__, ·· -----222 -pa+& &WltPI 5 lll 11 - 4 · HAM SALAD.-Pue pound of boiled ha.m chopped fine ; v"e-half dozen of small pickles, ohopped ilne a..lso ; add a _little crop. · DI Ill 1 A Word to Country Girls. ped celery and ser"e with a dressing as for a Little Hattie's Violets. WEDNESDAY, MAY 23 1888. Because you live in the country and do chicken salad. Again they a.re blossoming in my garden - - - -- ---------------· I housework, and even aome good honest toil WHITE CAJrn. One cup heaping fnllof border. I wi;;h you could see them for your· I on the fann iteelf, iM no reason wl1y you sugar, piece of but.ter size of an egg, rub to aelf, or, better atill, th3.t you might get should neglect oertain little niceties of life, a cream; two-thir ·111 cup of sweet milk, two a. sweet breath of their fragrance. '!'his such as the care of your hands and teet h. cups sifted flour, two teaspoons baking pow- would be the more needful H you sl1ould . You probably will not be able to k eep the ter,h wh~te~~f three eggs beaten to a stiff happen to be city bred. In that case :you do &.= fol'mcr white and soft as if you used them rot a n a ast. not even know what violets are. I know )10 U only for dainty embr~idery;, b~t a few mi~POTATO .PODDING.-11.fash fine one pint of have bought them in Jimua.ry of the florist utcll each d ay i,pent m ca.rmg for them will boiled potatoes; mix with one pint of flour, at a dollar a hundred, and they have sighed ~how. at least ~nat they are well ke;p?, and one tea.spoon of salt and roll into balls; boil out their sweet life on your p erson or at e the s1gna of toil that cannot be eradicated one quart of milk, drop the balls in and your side. But t his does not alter the c~se. ft you neecl ~ot be a~hamed of. The m11ls can when stiff tRke out ; serve with butter and r£ tho.t is a.ll you ha.ve known of them you for and -, j be kepn mcely trimmed; they cannot he sugar. have never yet known violets. An essential . I even moderatel.Y long, but they may be CnocOLA'i:'E JELLY.-Three quarters of a pa.rt of their modesb life is a.n appeal to 11 ~ s 'J~,pely and pomted. !'erhap~,You ~anno~ cuv each of sugar. and grated chocolate, O?e sentiment a.nd sensibility, spoken only where ' "CMtoriaai~ sowelladapt,ed t.ochildrenthat Caat«1rfa CUl'@S Colic, CeMtlpation, a.fiord to buy the eutfic of a mamcure, cup of cream; mix and let come to a. bo1l. they } estle low among their green leaves [ recornme:i.d 1t a.a superior to any prcscriptioll Sour Stomach, D1arrhroa, Eructut1011, Do :vou feel dull languid low-spmted lll'eb b dl } ·f 11 S · h t h d ·· · · ' l:llownt.ome." H. .A.. Ocn:E" MD Kills W~rms, gives sleep, and promoteG , 1,, ut Y?!1 uuctu;i te y ia.ve a pa1. o emll erve wit corns arc pu amg. . and almost clmgrng to the ground. To see 1e51l, and in.dcscribably miset'.nble, both physi~.., · ., gestion, " .,,,.., ~lly and mentally · experieuce a sense of ernbroiutJry e01seors ; the file you must reR n UJJARll SAU.CE.- l'eel and cut mto small . a. mass of their blue modesties tied up in a. !11 SQ, OXCOrd St., BrooklYD, N. Y. WWiou~ in;jurious medication. fullness or bloating a~t"r eat.Ing. 01' of "gone- place as best you m&.y with the one in your piecse, put in a. deep dish with plenty of pert bunch and h~ve t;1em prceented aa Tllll C.n:NT.A.UR COMPANY, IT :durray Street, N. Y. !'0Sli,'t' or emptlnetBSdot1 totms:wh bfodthtno mtorn- pf:nknife, or failing that with a. piece of suga.r, the rind of one lemon and a teaspoon- violets is m'uch the same as if a Titian were · .st 1ng.. ongue coa e · ·etite, Jl erdi'7.iness, or a freqneut, s e in coar.ae sand pn.per; and t h ~ch amo1s · pol' h f u 1 ?f extraetof' · ht and b a k e to ieach ' up and irather a basliet of heaven·s Rµp is er, .emo;J; c~ver t1g mouth: frregular . : .\ ~ ' ' < \~ ~ ~ ·'\, ~ be11.daches, blurtcc l eyesig·ht, "floating sp;,cks" 1Jostmg any whLre from sixty cents to two until tender. No wa.teria used. lights out of their blue setting in the eky i beaforte the e);~ll.bllnitervo1 nst prosti:at iotn !JOI' ,ex· c o!lars, :you can make yourself. Take a. GEMS -Three cups of flour one teaspoon and bring them to us as a s;i.mple of the I h 1 UJl ion, 1rr1.,.. ,y o ernper. 