about her ; and her greater boldness and theday, justasehewa.nbeginningan e:xplanfreedom of speech would occa.aionally mani- a.tory not~, and she euhrusted to t hem t he ~ .ftMM M -".,,,. feet itself towards him. This was not indeed informatio11 that she ivas 80 uneasy about Why? often, since not only did his cool contempt Miss Headworth t hat she had decided to AND Tt!E REASo~s APPENDED. make her come off the worst in t he encount- see for her self. So in dashed Adela l"1d R osalind t o t heir . W e are all p rone to very liglit self judg· ers, but the extreme distress they gave WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1888. to her mother ma.de her refrain whenever mother's room full of excitement with t he ment, an d I suppose it is a ha.rd t h ing for · her t emper, or what she thought her news th at Cousin N u ttie was gone off by the any one to believe that effect in our owu incons~ience, would let her; but still there train, because her aunt was very ill indeed. d ividual cases follows cause, and what we was alway s a dimger which kept poor "Gone, Adela? are you sure? Really firmly accept as Fate is rather machinery Alice on thorns w henever t here was a gone?" set liu motion by finger-touch of our own. "Oh yea, maroma ! The dogcart was F or others we see it clea.rly, and for ourpossible difference of schemes or opinions. BY CHARLOTTE M. YONGE. Mrs. William Egr emont was seri ously coming round, and she ea.id she wanted to selves not a.tall. Thus Mrs. Brown says to considering of representing to Ursula. that catch t he 10.5 train, and was very sorry sho me, and Mrs. Brown is a dear little woman, not very old, not very wise, per haps, bu t conduct was bad taste, bad policy, and, had not t ime to write a note to you." her UHAPT ER XX.-W'JLF. " '\Vas t here a letter ? W hat had she capable of making herself moat charming. moreover, was doing her mother's spirits f or and "ilf I cannot once or twice in a quarter bear o~t a and 1 1ea.lth seri ' ous harm , · b ut it was a h d ~" Jmave against an honest man; I have out very bttle P.ar · "I d on' t see wh y, even wl ien a. h U b b o.n d credit with your w orship." delicat e matter in which to meddle, and the "Oh, only t hat her aunt was so Yery ill ! does ,not cease, in all thin g~, to be a lover, ' "CMtoT!a.is oo well 11dapt.ed to children thA\ caatcrfa cnres Colle, Oo11Stlpa.t!on, -11. King Henry IV. good fady could not make u p her mind how She d id not tell us-did she, Rosie?" he still does grow indifferent to his wife's _frecommencl it aa superior to any prescription S<?ur Stomach, p iarrhwa, Enictation, ~ Another ca.use besides U rsula's r ecalci· far to surrender her hrother -in·law's, char· " T here was something about being in society. Now ,John won't take me to any know.a.to me." lL A A11CRER ) [ D Kills W?rtnS, gives sleep, and promote& di·!__. .. ' · · ·· gest1on t rance and her mother's ailment contributed acter and allow a partial j ustification t o time t o writ e to Aunt. Al~ce," suggest ed place a t all, if he can evade it without, as lll So. O:a:tord Si., Brookl1111 N. Y. Wlt.11ou$ Injurious medication. to disturb Mr. Ei?remont, and bring him U rsula. She was a. cautious woman, and Adela. . he supp~ses, a hurt to my feelings/' home. His agent, by name Bulfinch, waited and watched her oppor tunhier, "I am very sorry about this. . l am Most emp hati cally, 1 don't blame ,John. ':i"HE C ENTAUR COMPANY,';';' rdurray Street! N'. Y. In the beginning of October Mr. and Mrs. afraid it bl' a great shock t o Alice, " <!b- I sat behind them once at some entertaina solicitor a.t Redcastle, came to him with irrefragable proofs of gross peculation on Egremont were invited t o a. great shoot ing serYed t he mother, as she imparted the news ment. It wasn't a very good entertain the pa.rt of \ he bailiff who managed the party at Sir ,James Jerninl(ham's. T he in· at hn husband's dr essing-room door. mcx;t, but, dear me ! John ihough t it was. home