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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1888, p. 2

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wish you would not thin of au ch 1 able He would sit for hours on his sister's 1 two regular evenings in ea.ch w· ek to Ger· . a.rd Godfrey's eastern district, where he "hmgs, father; I have not the slightest In· Iap, listening to whispered oft wld tales or . kept a.11 the accounts, had a modd court and tent10 of leav.rng you &nd dear ,ittle playiilg at impromptu quiet games ; he culd IS PUBLISHED CATARRlI.-A. new tre'<tment has been d10. evenin class, besides hoepituhly restmg Wynme' Nothmg should tempt me! go to sleep anywhere ' and tha wonderful · ORNING U l EDNESDAY V l ov11red whereby a permanent cure of tl11e I &VERY "No th" ? H em . 1 Tl:en ou may as d" mg. . iacovenes h e made a.t each new pla.ce were tltber tired clergymen and thei r wives in Ins BY CIIARLO M. YOUNG. to incurable disease, m absolutely atfer·t· -BY-well be on your guard, Miss hgremont, or the amusement of all his auditors. Sister ld lll from one to three apphcat10ns, pleasant quiet house. no matt "r In the spring Mr. Egremont was la.id up we shall have pleadmga chat you have en wa.s always his playfellow and companion ll'hether stand.mg one yea1 or forty years. Th ta eniedy 1s on!y applied once m twelve daye botl, whenever she could be spared from her with the worst rheumatic attack be had yet couraged them-;-crnrch and CHAPTER XXX -(CONTINUED ) AT THE OFEICE md docs not rnterfe re with buomess Desoup' You ptou folk take your little d1 father, and she had an ever increasing in· had, in consequence of yielding to the 1m maye . '17e panuihlet sent free on receipt of stamp by . Just as she was getting the dagger paper perious will of his son, who had insisted on versions and fl11tat1ons iust hke your poor fluence over him which she dia her best to A.. H. Dixon & $on , 305 Kmg street, West' Jtost Ofllce Ul-Oek, Klug Sh·ect, Bowman· knife out of his little hand, and was divert ville, Ontni·lo. sta.nding in a. bleak corner to see the Life srnters whom you ehak? your head at, never raise into principle. roronto, Uanatla. ing the pout on his swellmg lip his father WJIAr !S CATARRH· guesamg how Gregorio and I have looed Guards pa.ss by. On this occasion Perhaps she never had a. happier moment '1'ERl:3: became 11.wa.re of the contest, and immediate Ce.tart h is a dangerous d sr.a se which thous , your adopted uncle parad1Dg than when she heard how he nad put did not prove herself the heaven born nurse out at you ana .. his ndo arti consciously or nnconsc ously sufrermg l.liG ,..,... .i.nnntn, 01· $1 lf pat1l in nd vnnce. ly the half conquered boy appealed to him that the true heroine ought to be, but was th, stret. " hands behind him and steadily refused 1rom. It is a muo o-pur ulent drncharge o aused . · . Pas>rnent str ict ly ln adva.nce required rrom "Sister na.nghty. Won t let Wynme kill extreme1y frightened, and altogether de· wish Gregorio would m nd h!s own when Gregorio had o!lered to regale by tho presence of a vegetable p arasi t e m the .I boor·bm:a outside of t he county. Orders to cross ugly old woman, beating poor little lin ing membrane of the nose. 'l' he predispos. pei;ident on Gregorio, who knew &.ll about busmes, and not put .such thrnge m your him at a stall of bombons forming. Ing !Ca11tlnue the p aper muBt be a cc om p an i e d by children.,, causes are a morbid state of the blood, the burst out Nuttie. the symptoms, and when to send for the head l only a thin crust to liqueur whwh unfor es.mooul!l't due, or the pape wil not bestopped. blighted 001 puscle of tubercle, the germ poison "A fel 1 ow feeling I eh, sister ? Kill her At which Mr. Egremont laughed lone-er tuna.tdy ne had alrea.dy been 'taught to like: ".f syphilis, mercury, toxomre, from the reten cfoctor and a. garde malade Gregorio always b11erfpeffi src r esponslb le unti tullpa.yment1s a.way, boy, tear her out I Yes, give her to lde. talk ed Frnnch to Nuttie when he felt him· and louder than ever. "But I told him sistei saL:l I mustn't h11.ve 1!011 of the etl'ete matte1 of the skm, suppressed sister, and tell her that's the way to serve perspirations, b11dly ventilated sleopmg up111 t· Poor Nuttie ! It was terrible dis· them," said Alwyn. self in the ascendar>t, as he certamly was at "And then he made men ts and ::!i BATES OF ADVEUTISING1 1::. the germmat10n ot ot her poisons m sour females I I declare, Ursula., she has comfiturc, . not only for the m?ment, a face and said something in FrPnch about ,he blood. Irritated by thnse, present; but he bAcume much less gracious . · , . $60 .. . . .. . . . .. . year the Jmmg mem Golltmnoue Whcl$ h f ·· ·· when he heard that Mrs. William E"remont bt a. notion had been pla.nted m her you. I know it was you, for he said "samr." raue of the nosl'I is e ver ready t or the recep Half year-·····, · .