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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Dec 1887, p. 3

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!!!!!!!!.!~~~~~~~~~!'* - · - - - - - -·--·---·-..-· - - -- -- -·-- - ------ been growing, one day failed and left hor SOIENTIFIC AND USEFUL. high and dry. Some of her friends hu.1· travelled to pastures new, some had married The most important olements of plant-food away, some had ignored or forgotten her. b As for Larry Rogers, he had been away fro1" are car onic acid, water, potash, phosphoric MARY N, PRESCOTT. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 7, 1887. acid, and nitrogen. · P lymouth this many a year. Somebody had - - - - --== M . .B sent him abroad the year after Lucy Amory"' I,athcr for cleaning wind?WS : One part iss· H ecky ' was gomg to the " Old maniage to develop his musical genius. Bo of o1· ·1, one part of sp1nt · · of ammoma., · rvo-01 L a d ies ome ' at last. It was a sorry fact, t f h lk h" · d f but th1Jre was nothing else for her to do, it had grown into a famous "iolinist, playing woo c a. or w 1trng, an one o water. secmed . Vho wouId t h in k of offering any all over the country to crowded houses, be- Mix to a thick paste. other home To make pa.pier m!l.chefor fine small work, ' to a poor, almost helpless old fore the f.nest people in the land. It was a woman who had outlived her usefulness? beautiful romance to Miss Becky to read in boil clippings of brown or white paper in Having passed her days in other people's the Plymouth Record about our "gifted water, beat them into a paste, add glue or houses, so to speak, she might not mind it townsman;" she seemed to hear the echr1 of gum and size, and press into oiled moulds. as much, perhaps, as a more fortunate being. his violin when the wind swept through the Green paint for Venetian blinds which " Yes," she said, "there's a. vacancy in pine boughs ; she did not blame him because will stand the heat of the sun without blistthe ' Old Ladies' Home,' and the hundred she sat in the shadow, because her life had ering : Rub two parts of whi te lead and dollars that Parson Amory left me will pay been colorless. She sang again the old tunes one of verdigris with nut-oil or linseed-oil my way in, but it wouldn't last long if I be- he had taught her, and made a little sun- varnish, mixed with oil of turpentine, a.nd gan to spend it, you know, and I sha.11 have shine in her heart. All of happiness she dilute both colors with ord inary drying-oil. a warm bed and my rcP-,_ular meals with.,ut ha.cl ever known b.e had brought her. Why Th f h ·' should she complain? And now s'1 e was e process o fastening ferns to a book is worrying about where t e next one's coming oing to the Old Ladies' Home. ·1y accomp.is r h ed . W"th very eas1 i a sma11 g from. l'm 'n?ost tired worryinrr about ~ "It isn't exactly what I expected in my b rus h gentlY t·oueh th e b ack of the frond e ways and means. Seems as though I had outh," she ss.id to the old doctor's widow. here and ther e w1 "th a I'ttl I e common gum, been about it all my life; ever since father Y "No ·, but you'll have a nice room and a pu tt" · t t o k eep th e frond s ·lDg on l Y suffic1en was taken with heart disease hearing the bright fil·c , and the neighbors will drop in fr·om t urnmg · up. Place a piece · of blo tt' mgclass · in algebra. Now that the rheumatism to see "OU and make it home-like. Now, paper on th · e · .op o f the f.ern, an d pu t a has got the better of me, so that I can't work: there's old ' :'.lfrs. Gunn. Nothing can persuade weig · ht on t op of th e b ook , and