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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Feb 1888, p. 1

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TERM.$ :-11.50 PH Alml'M. o~ TOWN ~ 0_5>UNTY FIRST: THl!l WORLD PTER!f4RDS. M. A. JAMES EDITOR ~Pw _ P _ BIE _T _ on, =====:;-_==:;;:=:::=::::=::::=============:=:;:::=========~.c=:==:::::::=====;.;;:::~:.========:::==-====:::c:::i:o:::::=::::=:::==:====~====::=:====================:::::::::;;=::::=:======::::====:~~~~~=-;:;~== BowMANvrLLE. <?rr~ARio. wEnNE~DA.Y. F11.BRUARY t . 1888. voLUME xxx1v. NUMBER-~. Nxw Sxruxs. NmmEB ·i.t1G . -r . DURING THE STOCK IAKING SALE ! ROCK B WHICH IS NOW GOING ON AT COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN'S · . Brea t 8argains Ay en all Departments M N AR0' · . . · · 11 be cnv , Wl 0 .A. · ·n 1 · · Specially in Fur Caps, Overcoats, Ulsters and Mantle Cloths, Dress Goods, Tie Downs, Blankets, Flan-· nels and all kinds of Winter Goods, as they require the room for their Spring Importations, these goods must and will be sold. They have also opened · out Bales of Grey Cottons and Caees of Shirtings and white Cottons wh~ch having been bought for Prompt Cash will be sold at the very Lowest prices. --o-·---· COuch, Johnston &Crydotman One Door West of Post Office, Bowmanville. LA.ING'S I have decided to offer the wb.ole of my DRY . date onFor30 Days from this wards. LOOK OUT FOR THE BEST the N ewest and best in the place, and yo\]. can depend on getting F ~jg Bargains. ing, that we repair 1' ..atcbes,CfockH aaicl to be aa fi ··e a qu~h y :i-· th, re is in and goud neighbors, and their fnmi lie" and J'ewellry in the most skilful th Uniteil States; ti.ts 11·111 c ..use th" will hi.ve com p~ni..pshiµ . . If they c 11m.,, ~~~~~~~~~r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .~~"" -~ erection of 11mel<inl! works, and l(ive um· 1hey mubt ··orue with moderate expect" manner. We are hoked upon a" ployrnt'nt to hundred11 of uie'!· There tious, for what I have writ en of th·s the on]y reliable Watchmaker in 11rt1 also .two laree v11ms1of c·a.1 closw!y re L ··wer C"lifornia is r.ot intend..d to sho.v · s"'mbling P ...nnsylvania anthradte, and that it wlll eu1t all, but they m· ·Bt see f ·r this part of the country. Mere whl'n th,. coal ve1 na a ·e ·'p~n.,d, S·n Ao- themse?ve11 aud t ··kt1 ple.n._ty of time 10 d . talk i nrr can't do the work but tools, t ni_ a_ "ill b..come t he Pittsburg of the i·' au.d I c~n lll!S~re n~y re~den . that ~t 0 · · , ' · Pactlic cooat. . . . tney wtend eettlmg m this coun try 1t ability and experience, combined ~h·re are also good ind1cationt1 that will rtipay them the trouble o.f a careful can, of which we hav e plenty. \pt't·ole~ will be ~1scovered ae soon llB inspection. . . . URONO. search ls me le f.,r lt. M1my of the 11ubJecte which I have m Fifteen to tw·n ·y thouSBnd penple will oidentally t ouched upon have been the Mr, Th'>s. McComb lost a valuable e coming yi;ar, results of my personal observations . and horse on Tuesday laet · ' go into Lower Calif rnia tl> 44. The Jeweller. and they ·n<t their animal~ 111uac be fed, exp ritm<'e for ye"·s i 11 this part of t he R~vival services are being eondt1cted - -·- - ·- -- - ---·--- - - --·--- - and those who raise wheat, barley and country, Knd it would have be11n impflssi· in tho Me~hodi·t church. potatoes f Jr 1hem will make pl.,nt)' of hie iu the limits of 1hfa paper, to rt fer in moo ...y. detail to more than a few of the principal Dr. Swanson of D11.lmta, is visiting his I would like to i~pr~ss on t h e. mind.a examples th"t I hav e enumernted. I t friends in and around Orono. Mr. Charlfa A·vd<1, is viaiti n~ h is g ran d· of my r··adt!ra that 111 1h1~ descr·pr.wn 1t , shows to tho reader wh"t thl.!re is in store wnulu be i1111«>ssible. to det.