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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Aug 1888, p. 2

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was h.e-to feel alwa.ys the murderer'.,_ terror ' to be.nlif him. . of diacevery, he ~ho was guiltless of the Me seated him:ielf at his m·itmg table 18 PUJlLISHillD ]!]or people to expect a eure for- I nd·,;es· · mu:do.irer's crime. "W.lhere was '\'falentine ' !l.nd took up a p:;;~ket of teleg)!'s.pb. forms; t ion, . u n less t hey r efrain . fr.©>m er.1 ·ng EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING . wbil0 the hours were going on, and t he l,and1slowly, afteil' m~ch irreso!Uition, wrDte w hat Uh unwh olesome ; bu.t if any t r.ing -BYY · · ' eha~s ofinqlliry becoming more ha~rdous ?·1his message. will sha:i:pen tl ie appeti te. im d give l one AuT~:>R OF "LADY AuDLEY's SECRET," "WYLLARD's WEIRD, " .l':To., ETC. Had he gone back< to 1"ondon, to resume his 1F-tom Adrian Bslfield, Chadford, to· Colonel =old life, to brazen out his gmlt by the careDeverill, Im.j,Nlrial Club, (1>la.sgG:> w. t o the digestive organ s, it is Ayer's i'lar. AT TH:& OFlillOB less ease of his manner as he trod the beaten "'Mrs. Belfield nas left tile Abbey audden · 1 s~parilla. T housands rul:over t11c l:ufct - l"o!!i O.ftlcc Block, JUng Sh·cet, Bowman· track, among his usual set? Wo.nltl.he try ly, leaving; a let ter which i1w-0lves trouble J test ify t o the merits o! tMs m_ed icino. ville, Ontal'io. voice. " She may h11.ve wavered at theiast to prove an alibi were he ever called to for ua all. b':lilr husband i1 iin London. ~ CHAPTER X XI X .-(CONTINUED ) M r s. S aral1 Diurouglrn 1 .of 248 E ighth moment a.nd gone to her hllsba.nd. 'hat , q urstion upun the oosiness of ilaat night ? ltindly com'.lluuioate with him, " [1~ T'ERlY.:t:S : "You are urgently wanted at home for There was Dill~ much in t his. It com:nit- v.i a:tr eet, Sout h Boston , w rites : "' My hug. i;0 , ,, .lnD1JU1,0r$l i£J>aid in advance. nasons to be explained when we meet. wretched l~tter ma.y mean. less than we :Had anybody 88en him at the !!>lation or in 1 thin!'. It is not even fi!11Bbe~, "J; 0 u aee, ihe town? Ba.cl =ybody heard him,mo¥ing ted the sender t& ve1·y li ttle. It would in I ban d h a.;; taken A yer'a Sarsaparilla, for mtnt striotly in advance required from ;:;tart by first train possible from Chadford Adrian. She may ha.~e written 1~ m so,me about the ho!l>se ?· all pr obability be long in reach~ng the Colo- ! ])yspepsia and torpid liv:er, aud has b~~ribereoutside of the county. Ord~rs to Road." At the Ah-bey. t here was no suspicion ofr nel ; and in t h.& meant ime, \i:talentine might- ·! been,gt,eatly b enefited :'.' acontlnue the pa.per muBt be. accompanied by " fle must be ill," exclaimed Lady Bel- mad, angry fit agamst Valentme. ,. God eamount dne or t he pape w1l no~ bes t opped. knows. Good-bye, dearest, good-bye. . anything w1mse than an elopem.l!nt ;. but up.- have got away from Englancl!, e.nd beyond:·, } b·flrtbere are responaibleunti full payment ie field. "He would hardly telegraph so Mother and son.clasped hands, and Adrian on that questi'ln tliie Abbey seir i:ants had all1 the reach of pi:irsuit, should sUiSpicion 0e de, Confirme~. urgently for any other i·eawn. What could :.do. ' she be wanted at home for except her hus- gave the coa.chmen the signal for departure. j made up their minds. Mrs. Belheld had. :rooted towards him. C . Canterbury, of-: 141~ F r anklin s t., He stood watching the carriage drive a.way, 1 carried olilt the intention ann@ unced in tlu~t (il:t> BE CONTUJ<'l!El'). ~ &ATE!! OF ADVEJlTISING1 ';;~ 0 l'T' :z :Jloo hand's illness-an acciJ.ent, perhaps- thrown Boston, Mass., writes, . t h,'llt, suffering ·WhcleColumn one year . ........... . $6<! 00 !"'~:;; from his horse, or somethiug dreadful. And mobionlees, as if turned to stone, paralysed letter VI hich. J ane had read 1>lpon her w.a:;,1 " " Balfyea.1~ ...... 36 o ~~ by despair. Under no other citcumst11nces downst& fos.. And like a yoWJ.g and foolish. , . . for yiuars from I n.digestion, h e was at 0 ,.. he telegraphs cautiously, to prevent our. be- would .. " One quarter ... .... .. 20 o -he have allowed his mother to go to thing a:t she was, she had g~ne ofli witao-i:t Caue.du~n Ind1an~,:1.t. Ifome. last< inil.11ced t o t ry.. A'.Ye.i' 'll> Sarsaparilla, . 0 ing frightened. [ aha!! go ~t ~nee, Adr ia°?. 11alt Column one year ..... · ...... ·.. S6 00 The inmat es of this Ind ia.111 home W©i'e 84Mil, by its use, Wl'!&-entir:ely cur ed . ·· Ha.lf year .... .. ······ .. 20 0 0 I won't wait till th.is silly girl IS found. I 11 London upon SllCh. an errand alone. 