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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Dec 1887, p. 1

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TBRMS :.::::..fl.60 ha A:;tro:M:, OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIBST: THE WORLD AFTERWA.RDS. u ': , A. JAMES, EDITOR .A.ND PROl'RIE'fOB, =======================.t:====$.~===============~===========z=====================c======================================:::====:-:;=============================== -=---~---~--~~- NBW S:a:n111:s, NuMB:d:B iit-18. BOWMANVCLLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 71 1887. ONEY TO LOAN IN A~OUNTS t<> snit borrowerq, on good farm ~ecurlty Apply to M. A JAMES, STA'l'KB?llAN Office. · 43tf VOLUME XXXIII. 1 = 49 Nm1BER OPEN!&D OUT LAST WEEK ---AT-- M LOWER CALIFORNIA. t'RA~Ii: IH. FUt:l.D, D. A. No. 2. Bv DR. Sc1rnrnT, SAN Drnc; o, C!ll. . And no w a few wcrds in r· gard to the COUCH, JOHNSTON B & CRYDERMAN'S, THREE BALES --OF-- 8RUSSELLt) 'AND TA-PE-ST---.RY) CARPETS~ Direct from John Crossley & Sons, Halifax, England. For Elegant Designs, Permanent Colors and Durability, Crossley's Carpets are unequalled. __ Housekeepers requiring Car- ~-S_T_O_R_E_. pets are requested to examine our Stock before buying. No better value anywhere. CoJIOh, Johnston &Crydorman One Door West of Post Office. Bowmanville. -.A. T - L A.. I N G ' S the popular Dry Goods House In Flannels and Blankets, THE CENTUBY In Hosiery and Gloves, MAGAZINE. In Jerseys and Clouds, W · In Hats and Caps, In Sox and Mitts, and Tweeds· and Clothing with all the ordinary articles necessary to the conducting of a first class . - ;.1 business._ We have been very fortunate in obtain· ing a large shipment of Dry Goods which we can afford to sell at the original cost.and intend to make things lively for some time .t o come. Without bo_ a sting I think we have been doing our share of the business of the Town and feel pleased to think our customers are generally well suited. In regard to prices .we are prepared to give the best value consistaiit -with the quality of the goods and compete honestly with a legitimate- business. Catch-pennies on ·such small articles as pins and spools we scorn 'Yith contempt and pity with commjssiration those who are blindly duped for we all know they pay full value, generally before they leave the said stores for the seeming good value they received. ]\:fost ~nglers through a · small fish catch a larger one. D on't bt;; foolish any more. Go to stores and do your trading eonfidi;:.atly with those you can reaJly trust and at the end of the year you will be richer wiser and happier. Respedfu ly yours, Will be found some of the best bargains of the season. GEO, LAING~ (LATE HOSSACK & J?IELD. ARRISTER., Solicit(\r, Notary, &c. benefits dllrived from the cilimato of Ensennda and adjoining country; no statis· COBOURG. Offloe,- Armour Blook, Kini!' Street. tics, but eimply a few thou~l1tf', the ro· 22. FnANK M. FIELD· suh o{ my own observatir·ns of the vari· OUB dis..ases. Diseases of Childre·ii.