don't leave off, mother. Do tell me. & of the room this instant !" on the wall together, and Ursula poure l out M, How long did you have h im ?" "Bnto.unt ?".gasped Alice, unable to b.,n.r her heart. Poor little girl! she wo.s greatly AT THE OFEICE " Six weeks then~nd a.fl;erwards one the suspense. discomfited a.t the Tanishing of hor noble 1 fortnight at Dieppe. He was not free. He Pc.st Olllce JU0<,k, IU.ug StI·eei, Bo,vman· "Yes, my poor dear child, Captain EgrcTision of the .he1·oic self-devoted father, and had an old uncle, Genera.I Egremont, who ville, 011tarto, was sick and hot tempered, ri.nd h-e was mont with the General got off with some of ready on the other hand to believe him a obliged to keep everything secret fro,n him, the crew in a boat whe n the Ninon was Tillain, like .Bertram Risingham, or " the $1.50 per Annum, or $1 U' J>nl·l in 11dv11nc and therefore from everybody else. And so burnt. He spent a good many years abroad Pirate," being possessed by this idea on acthe Largest and best Assortment on hand . with Lhe old man, but he hu.s now inherited . count of his West Indiu.n voyages. At any . , AU the N cw Styies. Pa;rment etrictly ln advance required Crom I was to live at Dieppe, while he went out the family place, and is living the::e." Miss rate, she was determined not to be accepted 'IUln<mbers outside of the county. Orders to to take care of his uncle, and you know-Head worth felt as if ~he had fired a cannon oi· acknowledged withow.t her mother, and iso'lntinue the paper muRt be accompanied b;r y1»u know---" a very large variety, but the was already rehearsing letters_. of refus1tl be amount due.or th paperwll not beatol]ped. "Yes, I know, door mother. But I am and looked to see the effect. , South Sea Seal at.d Persian U!Horlbers areroaponeibleunti rullpaymen t is "Ah, if we ci:mld have stayed at Dieppe!" Miss Mary listened and wondered, feeling sw:e he was saving somebody else, and it naa.e, Laml take the lead. was a noble death ! And I k now how Aunt said Mrs. Egremont. "But we did write sometimes as if this were as much a romance 1te the little yacht going down with the JU.TIES OF ADVmllTISING1 <::..~ lJrael came to Dieppe, and how I-your back t-0 say where we could be heard of." all the latest improvements-a very " That was of no uee. Mark found no burning chip ; and ohen came back the reW l1Jle Columnoneyear .. '° ··· ,, ·· _,_$60 00 1~~1! own little ] 'cenchwoman-came to take care collection that there was a real fact that ,.. " Ha.lfyeai' ~ ····· · ···· · 36 oo· ~~ of you. And haven't we been jolly without traces of us when he weut thitlier." choice and varied stock to choose 0 ·· One que.rter ........ , 20 00 ~ .... "Did he send Mark?" Nuttie had a father, and that it was enfrom. any of these fine relations that never looked ilrJ.t Column one year ...... ... -..... S6 00 - " No. My dear Alicb, I must not couccal tirely uncertain what part he mi ght take, " Ha.If year .. ·.. , · .. ·.. . . 20 00 a.fter you all this time ! Besides, you know " One quartet· ___. ....... 12 50 he is T"ery likely to be on ii. lonely coral from you that this is &ll Mr. Mark Egre- or whri.t the girl might be called on to do. t1111rter Coluu..n one yea.r.- ......... 20 00 isl.and, and will come home yet. , I often mont's doing. He soome to have been help- Considering anxiously these bearings of the ·· " Half.year . .......... 12 50Ing his uncle with his papers when he came question, she scarcely hearl wha.t she was ..," " One quarter ...... .. 