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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Dec 1887, p. 2

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.... / ' lit' ..t't\f ~auau ..'"'l"' " 0'1' ~t\ft D:itt\ftt' .ff e~""""'"· WEDNESDAY, DEC. 28, 1887. CATARRH. thtee applications, no matt~r Rhether ate.nding one year or forty years. T Ina ·emeily is only applied once m twelve da.rs, wd does not interfere with bu~inoss. Descrip· live pamphlet sent free on. receipt of stamp by . ·A. H. Dixon l!G Son, 305 King street, West roronto, Can~~·AT IS CATARRB1 Catarrh is a dangerous disP.aS!! which thouB· ands are consciously o~ unconsy1ously sufferini;? '.t rom It is a muco·purulent diecharlj:e c.aused ll;r the presence of a vegetable parasite m tho lining membrane of the nose. The p1·edlspo1:1° toll causes are a morbid state of the bloqn ·. the blighted corpuscle of tubercle, the germ poison ~l syphilis mercury, . toxomce, from the"reten. tton of the effete matter ~f the skin, ~uppresaed :1)8r8pirations ba.dly ventilated 1:1leepm1t apart· 'me.nts and the germination of othe~ J!Oisons in -~e blood. Irritated by these, tbe lmmg mem· > b rane ot the nose is ever ready for the recepSlon of the parasite, which rapidly spreads.up '&he nostrils and down the rauces, or back ol '* he throat causin(! ulceration of the throat; up ihe euetachian tubes, causing deafness; bu.:. ··rowtng In the vocal cords, causing lhoarsene~s; ·!asnrping the proper etructnre of the ·b~onchial t;nbes. ending in pulmonary consumption and .~In troni one to , 0 vNed whereby a permanent cure of this J!therto Incurable disease, is absolutely affect· CATARRH.-A newtreatment has been dis· d.~:iiy ing6nions speifics for fort.he cure ,:tl)J: Sufl'e~ers abould send stamp at once descJ'iptlve pamphlet on. catarrh, to the iblllliness mana.Rers, A, H, Du:on &; Son, 806 ·Xing street, west, Toronto, Oanada. What the Reti. E. B. Stevenson, B.A., a Clergy man of the Lo·n.don Conference of the Met ho dist Church, of Canada, has to say in regard To A.Jf, Dixon&: Son'B New Treatment fpr llll8e. ll!Jll'ed.the exact nature of th disease and tho 1lllly appliance which will permanently destroy " tile parasite no matter how aggravated the cat.anh have been invented, but without sue· cees, until a physician of long s.tandtng diacov· 01 .. ,..()ntarrh, Oaltlans, Ont., Canad&, Ma.rch 17, 1883 .Messrs. A. B. JJixo'I' & Son: DEAR felt better in my life. I have tried - -- the surgeon, p1ckmg up a kmfe with patient her to set danger Ol' acr?ss peat this on the opposite side, . Cut ivory handle whose edge was like that ofan a to pa.in,without The exposmg pat ient gladly about t~e. thm.ribs,, or through th~ c~rtilage . 1 razor ., "will not be distressing, because m .· aking prepo.rations, .bu.t two or . three 1w~ich divicleH the ribs, on each side, separ- , · .· · . 0 ea:c:h step of inj.ury t? t l:.e tissues is ta.ken emo.tion!l.l an~ who/lY irresponsible ac- ! at mg the breast bone fr 1? the back" La.y with) the exercise of 3udgment on the pa.rt qua.mtances· fr1gb.tened her to such an ex· I. the breast bone to o~e si~e, and now re1 of the surgeon, and the procesa is very dif- tent that she was unable to allow the work ,move . t.h e fork from 1t: '.Iake the stuffing ferent indeed from the rude injury which to be done until it was too late. The friends ; from t~e bac:k. Tu,rn . the back ovei;, ,place . . occurred at the time.of the accident." . proved fot;;.l to her, and the case as.. a whole ! tI~e kmfe nud~ay JUSt bel?w the nbs. 11:nd A basin of water and a large spon ge, an is a pretty common one. · ·1w ith ti:\e fork hft up the ta.ii end, separ atmg · . · antiseptic solution with iodoform a.nd pro"I wish it were possible to impress people ; the ha.ck from t~e upper. part of the body. tective oiled silk and bichloride cotton and with the fact that the family physic.ian, ! ' Place the fo:k m the middle of the back bandages of gauze prepared with bichloride ' ·the sheet anchor, of the home,' is the one bone a~d cut clo.