-Thoae summer disturbances of the intestinal tr~ct are never prevalent. I have practiced 11early aPven years in this p·rt of 1he country, TAIT & MORRISON'S o.nd In· epect their \Vall Papers- latest yet in ~11 that time there has not been a desil{ne. greatest variety, &nd ,death from thn eo called cho'er" inpricee to suit everyone. Stock far·ttnn or any dist:>aSfl of similar nature. nowreacty. Do yon want a new and pretty rcarlet ft>ver, diphtheria, measles aud Window Shade or Blinds1 We whMping cough-Of these there baa nev· have somcthin~ new In thi11 bi a.nob. Call and eoo them be· er been an epid .. mic here; the few cases fore you inveet. or you'll be th ...t occnr usually run a mild course. I eorry. have never known 1he child born in South· ern Pt Lower C11-lifornia of " phthis·cal pa.rent die of pulmonary disease. For Still leads in Photographs and children the placa is a paradise, no 'ieat our Studio is often crowded, Com A early In the day when you dis·> ases which carry nf tho little onea so can. ru·hlellsly ill the Eastern eummcr ; no Ju~t now you ml\Y want some choler-a infantum; no pneumonia or mem· extra EnRravlngs or Cbromo~ to adorn your rooms. We have a bra.nous croup. great variety, good and cheap.· D yspepsict. - Dyspeptic persons are altoo. Ir you want a baby oarriUll;o wo can euit you; we l1av0 s"me most inv.. riably relieved, owing in part to nice ones. Doll'e r.arriagee, too, the cha.racier of food always available. and Boy's Wagoue, C11rts and Every variety of fresh veaet-ahle can be Wheelbarrows. Lawn had all the yeor tound; strawberries are always iu the market; oranges. lemons a11d imes are in seasc.n during wintt·r and Parlor Croquet, Carpet Ba.Ila, spring; apricots, nect.al'ines, peaches and Games for fam1llea and ~ocial parties· Our M lrrore are clear sev ... ral varieties of berrias ripe·1 during and true; "Ur picture frameesre May, June "nd July; apple~ and grap ..s of the la1est. 11.nd most att ractive dcsi!ZOB. CurtB in poles&. rings, ,.r. in season untiithtt onrn ge again ripe··B . PlnRb goods-nice and eh,,ap. Beef and mutton, the finest in the world, Another new brsnoh jtIBL Inalso a great vari~ty of fish, the proo11ct11 troduced at ·rait & of th" dairy, and many v"rieties of game, complo-te a range of diet that is within reach of all. Is a Jewelry Department where YOU will flnrl tbe very latest in Mular ial Diseusea.-Intermittent fever Ladles' andGentlemen'ajcwelry. never developee in tlii11 part of the counWA invite Bpt>cisl attention to try. I epeak positively bec11uae my ex· our new stock just in. Base Ball l!'OOda, School and Hymn perience as attending physician to the San BookE, Stationery, Toye, and in· Dieg C··1mty Hospit111, 1'18 well as my prideed everything to be found iD a V uriety and Fancy Goode' vat.e pritctice m hoth cities, :San Diewo and E Bt>nada, j netifa'l' me in the e'ate· ment. On tlie other hand, I have had numerous patients with ague that have come saturated with malaria from enme por1ion~ of the northern parts ,,f c..Jifor· nia, and from the m1tlarial districts of some of the Eastern Star...s; A shn:tt 1 ·e·i· dence iu Lower California, BBsieted by ordinary treat.me"t, cures t.htm, aud a pe m1m..,ut residence giv l!I them perfllct immunity. Ha·y Fever nevor originates in L o wer C ..lifor ia All p·'r aons wit h hay fever th"t have gone there seeking reh"'f, have bo~n benefitted; almost all have been cured. A~t71ma. - U1 e great majority of persons sfilic·ed wiih thi" disease c"n get permanent rtilief. Many hav·~ perfect imm11nity · n the ciry of E·1sen11d11, but a few millls inland ·.'11 the foot hills, relieve" such as are not benetitted by residence at the ~ea aid..,. Al· hough I have had some patients v.ho could live only on thi. ~ea coast, s· me of my patients, who, after having " a.inly tried mauy famous reso' t4 i>:i Europe and .America, found perfoct health at Eniseva· \'ETEIUNARY SURGEON, da and vicinity. 