COD .tlVER OIL I Onll. old aud one new ~ubscdbe!' lot' - · ..,. .- -- ;;; - . t 1 . ' ' tu:. - t h G t Pelerboro h~a an epidemic of diphther on} $1 00 1888 f, 1 uo you .. anu 10 ~ .. , ,. wa c . o o . 61 1 Y ·· · . · .Tohn J M,·~on'a General Dry G0ods and ri. · , Merchants c~n msure Plate ~!ans with Je,.elry Store. '.I Allf-A;RAC.-For Hoarseness and all Mr. G <'o. McGill, at the 0ntar10 Bank. Perwns who want money and can give Brn1~ch1al Troubles that n~u~lly . eff~ct " Get your fall suit or overcoat a\ ,fohn real estate security can get any amount pultho spe~kers, Ta~arac Eh:s:tr will give HRAND OF PURE J. M·eoa 's dry gnods and jewelry house. on application to M. A. J AM:SS. spondy relief. Try it. t Dr. Potter, dfice and residence, ProwIf you want to buy any·hiug in watches, . l'eterboro talks of incorporating as a · er's Block. King-st., kowmanville. 1- tf. clocks, jewelry or silverware vou ean city . FIRE LIFE ACCIDENT Insurance eavti 10 to 25 per c11nt. at John l.Ma.·on's AflTHMA.- Persons who h< eufl'tlred RunT V;I~TUE, A~ent, Bowmanville. tr: General Dry Goons and J .. ·welry Bouse. for with Asthm"' will find a quick All wool Jlaunels from 18c. per yard Rev'd Dr. Burwaeh, De ·n of tho reli?f and curo m thA double treatment and up at Couch Johnston & Oryder· Fac11Ity of Victoria College, has been of Southern As 1 hma Cure. 1 man's.' ' Plected Chf<.ncellor of that institution to Measles are quite prevalent in LemonThe General Standard Remedy for all Frltnd hunt u that new subscriber succeti<l the late Dr. Nelles. ville. "Vveakne~s and dieeasee of the lungs, for 1he S~.A'rETMA.: ir.nd get your name NoTICE. - Persoueh.. vingclaimsagainst AND N11w ooMES GILLET'r and 11ays it ,impaired nutritiou, etc. l on the Honor Ron.' the Corporati"n of Bowman ville are re- i~ time there wa8 a good Baking Po.,.der, Thie o·l ie puro, free!~, nearly taste.less, The beet place in town to buy dry q'.lested to hand th"m ro the Town Clerk, and that his Imperial Cream Tartar Baka?d t~erefore most smtable for dehcato goods and clothing is at .John J. Mas·.1 n 's on or before Saturday, D . c. 3rd. ing Powder is far superior to all otheril, Dry Goods a11d Jeweiry Store. Follow tbe crowd t .) the Bankrupt Newcastle's t ..xes are· hi~her than ever Qjgeat1on. None genuine without the name IzDAHL Any peraon wanting to buy a good 140 Store and buy an ovA1·coa1. for $3.75, a thiH year. -11tamptd on each r.apsul.i. acre farm, ne .· r £,,wmanville, can hear of pa~r of all wo"l sox fur 15 c.ents., a top The members of St. Andrew's Society -WHOLESALE BYa d.-cidtid bargain by iuquiring of M.A. shirt for GO cents, and a cardildan pcket of Whitby and Pickering have made ar· JAMES for 75 cents. r.angemeuts f··r the cd,bratfon of St. Anp, 0. dG·:lW* There sePms to be no doubt that the rlre·,.'s Day with a grand cJncert on the Weare constantly receiving correspond- broke·· 'down Ct1utral Bank ,.f Toronto 30th inst. DlUVIN'+ HORSE FOR SALE.:... CLARKE .NOTES. ence without a name, and as a m ·tter of will be wou11d np Th" holders ··f notes The Grand Trunk has built a new Good drivor, vAry quite and FJ<:>mut. s~l... ,STOTT & JURY, BuWMANVILLE. course it is thrown into the waste are able tor la<ly ?r children to drive. 8 year~ old, alt ril(ht, Tho·e will be redeemed at ehtion .. t Bellev 1 lle. Rtiports say Dr. Oliver intends moving Apply to W. G ltUNDT.E lot. 7, con. 5. Darling; basket. par at an · arly day. tBon, Tyron.e .P. 0., or to R. B. A.NUREW. Hig ~, The H.e~ch, Sougog, and Port Perry to Ne .,,,castle. Coat's best 200 yard spools a~ 2! C"11ts owmanvtl1e, 4.CHf, Couch, .John·ton & Cryderman are now Plowing match was u success ill every reBurglars have been raiding W. Bowen's each; Ii imitati ·D silk hdKfs!for 25 cents; showi11g a fine stock of ladi· s' dolman~, spect. A hi.:llly credit..hle and inviting UN LOS1'.Ou Saturd6y evening, go· se pen and ;:rallary. dress goods 7 cents per yard ; p· int s 3 ulsters 1l11<l short j ·1Ckete·- im por·ed from !is· of prizes were off.,red, representiug the 2G· h inst., betwern Mr. Wm.'s, ceuts per yard at the Ba.11krupt Store. Th<i STA'fESllI~N baa a circulation