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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jun 1888, p. 2

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"""-..._. --~~~~~~-----.....=, '-- ------~ ~catnp6efl~ ~e1t ~>s "rtic .... of caraway seed; roll out, c11t and sift with THE MISERIES OF MISERS. sugar ; bake in a quick oven . Some :Kewarlrnble lll1n Who Regardctl OATMEAL COOKIES.,--One cu p of sugar, 8 Wea.Ith Above all l'l1yslcal (;omto1·ts. Cleaned, Died, Pressed and Repaired by two eqgs, one cup of flour, one cup of cold Family Mendine;. boiled oatmeal , one teasprn·n of soda, two Perhaps the moat famous miser that ever WEDNl~SDAY, JUNE 27, 1888. D.>RNING, PATC .liINO, R EPAIRING AND MAK· tea.spoons of·cream tartar, nue tablespoon of 1· ivod was J oh n El wes, an E ng 1· ish mal', w h o ING OYER. butter ; roll thin and bake in a quick oven. died from neglect because he refused t o in-~ Dyer an d Clothes Cleaner , The mother of a family a.ppr eciates t he cur t he expense of physicians and nurses, full force of the homely proverb-, "A stitch SMOTHERED RicE. -Boil for ten minutes though worth not less than $4,000,000. In Goods warranted to be as no one will kn6w in time saves nine," Many t i. mes nine a.re one cup of cold ·b oiled chicken chopped fine, the case of J ohn Elwes, his sordid char them from new when done. Cures Chronic C onstipation, saved by prompt attention to repairs, and two cu ps of cold boiled rice and one cup of acter was not t he result of ign9mnce for Corner of K ing and Onto,rio Streets the greatest help to ma.king is mending. chicken broth, seasoned wit h salt, pepper he was a graduate of a, Swi~s universi 1.y Dow man ville. ' C ostiveness ancl all Complaints . :l!'ii\mily lU!J!;!t;ling Q9!l~\~!~ o!} a.rnin~, pa tch· and but ter. . an.d laterin life.was a member of P ar liament . ~~g. repairing Mill making over , I Q~wu1 !"c;ri;>J;>IN"\l,-Qne qmi.i:v of swe~t !J1s ~reed of gold. wa.~ an hereditary sin. tni ~ l11J! from a dlsonlcn<i state of t l1c Liver·, I To d arn well, select tho number of thread milk, oue pint of bread cruli:it~. th ree.quart· He Was a son of a L ondon br ewer , w ho died 8to11mch nml llowch=, ~u ch nf! or ailk best suited to the ma.terial, and use ers of a. cup of sugar, yolks of four eggs, when t he boy was only four years old. H is Dys1>e.psia or Indigestion, Bilious Affections, the finest needle t hat will carry it. '.l'he butter size of an egg, flavor with lemon; mother sm·vived, buti to such im extunt did edges of splits and tears must fi rst be caught bak e in a slow oven; when done spread over her passion for money gain a hold upon her Headache, Heartburn, Acidity of tho Eton:: lightly t ogether with long basting stitches a. layer of jelly, whip th e whit es of the eggs t hat, t hough she had $5CO ,OOO in her own guaranteed with SAL A.RY AND that can easily be cut and drawn out when to a froth, add. one cup of powd_ ered sugar, dght , she actually star ved to death. An ~h, Rheumatisn:, loss of Appetite, Gravel, EXPENSES PAID. Any determined mnn the d11rning'.is done. This prevents_ one edge pour over the Jelly and bake a hgh t brown. uncle, Sir M arvey Elwes, was also a miser, can. succeed with us. P eculiar a dyant1w:es to Nen ·o:>.s D~bility, Nausea, or Vomitin~~ stretching more tha.n the other. Run the ' h and of t hese begmners. St ock Complete, including m any 0 RANGE PUDDING.-l'ut in a b a k" mg d IS . t he example . d h fl two blood relafastsellmg specialt ies, Out.ft; free. needle from the d arner in very small stitches h d 1 d ttves exer cise sue :i.n in uenco upon John "ealed a.n s ice ; pour · '.Wes t h 11.t h e became. t h e n.ost f'a.moos C1nr,nH.1 rn u KM 1'r ! 1\-Ie·mr::ns J,Tl{E r r ! Rrc:msc Address a t once, (Name this paper, in and out its whole length before drawing t ree sweet ora.ne:es ~ " it is ag-rccalile 1o t.h e t: L~tr· : dm.: s not occaision nint .·or milk miser · · f h' ~~ BlWWN BIWT HE RS, through ,· then towards t he darner in tlle over one cup of suga.1, one " of t h r ec centuries. A t er is return .N :~HS "<l, ads wi t.h o:1 t i:ri ~· in ·-, i s c ert.