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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Apr 1888, p. 2

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"I was sure it would be so,' ~11.id Mr mce little shop at Munks I Lorton enmsaion Keepi ng. D utton, "I muse go and bee lhml Good old Basswenttochurchone sultryday, Verona Jarbeau, the actress, , 11 a lively "Yes," sa,id Mary, "he is the great inter Thorpe 1 I ought ne\ or lo have pu t those She kept a.wake, I'm g1ad to say, inter v iew wit h a Chicago Inter OC'ean re BEWARE 01' 'IM.l'l'.A'l'IONS. A LWA YS est and delight of her life Her letters are poor thiogs into the firm when I ceased t o Till " founhly " started on Ins way· porter, ga.ve her views on the husb11.nd ques full of his little saymgs and domgs," ha.ye any control over i~. l shall never for T hen the moments into hours grew; t10n, and her advice may prove valuable to ASl ( F OR J}R I'lERCE'S l'ELLE'.l'Ji, Olt "Is she at home now? ' i;we myself--" Oh dear ! oh dear 1 what should she do? some wives. "I tell you, wmnmg a husband LI1TLI!J SUGAR·COA.1.'ED PILLS. "No · at Brighton Her father seems to "Notlnn~ could seem sa.fer then' No one is ouly a pleasure t o a woman, but keepmg Bc aug eutu ely vegetable, t h< y ophave takEd a disllk.i to Bndgdield since his eoull have guessed t hat young Mr Green Unseen.Ls~e ghd.!d from the p~w, hi m is.a :penance That is not mcely put, e· ate" it bout distm bane" to t he s~ stem diet 01 o< c up 1 t1on Put up m g·luss \mis, h< i meti BY CHARLOTTE M . Y ONGE brother's ocath, aad cnly goes there for a. leaf would be ao careless without !us father And up the aisle demurely went, but what I mean is that more than two cully sculecl Alwa ys fresh oncl ieliablc As short time m the shootmg season He has to keep !nm up to the mark, nor tha,t Mr On some absorbmg mission bent, thirds of the women who marry let their a !aJ;at1ve, a1tcrat1vc, 01 1nugahve, taken a. lease of a house m London, and Goodenough should nlter so much. Is 1t very Her eyes filled w ith a look mtent husbands slip through their fingers been.use these little Pellets gr ve t he most pei t ect CHAPTER XXVJ sfnct10u spends most of the year thore " b ad? Is there worse behrnd i Speculation, they a10 too lazy, too md1fferent, or too sat1 THREE >:&RS !ATER "Ah!" as she showed him tbti address, I suppose-- ' She stopped and said, m plaintive tone, 1gnocant to keep them A girl wms a hus .. l'lwe s someth11H( rnttea 111 the St·te -1/amlct "that is near the old house where I usel 'o "Of course I do not sec to the bottom W ith hand upl<ftcd toward the dome, band unconsc1ously Ask any of your fnends On an east wmdy afternoon m Mitrch stay with my grand itunt We thought it of it yet; poor George seemed to reckon on "l'lea.se, preacher man, ca.n I go home?' how they captured their other ha.If, and tLey l th h t th b t t f d I f d ti will tell you frankly 'I don t know.' A B· ll!>TIS J:lleatl acltc, Ma.ry Nue:ent emeiged horn the School of a toge er 1n t e coan ry en, u l is me 01 an a vance, but am a ra1 us is The trel 1 , voice, bell like LU sound, , 1 t d b t t h d D1zz1uess, Consti1·a·Art, her well worn portfolio nnrle1 her arm, qmte a.bsorbed now, i>nd I have deEzlmg mor e than a mer e temporary depression, man 8 1 ear ts ensna· e Y a pre Y an ' t · 011 Iud1~cst i 011 , 1r b Id f th f h 11 h Disturbed a sermon most profound nice teeth, a round, low 'owe, frank eyes, Bl u6us AttaCJc,., and all thtnklD.,, " bow many successive generations ouers from m mg companies or e ew suchbas may ho tided over, and t t~t a t at d A k "I d t i tter swelled as 1t went ronn beautiful hair · by the way a girl walks derangements of t 1 1e stom <>f boys and girls she ha.d drilled t h rough acres of gi:ound around l t . L ave you seen can e 1 oo e to is trymg to save 1 lonour t lk b h f h ' J nch md bowels me prompt, 1 "' free ha.nd ," "perap ect1ve," and even "hie" her ' ' a,ble names by an utte1 break up, wh10h A smile t he pastors face o'ersprcada s, P a) s, n es, puns ' Y ei gi ts, er ly t cltm ed ind pct rnanently with an unvarymg average of failure and "Oh no; I believe she 1s quttP necessary may rid them of that-that -no, I won't H d db simle, her am1abihty, good taste, generoa,ty cmcd b.l' t he use ot Dr. h u.d ~ I 1 l l t h f th I l h f h th h h d l I h Lt h hi fl e pa.us<:! an ent 1us state1Y e or the very manner 1D which she greets Jl>1or< e's D:'Jcasnnt Purg~tive P o llets v ery moderate success, and iow itt e ta ent o er a er on Y ear o er roug ca.1I 1m a scouD re t oug 1g Yo nm "}'es, i 1ttlc d ear,' he gently said fascma. t.es or abuses him Slic may not kno~ In exp! 10at 1 on of the 1cmedrn l p nwei ol these 't)r ongmahty had come to the front, though Lady Kirkaldy, who has been very kmd to once, and no doubt he never realized what ]' H s · , Pellets 01<r so gi vat a vm i< ty of d·SC'noes, it all might be the better for knowmg how to her, but, I am sorry to sa} , is now gone ho was aoi ng." how she won him, but if she doesn t know rnt1y t rnt hfully ut! si1d that then ncttou upon how to keep him the best thmir for her to ao t11 e BJ stem 1s mm crsal not a gland 01 tissue She says s Iie ·8 t o find oiit There "re In"OY thing" we esc11pwg t~1 01r sanat1vo mftm nee Rold by .use eyes and finger~ Wl th h er L 'lrd t o tiie E ist Before the evemng wa.s far advanced Wh p h 0 A ] h 1 On the whole her rnterest as well as her thmks that respons1b1ltty ha,s been very Mark l<~aremont knocked at the door, and! at US au .occomp 18 · k b . w w I drngg1sta,25 cents a vml Mnnufactmed ut t ho -diligence did not flag ' but a sense of wear1 good for Nt1t he ; she is gentler and l ess 1111 courtco;sly a·ked whether Mr Dutton could The first e:xpenence ot a m 1 ll1onaire mer now y mtu1t1on ' the rest have to be I Chem ical L t1Jornt01 y of Womn s D lSPk i'iSAR Y ness and monotony would sometimes come petuous, and a good deal softened by her be ~pared to !um for a httle while Mary' chant of Ph1ladelpbia on his arrival m t he lea.,ned by experiment Conscious of her j llfEDICAL A s ,;o cIAHON, Duffalo, N Y. -after a recurrence l·f we11 k nown bl un d ern a ffec t ion f ot the ch 1Id ' Nugent replied that she was JUBt 5omg to I "i i1 ~ n1twieisllalne~rinnahbo1wht1t w · apv;a1feh,uaebwanisdeJ~ost ~ 1uatrates w llat pusIi can ac amb:l eos ak~e REYi~ARD ' country apt1 '-Of her pupil·, and she nussed the senge of " She was certam to develop. I only help Mrne Head ivo,.th to bed and tha.t the compllsh VVhen he stepped ashore f1 om gomg home to refreshment and eni oyment dieaded what society her father might sur pllrlour was at their servic~ for a private the sailing \ essel, he said, "I was without as she lea.ma how to keep house, t o make J whwh had once mv1gorated hAr S~. Am round her with" mterv1cw but Mark answered "My wife is money or fuende I spoko to a man on the chicken croquettes, chocolate creams, breitd, ~ I k d h h d , H beds or lemonade, and if she doesn t, why · ' ' ;brnse's Road had h a d its gol d en a):(e, b ut t h e "L,.,dy Kirkaldy says that all has turned anxwus to hear She knows all tha,t I do wbar., an< as e im W at to o. ere th th h h t is ofl'e1 eel by the mann fictnrbnghtness had bern dimmed ever since that out bette1 than could have been expected. and 18 quite prepared to hear wha,tever Mr' piled, ' VI' 01 k, young man. Have you any some siren, WI " sum me m er. resses 1it 1 or s 0 1 Jl) 1 , Sage'r.1 ()ata11h .., l M onk s H or t on. 0 ne a ft er an You see, as she says, M r E tt n 'N o, , I sa1d ; · W h a t d o you and the p erfume of wild olives Ill her .,,,. '"'dy, for a C"Se of ~eshva at ~gremont ha.sheen Dutton may not object to saymg before mo o' ~· · ' H d 'E th clothesaudabout her gloves a,nd handker' ' Uh1 otuc N1Snl {r1tan h" whieh 1 ·other of the happy old socrnty had drop used to good women m his own family, and her " mean ? e Sal , very man mus ave chief. will secure her a permanent vacation, "t' , 1 I' tho) c 111not cme (ped away. The VlCa.r had received would not like to see her m a slangy fast So they bilode good mght to Mary, a,nd [a motto.' As I walked along the street I "'romotton, .imd she only remained of set All her own ga1ties have been under went on together to the next house, Mr. saw painted on a. door the word' Push' I MEN ARE NOT FOOL S. SYIUP'.li'OlUS O.i CATAH.UH.- Dull, r heavy headache, ol1 ~t1 nct1011 of the nasal the former rnt1m1ttes, exceptrng old Miss Lady K1rkald's wmg, or t ha.t o± Mr Wll- Dutton sa.)ing ' ' You have much to forgive Bil.ld, that shall be my motto I did push They may be boys, but they will be treated passjtges <l1 scluugcs J,1!lmg 1rom t he head Hea,dworth, who wa~ no lonl(er a com ham Egremont's relations, and only in a me Mr Earemont · I feel a,s 1f I ba,d de- at thi:.t, and entered an office I was asked fairly and if there 1s a,ny place where t he mt o the tbi oat, somctnncs ptofuse, wat ery, 01 8 pamon, but whom affection forb:.de her to qmet modernte way. Her father gets his serted the ~hip iust' aa I had mduced you t o "\\hat I wanted I said, 'Work .' 11.nd the iama ~nd Jellies, custards and cookies are ~~~u~~,:;1~· g}0~~~ 1 ~~Au~ti t~1~~ Z~ ~J~1; 0~~ -deser· m feeble old age Had her thoughts own old set about him, and they have not embark m it" word on your door gave me not only a mot liable to be hidden be sure they will find it. weak, wate1y, 1u1d m flamed there is i 1ngmg -of the (lld times conJured np a figure belong been verv choice, but they are mostly elde1 "You did not guess how ill it won '<' to, but confidenco' "A man loves to see his wife well dressed m the em s. deafness hackmg or couglnng t o 1 ~ng to them? Ther e was the "ell bmshed ly men, and gentl emen, and know how to steered without you ' returned Mark, with "My manner pleased the mau He ask When ahe goea about ~n tatters, w ith big ~~~~eit,h~0J!