of on the 1· l1 Con. of Darlmgton. and the Seu~ Germ .. ny. These g ·Oda are el..,gantly cut $400 in value Gr we.J ltoad, a single harrAl, breech Joadil"llt I A horse bel..ngi11g to William Everson, and beautifully made. over 500 in ihia t .. wnship. shot. gun. Tbe tinder will be liberally rew>1.rdHector McNeil is building a very fine of Darli,,gton, wa~ killed on the Grand Geo. Douul»s broke his leg at Ma·jor tld by leavmg it at HORSEY's HABDW!Jlli 'l'he Bankrupt Store is the spot yrou can Trunk Railway, near Sa.xouy, a few get a p><ir of all wool white blankets for residence at. Wood ville. STORE, 48-tf Kennedy's, Man vers, recently. MANY PERSllNS SUF~'lm from Impnre days ago. HEEP STRAY!!;D.- From Lot 24 . What m;kes our young people go to $2 . Grey flannel at 12"k ceutr per yard. Brea. h and eupposti it c ·mes from a disThe Durham Farmers' Iostitute meets White quilts and colored <JUilts and hce I.. Con. 5, Da.rli··gton, about the middle ~ HYACINTHS, ordered swnrnch. In mary cases th.e Enniskillen to be marritid 1 is the latest Oct., s~ven s,heep, Leicflster Breed. flvA of th~ in the 'fown Hall, Bowrnanville, on F1 i- curtains at 60 cem~ on tbe $. que·tiun. shoarlmli(8. a. Rp.~t of yell"w paint(much tad··cU actual ca.u~e is Catarrh. N asa.l Balm w 111 CORCUS, day, t ·iis week, at 2 p. m . Let there be Iott side Snitable reward for inforine.t.ion R t1v . A. Fraser, of Orono, writAs the on Makti a B-·il)<i for the Ba,nkrnpt Store remo ve the cau ·'e, and cure. :t lea<fing to their recavery. \VM. ASHTOfli. a. bi~ c w.d. and get a pair of ladies' buttoned over~7-3w. W. M. Wier, Shirley, had a valuable News th ..t the teachers of the Public Sohrni P . · 1. e School Board at their last meeting sh,,es for $1.25; moo~' ov,,rshoes at $1.25; Schools "are performing their duties with horse killed recently ··n the C. P. R. .And all variAtiee of RULBS ANTED -LA.DIES for our fall .. nii del·ided to build a ten-room school ou the ladiea· fi ne kl<l bootfl anrl mens' tine and diligence and succes~." catalogue prices at Chri·tmas trade. to toke lli,:ht, pleat1~nL A SIONIFICA.NT F AOT.-The worn out, old s· ~ and u. three-ro"m bui1 di11e in the cuar~e bouts at 59 "entff on thc. $ . Mr. W. B·rrett hes not. brllught action work .at their own homes. 81 t-0 $3 per day OtUl s.. urh Ward. Thu latter nor tbe hii.:h Fur has been flying at Mayer's fur wa11·e and pois,,n matter in the syetem fnr d ;ttnages against the Council as stated be quietly made. Work aont by mail any di~ should es9ape through t he secret. ons of ta.nae. ,!"<~, c!1.11vassing. Arldreae at on06, school site have 1 ,ot b"en selacted. st.o·e this week. He is b.e seiged with · he bow<'ls, ki< meys »11d skin, or serious last we k, but ha~ given them to uuder- CR.ESCENI Ali'!' 00., H7 Milk St., Roston~ MR·s. nox ol~ re and buy the big holiday num- 111dial'I dter those h .. ndsome fur coats di.~ea~e rnsults. B B. B . opens these ua- atand that he wi.nt.s dama!{tiB. ber of the Sprini:?field, Mass., Good Everything in fur goods iu stock and tural outlets to ron1ove disease. Recent visitors to Orono are : S. BorOR SALE OR RENT~_:..::Th~t va.lti~ N. B.-lJse our Cough Syrup. It has Bou6ekeeping. lt will be out Thanks- prices »re must temptiug Call early. blc !arm, known as "B3aver C1 el;l1i· Dr. Bogart and family have returned land, Be levillti ; Miss ·1ary Darch, Bow- Fe.rm," giving Wt!ek and will contain some fine o.dJoinmg Port Perry oontainin,; 200 A POSTHUMOUS essay eutiiled ,, D:ckmanville ; John Moat and wife, and H. OJl equcl . J ~ acres; 1,iO ac·e~ c~e··red :. no wa.sto la nd ; clq illuot·ati ·ns. All newsdealers sell it. ens La··d," will llppe ·r in tne Christmas to Whi by from Cal fornia, and report a M st, of O..kville, at N. F. Hall's. loa.m : good butldmt<5 with stone ; m.. del ightful trip. Only ten cents_ ?h&rd ._living stream; well fenced ; po~BA8Rl<>fl Scribner's, by Ed win Percy Whipple, The Methodists, of Leska.rd held their 11nmed1ately VALUABLE To ' KNow.