! ( l *?W"'_ __ -mti·· I the situat10n more fully ) the mouth speak IN TaE BERMUDAS. cider vinegar add five pounds of mgar, heat eth. And TRUTH (\\ ith a large '.!') ie so in together. Make it small cloth b ·g .and fill with cloves aud cinnamon, p1d1 mto the FJrst Slgl1t 0J'thelsl a11d:. from ft Ste1une1"~ Lunately c m nectecl and interwoven with my GaIARHH.-.A new t1eatment has been d10 IS PUBLISHED vinegar. l:'our scalding hot wat< · over the A Ohaµter on Acc~dents. n ec1c-l'cc1tllanteg ot Uullding-Uamll· extstence that it must be spoken, PO matter ov~rcd where by a permanent cure of tm11 what tl>e immediate cousEquences ma,y be. raw fruit. Cover cloae. The next day 1ltherto incurable disease, .s absolutely affeclEVERY WEDNESDA.Y IUORNING ton's l'!l11gnihcc:nt Harbor, d:c, A young girl in one of the schools in ~he repeat. They\\ ill be rady for 11Ae ma few Thero tt re broad verandahs sunoundmg the d m from one to three appbca.t1ons, no ;s:1atto1 -BYWestern Sti.tes, surrounded by her pupils, <bother standrng one year or· forty l ears. 'l'ht& hotel from which ca..1 be viewed emedy is only a.ppJ,ed once m twelve .da ys, heard a rumblin" noise, and, lookrng from a. days. llY S F . IV. ~'.'.[. A .. J 0 nd docs not rnterfere with bush1oge. Desc11p· ONE OF TIIE !AIREST SCENES wmdow, · eaw a dark, funnel sha,ped cloud 1·rn pamphlet sent free on receipt or atll m p by What a beautiful sight h.nd 1a to t he un . A 'l' :!:HE OFEICE swiitly approaching. 8he understood its A Good Thmg For Boys. I fortun'lte vwt1m of 11ial de m er Even a one c<J.n laok upon All the shipping en l, H. Dixon &; Sou, 305 K·ng street, West Posl Ollice tnock, Klng Stt·eet, Bowmml· meanmg, hut thougtl her heart a~most stop r:ironto, Canada. Manual traming is one of the few good ; barren, rocky island is hailed with delight. taring the harbor passes withm a stone's vtlle, Untnr10. WH \T IS CATARaHI ped beating she turned her white face to things that are good for evetybody. It is It 1s somethmg solid and substantml at throw of the hotel. '.lhe view down the C2tp.ri h is a d1mgero1 1s d1s~aso whu;h thous the ch1ld1e~, who as yet were ignornnt of good for the rich boy, to teach !um respect I TERlY.1:1::3 : ! least, and free from the terrible roll and harbor to the west is very smiilar to that on .uds ate coneciously or unconsciously au tft·rrng and i;a.id calmly, ",Children, ~e ?ave da.nger, $ J,50 per A.nnum, or $1 if puitl in ud v1111c·e tor the digni ty of beautiful work. lt 1s pitch But when the !and in view is one of eutermg the S ~. L11.wrence H.1ver at the rom. It is a muco·puruleut d1sc barge catised oy tlle presence or a vegetable parasite in tho often talked of vis1tmg the 'Hermits Ca_ve. pa,.j -.,nt strictly in advance required Crom Let us take a little time and make that vlSit "OOd for the pocr boy, to increase his facility the loveliest spots of earth set In a sea of 'l'houaa.n.:l Islands. One can rest in oue of lning membrane of the nose ' l'he pred ispos. sub '1a outside of the county. Ordi;ra to this mornina Fall into ranks and march for handling tools, 1£ tools p10ve to be the the bluest and most uelicate and translucent t he big rocking cha1ra on the vernnda.h m ug causes are a morbid s tate of the blood, the discoi:. % e t he paper mu~t be accompa.n1ed by thing he must handle for o. living afterwards. sapphire, and clothed in the greenc,st of grass, summer clothes and contemplate the beauti alighted corpuscle of tubercle, the germ poison the amount due,ortbe pape wil no& bes topped, in double qu~ck to it now. I will bring up It is good for the bookish boy, to draw him with the tropical and other bees in full foli f ul picture spread out benea.t h and before 1t syrh1hs, rnercmy, toxomce, from the reten.!on of the effete matter of the skm, supp1ossed eub·orlbers a.rerespons1bleuntl full payment la the rear with the little ones." away from b1oks. But, moat of all, it is 1age, palms, cactuees, oleanders, roses, lilies, him, ha.ppy and content for hours t ogether. perspirations, badly ventilated sleepm~ apart· Before she was through speaking the good for the non bookish boy, in showing 1 made, j geramums and other of our hot house 'What a magmficent place llermuda is to ment s and the germmation of other poisons 10 KA.TES OF A..D"'f'E.&tTISING: I~~~ older scholars had foken tho lead, and, him there 1s something he can do well. The flowers everywhere, then the cry of "L>nd thoroughly rest. No busy city man can he bloocl. I rritated by LheHe, tbe humg mem· Wh,leColumnone year ............. $6ll og1 :::;E:;; without speaking, the mouth of the cave boy utterly unable, even if he were studious, I ho," is thrillmg indeed. The sight of Amer thoroughly undertand the meaning of the t>rnne of the nose 1a ever ready ror the recep. " .. l:Inlfyear ..... « ... . 