w h en d ry in cold weather, and the doctor says it'll · compl e t e. !!Oto t <e home. She says it's only a th e p rocess is d raw my fingers up so that I can't use them her to soon, it doesn't seem as if there was any- genteel almshouse after all ; and so she rubs A French physicist has been making rething left for me in this world but the home along with wha.t little she can earn and searches recently into the action of cane-and I ollght to be thankful for that !" wha,t the neighbors have a mind to send in, sugar and treacle ·0n iron, and finds that Miss Becky had had other expectations and they have to do it mighty gingerly too, they corrode iron witl1 the formation of an PU REST,STRONCEST,BEST, in her heyday, when young Larry Rogers just as if they were !1.sking a favor of her. acetate of the metal. The foct is of practiC O N T AINS NO m_ et her a11d carried her basket; when his Lor,' she doesn't earn her salt." cal utility in connection with boilers, beALUM, AMMON IA, LIME, PHOSPHATES, stroug arm paddled her down the broad "I d~r~ say," returned M iss Bec~y. cause it happens sometimes that sugar gets or any injurious materials. river to church on Sunday mornings; when "Now, if it ha.dn't.b~en for th~ rheumatism into th.e water supplied to boilers in suga~ TORONTO, ONT. E.W. GILLETT, CHICAGO, ILL. they sang together in the choir from tlie I coul~ earn my h!mg for years_yet, an.d refineries, and consequently tends to deteriKan'f'r of the CEL:ilB!lATED llOYAL 'l.'EAST CAKES. same hymn book ; when they loitered maybe ~~t somethmg _ a head. a&am, ~ut 1t orate the boilers. homeward in the fragrant summer dusk, seems as if the ;heumat~~m laid m wa.tt for Tlie abolition of r esistance is absolutely and heard the whip-p_oor-~vill complain, th~,Vor and ~nendlees. . d h necessary in connecting a li~htning-conducGood New s at Home. and startled tho firefites m the hedges ou oug t to ha~~ ma_rrie w en yo~t tor with the earth, and this is done, says as they brushed by. lt sometimes seemed w~re young, Becky, said the doctor,e Professor Tyndall, by closely embedding in E. MoRRIS, EsQ.,-DEAR Srn,-I hitve to Miss Becky as if all this had happened widow· ~ho had forgotten all abo~t Beck_Y s the earth a plate of good conducting materireason to speak well of your Dandelion in_ another planet. She was young then love a.ffair and labored under the ~mpress~on al and of large area. The largeness of._area Liver and Kidney Bitters. I have been with a bloom on her cheeks ; but although tha_t she never had a chance-an _impresswn makes at;onement for the imperfect conductroubled f~r Aome time with my Kidney the rheumatism had bent her figure and ~hich ~atr_ons arc.apt to ent~rtam concern- tivity of earth. The plate, in fact, constiand a friepd of mine recommended them rendered her more or less h elpless at times, mg their s~ngle friends. MIS~ Becky had tutes a wide door through which the electo me anU:\1 tried them in my case, and yet her dark, velvety eyes looked out like bee_i:i spendmg some weeks with Mrs. tricity passes freely into the earth, dierup· found them to work like a charm ; there- soft stars, and the ghost of a dimple sti l Dw ight, who had mov~ away from l ly- tive a.pd damaging effects being thereby fore I have much pleasure in recommend- flickered on her cheek and chin in spite of mouth a~ter her husbands d~ath. .She was M'oided. Miss Becky's father there chiefly to put some stitches mto the If . . b i n g them to all persons who are troubled her sixty odd years. . t · t h h · widow's wardrobe which nobody else would sm11.11 quantities of utter, lard, a.nd had been the d is .ric sc