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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1888, p. 2

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The Country Home clasped Anv1sE TO MOTHll:RS.-Are you disround the wire which se1·vea a.a an axle for Ah I the old country home, now so flip- turbed at night and broken of your rest the wheel, using his long tail a.e a. be.lance, a. sick child suffering and crying with THE TYRANT IN TH'S TIN TOWER. a.nd curling the end of it i.round one of the pantly na.med "the new heathenism," who by can C!!.lculate its in!luence or its power for pa.in of Cutting Teeth ~ If 110 send at WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1886, wires, like a South Amerl ·IUI monkey, They always eat out of 1 ,heir ha.nds, sitting ¥,OOd? Distinct it is from the city home, yet once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's JlY ALLAN FOll.MAN. ur on their haunches. and ~rasping the bit its history is there written in living cha.racters Soothing Syrup." For children teething, She is not a. very large Tyra.nt, nor does o bread or cracker between their fore paws drawn from every hillside home in fair its value is incalculable. It will relieve \~~c~"s her tower comma.nd a.n extensive domain. like a. Eqnirrel. They are also cleanly little Onta.rio. In e tery city home, many pic- the poor little sufferer immediately. De· are prepared to pay the highest price 'easa:n't.LITTLE The fa.ct is, it sta.nds upon my writing· creatures, wa.shing themselves frrquently, tures a.re lovingly dra.wn of the early home. pend upon it, mothers ; there is n .> ; ' U~{?.a~\'10 LIVER desk ; but she is just as arbitra.ry as a. a.nd, I a.m sorry to sa.y, using their drinking It may have been a. wood- colored old farm- mistake a.bout it. It cures Dysentery all kinds of Grain delivered at the house, with the well nea.r the door over e'\'\ e"\5 Pl LLS. monarch of the Middle Ages, and as supreme cup as a wash-bowl. Dummy and Stupid which the well-sweep staijdS guard, and and Diarrhrea, regulates the Stomach and in her authority as if her va.isa.ls were regi. wash ea.ch other, licking one another all over Wharf or their Store House in town. BBW.4.DJ!J OP IMITATIONS. A.LWA.YS ments of men.at-arms, inatea.d of two poor carefully, but the Tyrant disdains such fa. from whi. c h the bucket descends to bring the Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the ASK FOR DB. PIERCE'S PELLETS, QR mice. I do not know the grounds for her miliarity and performs her own toilet, we.sh· liquid nectar so grateful io the thirsty fam. Gums, reduces Inflammation, and give3 :LITTLE SVGAll·OOATED PI.LLS. authority, for I only ma.de her acquainta.nce ing her face with her hands just a.a I ha.ve ily, or it may have been the .Ja.rge square, to::ie and energy to the whole sy~tem. whi te house with the green blinds, surround- " Mn. Winslow's Soothing Syrup " ~for Beiug entirely vegetable, they op- a few months a.go, and I have not yet seen her human cousins do. erate without disturbance to the system, diet sufficiently perfected myself in mouse IanOne morning there was a terrible commo- ed by the old and llraceful elms wherein the children teething is pleaill\nt to the taste or occupation. Put up in glass vials, hermeti~ cally sealed. Always fresh um! reliable. As· guage to discuss political questions with tion .in the cage. Dummy jumped up and oriole builds he1· ne~t and from whose pen- and is the prescription of one of the olda laxative, ~Iterative, or purgative, her. Moreover, she is haughty and distant, down from the slrnlf, and Stupid did not dant branches he swings and sings his wel· est and best female physicians and nurses these little :Pellets give the most perfect and ignores my friendly e.dvnnces. Her seem to be contented in the reel, but wan· come notes; or it may have been:theonestory in the United Stat-ca, and is for sale by satisfaction. two nervitors will :ake bits of cracker from dered back and fort h like an unquiet spirit., cottage, poor and h a.re iu all i ts appoint· all druggists through the world. P1ice my fingers, but she only ga.zes at me with I peeped in on the shelf and there wa.s the ments, but in children. who are in s1,flicient 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for her black eyeA, a.nd elevates her noBe with explanation. .Ma.d1>me Tyri>nt WM curled number to supply all deficiency in the other "l\fRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP." a contemptuous sniff. Yet I bear i t all with · up, contentedly nul'aing four pink little furnishings of i ts rooms-bright and happy and take no other kind, &ilious H.eadnclae, becoming humility, for I an1 used to it. Be· bits of mouse-flesh, of which she was a.s and rich as kings-its belongings a.re no J'REEMA~S Dl.zzinO~·~·, ()011stlpa. ti on, .