36 00 1' :::!i: was gamed iust as the P.il}a.r of cloud. came to keep up in booll: knowledge and percent ma to Columbus and his almost despairing word rest till he has spent a few weeks iL ion of the parasite. which rapidly spreada~up he nostnls and down the faucen, or back ot , " One quarter... ..... 20 0 .-- roaring across the pra1ne. The children age with the brighter boys, becomes dis- ~ailors could uot have been more welcome ti is wireless, cableless, railwayless, and, I ·he throat, cauam1' ulceration of the th roat; up Ha\f Column one year ...... . ..... ·· · 36 001 began to scream as the air grew thick w~th couraged, dull and moorlv. Let him go to than the Bermudas" ere to us as we steam was gorng to say, bankless la.nd. But there ihe eustacn1an tubes, causmg dea,fness; bu" 0_ " Half year. . . ·. .. .. 20 ~O dnst and bt·oken timbers, but a few qmet rowmg m tbe vocal cords, citnsmg hoarseness; .. One quarter . .·...··· 12 a 1_ the workroom for an hour, and find that he eel up the rnagmficent land locked harbor of is a bank here, a branch of the Merchants' \\ ords from the young teacher induced t~em can make a box or plane a rough piece of the City of Hamilton that beautiful S'ibbath Bank, of Halifax. Even they, however, naurpmg the proper structure of the bronchial < iHrtet Colmr.n one yeu.r ... ... ... 20 0 0 ubes ending in pulmonary consump t1ou and .. .. Half year ........... 12 5 have caught the prevailing spirit of rest loath. 5 to enter the dark cave, where they remamed board as well as tho brighter Echolar, nay, mornmg. Perhaps we " ·· One quarter... . 8 001 in safety until the roaring and rumbling of Many lngemous spmt!cs for ror the cure oC h~re, and don't seem to cae whethei they likely better than his brighter neigh J N"J OYED TH~ VERNAJ, Bl!:AUTY Ten llnes and under. ftret insertion . $0 50 : : jlltarrh have been mvented, bt1t without sucthe sto1m had ceased. When they ventur- very do business or not. But there is another 'ess, bor and you have given him an impulse of h Each eubsequen 11nsertion · ····· O 251 · until a ph)sicrnn of long st anclmg ihscov ed out into the sunshine nothing but a heap self° respect that is of untold bend1t to lum more because we had so lately left t e a 1 baukiug institution, kept by Mr P C. Al From six: to ten lines, first insertion 0 )'~1 _ ~rod the exact nature of th d1aeaee u.nd the Eacheubsequentinsert1on ...... 0t&--10 of stones and splintered timbers remau:ied when he aoes back to his studies. He will most Arctic t emperature of om northern lan, of Toronto, v.ho very obhgivgly makes mly appliance which will permaneu L ly destroy to show where the school·house had stood. " b f J d' homes a nd been so quickly trnusported to over tenl1nes,firstmsertion,per,;rne ~ .he parasite, no matter how a1mravated the be a brighter 11nd a better oy or rn mg this delightful land of perpetual summer. his money in his King street store 1n our city, ~aae. Sufferers should send ate.mp at once Kach 511beequentrnsertion _ Had the young teacher communicated her out brings it here and lends it to the " strapped somcthmg that he can do well. Mind descriptive pamphlet on cat arrh, to the Then umber of hues to be reckoned b~ alarm to the children, a pahic would haHi ou, it is not planing the board th1>.t does Fancy, 1£ you can in this nineteeth century, trangers" or natives, on approved security. ior business managers, A, H, Dixon & Son, 305 t.h" sn&ce oocuvied, measured by a aoale <l ensued and the iesults would have been d h a fond where many of its inlrnbitants have He will take your common Amer ican cash King stieet, west, Toronto, Canada. Ol 'd Nonpareil, im good; it is pla.nmg the boar m t e never Eeen a railway train or a street car, meat disastrous Wha t the Rev E B S tevenson, B A , a Clcro11 the presence of other boys who C!l.n no long and have yet to experience the delights (~) and give you good Eoglish gold, shillings, man of t ho L ondon Confer ence of the M etho A few yea.1 s ago m a. school I attended a er sovereigns, pound notes, etc., and tenpence look down upon him when they see how d diet Church of Canada, /t(w to say i n r egard DBS, !UcLUJGllLIN d; B.Ell'll, iav to boo~ on ea.ch pound, He is he~e for his young girl fainted and fdl to the floor. ln well when he ca.u plane. He might go home of hvmg among dally newspapers a.n 1 ro A.H. Dixon&: Son's New Treatment fo r 0FFJCE :-MORRIS' BLOCK, BOWJllANVILLE· a moment the tea.cher had raised her to a after school and plane a boa.rd in the bosom ing telegraphic mess~gs