·.. 36 "" got somet mg 0 your expression. ' " " 'Oh Wynme, Wynme 1' said Nnttie, 11.e might be expected, declaring that a.dame mmd th11.t seemed cruel, almost profane, What was it?" 'ion of the part\O te, which rapidly spreadSdUP One quarter ..···· , , :»"" he trotted up to her, "ia sister cross and would 1he n os trils and down the fauces, or b ac k or - one ye a r · . . . · · . .·. . . · .· S6 Ela.It Column. only excite his master, and that her and yet wh1cti would not be. d1sm1ssed, "Nev er mind, Wynnie dear. We had « he throat, cuusm,.- ulcerat10n of the throat; up Halt y e ar . ..·. ·.. ..· . 20 00 ugly?" and she opened her a· ms to him. presence wa.s quite unneceesary. Her com· and made h er heart leap with strai.ge much better never know Your were sister's 'he eusta.cb.1.ih tuhes, cuus111g d eafne f.is bu One qua.rt or · . · ·.··.· 12 50 " "Sister, Wyn's own sister," said the child mg hd been volunteered, but it was a great bound at the wild tougt, "Could it be own dear steadfast boy: and you shall kies rowmg m the vocal cords, causrng hoarsness; Q11arter Coluu:..n one ye1J.r . .. ·.·..· 20 00 . , " affectionately, hitting himself be kissed as " nsurpmg the proper struc ture of tho , bronchial then smk aga.m with shame at her mother's picture. " Half year · .· . ..·. · . . 12 50 boon to Ursula, who was thus helped out in true? 5 he saw her grieved. " She shan't be ugly " '" One quarter...... · . 8 mbes endmg m pulmonary consum p tio n o.nd many perplexities, although Mrs. Egremont own presumptuous folly in ente1taining such " ieath ( TO llE CONTINUED ) 'l!enl!nes a n d u n d er,flr st insertion. $0 50old woman-ugly old woman go in fire. was a gre11.t deal at her step son's, and a thought for a. moment. Many lngcntous spe1flcs for for the onro ot i£sch subsequen h n aer tio n ·..... 0 25 So perilously near the fhme did he run Yet whenever she actua.lly encountered cata.1rh have been mvented. but w ithout sue· neither lady was of much avail in the sick EltOmsxto ten lines,flrstinsertlon 0 75,. to burn the old woman that Mr. Egremont etes, until a phyB1c1a.n of long standmg discov 3510 .....· Mr. Dutton her habitual comfort and reli n o i room, during the stress of the illness. It E'e.h subsequent i nser t Imperial Federat10n. shouted to her that in spite of all that bum ered the exacc nature of th d1soa8e an d the oer tenlines,tlrsti naertion,per!ine 0 wss never actually dangerous, but there was ance ou him revived, and dispelled all the ly a ppliance wl11cb will permanently detroy 0 03 bug, she was perfectly careless of the chili!, '.I.'here is no doubt a.bout the fact that Im- 1>u Blitch «mbsequentinserhon " great suffering and much excitement, and embarrassment which at oth.,r times ahe ex· tile Pa r asi te, no matter how aggrava ted the although if she had withheld him she would «cttmg oase. Sufferers perial Fcdetation is more and more '£h.e nu.mt.er of lines t o be r eokoned bY : ,., pected to feel in his presence. and sboulcl send. srnmp at 00011 for four or five days the distress . tlh lliJilot.Ceoccupied, measured bya aoaleof " amed for th wartiog streugt h among a considerable numoer of the tor descriptive pamphlet on catar rh to tho probab ly h ave b een '-1 anxiety were considera.ble. After this lid. Nonpareil. hi . p op11la. tion. It is about three years since buain ess managers, A, H n.xon & · So n ' ao;; passed off U1sula was surprised to find g CHAPTER XXXI. - --- --- -- -----""' !11::: i;r! Are you quite fair towards Ursula?" the idea. was first started and now branch K:rn stree t, west, Toronto, Canada. her company preferred to that of her Wkat the Rev. E. B. Ste1·e,ton, B.A., a Clerrrv th e aunt ventured Lo say when the girl had societies have been formei! in every British SPES NON l'RAJTA. DRS, lcLA.lTGllLIN di BEll'R, man was douleur, of the London Cc;nf erence of the Metho soulfre better a aunt. She was . . coIony of . any importance. No detai!s of gone to dress for walking down with her to diot Church of Canacfo, '"" to ·ay in reuard SummPr had quite set in before Mr. Egre less of a restraint, and was besides h is regu· ( Fli':lL'E·.-'iY:QRRIS' BLOCK, BOWMANVILLE. To A.H. D·xon &; Son· New Treatment /or the Rectory. "It is ha.rd on her, and not a.ny definite scheme have yet been given. , la.r reader and amanuensis, so that as the moot was able o go out for a drive, and · <Jatarrh. ·Dr ,.J.W.McLAUGHr.lN. Dr. A. Bmrn. Gradu go0d for the boy t0 upset her authon t Indeed no such scheme has yet-been thought force of the a.ttack abated, he kept her a then he was ordered to Buxton. Y· licentiate of the Royal a.te of th e Toronto Oaklans, Ont., Ca.nacta, March 17, 1883 "Eh? Why the girl is JUSt a governess · b ef ore of. Avowedly the promoters appeal for i;he ifessrs. A. B. Dixon <Sen. Nutt" 1e onIy once saw h er cousms · the latter par t . . 