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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1888, p. 4

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-- ___ _______ .,,,., -THE~ PRETTIEST I ---o-- All desire my beautiful patterns of WALL PAPER. It is acknowledged I have the best assortment and prettiest patterns in town. Don't fail to give me a call. no less than 500 car-loads last week if they would place them. This only shows how deceitful all estimates in regard to the supplies in farmers' hands are in a firm and rising market. As soon as prices ease off, however, it is invariably d iscovered that t here is plenty of goods for sale. The Onta.rio demand . has slackened off' durin1r the past few days, and prices here are quoted at 70c to 80c per bag for car 10 1s of Beauty of H ebron and E ~ rly R ose, and at 50c to 60c for mixed lots. New potat oes are i n the N ew York market. " . Now t hat p'ric· s ar" so good it is to be regretted that farmers have so litt.Je produce on hand for sale. The Bulletin says that travellers for houses i n diff.,r A nt lines of business h ave repeatedly asserted of late t hat .Westflrn Oanada h as very little grain to se ll, but we n ow learn that it is not bare of grain only, but of produce gener ally. Mr. Geo. Wait, the principal of an old e~tablishe d Moutrenl egg, prodll.ce and pro vision house, bas jnst ieturned from an e11:tended trip through the pdncipal farming districts East and West of Toronto, and he expresses his surprise at the ve1y limited quantities of wheat, p fa.a and oats, in the hands of bo th farm~ rs and dealers throughout the \Vest. To use his own wor ds he "never found the country so bare of pr oduce before. " F rom these encouragements farm ers should t a ke heart again and try to make the best of the opportuniteis presented. offered~ Sets, A WORLD-'ROUND RECORD! Croquet Base Balls, THE UTTERMOS T PARTS OF THE EARTH PRAISE Express Wagons, "W" ARNE R 'S ·'SAFE" CURE Merit wins! Ln the past decade H. H. Warner, who was r estored to health from an " incurable Kidney disease " by what is now known as \Varner's Sa.fe Cure, and made a vow that he would spr ead its mHiis before th e entire wodd of sufferers- has seen t h e most signal roofs of t.he world's ne... d of & Scie1t htic Kidney 8pt· cific. All nations rPcognize a11d welcome Waruer's hhdicin<'s as ii> st 1wdMd of th" highest ex·cellence because their curative etfects a.re p ermanent- a. s ure proof of power and merit. R ead a fe w of tht1ir voluntary testimonials. 'l'oey speak a varied J ang ua~e, but tell· a common ~t.,ry : CAPT. CoNKOR 1 of the St.earner "Geukai F RANK STUART, 28 Free School Street, CALCUTTA, I NDIA. ' 'In 11171> was pros- Marn," J.<1PA~, " Suffe red from conge~ trated with a <> udden at tack of liver trou- tion of ·he kidu eya and li ver, losing fo ur .0 '81 [ bad t wenty of arone in web .ht, de·er minecl to ~ive up blt" From '75 1 these terrible attack ~. Ou the way to .J a- his st ea·ll ship, aln10·t contwipl<lled s1tir.ide. pan, Capt.Coun or of the " G eukai M ·ru " One day an Ameri-can passenger r eC··lll· recomme nded me t o use W aruer'a s~fe mended him to use Warner's S·fe Cure. Cure. After ua11 g Hi b 1 t · l~s, I had a In t wo rnwnth's iise he recovered his lost "sound, hecirt11 app etite, thorough enjoyment ~trength, and W >l.S t he pe rsowification o f of lif e, tbiugs to which I had been a health and sti-ength. " God b li,s3 the day when I took Warner's Safe C ure." stranger for six long yea rs " GEORGE BICKNELL, Editor Daily Telegraph, MELRO URNE, Aus., the great AusGEN. W. F. N UTIIALJ., of 10 E1iith tralian D ,.i;y, Ma ch 30th, 1886, wrote : T errace, Brompton, S. W. , Lr1 NDON ENO., " Work of a sedenta1·y char.