'l!n.der her luggage, trusting to the ehapter of :i.cc1< " One quarter ........... ~2 5 Mr s. J oseph Au bi.11 1 of High street,. go to my son as fast as the rail can carry no other circumstan ces would h.e have fa1 led dents !or get ting her prope~~y sent aftea her.. the strangest pa.rt of tke ~oone. The t~dy , Qnarter ColutLn one yetJ.r.. .. . ...... .o 0 _ to see her off at the station; but to-day he They were all ra.ther sorry for her, t hougp women weie squatting. ol'l the floor, s© ma 0 I fol.yokc, Mass., fi~l:ffered for over a year · me.u · · , " Hal! yee.r .... , · · . . . · 12 501 1 5 She rang the bell hastily, w.ute with a dared not do even as much as that. He they were also all agreed that this elope- cross-legg.~d like Tur.:.W, others sitting on " ·· One quarter-· ··· · .. 8 00 fta m Dyspepsia,.. so .that she could not · dared not leave the house, that ~ear ho~e ment had beeen inevi talale firom ~lfl very one foot as a. cllshion, or on their toes tur nTen lines a.ndunder,flrst inser tion. $0 50·new terror. eat substantial food, beoe..me ver y weak, of his childhood and youth, which to hnn beginning-ay, even whii.le the sound of lwr ed inwa:rd under th19m, w on t heir hnees Baoh subsequen 1inser.tion ..···· 0 25 : · "Dear mother, don't agitate yourself so D'rom six t o ten lines, Jirst.rnsertion 0 751 ll4ld was unable- t o care 1or her family· . was benceforward,only the scene of ~urder, w1:ddiog bell~ was still in the air. and heela. They W.0lll!l-<J;Ui~e erect, yet e:>.11-y, dreadfully-indeed there may be no ca.use Bach eu·bsequei;it iusf'.rtion ...,. .. 0 351 =-.10 " If she had wanted to be hap:p;y in her in t hese attitudes, afl,a. < H l.1fortable as w~ are Neither th e n::.edicines. pr escribCLl or for fear-about Valentine's health. I can't a place of horror and hideolls memories. Over ten lines first rnsert1on,perhno 0 101 _ He went ba.~k to the breakfast room married life, she ought to ha.Ye ha.d Sir upon luxurious fumtlture. l'lhysicians, n o:c any 0 t he r emedies , Bach subsequent insertion " O understand the telegram." _ . whatnext he was to b.ea.r. Adrian," ea.id Mra.,,Mar:vable, and everybody One of them changed her dress. by slowly, wondering ii!' of D yspepsia, adver tised for tl:ie our· He stood with t he message Ill his hand, The number of lines to be reok:oned bY Mrs. Marrable was hovering over the table else agreed, as in duty bound. detacl!.ments at m y elbvw. The men.were · ~ epace occupied, measured bya scale or perpl.,xod beyond mea.sllre. How should l1el_ped h er, u·ntil slie eommenced t he · pretending to arru,nge the roses and gol~en There was a good deal of discll.Ssion as to waitz.ng for dinnlll' r ;. 0 1 10 slept ~urled up, in -. Ol!d 'Nonpareil, Valentine have been able to telegraph f;om use of A ycr's · Sarsaparilla. " Tlircc · Kensington at ha.If-past seven that mornmg. lilies in the geu.t chrysanthemum bowl whwh how and when Mrs. B.e!field left the Abbey, a honp near t he wall ; another sa.lt fiat on ~bottles of tl1ia, m edici!ne," sh e wtites, He could not possibly have reached L;ind~n filled the center with bloom and perfume. and by what train she had gone ; but this the fioor by his wife ; and t he ot~er t wo DRS. lllcLA.IJGUtlN ·.1un:l1.'H, "cured m e . "~ "I do declare my la.dy has gone aw.ay was finally settled to everyoodv's sa.tisfac- lal; ~tretched e.cuoss t he opposite end of by that hour, even if he were travellmg !n ·OBFICE :- MORlUS' BLOCK, BOWMANVILLE· that direction. There had been n~ tre.m withou t aa much as a cup of tea," she m1o1d. tion. She h ad slipped out of the h ouse the lodge. T OO.children showed a ·.ema.rki)r.J.W.McLAUGHLIN, Dr. A. BEil'B. Gradll that could convey him. Or even had it been ,, It's a. sad, sad day for us all, Sir A.dri11>n." overnight, shor tly 11.lter she had retired to a.hle capacity foi: st~\Ving t hemsel ves away 1 "It is, ind eed, a 8\\d day, Mrs. l\farrabls." her room; and she had w<>llrnd. quietly to in groteE que sha.pes in nooks anc1, corners, licentiate of the Royal at.e of the Toronto possible why should he have sent such a Pll.!!;P ARl!!D B Y "And to t hink t h\\t sweet yollng lady- the station and had tak en her seat in the · whence t hey stared at m e with black bea.d ~~ge~e~b:~Y~~citi:: University, .Pl1ysician message'? What end would he hope t;i gain Dr. J, C. Ayer &. Co., Lowell~ lll!ass.. oh sir, I know it was very wrong-but hula.st train from Ba.rnst a.ple, which would like eyes as expressionless a:i. t hose oi :tl;oyal College of Sur- Surgeon, &c. by the hideous mockery of telegraphmg to P rice $1; ~:i;,b.Q\l!