~e to the back. bone fr?m of mercury solution were drawn near. who should be asltei to make the decision one ~no. to t.he oi;her on each side, freemg WAR METHODS OUT OF DATE. for the patient. There are at this day many, the s~de bone. . ·"The laity has liot yet learned to look at self styled specialists who are really cha.rla.- 1 ' It is not often necessary to cut u~ the M O M the matter in its proper livht because our tans, but who are nevertheless able to at- whole b_ ?dy of the tur~ey, and even if the 1 " !J':tl~ new surgery has not yet had its opportunity tract to themselves 'buainess men whcse m~at win .b? _ne~ded, 1t can be ta ken off ' "' ~. k t to be generally appreciated," added the judgment on other matters is sound.' '.l'he withou~ ~~s3omtmg the ~ones. After the Has received her new stoc o surgeon as he prodded the toe with the successful ~pscialist-rackoning succesa by brell;st lB s11ced !l'nd .the wuh bone removed point of his scalpel, discovering that the prGfessional achievements- is ueually a man ('~vhich c~me child . 1s always su;e to wan:t ), FALL STOCK NOW OPEN. We are just opening our new and "'I cocaiue had done its work well and that all oi broad education, who has devoted many ; t ip the bi:d over shght~y and wit~ the_ pomt elegan,t stock,,consisting of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers and Overshoes in and invites the Ladies of Bow sensation in the toe had departed. "And years to academic, scientific and medical : ~f0 1\he k~ifehre~3vebthe oys~r i1yrni 1II t he it is a fact that a proposal by the ;urgeon t r aining, v.nd has followed a special line of , · ~w o t e s1 e o~e, an a so t e smu.11 g!·eat variety. Oqr goods are all of the newest make, in which w. e can m.anv1lle and YJCJilJty to ca I to perform an operation is a.pt t o arouse Study beCi1USe he hag found h imself tO. be pOl tlOn .of dark meat )OUUd,on the ,lower e:id give half. sizes and several widths in most all lines . We can giye you ideas lo the mind of tlie P""titmt. particularly well equipped for such work. ~I ~~tthe 11~e kob-e. The pop~'h nose I S a c}lo1 ,ce something stylish, substantiai and at the right price. a nd see her Pattern ' fautastic After the accomplishment of a successful He has not t!iken up a specialty for mercen· 1 re s ; . . Y many: en rem~ve tn_e piece of work'the patient and hia friends a.re ary ends, but he has found that he is that J fork and mv_ide the wmgs at the 1ornts ; if 9 inclined to express emotional sentiments, part of Emerson's fragmentary man which the drum sticks were not ~aken .0 ~ at fir~t, ft~ e JllllkC to Order GEN TS' l?.11\"E SE'\VED BOOTS a.nd assortment ot aud to Sf!>Y that the operator was gifted with can accompliah something unusually good separate them from "the ·second y~mt. Cut '· coolness al).<! courage, with mechanical ta- for the benefits of his fellow fragments. ,. 0:£! the meat .from the s_econd 3omt of t he in tl1e 'l'ery latest fashions. l~ut and with a steady hand and a clear VERY LIT'rLE PHYSICAL PAIN, wmg and also from the thigh,,as these, "':he~ eye. Just what a.mount of comparative . larg~, ~r~ more tha.n one person requires, value the people ascribe ~;o each of these ac· "Surgeons are p~pularly s~ppo~~d to be 1and it 1~ mconvenient to have so large bone~ REPAJ=81~1iG P.RO~IPTLY 'ATTENDED Tei fllTCUllls-SecondDeerWest or wnuam· complishments aud gifts it is hard to say . ahle to bear th.e eight of pam ea.srl~, ~~t . on one's plate. If no preference be express.lateheJI.' Stall but certain it is that the importance of som~ that :hey are quickly moved by suffermg 1s 1ed, help equt\lly to both hght and dark meat TERMS CASH. · f th · tty t d · i;b sufficiently well proven by ,the fact that , and stuffing, 18 ~1 0 