·il all of the ! fur those wishing to better t h11ir c1rcum father, Mr, R . Hl)dg11on, Orouo. l as phyMr. Eel ward Johnston, of 'f oronlo, ja manv reasons for pl·cing this cuu ..t ry iu ebtnces in life, financial ly as we1 the fi ·s· rank, if not in tht! tirs~ pl~cti as sic.a lly, It also shows to h·1W great au visiting at Mr. Robert M ortons. sr., Sixth com1·ared with other couu 1 r1es tn t he extent civiliza.tion is d · ily add!ng: t o t he line. - - ):o : ( - - Mr. Ira B lknapp, who has been work. world. It J·Oa·ePses many advant"i:os I pr..aptlrttv of this cnuntry, when bi1t a which are distinctly its own, and which few years arw this J,ower Califurnia waa in!.! on the st '1.Jf of the Syracuse E xpress, h~s returnt!d home. wil! mak" ir, the mosr. iroporurnt busiuP.as but c·Jmpar athe ly lit · lt1 known. a.nd reaide11ce count.y in this Western Mr. Wm. Batton luis returned home CA'I' A RR H C111 ·tinent. A LIVE A0111cur.T'ORAL PAPER. - " 1'he af·er a week's wisit to h is sou's, J\Ir. Sa.mlt ia n ow only about fifteen mouths Farutt:r 'a Advncate" of I.ond · n Ont. ia uel Batt.en. of Bo··nholmo. ai~ce citi_e~ made their appeAr~nce' on hefore us. It is, 'we conaidi:r, '.-qual' to Mr, Charles Broad and Miss Lizzie this Pent· su la of L"we r C~hlorma. r~ e eny ag ricultural paper p11blish11d in Rrotd, of H11.ydon, and Misa Brown of 1~rgest t0wns at that time. did not contam I America. It is a fearleas and ou s , oken Enn i~killeu, are viaiting a t Mr. Willi&m more tha.n a fe09 buudr.. d mhab1t.i.nts,and journal upon 1111 subjects 11ffecti11g the Oh.. ppl es. ·hnse towns .were few Rnd far betweeu. h.t1-r..ets of tht1 farmer, and is foll of Mr. A·frcd R ·ilfe has bough t of Mr. R. But look nt it to-day I Eos,..nada wit~ 200 1 valuable information upon agricultural Brown, one of hll! thorotlllllbred D.1rham souls a rear .. go, and to·d"y! ~avu~g a · subjects ; ea"h i1'S"0 cont .. ins practical Bull·, rt!giste· od, in the Dominion Short . population of 2,000 and a flounsh111g city. ! and u·eful illustrations. It 1s a j ournal Horo herd book, He is one of the best Llvr.r Vompla1nt, Here we have Sa.fl Culos City and P nta which all Can11dian farmers shvuld be Brud Du rham Bulls ever bred io this J'lllpep~la. .Banda and San Quin·in ad· proud of. c.1unty. . BDI I flR!!PC!!:O · · · · . d L : h which are . t !lick Ut-.adache, · Jo10111g cities, an W1Ull . are going o M G ' Led t b . · 0 e 1ivrng Kidney Tl'tlobles, be the wonder and surprise of the world. The picture "Suff11r little Children to ary ~ 1<,,,on suppOB "'BIUnbcumD~ci..u~:. Bot ri 0 M here.I must say somet.hin" Come untu Me." offered by the Montreal aomew.h ..re in Toronto, air:ed betwei n ;3() .. ... ~~ " '"<; and 40 ; used to live near Orono, with a more of the city of San Quintin, which is Witueas to their daily and weokly eub- Mrs. John C1.meron, Her sister of and ali 34 ~lr!~rJ:!