0 R ONO, O.NT. ·& nilitv.-This is a paradise for person11 who bave pass, d the moridi1 m of life. Instead of spending the most of their lives in rooms art!llc1ally heat d, t·h..,y get a .new 1--ase ol life from the sun's rays, the ITH tho November, 1887. isiruo The pure atmosphere aud inspiring surroundCentury commences its thirtv·tiftb vol- ings. utne with a regular circulati·m of almost N c·1Jo·ua Prostrati on.- Persons in this 250,000 . The War Papers an:! the Life of Lincoln increased its monthly edition by condition rec.,ive b"'nefit frorn the ple:iB· ure of ou1cloor 'ifs anti the refreshing 100,000. The latter history havinl( recount· eleep that. come" at night. No matter ed the events of Lmcoln'e early yer.ra, and given the n ecessary survey of the pvlitical how warm the d ··y, the uights are iuvari· condition of tho country, r eaches a new per. ably cool enough to enc<>Urage rest; there iod, with which hill secretaries were moat in· is something soothing in the very atmostimntdy acquainted Under the caption phere. J,INCOLN IN THE WAR, Chronic RhcmnaUsm.- Besidea the ben· the writers now enter on the more important part of their narrative, viz : the early y oar15 eficial ..,ffects of the ci1mate on this dis· of the War and Presidont Li11coln'a part easti, there are a great many varieties of th~reiIL miueral springs, hot and cold, thtt.t have SU PPLE MENTARY WAR PAPERS, quite a local 1eput.. r.ion . and about wh·ch following the "bat cle eeritis" by distinguish· a11 entire volume mig ht be written. Th;, ei g ..nerale, will describe intcrestinc: fea· tures Q f army Jifo. tunneling from Libby invalid, C!,el1cate as h"' may he, can pass the greater p ortion of each day during Prison, narratives of personal adventure, etc. General Sherman will write on ..11 he G rand th~ entire ytai in the open air. Strategy of the War." The peninrnla of Lower Calif.,rnia may KENNA~ ON SIBERIA. be epec1 ..lly recommended for the follow· E xcept the Lifo of Linoolu and the War ing purp::m is, amougs~ others to-wit: Articles, no more important aeries has ever l<irst- 'l'he growing of grams and fruit. been uniler takeu by the Century th»n this Second- Stock rait.ing. of Mr. Kt:Dnau's. With tho previous pre· Third-An a. health r esort it stands at paration of four year's tr21vel and study in Huseia and Siberia. tho at1thor undertook a the very front. journey of 15 ,000 rnilos for the epecial inves · The list of fr11its, grains, etc. , n ow cult1gation here requit ed. An introduction tivated on th.; Company's land11 and for from th~ Rmsian Minister cf the Interior all of which ditferent tracts of the peninadmitted him to the principal mines and sula are pecuharly well suited, are applee priaon9 where ho b~came acquainted with pea.rs, pettches, plums, quinces, pomosome three hundred State ex1J.,s.