\lll,,~. Worth $f> ·d> oL\le, 11:eons, Edinburgh. · the dead? '!.'here was some mystery under . m~n nature is human nature, and we were reach :Kx:eter in t ims for the mail from Ply- animals. l'-4iea:nwhile tkte po, ople kept u p. a all so upset in my room, and Jane she ca.me mout h. She would be at Pll.ddington earl.y general conveFsat ion in their c.;vn, tong~e ; _______ _ _ _ - - - - - -- - - DB· .r. (J, J IU'l'VHELL, lying the message. rt~shing in whh t hat letter. half out of her in the morning. Her lover would meet h 0r their voioos were low, even in laug hter, EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS "Tell Sanderson to pa.ck my dressing bag wits poor girl, and oh, Sir Adrfan, $he somewhere on the road me.st likely. and expressive of a kind and· considerate and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, eto. and portmanteau for t he ten forty train !" reaa' the letter on the stairs, not knowing There was very little qllest ion as to t he na.ture. You notice a good doo.l of abl'ub t. O:tllce and Residence. Enniskillen. 74. said Lady Belfield, when Andrew appeared, - -- - - " and order the ct1rriage at once. Adrian, what she was doing, and she just ga.ve it in· name of the lover. Sa.ncterson had been at ness io. their t alk; but this is due t o t heir I must leave you t o look after ~elen. T here to my baud, tried to speak, and couldn't; the A\eundra wit h La.dy Belfield, and had lan gur.ge, in which you hear many inarti· W. !I, OllltJJS'.fON, I., L. 8. caught her breath, and went oft into strong gone t o and fro between t he hotel and Wil· culate grunts, short, brUS1!JU0 inflect ions, Banister, Solicitor, Conveya.ncer, &c. M _ ODE)Y can be nothing rea.lly wrong with her- some to Jvan. Office, in .Beuver Block upstan·s m foolish frea.k-an early ramble- and ahe has hyster ics, and I make no doubt she's in them kie Man6ions with mesaa.ges, and had seen a.nd loog, disj ointed, unmelodious words. Lord St. Austell at M 1·s Belfield's, and at But when t hey talk French, which t he 1cou s formerly occupied by Dr. Harnden, lost herself on the moor, perhaps. I cannot at this very moment." !lowmanville. 39 "Then you all know--" he waa lo{oing Mrs. B,;ddeley's, and had heard things. most of t hem understai;.d, their speech is stop to think about her. She can follow me to say " everything," but stopped himself Even the little page had his opinions, and quite agr11ea.ble. I t rie;J, in many ways t o by a later tr ain." Dlt. E. (J, ltlcDOWELL. and said, "You all know that my sister-in· h ad cx pre~sed himself freely as to Mr. Bel- engage the squ11.ws in con versat ion in this The viother's hear!J and mind were full ICENTIATE OFROYALCOLLEGE law began to write a very foolish l etter field's short-sigh tedness. Sanderson was langue, but they t u rnoel to me a deaf ear, j 'IJ of Physicians. Lontlon. Eng.;Member ot of her son and of him alone. She thought which she n ever finished, and which ma.y too good a servant to t al k mllch upon such or else their husband's, It seems t hat the < 1li' Loll ~ l':e ot Physicinoe ana Surgeons. Ontario. of him st~icken by sudden illness- a con· mean nothing. She h as some reason to com- delic ~ te subjects ; but she had talked a missionaries advise the tF-ibe t o have b ut SURllli:RY .AND R ESIDENCE:- Rear of Messrs. suming fever- congestion of the lungs- · plain of my brother's neglect, and she may little to Mrs. Marrable in t he confidential litt le inter course wit h. whites ; they will · When 1 r.:, f Cl:mi: I do not. mean m 1>r!;Iy to Eig ginbotham's Drug Store, Bowmanville. ~top tJ1 elll ior ~1 ti n: o, a.ud then have tlFE:l't rerparalysis- or a fatal accident, his back brok- hl.ve written that letter as a kind of warn· half-hour l.\fter supper, and now that the often pretend not to understand you, or 6- lyr.· turn airalu. I Ml!:A N A RADICAL. CllRE.. en life ebbing fast a way, life measured b y ing to him." ! hav~ nmtle t he disease ~f catast rophe had come she talked a great will grant your req uest witho11t replying m~ments and she so far from him, with so "Yes, Sir Adrian, she may. Only-only deal, and nobody in th.e housek eeper's room to y our spe£ch. D. BIJ.RKE SIMI'SON, ~::lTt!~ EPX LEP1SY Ol'f T he dinner meanwhile had been p1epared .A.R RISTlHt, SOLICITOR, &o. MOP 'IUS many w;a.ry miles between t hem, seeming -" faltered Mrs. Marra ble, who lo\·ed or tbe servant's h all doul:ted that Mrs <>velled by the fastest ex " the family" with a r everent ial affeotion, Belfield had gone off with Lotd S t. by one of the sq uaws. She set out a uumbe1 BLOCK, up sta.irs, King Street, Bowman· slow even when tr ~/',;,it.LING· f~CKNESS, press that ever rushed a.long the iron road. and would have cut her tongue out ra th er Austell. !le. Solicitor for the Ontario Bank of pl ates on t he floor, and Louis invited :ne A Pf) 10'lp; stndy. I WA.tt«AN T m.