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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jan 1888, p. 3

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CF ti &£81 HOUSEHOLD. Reliable Receipts. MUFL'lNS. --One egg, one cupful milk, one teaspoonful suga1·, two teaspoonfuls yeast powder, and a. little salt. Mix with flour not quite Do thick as cup cake. 0YS'IJlR FRITTE:Rs.-i\fake a batter of one coffeecupful milk, one pint flour, one heap.iug teaspoonful of baking powder, two wellbeaten eggs and a little salt. Dip rhe oysters into this batter, and fry singly in hol; lard. OYSTER Prn. -Grease a tin plate itnd cover the bottom with puffed paste; lay on it a dozen good-sizt:d oystern und season with butter, pepper and salt ; spread ovei· this an "gg hatter ml>dc of the yellrn of two eggs, half a cupful milk, a saltspoonful s!llt and one cup flour ; some prefer u. tableapoonful olive oil added. Cov.~r with a crust of the pe,ste, and bake about twrntyfive minutes. 0RANaE SAr;c~;.-Scrape a titblespoonful CARL DDND.ER. He Tells U1e (,blldren A.bout g,.nta Claus. MISCELLAN.EOUS 1T£MS. - - -- R E G- I S T E R E D - -- - .An Italian at Mansfield, Ohio, wore a Now, shildren, if you like to iisten to ~e pair of very tight shoes two days. The re-;' .[ shall tell yon aboudt Santa Cbns o!1fer m sult was injuries to his feet that were follow. WEDNESDAY. JAN. ll, 1888. Shermany. Jn dis country all t)or sluldrens ed by gangrene, so tha.t he hll.s had his toes Our lates t importatrnn has arrived from France, and we will r.,; pelief he vhas nopody but f<tther and and other parts of both fed amputated in glacl to sec 1>ur friends a n~ acquaintances and those with whom "' mothrc, but in Shermtmy he vhas an oldt order tosa.ve his life. have been in corresp1>n dt:nce. iu fact >1nv and all who are in search ut mans in a fur coil.t und a coon-akin cap, und A Hock of about l 00 crows passing over first class PEl:tCHER ON,.; and JfRl~NCH COA CIIERS, to look tllelK\ over. Wo have an exceµ1 ionally fine lot, and our stud is so largs he trufela aboudt mit six reindeers und a Cumminsville, Ohio, were attacked the other ·hat all may be p 1ea·ed. We offer tl:e largest number and greatest sledge. It makes me feel badt all oafer dot afternoon by thrice their number of J<Jngvariet.v tn select from. All our i·npurted stock is selected by MR. I findt some ahildren who doan' pe!ief in lish sparrows, whci rompletely routed the FARNUM himself I>ersonally in France, and he accepts nothing but him no more. He vhas sooch a good oldt big bird a. s~ veral crows were disabled, and tlw lrnst Hm·ses of 1 .be m·><t ai>o,.oved breedin,.. Ont· Home-bt't·d Stock is all the progeny of selected sires and dams mans, and he take' sooch comfort mit his one was found with both eyes pecked out. oft.he bost form and m oot desirable breeding. We guarantee our presents for shildren, dot some poy who Elia.a Cohen, a negro r ailroad hand from sl;ock. Sell on easy tennR and at low prices. We will be glad to answer all correspondence p-omptly; but ....,.., says he doan' pclicf in him .should get a Lawtouv?llc, G. A., came to S1wannah tho would strongly ad vise p<>rsons contemplating the ,purchase of a. horse· licking. other day and wanted to be admitted into or mate PeNheron or French Coach, to get on the train and come and see us. Do I pellef in him? 0£ course I do ! I the Charity Hospita.l. The doctors looked Catawgiie free by Mail. coan' gif oop dot pelief in Santa Claus if you at him and ran. He had leprosy. He was gif me teo hooncrcd dollar. Lo.st yeer I see shipped. back to Lu.wtonville right awo.y. my oldt .womans puy !3ome fur cal? in a ! There are whole towns in Germany that 8 1to.re. Vhcn X look: ' 1 ~ .my shto~ki~g 011 j do. little else than make dolls !Dr American rR.OPRlE'l'OUS 01' ISLAND llOHll STOCU. FAltltl, UIPOR'l'Elt.S AND BltEEDEltS... Christmas dere vhas a f;ii cap. ' has it dot ., cln.ldren. They are mostly snnple country Address 111l communications to Detroit, Mich .] catOSSE ISLE. 