HORSE ROUTES, 1888. ...........~J~ ~-...- ... .......................-_ .......~......._,,..,_--~ Jtccomnumdt'tl by E,-er3·lulfly, Sor.INA Bov, No. 571 C. S. B. C. the I am acquainted with the composition of BOWMANVILLE, MA.Y 2B, 1888. m reoommend Perrin ·a Piue ·ro.r Cordial, and cr property of William J oll, will stand for it as being 1he most efficient Cough Remedy r ::::-, ..--..,, -::..:·-=- =-· - - ------::::-,:=--=:·-==---: mares at his own stable, bolina, during know or. lY1APLE GROVE. the season of 1888. Solina Boy, a beautiJ>. PALMER B l.i HROWS, M.D., C.M. Th Misses Crumb spent Sunday at ful bright bay Clydesdale, rising three (Member of the AmericanPttblic HealthAs-} sociat.10n, and President or tile Executive ho°me~ years, was sired by "Pdde of Scotland," 1 t Association of He..ltb omoers of Ontario Dam by Chancellor, grand Dam by WonWhat ha~ happened our o ther bass derful Lad, Great grand dam by Old Sir ~er? We think our choir should at- William Wallace, G. G G. G. by Cumtlllld more regular. berland. TERMS :- To insure a. foal $8.00 LINDSAY, ONT., We would advise that young ma.n from payable first of Feb. 1889. Groom's fee, 21-3 w. STahtown to culti\·at.e his uerve 1 well be- 50c, DAILY LINE TO ROCHESTRR. fore he makes his appearance here again· G..1.RNET CROWN, owned by Rich. Ba.rThe Division S. of T. intend ha.-ing an rett, Newcastle, will stand for mares as entertainment at the school house the follows : Tuesday noun, W. Shepard's, Monday night of the anniversary. Par- Clarke, noon; Blue's hotel, Kendal, all ticular~ luter. uight. Wednesdav, noon, Elizabethville ; Mr. John Metcalf and Miss Prici.lla night at W. Little'E, Garuen Hill. 1'hursTHE STEAMER Oox were unit~d in the holy bonds of day noon, P. Polla.rd'a, Hope ; Fred. wedlock ou Wedne2day · ernning 16th. Holdaway'a, all night ; 'fhos. l\foffatt's, Congi·atulations. N~wtonville, all night. Saturday noun a:t (A. DU~LOP, Master.) ReY. lt. Sanderson preached a n el.o- Wmdsor Hotel, Newcastle: th~nce to h.1s iient ~~mnon on Soci><l Amuseinents, o,wn stable, .l ot 31, con. 2, Clarke, till "ITlI.iL Make her reg ular trips on this di.a c1owded house on Stwday night 13th' 'Iuesda.y. WnLIAllf BaRR!1;TT, groom. rl' route, leaving Cobourg overy mornini;r at 7:30 and Port Hope at 9:50 o'clock, on arrival MANl'ltEl> the property of Percy & i nst. takincr for his ,remarks lat 'fhes. of G, T. H. tra.ine from \.he East and Wost; 'connecting at H.ochestcr with the New York !'land 22, a~d 1st Cur. 31st verse. We Young, Bowma.nville, will have· Central, Northe.rn Central, and Erie Railwt>yB think if the periple will take the Rev. stands as follows : Monday noon, Dr. and the Lake Ontario Division ot the Home, gGntlernap.':> advice, they will not go far Young's Veterinary Stables; Ba.llett's Watertown and Odgenaburg Railway tor a.II points East, West nnd South. rustray. hotel, Orono, all.rnight. Tuesday, .Jon. RETURNING-Will leave Charlotte (port of 'The question is frequently asked who Ste.J!