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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1888, p. 6

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~------ IS STANLEY LOST? ' HIS ONLY BURGLARY. I I G.R£AT SULPRU.R MlN.ES. one I the Stanley expedition with anxious inter-I "I know how th!\t lw rglar felt," said the oulph~r is _ of t~o kmds, one o.f which is eat. The aurprising news has come by wa.y doctor," for l once cou11n itted burglary my- of~olcamce~«nat1011, the other bemgclosel.Y of Victoria Nyanza. and Zanzibar that E min ' self." . allied ~o s.e~1mentary rock s. The h t t er is Pasha had sent out par ties t o get news of " You a burglar, doot.or ?" foun~ m Smily,_ on the ~onthem and ~entra.l "~ nley , bu· t hat up t o N ov · 2 he had y es, sir, · I WUiS . .f.1 ·lar for Jesll than an portions of the island. lVIount E ~na, situated S "l.A/ ~ a b u1 · th E t t .. ·t· · fl · heard nothing of him. Before S tanley hour in my life, but I tlatter myself t hat I in e a~ , s~em~ o exe1" no_rn uenc~ m C!eu.ned, Die.ii, Pressed and R epaired by start ed on t he unknown cour~e of the Aru - j w as a malefactor in a good cause. It was t he f~rmation o J:itimst~ne . .The.e are va1~ous wimi on the j ourney of 500 miles to Wade- ) in my college days, and I was young ilnd hypo,h.e~es r elat ive to xts nat?ral fc;ma~~?n. lai, he wr ote t hat he hoped to make abou t thought less t hen, but I think that under Dr. P h1I1p Swarzenburg 11ottr1butes 1t to , .k e ten miles a day, and he thought he would t he Sl mc ptovocation I would repeat the ex- emana~1ons of snl]Jh~1r v~por expelled from Dyer and Clothes Cleaner, cer ba.inly rea,ch 'VVadeh i ia,te in A ugust or poriment. The sister of an intim3.te friend metalltc matter ex ta_tmg rn .t he earth! consefor and Goode warranted to be as no one will k now during the first days of ~eptember. A t last had been led into a foolish conespondenoe quent upon t he fire m t h_e lat t er, w~1le ~ro accoun ts, therefore, his large party w as by a schemer who w 11s trying to use her feesors Hoffn~a.n and B mchoff ascribe 1t to them from now when done. e.bout two months overdue. It ma.y now letters for blackmail. It would not do to the decomp?.s1t1 on of sulphureted hyd~ogen. Corner of Kiug and Ontario Streets, ' "!Uaetor-'..ais so well adapted t.ochildren that Cruitorb aures Colle, Const111at1011, reasonably be assumed that he has met with let her fat her know any thing about the milt· Hoffman beueves the sulphuret ed hyctrogcn Bowrnanville. [recommend it 11!1 suuerior to any prescription Sour Stomach, Diarrhooa., Eructation, unexpected obafacles. At the d at e when t er, and her brother, who was a cripple, ask· must. ~ave pas;ed thro1;1gh th~ fissur~s. of bown to me." Ji. .A. A:acmm' nr· D., Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promo1:es d!· , .gestlon, Emin Paaha wrot e, four months and four cd me to meet t he viliain and try to arrauge stratif1ed rocko, but Bischoff xs of oplll10n :W. So. O.xiord S~, Brwklyu, N. Y. Without injurious medication. days had elflp sed, and Stanley had not end- for the ransom of the letters. I tried to dis· that the sulphureted hydrogen mu!'~ have T.1m CENTAU R COMPANY, ~'i !l!urray Gtreet, N'. Y. ed the j ourney which he had hoped to make sua.de him from this proj ect, a.nd urged him been the r e.sulu. of the decompos1t10n ~f in two months or Ices. This is to give the man lJP to the police; but, out sulphate of hme ID the presence of .organw .~ ~ VJ<R Y SLOW TRAVELLI NG of consideration for his thoughtless sister, he matter. The t?-eory ·o~ other s is tha.t would not allow the case to obta.in any such 81;11Ph.nr owes its _ ongm ~o the_ com· WANTED. Permanent positions even for Africil, and when we r emember publicity as it would certainly have in the bmo.t10n of l&oustrme deposits. with ve· . guaranteed with SALARY AND E X PENSES PAlD. Any determined ma.n that Stanley's chief purpose was to reach hands of the police. Finally I agreed to getab~e .matter, and ot~ers u.gi.