bl?m i~ p~e Kregul Yexfagtfera el . mt ef their greateat ·efforts are made to obv)ate I pu ic mun · u_ ow e ge _ o ie su JJeC o it. The ones who are' most succeasfnl in de- l surgery, general and . . means f or givmg · . tiie pat' · · :Borneo. , h tmformat10n f · - common v1smg teu t ' easeret senstehare e tmat ersdo ptnhmary !mportance cei ve more thanks from the profession than Had . I W intr oduce my r eaders tc f or e opera or · ones w h o so1\' e mtncate · · · opernt1v, · e prob- 1the most nn- E STAND :--Neads' Block, nex:t door east of S. S. E d3all's Hardware t' l'ttl a,n o l;h er pomts are of · tne 'uropean scene I k now of , I co~~a~a ivf1 Y if e wo_r · _ t· Th lems: '\Vi th the present method of tmploy- think l should ask ,him to take a seat with Store. 46 1 ·tyev; ue o exper1e~~e JS re a /vh. . e in" anmsthetic for t he purpose of preventing . me in a native canoe and paddle up 'the 1 neces~1 or courage o!l e par~ o t. e sur- paln during an operation, and scient ific g raceful windings of t he Meimbuµ River, gecn is small. _Operative work 1~ plam ~nd antiseptic methocls for avoidiuv inllu.m- l At its mouth the huts, huilt on seaweed povm~tter of fa~ m c~aracterd'. andf it .requires mation and blood poisoning afterward ! ered piles, for1a each a separ11te island. The no courage ut un ers~at~ mg or its prop. the surgeon of ·to-day. see~. very , littl~ floors ar.e raised .a bare three feet above the er m~agemen~ ~{:nd m.an possesses physical pain. 'Speaking of anresthetic the Ilevel of th(I water, and :me needs not better enougt· nervek he 0 · · e lo~t ~~uger'?u~ point is brought t.o mind that pu.tient~ art;i 1cvid~nc~ of the fact that her a t least we 1 opera iv~ wor e IS strop Y ami ui.r wit. incliBed to be timid about taking , ether, i are 1Il sto~mles,s seai. On the palm·stem ~?bJect,. an~ al;hough rec~Ie_asnesll 1s but it is consoling to them to know that ' platforms m front of the e.ntrance the n a.P UREST, STRONCEST, BEST. .the some 1mes .muta en 01 cour~ge it is we to ether iii very much safer than chloroform l· t ives squat, while around are playing half a Ready for use In any quantity. _:For r~mefbt J~at .the ~u~f'0~ 1 goo~ pr?,fes- (eight times safer according to Morton's es- !dozen n;.ked little Uup1ds, now plunging making Soap, Softening Water, D 1s1ns10n11. s an mg ts no e 1ec eas man. timate), a,nd that :i. well-known surgeon 1into. the water, now padtUing races in min· fecting,and ' a hundred etllcr uses, A 4lan equals :.10 pounds Sal Soda, EXTRA DELICACY OF TOUCH NOT IUQUISITE. states that he has had chloroform adminis- ·iature canoes. A little futher and we enter · Sold by all Grocers and Druggists, At t}lis poiat of his remarks th.e surgeon tered ~or his patients five t housa.:n4 t imes I the riv~r, who~e wat(:l; ill.so clear and p~re 'Eo W, GILLETT, ' TORON'l10.. ha:d cut awa:y more tha.n one sl~ce of. to.e coi;isecutively without an accidt,mt. ' !and bright t.hat one longs to tumble m, without causmg ~he patient to wmce,, lllCI· "The pleasure derived from surgical work ~ clothes· and all. Close to . th(:) banks lits ' dentally re~arku~g that. the <:>ld-fash1oned is dependent upon· the gratefulness of the ! the. mii+.ketplace, a pia,t uresqne jumbl~ of · ' ' ·' " ·' · · · ·" ·" · · way of trea.t1!1g an mgrowmg nail was brutal. patient. And the stern, ' determined opera- Iponies, ripe banar;as, r ed saron.g s, palm-1ea~ The old fashioned way, he says, was to run tor who carries hi11 point against a multi- stalls,_ and fli>shmg spears. Beyond, the "'[j1 a lance down to the bone and cut through tude of objections raised by t he patient is sea-gomg praus are hauled up on shore, the nail from back to front, afterward ex sometlmes ca.I. l ed h ui·d hearted when he their unwieldy sterns a mass of nur..int carv' · ' ·' " · · ' ' ' '· · ·' ' ' · · ' · '· · · '· ·, · ' Your attention is directed · be congratulated w '1 ..,. stock of to the imme'nse tracting the .detached portio~ of nail by should on, his masterly ing. Th?n through a tiny rea.d1 bordered me.