-Consumption ; terms ea.ay Apply to N. l?. All wnol scarlet flaunel at 10 cents a the J..te critic and lecturer, whe was one "anuu ,J anmversary" (wha·ever that PAl'IC!lSON. Sollc1tor, or T. P. L U!W, Propriemay be more eusily prevent.,d than cnred, yard. 500 pair of clasps for mantles at 5 of the 1oost ar<lent admirers of the gemua Port Perry. 4.8-4w. tor, Tha and haros~iug cough will be superfluity mtians) on Sunday and Moncents n pair, worth 15 c··uts. Ii good <>f Charles Dickens. d y R.,v, W. H. Emsley prenchc-d greatly relieved by the use of 1111.gyard's OUSE AND LOT FOR bed· t·:Jwels for 25 cen ts. The l!ewPst We call attention to Mr. John Mcsii.m that cores coughs. C·>ldo, twicti on Sunday . 'l'li t very comf··rtable an<l com mod loll!" 1md cheapest, stock of dres~ uood6, rilu. hes Murtry's announ~eme11t. He is abs··lut..,Jy Pectoral Ba.< new brick dwelling hooec, t1t. present occup . ied Visitor~ to Newcastle on Thanksgiving and huttons to match at the Big B~krupt going out of th" dry goods busiuess bronchitis and all pulmooary truubles. by me on Qneen·at, ne&r the Church. 'rhe<ZD D-.y were: H. B. Chandler and A. 8till- are seveu i·ooms and large hall, heated. by f~ Reach's mntton bill for the month of Store. Ev..ryihlng is marked d wu t" cosr. and na.ce, a,ud In excellent state of 8plend0 October w~e $113, a s!ight dticrease over wdl, Toronto ; George Hedge and wife, garden. H1\rd &nd soft water and all nece&many things lower. There is no humbug The Ontario Government has appointed Whitby; Mr. Wright and J. Atkioson, rmry oon veniences. Will be sofa on very 0aiJY' N. STANLEY'S CELEBRATED John Henry Dumble, of Cobourl(, bar- about this salti. Inspection o goods and ' he pre1-ious mnn th. Port Hope ; W. Bellwood Miss E. terms. T. H. S!'JW, Bowmanvllle. PREVAILING SIGKNEss·The most pre· riater-:1t-l11w, to b <i Lncal M; of the prices will convince you. Warren, P:lrt Hope ModHl School ; H. tiupreme Court of Judicature for Ontario MnRRISCARRIAG& WnitKS - H«ving rfl- vadi ..g complaints at this eea.aon are Huuter;' Toronto Medical School ; T. D. H'S rlwumatiom,neuralgia,rnre throat, inftam- Alim, nank agent. No Speet11cl11R in the market equal them in the in and for thti United Counties of Nor- ceived the Diplom· for best select.i on of ns ancl con.,eetiuns. For all these iEYE PRl£1111:1WING QUALlTlll:B thoy poeseea, or thumberland and Durham, in the room c"rriag··ll st the County 1!,atr, we havti ruati.1 On Friday eveuin!Z of L.1st week a tlw Clil.KAT EASE and COM!i'Ohl' they confer OD and stead of Ge,lrge McKenzie Clark, t·ken eever"l mdtirs for bugg·oe and <lllt- and other paii,.fu) troubles Ha~ryard'11 HE ENTRANCE EXAMINATION yonng mirn from Por(Hope m1>t a young the wearer. for the Bowm mvllle HlKh SchO'll wilP. Yellow Otl is the be11t iuternal and t1Xt.erresi~JJed. ters for tl:ie coming season. Parties want · be held 011 Wodnesday, Thnreday and Fdd&f. · U'HEY NEVER 'l'UtE THE EYE AND LAST lady from Whitby, when after procuring nal r1·medy. Dec 21st, 22nd and 23rd, in th!> eohooi coo.M ini:c cutter11 o .. lJ and examine onr s tock beTh" Domestic Monthly gives to every MANY YEARS WITHOUT CHANGE. a license they proceeded to tha Methodist ot. the Church-st .. M~thodlst ehnrch, boginningMr. T. B. Dancaster, Port Perry, had P 1 ·,T he eight teated by our New Teat Ca.rd, yearly subscriber, free . coupons good for fore buyiug. J As. l\fo1m1s, Proprietor. ·raonage, Newcastle, whure they intend- Wednesday ~t 1:30 p.m. Intending ce.udldat,es. his face badly ecurched the other day by ed to be 1:mitell but when the Miu i-ter ahould eend m lho1r name· to the 11urlP.r.iig11ed. a.a used by the lee.ding Oculists through· One D ollar.'e worth of patterns. Any The Y. P. A. o( St. Paul's church out the world. w. w. ·r.urnLYN, pa.Lterns wav thus b,· sdect.,d at auy an interesting pro!;ram 011 Monday ni~ht. a gust of firs from a furnace. b~gan 1h ceremuny the fair lady was Head Mug .er. time. The "D· 'mestic " was never more to a lar11e a udi1> Fon J!'ROST BtTRS.-There is n<> better Bowma.nville, Nov.~. 1887. 