\In suppose FOR SALE BY J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, BOWMANVILLEr can succeed with us. Peculiar advantages to Emin Pasha without a day's unnecesB ary meet the blackleg or his representative, and th~t 1t is du~ to t~e, action of ~he sea upon beginners· Stock Complete, including ma.ny delay, it is evident that he has encountered a. meeting was appointed for ten o'clock in ammal rewams. .'.Ihe huge ~&!1~s of rock fastsellmg specialties. Ont.fi t free. difficulties which, in spite of his energy and the evening, in a prominent oyster saloon, salt, of.ten met wit~ in the vw1n1ty of suJ. Address at once, (Name this paper. resources, have gr eatly retarded his march I found my m an there, and he led me to a phur ~mes, and which In ~omcplace stretc~ BR OWN BROl.'tIERS, NURSERYMEN, . R OCHESTER, N. Y . t o the NilP. stall in the corner of the room and talked in for a distance of several miles, ~eem to i~d116- 3w Stanley started from Yambuga R !l.pids in whis}lers. He showed me a packet of letters cate !hat ~he sea.has work~d 1ta way rnt.o the Aruwimi on June 28 with a bout 350 men, and said that he was acting fer a friend who subsoil. Fi.sh and msects w):uc~ are fr~quen~ including four English assistants. H e carri- would permit him to deliver the letters up ly found . m strata ?f tnpoh, w~ioh he ed a large supply of goods for Emin Pasha, for $500 and not a penny less. I wanted to under s~lphu~ be~s? mduce the belief that of which am munition was t he most impor· crush the viper on the 5pot, but did not dare lakes existe~ m Sicliy. · .. tant article, the next in rank being the cur- to, because in the first place I doubted my Sulphurm1mshavebeenoperate~ m S1c1ly rency used by African travellers, such as nbi'lity to cope with him, a.nd in the second over three hnndrc .d years, but until the year beads and brass wire. He also had a small ~ place he might make a row and give the 1820 . . it s expor t a t wn was con fi ne d t o narrow supply of Europea.n provisions, mostly can- matter just the publicity that we were seek· 1111.u~. A;t p~ee~n~ the number of mines ned, intended for E min Pasha. He ha.d about ing to avoid. 1 promised to get the money ex1stmg m S1chy 1s abou.t thre.e hundred, two hundred guns and a Maxim repeating and meet him on the following night, for I nearly ~wo hun~red of which, bsmg o~srated gun, carried a steel boat, and expected to knew that my friend would cheerfully pay on credit, are1 it is u°:derstood, destmed t o take a course nearly due east lo the south au e rl d se It i i th t th end of Albert Nyanza.. He left Mai· or Ba.rt- ~500 rather than let his father know that a Y emi · .. lS sa c - a , ere. ~re his sister had got into any entanglemen t about 30,000,000 tons of sulphur m S1~1ly telot in oharge of a fortified camp at Yam· with a. sharper. As he left me it occuned at present, and that the a.nnual product10~ fu~a, with a. force of 246 men. One of Stan. to me that there w as an easier way to get amounts to about ~00,000 t ons. ~f t his Begs to inform ths inhabitants of Bowmanville and surroun.:li,ng Silve r Street, Bowmanville, ey s carriers, returning to Yambuga on Aug. the letters and l silently shadowed him, get· sho!lld be true, tak!ng the foregoing a.s. a Townships that he has opened out business in the old stand, for merly 12, said that he had left Stanley eighteen ina from place to pla.ce until at one o'clock basts, the supply will become ex hi>ustcd m Is the cheapest place to buy a days' march east of Y ambuga, at a river ., b t t fi occupied ly Mr. W. M. Horsey, one door east of Standard Bank, and flowing