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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1888, p. 1

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TBRM8 :-fl.60 h:s A.litroK. OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M, A. J .A.MES VOLUME EDITOB AJllJ> P:aon.mro:&, XXXIV. NUMBER 10. -TO- ENFIELD. Miss Annie A~hton, of llo.mpton, he.a been vlsitlnsr friends here. Mr. D . Clifford hM returned from Michigan looking hale and h c al:'t.y. An eo,ioyu.ble time was B!>ent at t.he ·oclal at Mr, Alex. R nss' hat 'l'nesds7 evening. The rortds were so blockP!l I.hat no mall was received last. W· ek after Wednesday. R ev. Mr So.lion did not. fill his app<>intment here last Sund..y, owing to the be.d roads. i\IR.·h; r Hu~b HoeR Jrnd the m isfortune to break his lei,t while eleighriding, by the sleigh running Against the feno~. There is e. llteat demand for seed barle.Y this eprinfl, Nea r ly everr day some farmers from the front are seen ta.king home seed grain from ~his neighborhood, TAUNTON. LANDEn.. - The public / T he report of S. S. No. 5, Darlington, will be surprised a.nd paiued to l earn of fnames are in mder of mPr t. Sen. 3r1 l :-tile de~th of Mr..La.nd1ir, which sad even E. Cr11go, E. Allin, E. Night, F. Ho··r, Jr. 3rd: - B. ~ok ~>lace a .t his home, Lnt 33, Con.ces f A. Elford, W. Bragg. ·s10n o, Darlmgton,on 'l~hursday last. H Laing, f O~bornn, C. Allin, K. Black· wae ill for ahollt two wt·eks, with in hnrn, F . Prout, R. Battle, S. ~lackburn . flammation of the lungs, whici1 ul i· \ 2.,d Clase:-E. OsbornP, W , Hoa·, W. maiely ended in death. Mr. Lander ~ellaruy, ]'. Blackburn, S. Bellamy, A. was ·born io Corn wall, Engl~:ita, and im- R~t! .,~k ·Dorld. P. EJFord, S. Dow~on, migrated to this c0untry with his parents R. Smale, J. L·ing, J . Won.naco·t, P. in 1842. In Sept·'mber, 1866, he mar· L~ing. A vi>rage att,-ndance, 38. M. E. ried Miss E G. Routley. who died abo11t MANNINO, Teacher. 14 ye~re agn, leaving six children. In · M.APLE GROVE. N ovemb<r, 1874, dec~ased married Miss Batiy, betwe~n whom thero is a f.1mily of Mr. John Lawrie is still very ill. four children. When first !llar.. ied he Miss Nelly Vancamp is still improving rented the Be11g'11 farm for about t.wo yea.rs, when he moved on to the farm in health. Mr. James Stallary, of Toronto spent where ht· died. Deceased was a lovinct husbaud, k ind father, an·t a gond nei;l~ Sabbath 26th ult. , in our midst. hor. · He leaves behind riim a. wife, nioe Mr. J1·hn G aud, of Bowmanvillo, has children, and au al(ed f · ther, Mr. Wm. the contract of building a Temperance Lander, of Oshaw t1, to mourn their loss. Hall here. On Thur11day ovPning fast, ab0ut 35 OOURTIOE. member~ of Maple Grove Som of TemMr. H~ rry Gay is the architect engag!~d p ert\nce paid a friendly vieit to T yrone. to dnw plans for a new Methodist church A very enjoya.ble time wa.s spent. at Columbna. .>f'i 8s O-;rde Power ha.a gone to Toronto . A ~arg" number of people from this ,41' s a bonk-heper. . DEX TER. v1oimty at·ende~ the fun eral of the lat/ S c rrooL REPORT FOlt Fil!BRUARY Fo:w. S. Wm. l ..a nder at Zion on Sunday. / S. Nu. 3. - 1:-\r . 