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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1888, p. 4

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--~---- - -THE- Farmers' Institutes. Of the sixty.two Farmers' Inatitutes in this province, forty-seve11 h'ld up to last fall decidt'd in favor of . Commercial Union. Thero can be little donbt as to how they will nuw re~ard Unrestricted Reciprocity. Al!I that which is gre.. ter neceesarily includes that which is leas, the policy of Unrestricted Reciprocity mnst find favor in the eye11 of every in· tdligent agriculturist., because it possesses all the adwntagea with none of the disadvant~ee of Commercial Union. The same judicial fov.,1-headedness that has characterized ~o many Farmers' Institutes on trade questions up 10 the present time, will not fa.ii t o prouounce a ~ound verdict upon a p<.>licy which posse11ses 110 many superiorities as that of Unrestricted Reciprocity. The man who holds the plough in 1888 can no longer he deceived by the epacious promises of 1.101itical charlatans like those of 1878. ' Expenencll," says the old saw, "is the stern schoolwaster, and all ' men are his scholars." Ourfarmer frlend1 have been rueful pupils of Dominie Nat. Pol. for some years, and they have resolved to give him the grand bounca. PRETTIEST I --o-- HOUSE !I Croquet sets, HAMPTON CLO TH INC ----o---cL·~A~I~G_SALE 1 1 Base Balls, · / Exp~ess ·An desire my beautiful patterns of WALL PAPER. It is ·acknowledged I have the best assortment and prettiest patterns in town. --0·-- Come and get barge.ins everybody in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furni~hings, etc. In ad<lition to our general stock, which is unusually large and attractive, we have a quantity of Bankru1 t stock, which must be sold out at onee, C()IlSisting of Dress Goods, Shirtings, Laces, Embroideries, Tweeds, etc. w lndow Shades, -..A. T- Wagons, . ' Wall Paper, & Picture Frames, ,· NOTE THE FOLLOWING PRICES: All Wool Tweed, 30c. per yard. English Worsted, 35c. per yard. Prints, 4c. per yard. Towelings, 4c. per yard. Shirtings, 6c, per yard. Cottonade, 12 ~ per yard. Grey Cotton, 4c per yard. White Cotton,6c.per yd. Clothing made to order right and fits every time. All goods at rock bottom prices come and see and you will believe. Are being sold very cheap this week . :-- J. H. KENNER'S Variety Hall, BOWMANVILLE, THE OSHAWA MOW"ER. It goes wirhout sayrng that the farmers of thi8 country 1ut1 more than on a. level, eo far as im·llil(eoce is coucerned, wii.h those of any other countr·y under the sun. Owing to clima·ic and other exigencies, many of our agricult.uriste ate not able to devo te much tim<' to philosophizing about the why or the wherefore of things- they very shrewd 1y,. howev.,r, jt.1dge by results, and the results <Jf the last five, six or 1 seven years have pr11ved to them very conclurnvely th .. t their profits are not commemur,.te with their labors. BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 6, 1888. They fiud that 1he1r market is not rm I extensive as it was i·nd that their returns "THE STATESMAN IN LINE." are proportion!ltely diminished ; that ---0---although m some instances they pay less In the last issue of the Lindsay War- for manufactured goods than they used Having purchased the business formerly carried on by HuMPl-IRl':Y & to pay, they would have to pay still less der, Bro. Sam. Hughes make.a a suggestion if there was no duty ; that l <bor is q·1ite MAYER, l have moved it across the street to the premi8Nl latdy respecting the Pine Ridge tlui.t we have as high as it used to b ~, althouuh the occupied by Shaw & Tole, where in connection with my Tin and Stove often made a.nd firmly believe that it is laborer can't spend his wages to tl~e same Business will be found a full line of Heavy and Li.; ht Harnes£-1, and all otihe1- furnisliings usually founrl in a first-clas:l harness shop. practical, and especially so now that the advant.age ; so that with diminished profits and proportionatti!y increased C. P. R. ruru:i through that wilderness expenses the farm er is, as it