north into the Aruwimi, and that all in the mcrning he entered hi3 house. I a ou seven Y- ve years, Steam Threshing Machine; or a were well. '!'his information, reporting his stood on the sidewalk opposite and located will at all times keep in stock all goods u sually kept in a first-class No. 1 Steel Binder-something favorable progress up to J uly 15, is the last hie r oom when he lit the gas and then I deHardware Store, comisting of lmproved Diamonds. tcrmined t o burglarize the house. I rightly new but thoroughly tested, 800 news we ha.ve had of the expedition. St. Louis Spectator :- Many persons have Stanley's route for over two hundred judgecl that it was a boarding-house and been puzzled to understand why the ilia· working last year ; a new Double miles through a wholly unknown land, and, felt sure that I would hiwe lit tle difficulty in Speed Mowe1·-the best in the in fact, on t he j ourney of gaining access to his room, which was on monds wor 1 in ear-rings by ladies now·athe second fioor and directly over the door- days mElinta.in such a ceaseless quivering market ; a Horse Rake that a 5NEA~LY FOUR HUN DRED JIIILE.'l way. I waited over an hour, a.nd then see- motion. It makes no difference tha.t the year-old boy can dump ; 4 kinds to Albert N yanza he expected to traverse iug tha t the coast was clear I shinned up the head of the wearer is in perfect repose, and that she is even speechless, and therefore of Seed Drills, cheap ; Sulky only one r egion, the Mabode country, where window-blind to the top of the door frame, exerting I shall also keep a well assorted stock of the best mar;.ufacturers' no muscle of face or feature ; the whit e man had been blfore him. Dr. where I hid in the shadow a nd waited to Plows, Twin and Single Plows ; a a ceasless twi11kle of the diamond goes on, en· Junker visited M ..bodc, and Sch'Weinfurt h, he!1.r if I had alarmed anybody. While I new kind of' Dialliond Harrows ; Junker, O~sati, and Emir. Pasha. crossed and was lying on this ledge, a little over a foot hancing greatly the flashing beauty of the The secret is in the setting of t he Honey Fanning Mills ; Spring more or less thoroughly explored a region in width, a p oliceman turned the corner a.nd gem, extending three hundred miles west of Al· passed the house. I saw him safe away and diamond, and t he method is a pat ent device. Stove Pipes, Micas, &c. Tooth Cultivators and Harr0ws ; bert Nyanza., from fifty to one hundred and then gained courage enough t o tackle the The patentee is reaping a royalty of $50 Tile manutacture and putting up oC Eave Ti·oughs a piece from every manufacturing jeweller to Farmers Scales ; Horse Forks ; fifty miles north of S tanley 's route. From window above. Getting on my knees 1 felt he sells the privilege of using it, The will receive special attention. Sheaf Slings ; Machine Oil and the descriptions and from native information of the; sash and found to my extreme sa.tis· whom they gather ed about countries to the south, faction that it was not fastened. Slowly stone is set in the uaua.l manner, except Binder Twine. some of the conditions under which S tanley and carefully I raised the eash_ha.lf an inch at that a. ba.nd like the handle of a diminutive made his march ma.y be accurately described. a t ime until it was a.11 the way up. Then basket is atttJoched to the frame work, On ..:;.F'a rmers call and inspect before He began the overland journey at a. sea.