i!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!Hr!!!T!.....,,.!!~ · !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!MM~llllllflll!!!~!·~r!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!l!!!!£Z0!!!!'7!!!,!~~·!®!!!!!!!!'!'!mi~~? =~!!!!!~!!~~~ ·&~~!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!~!!!!!!~"!98~~!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!~~~~~~!!!!!!!'!!!!!~ - !!!~!!!! ~~~~l!lll~m~s·!,~!!!!!l!!!iiii!: ·~-:si""' I ; is no bitter in the cup of pleasure no fly in ' ll.nd the young man went about Calcutta. l · theointment. , 'looking as white asa ghodtfor aweekorl · . ' Postcard, after a magnificent lead, which t'Yo, wh~e he was trying to makP; ter1.m with 18 PUBLISHED L " ' ela.i;ed all his backers, stut up-in Mr. Bel· his cre:htors. Then one mormng mr barGentlemen'sClothesMade to Q.rde_. EVERY WEDNESDAY JtlOltNING ' _ · field's pii.rla.nce-like a telescope. He was a racks there was _a great scare. 1'oung · -BYpowerful horse, and would have pulled Strou_d h~d shot himself half a.n hour after splendidly through heavy ground, but the mor~mg parade. He had left t~o letters weather ha.d been peerless, and the course on his table, one 1J.ddresse~ to his father, AT THB OFEICE was dry and hard, so the lighter horses had th~. other t~ Mrs. Baddeley.. ,,, Post Ofilce Block, JUng Street, JCownl!ln· the adv~ntage. Beeching and Belfield ate How did the lady take it. Author of "LADY AUDLEY's SECRET," "WYLLARD's WEIRD, ' ETc., Ero, v.ille, Outm·io. their lunch in moody silence, and drank "I suppose she was rather sorry, She twice a.s deeply as they would have done to never showed herself in Calcutta after the TERJM:S: CHAPrER XXV.-l'AST CURE. conversation, Sir Adrian was surprised by signalise a triumph. ca.tastroph9. The regimental doctor went .iO. rn· ;\n1111J11, 01·$1 i f paid in a1lv:ince, . 1a subtle ch.,.nge in his sister· in-law's spirits. "I'll be hanged if I spend another night to see her . every day, and the Major told ('ayroent ~trlctly ln advance requiredtrom J,ady Belfield was content _to cheris~ and It was not that she seemed happier than be- in this cursed hole," said Valentine when everyone that she was la.id up with low bscnbersontside of the county. Orders to ma~e much of her da.ughte~·m-la.w without fore; but she was certainly less li.tlesa, leas the day's racing was over. ' fever, a.nd that the climate was killing her. ~continue the paper mu!'lt be accompanied by askmg any awkward questwns. There ~as despondent. She had an air ofsuppre3sed ex"Oh, you'd better see it out. I've got She went back to England a. month or so ea.0:1ount due,orthe papa wil not be stopped, )>ecrtbors a.re responeibleuntl tnll payment ie n-0 letter ~f r~monstra.nce from Valentme, citement, whichahowedit6elfin forcedgaiety. the rooms for the 'week, don't you know, aft~r Stroud's ~ea.th, and she carried the Unapproached for _de. there~ore _it migh_t be _su,Pposed that he took She talked a great deal more, laughed at the and I shall have to pay 1Jretty stifflly for spotls of war with her and has worn them Tone and Quality, no ob1ectwn ~oh1s wifes ab3ence; and _so ema.llest jokes, and she suddenly took it them, and I've ordered dinner. You may ever since." BA.TES OF &DVEUTISINGs 1i;~ far all was ~ell. Early hours, fresh air, into her head to play tennis violently wi~h just as well st...y," "And you think the younger sister is 'IVholeColnmnoneyear . ............ $60 oO :;::;;:";[;; CATALOGUES FREE. "Ma.ke it Yorkshire if you grudge your as ba.d ?" said the other ma.n thougntflllly. .. " Half year ...... .. ·· .. 36 oOoo · 1:;:;: p}easa.nt so?iety, would no dou~t soon exer- J a.ck Freemantle. '.l.'o AJria.n it seemed as One quarter ........ , 20 l!! ci~e.agood 1 .nlluenoeuponHelenshea.Jth an_d if sne was impelled by some hidden a.gita.- money, and when you come back to town There was no malevolence in either of Halt Column one year ............... 36 oo - - spirita. Brightness."'.ould retur.n to the~s.ir tion wnich found relief in movement and oc- I'll square up," retorted Valentine, sulkily them, They were only discussing one of the .. Half year-----· ·...··.. 20 00 young !nee, a.nd reviymg health would brmg cupa.bion of a.ny kind. "I'm tired of the whole business. You;. problems of modern society. · " One quarter " ......... 12 50 a happier frame of rnmd. Qaa.rter Colun.n one ye1>-r ........... 20 oo . Looking hack at the events of the pre- stable !ms never brought me luck. Good "I don't know about that. I believe she · " Half yea1· ........... 