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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Feb 1888, p. 5

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DO YOU DRINK COFFEE? 1f sotido not reat satisfied until you .· try Lyman's Fluid Coffee~ :Persons once using it are so well pleased with its flavor that they always recommend it to others. 1st, Because ofitt? Cheanne<1a, 2n<;l, " ofitssuperior Flavor : '"'~· ·· " it is Ea.eily Prepared: . here is N o Wash and No Boiling required. STOTT & JU RY, Wholesale and Retail Agents. CHEAT CHANCE Owing to the severo weather ·o n the day selected fol' the visit of Stanley's Celebrated English Opticians, we have .... made arrangemen~s for an· other visit as will be seen by readipg the followlng : Refaember the date, Saturday, Feb. 11th. COMING A GAIN ! FOR ONE DAY ONLY One of the opticians connected with the celebratod English spectacle ma.n ufacturers, N·ST AN.LEY & Co. will be at their agent's office in Bowman ville, on Saturday, Feb. 11th. Those desiring to consult this eminent specialist can do ao FREE OF CHARGE by calling on the ab0ve date as we have made speuial arrangel.llents with the a.hove firm and eecured the services of their oc. eulist for tho benetit of our customers, F'REE OF CHARGE TO THEM. STOTT & JURY, 'fhe Leading Chemfats d':: Opticfons. N.B.-We have an immense at.ock of all classes of epectacles and can 1<ui t any sight in either Gold, Silver, Zylonite, J{ubber, \Nickel or Shell. BowM-'.NVILLJ!l, F'EB'Y 1, 1888. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMANVILLE STATION. GOING E.lBT ~..ocal ·········8.53 e. m Elqlreee ······ 6.2Q a m ExpreH. .· .... & m Local, ........s.u a m Mixed .........S.38 p m Express· ....... 9.12 a m I I - GOING WEST L.,oal .......... 7.18 pm Mixed .........3.98 p Ul Exuroaa ·.···· 9:41 p m Ex11rees, .·····. 8.lS II m ·Except Mondays. ·~ Local and Otherw1sel - - - · · -· -··- -- '! Cutter for eale-see advt. Seo notices of farms for sale. Stray animals should be .advertised. Cord wood is selling at $4 to $4.50 in town. Wanted to buy a house and lot not to cost over $1,000. M. A . JAMES. 0 ur worthy townsman, Mr. S . S. Ed·Ball, is in Chica.go on business. Miss McMurtry, of Clarke, has been on .a visit to Mr. Jon. Stephens'. Subscriptiona taken for all nAwepa pers and periodicals at STATESMAN Office. Miss Lizzie Tod has ar ived in California. safely, the journey ocrnpying less than a week. Mrs Morrison has removed l1et· l!tock t o the frame buildings, opposite Buckler's Jewelry Store. Mr. B , Knight took part recently in a ,e once rt at Guelph. As :i. ba.ssu-profum1o Harry h·s few superiors. Mr. Geo.Garnett, of Bethany,bas been elected a Director l·f the Ontario Creamery Association, for this district. T!le harness sale of Humphrey & '.M ayer on Thnrsday waa not laigcly att ended, owin!:{ partly to the severe w eather. The gr oup picture of the Ruse family referrrd to a few weeks ago in the S1'ATESMAN, has been completed by Mr. R. II. Henry and is now on view at his gallery. It is one oHhe best groups eVOl" ptoduced ,b y him, which is saying a good deal. A peculiar accident occurred a. fe w days ,ago when a. rnnawny team o wned by ,R obt. O ibwn, Cavan, collided with Mar· tin Pcthick 's team, the t@ngue of the :runaway t eam struck one of the Petbick l iorses, running clear through the poor beast 1rnd piercwg the dashboard of the sleigh. lt is scarcely necessary to call attention to the ndver tieement of Messrs. Couch, J ohnaton & Cryderman in this issue. It occupies such a prominent place on the ·nl'5t page that he who runs may