4tJi-l\f. Word en, A. DEATH OF MR. ORONO BACHELORS. How much for a be.c11A lor I Who wn.nt.R to bny ! And stra iohtw,ty fr>rty old ms.ltlens. Answered, A yo, Aye , And forty old maidens, Some yonn~er, 1rnmo f)ider . Each hn~erl an olo1 b·ol1e lt;r Home on her shoulder. LAD 1ES ONLY! COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN'S Have just opened out two cases of CLARKE UNION. Mr. H .J. Souch apent Snnday at Providenc e, Mr. ChaR. CR.no, or Bethany, is visiting e.t Mr. John Pe.1ker 's. Mr. A.. Su.rnis and llr, 'l', l'ergnBon oapture d four fine coons lately. Mrs. J olin Parker and her brother Mr. W, Painton are visiting their mother, 1t1ra. H oger Rowe. LOVELY A larlle number of friends assembler] at the re· douco of Mr. W Be nnett on Fridlly 2clth ul&., aad enjoyed e. very pleasant time. Mr. R . Rotlls la.!.ely sold a vo.lnable ma··e for the neat. sum of $200. Mt'. (). Souoh nho s old a valu .. blo me."0 to ·fr, W. Jewell, of Tyrone. Mr. R. .T. R·wo has rente d the farm now occupied bv Mr J. Jewell, oast of Bowmanville on tho J<'ront Road. F.uu. EMBROIDERIES I To which they invite the attention of . all Ladies who require really nice goods. They are confident that all who examine will pro-:nounce them to be the finest lot of Embroideries ever shown by us or by any other House in BowmanvilJe. And having bought them direct for SPOT CASH they will be sold at very close prices. ------0------- :SULlNA. S oo1e more thieving around the vil ·age lately. Our school has been much r educed by meas· lea. MiBB Edith Cole, of Gene va, lias been visiting hero. Mr, P . \Vright's child was interre d h ere lMt w eek. Mr. W. Frayn had a successful wood-bee on 'l'ueaiiey last.· Mr. Ambrose Eltord. o1 F e nelon. has been visitlni,: h ere. Mr. 'vV<>lter J, Langmaid ie recovering from a serious illness. Maste r Tommy Awde fo ill with a s eriona at· tack ot bilous tev.,r. Le1ters from Mr. Li:lher Wen·y report him convaloecing niuely, her tr acturncl limb. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. James were guee\H at Mr. \V, W erry's on ::iundu.y. I.11 the ab"enoe of a minister on Sanday afternoon, Mr. l ·'Jetchor Werry couducted the aer · Mr. ·w. Haker ts progrel!llinl? favorably with 'l'he young peo ple fro.m ·~his v·i~ i '·ty wh.u attended the dan ce at Harmon ou Friday even mg Inst preseuted an ex mt· ed and ~lflepy appearance wheu they reach~cl h e r e about dayl ight the next m ormng. T :!li M . S CHOOL REPoR l ' FOR F1rnRUAl\Y. y Sr. 4th-F. Short, N Hane · ck, J. "ialt;, K Cornish. Jr. 4th- L, Ca.wke·, C Pea e, L. Baleom, G. Colunan. Sr. 3rd.- .. Oke, E. Cochrane, l:J. Oke, ]'. Morrow. Jr. 3rd- A. Cay, A Salt~r, M. Tooley, Ji'. Ba.Isom. Sr. 2nd-TI H'·noock, A. Lymer, G. Tooley, L. Skiuner. Jr 2nd -E. Cornish, M. Michael, C. Nichols, R. Tingle. Pt. 2nd-M Cawker, T. Lymer, N. Oke, JH, Veale. J. H. A L LIN, Teacher, Wit.heridge. F.· Trull. J.r. 4th- R. Bal i, A. 'V1theridg<l, J . Shnrt, J. Worden , E Word t n. Sr. 3rd-S. Burgess, B . Poll· ard. Jr 3rd-M. Witheridge, F . . \V1 t ft eridgP, R. Lan11mairJ, E Foley. Jr 2nd - · L . Hall, E Bnrgese, L. Trull, E. Pollard. -T . KIRKPATRICK, Teacher. It would appear as though t;he mauv bache}o:rs, elegible and i; t.hnwisu, Orono and C!arktt have pr·' sented th e en · terprism!l Publisher of the Orono News with a pu·se f r the gener· 1 u~ Httention he h·s given to the intere:;ts, a nd by way of acknnwled1terne1; t he i ~ giving !!a.ch of th~~ a ~rt~ n»ti?e. l!owman ville yo ung l:id1es--·1t. 1a s<>ml·· ffic1ally rep 'rt~d t.hai; we hav;· 36? n ow , ,f ma rdagea i,le ' 11gear e ta km'( immense interest iu the list bn~ they want th e oolm· of: h&lr snrl eye.a: h ··lght, a ge, we·ght, relt g10n , par value and occup1>tion of each stated iu ihe pedigree. Fea,ring that Bro. Cutttll may n ot be ahle to tum out enong h c »p ics t o supply the demand froru this t ()wu, we pr o poao tH help i.im om by republishing bis list without charge. In his introduction h ti says: "B'or tho bonefi t, or t.ho young la.