<cter for 20 whu contracted Kid ney and L i ver disease years developed uupleasa.ut symptoms of in India, M ..rch 10th, 1887, wrote that he illni·ss of the Liver and Kidneys. I used " was at timEJs pros~ra ted with tht:i most W arne1's Safo Cure, which speedily re- agonizing attacks from passage of Gravel. lieved me uf the unpleasant symptoms, I was firmly of the opi nion that I shonld remedied my Dyspepsia, l>ettered my ap- never recover my health, as the long r esi· petite, increa~ed my enj oyment of ]if,, deuce in India had caused so much di· a ud work. rt is a most valuable medicine seaae of the Liver and kin.Joys that I was and I h11.v e no hesitaion in recomm~nding beyond permanent h elp. In this despond· it." iug condition I began Warner's Safe Cure, DR. GUSTAV WEBER, of D essau, Duchy a.nd in ei>(ht. mouths I f1dty recot'erecl rny of Anhalt, Gn&MANY, May 30 , 1 887 , health, and to-d1>y am in its full and perwrites : "For several yt>ars I h1 1ve f.~ct enjoy~ent, never having ltait a tJa.rt icle sulfe1ed with Jnflammation of the Kid· '~ tro'l!'/Jle Rmc e my romark.tble r~covery. · p t f h. h I ' As this was five years ago I can safely say n ey~, Rheumanc ~ ms, e c., or w m . t th d f l · go e very 1mmmer t " Carisbad, ,..,d find a hat . e wou er l! ~nre. wa.~ p ermanw1,it l' t T th ' ff' . dd d an . d JB all to be attnlmt.ecl t o Warner 8 "ttl l1 . ere 1e . o ts NU ll·Wg IS a e a sae f C ure. " - [A ut10r I "' c orps .. h o f " ,..,tRff . b e t es M ~.ll't 1 ue ( sugar a· 1a be:es) , Wille G "d "] D1a Ul e. ·appears alterna tely with Rheumatism. Wi·h th e n"in!I; of the 15th botr.l., of D \"r · w · s f c· I h t d IL ·· AI Em. v A11.1.l Rof}90 N , J, ·te R oyal "rne fr s h a .el Inre - . avtel cOm[dJ1ebe t dmty Navy, ENGLA N1 1, 11' ·1 tes Apri l l:lt h, 1887 cure, or w ic t aru grea y 1n ·l e o f N E ~ · ~ ' r om . ew gb'.lm, :Starns, Enl(land. : .My o u. M creneral healt h has a aren ·l Y b t y "'d I t .th th"PP . YI atten tion was fir~t called t·> Warner's Safe ecn re.~ ft ore <l . ,, r e pea w 1 1s my SIU· C ure a bo ut a year ago, wb e u a patieut · of mine suffering from Brig'u's Disease was . cere gra 1 u e. R EV. H ENR_Y P LUME, l\'f. A., A rchdea· wred by Us use. Since th:\t timll I have con , Townsv1lle,_ N·lRTff 9uEE~fiLAND, prescribed it i n hundreds of case·, with Oct. 14, 1887, wntes : Dorrng my l ong the most .gratifying reaults, and I am bush tours I ha~e come across mar1,y w,on- willing to ackno wledge and commend derful t urea effocted by Warner s t"a fe thus frankly the value of this great i·eCure. F or f ever, so prevalent in the b1ish, medy . i t see.ms to be a .:ertain cw·e. From what I have seen on my late trip, I should WILLI.L\{ BEI>Jt D AL LEY, .B. C., Privy never start on a journ ey 1 vi·hout my pack Councillor of t he Queen, Sydney NEW being furnished with a bot tle." SOUTH WALES, writes F ebruary 21: 1888: GEO. THORNE, Ex Pre mier, Q UEE SS- " I ca.u bear wit.n· ss to the very great ·imLAND, at l cswick, S..ipt. 2, 1887, write· : pr01Jement in m'!J health consequeut on t he "I have recowmonded w, rner's l:iafe persi:atent use uf \Varner's S -ifo Cure." Cure to many people who h\we suff..red '. rhe H nn. W. B. Dalley is the most celfrom different comµlai11ts , a.nd in ... very ebrated lawyer in the Co 1o ny :md tha case a cure has bee1~ e ffected. Personally I moat brilliant or ator and greatest statesha ve used the m.,dicine and derived th o m »n in Au·tralia; he is ex-Premier of the greatl!st benefit f1om it." Colon y of New South Wales. 