10, >LS,w~. l i'ld's,, "l.uck b t · h h' ) d three of tiour, two eggs, half cup - of l' a.rd, two cmps stars. But more subtle than the sight, and 'r al~rnnting . with ~hill.v sensntione, ,:Shai·p, ~ 1 ~ a ou · &n me O IC" an bltmg-, .t.ra11s1cnt pnms her~ and the~·e, cp~d JWJhes. wi_de by five long:--large enough to of milk, two te11~poo11s of baking powder. still more unmarket11. le, is the fragrance oil F'OR SAJ,E BY J. HIGGINBOTH.AM & SON, BOWMANVILLE 1 ~~ett, dbrodwslne ss aftcfr m ~rus, wakcfuJ1~es,t;, 9F /!Fas~ J~ firmly-tack a bit of soft cloth for Sift the fl'mr wit h the ba.kio" nowder and violets You are p ·rhaps a.ll town the ""lllS :,u r c nm1 unro res 1 ung sl"cp coastunt. d . ~ h t · f th h · ei I/ ' ' .... "' ' ' +. 0 indescribable fo· JllPIT Of Orni>d, or 11npeuct! P.a. >PJr, i\P.., ever t · a . a p1e~e e c lllU· salt, stir, add the lard, then the oggFI beat. garden walk, far beyond where the teuder jng cailuntty? . ois yo~ )J:etp 4'r. pqhslung ~ilv.er on one of en, a.nd last the m·lk. Bake in gem pu-oa. green of their first le1ves has broken the 1fyouharnall,orauycons1derRblenu'!1ber thaedg.es,a.ndyoulmti>!l-narhclethatm~y p 1' t . r t "jlr win~.:r·packed soil w~en ~trangely like .of these eymptoms, you are suffering- from i not be orn!\m<'!lt!bl J;iu$ wlli an§wer t;V(ll'V OP ovER.- wo ee.c,1ps o swee m1 ~. f h · . , · · tlia.t most common of, A1:neric1111 rnn 1r11Uo.~-: I ., ., ' -. .-1. . " , .'11, ,: . ,_ , ' -.v I tW\? ~~ftc;ups ~ifted flour, butter size af a ~om.e·o t .o~e menta.1 ecstasies "'.1uc.1 creep lit1p~F.ii~!fMjijAj~;ijjiijiiijijiiii1iiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiijiijijifjiiiiiii1 ~hons DyapE'J?Siu, Ol' Torpid Livc1-, assod,.tcu pui p u:ic. Soit~11 yot\r na.uu~ "Y w·.shmf\ lU I i t t ., egas Qll~ t;\blespoonful sugar · over us, v1~1pn11.1·y, soft, uncxplamecl, there tE~Dll!i71ill ;~ 0 :~:;1tpi~i;f~JP~~u 1?t'ctM~~~~us~~~1.be~~~e mf ;~ farm ~a~er wit som~.'fiofg toile\~03.P. for a :fi~~o' ; be~t' th~"tl\titl~ !i.l ~ ~~H~ f,rgtj); ~of es, ~~f~d \ braft \ of fra1rfic~ bo ~ t --~ If ;f 1 R"reater the iiumber !\n<l dlvcl'sity or SJ'IDP· cy; mmu .e~, t en w.1" e 6m~ sc1~sors I bake in hot gem p:i.n~ tweuly mfnuti:e. e !Pl>9ll .. a. one &r Y. -:cow~ a lre y 11111 IU ,."!'.foml!. l'i,Oo.!!"ttt,cr wh,~t sto~1 e it has 1encbcd trim the na1h, roundrng thom nicely, and I . . o I Whloh ,11\t9 Qf thfl llOUI IJOlllC mfl.uence hlls IDfl'· P<ar,ee:G. G?M.~~~ J.'l.li:(J<.1.i c«i Di!l~o very 1 cut ting the corners very low. With some ]'R~KCII'. TO,~ST.-;--Cu~ thick slices breao. 1 been bv;'ib in upotl b.lm, or whe Pier it WM, ~Ill snbaue it, if t.:1,cn uccm·clmg to dll'cc.. blunt instl'Ument (if you ha.vo not a file) o.nd dip each aide m milk enough to soften, I d . ht t .. · · nA o·' ·he e · ']_ ., }~~ p L LS t10us fot n reasonable lcngtl1 of time 1f not h d. . b t t . f . ' soun ' or s1g ' or seen , or r o ., I · s ' · :::J. c.ured, complicatton!! mult.iply and .Consump- pu.sh ha.ck th~ flesh from the base of tfie t .en .1 P in e>< en egg; pu ma. l'ymg pa.!ll but something more ethereal still. In-J p ·'f th Bl d . : t ll,..., tio~ of tu~ T,ung·!Jo i"lnn l>isensea, Heart Disease, nails, and tmn a.way all the dead skm. With JUSt enough bntter to fry_, fry m~til stinct!vely he ;ooks up toward the heavens . ~ Ull ~ 00 ! COUeC t\... J)lllOrders Qf the Jthcu n111t1r.·1i, K1clne~ Dlsea~e. or other gr:ll'e Now apply your polisher and brush vigor- brown as an omelet. Serve sprinkled with d b ti · 1 d ugh ts as if som 1 ~1!'. ~i.;~~/,i'.ft1ci~"~e1;:[;~;1'tc;.?,,~~;;,t~,~~d, soonci· ously tor a few minutes. Do this o~ce !I. j' white sugar. ~rlnd 7rao~es P~ra~tt~e ria.ct r~a·;h~d hillle i Li'Vit.k, STO l'ttA(~ft, U:JDN E YS A.ND BOWELS, .Bh-. J.·iel."ce'I'! Gol<lcu .iu:..,atcal Dls· 1week, o.nd every day spend a few mmutes - - -·· - · - mh 'f d tb ; a ..,, ·· ·l ·' · · ·· · · covcry net~ powei·!ul)J" npon t.he Lirol' and in the UBe of the polisher and y our hauds R11nday i'u Bnrr-l~nct f.Lllen, a~ l hunt d ~r[ ":-1 ·' l.\ll~!IM ~ ·a "l:'b e l, he They rnvigora.te and restore to health Deb1htated Const1tut10ns, an I I Id I thron .. h +<- ' - ·.. · ·· ""· ~ , · · h. ' N "'" · o owe mt :i, , rec, on W11ence t he reez~· bl i ll ..,. ' . 1 1 0 - ·"-......- -··ti~"'"' fi·'"tL' nlo1Jrt-vu1·...1...0 "'~nn, 1w~!1 1·en ;;v vou mt e1r ne!l.t - ~,.,ea.rl\11qe fot· fth nh ". E _ ,., ,.... come , . 3. th ·- - ·l··ped cl · e i ' n N· ue inva ua e n a omp ante Inc antal to Fema ea of all .Ages. .01 ·-<:1vnll! <:s 1c z~._s,eni or nll bloo<l-t.u nt e rt·h' iliJ., I .. ~. # _.., ' · · · ., · - " " · " ' "'Yr -· - . Some d:NGt<a1·~~~ 9. :--~"' -~rC·dll ~1~.;1au.,. 