<lle· . wJ1iow~ anrl rn a iden · or .. <fou btful a.~fl. w~ l{J ve a par- o f tial list of those who h11va b' "' ~ e n:rage d for these m a ny years i n "· v"'iu e nd(lt<,vor to capture one or mor«' or 11\e fai r oex. Inoludod m thu list are some wh ·. · !i1J."e "bePll there b o:>· fore."but are st.ill iu ·h e ri n l<(. We 8lDcerely hop" a u cl wish that t he le.d !es or Orono w ill ded.l i;:ently wit.h eve ry Of!'.) or IJrn iCallant. sw»in herein mt>ntlo1 rnrl. Ire. eholce L~ made a nrl they d<> not prove 8a tlsfac ·o ry wt will try to ho out when :you vhit thio ofl'lo6." T H I! D..\OIIE [,O lt 1J.lJT . TYRONE. Mr. T. P enfou-rtd / ha~ got the quinsy . vice. Couch, Jnhnst on &Crydurman One Door West of Post Office, Bowmanville. BowMANYILLE, M~~cH! OUR 1888. . We are pleased to report tho.t ~fra. John NEWTON VILLE. Y ...nN ea1, sen ., is r ecoverlnK trorn 11. prolonged ailUct10n. (Special to the Btatesman.) Mr. W. Werry was storm bound in Cart. S M Cl f T wright over Sn11da.y last . We misooo him in · · emens, o yrono, and Frank Church and Scbciol. A . Cole, of Hampton, have bought th.a 'fhe Eu field i::ray !nil Band did not appear to stock of . . conduct s er vices bere aa planned on ::luaday nigln, 'l'here W<>· no service. · J as. Lockhart, of this village, at a very Weddings he.v" not been as prolific in this low price and section us wa~ expected. Leap year m&y do , · 1 e...me thing ere!; owsca. Spin·ter~ o.re sci.rcti The pQOple of Clar,;.e 'Iownslup a r e to around be. c. 11he.r~ the benefits. Death h~s cast a gloom over 1 hill comm uni The stock consigts of dry goodn, lty by the sudderi removal of Mr, Wm. Lan · d er, who die.d of lnn..1wne.tion of th6 ·ung<:1 011 groceries, crockery, · boots 'l'hursday, His r~m1tins we1·ti followed to >htl And shoes, hardware, tinware, et c., Z ion buryin11: g10und toy his souowful fami ly ·md a very lar11:e e onoourse of p e ople · The and for 10 days such bargains 11 t1 widow a nd falHiJ y ha·e the smcer e and h eart· Were never before " iven in t his townfelt s ympathy or tho e n tire comm unity. De c 9ttsed was in his 50th year, J ACK. ship will b0 giv en. For example: 4 hara Rev. Y,f-enner WM able to fill his appointm:ents on Sabbath . The members C'lf thi.!I Division wore delighted in their vil!it to Bowmauville last week. H.ev. E . A. Sanderson's horae ran away last week ; the cutt6r WM badly shattertid, M~ple Grove Division visited our Division on Thur1day night >\nd fornished a good pro~ram. l . John L. lltnwo-Js stiil t oo soung to think seriouRly of love 2, Wlllte Henry- Best po9ted young man In the ·'OUnt.y 1eg1m1 ing tlotion. 3. £ , H, Wiison- He.a nuide "' .h e s tot frl.en d s eiuce taking cburgto ur A utioch school, 4, Tom !lono.,.