thrust at them from health, he says. I don't know wha.t other Catarrh, oi his family, or go to an eveni!!g achoo! to all pa.rts of the globe The Bermudas are sitting posture and the frightened children obiect he has, but as I am not a Central OakJans, Ont., Canada, March 17, 1883 Dr J w McI.AUGilJ.IN., Dr. .A.. BEHH. G t·adu learn to plane, without a quarter part, nay possibly the most isolated of all the inhabit llessrs. A, H. Dixon &: Son. crowded around her, wrmging their h.ands lic~n.tinte of the Royal ate or the Toronto Bank director D1HR SIRS,-Yours of the 13th Inst. to hand. ff ed islands or portions of the earth s surface and crying. In the midst of the confus10a a College of Physicians\ Umversity, l:'hysic1an without any, of the invaluable e ect upon There is regular weekly communicat10n only !t seemed almost too good to be true tha t I am THERE ARE CERTAIN MYSTERIJ,S 11nd rn ember of the young miss of a dozen years came to the res his maDhood that it will have to l et him onred of Catarrh, but I know t hat I am I lloyal College of Sur· Surgeon, &c. cue by stretchinv the unconscious g.crl Ila t plane side by side with those who in by steamer with the rost of the world, in banking t h at I have not yet probed, and ae.ve had no return of the disease, and never g_ h_ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ geons, Edn1J;mr: upon her back. In a quiet, firm voice she mental attamments may be his superiors. via New York, and by occasion:i.l ste~m so I sup-pose there is more in 1t than Mr. 'olt hotter in my life. I have tried so many things for Catarrh, suffered so mnch and for ,J, (), Jll'rVHELL, era from Engla.nd, and a11ihng craft from said " Mary has only tainted and you must Allan (P 0 I mean, not A . A ) gives away. other ports. A tramp steamer, so called Well, here I h11.ve again got q llite away from io many years, that it 1B hard to realize that EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS sta.nd back and give her air." Insta~tly the am really better. beca,use not belonging to any regufor lme, the subiect of the Princess. I will simply l I and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, eto, circle that had formed about her .v1dened, Cooking Receipts. consider that mme was a very bad case; It Oflioe and Jtesidence, Enmaklllen_ . -~ the windows and doors were thrown open, PIE CHu1:rr.-l wish to tell )Our 1ea.ders came creepin~ up the harbor s1rnrtly after say m short that if you are coming to the waa aggravated and chrome, mvclvlng tho hroat as well ras the nasal passages. and I and the youn~ commander, in a quick ca,lm my way of making pie crust. It is a. change we arr11ed, haviuir a. genera.I cargo of gov· Bermudas next year orauy other year while lhought it would r equire the three :treatments, S, OJUUISTON, I , L. J;, ma,nner, proceeded to remove all the com from the usual way of making 1t, but iust ernment stores from London She did not Messrs. Howe & Gilman operate this hotel, llut I feel fully cured by tho two eent me. and Barnster, Soltcitor, Conveyancer, &c, Money pression about the chest of her patient. Ap try it and you'll find it good. Put a qu~rt belie her name, us she was an exceed ingly you will ::nuke a decided mistake and regret [ am thankful that I was ever induced t o seul' to loan. Office, in Beaver Dloclt up_stairds m plymg ammonia. to the nostrils of the pros of flour and a teasnoonful of salt Ill the m1x- disreputable lookmg turnout, sadly lacking only once, and th!l.t will be all the time, if ~o you. f ., rcoros formerly occupied by Dr. Harn en You are at liberty to use this letter statir.g Bovmrnnville. 3!J trate girl, she waited patiently for signs o ing <lish, then take three cups of hot water paint and scL"ubbing, and from her battered you don't stay at the Princess. ;hat I have beGn cured at two treatments. an<! - - - - - - returumg animation, an<l soon we had t.he and t hree tablespoonfuls of lard, pat in a appci:.rance must have passed through some I shall gladly r ecommend your remedy t o BOP' !rhe event of the week here is t he arriv ,J nu. E. (). HcDOWELL. satisfaction of knowing that Mary was quite dish and put over the stove till it boils. severe weathu. a.nd departurn of the New York i.teamers. ,t my friends who are sufferers. Yours, wit h many thanks, The Bermudas aie very strongly gua,rded If every man, woman and child in!Hamilton ICENTIATE OF ROYAL COLLEGE herself again. When it boils add a scant tea.spoonful of REV.E, B. S rEV& NBON of Pby 5 imans. J,onuon, Ji:ng ;Member o! "Who taught you how to act so promptly, saleratus, pour over the flour and sa.lt and by enCirJling coral reefs, m atldition to does not turn out on these occasions it is be A. nd hundreds of others College o! Physicians ~na Surgeons Ontario. S \rah?" rnqmred the teacher when her mix stiff. T his is very easy to roll out and England's iort1fications, leaving only a am cause he, she or it is ill and confined to bed, SvnGERY AND RirsmENCE:- Rear of Messrs ala1 m had subsided. will ma.ke six pies. gle tortuous channel which cannot, be tra or cold or hot weather interfe1es. The Berttl b th f 11 f the H1ggrnbotham s Drng Store. Bowma6~-vlllyler.'