oo teac er m ' . b ff t b t I b ·1ed and sow '1 l y in any way with their Kidnev. th f ff d . f h · lh d H do so "reasonably " that lady's grief hav- ee · a e tepara e Y 01 Yours truly, ose ar 0 ays 0 · er gir oo · e 1· . . d f' h h ld" dl cooled for say twenty-four hours the rehad taught her the simple lore at his comrng mcapac1ti·te or er o mg a nee e or lf ' t I ·n h 'k d d'f J. J. JoNllS, mand, but it was Larry Rogers who had . giving her mind to material details of " seam sfu mg cryeda s w1 ? ow very mar e i · Newtonville, May 3, 1887. ta ht h · l f h · h ! and gnsset and band." But during the. erences un er t h e nucroscope. The normal ei:pgty s~ho~h~~~e :outh:ytehadoupr~a~~i~ed l: visit Miss Becky had been seized with her b~tter-bcry lsl~I .ils largedandh globular. It pol. ' · h· t tt k f h t' h. h h d arises n 1anty, an s owe a very wellto $8 a day. Samples and duty FREE together while he wrote the score on the : 8 arpes a a.c 0 r euma ism, w IC a k d St A d · c Th f I d Lines not under the hor·e'sfeet. Write bla.ckbo;rd; But a 'l this had not sufficed , kept her in bed for weeks, till her wages· mar e · u rew s r_ oss. at o ar . l' h d H · wer exhausted by druus and doctor's fees shows a. stellar form, while t hat of beef-fat BREWSTER'S SAFETY REIN HOLDEll t o enable h er to earn a. ) ive i oo . " · at this time that " she made up her · h as a. f o1· Co.. Holl, Mich. · 1 d th · h er d It was ia.t ed appearance. I n course of . d ucat 10n, eto an o erw1se · th ·ts f d h musica t f · 1 ' l a ' mind to go into the home on her ret11rn to t" ime, a.M · e b u tt · er Ioses 1 resh ness, the B ppe s or o any commerc1a va ue. , Pl h globular crystals degenerate, and gradually In th~se days she never expected to earn 1· ymout · . . merge into peculiarly rosette-like forms. her living by the sweat of her brow. Mrs. Dwight saw her off at the stat10n. Larry was going to give her everything. "I hope you'll find the home cosy," she said C~lery is a sedative, and is good for rheuHow tri vial the little quarrel seemed ro- outside the car window. "It's lucky Pars,n ma.tlsm and the so-called neuralgia which is da.y which circumvented this fine resolve i .Amory lefb you that hnndred dollars after often only another name for it. Cucumbers of his I But what magnitude it had as- j all. He might have doubled it. " cool the system-when fresh cut, of course. sumcd at the time 1 On his return from "Yes, I suppose so," Mias Becky answer· Lettuce is not only cooling, but produc11s a trip to a neighboring city, some busy- I ed meeklv. Perhaps she was thinking that sleep, especially if the stalk is eaten.. Asbody had whispered to Larry that Misa if she were Mrs. Dwight no old friend of ; pa.ragus purifies the blood, and especially Be .·ky had been seen driving with Squire hers should go begging for a refuge at an acts on the kidneys. Pease, broad beans, Eustis' son Sam behind his trotters. Sam almshouse. Perhaps she W!l.B thinkimr of the a.nd haricots a.re positively strengthening, - U napproach ed (or was jnst home from college, a ha.rum- '. pretty, comfortabl e home waiting for her a.ud contain for the human being the properTone and Quality. scarum fellow, they said, who made love : friend, and wondering why their fortunes 1 · ties epecified by fa.rmers when they s!lythatl right a.nd left and gambled a bit; a.nd when · were so unlike. pe lSe " harden" pig's flesh , and that "oats CATA LOGUES FREE. Larry reproached her with it she had!not de "\Viite when you reach PlymCluth and let ~ay take a horse out, l ut beans will bring nied; she had simply said: " What then? l me kni;w how you're suited," said