·vll16-Stlll lw i:rt whole and fancy free I but will n ot bo lu thll mm·ket long. 5 D. «enU11hHn- Willini.r to " embrace" 11.ny "form" tha t will ch1ieo trouble to a fln rtl s top. fl. Bully HaU- D on't trouble blm~lllf much about the g irls. but au m i re~ the w muchly just the ee.me. i. IJl!Jy Conurll-Migh t rec ch·e propn·als ~onga~l~e~ar as ·he tron~ g~Le. 1"001.8 ev;iry Inch I Tyrone Division expects to p;o to Orono i.his Wednesday e\·ening and to Hampton . on Mond~y eve11mg. The party the.t broke Tom's sleighs 011 Sat.urday night will pleaee c11Jl at his 0 ffi Ce l,\ll d pay th .e b ;11· What was wrong with our local c·irrespondents las& week 1 ·rt.e STaTE8M A N special never fails to conn ect. . }1. B rnnton, '"'· ·f r . ,Jsis. ·p0 91ey, M rs. R IC Miss Bessie Wels b. and Mrs. Sanders 1<nd three children are on the aiclt listm easles · Benny No. 3 ar rived home f.rnm B1.1rnt River ou Sarnrd ·y look mg none th e worse after h is J. ourney. Tom i· e11.iiec'. ecl · shortly. Ufficers elected at the Ladies' Aid meering : President - Mrs. W. K Pnner ; Secy.- \fra. W, H. Creeper; Treas.Mrs. P. Werry. A de bate is to take place at the Divisiou to·morrow night with J. W. Odell a nd J as. Binghllm 1\15 lead,,r 8. Subject : Resolved that lntemperance has cau~(Jd more m iser,Y in t h e "' orld thiln Wl\r, J. W , Odell takes the affirmative. 8. A111;11~ Stnllrn1·- - G ood l<>okini:. not e. bad / singer e.nct hl!:e John L. S · powerfltl enough t o fi ' ) take his own part. · .· 1 I 9. Arc-ltle !!tallier- Tb a+. flue new reslr1<Jt\Ce. .:., < Archie capture" to.It 1 .he girls, Look ou t olcl "5 "' ' boy or yon will be kidnapped. ' J 10. Jlrn <'·nntdl - ffore ls a bunch. c t mRS·/ C\Tline 8WHitneBB lhll i ia h ao kerlng i.ftP-r 80mo ,) fairono to smoo th hb lonely villo w · · luot try / T<>mmy moll.el you.ug- mo.ii', think» a heap o f the g 1rla ; l\ tr ltla ba·hfu l but 't. ·ery enL<:r tulningcompe.ny on a.moonlight nigh G/J hl1~." R<"u~o1t-A 7 Y~A . to hand and will be managed by MISS M~RAE, i:rom Toronto, where she has been in one of the 1eading Houses for a nu·m ber of years. SPRING MILLINER ..- In advertising we cannot state . all the articles belonging to that Mr. Squire- A tam· name department, therefore we extend aold. Court!ce- Dlnner -· ,-a cordial invitation to all our Mr. W. J, C. c. A. Ashtoa- Sijve.r · 'customers to call and see the Mr. c. Potter- Set or basket. novelties, when we will deem it a 11obleta. Mr. clock. pleasure to show our stock. Jtt:r, eet.· Mr. A. set. and MUI~ On Wednesday, F eb. 22nd, 1888, a large number of t1·iend!I met e.t the r esice l,f Ml'. James Carruthers, ·' Downs· d e1 1 view " , tlrn bride's parente, t o witnesu the ma1riHge of their Eldest daught.:r, Annie, to Mr. W. S. Courtice, of Newtoubrook, Mr. A. J .Cnurtice, brothn of the groom, and Mr. S. Andrew, of Pickerini.t, were groomswen, M iss Ida Carruthera, aist"r of the bride, a nd M iss Annie Linton, c o u~ in of thti bride , were the biidesmnids. At 6 :30 p,m, Revs. S. Tucker, of Toronto, ncle of the groom, assi><ted by R ev. J. ~ han, of Newtonbrook, pronounced the yourr~ e man a d wife. After many .congratularuiiis for t.h e newly married couple, the company r e pairnd to the din· ing room and P ·· rtook o f a very sumptu·O ·us supper, and after apandwg a ver1 enJ·'yable e vening, the young coup\., ·s tartud for their new home, carrying.with the m the b1;st wi h eis of their many frirnds. The bride was the r~cipient of . n umerous valul\ble gif ts, among which were the following:Tlie groom-Bet of Seal. :fl>ride's parents- Se· of j ewelry. and Mre. Wm. beautiful Uy Bible with reciplent'a engrav ed in ' Pleasant Union. Ivo ry Bn ilp . 