· " Long ago my h e ro er e rom GRA1'GE CooKIES.- Two eggs, one h11Jf a verrnd by large vessels except m good day mudian says it 1s too cold when the ther landmg at the tol? of the ata.irs to th~ hall oup of butter, one cup of sugar, one half a light and under the direction of one of the mometer registers allout sixty degrees and below striking hm head upon the bamaters cup of cold water, one teaspoonful of sa.lera· native pilots too hot when it is over eighty. Of course D, BITRU.E SIMJ"SO&', The Jlnpr ernion one gets of t he town on we did uot experience the latt er tempera0 ARRISTEll., SOLICITOR, &o. MOPftIS in th~ descent. Thinking him dead, the tus and two of cream tartar, flour to make Gentlemen'sClothesMade to Order. D BLOCK up sta.irH, King Street, Bowman· nurse picked him up a.nd began tossing him a. sWf dough ; fla.vor with lemon or vamlb. landing on Front Street, is certaialy very tme, as that is only reached m July and Ile. Solicitor for the Ontario Bank a.bout. Mother to >k him from her arms and Roll thin and bake in a q uiok oven This favorable. There is a clean, commod10us, Aul'ust. The first iew days after we landed Private Honeys loaned i>t the lowest rates'.. laid him upon the floor, setting the door wide recipe makes a large quan t ity, and they will neatly covered stone wharf along the front the~e was aome raw, but no very ~et rains. opeli to give him 11ir. Soon he bega.n to keep crisp for months if put in a. dry place of the city. Many of the leading shops and One day only did it rain all <lay. 'The others .John Keith G11lbratth, 1 1 d th th told us breathe regu a.r y, an en mo er where the boys and girls cannot find them. warehouses face the docks, The buildings were mere showers. To venture away from AR.RISTER, SOLICITOR, ~OT.ARY that when people fainted or were knocked are the hotel without an umbrelb even when PUBLIC, &c. Ofilce- Bounsall s Bloc,k senseless by blows about the head the_Y CAKAllll!:L CAKE.-One cup of sugar, one r our attention is directed ~o the immense ALL SOLID NATI\E STONB, S::lng Streat, Bowmanv1llo. Mo.!.'"~V t~end, should be laid upon their ba_cks w_ith ~heir half cup ot butter, one ha.lf cup of milk, THE S UN WAS SlU Nll:'f G llRIGHTL'l: stock of no wooden st l'Uctures being allowed w1tnin ROBERT A.D.MOITJt, heads a little lower thll>n their bodiee. two cups of flour, two eggs, two teaspoonfuls the corpor~tion limits. None are higher and not a cloud v isible was t he height ot 1\ 1" 1 ·GISTRAR, WEST DURHAM ISSUER .As fainting is ca.used .by t.he failure of the of b~king powder, Bake in two layers, put Before w e ha.d gone a th·msand yards l Yl. "'or Marr·1age Licenses, Barrister and A.ttor- heart to supply the bram with blood, no one the filling between. 'l'he top may be frost· than three storeys and many not more than folly. we would, p erhaps, at a great lofs of digmty, Money Ch n~r at I aw and Sollc1tor in ancery · et need be at a loss to und erstand th e a d va.n- ed or you cau add chocolate to the filling one. The stone being white, they have the be compelled to run for shelter. As soon of e very descrip Hon at appearance at first sight of white marble Olned ~u Real Ea~u.te. Office on King etre tage gamed by the prostrate. positi~n ; yet and the top. T ho roofs are also of lhm stone slabs. Bve1y as the rain ceased the streets were p erfectly UDO !\fl~ Blwmanvme. - - - -- - -in spite of this fact people still con~mn~ to FILLING -One and one half cups of sugar, of water and the walking excellent. i~~ ' wn,U,Ul \Vl&llT. pile pillows under the heads of their f111~1t- three fourths cup of milk, a. piece o! butte1 11tructm e of any pretentions at a.11 is wlnte free There MO many quo.int little shops a.nd washed, roof and all, twice a. year at Tea,st . f tl). ing f·iends while the child who has receiv- the si:r.e of an egg. Flavor with va.mlla homes, and a few days a re agreeably spent She has JUBt opened out one of the largest ICENSED AUOTIONEE~ ftort tile ed a b!ow'npon th11 head is Jolted about B ROWN BETTY PUDDIKG.