~i u ju its NURSERYMEN. HOCIIESTER, N . Y, " ' Iwes moved in same way, and so on, backwards and for- yol ks of t hree egga, one tablespoon of corn' · to "' ,,, og1 an d fr om G enevn. E ef;'._'<.;t l'!, ~rnd i s t.:ff<.. divc i a i::1 1 i~tll <.ios c ~ . 16-3w st ar ch boiled u n til t hick. W hip the whites f h I d wards till the length of the t eac is covered. as ionable ,,on on societ y, where his pro· I N LIQU ID FO fH.1. pour over the t op and set in the oven. t o · l h · l d' · · Tears a.re a.pt t o be t hree-cornered. B egin stiffen. spect1ve wea t ent it e m m to r ecognit ion. V.i.l'g < J llot:t lcs, 25 cents e:w lt. The treatment of many thousands or c11s11s such in the cen ter to mak e the point fit even, W hen he visited his uncle in Suffolk, of thoso chronic weakuesses and distressing d d d h d All d · CORNSTARCH CAml .One cup of rngar , h th I tt 1· d · t b' t ~ . . . . 6ii!liiW!ll~ u.i.hncnts peculiar to ;females, at tho Invalids' an arn t owar s eac en . arnmg w ere e a. er xve lll mos a JeC pen fl ot.el and Surgical l:n8titute, Buifnlo, N . Y. of this character is done in t he same way, one .fourth cup of bntter, one·half cnp of ury, his hopeful nep hew would pl!l.y a double A POOR MAN'S FRIEND. has u.l.fordcd a vast expe1·iencc in nicely adapt: but the fin er the material the finer must be milk, two thirds :of a. cup of corn starch, part, H e would wear hia fashionable garOne thnt w ill snve d,1.ys of sick ness an<! mn.n y ing and t lloroughly testing r emedies for the the needle a.nd cotton. one cup of fl our, two egos, one t easpoonful mcnts as far as a little inn in Chelmsford, oure of woman's pec mliu1· maladies. b k d " n. Dul 1:.tr in t i me ~t.0c.1 l>oclor 's Dill st 01 1e al \\ a ,\:s Dt·. Pierce's FavorUe F1·escrlption In darning much worn mat erial, bast e of a. ing pow er . where he exchanged t hem for a pair ofpa.tohnon r n.t lrnnd, rc n<ly :it a rnowent' s cii!I . 'l'lns is the outgrowth, or result, of this groat and under the split a piece of the same goods GINGEnnnEAD.-One cup of molasses, one- ed trousen, a worn out coat, d arned stookfriend is l'E!UtY D AVIS ' 'Valuable experionce. Thousands of W!ltlmo· "tii iron · nials, i·eceived from patients and from phvsi· and darn the two toget h er. I n a.11 cMos · it ha If cup of br own sugar, one- f our th of a mgs, 11.nd cIodh opper s h oes wx cians who have tested it in tho mo're aggra- strengthens to darn upon another tiiece but cup of butt er, one cup of sonr milk, one buckles. I n t his attire he would call upon \'a.t.ed and obstinate cases whioh had batlled does not make so smooth a darn. · A ragged egg, one tea.spoon each of cream tart ar, his uncle. The lat ter w ould not permit a their skill, prove it to be the moat wonderful tear must have always a piece put under it. soda, ground !linger and cinnamon, flour fire on cold M arch d ays on the score of its '.LI. KE N I NTBRN1\LJ,Y, itcures DJ·sen tcry, l'emedy ever devised for t ho r elief and cure of ~ b · C!10ler:1 , JJi :i rrhm:t. Crnrnp a1 H l l'ain in t he £mffc1·ing women. It is not reoominended 1111 a. Ravellings of the same are best for darning enough t o make a. medium b!l.tter. emg ex(ra.va.gan t , and the tw o would sit 8towu.ch, Dowl'I Corn pla.iuts , Pn int.cr's Colic, "cure-all," but as a most perfect Spcoiftc for flannels or dr ess g lOds, and if the mend is SPICE CAKE.-Oa e cup of butter, one and with a. crust of bread and one glass of wine l.lys~c11sia. o r J uuigeoUon , Suddea Colds , Sor e woman's peculiar aihnenta. d ampen ed and pressed with a hot iron it is one. h a.lf onps of suga r, t wo cups of fl our, between f£hro:tt , Coughs, &c. Silver i/.l ree t, B >wma.n ville, AY u powerful, invigoratlug tonic, h th t hem ' f until i t dwa.s h t oo h dark t o see i t imi>nrts strengtu t o the whole eystem, almost unnoticeable. Tears in cloth darned one cup of r aisins , one and one-half tea.spoons 0 "-C o er s aces, an t en t ey would re· USITID EXTBRNA"Ll.Y , i t cu res Tlmiscs, q 1 1ts, llu r11s . ~ca.ld:-J aud Sprain~. Swellings e f and t o the womb a nd Its uppendagea in upon the wrong si de, the stitches run of baking powder, two eggs, one and