47- 2w. overcome and fell fainting to l·hti floor ; nce·. '.fhoRe assisting were successful than oow ; the December num· re,m· dy for fr.,et biws, cl11lblaine and simhowever, she aftl:!rwards recovered and Drl1t';gi818 and Opticians, BOWMANVILLE. Miss C. Galbrahh, Miss Glover Mies ber is filled with gt>od things, charming Climie, Miss Simpson, Mr. J. Keitchie, ila~ 1rou i.lee, tlurn Hagyard's Yellow Oil. th" C·'remouy was solemnized at the etori sand poems, and attractive illustra- Mr. Ratteubury, and Mr. Ge·,rge Porter, It 11 lso cures rheumatism, lumbago. eore Windso Hotel. @tiUU.adiaf~ jtatfJllWl~ tious. As a fashiou ma.g11zinA the " Do- th· latter gentleman giving an admirable throat, d,"afu~Sd, and lameness and pain FOR Pnntypool bnsiness ch>1ngee : Mil!s M. mes· ic " ia with·>ut q 11estion the most rlescrip·i"n of CaliforlJia. Rev. Mr. gen.-rally. Yello~ Oil is 1111t1d internally McChesney is about 11tarting a millinery pract.ical, complete and reliable. It gives Fraser presided. and l!X·erualiy. HAT Property l ne ..ted in the town cif. tth"P in Mr. Joho Stanton's n.iw stor~ on BowMANVlLLE N oY'R 30, 1887. th" e:uU.·st n· ·tes cf new fashions and ilBowmanv!He, adjTM'ent to the G. 1'. P... Uxbri<lg~ has a young la.dies' German John street Dr Drummond is also station and ,known as the Totterdale Honee. On Sund><y aftern0<:m Mr. J . R Biette, Club. . During c~rtai11 hours nothing but lus·rates them mim1·ely, It si-veH ladi"e his office into the Coulter and The nnd rs1gbed hi.a received lnstroctlo'.l,8 moving many times its cost in BU{!l!escions of a Oshaw&, wM made the recipient of a the G..rmaJJ liir·guage is epolrnn. t.he. Ex.,cutors of the late Mrs. Eliio"b ·12) Perrin bl11ck, while Mif!B Tailor ie going f_~m J<,llen Wilke to sell by anction on the premise& µr.,ctioa.l natura. It is a real help in th" hanrlsome pres··rn f om the scholars .:if TEN YEARs' OF T .. uTuilE.-Mrs. Tboa. to take thfl old (lffico. Mr. Geo. H.r>c.,rd On Saturday, Dec mber 3rd, '87' ·Largie a.mount of muney to loan on family. Mrs. Henry Ward Bel'e.h er has bis cl11se in the. Simc"o Street Me·hodi't Acres, of H un1 ly I . Out ' was for ten ye11rs alw moves into thb and Perrin the above prooerty, with t.he land therelb Churtih Sch'11·L The present fann 8Wnrity ~t from 6 to 7 per cent.- edited one of .its departments for m~uy Wm. Wilson has gone home to attaohed-abont one 1'he property OOlla euJforor fr"rn liver complair.t wnich doc block. ye ~ rs, and all the well · kuown writers con· consisted of eleven handsome v\)lumes of F. H. MA.!!ON. tor's wedic·ne did not relieve. Af er giv" hie broken leg a rest. which is gf't.tiug alsts of a two storey Brick Hl'ltel oonlBintng IJ Barnes' Commentary of the New Testatribll'e to its psg<'s, The JY.rnestic Order Doors, Sa.shes, Blinds, Picket~, with a store1 and a additlvn ooi using four b ··ttles of Burdock Blood Bit- alonl( nicely. Mr . Harry Parker hae sold rooms, talnlng 6 rooms and PBDtry wit)l oalla.r r eto., at Morris' Planing Factory, Liberty M· n ·hly is '· published at 853 Broadway, me1it; also a bound ·volume o f Peloubet's . ta-rs ehe was endrely cured, and states bis blacksmith business to Jae Corbitt. SiY.a of honso. 'rhere ts alao O.·. ll'·· ble2'7H: Selected N otea on the foterirn.tional LesNew York, at $1.uO a year, postpaid, atreet, R. a. Osborne, leasee . . feet oontaininll' 10 st.alls, a drivlnq house L7 Show your neighbors the STATESMAN feet and ehede l 23x:l9 fee<. The g11.t'den oottwith $1 00 worth of patterns to every son· Mr. B1ett0 was taken cumpletely th.i.t she is like new wowan again . Persons having furniture to ~en in town te.l ne 29 apple,10 plum.5 oherry,5 pear trees aolf by ~urprise, and was much affected by and ask them to sub~cribe. sub~criber Mr. Levi Mackey, of Pickermg, has other small fruits, At the same time and pla(!& can make very satis·aot.. ry arrangt1ments the kind e;irpressioue liCCOu panying the been appointed bailiff in the room and there will also be sold the whole ·t th" rnrn~ $1..00 CLOTH BOUND BOOKS FREE ! - presents. tab the SuTBSMAN Office. Terms eosy. ture eonRisting of bar turnlshinge, p ..rloa, stead of Chas. W. Matthews, removed. dining, kltche'> and bedroom furnlehln!l'L If yvu want a good fit leave your order The best fa.rm and family paper in AmerFRANCR has always been a land of incarpem, chamber sets, diRhee of all kinda. ica.. 1'he Am<>ricl\n Rurai Hr1me, of at the Bank· upt Store for a snit or over0Klll.