· divesting myself of my shoes I slipped into the other aide of this band is a cup-lika son when the grass was very high, in many the window and found myself in a hall room, ca vity. On the lower part of the hoop is a pl 1'Cfr g your orders. places over the heads of his men, and' this from which an open door led t o a larger projecting pin point ed with rhodium, a. fact greatly increased the difficulties of the room. My heart wa.s now thumping at such metal which never weus out-somewhat mar ch. In the ea.rly stages of bis course ~ rate that I thought that it would wake a like the iridium with which gold pen9 are Bowmanville, April 2nd, 1888. N ow, when the diamonds are put the countr y is very rolling and not heavily sleeper, and still there was a thrill of plea- tipped. timbered. In the middle 11nd ea.stern por· sure in my feelings and l felt no fear what- in position on the hoop the rhodium point -- - - - - · - - - - -- - ·---·-'<-- -- - -- - - - - - - § The result is V1<ha.t tion of the rout e it is t he opinion of explor· ever. I quietly unlocked the door leading projects into the cup. ers tha t be ha.d before him r. good deal of into the hll.ll and silently orept into the large scientists would call a condit ion of unstable heavily timbered and elevated countr y, the room, where I felt sure my man _w;as sleep· equilibrium. Like the pea blown with a most of whose t ribes are cattle herders. I t ing. I could hear bis heavy breathing and pipe by a schoolboy the diamond is giyen no is not probable tha t he encounte red a single that of an.other person, but could not discern rest, wit h the difference that no effort is revery powerful chid. The tribes, so far as any objects in the room. Crawling to the quired to keep it dancing. The metal point they arc known, are numerous, but r a ther bed I felt around and found a chair upon never wears out. 0-W-~..A..~-VI sma.11, and, according to Junker and Ca.ea.ti, which some clothes were thrown. They they prefer peace to wa.r, No expedition were women's garments. Then I cr awled ever entered inner Africa better prepared around the foot of the bed a.ndfound another A Little Eoy'& Letter. than Stanley 's to repel any na.tivea who were chair with a man's clothes upon it. '.l'hese Among the many anecdotes r elated of the inclined to dispute the p ass1ige. Junker I gathered up in my arms and carried into la.te Emperor was one associated with his was very hospitably received by the natives l!he little room and searched. I found the pinetieth birthday, which was celebrated a t the point where his wanderings led him packet of letters in the breast pocket of the wit h great pomp throughout Germany. to ,the very region Stanley expected to cross. coat, and with it was a memorandum book Spl6ndid gifts were sent him from all over J udi;:ing from our present information, it and a lot «>f other papers, all of which I took. the world, which were displayed together in is not probable that the na. tives were a.hie, Then I stealthily crept downstairs, put on a hall. Olo!lf" beside a costly service of rare by even if desirous, to b'!.r his way. It seems my shoes in the hall and let myself out at china, sent by Q11een Victoria, was a wood· much more likely that Stanley has been the front door. As I passed a policeman en box, tied with a bit of twine. The aged delayed by t he diffi culty of proviaioning his half a block a.way I told him that I hu.d ob- Emperor opened it, and rea.d, with much force as h e went a.long. If for any reason served au open door as I came down the emotion, the following letter from a child. Twenty-five cents extra will be charged when accounts run he was unable t o live on the resources of the gtreet. I suppose he had it closed,for me. It was misspelled, and wribten on a piece of country, ho was doubtless compelled either On the next day I gave the letters to mJ< g ra.y paper :over one month. to make a. long detour north to tho Welle· friend, together with the book and other pa DEAR KING.