fa.rm which supplied .the ·house and vitation did not include Ursula.. Perhaps Y oung'girls are so precip'tate !" said the And t hat sharer of his griefs and joys ? She stables, and showed him t hat it was neces- she had ne\·er dawned on their hostess's Canon. w~a in a draught , she wante<l her aha\\ l lWR SALE BY J . HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, BOWMANVJLJ,E 1 sa.ry to ma.ke a thorough investigation and imagination : per haps it ·was .that Lady " Your b rother won't like it at all," the pulled up, and she wanted a. window p ulled change of system. J erningham was well known to dislike girls, lacly continued. , ' down ; she k now t he baby was crying at In point o:f fact, Mr. Egremont greatly or any o.ne who might absorb young men's "Not he. But after a.II, it is just as well home, and her seat was very hard. And, p referred being moderately cheated t;o ex- attention. At any rate t he omission was a t hat he was not ll.J>ked. T hey do owe that t hrough {all the stage performance, t he t ip· erting himself to investigate, but this was cause of thankfulness to the party concerned , poor old lady a uood deal, and Alwyn's not tilt ing of that d ainty, saucy nose, the per· going beyond,modera.tion, and the explosion and she d id not neglect to worry her mother t he ' man t o see it. I'm not sorry t he girl sistent murmuring of- assuredly- a very had been too public. to be passed over . So by a. protest against keeping su ~h company took the matter into her own hands, though sweet t oned voice l "How any one of sense he came home and sat b y, while his wife as would be met at vValdicotes. , I couldn't have advised it." enj oys t his sort of t hing passes my comprea.nd Mr. Bulfinch did the work for him, and .Alice smiled a little faintly and said, ·· J!~xcept that it will all fall on Alice." hension ! vYell, Jack, whenever you can " He is very fond of Alice. She has done tear ycurself a way from t his b rilliant affair, .made it evident to him that the frauds h&.d "l don't think it hurts me, my dear; I been oflong sta.nding,a.nd ca.rriedon with the don't un der st and half of what t hey talk more with h im than I ever though t possible. I 'm rea.dy !" connivance of the coachman, of Gregor io,- &.bout, and t hey are always k ind to me." ~{ept h im respectab!e t his whole year, and And then she says why doesn 't John who had before Mrs. Egr emont'B arrival ·" l don't t hink you ou~ht to go among It !'cally grows on him. He makes ever so \ care to h ave me with him as in those b lessacted 118 house s teward,- a.nd of the former them or coui·ten9.nce t hem. ' much mor e of her now than when he fi~st ed courtship days? A h: but in those days cook. lnde.,d, it w as the housekeeper " My deur child,"-- and the colour rose- brought her home- and no wonder. No, I she car ed t o be wi th him so truly that every whom Mrs. E gr emont had left in charge, "I don't feel as if I ha d a r ight t o set my· no; he won't fall toul o~ ~er:" sight was gilded in her eyes straigh tway, w hose r efusal t o connive had brought about self above any one." .. Perhaps not; bm it is i ust as bad, or and ever y pleasure glor ified. John was t he discovery. " Mother I' wor~e, for he~ if he falls foul of her daughter. not made uncomfortable by sarcasm, nor Gregorio's aha.re in all was su:fficie.ntly bVi· " P eople might have said just t.he same of Besides, she 1s very much attached t o her harrassed by complaints never in t hat dent, and .Alice's heart leap t with hope. me." . aunt . I wish I knew what t he account was t ime ' ' Her husba nd would be wh-OHy her own if ··And w hose fau' t was that ?" m uttered or whether she kn ows anything about it ." A~d Mrs. ' Vhite wonder s why her hush is evil genius wer e once departed, but Mr. Nutt ie under her breath, bu t Mrs. Egre(TO BE CON'l'H<UED. ) band never cares to stay at home one evenE gremont would not see it. . H e had no ob· mont would not hear . She only pleaded , ing in the week ; why so quiet and a.mi&.ble jection to eacrifice ·t he coachman and ll.l! his as perhaps mother ought not to h ave done a man, seemingly made for a domest ic life, underlings, with t hel bailiff and his entire with child. Wl K£LETS. always has some excuse ready to take him family, and felt none of the pity that Alice " You k now, N utt ie, it is not for my own out o'nights. The contract for t he conveyance of the N ow, Mr . White smokes. I don' t d oubt .!lad l or t he pr et ty, silly, half educa teu pleasure, but your father's eyesight makes daughters ; but as t o i he valet-Pooh ! h im d islike t o go anywhere wit hout me now; ]~oglish ma ils to New Zealand, '!Yict San he smokes too m uch, still- , His wife can · pooh ! the poor fellow had been out of the a.nu I really should be uneasy a.bout him." ]'r&.ncisco, has been renewed for another not be&.r the smell of tobacco, and that way all this t ime- whatever he had done " Yea ; he is all you care for," said Nuttie. year. must be altogether given up at home. H is had been in the dark ages, long a.go, before " "< ou rncrifice everyth ing you used to think U pi:var ds of t hreeiiundred horses ha ve wife'~ reading i'! r estricted to~ fashion rnaga.Bridgefield knew its mistress; he was a for · essent ial, i U·t t o his will and pleasu re." been shippeu from London,~Ont., to points zine, and she never '\lances at a newspaper . W e h ave no w com p l e t ed arrangements for a big sale of popular goodi:; eigner, and t hat w e.a enough to prevent him " Oh, N ut tie, I hope .not ; I don't t hink it the .North-West during the past two Her evening work is gener ally some crochet, from forgathering with t he English. l t I do !" weeks. ing wher e one has t o count and pay strict st prices whi ch m u s t take the eye of every econ oro;~al buyer. We keep the best qualities, styl es, and assortu.ent i n was t heir English prejudice. " If 1 th<lught it was doing him any good I mmense quantit ies of g rain are still ati;ent~on. Per~iaps Mr. White t h!nks ·' I can show you facts and figures, llir," I should not so much mind," went on t he stor ed in t he open air a.t points at Mani- sometimes of t heir you th, and th~ e~emngs 1 said Mr. Bulfinch. girl; " but he is just the same, a nd am t oba, notwithstandin g t he partial raising of spent togetlier then. A man can t live ! or "I daresay, a. year or more old. W hy, I always thinking oI ' ' As the husband is the t he grain blockade. ever on syllabub, nor always be a-wooing, for l adies', gen ts' a n d chil drens' w ear ; alflo in T runks and Valises. wa.s an unprotect ed r arcase then-a mer e wife is- - -"' . . . b ut few women whose l.uqbands once were pr ey - the fellow only did after his k ind." " Hush l hush l You have no r ight t o . It is sta~ed that the syn?ica.te.m ter ested ! true lovers need ever lose that love. Come a nd see our e l egant stock-Cash bought it, Jow prices will s ell it. Alice held her tongue then, but made an think in that way of your father. l will m the Mamtoba Central r~ilway is about to .A.nd Mrs. Gray la ments, with bitter tears, effort in private . . "lndeed, I don't think not hear it. I have let you say too much u~derta.ke the constru ction of the Red that Willie is not straightforward ly true; Our specialty is to p l ease o ur customers, o ur a im to save money for our you k now ;) a m a.fro.id Gregorio is not' alter - already, Nutt.ie. " Then after a pause she R iver Valley road . that he " shufiles" and Equivocates. And I p a t r ons, o u r inten t i on to do better for you than a nyone else. Goods SeYen male graduates from Ontario and don't blame W illie. Sometimes h is punish ed. I found him out in h18 . charges a.bout added , gen tly and wistfully, " You ha.Ye t he wine, and t he servants' wa11;es at N ice, been better taught, and a re 0 1 .earer he~de!1 one young lady from Guelph rsoeived dip- ment ii heavy for a t iny fault; for carcless- can not be bou ght chea