~"remecly to " Dear mother, you must do whatever you than speak disr espectfully of any Belfield, l'rlvate lllonel's loaned at the lowest ra_ t es, to eat of their stewed dllcks. I 11.coordiogly C-;run lie w" rot cases. Jlec<>use others have t hink beat " said Adrian, quietly; "but I "only, what can have become of M . rs. Bel- ', CHAPr E ,,R XXX:,- T crE SiL~·-T P ooL. settled from t he chest where I sat t o t h.e 12UetH>nt1re: scnforn1>Uno\'H ec..i·;rno;a.ctlre. .Joh n K eith Galbraith, o.m assured you are torturing yourself with· .. ... .r: c.i.... Ger 1uia.t<>nccioc·atraa,. ~-6eetnd .o,F11.n1 )lOTT:.:::: h . . . · . field d she h as- not- gone awa.y wit some . floor, Ouly the men came to the meal ~ for o.tmY InJr,\T.LIELJ~ p,~JlrnDY. (;iv·c J·,, ~--p~s D A R RI S TER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY 01! t reason. Why should th is teleirram mean one ?" ;·.~;d host Offlc~. I t 1;ost3 you n<l-th ing !,,~, ~ 1 Sir Adrun sat 1Il ohe library, .or sallnter· it is the custom among them t o aen e t he "l P UBLIC, &c. Office- Hmmsall's Bloc,k illness? There are a hundred possibilities T hat quest ion seemed unanswerable, for ed about t he lawn and shrubberies near the men first ; the women, having Joss exposure ol l:i,1, ~.mi it \\ ; ll ~ -11..,., you. .A ~drt,~~ l111g Streat, Bowman ville. l>lonev to lend, It tells us nothing except that Valentine Sir Adrian r emained silrnt. house, all that Jon~, he?-VY <lay. H~ dared and t rn.vel to endure in the wint er, consider :Jr, i:f:, (+, ROOT, 31 Yonge St., Tiu·onto, Ont. wants his wife at home. it may have been " I'll go up to Mrs. Belfield'R room," he not l~~ve the premmes Jllst yet- so mtcnse t heir needs as secondary ; they will absolute : '.tT:17~".::3~~~?lllffll'llti:$ii.'~ ~\'fl£LU.ltl 'tvlGUT. selilt in a fit of temper," s~id, presently, after walking up and dov:n , was n1s dread of some new cat.a.strophe. He ly tast wh en provisions are scarce. A nd - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - · - - - - ICENSED AUCTIONEER for th e The door opened, aud Mrs. Marrable came for a few minutes, while Mrs. Marra.bl~ st ill wanted to be tbere, to face the worst that yet, notwit hstanding t heir extu nouri, hCounty of Durham. Orders left at the J r J 'IEBl\UN oftlce or forwarded to 1.'yrone P.O. in, clean and fat and homely, in her fresh lingered and still found occupation ir.. the could happen; to be at hand to answer ques· men t in times of starvilot ion the men alway s pink and white print gown and lace cap, but arrangei~ent of the breakfast t11>ble, where j tions, or to meet cal11.mity with a bold suoG u'.mb first. We helped ourselves from ' Ill! receive prompt attention. 28:6m much paler and less self possessed than was the silver kettle was boiling desperately I front. . the kett le ; and when we had finished, t wo her wont. Her br oad good.natured count- over a spirit la.mp, and the eggs were cock· 8. (), DIJNKJ.NG, Once he went down t.o the ~1ver, a.nd,Ioo.k - of the men rolled up into heaps and went t o .p. 1'he women, children, and dogs t hen I ICENSED AUCTIONEER Fon. enance had a distressed look as she ap- ing themselves as ha.rd aa stone in a patent e~ at that ~uahy pool where his brothe~ s v1c sleF proached her mistress wit h au open letter in egg-boiler. ,, ~im was !ymg. The _ water sc_arcely rippled ga thered about the dishes. E ach one ha.d \. t he County or Durha,m. Sales attended "I may find some- some other letter, Im the still Sllmmer arr ; t he lights and aha. an att endant dog at h er elbow, ready for 10 ~n shortest notice and lowest rates. Address her hand. \. JO~ !MlOll P. 0. 36:tf "If you please, my la~y, tMs was. found added Adria.n, "x ou can come with me dows play ed llp~n the sllrface of the pool ; any emergen cy. The meal was social and in Mrs. Belfield's room iust now, lymg on if yoll like." . . the sunbeams ~lmted amon~ the r eeds, trem ple11.sa.nt , wit h good.nat llred t alking, and the floor, my lady, among a litter of bits of Mrs. Marrable waited tor no second lllVl· ulous, uncerta.m, as the foliage moved softly manners q uite defer ential. But the dogs Pianos Tuned and Repaired. lace and scraps of r aper, and such like ; and tation. She followed Sir Adria.a to the overhead. It was a lovely afternoon. He were an aggressive elem ent. They were ~OVAL rooms over the library, by the private.stair- had oo!lle there to fish upon many such a~ter· eager and unserupulous ; if a hand remained l s Canada's F avorite Bread-maker. c.ARTIES WISHING :rHErnPIANOS I thought it was my duty to bring it to you case which Valentine had ascended in the noonB tn years tha~ were gone.. T hat little too long >1.way from the plate a acg captur. with my owu hands." 