~ :ud:igeet ion. sides, she is only a mouse. ,proud as a.ny human mothor. Stupid and part of its happiness to the mind. And yet, Bili o u s Attacks, and nil there has gone 1Jut from these homes an inWORM POWDERS~ I caught my Tyrant in a trap. Like many Dummy redoubled their attentions, and I derangements of the stomanother tyrant, she fell a Tictim to her was afro.id that they would smother the fluence the power of which is beyond all ach and bowels, arc promptAre plca.so.:lt to tnlro. Conta.in the!l!' own ly relie vcd and permanently .. passion for devouring tha.t which did not youngsters under the quantities of crackers calculation, and it is never lost, ba.rdly cured bv the use of Dr. lurr;:ative. h n. oa!e, enro, and etrectv.3l belong to her. Some IDQnths ago a scratch. and corn which they carried up to the shelf. dirrinished, by the on-rolling yea.rs, till in When Baby was sick, we gavo her Castorla, Pierce's Plea10ant J·ur!l'L>-1.ivc Pellets. tl:e quiet of old age, the mind goes back deatroyeJ!' ot wanna in ChildJ:en or Adull;s. Jn explanation of the remedml power of theso ing in the wainscot and a so&mper. The young ones thriYed and grew, and a.a with i·clicf and delight to· those ecirly prim- >Vlien sho wa.~ a Child, she cried for Castoria, Pellets over so g rnnt a variety of cllscuses, it scamper in the walls led us-the housewife the tower scarcely afforded accommodation 'Vhcn she bec,.mo Mies, she clung to Castoria, may truthflllly lJe said that their action 11pon and me-to believe that there were mice in for seven, I was obliged to pnt on an exten- itive days with their blessed connections, the system is univcl'SaJ, not n gland or tissue and we fully rea.lize all that is sweet, rest- Wheu ohe had Children, she gave them Castoria, escaping thcii· srmative influence. Sold by the house. So long as they staid in the walls sion in the shape of a tin ora.oker-box fasten- ful and sacred in home love. The sterling drnggista,25 conts a vial. Manufactured at tbe and behind the wainscot I did not mind, ed on one side. Chemical La!Jomtory of Wonc,u·s DISPENSARY but the Tyrant was evidently not satisfied I do not know that I ever had a pet whioh character, the loving thoughts, the pure MICDICAL ABSOCIA'.l'iO~. Bu.lfalo, N. Y. OF CANADA. with this. afforded me 'l!Ore amusement than my Ty · a.spirations, all that man loves on ea.rth or Before long I found that my shoes were ra.nt in the tin tower. She and her com. hopes for in hca.ven, rise with reflective vision Capital paid up, lllt,000,000, Rest, $1160.oo ' f' of the old home, for they were born there, I nibbled, the bindings of my favorite books pe.nions are so human in their actions, so Thie Bank ls prepared to do Legitiwere curiously sca.lloped, and bo ca.p the graceful, so eaey, to take ca.re of, and so inmate Ba.nking \n a.11 its branche11. olim11.x, holes were eaten in the bosom of my telligent. They are pets within the rea.oh How Men Should Act When Their AdorF11.Tmers notes discounted ; Deposits i is offered by the manufoctur- beat dress shirt. This was not to be endur- of any boy or girl. I fancy no house-keeper ers Propose Ma.rriage. ers of Dr. Sagc·s Catarrh ed, and accordingly the housewife procured will object to having you catch a, fow com·eceived and Interest paid on amounts of .Remedy, tor a case of a, tra.p. It was not one of those crnel ma.- mon brown mice ; and if you don't happen Young man, we wa.nt just a word with 55 upward11 ln Savings Bank Department: Chronic Nasal Catarrh which chines with springs which kill the unfortnn- to ha.ve a cage, you ce.n easily me.ke one out you privately. Now listen. Being leap they cannot cm·e. DRAFTS ate rodent who dares to tamper with the of a.n old ora.cker-box, with a glass front and yea.r, you will doubtless ha.ve more or less SYIUPTOJUS OF CATARRH.