1...~ . ; "II: ' ·<:!, c w· o~ aCl1ild d h d · 1mrltles, from, wlint'.:rcr ca us0 nrii'lib~. 1 \t ·ig 1th~ biiiia ~'<iU hllivu gpant, A w lut!on of h11.ve latel~ lv; · . t . .. e·,g i!:.e paopla ~!tae fare's huud, i~ the p . rfume th1>t could uot J ren an t e ii,ge they are priceless. . tiquallv em o~O·tl·l~ t1 a1~t!n" 'l·j'ol1 th~ lnd:· I (\X!l,liC &cid kept iu a. bottle with a glarn ' ... a""1cenf era.hut . t Md · b 'be hid. 'T_T 'I"i 1-\'..L. ',.,. -, .l'! ~ -C lieys, nud OtllCi· exc·1·ota··y ."/ . ·'i- "1""'".' . 11 t . ' . k ' ;· . h ~(,l~~" '.l'oun y or w e. lB s a~ uO e a. < x::.1. ....... , · ,J3!J.-Ci'lg"thep!!l ' tint.I 1;~~.li'i1g ~;,l1l'.\~f~a~~~fi.01~8 stopper will remove a. Ba.~ne o, Ill qr & fU·"1 ! -Irrowi'n disre ard of the religio11s aspect cif , B~t h<'l}'ond the violet~ tliefrlselvt s t mll":! . t.. · . · . -·"ll1.1. n~I':~~1zip~. 11'~[.~i'(\ti\'1,> tbrll\l, it )'<~motes a nd ~ ma.tch 'Or a small ahck dh:i~d ~il the f ~be Satbath. g These strictures have been lies 1u them for me a tram of most. te-Uder Is a.n 11.lfalhbl e remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds Sor ~!W.5/~;: (\~!~ i\'1.t::~\~ 1 ". ~ltOl'Oby 1,Ju;!c li11g'. up solution an~ r~~sed.under the nails will re· 1 reproduced in many American newspapers. aesooio.tlons, Whenever I e~ent theu· r.tt-eet ~n.d Ulce1·e. It fo famous for Gout and Rheumatism, For d lec rden cf t,J. .. , ·tl1ls .' ~;o:;d~;\u' ·'~f~\~ine"\~~n.ln1~\\;~~st~:~~t m~ve_ n.ny d1s~o!orat1on tlw..t doe~ not come I and mllgazines, and caused a. good deal of I' perimne.I find myself followmg th!e bt.',~lt al-; -Ohest it has no e ual.' uelellt tty ii· "';;~\lg Fen··1· min,\ Chills and off with wash~ng. ThE ~? 1.s a pmk P?Wdtr I en u iry as to how Sunday is observed in most aa i{ o.n unseen presenceit(!ck 'me ~y the t q . . 1"~H·.r, J.?tn11b.-\ii:u".i. n:r,a l; innrecfdis0n91.·s. sold J:Y drugg1s~s for P?·ishlllg, b~t this m~y E~l"nd, H~ving paeae<l a good ma.ny Sun· hii\nd and Jed me.· The fiqwtil1'! 'in my. go.r.· 1 For Sore Th1·oats, B1·onchlt!S1 Co'i.tghs, Colds 1 Dz. "· <erce" 11-:old.~n !Ucd>cal Dis· be dispensea with. H , how(ver, you g.,t . , b t ·n man diff~~ent a.rte I den border were given mil b17 a httl.e friend.. · , . _:~vci;~ t\ny,_be au: e.that vou get t,h': best a..nd.r:ot ~ ~f~~~a.~,,~~~n~~e, ~ ~i.y abl;\0 f ssist And t~ia litt.le friend tn gone now,~~ H;e Gl~ndular Swellmgs, and all S~m Diseases it has no rival; and Clr. ~E~ AU..\t, MUMO!l'lS, spm·1?us :utlcle. Y cu_s~ct,l.a. ha.vc a. p:m ~· those who care ; 0 know a.t l'CMt u.n o.pproxi· 1 P1.ml.d1se;;h10~ ma.kee b"<lau!itul the 1: a.oher s contrl.\cted and sMft' Jolnte it acta Hke a cha.rm, from 11. common Blotch. 0 ,. J>rnption, to the old kid gloves, er bettet sti}l w~sh leath~t, ma.te idco. 'l'hat there is a aonsidero.ble re· housll. Ille gift of those 'Violet roots for my - - - -- - - w oi·ot, Snol'ul:t. Salt-:-heum, "Pm·cr-sores," t-0 wear when you are weodrng m the gar- . . b f S d · ·a d garden was one of the last :sweet acts of un · M f t ' 1 t T Scaly or H~ug·h Sidn, In short, all diseas~E den "r d oing any housework ttmt will ad- 1 ig1ous .o servanoe oh uln ay ifs cv1 he!lce f selfishnes~ in a little life that was ma.de up emu all \trco on y a, HOM.AS HOLLOWAY'S Establishment, k "th a couvm :cu1<Sl'<l by b11cl blood m·e conquered by tlus . ' f .t , . t' by the fact tltat o.ll t e paces o wore tp o 1 · h W 78· '" "'EW OXFO"'D 11: · 100 b orn I, 33 , OXFORD STREE'l') LONDON powcrfnl, pn !'1 f,1Ju1r, n.nd iuvigorat.ing mcdi- mtt 0 i · 1 syea wi 11 denomin ations are well attended bnth of kindly though~ for ot crs. o a1ways j ..... STREET , (late u ' clue. Greu.t 'Entin;.;- Ulcers mpidly lwnl under of ead experience, for I am a. farmer's d · I h d · E 3 · c!!.il them" little Hattio's viclets." [l c<in ' 11 d ld u it.s l>en1gn mflnencc. Est!ecmlly hns it rnani- daughtH 1nyeelf, and never thought of car· ~crnrng an fevenmgh iwe_ralela ~n L' g see her now as plainly as on that spiing · ·"" 11re \'IQ a.t 1 B. 1 ~--·' 2 s . 9 d., 4e, 6d,, lb., 228., and 33a. each Box 01' Pot a . . fe£t<'d im potency in c1mn"' 'l'ct.tcr Eczema . h d h ah papel's o churc es, espzm Y m on· 1 may be had fr.on 11 M di i y l th h 1. W ' I h Jd 1 Wh 1 Ery~ipelas, Boils, (Jarbuncles: Sore Eyes. Scrof: :ng tor my an s w 1en wa.s a c 1 ~u don where fL weary minister heh forth to a morning, when she came with hel' little ba$· · 1a e c ne enc ors. roug out t .. e orld, R-10)18. 