Mrs. him home again." Potatoes should not be If you choose to listen to gossip rather than Dwight, and just then the cars gave a lurch eaten by those who are disposed to get too 1 wait till you- " and left her behind, and Miss Becky turned stout, and many who suffer from derange" But you didn't tell me, and I've been . her glance inwards. Somebody had taken ment of the liver eschew them altogether. home a week." . ! ' the seat beside her. Artificial as halt is ri c' 11 di tin ." I had f~;·go~t-en all about it till you re" Your friend wa.s,, speak_ing 11of Parso!1' ished from thepnatural .fub~t~~e hy i~s dguli mmded me, said Becky. Amory ar:d Plymouth, he ~aid. I couldn t colour and its scar cely perceptible odour. ':<T,Jl:TE.RINARY SURGEON, "It's such an every day affa.ir for you to ; help hearmg. I was born Ill Plymouth my· It is a product of t he diedllation of coa.1-tar drive with Sam Eustis !"- which incredulity , self, bu~ I haven't me~ a soul from there ' The fluid distillate obtained in the manufac: so stung Becky ~hat she would not con- , theae twenty_years;, Im on my way to look ture of coal-gas represents about four to Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary descend to explam that she had carried l up,:"y old friends,_ . ,, aeven per cent, of the quantity of coal need, some needlework up to Squire Eustis', l Twenty ve&rs 1~ a long time, answered and after about two-thirds of its weight College, Member of Ontario Vete1 · which she had been doing for his wife, and i Becky. :·I'm afraid you won't find many haa'been removed in the shape of fluid oils inary Associati<>n, will a t tend that ?'8 1:1he lef.t to v.:alk home Sa.':11 was just ~ of. your fri~~ds left. You'll hardly know by fractional distillation, a residue is left t o all diseases of dorneetic , startrng off \.nth his smart chaise and new · P.ymouth. · which cools into a firm black substance · a nimals. da.pple-gra.ye, and the Squire had ~aid, l "I_ suppose not- I suppose not. Have known ae artificial asphalt or blac . k pi tch' " Take .Miss Becky home, Sam, a.nd show yo~ h~ed there 1 ?ng ?" ,, The consistency of the asphalt varies accord: her therr paces ;" and how she had been I .I · I have lived there all my days. ing to the quantity of oil removed. One of uhamed to refuse their kindness, although ! " Good; l 'm hungr,;y for news of t?e peo- the most importa.nt uses of this a.spha.lt is for A SPE C IALTY. preferring to wa.lk a thousand times ; and ; pl~. Tell me everythmg you can thmk of. fuel in the shape of briquettes, small coal, Calla and Orders by mail or telegraph h?w, once in the chaise. S>1.m had been the ! Did Parson Amo~y le~ve a. fortnne! He ~as sa.wdust, &c., being mixed with it. Asphalt pmk of courtesy, and had Legged he1 to l called close. \'\)here 8 M iss N_ c ll, ma~ried pipes and flooring are also made from ii &a will receive 'Prompt a ttent ion. drive · over with him to Parson Amory's i or dead.? I can see the old p lace m my mmd's well as lamp-bla.ck of inferior quality. 'For CHARGES MODERATE. three miles out of her way, "that Lucy , eye, and the pareona:ge ~nder the elms, and the manufacture of lacquers artificial asO FFICE HOURS, 8 TO 10 .A. M. .Amory .may eee you don't disdain my com· ! and the orchard behmd it where L ucy A:m- phalt is ·much Iese suitable"th~n t he natural A :ftrst·olaea stock of Medicines a lwa.ys p&ny. For, you 11ee," said Sam, who was i ory planted a youn{: tree on her weddmg substance, as the coii.ting <i'btained is Hable on hand. N. B.