~ns of a ~air of !orcep~ or r;ippers. kindness instead. The notion t hat opern- !>Y the Nipa I?alm, whose .grac7ful fronds, T t cents t ·11 b l 1 l . t Mech_aJ.li~al ir;genu1t y. is con;;tantly tions are performed for the pleasure which ' 30 or 40 teet ID length, spring dire~tly ~rem wen ex ra WI e c targec ' w ten accoun ,s run broue-ht mto play m the different Imes of 1 the work gives t he surg'e ons or for the"sake i the stream, and we find .. ourselves .m a s01·t ..,, surgery," said t~e su.rgeon? after dress~:og of the fee would hardly seem to 'demand ; of. upper t?wn,, w~ere the h_ouaes. are built over one month. of every description at the toe an.d sen. d mg his patient home . with serious conaideratioµ, .and yet there are i wi th seemmg m?1fference e1.ther m or out MD. nomo~ediscomfortthan,thatfproducedby~he l· many persons of gentle gender who allow of the.water. The place i~ .the absolutsi R'ln llllftl @ clumsm~ss of a bandaged foot, "and qmck the question to trnuble ~hem. · pcrfoct1on o·f beauty anrl unfadmess. Overperception of the mechanical points'involvACCIDENTAL INJUmEs RARE. head the eye rcsts ·on a wealth of verdureShe has just opened out one of the largest ed must determine the direction of almost "The word surgeon is to many minds b11;mboo, banana, clurian, jack-fruit, and every step of the performance of everyday suggestive of broken bones and other wounds, the arrowy betel palm, with its golden . eggand most stylish stocks ever brought operation~. C?olness _is sometimes_ desirable. but cases of accidental injury are compata- like nuts . . In · th~se happy climes man's to town, consisting of :J X:erbaps illl nmety-rmH) consecutive opei;-a" tively rare if we use the word accident al in needs gro~ at ·his very door. Cold '.'nd ltlillinery, Dress Sillrs t1ons there would be no ca!l for the exercise its commo~ meanin and men who erform i hunger, mIS.sry and. ':8:nt,. ar.o . words wi~hof a~ unusual degree of this me!ltal feature, two. oi; three oper~tions d aily ma/.,not be 1 out,.u. meanmg. C1v1hzat10n 1s far .off mVelvets, &c., .._ '!'.~.. - "' --""' ·-"'~ ""' --~~~~....~.. . ""' ""' -~~ -... .... ...... _.. ... ....~....- - -. .-.· . - ·-·- · .·.. - .·._ _ ._.. _ .._ ...;. ·~· -· __ · ___ § with a very fine stock of Feathers and but m the hundre~t_h case a qmck, well-di- called upon to treat I\ case of accidental in- I deed, ~nd for. the moment, at leu.2t, we have ...... rected movem~nt .might co~duce to the com. jury for weeks or for months at a time. · 1no desll'e, for it, ~ O Flowers. fort of t~e patien. after.ward. . "In the large cities ·the men who are ex-1 · .Call and inspect this fine display, which " Delicacy of touch is popularly belreved 'd 11· h · l · Stop a Paper. · . f . t b . ·f h" h th . f posed to acct ents a.re usua y t e ones w 10 How to . . cannot f all to give .s at1s action. o .e an acqmremeno or_ w 1c ere 1s ro- 0 to the ublic hospitals for treatment. In · · q,uent need, but the. ordmary ~le~ree of de- ~an cas!s they could get skilled surgical The following so fully . and clearly· exhcacy o_f ton.ch wh1c.h the ma3onty of U:lill at te!dance at their houses at small cost if presses our views of the subject that For the preserv;ttion ·of health than having your feet kept possess is quite sufficient for most operative they knew how to obtain it, but being aa we giv? it witho~tt a comment : " You have dry and warm. i;mrposes, and the bo;r who had. learn~d to unfamili.