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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jun 1888, p. 3

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.... -..--~----·---- - -- CEMETERY ' Moderation and Regu!anty. ~ondihnon make H a.ppear ~o. Our grandmothers may I' Ste. Marie Canal is in excess of that making :ov11red whereby a permanent cum Gf t{i?'" "ns to be. aa'or)tPd fo·· ·he atta.iu- II of the person who is exposed ~o Iv 18 ot er· have ·uffered from insomnia. as we do, (in· use of the Suez. Durinu the last season (Jf iltberto incurable disease, is absolutely a r...,~Ji!l> Tlle lne~ -~ ~ · " th t l " " id ln from one _ t o three applications, n::i m .. ~t;,; ment of robust health are clean}iness, re~u- 1wise good. I:i;i this ca~e, t o\" · e ~ ,omac ~ deed, we ma~ inherit the_ i r weakness of n a.vigatiou seventy.thr<e vessels, of a.n aggre- ivhether. standn g JD.e year or forty ye~.rs. ·,.his · -- --- ·- - larity of habits, moderation in diet, exercise, ' !11a.y be ~he prune offender, I fore fl cqu~nt, :oei·ve) but the11· ~ympt.)ms ~1d not appear so gate tonnage o.f over t.wenty thousands tons, ~emedy is only avplied once m twolve (!.,vs 1 preferably in t_he open .air,. ~n accordance I 1y t~.e _d1s~~se comes to t hol!e ,,,rho:~_p~ysica~ frf.·qnently in print. Cer taml;ir they accom· 1 and a val1;1e~ w1th th . e1r cargoes, of two and L . n d does not intertero with business. Dosi.rip':' with the capimty of the mdlVld~al and nat· j conmt.1ou is depresr;cd by bM1 hytsien,c sur phshed a v:lst amoun~ of pbys1c&l l11.bor, and a·half mlll~ons, were ~list a';ay o,~ these ~~il~n°t~~~e&se~~i~·e3 5Kl~~ip;ti·~~~ta~,~~l ure of the conteet, a.nd abstmence from · roundmgs. . , · an ou ·.lay of eome hmm power was ne: esaary waters. v\- hat proportion of .hese msa6ters r~ronto, Canada. strong drinks a,ud tobacco. . T?ere are fevensn aymptou1s, the tonsils in order to brini;: up their children properly is due to the fact that neither l;he United WHAl' IB CAT.\RRH1 If a man trains simply to improve his are _mfhm~d and swollen~ and .covered more and m11.ke both ends meet. w0 of to-d!\y S b atE 5 nor Crnada h:i.ve as yet made any Catarrh ia a dangero11s fiis11aso whi<>h tl·ouahealth he does so more or less m?dera.tely; ~r less wit~ a;n~ll white Circular spots. are perhaps too ambitious ; we exhaust our attempt to prevent unseaworthy vessels from, rr~~.arlt ~~~s:;;~~~:l~~~~~~~nd~~~~~!fg~u~~;~:~ if for a. contest, more or less strictly Ill aa- These may md1v1dually enlarge, S? l\S to eneraies in trying to keep up with others plying upon the lakes as freighters, or the by the presence of a vegetablo parasite in the cordance with t~e impo_rtance ot tl~e e~ent. form pa~ch~s somewhat . resen:_blmg _ the who "'are stronger iu mind, in body or in ov:erloading of any Lut passenger craft ! The 1lnlng membrane of the nose. '.rhe predtspos· A man can do either without a tnmer if he characten~hc p~tc~. of diphthena., "."h 1;~· purse ; we not only overwork, we worry ; Inspector General of steam vessels on the b~fg~f~J~~~~~s~l~1gn~ii:~t;, ~~~:e~~~~i~~: has an ordinary amount of com~on sense however! is a 8 ~ 1 :1 )i!te membrane, while" 0 we dwell too long npon one idea- become Great Lattes for the United Sta.tea, h:i.s re· ?! syi;bilis, mercury, toxomoo, from the rotenaud will power. The man who s1mpl~ ~e- p_atches m tonailhtIS ai:e merely all: txuda· monomaniacs. lnde3d, I belitve we need a ported to Congress that there is no law o.:l: &Ion of the effete matter of the skin, supµrcasad sires to live io a sound, health~ ~ond1t 10n t~on on the surface, wh:_ch can ln. wip,ed off. change, not merely from work to pl ay, but the Unitecl States regulating t he l oading perspirations, badly ventilated sleeping apart· should follow these rules, modifyrng .tnem 'Ihe c!l.Be should, .ne_vervheleas, a twa) s have from one kind of work to another. It is my of iake vessels, and that his department ri.1ents and the germination of other poisons i .11 i f h che blood, Irritated by t hese, tbe lini!lg mnm· · · firm belief that the greater the variety of in fix ing a. limit to t he depth to brane of the nosCJ is ever ready tor the recerr slightly, according to the age or Ph ysique : t ie care? a P ysicia.i:. Get up not later than 7 A. M., spon~e and Somet1~1 ea the tonsils beoome greaoly Ill · duties we can discharge without being over. which passenger steamers may be loaded c lon of the parasite, which rapidly apreuds, up. rub yourself with a coarse towel until the flamed, ~vith a tendency to ab 3 ce:s. It be. burdened, the steadier will our nerves be- down to, had gone beyoi:d its legal powers. 