per- none are allowe d to underrnll u s . . th~ e".er I was, my N u ttie, and it is lo-nas to practice medicine at the annual ness, not open sin; sometimes when the only you woulQp't listen." "His little perquisites, my d ear chilrl I qmte rii:ht tliat you should hat e what commencement of Buffalo University. parents are unusu ally good na~red, or in 28. Come, nonsen se, t heee foreign fellows .don't seems . evil to you. I can only go I t is r eported tha t the Canadian Pacific dulgent, or otherwise occupied, no stress is p retend to have the morals you ascribe to on t rymg to do what seems my duty railway contemplate running the Pacific and laid on a. serious misdemeanor. Wi llie t he na~ive . flun~ey-gener ally without f~o;11i day 10 ~~Y· I kno~, " she added wit h Atlantic exprets ? Jia the Smith's Falls short never knows whether a tornado will whirl foundat ion either - they ar e mnch of a much- r ismg tears, t hat the sin and .folly of my line, using the line through Ottawa princi- a.bout his ears, or a smile reward him, when ness as to that; J:ut your Frenchman or younger days worked a diflicult poeiti_ o n for pally for freigh t purposes. he makes an apt and saucy speech. . . Italian does it more neatly, and is a dozen us b~th; but we can only act .accordmg to . And Mrs. Green, (so Yerdant !) tlunks 1t t imes bet ter servant than the other is." our lights, and pray God to direct us; and ~he C~nad1an ~overnme~t ha;Ye renewed as remarkable as, ead t hat Henry, senior, · please- please bear with me, my dear one, their oiler to f\esl8t th_e em1grat1on sc~cme does not interfere with Henry, jun ior, now " But-- -' "Oh, ay l I know you don't like him. But i~ ; the :same cou;se does not always seem of the. Imperial .P a.rhamentary committee he has grown beyond her own control. he knows his manners to you, 1 hope?" said right t;o us both. ' . by advice and assr.stance a.nd grants ?f lands · One must condemu him, because he is that M r , Egremont, .. :wit h a suddenness that N uttie had ~ever heard her sa~ anythme to settlers~ hut will not be. responsible for moat useless thing, a man who dares not made her wish she could t ruthfully say he so fully show mg that she r ealised thea'.l t he collect1on of money or mterest. assert.his manhood. And yet the trouble is oE did not. difficulties~ and, greatly touched, she asked At a. i·ecent meeting of t he Montreal Mrs. Green's own brewing. When Harry "Yes, he always is- is respectful, but pa.ri!on, kissed and caressed her mother. lloard of Trade Council, it was decided to was a little fellow, jjust beginning to be 2omehow I see it is under ;protest. " There was a cal~over them for th? next few petition the Government to increaee the naughty, one word and correction from h ili Mr. Egremont laughed: "' Riva.Is- yes, d'.l'ys, . and Nuttie actually reframed from limit of weight on l etters to one ounce. father was enough to bring forth his mother I see ; why, you !,lon't consider the sore t rial ·bitter ccmments when her mother was not The petition for a. reduction of the rate of in defense. And not that a.lone, but R he of having a full-grown mistress turned in allowed to go t? eve~song on Sunday, .?n t he postage to two cents was deferred tor the axgued- before t he child- the parental in1 npon him ! ·· Look .\.J,er e1 you keep the keys P.lea of ~ter bemg t ired, bu t , !ls the gu l be- present. juscice and unreason, that, who could a.Jr eady, but tht'! new fellow at the farm lleved , m 0 r derdth~t she rmght rtJad t he A reduction of one-eighth has been made wonder so much when the disgusted man and the rest , .,at Jhem " ~hall account to you neSwhspakpers n o h u ·h . in the price of granulated SU"a.r by the finally threw aside all control, and left his . for everything...:Gregorio and all. Won't d eb nhew t a.t er si1 .,ncek".Va.sdapprecia· Montreal combination. It is hop"ed thatthe oifdpring to a. very weak pair of woman's · ·fy yon ·'."