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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Aug 1888, p. 4

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· t ment a n d prett1es Patterns in town. Don't fa il to g ive Sir J ohn Macdonald ia at H alifax. Miss Thompson is holidaying at Tor ont o. T he Sahool Board has r ented the brick Miss Nellie Young is visit ing friends in building, for merly t he Primitive MethodClarke. ist church, for High School purposes till Mr. G eo. Rice, of Guel ph, ia home for a new building is erected. Partitions are a b rief visit. --o-to be built, making t hr ee good-sized Mr. A. J . Reynolds, of Solina, spent rooms . The building, fen ces, and apSunday in Bowma nville. proaches ar e to be placed in good repair, Miss I da Bingham has been in 'l'or onto spending h er holid ays. and new desks provided, which when Miss Lottie Glover has bee n in Colclone will make these rooms much more borne visit ing at Broolisidf'. convenient 1md comfortable than those Mrs. T . H . Brenton, of T r~m ton, is occupied in the old Union School b uildvisiting at Mr. J ohn Hellyar 's, ing . Everything is to be got ready by Mrs. W. J . McMur try was visiting at · . l Sept. 3rd, when school will open. Mr. W. Mc Murtry's last week. As a material change has, per fo rce of Mrs. W . Quick, of B::iwmanville, is a circumstances, been made in the t eaching guest at "Brookside," Cramahe. staff since school closed, we t ake ple<1sure Mm. E . H . Pnrdy, of P ort Por ry, has been visiting at Mr . · r . Sherin's. in presenting to tho public some partic uMiss Moorcraft a!ld Miss Mills h ave lars in the record of the two gentlemen been on a tour of the ~ack lakes. I who have been unanii:nously ch osen by Mrs. Bowmam, mother of Mrs . .J. l\faythti Board of Edocat10n as Headmaster nard, h ns been visiting a t Toronto. and Mathematical Master of the school. Mrs. R . Gilber t, of Kingston, is in - - 0·- Mr. Murray M. Fenwick, B. A. , who t own a t her father's Mr. Jas. Morris'. has been by the unanimous voice of t he Mr. S. A. McMortry, of Lindsay, was B oard appointed to the responsible posiin town last Saturday a nd Sunday week. tion of Principal, matriculated in the Mr. Wesley E . James hasbeenappointed first assistant in t he Wat erford school. F aculty of Arts in the U niversity of T oMiss E . Yellowlees has returned from ronto in 1875 with honors in Claesics ancl visitiug her uncle, Mr. Geo. G ray, Clarke. English. He took honors i n Cla~sics i n Mr . R . C. Warrio er, 'Toronto, was vishis first yea r, i n Metaphysics and L ogic iting his brother a t 'l'rinity parsonage last in his second, in Met 11.p hysics, E thics and week. Civil Polity in his t hircl, and graduated Sir Alex. Campbell a nd H on. 0. Mowwith honors in M ental and Moral S cience, at are expected ho me from E ngland this week. L ogic a nd Civil P olity in l S79. Mr. Mr. J as. Millar at t Pn ded t he ProvinF enwick soon after grndu ati11g was apcial Teachers Associat ion <1t Tor onto last pointed H eadmast er of F ergus sch ools, BOWMANVILLE FAIR. week. where a reliable a uthority says " h e was Mrs. R obt . H oski n a nd Miss Allie desen-edly h eld in h igh esteem for his 11ave retur ned fro m a lengt hy visit at The F all E xhibition of t he West D ur· ma ny ster ling q ualities, alike as a t eacher Winnipeg. ham aud Darlington Union Agricultural and as a cit izen ." He r esigned that p osM r. Harry McGill. a r c(lm p an iod by h is Societies will be h eld thia year in Bow· sister, Miss Georgie McGil l, hM r et urned ition for a be tt er on e, viz., the H eadmanville on T hursday a11d F riday, Oct. to California. 4th and 5th . It was intended to hold it mastership of Niagara. F alls High School, ·· Mr R obert 1.:: 0 !'.h Mached home on where he was very s uccessful. When Mr. F riday m omi n.