were, burnsection, affording at1ch good facilities for iug the cantJle at both l.'nds. This is reaching the cit.y markets. As his article what he knows, and a moment's considercontains other suggestions that will inter- atioR will show hiln that free exchange of will receive the most careful attention, having secuL"ed the services of prodncts with our neighbors, apart from est the farmers of this district, we pub- any r:olitic,.l boundary line, and reduction MR. W. HUMPHREY, whost! skill in this branch i;; so well known We beg to announce that we have purchased from ihe JOSEPH HAL£ throughout this district, as to z;i.eed no further comment. lish it entire. Where l\re the ran1)hrs of nationul exptonditure ao as to lessen MACHINE WOH.KS ESTATE all the Patterns. Templet"J, Drawings, Flasks,&~·· and necessary machinery to carry on a first class Machine Shop. We hu.ve secUre(l and on what terms can they bs obtained 1 t11xa.tion, will d" more to benefit !11m and All my work is finished by experienced workmen, none other employed. that portion of the J o·eph Hall Mn chine Works known as the Joseph lJall Ma\looblo The Warder is much pleased to see the ev.,rybody dse than all that can possibly All I a,,k is an inspection of my stock and you will be convinced that Iron Shop, a large commodious bdck building immediately in the rear of the mn:in Bowm'lnvill" ~TATSSMAN interest itself be accompli~hed bf uny artificial methods it is the largest to choose from, best workmanship, and prices really Joseph He.II Machine Works, where we shall keep on hand for prompt delivery a. like so-called Protection and the National ih mattt1rs p"rt~ininlo( to farmers Mid a~ri lower than any other place in town. My expenses bein(J' lower, large Rtock of Repairs for all machines made at the JOSEPH HALL MAOHINE cultural pursuits genenlly. It approv- Policy. therefore I give my c11stomers the benefit. Gentlemen, place in your WORKS. ingly din·cta attention to our articles on We ha.ve bought parts for a large number of Mowers from the Joseph Hall c&ttle ranching. Jf weekly journals would THE METHODIST CHURCH. orders at once and don't miss this opportunity. Repairin(J' promptly Machine Works Estate, and are complet-ing a limited number for t he season. It f"' but folh w i11 the line pursued by The done. Von't forget the place, Quick's Block, Bowrna~ville. constructed in the same manner as the Champion Mower, almost entirely of Stiel)! llOW:\l.ANVILLE DISTRICT. Wardttr for nearly three years, and go in and Malleable Iron. only enlarged and improved, 32 inch Drive Wheels, 4li- feet! for d t1 \'eloping Can,.da instead of foreign Ontter Bar, Steel Frame, Steel Axles, Steel Guards. The strongest and the be~t The annu"l District Meeting: was held at lands; for buildinsi: up home towns and on Tne·clay ancl Wednesday last. tha Mower in the market. diatricts, in.stee.d vf United States centres; Tyrone ltcv. H. S. Matthews, Ohalrman, presiding. Bowmanville, May 15th, 1888. We bongbt 1he 1·ar·~ at a 1·ate on 1he 41olla1· anti are civilizinl! a nd educating Canadians as well After devotional exercises the Rev. '1'. Dunlop was elected Secretarr. aod th0 Hev. 8. Salton aa Ho'ttento rs 1>11d Hindoos, everyone on otrering at f,ow Price. nomination, w"'e appointed Assistant Sec'. would be helter. retar·. The examination of minleterial E] The STATBSMAN implies that we like character was taken up, and though It In · ~~J!it Jlr~~~~~~ ~o moral aud religious character. belief in Durham bu:-1.r. Indeed we do. We eludes In stock for all Machines and Machinery made by the Joseph Hall Works. <loctrinee, enforcement. or discipline. and like noi only Durham bre:id, butter and fidelity in the discharge of duty. all were JOJillJN(i and REPAIRING of all kinda promptly attended to at moderate rateN reported bl!lmeless 'l'he Rev. A . E. 8andereon, beef, but Dnrha.1n pe:>ple and nearly all 11aving pa.s~ed a successful examination on connected with them. the second Y ·'ar's course of study, p1esented 00-~ ~Not to be · selfish, we take the liberty a certificate of 50~ per cent.; and who also passed an exceedinlllY creditable exo.mination 21-seow OSHAWA, ONT. of pointing om to the journals along the in the District Me~ting, was unanlmo11sly lake front of Durham ihat within twelve recommended t.o tho Conference ro bo con· tinued on probation. M...eere.Is11ac Couch and or fifteen miles ·af their towm, slong the J . D. Dyer, candidates tor the mlntsr.ry, pre· "Pine Hidge" wlii·.oh traversea the rear of sented certificates in the preliminary course of et.ud!'