·- Libera.la N ihiliste, and others.- and tlu, series will be grante1, bammaa, Japan per"immon11, a startling a, well ~ accurate revelation of strawberries, blackberrit!s, raeberries, ~u the e:i:ile et · stem. 'l'ho m~ny illustrr.tione avu, pineapples fllivee, apricots, nectar· by the artist and photographer. Mr. Georl!e ine!lE11glish walnuts,almonds,pt-11nu re, etc. A . Frost, who accompani.,d the author,w1ll Graptia-All useful varieties; being mereadd greatly to the valu6 of the a~ticlee. ly a matter of choico with the cultivator. A NOVEL BY EGGLESTON Raisins-Muscat, sultanas, zante corrautll with i!luetrations will run through the year. Shorter nov.,Ja wi I follow by Cable and Grain- "' heat, barley, oates, rye, alfalfa, Stockton. Sh orter fictions will appear every· altileria, yellow.corn, white corn, E gypmonth. tian corn. Vegetllbles, roots, etc. Im1h MISCELL ANEOUS 1?EA1' UHES potatoes, yams, parsnips. carrots, turnips, will comprise several illustrated articles on blood b<;eta, sugar beeu, tome.toes, cabIreland, by Char les D e Kay; p~pcr3 tou ch· ba~e, cauliflower, lettuce, red onions, yeliug the field of the Sunday:Sehool L easone, l ow o nions, white onions, peppera, cel ery, illust rated by E . L. Wilson; wild W estem eg gpl11.nt , squa.sh t'B, pumpkins, wa ter melJifo, by 'fh eodoro R noscvelt; the En"lish o us, muskmelons , swe et corn, cucumbe 1 ·s, Cat bedmls, by M rs. Van Ren~aelacr. with illnstJ·at ions by Pennell; Dr . Buckley's val· food beans, castor bea ns, peas, etc. Dreams, Spiritualism, and uable papers on O .Among the othH cereals which can be Cla.irvoyan oe; ~say8 in criticism,art,travel, added as a n importl\nt portio u of the fu. and biogr aphy ; poems; cartoons; etc. tur e crops of the peninsula are sugar cane, By a SJJecial o.tTer the numbers of the past t obacco, and cott on . H on ey - S o thick· year (contaiuiag th o J,mc1.1l11 history) may be secured wit.h t he yea.r's subecription ·from· ly are all t he lands cover.:d wi th blossum s N ovember. i887. t wenty-four issues in all, of variou s wild fl o w er~, clo ver an d so for $6 00, or, with thu la~t year's numberR f c::irth, that h oney can b e produ ced in any hond8omcly bounrl, $7 ;50.· q mu1t ity m arketable. Th"' wild b ees have I'nbli~he<l by 'l'lw Centary Co, 33 East t nken possession of t hia l and of wild flo w· 17th St reet , N ew· Y ork . TAIT MORRISON'S it ( JOHN SP.£: N1 CER, ers and the 11ettlers will tind an o.l ...111·<i· 1 ~ o~TT. T_ ance of sweeteninl! at their doors. G1tm6', ..I-~ ' VV · 1s abundant; the California quail being· eeen in myrixds, also other wi!d fowi in · t time ' to ee· the season, while antelope and deer fre· Y('a, now i~ the very! oost q11ent the heads of 1he va.ll~ys. cure th11t nelY auosc·iber fo. r th,,, S'rATESSubordi1·a·e to farminl!, frui ·-growing ·M.A N or Tm,; METHODISr OllSJl:RVEl~, a.nd and stock raising, may be mentioned- get your name on tlle "Honor Itoll ." Mining". Extensive cop1.er fidda, also m· . th weekly Globd' AdYirrtil!er, extensfre gold placers. ailvet ores are " ' 6 give e . ' · 1 knowu, cnc\l has been discovered, sulphur M '- ..,tred Witness or th·· E111p1rt: fret' ho dt'apoils of vast extent are ku ·n>11 us ala' lan;ypresPnt subscriber sending 11s $2.00 th_os.