· te y t e way her mother isse her and h · nds And Mrs Green n ed 0 ~ m 118 t d ·e.ti t ha t · ,. ~ ··· · . · ' b Halifax: sugar refinery, which has J ·ust be'lu ~ ·h · H ·· e · '--d won " T1 '8 · ca11e d her a. dear, good, considerate girl. " n t 00 d" Wh er . ·1 · b" k G 1 1 1 no. t1 th~ mon:iy, ut ~ m reOn Monday Mr. and !.,frs. Egremont went operations after being closed for two yea.rP, · w Y arry is so issipa..,., · y, ." . go~:o i11 a ba.\l , .- no(~ goodr :qia.n. . a.way at what was a strangely ea.i-ly hour and most of whose stockh olders live in Eng- when he hears one parent's wisdom doubted, . Ho, ho . she wan ts t o advertise for a for t l.e former, Nuttie spending her days a.t land, will refuse to join the combine. . and opinion set at nought, can he not supply pious footmal'.! a _nd; coacliman J .eh ? N _ o, I tli · e Rectory, himself, .a little scorn for t he other? 1E d ,':I· · d h Lord Dnffer in, having been infor med th~t There are 80 many whys, so many r ea.sona h nk y ou.· "'-1 ,a;gr. i; a m .hp Y ea.d r , ·""" ee w.It - 1 On t he Tuesday Bl·nche went w1 "t h her a s t ree t m · T oront o h as b een named "" -'ter w hy, perhaps each one's conscience can h0 rr · I ~ 0 w, was ~t, ~ sai · · r . ez moi, mare sans / little eistH and the govern . eas on a shopping him, hns wri tten o. letter expressing h ie tell him others, and where he need J not go m'.I e,n mty r e" ~ · ; .". 1 .,, ~. d f G expedition to Red-castle, and in relating her warmest appreciation of the compliment, and farther a.field in a.eking t he monosyllabic .h~ d~ect?ry J~kedis: lia.u b:ope or 0 r:· 1adventures on h is return, she said " Oh, by offering his r espectful thanks to t he Mayor q uestion for the answer , gorio e 1s,in1ss~ · an t ere were grave 1 ? s the bye, I met Annaple in Park'll shop!'~ and Corporation of the city for the lionour when A bee had to. cprlfees. t hat . nothmg " Full of Micklethwa.vt e new.s I suppose " thus conferred upon him, , Veget ftbles. would move he r, husb~nd ·against him. ~~e said May . · ' ' .. 1 "Yes, uf course. Did you kn ow, Nuttie, The farmer's wife usually has a variety of C anon even l~h~d .himself up ,t-0 say, tell you ho'?' it 1s, .Alwyn, you l~ n~ver d o that your aunt was ill ?" W ombw ell's famous Menagerii · vegetables t o use, but sometimes lacks a any good with your household, while you " No indeed I did not What was the varie ty in ways of cooking'them. A few re· lnsp e C'tio n S oJicit e d. keep that fellow, " matter?·· ' · . " Wombwell 's menagerie hPs been sold to cipes have been collected which may be sug"I am not.aware .what de.scription of good "Bronchitis, I believe- brown titus, as Mr. Barnum who has alre_ad_y ca.used so gestive: . Victoria Buildings . i111JRDOCH BROS. you expeci; ihe to do with it , W ill/' coolly Betty Butter calls it. " much woe to, the youth 0 ~his island,", says CABBAGE SALAD. - Two eggs well beaten, imswered the elder .br other in a. disconcel"t· "Bronchitis I Oh dear 1 oh dear l Are ·the St J ames'°' _Gazette. Wombwell s nu- one tablespoonful mustard, one tea.spoonful ing tone. . ·· , yon quite·.s ure, Blanche?" rivalled collect10~' has for 1?1ore than seventy p epper, two teaspoonfuls salt, four table· Poor .Alice, ' o'ii her side, thought of the " Oh ·yes l I a.m quite certain A onaple ye.are.been tl·e.ohief attraction of all the large spoonfuls mel ted butter, six tablespoonfuls tit tl.e Master and then wondered if it w;as 11.n, said Mark told her that MiBB Headworth !airs m th~ kmg~o~ : from dea.d.and -~one sweet milk, one tea.cupful vinegar. Stir all charitable to do so. ;For 11he kn~w it. had was laid up with bronchitis." Bartlemy to Birmm)ham, from Nottmg. on the stove until it thickens like custard. ts founder was J e.re· '\Vhen,cold, mix: with finely chopped cabbage. become war to the I knife with Gregor io 1 " And nobody baa written to us all this ha;m to Donny brook. Whether his.master· told him, or wheth!lr it week I" sighed N uttie. mia~ '\Von;ibwcll, who owed the foundation Extract of celery or a. little celery salt is an wer: his. ~wn'.