·-the former of 62 per cent., and tne Darlingt.. n, Cla·k1-1 and Hope, and the 66 per cent., and were recommended to front of OartwrLht, Manvers and Oavan, la.tter the Conterence to be received on probation. 11.re imwense ttactll of !1tnd that could be Revs. Paul Robbins and 'Villiam Scales, ministerd, a.nd the l:tev. A. B, utili:.rnd for ;: r .will.It raspberries, straw- superannuated Demill supsrnumerary minister, were recom··be1rieR, tree fruit and garden vegetables. men<led to th9 Uonrerence to be continued in Thee~ w .. uid fiud r"ady market in th!'ir present relation. A largely attended public meet.iug- wa.s held on 'l'ue·day. when Ontario's rleing t ..wns; and the residents, th· Revs. N. Hill, J. Whitlock 1md E. Barrasa, instead cf being as they are now, could M. A., delivered excellent addresses on the " Promotion of tne Work of Gorl." Mid would be comfor:ably well off. On Wednesd ..y there were laymen present Fu rt her. th r. ugh the &eoo!ld and third from near!.~ every circuit In the district. .A. concessions of D .rlirtgton runs a light, 1rnod deal " f in1.erest was taken m the election the different committoe9. 'l'he ltev. 1.'. sandy-loam ridJ.!e, extending into Clarke to Dunlop was 1;lected a member of the Stationing and Hope. Tha.1 soil is no longer fitted Commit.te- ; the Rev. E . Barrasa and R Mo· for profi. t able wh~at raioing and pasturage. roent. Esq , to ihe $abbath School Committee; and Mr. J. C.M·t.chell, M.D., to the Missionary r~llt the ST.ATl!!SMAN and other Durham Committee. The following laymen were , journals encourall(e their young men to elected repreaematlvee to the annn!LI Confer· J .l\l Jonees, 'f Bowden, P ence: Messrs. till few<-r acres ~ etter, and stop at hnme, 'l'rebilcock. J Lnko. J 0 Guy. W Jewell. R '.file STATRSllAN can also do Durham's Everson, G Patterson, M Garvin, R MGment, fatmers g·1od 11. rvice by pointing out the H Hoe.r, \V H L1.m11:maid, Dr. Mitchell, W J Cleniens ao<l \V Everson. A resolution was gains to be d ... rived from ranching . Farm- en th uslaetlcully carried pledging the meeting ers coula collect. their cattle in dro'l'es, to stand by the s.:ott Act, a.nd exert our in for the spread of t,emperanoe principles. fluence and in a two ni thr1Je days' easy marcb, .A. resolution wa.e a.lw passed condemning place th·m in splendid ranc,hes in this l::lunday funerals. The distdct ia ln a. ftou rtehing condition. county. The c ·st for the summer would ma.king up for Joss by death and re· be triflin'! . Dnrharn could ea.oily winter .A.tter movals an increase of UG in church member· large herds. Thus farmers would gain ship is reported. The financial statement was ver y enconrag'lng. Cbnreh building. church by inter-: ounty trade. - -··-· ·--- ~---··-~·-----------enlargement, p .r.,on1>>l'e repa.irlng and furnish- --~- ---- ··-- - ----·--- -·- - - -- - ! i ng to the atnouuL of n~arly~H0.000 l\"as reported. I A fl er the CURLomiu·y votes of thanks thl> moot· TRADE NOTES. : ing was closed. Don't fail to give me a call. Are the Farmers Prosperou8. FARM PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANCE FOR COODS. P. TREBIL~ODK. .. F. A. COLE, Hampton. Harness ~_,Harness 11 CHANCi Of UUStNiSS. HAND-MADE COLLARS IPJlµl~ ~~~ · ~~~~~ Fl... :E> .A. I Fl.. S ----·o---- Pore Paris Green -..A.. ,N"" D-..A. T- R_ -W-OON"" & Pura Whito Holloboro DRUG STORE. - ..A..L S 0- Think Carefully, Decide Wisely, Act Promptly. J. HIGGINBOTHAM &SON'S ~XJEmlDJ ~£~lWT~9 We possess the facility: and inclination to give satisfaction. · Having bought . for prompt cash, saving largest discounts given, from the most reliable manufacturers, a well assorted stock of Ladies' and