~: " ith 22 h or~ ,, a ~ll in on the Znd a nd 3:<l , but Whitby F air was good cond ition. announced previously f nr these d ays, Fen wick t ook charge of the school it was Master J ohn an d Miss Bessie J allow hence the chimge. A new attraction the s mallest in the county, and every are spendi ng their h olidays at Blairtou , n ever before seen her e is ex pect ed and year h o was ther e t he school pa2s·d mor e Peterboro county . will be announced as soon as definitely candidates than any other in the coun ty, Mrs. Harriet B eecher Stowe is rnport a rran ged for . Tl1e p~ize lists are ready. and t h e last year more than all the others ed to be losing h ealth rapidly, being no1v combine d, An extract from a r esolution hardly able to walk out of doors. TORONTO NoRH,IL S CHOOL opens on of the 1\11.echan ics' Institute Board of N iW e are pleased to' hea.r that M1 ·s. M. Tuesday August 28th, agara Falls thus refers to l\fr . F enwick C. Galbraith has nicelv recovernd from when leaving there : h er critical illness at S~ranton, P;l. Send a d e legate from eve r y h o me and let u s prove t hat we are a w ay ' ' W o would also em brace t his opporProf. H enry Montgomery, of Grand d o wn t o Rock B ottom for e v ery p r ice put upon our i mme nse s t ock of TmmE was ·~ slight frost in Manitoba tunity of b ea ring t estimony to the ability The Liberal Leader on The Great Forks, Dakota., is on a visit a mong Ontaon Thursday 11igh t, hut n o damage, so ;:ooo fs a11d Sbo es, ,, T r unks, ' ralises, etc . and success which have lltt ended his lario fri ends. H e is a Cart wright boy. I ssu e . far as heard, was d one to the crops. bors as H ead Mast er of our High School ; Mis~es E va and H elena :M'oore, of Ever y body will find in our assortment j u st. t h e t hing th e y are lookin g also as a man of high m oral and religio ns for . O o r s t ock i s p erfect p e ople - ple a sers ; F ASHIONABLE, B rooklin have bee n visitin g frien ds at M i·. L m rier 's speech at Oakville o u the Salem and Bowmanville the past week. Tim Liberals ot North Lanark will character , taking an active i nterest in D URABLE, S EASONADLE , REASONABLE, P E RJ<'ECT- F I 1'every movement for the instruction and 13th was confi ned t o one t heme, tho gr ea t meet in conven t10n during th e first week TING, W E A.R-:2ESISTING F ooT WE An , elevation of the community in general. Miss Isabella Cowie ha.a returned to of Septembi>r to r.omina;e a. candida te for W a t herefore congratulate the H igh q ues tion that A merica is calle d u pon to Bowman ville t o reside, h aving had poor AND ~ ABOUT PRICES : -W e allow no one t o u n d e r sell trn. Our t he vacancy in the L · gisfature. School which has secured his services a nd se ttle-the q ues tion of lower taxes and h ealth all the time sh e w as in Toronto. greeti~g to y ou this s r a son i s "Barg a in s on e v ery liancl, and w e the locality on the acquisition of sunh an freer t·.rade or higher taxation, r estriction Mrs. and Miss W at so n and Mrs. H egwill g iv e m ore footwear for a dollar t han any oth e r Mrt. J , F . 0UMMlNU8, of M ariposa, is excellent citizen and christian geritl e- and monopoly. Mr. Laurier said: gie, of Bramp ton, ore visiting Mrs. H. S. 1 nao." h o u s e." We o n ly a s k a cha u!le t u pro v e mention ed a~ a prob:hble L iberal candidate lt is now 21 years since Confederation M at thews at the Methodist P arsonage. F rom the Farmeraville Repor ter we. wa3 esta blished. We starte d with the w i t h o u r good s t h at i t is s o . at the next election fo r th e represent ation Messrs. M , D. Willia.ma and F mncis take the following : THE F ARUElt SV.lLLE h· ·pe-is it not t rue1- we started with the of W est V ict oria. in t he L egislature. MR son wit h their families r eturned from B.IGH ::!c m.JOL AGAI N TO THE FRONT.hope, as it was told at that time, that we a three weeks' outing at Washburn Island Bowmanville, May lG, 1888, Sign, Big B oot d rawn by t wo horses. At the recent Arts matriculation into wo nld link to~e th er the British Provinces .. MR. J om:;r ' VALDIE, of Toronto, and Queens' University, H . H unter, of Farm- on the Con tine11t of Amer ica, that we last week. Capt. R offe, a clever young man from David Hendern<in, of Acton , were nomin· ersville, carried of tho Leitch Memor ial would bind them together with the ties Scholarship in Mathemo.tics. R. H