TKH~ f"\lli.11.~ a, ~·u H J ~...TAT:'~'"~ J!IM 00 fl & ~"'-"" l'H~n!JUU1l ~ '1 ~ lt'.\;l i~f,,\~~ ,., .. ,...,"l!.Y w ..,...... IA> ~~~;n~~!~~~~~~;Jif~~~!.-'!1~~~:~~~~~~~-11!!-~-~:-1!-~.~--~-~-~-!!~~ --~~--~ ~-~~~~!'!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-llllil_ill _i!ll.~ll_llllll!lllli! 11ruTTIE'S l~ 1 -fil A .I.! ../i l mHER ~ rs PUBr.rnm.m 1 l '""r))TM,..'!ll 1fl> "..., w .a:. - B 7-- xo,.._,wro..ll 1' "'[ , IN" ' 0 .,,.,,.. -""'"' "" BY CErARLOTTE M. YONGE, .JV[· A ·.;f An!f:f.:Cf.3 t AT 'f.O:F. OJ1'1HC N CHAP fER XII. OUT OF WORK. r<-..:ognist:d t he new comer;i. La,dy C!>.r<l appt:ared the m xt da,y T E :& :!.\ff. S : and wa.3 followed by ebowers of o thers, and 1 the Largest an <l best Assor tment on hand ·~n .t611ei· .tm11·m , ur $1 if irnlli i ll 1Ht, m 1e evoryl·o<ly a~k.ed everybody 'Have you seen , All the New Styles. """¥ment str ictly in adv ance requi,"3d frnm lllrs. Egremont 7' "' ""' O It was wellfor .o. ' l' · ·.b "-~l'Wers ou tside or t he oonuty. . r d N 'P t ·) ice ' B h itppmees even a t -ao ~ntlnue t he p aT1cr mur. t b e. aocom;:i~niml by home t ha t she was a ~uccese. W hen Alwyn a ~ery iar ge variety, bu~ th p,mount due, or th p~per w1l nor, be .< toppe~ . E grtrnont ln·d been lashed by his u epnew's .l .... . South Sea Seal a~d Persian tbirn:illera are ros:::)l)ns1bhiuntl rullpaymontw indignant integrity into t ardy r ecognition Laml take the lead . .ade, of t he wife of his y onth, it h ad been as if , l\t A'll.'IE!i! O .i' AlH1'8J.?'[' i:fiU\JG: :iii; § he h ad been forced t o pick up a flower which all t he latest improvements-a very ·'Th tole Colu.mnonE< year" ·'"""' ·.· ··. $~ii 00 0 1::; ~ ~ he h itcl thrown a way · H e had cOklSiderable choice and varied stock to choose ;: ;; lfalfyear_.,:··""·· ·)6 00 ~~ doub ts wh ether it w ould anB wer . . First, One quarto· . ...·.· ·, 20 0 · , . d . d·~ h f from. · 1 -~ ·d:nH Colu ,,mn one year ...... ....... .. s,6 01 1 1-:::--· 1 l lC rcconno1 .tre , u~ten ~g, ii: . e ounc 01 l:IaH year ·.. . , . .. .. .. .. zo O homely or faded bemg , i;o penswn her off; " One quar ter . . . .· -·· ··· 12 c..O -but tliiB h A.d been prevetJted by her undeniHie father wi·hr·d him to take Holy tl.~ftC:r Co~:iILn one ye!1.r,. ,., ... .. . 12 2~ 5 a ble beau ty and grace, bringing up a rush Orders 'with a vi1;;w to the revei-sfon of ' " Halfqu!>.rter year······" --.. ' 8 00 ' er as;;ociat10ns · · ··1°r!-'s ee ·· > f One .,. .. _ 6 of sue h tena as h e waa ca pa. the R ec'ory · ' bu· " "' ·· " · ti·rr1'."·e " ·· . A magnificent selection good and cheap. C1i,ll early for first choic:. blu of. Yet even t hen, h er poRit iou depend - clerical dut y au d voca~.ion which was 'Fon l\n<io a nd under ,fir st in ser tion. $ 0 50 Each subseq~ien t lnsm:tiou ..·. .· ~ ?.~ ~ ed 011 the im pr ession she might make on just such as to make him s hrink from 'l!'rom slx t 0 ten Imes, firs t insertion l 7~ t b.ose a bout hi.rn on hH own p ower of self- t hem, Re was three-and-twenty, an 1!.Wk3 b , A stocK t· d ' · t ' b t· t h ' ward 11ge for 9,ll those ~xaminatious t hat Each imbsequent in ser tion . .. ... O ~ ·- 10 Over ten linea,flre.t iuse1:tion;per!ilrn 0 lG - - .· Mser wu, an on ner con l'i u mg 0 iS stand as lions in the face of youth intended on hand. Prices very reasonable. . subsequent insertion," 0 03 ~:: comfon or pleasure. l'he 11umLer of lines to be reo·lr.:onf.l(l ])y _ Of self-assertion A.lice lmd none, only a for almost any sort of s~rvice, i:i.ud seldom GENTS'. FURNISH.IN GS AND UNDERWEAR, A COMPLETE ·th~ apacooccllpied,.measur.od byaaoal.ecit gentle dignity in her simplicit.y, and she ?r never t o be gagged by l~terest. !or one Display. Slrnt~, Socks, Gloves, '.1.'ieF<, Braces, Studs, aol d Nonv~reil, was ao 11.baolutely d evoted to him that h e m deed, he went up 1!