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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Aug 1888, p. 2

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Certain of the fraudulent ~ay that leaving i "Life's Dignity." milk pans open until the milll: gets cold wiJl , . Since my life must etill have pain, remove the tast~ of onion from milk. It Would I die, nor live a~ain? Ohildren of the Household. Nay l for pain, and toil, and strife dues nothing of the sort. The only t~ing _, Still hath recompen,e in life. that removes the taste is to Jceep the onions WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1S88 TE ~Oll ING THEM THE OARE OF CHAMBERS AND or garlic away from the cows. Once in milk, Yet tho Ills that life m11St bear ----o---CLOTHING. H is there to stay. Hath of all the greater ehare ; Nay l life giveth power to guess "Be sure and shut the closet doors before Another fraud is the statEment that wash. Cause of life's unhappines·. ' you stir the beds," was. the charge our ing ranoid butter in buttermilk will make it mother called after us when she heard the sweet again. It doesn't help it one pa.rSo that, heedful of the p·et, Life may win such height· at last warped back stairs creaking under our loit- ticle I Rancid butter has undergone cer· As we dream not ; gloriou3 thinge ering steps as we were senli to put in order ta.in chemical changes and cannot.be rest<>r· Joy i· bearing on life'· wings l the clia.mbers of the wide old farm-house ed to its normal state. There is a German Raving purchased the business for~erly carried on by HUMPHRE Y & that was our childhood's home. A full method of preparing "strong" butter so Life !-it is a breath ot God, Breathed tbroug-h ocean, rock or clod, quarter of a century has swung pa.st since that it it can be used in cooking, but once MAYE_!t, I have moved it across the street to the premises· lately Which from living earth comei up then, and we now are trying to teach our rancid or enn ln the edge thereof, it is pa.at Jn each t ender blade and cup, occupied by Shaw & Tole, where in connection with my Tin and Stove' own little girls the wise counsels we some- table use. Business will b~ f~und a full line of Heavy and Light Harness, and all It in·pires tbe b~e and bird times so unwillingly heard from our mother. Still another imposition ls the story that In the vocal woodht ds heard ; If every housekeeper would insist that the when eggs are "lfl~t" and won't beat up other furmshmgs usually founrl in a first,class harness shop. Life prope.ls the fterv Jlash occupants of her sleeping apartments,- light, a pinch of soda will make them beat, Roll'd with deafening thunder claeh ; children, help, boa.rders and vieitora,- It doesn·t do it. A stale egg cannot be reSh!mmerinir softly 'mid the beame, should air their beds and throw open win- stored any more than sour milk can be ma.de Wl1ere like ~old the sunli~bt gleams ; dows each morning before leaving their new or rancid butter fresh. Quivering- co~lv o'er the grass, will receive the most careful attention, hav ing secured the services of The age of miracles is:over, and only miraroom, unless beating storms ma.de thia imLife still wooeth while we paea. !fa. W. HUMPHREY, whos1:1 skill in this branch id so well known pra.ctioa.ble, we should have less ailments of culous power can arrest decay and restore Tinkling from the flower hells, lungs and liver and nerves in our midst. To disorganizs.tion to its original order. Stopthroughout this district, as to need no further comment. Faint and low life softly swells ; bre1J.the, night after night, unclean, vitiated ping to reason out the rationale of things But in mighty spheres on high All my work is finished by experienced workmen, n one other employed· air is enouvh to poison and· disease the would save