~~ ~~.?,e destined to be one of the ~rea.test cities I scribers, is a work reprodnced in oil T,;raul.ey Street, Toronto, is very anxious ~nrcall.8enrllll~; ·on the Pacific slope. It will be the cencolors with great richness and beiiuty, to hear from her. "" Female Weak· I tar from which will radiate the arteries of · n.nd is a wonder to all who receive it how 1eallt's and General the commerce of .Lower California. Its 1 the publi~hers can otftir so much at 80 1\-Jr. Aiidy Wr~ht, of Whitby, a. form~e:tr~ 1 bl importance as a commercial point is based 1 small a coat. The leading judges of art er rel\ident ,.,f this To.vn~ip, has been in the Dominion all testify . b its b..auty spending a fow days ot the pa"t week with n ., eite n e. upon the following facta, DJ3hly concc11trate11. 111~nsant, ellcctnai. The site is unexcelled, sloping from the 1 a.a a work of art, their testimonies .having· friends, on. the Sixth line and in Orono. ~arcFO~ tneea lands on the background down ~o : betin published in the Witness. Andy iii wela k now11 tu a jolly good fellow · ASii: ' .a;~ the watern of the bay. Tho harbor isl and all of bis old · acquaintancee are alDR. HODD ER'S COMPOUND. commodiouB and ample en..ugh t o acc<?m· If.yo1.1 want t o buy o,. sell a fa'.m, nd· W1ty s pl..aa.m to meet hi111. ·ruke no nthrr. Solcl everywhere. P l'lee, ~noda.te liundr.-da of veBSels, and 1e. a vertIBe m the Toronto Weekly Mail.. That We offer our -congratnl..tions to Mr. 15 cents 11cr l1ut1lcs. land-locked basin. Sblps can come m ' psper reaches 100,000 farmers homes David Mormon, of. Bowm1mville, who without whis:ling buoys or fog horns. ' ev.. ry week , and your advertisement was uuited in the bonds of wedlock to · The t-Owa site is surrounded by a large should m eet the eye of some one who Miss Alice Margaret &uns -11, on Wed area of the mt·st. fertile , au~ pro~uctive w~n :a to purch~eo, Adye.rt isuments of nesday the 18th inat., and join with their lands of th e pon1na11la, llnd 1s d.i3tinod t o this clws arti mserted tn the Toronto m aay friead.s in wishing tho happy co;11)le become one of tho richest »Del moat thick· 1 Weekly Mail for five . cents a word each long life and happiness.. ~ohl everywhere, Price, 25cents and 50cents I ti d t · th p a ci ' fic cons t · wseruon, · ·w:en ty fi ve cent s a word f "r - botU~. Proprietors an cl manuf !leturera y ser e coun r1es on e or . ThB u -.·. 'Jlness of ;u.fo per b ,, lono " and eeve~ · 1 The lJNIOY !UEDICINE co, · Toronto, can. <Wat ei' for irril?'..tion is very a undant, five inoerdons. Addrtlss, The Mail, James H enry, lot 16, 6t l:l con. lJlarke - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - the land is richly allu vial, sandy Jo ... m Toronto, C-1nada. ended in death on J a11, 25th . . S he has . r, b . easily worked, it is all level and free . be~n a resident of ibis' Township for half ARM F OR S A.LE.- .>O acres, emg from stone. The ordinary yield of alfal fa · A BOON AND LI. BLEs.srno . - A. boon unu a centuMY · a nd has noblv·done her shar e d h f a blessing t ma.ukiud is Ha11vard's Yellow -., · · . ' sonth nart ot Lot 21, Con. 8, Darlington. . ~ milo west of Enniskillon. FrAme house. O is fn nr crvpa p or year an eac crop ur . ·v . ,, · . in clearing u p '\nd beautifying the old roomn ciste.rn, new h!l.rn, good Or:fhard. good nishea fr om or. a to one and a half t ons of Otl, the groat p ·m d estroye_ r an d healmg homesi ead. Sha leav~s· a 1..r~e and wellc reek runmn~ t hrough farm. 'I er~a caa:v. h·y p er llcre T wo cro· . of potntoes r emt,dy for ·external aod int ernal use. t d ·f . t . h l H f 1y o monrn, e r oss. A iiply to Wm Gilbert S n Lot 2~ Con. 7, I ~ · t~ ' · y h d . 1 · o- o am1 or u .1 01 Enni!lJdll en P .O. ' ~ ·· ' 40·3i:u < ':'orD and melons, etc. , are common. Th o le11ow . cureaba11 ac es an . paius, neral t ook place on Fridav.