1 he nostrils and down the fauces, or back of skin is red. It is good exercise. Then drrns 0omes d ifficult to swall.ow, and, mde~d, to corr·.e, As a rcwl t of the " V ictorfo," and "\Vau- the throa t, causin~ ulceration of the throat ; up ~ 3f th tl B } d ti 1 c he oustachian tubes, causing deafness; lrn,:, and take.a fairly long walk before an«. ter op~n e mo~ 1· , e un le ower J~W a A friend of mine, a school-teacher, an buno" disasters, both the engines and rowin15 in the vocal cords, causing ; hoarseness; br eakfast 'iYalk to your place of bus~n~~a. pa,1?ful s;velhn.g is obse~·ved. enthusiast in her work, graduiJ.lly and per· hulls of all Canadian pa.s~enger vessels on \lBurpmg the proper structuro of the . bronchiaJ Attend to work in the nsual w:i.y, ~es1sbmg Ihe d1fliaulty may . mcreaRe _for several haps unconsciously became ao absorbed in the great lakes are inspected, and the tubes . ending in pulmonary consumption am).. every inclination you ma.y ha.veto give wa.y days, :i.nd then. the. rnfla.n~mation mfly go her occupation that she gave to it her whole number of passengers they m!lycarry is fixed ie;;i~,:.Y ingeniou3 spc;flcs for for the ctue ot to indolence. ·wallt. h ome. Never mind down, or, .what is quite as likely to happen, time and strength. Her evenings were de· by competent authorities, so that in this re- catarrh have been invented, but withoat sue· the weatheT; a little rain will not hurt you a very pam.ful a.bsce~s may be formed, on voted to the correction of papers written by spect Ca.nada is in advance of the United ~eas, until a physician or long standing <liacov· and Summer heat will not affect you when t?e ev11ou~t1_on of w~1ch the sympton:s sul:- her pupils, and t o the search for interesting 8tatee. Unfortunately, however, for the ared the exact nature of th d isease ti.nd the matter ·.nd methods for her school, until s!l.ilors, there is no Government inf.p ection of anly appliance which will permanently destroy You have done it long enough to do you side. T his IS what is often ca.1led qmnsy. ~ \ho paru.silo, no matter how aggravttted th.a good. Then ha.ve dinner, a.v.oiding, as at she taught actually al! day and mentally all the hulls of vessels engaged in carrying oase. Sufferers should aend stamp at once your lunch and breakfast, fat, gree.ey, swce~, " S Jda.-Water " . night. She became almost a. nervous wreck. freigh t, nor is there any attempt at regula.ttor descriptive pamphlet on catarrh, to the PUREST,STRONCEST,EEST, nighly !hvored or seasoned food. ~Va.ter is ' ,, . Her physician advisecl moderate housework ing the manner in which these vessels are tmsiness managers . .A, H. Dixon &. Hon, 305 CONTAINS NO The _ drinking of so called" soda.water is as a. possible remedy, which was certainly loaded. The disinclination of the under· ~k~tsii~~eJle:.~'.'l.0~~:;~,~~~B~~ a Cleruff ALUM, AMMONIA, LI ME, PHOSPHATES, the beat thing to drink an<l that is better dra.nk after finishing your meal. Take becom~ng more and more g.encral. Soda I silofer than opiates. Although boarding with writers to insure a. vessel that is so rotten as man of the L ondon Confe,.ence of the 1l[etJw or any injurious materials. your time over dinner in particular and fcun.t ams are found no.t only m drug ~tores, her parents, a~e had given up all interest. in to be too great a r i;k, h!\s, doubtless, acerdist Ohul'ch of Canada, has to say fa rega:-d 'l'OROKl'O, ONT. E.W. G!LLETT, other meals in general. If you ha-:e noli but 1ll reatauran.ts, bat ·rooms, conf.ect1onery domestic details of t he household. F earing tain effect for good, but in many cases Z 'o .tJ.. H . Dixon & ,<;on's New Treatrnent fo-rCHICAGO, ILL. time to get a mea.l lei;;urely go withoat stor?s, and ret~i~ mer~hant estabhshinents. to lose her reason, she accepted the sugges- it simply drives unseaworthy vessels out of Catarrh, l.tan'f'r of tho CELEBRATED ROYAL YllASTCAKES. it, as it will not ioJ ' ure you quarter as much A.l are fom 1har with t h.e. eff_ ervescence ti·on, nnd deveted her t ime to housekee fing. the hands of respomiibls shipowners into Oaklana, Ont., Canada, Ma.roh 17, 183~ · .A. H . Dixo'f/, Ji: Son: as it will to eat it in a hurry. Amuse your· and f oam t h a t att end the mI;1C1Ilg.m wat er of At w this time the sudden death o the those of unscrupulous mm, who may be M"esB?