'VAYNE co .. JtlIClllGA.N, same cap_? No_I ~he_.,puy a cap for her folk. England's chiL1 nm spend 11lmost bmd<ler-1~-lav:, m up;rngwella, und dot.cap I $1,000,000_ for French und German dolls, of come f1orn Santa Claus. v.h as .'""'alre ·and Amerwa's children almost double that. each of fat bacon and onions ; fry them to- vhen he comes on der roof rmt his remdeers . . ,. . gcther five minutes, then add the juice of und sleigh. Der bells go tinkle 1 tinkle ! Jamrn H. Johnson, of l 1t~s1:iurg, hits sue.d -AT THEan oranv.e and a table8poouful of currant und der deers paw der snow und I hears der James 0. Flowe r, a dent<st.; for $20,0 ·O jelly. .Place the s:tuce pau containing these oldt mans call oudt : ' damages; Two years ago :F l~w~r p ulled ingredients where the contents will keep " Whoa 1now 1 Dis vhas Carl Duuder's J ohns~n s tooth ai;id. broke his l"w at t~e warm, when the baked duck is done, take ph.ce, und I vhas going down. der shimney same t~me: T!ie vwtnn has ~pent $2,?CO m it up, pour nearly all the fat out of the pan, to imt a fur cap mit his blue shtockings." ) ?oct~r s bills Slllce then and JS a confirmed My stock of COOKING RANGES consists of the put in the above mixture, boil up and Und last year I vhas in some Ehcwelry ~I mvt1.!~d vet. . ~Yf1P~S"i'~ ST~Ol\lClii!S'ii'i> ~ft!S"!f', serve, sht,ore und l see my poy Shake puy a watch Qmll toothp1c~s came from ~ta.nee. T~e CONTAINS NO with the new Duplex Grate ; GERMAN MUS'l'ARD. - This will keep a chain, I shut oop my eyes quick, for dot largest fact~ry m the world is near PJ1.na, ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES, or a ny injurious materinls. year. Eight tablespoonfuls of mustard, vhas not for me. Maype h e like to puy dot where ~here ia an annual product of 20,000,· TORONTO, O!!<T. four tablespoonfuls each of salt and white chain for his uncle in Dearborn. On Christ- i 000 qmlls . . The factory was stnrted to make E.W. GILLETT, CflICAOO, ILL. sugar, a saltspoonful of cayenne, four table- mas morning I finds some chain in m} : 9uill pens, bu~ when thes7 we~t out of use For PARLOR STOVES, I have a large stock, with and without ovens1·~ l!a~'fr oftlle CELEBRATED llOYAL ?EAS'l' CAKES. spoonfuls of melted butter, tho juice of one shtocking, but nopody can make me pelief ! it was turned mto a toothp10k mill. Wooden · consisting of raw onion (a large onion . squ~eze~ th:rough d?t Shake put har dere. It vhas in der j to~thpic~s arc ~ade princ_ipally in Michigan, mght some slei~h-belfa woke me oop, und W1sconsm, India and Oh10. §lie ·J.' ried in vain to Get a lemon squeezer), and mrn w1th vme~a1·. EscAJ,LOPED OYSTERS.-One pint bowl of something goes r~sh ! bang ! on. der roof'. f The colored children l!