8orf'.s ;mrl S\~ellin.g~'.Hi~-i,O,it~t Disease, i was old eneugh to cal'e it was too lllte, sp9.;B e congregation of a conple of du:en or ket on her arm, bringi~g t h? plan~s herself.] dl"l"urd·a~ev~ hoold to··k at lht> J,abel on the l'ot& nnd lto:i<e·· 11!' th "bite Swelltngs, Goit.c, 01 lluck Ncclc, and I have found out that no amount of I I ll , fi d them while it vve speak of her as "little' Hattie, but use ·· " ~3'l ,....._,,. ..11 "t1'111et 1 cm.ton u,e, U" t and Enl>trgecl Glands. Send ten cents in ft k p for th11 t early neg· so, me cou r neveI n , 1 '· d l h ,. . . f ff t' ' ' · " ' · "'~nnr """· ~mps for a. lar:re 'l're11;t;1 se, with colored a er care can ma e 11 has oltcn been the. ca.se that I cculd hardly'! ~ne wor . on Ya.a t e mmmuhve 0 ~ ~c '.~n. www .. · 'TMTM~ P·ntt1s; ?n S.km D1~ense!J. 01 the same amount lect. get standing room m many a London church. I She had Just passed her fifteenth yeaI tla.n, I for n lreat1sc on Scrofulous All'cctwus. --::>till it would be incorrect to infer that the but was tali for her age-;-very ta.11, and oh, THIS SILVER·PLATED .. FOR THE BLOOD BS TIH!E LIFE." The Womanly Woman. maases of the people pay much heed uo frail I It seemed as _if the ~rco:e thot. ,... INSTRUMfNJ · Thoroughly clmnse it by using Dr. Pierce's Th . d th" b t "t th t. th · 1 of lo the reli,.,ioua mMning of Sunday. It is bore the brca.th of the violets might 11olmost) o , · f~!~fo~1.1!1'~~:.c~~in~~~~~,~~[Y~pi~llt~, '&?fu~ the p:ri~ad is :agk~n;~ f;ol h;~sel~ ~~rEv. ~ith the~ i;, day of ' visiting, e~cur- ~~~e w::,at~:r:swai~~i: i:~s~er;re;.:~r I ~ etcength unq bodily health will be established. erything ca.rried to its extremt: becomes its sions and genera.! enioyment. Every . Jy f l t' f th . t Ph ·b " ~ ~ E CATARRH IMPOSSIBLE UNDER ITS INFLUENCE 1'0 t " fI l d the gi 1 be Snnday morning a.t this time of year all the 11n une ne as o e v101e s B _e roug 1 E0 Tho only catarrh r emedy ever o:trered to the public ou 15 da}s trial· 1 c?n ~ary, ·t~a.~h ee;e · tn t r . gigantic termini of the metropolitan rail- me had breathed out their breath to the bl. e ,..,;: s._:!Vritten guarantee given with each instrument, W . T. DAEn & Co.: which is Scrol'ula ot'the Lunas is arrested gmnmg ~l e mas~u Ille c~s u~e r;ies 1· ways are as busy as it is possible to be dea- heaven above them, ancl early in June her .?:' .ll>ll Queen Street West, Toronto, Ont. and. cured by this rerp.edy, 1f etu'ken tn the ohn. to P ease mden an f modre Yf a op mg patching huge excursion trains all pa.eked sweet life went out with theirs. ~·E mrher stages .of the disease. From its mur. t eir B1a.ng a.n even r"e om 0 manner. . · ' · f 11 And now if interest enough has been 1 ,, ~ velous power over this terribly fatal diseRse, The girl does not see th;i,t alth.ougl1 men a.re to their utmost carrymg ~apacitr, or ~ k d. 'h . · h" t t t tl · "~ when first offering this now world-famed rem. amused by it they are not ma.de more re· parts of the country to which their service awo. ~ne ID er qme, is ory ·o suggea ie ~ .c edy to the P.ubll_c, Dr. Pierce tliought se1fonsly f d t the....eby She only extends- the chief attr<1ctions are the sea- questrnn of how she c.ame t-0 die so young, I .8 .. of calling 1t lus "CONSUMPTION CURE," but spec u 1 an cour eous · .d ts Th ti can only answer that 1t was not young for a. ·abandoned that name as too restrictive for sees that she is 11 favorite with men, that 81 e resor · es~ passedgers mos Y ~e- nature like leers She wa.s of very close kin : ; THE GREAT EYE AND LUNG RESTORER ~~~t~~l~l t';1~/ghh1:~t1'.gn!~1:i?;;:e:Jte~ai?~- ~he_ aldwa.ys hashpartneMrs and esc~rts and-:~ !r~ethpeo~;e~ecl~:~nm~,a:~ n~:be~~ ao{~h~ with the violets', and they are flowers cJf o Actina is not a medicine or a digusling lotion or powder ball, bu! a Self-genera.· tmg yapor, ea"il.Y ~ncl :pleas,antly applied at all hours, times and places. or blo?ct-cleauslilg, antl-billous, pectoral, and lhnviteb everywdere. d afle ~a:1e ~ 1 . middle-class leave' town every Sa.turday BI·ring·time. They do not bear the summer Achna No. 2.