- 11f aln!°, .nitre, .eocla: bo ax, _and fw r hid ov.n and one bona fide now eubmmes of qu1ck~Jlver, tm, mcktil, ant1mo. · £ th s SM N , 1r he Onn· iron lead zi11c . manganese and chro· scr ·1pt1on or e T ATR A. . mt;m , !Jrcat !~It d1 pos,h, the ~nano oe- f!Ei W E:R. This is the bi:igo lit elfor ·e ver pueits, the grindstone, ho11e stone, slabas- roa., o:le by any publisher. All order :. must ter, !!}'.PS~n·, and b ·autiful red saucJst,,,.e be 1 ieut to M. A. JAMER, Bow1uanville, for bu1ldmg purposes. Any p"rson vi8itlng Ensenda or any Out. · d'. 1 portion of I.he peninsula of Lower Cali· O. ·nly $2.00 w~ll pay for one rc;!\e_~'l. an : fornia, will at ·-nee see that freedom &.l! to two . new sub~cr1pt10us t" 'he ST>lfllS3!AN person and r·ropert.y are-ss absctlute and or Tn 'E METHODIST <;l.ll9:SR VE R . unqualified as anywhere on em:th. ·-· - - - -- · Tho Constituti.,n of Mexico is almo~t a TY.RON It, fac sim11" of that of the Umted Sta.!t>S. Cold& are· veO'~r.IJvo.lent horo . · The Governor of L-ower California, Geo. Mrs. J~ llt» "ltMPl\ia quite ill. Rynson, was born in Texas, his family Mr. Mlller, Gt.·.1. ,"'~6 is visiting 11.t l\llr, J11.s. ~omi1·~ ori.u.inally from New Jers~y- Be Bingham's , · -.,~Jmg a u invite for is a fair·mmded able man, and hie as~er-1 Wo wonder If t~M..,.... ~ ld . d anor.ber ter in. -~ ' tron t h at one cou enJOY a gre·t i>r o - M P tt l';! (,. b '-.. .~ · . 1 1 .b d · h rs o er. w..,...,."3 een vtn··, ·. with l e~ty, a~ rece1v~ as muc 1;1ro- bl'Onchitis. i ~ improvtnii. ~ree. o f .1 · · tcchon 111 hie territory as m the Umted Mr0. \Vrigh t, M ...ri1 Josa., is ;·isitiug a t hel" States. seems fully borne out by careful father's, l\Ir R. Hodgson. observation. Mr. J.C. Smith, of Oshawa., ·is v isiting at Had it not b· <'n for tho conrni;(e. capi- l\Ir. John McLsughlin Sr's. · f h I t' l . Heeve Hancock had one of hi~ Ya luablo t al an d en t erp nse o 1 e nterna 1oua j sheep kill.id by dov.a last wed;:. . Company .o f .Me.x ico, all this beautif11l l31g shooting match at J,e\"i Skinner's nex t cotmtry with its mcalculable weiilth, sure Guturduy at 11>. m., o"er :>Ofowl. C«·n<,i alon~. and rapid rloveh·pment , would s ill havo . Mr· .i;.os. Carter h as rknted t1.e h·ott< e n· ; tho betJn 1 ft b·r 10 the birds and sky '\Vest J\,nd, belonl{ing to Mr· .lclh u bell a nd h!ls ~ . , · . tnll:en poascse·on. " An erron eo~s opinion has prev·. 1led Mr. Albert Hanna is glvinR' up f >trm lu g and ahroad that. gomg to Southern or Lower will eell his stock, irnpl"menta, " 'o . uy vubllc Calif..rnia was the end uf labor, that when nuotion, on Tu-sd.tiy, Dae. 29. R. H<dchhon, our own boss a.uct10neer, wit! wield the lamth ar. wee tern i,os 1 was re11che d , go !den mer. eagh·e We· e waiting for empty purses, aud A eleich load from here went w. '1'u.rner the almost sµoniaul'oue fruits of the ear h Brlsbin's shooting· match on 8ttt.u:'dio.y. Billy ,h . waR only man tb1tot sucoeedttd In Heouring h erm"': 1 is sometne !'erl'l t? b e 1 UI d f or th e ga·. game. But Toby aoeide1 Hly v: nt..t ba 11,.rk i8 a rn1~thke >.S regards tlus sectJnn, a,3 sorapecl otrhlscheek. ··Ho.le her down:· M.cwell as atl oth.. r parts of the world. It Carthy or1ed. r··quirce en1>rgy skill and wisely applied On 1' 11esda.y evcnln~ of last W~Ak..a · 11\l'fle . · . ' number or !rieuda of Jlfr. J oh n tf.Jw . o 6nd ruean11 to obt1 uu a hvel1hood and securl'> family assembled at tho church and pro~<1n,ed wealth hl're as tilsewh~re. Th,,so who thorn .with a h-·1ndeom"' ,h... nKl n;i: 1"' 'nJJ and all. ver dmoer ~ruot. Mr. !:landernon 1 ·ea1i , he ad· '· t l poeAe111 most o f these, wi 1· u l ,im" e Y prove dress and tlrn gi ft11 wera pre.