-t Ox lord, Ohio, Also a full line of Cooking Stoves of the latest patterns, and for size, Relief" and llad quite rolled crackers ; sprinkle a la,yer in the bot- uu,~ ~hears some Jolly ola mans smg ondt · have always had public schools separate weight and finish, are unequalled. I also_take orders for the NOVELTY tom of your dish, then put a layer ot oys· Come now, uud _pehave yourselves so~e from the whik children's schools, but this Given up all Hope. tera and epriukle with salt and peppe1·, more. I vhas lookmg for ~arl. Dander 8 ·year they refused to Qttend them and in· STEEL PLATE HOT Arn FURNACE, it is a powerful heater and very reasonable in rrice. Granite u.nd Iron Wares constantly on band. Campbellford, June 9, 1887. place small pieces of butter upon them, plac.e und I haf to go down ~18 shunney und sisted upon going to the aame ~schools that then another layer of rolled crackers, and see if he ".ha_a as_hleep. ~ hke to leave a i the white children . ~ttcnded. They were MR~'\ E. MORRIS, Toronto, so on until the dish is full. The top layen ~atch:cha~n m his sht?ck1,?g, uud maype I r efused admission and brought an action Ea.ve Troughing, Roofing and Job Work done on shortest notice, and prices, considering material, as low as the lowest. "!>~AR Srn :-I feel it my duty to sive should be rolled cra.cke.r with pieces of but-1 give ~s wifte. a gol~t ru;g. h 'against the school,authorities, which has just 0 n. o~e ime,_v en v_asapoy, 1 goesl' beendecidedinfavorof the ne!\roes. you my testimony for the good I ha.d ter on it. Moisten well the whole with L" d K"d rnilli and water or 0 ster li" uor bake from oudt 1ll oer eaenm!\s to dn ve oop der cows. . . . . Newcastle. f rom your D and e1wn 3-6 .tf iver an i ney h to Y d qh If' y . It vhas coldt unrl !dark, und I vhas lone· A dnvmg wheel of a locornot1ve that was 1 .tters. My liv.e r was in a bad state and find a.n this our verv an 100.r au a 11 ou w111 ;· p · d · · t · b Bi nioe. · some und a.fraidt. ooty soon a man nut a rawm ~ a passenger ra1i; urst · recentiy ..,........,.........,....,.,.........,...,...,_.....mm.,....,...,...,..,.,......,.,.....,.....,._...,......,..,.........,,... I Wad 'a great sufferer. I had tried in fur coat und oa]l comes along, und he near Milford, Pa. One piece whizzed pass vain to get relief s.nd had quite given up A DAINTY DEsSio:RT.-Cook six or eig . ht ahmiles all oafer, nud he la.ughs clear down 1' the fireman's head and passed, screaming all hope, till a friend told me of your canned pears in their syrup until it becom.1s to his boots und he says to me: like a shell from a cannon, through the Bitt~rs. I got a bottle at once and I am. like honey, then remove from the fire, "Neafer niind, my poy-it vhas almost ' baggage car, the smoking car, and a passent happy to say the Bitters made s new WO· halve, and lay in a dish. Beat the vrhites Christmas." ger coach without doing injury to any man of me. I can heartily recommeni of two eggs to a stiff froth, sweeten and "But I do11on' get nottings in my shtock· 1· person on the train. :rhe train was running them to any one troubled with liver cow-! spread over the pears. Brown in the oven, ing." · at the rate of forty mlles an hour when the plaint. Yours truly . ,if.desired, This.iiH1 nicedes.;ierti-0 seive "_Doan' you? Xot~ sl~,ust wait und see. it.Ccidentoocurred. . CARRI.E STllPHB:n, w1tb. t he following sponge cake. Three Whwh place you hf in? ,. ~evi Campbell of King~bur:i:, Me:, set a · eggs: one and one-half cups sugar, Lwo cups "In dot leedle ~ldt house py der creek_. I bear trap and a bear g?t mto 1t. He drag--- I fl.ourhalfcupcold wa.ter,oneteaspoonfnlsoda, "Oh, yes, I notwi dot place. Vhas 1t a <ged the trap a good distance, until it was aml two teaspoonfuls cream tartu.r. Beat the big shimuey ?" caught in a log: Then Levi came up and Good News at Home. el?gs and a~gar until very light,add the so~a ;: Yes, sne v?as." ,, struek the brnr with an axe. The animal dissolved 1n cold water, then the flour rn Vhas you Ill ped early? l turned suddenly, wrem:he<l the trap looaeE . MORRIS, EsQ.,-DEAll S1a,-I have which the cream tartar is sifted and thor"I vhas." . t grabbed Levi, and was in a fair way to make reason to speak well of your Dandelicm oughly mixed. " Vhell, :you go along all right und see : an end of him when his dog pitched in, a.nd Liver and Kidney ~itters.. I have. bem. CHOCOLA·.r~" CARAllrni,s.