read. '.l 'his is une of the aubstantial firms who adver tise. only what they have and who alwa-\'s do exactly what they aay . They make .no pretense to be always selling belo~ost, but at the end of eacli season they are always prepared to clean out their ·stock at a Joss rather than carry goods over-and we are iurnred they are n o w giving great bargains in all kinds of winter goods. Give them a call. NATIONAL PU.LS wtll not grtpe 01' sltli· ~n. yet ·-aPe u·thorough eat.tui.rtlc. Spurious 60c. pieces are in circuhtion . Read notice of Notes lost. In the list of private bills t o come Clarke Lattimor is very ill wit.b. typhoid See F. H. Mason's card t o debtors. fore the Ont1uio Legislature we find :Th · · 1 Bowmanville, Town of- For an Act to fever. · e gid violinist aJwa.yfl ias several amend the Act consolidating the d ebt of. I Rev. J . B Olarlrnon, :if Por t Hope, strings to her bow. · · · has been q ui< e ill. M" S 1 M · Mr. George Belford, the popular · iss a ra 1 orris 1ias 1' ien visiting Enuliah clocu'··ion1's t who l1aa been de· Great Gift Sale at .John J·. Mason's, friends in Cart wright. ,.., ' commencing Feb 1st. M J G ~1ghting Toronto audie nces, wiil appear r. "1m rigg, tr(1ve!ling mcrcht1J.1t, m Bowmanv1 lle. on l! ..,eb 17th, under the Miss Hamilton , of l"ol't H opo, is visit · adv.,rtiBes for peddler. ausnices of the D. o. & P. Co. Band. Mrs J . K. G..J.bralth. M c Clell an & Co. " are get ting in a lieavy _The ,. Buchan fo.m ily-4 sisters-are to Mrs. M. D. Williams i\1i 0 s Rill suprl · . .nd 1 Y o f cord 'l'I oo d · · Set: not. ICe, give n concer t in the To wn Hall ne~ t ----01--- have been on a visit t o Cobourg. M. · Werry, of Solimt, has Monday even i n~. under the au.pices ' ·' 1ss M iame d Mr. H Pnry Elliott, Reeve of H ope, b een viaiting friend~ m Bowman ville. the Qu~en-st Meth odist choir, They are favored us with a call on Monday. . Tha t handsome 8ilver Service present- a very tal~nted quartette. Hear them. O u acc··Unt. of the intense cold the Fur· ed to Mr. Jaa. Knight was valued at $66. The W . C 'I'. U are still continuing in niture ]factory was compelled to blmt The dressmaking rooms of the Misses their work of looking after the wants of down on s.turdny. Grant a re over Mr. Tod's conftctiouery the needy. They desire that all ·those "Nothing like home news and the store. who promised to send in articles of STATESMAN is the ·p aper for it" writes a Mrs. H~tdy, of Uxbrid_gc, h as been clothing some time since will do so at the subscriber in the west. v.isiting friends in this vJCinity for a short earlie&t oppor1 uni·y. I The annual sassion of the Ancient time. ·rw1NE ! TWINE !! - C. n,. GJms, Agont I Urdc~ of United Wor~men will be held in Mr. C. L.l\fonaon is laid up with a sprain- for .the New .P..tter son Bi1,der and other Hamilton, on Feb. lo and 16. . ed knee, the result of a fall from a ~caf- I ~gr1cultural unplern<'1nt~. He ha~ bougl~t 'Ve shall be pleased to hear from any fold, last wtiek, .i ~ar. load of .l 'Iwrne for wlnch he ts 1 fl'< rmg spec1~l mducemente. . Jrar:n;icrs one whose pap~r does no~ ~each t.hem Next week we intend to publish ouq' 1 regularly or whose address is mcorreet. list of paid-up subscribers f.,r 1888. sh·~old see htm before orderm!! twm~. Goods are being gi ven away free of Reader, have you paid your dollar ? Uftice a~d ware roi;>rns south of Percy s charge to anyone at John J. M.1son'a Mrs. Morrison has moved her millinery b.r,cksmtth shop, Stiver Stieet, B owmau0 dry goods and jewelry store. See advt . and fancy ~oods t o the shop next door vi ' .