10 :yea~·s in tho niarlret without. ·~ <imnTuned or repa1re11 oan nave them attended It was Helen's le tter; that unfinished let dead of the night. creek under the willows\ and it s ~hel to~ed ed thP. contents. Now and t hen a y el p, or plroint of any k i nd. Th<> only yea st w-hio}\ to by leaving word at the Do:r.UNION ORGAN stoocl t he test o f time and nevo~ made h a s 'l'he bedroom r emained exactly as Adrian bank, h ad ~een a favourite ~pot _ with htm. a crescendo of ire on the word "ahwis," Clo's OFFIC:&, Bowmanville A first-clas man ter which so broadly confessed her own seur, u11wbolesou1e bre a d. "" tiow oeing in their eml>loy had seen i t l ast night, except tha.t the win- '.E'~-da.y he !mgered t here, hstenmg to ~ht broke t he calmness of the conv ersat ion. The wicked purpose. All 'C roeer s s~ll i t. "When you r ead this I shall be fa.r away dows were open and the eunshine streaming faint l!lashm~ of t~e water, and _ watchrne; dog of th e pret tiest maiden k ept advancing 'Q. W. ~!LLil'l!'!, :lil'f'r. 'l!oro~to, Ott. .t Q.h!Qllgg, ru. from this house- far away from E ngland, I in and lighting up every corner. There was the bnght -wmged msects as t hey dipped ano his nose toward her plate, and she k ep r, hope- with t he man wh.o loves me wel l the spot where he had seen that prost!ate ll11ttered ony1e dark surface of the pool. pounding bis head wit h her sp oon till h e enough to sacrifice social p osit ion for my form, wit h upturned face and blood·stam~d and t~_en sk,immed away! v_z ure: transparent, concluded t o r et r eat, Anothtr cnr sat very sake and for whose love I am willing to for forehead ; there stood the table with its h t· bea.utuul, hke spot s of hvmg light. quietly for some t ime beside a child ; but at Liver Coiuplalnt, ter of writing m.11>terials, scattered books and H ow oal.mly beautiful ~he, place was, anc l!lost he rose in open r ebellion and rnshed to fei t my ,good n ame." Lady Belfield so.uk int o her chair, crushed low vases of summer flowers, candles burnt bo~ hard it :-vaii for Adrian s. over wrough1 the plate . The child screamed, spoons DJ·spcpslu, by t his bit ter stroke. H er son's wife- th<' low in the sockets of the massive old silver bra.m to r_eahse the horror lymg there, H, fl ourished in the air; and fi nally t he dog IlUlonsness · ~irl she had loved and t rus ted, and treated candlesticks, an arm chi>ir in front of the stood starmg bl.ankly at the d.-.rk water, and settled back In his hau nches wit h a r evenge. Sick Headache, m all t hings as a daughter- this girl wife, table the chair in which she had been seated almoijt wondermg whether there were an1 ful snarl When the women had finished Kidney 1'roubl es. so young a.nd fair and seemingly innocent, whe; she penned that fatal letter. reality in h.st night's crime- whether th· their me a.I they sat st ill a.nd l et t he dogs Rheunuttls m. had declar ed h er g uilt in thoAe deliberat.. Two arve oil akin covered dress-baskets whole .tra.~edy fro.m fi rst to l ast wer.e i;ot an struge"le over t heir laps, and take possession SkJ u l'is.,.,ases lines. The mystery of H elen B elfield's dis- stood near the door, strapped and locked h.a.llucmahon of his own, the graphic mven of the en tire culinar y departmen t. Af ter and all appearance was solved. She and her good r eady for dep11>rture. Doors of wardrobes tion of a madman, . setting thiogs t o rights t he women resumed lmpm·lfles of the were open, drawers and shelves were empty. He went back. t o the Abbey, dread.mg ~o their sewing on t he floor, and I left them !.'!." N L D · name were gone for ever. R H A N D r.. ' mood lrom what· · Q' · "What news for me t o take to my son," Everyt hing indicated prepa.ra.tions for find that so:ziethm_ g h'l.d happened durmg his chatt ing away t he afternoon, more happily ever e·m~e arising Graduate ofthe Royal College of Dental she exclaimed, thinking more of him than partllre. A travelling bag upon thedressmg abaence, bnef as it had bi:en. A constable than many of our oa.re-worn house-keepers Rur10:eons, Ontario. of his guilty wife. table was filled with ivory backed brushes from Cha.dford, or ~ !1etectiv~ from Scotland in their palaces of taste and educat ed disC~EAT 0 FICE OPPOSITE EX PRESS OF.B'CE. "1'ake my advioe, mot her. Do not go t · and p erfume b ottles, and all the trinketry of Yard would be wa.itmg ~or him p erhaps : ~r oontent . him. There ~ something wrollg about t hat a. woman's toilet leaving the ta.hie it.self there would be some frig htful news of hi. Pnce, 75c. (wit h Pills $1.) )OLD FILLING A SPECIALTY telegram. almost bare. ' brother : a Sllicide