12 50 has more heart than Mrs. Baddeley; and Helen_ confofmed very amiably to all her vious day, bl remembered that she had night!" 5 " " One quarter...... . · 8 00 mother·m-law 8 a.rrange~ents. Shewe~tto been wandering a.bou~ the Park a.lon.e in the lt was only half.past five o'clock; the sun that she is over head and ea.rs in love with Ten llnes and under, first insertion · $0 50 her room soon a.ftcr ten cl<;>c_k every mght, afGernoon for two or three hours. She had was high still, but sloping westward, a.nd St. Austell. Tney have been ca.rryin!? o~ B:aob aubaeqnen 1inaertion.. .... 0 25 except when there w~re visitors ; but s~e for the 5.rst time, avoided driving out with carriages a.nd foot people were moving out all the se11.son, and I wondet· they haveµ t From six to ten lines, first insertion 0 7~ ·Ea.oh subsequentinsertlon ...... 0 Sa- 10 ~va.a a.Howe~ ample latitude as to her habi~s L3.dy Belfield, on the ground that the after- of the grea.t green valley in va.st masses of bolted before now." Over ten lines,first insertion,perline 0 101Ill tne morlllnj?, a.nd re.rely appeared u~tll noon wa.s opJ>ressively warm; and then soon shifting lights a.nd colours. A pretty scene; "My drar fellow, nobody bolts nowa.~ays. B:aoh subsequent insertion .. 0 after breakfast. She walked and drove w!th after luncheon sne had taken a hook /,and but far from pleasant to the jaundiced eye of Elopements are out of tash1on. There is no· The numt.er ot lines to be reckoned bY ~ Lady Belfield/ a.n? took a.ftern<;>on t:a with s trolled out into the ~arden. He had mis·ed Valentine Belfield. ' thing further from the thoughts of a. the spa.ce occupied, ,measured by a sea.le ot ~a<ily Belfield 8 fne1:1de. She did no, care to hH later ou, and hacl met her two hours He got into a cab, drove to the hotel, modern seducer thll.n a menage. The days olld N onparoil. ride or to play tenms, and th.ose a.museme!'ts after\\ards retur ning'from the Italian terrace bundled his things !ntoba.g ll.nd portma.ntell.u, of postcna.ises an_d Italia.n "'~Has a.re o".er. were_not pressed upon _her either by Adria.u by the river, that cypress walk where he a.nd had them earned to the adjacent station We love and we ride a.way. St. Austell is a DRS, ltlcLUJGDLIN ~ BEITH, juet in time for one of the specials which man of the world, and a man of the time. or his mother. It mi,ght be that all ane had received the proof of her inconstancy. wan~ed was _rest. Adri?'n watched her atHe felt thi~t there was a.n evil influence a.t were taking the tacing men back to London. Here we a.re, old chap. My trap is to meet 01l'FIOE :-MORRIS' BLOCK, BOWMANVILLE. Dr.J.W.MCLAUGHJ.IN,, Dr. A. BEil'H, Gradu tent1vely, without seemmg to watch, full of work, and he feared that the evil influen~e He ~ot into a saloon carriage, coiled himself us here." -. Wh~n I s.ay Cumi: I do net mean merely to up in a corner, out of the dust and the ~!are, They took up their s_ticks, hii.tB, and ov_er. stop iicentiate of t.he ~t~iyal ate of the Toronto fear. - H~ knew now but t?o well how weak was St. Amtell. .hem IOI' tc t rnoo, rmd tCi en have them reCollege of Physicians a.r~ed this was URon whio:i he h~d onre He had seeu enough while he was in Lonand presently, when the express was flying coats, and left tne carriage before Valentrne turn as::l!h" ! lHI<A~ A RADICAL CURE. " nd member of the U111vers1ty, J:'hya101e.n I have made the Jlsease of hazarded the happmcss of .his own life. don to inspire him with grave doubts as to a.cross the country, past those broa.d fields Belfield's bra.in had recovered from the shock ltoyal College o! Sur- Surgeon, &;c. 0 Mr. R ckstone a~d. the J!'reema.ntles were the relations between his b:rother's wife and where the corn was still sta.ndiag, low hills of a sudden revela.tion. gEon2, Edinburgh. :~I~rs, EPILEPSY the moat freque:r:t v~sitors m the long_ s~m- , that nobleman. St. Austell's position and where lights and shadow& came and went in He st(l.rted to his feet as they went out DR · .ll. (). MIT(mELJ., mer days, droppii:g Ill a.t all hours, sittmg St. Austell's reputation were alike danger- the softening atmospnere of evening, he fell c'1.lled ont to the man he knew, followed t~ F A.I.LIIiG SICKNESS, 1\'fEMBER OF COLL.ll:GE OF l'liYSJCIANS about t~e !a.wn with La.dy Belfitld _and her ous, and that light nature of Helen's was fast asleep, ~nd slept for nearly a. couple of the door just as -the porter slammed it, and A~ifo Jong study. I WARRANTm7remedy ta 1 and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. s<;on, br!ngmg all the D:ew:s of the parish, 11;nct not formed for resistance in the hour of hours, slee~ng off that extra bottle of cham- the train moved on. He h;i,rdly knew wnat OuRE_tllo wornt cases. Because others have OtDco and Residence, l:Cnniskillcn. 