0 Window Shades, Wall Paper, & Picture Frames, - ..A... T- Are being sold very cheap this week J. H. KENNER'S Variety Hall, BOWMANVILLE~ P. TREBILCiiGi: Siu ~anadia11 ·Jtatnman. MAY 23, 1888. BowMANVILLE. PARLOR BOOT AND SHOE STORE. ---o--. Ex:perience having proved that the old fogy sy stem of long credit on business affairn is a source of loss to both buyers and sellers as a whole, I have decided to limit all credi.t accounts to 30 days. Commencing with the lst of June. 1888, I will sell only for cash or in :m du.y a' "ime, and will thus be able to sell fully 10 or 15 per c~nt. cheaper than on the old credit system. Goods will be bought forca.sh and the wholesale cash discount ohtained and my customers will etet full benefit of the reduction. I will not do business on the old ti-~st system any longer. Having arran~ed with some of th e best Shoe Manufacturers in the DorniJ11.ion, I will k eep in st.onk the LA'fEST S TYL~;s and MOST S ERVICE ABLE goods w hich the market affords, and at right prices. In the ORDER.ED DEPARTMENT, I will make only Ladies' and Gents' fine sewed work. The REP.AIR.ING DEPAHTMEN1' will be continued as formerly under the duect10n of MR W. DICKINSON, one of the best repairers in Ontario. E verything usually found in a First Cla8s Boot and Shoe Store will be kept in stock. and a call from all requirin(J' anythinO' in my line.is 0 respectfully solicited. b . ~hankful ~or the lib~ra.l patronage ex tended t o me in the past, I mv1te a contmu~nce of the eame, and !: ope by my square dealing not; only to retain old friends but to welcome many new ones. ~Rem1 mber the old stand-First <'l oor East of S. S. EDSALL'A H1~xdware StJre, Neads' Block, Bowrnanville. OUTLOOK FOR FARMERS. Useful Baking Powder Facts. Thtl f. 1 llowmg hints m11.y prevent some Present indications are somewhat encouraging t o Canadian farmers. There ho usekeep~rs from bei ng imposed upon : I f when t >vo s·mplea ..f baking powder is an upward t endency in nearly all the are t est ed by mixing with cold water, p r odnc rs of the farm, and the demand is one of then· bPils up q ui ckly, effervesci1 1 g not very. likely to decrease until the new like seidli z po w d~r, and the ot her rises more slo wly foaming like yrnst, and percrops a re placed on t he market. haps s ta »din!! over the top of rhe glass, it is an e videncH of 1he purity of the Those farm ers who have h eld ou to former and the adulteration of the latt er . t heir wheat are likely to m ake well by it . The d1ff,,rent action of the second is Canada is having a genuine boom in caused by the addition of flour or lime; whent, th e price uf Manitoba hard spri ng or both. Put a little flour in the other and m ix it thoro11gly, then stir into the ba vinp: ad vanc:id fully 16c to 17c per t.he water a 1.d th e same r aault i~ produced, bushel from the low.,st point, sales of the ac lion being more or less slow accord· N o. 1 Northern havin!! transpired .in ing tu the awouut of flour added. Montreal market at 9Stc to $1 ~r bushel, a lot of 15,000 buoh els beiog reported at $ 1 at the opening of the Oorn Exohauge on Wednesday las~ Another lot of No . 