-emcd ny Mr. \V, m ..at suco""sful Bunt, o.f:or which a 1..,rgt1 nnm b<>t µartu<Jk o! At present there are a few mannfactur r~r~eehments, which wor e \)rovidtd by tao . . d . 1 d E d. I ladies. mg rn . 11srr1es o"ate at oeena a, suc l Mr c L Binghum has to t h 1 d f as three grist rui·le, which are shipping blia~rd's. · gone 0Lr~n.u:.0 large quant.ities of flour to all the aouth· - - --- --------- - BNNISKIL IA CN . eria aud Mexica11 port s, a large cann;;ry turning om an immens_ e etock of canu~d Mr. Thos. Ormiston llM bought from Mr. J. good11 such M d.tferent variot.ies of fruita L. Drew. psh01wa. th.res thorougllt,,,.,d Here· · b f fi l d' d . ' fords consl8tlni!f of a,n imponed cow a yearimg ed and heifer and a yearllnl!' bull of very · oroi?iieing Corne d ef1 , IS i, s11r mea, evi1 potted ham, roaat be11f, rniickeral etc· a ~earunce. wh ich. wlll be kept for se,·vice. Another valuable industry has b tieuetuted Thia c:ae 9 of c~t.tle ·a be.com log.- very P ·PU.lu.r . . and " o hope Mr. Orm1at ·n wtll ~uco,;1;,i In for the manufacture of mk, shoe black mg. rai6i?Jg a very Hue htird from thla begmning. axle g!ease, aod the t!iacliinery for m 1 m11· The np3 cial r evlva.l eervlcea h<'l d' at Ennte. fac·urmg matches arrived a fow di1ys ago. killen_in t h .., J\fotbodlst church. by Mr. A w, A pork aud b eef eshhlishwcnt is now Vernully"'u, o! Bcllevlllo. and 1 ,he pa,Htor. lt ev. "ld' h . h ·11 k h ·. S. Salton, a re mcressing lu po,...,r 1.1 nd Jntoreet b lll i1·,g, w IC WI pac t e cowm~ flea· every night ; large congrcgMion~ li«ti.-n with son $25'.000 worth of lard. A _fnrniture brea. hleaj - ,fttl~ntio_n to ,,_e 'olem~- prn,~_i.uta· factory 18 alsu under contemplation Uon ef God s c.aitn3 up~u tbern. ,_ ,..,d c. .. N ·dy ,, _ _ . . : · some fort/ Mlulta have )' ie ldod t.o r.hose Iakmg all of this mto cona1derat10n, it olaims, in addition to no..rl y ... ,1 th ,, ,;e1alor will co11vit1ce anyonll th11t Lhere is 110 scholars in.t11e 8uodt\y-scbo,1l. 'l'h ~ mec1.iugs couu·ry in the world where a fam1' ly can are stlll gomg on 11.ndgraatel' ro.,11,s thao "-re~ e.r6 e.n1lolpatod. 11et a . better sta· t on the road to pros- The following llI'O t ·e n~m.ie of ·b.ose who perity with a& small capital 11~ her .,, and h!lve auci:eeded in. pasei ·1>: the P r ··> 11101ion. as the soil is c·pable of producing the F:x;amfnatton held m the pn blto .aohool on. . . ~ nday, N' uv. 25th, Tho names are i.n ora ..r or varied products of fruit, ura·n and vege- merit. From Sr. 3rd to J 1 · ! t h - 0 Mil·~. Ella tables a few hundr~d dollars1 a few acres Stalnton. J Virtue. E Gilbert. Ji' ..ed .l1oroaoy· ' d 50 100 h h' Ji " rom Jr. 3rd to Sr, 3rdWm R ·bu4uo, Alex. · o f I an d , a cow a or ens, in t i& :McCullough., J Uesri, E Brown. Ji'·.