1s room durmg good deal" ID h" Col !ege of Phy sicians , pd m ember of the UmverSlty , Ph ysicui.n nianquee, imbued with the spirit of a.II of the day, imparting scraps of intelligence, leaving town, for their little boy fulfilled present a l '.Tlost xclusively to sentiment· DEAR Srns,-Yours of t'ie tilth inst. to han d. ia.ve the g1 ory a;nd. greatness !t seeme d almost too good to be true that I am They WIS A nice · h. t those old women who bred her up . Royal Col lege of Sur Surgeon, &o. .o l skimming the papers for him, a.nd reading the nUlsery superstition by whooping till ,g,eOJns, E d inburgh. life the poor chiH would have of it, but for May ; and all mtercourse wa.s prohibited, of h_e British Empire very d1stmctly a.nd oured of Ca tarr h , but I know t hat I a.m I ·-----hi s letters. stnkrngly brought before men's mind s so have had no return of the d1seaao, and never me." DR· .J. c:. KITC:HELJ., There was a lease to be signed, a.nil, as till he had ceased for a whole week to 'al t better m my hfe. I have tried so many that the appeal may be powerfully mad to thi ngs for Cata rrh " , am sure she is devotedly atta.ched to has Dutton Mr. sound. suspimous a utter H.edthe Bulfinch, Mr be, , suffered so much and tor might as soon HYSICIANS OF COLLEGE OF P · · fee.lmg_s. so m any years. that 1t 19 hard to realize t ha · · ,1m11gm11 · · t· · ions an d pa t1ot10 him. · · ted on the fam1 ·1y spend" · h t a their mg a fortmg and h ad t o ins1a up, h it t roug 1c1tor, so l 1· b e 11111.<l Surgeons , Ontario, Coroner, eto. cast · y huma.n They want to have the reeling of pride ID lam r ea ll b e tt e trust thinks but , "Hein' So she 74. ..Dftlci.e and Res 1d en co , Enniskillen. be entertained at luncheoa. While he was Springfield House for change of a.ir, and it I consider that m ine was a very bad case; I being citizens of so glorious an Empire de ----nature for loving to wreak discipline on the ·---·--the drawing room for Mr. Egre was there that Nuttio W!IS permitted to see w11.Hing as aggravate d and chronic,'invclvlng the and strengthened and along with '1t roat ns well 1 as the nasal chHd who ha.s cut he! out.' , he looked them, though the children were still forbid· veloped . pas sages and I him for ready B. made be to t. . mont L, N, onJtllS'IO 'W. s. thlB a senee of degrndat· ion' and dISh onor at hought it would require the t hre e "ttea.t ment That 1 scarcely JUSt, lwyu. She was with deep interest on the little heir, whom den to meet. Ba.rri ster, S ohcitor, Conveyancer, &c. Mon(!f u tl . 1 e t I feel cured by the tw very idea of s_nch an Empire fa.lltng to b n t me. an cut. o se be to Annaple looked very thin, but rattled as Offioe, in Beaver Block upsta.irs in greatly relieved tc> foa n. Ursula. presently led off to the other end of m tha.nkfu that I was evor mdnced to sern'. Mr. Egremont laughed at this, a.nd his the room to the hoard of dowosta.1r formerly occupied by D r. H arnden , ra0>1t1.fl ·1y as ever. ' ' No one could guess," pieces and becommg merely a tradition and I a · toys; merr1 ·ar This !lll;'Y be all very s_hadowy and '° 39 Bi>wm a nville. sister in law indignantly added with all and an ela.borate ca.mp was under construe· she sa.id, " what a. delight it was not to know nme e at hburty to use th1a letter sta.tlr. mdistmct but it IS far from being Without hat I have been oured at t wo treatments an·I the authority e>f 11 successful pa.rent, " Any tion, when by the fireside, the Canoness in- what one was to have for dinner ?" DR. E. CJ · .McDOWEJ.. h l l gladly power t s reco m mend your remedy to sc1r a and in these days of party uphreak col· as child a for ba.d so is way, nothing " To do more than know, I am afraid," quired in a low confidentia.l tone," May I and reconatruct10n it makes its appeal at a 'lt,my friends who aro suffere1-s. ICENTIATE OFROYALCOLLEGE lision between the authorities in !I. family. ask whether you came about a will?" said Ursula.. Yours, wit h many thanks, oe Ph y 51c a.os , Lonuon, Eng ;Member of Ursula is doing her best to a.ct as a mother " Well, next to the delight of knowmg very opportune time and in a very attracB. "No Mrs. Egremont. I wish I wei·e. Phys 01a.n s anct Surgeons. Ontario. o Colle ge f tive fashion. It is a. mighty Empire thi inJurious And hunc1reda very of be S'l'EVENSON will it and child tht t' It is only a.bout the lea.se of Spinneycotes nothing at all about it-and even that is SlJB:G! f;&v AND R E S IDEN CE :-Rea.r of Messrs British one. It has had a glcnous his· fluences." in her with interfere to m hi le, to only e;ood for a holiday -is the deli"ht of lElgg i11.botham's Drug Store, Bowmanv1l farm." · 6-lyr,* "She's a good girl enough-gives very little seemg a. puclding come out smooth anl com tory, and that glory is well worth bemg 1 " Then there is none ?" trouble," he a.llowed, " but I'm not going None has fortable a.nd unb1·oken from its basin. 