-1,!UJckly relieves and thoroughly cures all Throat a.nd nutritive properties, is 1Jnequa.led, not onlv er, ut y<i go s an l e 8 es ieie 15 . M d · heat yet they a.re perfect in their wa.y In Lung diseases. as a rc!"c<iy. for Cons11mption, but f or nli a. mighty difference between the girl one afternoon and i;eturn on on ay mormng; th · 'b. . f t h f . ' Chro1ne Diseases of the loafs and smokes with and the girl one pre- while those who pos~esa a country as well as e1r ne s ay we , av~ no sense o 1ncomActina No. 3.~PosHively cures all illsee,ses of the Eyo, Catair<ct Grn.a ulated Eye-licls, Inflamed J<Jycs, nea.r and far sightedness TEX EYll f f 'f th Th f h a town house a.lw"'ys paae Sunday in the pleteneas. Aud this 1s quite true of my The Greatest Discovery ol TJiEATED WHILE CLOSED, QQ ' era t~ ~ .wi e od a ~? er. verr a.s. . country And the poorest people who can- little friend. She matured very fa.st. There the Age. THE Ao:rINA IS SOLD UNDER OUR WRITTEN GUABAN'l'E E ON 15 DAYS · ion a m mo era ion wa.s c armmg, ID ,., 'a ll d · 't th h is no other rca.aon for her early exit She $ ·.rnrAL. Enclose etamp !or br·ndsoroely illustrated book !].na 'Jealtll For Weuk J,ungs, Spitting of Blood, Short- excess is disagreeable. T ··e slangy, lolling, not auor a.n a ay excursion, ge rou'( h d 'b d"l il t b t the so~l '.was Price · · 3. journal. W. T. BAER & CO., 155 Queen Street West, To~onto, Oat ;.. _ ness of Breath, Chronic Nusnl Catarrh, Bron- sprawling men-hunters-and some girls of with dinner ea.rly and take a cheap trip at a no 0 i Y a men · . u . . 1 chltis,, Ast!a'!a, Severe Coughs, and kindred h . d l'ttl th ti t-h the xpcrue of a few pence each, a.nd get very large-too large to live rn spa.ce so cirnft'ectious, 1t 1s an efficient remedy. t e perio are l e more an ia. u.ve h ·1 t f th cumscribed So she went away The eeaSeid ky,_Druggists, at $1.00, or Six Dottle£ ·poiled the liberty whi~h ~t was deli~ht· per. aps tefn Ohr tdwe1ve];n1 esl OU hor de re: 8011 of her lUe was fully rounded. We lost I rr,:========""'11· NT 1or y6·.:""· fnl to see women accepting m moderation. mamder o t e ay. ·or t10se w o o nou . f~ft'm1)fllt.\t IC/ ~sencltencents!nstampsforDr.Pierce's Th . rb tyth t k us fee and caretodothistherearetheparks whereat thes1ghtofherasnaturally as that of 1ill l I\" l'm..~J!!!'W~ flOUl'ff BREAD made of t his Yca't boWok · 1st:at1 and girl: least one band of munic plays eve;y Sunday tsplrli.og flthowen; 11he wa.a aL rest with them J CouD;: .. took 13z Fi rst P r iu:::s at Ontarlo Dr S ISpensary 8 ical Association who take libertieo with modesty of speech afternoon from three o'clock until dark, a.no er season. ~. ~ .o · '·' ~-:" " F .dl Shows iu 1337. 663 Main st., BUFFALO, N. ~. and manner, and who cross well ovt:r the during the summer months. 'l'he Thames, ,She ha~ been one of my children in the WHOOPING CouGII O ver 10,oco ladies h :1ve " ritten to :i:;n.y t hat i t s uJ p.tsses .i ny yeast border into masculine territory, am nut 1 all the w:ay fr?m J{ew t;i Sheerness (about faith_; mme bacl b~en the honor to we_lco~e -Lo 1 CROuP, lNFLUF.NzA 1I 1 L"VCr l lM ,1 h) tlu.; lll . more free but more slaviah tha.n before, and forty miles) J.a alive with. p.easure boa.ts, her, m the Masters ~a.me, to a. ~la~e Ill Ilia l '. (;~ a~~~~c;y;;~~~t'~~d'f'.~~~ It lll:lkes the lightest, whitest. the approbation of men which i~ the end in from the large steamers, licensed to carry ~ousehold and ali H1a table. This waa a t complaints. SWC(' test b n':1 d, rolls, buns a nd 1 b11cln' hc:t t J"!ncak cs. Yiew is lo~t by the means tu,ken to gain one thousand passengera, down to a smaH htt.le more tha.n a. year b~foro ~he end came. ~I l Ple~!!n~r~of~";;'S J[n~ldI.fa ker:, i:1 1u;::irlv e very town in ·t. There is one young woman who has craft for balf-a-dozen; and thes~ boats are Thie year wa.s pa.assd ma kmd of happy , IDslant r elief from fil'· t · Canada a rc 11:-: i n o· ~it. been a belle for two winters. One day generJ>lly crowded. T~e. pu~hc ga.rd~ns ecstacy. Her fv._ce g1ew al!ll_ost transparent, ~......;ii~~ "-"'= ~ dose; hcalHancl cures ~ PRICE FIVE CENTS. she remarked to the writi·r tha.t now she u.lao a.re very popular. This kmd of thmg and ca.me to be hke some vmon of the holy .Prepa~~1°.~1~lf,\~ilcall;r was obliged to do the marketing; thu.t her goes on in ll smt>lle! way all through tbe ones: The z~a.l of her Fat_her's bouge seem- · - -- --- -· .