\\~:rt,w~f1f~~~b:t:f~,~ m0 i11 g0~~~ 8t~: lia.t, the natty sllk umbrella, the perfect fit behave themselves to her. fodeed, her cou a ~1gh "Do not f;ar to speak out before ed me many questions, all of "'hich were an shoes, unhdj skirts, soiled collar and a halo , 01ce is changed and l1ns n nas1tl t\rnng t he cof garmenfa, the precise turn out, nay, the sm Bla.nchc, who wa.s here in the wmter, my wife even if we are smkmg. Sac will 1swered promptly He said at last, ' I of curl papers 1£ he doesn't swe ~r he thrnks bienth m offensive, smell !llld tnste m e 1mciuly hon shaven poodle, with all his fringes, ga,ve us t-0 understand that Ursul a knows hear it bravely, and smile to t he last" Wil.no a boy of 'push,' and a.a you have it Id on' t b'eI 1eve m the economy of h ome mental puu ed, depression theie 1s a scnsnt1ou of dizzmcss, a baclrn1g cough nnd with genleapmg on her rn recogmt1on, and there was how to take ca,re of herself, and gets laugh The room wh1eh Mr. Dutton entered wa,s adopted that for your tnotto I will try you. ' toilettes. I never t ake a dress that 1s done era! clebihty Only a f ew of t he above-named th&.t sllghtly French flourish of the hat, be ed at as rnther an old ma1d1sh model of pro not like the cabm of a srnlnng sl11p, nor, as ' He did My success followed, and the for and we~r it 111 the hou se W hen the hfe symptoms m e h kely to be present m auy one fore-\'\ 1th a bonndrng heat t- die mot the pnety, if you can believe it of your little in bis own time like the well ordered apart motto that ma.de my fortune will make that is gone out of it it goes into the rag bag I c!\Se 'l housancls ot cases annually, without "· l E I h N ,, ' I d d h f ' moe !men with plenty · of sult mamt estrng lJnlt ot tho .ibove sympt oms, re,.,...a.nc m an < ng 1s grasp. u tt1e. ment of a. bache1or of ta,ste. n ee , t e o 0thera · ma.ke a. duty of rn consumption, and end 111 t he g rave '"' Ahss Nugent l ' "I could q u1te believe 111 her on the de house was a gra.t puzzle to Monsieur, who The word B old, short and cnep, hut it laces, and my house gowns a.re not old, 1 No drscnse 1 s so common, moro dccept11 e and ' "Mr Dutton 1" fens1ve, unprotected as she is ' entered by mvita,tJon, knowmg hlB way per- expresses everythrng, and has ca.1 ved out they are not wrappers and they are not dangerous, or less understood bl p lQ 511 ·ans 10 11 11 ·· I thought I should meet yon here 1' " Whau did that young lady-Miss fectly, thmkmg himself at home after all fortune and fame for hundreds of thousands ugly. Another bobby of mrne is my lrn1r, D~~·:i1~~~ ~·n~i?~~ Wci~~~Yhc~;,'~~ ~ h J'~~~i:l ,., When did you come~' Blanche-tell us about that gentleman, his travels, and then missing his own pllrtl of poor and obscure boys whwh I will nave as near the poet's con j cases ot Catauh, G· col<l nt tlae head," ·· Half an hour ago. I came down with J Mary?' asked Miss Headworth, htarmg and cular mat, and smffing round at the furmcept10n of 'her fragrant tresses' as possible Cot y:tia, and Catat i llal D.cadacJte. <leorge Greenleaf, left my thmgs at the uttering Vlha.t Miss Nugent hoped had passed ture. It was of the modified re3thet1c da.te, Double Seemg-. Then I have a whole lot of little devices-I Solcl bl drn gg ists evcxJ whcte' 50 ccuts Royal Hotel, a,nd came on to look for you " unnoticed. J::ut arranged more with a view to comfort perfume my eyebrows and hps, keep my "Untol<l Agon} from Cata11h," "You will come and spend the evemng "Oh, I think that w·a !" re than anythmg else, a nd by the hght of the Ifbanyone girl I my t ee th ID good ord er " all gossi·p · h t should say t to l ahboy t or d 1 k hav h an d s sof' "a.n d coo, P i of w· H 1uSNE1t, the fam ous mesmer1st, with us' " turned Mary " imd so I am sure d id the sha,ded lamp and bright fire was pre em111 mg rhig eyesb, P·:t ig a l dn <ar l ness, and I make my doctor prescn be fo1 a sweet or l lliac<i N Y, wutcs "Some t en) calS UJ"O "If you are so good as to ask me H ow M·rk Eurem'o·~ts She aa.i·d there was one ently home ]1ke, v; 1th the three chairs placed that t ey were m ' t ey wou sure Y say, br th B t d 't t th t th I I sull'crcd u nt1> ld agony f rom cll10111c nasal H h ,, w o ~ · "Why no I I see everythmg a,round me ' ea · u on pu a in epaper. cntt11h My fnrn1Jy 1 1hys1cmn gave me up ns ilS Miss eadwort ' of Mr Ecrremont's fnenis Mr Clarence round the hearth, and bright haird Anna.ple · only tell you to give you an idea. of the care mcmublc, nud mud I must die My cuse was "Very feeble, very dea.f, but she will ho Fane, th~nk she called him: rath~r younger rising up from the lowest with her