-Two cups of vhat hap~e?s. iv.f aype you.leaf«ler big gate attracted th? bear's attention until Levi troubled. for some_ time with my Kidney brown sugar, one ~ 11p of molasses, om: ?UP open de~ tmg~t pefor.? C~r1s,~ma.s. Maype ·. could drag himself aw1Joy. e.n<l a friend of mme recommended them ;. ch.ocolate grated tine, one cup of boiled 1· 811.nta Claus like to duve m · A ghost that has been for several mouths to me and I tried them in my case, and!'· n_iilk, one .tablespoo . n.ful of flour, but~er th." Und how you .sh pose dhe vihash ?d V~ei;if I i scar~ng the engineers 11.t a cert!l.in trestl.e, on We are just opening our new and found them to work like a charm · there- size of a farge Eag-hsh walnut, let it boil gets up on Christmas _ a.y a a . m e, a railroad near Atlanta, was found, a. few FAJ,L S1'00K NOW OPEN. . recommend' candy' d und two pwture books m my d Iyrng · · l ner·rlv elegant stock, consisting of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers and Overshoes in fore I have much pleasure m s1 owly! an d pour on fl at t" ms t o cooI, mark some k' . h S Cl , l!.ys ago, nneonsmons anc 1 · .h 11 h t bl d off while warm ltoc .mg, un my sISter ears an ta aus l frozen to dea,th in a pool of water ueu the ~ng 1i . em to a. pers<;>ns "! o are rou e . ·. vheu he drives oop mithis sleigh, and says: " s ot She had neither shoes nor stookin 3 great variety. Our goods are all of the newest make, in which we can m any way with then· K1dney. CHEA!' CAK . Es. 'l'wo cups of molasses, . "ies vhas der place.vhere dot leedle 1o1n pd ·few o ti 'd en tgly give half sizes and several widths in most all lines. We can give you. d h lf f b ·1· te t ' ' dis . . . · wr cl o th es, and was ev1 · l one an one· a cup o 01 mg wa r, wo Dutch poy life und I like bun to know I d · d 1th l1 ·h0 ld t lk t" l Y ours cru y, something stylish, substantial and at the right price. J J J · tablespoonfuls (not beaned) of tried-out d f . t' · ' !" emen.te ·a ~mg s con a ra 1ona · · · ONES. b · r . O'>n orge mm l} on some snbJects She seemed to be of Newtonville May 3, 1887. eef suet, or a piece of butter the size of an If I vhas some children again I shut my . db" ·th d h d., "d f fi1 t ' egg,:~~eaped teaspoonfuls ofbaki~g_pow- eyesoopsot.ightusnefervha.s,undipelief ~~~ 11t~~r. aShe:aiJ:;,:~:=~m~i~ a~X::~~t \Ve maim to Order GENTS' SEWED BOOTS der, sp10es to taste, and a cup of r a1sms or in Santa Claus so hardt as efer ~ can, und I and had taken t,o the ~oods because she was let nopody make me p ehef he vhas a· ted "ti th _ ·ld d 1 k d th to $8 a dav. Samples and duty FREJ!: currauta. Add flour enough to make a soft doan' 11 in fhe "e1·y latest Cashions. · ht d d er b est o Idt man m . a 11 courage isgus w1 . l e wor an a.c e e Lines not under the home's feet, Write b11otter' and ha.kn in loaves · ll?t a rip, , un to commit s cide. A hole was BREWSTER'S SAE'ETY REIN liOLDE£ El'IClJitEAN CAKE.