a vast deal of time that is wasted Life sails on with maje.ty. soundest lungs and undermine the strongest in trying experiments beca.use somebody All I a:;k is an inspection of my stock and you will be convinced that 1 Ftor above yon fearful cres'. constitution created. " said so." Where the eagle builds hi· ne!t ; it is the largest to choose from, best workmanship, and prices really Children, unless weakened and undone by I spoke of lime water in connecHon with Far beyond his piercing eyes lower than any other place in town. My expenses being lower, Life, a. boundless ocean, lies. unwise cosseting, love pure, bracing air, and milk bottles. Ordinarily people buy lime we find it easy to too.ch thorn to toss back water of a druggist and pay a good price therefore I give my customers tlie benefit. Gentlemen, place in your Oh I the mighty throb that rings blankets and quilts after rising and to re· for it>. For yea.rs I have made all I can use From tt c soul of living things ; orders a.t once and don't miss this opportunity. Repairing promptlv PUREST, STRONCEST, BEST, member to throw open the windows of their and give a.way, at a merely :nomina.I cost 7'here is neither void nor ~pace~ CONTAINS NO Teemin~ is the desert place. done. Don't forget the place, Quick's Block, Bowmanville. chamber ; but it is not so easy for an adult, and trouble. Get ten cents' wonh of buil:l· ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES has lived and slep~ in an heated a.tmo· era' lime, (simply unstacked lime it is,) put ,who calm or strife, Storm or sunshine, or any injurious materials. ' sphere heavy withJmpurities till he shrinks it in an open bowl, and pour in by degrees Tells the t"le of chan!!'eful life ; E.W. C.ILLETT TOROXTO,ON'l'. Solitudes all grand and great and shiver~ in currents ot fresh, breezy air stirring the lime a.ll the time, two quarts of ' CHIC.AG O, ILL. Bowmanville, May 15th, 1888. 20 Show how life sball work anti wa'.t. waves, to adopt the ru!ea or requests of the water. When it stops smoking, stir it all llan'fr oftk1 CEI.EllllA':lilOllO?AL Y!AST C.A!:ES. house. well together and pour it into a gl11ss jar, For It heaveth everywhsre\Vhen a housewife has a crew of farm. or a jug or what ·you please. I always use Mountain, pra.irif~, ocean, ai r, MEACHAM'~ hands or workpeople t o board, to make snre a glass fruit j11r so I c11on see into it. When Touched with one deep hr..ath from Thee, of well ventilated chambers, it is generally the lime setbles a.t the bottom, put a funnel All-creating M·jesty l necessa.ry to go throu11:h the sleeping·rooms in an empty bottle and put a. thick cloth, And, like Thee, life cannot die, each morning as soon as the help is out, air- a damask table napkin, or good sheet of soft But shall reach eternity, lt 'Y .are languid and weak, and :your appe· ing beds, closets a.nd opening windows. paper in the funnel a.ni. pour all the water Mao, Thy noblest work sublime, \te poor But teach your girls to close all closet uff of the lime into as ma.ny bottles as you Lord of all through end !ess time. --.MANUFACTURER O F - My Beef, Iron and Wine Is the tonio, be sure. As e.n invigorating tonio it is recognised by a.nd chamber doors before commencing to choose to fill, then fill the ja.r with water, Oh I Thou Framer of the plan, the :Medical profession as the best etreai;cthen· make b.eda and to put rooms in order, else stir up the lime well from the bottom and Founder of the soul of man, Wit medicine thus far produced. It is lnvnh1a· dust and lint will puff a.nd settle over gar· aet it by until you want some more of 1t. Worker in the unknown~ ea··s, ble as a. blo<>d and muscle maker, especially mentsinclosetsandneedlesslitterinhallways As you use oft the water refill the jar until KING STREE'l', BOWMANVILL Source and answerer of