unter of affection and mu tual pride a nd th at we headq uart ers' otaff, 'r or ont.o, led the ated on Wednesday to contest the County an d M. Taplin both t ook honors in E ng· would make them a nation. Suc iJ. was mtietings at t he b arracks on Sunday. The Three 1ve U known citizens d~~ck· of H alton in the Liberal and Cooser vative lish. our dream, s uch was our hope s c oft en attendance was lar~e. This makes the preaent year 's record ex.pressed , often repeated. Now I ask interes is, Mrs J . R eid , Mrs. T. H oar, Mrs. J . o:t·~his town hal'e talieu the "!t nequalfed for our H igh flchool aa follows :· -·-every onti of this a udience, no matter K . G albrA ith, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Maynard Martriculants in Ar ts, five, obtaining what may h <l.ve been in the pas& his poli · and son Cecil and others went to Lindsay sto1·e lately occu1·ietl b y W . BY v. ziur;;ul:i.r coincidence t he death fo ur honors and a sch olarship. W El..i l..iS, which they bave ·tical predilictions, n o matter wh.,t her he yesterday to see th e regat ta. was recor·ded last week of three prominent Second Class cert ifjcates, six. has been a Conser vative or a R eformerst o cketl with a t"u.11 line or Third Class Certificates, twolvo . lumbermen- Mr . Dc;y l Caldwell and ~fr . Mr . and Mrs. J ohn Huddock a ncl Miss ! ask everyone in this a<1die nce, loG king Martricula.nts in M edicine, one. V. Farr on, of Bowm i;.nville, returned Joh n G illies, of L 'tnark, and M r . R H . baok ove1 · the t ime, h ow far ha··e we adThis rec(lrd, we believe, bas not been vanced in t he task we set ourselves to last week fro m a ten d otys' outing at SturCozzens, of Sarnia. surpassed this yea r by any high school per lorm 21 years agoi Sir, lhe painfu l geon Lake and B obcaygeon . or collegiate institute east of 'roron to. a nswer m ust b e t hat we h ave not advanced Hon. E. Blake has writt en from t he CANADIA::i' apples 1 ;.r e displacing United It beats the record of the following col- one iota, one single jot. And wha t is the Lower 8t. Lawrence t o a frie nd in Toronlegia te i nstitutes : Barrie, Cobourg, St r easo111 The reason cannot be other than States applt:s in the.E uglish m arket. The Oat harines,K i ngaton, Whitby and P erth. " to, declining t he invitation to a banq uet t his, that Canad a has n ot found under tendered h im by sympat h izers with t he :reason is a simple one, n i mely t hat the Th e sa me journal says editorially : " Mr. t he n ew regime t he prosperty which was Oana<lian fruit h as a superi or fl avor to M. M. F enwick , who has filled the t he goal we had set out t o obt ain. (Cheers) Irish cauae. Gen. Booth, the Commander in Chief t hat grown in a warmer climate. position of h ead mast er of our high school I would not compare our lob with the lot during the past year , is abou t t o leave of European populations, but I ask you if of t he Salvation Army, will leave En~ Farmersville, he havrng been appointed it is not t rue that we have n ot r eached la.nd for t his co untry n ext month. H e THE E nglish whea t crop will fall one· P rincipal ofBow1111 m ville h igh school , at a t he prosperity which was the goal t o intends t o r eot·ganize t he ar my in the third l)elow thut of last. year, but ther:i salary of $1300. Mr. Fen wick has pr ov.,d which we were looking? lt is t rue, Mr . U nited States. R ev. T. D . B utler, of Pittsburg, Pa. , n eed be no fears on that account. ·Can- himeelf to be an efficient teacher, and Ch airman, t hat t he Ministeria l press will ada can more, it m igh t be said much has labored hard to iucrea:re t he good not udmit the.t; I <lo not expect from t hem formerly pastor of t he D iiciple's Church reputation which our h igh school p oss· any admission, but I would ask the opin· here, has been spending a few d&ya among e deficiency. m ore, than cover t l> essed wh en he assumed cont rol of it. ion on that subject of a ny Conservative fri ends in town , an d preached t wice in H is effort s in that direction have met who may do me .the honor of listen ing t o this church on Sund ay . with