-r with professional as they are with an unaoubted right to stop a news-paper set m~skrat traps without gettmg his fin- financial resources the hospital b~s to be en· when yon feel disposed, \!POil payment gers prn.ched could su~ceasful~y operate o!1 largcd for their accommodation. " of arreJ'rages. Do not hesitate to do so t~e eye if he were. fortifie~ with the reqmon account of tenderness of feelings for ~1te .a.mount. of 1niormat1on._ Here. and the editor. D on't you suppose he -would · ~here a certam amount of tramed de~1ca~y Waverers. stop, buying sugar of you .. or meat, clothing, being aware of the fact, has laid in a first-class sl?ck of 1s adventa.geou~, a.nd the .tactus e~..uditus is Among the practical moralities of life the dry-goods, etc., it he thought he wti.s not o~ the utmost importance m makmg some habit of prompt decision should hold no getting his money's worth, or desired to diagnoses. mean rank, But few persons fully appre· patronize some other concern ? And why n THE SLIGIIEST DEVIATION 01' THE KNIFE." · ciate how much saving of time, how much should yqu not exercise t he same privilege " A steady hand is a. good thing for the personal comfort, how much actual success with regard to him ? And when you dis· and a plea.Aing sight for spectators, and happiness is involved in it; indeed it is continue .a pa.per do so manfully. Don'.t be WORM POWDERS~ surgeon, but as a practical matter for the patient, it chiefly through the evil effects of its neglect Jso spiteful as to throw it b{l.ok to the post- In larO"e quantities and 0 O"reater variety than ever b efore-All well 0 . , · Are plea.l!!lllt to tnkC: Contain their own makes very little diflerence whether the that we estimate its value. It is not'uncom- ma.seer with a contemptuous" I dou't w&nt operator's hand is an exceptionally steady mon to me«:;t with peoJ?le wh'? seem to be an. y longe~ !" a'bd have "refused" written bought on best cash t erms, savmg large discounts to benefit p1·ompt Purgative. Is o. so.fo, Buro, and etfcctu:i.l ;he margm, and have the pa.per r eturned paying C stomers dMtnl.Yer ot wol'llUI izl ()hildren er AdW.ts. one or not. An awkward hand would certain- nearly .d estitute of .this quality. On the ou 1 ly be out of place in some operations, but most trivial question they will pause to con- to the ed itor, No gentleman ever stops it in . u ' · awkward hands are rare among men who sider and to make qualilications. If asked t!)a.t ·wa.y-. n o matter if his head is covered 1 Good assortment of all kinds of Seasonable Leather Goods take part in such work. The startling their opinion of some new book or new en- with gra.y hairs th~t should be honorable., · . .· newspaper report of an operation is quite terpriae, of the prospects of business or the If you do not wish to longer i;eceive a new's· Grand display of , sure to state that the slightest deviation of harvest, or a candidate for offfoe, they t ire pa.per, writ e a note to t·he editor like a man, 0 F AN AD A.. the knife" would hu.ve done the patient a out the most patient listener ., If any ~ne say ing_ so-an~ ~e sure that the arrearoges ' \,Cf harm, and that nothing so much as delicacy asks of them a favour, they ca1??ot decide are piml. This is the wa.y to stop a news15,;~~0. tla11ltal paid UP~ 8l,0!,~ 0 · Best, 1!1260,00 of execution made the work a success. T4is whether to graµt ·01 tc refuse it. ; and so 1 paper.'· . . J · Thill Bank ls prepared to do Legltl· I nel!s reassures t~e people. in their previous long do they hesitate tbab the petitioner Call and examine stock. W · t 11 11 fit £ · mate Banking ln all its branchea. bchcf th!lt the slightest slips of lancet~ arc would ·often be glad. to withdraw the re· Pap·er is now . largel:y , u sed m the ma.nu· e are going O se on sma pro s earmg Farmers notes discounted · Deposit dai;ger~us and that a g~eat ~lcal of care is re- quest. Two different courses are open to factu~e of coffins· . Th13 ~ccotmts for the alno honest competition. 