one· t ire to save the expense of candles. ' Vhen I s the cheapest place to buy a rh o ,Joi11t.s.'l'no1hn.c:h e , P ain in t he F ace, NcuP.artloular. For overworked, ' worn - out," upon the surface, not going through, half tea.spoons each of cloves, cinnamon and this uncle died he left his nephew a for tune r:iliiin. n.n <l Ithc u matiflu, ~""'Sold hv Dou.I ors 'run-down," debilltated teaohers, milliners, f "'l 000 000 Steam Threshing Ma.chine ; or a i11 .l!'a w ily Med icine> Lhc Worlr.t A roiind. dressmakers, seamstresses, " shop-gil'ls," bousa- scar cely show u pon t he right side. l n nut meg. o ..r , , · . No. 1 St eel Binder -something k.~pers, nursing mothers, and feeble women lined articles the darnhig mnst , of course, i::lLICED APPLE Prn.-Line pie·pau or pfa.ta As he grew older J ohn E lwes developed 25 CENT S PER BOTT LE. genemll~·. Dr. Pier ce's l<'1wo1·ite Prescription be done upon the r ight aide. t he terrible avarice that marked his life by new but t horoughly t ested, '800 llewa1 ·e of Coimt.cr fcits nm! Imitations. is t be greatest earthly boon, belni' uncqunled All b d db f h" wit h .c rust, sprinkle with sugar, fill with · f d H Id ·t · h' ne an appetizing cordial and restorntl ve tonlo. tears m ust 0 a.rLe e ore was mg. tart apples, sliced very thin, sprinkle sugar ahpassion or car s. e w ou 8 1 m ·s work ing last y ear ; a new D ouble As a s o o tbin" and s 1ren.,.tbe nln"' If the edges are once stiffened by wetting d t i·eadbiue clothes with the Dnke of Nor. . ~~~· it "'· l'rescrlptlon" '" ts une., and d rying they can never be mended an a very 11t t 1e cmnamon over them, and th um b er1and and play with feverish eye n _erv i n et "F ·avorlte 'Speed Mower - the best in t he TfiE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER · .q1mled anu Is invaluable in !lllaying nnd subti add a few small bits of butter and a t abl ed t bl" h d 'th th d · t k d uillg nervous excitabilit y, lrritabl_llty, ex- nea Y· spoonfnl of water, d red ge in flour, cover an rem mg an WI ousa.n 8 at 8 a e, market ; a H orse Rake tha t a 5banstio[I,. p rostration, hyst eria, spasms and To darn a hole in a. stocking begin w ith with the top crust aµd bake about t hree· and then after having lost or won as the year-cld boy can d ump ; 4 kind s othc1· custressmg, nervous symp toms com- u.s . long, a strand of cot ton as can case might be, he would w11.lk t o his miser able monly attendant upon f unctJonal and organic be easily man!.lged, a.nd a long, slim quarters of an hour; allow fo 11r or fi ve lod gings, three miles distan t, in a. p eltering of Setc. ;;::~!1 11 ,. cheap ; Sulky Compou 111 1 Extract or Pure Rell Jamaica <liseasc of t he womb. It Induces refreshing needle. P""s t he needle ba~k · nd tablespoonfuls of sugar t o eaoh pie. rain rather t han pa.y for a. cab. Bleep n.ncl r elieves mental anxiety and dewu w B Plows, .T win an<i Singi6 P lows ; a spgndonoy. forth ac rnas one w ay, letting e:i.ch loug LANQUETTE OF VEAL, -Cut three pounds E !wes owned a magnificent country seat n e.w k md of DiaUi.ond Harr ows ; D r. P i e rce's F a vorite P r ese1·ipt1011 stitch lie cl ose to the one next it, and run - of the breast ot veil.I in pie~cs two inches in Berkshire. When he would leave London ~e -a leg ltilnate n1e di c iue, cn.refully · h I b d h d f ~q 1are, put them in enough cold wa.ter t o t o vis1 · "t 1 'the wouId p u t t liree h ardb 01 'lea , eggs <Jompou nded by 1rn exJ)crieuccd nnd ~ldlltul mng t e needle a litt e eyon t e e ge o B'oney Fanning Mills ; Spring physician, and nd1ipted t o woman's delicate the hol11 for great er strength, being car efu l cover t hem, w ith one saltapoonful of white in his pockets, t hen mounting a horse woul d '.I'odh Cultivators and Harrows ; }'or the cm·o of Scr ofnfo , S~i.lt Rheum Cancer ()i·ganization. I t ls pmely veg·etablu Ju 1~ not t o dr aw t he cotton tig ht enough to pepper, one teasp oonful of salt,. a bunch of ride over fields !l.nd through lanes, going !:-1.l Skin Tii~cnsc~, 'l'u mor:::, l:u l:i.rg~m~~)t; of th~ composition perfect!'