'Some ma.mt11ined and extended. All this is beyond · " None that I am aware of doubt, and multitudes ol quiet people in lit, BIJRKE SIMPSON, to have the bov sat upon." . ever been ilrawn up by us. Indeed, I wa.s thing attempted, something done,' you know. every colony under the British fi,g feel that RIB MOP returned, Nuttie &o. words, the TOR, spoke he As a good SOLICI as S , art quite of is work as a wa.ter A :&RI 1.'E wishiua that some influence could be brought It Gentlemen'sClothesMade to Order. it is. It is all very well to complain of BLOCK, up stairs, Ki n g S t reet . Bowma11 · a.nd as soc as she was out of t house and to bea:' which might show the expedience coloured drawine;. " being mere colo:iists. and about the mother e. Sohcitor for t h e Ontario Bank Oh, Aunt out of hearmg she . ex.ola1med, quite permanent." so not Only " of making some arrangement. Any m ela.n l'i:h·1ue MoneTs loa.ne d at the lowest rates, Jane, you see how it i ! How am I _to pr, choly event is, I trust, fa.r distant, but " No ; 1t 1s only one s first pudding that country assuming airs of imp:>rtance and rumed utterly g bei from boy my ve !l t · one wants to emba.lm in a glass case for be- SU:£>eriority to the colonies which Ill become h, ,, .,.,._ .Yohn .Kelth Galbrait contingencies should be provided for." ._ ' her. But after o.11 whbn the complaints are I have been speekmg to your father, "Exactly so. He 1s recovering now but ing so good as not to leave it& better part · A Rr'tlS T E R, SOLICITOR, NOT.A.R,Y · · · a.ctually formula.ted ia there much to make a. '{ seem t n does he t b Egremont," Mrs. satd basin, the as in ind be k soon collapse c to o or l B h ll's ? OfHce-Bounsa our at ten i o ts directed to the immense these attacks always leii.ve effects on' the PUBLIC, &c. fuss about? We do not see that there is. to unders.tand. Men don· A child s faults heart, and at his age, with his habits, no as it is in the dish. " lDng Streat, Bowmanville . Money to lend, stock and fanc es seem such trifis to hem that one knows what may happen . Of course it " Which my 1rnddings alw11.ys did in the Besides, whatever is really of the nature of ROBERT A.lUIOllR, they can. t see the harm of mdulgmg t ;m, would not make much difference to the happy days of old, but then I wa.a always a grievance can be re.noved and the people R ISSUE AM tGISTRAR, WEST DURH U an, bes1ds, they expect to b amused. hunted igll()miniously out of the kitchen of Britain as a whole are only too anxious boy.,, that it should be; while he prevailinp ignor\, cf Marri age L icenses , Barrister and A.ttor· Alld IS. th t por de11.r.little fellow to "No, the Court of Chancery would a.p an·l told I wasted good food," said Nuttie. of every descr1pt10n at :, tr a.t Law and Sollcitor!n Chancery.Mone)' " Yes, and waste is fearful when Mark ance of the combines and indifference to sre&, gr.ow up spoilt · said N uttrn, her eyes hot point the most suitable natural guardians." sued on Re al Estate. Ofiloe on Ring their futu e, so much complaincd ofnacom with unshed tears. all it like eat and to same, ha.ve the Billy I afraid am "I . nvllle. " But," said Mrs Egremont, _ I ' mon Ill Bntam, are fast pii.ssing a.wa.y ancl "1 hope not, Orsula. I have great con that the personal property when divided the poor cows with spoilt hay. I wonder - · ' 1<M WILLU.M WIGHT. whehe your old e:i:periences reci;ll _the JOY the Greater Bnt11in bdyond the seas is being I fidece in_Yor infl!lence, for I ee. you ar a 1 would not be much of a provision for her." understood and appreciated more than it has She has JllSt op ened out one of the This was astomshmg praise) " Yon are right. The investments a.re un- of findrng trustworthy eggs within your temnble girl. ICE N ED AUCTIONEER stylish stocks e ver brought ever been hefore. Imperial Federation may the at left price." Orders . small." '"But you will trow Durham disproportionately the Canoness. from of fortunately and County . P.O. to town ' " Ah, I was not housekeeper. I only re never come to any thing, but those who all, or l!it.'AT&SM11N otlioe or forward ed to Tyrone cha.noes if you keep up a contmual to have them awa.y your "She ought either 28·6m think that there is little feeling in its favor 1'1" ) · 11<1!.ll receiv prnmpt a ttention. opposition to what yol!