6 , quucd in order to av01d vital parts. Tho them, and they spend so much time iu com- leged enorm?us mrcula.tion of some of onr , ' ' noeived and Inter?st pa.id on amounts of · surgeon reads the report with a smile. , pa.ring them that they can follow neit her to cont emporimea. All goods warrented as repre~ented. We are fullv prepared to carry 15 upwards in Savmgs Bank Department; "Cases requiring extensive surgical work advantage. Those who value their time ·It is sa.icl that the Astors, of New York,. J DR AFT S do not often find their way into the hands cannot waste it in waiting for them, and, have never been robbed , either by a sneakout ALL advertise, of an operator who does not work well ; but after much ·delay and irritation, they leave thief or a. burglar, althougP, their houses Issued and Collections made In Europe supposing that such an operator should a.c- such indecisives to themselves. In fact, contain very tempting riches. They pay $1,United State11 and Canada. cidentaly cut the brain I Portions of the their whole lives seem to be a series of 000 a year Jor a. special guard of their houses brain are nowadays removed purposely by -waverings that end in no definite result ex· e8-considering it "better to take this coune ! W.J. ,TONES, KING ST,, BOWMfNVILLE. the most conservative surgeons, and expos- . cept disappointment a.nd inaction. j than to run the risk of robbery. j 44: A.i6Q :have had no return ot the disease, and never BO many :ihings for Catarrh, suffered so much and for lllO many years, that it is hard to realize tha~ .I am really better. · . it I consider that mine waa a very bad.case, ·was aggravated and chron!c,!lnvclvmg ~he '.hroat as well 1 as thf! nasal pas~ages, and I .thought it would require the three. treatments, 'but I feel fullf cured by the tw_o sent me · .and . l am tbankfu that I was ever induced to send .,t0/g~'a.r~ at liberty to use this letter stating 'that I have been cured at two treatments. ancl J: shall gladly recommend your remedy to some Gt.my friends who are aufferera. · · Yours, with many thanks, REV. E, .B. Sl'EVENSON And hundreds of others _ ----·----~---.----- ·it seemed almost too good to be trne that I am cured of Catarrh but I know that I am. I Srns,-Yours of the 13th inst. to han · d ure of the brain for the purpose .,f removing Hew to CEtrve a Tuxkey. - - REGISTERED - - tumors, missiles and extrave.satiuUS of blood Put the fork in firmly a.!! far 118 it will go A Prominent Snrgcon Tells Some Secrets in some cases of apoplexy is now r ecognized across the middle of the brea.st bone, a.nd fi Whltb are Uartllng and Yet a.s a. regularly safe procedure. the whole bird is t o be carved do not reReassm·l.Jlg~ " What happens if the operator .unipten- move it until the brea.st is sep 11,ra.ted from t ionaliy cuts a large blood vem 1 ol ? L'lrge the liack. A theory frequently advanced among blood vessels are divided withou t· hesitation Our latest importation has arrivec l from France an{(' we will l1o · d h · h - l · l b' t · Opinions vary as to which should be reglad t o sec .our friends a nd acquainta nces and thos'e with whom 'ivo ~~~u:h~1;lf::: if ay~~~~!~c~ei!~ ;~~:l~obee ~~e~~r~~o~~u~~n~:~i:~~yo~e:!i:~~;;t~e~~; moved first, thti wing or the leg, hut it is liave been m correspondence. in fact any and all who are in search ot first class PEHC H1<::RON8. and F RENCH COA CllERS, to look them come aware in one moment of all the suffer- until ligatures have been applied. '".Oth'er safe to follow this general rule :. If t he over. \ Vo hnve an except1onBlly fine lot, and our SLUd is so lari~e· ings in future store for him the shock re- blood vessels are ready to do the work .of wing be so long, or the bir<l be trussed in that all may be pleased. We oJfcr the la rgest number and greatest .v,ar l_et.y to sel~ct from. All our imported stock is selected by MR. suiting would produce instant death.. t he occluded ones, and the pA.tient noes not slicl~ ~wt~ ~t~\;he end oft~he ~fog c:me~ ] .AH.N lJ M h imself personally in France, and he accepts nothing but "The law of self-preservation is powerful know the difference. 