-ud f~Iiecl, and m s~ch ~~~.,,..._·~:7--- -~· _·:'.~.-.~"'.""'· found h is house. far more pleasant and a manner as to convmce bun that crammm g Buttons, M1ts, Rubber Co'.tts, Umbrellas, etc. agreeable for her presence and unfoiiing ! had more to do th>m general culture with DMS, JllcI,.t.IIGHLIN d; BlllTH. attention , though stiil his estimation of her ti;'uccess. ~Furs OFFICE :-Mourns' Br,ocK, BowMANVrLr.i;:. was influenced more than he owned Lo him- · He h o.d a certain oonaciouaness that most Dr,J.W ,Jlil.cJ,A.UGHJ.IN, j Dr, A. Ba:Il'EC, Gra>iu s elf by thi>t of the world in ge 11eral, and people thought another way open to him, ·iieentiato of the R~yal ate of the Toron to the Rectory in particular. most d ecidedly his ii:entle aunt, and perhaps Nead~' Block, Bowmanville, M.MAYER. ~~Ue~ e~b~~Y~}c1 ~~ \ University, Physician And the Rectory did ita part well. The! even his pu,rcnta: The matter came promin:ftoyal College of Sur- Surgeon , &c. CanOl· was not only charmed with ~he gentle! ently before him . one d~y , a~ luncheon, .geona, Edinburfi:b. lady but felt an atonement due to her · and when, some paroch1~,l oemg on hand · ·· ·- ·, 11 ·.--·-· . ', -- · his ~ife, without ever breathing into' a'.ly I u.nd Mr, E~remont out for th-0 day, Alice, n.n.· .JJ. <!. ! ll'l't:llJ!l',LL, . . · earA, save his, the mysterioeu adjective whose ~ree forenoons em~ble<,l her to. tak e a J ~,/fEMBER OF COLLE~E OF PHYSICIAl·il · governessv · praised h er right and left ~hare m church and parish affairs, was · !:U .. and Surgeons Onteno Coroner eto th 11 th t , h" 'f 1 Office and Hesld~nce, Eniilskillen.' · H. confidmg to all mqn1rers the romance of I ~~:· as wed as curv. e_ anu ~ Wi e. -- · . _· - ---·-· the burnt yitcht, tho lost bride, and the . ese goo peop1 ~e were m gre!l. commoD. BlJJ!UiE SlltIPt;ON, happ_Y me?ting under Lady Kir~:ildy's tion a.bout a :edd~n~ _about. to ~ke. ~lace , r&ie ,4J \ "} ARRIS'fE°{t SOLIOITOR &:,e MOP l'l:IS auspices, wi th the perfect respectab1hty of bet":em a you g fai m ~r nnd hta delica.oo fi;ist . I lf1 · lit{/ j'; BLOCK, up 'stairs; King Street'. Bowma.n- the intermediat.e career, while such was the cou~m, the only survivor of a consumptive ' fie, Solicitor!ortheOntarioBank universal esteem for, and trust in herslllf family. f'rlvate :nonevs loa ned at the lowest re.tee. and the Cauon, that she was fully believed; ' "~roputty, proputr.r,' CJ.Uotod the CaoI=> '-X-1'"1\. Jr A ----~---- and people only whispered that probably on. ' J ames J ohmou 18 what they call a ..!::> VV ..LV..L....c:::L...L. V -1:!.J .John Kdth G", Alwyn Eo-remont had been excused tor the warm man." A.Ul't RISTER, SOLICI'£0R, ~O~fRi desertion"more than he deserved, "It is a sin M1d a shame," said Mrs, p BLIC, &c. O.fHc:e- Bounaal a oe, The imbject of all this gossip troubled her , Edwards. "\Vllat can they expect? Kln.11r Stroot!..._!l_ci-:vme.nv.1!1~'.__Mo.~e!_!ll_ lend, self ,.bout it in1initoly lens than did t he- t George ,Johnson looks strong enough now, that evening in the lowest spirits. He had · .ROBERT A.RMOITR, good Canoness. In effect she ~didnot know l b':1t they ~11 me his brother und.o~btedly a sister mn.rried to a curate in the same O:RGif:!TRAR, WEST DURHAM ISSUER enough of the worl<i. to t;hink about iv at all. ! died of decline, though they called 1~ rnfla1°?,- country with Bridgefield, and she had sent ir " of Marriage Licenses, Barrister and A.tto<I'- Her cares were of a different ordei" chiefly I m~~1on; but ~he~e :was tuber~ular d1sea:ie. ,, him a !cJcal paper "underntoo<,i that a GOJ' 11.t fo>w a!lfl Solicitor In Chancery.Money ! caused by tenderness of conscience !ind 8 0 . 