-r father allows. It will there should be a charge on the estate," said member being in disgrace for gr11mbling 1 I l Dery, D I·e SS " " St"lk"' "' or tha.t tha.t feeling is dying out are greatly no was the pudding, there because when he . possible be much less hurtful If Alwyn does get too "If ING, decisively. 1f N Ca.noness the 1 HIJ S. C. m1sta.ken. If Lord Roseberry as chairmau Velvets, &c.' ' hens would not lay." and does a. little unneces to move.'" much indulgence, must be made · ENSED AUCTIO NEER FOR sary mischief, than for: him to learn to think " Though I heard a women decla.rintr the of the Imperial League were to come to Canf wit h a very fine s t ock of Feathers anr' "Oh, don't !" cried Nuttie, jumping up d the County of Durham. Sa.lea att end e a. machine a.da to boom it, he would raise a.n amount Q be to ought there that day otb.er pset n' , always any on plea.sums, his u of be t enemy the must He you floor the from s s Flowers. Icon shortest notice and lowest rates. Addr e enthusiasm which would astonish some for them. Oh, the scenes th11.t I encounter 36:tf · wanting to check and punish him, Oh account." filQ.URt'!'Ol'l p 0. i n s pe c t this fine isplay, which Oa.U folks. yes," s . Nuttie. was going to answer, "My de11.r, I ha.d no notion. tha.t you beard wen I am ma.rketmg I If I only could de· c nno t fail to give s atisfaction. · ···· · "I thought Al- cribe them for Punch ' I walked home once know 1t is for his real good, but how 1s tha.t us !",exclaimed her aunt . Pia.nos Tuned and Repaired. porter's wife, carrying two baby to understand that? Indeed, my 1 wyn was making too much noise w1th his with our Retaliation, most brilliant sticks of rhubarb, all carmine dea.r, I know how it is; have gone through soldiers." THEIR PI There is every now and then a talk of the sta.lk a.nd gamboge leaf, and expressing a "per-' the same sort of thing with Basil.' Nuttie, said pardon," your beg "I nddl thomatte Tuned or re pa rea cannave United States proclaiming war ago.mat Cn haps I should have spoken sooner, but in· v ery natural opinion tha.t the rhubarb tree ta lr;r leavmti word at the D OM I NlON ORGA "Oh it could never have been 80 bad I" be very showy to look at, and curious ada, in the shi1pe of the non-mtercourse must " disturbed, and Ca·s OFTrICE, Bowma nvlll e A drst-clas man worried be not must he deed to had but ; have not I "No: of course to know in what kind of fruit the medi-cine powers put into the President's ha.mis beiuv uow Gil!l.l'I in their emplo.allow wha.t I did not ltke for the child she added, somewhat fiercely. called into active opera.tion in the event of grew. " her said dear," my a.fraid, be n't "D o shadow the see rff i him d et of than e rather A DICTIOriARY, "Oh, Anna.pie ! do you go yourself in the Fishery Treaty not being ratified, and 118,000 \\fords, 3000 Jng1 nmgs1 a ence of opinion between us, a.nd I don't aunt. " Mr. Bulfinch knows that yeur of Canada taking active mea.sures to protect that way ?" GAZETTEER OF THE WORLD, think it has done him any harm. The great' father is in no condition to ha.ve such matters of 2 1,000 rlHieR, and U. Mark used to go with me, but, poor fel its fishery grounds from the raids of Yan Ir"nlnnl.ilo point is that you should keep that. poor I brou!!ht l:efore him " amount this ever Should talk fishermen. kee lu 'T\.'rY a.bout idea and low, e has a ruino!ls BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY, . prices . htcle fellow's affection and respect, and I " Certain'.y," ea.id the old lwyer politely; Sclrnol ind of nefLJ!y 10 00 l Note.I Pc rsons, to anything it will be to be regretted. It at CTI IJ " and we will trust that Miss Egremont's quantities, and besides, now he is so h ard make him unwilling to vex you. " il. fa ra U n FJrNldo the a.nad gre11.t to cause loss will ALL lfl ONE BOOK. dow_n day-e an wants a orked-up 11.ll cl a more on forward on s ome may s prospe <;> . t r H . i i e s so ry " That he is, dear l ttle man ways and will greacly derange many bra.nch llte more of his bed m the ormng. Contains 3000 mmc '\Oldb lntl neurly 000 more n.. occasio US ausp101 ? . when he sees sister grieved. He is always 1 11u::;ttat1othdn n.11 'otl1c1 American D1cL10nny es of trade. But it is to b e hoped that C1m And wha.t do you want . Nutt1e could have beaten him, but she distressed if anything is hurt or pained · 1 "I .nev:er was a sleepy creature, and I get ado. will bear hrself in he 01rcumsta.nces Rhnnltl be iu e\ A1y school u1 the J>omrn1on oliged to content herself with such a was He is really tender·hearted.,, , becoming dignity and self respect. Ua11ada Rrlncr.tf1u11u.l ;l'/01 tthl11 'Pm onto charge of he Zulus among Alwyn s 1 ack 1!1 time .to dress the oy. I generally with That feeling swee:pmg " y es, but boys are boys. r is a mis· Bc:-;tfJ1ct1onn yofthcJu.ngu ige-London '111.mr"'" wa. be and course, wa.r, of will, It l s