>h?ns, noon ;· Moyse's hotel; 'l'yrone, Rochester) on Mondays, Wednesdays and l!'ridays at 12 o'clock p, nlo, 'l'uesdays ~t !J, is our correspondent here- answer: all 01ght; ·wednesd,ay, Beers ~otel, 'l'hut'bdays at 11 p. m.. and 8aturdays for Port DEXTER. Hampt?n, noon; H ·ll s hotel, Enmsk1lHope, direcr, at 4 p, m. len, 01ght. Thursday, preceed direct Dealers in al ock will find this the cheapest to D. Dyer's Enfield, all night. Friand most expeditious route to Oswego, BosOSHAWA . ton, Albany. New York. &c. day, Jordan VanNeat'e, noon ; Lewis An.1"or luri her particulars aoply to (F't··nn the Onta1·io B cfonner.) or C. ~'. G H.DEHS"LF.EVE, A. llmsL01·, nis' all rnght. Satu_rday,atRuebottom·~. Port Hope. Kingston. · Ontario Enca.mpnumt I. 0 . O. F. will n'lon; thence to hu· own stable, Htgh Str~et, 9nd remain till Monda.y morning. This powder never varies. .A marvoJ J 1 0 celebrate Dominion D ay in Oshawa. JAMES lVIANN1 Manager, J ptuity, strength and wholesomeness. More Mr. R D. Fisher, formerly of Oshawa, · economical than the ordinary Kinds, and can CaIJ:tN:llROGlE AGAIN, Messrs. Percy & not be sold in competi.tion with the multitnde was in tow n visiting friend<J lnst week. Young proprietors will have the same of low test, ehort w!l1ght, alum or phospha~ In a m:~tch playd Thursday on the ' ' . powders. Sold onlyrn cans. ROYAL BA:S Cricket gr ounds her.e, Whitby defeated stands as MANntED, 'ruos. VEALE, man- NG i>1YwUER co.. 106 wa.n Rt... N. Y ager. <ti'bawa by 61 to 35. -~:-·~'io"- '·· ·""···..r··.,.,. .. iiJ-OLIVER Tw1s-r, William Patterson, proThos. Ounlin's dwellin g, north of here, and contl3nts were d estioyed by fire on prietor, will have stands thus :-Monday no0n, Juhn Mullig::iu's, . lot 12, cc ;n, 5, Fi·iday last. No insurance. 'l'he Y. P. A. of Medcalf St. church t1.p· Clarke; 1'l ewtonv11le all night. 'l'nesday pears to be in a flourishin~ condition, nigh.t·, Windsor hotel, N owcastle. Wednes6om oue to two hundred being in a ttend- day, proceed by way of Orono to own stable fur night. Thursday, at Tyrone, ance at th eir regular meetings. noon ; back to own stable for night. M essrs. Farewell Bros. , of Woodland Friday, to Coulter's Tem~erance House, C;1ronic Constipation, jlairy Farm, have made arrangements Pontypunl,noon; thence to his own stable, for starting ;i creamery this seasc..n. They Kirby, till Monday. "D. G-. Costiveness and all Complaints e"XPect to be able to commence in a few Honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary TnE ARc1nm, John Joll, proprietor, nri.-.:in g fro1n a disorUc r('tl E;t ::l t C of lho ]li¥cr, College. days. Office and residence. Ji~nniskillen . Sto111al.'h amt Bowl'l s, s n t!h a~ Mr..Jeremiah Riordan, far mer , lost a Hamptc.n, will have stands as follows :Prompt o.ttention to calls by telegraph. 18- 3m Dyspe.psia or Indigestio~ilious Affectio~ ~raluable hor2e last week. The horse Monday night, Moyse's hotel, 'l.'yrone. Tuesd<>y night, Hali's hotel, Enniskillen. was working up to the time it dropped Headache, Rcartb~;~idity of~~tom~ dead. It is su ppvsed it dibd with blind Weduesday noon, own st&Lle; George Leask's, 6th c·m., all night. Thursday staggers. ach, :Rheumatis~n , ~oss of A_Ep~_ito. Grave.'