· Q\lite a larj:(e number vi~ite~ the lake west of Mr. R. Cawker's butcher stall. ~r. Norman~ ~>ark?r, f?rmerly ?f sl1ore on Sunday afternoon. 'rho great Clarke, _ n ow of. Gnersv1ll_e, ~rey Co., m We were favored with a call on Tues- f~rwardmg hi_s subscription to the ice-banks thrown up by the recent sturm are well worth seeing. day from Mr. Ttwe, Shaw, Editor of the SrATES?>fAN, writes: I sold on the Owen . , Canadian Live Stock Journal, of Hamil- Sound market the other day two pi ·a 9J G~o. B1:1llamy writes from Shoal L'lke, ton. months old, weighing 318 and ::J7B lb~. Mamtoba. We ~ad a splondtd crop up The large building in the South W~rd, r~spectively. l do not think y0u can here last season, and now we have lots of formerly used by Mes~rs. Brittain Bros. beat that in West Durham. 'l'he two snow and c~ld we..ther. as a packing house, is being fitted up for pig·, 59(ijbs,-at $6.65 per cwt., realized The late i:3amuel !~es ~as a mem~er '?f a match factory. $4_9.-~ the Court of Juvemle I!or~stere, ot' th~s We dn· hope all subscribers w.ho have 'rhe officers of Bowmanville Lodge, A. towi;i, and they t1~rned out m full regalia not paid for this paper fur 1888, will do/ O. U. W ., for th·!! year am: Past at lua funeral. "n N'edncaday. . s" before Monday next and th~reby ga Maeter-J. B. Mitchell; Master Wo>k man- W, H. Banbury; Forema.n-'l'hos. T he Ea~t N11r~humb.,1·laod elvc.t10n f0r theh· names on "O·u List uf Friends." the 011tar10 I,eg1sht11re comes off to-day. \V t k b . , b Jewell ; Over~cer--James EJ.iott · Fi · Mr. R C1ai·ke, Liberal, and Dr. Will· f ell a ~BU scr~P'lO~B .~t 1ow cd1u -ra~els nanceer-John McMnrtry · Recci~er-1 oughby, Conservative,are the c~ndidates, or a . t el d."ad!I~hg Galt by al\~ . wNe· !i. Y Geo, Pearson · Recorder-Chas Keith · . . . . . paoers me u mg e · o e .1.:n1 els ' ·u A M: · · · · ' . 'rh~ Buchan .Fatmly- v10lm1st, ?ellu1.st. Emi!i;e, Advertiser, Witnes's and 'Fam 1 · hu1 emgea~d ; I.. W.-W1lham p1ano1st, vocalist and reader-will give Ht1rald. Aleo for the Live Stock Jollrn\ Cann ; 0. W.- L,-n .Morris; Trusteethe ~rogram for the concert on Monday Farmers' Advocat e Rural CAnadian et ' Thos. Burden ; :11-presentahve to th~and evenmg. Feb. 6th . Plan of hall at Bi11 ' · Ludge--J. B. Mnchell. We have received from the offi ce of tho 20. " Port Hope Young Men's Christian Asso- Montreal Witness the 1->io·ure they Are W -.J.l....Jfarm.ers' Institute. ciation will celebrate its twenty-first auni· giving to subscribers this year for 25c. versa.ry on Wednes·fay the 8th of Febru· over the regular price of the paper. We 'l'h ere was a large attendanc~ at the ary. Why can not 1.his town support do not hesi·ate to s$y tll ..t it is the b~st Town H1tll on 'J'uesday afternoon to hoar auch a noble insthution. premium tht'y have ever ofl' ·red for the an address from PrA. Goldwin Smith on money. . We will give the STATESM.AN, Commercial Union , T!1e opening address The Salvation Army barra.ck9 in Lon- Weekly Witness and the picture for $2. was made by Mr. Thoe. Shaw, Editor of don, Cape. 'rom H.)well, forrnedy of Mr. Thoa. H. Smelt, of this town, was ·he Canadian Live Stock Journal, Ham· Bo,.manville, in command, was set on the judge at the recent poul ·ry show and ilt·in, who spuke e~pecial!y from a farme· s' fire on Wednesda.y m"rniog last and conon Monday CJvening,Jan. 2:Jrd, a number stand point and was frequently applauded sid'lrably damaged. Insured. of the Directors a.et at his residence and during his speech. Prof. Smith spoke If you want anything in tura or gents' presented him with a silver cake basket, for an hour with great clearness