- Will visi,t W illiat;lllburg every not as black as be was painted, or a.e many : day, and the [!ownhttl".Becky Thorne wore. to crack, aod is wanting i n brillianoy. liked to suppose, " Lucy can make me what · By the way, is she ahve? Do you know S aturday of each week_ 16-1,v 11he will ; without her I shall be nothing . her?'.' . . and nobody · but they ' ve told her all ki.nds 1 h-hss B ecky hesi t ated an mstmnt. There are some lovely little short wraps of wild things abou t, me· they 've told h er l "Yes," she replied. "I know herof shot velvet that are used for dressy visitshe might a.e well jump' into the river as ! more or less. She's a.live." ing and afternoon reception wear. marry such a scapegrace. And, perhaps, I " Aud married ?" _ Ben F r anklin was the first to suggest that if I made her a little jealous- you know "Well, no; she n ever ma.rr10d." ships carry oil to pour on the rough watere. \here's no h arm in that, is there ? All's " She must be sixty odd ; she was a ~rctty He also advised ship builders to separate the , 1 fair in love ; and, perhaps, if the 1 ,ld folks ) cr eature, su ch - I suppose they are wrinkles ship's hold into water-tight eompartrnents. see me driving about with Becky Thorne now l Where have the years gone ? Js These two simple devices have 'laved many my stock may go up, 1u»d I may be <saved , h~~,hon1e in the,',old ~lace ~till?" a Hhip, from t he burning,' as Parson Amory says." l . · · H~r horn~, I said Miss Beck~, ft ushAnd Becky bad consented. H ow could she m g a. little. She ha.a none ; she is on her .An ingenious fellow is travelling through refus~ to do a ,se:vice for such a t r ue lover? · w~r t~ t he Old La.die~, Home." . Pennsylvania. selling "a valuable preparaSo shght a thrng too J She had often 1 , To th e Old L adies, Home I Becky tion warranted to polish tinware. " Thia ' traversed the sam; road. since on foot on \ Thorne !" he gasped. " And I - -" valuable preparation is wood ashes ·which her daily rounds of toil or mercy. Sam I ~ ' You seem t o know . he; pretty . well, I' he begs from the farmers alonp the road, ~ -:B"'Y'Eustis had married Luuy Amory years ago, 1 ~aid B~cky, who was beglDmng to enJO Y the sifts puts up in nea.i boxes, and sells for a and was the foremost m an in the country i m cogm to. quartei: a box. · t d St · h th t f · dl d · i " I should think so. I've loved Becky . W l amtullypropa.reatoattendll'nneralsno o- ~Y· ra.nge_ ow _ a rt~n y nve : Thorne from m cradle . we h11d a sill JACOll'S J,ADDER. - On Mount Wh1tn i?y the shortest notice, at the lowest poasi ble ratea had interfered with Miss B ecky s prospects ; . . Y ' . Y the highest mountain in Californi11, at , OMkets andBurialCasea ready on short notice how ~he simp le fact of carrying home Mrs. ~ quarrel which pa.rted us- such a tnfte, wh~~ level of fourteen thousa.nd feet al-io'!'e the i'Jt11t-class hearse on very moderate term11 I· Eustis' needle.work should have determined I l11ok b~ck. DCJyou everlook,back , madam · d fifte- h d d f t b th t" 1 be Shrouds and Cofilne constantly on ha.nd. Fun her fate and devoted her to a lite of ha.rd'rh e · twilight was falling about them ; a~a an ' n un_ re e~ a ove e :11 r d Becky's fa oral oardssupplled at once. FnrniturcShop&: h. d h O'dL d " ' l l .ce had grown ll shade or two hne,,wherethere1s nosoil,andnomo1sture Show Uooms- Boun sall'sNew Block. sT iGr &nf ~ ~fl ii ; ies ome Batkt1 le enSh I paler all a t once . she turned h er dark s_ave .snow and hail .and ice, there grows a. a o n ea oor 1ss ec Y ! e1 . ' . . d' little flower shaped like a bellflower, gaudy r emembered that once or twice the oppor- ·velvety eyea full upon him with a start1e ID · co l ours o f re d , purpIc, an d blue. It is · tunity