his at find 1ghJmks on bed. im father t h that teir general shnke_d out men, nglis a 0 & C J\1ERllI....1..!l1 & CO , ruhhshot 1:i, will fail you if you work it too h rd and erable thing any way it can be taken. But e t his III 1I1d1gnat1on aga.m st such a variation f uses up litle superfluous ene1gy b fore S1111ugfl<:1d , llf.as::.., U. s... '\.. e!lpecia.lly if you show vexation if such war is forced on Canada. in that t he accustomed programme of all their the dressing. I pleasures. Keep tha.t for real evils like in the it bear must she course of why shape ?' ha.ve now you servant surely a "But N gamea. ' · · · falsehood or cruelty " best way she c an. It would never do for "I've come to the conclusion that a work Nuttie thought she had defended her Graduate o r th e Royal C olleg e ot Dente.I "Not for disobedience" her to strike her !fag a.nd humble herself in " . . · patient sufficiently, but she found she had ma.n's wife charing is a better institution. . Surgeons , Ontario. The evil of d1sobe1ence depends much I been mistaken, for when her aunt ha.d left N o. 1, a pet of Miss Nugent's, was a nice the dust <ts soon as an unjust threat became 0 FICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFCE. All that cou'd be done more upon the authority of a.i; order than later, her father began, creature, but the London a.ir did for her at an offensive reality. 1 them, some days . OLD FILLINO A SPECIALTY on the _child ielf. If he disobeys you i" We are well quit of her. Those trouble- once. No. 2, also from M1cklethwayte, in- would be to bear the worry as best she under his !a.the: s licence, you cannot m ake some dietatcrial women always get worse stantly set up a. young mau, highly respect could not by retaliation, but by seeking I Al:tTI,FICIAL T EETH INSERTED WITHOUT much of ,,it. 1 ou have him a good dea.l to when they are left widows-takinir upon able, 11.nd ready to marry on the spot, as other outlets of trade a.nd drawlllg closer ! PLATES. with the mother country. Snch e If them to say what their dear husbands would they did, though their united ages don't the bonds Great Reduct10ns ID price on a.II Dental yoy !, the.t dreo.d terror, a diseas e 10 lon ba.ftling es. amount to thirty nine. No. 3 was a. Cock- non intercourse could not hurt t..anada with Work. Vitru1zeC. A ir , constantly m use pro· ha.ve said, forsooth." . scienc e and the most skilled physicians, whO duemg Painless Upera.t1ons. Particular a.tten "Tnen ae use of that time to trength "Aunt Jane was very kind to me," said ney, and couldn't stay because the look· out affecting inJuriously a large part of the hing to sllevi· knew of noth ing to arrest, n o t e C h i l d re n s tlion paid to the regulation ot ' T eth en his p rmc1ples and sense f right . and n i a 4 gossiped trading community in the Northern States. I ate, nothing to cure. Now it is no longer an Ursula, not in the lea st k ow ng wh t he out was so dull; and No. when given up by ,.... ALL WORK W ARRANTJ!JD. .._ wrong, as well as to sec'!-re . his aff.-.ttns was thinking of. with her kmd when I thought her They would very speedily have something I i ncurable mal ady even phys!c i e.ns, hes.Ith can y et be found in OUR My dea, I never s11.w a girl ID a more d1ffi "To you. Ay, I should think so, ta.king safe in the Temple Gardens with Billy, to say on the subject and in the mea.ntime jaranch office, Dr. Rutherford's Orono, . REMED Y, it heals an d soothes the mem· cut position than yours, but I see y_ou are would have the opportunity of show· bra.De of theLungs1 inll.amed and poisoned I upon h11r to lecture me a.bout securing a pro· whereby he caught the whooping ce>ugh, a.nd Canada 1 far how and made I was domg your 1!-tmot ; only as she also took the liberty of wearing my ing of what stuff she by the ravages of thlB !ell disease, a.ud pre m afraid the vision for you." vents the night sweats and tightness ac ross lo ot sedatives 1s th ame. I fur cloa.k, and was not particular as to ac she could rally stand.a.lone with kindness to 1 . . "Oh I hoped--" the chest which ac c ompany it. But with at the all and malice to no one. aunt, I did t .unk he had given it "What?" he broke in. "You knew of curacy, we parted on short notice; and I uP ..