1 I i>m a.fraid.. ib 16 st . rang m the fanuly, ma,rriage wa s arranged h9tween Mark de ~~nod on ;Real l'Jatate. Office on R ing Btreet, licitude to kee.p the p ei.ce betweeil t he t wo said the Canoneaa, "they alt h twe those Lyonnl>.fo Egremont, Esquire, and Ursula, ~Wl.!lanv1lle. -- - - beiuO's whom she bc~t loved. clear comploxions; but T do believe Gcm·ge daughter of Alwyn Piercefield Egremont, . is ~c:,;~tily in l<;> ve with poor litt}e Emily-'.' WU,Ll.lM WIGHT. T1~0 thi ogH were in hc1· favor in this lat ter 1 E squire, of Bridgefi.eld l<J.iremont," and he 1 . respect < me that t hey s"w v-i;ry1itt leof each ..!irBt cousrns 0ught to he Ill the mule could not help coming to disphy it to Miss ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the I other, ~ince Mr. Egremont seldom emerged of degrees," said Mr. Edwards. Hea1lworth in ~Jl its impert inence and ,,_.J County ofll.f Dnrhfam. OdrddetrsTle!t atpthoe !from his o1 vu rooms till a fter luncheon . and "h is always "' question whether the prematudty. . t l··' I. f . h·b··· ' th t b I . .. "!n·J eec I h .d th" t b t .,,..\.l'l.'ESl\IAN 0 ceor orwar e 0 yrone . !'1111 receive prompt attention. . 28:6m the other8 tha.~ Uraul;~'a bra.~ns ran to little ' mu :1~ yu;igo p10. I l~~on~ 111 OU a sou.... e SIU no mg 0 me a OU es · but lawn·t enmr for t he eusumg weeks To l necessity lB expechent, the Canon. it," said Miss Head worth, "alld I think he . S- c. lllJNU.LNG, hold a oh1'!Yllll;l1'8 pface at the touma~ent~. Re spoke quite d ispassionately , but the would if it h ad lJeentrne." ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR neck and nc~k with her cousin Blanche, and excellent couple were not rema.rkable for "No doubt he intends it, and is trying the County_of Dnrhnm. Sales attended de ' eat Miss R uthven, and that veter an play- tact, .M:rs, Etlwa~ds pave her husban~ such t-0 r ecommend himself through you," said lo on ahol'test notice and lowest ratee . .A.ddreoa er Miss Ba.~set W l.\S her ioremost ambitioa a gfance of wurmng and COD.l\ternauon as Gerard, 1 ;:!m!RTIO II: _ p. 0 · . 1en· tly me . 1· "I snou ' 1_ __ . SG·t( · and the two coJsins would have practised I' v10. me d M -f~Y t o l aug 1 1, &nd Irn '·· u ot th· mk - h e nee d e d th a t , " Pia.nos T!Uned and Repaired.. morning, noon, imd night if their mothers , ohedi~ntlf and hesitatingly lwgi>u, ~·Oh returned Ann t Urse!, "though I should be --would h ave let t.hem, There need have yes, sir, I. beg your,pardon. Of .co~r8e th:ro very gh\U, 1 am r mre, He i8 11n excellent TIES WISHING 1:REIR p 1 ANOS been no fear of Ursula's rebellion about the may be lllB tances, _the~-cby br~ng_rng an m - yonng ma.n, und it is quite the obvious , tt d-" C11mbridge honours she uever seemed even tense glow of carnation m t o Ahcea chees:s, thing." 800 We W9 1:. Tnnodorrepa1reClcan1111.vethoma en"". ' · h"l th c d f · th , , · '· l d 't I d ti J · 4 b,y leaving word at the DOMINION ORG<ll': to thmk of them, and would had no w i .e ~. apon, rea Y or 9 occa~1on, .i: aop e on a ways o ie o )VlOUs l's O:t>ll'ICE, Bowmanville A tlrst-clas man time in tb.e more important competition of r~phed, And George Johllll~n con~1dera thing," put in Mary Nugent, l:leln~ in their em-olo; . rackets. Indeed it was almost trea.ted as a himself one of them. He will repair the "Certainly it didn't look like it," said · · - -- · - - - hardship that th~ pair were forbidden to old ,moat house, I suppose." said Mrs. lleadworth, '.'when he told ua ·:.oi Bo! Gentlemen @:t !Fa is It · rusb. t.ogethe1· before ·twel\l'e o'clock, and And his wife, t?ough she would rather about the great annual Runt Ball at Redi 0 