~:.:romthePul'e l'mo'rar. mother had a.lwaya doue it, bnt " 11 t ]Mt ma c~untry.. The pnbhc honses open ~t one ed literally to be co~sum.mg ~tr, and yet kicked " ·when the writer mid to a friend o clock m London and 11t 12.30 m the these were the only thmgs m which her eager ANOTH~R of tha:young ~oman tha.t she would not get cou~try', and c!os~ at thre~, opcni~~ again so.ul found .rest. We .chided "."'ith b~r a.a married for severnl years unless she cha.n!l'ed at e~x o clock m .h.e evenm~s nntll e_leven frx.ends, telling her that the stram of :nf se It never was intenderl, rn far ao 1 can leal'n, her manners, he told her tha.t she received a.t mght; and any time o~ Sunday a railway t~mgs on. her weak body w~s too .much. That either men or women were intended to more notice than any girl in town. Never- ticket ena.bles you tQ claim refreshment at But we might i;s well have eluded witb. her he bftld. . theless that young woma.n has bad two sea.· a.~ . any hostelry. Not that you havl'. to wrapt spirit when it br?ke all ba~s at Iv.st I thin:0~o~~il;',ill believe me, iudeecl T'm sure sous ar;.d is still disengaged. She is the I ciaun m~ch, as they arc;i ~nly too anx10us and _leaped up.to the higher service abo':e. lf at \JH:l"ParisHairWorks"youhaveca!led. type of the ohort sightednern of some <tf he1· I for b~sm~sa, the rnaJor1ty of suburban A~a!n an~,agam woul~ she run to me, iu~ sex. 8he has m~n about her ia plenty, and houses ;;11o~mg more cash on Sunday . than qumng : ~r. Hutchins, do you know of 'l'her~~!~~·r1e~~/~f alr~;~i~°ant!:inks of-le t us lrREliMAT:~PS " she shall have music wherever she goes," they receive all ~h~ rest of the week. Cncket, any po~r or sic~ person to w~om I can t~ke She takes particular trouble wltb onr race; but men are better than they appear. at 1football and s1ml111r games are a.\so much somethmg, or is there anything y1,u ,thmk She knews a. scanty growth of hair, the gray it1iTORitlt P~VifD:ER.S~ bottom men love k indline s, gentleness, pla~ed on S~nday ~y t,~e "common" peopl~, of that I ~an do ?" In my pastoral r ounds Wil~d~t':~~~~~b~~ lg~\~auty o! the facii. modest y purity in :i.~t and thought in while the ' euper10r people make their I leo.rned m many a place how she hir.d been ..'tro plea.sunt to t:"..1.te. Co!.": ta.in thoir oWl1t women' ' ' wa.y to heaven by way of lawn tenniB and before me miniskring to the sick aucl needy. But Nature h as her laws so strict thet yoo l°lll'nr..tiYo. l:J a na.fo, S\!ro, nn<l cf1Ccti.:ral ' billia.rds. Concerts and fashionable " tea To be allowed to do a kindness seemed to must. never e rr, i:ilestro..ver ot -,,,ormo in .C:biklrnn or Adult!!. For you'd rnrely pay the penalty at last, and Supper P~rt1" ~ are also muoh in vogue fill her with as much gratitude au if she her- Sustain It. thttt bounteous head of bait· Cookine: Recipes. just now. ln short, Sunday in England is a self had been the recipient. In the worship Dr. Dorenwend's liair Magic's unsurpassed. YE'.!iEnINARY SURGEON, LAMD AND P EAS STEW.-Cut the breast of .day of prodigious eating, drinking and en· of God's house her face was like a seraph's, Just tty it von affiicted, you never wJI! regret. lamb in pieces 11>nd place it in a. stew pan, joyment from the wealthy down to the very and her conversation wa.s never so animated The Mi11zic wao m:>ver yet known to fail; 0 R 0 NO. 0 N 'I'. with water enongh to covel' it. Stew for poor. Whether it be good or bad is not the as when His worship and His service were And !he good that it will do you will make twenty minutes and take off the scums, add question here ; the tendency is marked and the themes. It wae in such living that the you soon forget ·11 t h e The expendimre a bottle w ill entail. a qm.r t of shelled or canned peas with a. inevitable ; with large m 1sses of t h e people ardent soul burned out t h e b od y ti · ta.bleapoonful of salt and let stew for ba.!f an it must come everywhere, and the innum· grosser ma.terial seemer etherea.lized, So This now famous prep,uation for invighour. Mix a qua.rter of a pound of butter erable facilities forcheapancl rapid transport ehe stood by my side on that April morn- orating and stimulating the growth of the ..... and a tublespoontul of flour and sitr into the have in England helped it on. The chief ing, watched· me while I set her violets in hiLir is unive!'s1tlly accepted as the most stew; let simm~r five minutea, sea.son and portion of the church going is done by the my border, and made this erra.nd almost the valuable specific 011 the market. All serve with dumplings. middle class, with whom this observance is la.at th~t her willing feet ever ran on diseases of the sea.Ip are either reli e ve.d or SALAD DRESSING.