kmttmg But very many of you do not, I've se<>n required to keep a man m love with you such u bacl one, t hat every dav, t owm<1s sundehghted to see you There is no fear of than the others, who, she was pleased to to greet Mr Dutton, and find a comfortable bright eyed girls step on their own sacques set my' 01 ce wou l<l bl come BO homsc I could iher not remembermg you, thou~h she was Jsay seemed smitten with Nuttrn but 1 have lair for Monsieur. lymg on the floor, and when they were t old MEN ITKE 'W PRH.CH DOWN 1X.'IRAVA baicly speak ~ bo' ,., l\\ h1spe1 In t hernurn1ug of 1t S"Y " Oh I did not see rt" And I GA"CE m· cou ·h11 g1111< l <lea11 ug of ID' tin oat would · ' quite 1ost ,, w llen M rs. E gr emont came Ill heard not hmg more a.bout it, and Mrs, Mark (To BE coNnNEUD ) ' ~ ' '"' ' al~nost strangle me Dy the us~ of Di Sage s yesterday ,, scouted the idea, " she added m ha.ate, a.a she have eern them while hunting for thmgs and style and dress, but the woman who Cat<.u h Itomedy m tln ce monUJs I , ,,ts ll well - ".Mrs Egremont' he repeated with a saw his expression vary In spite of h1ms·lf pull everything a.bout on bureau and table b h h . l h h ff man, nnd t he cnrc has been perm anen t , ~ and declare the book or the thimble or the angs er atr, powc era t e s me o · ttl t t 'd e ~ ar "Do you see much of your neighbours ? ' .Rules of Prooe~ure h dk h f t th d her face, hides a blotch or scar under a piece "Con!Otautly l l!.lwldug an<l Spilling .'~ "Mrs Mark. Ah 1 we have got used to " u au ere ie was no ere, an someone T H OMAS J RUSHING, Esq , fJOO fJ Pv1c Sti cct, the name-the Bonourable Mra. Egremont We are both too busy to see much of one 'Ihe St. Jr:;mes' Grtzette, speaking of the else would look right after them aud find it, of court plaster, who wants pretty gloves L oms, Mo , wutcs " l w,ts Lgreat suil:eH't the commumty ms1st on calling her. another, but we have our little talks over the new rules of procedure for the regulation of and they would say " I reul!y did not see and stockmgs, trim slippers, perfumes, St f1 om cnt1111 h for t in co yc,u s At t 1mes I could ' Vh&t " sunny crea,ture she is ' " wall What a buoyant creature she lB It buamess m the English House of Commons, it. ' Boys will a.lmost fall over t he hoe m balms, cold creams, fiuger curls and fancy ha1dly brCfLthe and was constantly h nwkmg " ~ I I atlier comes notions to mcrease her chnrms is the woman and spitting, and for the last eight months "And Miss Egremont what d o } ou hear ~eems as 1f. P1ayf 111nes.s was rea11 Y a ~uat am says - "The new R ules of Procedure are the path , an d yet, w h en tie e nost11Js I not bre>1the t hrough tl1 'l.lfhei'" ' 1mgpowermher,helpmghertogetchvers1on more remarkable for therestnctwn of de homeandpomtsto it, t he boy did not see who is admired every time Those long, could thought uoth mg cnnld b e <lone fot mo J,uck«Sh~ wntes long letters, poor child, I out of much that others might stumble bate than for the punishment of dirnrde1 it before, though he may ha' c walked past lea,n, lank, common sense women may gad Uy, I wns ad1 iscd to ti y Dr S 1gc's <'utnu h hope she is fairly happy. Are you come at. You kno1 v p~rhaps that when she a.~ The mle which requires the Speaker or it and over it twenty tlmes. What is the a.bout with their wholesome uglIDess and Re mccly, and I nm now a well ma n. I beltc1 c to be the only sm c r emedy f or c r·tm th now home for good' or is this only a visit? ' rived the work people had got up a beaut1 Chairman to or der members whose conduct matter ? Well, I thmk i;he mmd did not see cheap sunplicity' but the process10u of men 1t mnnnfact m ed, nnd one has only to give 1 t n "! have no mtent10n ofreturning I have ful parasol for her, white, with a deep is gr ossly disorderly to withdraw immedi and remember. These children do not pa,y who follow is not a long one fun trrnl to oxpeuencc astoundmg results und been winding up my good cousm's affairs at frmge and spray of rowan, Little Susie ately from the House durmg the remamder attention, and it ts very unfortunate that If a man IS fond of flattery let h1m have a porrn,ment cm e" M elbourne' Gunner presented h.er with it, and she was of t hat day's sittmg, seems to have been they do not. Sometimes this habit of mat it Not by the volume, but m crrnp lit tle Thi ee Bottles Cure Catarrh. Mary's heart bounded at?a.in with a sense very grnc10us and mce about it. But then more w11,rmly opposed than any other ;· for tention and ca,relessness becomes so fixed verses. Hunt up poetry for his eyes ; e;et ELI Ro1mrns, R unyan P 0, Coiumma Co, -Of J oy, comfort, a,nd protection; but she did what mllllt Mr. Goodenough do b ut dub it the reason that t he offendmg member is to that it causes trouble as long as they h ve ' thmgs to rhyme with hrs fat, white hands ; Pa, says "l\'J y daughter had catn11 h when 'not low· keep Mr Dutton to herself for the Annabella sunshade, and blazon it, con withdraw not only from the debating room it wastes hours of tune, and is an annoyance pick out all the big !