-Dull hsued and Collections made In Enrope tempting ba.it, bnL a. humane affair cunning- a few cents' worth of wire netting, which offers of marriage from the fair sex. Of ·h eavy headache, obstruct-ion o'f the nasal IJnlted States and Canada· .:passages, r1ischarges falling from the head ly contrived so that a.s soon as one mouse you ca.n get at o.ny hardware store. Only course you are not called upon to accept \ ., into the throat, sometimes 1>rofuse, watery, was safely caged inside, the trap set itself remember that mice a.re na.tura.lly very any of them unless you choose. When your W. J ··TONES, ·and acrid, at others, thicl<, tenacious, mucous, for the entrance of a.nether. 'this trap was olea.nly in their ha.bits, a.nd it is your own adorer fa.Us on her knees, and with disAgeo 11urnlent, bloody and putrid; the eyes are solemnly baited and we a.waited develop· fa.ult if they a.re dirty. Another thing, do hevelled hair, dilating eyes, distended nos11'1PORTA:NT TO ALL weak, watery, and inflamed: there is .rinll'ing not force your attention upon them ; lei trils and clenched fists she beats upon her Who are Bald, or have Thin or Grey Hair, or in the ears. deafness, backing or coughing to ments. who are troubled with dandruff. clear the throat, expectoration of offensive The next morning we found the Tyra.nt them get a little used to you before you e.t- breast bone and swears by all the stars that matter, together with scabs from ulc~rs; the in the tr.ip. Sb.e waa a sleek, plump little tempt to make them eat from your hand, she loves you and you alone, don't get voice Is changed and bas a nasal twang; the breath is offensive; smell and taste are im- creature, with big black eyes, thin delicate As to food, a.sk "an;)'· house-keeper wha.t a frightened and send for a. policeman under paired: there is a sensation of dizr.iness, with ea.rs, a.nd a. Ion~ gra.oeful tail, Her little mouse will eat ; there is variety enough in the impressiOn tha.t yon ha.ve a lunaticess on mental depression, a hacking cough and genyour hands. She's not crazy. Al\,you have eral debility. Only n few of the above-named hea.rt beat violently, her big eyes looked their bill of fa.re; but take my advice and symptoms are likely to be present in any one out between the bars so appealingly that I do not feed them on your good shoes or to do is to sit still until the parexysm is To buy Foot Gear for Men, Women, case. Thousanrls of cases annually, without immediv,tely said to the housewife, assum- vour best shirts ; that is what got my Ty- pa.ssed, when she will subside and calmly manifesting half of the above symptoms, i·e- ing an air of unconcern, a.wait your decision. If you want her, ro.nt into the tin tower. Boys and Maidens, at sult in consumption, and end in the grave. frankly tell her that you ha.ve a.lwa.ys .loved "Now you have ca.ught your mouse, you No disease is so common more deceptive and her, and thank her cordially for giving you dangerous, or less llnderstood by physicians. had better drown the thing." )> By its mild, soothing, and healing properties, this opportunity of saying as much. If you "My mouse !" exclaimed the honsewife, PEARLS TRUTH. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures the worst don't waot her, you should snuffle a. few cases of Catai·1·1>, "cold iu tile bead," in fine scorn. "It was your shirt it ate, I times, and tell her tha.t you a.re awfully Coryza, and Cntarl'J1al Ilendacbe. wonld not kill it for a.uything." Activity, like zeal, is only valuable as it sorry, but your heart belongs to another, Sold by drug·gists e verywhere; 50 cents, I wok one more look at the plea.ding eyes is applied ; but most people bestow their and quivering sides, and bethoughu me of a. praise on the qua.lity, and give little heed and the best you can do is to love her as a "?U.111told A g ony fro1n ~atarrh." brother. If she has any kind of stufi' in her P rof. ,V, HA USNV.ll., tho famous m esmerist, euri1Jus old tin castle in the garret, a relic to the purposes to which it is directed. she will then stand on her feet, straighten o f lthaca, N. Y., writes : " Some t en years ago of the days when I kept white mice. I 'Iis well for old age that it is always ac· her bustle around where it belon!ls, coil up 1 su1Iercd u ntolcl agouy from chronic nasal brought it down a.nd dusted· it, !