.! noon, Wesley Gfaspell's; W. Oke's, 2nd Mr. A. Leask, formerly of Darliagton, con., all night. Friday noon, Levi Annis': Ne~ous Debility, N:iusea,3_i:_ ~~~!:¥.!..~"..: b ut latterly uf Manitoba, who has been Ruebottom's, Bowmanville, all night. vmiting his friends near 'ra.unton, in- Saturday, at Boer's hotel, two . CHH:DHkN J.1.Kr. t 'I' ! Mo·m r.nx IollCJ: ~ Il' ! flrc~u se h ours, it i ~ .:\.grcr:abl1} to the rn ~tC', c10l!I$ 1tot _oc~asi?ll t~ds returninl( to his new home in tht'l thence to own stable till Monday. Taos. N:m ~t!a, :1dx wltho11t rrri1ii11 1 ·, is ccrtmn m its North West shortly. effects, a nd i~ dfccti ..·e in ~mull d osce. GAY, aesietnnt manager. Tbo Mechanics Institute numbern 256 Iii LIQUID FORM· . PmoE m· ScoTLAND, the property of members. In i> months l,187 books have J ,arg,:, BotUes, 25 ce1l1rs each. been taken out. Mr. D. Keith is 011e of John J oil, Hamptou, will nave stands this t.htJ dir1Jctors. The reading room j, well season the sanie as " The .A.reher." Is Canada's FaYorite Uread-makilil'. 10 years in the 1narke t without a oomA POOR MAN'S FRIEND. supplied with periouicala. BIGlf.LAN D Bov, JR. - William Oakes, plaint of any l<ind. Tlie only yea.~t whicb Ono tlmt will fll.t>odr ws of sickness nnd rnnny Chief ConstableHalnan received through Proprietor, lot 33, cnn. 1, Clarke, will ha.'j etood the t.>st of time and never made n, Dollar in time n.nd Doctur's13i\ls, 0110 ahrnys sour, unwl1oleson1e llroad. the mail, on Thursday a shellalah of very· have atands this aoason: Monday noon, n ear n. t ha.nd, ready n.t.a moment's en.II. r l'his All Grocer~ aoll it. isrge d1men~ions. It bor"' a tag with the Ruebottom House, Bowman ville; thence friend i.s 1';:1rnY DAn>' 11.W. CII,LEU, H'f'r. 'l'orouto, Ont, AChloaao, DL following inscription:-" With compli- to Hampton for two hours ; EnniPkillen miints of ratEJpl\yers to presen.e order in all mght. 'l.'uesday, A. McCullouf?h's, En']'own Council." The clu.b will be pre- field, noon; Raglan all JJjght . Wednes~o~o TORONTO STEAM · LAUNDRY,, TA KEN ITIERNAJ,LY, it cures Drsenterr, sel'\led, and, no doubt, used when re· day, Manchester, noon; Dancaster's Port ~Q 106 l.'ork St., Toronto. Ciiolcrn., J)inrr hoon.. Ur:uur· and l1nin in the Perry, night. Thursday, Mr. Browu's, quired., Bowe l Compla.i11ts 1 l > i1.intor's Colic. SHIRTS, COLLARS AND CUFFS Dyspe1>si:. 01· lndigc~t1011, Sudden Colds, Sore con, 4 Cartwright, noon ; Blackstock, all Al A s specia1ty. Out of town w ork 'l'llront,, &c. · night. Friday, Jas. McKee's, con 4, UJ UJ 'promptly attended to acd retw·ned USlm EX'J'EHNALLY, it cnros Brnises, DISTRICT NOTES. per instructions. noon; Willia.wson'a, Ballydulf,two hours; Cuts, J?urus. Scnlds :i.nd S.vrftins, S1o,;elliugs of the Joints, 'l'oot.ha c·hc, P 1n tho, Neu~ Cuulter's, Pontypool, night. Saturday, G. P. SHARPE, Proprietor. mlgin :ind Jlheurn n .tism. ~-So!U. by Dealers Re". W, ;.., M9J{enzie, of Grafto11, has Bennett's Oruno, noon ; Bennett's, N l;l WNext door