·s DEAR 8ms ,-Youl's ef the th Inst. to hand. ~1:EA.OHA.M'~ self in the evening a.ccorcling to yonr taste, carbonate of sode. and tartanc acid. Aa the church organist left a. vacancy which she clever enough to place the risk and make tt seemed almost too good to13 be true that I e.n; which as you get healthier will incline to te~m "soda" is r.pplit_d b?th to the_ foun- being a.musician, was urged t o supply. Sh~ money out of 1he loss of the vessel. The cured of Catarrh, but I know that l am. I active rather than effeminate amusements. tam and to the drmk issmng. from 1 _t, one decided to accept, although her friends tendency to overload even sound vessels nave had no return of the di sease, and never · and go t o nat u~allY s~ppos~s th 'elt hotter in my life,suffered I have so tried soanti many Repeat the sponging and rubhmg · at . there IS so d a m the thought her unwise to add to her already upon the lakes, where for days togeth er the ~hings for Catarrh, much for !If y are languid 1rnd weak, a.nd your appebed before 11 P. M. foam1z:g fl111d he is takmg. . great responsibilities, but she loved music, water is as smooth as that of a mill pond, ~o many years, that it is hard to rea.lizs tha1l i.te poor gentleman of our acquaintance on the It is n?t so, ho:veve~. The. water is. and was conscious that her art was ra.pidly is very great, especially when rates are low. I am r eally better. A li:IY Beef, Iron and Wine is the tonic, be sure. .- >"'-As a.11 invigora.ting tonic it is recognised by shady side of 40, whG is following this pro· chi.rged with cnrb?nic acid, and is fla.v~red slipping from her grasp for want of practice. Wnen a few hundred bushels extra makes w!~o~;~~~v~~:~ m~~~ ~'1'isr~n~~!i{i;ic~~i~~-ei~! the Medical profession as the best etrengtb<ln· gramme-, stands about six feet aucl weighs and swee,t~ned w~t·h. so~o of the var~ous and saw in this opportunity Lbe possibility all the difference between a. profit&ble trip bl'Oat as well ras the nasal passages, ·ind I ino; medicine thus far produced. .· It is invalna.- nea.rly 200 pounds. He took my advice and syrups .. I he carbonic acid gas forced mto of retaining and increasing her powers in a.nd !\ dea.d l oss, tho captain that will not 1hought it would require the three ;treatments, ble as a blo'ld nnd mu6cle maker, especially in thoso cases where weakness is !.he res ult o t has long since clone a.way H.ith his c?llec~ion w;ater with a pressure of one. h undred .an!1 this direction. To her own surprise, a.nd run t hil risk of a "snorter" catching him is but I feel fully cured by tho two sent mo. and imperfect or insufficient food, or wasting of medicines and ( inbroca.hons, while smoe eighty pounds t~ the square moh, and it ~s that of all her friends, her health improved much more prudent than are the most of lam thankful that I was ever induced to send Javers or excesses of any sort. It contains the commencing he has ha.d no occasion for a. the escape of tlus gas, wh~n the faucet 15 under t he new burden; when she wor ried, the lake men. When a craft , unseaworthy 1 0/g~·are at liberty to use this letter stating nutriment or Deer, the stimulant properties of doctor. Neither the heat last Summer nor turned and t he wate~ flows mto the tumbler, ib wo.8 not always about t he school, but through lack of strength, sail area,or ·ateam 1hat I have beGn cured at two treatments. an. <! Wino and the tonic powers ot Iron, and is ad· . sometimes about the t roubles in the church power, is sadly· overloaded, it does not r'l- l shall gladly recommend your remedy to EK>!l'A mirably calculated to build up th11 emaciated the cold this Winter troubled him. During that causes the foaming. The gas was formerly ohta111ed from car· cho1·r. [Did ever church choir exist withottt "uire very much of a ga.1e to produce a die- 1f.my friends who are sufferers. ~yatem. Sold in Bowman ville by Higgin both· the day business tllsk':! have ceased to be many thanks, " Yours, with £ so d.a, an d h 14m Bros, burdensome, and a.t night he al eeps t h o b on_ate o_ . ence th? i;ir esen t nall!e, them?) aster. A barl!e foundered in Lake Ontario a REV, E, B. S'l'EVENBON sleep of the jun. 