\Dd tra.n.scatarrh. My fmnily physici11,n gave me up as ferred our unwilling guest to h er new home. companied with a facility of being deceived ; her hair in shape a.gain, pin her hat on her incurable, and said I must die. My case was for, should we see how we a.re used, and such a bud one, t hat e very day, t owards sun- And that is the way the Tyrant ca.me to oc- would not acquiesce, what would become of head, crawl into her sealskin sacque, and with an expressed wish that you may be set, my voice would become so honrso I could cupy her tin tower. us ?-[.Monta.igne. barely speak above a whisper. Jn the mo1·ning happy with whoever is fortun11ote enough That night the trap was set aga.in, a.nd my.coughing ·ind clearing· of my throat would How often we sigh for oppo1·tunities of to win your heart, sail out into the night, almost strnnglo me. By tho use of Dr. Sage's such an odd-looking specimen of the mouse Catarrh Hctncdy, in throe months, I was a well tribe as greeted our gaze the next morning I usefttlnese, whilst we neglect the openings and lay ph.ns for further campaigns. These man, auil t he cure has been permanent." He was little a.nd ragged ; one ear hung for- of Providence ia little things which would ordealM are liable to come to you any mo· Will be found invaluable fort he hair and scalp. Our New Stock has arrived and com · lornly over hfa eye, while the other was per- frequently lead to the aecomplishment of ment, so you will do well to be always on It cleanses the scalp of a.11 Dandruff, invigor. . ' ~'Constantly 1-l!awldn~ and Spitting." the lookout, !eat in any unguarded mo- ates the growth of tho hair, and in cases o! prises aomethmg neat and pretty for forated with many holes. He cowered iu most important usefulness. TH OMAS .J. UTTSHING, F,sq., ~902 .Pine Street, ment, you get frightened into making a. :Wh<'!'e there a.re the slightest signs ot Ladies, Good and Serviceable for Men baldness, the corner ao dejectedly that I could but be There are so many sorts of ;iefects in old St. Lou·is, ll:fo., writes : "I was a great sufferer left 1t will prodnoe good crops of hair. dB d B t th R B f from catnt·rh forthreo year3. At times I could moved with pity, and quickly obeyed tJl,e age, and it is so liable to contempt that the promise tha.b will cloud the whole course of roots ~t r estores grey hair to its original color, a.nd · an oys, an on s at oots or hardly breat he. anrl was constantly hawking honsewife's order t-0 put him in the_ tow~. best purchase a man can ma.ke is the kind· your future life. is an excellent. dressing J every member of the household. and spitting, and for the last eight months DO NO'r DELAY, if your hair is iu a wea.k could not breathe through the nostrils. I "He will be company for the othE.r," sa.id ness und affeotion of his own family ; comcondition get a bottle at once. thoug·ht nothing coulc1 bo done for me. Luck- the honsewife. mand and fear are DO longer his weapons.For sale by J, HIGGINBOTHAM & SON. The India Rubber Trunk. ily, I was ni!v;sed to try Dr. Sage's Catarrh and all druggists, .Ask for it, TRUNKS, VAI.ISES, d(SATCUELS, IN STOCK, [ Montaigne. fie was. He had hardly entered the tow· Remedy. and I nm now a well man. I believe IlY A. W. BELLAW. it to be the only sure 'r emedy for catarrh now er before the Tyrant Rpre.ng from her perch We have not inaptly been likened to a A. DORENWEND, Sole Manfr. ~Ordered Work and Repairing a manufactured, nod one bas only to give it a on the shelf and attacked liim, She raised harp of ma.ny strings, with God the keynote. It ha.d on it, " P lease don't monkey TORONTO, CANADA. fair trial to experience astounding results and ·herself on her. hind-feet and boxed his ra.gSpecialty, as usual. With this Indi6 rubber trunk, 'When every string has been broue:ht into A. tiorenwend is the leading manufacturer a permanent cure." ged ears; she squeaked at him and shook