! harmless in For its puck er. W· h en t h e h o1e is · covered, cross sweet herbs, ha.If a carrot scraped , a t urnip m1 ·1es out of h 1s ' way t o avo1 "d roa. d s w h ere F armers Scales ; H or se Forks ; L n·er a. 1 ~~1 Spl t~on~ l~,h~umaJic Aff . ~ cf i011 s, diseases · e ll'ects fa n.nyand condition the E ystem. .. 0 of t ho ~..._1dn oys, JJla<HlCr 111111 lfl'ill:uy Orgm i ~, rooraing- slokneBB, or nausea, f rom whatever the other way, taking on the needle every peeled, a.nd an onion stuck with t hree be would have to pay a few pennies toll. t:>heaf Slings ; Machine Oil and opp:: cl5~J o:is of ~Jie ~i hl's t Ot' L1111g-i;, J 1r.ucorrl1 en, <l!luso arisin!)', weak stomach, indigest.ion, dye- other stitch of t hose in the first cros. sing. cloves ; bring slowly to a boil, skim careful- A more than fait hful biographer says of h im : C:i.tan·11, m1<1 :u l d1~en!;e S xcsu l tj~g from a dcBinder Twine, )lepsia ancl kmdrod symptoms, its use, In sruaU When finished " OU have a. ne!lt, strong ly t ill n o mor e scum rises, and cook gen tly "He would eat his n roviijions in t he last rravc~ tmtl imp1 uc con<.litioa of the blood. J f h" f · ·1 h l · ,., doecs, will prove ver y bene1lcial. ~·'J>avodto P re'scri}ltion " hi a polli· basket work ; neither a wide chocker work or t 1rty or or ty mm ut es u n tI t e vea. IS stage of putr efaction rat her t ha.n have a C.11. U'l 'LOX.-,,.fa k f or "-Dr. Clu umi · 1 .1u's Farm sr s call and inspec t before t iiv e cu r e for the most complicatecl and ob· tha.n can b e seen through, nor a thick, u n- tend er; then dnin i t, r eturning the broth fresh joint frG111 t he bufoher, and at one $(t'1's < rJ><t r · i llu ' " ta.kc no o tJW'I' ·i n 'li!$ 11lace, etinate cuses of leu corrhell, excessive l1owl111r, even surface t hat hurts the foot. After to t he fire. Meanti me make a white sauce time h e wor e a wig about a fortnight wh ich pl 1 · .cing you r orders . painful menstruation, un nRtm'al suppressions, · t oge th er over the fi r e one ounce he p icked out of a rut in a laue, and w hich P.t"olapsuo, or falling of t he womb, weak back mending th<! holes the t hin places in stock - bY s t " irrmg D~wis !,. Lawrence Co., Limited, ' female weakness," antevereion, r etrovorsion: ings should b e run t h ickly, backwards and of butter a.nd on.e ounce of Jfou r until they had appar ently been thrown a.way by a b egbearmg-down senaatlons, chronlo congestion f d "t h dl d tto t t a.re s mooth, t hen :i.dding a pint 11nd v. ha.If of g " SOLE AGENT S, intlamm~Ltiou and uloerqtion of tbc womb, In~ orwa.r s W I nee e an co n o preven ar. :flammat10n, pain nnd tonclerness in ovaries breaking. In darning toes and heels it is the b roth g radually ; season with a little At his collnt ry 2e~t he allowed of no ::l.l.CO~TJ;i?,E.A.L. accompauled with "internal lumt." ' helpful to darn upon a china egg, buL in mor e salt and pepper and a quarter of salt- repair a s we little brown paper and a bit of li&Jili!ff£iid!~CSF ERF7TW . A s a 1.· egul a t or und i>romotcr of f uno- other parts of the stocking a !latter darn is sooonful of gr at ed nutmeg; when the sauce broken glass. Daring t he }1a rvcst he would mGlSTI VE OR. A Fl rn DINM!: l l P JLLG, t.ionu.l action, at t hat critical period of char1ge as boiled up · t0 · 1 't WI ' t il an egg ; amuse h' · 'n gomg · · from girlhooi! t o w·omnnhood, "Iravorite Pre- made by using only the hand. To dar n h · · V1·ell st' Ir 10 1mself w1t mto t I1e fi elds to , fni: <"11f<·{·J>l(' t.l (\ i i::;tsf\ 011 pr<iscrip tton " is a perfectly mtfo. remedial 011 ;ent, woolen. stock iuge wool must be used. For cot· whip the yolks of t wo raw eggs, put in t he gleu.n the corn on t he gr ound of his own 1 ABLE J <l 1:t~ : ·l fi-0 1: 1 '\'; ;q :t Gt' ]~ J'Oflt'l' ..............,~..__ ~"~1'1 tic:.n c1ftl1 .... C::?c.:t iic .h1'.(·('. and can prnduce oul~' goon results. It is tou stocki!Jg.1 a F rench darning cotto_n, that mea t an d cook for five minntes, stirring oc· temmts, and t hey used t~ leave a. little mor e quoJly efficncioue and va!nnblc in Jts e!l'ects Cl\Biona.lly. th t I th ld t ' 'l'hc~;· t:; i~.~c i Hn n e d ittt.'~ reH, ·!· iu 1Jy.