2\)c.: marble soap Z fol' oc. ; boo 1s and shoes form 250 up to $4 ; prmts 4 c.; Yard wide fac tory cotton 4c. ; winooy s 4o. a yard ; tweed suitings 350. a yard, and other thil)g& In proportion, People who have alrea?-y mspected the goods an J prices at which they are now being Sokl, consider that no inch bargains were ever offor"d in Clarke before. Take along yo u r cash without delay and sl'e whe.t a big parcel o f gnods a sm:All sum o f mon e y 12. f~ .. ,.., UeAlclen- AJ, : here ls Jnst th" young ·na n ·"·re"""' 11p;e < l maid - a pol'petual sun\Je,,.m "" i ; were, H.1~ t tlough ·~ n aturally Je11.n towa.rd e; Cupid .. 13 A l l>e1-t S mplCl'l-..J:le be. llcne ral fovoril,e ~ i · 11 a l1 !.lio g i rl ·; <l on'r, t hink be wo,1ld e lope this y ear or neKt, ba t lui would not see a girl go hume u.lOUt). 14 l'felly lh·lt·llc- Couldn't find a morn stalwart aud uprig h t youni;c man i;:; Orono , mo<iest 11.nd k in<il heiutcd : bas not ye t thungbt much of mat .imony. u;. Thu1mls U1u11·.rwood- Ooe dght girl cm lea d him. 16. Ju!ln SJHlUC!'l'- VetY fond Gtf soci·lLY · is steady and would mal!:P. a g irl " model '!i!~ ~~~\·~e~he~~~,i;;~:~ w UI very lik ely fin d he ia f,reRsiv" y oung 111e11: obe ortheooming o r,~to1'3 u the Connt.y Cou nd i: uood.Jookl ng , a ud. the o( o t1i· r1ro· will purchase. USU.AW.A. Sack Salt nod Grey Le.nd pla.'lter now in 11t<1 ck at W, Jewell & S on's. Eli Perkins, the great American humoris~, has been e11 gal(ed for a lecture in Oahawa, on Ma.rch 20th. Mrs. J . E. Gonld, of East Whitbv, and M, 11. Engl1. h, of Iowa, who have b;en on a visit to friends here, left on Friday morning for ~he West Whitby and East Whitby Agricultural 8o~iety's Sprio~ llorae Show will be held at Raglan in the latter part of April. The elec1ion for a D e puty· Reeve, and Councillor for the South West Ward, on -lrtturday week, r esulted in the nturn of M ·.asr·. W . Coulthard, and C. W. 1:->oott. We regret to learn of the death of Mrs. W. ll. Vonant, Ill Michigan. She bad only been ill a few day11 whh inflamma· tion of the lungs, and leaves three children. Mra. C. P. Avery writes from New York, stating the.t Mr. Avery has bBen aerlunsly ill with phuumonia. He fa recovering, however, and has arrauged for 'I. person to be in Oohe.wa uext wetik to close contracts with farmen for growing peas. M~. F . ~hiverea, tho Evangelist, w hoaa 11erv1ce111n Oshawa term.inated on Friday week, held daily meeting" forfour weeks. About 300 peuiten ts publioly eame forward ti> enter on the Christian life. The churches that umted to invite tho Evangelist to O.ihawa, and that cordially sup· ported .him whil" h e re, were tho two l\llet.hodist chur()hea, the Presbyterian, the Baptist and the Roformod Church of Englaud. The.p~stors ol all these churches occupied tne platform and assisted Mr. Schiverea at all his m eetings. No re!ig· ious gathering~ ever t ook such deep bold on ~ha community for good. The night aud1enoes nuwbered about 1,100 during week night~, and 011 Sund..ya it was n ec~11sary to have an overflow meeting in n ··ar churches. The attendance n <>ar the cloBe of his stay iucreMed 1ather tha.!l di· minished. LONG SAULT. Mr11, Wm. Patton was visit ing friends at Salem r ecently. S everal from this p lace a ttendod Mrs. Renwick's sale on Weduesclay l ast. The New P ark grocerJ is doing a rush ing bus iness. Johnny is a g reat business ma.u. Mr. a nd M r~. Dougall, of Lindsay were vi~11ing in this vicinity receutly, the guest' of Mr. Wm .. Patton. Mr. e.nd Mrs. John T ap e were visiting in Ne ..