1 Northern was reported dold at$1.0l, aud $1.011 is now asked. Sales h11.ve also Th11rsd ay, May 24th, is t o be a memor· been made ro Ontario millers at $1 per ablo day in the history of Bowma.nville. bushel, but i i.fo rmation just recei ved A very good pr gram of sports and a 1hfrom the W1-<st 11tatea that millers cannot letic conte-1s ha· been provided affording h eaps of fu 11, 11.nd prizes to the am ount g et sufficient wheat to supply their most of nearly $300 00 are to be awarded . This ~ H- H. Warner & Co. point with pride to the World-'Round Fame of Warur~ent reqn 1re~ents for ,:;:rinding. great d11monstr ... t on is under th e united ner's Safe Cure. · Tlfe:v offer the above as genuine in all re~pec cs a nd t rue, so far as auspices of We llin ~ ton Lodge Sons of they k now, with $5,000 for proof t o the contrary. Ask your friends and n eighbors England and thll Canton of Oddfellowd. about Consequent upon the rise in wheat The prog1a111 includes a matched game · there baa be··n such a b oom in fl our as of base-ball a1 10 a. ID , Oshawa vs. B11w- \V-A F~ NER'S has not been seen in Canada for many a mauville ln the aft.erno"n there will be clay . Immediately prior to the opening dresb parade of umformed Cantons from of n n.vigation dealers WAre complaining of Toronto a ud this to wn, and exhibition drill . unprofitable prices and lack of orders and 100 yard fl,.t race, o pen to boys under were beginning to dCBpair of ever seeing 15 yen rs · 1, Hoy's boots, $2.25, by J. the sliglttest activity in t he fl our trade H ellyar ; 2, pair photo framee, $1.00, by again. In a very brief period however J _ R. K·mner; 3, two lbs coffee, by J. -- --(·-- -n1 d . a st.. rtl!u,.( change 1et, in, all the available Engl· iOO yard sack race, (open) : 1, Box Come and get bargains everyb ody in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, supplies haviui.: boon picked up so r11.pidly Cigars, $2. 50 by W. C. Wells; 2, hat, Clothing, Genfa;' Furniehings, etc. that at the moment there is an actual $1.50, by M. Mayer ; 3, two lbs t ea,$1.20, by L. Morris. In adnition t o our general stock, which is unusually large and scarcity of epot ftour, and a· number of fla ' rac-e, first, $5 ; 2, $ 2. 100 yard attractive, we have a quantity of Bankru1t stock, which m ills in Ontari · h~ve refused to p ut 25 yard ~tilt race, boys un'.ler 14 y ears : must be sold out at onee, consisting of Dress anything further under offer, notwith- 1, bar., $ 1.50 by Couch Johnston and Goods, Shirtings, Laces, Embroideries, standi1 ·g that prices have advanced 30c to Cryderman ; 2, hair brush and cmnb, Tweeds, etc. $1.25, by H igginbotham & Son ; 3, two GOc per bbl. from bedrock. The market is e11id t o be intrinsically a strong one, lbs tea, $ 1 25, by .T..hn Milne. Standing loug j ump ; 1, $2 ; 2, U m· independent of foreign markets, as many brella, by Tud Bros. ; 3, merino shirt, by All 30c. who should be i u a. posi~ion t o know Geo. Buck. Runnin~ hop-etep-R nd-j ump : 1, $1.50; s toutly !llaintain tha.t there is only ab out 35c. suffioieot wheat in Canada. for home 2, cloth for pauts, $2. 50, by Jos. J eflery. S.O.E.B .S. r ace, 100 yards : 1, dozen censum ption, whilst it appears to be cab inet phnt··B of winner, by fl . C. 'l'ait; generally conceded that millerR, with few 2, hat, $1.25, by McClung Bros. .; 3, year's exceptions, ·are bare of wheat through out subscription to Tmi STATESMA..,.,. 12~ 300 yard r ace (open) : l , $5; 2, $2 ; 3, the country. gold pin by J . J. Mason. Blindfold race. 75 yards : 1,silver pickle Market reports show an 1 w ,, , ua lly large crntH ; 2, $2. 25, by S. S. Edsall ; 2, drivfalling off of ne&rly fi ve million bushels ing "hip, $1 50, by Mason & Dale ; 3, I Clothing made to order right and fits every time. in the a mount of " visinle grain " on this cuff but ·ons, $1, L Curnish. Sta~1dint( hi .,,h jump; l, $ 1.50 ; 2, cake .All goods at I"ock bottom prices come and see and you will believe. continet;it tiast of the Rooky mountains. stand, $ l 25, by Ca.