to Pt1lmcr house. Ifonuy to Union in Family Mediciuco th<> W ortd A1·omHl. pe po~ · been called tp thii '!'lllJ.ln~ pastorate of the cias tle, two h uurs; own stable, till M on25 CErHe PER B OTTLE· . Ffrat Presbyteri;.i,n P,hyrpi., 1:).ruck\71lle. day moz Hin~. ncware or Counterfeits' 11n1l Jmltat1011s. R ·:v. Goo. W e bb~r, of N'ewmati-.:~t. has YOUNG PmNCEPs, t he property of Mr. !iii . a &t2ooua h~een a~!:"!ld to noceJ?t the p~l{toratct {If Alfred Hogarth, Solma, will stand for THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER · .Manufacturers of .Eaclid A venue Methodist church, Toron· mares thi~ 3tl(l;&_Qf! l On M<>nday noon, at to, in the room of R ev, J. Van Wick, B. Oerifral ~.otei, Oshawa.; at _ga,y'1;1 !!<:>tel, A., who is leaving the city., all night. Tuesd:i.y at Chinn's, W!!~1l!R~All.fH..Pll PLUM»ER. - Nothing Brooklin, noon: P. Bolt's hotel, ManCorupmd Extract of Pnre Red 1 amaica A.1·1ificiai tdreakii tip a pl_ttmber 80 ba~JY as ta tnwe . cheater, all night. Wednesday, at OrienLimbs, ·l.o. buy somethmg at a ret au drug st~re. t11i, Port Perry, noon; Swain's Hotel. Nothing iMlrna b1o1tt~t Ot' frloro beautiful Blackstock, all night. Tbur~day, GifAnd Appliances fur all De· formir.ies of the HumaoBody \Jiscuit thau 1ml~erial Cream Tartar Ba.long ford's hotel, Burketon, noon ; Beer's hoFor the cure or Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Cancer, -Spinal Diseases. lltp Joint t tel, Hampton, mght. Friday, H<l.Uett's Powde!', Sold by all Grocers. nil Skin Diseases, '£umors, Enbl'g emcnt of l.h.1 Disease. Diseases ot the hotel, Orono, noon '; Royal H, ~ewiLivur :.i.nd Spleen, IUwumaticAft'c ctions, dieeases anc l Ankle. Knock Knee Mr. T. R . E lhott, (son of Mr H . castle, all nigh t. Saturdal will p1·oceed of tho Kidneys, Bfad·ler and Urin nry Orgnn·, Knee, Bow Lege, Club ]'eel, oppressious of the Chest or Lungs, Lcucorrhca, E lliott. Ueeve of Hope,) who hHs been to his own stable, I tuebottom House, Etc. Catarrht and rut di so:tSC!i rceultiug frorn n. de.. engaged durin g the pa~t year at R oches- Bownanvill<1, and. remain till Mond ..y ALSO CRU'l'UHES. pravcd und impure condition of the blood. t er m the drug business, ia home on a · W p "i ·~k's leave of absense to visit at his morning. ILSuN OWER, u anager. CA U1'ION.- As1</01· " .Dt·, C/ia.nniny's S<irsa1Ja1·illa" take no other i11- its pl<tce. flither's house, at Osaca. MACHAltlOCH, H. Foster, proprietor, The store of Mr. Ball, ·Postma.ster, will have sta11ds as follows :-Monday, THE JUOST Davis & La.wrenoe Co., Limited., Gentrnville, was entered by burglars on Windsor, Newcastle, night. Tu esday , EFFICIENT SOLE AGENTS, T hnrad ay night , who got in by forcing a Moses Cowan's, Cbrke, noon; B ennett's, ;izindow. Silk handkerchiefs to the value Orono, n ight. Wednesday, Aaron Davis', - rs< .if about $25.00 were carried off. · A fine Town Line, night .. Thursday,Jno. Cole 's, 8 DIGESTIVE OR AFTER DINNER PILLS, c0-at and veat were also appropriated . noon ; Moyse's hotel, Tyrone, night. Sellzer for enfeebled- digestion, 1>toF riday, S. Super's, Haydon, noon; Hall's sold by Tar;&: co., N.Y., TABLET$ c1ucc< t frorn t want or proper A SAD l'ROSP. ECT.