· got this woman to come in every day to same tilne the determination to be neither CURES CUARANTEED it I You set her on, I suppose. " · · u a.re mexpe en;ced, mf dear. see ui- scrub, help ma.ke beds, etc. It is much less brow bea.kn nor caJoled into 11nworthy con n ! Y? B Mr. and She father. no, no, . "Oh Toronto Me di c in e Co., Toronto, Ont. · s th f eunenders. ilia.ting hum or ces·fons 1 i I . it Ill 1 8 eyes ,, \Veil, Im afro.id there Is no finch began a.bout 1t, not mea.nmg me to hea.r trouble, a.ud the only fault I have to find c1nnot be done then the sooner Canada st pmg that. ,, . , I-about a. will, I mean-and I told them I with her is an ab1olute incapability of dis :p . Mother-and Nutt1e s voice was wam't going to have you worried, and I 1 cerning blacks. I believe she thinks I have drops all talk of ultimate possible indepen deuce and of setting up for herself so much ch?ked. a monoma.nia against them." thought I had stopped it altogether." Na.tions like individuals are ' i;op a woman b ent on her duty ' Hein! " S Still Annaple insisted that she did not t he better. 'She did her _bst, but yu have not1 the better of being pushed up the sa.me opportumties. It can t be helped But you are a. good girl and shall come to , work half so hard as her nieces Muriel and sometimes It pu ts them upon their 1 with a man f that age·. Ma.rk might hve: no loss when we have t make your ma.rria.ge 1 Janet, in their London season, nd th11.t h er against a wall. WITIIU"r TllUTB done somethmg, bnt he is out of the question settlement." economy was not nearly so trying and di ffi- mettle and if there is anything 111 them it no , poor fellow!" cult as that whichLa.dy Delmar had been brings it out, while if there 1s ll'>thmg1t "You won't have to do tha.t,fa.therl" . makes also that humilmtillg fact, abundant· · 1 Mark and In eed, Au nt Ja.ne, I thm I "Hein I Wha.t do you keep that poor practising for years m order to afford them f Annap e a.re some o f th e hapr-1est people I fellow la.rence Fane dangling in a.ttendance I a summer there; nor was her anxiety to ly man1 Fest. rn.UJTIC:AL DENTIST, . i only w1sh !flY poor Alwyn -----ever saw· make both ends meet by ,\ny means equal 1 on you for?" "?>VER TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENOlll. . were as forwa.rd as their Bil!y, bt Im not "I don't' I'm sure I don't want him. I to her sister's in keeping up appeara.noes, la"oa110xl.deGas Adrulnlstered tor Palnles Ahle·Bodied Monkeys. even allowed to teach him avoiding etr1m1mta.ls. letters, would do anything to keep him at a dis- I a.;11d The t wo . Operations. _ be ?; se o.n e he cried over them. sisters met occa.s10nally, bu tLaily Delmar A formidable antagonist to telegrnph con Unapproached for ta.nee J' I LO &. '!!l B C: . 1llC:C:L1JNG Gl'FICJE wis , the3'. h anythmg to f a.II "How now I I thought your Grace con· was so compassionate and patronising that struction in Mexico is found in the monkey , Tone and Quality. ::f b ck UP? d s n, rs. i g e anx1· ont An aple in chap· and reco!led jungles the spirit inhabits which tribe off-hand 's se." s i E , a. de cended to im more than to any one el 0 sly. ,rhey a10 so unwilhi:ig to let "I don't dislike him unless he has that ID levity a.nd ra.ttle, and neither regretted the para.I of Tabe.sco. Literally"the woods CA1"ALOGUES FRIEE. 00. n know the!r d1fficult1e tha.t I as to marrying him I Oh-h-h," occupation tha.t prevented them from seeing a.re full of them. ' ['heir favourite diversion , ) a s i I never new m what straits ti.ey his head ; but ee thembetake to is food of quest in not when i t such a note of horror that elicited a l tle .11 . may be. y ou w1 be sure to 1et me know I a h mes f or gymnastic , A yea.r passed by, eh1dly spent by Mr. 'selve to th e te!egraph r · · . Ursula., if fS · hot , , there is a.n Y thing that I can ago.inst him, are we? Who 1s 1t ]!]aremont m the pursuit of comparative exercises, and linemen assert that often 100 J for th m able-bodied monkeys have been swinging on then? Not the umbrella fellow?" halth, at Buxton, Bagneres and Biarritz Tha. onver t" ort . ion was a great com f "F.i.tb er 1 how can you? she cried, with during which his daughter 'could do httl the wire, festooned, monkey fashion, by ' and help to N u ie Wh01 ws P lea.sed to find a. "He-why but attend to him and to little Alwyn The lootiing their ta.ils. 1 burning flush of indignation. herself trea.ted as a rea f · · riend by her aunt th ese ' "b muous vi Th econt" , orest Who is Weak, Nervous , Debllltated, he 1 FI e has al wye ben sort CJf unc1e, boy h ad bee enough left to her and . rations of ' . . 