\ vke r & Allin ; 3, pair The decreue for the past week has been, va·es, b y R B. Andrew. of wheat, 2,04b,887 bushfllll ; of corn, Running h igh jnmp : 1, $1.liO ; 2,gent's 2,446,7-16 bushels ; of bai-ley, 299,740 shirt, $ 1. 50, by Ellison & Co. ; 3, pair bushels, with the slight increase of 3[),845 vases. I. 0 . 0 . F . r nce, 100 yards : 1, d ozen b ushels of oats, and 8,827 bushels of rye. m binet phot us, of winner, by R. H. At the same date la.st yea·r, there were Henry ; 2, pair child's button boots, by J. visible, 22;079,048 bushels more of wheat, Reid ; 3, WEST D u1rnA~r N.Ews. 440 yards flat racii, (open) : l , $5; 2, corn and rye, and 569,410 less bushels of oa.tl! and barley. That is, there are now cluck. by Jno. Maynard ; 3, h orse brush, · by L. G. Q uick "in si~ht" 21,509,628 . bushels less of V aulti" g wi th pole : 1, r e volver, $7, these five cereals th u 1 0n0 ye<tr ago. by W. Quick & Co.; 2, box of cigars, This, with the manifest much smaller $2. 50, by F. J. M anning ; 3, buckskin q uantity in the hands of farm ers, together slippers, $1..35, by D . Davis. Sack race, (open) : 1, revolver, by R . Having purchased the business formerly car ried on by H UMPHRE Y & with the backward spring and ba<l Worth ; 2, lamp, by J . Lyle. M AYER, I have moved it across the street to the premises lately weather, supply very good r easons for P utat '· r ace, (open): 1, meerscha.um occupied by Shaw & Tole, where in connection with my Tin and Stove the large advance in prices, the past pi pe, $5, by W. E. P ethick; 2, subscripBusiness will be found a full line of Heavy and Light Harness, and all tion t o Si:rN. fortnight, a.side from mere speculation. Climbing greasy pole : Ham to be ot.her furnishings usually found in a first-class harness shop. placed on top of pole, value $2.50, by W. The pot.ato market hll.8 been unpreced- R . R. Cawker. Bobbing for apples : 1, one se t of studs entedly high · and ha11 brought out many and sleeve buttons, A . Buckler ; 2, n eck will receive the most careful attention, having secured the services of hushels that would not h11.ve been con- tie, W. H . Ives. MR. W . HUMPHREY, whos"' skill in this branch is so well known verted into cwih undar lower prices. Still Obsiacle race : l , shaving OoJtlH, by throughout this district, as to need no further comment. Stott at·d Jury ; 2, 11.lbum, P . Trebilcock. it is surprising how farmers will hold Catchinu the greasy pig, winner gets All my work is finished by experienced workmen, none other employed. b11.ck thetr supplies in a firm and advancthe pig, valued at $4, by W. H. Osborne. i ng market which ill just the one to Hun and m1Jlasses match : 1, two books All I a ::ik is an inspection of my stock and you will be convinced that unload upon. The Montreal Trade 2, eilu: handker chief, by Geo. Laing. it is the Jargest t o choose from, best workmanship, and prices really Admission to all the sports, 25 cents. Bulletin 11ays : " When the American lower than any other place in town. My expenses being lower, THJI EVENING O ONCERT. demand was at its height, farmers could therefore I give my customers the benefit. Gentlemen, place in your The grand entertainment in t he Drill orders at once and don't miss this opportunity. have realized fully 15c to 20c per bag for Repairing promptly their potatoes m ore than they can get Shed in the evening will be worth y of done. Don't forget the place, Quick's Block, Bown:a.nville. patronage. Fifty cluldren have been now, and the consequence ia they are training for weeks and the beat available looking for buyeu after the foreign wants talent in town and vicinity has b een se· BowmanTille, May 15th, 1888 . 