~pcp s·ia wnen t aken for tllose disorelors ancl dernnge- comes in s m!IH, sof t b ulls, is superior to t ha·. ·. an common c p ease e o gen rnman, :1 Hd l rt<l i ~<· ~.1 in:n . m~i;its incident to that later and most critfo<ll bought up on cards. It r una through severF RIZZLED BEEF.- Sha ve very thin halt a who was as eager af ter it as any pauper in JJ1R 1tr:·cto , v :·. - r ,ti: ,; on J rr f1"0 J)i.:t., 'i1111J1 r.:Ji;1~<"l u at't,1'r Pf!'l'JOd, known us " '.!.'he Chunge of Life." al numbers, is fine and smooth, and keeps it s pound of dried beef. Mel I one large ta.ble- the parish . '.l.'o SlhVe bed coverings, before ~~fiH!J IJJ' t~·li e:1~ ~ 1_fL·1·(11(1 f : um J 11di!JClltiu11J Larr1.1 1°11l f !ie fliroa~ Vt' 1 ll" f.lfl,' """· Favoi·ite with JP1·e 8cr taken color weII. in" connoction t heipti useo n of,"who11 Dr. Pierce's spoonfn1 of b u tter in a frying p:i.n, add the h'is d eath , ,h e would go t o sl eep comp l ete Iy !--:ompl 1.o; 1JM1 ( r:·er, ,\ ·1<lrN,q t hQ Goldoll MediC' ,al Discovery. and small laxativll Holes in garments or house-linen must be meat, stir over the fire about t wo minu te~, dressed with boots and hat on. Ee died Davis & L~n-v rencc C:i. , (Limiter!:) Montreal. !:;·.H,;; d9acs of Dr. Pierce's t'mga tive Pellet s (Little patched. '.l'o p!ltch, baste a square of t he or un t il the but ter begins t o brown ; dredge miserable, h ia mind weak ened by worry and Liver l'llls). cures Liver, Kidney nnd Illadder s~me mat erial under the hoh, cut the P.dges in a little !iom·, stir again, add half a. nint of pr ivation. ~'he v!l.lue of his fortu ne, which ~ ~w~~ diseases. 'rholr combined use nlso r emoves " blood taints, and nbolishes cnncerons and of t he hole even, t urn under, and h em in milk, a very little pepper, ond stir t ill it went t o t wo sons, was not less t han HINO'S HONEY AND ALMOND CREAl\i. small stitches neatly down to the p at ch . boile. Add the beat en yolk of one egg just $4-,000,000. s crofulous humol·s from the system. ~·JFav ol'lte P rescrit>tlo u" ls the only Then turn the edges of t ho pat ch a.nd hem as you take from the fire. Serve immedi· Another celebrated miser was Ephraim L p · · medicine for women, sold by druggist.a, n uder a ;positi v e ~uarantee, Crom the marm- down upon the garmen t. This finishes both ately. <Lpes ereira., B won d' Aguilar , formerly fll.ct u rors, t hat 1t w1 11 give satisfuction in every sides neatly. If the garment patched is CHICREN R JSSOLES. ·-Take cold baked cash ier of the E ~l'press M arfa T heresa., of by .c1 ;rnc, or money will be r ofun<led. '.L'lils guaran- figure<l or st riped, the figures and stripes chicken left from di "nner , · free t he meat · A.ua.~ria. S trange t _ o say, the early y ears of tee 111UJ. been printe.d on t.he bot tle-wrapper. b d h h f t th A t t f and faithfully carrrnd out for many ycare, must e ma e t o mate in p utting in the from t he b:mes and chop fine. Rub a little is 11 e a e us n a.n cour wer e :years o Large b o ttl oN 000 doses) $ 1.00, o r 111tx patuh . Cloth is too heavy usually to t urn dried brea.d int o fine crumbs, and to t his splendor, Then he moved t o England, mar · J:;onles for $ 5.00. t he edg<12 in pa tching. The edges of t he add any hea ted liquor of chick en, or h ot r!~d a 'Yea.lth y lady and set~le~ down. H e I N C ANADA. largo, Jllustrated Treatise on Dise11Ses of pat ch must be run iu small st it ches upon wate r and moisten the b 'ead t horoughly lH ed ID su mptuous style , kept severa.l WFor omen (160 pages, Address, paper-covered)· oond >All · · and .t h e e d ' · and meat a.I·. C"rri· cents in stam}>s. "" th·c wrong ame .ge of t h e h ol e d arn· T o a pint bowl full of cr umbs " ~ge8 a.n d t wen t Y s e: va.nt 8 · IIe :was OVER 100 STYLE S O F :ui ~cl down closely I)~ Hie n15h t s ide. low one t easpoonfu_I of s a.lt, one of pepper, married ~Wice, .and after second rr;arriage - -o-ucr s 1spensary ed1ca! one of sifted sage and one heaping teaspoon- h~ left .his family and f:iends an d wi thdrew HAV SCA LE s . -~-_!~a 1'.ta~ sc., BUFFALO, N. 