- One cup sugar, yolks die world. found dtig out beneath the trestle a.nd in REPA!Rl~G . \ Co,. Holl, Mich. · of three eggs, two small cups fl.our, one cup. p . . St t" t. t hat she had lived. sweet cream. Beat the yolka ver~ light !n arisian a IS !CS· ·· If the Marquis of .Ely has acted like a sen· TERMS CASH. three tablespoonfuls of sweet milk mix The budget of the expenses of the city of "bl d ! t . d . h" I . h with, the sugar then add cream and~ little I Pttds a.mounts to 303,500,000 francs. The . Bl te ba. n pruh'· elnf madn ~u re: uctmt~ is . llr1hs. ' · · · l · . d bt b b f th t f· t t ren ·B y one a , an in rema a rng a is · t d · t th M · f N1 · d salt sift two tee.8poonfuls of bakm" powder city e a sor s or e paymen o lll eres with flour and mix hghtly. Bake a sha.1- and liquidation 105,000,000; the street paY· J ~YICt e k ,ena,n stl .. ~h arqms -~ l ' aunc)>" ~ 81 low tin i;ather quickly Flavor to taste ing and cleaning costs 20,00iJ,OC O; the wa~· , ~a.s ~ en lx.ac e t~ppt~ e cour: k~nd When bak~d beat the ~1hites of thre egg~ er and sewer service, 8,000,000; street- f~.s s owfn nmlse he;cac · Yt e opdposid· · t~u STAND :-Neads' Block, next door east of S. S. Edsall's Hardware · · ' · l' 1 t · d t · 9 500 000 . 1· . o man, or w 1en 1s agen urge re uc ion · -, to a stlif froth add one·half cup of white 1g 1 mg, an wa enug, · , · po ice, 0 f t h" · l · h l Store. 46 ~==~~l . sugitr one te~apoonful of fia.vodng and 25,000,000 ; public charities, 21,000,00'l ; 1 rend ~i;ion ~n t ~~a~ an~0 a~ai~~ edo~ Y 1 .- ·- - · - - -- - -·- spread over tho top return to the ~ven a primary and superior instruction, 25,000,000; a~~~~h . m :n ~f ~m olt ts. -~ y, · __ · few seconds. · ' architecture and fine arts, 4,000, 000. wi e mos unsa 18, ac ?r:( resu. $ po_s1 1ve. The principal sources of revenu e are the Among the rest a lawsmt m which h1s la~e Una.pprcached for octroi, or tax on eatables and drinkables agen.t, Mr. Joyce, prosecuted the MarclmB Tone and Quality. The True Woman. brought into the city from outside, 137,000,- for libel and g~t damages to the extent of · · · 000 francs · taxes 33 000 000 · er cents e £2,500. Clauncr.rde ha.a long harl au abom· There 1.s no admiration greater than that I , · ' ' · ' ' P g iuable record and as usual he a1>paren1·1y CATALOGUES FRIEE. ti t ,._. l . h · d d h · gas ·· compa-:Jy ' 17 ' 000 d ' 000 '· fwath · grows always worse the older he becomes" w ic 1s accor e .1e rue woman. ;vien . p~1d by the honor her. ·w omen praise her. Everybody er r;ites, 12,000,000; taxes an rents o t e · loves her. No breath of sla.nder ever sul- maraets, _8.000,000. . · It is a great mercy that there is some· lies h er name. She may not be beautiful, . ~he dad.y co!'sumpt1on of water. at Paris thing like justice l.(Oing sometimes for those 1 but .she is c~arming. D~ess is not her ab- ~s ulO:OOO cu~1c n:etres or litres per who .try to make rich at bhe expense of sorbmg p~ss1on, yet she 1s always tastefully inhabitant: '.Ihe 01tY: c~nnts o7 mo.numen- other people. Harper, the wrecker of arrayed. She is unselfish. Self is not the tal fountams, 74 drmking fountams, 349 the Fidelity National Ila.nk of Cincfunati . central motive of her thoughts and action, pub~ic taps, 1,35() fire plugs. The sewer~ of got something the other day in accordance I Truly rofinc<l, she shrinks from conspiouity Paris measure "1. total lenf!th. of _soo kilo- with his deserts. He got ten years imprisand show. Among her friends she forgets metres, or ~()7 miles, Pans is lighted by onment in the State prison. ]f not good J · · · · · ·· · · · ·· · · · · · · · · herself and thinks of them. 55,000 gas iets. . for him it is at least good for the people . Fashion does not absorb her time and The surface of Paris devoted t o streets, and good for the law. Let every monecary Lil " money. She exists independent of outward squ11.res, bridge.a, qua):S. &c., is 15,000,000 l scoundrel, whether in or.the States, , adornment. She enters society for giving I squa.re metres, of wh~ch 6,C00,000 square get the same or e'."en somethmg more severe, J ·; · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ' · · · · · " ; t and 1·eceiving I)lea_sure, not for display. She metres a;_e pavecl ~1th st.