8 0 0 - 5 think he ie." A magmficent select10n good and cheap. Call early for first choice. .o.flJli!nes andnnder, ftrst insertion. (10 50"My dear child, I have been happier on th.i evidence of your marriage, and, required to assent to, in one of Nuttie'· Each subsequent insertion·· ·--· 0 25 than I deserved," said Alice Egremont, dry- remembering you as he does, he forced the eager, "Don't you think 80 ?" From aix to ten lines, ftrstinsertion 0 75 ..."My dear Nuttis," she ea.id, rousing hering her eyes. "But oh ! Nuttie. I hope confession of it from the captain, and of Eaoh subsequent insertion...... 0 35 ·Over ten lines,flrst insertion, per line o w-10 you will be a wiser woman than .your his own a<Jcord set forth to discover what !elf, "what I do think is t ha.t it will all on hand. Prwes very reasonable, had become of you and to see justice done probabiy turn out exactly contrariwise to Each subsequent insertion. .. 0 oamother." our imaginations, so I believe it would be "Come, don't go on in that way ! Why, to you." The number ot lines to be reckoned by A ND UNDERWEAR A COMPLETE " Dear little Mark !" 11aid she ; " he a.I- wisest to build up as few fancies as possible, GENTS' FURNISHINGS . th" & pace oooupied,.measured by a eoale ot I've such advantages! I've Miss Mary, and llGl :d Nonvareil. but only to pray that you may have a right · Display. Shirts, Socks, Gloves, Ties, Br~ces, Studs, Aunt Urse!, and Mr. Spyers, and Mr. Dut- ways was such an· affectiC'nate little boy." "And now, my dear, you must consider judgment in all things, and han strength -~~ ~.,..... .~ ~ ~~ -~ --'"'"" - ~~----; ton, and you, you poor little thing, had Buttons, Mits, Rubber Co::..ts, Umbrellas, etc. nobody ! One good thing ie, we shall get how you will receive any adTances on his to do what is right, whatever you may aee DRS, McI.illJGHUN d; IUllTll. part." that to be_" the water-soldier. Mr. Dutton needn't ~Furs Oi'll'IO E :- MORRIS' B T.OCK, BOWMANVILLE. "Oh, Aunt Urse!, don't! l can't talk " And of course that will be to etick by come, for he's like a c·t, and won't soil hie now. Please let me go to bed. Nuttie, mot.II.Jr." Dr.1.~ .MCLAUGHT.IN. , Dr. A._ BEHR. Gradu boots, but Gen.rd i11 dying to get another ~tui. te of the J1?yal ate of the 'J.'oronto look r.i.t the old ruin. Ro can't make up hi· dear, you need not come yet." "There can be little doubt of that, but Nead:,' Block, Bowmanville. UOllege of Physicians M.MAYER. The desire for solitude, in which to realize the how? No, dear, do not let us devise all Mid member of the Univ:ers1ty, l:'hyeiola.n. mind about the croBS on one of the etonewhat she had heard, was overpowering, and sorts of hows when we have nothing to go Royal College of Sur- Surgeon, &o. cotin lids, so he'll get it out of the pond for iroons, Edinb11rgh. ue.. I wonder when we can go. 1'o-night she fled away in the snmmer twilight, leav- upon. That would be of no use, and only is caoir practice, and to-morrow is cutting- mg Nuttie with wide open eyes, looking perplex you when the time comes. It wonld DR. J, C. MITC::HEJ;J.· after her vanished hero and desert isll4nd. be much better to "do the nexte thinge," out day. EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS "My poor Alice I" sighed the old lady. and rea.d our Marie Stuart." Miss Hea.dworth wu n ot 1ony that the ..,. a.nd Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, eto .. "Aunt Urse!!" exclain1ed Nuttie, " wan Nuttie pouwd a little, but submitted, small sociabilities of the friends did not vtJ:loe a.nd Residence, Enniskillen. 