'Ihe :rnrgeon cares lit- ~hos .t ~gb' :e~hve e whg rs an the best .Horses of the most approved breeding. and continuous in fts action," said a well tle for hemorrhage from any v.efiRel that he . enthi wi ndo ~ ~ tlll e way w en removOm· Home-bred Stock is all the progeny of selccicd sires and dams known and very skilful surgeon to a reportt l · fi th t t d ' mg e secon ,,om · of the best form and moot desirable breeding. We guarantee our stock. Sull ou eaRy terms and at low prices. er recently " and the dread of physical pa.in ca~· lboe~i~hen~~~~~tn ;r 0; 6~\l~ee~~Jo;i~al Cut through' the fl~sh on the t op. of_ the W e will be glad. to a nswer all corre.;;pondence P' Omptly ; but . we is iµtense among highly organized animals. cavity by mist<>ke? Abdominal cavities are shm:l~er, work the _POmt of the kmfe mto , would strongly advise persons contemplating the~purchaso -oe a h ors& "If injury has followed an accident on opened daily for nothing more than purposes ~h.e JOlnt and press J~outward, and whi;n the or mai e Percheron or French Coach, to get on the train and come and see us. · Catalogue free by Mail. the railroad, for instance," continued the gofand!a~n aOl:ibi~, a.u~ a~yh oft the habddonifoal or- ili~t~:J~ab~~d~1~ ~11;z~~ha!~eo~e:Cec~~=a;~ surgeon as he sprayed a man's great toe m y e ur, wio ou , muc ·anger. 'th th . Th t th h th 8k · with oooaine in order to dendcn it ngo.inst ".A deviati ,n of .t~e lanc~t. opens a joint ~:twe~: fu~nfbii!h, ~: s~~on-1 rJ?~1~t, and th~ the pain of an operation for ingrowing nail, cavity, but to day JOmt cav1t10s . are opened b d B d t( ~ 'th th k "f PROl'RIETOJtS OF ISLAND HOME STOCR J,'AR;JJ, DU'ORTEltS A.NI) BJtllEDl!D.S, 6 1 "a man is hurt, perhaps, in such a way without h esit&,t.i . ·ou by the men who work odyt.h . ~nt .1 h eg d ' ovler dWl C tte l m he .Address all communications to Detroit, Mich.] GROSSE ISLE. W,t,l'NIE (;o .. HICUIGA.N, 1 e 1sc ose . that a surgeon finds it a difficult matter to d" to · t'fi · t· th d · au e 301u w 11 u iroug . h' acc,,or lllfS sC1en i c an~1eep ic me o 3. the flesh ·from above do~n towar ·d the . +·1·1 give 1m ease or ti;> place him in a position An import11n t n erve 1s cu t · uu t th d " "" . e en s and if the J' oint dotis not separate easilv turn of sil.f ety. Tl1e patient did not dread the of. a seve~·ed nerve when ~utured. ~o~ether the knife and cut from the tail toward the injury because he did not know tha.t the ac;- umte agam, and the functrnnal activity of . . t M k t t . d · cident was going to happen, but the cons.e- the organ is r er..ewed. 3om . a ea. c1ean cu ·,_no a iag,:.:e one, --AT THEquences of the wounding are disturbing . to "It is not often then' that an untoward and !~ave a gener~us porti1m of the 1!1eat on a high degree." t f th k 'f lt . h t the side bone. Then i'emove the wmg and The surgeon's attention was devotee! z. . . moment to seeing that the cocaine was in 6 urgeons who are apt to make acciden tal · S~f!.Ve . off the b· eaat 1~ thm shces, )le.. sufficient quantity to cover his pa.tient'll toe, incisions, · g1?nmg JUSt above the wmg a.nd slantmg so tha.t ~11 the part to be r emoved would ha Tim SUE&T ANCIIOR OF THE M slightly from the fr~nt of the b.rea.st bone }!y stock of COOKING RANGES consists of' the anrosthetized. HO E. down toward the wrng. Be careful to take "If the man in later years develepes a tu"No one dreads lack ohuccess il.ny more a. portion of crisp 'outside on the edge of wit!1 the new Duplex Grate ; mor," resumed the doctor, looking up from than the surgeon himself, and after ·P.u e'ach slice. T he knife must have a very the foot, "be will fear that he must suffer operation which has failed to accomplish keen edge to enable you to do this neatly. . ' as much from operative procedures as he did the end sought for it is frequently