'rhe little trouble it takes which still clmgs to 1.t ; b_ ut 1tla now obtam· At this t ime an nuforeseen financial cal- short time a.go, which was simply a floating And hundreds or others bas become a. pleasure, and he is quite so.tis- e.d from marbl?, ~h1ch 1.s a carbonate ?f amity occurred, and my friend took up her coffin, a.nd within a few d ays a small schoon e ars er wP.nt down in the same lake within fifteen fied that the benefit he ha.s derived ia worth lu~e. Ma.rble is s1m~ly hme and <:arb~mc pen, which ehe ha.d wielded for many y· more to him than h9 could pay for it. He acid chem1ca.1ly comb!ned.. The umon is a with grace, and helped to lift the heavy miles of her port of departure, having been lOP never has any inclination for and can eas!ly weak one. ~ulphuno ~c1d has a much load. Sickness in the family required her fatally inj ured by merely touching the bot· J &. resist the temptation to partake of luxuries stro;°ger. affinity for the bme .than the car· to spend a. few of the hours she .:ould call tom. It is not wonderful, therefor e, tha.t or bil'ous dishes. bomc 11.c1d ha.s, and upon bemg pou.red _on · her own in nursing. No one ever accom- the lake sailors should h ave asked ParllaGentlemen's Clothes Made to Or der. The professional 8hould train more str~ct· povyder?d marble releases tho carbon10 acid, pli.sned more ; yet her health improved ment t o illsist upon the inspection of huUs ly. Ne!\rly a.ll the time he is not sleepmg which is, t?e.n !Vbsor~:d by th? water. I t daily. She iearned to systemat ize her ar· and rigging, boats and life preservers, and or eating he should spend out of doors or makes no difference wi.h t he drmk whether d uous l abors· when the school -room door the est11.bliahment of a " Plimsoll's mark " H in pr lctising that,.or some pa.rt of that, ieat the carbonic ac~d is obba~ned from soda. ?r was locked , 'all thoughta of scl~ool were on the great lakes. Mr. ]'ostei:, late M inister which he is trnining for. Neither aqiateur from m_arble, _ unce nothmg but the acid banished; when the church organ was of Marine and F isheriea, has, s incll Pa.rlia.· !"REEMAN~s nor profe.~sional shoulrl work too hard at passes rnto .the water: · closed, the bickerings of the choir were ment adjourned, promised them a bill which POWDERS. first, but s hould at all times bear in mind . ~n, and m t he. neighborhood of, large shut out of mind ; when the pen was laid will brbig this about, a.nd it is to be hoped tha.t over-exertion is more har mful than in· ci ties, the sellers or soda-water do not charge down tho manuscript wa.s regarded as ac· that the Americans will take si milar action. Are pleaannt to to.lre. Contnin their own sufficient exer cise. I adYooote the subjuga· their own fountains. .It is done for them cepted ; when the school-room dcor opened, . all care of the invalid a.t home was left be. lnrgnth·e. Is n. s!lfe, imro, and ctlcctunl tion but not t he exti11ction of any natural at large cen~ral establishments. The qn est1on ha.a been put to us 1 £ s~rla· hind, and when she laid her head upon her Oddity in sleeves is a. feature In summer de.itronr ct waE13 ill ChilW:en or Adwl;11. desire. A requirement of nature should :i.lways afford pleasure, but should never be· water is. wh?lesome, .t\lmost any Mid~· pillow at night it was to sleep. frocks for both big and little people. come a propensity. If a p erson de~ires to lated drmk is plea.sa.nt Ill summer, and it She told me that her oonstant change oi improve deportment, grace and freedom of often meets a r eal need t.o the system. occupation gave her health and s trength, Unappr oached for motion, and to acquire vigor, he shoul<), box Probably carbonated water is as wholesome which in turn gave her the will power to Tone and Q nali:ty. or fence, or both, ~a.king l essons at first that as any. · · ccrncentrn.te her attention upon t he work VETERINARY SURGEON. he may commence with a. good system. We should advise less of thesyr?