74, d1scussmg the more at1rrmg though - - - - - - - _____ d less rn ' temptation. Adrian remembered the scene pagne whic he had drunk almost unawares he meant to do. Whether he would have !ailed is 110 reason for not nowreceivin:"'a cure. at once for a treatise and aFR'fl! t( .B0']."£L:ll terestmg_ news of thi; outer worl · · on Lady Kilda.re's terrace and the morning in his disappointment and exasperation. called the slanderer to ll.ccount, caned him, dencl o.Cmy INFALLIBLE R E llU!lDY. Give :Exmc~s W. S, OJUJISTON, L, L, R. Sometimes the Miss Treduce_vs c~me _m, ride in the Park, both open to suspiuion ; It was dark wh:·n he awoke, black night chdlcnged him, He stood by, tne door of the ~I]d Post Office. It costs you notllins fo1· a' Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, &c. Money an hour before afterno~n te~, inst ~n time and his hean was ill at ease for the woman outside the carriage windows-and within swiftly moving carriage, dazed, bewildered, :-::.1al, and it will cure you. Address to Joan. Office, in Beaver Block upstairs in a double set atwho tenms, Adrian ll.nd who was 10 have been his wife. h was recaIIing t h at 1 "die ta_ 11r h e h a d overh eard lJJ:, H, G, R001', 37 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. rcoms formerly occupied by Dr. Harnden, for Lucy .Freemantle was with Jess sheep-faced on Iy the d'im l' ight of the 1amp, w h" IC 39 Eowmanville. d d d 1 ' tf t t t th h almost obscured by uobacco smoke. from the darkness of his cornei yonder, won- ]~ an a goo ~a pre ier a wen Y a.n s e '.l.'here were very few passengers in the dcrin'1 how muoh or how little truth there ___ _ _ had been a.t e1ghtee~. . . . CHAPTER XXVI.-OPENING HIS EYES. spacious curiage and of those few three W<ls in it all - - -- - - -- - - - - Dlt. E. C, llleDOWELL, She was a. ta.U, fa.1r girl, w1thin hghtbrown . . 'l' · ~nrest· ·' d re· · B:i.ddeley, his wife's sister? 1 ICJiNTIATE OF ROYAL COLLEGE hair 1 and clea.r blue eyes-eyes which the Wh~le Helen wa.a paci~g the c~press were asI eep, spra.w mg in rama About Mrs. y , ' I 1 l of. Physicians, London, JJ:ng.;Member ot very spirit of candid and innocent girlhood ~a.lk m the long August afternoon, Yal~n- p~ae up~n t~e morocco cusluons,. worn out Well there might be liome foundation for ' · ~ ' , ,, __ '· , !" <, . II 14 , LollRe of Physicians 11na Surgeons, Ontario. seemed to smile and sparkle. She was a I tme ~as ~t y ork! where the summer meetmg with opu~ a.tr' sun, dust and dr1i;ik. ~wo scandal there, perha.I<s. He had long known Manufacturers ot SURGY.RY AND RESIDIDNOE:-Rear of Messrs, Bigginhotham's Drug Store, Bowmanvllle, happy-tempered, bright, industrious girl, II wa.s 111 full SWlll~. Interest as well_ a.s ren s~:i:n:J.he Bl~lid?f the ca.ma~e,thlll a that she was a. coquette, and a. clever co- . .: 6-lyr.· helping her father and mother in all their pleasure had led _him to the northern city. me w1 r .. "a e s c~rner, an ose quette, who knew now to lead her admirers -" hobbies and all their plans, and ruling ner He was n:ot, ,a.s his mother had been to!~, a. two were talki~o confide~tial.ly between the on, and how to keep them at bay. He D, BIJRKE SIHFSClN, very inferior brother with affectionate partner m ~h~ St. Austell and B~eclung !azy ?onsumpt10n of tne1r c1~~rettes, talk· k:new that Beeching nad ministered pretty At·ti:ficial ARRISTElt, SOLICITOR, &;o. :MOPRIS tyr..nny. There could have been no greater sta?Le, bi:t lus mterests were deepl¥ mvo_lv- i?g m those ~n~ertones wl!ich a.re some freely to the lady's caprices : and he had L BLOCK, up stairs, King Street, Bowman- contrast than that between Lucy Freemantle ed m th_eir su?cesses, and he _had ~ixed him- times more distinctly au?~ble than the 11.lways looked upon St. Austell as the lady's im bs, le. Solicitor tor the Ontu.rioBank · th · d f h t h · lh d self up m tne1r turf speculation! 