-Ilea.t two egga with a an essential of "respectability ;" the throng- earth. permanently c ured. A rich and rapid tnblespoonfnl of butter, one-half a cup of ed attendance 11t St. Paul's, Westminster You will see, then, what ~he breath of the h f h . . 11 f ll f . d .. " s h l d · ·1 l · l b · I l t f 1 'th growt o air w1 o ow can a mo1:1 ee w1 d I a tel' JU . ic10us .h are prepared to pay the highe~t price vinegar, one-ha.If teaspoon of mustard; put Abbey, the avoy c ape an sim1 ar p aces vio eta nn?.s to me. in a warm bowl with pepper.a.n d s!llt and stir are nothing else tha.11 ·fashionable parades, each springs return that her sweet spirit an regu1ar k ea tment. t remams 'Ylt -.B-Yall kinds of Grain delivered at the till it looks creamy. with a good sermon thrown in. The work· comes down to nurture the flowers she 1the uaer alone to sec~r~, th~ des1:e~ ORANGE PuDDlNG.-Put in the bottom of ing men, as a class, do not go church or planted. The breath ot their fragance oa 1results Dr. Doren wends Hair Magic dF 1 on Wharf or their Store House in t o wn, chapel, but pass the day in gardening, tak- the spring air is like the et'ft touch of her '! is sold by all druggists a.t $1 pet· bottle, · I am tully prepa;~i?" atte~ poa~f;1~:~!t.es :li~:J1~i:~e~::~ af:~rpo~ra~~=~· a ~ye~:pdm~d~ ing the wife and children out, in smoking presence, and she lives again to me in what or six. bottles for $5. If not obtainable ;~e9r'~rtea~ ~~;f:: Ce.ee:r;~~son short notice 1 ipes.a.nd drinkinl" beer and in ot.her wake she has done, a.nd in what she is still doing, I in your loc<tlity send direct to the sole .,;,arst~ols.~nsch~·rse on very moderate terms of one pint of milk, two tablespoons of corn· P b f th v" 1 sti.rch wet with a a little cold milk and recruitmg for the la or o e commg wee . tb1-ough her violets. T ley seem to sa;r: to manufacturer, en closing price. A. DORN- I :>hrouds and Coffins constantly on han~ . Fun ,.. - · - me: "Why should not you be pla.ntrng WEND Par:a Hair Woi·ks 103 and 105 era.loa.rdsauppliedato'!ce. Fnrn!ture ··hop&; yolks of two eggs, beateu with one-ha.If cup l"ttl "ft f this earth 80 s~ow Rooms- BonnRallsNewBlock. ·1 d a i' ute m ke a. merin G' · F 11 p t' ul · some 1 e gi 0 1ove upon . ' Yonae si.. Toronto. For sale by .J. '·' .:.::..::...:.:::.::.:.:=._::.:.:=...:.;:..._;_____-::-::=-:-b f o suga.r, 01 e on m n ; a ·· lVlllg U ar 10 a.IS. barren to many hearts?" And their sweet . 0· "' · gue of whites of two eggs a.nd three table· In tea.chin~ his boys the. composition of fn~grance goes out to a.ll the world saying: i H1ggm]-otham & Son, a ud all dr11gg1sts. Q ~poons of powdered sugar; brown slightly sentences a schoolmaster sa.id to them, "If This is the incenee cf service- the serviee in the oven. I ask you, 'What hs.ve I in my hand?' you of one of earth's frailest little ones." And .~n.;1!::;~i~I~ e.B~=~~~l Ba.nkingBnsinese CITRON CAKE.-Yolks of six eggs, two must not answer, 'Chalk/ but compose.ajwhyshouldyounoteacb bestow heresome i DEPOSl'l:'S ~npfuls of flour, a. litrge teasi;>oonful of b!l.k· full sentene,e, and say, 'l'_ou have chalk m kindly deed which ma.y blossom and make I IN CANADA. mg powder, one cupful of milk, a cupful of your hand. Now we will go ?n· ·what ! life sweeter for those behind when you are l teee!ved in Savings Bank Devai·t.ment.and , sugp ,r and three p_arts of a cupful of hutter, ha.ve I on my feet ?" "Boots," was the! gonf. 1 It wants only the hear~ to aee iu 1 0 V E R I 0 0 S T Y L ES 0 F ,_.u an d ii1terest allowed at current ratea. ND one cupful of citron finely sh1·ed, lemon immediate answer. " Wrong. You haven't! other's lives the garden spot that is bare. It 1 tOt.ico of withdrawal necessary. All deposit& - -- - - - - fla.voring; warm the & ugar if t he wedtherllistenedto my directions." "Stoc1dDga,"l needs HAY SCALES, '"""'b!tion·iemand, ' · 1 GRAIN ii~ W 4"11Dr !#. MTAS.,." l!L', , . "liscold,sothatitwillsoftenth e b utter, beat ven tured another heedless one. "Wrong'! "Abeart atleisurefrom ttsell SCALES, .U.:...&.'VJi)li.t:ii.!'lil'~ ii: ~~Cf r~ (!Jiivws~ both together,_then add the .. y o_lks of eggs; again :. worse tha.n ever !" wrat_.hfully_cried T<> soothe and sympathiz_e." . , I i fl d I FARM SCALES ~oo ghti;ndeolde.ndDrart.s issueduponK nror ... . 