prayers. jn those ca.aes where weakness is the result o,f Has now on hand a number of Tehicles (and Is manutaoturing a great many morel of thll ne imperfect or insu:tnclent food, or wasting and landings. Ma.ybe half their wardrobe all tho alkaline property of the lime is exTeach, oh, teach me still Thy hwdtevera or excesses ot any sort. It contains the is not neatly hanging in amooth,:well shaken hausted. Ten cents' worth of lime lasted patterns and best finish, whloh I am offering tor sale at the lowest prices consistent Learu by 'he effect the ca.use ; 11utrlment or Beet, the st.imulant properties or folds on their hooka, but is lying in tumbled me for three yea.rs using it as freely as I with due regard to workmanship and quality. The following ie a list of Bid me still adore aud wait Wh1e and the tonic powers of Iron, and is adthe principal vehicles manufactured b:v me Thy love and wisdom infinite. mirably oalculated to build up thA emaciated heaps on .the closet floor, crushed under pleased for all sorts of things. It saved an J R. Double Covered Carriages ............. ; . .. .... ~ ...... .. ...................... $150 Upward· P . :vstem. Sold in Bowman ville by Hlgglnboth· shelves r.long with blacking bru~bes and immense deal of money that would have 1llll Bros. lathered-lipped shaving mugs, or scattered gone to the druggist, and the lime water Single Phretons ........................................................ .. ~ ....... 100 u about the ch..mber, rumpled, dusty, creased, was just as good. Open Buggy................................................ ....... .. ........... 70 a· A Five-Dollar Note. hopelessly injured with their slovenly ca.re. Top Bttggy........................... , .. .. · .. . .. ·. ·.... .. .. ... ·· ··· · .. ·.... .. .. . .. 90 11 It was a very ragged note, with a bit of And other wardrobes than those of the Democrat Wagon........................................... .............. ....... 65 " Oooking Recipes. pa.per pasted a.cross the corner on which the men folks quickly grow shabby because of Mannfaoturera of Lumber Wagons............... . ................................ ................. 55 u shiftless care taking, We have seen d"inty BREAKFAST R OLLS. -One tea.spoon of sugar. V was printed to keep it from tea.ring off. Light Wagon....................... .............................................. 40 11 It was stuffed, with a. roll of large bills, suits, the work of p1'instaken, loving mother one qua.rt of flour,jtwo tablespoons of butter, Express Wagon.... ....................... ....... ........ .. . ....... ..... ......... 75 11 hands grimed with dust a.nd crumple!! with one a nd one·half teaspoon of salt ; mix a.nd into a dainty purse of silver network. A . Skeleton...... ............................................................. ........ 50 11 wear and their la.st t oss and flop on to cba.ir- let stand over night ; in the morning knea.d young girl, much over.dressed, who carried A.rU:fi.CiaJ Sulky.......................... .. ....................... ...... . ..................... 40 ·· back or foot ·board, their pretty ruffles and fifteen minutes and let rise ; when light roll the purse, evidently va lued the note but little. Limbs, plaits spoiled with crnshin?. We have out thin and cut in shape ; but.ter one-half She hai stopped at a. c~unter in t!te shop, on Possessing superior faclllties for manufacturing ca.rriagee, I Intend to sell very cheap for c , which satin calendars were displayed. elegant wraps and velvet and la.ce· of the top and double it over ; ba.ke twenty or approved credit, and by so doing I hope to greatly Increase my number of sales. Wonl4 .A.n d Appliances for a.ll De· seen "Look at this lovely thing, Belle," she sell the wood parts only, or the g0arln11:s of buglliee Ironed, form.Hies o~ the H umanBudy trimmed ~a.rments swinging, "right side minutes in a quick oven. said to her companion. "Only five dollars I - !