'Jl', of butter. Make l.nt_o lit tle cakes, dust h~mself from t he fash_10n~ble world. H e GRAIN S C A L E S, , · ~ J The Bo~ s. w·th.ftour iuid fry to a ligh t brown, tuned farmer, At tin s t~me h e was wort.h · k h · k f · · t I $1,000,000. After a yeal' in the count r y his FARM SCALES, D , . on t .ma e. t e m1sta e o t hmk,I,ng tha CooKIRs.- One cup. butter, two cups place began to be known as "Sbarv!l.t ion TEA SCALES, , · anythmg w1ll do for t he boys) Uh po_n sugar, four eggs, . four cup s fl.our, three F armyard." H is ca.t b le a.nd poul tll.'y were a -( \yh_ at is d one. for your boys depends t e1r t a.bl.espoonfuls md k , three tea.spoonfuls ·m l\EB of skin and bones and peasants be an IMPROVED SHOW CASE S \ life-long habits and career . W ith a. small, ba.kmg po wder Rub t he fl.our and but ter t ' t t th b h ' h g d ' d k d Jl t I d b d d 11 t h · o uoo a e aron w enever e appeare adr f r o<:m, u h car t pbe , 1 ar . h e an hi~ he t horoughl;: together , crea.m t he b ut· er and for his mean trea.tment of h is u.ni ma.ls. H e 1 '· · o1 urnHure, w a oy can e taug t t e ~ugar bea t t ile egg sep!l.rately add to t he l · · t d b · t h th pJeaSUNS of owning n ice things, and the who!; nut meg, cinnamon or a.~y fl11vorinrt !1.t WfS lUB~ ? O~ dem g f;e:~ r~ e 1 ""). amportancFJ 0f keeping t hem in order ? G ive preferred Sift in t he !lour and bak ing ~ho~ L~as eing e th. so t ~ e ll1l g Lee de 0 .... i;he boys equal advantage with your girls. powder a~d make it stiff enough to r oll ou t Htt " etr e bwats h1: f mg s 1 den. or wa.a ce d . . th "th goodboo k s and cut m . u.ny sh!l.pe dea1red, . a cu 1 s arm an Me"t Coax · em t o s t' u.y a t h ome w1 d ' e t wen J th d f o d at m mean d a l"ihoppers u and periodicals pictures or nament s and Ir y c o es, an re use . o sp en money comfo.rt s in thei; slee ·in ; ooms have t heir PORK 0AKE.-0 ne pouud of fat sa!.b p o: k t o buy new on~s. _ A ft?r a llfe cf selfi~hness AND BUTCHE R S' SUPPLIES " chums ,, come to di~n! frEc u~ntl iu ·it ?hopped fine, one and one· half cups of boil- and me!.luness he died in March, 1802, leav- ADDRESS IN FuLt., Write for terms. their girl friends often and tr~at t:e~1 ;;tl~ rng ~ii:ter poured over the.Por k, two pounds i~g property estimated at $1,100,000. His C. W ILSON 8' SON, great poli\i;mesa at 11n times. A wise moth~r of ramn~, currants and citron, ~wo cupa of d!amon.dB al~ine were worth _ $150,()00, while well ho·vn'to ~1 $ · putfu i.i~tl~ lnuoh·rn for h" ' I sugar, eight cups of fl~ur, one ta.blc~poonful . h1s ~<.>hd s; t lver plate we1ghed ove1· 700 E SPLAN A DE STR EET E AST : ' · · . ' ·.· ' - ·· · · · · · · · r ' ~oda. 1 and cloves a.nd cinnamon to t;\ste, pounds 1 1'0RO N TO, O N T. r1oy3 m ~hen· room when they hR.ve beert out 1· · · · B · · b £ th l fJ h · · d · ' l t '~- w · ·- · · Uli excee me- y u.r ,e ex amp c o o n · · '"· I ·>)_)l:rtuwg up evemog M1 cou;e nome. a, e. Hlwcs is that of DJ.Ilic! D.hnaer .whose life Me1 1tio11 this paper every time you write. -n Not long_srnce on.s of th0m ~a.id t _ c heri "I Hung;y for Love. ·· the mo~t o+. z 'ik i'ng ex·'mple' perhaps 1 1 dou' t beheVtl c.nybody el: e will, e~'.6i: ch that D~laya are ~,!ways d!l.ngeroue, but never all hist ory "of -the insatiabie thirst for go:d. ~ ~rA \\.! !l' 1£.F for me, a.n·d· I dou~t very .~men if I :ver so irredeeina.bly as in the case of loving His father died and left him, together with ~ 11 I.I} B .i.'~ .ll~ To bny Foot Gear for :M:eu, Vvomen, bo.ve _o.nother ho;~c that Wl·l be o.a plim,ant words or deeds. It alwi.ys proves impossible a sister, a comfor ta.bie fort une, D~ncer OF CA N AD A . as t~is _lrns been. . ,. to speak to·morrow exactly the cordial or and h ia sister lived . in a miserable h ut near Boys and M!!.idens, at 0 111 it p.i.ys to treat vhe boys well I aJ foctionate word which to·dl\y demanded ·Hanow, in Middlesex, England. Theil' C1t;tUal pat.I ~p, $1,000,000. lltcijt, $fJ~~.a@ 'VETERINARY SURGEON, of us. . fae consisted of a piece of cheap beef and Th is B a n k l s prepared to do J...egltl· A mother who~e child had died suddenly fourtee1.1 lwrd d umplings boiled on Sunday, Non-]raakable Lamp O.tlimnevs. 