n, i l o t SO fat>!, that Ursula's mother insisted on rational have beaten Mrs. JJ.dwards, demanded h?w castle that Nuttie and his sister Blanche are Bowman ville, August 17th, 1887. homo occupation until chat time, setting many blankets would be wanted that wm- to come out at ; he said he did not intend to ~==~~-='."::=-========:--:-::=~==----the example herself by letter-writing, needle- ter. . . . go home for it if he could help it." i ave written th"1te few lines, work, and s haring in the music which was The effect of this l~ttle episode was t~at "Struggling against fate," said Miss 0 "~n~~ g~I ~11 ~ afi~J n:1:~un horn ~. a pcm.nee to the girl, only enforoed by that ~ark annotm~ed to h1.s. father thu~ even!ng · Nu gent. I a m riot gone awaystrong sense of protecting affecr.ion which rong desmi to emigrate, n~ mtent10.n "The puppy !"burst out Gerard. So a ll Dl:l' kind old frjen<l e ma.r oom e, forbacle r ebellion, But Alice Gould hope j w~1ch the Ca.non comhated with all his H aving ascertained t he particul.,,rs of this A r. d a ll th~ Y!>Ullf< ones._ t oo, that their p erformances were pleaeaut to her might. Ile was apparently a h ale and Bnme H unt B:.11, Gerrard beccame possessed 1 husban d in the evening if. only to sleep by An[d getbtih;;irt~artments mcely made hearty man, but he had had one or two at- wi th a veh ement dPsire to visit his sister n fas o:n.a 1..1a new; ' · , t k f ·11 L t d hd bt · ' Wher e old and younv, deur fJ:ienclf.I, may m eet and so she persis ted in preparing for them. ac s 0 1 nese tiia, ma ? im ou and so earnoistly solicited a £1. w days' leave A welcome, greeting, by R . PEA.TE. Nuttie's rage for t ennis, and apparent whether he would be long-hvo~; and not of absenco that it was granted to him, ' -- - - - fo~getfulnes.s of he.r o}d life an~ aspirations, only could he not bear to have his el~est so.n .. Poor ho~, he may settle do.wn w~rnn he Having thoroughly refitted and added a lot of new lfachine1y to the E NTiH~" might be dl.!lappomLmg, but it conduced out. of reach, but he dr~aded leavmg his ha.s ascert<:.rned what an ass he is," said Mr. above Mills, I am prepared to furnish , l:f';o; i I ~ · to make her mother's task easier than family to such a head as his brother, Ma.rk 1 Dutton. if she had been her original, critical, and ~carcely tho~gl~t hhe rea.eons v11~id, _ 1 " Ah !" said. Mary, " I thought he waR J:LI protesting self. In tile new and brilliant 1 mg the rap1_d1ty of com~umcaii~n with l very bad when I saw he had not ch11nged ,..,,.. t-d surroundings she troubled herself much less 'j q ana.da, bu~ it was not posei?lc to wi.t~stan_d the green m:i.rkcrs for St, Luke's Day." 1-'-1 thon could hav<il been expected at the failure I tne entredatltehs of~ li.ther ld1th t mh_ l ns (To DE CON'£IN1JED. } 0 P> of her fat her, his house, nay, and of the eyes; an oug e c~u no :mg un~ H po.rish itself, in coming up to the St. Am- self to consent to pr~p:i.rmg to be bi~ father's - -- - - · · !21 brose standard. How much was owing to curate, ho pro1~1sed to do nothmg that What We Know About Meteo1s 0 mere noveliy and i~toxic~tion, how much to would rcmov~ lum to another quarter of the 1. The luminous meteor trac ·s in the a yet unanal:l".sed d1.aappomtment, h ow much world, and m two or three days more, upper part of the earth's atmosphere. l! ' ew to May's havmg thrown her upon the lllore st"'rted for Monks Horton to see what 1 ·f t h . It . t th 100 1 frivolous Blanche could not be uessed j advice his uncle and aunt there could i .any, app~ar a mg grea er ~n u A o N n. ~N L r~ Ill: Th IB t , ' t; f b g h · give him. indeed Lord Kirkaldy'e influ. miles from t.he earths aurf~ce,,except m rare n n i l\,/f ,;':,. ' , · V . ,,;i · e e ec VI aa unsa -B actory to .er mot er, · ' ' . .. cases when atones and iron· fall to the but a certain relief for Nuttie's aicl would I ence was reckoned on by lns family almost d , A.ll tl t t Qk d arri.duate orthe R;;:;a.l Goll.egec! Dantni ' · · · I ·d · th a·· l t" i· groun .. s are have been only 1m.sch1evous in the house- as a sure caI ID e 1P ome. ic me. . lb b0 ah' iese h me eor · trac th · cause f 0 S n:tt:enIH :1, Ontario~ hold difficulties that weighed on the ;:i,uxious The Kirka.ldys were very fond of Mark, \h :cs w ic come Ill e air rem OFFICE OPPOSI'l'E EXPRI~SS OFFCE. conscience Good servants would, not stay and had an odd feeli:ug of being accountabfo w1" oTuh. 1 ·t· f tl1 t . ti . Hall for unexplained ca.uses for the discovery whfob had changed hia ~· e vebolci ·~stho th te mfc ehors m. · ~e ~J.r GOJ:,D FILLING A SPECIALTY at Bridgefleld · ' · · · · ' ts '.[h Id b d thare compara e wi a o t a cart1 i 1n its whwn tlie1r mistre~s believed to be connec- prospec · ey won ave one any mg ·b-t b t th It , t t d .AR1·1F ICrAL TEETH INSERTED vY rTHou:r ted with Gregorio, or with the treas- for him that they could, but all f..iord Kirk- 01· i ~b ou ,et suf. f 'tshno ealsy .t~ etert· PL.A.TES. · k h ,k aldy's interest was at the foreign office or mme .e exac va ues o ese ve oc1 1es, ye . , _ , ' they may be roughly stated as from liO to (O·roat Reductions in price on all Dental ure o. a ~1>0. - ouse eeeer over w~om always on hand. Work, Vltali~e il Air, constantly in use· pro· she was forbidden to exe_rc1se any authonty, with his f_ellow-d1plomatea, and h,ere he s~on 250 ~iines the velocity of sound in the air or b 11 ' '1.udng Painless Operations. Parli<'ular a tten and who therefore entirely neglected all found an msuperable bar. Mark a education f ti.on paid to the r egulation cf Children'a 'l 'eet ! meals which the master did not share with had stood still from the time of Miss Head- 0 ; cltui:on a. · f th l. _t: istah ntetchcasaryt consequence bo t. telse $f1'L A L I 1 WORK WARRA.N'l'.ED. ~ th· la" ies .Forbunately. :hilr Egremont worth's flight till his father's second mar.~ '· '· · I . l· . · h 11 , · b · I d t ve oc1 10s a e me eors move a on ie O d mhg . e~n SOie 'tt. evo f. sun, and not about the earth as the controlr ers fi Heel and delivered to all parts of the towr1. .Bra nch office. ·l:>r. Rutherford'li Orono. camo Ill oi_ie day a.t thcll' luncheon and I nda,ge, lltS enelrgieB .th~t found nothmg there but semi-raw b eef, upon l e to s rugg es wi ~ grim, varrn ies o I r b d .- rices - ---·---··---·-------·--------·---·------- - which there wa.s an explotion. and beincr governeaapurveyed byh1a grauomother, and mf ~hy. f t t d t f reasonable. Telep!wne communication, 'i;J b th·. t· · . d h i ·' 'f b " 1 he had thus missed a'l chance of foundation · ere are our come a re1a e ·o our -~~ .' Y IS ime conv1u?e_ t at us w1 e oth f f . . ' d h · t periodic star showers that come on the date. 1m11uage3 , ; ia ~ would and could m1mster to his comfort 1o 01e1gn 1 ~\n w en once a A ·127 A t 10 N b 14 dN 43. her dominion ·vas establish eel in the femal~ achool he had shar ed in the average English pr~ \~ ug~h · t°vern_ / r ah h 0 department 1 though · as long as Gregorio ! boy's contempt and aversion for the French v?m er ~ · ef ~e eor~i s : lC ave 1 nontinued p arnmount with his master and.,l masters who outscreamed a whole class. gttyte1 te us any one 0 e~ed~ ·~dr 8 °wfers hc1_mh" · .. . ' a ·1 u · a group, cac1 i m · 1v1 ua1 o w ic ~he sta?lea re~11amed i~ their former state, In consequence, Lord Kirk_aldy , 1 u1 ac- moves in a path which is like tho,t of the it was unporm1ble to brwg ma,ttera up to tl:~e