perfect a.ttunc, then, and only then, will of Hair Goods in Canada, D. DAVIS. It ha.a loaded ~uns and pistols, Tluee Bottles Cure Catal'rb. him; and ho cowered in the corner and took the grand himnonies of the Master end per· Aud it won t stand any monk ; it as a. ma.tter of course, never offering to feet expression, ELI ROBJJINS. Run11an P. o., Columbia Co., It holds glassware, bombs and children, Pa., says : "l\1y daughter liad catarrh when defend himself. I concluded that they were And you want to touch it light, The late Dr. Dulles, of Philadelphia, in she was five years old, very badly. I saw Dr. old acquainta.ncea-possibly enemies-and Nitro-glycerine, gun cotton, Sage's Catarrh Remedy adve1·tised, nnd prospeaking of his sufferings to a friend a. few And a lot of dynamite !" .c ured a bottle for her, and soon saw that it I left them to fight it out between themselves. weeks before his death, ea.id : " I ha.ve helped her; a third bottle effecterl a perma· But when the next da.y we c&nght another nent cm·e. She is now eighteen years old and iu the trap, and found th.at our pretty learned of a new way to spell disappointFierce the baggage-master gra.bbed it, ments-beginning with an h instead of a. sound and hearty." For it roused his sitvage ire, Tyrant treated him in the same way, cl-His appointments." And he smashed it, crnshed it, dashed it we decided tha.t she must be a, sort of queen in mouseland, a.nd that these were Itisthegloriouaproroga_tivei:fth~empire In a i;nanner that was dire ; NEW 1 servitors. To be sure this was of knowledge that what it go.ms it never And he bounced it, and he trounced it, .' . NO BllCKAC\tE. , her a, very unmannerly and unladyiike way to j loaea.. On t!1e contrary it incre~acs by the And he caved, and raved and swore, RUNS treat her servants, but then eho may have multiple of its ow~ power; all 1ta ends beAnd he bumped it, and he " stomped" it, ·. EASY lived in a household where the mistress come means ; all itl!' attamments help to And he whooped, and howled, and tore. 1}1) or Beech h a ve been Sawed by one thought she was made of a finer cla.y than new powers.-[Daniel 'Webster. He ill·used it, and he bruised it, n u m tn Jline hou rs. Hnnclrccts hn.ve f!aw e (l n o.nd 6 c ords the Largest and best Assortment on hand And he tossed it, and he crushed, daily . "Ex a.ctly" whut ove1·y Jil:.t.l'tHer rtntl \Vo od Ch op- those who were compelled to work, and we , All the New Styles. p er wants . :Ji'i.. 1·st order from your v ich1ity ~ecurc~ thu Aud he pibched six trunks upon it, cannot expect a mouse to be better tha.n Utilizin~ Sewage. l'ftft~Yfo~011~1~1~'ti·i~eJ'3(;ri~~Yoi~;1.~luJe~~g"l1rk?rlP:?~:~ 11~n: human beings. In fact, she trea.ted those But this one would not be " mushed." AddresR FO:J,DTNG S.>t.."\,VJNG l'>IAC HiNE a very large variety but t1i two poor unfortunates so nearly as I ha.d The.New York World says :-The French L'O., 30:J to 31.1 s. Canal S t ., Ch icago, Ill. And he pounded, and ho bumped it, , South Sea Seal ar..d Persian seen a certain lady trea.t her ma.ids, that I Chamber of Deputies has passed a. bill which And he heaved it, and he dumped it, straightway named her Mrs. Blank, but has for its object the utilization of the Laml take ,the lead.. J!'or it rendered him insane. was corrected by the housewife, who e.h rist- sewa.ge of Paris for fertilizin!{ purposes. Then upon the top pile bumped it all the latest improvements-a very ened her "The Tyra.nt." The successful carrying out of this plan As be shrieked with might e.n:d ma.in ; The airs and graces which this little Tyr- would bring the sewera.ge system of the choice and varied stock to choose But this trunk slid down upon bim, ant puts on ara amusing, and it ie interest· French capita.I into a. state little short of from. And it bounced him, and it trounced him, iog to see in how many things mice resern- ideal perfection. Of all the great cities of And it chugged him, a.nd it mugged him, ble real people. I pushed a quantity of cot- the world Berlin now stands first in the A11d it st~mped him, a.nd it tramped him, ton through the wires for her to make her matter of utilizing sewage. Twelve thou. And ill-used him, and confuPed him, nest of. Sh.e