- In Bowmanville on Nov. 25th. the cutlery and trigue, and 1 .herecent events, which shake UNIVEltSAL APPROBATION.- The mediIn fact everythlnic pertaining to 11, 'fo or Mr. W. T· OK&, of a eon. Rochester, N. Y., is still giving a!<'ay t hti presen1. Government, bri.tig forward cal pro~mmon, the cler!l!y, the pres~ and coat. Their tailor is a da.ndy. well furniahed hotel. Sale to begin at k t.housanns of S1.a ndard cloth b " und books Gen B"ulanger, ,..hom thev were schem· the pu >he ahke acknowledge the virtu.. s o'. lock sharp_ If you }1ave had trouble in getting T&RMs,-tor fnrnlehlnge and furniture. c11.tNt; to i1s eubscrib.,rs, Every yearly sub- in~ tu suppreSI!. The sketch by w. H. of Burdoch Blood B1t~tire, a.a an unequ11.lMARRIED. your watch or clock rope.ired prop11rly,try for real es ate one tenth cash on day of el\t~ s.,rib«r to this one dollar 8 page, 48 col.,,. in Frank L eslie'!J Popular led ramedy for chrome . dte..ases of the terms for balance made known on day ot sale. CHAP~lAN-Tt'IORN'rON,-On the 9th inst., by John .J. Mason. Perfect sa.tisfaccion 17 year old weAkly. has a choice of over M .. nthl. Rev, T. Dunlop, at th"' residence or the The purchaser to search title st his own fqY for Decemh~r. gives all needed stomach, h".'er,_bo"'tils, k1d_ney.s and blood. the gua.rantt·ed or no cha.rge. penee. Executors will furnish deed To ha ~ bride's fo.rhei:, Is&ll.O, eldest BO'\ of Mr. Joseph 200 dift't'rent volumes ; among th~e are to re~erve bid. Title indispntablo. For:Mrs. Morrison is selling out, giving up Cyclopedi~s. Histori.,s, Biographies, and inf ·rm...tion f,.r this "Coming Man." In · It~ po1.iular1ty mcreastis with its years of Chapman, to LOuiso e:.·eldeet d-Ln,rh~er ot Mr. subject Cun.her particulars apply to JOHN K. G.uraor11 L. Thornton, both of h.irby· imainess, intenriing to leave town, and works ··n Law, Med1ci11e, eic. RAITR. 01Jwmanvll1,,, or t<l Levi A.. TJle Nearly "The Evolution of Gaming," Charles trt1>1. 16-3'fli' · Mr. G. S. Mille~, of Port Perry, was Rrn-KNOTT.-On the 15rh 111st.· bv the Rev. Auctioneer, Bowmanvllle, Ont. offers her stock of new winter millinery, all 11lu~tra.teci, Rnd cnntain from 300 1.0 B<1.con gives tbe term a wider scope than Dunlop at the Methodist Parsonage, Orono, Bowmanville, Nov. 16, 1887. · u~u1>1. "Seal-Huntiug on the Coast of tend~r~d a complunentary supper last T. fancy g ·nde ·and wool11 at co;,t. West 900 p1>ges. Mr. George L. Hae, to Miss LlDba. A. Knott., 8, 15, or 25 cents Labr11dor" is full of h1ier.-st to those who week, previous to hie removal to PeterOrono. both or End Mi.llintJry House. extra, according to b·JOk selected. 'rhe ··Is the proper definition of an editor, American Rural Home is made up for !" ear the fur and thoae who do not The horo. DIED. a man who puts thing15 in a paper or a ev..ry mewbtir of the family ; 11ome of its gossipy traveller, Ruthven, takes us 0RITICrs~r.-A. lady in Brockville statesMn'CH!i:Lr,.-In Enni61tillen. on Nov. 26th, man who keeps them out ~" Most sue· d, p ;irtments are "Poultry Yard," "Hor- through "Paris in Miniature," that is, 1 was induced to try Nasal Ba.Im for a, e the accomplished Dr. A. lonl( standing cold in mv head that was John Mi:;chell, a.ged c::eseful edi,01·s believe that thty have ticul·ure," "Stock Husbandry," "Bee Brussels; whi 1 Heory, f'odlngton Co.. Dakota, ofElLIZABETH ELLEN WIL:Kf$; been best helped by the matter they have Notes," "Puzzle," "Household Recipes," H. Guernsey t.,Jle the tale of "CharlesV. pro11ounced Catarrh. ;rhe Balm gwe otGmme.-In typhoid. fever, on 'l'hursd,.y, Nov. 24th, Deceased. ha.eketed. and "M·.rket lwports." "The best Emperor of ,}ermany and King of" immediate relief and permanently cured John, second eon of John Giddis, of Blenheim, The number gleams with fine pictures, me. ·It was so pleasant and agreeable to to t)f Bowmanv!lle and Cartwright, The Bankrupt Store is the place to deal, papei- for farm news in the land." Send URSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS fr··m the colored plate to the last page. use that I at first th ..ught it "no good." e. u 35 years. (i yards of toweling at 25 cents ; fur caps stamp at once for sample copy and cataFuRZn:R.