mos~ gr:J,t ifying s uccess. In the me. The Conservative press asserts that R ev. Dr. P ot ts, Secret ary of E ducation Tra.de Notes. chu rch and in s(lciety Mr: l1 "enwick will w e are a most prosper ous people, b ut they for the Methodist church, h as r eturned b e m uch m issed, for· h e took an active r eason afte r t he man ner of Sir J ohn Fal- from his sev<>n weeks' tour in the Old Ocenn fri·i,{ti ts are :Hh:~ncing imd are inter est in the welfan, of his fellows, s taff; they tak 0 sentiments for facts( R ear, Country. H is heal th h as been mar velEstablished over thirty yen.r s. likely ' " contin ue fi r m t « t h1:1 dose of ·Nns a jovml and (·nterti-in in~ compa nion, hear and laughter.) Sir John Falstaff lously improved by the change, r est and na" igation. and was a u active and popu la'· otlicer of b " cl bragged t hat the Prince owed him sea breezes . The old reliable nursery, Men with push, Sil ver, i n t h e t own of Bowm aflv ilie . The On t.:1rio o ,;;me al mill e r~ ' combine th e Presby terian S abba th School , over £ 1000, a nd when t aken t o t0 2k by the good h abits and clean ohat'acters Rev. D r; l'tobbins, of McGill U niversi· energy. h aa about ce <L~ ed to b e and pricBs ha,·e which he. pr esided . H is good work i n P rince, who said " Sir racl, clo I owe you always succeed. W e can give you good pay In J ewe llr y , we hav e IJ,n endless Montreal, h as been visiting his par ents ty and steady work . Write ror terms to . . corr.e down eonsidcr:J.bl.y. connection wit h the Mechanics' Inst itute £ 1()001" h e replies, "Dost thou owe me CH.A.SE BROTHERS' co.. variety- C l ocks of a.11 kinds ver y on L iberty-st , R ev. Paul and Mr R . R obThe ch eese sit uat ion i~ decidedly mixed i.s al& o deserving uf commendation " £ 1000, H al! 'fhou owest me t hy life a ud bins. Dr. Robbins preached in the Nurserymen, COLBORNE. ONT . . cll eap. ~ ust now'. but .~he pro~~e~t ~or high r rices 1 ~Ve may 1.~lso add t.tu,~ wh~m P arkC'.al a thy luve, an d thy life and t hy love a.re Queen-st. church on t he 12th inst . H is 18 rur Io Silverware we have tbe exis n ot ve1y b_u..,h ~. 'I t ;re aC ol:ltlnued H igh S chool was ostablrn h ed , 1he Board worth £ 1,000,000." (La ugh ter .) T hat hear ers enjoyed a r ar e t reat. dearth of on t e:rn u om E 1>gla.nd. . . . . i· the way the Conservative presa argue. JU. 0 elusiv e rig ht t o sell for t he l a rgest . " j' .,, · t I t referred t.o t he H igh Sohoo l I nspectors When we say we ar e n ot prosperous, they Port Hope H igh Sch ool boar d have ap.oro n ·o mere ] a,n s . . Qm te a n umoer <· : .< are knm· n:i t.o ]x 1 fi nan cially in I\ shaky the sel ectwn of aheadmast.e r,.askrng th em say , "We belong to the greatest empire poi nted as science master Mr, Thos. Kirk· firm in t he U . S . The qu2 .lit;y and condition f;hrongh chbblinq in real estate to name the best headrna~ ters in the in the world." (Ren ewed laughter.) And connell, of Vankleek Hill, 1st class Prop rices are t h e bes t, aud l owe st i n t o tho n eglect and jeopardy of th eir Province, as they wished to sec ure t he so we do, but at the s ame ti me we have vincial certificate; and as lady teache r, l egitinmtc tra<lea. best possible staff rega rd less of cost. We not obtained under t he empire t hat share Miss E. 0 . Woods, of K incardine, under- Have now full ranges of nll their Newest t h i s p art of t.h e count r y , \Ve a s k of prosperity t hat was due t o us, which graduate of V ictoria University in 4th Designs, ancl invite MERCHANTS to y ou to ca ll and examine ou r (Y'hoods T he f1 :ture ?f ·dibi.l h is < me of the .::: reat are informed t ha t hoth D r . McL ellan 1 md shoulrl be om· lot as Canadiane, as part examine same previously to year . , spec11lative (H J,1g :m1s d the 19th cent ury, buying elsewhere. b efore b u y ing. A pr ess despatch says : "Those who which so mauy 1 .hons:i.nds are endeitvoring Mr. Seath mentioned Mr. F en wick ns one and parcel of th e gr eat continent . (Ap· Specs a n d E y e Glas~, Cases, &c., to unr avel by risking fortunes in the of the best.. lt W i!'