·c ·s ·le last WP.ek , t he guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Bona.than. Mr. a . D. Virtue lef t for the City on Mon<tay bet ; his smiling face will ba 11,r eatly missed among the fair eex . Mr. and Mrs. S. Thompson gave a pa·ty on J?ride.y evenh,g a11d th')se who were preseut report a hi~ h old ttme. Several owners of the alleged fast horse11 are talking of buil·iing R track in the ridge. The ~o r rel ram will t.ka the load . Dame rumor say.1, there is be a wedding in this vicinity shortly. That's right Jamell', a baGh~lor's lifo is a little 0 dinner c ruet. Mr, T. Andrew-Silver cake chi na. l\ira. C. Potter-Cut glass pitcher and dollen 17. Rllly iln ·kr'1'ooll- All th e i;nrls adore Bi lly ; h s ls ulwa r s kind and o\Jllgl.11x. and ia the ladies man In th e store : he,. mh<ht learn to lovu it handle d ~eutl y. 18. ,Jlrumy lhmry-Hl.t! mind 13 n ot yet. cente r ed on l o ve in a cot tage , t h oug h t,hvrc io no telling what ho would ijtlY i f - poken to on tho subjoct_ Jn·t try hjm for lt1ck. 19. ,Um !lcfonuacb.1.e- A. d ecided br unet te · f o nd o r s ociut,y ; a 1-(rlj.oetul d <~:no<~r , and i·ond ot tho it:h·Js. Hll is o pen for propoaale but won'L stantt any tool!; hur s s. 20. Jhnn·y llnllcU-We ha 't'e few bette r boys who devot tJ their entire ti n t " to 1h e d r 111<; busiriesa, He 1llil(bt however et1mnch brothe r Lu auy ~lrl without tha t a rt. l o.le. 21. 1:..1. Pinder-A fine young: mtlll; s tea,rl y as clock wo~k .: ,. '!OO d disposition; 11if>turally a grRo.t adnurer of the ! 1tlr sex ; he s hould n o t be found a ba chelor at the end or the y.;ar. 22. lly1·011 Leli;h-'Thinks th e world a desert without tho foir torment·, but seelllingly lo well se.tis.fted wHh ij!U>{le blos·1edne·e. Sti ll h e might be pievailtd Oil t·J ~ liange hie mind. 113 l'filllmn IUcCormn(·k - It, ls hi1·(h time th&t Bill WliS lll<>l'l'led ; h t1 mus t be c .·>r i<; d trv storm; and arter befog ca.pLured wo 11 ld eettfu ~:C1.1ttt6l:.a ineady "nin~ to l>o rlepem i ed upon de oid~dJy be ;,, lit. o. A. Gniu~by-Quite a sooiety b l ood; a la l'ompa dour; a llne nmll'l ol!tn. r1 g-w,d ~inger. towels. F'ogler-Alarm G, Canuthers-Bedroom Mrs. G. Carruthers-Oil painting on &!Asa. Mrs 'l'. Llnton- Counterpaue and bedroom OUR STAPLE GOODS are coming daily to hand and will soon be complete. We have a fine range cf Mias Am1ie Linton- Parlor lAmp. Mr. 'iV· H . Rundle--Silver bnlte.r cooler and knife. Mrs, (R ev.) 8, 'l'ucker-Leisure lfourit, Chlna cnp ar11l saucer tor bride and groom, Mrn, R . Carru ·hers- f>ar lor .Lamp. MiPB li'lorence Courtice- Sllver breakfast cruet· forks, J\'Ir~. R Jamee- Hair dozen silver knives and and fond of the giJ'ls, a lfrely. j,;Jly mueioa l girl will hook hi!ll. Now i;o the Lime to a ngle for him· :ii;;. l'eter D. !lcConnaehlo-It b ~ ,vond.-1· Petor baa not m e t Cupid b efore this In his trav ..J~; he i~ Kood lookiu g, a work<w, aiut l>OPHlar with all. llci mi11ht b6 reaohcd w i th a ~tl~m ~nou~rlng. Rah " sol1·~--v fbut ·j11e1.athe aee aaen- t er quiet dispo·ition to .v wu · , ki~d of" ·Ollll 'I m .. n to w e".r w e·H The virtuous young man, '" doubleh1m1011s ; Walla ·"' i~ not had louktng; u'h H 1 d th d !I J{O od hearte<l, and might be coaxed to race the " o nel\r ay< on o we , . p!l.l'son. . Is thinking seriously of coming. 