111 a man- brawl and ba.bble of loud vmces. favoured admirer and the man for whom And Appliances for all De· m e vigour an res ness o er g1r oo , h" h . h · " I 11 d · ' · · Prh>·a te Jllonevs loaned a.t the lowest rates! and Helen Belfield in her broken health ana ner w IC m1g t resu1t In a. great ooup or te you, my ear fellow, everybody she was 111 some danger of comprom1smg form_!ties o~ the Human Body -!3Pma.l D1seasea, Hip Joint , a. grea.t disaster. One of their horses was kne1v all a.bout , it ~xcept ~~e gentleman herself. . depressed spirits. . .John Keith Galbraull, Disease. Diseases ot the "·what 8 very sad change in yonr pretty enter_ed f?r the Great_ Ebor, and stood pret- most con?erned,· ~aid _one, and wht~her The story of young Stroud's futile pa.ssion Knee and Ankle. Kuouk tlJ> AR Rl8 TE R, SOLICITOR, NOTARY dau~hter-in-law " said Mrs. Freemantle to ty huzh m tne bettmg ; another ran Ill a he was ~llfully blmd, is an open ~uest1on, for his Major's wife, and of costly jewellery Knee, Bow I,egs, Club l!'eet D PUBLIC, &c. Office-Bounsall's liloc,k Lady Belfield. '.. She looks as if she were smaller race, and t~ere were three of th. e , I don:'t hke the ~an, and I s~oul.1 be will!ng given at a time when Lord Brompton's heir Etc. ' mtn~-~tre~,__Bowme.n vil~e. Monev to len~. going into a decline." stud ente_red for selhn!! stakes. I to thmk a.n,ythiug bad of him, but hes a \Vas already deep~y in debt, was not a.lto AL'30 CHUTUHES. WILLIAM WIGHT. "Oh, we won't allow her to do that. She V ,; lentme had backed Postcard rather good bred_ nn,_ anyhow, and I suppose w~ gethe1 new to him. He had he!!.rd some ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the is here to be cured " Constance replied heavily for the Great Ehor, and he knew ought to give him tne ben~fit of the doubt. vague hints in the past; but men had been ' ' that Beeching and St. Austell had both laid "He Wll.B never about with her," retur~ed shy of alluding to that old story in his County of Durham. Orders left at the oheerfully. She did not want to have Helen pitied and their money pretty freely, and that both the o~ner man, "she went everywhere w~th presence. l:\TATESMA)i oflice or forwarded to Tyrono P.O. ··tlll receive prompt attention. 28:6m despaired about by half the county. I believed in the horse. To Beeching, losing her _si~~er, and we all know what the sis He had known that his sister-in-law had "People told me she was quire the rage or winning was a matter of very little con- ter IS. · · · been talked about ; but no man had ever S. (), UllNIUNG, tn London when I was there in.June" said sequence· but like most millionaires he was "A very charmmg woman," said lus dared to insinuate that she was anything ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR Matilda Treducey. "I met her at 'two or very inte~t upon mo.king his sta}/le pay, and friend, wi,vh a. laugh, "and a very da.ngerous worse than a clever womil,n, and perfectly the County of Durham. Sales attended three parties, but she wa.a always so sur-1 was very savaga when the. luck: went aga.inst on~. Stie" ~bout the clever~s~ woma.n out, I capable of taking cue of herself. IO on shortest notice and lowest rates. Address rounded that I couldn't get a word with him. St. Austell was by no means rich, and thi!'k, for without comprommng herself very "I back Mrs. Baddeley and her poodle )~DRTIOR P. o. 36:tf her; and I hope, dear La.dy Belfield, you to him Postcard's success must be a matter seriously a~e has contrived to ma~e more out against Lueretia. and her dagger " he had won't feel offended if I own that I don't like I' of considerable importance. The value of her admirers than any '!'mna.n 111 London. heard a stranger say one night i.n' the club JPianos Tuned and Repaired. Mrs. Baddeley, and that I rather a.voided the horse would be qurdrupled if he won he muut have bled Beechmg to the tune of 'Smoking room and it had seemed to his any en,c ounter with her_." this grea.t race, to sa.y nothing of his owner's s:i;all fortune'. I f~ncy.:· ,, . somewhat oyni~al t;emper that his wife could Lady Uelfield was silent. She, too, had . bets. Oh, Beeching is fa.1r ga.me, said the no·t be safer than with a thoroughly worldly ARTIES WISBINGTHEIRPIANO~ Under these circumstanoes, Mr. Belfield other man "Nobody minds Beeching. That woman a woman who knew every knot Tuned or repairea cannavethom a.ttendecl her doubts about Mrs. Bad,deley, and was Is (Janada's Favorite Bread-maker. &o py leaving word at the DOMiNION ORGAl\ not inclined to take up the cudgels in thll.t 1was surprised all not finding St. Austell a.t kind of pigeon was made to be plucked ; and ra~elled end in the " seamy side" of 10 years in the 111arket without a cmmplarnt of any kind, '}'ho only yeast which Co·s OFl'ICE, Bowmanville A 1lr11t-clas mall lady's behalf, albeit she inwardly resented King's Cross when he a.rrived on the plat- besides, Beeohing is uncommonly careful. society. ___ _ lfasilfood the tesfOrtiine and never 111a..l· now bein11 in their emvlo~ Miss Treducey's impertinence. form justin time for the special. It had Nobody will ~ver _do him any ha.rm . . He has But St. Austell his wife's admirer t They sour, unwholesome bread, All Grocer· sell it. The days went by peacefully and plea.santl_y been arranged a. week before that he, Beec'\i· the commercial u:.tellect fully developed. two hea.d over ea.rs in love with ea.ch otner ! 