1 u. leaTe her alone with her niece all that even- - I mea.n-ia my father a good or a bad though ehe now an then broke into a translation with "You know mother will never mg, Or the next day, When there WM a. man ?" D. B1JRKE SIHPSON, "My dear, 11hould a daughter as\( nuch a stand up for herself," or "They think I ARRIS'l'Elt, SOLICITOR, &;c_ MOPRIS grand cutting·uut for the working party,shall be aaked to stay with the Egremonts, BLOCK, up stairs, King Street, Bo'Vman- an operation always performed in the holi- qutllltion ?" "Aunt Ursel, I can't help it. I think I but I must work up for the exam." He, Solicitor for the Ontario Bank days. Mias .Head worth had of late yeara However, the school habit of concentra.tPl'lvate M:onevs loaned at the lowest rates, been excused from it, and it gave her the ought to know all a.bout it," said Nuttie opportunity she wanted of a consultation gravely, putting away her childishne88 and ing her attention prevailed, and the study .John ll'flith Galbraith, 11itting down by her aunt. "I did not think quieted Nuttie's excitement. The expedition with Mr. Dutton. He was her prime a.d- 1 .6. RR IS TE R, SOUCITOR, NOTARY vis<ir in everything, from her investment· so much of it when mother told me they Mook place as a rra.nged. There was a. tra.in PUBLIC, &c. Oflice- Bounsa,ll'a Bloc,k {ench as they were) to the eccentricities of eloped, because, though I know it was very which .stopped so that ~he pa.rty could go ~.'!._ Strea~'. Bowm_ anville. Money to lend, her timE'pieces ; and as the cuckoo-clock had wrong; people do do odd things sometimes down by it, n.ud the distance was not too ROBERT A.IUIOlfB, that night cuckooed all the hours round in when they are very much in love (she said great for walking ba<;:k. Mr_ Datto~ me~ them on the platform, EGISTRAR, WEST DURHAM ISSUER succession, no one thought it wonderful that it in a. superior patronising tone that woulti Cf Marriage J,leenses, Barrister and Attor- she should send a twisted note entreatin"' have amused Miss Headworth very much at well armed with Ins neat silk umbrella and ney at J,aw .a nd Solicitor In Chancery.Mone¥ him to call as eo.rly as he could in the after~ any other time); and it has not spoilt his hlack poodle, Monsieur, trotting sol~mn ,g~ned on Real Eat.ate. Office on King street, noon. Of course Nuttie's chatter had pro- mother for being the dearest, sweetest, best ly after him. Gerard Godfrey bore mater. &>i>wman vllle. claimed tho extraordinary visitors, a.nd it thing in the world, and, besides, they h ·d illls for an exact transcript of the Abbot's '\TILLU.iU WIGHT. needed not the old lady's dash under ' on an neither of them any fathers or mothers to monumental cross, his head being full of disobey. But, theu, when I found he wail church architecture, while Nuttie carried. a ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the «tmio~B affai!r' ' to bring him to her litl;le so old, and that he kept it a secret, and long green tin case, or vasculum as she chose · County of Durham. Orders left at· the drawing-room as soon as he could quit his SrJ.T RSMAN office or forwarded to Tyrone P .0. d~ek. J>erhaps he hastened his work with a must have told stories only for the sake of to call it, with her three vowels, U A E, "llll receive prompt attention. 2B:6m hope in his heart which he durst not ex- money (uttered with ex~reme contempt,) I and the sti.rs of the Litt le Bea.r conspicuous. ' And if he left her as Theseus ly pa.intel -0n it in white. ~reqs, but the agitation on foe usually didn't like it. S. C. JIUNKING, left Aria.due, or Sir L ancelot left Maine, I "You did not venture on that the other ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR pl.acid face forbade him to entertain it for an I don't think it is nice. Do you think he day," sa.id Mr. Dutton. "How much of instant, and he· only said. "So our expedit he County of Durham. Sales at.tended only pretended to b;i lost in ·the Ninon to thv park do you mean to carry away in it ?" to on ~hortest notice and lowest rates. Address tion has led to unforeseen consequences, "Let me take it," ea.id Gera.1·d politely. 