-P ~ha.n is before her, whether teaching, nursing, play· CATALOGUE~ FR~E~. ,, commonly taken, partly because it is a~t ing, sweeping or sleeping. not to be pure, and partly because, even If It is said that far mers wives constitute pura, it is not very good for the stomach. the majority of occupants of 0·1r insane a.syA Lesson From a. Pugilist. In writing lately on muscle-forming food, " Pia.in soda " is be~ter t~an sod~ with lums, and tha.t overwork, monotonous work, we referred to the interdependence between ayrµp, and, after a little time, quit e a. unremunera.tive work, is the cause, We do not often read that the farmer becomes in. the different bodily organs an d tissues, so pleasant aa tho.t. We believe that care is taken to ha.ve the aa.ne; he does not overwork-he hires extra. that the body, to be properly built up, must be built up a.a a whole. Even muscular de· water p ure'. and to keep the a.ppare..tus free men for extra work. He doe11 not fi nd his I s Canada's Favorito Dread-make.I", lD years Jn t h e market without a cmn· velopment ma.y be c11.rried to such an extent from con:os1_ve matter, and when this done, work monotonous; he is constantly cha.ng· harm is hkely to .result from a. moderate ing his crops. As they mature in rotation, no pla int of any kincl. The only yeast w lLich as to impoverish the bra.in and r educe the has stood t.he tc·t of time un<l never made he has always somephing of intilreat to absorb fat bel ow what is req nired a.s surplus food resort to the founta.m. s our , unwl1olcsome bread. him. Neither is his work uuremunera.tive; against emergencies, as a protection against A ll Grocers sell it. P recautions A~ainst Sunstroke. he would soon becom e insane if, after a ha.rd U. V/', ClLLETT, M'f'r. Toronto, Ont. A Chicago, Ill. cold, a.nci t o supply those parts which conseason of ll}bor, he received nothing in reThe full meaning of sunstroke is not in· sis1i largely of fat- the bra.in, nerves and eluded in that term. He1>,t stroke or ineo- turn. marrow. Not so the far mer's wife; she w orks in e. For, while surplus fa.tis an incumbr&nce, lation is a better word, and implies a further ·and· sometimes a disease, a .normal a.mount peril besides the downright glare of an un· hot kitch en during the lour summer days r,1.-er Cor.pJalnt, Graduate orthe Ontario Veteri!Ja.ry Co)lege, -and this nob small- is as essential 11.s mus- clouded sun. The concentrated !:.eat of a. preparing food for extra. men, soinetimes D ysp epsto, Registered member of the Ontano Veterinary cular fibre. eluse workroom, as well as the exposure in· without one person UJ!lOn whom she can call ·· When I say CURE I do not mllan merely to Bllious n ess · Medical Association. curred by some careless laborers in the open for help ; often with a teethisig baby in her An illustration of some of these principles stop them ior a timo, and t hen havethem-re.Si ck Jleaif11clle, W Oftice and Residence, Newtonville, Ont. $urn again. I llll£AN A RADICAL OlillE. field ma.y lead to most sedous consequences. arms, while other little ones clamor for at· is given by the experience of Sullivan, the Khlney Trott.,Ies, Will visit Or ono every Tuesday andiSaturday I llave made the disease of The exhaustion of work a.lso, particularly if tention. The washing, ironing, cooking Ot!l.oe honrs fr m 10 a. m., to 4' P· m., . al pugilist,. in his recent fight In France, a.nd clothing is heavy, ih a predisposed condition a.nd sewing are a.11 to be done by thie wornltlle 1tma tl·m, it is perha.p3 the only useful consequence of FI'.rs, EPILEPSY Conlters' Hotel Calls by Telegraph receive Skin D iseases which should not be lost sightof. Ventilation, out woman, who receives as remuneration th'\t brutal encounter. imi: edlate attentiom and a.II Sullivan had spent six weeks in preparing regular nutrition, light clothing, and, as far perhaps two or. tbree calico dreases a. year. CHAI GES MODER.A.TE. ln1pnI'l ties of Ute for t he coutesb, and is said in tha.t time to as possible, r emission of the pressure of (This may seem an extreme case, but I have Alilo lonr,stndy. I WARRANTmyrernedytu· &lood frou1 w h at. Ou1u1 the worst cases. Because others J1a;\'e have reduced his weight forty pounds--at work, are strongly indicated by the weather been an eye-witness of such a state of evcr cau SP. arising fai!Hdi s no reason for not nowrecelvin!