'El. C:ILL:ll'J:'l', ltl'l'l, I 'l'O~)Uto, oui." Ch1e&i0, ~ en?i:gh, but there .was no revival of Helen's ing a.~d St._Auste~l were to travel t?geth~r ~ou may dede17~ ~e ke.eps a. close. account of Never for one ~naMnt had such a. possibility 1 spmts. Country air and country hours were i by this tr.am, which left London at eight m his m~nns plaisi1 s, his gr~ss:-;vidows and da.,vned upon him; and yet those two men doing her some good, perhaps. She was a. lit- the mormog on the first d~y of the races, such l!ke, and k~ows to a. sh1ll10g wh.a.t .they hi~d talked .as if that mutual passi.on were tie less wan and pa.le than she had been on and were to occup'>: a. suite ~f rooms to. cos.t him, and w~!l never exceed the limits ut il.n est11.blished fact, known to all the world, her arrival, bitt Adria.n's calm watchfulness gether a.t t~1e hotel ttll the me.etmg was over. stncc prudenc~. . except to him, the delu<led husband. Uver (Jomplalnt. perceived no improvement in her moral being. Mr. Beechmg ha.~ charged himself-or ~ad Mr. Bel'.Jel~ s attention was fully '.1-wakHelen, his Helen ! Tne wife who had It sne smiled, the smile \las evidently an been charged-with th~ duty of engll.grng ened by t~1s t ime. He had turned h1maelf sa.tiated him with:sweetne,s, whose devotion Dyspepsia, effort. Whrn ahe talked there was the same ~he rooms, a.nd of Recurmg a. coupe for the :ound in h!s sh~dowy. corner, ~nd ~as wr.tch- had cloyed, whose fondne;s had been almost Blltousness , air of constuint. If he came upon her sud- Journey. · . mg and hstenmg w1tn all his might. H~ a burden. That she shuld play him false, Sick Headache. denly in the drawing-room or the garden, it · Mr. Beec~mg was on the platfo~m, with k~ew oue of the men , a .member of the B;,b that she should care for any other_ man ou Kidney 'l'roubles,. was genera.Uy to find her sitting in listless his valet lil attendance up?n ~1m. The mmton and theArgus, slightly; the other not earth. No, he could not believe 1t. BeRheumatism. ca.use two fools in a railway caq·iage chose idleness, with the air of one for whom life coupe .w_a.s engaged, and .a pic-~ic basket, at all. Skin Dtscnses had neitner plelsure nor intere~t. contammg a. Strasbour~ pie, a chrnken, and "The worst story against her is the to tell lies, was he to think that the woman and all H A RN DE N . , L · 0. Tn ' is state of th1"ngs w~n· on for nlore tha.n a. couple of bottles okf ub. H. hMnmm·s exstra. story of the diamonds," said the man whom who had counted the world well lost for love hnJmrtUes of the th· I l "ddl 0 f A t d dry, was In the rac ; ut t ere was no t. he did not know, of him had turned trickster and traitress fUoofl fl'on1 whatGrr.dnate ofthe Royal Collegeot Dental a mon · u was t ie ~1 e _ ugus ' a~ Austell. and was carrying on with another ma.n ~ Surgeons, Onta,rio. the we11.ther was au!trier than it h:>d ~een 1n " "rhat does tha.t fellow mean by being "Ah, you were in India when it happ ened, St. Austell, a. nGtorious rake,· a man who eve~ cause a1·lsln~ 0 FICE OPPOSITE EXPitESS Ol<' FCE. July. Mrs. Badddey was astomshrng the behind time ? ' asked Valentine when he ·nd knew all about it, I suppose," replied h dth t t' fb. ft I. l' . visitors at a Soar borough hotel, and and Beeching had taken their se~ts and the the other. "It waa a rather ugly story, I a. . e r.~~u a ion o e111g a a Ill us in. 'l , 3-0LD FILLING A SPECIALTY quieter 11 uence WI 1 women. delighting her train of attendants, who had d b . d t ll th believe, but I never heard the deta.ils." ·· Price 75c (with Pilla $1 ) 1 0 · t f rom various · · _oorR - emg c a.ppe a ong e "I was in Baddeley's reviment when she The man had seemed safe ' · · · · a. ARTIFICIAL TEETH J :NSEltTED WITHOUT ra11· ted L<O 'th·a t po1n s}ioot" mg _ lme ofwere carriages · enough so long -'l'RYPLATES. "St A t 11 ; H , 0 t · ,, came to India with him," sa.id the other. as he had thought of him only as Mrs boxes on the Yo:rkshire moors. Valentine "N · t us ~ · 1,, Ns : c~mi~g. p t "She had not been married six months, and Baddeley's lover, but with his suspicions Great Reductiona in price on all