of furnishfoge call at M. Mayer's ha~ and reasoning fakinq a br.,arler view of the fur store, there's where you will get a cruet and syrup pitcher, and an address, whole question and showed to the satiswhich waa read by Mr. A. Hobbs, Presi· b·rga·n, as he is selling oil' hia entire dent. Mr. Smelt made a suitable reply. faction of the ~reate r number present stock: at and below cost. Now is the that Commercial U11ion would benefit time, everything cheap for cash. One bu~iness man in town does a small Canadians generally, excepting perhaps a People must not lose sight of the g reat amount of blowing, but a big volume of few weak manufacturing concerns, clnaing sale 11£ dry good3 going on at the l.msiness-the firstletters of hie name are At the close of the -addresses, it was \Yest End H·mse. '.rhere aro heaps of John Hellyar, ma.nufacturer aud dealer moved by Mr. Peter 'Verry, of Tyroue, goods left yet, and hii.:ger bargains than in boots, shoes, va1ises, trunks, etc., socor!ded by Mr.. 'rhoa, Smale, Deputyever await the public. Mr. McMurtry'a King-at. Eaat. People who deal with ~ev~ of Darlington-that in the opmion grocery branch 1s supplied with the best him once are pretty sure to return and oc tlus meetmg comolete unrestricted the marki.ts afford . Call soon. deal again. Good stock, low prices aud trade between the United S·atea and Orer 200 converts are the result of honest den.ling always command t lie eye, Canada would prove of the utmost aduni.m evang~lis.tic services 8 t F'ort Perry. ear and purse of the.buyllr. · _ vantage to those two countriea, pr.o vided Osha.wa is going to hold union meetini,:a By the Plymouth (England) News we the ·nme can be secured without endanger· this mon1h. Whv c·n not similar services observe that Mr. P. H. Bridg1nan, ing British connexion. 'l.'he r<:solution was carried unanimously be helt! in Bowman ville, as was su>1gest- brother of our former townsman, Mr. 'I'. ed by Rev. Mr. Sanderson, at the lo.st W. 13ridgman, presided · at a Masoo~c by a standing vote. North's Musical Journal for 1'888 gives UTTER FOR SAJ,E.- ·A single cutt~r mealing of the Week of Prayer. Banqu"t 111 that city, on Jan. 10th. Mr. every l)romise of a vast improvement over · new la.et winter. Cost $30 ; will be soi<) Mr. Caleb . Mallory, of Ptircy, is the B is Worshipful Master of Longe Charity for $20. Wood or hay taken in exchange, previous yeats, if the January number is Warden of these United Counties for No. 223, Plymouth, and is a "j ·l'Y g··od SHOPPERS GUIDE. to M . .A. JAMER. S·.rATESMAN otllc" Apply any criterion. Eight more pages of liter· 1888. He was nomii.ated by Mr. J a.mes fellow." We had t.he pleasUl"e of meeting - - - - - - - - - - - -- ---·--·-·3:4w ature 11;1.ve been permanently added, thus Parr, Reeve of Cnrtwdght, and elected his brotht'r and sist· l'. Mr. A.Ji::. and Miss One old and one new subscriber for OTTAGE TO RENT.-An 8-room makiug it the largest and most complete 8 1888 for only $1.60. . brick cottage on Church-st. with a qua.rt1>1· by acchmation. 'I.' he STATESMAN hopes Bridgman, la~t aumm<'r and enjoyinrr 0 musical pnblicatiun in existence. Snb- acre garden, hard and ooft water. et<i. Appl,v. to see Mr. P arr e lacted to the same posi· Pleasa"t visit at their homo. w 00l n to Mns. Moonci'U.l!"T, Wellmgton Street. · · scriptiou only $1 00 a year. Specimen tion himself in the sam.e manner t oo, fur Canton Bowman ville No. 11 was instigoo · s at cost, at J . J. Mason's, S·lvr* copy, 10 oenta. Address, North's Musical 1889. _,,."" 