0 RO NO~ 0 .N'l'. was so entil'ely prostrated wit h grief tha.t and t his lasted them the rest of the week. ina te B a nking h i all its br anches. Some person has studied out this way to some of t he too officious friends asked h er to F armers n otes discou nted ; Deposlta The pair dresaod in rags, a.ud when the prepare l amp ch \nmeysso that t hey will n ot consider if her suffer ings were gr ea.ter than aister was dyini(.from col d and starvation 1eceived and I n terest paid on amou n t s of break : W ith a. d iamond cut t he bulgin,1.1 that of others who h ad lost friends. h er brother refused to summon medical a id u pwar ds in S ii.vings B ank Dep,11.rt m en t. par t of tho chimney with perpendicular "Oh, it is not the same, it is not t he on t he ground that he could not spen d his DR A F T S .. liLes at eho1·t dist ances apart, These ou ts same l" she cried. " Jl.fy little girl was dif. money for medicine, beca,use if t he " old ar e said to ~ive the glass t he necessar y room feren t from other childr en; Bhe was so lov- girl" was going to die t he doctorir couldn't [snu e d and Collect ions mad e In E u rope for expansion a.nd contraction wr.en quickly ing I She used to come to me and beg me save her any how. D.tncer was t oo miserly United States and Canada. h eated or cooled. If a dfamond is not avail- to k iss her, or t ake her in my htp for a min· to provide soap a.nd t owels for himBelf. W . J · ·TONES, able, put the chimney in a p a.ii, for protec- ute, and sometimes I was busy and told her He woul d wash in a n eighboring pool and Aa-~o tion, a,nd immerse it in the reser voir of to run awa.y and pla.y. liil-:-=m lie ou t in the sun t ill he was dried , His a. r e prepar ed to p ay t h e h ighest price water on y our cook -stove when the wat er is " I hurt her little heart. I made it shut clothes, a mass of patches, wer e held up by cool in the morning and let it remain all day all kinds of G r ain delivered at the while the water is h ot and all night when it up its little leaves wheu it ought to". have a belt of t wisted h ay, and h is whole appearO ur New Stock h as arrived, and com· been coax ed open by the sunshine. I sh a.11 a.nee was that of abj ect misery. Dllnca.n on will slowly coot This is a k ind of anneal· never forgive myself." prises s om ething nea t and pre tty for h is rambles never retnr ned empty handed. Wharf or their S t ore H ouse in t o wn. ing process t hat is said t o toughen t he glass. . " . ' .. . . She never did for11ive herself, and t hou gh He wonld gather up the bones in t he v i!· L adies, G ood and Serviceable for Mn T he use of soapsuds is to be avoided in clean- she wa.s almost pathetically loving to t he lage streets and lanes, bring t hem hom e, and an d Boys, and Boot s t ha t R Boots for. ing, and on ly clear hot water used. children w ho wer e left, no lapse of time aft er pickinp t hem cl ean himself would every member of the h ousehold. could ever erase from her mind t he memory crack t hem and feed them to the dog. Once of t hat little girl who was hungry for love. neighbors complained t hat his dog WQrr ied And with its adven t Cooking Re::iipes. and k illed t heir sheep, a.nd for fea.r that he TlllJNK S, " A.LISES, d ( SATEllE:LS, J N ST OUK , A Warning-to Brutal Parents. wo11ld have t o pay for future dep redat ions, Soul' BALL8.-Boil five eggs u ntil h'!.rd ; ,Pil~Ordered W or k a.n d R epairing remove the lihells and pound the yolks until An immense impet\ls will be given to the he took th e dog to !l. bla.cksmith~s wh er e he nr h' had all the poor .dog's t eeth broken off t o powder ed, Add the whites of t wo uncook · R Specialty, as usual. ev. B : vv aug. s and other efforts for the prevent a further r ecurnmce of the trouble. ed eggs, wit h a. lit tle fl.our and salt. Mix D. DAVIS. protection of children froi:i cruel pa re:it s by He mended his own shoes and wore one hat bas O en ed ou t a fine new stock into balls, boil imd drop into the soup, the ~entence p assed ;"!' L1ve_rpool revent ly. continuomily for thirteen years. p S·.r£WED PO'l.'A'.l'OEs.