had offered when she might have ·, air. . b La called Jacob's ladder ·and its fragrance p a.r"t apw1 "th .LJ' T b ui;pn · 'd~,orasor t'J " You '" she said· "You must e h r - takesofthewhite jasmin ' e. Itbloomsalone; · mad e1 ..rry; · ,, of fine reserve had lo.e ked her hps- Larry 1 r y R ogers I Then the color swept to er f "t t I I fl 1 · t b ~ ; cl k ; crimson w ve " Do you know or 1 no on y iaa no ora aseccia es, nu ough t to k now t h at s h e was a·b ove silly , iee · .n a ., a · . ' there is no creature- not even bird or insect filrtatione Onoe when they met at Lllcy l I never thought y ou had grown old hke t k "t . . · ' when they all went out : ' myse If !. D ob ' t you k uow me '. I am - o eep 1 · company. Amory's wedding ' into the orchard ~bile the bride planted a ' Beek y T horne. " DANK-NOTE V BRSE,- In L ockharte's Lif· young tree and the guests looked for fourJust t hen the train thunde!'ed through 1 o f Scott there is a reference to bank·npte le11oved clovers s he had found h erselfthe tunnel and they forgot that they were litera.ture. Lady Louisa Scott had ~ent to whether by ac~ident or design she could not six ty odd." the novelist an original verse tha.t was found tell- on the grass beside Larry: their "On t h e way to t?e 01~ Ladies' Home," on _ the ~a.ck of a bank-note by ~dy Douglas, fingers met 0 ,-er the same luck y clovei·, their · sh e wrot e Mrs. Dwight,, ~ was pe~1suaded It 1s chiefly notable, as a r_are 1r:ata.n~e of the \ eyes met above it, and for a.n instant she to go to an ol d gentleman s mstead I ~ank ;iot;e ~hyms~~ s p~~hng with his _money f ha.d it on her t ongue's end to contesa all . m a Chnsh~~ spmt. . Go poor, dev1l- ge* a.bout the drive a.nd its r esult, to put pride Children's Battle With a. Wild-Cat. thee gone ,! rs the kmd of p1t.rtmg sa.luta· in her pock et but just then N ell A mory · tion most m fa.vor; but the note that fell C-oilUnues to do a General Banking-Buelnese called to Larry: R ecent ly, while W. D . Clar k, of Pl~asant into L ady Douglas's han?e Ila.id, "Farewell, eBo wmanvillu Branch. "Oh a, horrid spider I- on my arm . ,. Valley, Cal., was away from home, his two my note, and, wheresoe er ye wend,·Shuu I..arry 1' Kill him q uick - do I Oh- oh_: . lit t.fo girls, the eldest ten years of age, es - gaudy scenes, and be the poor ma.n's friend ; D EPOSITS oh I I shall die- I Ehall faint I" .And that ! pied a large wildcat prowling around in Y ou've left a poor one; go to one a.s poor, ~IVBd in Savings Bank Depar1mentand · \close p roxi mity to the barn. They, wi~h And ?,rive despair and hunger from his )II.I.I and interest allowed at ourrent rates. No wa.a the end .of it. The old orchard, with i te fragr ant quince tvro ama.Il doi:;e, cgave chase, the eldest girl door. iotice o! withdrawal neoessary. A ll deposU1 payable on demand, hushes, its gnarled apple trees, its fonr-leav· o,rmed! n_ot with a broomt but a b~a.ckl nake. TI!E "RAINY-DAY BoY. "- The latest aded clo'l'ers, was a thing of the paiit; ·a. cotton- The wildcat ra.n . t o the ~~unfams, a.bout dition to the American repertory of soeial inEXVDA1"GE mill roared and thnnder e<' there a.ll day long, 100 rods away, ~ook a pos1tion o~ a large · · " h · d bo h0 J 0 oarur ilough t and aold and Dratta issued upon Enropo where the birds built a.nd tho trees blossom - , boulder <\nd watted for the a.ttackmg force. ventiveness 18 t e re.my- ay Y w d umbrdlas." Third Avt nue, New York, · i111Ued States and Canada, also Gold,Silver and ed thirty odd yea.rs ago. It no longer bloa- The lit tle girls t-0ok in the situation, pu11e seems to be the chosen haunt of this enterUaUed States Greenbacks boui:ht and sold. somed excep t in Mies B ecky's memory. She the dogs' ear~ IP.n~ cried. " sic," and the b_at- prising youth and his colleagues, who, all had turned her thoughts to raising p lants tle began. '.Ihe little girls .