-I have nothing to send you Makua, where pcra, The book contained interesting me- on your greii.t day but a prayer to the good morandum, which in connection with one or God to k eep you long our king. Now I will TH E POPULATION I S MORE DENSE, and supplies, according to all pa.st exJJcri- two of the papers, would probably have t~ll you of my father, who was shot in the ence, are abundant ; or he found it necessary made a good case a.ga.inst the scoundrel, but foot in the war with Austria, and is ill, and to r eturn to Yambnga., where a great part of my friend did not want to bother him. That has yet no pension. I have two brothers the country was in manioc fields, and where, night I kept my appointment with him and and two sisters, and often we have no bread a according to Major Barttelot, there was he had cheek enough to try and get the mon· to eat. ey, saying tha.t he had burned the letters The n a.me of the writer, August W olk, little danger of t he failure of sup plies. It is impossible on long foot journeys in Africa. a.nd showing me a box of charred paper. 1 was t hen signed, a.nd the Emperor ea!d : --o-him that we had t he letters and werl' told " H e has mo.de the best gift of ll.ll, He has to carry provisions for the march. A little Eur opean food is p rovided for the white a.bout to prosecute him on the s~rength of a given me the chance to be just to a. bmve oh;:i.rge of forgery, based upon document s man. " He t hen or dered t he case to be men, but the porters must be supplied en rout e, and t hey carry goods to exchange for found in his pocket. He wilted, begged looked into, and, finding that the man was nd got a.way. I never s11w him a1rnin," a wor thy of a pension, had one granted to food, him. -[Congregationa.list. Under the circumsta1:ces, it is unfort unate that we have been so long wit hout news New Fashion in Mourning-. from Y1\mbnga. The Emin Pasha R elief A novel sight in t he streets is a new-fashIndian Tea. Committee made no provision for the de· ioned mourner. Several examples of that O:S::I~ spa tch homewal'd of news from the f xpedi · sort of thing h!lve been see11 in upper BroadThe rapid increase iu the i mportance of tion, and for several reasons the Congo State way. The uen.ge formerly among the lac Indian tea is illustrated by the fact that the liee _,,;,~:~' ~.;;._ has not found it convenient t.o send a steam· was to leave off deep mourning by degrees, area under cultiva.tfon was increased by 18,. e1· to the np'(ler river for months. When at merging the black into gray, and so on until 288 )i.cres laat year , the total area being now last it got r eady t o despatch a. steamer, the tb.e colors of ordinary at tire were introduced. 934, 134 acres. Impr oved methods of culti. Nervous Debilit?;..Seminal Losses and prema- trip w as postponed on account of the death ture Decay prc frnlit ly and pormanen tly cured by But this new style is to dl'part frQ m ent ire vation are r esulting in an increase in the of Capt. Van de V elde, commander of black in sectiona. That is to say, a lady in average yield per acre. The increase has THE NATIVE sor.Drnns the later ata.ges of bereavement will cover bee1 very extraordinary in the South of who w ere to go to St~nley J:i'.,.Us. The r e herself wibh contra.sting black and light col- Assam. if the present rates foil t o stimuault is that our lat est a dvicca from Y ambuga ors. One of these figures has a bodice near- late the consumption of China teas, the con· Does not inter fere with Diet or usual occupa- are dated Aug. 18, only aix days after the ly, but not quite, composed of black, which clusion may be arrived Ei.t tha t the home consumption is becoming more limited from tion and fully restores lost vigor and insures perfect manhood. Sent to a ny adtlress, po;it· first report of Stanley's progr ees had been color r uns dc;wn the front and at either side year to y ear, and tha t the demand for In· paid on receipt ot price. One Dollar per box. received at that point. E ven if Stanley