1 tuted on Tuesday · nig1'.t last week by to close out balanc. e o f winter stock. Journal, Philadelphia., Pa. E,A.S WANTED. -3000 bushel~ 'Dh'.6 offi.cere of No. 2 :fire Co. 11.re : officers from T.ironto whn w11re met at Dr. Potter, dlice and residence, Prow· . small peas wanted at the ·ca.ledonlan \;p'. -Wm. Edgar ; l!lt Lient - J ohn the sta.ti"n by local members and the D. er's .Block, King-st., fiowmanville. 1-tf. Bowm&nville, for which the very hlgl1· A r1msoN unable to sleep in bed, uu· Mills, es~ price will be paid. JOHN MACKA Y. PnJol Bottreal ; 2nd Veut.-Geo. Joli ; Sec.- lO.d& P. Cv. b·afnd anld escnrted to the FIRE, LIFE, AQCIDENT. Insurance. able to work, unable to take ordinary ex· prietor. · 42.tf . 1 W. J. Toduham · Trena,-G, E. l\"aynard, · o ge room, Ak ter ab Jout 45 R OB'£. V IRTUE, Agent, Bowmo.nville. tf. .. u.., , ~ .1. f t le m~etiug · ercise from the effects of Asthma until ARM. · FOR . SALE.- A srn11.ll . f;r-;:;; Capt . of Hose . Willia.m -r ..d , ham ; 1st person s p·rtoo o supper g1vAn y Mrs. Large amount of money to Joan on using Southern Asthma Cure. A sample jnst outside ot Bowmanville will be sold Branch- Thos. Bottreal ; 2nd B ranch- N. S. You_~g:;. ThH ~rst officerll .are: package relieved, three packages perma- on very reasonable term·, on which are frame Archie Matth.. w;r ; S teward- W. J. qapt.-N S. Y,ounlo(; ,L1eut.-;-G. Ba1d1Jn ; farm security at froni 6 to '7 per cent.house, barn and stables. For particnl!trit nent.ly cured. :t apply to Ma. w. M, HORSEY, Bowmo.nvill<l. Todgham. . Ens·gn~W. E. Pethwk; Clerk-H. J F. H. MA.SON. . 51-tf The Bazaar P 1 tterns for la.die~· an d . == · - - -- -- A Go··D PLxc E T O BuY.- A goou stroke "':"eeks ; Accountant- C. Todd ; Stand· 7 r11AILORING.-Mr. Hindson, Tailor: cMhildrMen's !"ea~, fall and winter styles, a~ ,.... BlR.f HS. ()f' baniness"has been done by Mr. J. J. aid Bearer- J. Bryant. -1 at 1.fot:l'Ung Bros.. ia now preparecl tCJ rs. orr1ao11 B. ../ t;ALT:&R.- Weet of Coortice, on Jan. 22nd. the make Mason, in Sil ver Plated Ware lately he / :I.\fii:"',Eo1Tort.-ls there a society in a limited number of suit.a for country Call on Mrs. Morrison at her new wife of Mr. Harry Sa.ltef, contr.i.ctor, o! a buyers or from ou·side establishment a. Zn.having sold the two handsome Sil ver'·rea. 1~our town odled ··The H ngging Society" ,\lick & Co's store 45·tf Servic~s-six pieces Mch- pres><nteci to with the following scale of prices :-Girls stand au~ get Millinery· ~~ancy Gp od, ·· ~!':;l>f,~N.-ln Detroit on the 19th ult,. the trance through Q Mr. Jas.Knighr.,Lake Shore, D·rlin..,ton under 16, 35 ce.,ts for each hug <·f two ar,d Berhu Wools at cuat. {. wire of Dr. Uryderma.n of Detroit-, ot a da.11gh· OLT FOR SALE:- A heavy draW?M and Mn. Ar·hur Rundle, E'>cnczer" ro: minutes ; from 16 to 20, y ..ars of age, 75 colt riei'.'g one year, got by " Day Star." Order Doora, Sashes, Blinds, Pie~~ ter . spectively, last week. Mr. Ma.. qon a~llsa cents; school nn.'ams, 40 cents; widows, etc. at Morris' Planinrt Factory Liberty JEWELL- In o,shawa. on the 28th mstant, A very promising animal, allowed to be one of · " · ~lfe of Mr. E. M. Jc:iwell, or a son, the best in.' his district. CHAS, HosE. Jo·<; 15." ~ood article at the lowest pos2ible price according to looks, fo,m 10 cents to $3 ; street, R. H. Osborne, leasee. Bowm1mville, P . o. C FnAsmn.-.At St. Paul's Manse,Bowmanville, con, 3, Darlmgton. hence his success. ' old maids 3 cents or twt> for a nickle and Any person wanting to buy a good i; o ~n the 23rd ult., the wile of Rev. R, D· .Fraser, ·~------·----~-3 3w* · f B ·11 h ~ .· ot a eon, CARD OF TH.ANES.-! hereby desire to ~it of t!me.-Dolilah.