Gents' t~'W~~ BOOTS AND SHOES, We want you to call and investigate goods and prices. : Some new shades. The weaU1er during the wet·k -S-11_m_1_n_e_r_saunterbecome more favorable for the growm~ I ingii in Spanish San Seba3tian " ia a of crops. charming bit of tlescriptive from the pan Owing to slow collections on the part of Mr2. Frank Les tit', qne of the most of country 1torekeepers in Onhrio, it is notab 'e women of the d . y, equally skill. anticipated that renewals wi ·h wholesale ful in tho maintgament of a great busihousas will be nllmerous between now ness and io literary effort, iu prose or and next October. verse. 'rhe dBscription of the famous olcl The Montreal Trade Bulletin ~ays that frontier S_Panish town,_ wn': become a retravellers inform us that tra<le partaltes sort of garnty 1md fash10n, is full of char· of a very unfavorable aspect in Ontario actel'ist,ic touches. "The last of the owing to the overtrading on the one hand ~ines," we . hear the forest .moan a~d and a scarcity of farm produco ou sigh over their steady d ... atruction, rapid tho o'ther. enough _when th~ atur~y w~rkman swun_g It is to be hoped that as soon ii.a cheese his axe Ill the glunmerlll!:{ hght, but tern.d r t · t f 11 819111 · g nd I ble now tlut steam co1ues to effect the · a ' ' pro uc 1?n ge 8 1 ~ 0 u work and bear away the trophies. Who cause sll1pper11 to dispense betwetm $150, - \ can f a1 -1 , d "tl · t t th e sk et eh ' l '1!2~0 000 0 f E r16h et· ·O r<"a wi 1 m eres 000 an< to ' . 1Jg tmon;f Pbe 1 of Charles D~rwin, the great, thoughtful wee k '. a ~n im~rtotvemen h "whi v~ ' man who has so revolutionized the study experienced m renu · a.nee w 1c 11 a v ofnature, opcnrngupnewlrnesu · · f t h ougIit, d' d' "nf b l at elY . een exLJee mg isappol mg· and showing a harmonious and progress· Parties who have reoeutly returned ive developement. 'fhe u~e and growth from England ~t11.te that the pa~t seas.on of a great English paper and power, is has been a d1saetroaa one for English given in "The History of Punch." The ch~ese holUles, many of whom bo1;1ght stories all are bright, attractive and well qu~te freely of ~ur fall make at top prices, written. and the Popular Monthly _ for which they evidently sold at e. pretty June gh·es a most attractive and intereststeep loss. Stocki!. of o!d cheese iue ing mass of ro1 iding for the pleasant days reportl!d e.s comparatively hght. when travel or :.i. shaded porch invite one There appears to be little or no demaud to reall. for Canadian butter in England with the - ---exception of oui; fin.est creamery, and A Succ11sS]'U L REsUL1'.-Sirs, I was unless. far~er.~ wtll give m~r~ attention troubled for five ye:i.rs with Liver Comto tl!e1r d~try pt'Oduct, they m:..y ex:i;>ect a plaint. 1 u·ed a .grea.t- d·eal of doctors' co~1tmuat10n of low and. unprofitable medicine. which did me.no good. I was pr1ces. Our exporh fell off m vu.Jue from · ·_ h h"I · I i · 1880 t 0 '1!641 705 in 1887. gettmg woree all t. e w 1 e until tr. ed 9 ' $ 2 ' 810' 145 m i B11rdock B lood Bitters. After _tak1ne: - - - -- -'! fonr bottles I a.m now well. I can also ENRICO un:: n1.o. on l·Yt.he use or Mil· recommend it for dyspepsia. Miss Hattie bin·a·8 He-Of: llNln a11d ·n'ine, whleh ~npplles L S · ,_ St nr-11· p 0 0 t 1hll nece·Hll~J' '-10011 bulldin& nu\ter1111. · WJC", · " t tams · . , n · pa~t ~UB I rori;· L_A_l_ ~-i-ro-N~ -~ .t.~ -.~.. In Styles-The Latest, HORSEMEN Qualities-Excellent, ATTENTION! Prices-Low. Note the fact that BROWN'S MAGIC LINIMENT will remove enlargements without leaving any scar. - , R~ad the followin!l from one of the best kno\Vn and most reliable horsemen in this Province : Sm,- Aftcr a thorough trial or your M;isr;lc Liniment tor horses I desire to state to you, for the benefit of othere, that it has cured a Blood or Bog Spavin, also u. 