him- in a narrow strip. Her bonnet is also edged dian teas will increase in the fu ture princiSole agency, SCHOFIELD'S DRUG STORE, self has not returned to Ya.mbugo., t here is with black. Another one has striped herself :Ring st1"?et, Toronto. hardly a doubt that ample r eports of h is around her hat, on her shoulder, at her pa.lly at the ex pense of China t eas, Private progress1 and prosp ects have arrived wrists, a.nd down the front of her gown with telegrams es ti mate t he new crop of Assam there li\nd hiwe been waiting for months the sombre shade, while the rcat of her dress teas at 96,000,000 lbs., wher e<1a ten ye11.rs for a ·steamer to carry them down the is a plain light color. .Black embellishment ago it was only 28,000,COO, which clearly river. trhe Congo route now appe!l.rs to is also seen in toilets where no mourning is proves with wha.t rapid strides the popularity of Indian tea is advanciug. be the only one by which we are r easonably meant to be indica ted,-[N. Y. Sun. · oertain t o obtain news of the 'expedition, and it is to be hoped that vigorous effor ts t o Johnnie'~ Graphic Description of an.Event. The Question of Oorsets. To buy F o.ot G ear for Men, W omen, communica te with the upper river will no Oae w ord, writes Marion H arland, as to " 'iVha.t 's the mat ter, J ohnnie ?" asked a longer be delayed, Emin P asha appears Boy s a nd M aiden s, 0 C. t" be pr ospering, even thougn his a mmuni- the theory t hat skirts of gown and petticoat small boy, as Johnnie emerged from t he hould house crying. t ion has run very short, a nd the great desire - in fact, all dependent gf1rrne11ts- B lus1le('tio11 Solicit £d. " F rightful accident !" r eplied Johnnie, at present is to learu what has become of the be suppor ted by t;hc shoulder s, never by the hips. To p revent the straps affixed to them briefly. man who w as sent to succour him. Vict o ria D u Hdin ; s . l'fllJRDOCll B ROS . from slipping down upon the arms, t hey " No ! Whll.t was it 1" mus!J be carried forward so far as to cross the "Well, you see, I was talking to mother, · ·.. , , Hats in Philadelphia. breast, bringing the hanging weight upon t he and got mad and sassed her - " "Yes. " rrhis is clearly going to be a .. go-as-you most sensitive p ar t ot a woman's body. If . l ·· · ; l l n ' please" season in women's hats and bonnet s. sever al underwaists take t he place of st rnps, " A nd t hen she star ted after me." ' T he fashion papers a.r e puzzling and give the for m is made clumsy. A compactly "Yes." "And I ran all over the house and down ·~1Bo · but little satisfaction as to what are t o be built, wi ry woman may look well and do well the pre vailing shapes. It is 11.lready quite withou~ corsets ; one whose bust is full and into the yard a.nd r ound thi:.t, and then into with W, ) iom the tendency is to make adipose the woodshed, you know-" manifost, however, that t wo features will ~llJ be much in vog ue-brims will be wider and tissue rapidly should, in my opinion, wear an "Yes, go on 1" , crowns lower. But even this is not arbi- easy corset for health's sake, no leas than ··Well, I was runnin' under full steam, :;;~-:..' trary. I t is generally spoken of as a big through a. laudable desire not to be utterly you see." "{Jj,L "k . "h" ri d d hat sea.son, and most of the fashionable figureless, She need not be small of waist "Yes, yes; of course. " 0 ur N ,">\! ew~e as ar ve , a n com· "And I ra.n into a.n open switch. ['he old ris . es sonietJii.n g nea t and pretty for young la.dies to whom big hats a.re becoming -the Venus of Milo settled that point satP .!. have adopted them, but t he one great ques- isfactorily for us years a.go-but she can gentleman was in the woodshed wit h one. Ladi ~$, ~,qotl andl: . ,>':lervic~abla for · M;en .t ion ln which so many young