- In Hampton, Nov. 28. Letitia of the Re'l71·od Sta.t11te~ of Outario,Chap>o for 25 cents; mens' tweed suits tor $4 50; logue of books to H. unAL HvME Co., E ta W. Pierce's wouderful 111ory, "Prince I now use it with my children for colds F uuler. relict or the late Ricb,.rd .b'urzier1 In ter 107 and 46 Victoria. f011tario) Chap~ ~ucifer," increases in power and effective and stoppage of the nasal passages. her 77th year, Funeral ~o day (Wednesday, at notice is hereby given that all creditol'l!, JiJia Rocl1ester, N . Y. ha.rd aun soft felt hats for 15 cents; mens' 1 p, m., to Bowmanville cemeterv. other persoue having any debts, cle.ime, I t m1erest. 1il1irts , ,.;md drawers and boys' shirts and 1'h~ Hnnivt>r·ary of Court Pride of On· 'l_eme.nds againet the estate of Ec.rzADlf:Tlf 11 Uxbridl.!'.e people subscribed $750 fo.i: r;...~~========== -· " -""'"""" " -"' -""'" F,c.r.F:N \VII.KB, late of ~he to"·n of BowrnaaMit. EDI'fOR.- h the practice of giving (lrp,w·f' QB chee.p as chip~. · tario, No. COOO, was celebrated on the the county orDurham,mulied wom.--. ville,rn College Federation at a meeting there BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. The ickering News recently entered 11th inst ., by a supper at the A.r lington schnol children 110 much " Eiome Work," the other night, which was addressed by deceased., who died, on or. nbout the twen~)l'o a good one · 1 One "'onld think that after fourth day ot Ocr.ober, A..D . , JS87, are 1i..reb7 Hotel: The comp1my numherod 85, of (;urrcctcd by .;J. !lleMurtry, every Tuesday, upon a new volume. It gives us plea~ure required to send by post, prooa.ld or nellvll!' !{ at school all day a little recreation Dr. Potts. to mark the progress of the News, which which 20 of the number were from Conrt bein. p&rticulars in writing, of their debts, claima,i A bountiful would be bet.tor for them than to be ocBLEEDIN(I NOSTRII.s. - It hns done me FLOUR, ~ 100 lbs.··...··. $2 10 to $2 40 demands, and the nator11 of the seourit.y a>Uts to ma.ny a town journal as a He"rts of Oa.k, O~hawa. held by them, to John K. Galbraith a1ewe:v local paper. It is without doubt spread was provided, to which all did cupied, as is often the case, the whole eo much good , 1 want to get two bf)ttlee WHEAT, Fall, f' bush .·.·· 0 80 " 0 82 any) th" town o! Howm11nville. iu the county ample justice. After the supper the chair eveuiug. grindinu out long sums and morH immediately. I have been ,.filicted, 11 Spring, " .·· .· 0 80 " 0 82 Durham, Barrister, one of the executo a of t,be the best village paper in Canada. other exercises. If the number of hours withCatarrhforovert~nyears-frequeot- BARLEY, ¥bush, No.1. ... 0 72 11 0 00 last will aud ti;stament or the sa.ld docea.~ed,d!t A B i>wm1mville correspondent to a for- was taken by Bro. N. S. Young, C. R., spent hetore the fourth day or January ne~ in school are not sufficiant, whv ly my nose would bleed and leave tho 11 ' 11 11 2 .... 0 67 11 0 00 or eign jnurnal writes: Our school buildings hut being unexpPctedly called away, Bro (1888) at the expiration ot which time tbb add one or two more. But if it is nostl'ile in a dry, condition, with 11 11 11 3 . .. , 0 55 11 0 00 executors of the last will and testament of tbt> along finely, thia generation H. J Weokes, S C. R, filled th1.1 chair not said deceaeed will proceed to distributG too 11 · · · · · · · · · · 0 50 " 0 52 assets ihllll seen the old brick cleaned up and to the satisfaction of the entire company. grauted that for the welfare of the pupils constant soreness. I exjlerienetid rtilief RYE, of t:ho sa.ifl deceased among the perso!J!:f the hours of study are :Lwple, it seems The following program was rendered : after the firs t trial of Ely's Cream Ba.Im. OATS, 11 · · · · · · · · · 0 30 11 0 32 entitled. thereto, h"ving regard t.o t~ piled Cl\rAfully, the generations after the incous's ·eut to give them so much to do Song, " 'l'he B ungry Man," by Bro. Goo, debts and cla.ima only ot which notice eho.11. It is the best of a great many remiidies I PEAS, Blackeye, f' bush .