the opera- By cutting in this slant ing direction the Fpr P ARtOR STOVES, I have a large stock, with and without ovens, from the immediate effects of the accident, tor who should first receiYe consolation from meat is cut across the grain instead of with and that the consequences must be a.s dis- the patient and his friend~. . the gra.in, as is the C!l.Be when t he cuts are consisting of turbing as they were then. It is a. popular When making arr angements for :.i. dHii- parallel with t he breast bone, fallacy to suppose that,. at this date in our cult operation the surgon feels t.hat the After the breast is carved, cut :;,,cross .the S, lllV0fSa S r . anaS. century, physical pain is to be expected in entire responsibility of the case rests upon crisp skin near the neck, and below the Al~o a full line· of Cooking Stoves of the latest patterns, and for size, connection with operative work. The man him, but unwise frientjs of the patient some- 1breast in order to reach the stuffing. In- . weight and finish, are unequalled. I also take orders for the NOVELTY will not suffer at tlie time of the operation, times assm~e an attitnde of responsibility, j' sert the point of the k nlfo v,t the front of STEEL PLA'l 'E HOT Am FURNACE, it a powerful heat er and vei·y because he will either be asleep or hi· n Jrves and fe1>1)cssly vent ure to give advice. This the breast bone" turn back the wish bone will be rendered locally insensitive through is . o nly one of the manifest . ations or egotism, and separate it. Presa the point of the reasonable in price,' , Granite und Iron Wares constantly on')1and. the agency of cocaine, P ardon me for di- w'hich is constantly bursting the hoops of knife through the cartilage a.t each side of E T h" R fi d J b '\N' ] d · 1 g~essing. _ Do you feel that?" human nature, but his demonstration may the front of t he breast bone, separating the ave roug mg, 00 ng an O or>:: one on shortest not\ce, and The surgeon pricked the patient's toe be more unfortunate in its r esults than any / c~lla: bone~ from t~e breast. Tip the body prices~ considering material, as low as the lowest. with a needle, a.nd receiving an affirmative other one can be. . , slrgh,ly, slip th~,_ki;i1fe under the end of the 1 aUS\Ver to his question said he would need "A case is in my mind at present' in i should~i· bl11<l.e (to hes close to the bnck bone 3·6 .tf Newcastle. to let the cocaine remain longer. whioh a reliable surgeon knew that o. ccrfain ' not qt:1te half way down frol!l th~ i;ieck) and The af~er res~Its.of the oper~tion,'.' said ope,ration . would save _the life of a young !turn it_ ov~r toward the w1~g Jo.mt. Re- ...'!" . ..............."!""'....,.....,...,....,....,...,....,llml~~!'!"!'-'.!'!"_,"""_,..._...,""'"_,...,_,_ _,___ SURGICAL OPERATIONS, PERCH ERON H 0 R '3 ES. FRENCH COACH HORSESj ·ii Q 0 0 SAVAGE & FARNUM, ST ·V ES, STOVES! OHE.A.P FOR CASH. ,fu~v;~~~:nt~andepa~~e:~:~r~es;~ld~~::i~~t~ secondjointontheqther~ide.. STOVE AND T I N ·· , DE POT, NEWCASTLEt Jewel Range, also Grand Duchess G ran d U n1versa ' I an d D"iamond R ange. I" Art Ga1·land U · I an d A t · Sult . is '1 p~o?,ss. 0 THHIl a [TO H s ALL sAY :&eep your feet Dry and Warm ' for Fine· J?oot s, Shoes and Slippers. w. T· BO NATHAN, * "IS 9 . c T AD.VJSU n . . ·_ Go O DS lJ B 0 N N ET S HATS TRJ. . M M I N GS GILLETT~ ' POWDERED :wl! J -ENNINGS. I L 9 9 PER CEl'IT 'f t MCDOUGALL &·METCAtf, are ottering Coal as follows : :i LADIES, Stove and Chest nut G rat e an d .l!Jgg yfive .$6.25 6 ' oo .M I LL I N E RY s. DOMM I· : ELY"3 .. ! . LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & GORD WOOD I O t; h ing Always on hand a lowest prices. DQ ' MC U GALL & METCALF, Bt!ller. HE .LLYAR mEEMAN'S FELT BOOTS,SHOES&OVERSHOES Bags and .Val. ' we lit I TANDAR D BAN K . S c I I .. . ·. fTrunks JOHN HELLYAR,

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