0 and perceived the wisdom of her advice ev r smce on nails used on th rt the i mnas s st g t y r e wboinb!s Folly a.ud Ignoran c e he.s Tri· nurse durmg his father's acute Illness and I v;aa a little girl. , "remont these often come down , fled away his Vigor of Body Mind and 1J I But the wa.tching over the Mark E"' Oh yes, a.doptcd uncles a.re very devout become more amenable. He was an affec· cross a.rms, a nd ws a ver d" fi c It tt 1f accohipr ish, when young ladies mah out to mornmg tionate child, inheriting, with his mother's bnngmg the wire with them. And it is not Manhood, ca.usmg exhaustin drams upon for whe sbe n b n dn 8 e whs prayers at unearhly hours--" a safe matter to undertake to disperse these the Fountains of Life. Headache, 0 face, her sweetness and docility of n ature wa.r ed h t :B-n h a the whoopmg coug Y i the dickens with Backache, Dreadful Dreams, Weaknees . ".Fl\ther I" with her voine trembling, " I and he was old enough to be a. good deai robust monkeys who play · : r n en he unapproachable all the win· assure you he doesn't-I mean 1rn always impressed with the fact tha.t he inhabited of Memory, Bashfulness in Society, sparsely the in lines telegraph had made &Iter s pen ding much time a n d money I am r, s i t he lmples upon tbe Face and all tha Effects u d nly hear of them goes to St. Michael's unless he has ;omethmg pocJr papa so ill by teasrng him to stand State of Tabasco. Linemen have found that a 1,-0W prepare d to fill a ll orders _prom ptly I l eading to Earl)! Decay, Consu'Wotlon · D11t: n, \ wire w om sh e continued particul r to say to me." the on monkey a. swinging shooting on ave a fine a ssortmen t of W .AVES B ANGS thmug Mr Egremont was n t t o ID the cold a c c a n ty SWITCHES, COMB S and PINS very cheap. ' to see occa.si?nally when tbere was anything regiment of 0pr01!'1 ie l·tintmfu:iurpe i:fi.Y outh23fus.I tl v 9l c' uwr "Oh yes, I understand," and Mr. Egre- rest without a sight of the child ve: y they have been pursued by a whole "' 8 to commumcate. n vigor restores the Vital Power in old and " mem r. M a sa.1 ·E gremon e, k "d 1 t no rat er h a. BANGS FRO $2 UP. eys. S k "It · mon . J I O · ay, h t I h h" h I d 1¥ 1 f a ic w , and moment a d · or y on ment m · · dulge IIl a ear y ang the help· · e im ld Switcbes oo'ored and ma.de to look like liked 1nm ah.d on mea t mg_ h' the street I most drove poor Nuttie beside herseli. lessneis and suffering bi.d awed the little recently, "to have a tribe of monkeys put· young, s trengt hens and mvigora.t es th Brain mew. Highest price pa.id for long cut hair. wo ld as k Im casuallY m to mner or to strong a.nd htt with and Nel'Ves, buil ds u p th e muscular sysom J stammered, good in her deal. fellow she It a. was ndeed-mdeed," touching to see sue one; they a.re very " . e k h ol e ro ses o o ica.l d t ma e up a rubber, or play piquet, for he ex to make a man energy in a fashion n th With acti m a o uthe human &n w ourphys · "it is no· him pause when gallopmg abou t the house a stone or stick frame. spemll.o . confusion and suppressed wrath f . . HA.IR TONIC: ' . n celled in these arts and still more in ch No. !IS th e most obstma.te ca.s can be cured in _ess, thmg of that sort. He is a regular old hen he went past the sick-room, and hush howl with a.m-a t1ung tha.t monkeys e Warranted to prevent the hair from fa lling and three months, a.nd recent ones m less than thirty eve 1ng wi 'th Mr. D !1tton wa.s quite a bachelor-he always was " JOY hugely. 'his merry voice of his own accord . . t . out and will make it grow. days. Ea<;h packa e contams two weeks t re e.tred: e ter ime WIth N uttte. It uave her g old bachebecome And "ourneys in the m ent. Price $2. Cures age whe do men h: n Guarante ed. Our apeof th ' "At S a er s what ' J . I «I have also a fine lot of new Stamping an mdefina.ble . sense of safety a.nd protection . ors? ifto No. l!Us an infalhble Cure for all Pri vate b out t h e age o f mva.hded state would have ma.de a he seems to me a fractious Ptterns. All ord ers promptl y a tten ded to For l nomstterof how long standbut it was not a1ways t0 be h a.d f0 1 h er Mrs. Elizbet\, Cady Sta.nton has been Dleeases whom you seem to view as a. or wilful chilcl. a serious mconvenience his poor Cla.rry, ? , to o d nd friend h d many engagement s, bemg on of a.r. , president of the Nationa.l Woman Su.ffrage Ing, Sol u er written Quarantee good temper and contentment were . bugbe e:ft'eot a Oure. I'nco $5. oronto Modio t7 a. Iay church workers, and devoting Nea d s' Block, Bowmanville. the active Associ11.tion for twenty years. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN [. A.JAMES, NUTTIE'S FATHER. :.t '.'I {j ---:---------- ---- CATARRH. - - world-or Nnttie I 1 1 oO ::; oO 20 oO oO 001101-10 I1 l MEMBER I I I in 1 fnlll L 11 I /g l! B R 1 I R PEATE, Tailw !;\1;,_:::· L e S for t:Q.e I I I I I L .J! D I t n of S IJRO ii MILLINERY a11d most D DNNl , g;;; y e <9 consistmg of :l largest LI\J "II I j and a d P AR.TIES WISHING 1 ANOS I DENTlaTRY. I EBSTER'S Unabrill[ed Dictionary. I j I I HAR DE N L D g ' I I l I 1 I I Consumption I DENTISTRY. ,,Ph I I . Jr II BRIMACOMBE I ,IS Fine Hair Goods. Patronl· Z e ff 0 m T RADE, LADIES O: d I I I I J I I I I I BELL" ORGANS II I much of one a.nother. I j BELL & co.J Guelph, Ont ANY MAN g' M \ 01,liO d J: 1 Mrs. A. DAVIS, 't Children Cry for_Pltchrs'-!W!i · inaln- eo.,Toronto,ont.

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