{ods and little heroes of she was five years old, very badly. I saw Dr, every tlnrd person they met gl11dly gr~eted s1de~abley vulgarized, ,~n all the railway of the House but from its uttermost p re to everybody with whom they hve. Troy and Rome, whose leus are not ha.If as Sage's Catarrh Bemccly aclvor tlsed, und pto· h un and they were Iona m gettmg to St stations, and ma,gazines cmcts. So to extend the order of exclusion Another thmg. Boys and girls can learn good and whose ba.oks wcxe cambric by com cmed a bottle t o1 he1 aird soon saw that it her , a t lm d bottle etl'ected n p c1ma~ Ambrose's Road, now d~mmated by a tall · '.' I know 1 f had the m1sfortllne to see wa.a called a.n mdignity by some English to do many thmgs by wa.tchmg others, ask panson. Laud his shapely head to the skies helped nent cure She is now eighteen ) ears old an<J and beautiful spire, ac~ordml!" to the origi it m the station at Melbourne',, and my members as well as by some Irish ones To mg intelligent questions, and fixing t heir a,nd he will keep his hair cut; praise his sound and hea1 t) ;,nal deij1gn They turned and looked mat mmct mISgave me from that hour us it seems a pumshment far too mild for attention on the way skilful people work. shapely hands and you solve the problem of the pillared aisles, stamect gl11.ss, and hand I "Her husba,nd. was prepared to be very such offences aa have disgraced the House Mr Beecher told the followmg story of unkept nails Hunt the dict10nary for words angry, but she fo1rly laughed him out of it, sessrnn after scsswn As one of our corres himself and sy nonyms to give variety t o your en . rome r eredos 1 «Very different from our struggling days" made all sorts of fun ~mt of the affair, de pondents pointed out on Monday, m Frnnce "I never saw anybody do anytlung that thnsiasm. '3$,id ~1t Dutton ' I clared it het only opemng to fame, and turn and m most of our coloma,l Legislatures, I did not watch him and see how he did it, IF IIE IIAS AMBlTIONS .. Yes>' said N:ary with half a sigh e,d it mto a regular ioke ' so that mdeed the offenders like Dr Tanner (f01 one) are pun for there was no tellmg but that some time or schemes, listen to him with open eyes of "'.I'bere's the new vicar," as he passed with 1ureeulcafs, who were vexed at the matter , ish.,d by fine , and while ·t cannot b., said I migh t have to do it myself. I was gomg wonderment and no mat ter what t he oc .:a 01vd nod. "He has three curates, and a and tried to apologise, were quite perplexed that there is any "md1gnity" m that, it is across a prairie once ; my horse began to caa10n 1s, ne~er permit yo ur knowledge to i!iouse of R1sters, and wo rka the parish ex I m their turn, and not, at all sure that undoubtediy a more efficient penalty than hrnp Luclnly I came a.cross a. blacksmith's exceed his Men despise sma,rt women, but < oellently. " the whole co,~cern was not bemg turned any uther that could be adopted convement shop, but t he smith was not u.t home I have no fault to find when her talent is large "You don't speak as if you were inti m,~oin<licudlc t d d t k h t ti ly Exclus10n from the precmcts of the asked the woman of the house if she would enough to appremate their grea,tness An imate ,, I won er 1 1 no ma e 1m en 1e House for a day- what is there m that to allow me to start a fitc and make the shoe othei piece of wisdom on the part of a wife "No. H is woman kmd ate rather ~,onnection," said M,~· Dnttcn, m·lttermg frighten mto decency men like Mr. Healy, She said I might 1f I knew how So I start is the cultivation of helplessness- she must :graLd- qune out of our beat; a,nd m I only wish it had. Mr Conybeare, or Dr Tanner 1 The sug ed a fire and heated the shoe red hot, and be able to lift nothrng heavier than a box of ~a.rish wo1k I a m only an estimable "Mrs. Greenleaf is very funn y a.bout I geat1on of our correspondent w:o.s a. "ise one t urned it to fit my horses foot, and pared ! candy· know noi.hmg about the manage ~xcreecenr.e It is very well that 1 am not her," added Mary, "proud of the Honour \Vhen a mernba has been named by t he the hoof, and turned the points of t he na,Ils 1ment an umbrella a wmdow 11 knot 01 a "l>.Vitnted, for Miss Headworth reqmres a good able Mis l!lgrcmont, as they insist on call Speaker or t he Chairman, he should be out cunningly, as I had seen the blacksmith bundle, and JUBt m' propor tio~ as she av deal of u.ttent10n, and 1t is only the old mg her, yet uot qutte pleased that she should liable, m addition to erluswn from the do, so that, m dr1vmg mto the hoof, they peals to hrn strengt h 1 size a nd greatness _.