- Grea,aeadish, The roads are made of the same stone as the in exploring the towns and suburbs before a.nd most atyhsh s tocks e ver b r ought bmldinge and are swept freq uently, giving County filc~~~~~~ar~~~~~·r:ron~ P.O~ roughly or carried in an.upright posture, as put in a. lawyer of sliced spples, then a .la.y the whole place :1. beautifully bright and making more extended excmsions. to town, consietmg of :j ~~tT~:~:i.:e ~rompt attont1on. 28 Gm if blood could run up hill more easily than er of bread crumbs, half a cup of sugar, ht~le clean appearance This nat ive stone, or The Govei nor General's z::ew residence i s JJI Ii n e ·· y D 1.·c s s Sill{S down. pieces of butter and cinnamon, and so on till nearly completed and occupies a commimd· ' s. c. RIJNKING, ~ little girl of eight who had been trained the dish is full. B11ke about two hours, eat coral, is very Sf'ft when first f[Ullrried, ing position on Mount Langton, overlooking Velvets, &c., but hardens on exposure to the atmo ICENS:ED A UCT I 0 N EE R FOB what tp do m case of fire was HO unfortu- with cream. epbere, It is sa.wed out with long saws the t?wn and ha.:bor. It is about f~ur times with a very fine stock of F ea th ers an,l ~ 1;11e County or Durham. Sales attond()d na.te as to drop a match on her cotton apro!1. ·- -- -- - -- - · Fl and is about o.a easily cut and more t he size of our Lieutenant Governors, but as .._....Bhortest notice and lowest rates. Address Almest immediately the blaze flashed up m ower s. 36 tr readily ha.1vested than our rne cr op When Mr. Gnllwt:y has to govern about fifteen ~ll~TIC& P O. her face. WHhout a cry or pa.use she threw Pasteur and the Rabbits. a man wishes to ere::t a house for himself thousand pe.>ple on these is!auds he requires Call and inspect Hns fine display, which ""' 1·i Tuned and ltcpa.ire<l. herselt face downward on the carpet, clap Scientists and agriculturalists are alike more elbow room to do it tha.n our Lieuteu canno t fail to give sat1sfact10n. a.nos ped her hands over hex mouth and nose, intereBted in the mission of the P.i,steur de- here he buys his lot and clears off the foot ant Governor has, Sir Alex. Campbell has -closed her eyes, and i·olled over and over on leaates "ho have recently set 011t for the or two of earth which covers the bubstratum to overlooli: two millions of people, and I am ARTIES WISHING! THEIR PIANO~ the thick woollen rug. Hearing the nn- A ~stral rnn colonies to try conclusions with of rock, usmg a saw to "excavate" his eel sure when he reads this he will kick for a. Tuned or repa1ren c1 m nu.ve them attend1 usual n oise her father hurried upstairs m t he now fomous rabbtt pest of the antipodes. Jar. With the stone thus obtained he builds the walls aud pnts on the roof, so you see, larger house aud strike for a b tgger wage. t o by leavrng woi:d at the DOMINION 0Rq-t t ime to p ut 'out the smouldering fire. The Co's Oll'll'IOE, Bowmanvllle A. first-clas tnMl child's apron was in a.shes the front of her A quarter of a century ng_o the rabbit ~as he rea,Jly gets both house and lot when he pt ... twa lly an unkn0wn a.mmal m Australia; l uya his land He can get limestone almost n~w bel.1'._I! In their etnulo:___ ___ ___ dress badly scorched, bu't beyond a fl'.w ln Terror of Wild Beasts. to d,.y the f[Uestion of how best to deal with VE'fE.RI.NARY SURGEON. slight burns on her hands the brave girl the ni1ll1,,ns of rabbits by which the country anywhere along tne s outh shore for the A Brahmin enrveyor, a Bachelor of Arts quarrying, and as he ua.n can get any number was uninJm·ed is o veu un, is taxing the ingenuity of the When questior:ed about her conduct she w1st~ t s ·s.tesmen m the oon·,try. The ex of colored mason a for a dollar a day, 1t is and of Civil Eugineermg, emplcyed 0.1 rn me said, ":M.a.mma. \ui.s told me over and over to pemmce of the Austrs.han colonists c,u _;ht to altogether a very inexpensive operation to works in Madrua, has been hvrng m terror I When the stone is put of wild beasts ever since he a rrived. "He lie down on the b!azr. and stop my mouth so a vs.Ju clile warning agai nst all efforts to ac construct a. house as not to swallow the smoke, should I catch clirn a.t1zc animals or other fauna that cannot on the rnads it 1s broken up as fine as small hears elephants ' growlm g all mg h t,'" r elates fire. I knew I would be burned up if I undt;r auy c ircumstances be a b'easmg but gravel, and m a very short t ime it hecom~ s Lord Uonnemara., " ' which se nds his hear t as solid as a rock, actually rock itself. A 11 down to z ro p oint of cour a.ge.' H e has, he started to run " may possibly prove to be a heavy curse to over th e islands the roi\ds are kept in say~, been 'chased by a blnP; eyf d bison,' the country t lrnt tries to introduce them. and, fly ing ' with great velocity, dropped A.BEAUTHlJLJ,Y S MOOTH UOl'! DlT (ON A hou t twenty five years s1,,ce several ac his theodolite '.l.'he inst1ument brok e, and Spring 'ftme Suggestions. clim1>l 1z ction societies were formed m th~ and w:th very little attention. 