( a cu·e. the rate of nearly a. pound a day l 13ut condit ions under which we ar e now living, affaire. ) W n11.t wonder that such a. woman Send at once for a treatfae and a Fm:: e HoTTLU. while thus getting rid of fat, he was not at a.nd we therefore venture to impress their loses her power to sleep and ends her mis· of my INFALLIBLE R E M::!lDY. Glve E xpre5S ~.nd Post Office. It cost5 you nothing .foe a the same equally building up muscular fibr e. importance alike on employer and employ· erable days in a madhouse? Mal, and it w ill cure yott. Address My ~isters, don't be sleeples.s ; have a. This is a. far slower pro'cess than "training ed. 13eer and othe1· stimulant& a.re hurtful Price, 75c. (with Pills $1.) Dr, H. G. ROOT. 37 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. ra.ther t han helpful, and the substitution of change of occupation ; do something er.ch down to weight." - 'fRY Moreover, the loss of fat-made him over - non-intoxi cant cooling drinks for those bev· day that you enjoy doing ; above all thirigs sensitive to the chilling rain, in the midst erages is a truly scien tifb and sanitary ad- le!lrn to do something that will bring you D1·. RODDE R 'S of which the fight was carried on, while the vance in public baste. P rotection of the monev- a woman who does not carry her musd es needed au extra support :for their hea.d is a subject which is now .fairly well own pocket-book i n these do.ya is behind the long ,continued and exhausting wor k. At understood. I t should not be forgotten that age. It will save you worry and will keep \.. .Manufact.urers of (very sm11.ll and easy to take.) the same time the nerve power was gi·eatly the necka.s well as the cranium requiries to up your drooping spitits as will nothing else. Although it is desirable to "know how to NO GRIPING. NO N AUSEA. r educed, for the fat, of whieh the brain and be covered. do one thing well," do not devote your nerves so largely consist, is as essential to Sold everywhere; price 25 cents. Madame Patti. energies to one objcot, to the exclusion of The lJlUON !llEDICIN:E CO., PUOPJllETORS. their normal action as is any o bher constiA.1·H:fi.c i al tuent. And, indeed, this nerve-power is Letters lately received from Buenos Ayre, everything else, but make as much of your. .. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE Toronto Cntl' the working force of the system a.s truly a.s give details of the d ebut there of Madame selves as possible, and, my word for ib, your Limbs, BIUOUSNE88, DIZZINESS, ,.. steam is of the englno. Patti in "The B!l.rbe1· of Seville. " As some sleepl essness will be, in a. measure, over · ttr:? f1 TORONTO STEAM LAUN.DRY, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, .A.nd .Appliances for ail DeSays Mr. J·ohn Boyle O'Reilly, the well. doubt has been expressed a.bout the total of com.-, ' \)Q ~Q~Q 106 York St., ·.roronto. ,,NDIGES:rlON, FLUTTERf,VfJ formities of the Human Body known poet and writer, and a. good a.uthorreceip '.s, it may be as well to quobe from - Spinal Diseasea. Hip Jo~nt. JAUNDICE. OF Tf:l '?. HfAR'f', i·y in physical culture : " Sullivan was the l l . d th Q T' ".£' p t" R ' t d ' SHIRTS, COLLARS AND CUFFS · 1 fli Disease, Diseases oi the h !l enuy llS' lJ eo e . A i a spccinrty. Out of town work t e o ~ia. r et urns supp ie to e overnERYSIPELAS, AOiDITY OP over -trained. This is the rule rather th>ln meut, which state that the amount taken a t K nee and Ankle. Knock. The Postmaster -General has been asked · UJ ;; pron.1Ptly at~ended to ai::d returned Knee, Bow J,cga, Club Feet, ~'ALT RHEUM, THE STOlrfACH, the exception with En.1;lish trainers. the first performance reached the enorrr.'?us to reduce t he postal rate from three to two pel· mstructions. . Etc. HEARTBURN, DRYNESS · "They reduce a man's nervous or vit!\l sum of $24:400, mo~t of the best seat s ~emg cents, but has declined; first, because th e G. P. SHARPE, Proprietor. \ AL'30 CHUTUHES. OF THE SKIN, force to build up his muscular powers, and HEADACHE, s?ld at a h~gii,,premi~m. ,, ?vfact~i,ne f'.i.tti ha.~ : change would impair t he postal revenue ~e:s:t door to Palmer !louse. Handy to Union And every species cf clisensa arising fro~ they take out a.11 his fa.t, so that he gets ONT~ cllsordered LIVER, ~C JDNEYS, STOMACH. chilled when he strips, and cannot heat smce sung m Travmta and Rigoletto. seriously, and, secondlv, because while there . Depot. It appears, ·too, th~t t~e new a.rre.ugement is a two-cent rate in the United States, we ~= = -~~=============== - - - - - BOWELS OR BLOOD, -·- - , - - - a.gain. between M essrs. G1a.cc1 , A;bbey an? G!au t ha.ve a lower rate than the Americ~ns have 1 "It va.s just t he same when Heenan who a.re Mt.do.me Patti ~ imz:;resar.i~-1, 