\.dam t hat regrets the days of impor tance , be the Jnmor p.irtner a wrfe; and demdedly House, to a fiDe of £50 far the first offence, they should not go into the qmck, and I JUSt so large will hr rnftuence over him be' An. do you see?" J resentmg her hardly gom~ mto sci iety at £i5 foi the aecond and £100 for the shod the horse At the next place I went Men hkc to be looked up at, depended on, 'i!'hey were pa.esmg Mr Dntton's old home all, though I 1eally don't Stle how she could ; third or a ny future ~ffrnce Less would to, I went straight to a snpth and told him quot ed, and referred to. That's the reason <on th.e t iny strip of fawn ID front was a for first there was the Canon's death, and suJtice probably " to put a shoe on properly. He looked at why a ltttle woman marries three times to 1 "l,l endcr back figme, with yellow hv.ir, under then JUat a~tcr the boy w11os born ca.me L~dy 1 t he h?rsc's foot and pil.ld me the greatest the one weddmg of the tall he1010 lady u hny black hat, dra,ggmg about a. wooden Ronmsglen s a.cc1dent, and for tl1e next year --- ~ compliment I ever 1eceived m my hfe He "An U,'lly temper ts a t r::\! t ha,t few !horse whereon was mount ed a sturdy boy of and a. half ther" wa.s constant attendance on B0 lh C l d told me, it I put on that shoe, I had better j women are a,ble to stand The only cure 1s vETEilINARY SURGEON, t wo,:also yellow locked and m deep mournmg her. They fitted up a room on the gsound npp e · follow blacksmith mg all my lrfe Now I ~1lencc. You musn t talk back. No, scnh nrnder his Holland blouse floor fo1 her, the one openm~ m to your A cripple'li sensitiveness to m1m1Cry is ~ever should have known how to do that! ment is JUSt a,s rnJurwus; you can' t kiss a 0 H ONO. 0 .N'I'. 1 · · Billy boy 1s r 1 dmg to meet h is daddy! " dxawmg room, and there they used to sit sorely keen, but no mo1 e so than his sym I i f I had not lookecl ou and seen others do furious man, it only makes ln m worse Tht! was merrily called out by both mother and with her. I used to hear them rea dmg to pa.thy for one crippled like himself The II 1t" thmg to do is to keep shll, let hun cool and .wn before thfy perceived the stranger. her and smgmg to her, and they were 1 sudden r evulsion from one to t he other I know a young girl, not twenty yca,rs let the mat ter drop He will respect your ":Mr Datton," said Ma y, a.l_ways as merry as possible, till last autumn, J makes the pathos of t his curious street old, who is ~upportmg herself and par tially I sense and come to terms of his own accord. 1 Annaple bowed but did not put out h f r wneu somctlung brought on erysipelas, and ecene, related Ill t he Detroit T Hbune j supportmg her mother When she was \ha.nd, and such a flush was on her face that 1she was gone almost before they took alarm P edestrians on Woodford Avenue were only eight yea.rs old she began wo!k m a TO KEEP o1. HUS HAND _, "\Iiss N t1gent sai d "I am sur e that IP to:> The good httlc daughter was beaten down treated to a smg ular a.nd 1<ffecting mcident la.rge dressmakmg o:;stabhshment with hEr I an cager hun ter, hve in a. little mystery ,muc h for you! " ' I then, really 111 for a week; but 1£ you can the other evening Freddy Malme, a little mothe1 She watched how dresses wer e Don t make a eacnfice of your·elf have "Oh no---" she began; but "allow und er stand me, the shock seem ed to tell on newsboy, whose legs are eo crippled that he fitted, ae ked why this or that 1Vas done, ! ideas of your own, and secrets, too, if you 'Jille," said 1\l.r Dutton, and befor e she could 1her ch1efly bodily, a nd though she was half J walks on his knees, was trudgmg down the and when s ixteen years o!d ~he could fit like. It is well not t o be too ta.me Men refuse he was gallopmg round and IOund broken h earted when her husba.n d m a. great street, when a legl ess sailor ca,me plodding and make au entire smt. She used her eyes do not care much for hunt mg barnyard <ir e prepared to pay the lughest prroe the little lawn the boy acrea,mmg with de fright brought mt! up W see her, and say j along m the opposite dn cctwn on his and her mmd ns well as her fiogers fo?,Js and domestic anima,ls 'Ihey never light ns Monsi~ur raced with them. whether her sister should be sent tor, she stumps To bA of a'l possible use to ourselves as waste theu powd~r on a meaner bit of game all k mds of G1 « Ill delivered at tile "So he rn come !" she said in a. low doub t t still ma.de fun of him, and described the tm I They d id not observe each other until t he W<Jil as others, we must keep our eyes 1md that a, fox, a model Jt>Sts a trifl e IDfe1 iort o the Wharf or t heir Str,re Houao m town. 