·. 0 60 IJ 0 65 iJlext may see the new bmlding& up if have been given as ~bove required · a11d tlr.a. Peckhiim. A toast was dmnk t o the .a t home. We parents like a little leisure have tried and 1 cu.n fully recoml'nend it. 11 Small, 11 0 52 11 0 55 said executors will not be for the asijeQll they live loag enough. Oshawa Brethreu,coupl><d with the names after our day's work, audit is rather hard -E. Gill, Madison, 0., Editor of the 11 Blue, " 0 50 11 0 55 so distributed to any person at whose deb\ Ol' To OuR Su nscrunER1>.-Send to F. P. of Bro. Bennett, D C.R., Bro. Davidsou, on the children to keep thtim at it from claim they shall not have he.d notice at the Index. II BUTTE1t, best table,~ lb... 0 20 " 0 22 time of such dist.ribution. Shumway, jr., Boston, Mass., for freo C.R , Bro. W1lkmsou, Bro. McKeown morning till "bedtime." PAI!ENT. 11 Bowm1 rnvillc. Nov. 16Wl. JS.,7. Oshawa, Cobourg and Poterboro' have LAitD, W lb ·· ·· ···.···· · . 0 10 0 12 11ample copy of the CottRge Hearth, a and Bro. Gibl!on, of Gutllph, who reJOH:S- K. GAJ,DflAITH, Our own ooinion is tha.t young c!.i!dren invited Rev. Mr. Shorev to become the Eoos, ~doz.·······.···· 0 17 11 0 00 \beautiful illustrated magazine, and so sponded in a very appropria ce manner. 4i · 5W 1',or the Exeo11tora. realize what an extraordinary offer'we are Next was a toast to the Juvenile Branch should not be assigned homti lessons, but pastor of the Methodist churches in each POTATOES, "bush .·.··· . . 0 55 II 0 60 of those villa~es. fuy · .. · .. · · ............ J.O 00 " 12 00 EDITOR. auking when we olfor to send both the of the A. 0. F., couµled with the names advanced pupils should. DRESSBD HOG"'1 .. - · . . · · . . · 5 50 II 6 00 Cottage He1irth and T1rn STATESMAN ~or of Bro. c. Stonhouae, I'. D. c. R., Bro. lN BRIEF, .ANU TO TUE POINT.-Dys- CLOVER SEED.. . · · . .. .. .. 4 90 II 5 00 a. full yea.r for only $1.60, when pepsia is dreadful. Disordered liver is ALSIKE .. . . · · . . . . . . . · . . . 4 00 11 6 00 · c. the price J · o · L ab "11 e an dB ro. G eo. Mayoar·d , p of th e Co ttage H eart h a 1one is"'1 ·50· C. R . Another toast was drunk to the misery. ludi'(estion is a foe to good ALMANAC 1888 has 13 t h anmversary,coupled · · the names nature. The humc m digestive apparatus ib GRJr's ·Conn<.: d l' ti' for d'tto 1t1th 1 1 is one of the most complicated and won.,,.._ s. OB.MISTON, L, L. n. een rec~ive , an~ IS ce_r m Ya. ere of Bro. Dav. Davis, P. C. R., Bro. Dr. --OF. " · · t It · ·1 Barrister, Solicitor. Oonveyancer, &c, Money t4e fpuhhsld1er~. rb he sJ1_ x ~!enBdar paghes Beith, Bro. T. H ~pry, p C.R, Bro.A.. d erf a 1 thmoa rn ex1s once. IS Y to loan. Otlice. In Beaver Block upstairs in rom esigns . Y · n · engoug ' Nichols and Iho. H. Kenner See . Bro. put out of order. Greasy food, tough roo'lls formerly occupied by Dr. Harnden, James H. Gilmour, of T, Gilmour & ca:. a.11d the wlwle eenea about the best J Babe ck then ' · ty t' food, sloppy food, bad cookery, mentl\l Bowmanville. 39 · f · t d · th t · ·· gave a very · m eros mg \Vholeaa.le Grocers. Brockville, says : I ha'tlie specimens o canca ure rawing . a we report of the Order in Canada at resent · Cold aril wony, late w~rry, irr.egular ha.bitB, and WANTED TO LOAN $600 on first used " Tamarac Elixir " fur a seve.r· Cough, which it immedfately reliovod e.nl1 ha":e yet seen fr(im the pen °~ tlus clever which showed that it is ~rowi~g very many other thmgs winch ought not to be, mortgage, Apply to this 'lilloe. cured. artist. A. If:· Ilowar~, J · "· Bengough fast. A toast w is then drunk to the lahave m flde the American people a nation Hiram Duker. Lumber and Cheese Doala-: 11n.d other artists contribute sketches- a l dieH co I d 'tl th f B w ·1 ANTED. -A good general servant. North Augusta., Ont.. "'l'amarac Etlxll'" of dyspeptics . Bur; Green's August iq n. wonderful iue<licine for Coughs and Col ~ Apply to Mas. P. MURD!!CIT, "Beacons· series of pictt:res il~ ustratin.g tho 1-louRe r· kim'on ~1r:de M:Ktl~·w;, ~~~;:h~w..3~~o. l~ AT PRICES NEVER BEFORE Flower has d one a wonderful work in lfeld," Bowmanville. Throa.t nnd Lung Complaints. 