18 a, for "drop letters" in cities, As a mllitter of fought King in E ngland. He was a marvel follows :- M adame Patti r eceives $u,OOO as fact Canada uses nearly fifty-eight millions of beauty when he stripped, but before the a. nig _ht certain in English gold,. and if .the of three-cent stamps per annum. On June It never was Intended, so for as I ca.n learn, fourth round hie breath was roaring in him receipts exceed $10, 000 sh.e receives 40 Tllat either men . per 30, 1886, there were 8,224.900 of such stamps be"bald. · or women were int ended to 10,000 lbs. Wool wanted at the a.s he said himself. He had to come to a. c~nt. o! the surplus. She is only obliged to distributed throughout the country. Be· I thl11k you will believe me, indeed I'm sure atop while hie muscles were filled with smgtw1c~ u week, need not a:ttend rehear~als, tween tha.t date and the same day in 1887 you will, power, because ther e was no nervous force and receives also a.11 travelling and hotel ex57, 447, 000 new stamps were issued, This IC at the"ParisHair Works" you have called. to drive the m uscles. " penses for herself, _ her hus~u.nd, her se?retary gave 65,572,000 a.s in the ha.nda of vendors There is one thing Nature thinks of- let us for which the highest price in c~sh This is admirably put, bub it is hardly and three d.omest1cs. W 1thsuch an mcome for sale. On the 30th J une, 1887, 8,132,100 thank her tor all we ca.nwill be paid. proper for Mr. O'Rielly to say, "while the the poor prime~ donna., at any ra.te, need not three cent st.amp· were reported a.s sti.ll .n She takes particular trouble with our ra.ce : 1 knows a scanty growth o! hair, the gray · · She muscles were filled with power. " There starve, stock. D.iducting the last set of figures and whiteiling looks, a large stock of Sheeting, Also was only a. ca.pa.city for the use of powerfrom that which precedes, it is found Will detract from the beauty o! the face. Blankets, Stocking Yarn, Tweed3, the nervous force- which th e central ner· A Torch for Insect Nests. t ha.t during the year 57, E39,900 three cent But Nature has her laws so strict that you vous system Wl\8 not then in a. condition to &c., to exchange for Wool. A la.te bulletin (No. 10) iasuod by the en- stamps were a.ctually sold a.nd used, must nover err, furnish to the degree required. For you'd surely pa.y the penalty at last, t omologist, P rof. C. V. Riley, of the U . S. All wool taken in trade at two BOWMAl\ VILLE, Ont. - -- - o -- - Sustain it. t hat bounteous head of hair Dep1 utment of Agriculture, gives the follow· Dr. Dorenwend·s Hair Magic's unsurpassed. cents per pound over cash price. E STABLISHED, 1857. ing directions for ma.kinr a torch to be used The J oggins' Timber Ra.ft, .Just try it vou afflicted'; you never will ~egret, Sore 'lfaoats. in burning the neBt of such insects a.s the The owners of the big J oggins timber raft The M!\1dc was never yet known to fail ; Few ailments a.re more oommon than sore orch a.rd oa.terpille~ and fa.11 web worm. Ta.ke a.re evidently not having a.n ea.sy time of it. And the good that it will do you will make Proprietor. 21:3rn Hampton, May 22, 1883. .A L L KI N D S O F throats, yet they are largely preven table. a. piece of soft brick known as salmon brick, Besides suffering severe newspaper critic. you soon forget · m it to a.n egg shape ·, then take two The expenditure a bottle wlll entail. T ha.t is, they seldom come to one in vigor· a.nd trl isma, and hu.ving maledictions showered on This now famous preparation for invig· 1ous health, except as the result of some vio· flexible wires, cross them over the brick, wrap their heads by American mariners, they · i lation of physical law. them around it, and twist the ends together, ha.ve now run a.muck with the Customs orating end stimulating the g rowth of the 8 Tho more simple form of sore throat is T he?'. attach it by the wires to long stick, officials. Wire rope for ships' r igging, under hair is univeraally accepted as t he most SCIENCE OF LIFE, commonly d ue to exposure to inclement and eoak the brick in coa.l oil ; light it with t he ~riff comes in free of duty, The Jog· valuable specific on the market. All the great medical work weather, but often indirectly to a distnrbed a match, and you a.re armed for the. work. gins people_last week brough t in 58 coils of diseases of the scalp are eithe r relieved or of the age on Manhood, · done in the latest s tyles and materials. stomach. In fa.ct, it is not unfrequently l~beetos may be used to advanta.