- N ewa. - - ---·---·--·------ ··-·--...... ----·-·-·- view fr om t h e city ia unsurpassed and t laumattsm, lame ack, eore t 1 iroat, croup · .. .ts SWEl~T A § llOSBl fi' l · Dr. 1.ow·s P i cas· : there ii!! no other place in the wor ld deafness, cramps, contracted cords and PROF, t.c·w·;o !ltJLPitlm: S&A.P h " d e· n'll w or m Syr np. y ea s u re' to d Jstroy n n tl . where ·he views are more ext Pnded a nd lamene3a, P rocure it of your drnggist. I lttg ihl.ft n I ·o~~let lnl'~~··Y.as well.ai; a gooil cw· cs pcl '\V3t'Ios. ' " , n vo or Jin n t ..~va~ c.. bea.ui ful and diversified; es the c'ty C(]Ill· mnnds a view of the whole bay, the mesa and hill ltrnds, the mountains surrnundNo.6. i··g it, and with the grand old Pa.cilia BY D r .· SoRMIDT, . SAN Drnco, Ca.I. O··ean in view, n o more beautiful sight Another great source of wealth in this exists, 11 0 pen description could give an 22. ll'ru.NX M. FrnLD. Lower California is stock raising. Th!s idea of this lovely site for,. city, and its - - - - - - - - - --.. -- ----- --·- - ---- - region was in the olden times th.e p·nadrsP surrounding hills and mountains, ba.y of 1he stock raiser. lt WHB d1nded ?ff and ocean. lt is at all times a most in· into large ranches containiag thou~ands of teres1ing place t::i visit. It is to the eye acres e~ch, whose broad fi.,Jde had no pro- so be,1utiful so attractive that life here ·ooting fence, and over whose luxurious/must be ex:p...rienced by a'ctual residence ·EXACTING fields of grass, cattle . and horses by tile t o be appr..ciatPd. The city's broad and Unequalled~~.-.; SERVICE tbou..ands wo>re accustomed to ~oa.m. con· lengthy thoroughfares · form the fi nest ~l')IC t,rolled only by the vaquero, with only a drh·es to bu found on this side of tho confew inhabita11ts scattered here and there. tinent. So enticing are its grand mesa Here shipe from the E .st c .. me. t.o load and bill lands and so great are the stately with hides and tallow, for which thou- moun1a.irts surr.iunding H, that no tra.cnre ,~. sands of cattle and sheep wereo sl~uii;hter·' d ing of the artist, or story t old on papt!r, &. eog]lfa«d 1annually, ancl their carcaset's left to rot, would be vivid enough to depict the mar· l) OO..St Su... na TH I·, ' d . d l d . t k d . . vev: 1n DEST.Sold or, when rte , p1 e up m B ac s au veli-us scenes which a ·e to be w1tne"aeil. ~.;~~J,~; cfaJ~~g~;:; us~~fo~fuel. 'l'he inc··me from stock Asforgamoitisthesportsman'.aparadi~e, ~~·~~Y?~nAJnt·en~1.i:l'i~:: \r1t1stng ts enormous and to-day countless if uver thute was one. (..~uail, rabbit, ~~~~llf~!.7 t:iJ.'*~"/i~ " floclcs of sheep, go~ts and great herds of wild geese and ducks by the millions. cattle, horses 1md mules, roam ove_r the But it is not only lh!l b· auty of 8 c,,nery hills and valleys where iq good grazir·g all nor the gold from her mines which will they· ar rouud. '£he climate being f.,. m>1ke her futnre fame. It will be the vouble and ntiver any maJign1tnt d1sea·e~, grain from. her whe.at ~elds? the fruits the heal· h ot the st· ·Ck ts always good, fr.,m her citrus grove~, t nt. wine fr0m her TDE JEWELl..ER a11d with .excellent wa.ter, good Pll:'l'.urea, vm·y~rd~, th'3 wool from her flock~, tho ' such a thmg as a&ock m pm·r cond1t10n 111 cattle from her hills, the 1> erfume-Jaden t fi unknown. bre· zen which fill her sanitariums with · t d } H b · as een appom e so e agen or With millions of acres of grAzing ldnds, he»lth-·eeker~. the celebrated ROCK FORD WATCHES, the progress of civ1liz .tion .... d the rush Thea11 wi;J be San Quintin'.s glory and they are the best