~ne, 2,0, 0,000 ·and the ."".or!~ will be all the better for the ll has DO need ot elu.Drate personal oruamenta- macad1J.m1zed, 309,000 .met.res asphalted, ILW depattme. 1\Velltjr-fi.ye CentS extra Will be charged When aCCOUntS rUil tion to make lwt· ttttractive A pure true· 282,000 metres puved with wood. The rest I 0 h d ·1 J"f M D'. h M 11I00k C "k 1 1ieart · a self fo;·getfulaeus of e.pirit ·a' wfah is slabbed with > imple ·earth paths. a.hi eY 1,onr..on : e 1 rs.D au; ml a 1vw1 ~ s, remar rakt . , er t h ' ' A. · l f . stone b 1 01· :<l d was, sa.ys over one month. 1 and o.n 0 effort to contribute to the ha,1ipiuesa engt 011.<wa.r. A , a \ enues, an bl 1ncthod". J Tho ,; f h · ' te '" t' t f th . . streets mea.ei:trin" 150 miles fa bor<le~ed by a Y JCa ·. ';lo': mt·ny o er , - ,B-Ya.nd a d muns . r "o. ·11e wan s ~ - o e! , grace- . "'ff . 1 . d, worl10 iLppea.recl rn 1wnodte'tls, ·he would -.~ !,"~In,..... fuln.ess, spnghtlmee~ and , mtclhgcnce,-- 6fi,0{)~ trees of di. crnut nn ·:. never under a.uy circamsuanecs consent to ~ n i ~, these are her paospor ts to power and love Paris boasts 10,000 oabs, 600 ommbuses, b · · f ul" t' b f h k ' !.!;,. · . ..._,. b In the so"ict sho .cniors diamonds ar~ and 500 tram cars. 'J he omnibus company u. egim~mg 0 a J!U iea ton e ore r e wor. W 1 a·n fully p:reparcd to a.ttend Funeral1> Oil . .. ,y . . . ossesses 14 OOO horses 'l'he lerv·th of the was entuely out of her hand ; aud what is ,eatnotlce ·attheloweotpoesiblera*eil forgotten, and costly dress is unmentioned P . · ., · · . · .1 " very singular she is said tha.t during the the 8 hort ~. · ' d·yons h or.no · ti ce 1'11 p ·coon . A .· tloman- tramway ' "asketsandBuria!Casesrea. · ll er a"rcet .. . . '- · . ce. · nd h ergcn . hnes is over 150 m1 es. wholecourseofherfortyyeara'laborsnever 79 20 First-class h earse on very ru~derate ternm n:r and uuseltish devotion t,o the happiness . Paris has ,,~· 1 .streets, lO!l "avenues, _ to have begun writing anythin which she 01 Shrouds and Co ..fllna constantly on hand. B'nn ot other . s arc afterward rccn,llcd and dwelt boulevard . 8. w7 blind 1tlleys, lo4 places d1 ·d t t · l 1t .th. l g . 1d 1 ·t 1 · b 1. eraloardssuvplled ato~o"" Furniture Shop & : upon with unalloved de\ioht. squares, :150 gall2des, 27 bridges, 46 quays. r nl tlca~ 8 ) a ~~ig t 1£ut \ !1° ~ Mtlow Rooms·- .Bounsall sNew Block. 'The promen,1des <tlld ·gardens include the ~evec ia · ie .ts no 1~ ~ .c JU a. amg ·6 - - - - - · - - -- _ _ and Vi'ncennes mea"urhue mtendcd for publi, · ' " . She is mdustnou~. She· uses her· time .and . wood s o f B 0 uioane t · of un6mshed. I d d work h t _.. - - - - - - ·- --·-'----··--~ 'S powers for good ends. The worlds vamt1es ina ea.ch over · 2 OOO acres; three parks, oa. ion. r: ee , <Wery th. · "!'g s e ever wro e · - -- -----N~ I dot10.thauntorhol(.lher. s.hehas entered M~nceau,Buttes ·Chaumont,andMontsouris, ~1th the view to pubhca,10n has been pub· ~oth i hea_rt1ly upon the work. of hfe. She lov~s . a.nd six gardens, the whcle eetimated in the hshed. . i soc!ety, hut her home is to her and her1 s municipal domo.in 11ot 272,219,178 francs. Eliza P. Heaton says: The house of the the sweetest _spot .on earth, - a peaccfu,, The number of cerneter.ies in Paris is 21, future will have in