found in some sequestered It is a hoax, perhaps." ABTIFICIAL TEETH IN8ERTED WITHOUT - TRYThere could be no doubt that she had pre- spot up m the moor ; a mutilated corpse, "No, no, Adrian. Who should invent To Stop the Crevices in the Rockies. PLATES. such a hoax - t;o what end? I must go, I pared for her departure ! that she had de· born? home upon a sh':tter, No; there was Dr. HODDER-'S A gigantic scheme haa been proposed by Gree.t Reductions in prioe on a.11 Dental tell you- there is no alternative. He t ele liberately planned her fltght. . nothmg .changed on. his r~turn, The housP which the canons of the R ocky Mountains Work. VitRlizef.. .Air, constantly in use pro· graphs for his wife- he has no longer a wife. Ae he stood hoking at these preparahons h_ad an air of dea.th-hke s.t1llness. Th? vene il.uc!ng Palnleaa Oporations. Particular atten are to be dammed up from the Canadian line tlllln paid to the r egulation of Children's Teettl But his mother can go to him in his trouble. the meaning of the telet'l'am fi..shed upon h ans were closed outside those wmdowa to Mexico, in order to form vast reservoirs of him. It was from St. Austell: a. message above the library. He could picture his (Ycry small and easy to take.) That tie is not so easily broken." ,...ALL WORK WARRANTED. ..._, water to be used in the irri~a.tion of arid "I.et me go with you t hen ·. , invented t o affor.:1 H elen an excuse for Ieav· brother's wife lying th.ere on the white bed, lands, and to prevent floods in the Missouri NO GRIPING. NO NAUSEA. Brauch office . Dr. Rutherfor d's Oro no. with folded hands, and limbs decently com. and lower Mississippi. Major P owell, Di"No. Y ou will have plenty to do here. ing the Abbey. Sold everywhere ; price 25 cents. H e looked around the room, moviLg slow· posed, under the lavender-scented sheet. You must find out all about t hat miserable r ector of t he Nat iona.l Su1vey, est imates t hat ~ (;0 .· PUOl'JtllcTORS. girl ; how and when she went, and with ly to and fr", while Mrs. Ma.rra.ble's cle~r, TJiat would h~ve been ho~rible-e~rly , a.t least 150,000 square miles of land might Tile UNiON Mimlf!IN Toronto <:an· whom , Have you any idea ? do you suspect honest eyes inspected everythmg, and while u~timely death m one so fair and hght- t hus be reclaimed- a territory exceeding in any one?" Mrs. Marrable's shrewd mind ma.de its own mmded would have seemed a reversal of na- ext ent one hi>lf of the land now cultivated in Adrian was silent. How could he answer; conclusions. That let ter- llnfinished as it ture's common 1111w : but, oh, how lig11t a the United States? The plan is to build c:1- ~ n TORONTO STEAM LAUNDRY, how malign the dead. She had been on the was-taken in conjunction with the packed oalamity compa.rtld with 'that which had hap dams across the canons i n the mountains, -\\Q ©i;l~~ 106 York St ., Toronto, bri.nk of sin, and yet perhaps h11>d died spot- boxes and dressing bag, must mean a run- pened. · SHIRTS, coll."AR"s ANO CUFFS less, save in the intention t o abandon her away wife ; bnt how was it t hat the fugitive . He went into the libra.1'.Y· His opei;i piano, large enough and str?ng enough t ? hold back h11aband. And had he held his hand, she had left without ta.king her luggage or mak· his books upon the readmg table, hie desk floods from h eavy rams and mel~mi:r snows, A 1 A a specmity. Out of town work then let the water down as 1t 1s needed l..11 UJ pr omptly at tended to and returned might h ave r epen ted and drawn back on the ing some arrangement for having it sent and papers, the grave old orga.n yonder in and per instructions. the deep r ecess by the high oak chimney upon the Ia.nd to be r eclaimed. In view of very threshold of t hat awful guilt. The in after her ? G p SHARPE Proprietor " I daresay she was afraid at the last, piece, the organ he bad so loved- all those the vast irrigating works of ancient E gypt , tention announced in that letter might never India and other c;iunt:ies, th~re is no doubt .(:Iext ~ 001'. to Palmer hou;e. Handy to Union have been carried out. Sh.e might have and dared not go off to the station wit h her things which made up the occupation, inter t WITH0\11' T!lllTH 'WllrEI TEK ru. hat such a plan 1s quite feasible to modern Depot. lived a pure and dutiful wife to the end. boxes, as some have done, bolder tha.n eat, pleasure of bis d aily life- all were t here skill. Indeed i t i s very likely ~~ -=""'=·~=========~==~ And wa.e he to betray her now in her uncon brass," thought Mrs·. M11>rrable. S he'll a~ they_h ad ~een yest~rday, but they could engineering t hat some scheme of t he k ind will be put in .W. .Ill. J secrated grave and say, " Y es, I know all write to me perhaps, asking me to send her yield Lim neither delight nor comfort ; no, practice when land becomes more valuable as · · FBA.