American Watch of immigrntion hns bet"n such th ·t so me maktl her enduri11g fame, Rod where ..f th.,so !!rand o d ranch,,s have been (Jut Ji.,htmng does not fl~sh nor thunder r oar manufactured and am guaranteed up, subdivided, and where man one~· a~d where O)Cloneg are unkno .. n. And from the factory as being fir~ t-class, lived in alrno~t kingly ~randeur, .t ·nvn11 whoo this peni11s11la. of Lnwor Californ·a "rtl now to be ao~n, Miles after. a;i1les of is p10v1ded with railroa·ls her wealth 11nd Call and ex amine them. 10, 20, aad 50 acre farms are v1~1ble, eo products will ent itle Han Quintin t o t llke We have also the finest stock of that vt>ry few of the gren.t ranches are rank aa ihe l!]mpire City ot this we>t<l'r u left, althott(.(h there are still millions of coast all kinds of Watches, Gold and acrea let t fur stock raisins:?. Thousands Tu my readns [ wish to say that I Silver, in the town of Bowma.nville. of head of cattle are still sold annually m sptiak a·1d writ.a . from actu~l experiencl' our lucal and Sau Francisco markets, and a11d a residence of m~ny veara in this IJSrt In J ewe1lry, we have an endJess many thouea.nda tons of beel could be eold of the couutry, and I canaay to t hose Cull· variety~Clocks of all kinds verJ to European e-0untries from here. There ·empla·n·g a chauge, to visit thia part of ere ·hippe<l to· Eug],.ud 11lone every yenr tl10 world before dec1di11g upon a perma· chPap. from 1he Unittid 8tat·S 600,000 tons of nc1nt residence, and rare ia the man who In Silverware we have the e-- · dressed beef, and here in 1h1t1 Lower Cal- will return to his E11ekrn home ~f1er livclnsive right to sell for the laraest iforuia we h<lvtt belt·:r be1<.f ·han is raised inir h·re a year or two, ands ill r rer is . ·r. nnywhore in the wor.1d. Eveu the blood 1he man who !l·aye more than ono wint r, firm in the U.S. The qua.hty and 'hat wonld come f1om th111 nou·e and if he dt1ea rtoturn. th b t d l t · i:athered from tbe ·l,.nghtur h ua.,s, and Now a1 1hla is the favored land · of the pr~ccs a.re · e es fl.~t owes m . ~hi h u·ed to b~ Wd~ted c>1>n be utiliztid w11rld for ~rusperity! it is us.Jes$ for .one this part of i.be c ountry, We ask for maaufact urwg mto blood albumen to ..·aste bis mon..y in usel»ss trav..llmg. you to call and examine our uoods which ~i,l}s at 12 'cents per pound, and and lifo ar~d ener~y m ".f:ior and wi d conn. . · , n the drn111!n~ auc! c ?t can le s"I~ for m~n- try, doommg 1heir families to unn~of'ssbefore buymg. ltre. Th111 is.a pllymg tnterpnse wh!ah bard~hiµa .. nd solitude bv aettlir.g m the Specs and Eye Glasses Cases &c., i· carr~tid on iu Europe, and . for which !Ilouut..ina ; nor ia it wi~e to huy a $5,000 ' . there JI here a .fi·al claH op11111ng for en· 11n 11roved far.rn and then 11pead t.hl' 1es1 . .. ' we carry the leadmg stock, and 1terpri..ing il)divi ·u.·le. . . of }i.s life strug!{li.ag tq izet ·outof debt by guarantee every pair for 6 m' nths, '!'~.~. aimernl r.e ·o.11rCf's m _Low~r Cah- payiug we"lthy people for improvements. · . / . forn1a are lfteat. Onto~d m~ll11·n11?f tons 1111h.,11 th··Y can make the same by ·their if well used . . lt they 4reak we of gold and 1nlver ort1 . l·e h1ddtn 111 thtt own n.ud save three or four thc,ueand d .,}. will repair them free of' chai·ge. m?~n·air s, wa·ting.the enterpri~.s of the Jars th~reby, , . C ll d t fitt d .0 0 I mm1ng world, and it will nut lie a l~ng Now to becomo prosperous, one m.ist a an ge e pl p r t ime before the g··ld and 11ilvtr belt lym" settle in new, prosperous and heal ·hy OUR REPAIRINGDEPARTMENT .