Dental was going to and fro over the earth like the Dr. DODDER'S Work. YitalizeC. Air, constantly in use pro- Evil One in his journeying from one race· d ~ ci~uGg t Ebo ~~mmg 0 see os .. was about the loveliest woman I ever saw in newlyaroused, ValentineBefield looked ha.ck ilucing Painless Operations. Particular atten meet_ing ~o an<;>ther. He occa~ion~lly favour- ca~, ;:.n H~'s ~~ucke~rup the stable." my life. As ha.udsome as Mrs. Belfield is a.t the history ?t the last _few months, a.nd tion paid to the regulation of Children's Teett ed las wife with a few hurried Imes from a "Ch k d th t bl ,, now, which is unsurpassa.ble while it last, saw all thmgs lll a new hght. He remem0 #".iLl.L WORK WAB.RANTJW.-. provmc1a., t 1 11" . · I h oe,te t uc e up e s a e 1 'th bla.ck Ias hes, a com- b ered how · all Mra.v~ ·ddeley's fest1'v1"t1 "es rng h er h" iswh erea bous. "Yes"ll.nsweredBeechingcoolly. "You gI eat gray eyes Wl . m (vcrysmallandea.eytotake.) · He appearnd thoroughly to approve of h ' d h tf 1 f NO NAUSE plexion of lilies a.nd carnations, form and a.t Hurlmgha.m, Rt\nelaf(h, or Sandown, NO GRIPING Branch office, Dr. · Rutherford's Orono. her residence at the Abbey, and promised sed e ofue med t~ u t~ mo?~t·~ne w;l colour alike lovely and luxuriant, a woman wa.ter parties at Henley or Marlow, Sund~y ' A. 0 to J'oin her tliere before the first of October hand l\UO er,lan e erh.mhg elta.nd. who makes every cll.d in the streets stop all dinners at Richmond, at Greenwich, St. Sold everywhere : price 2·5 centA, . . a a genera squa.re.up, w ic resu e m 1 I h d l b f h Th llNION l'lllmrn1NE "0 PROPllll'TOR" This, s? far ll.s it went, seemed well, or my taking about seven shillings in the agape to ook at her. She started us <i.t our· Auste.l a a ways een one o t e . party. e " -· > "' at leasL it so ~eemed to Lady Belfield d 11 d H d d h' . hill station, I co.n telll you, and the Da.dde- Beeching and St. Austell ha.d always been Toronto (Jan· Adrian wa.s not altogether satisfied ' Pt aunt .a protun ·d ed stuhrren terfe th ist md- ley madness raged there ii.ll that season like at hand. Whoever e1se was included, those - 1 t . . . · eres m os car , a.n e res o es u , h d h b' o ne of our men, a poor 11tt · "t bl H h d k d th "I don't ~ike Valentme's passion for the and I ave him back his I 0 U's. He is 0 _ y rop o ia. e wo were mevi ~ e. e a. rec one em c::?- @ /} TORONTO STEAM LAUNDRY turf "hesa1d oneday whenheandHelen. d" k" S lieutenant, a. mere lad, Lord Brompton's bothasLeonorasdevotees,they were the ·-\}a.@Q~ ~ 1 06 ' 'tt' th I fte l h lllg" to n ia. next wee · son, took the disease very badly. What pair which she drove in her car of triumph Q York St··- Toronto. were s1 mg on e awn a r unc eon, " Wh India " . ' - -" L Y C · 't ta. d E · was sport for us was death to him. He fell llke Venus's doves, or Juno's peacocks. One SHIRTS, COLLARS AND CUFFS she making believe to work he with a volume of Herbert Spencer 0 ;, his knee, and un~s. a.n s !1 ~ uropean Wlll- madly in love with his Major's wife and posseseed her heart, and ruled her li~e; the ,Al , fAl a spcciarty. Out of town work is doct~rs adv1Be him to try Ceylon hung a.bout her and followed her a.bout in a. other was her purse.bearer. Know111g all lJJ , lU proi~iptly attended to ar.d returned his thou hts ver far from the a. es of tha. ~ ter. 'l gh "YI h H I pthg . or India. He IS keen upo!1 a grand eastern distracted, despairing way that would have this or believing this he had yet been con per mstructions, Ph 1 osop er. ope, e en, ere IS no tour and he's off to Vemce next week on ' ' G· P · SHARPE P · t ' truth in a. rumor I heard at my club when h. ' t d H 'll tt. b t . been laughable had it not verged upon the tent t hat his wife should go everywhere , ropr1e or. WITHO\JT TBBTB I was in London the other day." J:s :a.y ~~a tar ' h e f po er ~hou m trll.gic." under her sister's wiug. The arrangement ~ext door to Palmer house. Iland;r to Uuioll "What ·" or ern "'Y! per aps, or a mon or so, "Did she encourage him?" relieved him of all trouble and Helen seemDepot. rumor · then put board a. ,, PH & Q ,. ·' · upon ~~ , ~~~============= · · . J ·, A man assured me that Valentine has and ,, Q ,, himself "d V on t" ' "Of course she did. He wa.a a swell ed happy. People complimented him 1 . stable." told me 11eer, sa1 was a wrong en me.with his e lungs never anl he had lots of money. She nick-named h' ·1es · b eau t.Y· and h.e a.ccep te. d the1r . L ord S t. Auste11,s racing PBA.