most of its rooms hard · I happy home 1n w~·ch h_fll' hukband finds a 15 on the right b9'nlt a.ud six 011 the left wood floors, hard wood wails and hard wood For the preservation of health than having your feet kept . I contented and 1ovrn~ wife when ho. ret11rns hank of the Seine. Outside the walls are ceiling. The tendency in that direction is i from t.he work wh1ch Rnpports 1t. And. 8 cemeteries. . ·.!ready noticeable. An inspection of the dry and warm. ! when. sh . e !eP ..ls the need of some .comforti1:1g, The principal slaughter ho.uee, at J.iJ, Vi.I- {fo~r.hvuses built withi1:1 a ye"'r or two showe , : soothmg mf!ue~ce, she dra.ws its curtams lette, covers an area of lJ 2 acres. a liking for wood panelmg every where. As abou,t her and its loved ones closer t-0 her There ar.e '21 theatres, (j circuses, 4 p11on· best arra.nged, the darktst wood for the r.» ~ n111 . heitr~.. . oramas, and scores of cafes, concert& for ~oor, 9. hghte1 sbade for the WIJ,113 and the · ~ ~ - - - ---------- ---·- - ____ .It JS 81tch women whom we foll m love the amusement of the population. . hghest overhe1Jod. 011.k, ash, mahogany, . . . . . with nnd to whom our he9rts ever tum as a Paris is surrounded by a wall measurmg maple, sycamore, holly, rose-wood and ebony · bemg a ware of the fact bas laid in a first-class stock of r~foge h:om the world's slmllowne~1! and 33,950 metres, some 21 miles long, formin!l are the woods tha~ figure most prominently ' dm. . It is such women thatalltheg1rla of ( r!l.mpartawhich are surrounded by ditches underthenewregime,a.ndproperlytreated ' 1 ontlnues to do a Ooneral Banking Bnsin ees i IA.day may, and should become, and that all 15 metres wide and pierced by 70 gates. they ma.ke apartments that are not only sBo wma.nvil!e Brnnch. f true girls will become. To build this w~ll cost 500,000,000 francs, hea;itif:ilresthetically, bnthygieuically,good .DEPOSl'J'S which sum was voted by Parliament in 1840, to hve m .. · Rugs take ~he plac!l of carpe_ts, . · N N0 t' at the suggestion of Thiers. and bangmgs are used m sufficient quantity leoelved in Savmp;s Bank Depv.rt.mont1;1.nd,."h · · ew" . · 10 ns. , '.l:_he movemen.t of.the population of Paris to 17ive a warm, furnished look, but not to In large quantities and greater variety than ever before-AU well 11 iall and interest allowed at current rateB. "~ Sta.rti mgwh 1te t1108 d b reed d us t and uerms. bought on best cash terms, saving large dii::counts to benefit prompt . otlceoCwithdrawalnecesssrr . .A.lldeposi U , aren,ot nowscat- 1dunilgthecentury1sasfollows: 1 payable on demand, t,ered about ~hairs and sofas'. as on so mllny I 1798, 65, 000; 1808, 580,000; 1827, 890,400; A Buffo.lo milkman wears a nicklc fivepaying cu::itomers. .E:XCHANGJl~ buohes,or as,1f youwerehaugmg outthewash 1 1844, 912,000; 1846, 1,055,000 1851, 1,01:{,. cent piece as a. watch charm, a _nd gives this to drv. 1 ooo ·, 1861, 1,660,000; 1872, 1,850,000; reason :- " Over a year ago I took thia , Good assortment of all kinds of Seasonable Leather Goods. · 3oughtandsoldarn~DraftaiasnodnponEuropu l. Charming bed sets are made of Dresdm · 1881, 2,225,910; 1886J 2,344,550. nickel, which was then beautifully gold Jnited StatC:IS Canada,bou~ht also Gol(l,8ilver , linen worked in white raw silk in all over , . - - - - -----Grand display of ta ·es and Greenbacks and sold t:md 1 plated, as r, $5 aold piece, in payment of a J n ited S · · 7 ~ · i pa.tterns. An edge of linen lace finishes auch Powerful Snow Shovels. bill. Aa soon a;'I detected the fraud I took COLL !E()T.1!01\'S I a set, the pillow sham or bolster covering The Northern Pacific railway has this it back to the woman who passed it on me, 1 being of the same embroidered liaen. . 