- How many wea i·y hotel, Enni~killen, night. Saturday, '4nd Druggtsts e>·ertwhere. ----- se.crction of tl1e-On9tric J'uic~. IJ:roken down invalids there are to whom Edwai·d Moore's, noon ; own stable till Tiley give imn1ertiate t·eliefin Dyspepsia life is burdensome and whose prospect is Mm1day. a.n<l Indigestion. }')IllEO'l'l()JtS. -T ake ont ortlf"O pilb ,·r.u neclialtl?t rJ./t rr aad indeed . T he nervous d ebility and eat ing or tl'/1e1i s up·cl'ill'] / 1 '07!'1. Ittditrestion, T.1rn11 · i n Ou , getieml weakness of those afflicted with 'Hmu1,AND CHrni", Thomas Harness, Tlt ru" l (li·l.'l a.t r1 leu c:e. ~:Utl))ll'ff NCJlt fr(lc. A·ltlrf'~, 1l1.lin'p;er ing disease is best .re medied by th e M an ager, will have stands at Jno. Mulli· HE SCIE1'JCE OP LH'E, D<1vis & Lawrence Co .. (limited,) Montreal. i nvigorating and reatGrm g properties of gan's, Clarke, Monday noon ; N ewton· 1\01.H th o great medica1 work B . 13. B. ville, all night. Tuesday, Geo. Batnsby's, of the age on Manliood, 'fh<i following officers have been elect- noon; Noble Brown's all night. WednesNervous an<l Physical DeHIND'S HONEY AND ALMOND CREAM. atl tor the .Bsthany foot-ball club: Hon. d ay, Mrs. ·Jones', Garden H ill, noun ; bility, Premature Decline, for ChiipJ1Nt Hamb . l"uce nnd Ups. ·Rough nnd Rart'J. Skill ~ Chafing, 8 u n huru . l\ urn s, Scnlrli->, ltt bini;i:, Chil bluiM, Bore I'res., J;. J. Preston; Pres., J ohnston Elizabethville, all night. Thursday, at .Sipple,, " Hang Nall~." 1l ud :ill u11 ple:1.s .rnt. l!onditio ns or E r ror8 of Youth, a.~d the Thoa. Smith's , lot 3, con. 4, Clarke, noon; th e ~k i n or like ci 1!t.r:1c t l·r. Bri ttle !-.· :.i.1Ii; f.:Oftcncd i n o ne untold miseries ~on Feq L1 e11 t " McMahon; Treaa., H . H . R Yl cy; Ch ap. I' J , · u i; 'li.t , .i' 1·iee :.u r.t· n h ptT IJohlt· , 8ult1 JJy J 11·11gr;bl11. R ic hard Cairns; Sec ., ,John H. Carmyn. Kendall, all nigh t., < 1iday, at · . Grays, thereon, 300 pai;::os, 8 vo .. 125 Oommittee:- T. Strike, W Dawkins and lot 3, con. 10, Clarke, noon . ; Cc,ulter's, preecriptiona fnr all diseases. Cloth, full g ilt, only $1, uy mail. sealed. Illustrativo aampll' :Ha.vid Cairns. Curator, James Keo"!ledy; Pont ypool, all night. Saturday, proceed freo to alt young and middle a!{ed men. Send Captflin·of th e ,Juniora, Joseph Morrison. to .his own stable, Kirby. W .. PA'l'TBltSON, now. 'l'be Gold and J ewellail Medal award ed to the auth or by t.h1> National Medical As·ooiProprietor. Edward Rice, who was acquitted i n at.ion. Addl'eas P. 0. Box 1895. Boston, J\'fass., or Dn. ·w . H. P.A.HKER. gro.duate of Harvard T oronto on Saturday for shooting with You NG V A.NDERBILT, M. J , Foy, proCollege, 25 Hara' practice in BoRton, i.ntent to kill in a. saloon on Albert street prietor, will stop this season at L. M:. In the m atter of THOMAS H . F Medical who may be consulted oontldentialty. Specialty five years, was immediat ely arrested, Courtice's, M onday noon ; Ruebottom's, HANOpOK, of the Township of Diseases of .Man. Office. No. '" l:!ulfinch St. charged with being concerned in the $10,- Bowmauville, all night. Tnesday noon, Darlington, in the Couuty of 000 robbery from the Canadian E Kpress Win dsor hotel, Newcastle ; Bennett's, Durham, Farmer. Company itt Port Hope in 1883. He Orono, all night. W ednesday noon,. at was t aken to Port H ope Saturday nig ht Thos. Henderson's, K irby ; Cuulter's, (:omplnlnt, by Chief Con sta.ble Rankin. Pontypool, all night . Thursday noon, at NOTlCE ni HEREBY GIVEN tha.t Dys pepsin, " A,,,v. CANNOT W rr Hlm H ER," remarked 'vV. Nelso n's, Lotus ; Swain's hotel, B lack1he a bove named 'l'HOM AS H.·I<':HANcocK IHllous n ess · ,., · k 11 · ht ,,, ·d U ' t 1 l t 1 has m1tde an assignm ent to me of t<II his estate t\.Ud old gentleman, air he gazed fondly stoc · a. mg · .i! rt ay, rien a 10 e ' and etrects in trust for t.he hene(it or creditors. Sick Jlcaclnclte, ·:ipon t he comeiy little wom m bj his side P or t P erry, all night. Saturday n oon, A meeting of the Cmclitoril of the said estate KJ<lncy Tronble11, d " t t· at Wilcockson's, Columbus ; thence to is hereby convenerl and will b~ held at the · kl "h Rheunmthm. " but fran y, e cont10ue ' & one une own stable, Queen's hotel, Whitby, till Council· Room. in t.lw 'l'own HaJI Buildings, i n . Sk ha Diseases the 'fown o( Rowmanville, in tho County of I was afraid cosme tic~ would." The silly little wnman, in ord "r to appear youthful Monday morning. 0. PowELL, 1\-f anager. Durham. on Si1.1·unDAY, nm i:lECOND DAY 0 } ' and all · · J UNE NEXT, at !:lie hour of two u'clnck in the I of the p lastered lier face with differen~ varil;tes afternoon, for the appointment of fospectors tilood from of whitewash, yclept, balms,, loand the ii:iving or directions with reference to tions, &c. " Yes," interrupted the little A S uccESSFUL RESULT,- .Sirs. I was the disposal or the said estate. 'I a·d ·1 k' b l' k troubled foe five years with Liver ComAll Creditor.a or t.he said estate are hereby woman, ' I , u ntl my s m 1 e , to file tb"'ir claims with my Solicitor. parchment, and so pimply and coarse." plaint. I used a great d eal of doctor 6 D. Burke Simpson, Bowm:invllle, las directed Price, 7 5c. (with Pills $1.) " Woll," s aid the listener, "1Vhat do you med ici ne, which did me no good. 1 was by t.he ltevised Statute~ or Ontario. Cha~ter "et tino worse all the time until I tried 124.), or before the Iday of proceed such meetmg. ·-'l'RYo Afteron June !Ith . .1888. sno.11 to clis\ll!e now '!' ' "Usc, " wais th e r epIY· " no- " t hln" b ut co mmon sense, aud Dr. Pierce's Burdock Blood Bitters. After taking tribute the said estate. having regard only to Dr. DODDER'S Common four ·bot tles I am now well. I can a lso such claims as I shall ha.\'O io otice of; and I Golden M edical Discovery. ' · f d · M188 ehall not be respomubte for tho "'~se ts of the or yspepsia. said estato or any pa.rt. 1h<:>rcor to any person sense told me if my blood was pure, liver recommer.ia it ' doeo claim or claima snail not re.gulll.ted, appetite good, that t he ou tward H..1.icrrn L . SWICK, St. Williams P . 