came down from her shelf, sand acres of the unfertile plains about the And it kicked him, and it licked him ; A magnificent selection good and cheap. Call early for first choioe. bravely inspected the cotton, and jumped city are being enriched through condicts And when they had stopped its jumping, back agaiu. Presently the two servitors, from its reservoir sinks and powerful pumps. And its thumping, and its bumping, whom I christened Stupid an(l Dummy (for Wha.t the pecuniary outcome of the experi· T h,e last words they heard from Ch unkey, I had very little respect for them for allow- ment will be remains to be seen, but the As they bore him to his bunk, ing themselves to be impose~\ upon as they presumption is iu its favour. The River on hand. Prices very reasonable. \.Vere, " My friends, don't ever monkey were), ca.me down, and bega.n tugging and Spree flows through the German capita.I as With an India rubber trunk.'· GENTS' FURNISHINGS AND UNDERWEAR, A COMPLETE pulling to getthecotton upon the shelf· .After clear a~ a. mountain stream, nor ib it polluta. dea.l of trouble theysucceeded, and when I ed below a.a in the case of the Hudson near Display. Shirts, Socks, Gloves, Ties, Braces, Studs, p eeped in I fou.nd matters just as I expect· Alba.ny and Troy. Buttons, Mits, Rubber Co'.tts, Umbrellas, etc. ed they would be. The Tyra.n~ was cozily 'l'he Colors of the Alpine Sky. curled up in her cotton nest, while the two . p . When the Alpine sun is settin~, or, bet· servitors crcnched on the cold tin a few inSoandal lil the amily. ter still, some time after it has set, lea.ving ~Furs ches away. I put in more cotton, and it was One of the most fruitful sources of family the limbs and shoulders of the mounta.illl! in not until t he two poor workers had corn- qua.rrel is the habit of "repeating round" shadow, while their snowy cresta are bathed :Nead~ ' Block, Bowmanville. M.MAYER. pletely fil'ed the shelf that she allowed them A. tells B. somethingthatC. bll.ssaidordone. by the retreating light, the snow glows with VETERINARY SURGEON; B. on his part tells somebody else, with a a. beauty and solemnity hardl y eq ue.lle;l by a bit of the bed for themselvea, 0 R ONO. O.N'f. She compels them to wait on her. If I little embellishment from his own somewhat a.ny other natural ~henomenon. So, alno, put a bit of cracker or bread between the lively imagination. This is Wf lltalked over when first illumined by t he rays of the unwire,~, Stupid or Dummy will straightwa.y and discnsatd in private by all three, till a.t rieen :mn, the mouutain heads, unaer - THE snatch it and dutifully carry it up to the last poor C. himself would quite fail to re· fovor a.ble atmospheric conditions, shine like Tyrant on th e shelf. She does not ·receive cognis e his own thoughjlees speech ora.ction rubies. And ail this splendor ia evoked these attentions with gratitude, but scolds in the highly-col oured picture of his misdo· by the aim plcmechanism of minute par ticles, and sne.rla, and I suspect that she does not mea.nour that is going the rouud of.t he family. themselves without color, suspended in th e confine her fault finding to squeaks, for poor Itiswell for him if it goes no farther, and dis· ait:. Those who r efen· ed the extraordina.ry ~~'TT~"'llR~ ..a:-.&.,,,,_, ....., i~ lC:-111 Dummy's ea.rs are becoming more rav,ged taut relatives do not catch the echo and a.rid auccetsion of atmospheric glows, witneosed day. their voice to the sibilant censure that runs · some years ago, to a vast and violent dis- Having thoroug hly re:fiLted and added a lot of new Machinery to the The following reasons are advanced every E!l.ch of the little crea.tureo displays dis- like a deadly under-current, marring C.'s charge of volcanio a.shes, were dealing with above Mllls,· I am prepared to furnish "a true ca.uee." The fine lion.tin" i·eaidue why you should dtal with us : tinct traits of character. As I h1we said, ife and hr,ppiness. the Tyrant seems to have an utter contempt of such ashes would undoubtedly be able to Our Ordered Clothing is cut by for her surroundings, myself included. ·she A Matter of Life and Death. produce the effects ascribed to it. Still the i·efu~es to make: my acquaintance, and