>pmal Diseases, Hip Joint out," on a. closet hook or 011 a jagged headed BREAD .FRITTERS. - Soak slices of stale It's awfully preity ! I must have it." Disease, Diseases ot the nail in 1l:e chamber wall, ca.uP:ht a,; some Kne" and Ankle. Knock point of the rich drapery when heedlessly bread in water over night; .in the morning "Wha.t will you do with it?" prese out the water, and to one pint of bread Knee, Bow Legs, Club Feet, "Oh, I don't know! Give it to J!l.ne. At the Shortest Notice, Painte d and Trimmed if Desired, Hung hook-ward, a muddy gosgamer brush. add one-half cup of milk, two tablespoons of Etc. ing their clinging folds a.nd carefully laid sugar, one egg, one·half tea.spoon of baking I ought to send her something on her birth- At the Fa.ctory I also do Planing, Matching, l' urning an<\ Sawing with Clrole,Band . Sor ALSO CRUTVHES. Saws, o.nd prepare all kinds or lumber for carpenters nd others for building purpoae 8, plaits and deli;iatu ruchings ruined with powd er, one-half cup of flour, fl~vor with day, and it's really too pretty to leave beOma.mental and P lain Pickets ror renctla ill ever y style reQuired . made to order. hind." their deep crea., iogs and gray siftings of a utm~g, fry in hot la.rd. She threw down the note on the counter, dust and lint. No;vhere does slovenline~s CREAM PUDDING.-·Beat egl(B and add to and passed on. Jane received t he dainty so quickly tell of itself as iu the shabby them one quart of sour cream, two cups of wrinkles and crumpled folds of a Ja.iy's brown su~nr, one pint of stoned raisins, one trifle the next morning. She, too, w as a wardrobe. Our little girls and boys should cup each of currant s and chopped citron, one young girl, over-dressed in satin and jewels, early be taught hahitl! of neatness and ou1meg, one teaspoon of salt, two teaspoons her purse, perhaps, fuller of notes than that of VETERINARY SURGEON. method, that they may not be left to form such of soda, flour to make a stiff ba t ter ; boil one the donor. "Dear me! Wha.t did she send me that undesirable traits of character. It is easier an d a half hours ; serve with s11ouce. trumpery thing for? I gave her 11 pearl pin for a child of seven than one of seventeen to FLORENTINE PUDDING.- Boil one q ua.rt of last year," w"s her commen t. The calendar learn to take proper ca.re of her clothing. Our little daughters of six and seven years milk in a custard pail set in b oiling water ; was t ossed on a. chair, a.nd soon after swept ;dd three t ablespoonfuls of corn star ch_ into the waste· basket. can readily learn to keep their corner of Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the rubbed.s:nooth in cold milk, one· h~lf cup The torn old note was g iven in change ma.mma's closet in the nicest order. With careful a.nd constant example and of sugar and yolke of three eggs. S tu· untl! to the middle-aged, staid mother of a family. LIVER, STOMA.(JU, KIDNEYS A..ND ROWEJ... S . now and then a. warm word of approval cf the consistency of starch; pour into a That night, while going over her accounts these little home makers cf the next gener· deep dish. Beat the whites of the ei:;gs to she laid 1t aside. " l ca.nnot afford t o give They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, an ation aoon take healthy pride in keeping a frost , add one oup of powdered sugar; so much in charity, " she ea.id. "l will are invaluable In all _ OomplalntB incidental to Feniales of ·all A.gee. Fo1 their dainty dresses and wraps neatly shaken spread over top of pudding and b1own in the give it to tho committee who send poor Children and the aged they are priceleaii. oven. children out to the c0uutry in the summer." out, turned on their · linings and carefully PINEA PPLE PuDDINo.