«:!TICA.L DENTIST, a sh are m anything 1s .w1 · OVER TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE. he crimsoned at that sudden uttera.nce of th h "- 1 k t"· kl t th b t f' him Ba.by, talked of him as 'a nice boy, praises as a kmd of tribute to him~elf; A ll' d d oug ue oo s ra uer sic y a. e es o I d t h th Id h l h troollOJCtdeGa&A.dmtnlsteredror Patnle· S t. uste s na.me, an coul scarcely times,, and before long he was known everywhere p ease o s ow e wor ow ca.re ess e It never was Intended, so far 811 I can learn, answer him " w' 't b d" t lik a.s Mrs. Baddeley's Baby. He didn't seem could afford to be about a. wife whom everyThat either men or women were intended ta eperatlona. " 1 I h. h e can a.11 e g1a. ia ors e you, b d d d · h· b d d be bald. ""Llf"'G"' -LO"ll. - - ave never ea.rd of such a B lfi 6Id I d 't th' k St A t 11 k to mind people laughing at him. We went o y a ore , secure lll 18 un oun e M"" ·l'l'l(JE · " ,. .. " thinf3 " she said. e on. m . · us e . new t C I tt 1 t d th b II dominion over her, able to neglect her if he I think you will believe me, Indeed I'm sure you will, " t k th t St A 11 d there was ~nytlnng radically w~ong till he o a cu a a. er on, an ere were a s chose and yet to defy all rivalry. u you . now a .· uste an went to Sir William Jenner a little while and all sorts of highjinks ~oing on, and Mrs. . If a.t the "P&ri8 Hair Works" you have called. your husband are _close fr.iends, although ago and had himself overhauled. But he Baddeley was the belle of the place, and (TO BE CONTINUED.) Th8re is one thing Nature thinks of-let ua they .only met a little while before your his been laid up more or Jess every winter everybody from the Governor-Genera.l!downthank her for all we oan-She takes particular trouble with our race ; marriage,. when St. A;ustell was at Morco~b, for the last three or four yea.rs, and he has wards, was avowedly in love with her. She knows a. scanty growth of hair, the gray ~f ~here is _any truth in th.e repo.rt1 Va.lentme lived pretty fast, as you know. I should Poor young Stroud hung on to her and was Oollege Athleticism. and whitening locks, ism the right way to ignomm10us bank- think India would be a. capita.I move for savage with every man she spoke to, One New York Mail and Express: A commitWill detract from the beauty ol the face, ruptcy. He·ha.s only your settlement ~nd him... night at the Governor-General's ball, she tee of th~ Harvard Faculty have lately the. allowance my mother pia.kes hu~. " Perha.ps," a.ssented Valentine, ponder- came out in a blaze of diamonds, One of carried through an elaborate investigation But ~~:{~e~:; !~ laws so strict tha.t you us chaffed the major about his wife's jewell- of the amount of attention given to athletics, For you'd surely pay the penalty at la.st, Neit_her of those .would b? available for his ing deeply, with bent brows. creditors. i::racticallyheisa. m~nofstr~w, OntheKnavesmirea.lltheira.cquainta.noes ery; but he took: it as easily a.s possible. and the effeot. upon the more importantlSustainit.tha.tbounteousheadofhair ,and ~~s no right to speculate m a racmg , were surprised at St. Auatell's absence, and She had hired them from Fa.cet, the great work of the college. Ea.ch student was Dr. Dorenwend's Hair Magic's unsurpassed. st~~· , · Mr. Beeching ha.d to give the same explana- Calcutta jeweller, he told us. 'I suppose aeked to give confidential replies to a series Jl}Bt try_ it you afflicted, you never will !egret, . I don t believe he does speculate. He tion to a good many people. , Mr. Belfield I shall have to pa.y pretty stifHy for the of questions and from these a.n ela.boratd The Ma~1c was never ret known tofa.11; hkes .to go to races,, and he bets a little was irritated by this iteration. use of them,' he said, but if she likes repurt ha.s b~en prepareCI giving the history And ~~~ ~~~~ jg:S.ie~t will do you will mll.ke "Deuce take the fellow, what a. lot of to out a dash in borrowed plumes, I can't of athletics in the college and statistics The expenditure a bottle will entail. sometimes. He has given me money tha.