~vil C!lnscience, or t~ewonder- . "I should think that a sign there could of ~Is ?onsiderable ~ortune to a lucky spec~- improvement t o those who like celerv. iul mtmtlon of,fl.llrvants, he oerta.mly knew not be much in it" observed May ; it mav lat1on ID boa.-constrirtora. He bough t a pair B . p , p . of the pressur,e for his dismissal, and he be only a. bad cold'.>' c.f t he first ~o~s that ev~r c~me ~o England Ro:LED .oTA1:0ES.-, arbo1l_ pared. po: visited 1ton ·l-.erasmuchashedurst. i "But ~ .'A.unt Ursel had bronchitis four for £75, exhib1tedtbemmhccaddly , andre· tatoes? cut .msl~ce~ ha .fan m ch t hick, d ·n · d d " · couped his ou tlay in a for tnight. These , P1a ce, m a wire g1rdiron, over a moderate Outwart~d~fere:t1~, h;could;hwarta.nd 1 · yda. N ::.o, an .. ras very .~ . ee ii·lers1s~ snakes were the nucleus of the tamous J fire; turn frequently , u nt il well browned P u r i fy t h e B l ood, correct all Disorders of the !l'n noy an er m a- un. re way~, ro~ ma,k. e · u 1e. , Ql sure 1. IS ronc l is,. an show, w)lich in t ime became 80 large that it on both sides; season with salt and pepper, UJglovetothehous-ema1tlsto makmgev1lsug · that she won t ,.let Miss Mary write to fill d f t d b 120 h 1!' and serve hot. Boiled potatoes when cold t" to h" --. t · · · h , us " · l e or y vans rawn y orees, or . ... .. . 1-'IV.E R , S TOIU.A.C ll. f{ l ;DNEV S A..ND ~.t_) WELS . ges ione is ~uaa er, yet never giving er . · man ears the three sections int o which may be used for broiling, and can be done . . . . any over~ ca.use of complaint. He coulc:r1, She w~e m much distress about it, t houph th Y Y · d' .d d . , t ti in t he same manner. They i n vigorate and res tore health Debilitated Con stitution s, and worry and sting her u nder t he politest ex- May privately told i her that she ought to e menager~e wa.3 ivi e were cons ~n Y , , ·· . · are invaluabl e i n 11.ll Oompla lnts Incidental to Fama.lee of a.11 A gee. Fo-r terior, and he knew very well that t he mo!lt I know Blanche's way better than to trust on t he road, and t he e~penses are sai,d to P01;ATOES BAKE~ WITH MEAT -~~re and Ohildren and the aged t h ey are ' p rice less. effec't ual f f' · th · a· ; implicitly to any of her r eports. and . her have been as much as £600 a. week. Old parboil, t hen place m the pan conta.mrng the ing his m orf1' 0 t~n~oya.n:d~a.e f eJ.ersur · .i aunt said miicn 'the ·same · thing, in Jerry did good service in bis time ; for had 1 fowl!or roa.st, Turn over when partly cook· 0 i ·tude wasastefb a. tnanyd I bscom for aafB ·,1 more'g ' eneml tei ms ' ven proprslog t hat if it not been for .his en terprise, millions of ed, so they may brown evenly. They can S" o e re ov y some orm . · '" t · · t ·1 ld b b k d · th" "th t b T · d narcotic. This wotild have the forther a.a': iihe did not hearthe next morning she should p eop1e .u a_ys an en?r 0 r~i ways wou e ~ e .m 16 man~er WI, ,ou par oi mg, I s an infallibl e rem e d y for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Woun ds Sor vanta?e of stupefying Mr. · Egremont and g o over to .L escombe to ascertain wha~Ma.rk h3;ve died without seem i:: aw1ld bea~t. llnt but nqmre .a ll!nger t1~e. fhey can also be 11nd Ulcer11. It le famous for Gont & nd Rheumatism, For disorder· of the ma.king him morei read t o I · e und;r the · had ·r eally said.. . fairs. ha Ye had tbeir day and t mvellmg men- baked m d r1ppmge, w'.thout fowl or meat. __ ~ .old influence; '.Wh.ile .y the l!:~uration and This pacified,hH a little, but on her way ageries have not been very r1'0fitable for . PICKL~D B~;ETS.