curate and .elegant a~holar m E1~ropean corresponding comet. The b odies are, how· decorous standard of the Rectory, and if . t ongues, btis1des speakmg them w1f;h tb.e , ever now too for from one another to in-1 ever his mi~tress _ g1we an order .he did not cosmopoi!tan ease of au ~3aclor's s~n, j aue~co appreciably each other's motions. ~pprovc, Gregorio over-ruled it aa her "'.as horrified, !lot only at Marks pronu?:~la- I 5. T trn ordinury shootin.17 stars in their 1gn?mn~e. In fact, he treated bo~h. _the 1hon, but a~ his atteml?ts 11t letter-wr~tl~g I i;,ppearance a,nd p iienomeu11. do . not differ Wlffl "':V't' TnH'tJl WITH TRRrE.· ladies a contemptuous sort of civility. and ti anslat1on, madew1thallthc good will rn e·sentblly from the individuals iu star r 'H' 'U 1Ull" A 6"f ~ T.I' u Mea.ntimeJMr. Egremontwa.sgenernllycaress- the .world, but fit for not hing but to fomish. I' showers. IJ. lJ'.J. 0 . .[l ».:JI.A \J J.!11. .D Jlii~ i~g a;id !l~miring in his. ways toward~! the_ good stories. which the kind u? cle .re· 6. The meteorites of different fol!s diJier lus wife, with onl_Y occl!.sion ~1 . bursts of !. frame~ ~ro'!ll tellmg. any one h,:ut _hrn wife. , from one another in their chemiual composiPBACTl(:.u, 9ENT18T, temper when 1.mythrng ann?yed him. He was ; U ulu~K·ly, too, a P1~dmon~ae,rn~1:y, some tion, in thdr mine ml forms, and in their OVBB '.rWKN'.J.'Y YJCARS lllXI'lllHU!\NO~, proud of her, gave her a liberal allowance, of the~u. not strong m their . E ughsn, _were 'I teuucity. Yet through a.11 these differences troa10xhleGnsA.dmtn.ts1.tired for P&haleu and only refused ~o ~e trouJ;iled; and ~he ?n s. :l'.!Slt at Monk2 Hort.on, and the dml~t they hav;i peculiar cc.mmon prop<irti, s which Oper11Uonll. waa really hap;pv m his affection, for .winch I m "'.h1ch th~ old nurqm~ and Mark tned diatinguish them entirely from a.II terrestrial ORIVE lllUCUjNG' S BL04.~W4.. r.he felt a graL1tude only too humble ID the ! at times to mterchangc ideas i\bout phea- rocks, 1 eyes of her daughter. . so.nts waa Eomethiog tearful. .And as in the 7. Tho moat d elicale rPseu,rchea have I T~ey h;i,d part!ea, Bla.nche's ~mbition of , course of 11 w~ek }fork showed no sigus of foiled t o dotect any trace of organic life iu ~ tennis courts all over the lawn wa; fulfilled,: improvement m vernacular French or Ital- meteorites, I an~ sundry dinne;s, which were cross~s. to iA:u, J...(!rd K.irkaldy's coi;iscience wo,uld l~t '.l'heae propo~itiona hiwo pro.c nniAlice, who h ad neither faculty nor tramrng 1 Ji1m give no r;th~r advice t;han tu!\~ _his versal acceptiince among 8cientitfo men. for a le!l.der and hostess, suffered much f. neyhew should stick to English la w living .__ , from the menu, more from the pairing of ' still on the allowance his father gave him, Got Used to Him l her guests, more again in catcbinµ- her chief I and hoping for one of the chance appoint_ . ' ! lady's oye after, and most of her husba.nd's I menta open to ~,n English banistei· of good J Happy .Man (to widow of three hu. <bands) ! scowls and aubsequeub growfo and their ! family and foir ability, . I -'Whom s~all l ~sk to perform the cere;_ I consfqueucc, for Ursula broke out, ' It ia l Of course 11-fark had v<>ne at once to carry mcny, darlmg? That m11t ter, of coune, i j not fair to blame my.mother, How should tidin"S of .. Aun t ii lice'.' as he ecrupulously j sha.11.leavcto J'.ou., . . I ·· ':..she have all the savoi,.--f(iire, ·or what you ( called her, t o old Mi.