-The Soci~ty ULL FOR SER'i ICE.- A thor~-bre-.l _arm, near . owm_imvi_ ~· can ear o SADLim;-ln Burketon, on the 2 !1th ult., the ,rAtnrn my sincere thauks to the public has not-trbtarned a charte~ yet. Which .icre Dm·ham Bull, registered pedigree, will be a decided bargam by rnqu1rmg of l\11. A. wife ot Mr. S.P. Sadler, Statlon Agent, c. P.H., kept for service on lot .f , con, G Darlington for for their very liberal patronage the past class do you enter for 1-Ji,v. JAMES Qf B BOD. season of 1888. Terms.- 'l'horo·bred cows, $8: season, and to announce that my entire :rhe~e are ma11y men :who would take ~radee, $4. JOHN COLLACOTT, Proprietor, stock of fin·shed cutters is sold out. I oft t.hPir hats to a lady with a most ~raceW · RusA is offering special bargaiaB in :ryrone. 3.:Jw· MARRIED. am now busily eng~ged on my apt ing out- ful bow, and fly off at a tangent to give her pianos, qrg 11ns and sewing machines durJ:lA RTeN-BRA DBURN- At the residence of EDLARS W ANTED.--Relia.bl~· ;~ll put of wartl!on· and carriages to which I ample room ; but they woulll. not move iog the holidays. Call on him or address the bride's father, Jan. 11. by the Hev. It. Has. . with some knowledge of keeping · ·ao· sard, Mr. William Barton and Elizabeth R invite the"public's attention and inspec· one inch to accommodate a poor wom(1n1 Big 20, Bowmanville. coun¥i. Apply at ·once personally. I Intend Bradburn, both ofCa.rtwri~ht. ' i:nnmng four wagons- one each week in Dartion, and trust hy fair and sq uare dealing, though it is Slll'E;Jly the BeX that dt·Se~ve W. ltuse has a large stock of pianos, BR.ADBURN-1'AYLOR.- By the ltev. R H as- hngton, Clarke aTld Cartwright, and one !3 . 1 the nse uf the best available material,good the reverence, and not the c ass. Agam, organs and sewing m11chi11es which must sard . .Ian. 11th. at the residenoo of the hride's the to. wn and villages. JoHN GRIG G, wol'kmanship and lowest Jiving prices to there are others who are mode ls of polite- be sold within 60 dti.ys for r easons which mother, Mr. George Bradburn of Manvers 5·4w Bowmanvllle. do a fair share of business during the ness abro8'.d, and bears at home ; who will be explained on e nquiring at the and Mies S arall Anne 'l'aylor. o: Cartwright. ' l\..TOTES J,OST. ---1 have lost three present year. Agam thanking the gen- would eprmg up and across the longest Bil;{ 20. ...L~ promissory notes : one made by F ~ DIED. eral publ·.C for theirpatr11uage, lamfaith- room to open the door for a stranger, but If you want t.'.1 save money call t M Groat for $ 30. dated Oct. 1, 1887, due 12 mont lia H1'NDERS01'.- ln Bowmanvllle, on the 20th from date ; one made by Geo. Leach for 818.2:.;. fully yours. G. C. H.atNES, proprietor. would lo?nge C?nto.ntedl'i'. .an a sofa, and Mayer's fur atore as he i~ sellin~ hi; ult.,E'runk Hendei'SOD, aged W ye11.rs. drawn Oct 1.1887. du!' 12 months from date· A large number of our townsfolks at- ·llow a wife 0~ 618 ~e~ to wait on themsel vcs entire stock of furs and gents' furnishings IIAM.- ln Bowmanville, on Wednesday, tho and on" made by James Balsam for $10 drawn Oct. 1. 