-Prckled.beats are a deli· " ,. . Cheat it h a.a no e-q~a.l. -, . . st~ength of t he _ ne'lf ·one was already a. aur;. home .the' alarni grew upon her, and, more: some years. c.i o.ns r eh sh to keep conveniently on h~nd.. , !'or Sore Throats, D1·onclut1s, {l . ouglu, ()o Ids, p rise to Gregqno. '. ; . . -I:Over, ·sh e recollected the opposition that she Boil t ender half a peck of beets. '.I hey Gl d 1 ff d 11 Sk" But there ~as no doubt that Mrs. Egre- believed that her fa ther was certain to make Quiet Work. should cook at least two hour~ slowly. ~n u ar ~ w e m gs, an a .m rnea ses it h as n o riva I ; a nd mont had profit d b h f t· · · ; to either her mother or herself going to Much of the work which makes the world 'V~en thoroughly done ~llow a sl~ce of ~aw contracted and stiff Joints it actl!I like a charm . -She looked tir~d, !nde!?s: a.iiutbt:ln:i;d I nilrse her aunt. . It flafh ed upon her that if better and happier is done by single women on~o~ to tevery bee~, h Slice ~eh I~to Jar, . pre tty, but she had gained in grace and E he wer e to hast en to l\iicklethwayte on this It is done quiet ly and often in secret fo~ pudm ~·be laspoon. o f ohrse l ra 18 ' s ix t coves, Manufactured only at THOMAS HOLLOW AY'S Est abliahment · t a.nee as well as m · sty1e and was · a1· ' cou ' ld b e a 'pro}' "b"t" ' a nIf d a ""' espoon op w ob e .. peppers · , unpor arm ·b.efore .th ere 11 i wn, women more frequently than men 'heed , 1 b · o every 78 EW OXFORD STn ...-E , much more re&lly the-mistress ofBridgefield ·it wquld be no disobedience, and perfectly Charle; Dickens' advice to the p upil; of the 1tiha ozd e n tee thts. our oiW!mh g vmelgdar over ' N .1.ui T, (late 633, OXFORD STREET), LONDON ' H er sh yness liad passed away, and sh e k new · " '.iustifiable · not, · to' say nob!e. Her. pa ren ts Massachusetts Schoolship · : " u em ooys, d o all· C an B so . em away. p .en p co cover. A n d areao ld a t. 111. l l.d 2" ., 2s . 9d ., 4 e. 6d., 11 s., 22s., and 3 311. e ach Box Ol' Pot ··rid .how to t ake her1pla-ce in society, though still ,were ·t o returi;i on.Thursday evenmg, !J.nd the good you can, and make no fuss about p OLbD . EE:F dWITHh UREE Ol' OTA'l'OES,may b e h ad from all Medicine Vendorsthroug hout t h e World , ' · she was someW'hat silent. And her husband .she ma.de up her mmd that, unless she were "t ,, a.re, oi1, an mas t we1ve large potatoes, . ·· depended up'o n"' her entirely ior all his cot- ,fully ,reassured· ·as to JI.lies Headworth's' ~ "n S ile· in his " Life and Labor ,, A dd to them salt, pevper, and t wo table.rrnHh asera hould look at the 1.abel on the P ots and Boxea. I t t he r ddH~ J respondence I for much: of'hi11 occ.upaiiOn a.hil "st;.te,··she woultl go off at once to Mick.Icth- '·ll '~ this truth by na.rratin<Y t he origin spoonfuls of butter ; then beat in gradually ... n li33 ···,.,_, .....! !\tll'e.. c. J,on dnn . Uuoy ......, llJl>ttNmiR. ai:i'use~ent,'a},ld eYen for the ' reg!1lat(d1,1 :O~ .w ·a,y .t-, 1Jefore any 1one J cou ld gainsay h er.· ~f~~1!\ondon Hospital for the"' l'u.ra.lyzed one p~nt of bo~ling m~lk. Spread thi.s pre...._,, w .... ~IS affairs. pi h\le hous~hol~, Q>regor,io Wal) ,S he h;i-4 plenty .o! m!m~y, and she c~nsplte!1 and Epileptic. · iiara_ t1on ou a warm dish and t hen place on QW 6.000,000 PE;f)..a,~.E little more ;t\lall , hi' iP'\li..s(;inal ;,attendaJ!~; r·thi:; ,t1i;n~·ta.ble ~D; hall before g~mg up~ Two maiden sisters, orphans, who had lt shoes of cold ro,a st beef. ~ut one to.ble~Ell"'~T·<:..s~~D ~ and bhe had t he ·g0p.ernl ma~!l>geme11t, even rs:airs., It . onfy' ..·conce.med .the nee.rest been reared by their ~tam;lmother, were SJ?OO~ful of gravy on each ~hce. Place ~he ~"" ~ .ic;,J..,, J of. the other ~en-servants. :J..' he Ca.non.ess hne., ,, bu,t she caloola.ted that if she t.ca.i~ht· waiting her return one evening. She had dish 111 the oven for fiye mmut~s. Garmsh , tl.M.FERRY & CO, Hau r ecelve1l h er new stock o·f might well say. 1t 1 had turned 'oi+t better1;han 1r~he .expr ess, ~qe,spould reach her dest1~at10\l · left'. them, active and cheel'fnl, to make a. t~e edee of the dish wit h any kmd of i;:r~en, are .,dmJt ted to be the ;11heexpected. , .. :'" · . ~~·.' .: c'- ' 11itio:ie:town~; to, her motheratWald1potes, ·shoi:t visit. A knock summoned !hem ~o like parsley, carrot or cele~y. _Qtherkmds · ' r..arfnef~:~~~f3:en . h ~ b I. . prevent neel!less shocks. Her e.a.gerness .th d They could h·rdly .,ecognize· the·r of cold meat can be served m this manner. y ·& co 8 And N u tt1~ 1 and !" f ~cplJ1e more. womany, f h 1 ~ . " . h · oth t· . d e . oor. ~ ~ D.M. FERR , ' and invites the Ladies of Bow and had acquired t e' iud~nnl;\blepollsh ~yen ?r_t. .e pa~ g£~W up~n er, s a 1t seems , 'grandmother in the _pi>ra.lyzed b~rden .FRIED :APPLEs.