0 ., gr iiel:na fli 1 (very small and easy to talrn.) ave en e · SA.MUICL J. HALTJ, ·;voman woulcl take on the hue of health. Ont. '!'lie Discovery did all those things, and 'J'rustee. NO GRIPING. NO NAUSEA. . t ed me. " Its th ousan d D, BURKJ!: SIMPS(;)N, Solcl everywhe1 ·1) ; price 25 cent.s . ~tua11Y reJuvoua .a "llAN11 lttEN. JIU.NY ltllNDS," but all Sohc itor for 'l'rustee[ Jfa wmanvil e. The tlNJOX 11rnDIC::JNJ> fJO .· rno1·nn:T01t8 . ot cures are th e best advertiserae11t for 11.nd nu mllulR aicrec: as t.o tile. 111erJts ·ot' ! Bar·locli: l'llls, small :md sugar-coated. i ! Jateci. May 1Hh, l ~SS. 20·2w 'l'oronf<l c:an · D r . Sage's Catarrh Remedy. D1LIOUSNEss.-" I uhould not think it right did I not give uy tea bimony of what I know to be the va}!1e of Burdock Blood Bitters. B.,ing a still'tlrer fro111 Biliousness, I took one bottl·1 of B. B. B. aod it gave m~ immediate r,,!ief. l recnmmend it as a cure for Biliu11sness. Annie McLean , Woodville, Ont.. Sold Everywhere at 25c. a Bottle. PERRIN'S PINE TAR CORDIAL CO., ~ )> 0 NORS E: B JJ II Absolutely Pure zem~ -<. l ~ :-1 ~: (JQ m ....... l:J 0 ci qovAL YEAST rrq ...... . <t CD o> rJl r m . .. PAIN-KILLER. n ..A.ESOLUTELY ® QUITTING The Dry Goods :Eusiness ! JOHN ltlcltlURTRf Requires more room for his Grocery, Flour and Feed and Grnin trade and has determined to A ;~JTiHQiRS & c ~ox, I Dr, ·CHANNING'S I SARSAPARILLA Close Out His DRY GOODS BU8/NE8.8 and extend his Grocery into the premises now occupied with DRY GOODS. To make a clear sweep, everything in tbe Dry Goods department is now being sold .A.T .A.ND UNDER COST. The goods are all firstclass, carefully selected for the regular trade and no old culled bankrupt stock, the public can understand the immense advantages offered to purchasers of this stock. Everything usually kept in a first class Dry Goods establishment, and required in the Clothing and House Furnishing line, oftered at .A.WAY-DOWN PRICES. Call and get Bargains. Clearing Sales for Cash only. Positively no Reserve. Everything must go. Call and satisfy yourselves that the WEST END HOUSE is giving grea.ter value for a little money than any other hou se in the district. It will pay you to lay in a year's supply, as such goods cannot be repeat ed at my prices. 117 CHURCH ST., TORONTO, ONT. at Morning Laxative Tarrn.nt' Aa>ericnt. EXHAUSTED VITALITY I .l G JC~'f.~. T tTO'.a:N McYU'R TE, Y ---·O---- Notice to Creditors. J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SOit, Dispensing Chemists. ----o---- tlver CURES Thefollowingpreparations are carefully prepared and will be found useful in every house. Nasal Cream, THE C~EAT For Cold in the H ead, Catarrh, et' 'vha·· SPRINGerM'Ei)1ciNE: Rose Glycerole, For all Roughness of the Skin. I 1mp11rlties Corn Cure, Little Liver P i lls, I u1e1l. ) Agents for the ---- o---SHORLEY'S IMPROVED FOOD ALWAYS ON HAND. ---- 0--'1 For Removing Hard and Soft Corns. Argus " Spectacles and Eye· glasses. Childr&n Cryfor Pitcher's Castoria.