-Peel and cut into 1:he tll·t reatment of a.J1ttle girl ~y her fath er When he lay on his dyin g bed his only - ofsmall p ieces. T o one pint of potatoes add a nd . stepmother was ex;~ept1onally_ b a.d . garment was an old sack. '\'V'hen r emon· · · one-half pint of milk, butter size of an egg, T~d e tflat hehr was a compOSlo?b r,l an~fhll S wl!lfde strated with he said tha.t he came into t he 0 J l'O Your o, tten tion . , ~ directed to the immense salt and pepper. Stew twenty minu tes. sa.1 iat e w~ not respons1 e. .1 e c i_i world without a shirt and he would go o:i;it i " ~ Thicken with a. tablespoonful of flour was confined m a. cellar , t he air . bemg of it that way. \Vhen a visitor suggested stock of stewed in a cup of milk. exclnded. It had h ttl? or no food, it was tha.t he have a pillow for his head he orderand a lov ely stock of · · BEEF PIE. - Line a. dish with a rich crust. brntu.lly fi<:g~ed a.!ld kicke~, and a .red hot i ed his only servant, whose weekly wages Has received her new atock of Puo in a. layer of cold b eef cut up fine, then poker apphe to i t. )<.~he i udge ~entenced . wrui thirty cents, to bring him a. wisp of hay, one of onions ; one of potatoes, then another the man to seven servitude a;nd j which he used aq a pillow t ill his death, a · s of.evD reryodcNscril pNtioEn aLt , loyer of meat. 8euson with pepper a.nd th~ woman tothe same punishment for hf?. few days later. He left an estate valued at ! 1 It IS · an awful se!ltence. Our only fear is $ amply sufficient for a his needs , nd inyites the Ladies of Bow salt. 25 000 1 1 Dredge with a little flour. · P nt on that 1ts very seventy may evoke undue sym- durin his life· time had he so desired enough to make a gravy, then a top pathy for cruel parents. On the other hand T · g ma.nville and vicinity to cah water · dd sums, ' · ld L adies · in · want of a ch oice · of fi ne Sh~ has just opened out one of the largest d bt di h t h t 't ·n d t ' his money, mo was h l'dd en mo crust. Bake one honr. we may un ou e Y o~e a. i ~ 1 e er rags, nailed down to the under part of the · a nd most stylish stocks ever brought and see her Pattern CooKrns.-One cnp of sngar, one.ha.If· cup many a brute from puttm~ his httle ones manger floor in h is miserable cow shed and Fancy Dry Goods, please give me to t own, consist ing of :I oi, o 000 · the' ma- a call. I have them m · of butter, two eggs, one-half cnp of sweet to a slow death. over "'~ , wa.s. f oun d h.dd ~ en m endless 1'l il linc 1· y, Di· es s ~illls milk, one teaspoon of baking powder, three nure pile, where it ha.d lam for yell.rs, cups of liour ; roll thin, cut in shape and a.nd a.ssortmen t of Discouraging. Vdvctl!!, &c., va riety at store, opposite S. A. ba.ke in a q uick oven. Gentleman- " If you will get my coat with a ver y fine stock of F eath ers an~ Ba1·racks.· SEED CooKrns.- One cup of butter , three done by Sat ur day l 11hall he forever indebtArtful. Flowel'fl. " Wh~t a perfect picture Mrs. Mournful cups of sugar, two eggs, one cup of cream, ed to you, " Call and inspect t his fine d isplay, whi ch [l.'ailer. - " Oh, if that's your game it won't i2 this evening I" 'l!!TGB:ll ;- SecoadDoerl'fe st or lfllllam eight cups of flour, two Md one-ha.If tea.· ca1n1ot fai l to give aa.tiafaction, l s .t eller Stall · . 12 Bowmanville, March lil. 18$8. spoonful11 of baking powder, one te11.11poon be done," '-'Indeed y e11, She is exquititely p~inted, " HOUSEHOLD. Gents' Clothing G;o1tapouttd TH OS. PEAT, I I S A~D~,~1V.L~N . ....,._ E . , · 1 PABN-K ILLER. To Farmers and T h r a sh ers J --o -- C. ROGERS' ·. Dr. CHANN ING'S SARSAPARILLA C. ROGERS. I s 1 T O BE HU NB/ --o-3 000 r olls of fine just r eceived A fine line of 11 c; 1; , ,.. r~ . WALLPAPERS THE LARGEST SCALE WORKS Id' o · M· Association, ' I Hy. C. Tait. to choose from - -o -- -- !HS fuJ BABY CARRIAGES: "'. ° MONEY llRAWERS PHOTOGRAPHS 91 got up in as good style as can b e supplied in this section I I a· p l i"RD BA ru .. JCHr~ SPEr~rc ·En·, I GRAIN t5 J:no. Mc?\[urtry & Co. Popular No. 1, Boot and Shoe EMPORIUM! - SPRING· ' .. . · ' · f . . N· ·!· N · &~ Pl! · ·· - -o -- MRS.IVES ider1es' Plushes I I La e s E m b LADIE S IJ , i M I L L I N E RY GOODS, yea.rs.pen~! I LADltS' fIt~ t uNOfRWf AR, ( , '('I - BONNETS, HATS TRIMMINGS . 1 MRS. IVES.

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