~tood by, pelt~ng eoou a.a a heavy downpour seem s imminent, VOLL ECTIO:NS when she was left to her own resources, the cat, dogs a11d surroundm~ boulders w~th hasten to the station of the E levated Ra.ilProir!;,tly made at current rates upon all par but one cruel winter 's night killed all h er such stones a.s they <:ould pnl- up, and usmg road in the thoroughfare just m entioned, at Gt'eat Brittain, the United States and De slips, and the cap ital was lacking by which the black~na.ke contin~o.usly. Y our corre· and, umbrella in hand, courteously offer minion of Canada. she might renew h el' stock. Since t hen she ap onde11:t is of th? opm1on_ that t~e black - for a trifling considera.tion- to escort ladies Tel~graph T1·ans:f'ers had gone out for d1 \ily Ee wiog, had wat ched sno.k;e d id the busmess , as m ~o<;>kmg back and gentlemen to their r esidences. The Made for large or small su ms on all pa.rte 0 1 with the sick had been in demand for a tern- to his boyhood days he -uas a v1v1d recollecorary housek eeper whenever a tire d mo,tron t_ ion of _ t he effect of ouein pa_rtic_ ula.r. The charge for convoy home under the protect Canada. Thie is eepeoia.lly advantageous to p cupola of silk or alpaca to the ext ent of persona living in Ma mtoba or the North·wea· wish ed a.n outing ; but lat terly h er eyes no h ttle gir ! s t h en.d ragged their victim h 01!1°· ive the "first block" is s~id to be u sually five a1 l t makes the tundeavailable at onoe a$ the longer served her for fine work, an d sewing - very !JlllC h fat igued an<'I; har~ly knowmg S f h I d h I place of vayment. machines had been in trod uced · sh e w as not wha t it w as. T h ey certa.mly did not know cent s. ome 0 t ese a 8 ave orethought For f urther particulars oall at the Bankln so alert in t he sick r oom ae ~f y or e , · she what risk th ey h ad taken . emmgh to provide waterproofs for feminine use; while other s are so sp eculative as to Bouse. moved more slowly, and her housek eeping keep a stock of three or four umbrella.e, T. RODIE, GEO. McGILL, T hose lovely garments sold as tea gowns which th eir p'.l.trons may either keep or reAccountant, Manager ta.lent was no longer in request ; added to ~anndinn Jtntt·ttutu. MISS EEOKY'S HOME. CREAM for Infants a i;aown to me." r re·~ommend it as superior to any prescription A.. Alletn:R, ll. D., :Ill Bo. ~onl St., Brooklyn, N. Y. '. "CilatorJa 19 llO well adapted to childrentba · eAIKl~C. POWDER a I(: & JU w; . '1'= 1 FOR SALE BY J. HIGQINBOTH.AM.. THB.ESHERS AN -"US :E ::L AR T HE B E S T n ~~ MACHINE 0 , TN THE M pr. When buying Coal Oil ask your deale1· for the 'he,·~- FAMILY SAF E TY & SUN LIGHT C OAL OT~ ~ Try it once, and you will use no other. lll clJOLL BROS. & CO'Y, T oronto:;., -. --··· I $5 " Murdoch Brothers' N""E I I i w · OErIN"".A :E:.AL L., w h ere are to be seen BELL &CO. ! ! l Gnelpb, Ont. F.~ A. JONES, 21 Dinner Sets, lovely patterns, 30 China Tea Sets, very pret t y, 15 Printed Tea Sets, elegant designs, 50 Superior Prin ted Bed Room Sets, 20 White Bed Room Sets, SEVERAL CASE SSUPERIOR CLASSWARE JUST ARR IVED. Larg e variety Han ging and Table L amps, Fancy Ware, Bohemia n and China Cups and Saucers , &c, Inspe<'tion Solicite d. Vic toria B uildings . JDU RDOCD B ROS,. ENNISKILLEN, Operatiqns & D entistry - - --= HAINE S' CARRIAGE .