1887. and due 3 months from date. l 18th ult,. Eva, beloved wife ot Mr · .If. N. H a,m, tended the annual tea of the Young Pe·1- Who does this hit ' at and below coat from now till March hereby n otify all persons not to negotiate said pie's Association, Ebenezer, _on the ~4th P ullE R~.ADING for boys and girls will lst (before stock taking) to make room in tpe,J,Z9th year or her age. ... V :&s-In Bowmauville, Oil Snnday, Jan. n nd notes as t11ey are my ,property, Any person ult. The grea1. crowd nnde it uncomfort- be fo11:ncl m Treasure-Trove, a monthly for· spring i mportations. ]; ~ ~ery thing Samuel Ives, eldest son of 1\fr, w. H. Ives finding them and returning them to me will h e able owing t o the lack of accomodation 1 magazme at $1 11 year, pllbliahed at 25 very chean for cash. aged 15 y11ara. 7 months. . · rewarded. Greo. WASUJNClTON, Orengeville, 4-3w. We can · for those w11i.tiog for tea. Tb.e program Ulint'?n l ' lace, N tiW York. We call special attention t o J ohn ,T. was one of co~i·id<·rable merit, the local he~rtily re?ommend this. pu?lication as GENTS WANTED to Ca nnss for BOWMANVILLE MARKE'.fS. AdvertisinR" Patronaire. A small amount talent condllctmg themselves very credit- · bemg puro 10 t oae, attracti ve m make up, Maso n 's great gift sale announced in of work done ~iU1 tact and intelligence m 8,y ably. 'l'he siogiug of l\1r. 0. A . O amaby, entert3:ini'?v, i_n its wa37 of putting thin.gs, advt. column after Feb. 1st. Every one produce a considerable iuc om o. Ai,:tmt.e e tl:'a nf Orono, WHS very much appreciated. educative m it.s teachmg, and tlevatmg purchasing $.L worth or over in his store Corrected by J. HcHurtry, "'·ery TuClsday. B!"V eral hundred d~llars m commissions in a s1_ n.gle season. and incur no persona.I responR<· In .res~ouse -to ~n encore ho sang "Only and. enobliug in 1ts tendency. All i n- and paying cash will receive, a present hty, Enquire at the n·arest newspaper ot!l·e FLOUR, lJI' 100 l:ts.·......· $2 10 t o $2 '10 b1 an Emigrant " ma &tyle which few could telhgeut parents knuw' tbat one of the ran ging in value accordinl{ to the size of that 01?-rs is tho best known and be~t . .. · · 0 80 rr O 82 andJearn equ1µp!Jd est&bhshment for placing advertiaeexcel. . Mi·s Graham, of Whitby, i n h "r b est ways to make a home circle bright the purchase, yotl will get t he goods as WrrEAT, Fall, 'lJ'r bush 11 u Spring, · · · · · 0 80 11 0 82 ~ents rn newspapers an·l coi:.veyiug to adverI ' 8 t nrey of the lroxes" 1"'as listened to and a ttractive is to place e11te1·tai11ing, lo w in price as you can get anywl1ere tisers the mformat!on. which they require Ja BAitLEY, ~bush , No. 1 .... 0 70 " 0 00 with much int.·rest and ammement.. and attract ive reading in the ha nds of the aud recdve the pr.,sent besidee. Dun't order to make their rnvestmenta wisely an(l " " . II 2.. · · 0 (JG ti 0 00 profit.a.gll" Men of good address, or women, in response to an iuc..re gave "The Baby's young folks ; reading suoh aa parents miss the oppo_ rtunity · II d II 3, . ·, 0 {j5 !t 0 00 if well informed and practical, may obtain anTo Avom BllJJNESS OR GUEY H Am.Soliloq ny." u ...on he~ 8tJCO Od appet'1'ance and chi .dr"n can enjoy together, and tho thority to solicit advertising pl\tronage for u.s. II · · · · · · . . . . 0 55 " 0 00 Apply by lett.e~ to GEO. P. ROWELL & Co she gave "Robert of Lincoln " which was happiness of each be thereby incr eased. Use Dr. Dorenwend's Great German Hair RYE, 0.ATS, tr , ··· , , , , , 0 40 rr 0 42' Newspaper Advertising Bureau, JO Spruce st'.° also much enjoyed. Miss French iu her Writo for a free sample copy. _ Magic. It keeps the scalp clean and free York_j and !ull particulars will be sent b y PEA.s, Blackeye, 'W bush . · · 0 60 11 0 65 New retnrn ma1 · · · singing captiv<'tod " veryoue and was enPRESENCE o~· MIND.