01111 B:~CO B P. Q, 36:tf Miss Heu.dworth." And then she answered get rid of her, or that he could not find "No, thank you. You'd leave it behind under her brea,th, as if afraid of being oTer- her ?" GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO h.e,ard : " Mr. Dutton , my poor chila does "The N~non was · really reported lost while you were pottering over the mould'. .:.=. every man who buys his License from not know it yet, but the man is alive!" with all on board," said Mies Headworth. ings." ' t.Ulil\JRY S YL'VES'l'ER, Ennisltillen. "You are much more likely to leav e it Mr. Dutton compressed his lips. It was "That was ascertained. He was saved by Pianos Tuned and Kepalred. , ~e iv~ater shook, for he had actually ~ade a Chilian ehip, and seems to lm.ve been a behind yourself." "Wlmt-with my soldier, my Stratiotes . 11\quiries at the Y aoht Clnb, but the officials good while making his way back to Europe. I ha.d taken care that our address should be in it ? I think I see myself." ' titere either had n ot been made awar e of ARTIES WI SHIN GI THEIR PI ANOS known at Dieppo, but it is quite possible "Give it to me," said Gerard. "Of the reappearance of the two Egremont.a, or Tuned orrepa1ren cau 011.vethom.attendeli that be m·y not have a.pplied to the right course I can't see you carrying a great thing , o ~ leaving word at the DOMINION ORGA.'.lf they did not think it worth while to look people or thi~t they may not have preserved like that." J 11 OD'FICE, Bowmanville A flrst-clae man beyond the record which declared that all "Can't you, indeed ?" Bowmanville, .August 17th, 1887. lw )laing in their emDlo: _ _ _ _ __ _ hands had perished, and the connection ot my letter, so that we cannot feel sure that "Gently, gently, my dear, " said Miss ~~=~::-'.""'.'."~===::-::~~=~~---~=~~:="'".:""~~~==----the uncle and nephew with the Yacht Club he was t o blame." "If he ha.d been worth anything a.t all, Mary, as. th~ young peopl~ seemed very had not been renewed_ Presently he said, ion, not so fa.st. "Then hers was a right instinct. There is he would have moved he1tven and earth to near a skirmish, and the tra.m was sweeping find h er !" cried Nuttie ; " and you said up. Then there was another small scuflle reason to be thankful." for Nuttie ha<l set her heart on the third Miss Headworth was t oo full of her own yourself it was all that Mark's d oing!" 'J.11.ve w ritten thnre few lines, " He eeems to · be a very upright and < :1 1!>88; but Mr. Dutton had taken sccondanxieties to heed his causes for thankfulness. tind ell I have to say -da.ae tickets, and was about to hand them uia.t Ji OU c"·n tlnd me still at homa, She told what she had hc11.rd from L<1,dy generous young man, that Mr. Mark Errre0 I a m not gont> awa,y. Kirkaldy and from Ma.rk ~gremont, and mont," said Mies H ead worth, a whole ro- int o a ca.rriuge whence there had just So all m:v kind Olli fdends may come, llllked counsel whether it could be mance as t.o Nuttie's futnre deBtiny sweep· emerged a very supercilious black -mousAnd all tho roung on ea, too, e her mind in an instant, with a tached valet, who wii.s pulling out a leatherAlice's duty to return to the man who had ing acrm1 And got their garments n icely mad:i Cn feshiona t tiat are new ; deserte_d her, or enn to. accept anything mental dispeusati.on to first cousins in such covered dressing-case, while Gerard was conWhere old and young, dea.r friends, may meet from him. There was an impetuous and in- a case. "I think you will find him a soling N uttie by telling her that Monsieur A welcome greeting, by R. PE.A.TE. digr ant spirit at t he bottom of the old lady's staunch companion eT"er against his own never deigned to go third class. . "It is a s·11okiog carriage," stiid M.iss heart, in spite of the subdued life she had interest~." Perceptions came across Nnttie. "Oh NHirent, on the step. " Pah ! how it · led for so many years, and she hardly ~hen I am a sort of lost hi;iress, like peopl~ s1~7lls," a~ she jumped back. . ' brooked the measured considerate manner rn a story! I s~e ! But, Aunt Urse!, \\httt B.eautiful ba.cky-a perfect no~egay," in which Cn,ptain l~gremont made the first sa.1d.Uerard. " Trust that fellow for ha.Ting move. At present no one was acting but do you thmk will happen ?" 