'fol voice to Mary. possible advice t hey would bnng on them I sailor attacked the lad The assaul t was so nunds open ' neat, trim, cnpnc1oua little quail To "Yes He has met Mr. Greenleaf m Lon 1selves. I had to take care of her while he sudden that it WtLS a ll over before :i.ny one make t he chase mterestmg be a little uccer '°on I always thmk he has the contrary to went away to the fnnera.l m Scotlu,nd, and could interfere Money for Religious Purposes. tam and allow yourself t o be caugh t oc a ctbe"cnl eye Whatever he takes m hand then I learnt mdeed to like her and see how \Vhat do :yon mean by this~" d(maudLotteries lucky bags semi theatrica' sionally, dghta 1tself." much there is m her besides laughter " ed a bystander of tho man charity babs funny r;citatwns kiss ·B, " To be born a woman ls to born a mar "I'll hope so Oh, thank yott 1 Bill) boy, " Did the old lady leave them anythmg? ' j " The boy is mocking me," replied the games and votmg for the prettiest' witt:~1 tyr, but the hmband that 1s worth weddmg <:-ay thank you 1 W hat a nde you have "I believe she had nothing to leave Her sailor. Then ho got a good look at the httle or wisest ma,y not be very smful ~n appro is worth keeping, and 1£ a h ttle ar tifice, a had·" JOinture was not much, but I am sure they I fellow's legs, and cnt>d, "What' So you ar e pnate occasions but are all abommable me pleasant smlle, a cont ented heart, forbear "Why -.re t hey m such deep mournmg i" miss that, for Mr;. Egremont has parted a cripple hke me? Ah, my boy, forgive me ' thod s of raismg funds for a church If cash I ance, neatness, devotion and tact will hold 1with her nmse, and has only a little girl m I thought you were mockmg " lllnstr nlod, Descr p .. <U.sked Mr. Dutton, after they nad parted.1 cannot be obtamed for a rehg10us purpose him, by all means let him be !held. Men t i \ O :m d lrlccd "Oh, did you not know 1 for good old her stead, dnvrng out the perambulator Tlle tears c?ursed down a. cheek bronzed without fun and foolery, t hen let the pur must be taken as they are and not as they SEED ::Lady Ronmsglen She had a bad fall about often herself, to the great scandal of t he 1 by sun 1md w111d, and possibly hardened by pose b 3 unserved In that case the only should be , they are not a half bad lot under ANN!l.!JAJ.. t wo years a.go, aud never left her bed agam, Greenleafs, though she would have one be sill;, , , ,, really good i t c11.n do 1s to die. In secular tne refining mfluence of mutual interest and For 1886 ;a.nd this last autumn she sank away." lheve 1t is all for want of occupation" Oh, I wouldn t a. done 1t l he exclll.1m matters people frankly give for this that or 1 love, and he IS a very wretched specnnen of will b o mn1lod "They have hu.d a great d eal of t rouble, " Do you tnmk they have taken any ed , " I wouldn't a' done it, if I'd 'a the other thrng what they honestly t hmk r humamty who ca.n not be count ed on to·shield FREE TO ALL then, I saw the death of Canon E gre alarm?" known, for these two hands, and they're all it 18 worth their while they think to give a wife from t he buffets of t he world, and be an apph cnots and to Inst season' s mon t m the Times soon after I went "Theres no Judging from her JOyous sur I've got left, I ask p ardon, my boy , I ask so much for this articie or that ;nd they !tnchor for her when y outh and beauty have cnstou era with 'Out t o Auatraha" face, but I have thought him lookmg more your pardon." give it Tdl the sa,me thmg 18 <lone for re proved unfaithful Pootfellow, he1s weakbut out oi dor mg 1t " Y es ; he had heart disease, and died careworn and anxious than I h ked. Mr Then the adul t cripple hobbled on The hgion · and benevolence the wheels will he ca,n't help it He was made so He would Ir.val u a ble t o all. E very van on !lsmg o<:iUite suddenlv, The ltvmg 1s given to Mr IDnttoo, don't answer if I ought not to ask boy gatheied up lus papers, that had been drag hea.vily The professed Christ ian rather be good than bad, a king than a serf Card en F1 e1uu Flower <Condamm e, who married the eldest daugh but is 1t true that things are gomg wrong? strewn around Ill the s h uggle, and, wiping acknowledges' givmg for church pur and I thmk it is a woman's duty to do wha t SEED s~\tt1dA~l~~~ ter, and the widow rn gone to hve under jI know you have been seemg Mr <J.reenleaf Pway the tear& that had filled his eyes as poses to be as much his duty as she can for,11}1m. Sick and tired of the bang D. M . FER R Y &CO ·· Wmdsor,Ont. t he sh1.1.dow of Redcastle Cathedral " so perhaps you are m h is confi dence and the sailor was speak mg , crawled on down providmg for !us little chlldr en Let hun and clatter of the world's machmery, a man Therewith Miss Nugent opened her own cannot speak," the street, but not before handuls of com then ~ettle what prnpor tion of his mcome is 11s read y and w1llmg to g o anywhere a.way doo~, a nd M!Ss Read worth was soon made