()TJ(;A.L DENTIST, about h er. Lord St. Austell was her lui;:gage soO:.e,vhere. She'd never dare write not one min~te's reEpite or ?estraction . populat ion becomes denser. Who shall say !lllVBH TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENOE. lover. " to her ladyship." He sat at his book·tdble with folded arms, t hat the great W estem "deser t" she.I! not be There were no lett<'rs upon the writingand his forehead r esting upon them, shut ting never was Intended, so far as I can learn. :t;,e1110xld eGesA.dmtnlsteredtorFalnJes " Yon don't know ?" questioned his moth. t ransformed into rich ar able lands by this ItThat either men or womeu wer e intended to Operations. er. " You ha.ve no suspicion about 0onyhody, table- not a scrap of Helen's writ ing any- out the light of day, trying to t hink out the means by t he second centenary of Amer ican b e bald. Ill(;<JLlJNG'S BI.o<:a.. among her admirers ? . My God, t his is what where, except that one fatal letter in Sir situation, with all i ts sickening perplexit ies. Independence ? I think you will believe me, Indeed I'm sur6 comes of being t alked about as the beautiful Adrian's breast -pocket . There was no stain His mother 1i1'd t old him to communicate you will, If at the " Paris H air Works" you have called , Mrs. B alfield. Y ou must telegraph to her of blood upon the oak floor yonder where with H elen's father ; but he shrank wit h ab father, Adrian. You need not telegraph to she had fallen, or on the delicate chintz horrence from t he task. What could he say A Snake in a fix. 1.'here i s one t hing Nature thinks of- let us her sister. I shall see her. And you . will cover of the chair near which she fell. t hank her for all we ca.nwhich would not be a black & nd bitter lie ? 'Vhile at a neighbor's a few days ago, Mr. She takes particular t rouble with our race ; find ou t all you can about her flight. Poor, "Gracious I" excla.imed Mrs. Mllrra.ble, To say that she had fled would be to mali£:n G eorge "'W. l! ' iaher, of Independence, Kaua., She knows a scan ty growth of hair, the gray wretched, sinful creature. I was ~o fond of B uddenly, "what 's gone with the white the dead ; to say anyt hmg else would be to heard a raoket ou t in t he kitchen, and, going and whiteaing locks, her," with streaming eyes. P ersian rug ?" enda.nger his brother. H e had to shield out t o investigate t he cause, found th llt a \ Vill detract from the beauty of the fa ce. Sanderson came in with h er mistress's tdrain affect_ed ig no!ance. th e wrong doer at any cost- for his mot her's lar ge rattlesnake h ad cr awled i.at o t he Bllt Nature ha.a her laws so striot that you bonnet and mantle ; t ravelling bag and The beallt 1 fnl white rug that used to sake. kit chen and was fastened in t he h andle of ll. m ust n ever er r, por tmantc11>u wer e in t he carriage already. For you'd surely pay the penalty at last, lie in front ?f the wr!ting-t able, I t was one When las~ hea: d of Colonel p everi!J had 1 jng in the following manner : There were su. tain it, that bounteous head of hair ".Am I to go with you, mv lad y ?" of my Ja,dy s favourite rugs. She brought been yach!mg .*1 the Hebrides wit h a som l'I eggs and 11 jug on the floor when tlie Dr. Dorenwend's Hair Magic's unsllr paeeed. " l'. es, mother, pray don't go alone, " it down from Loi;id~n two yea.rs a.~o when w;ealthy ~hip bmlder of Glasgo~. He ~ad snake crawled into the house, and it swalurged Adrian. j}~fieFret , she had .been furmshmg M~. Belfield a.house. r;,iven his addres~ at a club m, th at city . lowed one of t he eggs, and, as t he j ug was J¥~!rfu-~P.'Tc°~!~~t;'~: ~~;:k~~~~ ~ " Ca.n y ou be r eady t his inst ant?" It was m her own dressmg ·rooip t ill the Wher ever I am 1n August an<;I Sep~ember, lying on its side, had cra.wled through the .And t he gocd t hat it will do you will make " I've only to put on my bonnet , my lady. other day_. an~ then she says, "Marra~le, any} etters sent to ~he I mperial will find han dle far as t he egg he h ad swallowed you soon forget 118 W e shall have plenty of time." Mrs. Belfield 1s out of healt h, and oommg me, he had told his danghte~~· " I a.m would admit, and finding another egg con - The expenditure a bottle will eutail; It was within a fe w minutes of ten, and to us t o get str ong. We must make her sure to get t hem sooner or later . M;er speudiog much time and money, I am venient as he crawled t hrough t he hancle of This n ow fam ous prepara tion for invip '"""'w w prepared to Jill all orders prompt ly. I the tra.in was