-Liue the bottom The not e WM used to send Benny and his hung or fokled 1Lway from clinging lint and sifting dust. Give them pretty boxes for and sides of a pudding dish with thin slices mother up to the mountains. Benny was a their prized la.ce,trimmed aprons and dainty of pineapple; stew with powdered sugar, two-year-old baby, the only son of John Is an infallible re:medy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds Sor and Ulcers. It ls famous for Gout and Rheumatism, For dfsordere oft"'" collars and b onnets ; a.n elaborately em· place over a. layer of pineapples and so on Wolford, the carpenter. John had fa.lien -Chest it has no equal.broidered shoe bag for the smart little until the dish is full ; pour over one cup of from a scaffolding in the spring , and broken water and cover with slices of sponge or cup his leg, and it had taken every penny ot his Gra.due.te or the Ontario Veterinary College, button boots and leggings, and these little ca.ke wet in cold wa.ter; cover and bake sa.vinga to pay the d octors, and keep them For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Uongbs, Colds, Registered member of t.he Ontario Veterinary folks soon learned to delight in keeping Hlowly two hours, · from starving. When the t errible August their corner of mamma's Wilordrobe in neatest Medical .Asaooiation. Gl.11.ndular Swellings, and a.11 Skin Diseases it has no rival · and RrcEPUDDING.-One and one-halfp1nts of heats ca.me, and the baby, who wa.B teething, .-office and Residence. Newtonville, Ont, order. contracted and stiff j oln ts it acte like a charm, · milk boiled; while boiling add ~hree eggs, sank day by day,J obn knew that only change Will visit Orono every Tuesday and!Saturday three ta.bleepoonfuls ~f ground rice, grated of air woulo. save its life. lt wa.a their Office hnurs fr m 10 a. m., to 4 p, m... at What Will and Wha! Won't, spice, and rind of one lemon, sugar to taste, only child, and they loved it better than Coultera' Hotel Calls by Telegraph receive Manufactured only at T HOMAS HoLLOWA.Y's Establtahment, imr. edia.Le attention. I am often a.maz·~d at the things publish· one ta.blespoonfd of butter; bake slowly. anything on earth. But John was still in 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late ft33, OXFORD STREET), LONDON CH.Al GES MODERATE. by some so·ca.lled housekeepers anti war. CORNSTARCH CAKE.-One cup sugar, one. the hospital, and he ba.d not a. dollar. ra.nted to do thus and so ; when by actual half cup of butter, one·ha.lf cup of milk, two· "vVhat; can we do?" his wife cried. ~no are sold at la. lid., 2s. 9d., 4s. 5d,, lls., 22s., and 33s. ea.ch Box or Pot test and experiment they do nothing of the thirds of a. cup of cornstarch, one cup of "Do? Do what thousands of other poor may be had from all Medicine Vendorsthroughout tlie World. ' sort I Now I contend tha t the same process flour, whites of four eggs, one teaspoonful wretches are doing,- see the child die for . -r 11.reha.er· hould look at the Label ou the Po&a and Boxe1, vill pr oduce the sa me result the world of baking powder. Bake in buttered tin. wa.ntof a litUe money!" he replied,sa.vagely. ~EXT: I n 1133. 91tffll'd 1\11'rAet. ~ondon, they Are ·vnrlo>ia. over; and therefore when Mrs. Such·a.n· CocoANUT CAKE.-One tablespoon of but· "It's a. h~ai·tlese world!" One says that sweet milk will have precise - t er and one cup of sugar, rubbed to a But it 1s not alt.o gether hea.