'r he most he tried to replace the cobweb with one of Before apples a nd cranberries grow poor ant:podes, mainly for the purpose of _intro obscure country road is equal, if not super his own hairs- a. wire cable to a silver ancl s ea.roe it is a g ood plan to make J&m of ducmg ha.res a.nd rabbit;s, the <lostruct10n ol ior to JLny of our newest block paved streets thread. When 1emonstrate d with, he said which forms a considerable feature Ill Old But here I am taking you away into the he dropped t he theodolite ' in ord er to sa ve H A R, N 0 E N ' L · [). $ . Country sport. They were only too success country before we are fai1 ly lan<led in the life (his own). On another occasion he fell Gri.duate of the Royal College cf Dent~I scaice and have 1o9 t their flavor. 'Vhen the ful. The imported rabbits not only mcreastcl ~~ town. At firot we located at the American down a precipice, and ' would . have , been S11rgeona, Ontario, ca.nned fruit and berriea in the store closet enormously in size, they became phenomenal killed had not gravity come to his aid. Nor ~ . ..:-OFFICE OPPOSITE EXPitESS OFFCE. are almost gone is a. time when one fe els ly prolific ; instead of producing four or five House, but we found it, like all the stone more 01 less damp. Then, the a c 1s this th_e full tnl~ of his adventures. Ono Graduate of the Ontario Veterinar y Co!Jep;e, GOLD FILLING A SPECIALTY the need of som~thmg to t<3mpt one's appe youog , as in l~ogland ,_ th~y produce as ~any houses, commod ahons were not by any means first day, while carrying a big stick, he met a j Registered member of the Ontario Vet ermu.ry as eight or ton litters m tne year, eac? htter cbAs, and the price was, so we moved down bear, or thought he did, and fled, leaving all .ARTIFICIAL TEETH INSERTED W rrIIOUT t ite. Medical Association· PLATES You have emp ty tumblers and bowls that containing eight or ten rabbits of a s1z3 and to the Princess Hotel. I have been around his work people to face the annu al The I nJ"Office and Residence, Newtonville, Ont. Great Rednchona in price on. a ll Dental held ielly of different kmds, why not fill them voracity unknown in the Old Country. They the world somewhat, and have considerable executive engineer told him he ahould not Will visit Orono every TuesdayandlSaturday iucrei.sed and multiplied by millions; efforts ex perience of hotels, but I have yet to find have left his men; but he explamed that on Office hours fr m 10 a. m., to { p. m., at Work, V1tahzoC. Air, constantly m use pro· again ·1 were ma.de to confine them to particular lo a more thoromrhly comfortable and home~ ·seemg the bear he immediately made a men-1 ~oulters' Hotel, Ca.Ila by Telegraph receive I make a JllID in this way. dumng Pamless Operations. Particular &tton t1on pald to the regulation of Children's Teet ti The cranberries I pick over, wa.1h, fill in calities by rabbit proof wire fences, but t hey like p lace t o spend a mouth or two than this tal ca.loulation of his stick's powers of resisimi: ed1ate attentiom _...ALL WORK WARR.ANTED . .._. the porcelain k ettle, add JUat enough water burrowed under them or learned the art of same Prmcess Hotel. The prices are not ex tanoe by H oclgk mson's 1'ables, aud found CII.AI GES MODER.A.TE. to keep trom sticking. As soon as they be. leaping over them, and taught Lt to their travagant and the accommodations are in them insufficient. As for the work people, Bran ch office. Dr. Rutherfor<il's Oro no. gin to sna.p I mash them with a wooden young ones. The sober, matter of fact of every respect all that could be desired. T he h:i left them ' because thev could not ruu aa spoon As soon as most of them are broken ficial statement of their depredations table is tqual to that at the Russin House, fast a,s he could.' His brother actually did appalling ; one large Toronto. The managers are experienced get into trouble one day, and this Bachelor T turn into the squash strainer and press is absolutely ~ , ~· · through with the apoon into a lar ge p udding land owner spent not less than $200,000 hotel men from the States and know how to of Ai ts and Engineering thanked God it was dish. This leaves tht: skins and most of the m a vain effort to drive them from his sheep "r11n" a hotel. They have a summer hotel his brother, and not himself, 'because he walk but was at las'. obliged to give up the about sixty miles from New York which