1-d "My dear child, I cannot guess in the th~ be~t." young Mark, and, as Mr. Dutton observed, 0 " His master's, no doubt," suggested Mr. fl> it was not a. matter in which a. man was least. Perhaps the Egremont property will 1-1 v_ery likely to submit to a nephew's dicta- not concern yon, and enly go to male heirs. Dutton. ~ That would be the best thing, since in any "You'd hotter go in i t, to enjoy his re· tion. !z:l 0 There was cer tainly no need for Mrs. case you must be sufficiently providen for. version," said N utt ie. "And where's my escort, then?" Egrnmont to force her presence on him. Your father must do that." "But about mot her?" "Oh, I'm sure we don:t want you." But Mr. Dutton did think that for her own "A proper provision must be insisted on " N uttie, my dear," exposlulated Mias ,,sake and her child's there ought to be full 'recognition of their rights, and that this for her," said Miss Heo.dworth. " It is no Nugent, dragging her into the ne-.t ca.rril·ge_ use, however, to speculate on the. futnre. "You may enjoy the fragrance still " Produces a beau_tiful gloss and creates no offensive should be proved by their maintenance. t)r&dne.ta ottheR(';yal Collev;Mf Denti;l "I imagine that Ursula; may probably be \Ve cannot guess how Mr. Mark Egre- said N uttie wheu sea.ted. " Do you see~ Rm·goona, Ontario. smell, will not bn.rn off: neither will a considerable heiress, and her rights must mont's communication will be received, or there's the man's master; he has stood him OFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFCE. whether any wish will be expressed for your up against that post, with his cigar, t.o wait the pipes rust. not be sacrificed." (}OLD FILLING A SPECIALTY " Poor little girl ! Will it be for her mother's rejoining your fa~her. In such a while he gets ont the luggage. I d aresay case the terms must be distinctly under- you can get a whiff if yeu lean out far . ARTIFICI,\L TEETH I NSEltTED WITHOUT happiness? I doubt it greatly!" PLATES . "Of that I suppose we have no right to stood, and I have full trust both in Mr. enough." and in Lady Kirkaldy as her cha.m"1 say! that figure is a study!" said Great Ueductions In price on all Dental judge," said Mr. Dutton, somewhat tremul· Mark Work. Vit.u\ized Air,conatantly in uso pro· o. n sly. "Ju~tice is wha t we have to piona to see that justice is done to you Ger ard. "'What is it tha.t he is so like ?" "Oh I I know," said Nutde. "It is !lucing Painless Operations. Pti.rticular atten look to, and to allow Nuttie to be paBSed both." tlon p1 11d to the regula tion of Children's Teet a over would be permitting a olnr to be cast "I'm sure he doesn't deserve that mother Lord Frederick Yerisopht, and the ba.d should go to him." gentlefolks in the pictures t-0 the old num611J'-AJ;_[, WORK WAR.RANTED.