1 t\ when all are hke cream s·rt Ill our an the master. "vVell ?" he contmued mter· I There lay the secret of my little friends l · Jnited States and Canada, also Gold,Sllvex &tr;"" ' Bas "received her new stock ot ha.king powder al~ernatel:i.: with milk : when rogatively to a 19,d nea.r him. " Please 1ripely blessed life. She was a lfo~le l ab1>rer TEA SCA LES, lntt.ed Sta.~es Greenbacks bou1rht and sold. c!Vauadiau Jtate.anuin. -----::~" HOUSEHOLD. YOUNG FOLKS. ·-... IV *·++& HAT A ILs m Y.0 U .. of 1 j ) Infants I I l I Children. < ' · I · ' · , ' : · · , ' < I l I > ' HEAI.tr .EI FOR ALL r 1 1 I 88ft, j j ! l 19Ill' ,. ,. I III] ll' 1 I ,, II E Y' .. f r I . ·· . I I I I ! I - 1 I I 't.., E 0 I N 'E_. .,........ T te, I ... ., _ ,. b!, :_o I" . I I o: I I =- 0 RIE RTAL ACTlNA .8 '-" NSUMPTION, I; r::i h I · Bl d and l ungs . L1ver, lod~ CoD~sumptiou.M d~ddress, h lib:~:y ;:~kes u~ ::~~e:~ \h~ I ~~ :-=:::~:~::~'~\~Q no 'B N[fll[CT o's~gr,T~H,·"NE~c1iilJ~U.: _",·o'·~"'0 BREADMAKER'S YEAST'. ll 'j' f;Q:R[) IAh WONDER. I I I 0 00 " GR · A IN V I Jno. McMurtry & Co. UNDERTAKlNC LEV I M QR RI S .. t? ! I "· ' , '" "" I" .. I l 1 ---·-··---THE LARGEST SCALE WORKS - THE NTARIO BANK . 118 I. ·l . I well blended put m the citron, well floured air--" Then he paused. P erhaps he under the gentle Iluabandma.n, who finds , ROVED SHOW CASES :,; 1 10~'11 !It · E&1~°7~!@N/Q" wa.rmed, stirring only enough to mix; 1 t houi;:ht his answer might seem funny, but, His field in the hea.rts of men. She p r oved, 1 1i~ llll.J L 'lJ >SJ .. d ~ f....,.., ":'h . L of p 0 ' l bake in a. good oven one hour. convinced that it wa~ right, he ge.sped out :hough all unconsciously, that .. h~ wh ich i >-'romptly made at cu1·rent rates upon all par ..n l ilV 1;oS "' e ac~. J w,: l LEMON l:'UmHNG.-One cup of sugar one- recklessly," Corns! is {(rea.test among you shall be as tnm th11t MONEY )! Gl'0s.t Brittain, the United States and Do manvillfl" 'itn:d' yfoinitv;~ to · calJ ; half cup of but ter, beaten to a. cream~ add 1serves." T~e violets t\re_beari!-lg their t~sti- 1 1· .ul11.icn of Oa.nn.da, ...,. ~ 11; \Ji1' e¥'P ' ~ 1grated rind of one lemon a.p.d juice, yolks of It appears tha.t the lobster will soou be \ m;iny. The~r pe~fume is g~mg out into DRAWERS 'll'eJegraplt ,.l'i·~UlSf'd;I·s 3 a.&,lilift~Q-~.U a Bl n t hr!>·) f:lggs, one,hµ,lf dozen ' butter crackers exterminated in New England waters. In l Wl~er and wider C!l'cles, teaclung how bles · t ~1~dc t or larp:e or small sums on all parts ot ft ') N·'if:\~ E T ~.. ; L 1 ,,<i,. "'[~ ' ' dissolved in one-half pin~- of mi.lk. B11.ke M11ssa.chussets the L egislature is about to ~?IS a · ' · .. ea oppers Canada. 'J:hia ls especially advantageous to g N 1.KllWl!f'it"t:-'ifl j .. O I and spread over the top :tbe whites of ~he decree a close season for lopster fish· The memory 01 " good d_ed m "n.Lngbt) world. AND BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES pe-mons living in Ma.n!toha or the North·weei ....,...;i. .._. .,,,.rtm·"llt f I eggs beaten to a froth and sweetened wibh in" as a last resort to save this excellent · ,. · · - W. f , l\B tt makes the tunds available at once at the 8"t- .~~' .."': " -~, :i~f.i~Tu. , · powdered sug . r. :; ' . fogd fiah, The 1.fontreal Gazette urges t hat . _ · . AnDRF.ss JN FULL, ntc or ,erms. !)lace of. JJ!!.yment, .1· , · ~ .!!< · .. ' C ' J ~ STEWED VEAL.-Plliiie a knuckle of veal the experience of t he New England St!lteS l An old Yorkslur~ma~ bemg informed_ b~, l WILSON &. SON, For!urther :partlcniars oall at t he Bnnkfn · · ve t o th e cana.d' er 1 · . ... · . ~ · h · ' I in a saucepan with a' good sized onion one should be an mcentl rnn a bett' m ~m·n ~ that his friend · the "ca.ptalD ' . · E s E T o ouae· . _ ,w:l!O'·~ .' ·! r small whole pepper and some sa.lt, 'with authorities to.king early action ~o pr~se!ve would o li~ingl:;: hol~ the stakes, t,he canny SPLANADE TRE:ET AS T. RODIE, GEO. McGILL, M'W·l~lf"~ih.i'·l·w~r enough to cover well, Boil until the lobster fishery by a.doptmg a1mi!a~ i Northerner rephedt Ad,Y: a.y, ~~t :,~n very . . ~ORO N'.0 · ONT· Accountant, Manaf,er .!!TORE :.!etlondDoorwfft· · .Jau:her st.all . tender, means, well, but who 11 ta hou t cap m · Me.u119111his paper every 11111e you write, ·v £"Nl~··,.,,....,,.,D ~~ re!3 S I I . -, 1 and IMP I I ' . frr 0 M, Ch . TR :r .J/';f1; m sI I ! I 91 c. I