1t iH withoS: 47.2,v ~\~~sh B~1.1t l~~rng P.artt~l~larly gio :~, N ichols, Bro. n,, Osborne a11d Bro. G 1:10. reforming this sad business and making the beet medi~i ne I ever used, and nOVI't doubt HEARD OF, AT fails to give immediate relief, ·w e consider It Wt 1 teh· e rea. ing · roduwwu 1 ~ e\·en e · 1 J oll, D. C. R.,after which a vote of thanks O REN'r-The Stand one door west of the a th<) Amorican healthy th!lt they houQehold necessity, Nli:WB Oflicfl. Suitable fur small store, ar er a~1 1i,as appearc 111 previous years. was tendered to Mr. and Mrs. Strower, can enj'>y their meals and be happy. for an Office. Apply to GALI~ BROS. The pri~e is only 10 cents a. copy,an~you . who s·· well got up the gr..nd 11pread. !Wmember :- No happiness without N'IMDI!>G ADnm·ruamL shoulcl · · ·ca11 g~t 1t ~I; lh,e booketores or send d1roct / After singing "God the Queen" dresH t:. E O. 1·. now:i.i.L .& cc·., hea.lth. But Green's August Flower ENERAL SERVANT WANTED to Gr.ip J:lice, ror< m to. I ~nd " A11l-· I ana C! ~"th ' lJro k Ill S1n·ur.c: Stred, llic:w York CUy, t brin~s hnalth and happiness to the dys, . \ ~ ci ' " .; · "' oyu~ · e JllU ·Y ·c at once. ,Auply toM11B,JOHNMAYNATW, I.:' c;AN oo NO llAllH tu try Fn'4'm·u1' up all well sa\islfod with the eninin""s u!'~.r,~i' tu~1~r;:x!~~~.:1!! r::~ gi:oit peptic. Ask your druggist for a bottle. "Lorne Villa," Centre Street, Bowmanville, For !m.LM.CT US'I' 01<' l,Olllt iu,:.,vspu·~~ 'ft'erm 1'ow1ler111 wlle11 y1nn cl111tl ls llUlu t' t . t' b 1 18- tr. lHU be ~rut FREE QM a11pU.:11tlo· fC'l'el'bli or £rctt'ul, · en er a:tmnen . auve tor skin cll~e1ue, Sevcnty-fivo c~nts. 27 J JI IZ DA HL lJSE ONLY TllE I11ry Mrs. Mo~rieon'a is the cheapeat millin· \ This Las bee~ u. spl1n1did fall house m town. \ me·a to g·it tho11· work done. for f~r· I DISTRICT NOTES. NORWEGIAN I DR, E. t;, MeDOWF.LL, ICENTIATE OF ROYAL COLLEGE of Phyeiolans, London. J<;ng.; Member Ck The following persons i." renewed Gollei;\'e of Physicians ana Surgeons. Ontario.; their own subscription fi·r 18. ~8 and ob- StJRGKRY AND REBIDENCE:-Rear of M· ears. Higglnbotham's Drug Store, Bowmanv< lla. tained one or more new aui>B\ 1ribers for t»-br.* THE STATESMA~ : ARM 'l'O RENT.-200 seres, beiqg l. Bonj, Ashton, Newcastle, : Lota 16 and 17, ('on 4, Darlington. Plow1. mg possession immediately, Apply to W, F. W· H. Williama. Bowmanville,' a, ALLEN, BowmRnvillo, 1.2-tt Richard Mallory. ·' . Jonn Ruddock, OUSE TO LET -A comfor·;~b}; Rlch!ird DRvey, Tyrone, l. Brick Houee, suitable for small fam.uily, l. l:t. L. Ralls, Leskard, near Ontario Street. Apply to S. W ASHINGrcnf Church·st., Bowmanville. 43tf l, Mrs. Jno, Yineon, Orono, 1. James Malcolm, C&eijarea, PEAS WANTED. -3000 bushels df 1. '.l'hoa ll. Hancock, '.l'yrone, . email poas wantea at the Caledonlan W, H. Hicks. 1. Mills, Bowman ville, for which t.he vflry hli:ch· 6. qt prloe will be paid. JOHN MaoKAY rro1. W. H. Gorrill. Tannton, P!.:_'ctor. · 'rhos. Ormiston, Ennlakillen, 2. Mlad Nel ie Bing:ham. Trrone, l. o\ILOitlNG. -Mr. Hindsori T a.ii or "'t M.cU.lung Bros., le now pr~p> ~ Mayor Horsey, Bowmanvllle, 1. make .a hnnted number of suits for country T. Brimaoombe, Havdon, 1. buyers .or from outside establishments Eno. I rwin L. Hrown, Hampton, 1. trance th1·ough Quick & Co's store. ·45·tf Jonas Samia, Newcastle, l. TEER .ASTl{AY.-Strayed int.o rb:e3. Elias Gr.eenway, Haydon. premlses ot the under~lgncd, lot 31, con.$, E N. Varnum. Solina, 1. Cla rk~. a two-l·ear-old ~te.,r. The owner Jg. 3. .a.Hred J. G<'ltlln, Leskard. requested. to pr.ova ])f'oporty, pay cxuenss 'l'bomas Pascoe, Solina, ttnd take it a way. RollT. '.l'OMS, Newc1lst~ L OUR HONQR ROLL. L F ~ H I 1 'r· S LYMAN, SONS & CO. F LOWERS. G S TULIPS W .Stott & Jury's Medical Hall. F Sight vs. Blindness. H SALE-::: ENC LISH SPECTACLES. ntrance Examination. T STOTT & JU RY, Wht HOTEL PROPERTY SALE. T Local and Otherwise. a 7· BIRTHS. I Executors' N·otice to Creditors P A CAR LOAD Tamarac COAL OIL I W. QUICK & Co's. W T G c:r I I