-., .on her and her mother." " Nor do I expect that he will wish it, or hers of Dickens t hat yon have got, Miss _Sra_ nch office. Dr. Rutherford's O rono. "I see that," said Miss Headworth with that it would be proper ; but h e is bound to Mary. Now, isn't he? L ook ! only Lord --·-·-- -- - an effort. " I suppose I am after a ll 'a. sel- give her a handsome maintenance, and I Frederick wasn't fat. " fish, faithless old woman, and it is not in tqink most pmbably you will be asked to Nuttie was in a state of excitement tha.t ~ my han~s after all. But I must pref.ate my stay with your uncle and cousins," said made her peculiarly unmanageable, and poor A!J.ce for what may be coming. ' · Miss Headworth, figuring to herself a kind Miss Nugent was very grateful to Mr. Dnt"If any t erms are offered to her, she had of Newstead Abbey or ·s ome such scene of t ?n for his sharp though general a<lmonibetter put the matter into the lawyer's constant orgies at Bridgetield Egremont. ti.o n against staring, while, under pretext of bands. Dobson would be a safe man to " I shall accept nothing from the family d1sposin17 of the umbrella. and the vaaculum, deal with." that does not include mother," said Nuttie. he stood up, 80 as to block the window till Miss Headworth wa.s a.mazed that he"Dear child, I foresee many t rials, but they were starting. ~ho had helped he1· in manv a. little ques- you must be her protector." (TO m> CONTINUED.) tion bordering on law- should not proffer "Th11t I will," said Nuttie; and in the his aid now in this greatest stress_ He was gall11ut purpose she went to bed, to find her Wll'II?liT TdTH 'IVIT ll TICE rn. 'l'oo Late. a resolute, self-controlled man, and she mother either asleep or feigning slumber M G . K th S'b · II r. eorg~ ennan, e l enan trav. never guessed 11t the feelin1t tha.t made him with te11rs on her cheek. . e er and. writer, has been blacklisted by judge himself to be no fitting champion for --the Rusinan Government and will not be PRA.UTICA.I. Dl!NTiST. ~lice Egremont against her husband. Ever OVICR TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCll:, Slllce, ten yea.rs a.go, he had learned that CHAPTER VI. p,ermitted to r e-enter t~~ Czar's dominions. I expected, of conrse, says Mr. Kennan tiro11.gOxtdeGnsA.dndnlstend rorl"atnle· his beautitul neighbour did not regard her" to be put on the Russian blacklist. I a~ THE W ATER·SOLD!]:;R. Operatlons. selt so certainly a widow as to venture to only th~kfu~ that I auceeded in crossing "Presnmptuoue maid, with looko int ent HUCLllNG'S BLOUll.. ~pen her. heart to any other love, he ha.d 01'1!'1.Cl!l Ai;a.in ehe stretcbcd again ehe beot, the !ront1~r with all my materii!.l and papers - ·-·--- - - - ·- ___ lived patiently on, content to serve her as a Nor knew the gulf between."-G1uv. commg this way. The outside of the Rnstrustworthy friend, and nover betraying the It all seemed like a'd!'eam to Ursula, per- sia.n frontier line is a good enough side for ~~°:I~ c~~~~ed~ long cherished and now en- haps likewise to her mother, when they rose me at present. I became satisfied before I ---- - - . He was relieved to escape from the inter- t.o the routine of daily life with the ordin- got h!J;lf _through Siberia that I should never \ view, and the poor old lady remained a lit- ary interests of the day before them. There be permitted to go there again and that tl? more cer~ain as to her duty perhs.ps, but was a latent unwillingness in Mrs. Egre- a.fte; the publicc1.tion of my pape~s no other m ake inves, with a certamty that only made her more mont's mind to discuss the subject with f?re1~ner-would be allowed to unhappy, and she was so restless and nerv- either aunt or daughter ; and when the tigations there, and I lost no possible opous that, in the middle of the evening's post ,brought no letter, Ursula, after a mo- portunity to secure accuracy a'lld thorough. reading of Archbishop Trench's Lectures on ment's sense of f!atneBB, was relieved, and ness. I brought· back moretha.n fifty pounds Hi8lory, Alice suddenly broke off in the returned to her eager desire to hurry after of not~s, papers .and original documents, vory middle of a sentence