to leave Chadford-roa.d Stat ion r ooms as pretty as ever ~e can, and this As th~ C~Ionel r ar ely answered anybody 's the jug, swallowed t ha.t egg a lso, and g.s the orat ing 9nd stimulating t h e gr owth of t hlk ., ~'l'e a flue assortment of \V .AVES, BANGS, at t en for ty. Adr ia.n helped his mot her rug was _brought here ~vith a good m~ny letuers, it did not seen? of much con~equence egg was t oo large t o pass t hr ough the handle h :1-ir is u n iversally acce pted as t h e most 33WI1.'CHES, COMBS and PINS very cheap. with her mantle, tenderly cuing for her, ot her thm~s-that chair, and t he I:id1an where t hey wer e sent m the fi.r~t mstan~e. of the jug , Mr. Snake was fastened so be valuable specific on th e m arket. All :SANGS :FR O hte $2 U P. while Sanderson ran off to ({et herself ready for rnsta.nce, at Lady Belfield 5 Or · P~ople who wer e bmt. on wr~.tmg to htm could neither move forward nor backwar d, diseases of t he scalp ar e eit h er r elieved or ,JM Switches colored and made to look like for t he j ourney. He handed his mother screen, der. And what can have become ot the might as well address hlll! at a Glasgow Club there being an egg inside of him on either a<ew, Highest price paid for long cut hair. into the carr iage, and stayed beside her, r ue- ? I t was here t he day before yester d,\y as anywhere else. side of the ·u han dle p ermanen t ly cured . A r ich and r apid comfor ting and cheering her, till her maid when I brought in the clean linen." Adrian told himself t hat t o let t he d ay J g · gr owth of hair will follow aft or j udicious HAIR 'l 'ONIC " T he housemaid must have moved it ," po.as without mak ing any at tempt at com· and r egular t r eatm en t. I t r emains with W!ll.rranted to prevent the hair from falling returned, and all was ready for departure. " W here will you stay , mot her ? At the :io.id Adr ian looking out of the window. municat inv with t he Colonel, would be to Take Rim 0'4t in the Yard. t h e user alon e to secure t he desired out and will make it grow. UI have also a fine lot of new Stamping Alexandra, I suppose. And if- if you find "You don' t 'suppose Mrs. Belfield has pack - cr eate evidence against his brother , a point Bishop (on his semi-annual round)- " And rnsults, D r . D oreuwen d 's ' 'Hair Magic" :Patterns. All orders vromptly attended to. Valent ine is not ill, that the telegram means ed it in one of her boxes, do you, Mar- upon ~hich some !utur e inyeat igator might do you remember me, Bobby ?" I is sold by all druggists at $ 1 per bottle, nothing, you will come back to mor ro w, will r a ble ?" pu~ his finger, _saymg her? is on~ small fact Bobby- " Oh, yes sir, you are the gent le· or six b ottles for $5. If n ot obtainable you not ? Or you will telegraph t o me to " No, sir, of cour,~e not. Bu t t ha.t rug wh10h alone mi~ht establish guilt. ~e. r e- man ma scolded pa about because you amok · in yonr locdlity send dir ect th o sole Neads' Block, Bowme.nvil!e. go to you." must be some"."her e,_ and t he housek eeper m~mbered how m most of the great cn mm al ed in t he parlor and nearly ruined t he ' manufacturer enclosing price. A. D oRN" Yes, I'll telegraph when I know w hat bustled off to mvestiga.te the matter. t rials he had r ead t h e balance of proof hung . curtains" 'WEND, P aris 'H air Work s, 103 and 105 to $8 a day, Samples and duty FREE Adrain turned away from the window, upon infinitesimals. T rifling circumstances Lines not under the horse's feet, Write is wrong. I shall st ay at Wilkie Mansions, 1 God g rant I m11.y find Helen p erhaps. sick at heart. which at t he moment of tlrnir occnnence All who joy would win must share ,b. Y onge St. , Toronto. l! , or sale by , J , BR:&WBTER'S SAFETY R E I N HOLD ER co., Holl, Mich. ther e," added Lady Belfiel.i, in a lower 1 Happiness was born a twin. '. H igginbotham & Son, a n d all d rllggist TH E CANADIAN STA J!I -~ "~ TESMAN~I·~L·---I--K ---F.~-AND UNLI ·~. .. 1&mllR'lm·mllllll~~~llCllt.l'l!lilllll·~~B !* =z:s::::::.z:a --~~111 ..~ -·~·~ -· -~'!'1'1"·111 -·--! _ ._·_· _ : 1 !!'~~!!!!!'~~!!!~".!~!!'~~~~~~~~111=~·~·11······..·1111111l!llmmu111u11m···-=::..:. ev~=u~ei:~ft~~~~ \~r~~/~:a ~i~~~~ ~~i::~n~e;~~~.~t~~:~t~re:~~h I rs Ab:s:-u r 0 ... B M E BRAD DON M · A. JAMES, I I . A. Dy,speptic. $ .. · · · · · =-: 1 I I I 1 I 031 _ I I Ayer's SarsapariUa, I M L B I I L I I L P YEAST DENTl &TRY. CURES 0 ?e· THE SPRING MEDICINE Little Liver Pills, ~------·------ ----- DE NTISTRY ~ 0 r :m: B R I .... A c0 .... BE ANOTHER WONDER. Fine Hair Goods. LADIES, Patronize Home TRADE. :M rs. A. DAVIS, I to $5 I · Child~~n _ Cry for_~itch~r~s__c_~~ ~o~~a;

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