- Make a. batt?r of t\"l'.o rn~:!:·::.l'J~i:~:i'P· by a London Reason, She had learnt · the ~bl~e I~?erat1?Didshe co~ld hardly sleep for· which the men brought mto the hall. eggs, a prnch of ~'.llt, a cup o.f milk, a.nd six: D manville and vicinity to call art of conve~~a.~~o~,' f\n~_bould make' he,~lf Lt~mkm!? of it, &pd c~r~tai~ly was~otas mnc}l '. ·She linger ed il). a. hi:lpless body, and then tablespoonfuls of floor. Slice, pare, a~d SEE and see her Pattern agreeable to ~~:i; uncfe, or to any oi;ie ~lse VljhO j.diaapp . 01nt ed .~s'i!lh~ pe~1eved ,herself whe~. died .' .The orphan .sister~. nursed _ at her core t~rt apples as Saratoga potato~s. Dip ANNUAL came in her ,way., Eyen May 'a.l.low~a plJ,at the '(JO~~ came}~-:-:~ 1bl~nk.' i . . . · ·:_ .bedside, and ~here. ~oncpivea the idea. of them .ID the;i batter and fry. Eat wit h powF or 1 aaB 1 11he had some~}jiing:m he,r, and cultivated.q11,r 1 F~~eT~i:tL . - ¥.11:tt1µ was . 11.Way wi!h Her_· mistress, so of founding a h~spi~l for the paralyzed, dered sugar. 1 more than biifore' ; 1 but, on ,t h e,; other hal).d, ' ;N~t~~ ?xpla.'ined matters to · the up~er They were not rich, but they gat,h ered toapplicants, and and a ssortment of even the Rect!'1ry! could perceive. the.t there i·hoi+sel)',la1d, wha. ·~\\'.Ill v_ e ry. sympath:etic, geth er one thoi1sand dolla_rs a~ the first offer A young lady, visit ing for t he first time ~~.~~~~e~~~?f~~ was now an·absolutJe alienation. betW.eeri::imr i'ca.ilried· );down :<J1,~r1 \ 9rd,ers ,for the 1 carr1a&e1. ·ing to the cliar ity. Kmd and wea.lthy · in the country, was l\larmed at the approa cli out ordering it. and her fathet";' and what _mlght before ha.ye ·;procu~.cd fo~ h~r poth bri~.~f~.st and prov1s- .iµen .and. women hear~ of t he g.ood ca.use, of a cow. She w as too frightened to run, valuable t oall, been fear ha~ beco'n'i~ . dislik~;· , '1£.'she HM tion-fo"t the JO~r~ey, , and ~a.ck:~d he~ _clothe~: · a.nd wer~ _inter~sted1 3:he)l ~ssoc1ated them- and she.king her {<arasQl at t he animal she Carde~~F~~f~~;~~~~~ to refer to him,.·especia.lly . if· h er plans for IUrsul a would ..fli.1nihave b'een . eft' b efore the selves· wit h the. orpha.n SIS. t ers, . and tl;e said ina ·very st ern tone:" Lie down, sir! ~El::: os·~~lll~~·.i't.~~: STORE :- Second Door West of l'f.IUlams .her self or. !J:tlr -ritotlter~ ·were cr ossed, there I Rectory W llil! aw!J.!je-, ·but(tl1e two livtle ·girllf lhciapital was founded'; ., ,lie down,!",. O. M. FE~RY &.CO ·· W indsor.Ont. lnteber Stall · was always ·a ·tone.of bitterress or of sarcasm, came up with a message about the p lans for M_ 'l rtt' 'Ir · j d J"!Ht' MM t\tt1u~t.w m ',.,au HOUSEHOLD. · N UTTIE'S F !THER. Infants I Children. w ill The Prices tell, I I the Quality sells. I BOOTS , SH 0 ES A N D 8 L I P PER S I M. T R ELE VE N I Murdoch Brothers' N"E-W- OECIN""A.. ::S::..AL L., where are to be seen 1 21 Dinn er Sets, lovely pat terns, 30 China Tea Sets, very pr etty, 15 Printed Tea Sets, elegant designs, 50 Superior Printed Bed Room Sets, SEVERAL CASES SUPERIOR CLASSWARE JUST ARRIVED. 20 White Bed. Room Sets. Large va riet y H a nging a n d Table . L amps, F a n cy Ware, Bohemian a nd Ch ina Cups and Saucers, &c. !, HE A L "'.I' H FOR ALL r , . 'j l;t1J·iiM«j;l1ft!l111n & THE PILLS to THE 01 NTMENT :· 'r· lb I I I i I s n· . . t 't:i fh.e i l ilS ll c TAVISH GOODS., & , BONNETS, HATS TRIM MIN Gs·- I J Children Cry for ~itche.r~s.-c.C.Ci~_toria;