'rhoroughpin on one of my valuable horses. to my complete eatlefaotion. I can therefore recommend it with ooutid· ence as I have used u11w11.rds or & dozen bottles a.no found it to be a.11 that you represented, I can further state that Brown'11 Magic l.lnlment also cured effectually a bad running sore on a. valuable horse of mine, which I atterwa.rds sold Cor the sum or $3000. Yours Respectfully ItoBERT BEITH, Bowmanville, Importer of Clydesdale horses, A wol'·l to lite wise Is rnflleleut. Sold lly nll cate1·prhh1& Druu;a-bts. 23-4w' TRE TRUNKS AND VALISES IN GREAT VARIE'a. JOHN HELLYAR. .A.. $ 8 0 0 0 EEO::E'l.SE CUR.ED. To Asa A. Brou:n , Esq., Toronto, Ontario. . HAINES' CARRIAGE "WORKS GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, ---MANUFACTURER OF-·· - - th OARRIACES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &O. KlNG STREET, BOWM.A.NVILL Has now on hand.a number of vehicles (and le manufacturing a great many more) of the ne patterns and best tlniah, which I am offering for ea.le at the lowestprlceeconsleteni , with due regaril to workmanship and quality. The following lee, list ot the pl'lnciva.l vehicles manufactured by me Donblo Covered Oarr1a.gea....................................................f150 Upwardl Single Phretons .......................... ....................................... 100 11 Open Buggy...................... .......................... ............. ....... 70 a Top Buggy........................................................................ 90 11 Democrat Wagon ...·········.·····.·.· , ···· .·.·..··········.·.. ··....····.····· , 65 u Lumber Wagons.............................................................. ... 55 11 Light Wagon..................................................................... 40 11 AMEIUCAN AGRICULTl;RIS1' comes t'o u1 -with the brightness and freshness of the month of roses a.net strawberries, FRANK LESLIE'S SUNDAY MAGAZINE FOR JUNE closes the twenty-third semi-annual I The live 11tock department is even more fully ilhutrated tha.n usual. Then there arA plans of dwellings and barns, new fruits and plants, and various labor-saving devices. A. B. Allen treats upon the rational treatment of horses. In all some forty well-known writers are represeuted in· this number. 'l'he Household Department is full'of useful and valuable matter of interest t <> farmers' families, and the Boys and Girls find in the columns specially devoted -to their interests much that is instructive and entertaining. Price $1.50 per year, single numbers 15 cents. Address American Agriculturiat, 751 Broa.dway; New York. volume of this well known monthly, and coots.ins the index to the volume. The contents of the number are timely to the season, a.n d two of the articles relate to Lake Champlain. "A Visit to Fort Qu'Appelle," depicts, by pen and pencil, an interesting spot in our country. In addition to his sermon and editorial com· Express Wagon ···..·....···...····.·.······.····..····.··.· , ·.···....·.·.· .-..... 70 ·u ments, Dr. Talmage contributes a capital Skeleton...... ;..................................................................... 50 11 article on "Wom ·n her own Defence. ' Sulky............................................................................... 40 11 The shorter articles are numerous as us· ual and very interesting. The whole Possessing enperlor faolllties tor manu!a.ctnrlng oarriages, I Intend to sell ver:v cheap tor ea or.avproved. credit, and by so dolng I hope to greatly increase mp number of sales, Wolllcl number is valuable. sell tho wood parts only, or the gearings of buggies Ironed. · Oun. BEST PHYSICU.Ns AND CEIEMIS1'S certify that Imperial Creruu Tartar Bakiog Powder is made from pure Crystal At the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed if Desired. Cream Tartar and English Soda a.nd is by At the Factory I also do P~a'ning, Matching, Turning and. Sawing with Clrole,Band or scr TDEU:E ARE llU.liY ISDICJA.TION'S 'Of f th b k · "' ld b 11 10 Saws, and prepare all kinds of lumber for carpenters nd others for building purpoeee '"onus, lmtDr. Low's lVorm Syrup mceu ar e est nowo. 0 YR grocers. Ornamental and Plain Plokete tor teneee in every style required, made to order. · t11em tu u·ery cnse s11cccssft1ll.r, ) t All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired

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