drew leSH pa.y, and would consequently be I seeds behind. When all are d'one I measure the pulp in nneq~al contes~ and ?'bandon far1;11ing; his they keep open during our hot months. less missed by the family ' Altogether he a pint bowl and take an equal quantity of extensive territory is now a. wilderness, They then migrate to this place, opening in is a source of much amusement, and hopes fine granulu.ted sugar, put it into a disn set every blade and root oi grass and every Septell' her and continuing till the last of i;:rcat thmgs for himself, saying that since into the oven to heat through, then a.dd to other vegetable growth being totally destroy :M.ay. The Princess is abont the only wood. he came up he has already been made 'half the pulp in the kettle. Give a good stirring ed by the vorac10us rabbits. The Govern· en house (bemg outside the H a.milton cor- a man.' lt is quite a new thing for a young to mix, set on the front part of the ra.nge, ments of the colonies made the pests a poration h uuts) on the Bermuda.a, and as and educat ed Brahmin, tht: heir of all the but do not leave 1t a moment. When it national question, a bonus was offered for far as my experiene extends, and that of - H1ndu- agts, to take to Jungle work at WITS TEEra. boils up, t ime it and boil five minutes, stir- the dest ruction of the "vermin," and m 1886 my friends, i t is the only th1 roughly dry all." PUR EST, STRO~CEST9 Bl::ST. 'M' 'D 1lff A Q 1W rin« to keep from burning The less the this one item oost the N ew Sout h Wales house nearer than the North American conReady for use 1n any qua ntit y, F or 1 ill. 1 D J.Q. A .Ill. 1 cra~berries are cooked the finer will be the Cabinet $730,000; for 1887 the cost was com· tinent. Not that tlus climate is so very ·na king Soap , Soften ing \,\ ,itc1, D i s 11· Unsoundness of Arabian .tforses. feet m g and a hundI'e cl otlrnr u ses, A fl11vor and the brighter the Jll.m. puted to be $1,250,000, and. rapidly increa.s- damp, bu i the l)ermudians have so little re PR~()TJ(JA.:L DENTIST, c an cq~als ~O pounds Sal Soda, Have tumblers or bowls ready, settin~ on mg- it is estimated that m t he 11tx t six ga.r d for their bones that tho) Jay the plas Early last wmter Sen11tor P almer of Wash ovms TWENTY YEA.RS EXPERIENCE. Snlil h v ~,., G1occrs and J)rt1~~1 sts. a wet towel to prevent breakage, la.die out months they will have to pay for the destruc. t r ·a10xldeGas ~dmtntstered rol" l"ah1le8 boding hot, filling tlle dishes as full as may t ion of a t least fifteen milllons of iv.bbits. ter of t heir houses right over the solld ington sent an agent to Arabia to purchase p~ for th~ Sena.tor's farm on the outskirts of stol·e, and as the stone 1a so porous, it will Operations. be as it shrinks some when oold. The It has been proposed to scp!>.rate the more hold more water than Detroit five full blooded Arabian ma.res, M<J(JL1TNG'S BLO(Jli.. 1U'Fl<JE ne~t day cut some white paper (druggists') densely pop ulated districts ho~ the dreaded which l~e desired to cross with Percheron us F.QU H WETGHT IN JlRIC IC. large enough to cover and come down well invasion by a. fence 400.or 500 ruiles long, at.a horses and produce, 1f poEsible, a breed of on the sides Dip m t he w\ute of au egg, cost of $3,850,000; but those who know their When I spoke to a boss builder on a. houac horses thu.t would be superior t o, or at l east cover a.nd label so as to know the contents habits best affirm that it would be useless m course of er eetion on the subject and sug different [rom any thing in Amenca. The when covered I use pmt bowls as the Jam At length science has come forward. M. gested st ra.ppmg the walls firs t, t hen la.th age:it has telegraphed his inability to secure I looks well on a dish when turned out. Pasteur some time ago dIBcovered that the, mg and pla.ste1ing, and so leaving, as we the hor~es. Upon his arrival at Damascus Some mornings in early spring ~hen ~p microbe whioh causes the choleTa des p oiiles do, a space between the plaster and the a few weeks ago he lear~ed that a !ii:~an tite is poor and one wants somethmg ac1cl, 1s fatal to the rabbit also but to_ no other walls, he couldn't see the necessity of it had been issued by t he Sultan prohi~ib~g when fresh cranberries are gone and apples animal. In response to an advertisemen~ of and figured out th ~tit would be enormously the further exportat ion of horses. This did have grown insipid and pie plant is not big the New South Wales Government ofl'ermg expensive. They do not lat h at all, simply not daunt Senator P almer's agent neither 1 enough to cut, and s trawberries have not $125,000 for a remedy, he has sent out two placing