and exclaimed the wate.r-soldier_ It was fea.sible that very muny of the latter from secret Government 600 _foQlsca.p pages "Aunt Urse! ! you are keeping something a,fternoon. Mary Nugent ca.me in with the archives, b~sides 500 or of ?Uan.uscnpt prepare~ fo~ me by political from me." intelligence. Miss HetLdworth ma,de a. faint attempt by " And can Gerard come ? or shall we only exiles 1D all parts of S1ber1a, and covering .After spending much time and money, I am sayin~ something a.bout presently, a.nd look at it." the_ 1~ost noteworth:y episodes in their lives. ~w prepared to fill all orderR promptly-. I ' ·Yes, Gerard can come, and so will Mr. I vie1ted every convict mine in Siberia and "ave a fine assortment of WAVES BANGS glancing with her eyes t-0 indicate that it SWITCHES, COMBS and PINS very cheap. ' was to be reserved till after Nnttie's bed- Dutton," said Mary, who, sta.nding abotit every convict prison except one and betime, but the young la,.dy comprehended the half-way between Mrs. Egremont and her lieve I k now the exile system better than l3.A.NGS FROM: $2 UJ?Old Switches co'ored and made to look like signs and ex claimed, "Never mind me claughter, did not think henelf quite a suffi- most oilicere of the exile administration JEFFERY always at the Door. and far better than any outsider. I ca~ Aunt Ui·sel,-I know all about mother · sh~ cient chaperon_ \ ,new. H:~:~e n;~o~lin~ cut hair. told me last night." ' " He will look on like a hen at her duck- regard the blacklisting, t herefore with a " It is !" broke in Mrs. Egremont, who lin~," said Nuttie. "It is cruel tJo take certai:i- degree of complacency. The stable Warranted to prevent the hair from falling had been watching her aunt's face. "You him, poor man I" door is locked, but the horse ha.s been out and will make it grow. have heard of lt>m." " Meantime, Nuttie, do you like an hour stolen-and I've got him." « I have also a fine lot of new Stamping "Oh, my father! You really ha.Te !" of .Ma1ie $tuart ?" Ptt.ttorns. All orders promptly attended to. cried Nuttie, "Then he really was on the "Oh, thank you !" But ehe whispered, A good man may serve the pnblic and himself in any station. des.ert island all ~his time,; I was quite sure "Aunt Urael, may I tell her ?" B 0 W M.A NV I L L E, £T Neads' Block, Bowmanville. of it. How dehghtful I' S he jumped up 'THE CANADIAN STATESMAN A.JAMES, NUTTIE'S FATHERJ THIRTY · YEARS · IN · BUSINESS .!fl. di~ YEH, 1 Fall Hats Gents' Fur Caps Ladies' Caps, Ladi~s' & .Gents' Fur Coats, Cutter~ Carriage Robes,A~t~:~ altered and repaired. Highest Price paid for Raw Furs. I'he practical Furrier calls attention to the following Branches of his new Fall Stock. .............. ..... ..... I. M BOUNSALL'S B B Ma·rble Works, J3 0'\JV'"l\LI:..A..N""V-ILLE_ We have - .---- - a large and well selected stock of R SCOTClt &INCt.tLU caAMtTI MONUMENTS L L A of latest designs, and to parties intending to erect Monuments this ' fall, who· will call at the shop, we will sell at such low prices as were never heard of before in Canada. Call and get prices before purchasing elsewhere and see if we do not mean what we say. ' P E. R. BOUNSALL, Manager. ----o---- &SON, DENT I ST RY ~ I .· Chemists and Druggists. Our Stock is complete, comprising atr assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Sponges Chamois Toilet Articles, Perfumery, S~aps, &c. ' z o. I ffiperial ----o-Stove-pipe Varnish I Thorley's Horse & Cattle Food, Pure Ground Oil Cake, and .Prairie Flower Condition Powder AL\iVAYS IN STOCK. D E.N T I S T R Y . JOSEPH JEFFERY r. M. BR I MA com: BE, I ' · INE --H-eI AIR ODDS. F LADIE S 1 1 Patroniz B Home TRADE. I Merchant Tailor & Gent's Furnisher Mrs. A. DAVIS, Ohlldren Cry for Pitcher's Castorra;