·s H ca.d wort h, whom Widow (hes1ta~111 gly-\Vell, dear, I ha.VP. may call it, of A,unt Jaue, \vhen she has '· his aunt had. coutinu 9 d . to vi~it at iotervala. D?t any very preferen,ce, although hatl n o practice 7 That gooiJ. lady had (liven up her boarders, J: ve al ways b ad t,1e R e\' . Mr. Goodman. . · j "Perhaps, Mrs. Egremont, ' he retorted [ h a ving rea!ifmd enotigh to prcv ide foi- her AG , ('h --;--R· · ' After spenc] m1i@h time 11nd ·money, I am with ex treme suavity , "you will also attend ' own old age, ard she h ud joined force~ lhit h ·oOC· ' ance ior emmrncenoes. n ow prepared to fill all ordel'R . promptly. I to your daughter's manners." Otherwise . the Nugeuts, .i\fary bdng very thankful to Srrii th-Sa,y, Brown, Iwouder where t he . bave n fine nssortm~n t of 'W.A vgs, HA.NOS, I ' SWlTCHE.S, 'QOMBS [l,nd PINS very cheap. he ·took little not ice of Ursula, \'Aewing her : have 1'.er comp11.nio11ahip for Mr a. Nngel)t, . " vld~st inhabitan~" is this y ear? perhaps, as did the nei~hbourhood, ~,s a p)or ~ who was growing tCJo b!ind and feeble t.o be Hrnwu-Wliy? B A NGS FROJY.[ $2 UP. Smith-W ell, d on't you think it abou t ' Old Switch.eir co'cired and .Jn& d.e t o look like imitation of May, without her 1\tyle, or it· sutisfactorily left a,!one al.I day. JEFFERY always at the Door. new. Rigiies~ p i-iCe paid for lo11g cut hair . niay be wit h a sense that her tongue might j Mark delight~d th., old ladies by his vleit s time for him to sliow up and tell us some- · . .. , become inconvenient if not r epr·issed, i and aOCl)Unts of their darling 's ~uccesH and thiog aboui the weather they had in D e· / HA.II~ 'J.'ONl.V When he b egan to collect sporting guests of p opulo.ri.ty, which hu could en bri j btly ccmber w hen h e was a. young m a.11 · .from ftilling his own calibre in the shcoting season, Lhe that they could not help exultfog even Brown- If h e't showed up y et h e Wal'ra nted Po .p~·ey~nt the hair · ou~ 11.~d wili ruake it grow. Canoness quietly advised h er sister-in-law I t hough there might be sac1·et misgivings as j must be <lead. .WI have li.Ulo p..f!ne lot of new Stamping t · ti tl ' .d I th d f th l d H Pat terns. A.11'onfors promptly.attended to. o regaru 1 em as gen emen s par.ies, an to e en 1ir11nce o ese pa my ays, . e A .·· ~ :y-.:,;, i\'"-:ii- ·· . ·send Urs!Jla d_ own to spe_nd the e~en~ng with was a great hero in their ey~s, a;ud the.y j The growing J...o~isian_a sue-ar crop promis· , rsa ~:., .'.1.J ~·'-v.J$, .. ·' her couams; and to this no objection was , had too good taste to oppress him with their l es to be the best yield smce the war. B 0 W M A N VI L L E, 47 ,p,a..~·N:eMSfBtock,<Jl'-Owmoo.v iHe,' · made. -Mr, Egremont wanted his beautiful I . . ;::,;;t1 u l -~.F - "" :;:.::'·~,.; ,,- .,,.,.. · Castoria~ .ll"ost Ollit·e Ulocl<, Ktug ~Urect, B owtnau· ville, O n.tiat"io. I Soci<·1 y IGrosmede'~ I'm seeking the l m it that's nao growing.'-BaZltStd. I wife at the heu.d of lils table, e.ud bis guests never comported thc1 nselvee unsuitably be fore her · but uobo1 1'f wautod the unformed girl an<l'she and Blt..1chewerealways happy tog~ther. Th ~ chief reBtrain l, was when Mark was at h ome and &ha.twas not always, H em11desundry visits and expeditions, and wa.saltogeth er in anuncomfortable ion of re;tction and p er plexity as to bis fu ture. Ile WMJ a good aud com cieu ti.ous fellow, and had nev\'r been a ctu ally idle, bu b had t aken education and life with t he·otwiuess of t he prc>E p ective heir t u a l:trge proper ty ; ar.d though he ""qu1°·tted · 111 ' n 1 sel!. cr.,cl1·t" l· l ly, i '··· ' th no ~" ~ · w·· '"" w1 view of ma.king his }lOWtlrs marlrntabie, h d h rr· , 1 Thoug h e h ad enter e a t t e J.ernp.e, it wss chiefly in ord er to occupy hi.m8elf reapectably, und to h ave; a nominal J·rofee.sion, so as not to b e who lly depen dent on his uncle; and al th at he h a ll JJ,cq uir~d· was t he conviction that it woald be h>L lf a lifetime, if uot r. whole one, beforo the law would. afford him a m.i.intenauce. 