~e ' a.nd a. steel wire rope t.o be used in the oonstruo· tl c ured. A rich and rapid Nervous and Physloa.I De· due to this ea.use alone. The person say.11 he little t~orou&h work early e~ough in the sea.- tion of the raft, entering it under the item perrn~e~ ly . ·n f 11 after j udicious bility, P remature Decline, ha.s t a.ken cold, and wonders how he could son, will obviate the necessity of more ex· in t he free list The description of t he im· 1grow o l&t1r Wl o ow lb . "t h j Errors or Youth, a.nd the . "'· The soak· ported a;ticle 'r.owever differs greatly from and regular r eatment. r:ha.ids 'Y1 d untold miseries coneequent SCOTCH ENGLISH GERMAN AND ha.ve done so, while the truth is, he has not pensive remedies a.t a later tim ing in .the oil Jl!O.Y · be repeated as often the t11.riff ol~ssifica.tio~ a.nd the Cuet-0ms the u ser a lone to sec~n;, ? es1~:" I thereon, 300 pages, 8 vo., 125 taken oold at all. NEW BRUNSWICK The stomach, resopha.gus, mouth, nose, a.s required to mamta.1n the flame. offi~ie.ls in Halifax ha.ve therefore seized the · results. Dr. Doren:wend 8 Hair Mag f prescriptions for all diseases; Cloth, full gilt. eto, , are lined with a. mucous membrane ··- whole consi nment Jis sold by a ll druggists a.t $1 per bottle, · only $1, by mail, sealed. Illustrative sample 0 " Clara. " said the old ma.n a.t t he h ead of g · or six b ottles for $5 If not obtainable' free to all yonng a.nd. middle ai;red men. Send · ' " t th t f 11 th t - - - -o -- . .d d . t t th 1 ' now. 'l'be Gold and Jewelled Medal a warded the stairs, say o a young e ?W a. a · . · , in your loo~hty sen 1rec o e so e to the anther by the National M edical As~ooi· pa.gated over the whole mucous surhce. I n storm is coming up," " All nght e~ ; It 18 possible fo; a love}y girl to be pos· I manufacturer enclosing price. A. DORN· 1 ation, Addre3B P . 0 . Box 1895. Boston, Ma.se. IN STOCK. all such cases the sea.t of the trouble is the t hanks," resPonded t he/oung fellow h im· sassed of geograp1cal tra.1te. She ma.y have , p i 'Hair Works 103 and 105 or DR. w. H. PARKER. irraduate of Harvard ' Medical College, 25 years practice in Boston, stomach, a.nd accordingly t he efforts a.t cure, self. "I hadn't notice it. I think I'll . Mobile features, a.nd A la balmy breath i WEND, ar 8 · t dnd Slle if it dosen't blow over." and 111 Miasisaippi mouth. J Yonge St. , Toronto. For sale ~y J · who maybe consulted oonfldent!ally. Specialty Call a n d see our d esigns and get our whether by medicine, by diet, or by treat· Wa.l ~ Higginl; otham & Son, and all druggists. Di88880s or Ma.u, Otlloe, No. i Bttlfi.nch St. ment, should bo directed to that organ. eetimates before purchasing . --------·- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!~~~~!!!!!!':l~~~~>M!!!!~ - a!;!!!!!~!!~!!!!~Z~!!!!i!!!!'~o~P~ar!:'!!l~&JJ&~~t~ : ?!:-~Sill.0d8li~~~~ !!!~~~'~F~l.IP!!!'! R'Ml!!~!fiilllli~-~~~~ · !!!!!~'!!!!i!~~!!!!!!!!i!!!~~!!!!!!!!!~~i!!!~~~!!!2k~~&!!:!!~!!!~~!!!_!SC_!_!!~~!_~-!!._=--~~~·~~~~~!!!!!!!!:~~ i!8' T . . £&4&11111 'WH~ !"'" I F 11 . .1 t .11.t. · more s<Jrious I .Remelies for Sleeplessness. Lake Shipping. CATARRH, + HEALTH · o .icu ar ons1 1 is !s a. d t . I . . . , . . /if \i' t '\ftt · W ~9'::Uf \t'lW form of sore throat. It is per.11.ap~ ue 0 an E it her sleeplessness 1s on the mcrease, or The traffi.c upon the Great L"'kes :a enor~ -".tU~ · Jl ·~~ n.t.f~ lh . . . infectious element, but even t~ 18 IS gen~~a.l- modt:rn facilities for the interchange of ideas mous, the tonnage passing through the Sault CATARRH.-A new treatment has boen · · an" d Jt t I 4 1 I I . . , I 1y powerless where the phy-; 0<1;~ , E ll7 1888 W..EDNESD AY, .JU N ·' · 0 I I i .. BEEF, IRON AND WINE. R PEAT E Ta; WORN: BELL" ORGANS BELL &CO.,G~elpb':'ont. ROYAL YEAST ICURE OUREB FITS! or FALLING SICKNESS, THE cqEAT SPRING M E DICINE Little Liver Pills, AUTHORS & COX, ., .t. TRUSSES, $ I ' [I 117 CHURCH ST., TORONTO, ANOTHER WONDER. "W00 L ! "WOOL! BOUNSALL'S Marble and Granite Works, HAMPTON WOOLEN MILLS, D.TAYLOR, W ORK T HE EXHAUSTED V ITALITY I I ' I I \ GRANITE M0Nu MENTS ~~:~i~~to~~e~~~ i~i~h:he~m~~~ f; ;::: I I Children Cry for Pitcher's Ca1t_,r1a;

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