I mechanism to produce the morninq and eventhe only first-class cutter in town; fano'y she would order me about if she Little Nellie-" Ma., is the baby very ing red, though of va.ria.bl e efficiency, is always present in tbe a tmosphere. I have our Ties are the most fashionable could ma.ke m.e understand. Dummy, on sick ?" the co:itrary, is very sociable, and is intenseMother- " Not very, Nellie." seen displays, tqual in magmfioence to the in town ; our Collars, Scarffs, Hats Jy interested in me and my work. He " He isn't likely to die, is he ?" finest of those above r eferred to, when there and Underwear are the most dur- will stand by the half-hour erect 9 n his " Oh, no ; you wouldn't like poor little was no special volcanic outburs t to which hind-feet, with one liand grasping the wire, brother to die, would you?" they could be r eferred. I t was the longable that can be procured ; our and his sharp little nose pressed against the "'Well, n·no, Ma, (with just a tinge of continued repetition of the glows which bars, watching every movement of my pen. hesitation) I wouldn't like him to die, of rendered the volcanic theory highly Ready-made Clothing hi as nice1y He gazes e.t me so intently that I cannot course, but, still, Ma, when Willie Waffles' proba.blc. get over the u11comfortable foeling that little brother died he didn't have to go to _ _ _ _ .,..._ ... made and cut as well as other dry some one is looking over my shoulder a.a I school for a. whole week." .Pushing Trade. goods houses that advertise ordered write. Occasionally hie nose will get tired "You must push matters a little, ,James," from resting against the cold wires, a.nd he work- they peddle your cloths all .H ad Gone Down. said the druggist to the new boy. " By will rub it gravely with his dinenge.ged paw, ever town to a num be'r of tailors never relaxing his watch for a.n insta.nt. I He was ringing the elevator in cne of the calling a customer's attention to this article he.ve grea.t hopes of Dummy, a.nd if a.ll . !.'oea big business blocks when a boy ca.me down and that article, you can often effect sales." to be made up cheap, so . call upon well · "Yes, sir," responded the new boy and I shall make an editor of him some day. stairs and said : always on hand. then he hastened to wait upon an elderly " What are you trying to do ?" He is having considerable experience in lookIVES and get your Cloths "Bring the elevator down." female who wanted a eta.mp. ing over manuscript. "Anythin' else, mum?" inquired the am. "You are too late. The ropes broke and "Stupid, on the contrary, has no literary bitious boy politely ; " hair dye, cosmetic, turn. He is gentle enough, and will take it fell five minutes ago.-" powder, rheumat ic drops, belladonna., Orders filled and delivered to all parts of the town. te.ce "Ah-yes. I see ! Lrhen it's no use and Prfoes bits of cracker fJ om my lingers, and whisk mole destroyer-" Yours sincerely, them up on the shelf to the Tyrant; but he I will atop ringing." The elderly female licked the stamp vi· reasonahle. Telephone communication, greatly prefers to exercise in the wheel, which, li ke a. gigantic tree.d-mill, is fastened An Abel discourse-A sermon on the first cionsly, and left lhe door open as she went out. 43. to one end of the tower. Or he will climb murde1·. ~auadiau Jtattsnun1. The Original YOUNG FOLKS. ]°'n~ perch w~th a.11.four r~at tightly GRAIN -- ' · Jno. McMurtry & Co. SJ.GK H.EADACHf, STANDARD BANK 'i $500fil!!! --·- - .. :I Al or e ~ Popular No. 1, I ~j Boot and Shoe EMPORIUM! . I THIRTY · YEARS · IN · BUSINESS ~ IN· VENTiON .M. MJf YER, -.... - Fall Hats Ge nts' Fur Caps Ladies' Caps, Ladies' & Gents' Fur Coats, Cutter & Carriage Robes,A~::: altered and repaired. Highest Price paid for Raw Furs. The practical Furrier calls attention to the following Branches of his new Fall Stock. JD~iN SP: E1 i,CER, I ECLIPSE CALE D ONIAN Ml LLS. Oatmeal, Rolled Oats, Roller and Stone Flour, Split Peas, &c. Farmers' Gristing a specialty. Pearl and Pot Barley, ,._,t"___,______ PROPERLY MADE. Bran, Shorts, BarleyFeed, Corn, &c., Highest price paid for Grain of all kinds. W. H. IVES. JOHN lVIacKAY.

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