27. Wm. Doltancl-1.s I\ self made man · has To ki .,g's castle to d wdl. travelled oonuiderllblo. n.nd !01Lrne1l to 10Jk o n B e tter b6. can f ious, J ames, f or th · thtl lair sex wlt.h SMplclon. We believe he . ere ra enjoys the bacheJurhood too mnoh to ch!llll!e c.<LB?U bdJ1 ., ouly soma ohapii are hors de for matrimonial honors, Y<·t ther" would be no ccmilKlt. harm in mentioning \he m atter geu Wy to him. to 1 Mr. R. Carrnthere Jur.--Bedroom set or fnr· nlture . Hev J. J . Aehton- Sllverpicklecuuet. Mias Emlly Courtice- lland painted wreu.th Mis~ M. G. Courtico- Ila.lt Clozen 1ilver forks. Mra, Dr. Savuge-S!lver cake baaket, M iF.11 Ida Carruther~-Toilet oe&. 1'11lss E . Cllew-Cry!tal lemonade 110t, Mr~. A. Carrutllcrs-Counwrpane and bed· room towels. Mis s Foste r- H a nd pllinted lemonade aet. Mr. R, Bolten- Picltle cruet. M r. J, Cliron- [ fond painted sea shell. Mrs Jam es Math ew- Card reoel ver o.nd por- Cjotl1s and Tweeds and Gents' Furnishings, qui &·~ n 1uttH ielau. a goo<i profoe~lon a. I b,.se b"'ll player· on thia con tin en r.. I t will take a He 11ay11 to h igh bluff and its attra.otiona good deal of lc!l ci·.,a.m a nd ryako to b1·ing hicu far ewell. to the vropoaiag point. . E'er he goes of to London forever to To be 1Xntti'1tmd. There is aloung ruan who nt Looo Sault . 28 'ft'. W . A.1utr1u--18 the brig ht a tt.d s hining " li~ht ot Orono Parlor~ ; h·~rd t o oat.ch ; ha~ doth we ll, travelled enonKll to I.le v l!,ry H U3plelous o f the Hia name ia B.. G. V., you all know hirn fatr ee.:r ; is jolly, well · 11mger, and Is one ot' the best with something nobby in hats. \ Call early and see us. We will not disappoint you. clnin vases. Respectfully yours, CEO .. LAINC. Mr. a n d Mrs. Black - P11ir or silver napld.n r iogs. Mis s Maud Carruther s-Table cloth a.nd d.o z, tabl e napkins. WEu, fil'vX:.&N o w. - - " I can recornm111l l\Hes E v <' Carruthera--B r ueh and comb. llagyard's Yellow 011 v e ry highly, it l\!IJ3s Olive Carruthers- Scrap book , cured 1rie of rhtJumatism in my tingeu ·:n.11ss Lizzie Watson- Set table mat.a. wh· n I co uld no t bend them. "-ld1· Plilnk Mr, ·.r, Carr utb..,ra--Cryst!tl Cru it dl.ah. M1-. W , Che1Y -La n~ng brood b oind and : Strathroy, 0.n t. A me dicine forsxternal I knife, ' and iute1·n al use in all pai n ful com plii.ints . go A. C .AN .rnIA'.!!r Diu~u. -Mrs S. A. Cur To sea his fair damsel at Braeside, y o u zon' thti author o.f "J,aun\ Secord" and know, other poe=, ill ooutribnting to the Such weeping and wailing did n.ny ouo "Oan a cliaoAdvanoe" (Torout o,) :< n origi . ~e, . _ nal ~ram~ of 1_1m~h po w e~ an!! int.;_rc.st, 1 lie 1 .!I gorng off to L ondon a s oldier t{J · d 1 ·alm~ with tJ1e nnpor tat1ou or mai:rmgebe. BETSY Bonnirr. [ . ablti girls o.f good cl .b r a . oter from Fr"n <:e to Oanada m the time of J;ouia X ['\". ONB oooD l'OIYT.-Out of the many The ?anadian A.<l. va.uce also publis h ea Dr. poasesaod by Burdock Blood Bitters ia 1 Wilds sermon s 111 full. tha t it may b o oaken a r a.ii 8Pa1ons of t he j ye ·· r, aud by ei:her young or ol«. ru t hia '!Vay the three b nay B'!i ftrl!! al waye at .:.,8 ~~~!;TA.~ R ONEl".is ~r- t~.,....,.~ l' lM~ good S:JJr:r.p , yet ""ttl tt> 11181".e-1 a nt'l ·n,., work .,and dol ,. · ex11ct w orou, <!well. .And e'er his departure down west he doth r

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