·-·11 s ... atiil favorable combinat ion of soil and climate, to Jr. 3rd-t:I Hnckad~y. 0 Byern. W . ;oi{ers, will be suflb it·ni f,,r the support of a farn- "!' Stalnton, ~ Hutchison· lrrorn · ! ,<., 2nd t o· · d · h . .. l:lr, 2nd- W Vntne, H Mitchell, N ,, ,1nort, F. ily an give t em a. · t&i-t m hfo to l;.y up Potter, ll: Gilbert. L Hutchi'l')U , M J:frowu, A a hank occount. Here a few acree of 1'homiison. O ~her pr<>11H1tio11 ~. J?.u1i. , eo·n<'l ·11 · f ·1 b · f part to Jr. 2nd- It McL.<t.ren. N' M<>r-.>uoy, v 1a~d . w1 giv· a. amiya --~ter Bf.art or Pollock. OReynold~.Mllockaday, a8taintou , a hv1n!l now, and pros1Jer1ty m _ t he futur.., C Stephi.ne. c N CALLANI>&n, Teacher. &ho.n $5000 on an ordinary farm, It haa A great aiooru bM btlen CMt ova~ this b ,,en proven that t~is is the country where nclghtxirhood,by th6 deat.h of Mr.Job11 l\Iitcn· a poor man can get rich, and th e r ich ell, f11.t her or. Dr. Mitchell. who ·d('V-·<'t-ed this llCe on tho 26th ult '!'ho deo"a~l't!. wirn was man can enjoy h·a wealth. Aud when one of the pionoura or our conmrf , "n· bL rhly one refi~cts f ,.r o. moment t-hat there is rospect-ed by all who knew hlm. nod muob be· by his fntlJUtllfJ friends. flll W, ' l.· Ulll;l ef loved only one L ower Oal ifornia in 1he wholti tho moat kind-hearted m n- l<ind tA · OOLb man world, he will realize the situation. If aIJd bl'f\st.and w11 en he died th!) 111.t~e u h rid · en there is a paradise on earth it is here, and on th e tJtreet wept, His la.at illne~ , "'"" abort antl was borne with Christian restg.. Mion. those that are lJO~ hide· bound with prej u - For soma timi. heh · B been,. devotr,d follower dicll will acknowledge it to be so. !tis ortbeLord J osue Christ, aud when ·hti 6nm· 'd f . . mons came he was ready. H e p ......e.1 away k nown t o b e a f act t h at the t 1 e o 1mm1- e::rnltlng io the love or J esu.s !!.lld fell as·eep gration hae baen westward for more t.han without n pang or a sigh. A aolomn sorvlcti a century, and hare th is pe ninsula of waa held lo the Methodist churcll on ·h a day ·f,> rni·a t' · tl1e last str1'0 of ea ·rth ed ot the funeral, when thoR8v.<:1.::;.,Jt.on pre,.oh· I ··ower Culi ~ ~ an approprlaw aermou to a larg tind <>yin· to be invaded. It hl\s b een diac1,vered pathlzmgoonitrega tion. Tile rem.iiu~ were fol . ·1 · f t' l h · · · lowed to the Howruanville oemetery by 11ol .. rge th a ther soi 18 very er r e , er mint's pro· conoourBo ot fri:inda o1 1 t b., 29 11 ult · vihern l1fio and her climate equal to any in t he he was lalcl toresc Jn hope of u. glo1'ious i-e.s !ll'· wc·l'ld ; her pearl fisheries ricl1 and t,he rection. stod t;ancht>B valna hle. This all mPans - - - -- ·- -·--- -fortunesfor worthy men who will get their TA UK 'l'UN, first start in lifo in this land of cheap 1 prices and great valueK. 1'here aie thonCa nu WBlrnn m.-- The evening of ~ov. 29th · h d · was th e occasion or a very ple&aant mc·dent, E· sand s m t 1l<l ..st w o ai e ymg fnr such wh~n the house or Mr. and Mrs. a ·r·> rwlll.t Whir.by, lo.nd '\S this, where they can e~c.1pelstover<1 eg11or; woll·known reeldonts of Kt1.o wiutl:lrs and summer heat and where they was unceremoniously taken Jl<>9So~S"-·on nf by a · lar..e company of famll) friends a.ud ac~u;\ln· can make a prrn1perous and comtortable I tances, wno sasombled to celebr~r.e un event livin!l, enj oy life and be happy. Lower llO auaploious as tho 20th anuiversary of Lhsir .f - · I l d b · wedding day. 