~tless. Tbe ---~-------~---~---~~~-~---~ ly the same effect a.s .s oap in washing dishes, cream ; two·thirds of a cup of milk, two ragged old note, 11:1yen by a kmdly hand, Willine: to Risk It. r when I undertake to wash dishes "with a e ggs, two cups of flour, two t easpoonfuls of sent Benny and his .mother to a ~unny Store Clerk-" A hammock , miss ? Ce~ few spoonfuls of sweet milk poured in the baking powd er. Ice the top wit h whites of farm-house among t~e h1l~s, whor e a friendly ontlnnes to do a. General B anking Business wate r," I ought to find t hat the milk has two eggs beaten with powdered sugar a.nd old Quaker and his wife fed them, and ta.inly. H ere is one warranted to sustain a . sBo wmanville Branch. CURE.S been an efficient substitute for the soap. grated coco!'nut. petted them and ma?e much of them, and weight of twJ hundred and ninety p onnou.' l DEPOSITS 1 Young L ady (solus)- " Two ninet y-let · But when on economy bent, I flew to the W ALNUT CAKE.-One cup of sugar, one- sent t!1e b'l.by back. wrnh red, ?hubby cheeks milk pitcher to save the soap bill, the net half cup of buttei·, one cup of sweet milk, and hrn mcther with a. happier hea.rt than me see. J ohn weighs 16 t and I weigh 12.5-1 t~oe!ve4 In Savings Ba.nlc Department and a ,1, and interest allowed e.t curren t rates. No five a.n d four's n ine with nothing t o ci~ny ; 1 result was a distinct necessity for another t hree eggs, two tea.spoons of baking powier. she, ha d known for yea.rs. 1ot1ce of withdrawal necessary. .All deposl i , dish washing with soap, for the milk wasn't Bll.ke in layers and spread with cream made lh? old note had plent y_of ;"ork to d? be· two and six is eight with nothing to carry ; )aya.ble on demand, (To the worth a picayune as a cleaner_ So many as follows : Two cups of walnut meats, fore 1t was worn out. It g.w1> a. bright· one and one is tw o ; total, 289. .EXCDA.NGE things are written in this Ba.me way and the pounded fine ; one cup of sour cr eam, one cup fac~d, honest boy ~ bottle of wh1s~y, '?n clerk.) Well, that's pretty near, bnt 1 guess I I result is just the exposure of a fraud. of powdered sugar. · which he made his firs~ carouse ; 1t pa.id it will d o." 1oughtandeoldand Drattsiseued uponEnr opo If your griddle gets rough when you are , for a bunch of roses "' h1ch Bella. wore on In! tcd Sta.~es and Oanada, also Gold,Si!ver ana It was Fast Color. frying batter cakes take a. ra.w turnip and Suo.AR CooKIEs.-:-Two eg~s, two cups of the street for half an hour, and then threw J mted Sta.es Greenbacks boui;cht and sold, slice off the end, and rub the griddle a.ll sugar, one cup of milk, one-half cup of but· into the gutter : it wll.a given as, over-pay "I'm afraid tha t calico will fade," she ob- ' tJOLLEU'l.'IONS over with it, and it will he as smooth as ter, teaspoonful of soda, two spoonf~ls of by a wise woman to a poor seamstress, who served as she looked at it in a doubtful way. gla.se. cream of tartar, five cups of flour. Mix the had served her long a.a d faithfully. With "Oh, no, ma'a m." Promptly made at current rates upon a i';" pat If white china, or ironstone tableware sugar and butter .toget~er, add t~e eggs the unexpected gift she bought a. warm "Ever tried it?" .Jf Great Britta.In, the United Sta.tee and D 0 has become stained or discolored from use, ~e~ten, them the milk with S?ila dissolved jacket, which she h11od long neeaed, and con"Yes'm. A woman who had a dress of minion or Canada. AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAIN.TS scour it well with wood a.shes or boil it in 10 it. Add_ one cup of fl.our with t~e cream quered a weakness of the lungs that would this pat tern fell into the river and her body Telegraph Trans.rers ~ND FLUXES OF THE:. BOWELS good lye and h will become perfectly clea...i of tartar mixed. ~hen add fl l\vorrng-nut· have soon robbed her little children of their was not fished out for a week. The color M&de tor lar11:e or sm s.ll sums on all part and white a.gain. me11, lemon or Yan1lla-a~d the ?ther four mother. · IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR. hadn't started. in the least, I assure you." I