- Presenceof mindis from Dan.d ruff, and promotea the growth " Small, " 0 6'{) 11 0 65 cored · at ev1iry ap11earance. Alto<rether 1· ood ·!1 ca e of 'd en t s and emergencies . of prevents 1 · . . "' g s a.cci n the hair. d t It 11 f 11· premature t f b greyh · " Dlue, 0 60 t1 0 65 t h e a ff air waij a great aucce8S and the and when cou led with Ha" d'8 y 11 ' esa a.n s ops a a mg ou o t e air. BUTrER, best table, 1r lb··· 0 20 11 O 22 young people deserve "reat credit for their 0 .1 "ll ft P l"f y"Jylar 0 · 1 ° o w On bald heads, where the roote have not ,.. . . " . · l w1 o en eave 1 e. e ow i oures · h d ·t ll · · LA.RD, ~ lb .··· ···... · .·· 0 10 II 0 12 I,L Notes and accounts due to H. H. euorts m prondmg all entertamment or all p(1inful injur'es bur e ld b · peris e · i wi mvigorate them and EGos, 'Ill' doz .......... . .. 0 18 11 0 00 lVIM! ON must lie pail! wit.hin three ;voo"'11 such merit.. One very inter estin,g fe ature frost bites rheu~;tic at~~·n~~rai' icr~~~:' fore~ a new _gr owth of hair: Ask for Hair POTATOES, ' I ll' bus~ . · . . . · · 0 55 " 0 60 from d!'lto or will be put into other h& nds f~r of the evemng waa the presentation of a d · . f' t h d d . bgl P ·· Magic. It rn the only reliable. For Rale collection. ·r an ts m ac a an y an re11a e surg1· b d . t HAY ............. .. ..... 10 00 i i 12 00 11 2Gth, 1888. 4 Sw Bow::nanvillo, .Jan. . ea nt1 u1 8 · , 1ver T. a 8 erv·ce to the organ· cal aid. Y 1t rugp;1s a. b DRESSED Hoos ........ . .. 5 60 " 6 00 1st, Mrs. A. Rundle on behalf of the memCr,OVE J.t SEED. · . · . · .. . . . · 4 90 ,. 5 00 bers of tbe church. R E M A UK.:l.BLE RESTORATION.-Mathe w ALSIKE · , ··· · , , · · · · · · .. · 4 00 rr 5 00 CAlJTIOY.-A source of mu ch ill J1aalth S ullivan, of Webster, Ont., was ill with f. list of 1000 n"1WBpa~ors divided b tc; S'IA.TES .AND SECTION::; will be sont 011 is nedected C.·mlipation. The utmoRt -dyspepsia for fo nr years. Findin" doc· 0 apphco.tion- J,'REE. caution sh:1u!d be observed to ke<ip the WE are cutt.in~ twelve acres of green tors did little good he tried B~rdock .Bloud HOUSE AND LOI' JrGH. SALE.To those who want their advertising to pay wood. Parties leasing ordare a,t our Bitters ; six bottles cured him a nd he Ra.re ch&nce to secure a enug Home we can otrer no better medium for thorongb b owe Is regu lar. 'I'he bes t r eon 1a t or o f ofiloe can be enpplied direct from the wood in ' · d · · I cheap. Situated on Scugog street, north or and e1fectlve work than the varione sections t he bowels to promote their r~atural e.c- any quantity they may desire of maple, beech ga1ue Ill weig lt to 178 pouncls. B.B.ll. Manning's Coo:iier Shop, a acre land. house ot oux- Se leei Loeut LIRC. tiou ia Burdock Blood Bitters. 'l'ry 'it if ur hemlock. We also have e. very large stoe!J cures the worst known caees of ohronio new and well b1ult. Contalne 6 Rooms. p11.ntry GEO. P . P.OWEL!. 4 (;CJ>,. ·h · of dressed aTld undressed lumber at lowest dysp p · aft 1 1 1 f ·f . wood shed and good cellar. For further parNews~a11er ;A_dve:tising Bur p,an, .. : t rou bl c d wit constipa tion. , cash prices. McOLlilr.Ia!.N & Co. 5l ·5W . . e ma · er a e ee a1 s. I ticnlars apply to, Mn. HonsEY. ~~w . 11.l ,_,pruce S>reet, New ~qx·k6 l b- 1 Bought at 0 0 HALF PRICE 10 CASES · I eyrn rrtfilwrn LPillm ~ ru iil~ rn ID '!'lo 1 Prints, Ginghams and Shirtings at about Half Price. --01---- f We intend giving our cus.. tamers the benefit of the above purchase so that they may take time by .the forelock and get their spring~ sewing· .out of .the way before the rush of the spring~ work. Corne early ancl g .e t bargains as vve. hav·e only a limited quanti. t y. - - --c---- SEE OUR DOLLAR CORSET FOR 500. --o·-·--- l~Clll& C C 1101. P F ! C B P I I A I A Coal, vVood and Lumber. TO ADVERTISERS.

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