ladies are in· and ought to be shapely. ['he pliant stitch- G.'errible accident on that road, I can tell THE BEST LlJDRICATOR IN THE MA.R.KE'JJ, a n d Boys; ~ffi.'Bo~ f ) ha.t R . Boots. for terested r emains unsettled, That is- will ing oi tile corset a.nd the bones in back and yon. ['racks ain't cl ear yet, No, I don't every menw,e~ oH 'fif! Jittm~hpld. · . .sailor hat s be worn? trhey will, though the front ward off undue pressure from the spine I believe I'll sit on t he fence. I'd rather stand When buying Coal Oil ask your dealer for the N ew Oils, 1 _, ;· '~ · . . brims of those seen ar e cut off narrower and and abdomen, t ransferring it to the staunch, , up." ..i:~ ~d :.. ' · · · · ... . · · · the hat is set back on the head- a feature faithfulhips,where itbelongs. -Tn . liNKS1v.<!; . 'l 'mg;' dl1 S,4T.VBEJS, INS'l'OVJI. by t he wa.v, t ha.t see . nl.s to prevail in all thi~ · :}.'.! ~: .~. :.~..:~ .;... " ' , . · · · · ·season'11 head gear. Several sailor ha.ts When a man has a conviction that the No Cause for Grumbling. 't th ~Or~®i1..Wi.orl,i,~~d, .R..~fiuring, . a .:were seen on the P ark dr iv:e yesterday and world ~wes him a living the best thin,11 he · Professional Associat e (to !~glass.man beg· ry 1 once, anc you ·WI US0 llO 0 . er· Specialty,.a't11$1· l·· ·'·· '~.... r. " an . unusual number of wide Leghorns,- can do 18 t? go t o work and collect the debt l gmg on street corner>,- How s busmess Z ·f ·"OLL BROS .ti~ "'0'..,. T.nr.nntn.i: ij~.e~ i.w~ u. "~l.\.:~' :! 1.i' ·D..&."VISt [Philadelphia. Timea. · and ther e JJl µo surer way than by work, a Legle~s Man- I ca.n t kick, lt. Cu · " ' "' v v '-' ' WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6, 1888. Anxiety as to the Fate oftbe Great Explorer, Bow 8 Burghlr l'eels "\1'1len Robbing- From 'lhlrt.y lU!lllon Ton~ of Briwsto11e in 1 · N u t Island. '.l ' he public will now await information of I tile T1eaf·Baok 0 · a ovc s · , · . . . Gents' Clothing I I THOS. PEAT, Infants I ChHdren. .- ALESMEN S , ·,. · ;. : · ' · .. · " · I; · · ' · · ' · · · ,. · To Farmers and Thrashers I -o-- HARDWARE ! HARDWARE ! I Stoves and Tinware, Paints and Oils. C. ROGERS' SEO.£. MANN/NB Iron, Steel, Nails, Builders' Hardware, Shelf Goods, Glass, Putty, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Barbed Wire, Forks, Hoes, Spades, Shovels, &c, CDDK, HALL & PARLOR STOVES. Having purchased cheap for cash, I am prepared to sell goods at small profits and prices will be cut close to suit the times. C. ROGERS. @mQ~@~ :me JrE~OO~llMl~e 4 _ _ __ HUNG! --o-3000 rolls of fine just received McDOUGALL & METCALF, E LLE:7 are ottering Coal as follows : Stove and Chestnut, .................. $6.25 Hy. C. Tait. --o-A fine line of Grate and Egg, ....... ....................... 6.00 BABY CARRIAGES to choose fron1 LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & CORD WOOD Always on hand lowest prices. McDOUGALL 8:._METCALF. PHOTOGRAPHS in this section got up in as good style as.can be supplied Murdoch Brothers' N'"E-VV..A.. :S:.A..LL., where are to be seen ERRO'BS-.C).F YOUTH, 21 Dinner Set s, lovely patterns, 30 China Tea Sets, very pretty, 15 Printed Tea Sets, elegant designs, 50 Superior Printed Bed Room Sets, J.t Pays at 20 "White Bed Room Sets. -...... - - ....... - SEVERAL CASES SUPERIOR GLASSWARE JUST ARRIVED. Large variety Hanging and Table Lamps, Fancy W a re, B h emiall · a n d Ch" Illa C ups and S aUCArS, & ""I 'a·r· Popu i . IU'ii l\lo 1 E ··._.PO RIUM ! l · .........,....; ' · . t and Shoe 0 TH B,ESHERS A ND FA RIERS USE ONLY McCOLL'S ::L A R D I: N E:: MACHINE OIL. FAMILY SAFETY& SUNLIGHTCOAL O IL., T l " J I ·n ....,,. "' """!J _ _n, .... ~.·.Jf . ~-""~ ,-;:..... ,_"' .... .. !~ff:ij~ :!l\1'1. , .. ' .. , ,; . ' ,,. ·~ ... JI.' ... ~~~.'

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