-WORKSi GEORGE C. HAIN E S, P rop riet or, -M.ANUF..A.CTURER OF- "-·-- - I OARRIACES, S LEIGHS, CUTTER S ,W AGONS, &G., KING STREET. BOWMANVILL Has now on hand a number ot vehlcle~ (and le manufacturing a great many more} of the :M~ patterns and best finish, which I am otfering for sale o.t the lowest prlces con8istezl1 with due regard to workmanship and quality. The tnllowing ie a li11t of the principal vehicles manufactured hy me Double Covered Carriages .... .. ................... .. ... .... ... ............... $150 Upwa.ril~ Single Phretona ...... . . .. ....... ..................... .... .. ... . ...... . ... ....... 100 h Open ~Buggy..... ....... .. . ... . .. . . .... . .... ... . ............. ............ . ....... 70 li Top Buggy........... .... . . .... .. .. .. .... ........ ................... .............. 90 ii Democrat Wagon.. ................. .... ............. .......... . ....... . . .. ...... 65 ,;:; C U NDERTA KIN S LEV I M QR RI i C B A K IN ' E R D Ow P 's DUN N M. i · I I I I I Lumber Wagons ..·..................··.··.·.·...·..·.·...··.··. ... .·...·. .... ... 65 Light Wagon ......... .. ... . .......... ...................................... ... ;.. 40 Expreee Wagon..... . ... ... ........... ..... .. .. . .. . ... ........................... 75 Skeleton.......... .............. ....... . ..... ............................... ....... 50 Sulky......... ............................ . ................. .................... . ... 40 't ) - ., .,. H ,; Poaeeeelng euperlor fMillties for ma.nufacturlng carriagea, I intend to sell very cheap fo;r or approved credit, and by so doing I hope to greatly increase my number of sale& ·w~ii1&· 11ell the wood pa.rte only,or the gearings of huggies Ironed. ' · All K.inds of Vehicles Repaire d At the Shortest N otlce, Painted and Trimmed if D esire d. A.· the Factory I aleo do Planing, Matching, Turning ana Sawing with Cirolo, Bllnd r Sett' ·Saws, and prepare all kinds of lumber ror carpenters nd 9thera for building pnrtl(ii'Jl>$, Ornamental and Plain Piokets tor. fences in every style reQnired, made to order . TRE COOK'SBEST FRI £ND I" I THE O NTARIO BANK lm1··11~/l\"S:.ll·f.-r.1111~u~IJ 1 · ·' ·,. · · ' · , · ' ) .. ' ----- E-IEALTH FOR ALL! < A · ... , . .. · : 0 ;~, ~)- O ·;>-'- 1_ _ _ . , ,, THE PILLS Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, S TOMA.UH, .KID:NEVS A.ND BOWELS. They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitution.s-, anl1 are Invaluable In all Col,llplal nts lncidental to Females of all A g e11. Fo-, Oh ildren and the aged they are priceleee. THE a nd Ulcera. OINTMENT J For disorders of ?ih~ Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old W ounda, SollteS It ls famona for Gout and Rheumatism, -Chest it has no equal. - I F o r Sore T hroats, Bron chi.tis, Vonglal!l, Coldg : Gkn dular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival ; a.:a o1 cont racted and etlff joints lt acts llk!l a ch a.r m . Manufactured only at THOMAS HoLLOWAY's E stabHshment , '18, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 633, OXFORD STREET), LONJJO li':l And are eold .a t b. lid., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., Us., 22s., and 33e. e ach Box or Pot ) 1 url may be had from r.11 Medicine Vondorethroughout the World, ·Puela.a11er11 he·ld look at ihe Label on nae Pots and Boxes. If U1e r d<'I:r~: 11 .a .laa .. ; ~: .... d .:;:rte ... .:....._..: _~ . .:..:_"~ - ... ...... - .. ~~ ~ ·lY Ulia, ill{. Laiik .· :...~£: .:. !J.c."~ :.:....~'"' __4-!.:;.~: ~::..:. -r~ b:.: : :~c; :.:: l ~\ r :-ir f~r clre:-:~:y hcu~e 'l\'t ar. ~iu·.., ...._ 4 · :v. . .~. . g l .:.cl >J~it.

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