0 og =I I I ! I . ·' . . I j ' I I ° - B admiration, so that he really was more atl ease in their little drawing-room than anywhel·e at Monks Horton, whither the·Itr.1ians could penetrate. The m arcbesino spoke · English v ery wel~, bu~ that was all the · worse for Ma rk , smce it gave such a eensc . of inferiority, He was an intelligent mD,n ·too, bent on being acquainted wi th Engiish ' industries of all kinds ·, and thus it was thn.t ' a, pe.r t y w as or ganised to see t h e umbrella , fact ory. It was cnndut ted by Mr . Dattou, whom Lord Kirko.!dy, between char(ties ~ nd public business, had become ae, quainted. To \ 1 k' h [f , k .a,r ]' ssecretP. · am e,t 11smanuacturer spo e 1reuc1 p ertect1y , auu even got into auch a lively convcrsll.tion w ith t he old :nar q uis ab ou t c ~vour, tha t; J~ord Kirkal dy . begp:ed him t o come to dinucr a.rn1 contitme it. T hey wer e nll surprised , riot tmly the details of t he manufacture and the multitud, of artizaus, male and female, whom it em·ployed, but by the number of warehoiw~, · clerks whom they found at worMC , and who, it, were in correspondence with v.genci es tmd l epots i.u L ond.oi1 and all t h o · pr.iucip a.l towne in t he kingdom. G erard Godfr ey W!l>S there, -casting looks a sk1mce at the young E grem011t, whom he regarded ·as a kmtl of robber. · T he marchesino nsked from what class h k d M t ese young men were ta en, an r. Dl1hton made reply that most of them w~:i-e sons of p me11. If they could obt "in a small ca.pita! and t; shares in the businet>s t hey were cucouraged to do so, and rose to the headship of the ageuci.ia, obtaining a fair income. " And ym1 don't exact 11,n examination," said Mark. "Except in handwri!ing and btlok-keeping," sidd Mr. Dutton, " Poor Mark, you look for your bugbear everywher e !" sighed his aunt. They went over tbe Jnstitute, coffee-, rooms, eating·rooms, and lodging-houses, l)y wh,'ch tb e umbrelle . firm strove,, keep '· · "" their hands re>'pectable and contented, and were highly pla.;ied with u,ll, most especially with Mr. Dutton, who, though his name ct id not come promin<mtly forward, had been the prime mover and contriver of a.JI these things, and might hi~ve b een a wealthier man if he had not underiA.lten expenses which he could · not charge upon the com· pany. Gerard Godfrey came into Mrs. Nugent's 1"HIRTY · YEARS - ·sru ~ · . G .Nll~ y The practical Furrier calls attention to the following Branches of his new Pall Stock. F all Hats Gents' Ftt-r Capn r::>, J_,adies' Caps, Lad.ies' & G. ents' Fur Coats Cutter & Carriaaae jf tobes iar~e altered and repaired. Highest Price paid for Raw Furs. B Q U N SAL L's .Mi a b l Q fl..-,-,"TILL-rtt_ °"' Works, We have a large and well selected stock of I I SC_ OTClt &lNCLtt.U caANtTI MONUMENTS I l ·1 . '· L I , I ' , o·f lat t d es1gns, . an d to parties intending to erect Monuments this fall, who will call at the h l s op, we wi I sell at such low prices as w·ere never heard of befiore i"n Canad.a. ~R ·w I I Call and get prices before purchasing elsewhere a nd if do not mean What say. E R. BQ UNSAL L, Manager. at D TRY I I CALEDONIAN Ml LLS. Oatmeal, Rolled Oats. ! Roller and Stone Flour· ' z °' , Pearl and Pot Barley, Split Peas, &e. Farmers' Gristing a specialty. j Bran, Shorts, BarleyFeed, Corn, &c., Highest price paid for Grain of all kinds. "'"" ., D E N T I S T .!"'1 I ! :P . 7 h' JOI-IN MacKAY. l JOSEPH JEFFERY, B I 0 I I I I I l FINE ·ffiii Gooos. LA_DIES, TRADE. ! l l Patronize Hom e ! I I I 't~;~.. M · l rra1·1or & GenAG's Furu1· sher IMerchant · j Children Cry for Pitcher's