I "Tell me, "\\hat is known or suspected?" had been ahoweYed on both of the unfor to go in that way and let him Ja.y it from his from t he t umult, and with any on~ who will ;a.ware of the v1s1ror. She was greatly "Just this, t hat Mr. Goodenough has tunatea. control as fully as what he owes t o his help hun to forget his cares, disappomt c hanged, a,nd had the mdescribable stony been the rum of the concern He has been butcher or baker If he rs paid every week ments a nd his very existence. ThlB thmg Ha.s received her new atock of fook that tells of parnl~eis; and though she qm te different ever smce his voyage to let him put aside h1s church and charity por of trying t o rule a husband lS all buncombe tknew Mr. Dutton, and was delighted to see) America. You were gone, old Mr Greenleaf The Life of a Oar- Wheel. t 1on every week, so that it may be ready - it can't be done Y ou'can coax most men, ,{um, his presen~e made her expect to see has been past attcndmg to business ever By means of careful records most of the when ca.Us upon 1t are ma.de We have bribe some and govern a very few; but that .:Ailee and N uttie come m, though she soon 1smce he had that attack, and George Green- rallway compamee are enabled to know ex known men m Toronto and els~where who vulgar r ubbmg of the fur the right way wine and invites the Ladies of Bow ireoollected herself and ehed a few helpless leaf has been playrng the country Eqmre at actly the work done by every -0ar wheel in d id thlB systematically. When t he devoted every time." manville and vicinity to call !tears Then--:-m an~ther mood- she began 1Horton Bmhop, and not lookrng after the : t he service. Some recent accidents in New sum was exhausted befor e the month was - - -- - - - -to display with pnde a,nd pleasure the !ofhce work, and Mr E:gremont was mexper1 England attributed to the breakmg of over they simply refused all apphca.t1ons S ld0 f V t · and see her Pattern photographs of " Alice's dear lit tle boy." enced. One could see1 of course, thab the, wheels, have brought out some inter estmg till ;eplemshmg ca.me from t he next month's mugg e pmm rom lO ona. She had a whole series of them, from whole character of the bnsmess was changed mformation as to the hfe of a car wheel income. Thia plan will be found to answer SAN FRANCl>CO, Apnl 16 - The C ustoms t he long clothed babe on his sister's. k nee - much more advertism~, muc~ more ~heap U pon some roads steel wheels are expected best, and when accounts are_ wound up at official s have seized $4 OCO worth of opium to the bright little fellow holdmg and £.a.shy work- to be even with the times, to run 50,000 miles, but, as a rule, they are t he end of the da.y or of the h te they will in at 11o warehouse, Jlli·t as it was bemg c arried and asso1 tmen t of "llrum - a very beautiful chlld, with a it was said, but the old superior hands were taken off before the maxunum rn reached. this way give more pleasure in the retro from the whar f The opium was prepa,rcd .striking resemblance to his mother, quite 'in despair at thema.terials supplied to them spcct. at Victoria, B. C, and shipped overland <;n rata.rthng to Mr D utton, especially in Iand the scamped work expect-ad. y 0 ~ the Ca.nadian Pacific railway to Ma1ntoba <the last, which was coloured, and i.howed lshould have heard old Thorpe mournmg for The millions in t ne treasury vaults at T he Jel1y trust lB the la.test. It is said to It was taken from there across the bor der <the likeness of eyes and expression. you, and morah smg over the wickedness of Washington are bemg count ed. be in a shaky condition. into Mmnesota. and shipped as household !ITOBE :- SeeondDoo r W elt of William· &atch er Stall "Nuttie always sends me one whenever t his world. H is wife told me she rea.lly goods to this clty. 1 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18 1888 #J§ AMI l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!~!!~!!!!~~~~!!~~~f!!!!!~:::~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!~!!!!~~::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~ ·======·~l!l!ll~IO!li~~~ l 'he 18 t aken," sil.ld the old lady "Dea,r thought he would go melt.,10holy mad if he YOUNG FOLKS. HOW TO KEEP A HUSBAND. · \~U' t. \\'tot::lli \Ht'· Nuttie' It is very good for her She is did not leave t h e factory, ,md he has d one M- -" -"'"' j n · , l ;,1an Tl.at h l Vor th lVcdding ls lVoxtb ~anaJ'x so They h ave Eaved eu· ugh to,, set up a p to Go Home quite a little motlier to him ' .\'~ UUlU N UTTIE' S FATHE R. SICK HEADACHE. d I 0 I I I I $500 I f h i 0 = I I I dt I I I I I I I JOHN SPENCEH, I i I I I I GRAIN '- J no. M cMurtry & Co. I ! I I" I I j I I I I I I ! I 0 GO O D S , I B 0 NN ETS, HATS TRIM M ING S Children Cry for- Pitcher's_ Castoria ~

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