Canada.. ":h ie le especially adva.ntageou: There is nothing better for cleaning steel cups of. flour. Roll out with as little flour It would be impossible to tell all the work ___ j persons livmg in Ma.mtoba or the Nortb· w CAILDREN OR ADULTS.. · knives than a raw Irish potato, dipped in as possible. . . of that old gray bill, or of the other notes It was Freddy's first experience with soda . "'8 H ma.tkes the lunds available at once a t tt'e · fine brick dust. Cut off a slice of t he po· E oos A LA CRE111E. -Six eggs boiled hai;d which fill the purses of our reo.dere. They water. D rmklng- it down e1Lgerly he was ' p 1a.ce o payment, to.to so as to leave a raw surface, dip it in and. choppdd fine, and stale bread. Put 1D are in appearance as worthless as the old a.ware of a tlnglin~sensatioii in his nostrils. ll'or!urther Particulars call at the Bankln 8 finely beo.ten brickdust, and rub the knives a dish a.lterna.te layers of chopped eggs and lamp whicb Aladdin carried, but, like it, " H ow do you l ' e 1 ' t '" · ask e d h' 1s moth er, . '1'ouse. RODIE · until they look bright and clean. It d,oes grate d bread. When the dish is full, pour they a.re powerful genii, which, a.a we use who had stood ne!l.r, He wrinkled up hie .Accountant. GEO. McGILL, not wear out and break the ends of the on onA pint of boiling milk seasoned with them, scatter blessing or ha.le, life or de11.th. nose as he replied : " It tastes like your foot. I' .Mana..~er blades, and requires no strength at all. a ..lt, peP.per and one tablespoonful butter. How shall we use them ? was a.sleep." -v Freshly fallen snow makes batter cakes Bake a 1ight brown. 0 ,_ __ as light as fresh la.id eggs would do. Make WHITE F RUIT CAKE.-Two cups of white 1 up youl' batter oa.kes as usual, only omitting sugar beaten to a cream, with one cup of Icelandic £migrants. the eggs, and when ready to commence ba.k- butter, one cup of milk, two and one-half Over 700 colonists from Iceland will arrive ing them, take up lightly a.a many heaping cups of flour, whites of seven eggs, two in Manitoba. this month, driven from their tablespoonfuls of snow as you would have teaspoonfuls of bak ing powder. Mix thor- no'r thern homes by tho excessively hard con- I BOWJJIA.NVILLE, Ont. taken eggs and stir quickly into the batter, oughly and add one pound ea.oh of sliced ditions of life innorth Iceland. We area.pt I I ··1 and our experience JS that the snow is as citron, raisins, blanched a.!m!lnds and figs. to t hink of Icela nd as a rather sme.11 and ESTABLISHED, 1857. good as an egg. . . CREAM PU DDING. -One pint of fl our, one unimport ant island, though the fact is that ib . - ; .)~-;/;\~.) _If you want to sen~ milk off ID bottles, -;- pint of milk, one teaspoon of salt; to this is over t hree-fourths the size of New York wit h a basket of d1~ner, or a. tra.ve~er s add six eggs well beaten and three t easpoons State, ·and a considerable pa.rt of the north· .ALL KINDS OF lunch, or f~r the b~by s tea--first put mt~ white sugar i:,nd one tablespoonful of extract weat c~ast is still imperfectly k nown, having ~e bottle, 1£ oi:e pint, t wo tablespoonfuls o, of lemon. Ba ke in a buttered dish. never yet been explored by a scientific travelUnlo~ks all the clogged avenues of the hme wa.t er, or 1fa.qua.rtfourtahlespoonfuls. . f Ier. Mr. Thoroddsen, the geologist, who 1 0 Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying It will keep eweet even in hot summer CoRN. BREA?:- One pmt corn mea ' visited northwest Iceland la.st yea.r says the -::B'Yoff gradually without weakening the system, weather, and if you will wrap the bottle, over which boih~g wa.ter has been ~oured, farms lie high above sea. level, and that as :i.11 the impurities and foul humors of the head and heels in a wet cloth and then in enough to sea.Id 1t ; add a pint of mllk and <;ecretions ; at the s11.me time Correcti.wr a dry one, it keep cool in~ the bargain. three well bea.te:n eggs, also one teasp.oonful ~~:~h a::u!