20 have been filled. A firm in th.at city was cured. Sec programs for particulars. 'S BI RTH DAY IN · Q UEE N Bo WMANVI LLE. WM. JENNINGS. ;'SAFE" CURE HAMPTON CLOTHING HOUSE! ---o--CLEARING SALE! Think Carefully, Decide Wisely, Act Promptly. ------0-----We possess the facility and inclination to give satisfaction. Having bought for prompt cash, saving largest discounts given, from the most reliable manufacturers, a well assorted stock of Ladies' and Gents' NOTE THE FOLLOWING PRICES : BOOTS AND SHOES, In Styles-The Latest, Qualities-Excellent, Prices-Low. TRUNKS AND VALISES IN GREAT VARIETJ'. We want you to call and investigate goods and prices. I Wool Tweed, per yard. English Worsted, per yard. Prints, 4c. per yard. Towelings, 4c. per yard. Shirtings, 6c, per yard. Cottonade, per yard. Grey Cotton, 4c per yard. White Cotton,6c. per yd. JOHN HELLYAR. FARM PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR F. A. COLE, Hampton. coons. HAINES' CARRIAGE "WORKS GEoR~~~N!~!~~R~F Proprietor, KING STREET, BOWMANVILL Harness I Harness 11 - -o- · ·· OARRIACES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &O. CttANCl 01 SUStNISS. ---o--- Hae now on hand a number of vehioles (and Is m11.nu!acturlng a great many more) or the ne pa.tterns 11.nd best finish, which I am offering for sale a.t the lowest prices oonsisten* with due regard to workmanship 11.nd quality. The following ia a list of the principal vehicles manufactured by me Double Covered Carriages ............ ....................... ....... ..... .. ... $150 Upwardi Single Phretons .............. ....... ........ .................................... 100 11 Open Buggy...... .......... ................... ............. ............ . ....... 70 11 Top Buggy............................... ........... .......................... .... 90 11 Democrat Wagon................................................................ 65 " HAND-MADE COLLARS Lumber Wagons............ .................................................. . .. 55 11 Light Wagon ......... .. .......................................... ......... ....... 40 11 Express Wagon.. .... .... ..... . ...... ........ .... ... ........ ... ... .... ........... 75 11 Skeleton .. ........ ... .................... ................ ........ .. .......... . ..... 50 11 Sulky...... ........................... :·············· ............·................... 40 11 PoBSesslng snperlo~ taqlllties tor ~nfaotnrlng 011.rrlagee, I Intend to sell very cheap for 1,,,.,, or approved credit, and by so doing I hope to gre11.tly Increase m1 number of sales, WonlO sell the wood parts only, or the gearings or buggies Ironed. All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired At the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed If D esire d. At the Faotor7 l 11.lso do Planing, Matching, Turning and Sawing with Circle, Band »r Ser Saws, and prepn.re &ll kinds of lumber tor carpenters nd others tor building purposes. Oraamente>.l and Ple>.in Pickets tor foncee ln every style required, made to order. KrND WORDS AND TRUE.--Mr. John II Carter, of Corbetton, Ont., writes a.a fol. Iowa : " H agyard's Yellow Oil ha!! stood the teat often when all others failed. Our house is never without it, and it will al· waye find a welcome epot on t he shelf.' Le @e ~l!lfl(~~e A F U ULY lil:UEND. - Dear Si1'8,- \Ve have used Hagyard's Yellow Oil for 11orei throet and colds, and always can c lepentl on it to cure. We al.so use it for sore shoulders on our h orses. Mn. William Hughey, Wilberforce P . O., Ont.

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