--WE be1wt'eu. the.c ..a11tran11e an~ .s"n Pedro couutryan<tgrow: w..althy witl\it, an;1 Id de Mar~1a i<lll become a n.ttJUJg . center. by buying 10. 20, 40, 50 acres or more in a I can on Y go over t h e same 0 say- 'heru 1s also a large .iepostt of iro~ o~e p·o~pt:'rous c··lony. they will ha·e n"'"r HOSSACK & :F'IELD. ARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary, &c, CO BOURG. Offlce,- Armour Dlock, K ing Street. (LATE FRANK Ill. FIEl~D, D. A. j I LOWER CALIFORNIA. PONTYPUOL. Rev. Mr. McGill and wife are holding revival services here for ~he past week. Popular f~elin g s1-eme ~o be that if th e Salvation Army won Id .roll the old cha.riot down John etreet they would catch th" boys every night. On Wedaesria.y the 11th. Mr. Richard Staples, of L tt'ord, w11s uriited in matrimony to a Mies Cl..rk 1 of South Monaghan Centreville. A large party a-.eembled nt the reaide11ce of the bride's father t.o witnees the ceremony and take pa.rt i n the f<at1vitie9, FORD O.uici·Train WATCHES u. IJ. lt · D 'J . PROVll>ENCE. Mr. J as. Richards will shortly leave h ere for the S ·atea. Miss Mallning of 'l'yrone, is having fair succeHwithourschool. · Mrs. Prout ar., and Mrs. Mark Prout, we are B ··rry t · sily are daniceronsly ill. Mr. Thomas Keat., the other day fell out of the ba.v, Bp·ainin!( or breaking 011~ ..r the smau bones of his ankle .. That y<mng man from the . we' t tlH~rhas had such a pleas1mt 1ime this wintot wuat feel lonesome since Dora left. Surpri s ~ parties hRve hken place at Mr T. ::>male's and Mr. W. J. Bragg's, where the young tolb met and spent joyuus evernng~ . Mr Jam~s Smith let a valuable horse ont to w3tt'>r when it slipped and fell on the ice breakinr.t two of its 11-gs so badly that he wa.~ obliged to shvot it . RAllfP. f,J<:!(. NEWCASTLE. Report says a weddtng ia near at hand. Mi&s Annie Brown Pang at the Ladies' Aid Concert in Orouo on Monday even ing. 'fhe Churah of England held their Christmas Tre" in the Mnsic Hall on the ev1min!( of the 7th of J .nuary, Rnd it was in every respect a g~&llli Huccess. Dr. fl'arncomh ac·ed a.a ".'lanh Olaus" and peif..rrm· d hie part remiukal-ily well. He afterwards called on the Rev. W, F'ar n- . C<>mb to Mldreas the g~1 heriug. On Tuesrlay eveninic the Ladies' Aid of 1he Meth d ·at church eave a Pink and \\' hit,, 8oci1tl and Entertainment in the Tamperance H .JI. Tne pr gram consist ed of music by Mr and M...ter Norman Piokard, a -d Miss D 1 1nn; aong. by W. Orchard : readin", by Mr. Efooper·: tmn~ b~ Miss A. B owu ; song~, by .F, .Brown, 11f Bowmanvilfo ; readi .. g, by Mr. Snell, of Bowmao v1le; q u"r e·te, by Mesdames Do111llas and Dunn, aud Me~rs. Orchard · and Huoper ; but th11 rull·ll oiece of the evening was a 1 .1-mperanre quart,.tto by l\[es~r·. Hooper, Co ·1bledrck, and.Pickard . Mr. Hooper introduced the piece by sayiua,i ttiis ts " Scott Act County · aud Wit couldn't get anything if we wanted it.. We think he made a sl ·ght mi~take ho mnst h ..ve met11t we couldn't g"t a.nythin!? if' w11 didn'~ want it. After the progta.m was renderl'd the gathering w~1 iuvitlld to the ha~ement to put.aka of another tea., wliioh e. goodly number a ccept ed. In all a verv tonjuy11ble. e"ening was sp,mt .-.Nowa Cor. y. a -GENUINE- Clearing , Sale · M A YN AR 0 - .A. T - I coons AT COST FOR I I CURES CASH ONLY I ! I 1 BARGAINS IN TOWN. QR HQ ODE R'S The Stock to select from is OOUCH AND LUNG CURE Q CEORCE LAINC. 0 I -

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