the plaster direc tl y on the stone. did the historical believe tha.t no Arabian appeared, you can step t.o t he store cl0set, of his assistants, who will scatter a su~ply L!1.tha would have to be imported from the horses are ever disposed of except as gifts take do~n a bowl, uncover the coutonta, of the new microbe in t he rabbits' feedi?g States, bm would not be v«"ry much more to royal rersona1-1es, and for purposes of dip a knife around the edges and turn the ground and thus introduce the disease, which expensive than they are there. There is war. He pushed on, and had little tr.ouble quivering crimson . mass on one '?f your 1s expected to spread rapidly and soon only an ad valorem duty of five p er cent. on in persua.ding the Sultu.n to rev?ke his fir· prettiest glass or chma plates, and sit down destroy the pest., It remains to ~e seen exports except from England. '.I'hese last man in the interest of the Umted States WILL CURE OR RELIEVE to coffee and rolls and enj oy them because whether the experiment will succeed m Aus- are adnntted free. Bermudians cannot un- Senator. He was elated by h13 success BIUOUSNE88, DIZZINE88, ,... After spending much time and money, I aru you have the spicy cranberry to accompany t ralia as well as it has in F r a.nce. In t he derstand how we can charge a duty on Eng however. H e faijed from a different cause, now prepared to fill all orders . promptly. I them DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, meantime a good many people have protestlish goo<ls S uch a thonght had evidently it being none other than th~ fact t_hat, every have 8 fine assortment of WAVES, BANGS, ' . I k · · ·1 . INDIGESTION, FLUTTERI NG SWITClI ES, COMBS and PINS very cheap. The apple Jllm me. em a s1m1 ax way. ed against such a treacherous method of de- not entered their loyal brains before. horse shown him was spavrned, nngboned, .JAIJNDICE. OF TH': H£AR.r, ::B.A:-,N'GS FROJY.I: $2 UPGreenings '!r other t~rt apples are best. struetion ; but t.he colonists reply that i~has I w.as speaking of the Princess Hotel a windbroken blind, or a:ffiicted with some ERY81PELA8, AfJIDITY OF Old Switches colored and made to look like If t he skms. an fair ~ do not pa.re, ~ut become a question w:hether they shall av~ faw minutes a.go. While on the sub- other diseas~ to which horses even the pink· SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, new. Highest price paid for long cut hair. wash and wipe, cut m qua.rters, lea.vmg to "go" or the rabbits. All o~her mea~s '? ect I may as well finish it, and wlll eyed soft-skinned Arabian species are aubseeds and cores for fla.vor, cutting out any combating the plague have faded .a.nd 1 ~ 18 ~escribe that caravansary a. little more jeet to. Only one horse did the Senatorial HEARTBURN, DRYNE88 'l'ONIC DAIR specks or bruises and then proceed m the urged. that P!"stE>ur's ~ethod of mflictmg fully. No doubt you will think t his is a.gent see that apparently ~as worthy of HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, Warrant ed to prevent the hair from falliug same manner as ior the cranberrie~. And every species oi' disease arising fro1>1> death ts a rapid and pamless one. a. paid advertisement. I will tell you just being transported to America, and that out and will make it grow. Do you ever make apple pickles in the disordered LIVER, l<IDNEYS, STOMACH· here t hat it isn't. But out of the full- one on close inspection! proved · also to l_>e #arl have also a fine lot of new Stamping spring? They are easily ma.de and help fill BOWELS OR BLOOD, unsound. !rhe enterprise was given. up m ne1111 of the stomach (or heart, I suppose I Patterns. All orders promptly attended to. We have all str ength enough to endure the empty pickle jars. despair, and the Senator has received a. should say, b ut the former word describes & ~O., Propri~(;R~~ Pare, core and quarter tart apples, put the troubles of other people. cable tha.t the search ha.s been abandoned. 47 N cads' Block, Bowmanville. into the stone pickle jar. To one que.rb of J' !!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~!!~~!!!!!!~!l!!!~!l!!I!~~!!!~ !tt'.al'S.llnlliPR't ffRi'i':ll - 'f HE CANADIAN STATESMAN A.MES, HOUSEHOL D. ·:1 'Q ffi'1MS'i'W ME!MBS _ - Ir - ·:11u1 HM CA'I1ARRH. " I =-- oj - 0 31- b ;n, M ,v. L R. PEATE, Tailo>· B LADIES Du fiN R J L L J N £ RY 'I Jt:ilrlii. LV '" e L T 0 I I i. -~_.,..... P __ ___ _ I DENTl &TRY. " · I ) ~~~;/i~ ~~~ I~:rn: ;~~:efrse~~ fr~ft~r~;: I DEN I s T R '\}' I JLLETT:S POWDER£0 LVE 99 PERCENT r RI C BE Oods I Fine Hair G H B P a tronl I B 0m TRADE LADIES, I · I 0 M rs. A. DAVIS, 'l'. lrULBQ.lU{ Children Cry for Plteher'~ -~aetor~-~