.B also on Inspector plause.) B ut, sir, there is a cr iter ion heard the lecture by R ev. J , W. Annis, 93 h ope of q uickly 1rnH!saing still greater S aath's uomination tha t t he F ar mersville which we can always r esort to in order to B. A., on "Tho R ise of t he Anglo-Saxon, " we ca rry t he l eading s tock, a nd ascer t r un whether the population is as c'l eli.,ered las t week at Grimsby P ark, MO~TUE AI,, OD es. Board e ugaged Mr. F en wick a ye i>r ago. pro i perous as i t ought to be. R eal eEtat e, found mueh cause for a noble pride in g u a rant ee e ver y pair for 6 m c n ths, It is estirn p.teJ. that the U nited K i ng- It must be very gratifying t o Mr. F en - i n our state of civilization, is a pret ty L~ ngu or, if w ell u se d . l£ t h ey l}r eak we d om ltnd .F·r:in'ce \1ill need 8,000,000 wick, wh o has bec,,n o~ ly seven years in fair criterion of the proeperity of th e sh aring t he h onors and glories of t his ~--lead ache~ most royal race of people." M r . Annis buehels more w hPat, d uri ng A ug us t. a nd will repair t h e m fre e o f charge. pE ·oplfl. If the val ue of real estate is go· is a Darlington boy. Consti ~ai:ion S eptember than usual, owing to th e late- th e profession, to now t;1ke tJ1e l'r i ucipa!- ing up, that is a fair evidence of prosp~rr Rt·mov ed hy Call and ge t fitted properly. 1 n ess of t heir harvests ; but t he visible ship of oue of the m ost s uccessful H igh ity ; if real estate is going down, it seeroa 'fhe band was accompanied on its trip 'l n.r r :i11t '"" Sclt·z c. r A p c 1·i c ut. 1mpply Clf t he United S tat es commenced Schools in Canada Th e public ca u fair· t o me there m ust be someth ing wrong t o Walkert on aod St. Cath er in es by O UR R EPAIRING D EPARTll'l:b:NT.-- W e to offset tha t 1 ·:xtra. r equirement by adding ly presume, j udging from h is past r ecord, 90mewh ere. I vent ure t e asser t this Messrs. J as. Maitlan d, F . Souch, Coulson ~~;;\!i'! u ~~i'~. t ~'~,~f~»:.:.;~c: I can on l y go over t h e sam e old say2 1 200,000 buahols lo its bulk bat week . bhat M r. Fenwick with his etlicient assis t- much , an d I asser t it withou t fear of suc- . J effrey, Fred. 0 11borne, G·eo. Q uick and W . e. R ussell T hese gentlem en" deser ve ing , that we r epa ir Wat c h es, C locks cessful contradiction , t.hat in th e D omin· au to will perpetuate the good r euut ation i on cf Canad11, apar t frota tho large rail- th e thank s of the ban d for their i ndefatiand J ewellry in the m os t skilful :FOR YOUN G J,ADIES. S cot t 's Emu l s ion of Cod Liver · O il of ou r H igh School. way centres, rea l es tate for th e last eight gable efforts in looking after t h e band 's manne r . We am look e d u pon a s :President. the Lord Biahop of Toronto-The and H y poph?sphit ee. ( Mr . D. H . Oo:;o., tes, B. A., who has years has not been ad vancing; in a gr oat comfort in every way. School will be re-opened on Wednesday, Sept . b h I m any places it ha, b een r etrograding. 1 5th . Tho accommodations are improved and the on l y r e l iabl e Watchmaker i1t Mr. I. W ilson, son of tho R ev· · T. C, a thorough course of study is provided, with Is very p alat able and much etter t nn b een unanimo usly chosen by the B oar d do not kno w h ow it is in the county of required e.coompliahmont. 1'he arrange- t his part of t h e count.ry. ...M.ere the .olain oil. Dr. W. H. Camer on_ , of as Mat hematical Mast er is also an hon or Halton , but I Slty this for the P r ovince Wilson, Cobourg, preach ed t wice on Sun- e.ny tor due supervision will be ma.inte.ined Halifax, N . S. , says : " I have prescribed _ '. . day in the Methodist chu rch, P ort Hope, ments efllctency. F ur ther information and pros· talking can't d o the wor k , but t ools, Scott 's E mulsioll of ,Cod L iver Oil with !