1 year pu1· into use four new rotary steam but she refused to make it good. So I fasPromptlY made a.t current rates upou 1.;il pa r ' -h t at Gr<·at~ fll'ittain, the United Stat.ea and JJ., Ma.ny of the antique and .a lso the torchon : snow shovels. The appai::a~us somei\. a·. re- toned it to my watch chain e.ndkept on supmlp'.l.:011, of Canada. . . [laces are composed of heavy linen threa,ds, ; sem.bles a ~ox car, contammg a statrnnary plying her with milk. But now every day Call and examine stock, We are going to sell on small profits fearing ·J:ele g·rapb. '1l'!l~a.U!!!:ff'C 1·~ ·tnd h i.ye gufficient body to be used for lame · engme, which v'.orks the shovel. Ou ~l~e I make her quart one.fourth water, and no honest competition. · ! brequins covers for dressing-cases etc 1 ' front of the car is the rotary shovel, wluch once a week I credit her with one-fourth Me.de tor large or small aume on all parts of ']'h ' t · d k ' · r:r th " ·p the srow and it oan be run as the amount of her milk bill. When the Canada. 'fhis is especially ad vantag-eous to . ey a.re no expenmve an 1oo as good as 9a. efo u ' ! . t Th pe-r.sons llvin~ In Manitoba or the North·wes~ new when laundered, I ta.st as 300 revolut1odns. per ml1lndu ef. e sum total stansling on her credit is $!1.95 she All goods warrented as reprernnted. We are fully prepared to cany · · as it m akes the fonds available at once at the · . snow passes be.ck an 1s e~pe e rom a shall have pure milk once more, and not 1 out A.LL we advertise. place ot payment. · · t 'Ioo many bows of ribbon on t.he furmture spout on top of t h e car, bemg thrown far until then. She knows the milk is watered, ., f ti 1 t th B ~ takes away > from t.he comfortable made-for to one side The apparatus is pushed by a. but whenever she shows au inclination to 11 a · e a,n1 1 ,, 01· urt 1er pa.r cu an ca ,1n 1 k 1 · h h Id l h · dr'f Bouse. · u se oo w nc a ro.om s ou a ways '.I've, locomotive, and cau ·go through a snow. I t complain, I handle the nickel and say th11.t T. RODIE, , . GEO. McGILI,, an~. de.feats. the ohiect of such decorat.1ous six or seven feet deep at tho rate of f1fteen my milk is as 'pure as gold.' That settles Accountant. Manager· ; winch is to l?tro~uce here aud th~re a bit of . or twenty miles· !IJl hour. it." KING ST,, BOW1\1ANYILLE. 44 ·It · color where it w1ll be most effective. I PERCH ERON H 0 R '3E S _ FRENCH COACH HORSES. ! SAVAGE 8, FARNUM, ! STOVE AND TIN DEPOT, NEWCASTLE,. C:E-IEAP FOR CASI-1. ' STOVES! Jewel Range, also Grand Duchess, Grand Universal and Diamond Range. Art Garlands, Universals and Art Sultanas. 'i l j t I W. T· BONATHAN, I THB DOCTORS ALL SAY: Keep your feet Dry and Warm. for Fine Boots, Shoes and Slippers. I I I ! 1 I ! l I l FINE $5 PROnPTLY ATTENDED ·ro. "BEl~L" ht aRGANS! j 1£ W. JENNINGS. McDOUGALL & METCALF, are ottering Coal as follows: BELL &C0. Guelph, Ont. 2gl Stove and Ch estnu t G rat 0 and L!Jgg $6 25 ' ' 6 QQ'. .D ·RTA · .. . K .· C . IN E N U v M o·R IL I Cana~a · I ! i · LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS; POST & CORD WOOD Always on hand a lowest prices. I· .. I _ , "' . I d f" ' .Du N BAK · wI P0 i·ng Bet' er ·. L~.A ' .~ & McDOUGALL & METCALF. R ·HE COu "K'S rJEc.""'T F . ·.RUE!l!.i~ ; 1 a THE ONTARIO BANK I llila a T JE""2IL d.C.I Y-T ~ T FELT BOOTS SHOES &OVERSHOES l I Trunks, Bags and Valises. ! I JOHN HELLYAR, Children Cry for Pitcher~~~·~as.~~ria~

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