~~if~~h!ss!~~h~;~ !~:tl~:;~t!r, 6 I am fully prepared to attend hAcral~ done in the latest styles and materials. Acidity of the Stoma.ch curing B~ the As soon as the milk bottles come home wash ?f salt ~nd the same of yea.st powder' bake the inhabitants are almost completely cut shortest notice, at the lowest possible ra ousness, Dyspepsia., Headaches, Dizaaskets a.ndBuriaICasesread:r on short notlthem clean and put some lime water or soda m a quick oven. off from the world, except during the two ziness, Heartburn, Constipation, First-class hearse on very moderate ter11 and water in them and keep them uncorked, · ··- · or three mc.nths w hen the ice may move off Drynellfi of the Skin, Dropsy, Dhn·· Shrouds and Coffins constantly on hand, Fa A Oase of Real Distress. the coast giving passageway to ships. SCOTCH, ENGLISH, GERMAN AND throw the corks i~to a bowl of lime or soda ere.I cards supplied at once. :B'urniture Shop 1 ness ofVision,Jaundice, Sa.It Rheum, water a.nd they will ata.y sweet and clean. · · These fa.r~ers who have often had little in haw Rooma-Bounsall'sNew Block. y Erysipelas, Scrofula., Flutk·'ing of NEW BRUNSWICK Thisismy experiencea.ftersevera.lsuccessive ~udge-" You a.re accuse~ ~f ha.vmg re- their larders 'except the birds they have yea.rs of sending dinner a mile and more t o ceived stolen prop?r~y. Dlidn t yout k~?W caught will probably imagine they have I the Heart, N ervonsness an '1 ·Jenera! In Siam for stealing or killing an elephant, D eb ility ; all thttSe and many ::>r!i.; r simithat you were rece1v1ng sto en proi:;er y · d ' Et . t 1 t b th th a "railroad man " 1f When the kit~hen dish cloth begins t o Accused- " Shudge, if I had sushpected l ohun ta.ti~ Id ysfmM>n a ' to a.bs w en ey see e lar Cor.nplaints yield to the happy i nfluence a. buffalo or a bullock, the punishment is 1 · d t r i ' l\- ea e s o ani a. dea th. Housebreaking is also · punished "smell like a dish rag," throw it in a sauce· d ose go?ts va.s st oIen, d o you per e.e\ e o 1 1 of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. IN STOCK. with death. A person det ected in smoking pan or tin bucket of hot water, put a. good a.~h a p1shneBB man, vould have paid ter ven · Sample Bottles lOc ; Regular size $1. opium is imprisoned for three yea.rs. The lump of 9 oda in with it, and set it on the ty-five tol!ars ? Not mooch. I vould have A house is no home unless it contains Call and see our designs and get our men of the lower orders of people are slaves, stove to ta.ke a good boil. It will be clean chewed h im down to two tollars and a ha· I food a.nd fire for the mind as well as F <'I r so.le by all dealers. estimates before purchasing. and must be enrolled to some master. and sweet when it comes out. luf. I vash schwindled myseluf." I t he.body. l', llfl.,BllRl\' dl c:o., J'r1111rl~toi's, Toronto ~aundiau -==========- ! J'tatt.smau. I · HOUSEHOLD. Harness J Harness l I CUANCI----o---OF~:UUStNISS. HAN.D·MADE COLLARS CREAM -"IK1t'C. POWDER Le @e ~llf~~li:~ l3EEF, IRON AND WINE. HAINES' CARRIAGE "WORKS GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, CARRI AG ES, SLEIGHS, GUTTERS, WAGONS, &O. AUTHORS & COX, /TRUSSES' All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired 117 CHURCH ST., TORONTO, ONT. \lY e we ~lt~:l:ml? ~ HEALTH FOR ALLI THE PILLS THE OINTMENT' DR.FOWLERS . OF( , rR;NBEBm I THE ONTARIO BANK I I I holeraMorhus OLtl C...-a.@...,... RAMPS HOLERY ri1IARRHCEA l!JYSENTERY ff i BOU NSALL'S Marble and Granite Works, I I · "THE KEY TO HtALTH.., I I CEMETERY Wiiiii 1uN nERTAKitrE L EV 1 MORRIS. w'm ·, GRANITE MONUMENTS j I I

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