(raduate of 'rol'Onto Ur.nvers1ty. He was from which I come, t hat t her e is n ot in For a stripling-, he did remarkably well in may be had immediately by writing to pectus Quebec a siogle farm which would sell Lady Plincipa.l, Miss GRIER, W yk eham ability and e x perie nce c ombi n e d H y pophoephite1 .; for t he pitst t wo years } )repared fo·· matr icu 1ation at Bowman- for t he pr ice i t would have s old for e iuht and if he continues to impr ove will be the H all, College .A.vc., ·roronto, who ma.y be seen able befor e long to fill t he b est pulpit s in after 31st August. a nd found it mor·e "'greeable to the s tom- ville H igh School, takiog First Class Hon· can, of which we h ave ple n ty. th e land."- Guide. Mr. Wilson 's many ahch, and ht 'l;!.'i bt>tH~r tet~uhs ffrt o h m ikt~ d u se I ors in Mathema tics, English, G orman years a~o. AS A llEA.l.L"G· S OOTHING appltent.ion an any o .uer p n·para ion c e · 1 n . --t friends in W est D urham will be pleased h ave ever t ried." Put up in 50c. and $1 and French, & nd Second Class H onors m F .RJ< }EUAN'S womu POWDERS tlcs troy t o hear of bis promising Mreer in the £01· euls, ·.vonn1L·, b ruises anti sor c8, t lter c ts 11ot1U n g b e lie r limn Tte t.urla c arl>olt 44. size. ·L atin, H istory and Geog raphy, and s tand- , :~·~1~f~!!i~'c ·worms wltJwut lo.im·y lo adillt ministry. The J ow eHer . Sa.h e. - THE- BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCH OOL. PRETTIEST I WAL L PAPER. All desire my beautiful patterns of It IS . acknowledged I have the best assort- m e a call. P. TREBILCOCK~ i ng fifth in M athematios, eight h in Germa.n aud first in La.tit· among a large list of ms.triculants, win nl11g the third P ro· ficif;ncy Scholarsh ip in all subjects. Iu h is first year he took First Class Honors in French, second in E nglish , Mathematics, German and Lat in, etanding first on the list in the last three subjects. Finding the strain too great on his he alth, and by the advice of h is physician, he dropped Classics and Moderns and made a speci:l.l· ty of Mathematics, graduating i n 1880 with Honors, making over 061 per cent. in llonorldathematics. After grad uating Mr. Coates attended t he Training Iusti· tute at Hamilton where he t ook a special proficiency stand ing in Honor M athematics. T his ended h is brilliant acad~mic career, which was auspiciously begun in 1876 when h e won t he second proficiency prize iR the County Comp etitive E x:am1nation. H e also took a Second Class P roviacial Certificate, Grade "A," in 18. 80. Mr.Coates has had ooly 18 months' experience in teaching, one year in Port P erry High School and six months in Bradford High School. Mr. D. Mc Br'de B. A. , Headmaster of the former school thus writes : "He has proved himself a competent and successful t eacher, is a good instructor,a good disciplinarian, and happy in his relations with his fellow teachers andlwith the pupils of the school. The present year has been one of the most prosperous in the history of our school, We have prepared successful caodidatcs for the First Class Grade C examination, for Tor onto Univer sity ma rtriculation with First Class Honors in nearly every department, and for the Second a ncl Third Class t eachers' examination. l\!f r . Coates d id an important par t of the work of preparing these candidates an d they did well in a.11 t he su bj ects ho t aug ht. I rel(ret tha t the financial condition of our village p revents our Board from makiug such 1.m i ncreas.:l m his ~al ary na will retain his ser vices." Mr. James Gilfillan, who has been E nglish M11s ter for se veral years, a nd who is a very popular. and excellen t teach er, will coot inue in that position. H ence, with sllch an efficient staff, youn g men an d women l\hO desire to take a course above t he Public School, or a cnllegiate co nrse, cannot do bet t er tba11 attend Bowm~nville Hig h SchooL Persona.I. JUST ARRIVED .A. T VARIETY HALL a lovely line of HAND 'LASSES fr om 10 cts. upwards. All t h e ii.ew SCH OOL B OO KS. S p ecial kinds of EXERCISE B OOKS. Summer Goods at R eductions . PICTURES FRAMED AT LO WEST RATES. J . H. KENN ER. BUYERS DELIGHTED ! Fine Goods and Low Prices do the work. n. I M. TR ELEVEN .· ..... NEW- F IRM. ·RO C K Train - · ·- - · -·~~- -·- I Th e ag g T ·1 extI e and Print Co. ST. P E TER STREET, 1 I I I THE BISHOP STRACHA N SCHO OL MAYNARD, t l

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