~ he Utcr spending much time and money, I ·nt has won on t!ie turf. I know that there IS a. trouble he has given us "he said ani;irily · complain. It'll be a. duced long time I'm showing their relation to success in study · w stable belongmg to-ro-Mr. Beeching-and "J>:e ought to · have come' to se ' e the h'orse's' afraid before she'll be able to show a. diamond · h d b h · This preparation for 1 ow prepare d to ft II all orders P,romptly. I L d St A b I d , " Tne conclusions reac e y t e report a.re t' now d famous . l t" ti th invio-f th " 11 3 · uet~ ; ut .on~ think Val?n- performance, althougn he had parted with necklace of her own.' " to the effect that athletic contests contribute ora mg n stimu a mg ie grow 0 e ·ave a. fine assortment Of WAYES, BANGS ·or The speaker stopped to light a. fresh cig- . to a. favorable condition of physical exer- hair is universally accepted as the moat SWITCHES, COMBS and PINS Tery cheap. ' tme has anythmg to do with it beyo:!dgoing his interest in him. He has got a good deal. :SANGS FROl!.11'. $2 UPto look at the horses now and then. ot money on the race a.nyhow." arette, and then went on lazily dropping out ! ciae, but that the present ~ystem of inter- valuable specific oa the market. All .Jld Switches colored and made to look like _ " I ho_pe y_ou are right,_ Helen. . The turf The great day and the great race came. his sentences between puffs of tobacco. I collegiate contests, l!Ood a.a m some respects diseases of the scalp are either relieved or new. Highest price paid tor long cut hair, 1 h b ~ IS an ev1 t mg at est; 1t would be deadly The Knavesmire was a. scene of life and "Baddeley is a big, good-natured, self- , it is: conceded to be, interferes with the permanently cured. A rich and rapid HAIR TONIC for my brother. I hope he will have had movement of vivid colour and ceaseless ani- indulgent a.ss, but I don't know tba.t he's regular college work by interrupting a.t- growth of hair will follow after judicious Warranted to prevent the hair from falling enough of race-meet.ings by the end of this mation, a 'scene of universal gladness, one anything more than that. We all laughed tendance, by taking time from studies and and regular treatment. It remains with out a.nd will make it grow. I year· a~d ~hat he wdl sober down to a. more would suppose, ta.king the picture a.a a whole, at his story of tn ~ hired diamonds, and six j by preventing the growth of a. university the user alone to secure the desired U l have also a fine lot ot new Stamping ~omest1c life. That pretty Japanese draw. But in de~a.il there was a good deal of disap- mont~s afterwards when young Stroud bro~e 1 spirit. The moral effe:t of the _?Ontests upon results. Dr. Doren wend'a "Hair Magic" Patterns. All orders promptly attended to. mg-roo:-:i of yours ought not to be always pointment. It was only tho disinterested for six and twenty thousand, most of 1t tho.se who take part rn them ls pronounced is sold by all druggists at $1 per bottle, ~VIS empty. · lookers-on, the frivulous people who go to money borrowed from Valcntta. Jews, we aU 1mamly good. The larger number of abuses , or six bottles for $5· If not obtainable Ne;ds' Bl~k B ~ 1 Helen did not reply. Her head bent lower race meetings to eat and drink and stare knew th at Mrs. B addeley's diamonds count- alleged to exist are declared to have no ex- i . I l't · 47 ' owmanv 10 · ove_r the group of poppies in crewel-stitch . about them in the sunshine, the clodhoppers ed fo'I' something, and Mrs. Baddeley's lit~le iscence ; and the opi£1ion is ex:nressed that Ill your OCd 1 Y sen~ dire~t to the sole ---to --d - ·- - - -- - -d - -- - 1which she carried a.bout with her in a. basket and bumpkins, who stand beside the rails' caprices for something more i» the la.d's en· of the admitted evils incident; to the inter- 1 manufactu~er, en~losmg price. A. DORN,,. 9 1t~~~ar~!( ~ ~ota.Kndo~Wfe all day long, and which seemed to make no I and gaze at the scene as a.t the figures in a tanglements. We were all very sorry for collegiate character of the contests hardly WEND, Paris Hair Works, 103 and 105 BREWSTER'S SAFli:TY REIN IioLDJ:lil more progress th11.n Penelope's web. I kaleidoscope-it is only for these tha.t there him. Brompton was said to ho a ma.rtinet, any would be removed by a prohibition of Yonge St., Toronto. For sale by J, Co., Holl. Mich. I Within two or three days after this little · snoh oontel!tll. · Higginbotham & Son, and all druggists. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN I ]\'[, A . .TAMES, . I'KE 1 AND l'U BLlSliEJJ.] ·- [~1°:.,Fm.s~ ·u NLJ·K·E [ALL HIGHTS . ESERYED ] . R PEAT E T al ·1 '- By M. E. BRADDON, BELL &CO., G1rnlpb, Ont. ° oal- ICURE I ,' -, FITS! or L AUTHA'RS & C'DX l L TRUSSES, ~ L 117 CHURCH ST., TORONTO, OHL L I 'Fl P I ROYAL YEAST DENTl&TRY. w. CURES . - e. THE cuEAT SPRINC MEDICINE i Little Liver Pills, DENTISTRYm 1 ff $ r II BR Im: AC 0 m: BE ANOTHER WONDER s . Fine Hair Goods. LADIES, Patronize Hg me TRADE. I I Mrs. A D I $5 W!fl! · Oblldr~~ Orrfor Pitohor'1 Ca~orl·~