'lho arrlv"l of so many guest.'!, Ca li orma 1st ie very an t oy Wtmt, and bearing heavlly la1en ba.sk<:tt~ wa· a g re-.t surit won't bo long before they will fillll it \ prise to the atoreeald hll.PD'Y uoople ""'l wh·ch out . surprise Wl!.8 moment&ril iooroMeti by ~e · oonsta.nt roll or carria.ges, ea.eh d.o.pnsirmg it9 To be Contiwuu l \happy load. When & go 1d1 y eooii>auy wa.e M· sembled a oonaratnl&tory Eddresa was rc&d by Mr. John Plw!coo, of Whl1.tiy, wblol1 spoke oUR SUBSCUJilER8,-Send to F. P. , of the high regard in whioh th· gu6ilts of t-he T0 · eYening were field, wished ttrnrn m.-.,,y ~uch Shumway, jr., Buston, Mass., for free ' happy oce!lsionl'! in ·be tut11re anrl concluded · i~ copy o f th e C ot· H . th with the presentation ot wa.nr eostl:r prtl8·,nts, 0 ~g~ 11amp ear , a I\ filled table attesting to tbe·r groat number. beallt1ful illustrated ruas,:uzme, and so The host, on belu~lf o! birosolf a.11d bu~tess. realize what an extraordmary ofl'1o1r we are made a very ha11p1 and feeling repl)'.t!l..11king h the donora for the1rldnd addre·1111.nd v.. iu. b~ mak mg w en we vffer to send both the gifts and hoping that th e LI Yee or tiaoh might d of exe<>li lao ~ nnd Co ttage Hearth and TBE STAT£Sl:IAN for reach the h11ih0sf standa.,f 11 - f ] $1 60 h th · that bapploell8 migh t be tlrn rn: u·<l Jot or all. a u ye ar or on Y · · w . en " price 1 Edward Pa~coe,or uah awa, befog .now io.sLall· of the Cot tage H earth alone lS $1.50. ed ae chairman, a11 lnte·eating · vrv ~ro.m was · . rendo1·ed,consisting or com~lme'u :-1J.rY ;[1<-00hes To AVOID BALDNESSOR G REY HAIR,interspersed with muaio, -wblch rt:ildcted Use Dr. Dorenwend'e Great German Hair 1 much credit npon the m!J·ioal acqumnn1>uts or Magic. It keeps tho scalp. cltian and free f~~~~l~~~":r~~~':fi~~~::l;~~e~~!!~e;·s~~':::. from Dandruff, :;llld promotes the growth ated In litcle knots and e n<{" ged in 1 rn1L11R.ted h h · It t t · oonvore&Lion n ntil refre~hmf:lnta w're ~er ved. o f t e ai r . prevel! s prem a u re gr~y- J '.t'ho~ aforesaid m ysterious baskets were ness and stops all falhn g out of th e hair. bro11gbt in oo reqnidtion ru1tl wem a.dmlrei On bald heads wher e the r oots have not after -tho moat ~pprovod me· h·~d, t.o.1·l" tull · h d · ' ll · · . arter table full rum ug tlown until they were pe r1s e , it WI mv1gorate them a ud ....u e&tisf!ed. 'l'he re.~t of the evening wa~ force a n ew g1·owth of hair. Ask for H i\ir 1 spent by the young pec·pl'l rn va1·io11~ ~ocla.l M agic It is the only r illiabl e For sal , I gdmes wh ile q1e1i:: cld er~jn q ni~ t, cou ve·sa;,ton, ' · . · e r ecounted th<;1r pioneer p!easut'<:B natl d:Jftoul· b y alldrugg1ste. I ties. The merrimant was k;;pt u1 i 1rntii a!l 1 rnd I eujo:red tl:em ~ulves to tbl!it· he.tr tg cvn tent _ _ . ------ - --- 'a.nd Jl.B t he g ueaw took tl1d r de p«.J'IU>'tl, 1a1·0AS S ll'llET AS BONEi' ls Dr. Low·s Plea~- ' V"elb bll~.am e th(\ order or Lh-~ day ( '1t,;ht i Un· nut \VOl'ln SyruLJ, ye t s u1·c to dlst1·oy anti ti1 the last lingering look WM i:<lv-i.n ciud HJC expel worms. la.st pJtrtlng was given . -r I I I I I !

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